Rebecca - Script

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Listening Test – 05

Occupational English Test

Listening Test
This test has three parts. In each part you’ll hear a number of different extracts. At the start of each
extract, you’ll hear this sound: --beep--
You’ll have time to read the questions before you hear each extract and you’ll hear each extract
ONCE ONLY. Complete your answers as you listen.
At the end of the test you'll have two minutes to check your answers.

Part A
In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, a health professional is
talking to a patient.

For questions 1-24, complete the notes with information you hear.
Now, look at the notes for extract one
Extract 1: Questions 1-12
You hear a doctor talking to a new patient called Rebecca. For questions 1-12, complete the notes
with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient: Rebecca

Age: 34 Years

Patients Description
of Symptoms:
 Patient facing problem (1)
 To prevent it, she is using (2)
 Bathroom is at the end of the room
 When last visited, reportedly having (3)
 Reported (4) to bathroom
 Of about (5) times / day
 Busy at work these days
 Suggested to go (6)
 She surprised with the word (7)
 Helps her to hold until she reaches bathroom


 Medicines prescribed to her to control (8)


 Advised her to go (9)

 Apart from having other alternative options
 And other methods which have good results
 Need to insert (10) at ankle
 That controls bladder muscles
 Now suggested some (11)

Follow up:

 Requested the patient to come for follow up visit after a

Extract 2: Questions 13-24
You hear a consultant nurse talking to a patient called Michelle. For questions 13-24, complete
the notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient: Michelle

Age: 38 years

Patients Description
of Symptoms:

 Patient facing problem near (1)

 she is having it from (2)
 but reportedly increased
 in the last (3) days
 went to toilet midnight and more often since last week
 having similar problem of abdominal pain
 but resolved (4) years back
 and can rate the pain (5) out of 10 on the
pain scale
 No fever, no (6) in urine observed


 used to take (7)

 No (8) to any other medicine

Social history:

 She is (9) 5years back

 Having two kids, No other sexual contact
 Last date of period was about (10) back

Past medical history:

 No problems except 2 years back (11)

 Occasional smoker, take (12) wine a week
Part B
In this part of the test, you’ll hear six different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear people talking
in a different healthcare setting.
For questions 25-30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear.
You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.
Now look at question 25

25. You will hear a conversation between a physiotherapist and the patient

What was significant from the above conversation

A. The person acting as the as the patient is unable to hear
B. Patient must know the care that they are receiving
C. The healthcare provider facing difficulty in communicating with the patient

26. You will hear a conversation of patient caretaker with the Nurse?

What was the talk mainly about?

A. He wanted to know the dosage that he can give to patient after discharge
B. He is confused with the drug usage limit per day after discharge
C. He wanted his wife to be discharged as quickly as possible

27. You will hear a lecture on patient anger controlling

What is the word used by lecturer to show towards patient anger control by the
healthcare staff?
A. Apprehension
B. Good care
C. Intensity
28. You will hear a conversation with hospital receptionist.

What for the patient made a call to the hospital?

A. For annual medical checkup

B. For Annual medical review
C. Annual Physical and shoulder problem

29. You will hear a conversation between doctor and patient.

What the doctor prescribed the patient?

A. Flu shot
B. Pain medication
C. Knee cap

30. You will hear a conversation with hospital receptionist.

What is the relation does the visitor have with the patient?
A. Step sister
B. Aunt
C. Sister
Part C
In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear health
professionals talking about aspects of their work.

For questions 31-42, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear.
Complete your answers as you listen.

Now look at extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 31-36

You hear an interview with a specialist called Dr Robson, who’s an expert on clinical history
You now have 90 seconds to read questions 31-36

31. What was significant about the lecturer point of presenting a case?

A. Taking comprehensive listings of all patent related information is essential

B. The information related to his disease is mainly taken down
C. Note taking is the final part of the history taking process

32. The lecturer Robson says that his and all others have to?

A. encourage all students about this principle part of history taking

B. discourage the ideals of history taking process
C. ensemble the students to take part in this lecture process

33. what kind of questions does the lecturer asks the students to quire from the patient?

A. open questions
B. proximal question
C. reference questions
34. if a person having chest pain, what we need to do?

A. At first need to ask primary questions

B. At first need to ask about allergies
C. At first need to ask about cardiovascular questions

35. What position does the patient values was given in the Robson lecture?

A. First position
B. Final position
C. After clinical review

36. At the end of the lecture, Mr. Robson used to express?

A. Deep faith on his work in taking history of the patient
B. Acknowledged his contribution to patient care providers
C. Summoned the informational flowchart helpful for patient history taking
Extract 1: Questions 37-42

You hear an interview with a specialist called Dr Robson, who’s an expert on clinical history
You now have 90 seconds to read questions 31-36

37. What was the opening question asked by the reporter?

A. Where do this soy milk come from?

B. Where does this soybean milk come from?
C. Where do this cow milk come from?

38. Why people choose soy milk?

A. Because it is cheaply available

B. Because it is always available at all places
C. Because it is nutritionally more valued than other milks

39. How does this soy is nutritionally comparable to cow milk?

A. It posses all the nutrients that are available naturally in the milk
B. It is fortified milk contains all supportive nutrients of cow milk
C. It is a good source of proteins that are not naturally available in milk

40. How soy milk is different that of regular dairy milk?

A. With low fat content
B. With high natural proteins
C. With cheap availability
41. What is the opinion of the doctor to the reporter’s question about recommending the
blend diet of soy milk with cow milk?

A. She didn’t agree to recommend such diet

B. She agreed with the reporter’s view in place of substitution
C. She differed with the opinion of the reporter.

42. The popular conception about estrogens concentration in Soy milk was
A. Misconception, that it will harm them
B. Misconception, that to promote cow milk
C. Exacerbation, that it will have the highest concentration of hormones than any
other food.

That is the end of Part C.

You now have two minutes to check your answers.


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