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14/11/2022- Timeline Coffee

Ultra-processed food: food that has had some kind of industrial process done to it, ofent to make the food
last longer or look better
Junk food = Unhealthy food
Fizzy drinks
Escape the/a cycle of (use this for bad or negative/dangerous situations) of addiction or violence: get
away from a situation which keeps getting worse.
Ex: They escaped the cycle of poverty through education.
They become unhealthy themselves.
Ultra-adj: more extreme
Negatively affect people’s mental abilities = To poor cognitive function
To put a cap on something (use for serious things and also official measures taken to limit things) = put a
limit on something.

Flock: a group of a bird or sheep: describe a group of people moving from this to another and they follow
each other. (move together in a large group)
Ex: Eager shoppers flocked to the sales to grab a bargain.
Be on fire: Impressive because something is doing well. /Is used to talk about a good thing, something is
amazing. /Can be used to talk about skills. (informal conversation)
Mammoth (adj): can be used to describe really big things.
Ex: Moving house can be a mammoth job.

Peak(v): can’t get any higher or better.

The number of something peak(s/ed) at (a larger number)
Don’t peak too soon.
Ex: Like you have to revive to exam, but you start doing too much in early. They should say don’t peak
too soon.
Increase to 8 billion = reach to 8 billion
Pose (v): cause or create something that is usually negative
Pose a danger/problem/threat to
Shape (v): influence
Ex: Her dad’s attitude shaped her approach to hard work.
The poor life in John’s childhood shaped his personality now.
Growth in several countries is actually slowing.

Live a great life

Would like a word: (v) noi chuyen
I have completely faith in you
Murder my vibe:
unveil the future
dangerous danrous
take sbd all down
just drop the bombshell
hold on to sbd/st: bam vao ai/cai gi
put yourself up on a cross: đóng vai nạn nhân
revert to basic
speak with sbd
it’s urgent:
there’s someone here for you
taken from my sister
commit suicide: tự tử
search these rooms/houses: lục phòng
get them alone = íolated for a weekend
in your word: trong cách nói của bạn
suspect: nghi ngờ
inspect: điều tra
back out: rút lui
snoop: điều tra
it’s really great talking to you
i’ll catch you over there: tôi ra đó sau
walk away: đi đi
keep my word
side by side: cùng nhau

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