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Our study plan (at least) an hour and 30

minutes twice a day:

Stage Duration Example
(not less than)
Watch the uploaded video of tongue twister & repeat for at
1 Tongue twister (10 minutes) least 10 times alone and 10 in a voice record for 10 minutes a

2 session’s words As usual read, memorize and put all session’s words in
N/A sentences vocally.
- Revising old grammar in 10 positive and 10 negative
Revising old grammar sentences
3 and Studying new one N/A
in sentences - Studying new grammar in 20 positive and 20 negative

Follow the below steps with all uploaded videos:
a. Listen to each video for at least 2 times,
b. Start repeating each sentence 10 times alone, then send me
4 Shadowing (repeating another 10 times,
sentences after (30 Minutes) c. Write down all difficult words with their meanings & send
someone) it vocally,
d. Put each word in a sentence & send it as well,
e. Make a summary about the main idea of each video.

Describe the photos below & answer these questions of each

5 Description (30 minutes) photo: who are the people in the photo? What are they doing?
And why? What are they wearing? How is the weather? Where
are they from? How do they feel? And why?

Answer the questions below for at least 1.5 minutes per each
a. Do you have enough free time?
6 Answering questions (20 minutes) b. Do you have free time on Sundays?
c. Speak about your routine on vacations (for at least 3
minutes) using these connecters: First, Then, Next , After
that, Finally

Dictionary (English –English) Oxford Learner's Dictionaries | Find definitions,
translations, and grammar explanations at Oxford
Learner's Dictionaries (

Dictionary (Arabic –English) arabdict English Arabic

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