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What is Lewd Dungeon Adventures........................2 Special Scenarios......................................................

Character Sheet......................................................4 FAQ........................................................................13

Combat.....................................................................6 Spells in This Book................................................14

What is Lewd Dungeon The Deity’s most important role is to drive the story
along. This is done by reading the designated text boxes
Adventures? throughout the campaign, describing the scenery found in
maps and private descriptions, and answering any questions

ewd Dungeon Adventures is an adult- that the Hero might have about their surroundings. They
themed role-playing game set in The will also role-play all the non-player characters and monsters
Unbound Domain, a fantasy realm of throughout the game.
mystery and magic. Through guided The Deity is often given knowledge that the Hero will not
scenarios and the power of imagination, be privy to and that should not be shared. Having said that,
players will experience incredible it’s best if one person plays the part of the Deity throughout
adventures, battle a plethora of interesting monsters, and each campaign.
earn epic spells and loot. This book provides rules for the Deity to follow in driving
Created specifically for couples who are completely new to the story. However, if the situation is ambiguous, the Deity
role-playing, the game is designed to spice up your sex life, has the ultimate say in what happens.
bringing it to new heights of creativity and sexual awareness
while also making every experience pleasurable and fun. HERO – Everyone else is a Hero. The Hero’s goal is to
Each campaign in the series is filled with different sexual explore their surroundings, fight monsters, complete quests,
activities to reduce boredom. There are also modifications and unravel the mysteries of The Unbound Domain.
for each sexual encounter, so you can change the activity or Heroes in Lewd Dungeon Adventures do not level up
convert to regular game mechanics so that the game never across the campaigns. Instead, they gradually customize
has to stop, even if you’re too tired to get it on. their character through the unique spells, weapons, or items
Lewd Dungeon Adventures was made with everyone they pick up throughout the game, many of which are only
in mind, from those who want to maximize their sexual available through the campaign they were introduced in.
pleasure to those who just want to enjoy the gameplay of an Heroes will record the items they receive on their Character
adult-themed role-playing game. Sheet and carry them over to their next campaign.
In the following pages, you will learn how to play the
game. If this is your first time playing a Lewd Dungeon
Adventures campaign, please take the time to read the entire Structure of Play
rules section before beginning play. The flow of play goes as follows:

Index of Terms 1. The Deity describes the scene. The Deity should
describe the scenery of the area to set the mood and any
Here is a short list of terms that you will see throughout this buildings and/or non-player characters in the Hero’s
rulebook and their definitions. immediate proximity. This should be limited to what the
• Area – A section of a dungeon or scenario. Hero can see. Players may ask questions about the scene at
• Campaign – A full adventure. For example, The Rescue of this time to get a better idea of their surroundings.
Lady Jai is a campaign. 2. The Hero describes what they want to do. There
• Characters – Refers to Heroes, monsters, and NPCs. are a variety of actions that players can take depending on
• Loot – Rewards received for opening chests, completing the scenario, which will be explained in greater detail in the
campaigns, or defeating enemies. Hero Actions section.
• NPC – An acronym for a Non-Player Character. In games with multiple Heroes, they can choose to act
• Player – Another term for Hero. together or separately. For instance, one player may go
• Scenario – A section of a campaign. investigate a strange door in a mansion while another talks
to one of the servants. Each player will get a turn to act.
3. The Deity describes the results of the Hero’s
Player Roles actions. It is now the Deity’s job to tell the Hero whether
While Lewd Dungeon Adventures was designed for two their actions succeeded or failed. Some actions, such as
players, you can easily modify it to add more. One player opening a door, can have a simple outcome. For example, the
assumes the role of the Deity. Everyone else is a Hero. Their Deity can say, “The door opens” and then begin describing
roles are as follows: the scenery in the next room.
Sometimes, there will be hidden elements to scenes,
DEITY – In every campaign of Lewd Dungeon Adventures, such as traps or enemies lying in wait. In those cases, the
one person must be the Deity. That person takes on the role Deity will describe what happens when a Hero unwittingly
of a powerful God or Goddess who has bestowed their favor steps on a trap or reaches a place where monsters are
on a Hero or group of Heroes to aid them in completing waiting to attack.
quests that require sex magic. These particular Heroes are Other actions will have more complex results, requiring
known as Cummancers for their ability to manipulate sexual the roll of a die or multiple dice.
energy outside the ability of normal mortals.

Dice CAMPAIGN NAME – The current active campaign. For
example, the campaign in this book is called The Rescue
The successes and failures of Hero actions are often of Lady Jai.
determined by the roll of a die. Most of the encounters RACE – Heroes can be any race they desire. Want to be an
in this game can be determined by rolling a six-sided die. elf or a gnome? Great! Want to be a three-legged half-man
However, weapons and spells often require die with a half-anteater named Marv? Also great. If you can dream it,
different number of sides. you can be it…with one caveat. There are no racial bonuses
or advantages to anything you choose. Night vision does not
come naturally to elves. If you choose a race with wings, they
are for aesthetic purposes only unless you also gain a flight
spell or ability. Should you choose a race that’s half-animal,
you do not automatically get super speed. Lame, I know, but
giving your character innate abilities will take away from the
fun of the game when you earn those abilities as rewards.
HEALTH - All Heroes start with 10 Health Points. When
you take damage, it is removed from your Health Points.
When your Health Points reach zero, you die.
WEAPONS –A place for the Hero to list their weapons
and the amount of damage they do. Every Hero starts Lewd
Dungeon Adventures with a one-handed melee weapon and
a ranged weapon. Before starting the game, the Hero will
choose one one-handed melee weapon from the list below.

Wooden Knuckles
Slot: Weapon
If you do not currently own the dice required to play this Type: One-Handed
game, you can use the online dice roller here: https://www. Range: Close or the RPG Simple Dice app. Damage: 2
It is important to understand the terminology associated
with dice rolls to play Lewd Dungeon Adventures. Each die Starter Dagger
has its own name, which is as follows: d4, d6, d8, d10 (the 0 Slot: Weapon
on the die represents 10), d12, d20, and d100. The d stands Type: One-Handed
for the word die, and the number represents how many sides Range: Close
that die has. Damage: 1d4
There are various types of dice rolls that will need to
be performed throughout the game. Whenever you are Starter Sword
required to make a dice roll, the game will tell you what to Slot: Weapon
roll. Sometimes, you will need to roll multiple dice. Here are Type: One-Handed
a few examples. Range: Close
Damage: 1d6 - 1
Example 1: You are told to roll 3d4. This means to roll 3
4-sided dice and add the total together.
They will also choose one ranged weapon from
the list below.
Example 2: You are told to roll 2d6+4. This means to roll 2
6-sided dice, add the total together, then add 4 on top of that. Peashooter
Slot: Weapon
Type: Ranged
Damage: 2
Character Sheet
A sample prefabricated character sheet is on the next page. Blowgun
A variety of printable character sheet options are available Slot: Weapon
on our website Type: Ranged
At the start of the game, each Hero should be given a Damage: 1d4
character sheet. The various sections of the character sheet
are explained below. Starter Bow
Slot: Weapon
CHARACTER NAME – What the Hero would like to be Type: Ranged
called in the game. Damage: 1d6 - 1
PLAYER NAME – The Hero’s real name.

ARMOR – A place for the Hero to list their armor. Heroes Spells
start Lewd Dungeon Adventures without any armor.
INVENTORY – A place for the Hero to list their There are 2 types of spells in Lewd Dungeon Adventures.
inventory; this includes basic items, potions, and spell • Unlimited Spells – These spells can be cast over and over
scrolls. All Heroes start Lewd Dungeon Adventures with the again. There is no limit to the number of times you can
following items: 50-foot rope, firestarter, flask of alcohol, cast them. However, casting them during battle will
lockpicks. The description of each item is listed in the require the use of one action.
Inventory section of this book. • Limited Spells – These spells can only be cast once per life.
UNLIMITED SPELLS – A place for the Hero to list their This means that when a Hero dies, their Limited spells
Unlimited spells. Unlimited spells are explained in the Spells recharge, allowing them to use them again.
section of this book. Every Hero in Lewd Dungeon Adventures
starts the game with 2 Unlimited spells, which they will Heroes start the game with 2 Unlimited spells and 1
select from the following: Glower Not a Shower, Grabby Limited spell. As they progress through campaigns, they
Hands, or Cum Shot. Their descriptions are listed at the back will find items that can increase the number of spells they
of this book. can cast. Even if a Hero collects more spells, they are never
Attached to the Unlimited Spells box on the character allowed to have more than 2 Unlimited spells and 1 Limited
sheet is the word Available with a circle next to it. This is to spell equipped unless they have an item that will allow them
keep track of how many Unlimited spells you can use. Every to have more. That means that if a Hero collects additional
Hero starts the game with the ability to use 2 Unlimited Unlimited spells, they must choose which ones to take into
spells. As they progress through the various campaigns in a campaign with them. However, Heroes may swap out
this series, the option to use more Unlimited spells will Unlimited and Limited spells upon their death.
become available. Should a Hero have multiple available Limited spells but
LIMITED SPELLS – A place for the Hero to list their only 1 Limited spell that they know, they may cast that same
Limited spells. Limited spells are explained in the Spells Limited spell multiple times.
section of this book. Every Hero in Lewd Dungeon Example: Karen has an upgrade that allows her to have 2
Adventures starts the game with one Limited spell, which Available Limited spells. However, she only knows Full Body
they will select from the following: Bush Fire, Chocolate Condom. She will be allowed to cast Full Body Condom twice
Rain, or Full Body Condom. A description of the spells is as an action. Once she casts the spell twice, she will be out of
provided at the back of this book. Available Limited spells and will have to wait until she dies for
her Available Limited spells to recharge back to 2.
Attached to the Limited Spells box on the character sheet
is the word Available with a circle next to it. This is to keep
track of how many Limited spells you can use. Every Hero Proficiency Skills
starts the game with the ability to use 1 Limited spell. As they
progress through the various campaigns in this series, the Throughout the game, there will be several instances where
option to use more Limited spells will become available. a Hero might want or need to perform an action, such as
LANGUAGES – A place for the Hero to list what investigating a room or trying to open a door that seems to
languages they know. At the start of the game, the Hero only be jammed. While Heroes do not have individually assigned
knows Common, which is spoken by most humanoid races skill levels, they will still need to pass a skill check by rolling
in The Unbound Domain. The Hero’s ability to communicate dice. Instances where this is necessary will be specified
with NPCs is largely dependent on what languages either the throughout the campaign, as will what dice they need to roll
Hero or NPC knows. and the number that needs to be achieved.
However, it is not uncommon for players to ask to roll for
skill checks that are not a part of the campaign. For instance,
Inventory if a Hero wanders into a room and wants to search it, but
Below is a list of the starter inventory items and there’s really nothing of interest there.
what they do. If a Hero asks to roll a skill check, you should always allow
it. Part of the fun of the game is not knowing what might
• 50-Foot Rope – Can be used to tie up enemies or climb up
be lurking around the corner. In the case of unmarked skill
and down otherwise impassible structures such as up the
checks, the Hero will use a 6-sided die. The Deity always
side of a mountain or out of a pit trap.
decides the outcome. For skill checks not in the campaign,
• Firestarter – Required to start fires and light torches.
the results should be as follows.
• Flask of Alcohol – An empty flask that the Deity can
magically fill with alcohol. Having this item is a • Very Easy - Roll 2 or higher for success
requirement to do any of the DRINK options in the game. • Easy - Roll 3 or higher for success
• Lockpicks – Needed to pick locks on doors and treasure • Normal– Roll 4 or higher for success
chests. • Hard – Roll 5 or higher for success
• Very Hard – Roll a 6

Example: John wants to scale a wall that his Deity has already
told him has no handholds. He wants to roll for it anyway. The
Deity would secretly assign a level of difficulty to the roll. In When enemies are encountered in The Unbound Domain,
this case, she decides it is a Very Hard roll. John roles a 3. The Heroes typically enter a round of combat. A round of combat
Deity informs him that he will be unable to scale the wall. consists of a sequence of turns where monsters and players
can incorporate weapons, spells, and items to defeat one
another. A round of combat goes as follows:
There are five types of weapons in Lewd Dungeon 1. Determine Placement: Heroes will discuss with the
Adventures. Deity where their character is in relation to enemies and
Fisticuffs - Fisticuffs involves unarmed combat. While this objects. This will help to dictate what actions they can
type of combat is almost never used, if a Hero chooses so, take.
they may engage in unarmed combat. On a successful Roll 2. Determine Turn Order: This is typically done
to Hit, fisticuffs always delivers 1 point of damage to the foe whenever combat is initiated. However, there are certain
unless the Hero has items to modify that damage. scenarios where a Hero or monster may be able to go first
One-Handed Weapons - This includes shortswords, clubs, by default.
and any other weapon that can be wielded in one hand. 3. Take Turns: Every Hero and monster will act in Turn
Two-Handed Weapons - This includes longswords, Order. This will continue until combat has ended.
polearms, and anything that would require two
hands to wield.
Hybrid Weapons - This includes things like javelins and Turn Order
daggers that can be both wielded in melee combat or used as
ranged weapons. Turn Order is established by rolling a d6. All Heroes and
Ranged Weapons - This includes anything that fires monsters will roll individually. The Hero or monster with
projectiles and some hybrid weapons such as daggers and the highest number goes first. Then the Hero or creature
javelins. All ranged weapons that fire projectiles have with the next highest number follows, and so on.
unlimited ammunition. Turn Order is re-rolled for every combat encounter.
In the case of a tie among Heroes, the Heroes who have
tied will re-roll to determine their order.
Armor and Jewelry If a monster or enemy and a Hero roll the same number
Armor and jewelry come in a variety of forms and are used for Turn Order, the Hero always gets to go first. No re-roll
to either reduce incoming damage, grant bonuses to stats, is necessary.
or give abilities. The durability of armor and jewelry does If two monsters of the same type roll the same number
not wear down. for Turn Order, you do not need to re-roll for them either.
As long as they are identical, you can just stack one right on
Example: Jack is fighting a gobblin. The gobblin does 4 melee
damage to Jack, but Jack is wearing a Worn Helm that offers
top of the other. If the monsters are different, you should
+1 Defense against melee damage. Jack would then only take 3 re-roll for them.
damage because the helm protects him from 1 damage. Here are some examples of this in action.

A Hero can equip the following types and number of Example #1: Ben, Amanda, two gobblins, and a horn dog are
rolling for Turn Order.
armor and jewelry: 1 headgear (hat, helm, circlet, crown,
glasses, ect.), 1 chest piece (shirt, tunic, bra ect.), 1 cape,
Ben rolls a 6.
1 pair of bottoms (pants, breeches, underwear), 1 pair of
footwear (boots, shoes, sandals, ect.), 1 item of jewelry Amanda also rolls a 6.
(necklace, ring, bracelet, ect.). Any excess armor or jewelry
should be stored in their inventory. Gobblin 1 rolls a 3.

Gobblin 2 rolls a 4.

Horn dog rolls a 1.

Currently, Turn Order would go as follows: Amanda/Ben,

gobblin 2, gobblin 1, horn dog.

Amanda and Ben re-roll.

Amanda rolls a 6 this time,

Ben rolls a 1.

The new Turn Order would go as follows: Amanda, Ben, Combat Actions
gobblin 2, gobblin 1, horn dog.
Each character is allowed to take one movement and one
action while engaged in combat. They may not take a
Example #2: Ben and a gobblin are rolling for Turn Order. movement, take an action, then make another movement.
However, they can take an action and then take their
Ben rolls a 6. movement. Wherever a Hero is at the end of their turn
is where they stay until their next turn or some other
Gobblin also rolls a 6. circumstances move them involuntarily.
These are the actions that can be taken in combat:
Ben automatically goes first since he is a Hero.
• Attack
• Cast a spell
Example #3: Amanda, 2 gobblins, and a horn dog are rolling • Use an item
for Turn Order. • Give someone an item
• Hide
Amanda rolls a 6. • Interact with objects
• Escape
Gobblin 1 rolls a 3.
While handing an item off to another Hero in combat
Gobblin 2 rolls a 4. counts as an action, the recipient of the item does not need to
use an action to take it.
Horn dog also rolls a 3. Speaking to other Heroes during combat does not require
an action. However, interacting with anything in the
Currently, Turn Order would go as follows: Amanda, gobblin
environment does. For example, if a Hero runs over to a
2, gobblin 1/horn dog.
crank in the wall and starts turning it, turning the crank is
Gobblin 1 and horn dog re-roll. their action. Similarly, if a Hero goes to open a door while
engaged in combat, that also requires an action.
Horn dog rolls a 5 this time.
Gobblin 1 rolls a 2.
Movement speed and distance are not typically tracked
The new Turn Order would go as follows: Amanda, gobblin 2, within Lewd Dungeon Adventures. The Deity will tell the
horn dog, gobblin 1. Hero if they are within close enough proximity to make an
attack or cast a spell.

Example #4: Ben and two gobblins are rolling

for Turn Order.
Hiding behind a sturdy item such as a tree will grant a Hero
Ben rolls a 6. absolute cover, as in nothing will be able to attack them.
Hiding requires an action. As soon as the Hero chooses to
Gobblin 1 rolls a 3. attack, they are no longer hidden until they use Hide as their
action again. The same applies to monsters and enemies.
Gobblin 2 also rolls a 3.
Hiding allows characters to stop and rethink their
Currently, Turn Order would go as follows: Ben, gobblin
tactics. Unless stated otherwise, hiding is basically a pause
1, gobblin 2. for the game.

Since these are the same type of monster, no re-roll is Escaping

required. You can just put them one right after the other.
Many of the enemies in Lewd Dungeon Adventures are
powerful and not meant to be defeated on the first try. If a
Hero wants to escape from a room that an enemy is in, they
are allowed to do so as their action. However, as a result,
the last enemy they were engaged with will have one last
chance to attack the Hero, regardless of Turn Order. If the
enemy fails their Roll to Hit (explained in the next section),
the Hero escapes without injury. If they do not, the Hero
takes any damage dealt. Unless specified otherwise, enemies
cannot chase Heroes outside of a room once they have
successfully escaped.

How Attacking Works a creature or player later walks through. In these cases, the
creature or player taking damage will Roll for Damage.
There are three steps involved in making an attack.

1. Choose a Target. The target must be in range for the Rendering an Enemy Unconscious
type of attack being used. For instance, a Hero cannot use Typically, when an enemy’s Health Points are reduced to
a shortsword to attack a monster standing ten yards away zero, they die. However, in cases where a Hero needs to
from them. capture an unwilling enemy, they can choose to render them
2. Roll to Hit. The Hero will roll a d6 to see if they hit unconscious instead. To do this, the Hero must announce
their target. Each enemy has their own conditions for their intentions before making an attack. When an enemy
Roll to Hit as specified on their stat card. A Hero’s Roll is rendered unconscious by having their Health Points
to Hit is always 4+ unless modified by spells, curses, or reduced to zero, the Hero can rouse them by shaking them
items. That means for a monster to hit a Hero, they must after combat.
roll a 4 or higher.
3. Roll for Damage. If the Roll to Hit is successful, then
the character will next Roll for Damage. Each weapon
and spell has its own damage stats..

Multiple Heroes
In two player games, most enemy encounters only contain a
single enemy to make the game easy and enjoyable. However,
for games with multiple Heroes, the number of enemies will
often be increased to equal the number of Heroes. Follow
the Multiple Heroes Modification section in each Area of a
Campaign to determine how many monsters to add.
In the case of multiple enemies, it is up to the Deity’s
discretion which Hero an enemy will attack unless specified
otherwise in the Scenario. As a general rule of thumb, it’s
best to follow a pattern of logic. If a Hero is attacking a
monster, that monster will most likely retaliate.

Enemies with Multiple Attacks

Some enemies have multiple weapons and spells equipped.
Unless specified in the scenario, it is up to the Deity to
choose how the enemy will attack.

Critical Hit
There are no critical misses in Lewd Dungeon Adventures.
However, if a Hero rolls a 6 during their Roll to Hit, they
will activate a Critical Hit. Critical Hits deal double damage.
As a result, on the Hero’s Roll for Damage, they would take
whatever number they rolled and double it. Monsters and
NPCs can also roll Critical Hits.

Spell Casting
Spell casting works much the same as using any other
weapon. The Hero will first Roll to Hit, then Roll for
Damage (if the spell requires it). Each spell has its own set of
rules and duration. There is no limit to the number of spells
you can learn.
For Limited spells that deal damage, if the Hero fails their
Roll to Hit, it is considered a misfire, not a miss. Their
Limited spell is not used up, and they may try again on their
next combat action until the Roll to Hit is successful.
Some spells have effects that can cause indirect damage to
enemies and other players, such as creating a fire barrier that

Taking Damage things. Heroes should select wisely as many spells are unique
to their campaign.
Anytime a monster or enemy deals damage to a Hero, it is
deducted from their Health Points. When their Health Points
are reduced to zero, they die. The same applies to enemies.
Leveling Up
There is technically no leveling up in Lewd Dungeon
Death Adventures. Heroes are customized and made unique by
the spells, weapons, and upgrades they find and select
When a Hero’s Health Points reach zero, they die. Luckily, throughout various campaigns.
Cummancers are, in a sense, immortal thanks to their A Hero who wants to focus on magic will mostly seek out
connection with their Deity. spells and items that provide spell upgrades, whereas a Hero
Should a Hero fall in battle, they can be revived by who wants to focus on melee may choose weapons or items
completing a sex act with their Deity. At the back of each that would optimize their ability to attack and defend. There
campaign book is a chart with actions numbered 1 – 6. Every is no wrong way to build a Hero.
time a Hero dies, the Hero will roll a d6 to determine which
sex act needs to be completed. If the sex act does not have a
time limit associated with it, then it must be carried out until
Excess Loot
the Deity is satisfied. During the course of the game, Heroes will collect a variety
Once the sex act is complete, the Hero will respawn of loot. Some of this loot may be duplicates of things they
outside of whatever room or area they last entered unless already have or weapons they have no intentions of using.
otherwise specified in the scenario, fully healed and with Excess loot and items can be discarded at any time. However,
their Limited spell(s) recharged. it’s often a good idea to hold onto it, as there are many
Heroes do not lose any items when they die and can be scenarios throughout the various campaigns that require
respawned an unlimited number of times. the Hero to sacrifice items, weapons, and spells in order to
Enemies do not regain Health Points upon a Hero’s death. accomplish a goal.
Some enemies are not meant to be defeated the first
time around. Dividing Loot in Multi-Hero Games
Multiple Heroes Modification: In games where there is
more than one Hero, to prevent over-exhausting the Deity, Killing enemies and completing quests often leads to Heroes
the Deity may share their sex magic with other Heroes, gaining loot. As a general rule of thumb in The Unbound
allowing any living Hero to revive their fallen companion or Domain, whoever kills an enemy or opens a chest gains the
companions. The sex act must be carried out until the Hero loot from it. Of course, there is always room for negotiation
performing the resurrection is satisfied. and trade any time loot is present.
The Deity may also share resurrecting duties with Heroes,
performing multiple resurrections at the same time. Soulbound Items
All weapons and armor found on NPCs in the game are
Example: Ben, Amanda, and John are fighting a group of soulbound unless stated otherwise. Soulbound items cannot
monsters. Ben and Amanda die. The Deity revives Ben while be looted. This means that if a Hero is fighting an enemy that
John revives Amanda. is wielding a club, they cannot loot the club once the enemy
has been defeated unless the scenario allows for it.
If all Heroes die and only the Deity remains, the Deity
must revive one of the Heroes before that Hero may revive Trading Items
the others.
The Lewd Dungeon Adventures economy works on a
Drinking Modification: In any instance where a Hero or
bartering system. Typically, items can only be obtained
Deity does not feel like performing a sex act after a Hero’s
through defeating monsters, opening treasure chests, and
death, this can be swapped out by having the Hero drink a
completing campaigns. However, Heroes are allowed to
one-ounce pour of a liquor of their choice or three drinks of
trade items with non-player characters and other Heroes
their favorite alcoholic beverage.
in the game.
Base Modification: For couples that do not drink, each
campaign book also has a base section for Hero deaths that
includes a chart with actions numbered 1 – 6. When a Hero
Special Scenarios
dies, they will roll a d6 to determine which act needs to be Some scenarios in Lewd Dungeon Adventures include
completed to revive them. multiple ways to complete the objective. This is to allow
Heroes and Deities diversity as well as to keep the game
going if they are too tired from a recent sexual activity to
Quest Completion Rewards perform another within such close proximity. These special
At the end of each campaign, the Hero will be given a list of scenarios are easily identifiable by having the following
rewards from which they are allowed to select from. These options marked in the campaign book:
can be armor, weapons, spells, potions, or a variety of other

•XXX – The sexual activity option. This option will call Each NPC that can be seduced has its own sex style,
for a specific sexual act to be performed in order to complete detailed on its stat card. Unlike Special Scenarios, which
a scenario objective. require specific sex acts to be performed, sex styles are
•DRINK – The drinking option. This will require the guidelines to be followed for roleplaying each NPC and
Hero and potentially also the Deity to imbibe in alcohol to monster through a sexual situation. Sex with that NPC
complete a scenario objective. This option can be as simple as should be carried out befitting their matching sex style.
taking a one-ounce shot of liquor to something as complex as Heroes will never be able to force an NPC to do something
a mini-drinking game. they don’t want to do.
•BASE – The base game option. This is for those who Unless a different negative consequence is assigned to
don’t feel like having sex or drinking. In most instances, an enemy for being seduced, as outlined in the campaign,
passing skill checks are subbed in as a modification for the seducing an enemy creates an effect called Exhaustion.
more adult things. Exhaustion reduces the enemy’s Health Points by 1 and
causes them to only inflict half damage rounded up on their
There are two ways to approach Special Scenarios, and this first attack that hits and would cause the Hero to lose Health.
should be discussed before gameplay begins.
Option #1: The Deity can choose which modification is Example: The Hero seduces a Sex-Crazed Maniac before
used in every Special Scenario. With this option, it is best to combat. Because of Exhaustion, the Sex-Crazed Maniac’s
speak to your Hero before the game begins to see what type Health Points are reduced from 9 to 8. It attacks and rolls a 7.
of gaming experience they would like to have so that you can That damage is reduced to 4 (3.5 rounded up to 4).
plan accordingly. Do not be afraid to mix and match options
to create the best session for you and your Hero.
The Deity is required to role-play all NPCs. In cases where
Options #2: To allow the Hero more control over how the
the NPC does not match the gender of the Deity, ignore the
adventure plays out, let them know that a Special Scenario
NPC’s gender and role-play it as your own.
has been triggered. Have then choose between XXX,
DRINK, or BASE, but do not let them know what each
option entails until after they’ve made their selection. If they Optional Enhancements
choose an option and do not like the activity presented, allow Some XXX options will have an Optional Enhancements
them to pick another. section. This is typically an item or items that can be used to
Disclaimer: Players who choose to convert Lewd spice up the sexual situation.
Dungeon Adventures into a drinking game should drink
responsibly. Have a glass of water nearby, and if at any
point a Hero appears to be getting inebriated, either switch
Required Props
to the base game or put the campaign away for another Some XXX options will have a Required Props section.
play session. These are typically household items that will enhance the
role-playing aspect of the game. If you do not have the
Sex in the Game required items on hand, it is recommended that you pause
the campaign until you can acquire them. You can also
As Lewd Dungeon Adventures was designed to be an adult get creative and substitute out similar items. For example,
role-playing game for couples, sex plays a large part in every for a scenario that requires candles, you can use any other
campaign. The three instances where Heroes and Deities will source of light.
encounter sex are as follows:
• When a Hero dies Safety Toolkit
• When a scenario calls for it to complete an objective Participating in tabletop roleplaying games can be a source
• When a Hero wants to seduce an NPC of enjoyment and personal satisfaction. Nonetheless,
prioritizing the safety and comfort of the Deity and Hero
When any of these situations arise, the Deity and Hero
is crucial. To that end, we have compiled a concise yet
should pause the game to carry out the sex act before
informative guide to help you integrate safety measures into
returning to gameplay.
your gameplay. By implementing these tools, you can ensure
that all individuals involved in the game are having a positive
Having Sex with NPCs and engaging experience.
Many of the NPCs in Lewd Dungeon Adventures can be
seduced to manipulate the outcome of a scenario. In most 1. Establish clear lines of communication: Before the
cases, it will be up to the Hero to initiate. game begins, make sure all players are aware of how they can
NPC seduction is not necessary to enjoy Lewd Dungeon communicate with each other if they feel uncomfortable or
Adventures and was basically added in as a bonus for those unsafe. This can include setting up a system of hand signals
who want even more sex in the game. or code words to indicate when someone needs a break or
wants to pause the game.

2. Discuss potential triggers: Ask players if they have any Lines are specific topics, themes, or actions that are strictly
triggers, such as violence, abuse, or other sensitive topics, prohibited during the game. They are non-negotiable and
that they would prefer to avoid during the game. Take note should not be included in any form during gameplay. For
of these triggers and avoid them during gameplay. instance, a player might have a line against sexual violence
3. Establish boundaries: Make sure all players are or harm to animals, which means that those topics cannot be
aware of each other’s boundaries and what is and is not included in the game in any way.
acceptable behavior. Veils, on the other hand, are topics or actions that can be
4. Create a safe word: Establish a safe word that players included in the game but should not be explicitly described
can use if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe during the game. or acted out. A veil is used to communicate that while the
If someone uses the safe word, the game should be paused topic or action can be part of the game’s narrative, the
immediately so the issue can be addressed. players prefer to avoid explicit or graphic descriptions or
5. Check-in frequently: Throughout the game, check- depictions of it. For example, a player might have a veil on
in with players to make sure everyone is still feeling excessive gore, which means that it can exist in the game but
comfortable and engaged. Encourage players to speak up if will be handled in a more abstract or implicit manner.
they are not enjoying the game or if they feel unsafe. By agreeing on lines and veils during Session Zero, players
6. Have a plan in case of emergencies: Discuss what to can communicate their preferences and set expectations
do in case of an emergency, such as a player experiencing a for the game’s content, thereby creating a safer and more
panic attack or medical issue. Make sure everyone knows enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
how to get help if needed.
7. Encourage player autonomy: Allow players to have Open Door Policy
control over their characters and their actions, and respect
their decisions. Avoid forcing players into uncomfortable or The Open Door policy ensures that any player can leave
unwanted situations. or take a break from the game, without facing judgment
8. Respect player privacy: If a player shares personal or repercussions, for their own safety and well-being. It
information or experiences during the game, respect their is crucial to communicate this policy at the beginning of
privacy and do not share that information without their the game, and also periodically throughout gameplay, to
explicit consent. remind players that they have the option to leave or take
9. Continuously iterate and improve: Ask for feedback a break whenever they need to. It empowers players to
from players after each game and make adjustments as prioritize their own well-being and ensures that they do
needed to ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable during not feel trapped or obligated to continue playing if they feel
future games. uncomfortable or overwhelmed.
10. Make fun the #1 priority: Use the rules in this
book as a guideline to craft play into the best experience Bleed
possible for all involved. If a rule isn’t working for your
The emotions and stress that arise during a tabletop
players, change it.
roleplaying game can sometimes seep into a player’s post-
game life. This can impact the overall enjoyment of the game
Session Zero and even affect relationships between the Hero and the Deity
Before you run a game of Lewd Dungeon Adventures for if not addressed. To mitigate these effects, it is important to
the first time, have a Session Zero. This is the planning be open and honest about distinguishing between the game
and discussion phase, where the Deity and Hero establish world and reality, and to be aware of which feelings belong
expectations, discuss the campaign’s tone and themes, to the Hero and which are just bleed.
and create characters. An example of setting the tone may Bleed can be positive or negative. Positive bleed occurs
be deciding if the Hero wants to have a fun gameplay when the emotions and experiences of the game enhance
experience, focusing more on battle mechanics and roleplay a player’s real-life experiences, such as feeling a sense of
interactions while only using deaths and Special Scenarios accomplishment after their character completes a challenging
for intimate acts, or whether they want to have a sexier task. Negative bleed occurs when the emotions and
experience, perhaps removing some of the crude names and experiences of the game have a negative impact on a player’s
humor from the game and focusing more heavily on NPC real life, such as feeling anxious or upset after their character
seduction. Establishing the players’ desires before gameplay experiences a traumatic event in the game.
begins helps ensure a more pleasurable experience for Overall, bleed is a natural part of TTRPGs, but it is
all involved. important to be aware of its potential impact on players
and to take steps to prevent negative bleed from occurring.
Following the rules in the safety toolkit should help negate
Lines and Veils the potential for most negative bleed.
Lines and veils are two safety tools commonly used
in tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) to establish
boundaries and ensure that all players feel comfortable and
safe during gameplay.

Q. What if all my Heroes want to roll for the same thing
After each game session, it’s important to check in with when one of them fails?
everyone in the group to see how they are feeling. This A. This is mostly left up to the Deity’s discretion unless
provides an opportunity for everyone to emotionally otherwise addressed in the scenario rules. There are times
decompress, discuss and process any events that occurred when it would be understandable for multiple Heroes to roll
during the game in a safe and supportive environment. for something, such as if they are listening in on a private
Aftercare can take many forms and will vary depending on conversation. However, there are other times when players
the needs of each player. Some common aftercare activities may be reminded that they should trust their comrades and
include debriefing sessions where players discuss the game don’t actually know the outcome of their rolls.
and their emotions, engaging in relaxing or enjoyable
activities, or just spending time with friends or loved ones. Q. What if a Hero asks for something crazy and the Deity
Aftercare is an essential component of creating a safe doesn’t know how to handle it?
gaming environment, reminding players that their mental A. Part of the challenge of being the Deity is having to come
health comes first. up with things on the fly when your Hero does something
unexpected. This can be as easy as requesting a skill check
Stars and Wishes that isn’t in the scenario or as difficult as having to veer a
Hero back on course whenever they’ve wandered away from
“Stars and Wishes” is a technique used in tabletop roleplaying
the main task.
games (TTRPGs) to reflect on a game session and provide
feedback to the Deity and other players. It involves sharing
Q. What if I or one of my Heroes is uncomfortable with a sex
two things: “stars,” which are positive aspects of the game
act listed in a scenario?
session, and “wishes,” which are areas for improvement or
A. A large part of Lewd Dungeon Adventures is about
things that players would like to see in future sessions.
making sex fun by introducing different sex acts. However,
Stars can include anything that the Hero enjoyed about
if one of the sex acts is outside of your comfort zone, feel
the game, such as a particularly engaging story moment, a
free to swap it out with an activity of your choosing. The
challenging combat encounter, or a well-executed character
main goal of the game is for it to be an enjoyable experience
interaction. Sharing stars helps to reinforce positive
for everyone.
behaviors and encourages players to continue engaging with
the game in a positive way.
Q. What does ‘to satisfaction’ mean?
Wishes, on the other hand, are areas where players feel
A. To satisfaction simply means until someone is satisfied.
the game could be improved. This can include things like
Climax does not need to be achieved to reach this goal.
wanting more character development, better pacing of the
story, or more opportunities for player agency. Wishes help
Q. Do I need to use Roll to Hit when using spell scrolls?
the Deity understand what their Hero would like to see
A. When using any spell scroll that would do damage, you
in future sessions and can be used to improve the overall
must Roll to Hit. However, on a failed roll, you do not lose
game experience.
the spell scroll.
By using stars and wishes, players can provide feedback
in a constructive and supportive way, which helps to build
Q. What if my Hero is battling an enemy that can only be
a positive and collaborative gaming environment. It also
defeated by magic, but they don’t have any spells? Or if they
encourages open communication and helps to ensure that
can only defeat an enemy by using a certain weapon but they
everyone’s opinions and preferences are heard and valued.
don’t have that weapon?
A. Your Hero may sacrifice any item in their inventory for
FAQ 1d10 damage (of the type they need) to an enemy. They do
not need to Roll to Hit. The hit is guaranteed.
Q. How many players can Lewd Dungeon Adventures Alternatively, they can perform a sex act of the Deity’s
accommodate? choosing in exchange for temporary power. For the
A. As many as the Deity feels like they can manage. remainder of combat, they will roll 1d6 damage (of the type
they need) against the enemy. They will still need to Roll to
Q. What if I’m playing a multi-Hero campaign in multiple Hit every time. This will remain in effect until combat ends
sessions and one of my players misses a session? with that enemy, whether by success or death. The Hero can
A. Heroes coming back from an absence will continue the perform this trade with their Deity for as long as it takes to
campaign wherever the current players are. defeat the enemy.
Q. What if a new player wants to join my group
A. New Heroes will start the campaign wherever the current
players are.

Spells in this Book Credits
Authors: Phoenix Grey and Sky Corgan
Bush Fire Illustrator: Wenart Gunadi
Requirements: Must be able to see and move hands. Logo Design: Legend_Designers
Type: Limited Character Sheet Design: Vilegatti
Range: Ranged Template Design: Nathanaël Roux
Description: No matter where you aim this spell, it sends
fire straight to a target’s crotch, igniting their pubes for 1d4 Text copyright 2022 by Phoenix Grey and Sky Corgan.
damage. The target must be within your line of sight.
All rights reserved.
Chocolate Rain
Requirements: Must be able to speak.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
Type: Limited
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
Range: Ranged
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
Description: You summon down a rain of brown. For the
otherwise, without written permission of the author.
rest of the combat, whenever it is your turn to attack, your
enemy takes an extra 1 point of damage from being grossed
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this
out. This continues until either combat ends or you die.
document for personal use only.
Cum Shot
Requirements: Must be able to move hands. Want to find out when the next Lewd Dungeon Adventures
Type: Unlimited will be available, then sign up here: https://www.
Range: Ranged
Description: You blow your load so hard that everyone
around you is in danger. Make a ranged attack against a
target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 damage. Due to the
necessary refractory period, this spell can only be used
once per combat.

Full Body Condom

Requirements: None.
Type: Limited
Range: Self
Description: A thin lambskin sheath forms around you.
You may trigger this when a foe attacks to reduce incoming
physical or magic damage by 5. It does not cost an action.

Glower Not a Shower

Requirements: Must be able to move hands.
Type: Unlimited
Range: Self
Description: You clap your hands, and your body instantly
illuminates, filling any room you’re in with bright light. This
spell continues until you either die or dismiss it. Look at that;
you’re your own torch, without all the unpleasant third-
degree burns.

Grabby Hands
Requirements: Must be able to speak and move hands.
Type: Unlimited
Range: Ranged
Description: Ethereal hands form to grope around. The
hands can be used to check floors and walls for physical traps,
to open treasure chests, and pick up items. They cannot be
used to attack or detect magic traps. The hands can lift as
much weight as the caster.


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