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Lesson 1 Chinese Dynasties and European

- EAST ASIA Colonialism ended in 1911 ( the
⃝home to one-fifth of the human republic of China initiated Dr. Sun
population; Yan-sen}
⃝ located at the Pacific Rim; -Japanese Colonialism ended in WWII
⃝ creates an industrial environment - 1964 Mao Zedong Birth of the
that has awakened the human People’s Republic of China
entrepreneurial spirit of the realm; -Nationalist Chiang Kai-shek who fled
⃝ surrounded by a series of mountain to Formosa
ranges in the west, Russia in the THE PEOPLE OF CHINA
north, and Southeast Asia to the - Mainly in China proper they
south; implemented the one-child policy
The Himalayas border Tibet and -about 1.412 billion as of 2021
Nepal; the Karakoram Ranges, - the one-child policy helped their
Pamirs, and the Tian Shan Mountains potential population to reduce but it
shadow Central Asia; and the Altay hasn’t been easy to implement this
Mountains are next to Russia. policy
⃝ The Tibetan Plateau is the largest HONGKONG
plateau region of the world. - formerly colonized by British
- had an excellent port named Victoria
RIVER BASINS OF CHINA which is one of the best in Asia.
Huang Ho River- named after the -was one of the major entry point into
lightcolored silt that washes into the China fro Britain during the colonial
river. Crops; wheat, sorghum, corn, era.
and soybeans are common with - the British outpost created a
vegetables, fruit, and tobacco grown doorway for their expansion into China
in smaller plots. - they gained wealth through their
Yangtze River- flows out of the traditional manufacturing method with
Tibetan Plateau Agricultural highest value-added profits
production rice and wheat farming -More than 95 percent of the seven
The Three Gorge’s Dam -World’s million people living in Hong Kong are
largest dam It produces a large ethnically Chinese
percentage of the electricity for central -Hong Kong is a major financial and
China. banking center for Asia and has been
Liao River Basin and Songhua working with the Chinese government
River Basin Harbin and Shenyang - to provide private banking services for
Cities are industrial centers located Chinese citizens.
next to an industrial landscape of TAIWAN
smokestacks, factories, and factories - separated from the Chinese
Pearl River -Basin Agricultural and mainland by the Taiwan Strait.
commercial district -In 2010, the population of the island,
CHINESE DYNASTIES AND which is about the size of the US state
COLONIALISM of Maryland, was twenty -two million.
-2200 BCE - it is mountainous and has rugged
- North China Plain national parks
-Created Chinese State -most of the people in Taiwan live in
-Han Dynasty – 206 to 220 CE, bustling cities along the coast.
established Chinese identity - their economy continues to use its
-Qing Dynasty- 1644 to 1911 skilled labor base.
CHINA -Mainly in years past their factories
- had been an industrialized state for produced textiles and light clothing
centuries; -They focus from secession to trade
- Their industrial cities flourished with -they elected a government offic who
the concepts of clean drinking water, is committed to strengthening trade
transportation, and technology. - and investment with China
Paper, gunpowder, and printing were -Taiwan entered the World Trade
used in China centuries before they Organization (WTO) in 2001 using the
arrived in Europe). name Chinese Taipei.That move
started a cascade of actions that
- improved “cross-strait” trading
THREE WAY SPLIT IN CHINA conditions, and within just a few years,
direct trade between China and resources : coal, molybdenum,
Taiwan has become extensive copper, gold, tin, and tungsten.
- Located in mountainous - Consist of islands that lie along the
southwestern China Pacific Rim east of China and across
-classified as one of China’s the Sea of Japan from the Korean
autonomous regions, a disputed Peninsula
political arrangement. -has 4 major island that makes up
- had a complicated history with china most of the country; Shikoku, Kyushu,
- they were under the control of China Hokkaido, and Honshu.
during the qing dynasty -TOKYO has been verified as the
-When imperialist rule ended in China largest metropolitan urban area in the
in 1911, Tibet began to once again world with a population of 26.7 million.
assert its independence. -it is a mountainous region, and most
-When Communists took control of of its large cities are located in low-
China in 1949, the Dalai Lama was lying areas along the coast
originally allowed control over - Shogun lords and samurai warriors
domestic affairs while China would ruled Japan their society was also
control all other governmental highly organized and structured.
functions. -their encounters with european
-Tibetans revolted in 1956. Backed by colonial ships prompted them to
the United States, the revolt continued industrialize
even as China indicated it would -they also kept the european out and
suspend the transformation of Tibet. only traded with slected ships that
- China brutally crushed the revolt in were allowed to approach the shores
1959, leaving tens of thousands of - around 1868 a group of reformer
Tibetans dead or imprisoned. worked to bring about change
-The Dalai Lama and thousands of direction for Japan and it was named
Tibetans fled to Dharamsala, India, after the emperor movement called
where they established a government Meiji Restoration ( the return of
in exile. enlightened rule)
MONGOLIA -they also began to undustriliazed and
- Mongolia ranks as the world’s build its economic and military by first
nineteenth largest country in terms of utilizing the resources from their own
square miles. shares a similar country
geography with much of Kazakhstan, -being the economic dragon of Asia
which is the world’s largest landlocked they had an enormous economic
nation; Mongolia is second-largest. impact on the EAST Asian
-Mountains, high plains, and grass- Community.
covered steppe cover much of KOREA
Mongolia, a country that receives only - The Korean Peninsula juts out into
between four and ten inches of rain the Pacific Rim from northwestern
per year, precipitation that usually Asia
comes in the form of snow. -The peninsula is bound by the Sea of
-has GOBI DESERT AND INNER Japan (the East Sea) and the Yellow
MONGOLIA Sea. North and South Korea share the
-Mongolia’s modern capital city of peninsula. These countries have been
Ulan Bator is home to about one -third separated by the Korean demilitarized
of the people of Mongolia; it has the zone (DMZ) since 1953.
coldest average temperature of any -South Korea has water pollution
world capital. associated with sewage discharge
-Mongol Empire 13th Century The and industrial effluent from its many
Soviet Union used Mongolia as a industrial centers
buffer state with China - Air pollution is severe at times in the
-Led by Genghis Khan larger cities, which also contributes to
-Tibetan Buddhism is the dominant higher levels of acid rain.
religion in Mongolia and is practiced NORTH KOREA
by about 50 percent of the population. -has severe issues of water pollution
-economy has traditionally been as well as deforestation and related
centered on agriculture, but mining soil erosion and degradation. Other
has grown in recent years to be a issues imclude inadequate supplies of
major economic sector. rich mineral
clean drinking water and many • Yangban – had to devote
waterborne diseases. themselves to education in order to
-The government of North Korea gain office.
(Democratic People’s Republic of • The dynasty survived serious crises
Korea, or DPRK) was formed with the such as Japanese and Manchu
leadership of Communist dictator Kim invasions. • 18th century there were
Il Sung, who shaped his country with a increasing signs of economic growth,
mix of Soviet and Chinese social change, and new cultural
authoritarian rule. openness.
-Kim II Sung as Great Leader Kim YI SEONGGYE RISE TO POWER
Jong II as Dear Leader • King Gongmin of the Goryeo
-North Korea is mainly mountainous; Dynasty took steps to strengthen royal
there is little quality farmland. While power and, the military, expanded tax
only 2 percent of the land is in revenue, and promoted Confucianism.
permanent crops, about a third of the • Yi Senonggye, a powerful general
population works in agriculture. became the force behind the throne. •
-Juche is designed to keep Korea Taejo (1392 to 1398)
from becoming dependent on the • A bloodless dynastic transition
outside. The policy of Juche has been -Taejong, Sejong, and Sejo are
quite effective in isolating the people considered as the most successful
of North Korea and keeping dictator kings in Korean History.
Kim Jong Il in power -King Taejong created a new capital at
-The best farmland in North Korea is Hanyang, strengthened armed forces,
located south of the capital city of confiscated Buddhist temples and
Pyongyang. The capital is a restricted monastery property, and created a
area where only the most loyal to the sound fiscal base for the state. -King
state can live. Sejong established a record of
SOUTH KOREA accomplishment that far outshone any
-fully fledge democracy country in of his successors. He improved both
1993 the army and navy and extended the
-capital city is Seoul and home of Joseon territory north to the Yalu and
almost 10 million people Tumen rivers. He revised the land
-Seoul is located just south of the registration system. He published
Cease-Fire Line, also known as the books on agriculture and sericulture.
DMZ, which is referred to in general He founded the Hall of Worthies
terms as the thirty-eighth parallel, (Jiphyeonjeon) in 1420. he also
even though it does not follow it established an agency to invent an
exactly. The United States has many alphabet in 1443.
military installations in this area. - Sundials, a new type of water clock,
-manufactures (automobiles, and a rain gauge in 1442.
electronic goods, and textiles that are -Arts and crafts also flourished during
sold around the world.) his time.
- South Korea used state capitalism - King Sejo devoted himself to military
to develop its economy. strategy and published three treaties.
-Buddhism was introduced into the -Authorized attacks against Jurchen in
Korean Peninsula. Buddhism has 1460 and 1467. He established the
been a prominent religion in Korea for Five Guards Command in 1466.
centuries. He adopted the famous Chinese ever-
-The economic growth of the south normal granaries. He also ordered
was a result of state -controlled that compilation of a major law code,
capitalism, rather than free enterprise the Grand Institutes for Governing the
capitalism. State
-The state has controlled or owned He antagonized Confucian officials.
most of the industrial operations and
sold its products in the global
• Yi Seonggye
• Extensive Confucianization where
Chinese statecraft and the
examination were copied more

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