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Solid Waste Management Architecture

using Wireless Sensor Network technology

Sauro Longhi∗ , Davide Marzioni† , Emanuele Alidori† , Gianluca Di Buò∗ ,
Mario Prist∗ , Massimo Grisostomi∗ and Matteo Pirro∗
∗ Università
Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione
Via Brecce Bianche. snc, 60131 Ancona, Italy
Website: http://www.dii.univpm.it/ Email: sauro.longhi@univpm.it
† IDEA Soc. Coop. a r.l. Website: http://www.idea-on-line.it

Abstract—In many application fields such as home, industry, and revealing real-world phenomena and converting these into
environment and health, different Wireless Sensor Network a form that can be processed, stored, and acted upon. A
(WSN) applications have been developed to solve management wireless sensor node has not only sensing components, but
problems with smart implementations. This approach can be
applied in the filed of solid waste management. In this paper a also on-board processing unit, chip radio and storage units.
new architecture is proposed with the aim to improve the on-site With these enhancements, a sensor node is often not only
handling and transfer optimization in the waste management responsible for data collection, but also for in-network analysis
process. The system architecture is based on sensor nodes and based on correlation and fusion of its own data with those
makes use of Data Transfer Nodes (DTN) in order to provide retrieved from other nodes. Moreover, sensor nodes can differ
to a remote server the retrieved data measurements from the
garbage bins filling. A remote monitoring solution has been in their communication capabilities with different data rates
implemented, providing user the possibility to interact with and latencies. They can help to avoid catastrophic infras-
the system by using a web browser. Several activities with the tructure failures, conserve precious natural resources, increase
aim to provide a Decision Support System (DSS) able to find productivity, enhance security, and enable new applications
solutions for resources organization problems linked to solid such as context-aware systems and smart home technologies.
waste management have been started.
While many sensors connect to controllers and processing
Index Terms - Solid waste management, Wireless Sensor stations directly (e.g., using local area networks), an increasing
Network, Remote Monitoring, Decision Support System. number of sensors communicate the collected data wirelessly
to a centralized processing station. This is important since
I. I NTRODUCTION many network applications require hundreds or thousands
High population density in large urban areas makes hard the of sensor nodes, often deployed in remote and inaccessible
solution of solid waste management problems [1]. To reduce areas. With these enhancements, a sensor node is often not
the environment impact of the waste dumping, many municipal only responsible for data collection, but also for in-network
corporate are involved in the development of efficient waste analysis, correlation, and fusion of its own sensor data and data
management systems. Solid waste management is a complex from other sensor nodes. When many sensors cooperatively
process that involves many steps: it includes generation, on- monitor large physical environments, they form a wireless
site handling and storage, collection, transfer, processing and sensor network (WSN). Sensor nodes communicate not only
disposal of solid wastes [1]. All these sub-processes have to with each other but also with a base station (BS) using their
be implemented within existing legal, social, regulations which wireless radios, allowing them to disseminate their sensor
take care of the environment and of the public health. data to remote processing, visualization, analysis, and storage
This paper is focused on the on-site handling and storage systems [11], [12].
processes and on the transfer process, with the main topic at In such architecture each sensor node performs data ac-
developing a smart solid waste management system capable quisition and data transfer. The acquired data are sent to a
to ensure the public health with costs reduction and quality supervisor system, which supports the user in the finding of
improvement. In order to enhance the efficiency of solid solutions to decision problems, such as the optimization of re-
wastes on-site collection and transfer, an innovative solution sources organization (trucks, people and specific machineries),
for the monitoring and management system has been proposed. with the main task to perform costs reduction.
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been developed to In this architecture some sensors are equipped with more
improve the garbage bins monitoring process. powerful computation and communication capabilities in order
A WSN consists of many autonomous sensor nodes, spa- to perform extensive processing processing and data fusion
tially distributed, capable to monitor physical characteristics functionalities. Such devices perform data transfers among
(e.g. temperature, humidity, light, vibration, pressure, etc.) different resource constrained networks.
and designed to exchange their data through the network. In the supervisor system a key role is reserved to the
Sensors link the physical with the digital world by capturing Decision Support System (DSS) for supporting the system

978-1-4673-0229-6/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

administrator [2], [3]. In this system data-mining and path op-
timization tools are also considered to improve the efficiency
of the solid waste management process.
The paper is organized into four sections. After this intro-
duction, the second section presents the case study based on
the solid waste management problem. The third one addresses
to the employed system architecture. Successive subsections
describe the architecture layer details. The paper ends with
the conclusion section.


Over the last decade, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), ini-
tially developed as life cycle evaluation, has been extended
to environmental impacts evaluation in order to quantify the
emissions generated with the aim to provide support tools that Fig. 1. PPGR impacts registered in Varese city (Source: [7], p. 5)
simplify the choice among different solid waste management
policies [4], [5]. This important choice should be taken,
considering both economic efficiency and social acceptability.
Thus, a solid waste management system can be summarized
into two main steps:
1) solid waste collection and transport;
2) recycling and final disposal.
Until now, in solid waste management problems, LCA has
been mainly applied on the second step, by defining cost com-
parison indexes, collection techniques (Kerberside collection)
or specifying the materials that should be collected because
their great environmental impact. In addition, some people
have focused their attention on the realization of logistic
models with the aim to predict the behavior of a city in
terms of number of vehicles, mileage, costs and pollution, but Fig. 2. SEA project system architecture
without concerning of transport optimization problems [6].
Previous studies, referred to Province of Varese, evaluated
how the vehicles employed in the solid waste management order to create a system architecture easily adaptable to the
process influence the environmental impacts. The studies es- different scenarios of the solid waste management (e.g. cities,
timated that truck emissions are proportional to the product small town, mountain resorts, isolated areas, etc.). The next
between the cargo and half the mileage (t km), except for com- chapter will address with these issues into detail.
pactors, whose emissions are proportional to the press working
time. The evaluation of the environmental impacts generated III. S YSTEM ARCHITECTURE
during the solid waste collection and transport processes is The main components of the developed architecture on the
briefly shown in Figure 1, with reference to the recycling and SEA project are decomposed into three layers, as shown in
final disposal process [7]. The figure shows the overall impacts Figure 2.
generated, sorted by 11 categories, highlighting the need to im- Starting from the bottom, the garbage bins reside at the first
prove the collection and transport processes handling. Several one, the DTNs at the second one and the supervisor system
efforts are needed to improve the planning of vehicles paths at the third one. In detail, each garbage bin is supported by
in order to make lower the fossil fuel consumption. Smart sensor nodes which provide the filling monitoring and are able
paths choices can provide benefits for local administrations, to send the retrieved data to the supervisor system, through
for example by reducing maintenance costs and fuel demand. the DTNs. Custom garbage bin prototypes in order to allow
Two of the main approaches followed in the transport simple installation of sensor nodes have been designed and
process optimization are the following: built (Figure 3). In this context, the entire system has been
1) shortest path searching; designed to allow the different kind of WSNs to communicate
2) best path searching in terms of garbage bins filling’s with each other, through the different standard sets. These
prediction. includes the IEEE 802.15.4, WiFi, GSM and GPRS.
In this paper an innovative solution for the second approach Done these preliminary remarks, the whole system has been
is described. It represents the main results of Smart Ecologic designed to have physical architecture based on three layers.
Area (SEA) project, where several efforts have been done in • the first layer is composed by sensor nodes, which
Fig. 3. Custom garbage bin prototype.

Fig. 5. SEA project - WSN architecture

management process.

A. The developed WSN architecture

The developed architecture is described in a typical appli-
Fig. 4. ArgosD sensor node. cation of urban scenario, where Wireless Sensor Networks
(WSNs) have to be configured with different components to
provide a remote monitoring service of each node, as shown
need for the filling monitoring and provide short-range in Figure 5.
transmissions through RF technology; In the SEA project architecture, IDEA’s ArgosD sensor
• the second layer is composed by communication mod- nodes (shown in Figure 4) have been used to create the
ules, which provide long-range transmission through various Low Power Area Networks (LowPans). Gateway ter-
GSM/GPRS; minals provide communication between LowPans and Internet,
• the third layer is composed by servers, which provide implementing the DTN functionalities. Easily commercially
data storage and supervisor modules. available IEEE 802.15.4 compliant CC2420 RF transceivers
Taking into account the different scenarios, the compo- [13] have been used as radio modules; MSP430 chips[14] have
nents of the first layer provides several benefits within urban been employed as sensor nodes’ MCUs. A custom application
contexts by the use of the Industrial Scientific and Medical has been built using TinyOS 2.1.1 OS components in order to
(ISM) bands, which allow low power transmissions without manage sensors data retrieving and SPI communication with
requiring a telephone operator subscription. For this solution RF transceiver.
a cost reduction of 50% has been estimated. The second Embedded solutions based on New/Linux OS are used for
layer acts as a bridge between sensor nodes and servers. It the gateway terminals.
consists of GSM/GPRS nodes which provide long-range data The interaction mechanism between a remote host and
transfers, ensuring the remote system monitoring and faults LowPans is based on IPv4 packets exchange. When the user
detection. In addition, they should provide mechanisms for the wants to interact with a sensor node, IPv4 packets are sent
firmware updating of sensor nodes and their communication to the remote server, which delivered them to the gateway
modules. Differently from the components of the first layer, terminal through the Internet. Once a packet is received, the
the components of the second one provide benefits within edge router connected to the gateway terminal performs a
geographical areas with low population density or difficult to translation of it into 6LowPan-IPv6 packet and dispatches
reach, like for example widely areas. Finally, the third layer it to the node, via the IEEE 802.15.4 physic layer. On the
consists of servers that provide data storage and data-mining opposite scenario, sensor nodes periodically notify to a remote
solutions, ensuring the development of a Decision Support server the garbage bin filling measurement acquired, allowing
System (DSS). The DSS should be adaptable to the different a remote host to retrieve data from it. Implemented demo
operative contexts and should be able to extract consistent scenario consists on a simple low pan area network composed
data from the database, in order to optimize the solid waste by nine nodes and an edge router.
Fig. 7. Client-Server interaction

Fig. 8. SMS to HTTP GET REQUEST translation

Fig. 6. OpenCPU software architecture (Source: [8], p. 11)

a gateway node which forwards an HTTP GET request with

B. Long-range communication module the SMS data, as shown in Figure 8.
Long range communication board has been developed in SMS approach also offers two new scenarios easy to man-
order to provide a flexible and reliable low-cost DTN. Quectel age:
M10 GSM/GPRS module, based on the embedded OpenCPU 1) Modem can send data directly to the user;
[8], has been used. OpenCPU is a software layer, running 2) User(or System Administrator) interacts with the remote
on an embedded ARM processor, which provides a powerful long-range communication module.
support environment to facilitate the development of cost-
effective wireless machine-to-machine applications for Quectel One of the main benefits of the first one is related to the real-
M10 module. Using standard C-language, OpenCPU enables time updating on the user’s mobile phone. Another advance
to develop innovative embedded applications. Figure 6 shows takes place when historical data analysis is not needed. Long-
the fundamental principles of OpenCPU software architecture. range communication module can be reached directly by user
without the use of server, enhancing money saving. About
the second, the modem is properly configured to receive its
C. Server implementation settings by SMS, containing remote configurations updating.
Server layer implements the role of mediator between users This scenario is more difficult to manage with the socket
and WSNs. The interaction with the long-range communica- approach in a real-time context.
tion modules has to be carefully designed. At this regard, Both socket and SMS approach are implemented to improve
in the SEA project architecture, two solutions have been the system reliability.
implemented to allow data transfers between modem and
D. User interface
1) Socket TCP/IP; The whole system provides two ways to allow a user to
2) SMS. interact with it:
The socket approach represents the classical method to 1) a custom software client;
send some data to a well known device attached to the net, 2) a WEB browser.
like the server. This solution requires a daemon software The first one consists on a client installed on the user’s PC,
running on the server, which continuously listens for incoming which has access to the central DB. This solution is a bit
transmissions. When the long-range communication module old-fashioned and lacks of flexibility. On the others side, the
needs to send data, it opens a communication socket with the second one uses the modern cloud computing. Users don’t
daemon, using TCP protocol. In addition, the daemon needs have to install anything and can have access to the WEB
to be multi-threading in order to manage several connection application through a common WEB browser.
requests at the same time, as shown in the Figure 7. Referring to the SEA project, one of the most important
Once the daemon receives the data it stores them directly requirements is the remote filling monitoring of the garbage
into the database, which can be local or remote. The im- bins. Starting from this, the server provides the best path
plementation solution of daemon makes a pre-elaboration of for the gathering with TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem)
received data to ensure consistency. A GPRS connection is algorithm, as shown in Figure 10.
required. The second approach, based on SMS, has been The figure shows a representation of data collect by WSN
implemented to support the data acquisition when GPRS into the user interface. On the left side of the screenshot, with a
connection is missing. In the classical solution SMS is sent to slider, is shown the filling of the selected bins. In this interface,
process (people, trucks and machineries) and increases perfor-
mances. Particurarly interesting is the paradigm of DSS based
on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) [9], [10] that collects a list of
cases (which is a particular condition of bin’s filling, resources
and time to execute waste transportation) with a possible
solution. This type of DSS approaches the waste management
Fig. 9. User mobile phone-Modem SMS interaction problem in the same way of human brain. It tries to solve cases
finding some equal past problem and remembering the adopted
solution. Resolved problems are collected inside a Case Base
(CB) containing cases and relative solution. The introduction
of GPS system gives more detail regarding bin’s position. This
feature will be an important data to implement the trucks’ path
The authors would like to thank ”Regione Marche” which
support the project by a grant: POR MARCHE FESR
NOVATIVE”. Thanks are also reserved to Quectel customer
support which provides contributions on the long-range com-
Fig. 10. Example of system monitoring GUI munication modules development. This paper has been ac-
cepted for publication in the proceedings of WSN-ADT Work-
shop that had been held in conjunction with NTMS 2012.
the bin’s position data is loaded manually by the user, but we R EFERENCES
are working to add a GPS module to do this automatically.
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