SUMMER 23 MKT 460 Final Exam Topics

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MKT 460 Final ExamTopics

Ch: 6,8,10 and IMC

total marks: 50= 25%; Time: 80 mins

Part 1(P1):
MCQs and Matching
Number of Questions- 8-10 questions: 20 marks: 20 mins
Part 2 (P2): Application based questions 30 marks: 60 mins

Exam Date: Date: NOV 15, 2023

Time: 15:05 HRS
Room: 512 NAC

Part 2 Details (Written): Developing SDG based Marketing Mix

 A brand specific scenario will be assigned to students for the essay type. (P2)
 During the exam students will be handed over a table with individual Part 2 questions against
their names. Students will opt for only the listed questions against their names in the exam.
 Students will not have any question options to select from.
 Students must prepare Brand SDGs based marketing mix strategies.
 Students are requested to bring the present printed/hand drawn static visuals in the exam hall
with other accessories such as stapler and color pencils.
 Visuals shall include Students MUST follow the print measurements listed below.
1. Product visuals (including some variants): size height: 5, width: 7
2. Interactive Packaging: size height: 4, width: 7
3. 1 X Interactive promo content. A4 full page
4. 1 X Brand Name Logo and 1 Brand Symbolic Logo size height: 4, width: 7

**Bring visuals as printed- 1 x Product + 1 X IMC Campaign

Red topics are relatively more important: P1= part 1, P2= part 2

CH 6: Branding

 A brand must meet 6 criteria: name them (P1)

 Product placement, Covert Agents (P1)
 Brand Mantra: Three Constructs of Brand Mantra (P1)
 Resonance model: salience: recall, recognition and considerations; meaning: performance and
imagery; response: judgment and meaning , 4 measurements of brand resonance (P1)
 Levels of brands (Parent umbrella or individual? And modifier) (P1)
 Array of Brand Options with sub types (P1, P2)***: students are expected to set Brand NAME
LOGO for their assigned new product line under the assigned parent brand following the
instruction given in final exam paper.

 House of Brand (shadow)

 Endorsed Brand (token, linked and strong)

 Sub Branding (co-driver, master brand as the driver)

 Secondary Associations: types (P1):students are expected to set strategies for the new assigned
product following the instruction given in final exam paper.

Ch 8: Product Innovation

 Innovation and invention (P1)

 Disruptive Business Model and 3 Scopes of Disruption (P1)
 Types of Disruptive Products (P1, P2)***
 Table Features and Functional + Emotional benefits at core and augmented levels of product.
Students are expected to set product feature and benefit table for the assigned new product line
with product and packaging visuals. P2 ***
 Product Rollovers Options with advantages and disadvantages (P1)***: students are expected to
set strategies for the new assigned product following the instruction given in final exam paper.
 Disruptive Technologies: A. Roger’s Perspective: segments, % and personality traits /
characteristics (P1)
 Disruptive Technologies: B. Moore’s Perspective: chasm, characteristics (P1)
 Chasm Crossing Strategies *** (P1):students are expected to set strategies for the new assigned
product following the instruction given in final exam paper.
 Crossing the Chasm: DO’s n Dont’s (P1)

CH 10: Pricing and Distribution

 Cost Leadership or Differentiation?

 Dolan’s Eight Stages to Pricing Strategy (P1) (variations and segmented pricing)***
 First vs Repeat Purchase Pricing Strategies (MATHS) (P1)
 4 points Navigation (P1)***students are expected to set strategies for the new assigned
product following the instruction given in final exam paper.
 Primary Concerns of Buyers (P1)
 Types of distribution structure and distribution coverage strategy (P1)
 Grey Market (P1)


P1 : Students are expected to identify the listed type/s from the given examples in the questions.

 types of Media based on interactiveness, payment modes and coverage+customization

 Steps and appropriateness of Customer response process model
 types of support media (transit, outdoor furniture, alternative, mobile billboard) P2
 types of info appeal
 types of digital marketing (affiliated, contextual ad and referral marketing) P2
 types of rich media (video on demand and webisodes)
 sales promo keys: b2c :all and b2b: trade allowance types, shoppers materials) (P1,P2)***
 PR: cause related marketing and SEO PR (P1,P2)***

P2: develop one interactive STATIC visual content for social and support media for your social
media (fb/insta/snap/youtube/Support media) integrating PR and Sales promo keys****
Focus on semiotics, brand elements, emotional storytelling reflecting brand propositions and
integrating other tools.

EXTRA SUGGESTIONS: Come to exam with preset

1. Keep your SDG and emotional Benefits in mind.

2. Make sure your visuals are representing your product benefits and features
3. A4 and Interactive + Static content
4. Should tell a story.
5. Add one sale promotional key and one PR or digital marketing key as a part of your content.
6. Your tools will be preset. So bring blank strips. Like stickers… bring your contents.
7. Bring stapeler.
8. For support media- no need to bring anything.
10. Explain which one is mentioned after your name.

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