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1-4 Stephanie Brother
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1-4 Shawn

HUGE CHRISTMAS © 2022 Stephanie Brother

All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely
coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author's imagination.

Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

Kindle Edition

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To all my readers who were thirsty enough to pick up a little book called HUGE.
May you be blessed to love a man as good and as well-endowed as Harrison.

I wrote the first four books of the HUGE SERIES at a time when menage and reverse harem romances were still
relatively niche. HUGE was just a little story that popped into my mind, but it ended up becoming a bestseller in its
category. I got a little addicted to giving readers great book boyfriends with really huge assets, and it built from there.

Readers constantly feedback that they love the characters and have often asked me to write more about them.

The idea for a Christmas special was appealing because it gave me a reason to bring back characters from HUGE |
HUGE X 2 | HUGE X3 | HUGE X4 a few years down the line.

It’s also a time of year that prompts reflection and nostalgia.

I hope you enjoy HUGE CHRISTMAS as well as reading the origin stories (I recommend you read the original books first).

I hope it fills you with festive warmth and the happiness that love can bring, even in the form of words.

It’s the night before Christmas, and I’m beat. Tired to the bone.

But I’m desperate to get back.

Two weeks away from home is too much for any man. Well, any man with a wife like Jenna at home.

Shit, I’ve missed her; the way she smells, the way she looks, the way she curls into me when she sleeps. We’ve been
married for five years, and each day still feels as good as that first night we were together. I still get a thrill when I think
about her dressed up in that sexy costume at my friend’s Halloween party. She was everything I’d fantasized she would
be and more.

I’m not a guy who’s backward in seeking what I want, but when the girl you’ve been lusting over is your stepsister,
well it made things a little bit more complicated than I was comfortable with. That didn’t mean I wasn’t okay with
tempting her. Leaving my door ajar while I was drying myself after the shower was a genius-level brainwave that led us
to this point.

Fuck, I’m hard and there are still over fifteen minutes of journey left.

I glance at the passenger seat, and the bag that contains Christmas gifts. There’s something for Abbey, our little girl,
and something for my momma. But the main thing is for Jenna.

When I knew I wanted to marry her, I had little cash. Jenna has never been motivated by money, but I wanted to
buy her a ring that would show her just how much she meant to me. I stretched as far as I could, but the diamond
wasn’t as big as I would have liked it to be. I know Jenna loves that ring. She’s never taken it off in all the years we’ve
been together except the day we got married. As soon as I slid the wedding ring up her slim finger, I knew she was
itching to get her engagement ring back on. In the car, she took it off her right hand and switched it back to where she
felt it belonged. It still sits there now.

I know I could never replace that ring and what it means to her but, now I have the means, I want to seal our
relationship properly.

Christmas Eve is a special time in our household. It’s Abbey’s birthday and seeing as it’s so close to Christmas, we’ve
tried to make it special by having a big party. I know that our friends and family will be gathered at our home when I
get back. There’ll be music and games and all the kids will run around like crazy things. Jenna will be in the middle of it
all, handling the organization and noise like the boss she is.

As I turn into the driveway, my heart skips a beat. I didn’t have time to put up the lights before I left, but somehow,
she’s made our house look like something from a Christmas movie. I can see Ethan’s truck, and a rental that must
belong to Jason and his family. There’s a minivan that’s filled with car seats that I know belongs to Callum and his crew.
We’re the smallest family group of the lot, but that’s okay with me. Although, if our friends don’t stop breeding, we
won’t be able to keep hosting these parties!

The lights from my truck must have shined through the windows because the front door opens before I can even get
out. And there is Jenna.

My girl.

She’s dressed in her favorite dress, which hugs all her curves, and an apron which I find strangely sexy. Abbey must
have forced her to dress up because she’s also wearing a headband with wobbly stars on springs that glitter around her
head like a hallo.

She raises her hand in a small wave and I throw the car door open, desperate to pull her into a hug that will show
her just how much I’ve been craving her. I grab the gift bags and head over to greet the love of my life.

“You made it,” she says as I get close.

I drop the bags by her feet and pull her to me in a hug that’s so immense, I lift her from the ground. Jenna swats my
shoulder. “Harrison…!”

I sniff her neck; the smell of home. “Baby…I missed you.”

She softens in my arms. “I missed you too, honey, but can you put me down? I’ve got cookies in the oven.”

Katelin appears behind Jenna, holding Abbey’s hand. “See, your daddy’s here.”

“Daddy…!” Abbey is off and running in my direction and Jenna pulls back, giving me space to get onto my knees so I
can hug the life out of my baby girl. I think she’s grown in just two weeks. With her momma’s hair and green eyes, she’s
just the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Baby,” I whisper in her ear. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks, Daddy.” She presses her soft lips to my rough cheek and my heart squeezes in my chest.

“Did you look after momma while I was gone?”

Abbey nods seriously. “I gave her lots of hugs just like you told me to.” I kiss the top of her head and smile at the
way she smells just like my wife.

“That’s good honey. Are you ready to open more presents?”

As I gather up the gift bags and Jenna closes the door, a rumble of laughter erupts from the den. I stick my head
into the room, smiling at the jumble of people who are crammed onto our furniture and just about every spare chair
we have. I kiss mom and shake my father-in-law’s hand in greeting.

“There he is,” Liam yells, jumping up from a low stool to pull me into a fierce ‘bro’ hug. I’m passed around his
brothers, Callum, Matty and Ryan, and then on to Ethan and Nathan, and Jason, Austin, and Bryan. I’d say there was
something in the water at our college because most of Jenna’s friends have ended up with multiple husbands. To be
honest, I’m glad that Jenna only ended up with me. I don’t have the trusting bond of a brother to share her with. I
guess that’s the benefit of being an only child. Not that these boys look unhappy. Far from it.
Sharing a wife might not be for everyone, but it certainly seems to work for these families.

“You know, the last one through the door has to do a challenge,” Carrie says with a grin on her face.

“Leave the dude alone.” Nathan pinches his wife’s knee and his twin punches him on the shoulder.

“You trying to kill Carrie’s Christmas fun?” Ethan says.

“I think that would be an impossibility. Have you seen her?” Nathan laughs.

Everyone in the room chuckles because Carrie should be the poster girl for a Pinterest Christmas. She’s decked out
in a silver and gold festive sweater, with mini tree baubles hanging from her ears and a silver holly festooned
headband. Even her leggings have Christmas trees running up the sides. It’s hard to know where to look.

“Harrison would be happy to accept a challenge,” Jenna says from behind me. She pinches my ass at the same time,
and I almost jump out of my skin. “My ex-quarterback husband is about as competitive as any man I’ve ever met.”

I make a grumbling noise, but she’s right. My old football instincts are still with me, even though I don’t play

“Yeah, Daddy!” Abbey says. “You can do it.”

I shove my hands in my pockets and shrug my shoulders. “Guess the women in this household have spoken. What’s
the challenge?”

“Well,” Carrie says. “I’m going to line up all the children and you have to name them all. If you can manage that, you
can have a bowl of my famous tiramisu.”

My mouth waters at the thought of Carrie’s signature dessert, but I don’t think I’m going to be good at this
challenge at all. It’s been a year since we all got together. A year of kids growing and my man-brain forgetting
everything that hasn’t been necessary to remember.

“The poor man is sweating,” Katelin laughs.

“Half of them are our children and I’d struggle.” Matty shrugs his shoulders and I’m grateful for his support.

After this, I’m going to end up with no dessert and friends who think that I don’t care about their kids.

“I’m gonna try for the tiramisu,” I say.

Bethany, Carrie, and Katelin spring into action to try to gather the kids from around the house. They slowly line up,
although the little ones keep trying to escape. The men are drafted in to help. I try to be clever by looking to see which
man is dealing with which child, but I’m pretty sure they’re all muddled up, so that doesn’t help me.

“Right,” Carrie shouts. “All children stand like statues.” Abbey, who has also gotten into line, jumps into a scary
monster pose. I suppose, with her there, I’m guaranteed to get one correct.

I know the tallest twin girls are Carrie’s. I touch their soft blonde heads. “These two princesses are definitely Emma
and Natalie. The girls chuckle. “You got us the wrong way round!”

I scowl. “Your own dad’s struggle to tell you apart.” Ethan and Nathan shrug as though that’s perfectly acceptable.
It’s a twin thing, I guess.
There’s another little girl who’s just a little taller than Abbey. I gaze around and notice the little girl has Katelin’s
eyes. That must be Isobel. “Issy,” I shout, feeling very pleased with myself.

“Three down,” Jenna says. Her eyes are sparkling as though she’s just waiting for me to trip up.

“Abbey!” I pat my baby-girl’s head and she laughs.

“Of course I’m Abbey, Daddy. You couldn’t get me mixed up.”

“You’d hope,” Bryan laughs.

I gaze at the rest of the kids. There are three sets of boy twins and two more little girls who are definitely of
different ages. The youngest has a little round bottom that tells me she’s still wearing a diaper. “Rachel.” I point at her
and her little cherub face lights up.

“Ding ding,” Ryan says, tugging his baby girl onto his lap and giving her rosy cheek a fierce kiss.

“That must mean that you’re Molly.” I’m guessing that she’s around three now and she’s already got that
precocious little-girl vibe about her. “Little Miss Molly,” she says with her hands on her hips. Her papa, Matty, who is
probably the most chilled out of all of us here, bursts out laughing. “Okay, Little Miss Molly. Go kiss your uncle

“No,” she says, and runs out of the room.

“You’re losing your touch,” Jenna laughs as I put my hands in the air.

Now for the boys. This is impossible. Did Callum have his twins first, or was it Liam? There’s only an inch or so
between the four of them. And then there’s another set of twins who are even smaller. I have no idea.

“Now this ragged crew are tough to figure out,” I say. “Caleb and Chase, Levi and Lewis and Isaac and Israel.” Are
they even the right names? I bring my thumb to my mouth and nibble the side of it, staring at the little guys whilst
racking my brain.

There are groans all around. “Three out of six,” Carrie laughs.

Three. I thought I was going to do better than that. “Well, I’ve been driving for four hours straight and I haven’t
even had a beer yet. You’ve got to let a man off.”

Carrie’s expression softens, and she stands and pulls me into a hug. “You can have a big bowl of tiramisu,” she
whispers. “Just don’t tell the rest of these men.”

“What was that?” Ethan asks his wife.

“None of your beeswax,” Carrie laughs.

“So, who did I get wrong?” I ask. Three little hands shoot up. “I’m not Chase, I’m Cole.” “I’m not Levi, I’m Luke.” The
smallest little chap looks too embarrassed to speak and runs towards Katelin. “That’s Isaiah,” she says, smoothing his
hair back. He grins shyly.

“Wow.” I get down onto my knees and grab Abbey for another cuddle. “You guys all need to stop making babies.
Anymore, and we’re going to have to get them to wear badges!”
“That’s actually a good idea,” Bethany says.

Jenna returns from the kitchen with a beer, and I kiss her, so damned grateful for the cool relief.

I settle down into my favorite chair and enjoy spending time with our friends. If there’s one thing I relish about the
holidays, it’s the opportunity to step away from the everyday grind and reconnect with the people I love.

We don’t have enough room for everyone to stay. My mom and Jenna’s dad live around the corner, so they walk
home, still holding onto each other like newlyweds. Although it took them a while to accept our relationship, things
improved when we got married. Even though it’s an unusual family set up, I’m so damned happy that everything
worked out.

Bethany and Katelin take their families to stay in the local motel and only Carrie and her crew bunk in our spare
bedroom. Abbey has the twins on her floor for a sleepover, and Jenna and I finally get some alone time.

I hope she’s ready.


I know that after many years of marriage, it’s unusual to still crave your husband as much as when you first got

As Harrison closes the blinds, dressed only in a pair of night-shorts, I can barely contain myself.

Damn, my husband is fine!

Harrison might not be doing the football workouts that he did when we were in college, but he still manages to
keep himself trim. His chest is ripped with muscle, and his abs are still tight. His powerful thighs are still clear beneath
the fabric of his PJ’s.

But it’s his eyes that get me every time. They find mine and my heart skips. He’s been gone for two weeks, and I’ve
missed his warmth in bed every night.

“You ready for lights out?” he asks. Am I ever? My pussy is aching between my legs. Aching for the cock that started
this whole thing between us.

I remember that day like it happened yesterday. Just one glance through his slightly open bedroom door and I
couldn’t think of anything else. Harrison has many amazing attributes, but his cock is something spectacular. Once I’d
had it inside me once, I knew I couldn’t let him go.

It’s like we’re made for each other.

“Yeah. The kids have actually gone to sleep. I think today was quite tiring for them. And Carrie, Nathan and Ethan
have closed their door.” I raise my eyebrows because I’m pretty certain our spare bed is going to see some action unlike
it’s ever seen before.

“Those three are still all over each other,” Harrison laughs.

I pull back the comforter and slide into our giant bed, reaching for my hand cream. “I think they always will be.
Carrie came so close…” I falter because the thought of my friend’s brush with death is still too much for me to speak
openly about, with tears coming to my eyes.

“They’re making the most of every day,” Harrison says softly. He climbs into bed beside me and watches as I
moisturize my hands; my nightly ritual.

“So, your trip was good?”

“Yeah. I managed to get them to sign up. That’s all I needed to do, but I’ve built a good relationship there too.
That’s important for the long term.”
“That’s good.” Is it strange that I feel a little shy sitting next to my husband in our marital bed? When he’s been
away, there is a sense of unfamiliarity that makes my heart skitter. All the things that are routine between us at this
stage of our relationship feel different when Harrison’s been gone.

“I missed you,” he says softly. “I always do, but this time…” His voice trails off and I understand. We missed our
anniversary, something we’ve never done before. I turn and place my hand against his face.

“I missed you too.” I could tell him I wish he didn’t have to travel with his job, but that wouldn’t be fair. Since his
knee injury, his dream of playing football was dust, and he had to refocus completely. It’s been tough for him to find a
job that pays enough and doesn’t drive him crazy. I don’t want to rain on his parade.

“So, I got you something.” He leans away, grabbing a small gift-bag from the side of the bed. It’s really small and
very upmarket looking. What has he done? He places it in front of me, and when I look up into his eyes, I see so much
excitement dancing there.

“It’s not Christmas yet.” I finger the corded handle, feeling overwhelmed.

“It’s not a Christmas gift. Go on. Open it.”

I tug the bag toward me and find there’s a small blue velvet box inside. My hands are almost shaking by the time I
get the thing open.

Oh, my goodness. It’s an eternity ring. I gasp and Harrison chuckles in that way that sends heat to all my special
places. “You…I can’t believe…it’s beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful,” he says, stroking my hair and tucking it behind my ear while I fumble the ring out of the box and
onto my finger. It fits perfectly.

I throw my arms around his neck, and he hauls me into his lap for a full on bear hug. In his embrace, I feel protected
and loved in the way I always have.

Harrison might have been my annoying stepbrother, but he’s become the best husband any girl could ask for.

“Thank you,” I whisper in his ear.

“That’s okay, Princess. I just wanted you to know that I’m here for all the years we have to come.”

There are no words that I can utter after that, so I kiss him instead. Harrison’s mouth is warm and familiar, his lips
teasing and light at first, then fierce and demanding as his arousal increases. His cock stirs beneath my pussy, and it
becomes rock hard and urgent in seconds. After being together like this so many times, I’m still surprised at how my
body reacts to feeling his arousal and knowing what is coming.

Harrison is a big guy and let’s just say that everything is perfectly in proportion.

His rough hands push the straps of my slip over my shoulders until the fabric drops to my waist and my breasts are
revealed. With hungry eyes, he gazes at them as he did that first night we spent together. “Fuck,” he mutters, using his
thick fingers to caress down over my collarbone and around the fullness, sending shivers across my skin. I want him to
take my nipples between those strong fingers and pinch until my clit is swollen. I want his red-hot mouth to suck on
them until I’m bucking in his lap and begging for more.
And because my body is a book, and Harrison is its author, he does just that.

Shit. My hips move involuntarily, grazing my clit against the rigid length of him as he moans against my breast.

“Hang on,” he says, grasping my wrist as I try to free his cock. “I want to taste you.”

I go to get off his lap but instead, he grabs me and shunts us forward so he’s lying on his back and I’m straddling his
chest. So this is what he wants.

Most of the time, Harrison is totally in control of the sex between us, and believe me, I don’t have any complaints.
But there are days when he seems to need me to take the lead, and this is one of them.

I remember when I first had sex. I was so worried about what I looked like down there and how I smelled and
tasted. Every time my boyfriend put his face between my legs, I’d spend the time worrying about what it was like for
him and not even thinking about what it was like for me.

It’s never been like that with Harrison.

He pats my bottom gently, nudging me forward until I’ve got my knees on either side of his head and my pussy
above his mouth. He grips the fleshy part of me where my hips meet my thighs and inhales deeply. “Fuck yeah,” he
says. “Pull your knickers to one side.”

I do as he asks, and then he urges me to sink down onto his mouth. His tongue finds my clit and flicks it until I’m
rising up, but he tugs me back down possessively. It’s sweet torture the way he devours me, and even though I’m on
top, he still controls it all.

I know he can make me come like this. He’s done it many times before. My knees start to tremble now that I’m
getting so close, but I don’t want it this way. I want to be looking into his eyes and kissing his lips. I want his arms
around me, his strength and presence there for me to appreciate. His hands are strong, but when I take hold of them,
he releases his grip immediately. It’s awkward, but I climb off him, moving down his body until I’m sitting in his lap
again. “I want to come with you inside me,” I tell him and his eyes sparkle as he gives me his sexy one-sided grin.

“You missed my cock, baby?”

I wave my hands over his body. “I missed all of this…this goodness.”

Harrison grins. “There’s a bit more goodness here than there used to be.” He pats his stomach which is still
ridiculously toned but maybe a little less ripped than it used to be, but I won’t indulge him by telling him how amazing
he looks. I’m going to show him just how much I need him.

His cock is like a nightstick in his shorts, and I take it out and stroke it up and down, watching as his eyelids go
heavy. I rise over him and gently probe my labia with the head of him, coating it in my arousal. The heat of it on my clit
takes me closer, but it’s when I notch him at my entrance and push down that I almost explode.

I don’t think I’ll ever tire of how this feels. I know I could never love another man the way I love Harrison. We came
together in an unusual way. Step Siblings to lovers isn’t exactly traditional.

“Baby,” he says, running his hands over my breasts, my stomach, my thighs. He urges my hips down so I can slide
over every slick inch he has to give me, and it’s a lot of inches. When I’m finally down as low as I can be, and he’s
lodged deep inside me, the ache is a familiar pleasure and pain. He stares between us, and the familiar glaze to his
eyes is evident when he witnesses our joining. It’s like he can’t believe my little body could take him so well.

“Now I’m home,” he breathes, and his words bring tears to my eyes.

“You feel so good,” I tell him. “So big and hard.” He loves it when I talk a little dirty, so much that it makes him swell
even more inside me.


“Yeah,” I say. “Big, and hard, and ohhhh.” I tip my head back, squeezing my eyes shut as his thumb grazes a familiar
path over my clit. He’s licked it so it’s slick but still rough in the way that sends me to the edge of brilliant oblivion so

“That’s it, princess. Work those hips. Give it to me.”

And I do. I do. I roll my hips, using everything I have to search for what I’ve been missing so badly, and when I come,
it’s like an exorcism. I flop forward onto Harrison’s chest, and he wraps me up in his big arms while I shake and shudder
against him, my insides gripping his cock so hard he might never be able to withdraw.

He lets me have my moment, and it’s only when my body has stilled that he rolls over me. Bracketed by his
powerful arms, I feel so protected. He drops his head, using his nose to brush the tip of mine, smiling softly as our eyes
meet. “You needed that,” he whispers.

“I saved it all for you,” I tell him.

“You didn’t go solo?”

The surprise in his voice makes me smile. “It’s not as fun.” I pout my bottom lip and he nips it with his teeth.

“No wonder you came like a tidal wave.”

“Now it’s your turn.”

The first roll of his hips in this position makes my eyes roll. I swear he has a cock with some kind of homing instinct
because the slide of it inside me is like nothing else.

“You feel so good,” he says. “So tight, and warm, and slick.”

“You make me so wet,” I say. “Sometimes, when you’re at work, I think about this, and my panties get damp.”

“You should touch yourself,” he says. “Touch yourself and think of my cock.”

“Or you should just stay here and never leave. Become my sex slave.”

He snorts, smiling down at me like I’m the best Christmas present he ever received. “Jenna, how did I get so fucking

I wonder the same thing all the time.

“I love you,” I whisper as he hugs me closer, fusing our bodies and overwhelming me with his weight and strength in
the best possible way.

“I love you too, baby.”

That night, Harrison holds me close to his chest, using his big hand to smooth my hair, and I don’t draw away to
find sleep like I usually would. When he falls asleep, I listen to him breathe, thanking the universe for bringing him back
to me. In the darkness, I hold up my hand and look at the new ring on my finger.


The diamonds sparkle even in the low light and my heart burns brilliantly for the man who’d go to the ends of the
earth for his family.

Eternity sounds like a long time, but it will never be enough for me and Harrison.

I’ll forgive my friends for the trauma of being forced to listen to their reunion sex through the thin walls of their home.
It must be hard for Jenna to be without Harrison for weeks at a time, and I totally get the need for a festive reunion.
Even though I understand it, it still weirds me out.

“Other people have sex, you know,” Ethan laughs, when I try to hold my hands over my ears. He’s sitting to my left
with his reading glasses propped low on his nose, staring at his phone. In a romance novel, he’d be the sexy professor

“That’s how babies are made,” Nathan says from my right. He’s rubbing cream into my legs, which is a job I am more
than happy to do, but he seems to enjoy it.

“I know how babies are made,” I say. “You guys remind me practically every night.”

Ethan snorts, lowering the phone to the comforter and frowning at me. “You sound like you don’t enjoy the

“Oh, she enjoys it alright.” Nathan deeps the massage to my calf and my toes curl.

“She’s enjoying that, for sure.”

My twin husbands have a tendency to talk about me like I’m not in the room, but it’s never in a bad way and
usually hilarious.

“Nathan has magic hands.” I lay back against the pillow and rest my head in my hands, closing my eyes so I can relax
into his touch.

“Only Nathan?” Ethan runs his hand up my hip and under my camisole, his clever fingers finding my nipple and
gently rolling it.

“You have magic fingers too.” His magic fingers move to the other breast, squeezing with perfect pressure.

Nathan mutters an expletive and not for the first time I marvel, once again, at the fact that we’ve been doing this
for years, but they still treat the exploration of my body as though it’s virgin territory, even though we’ve been doing
this for years.

“Are you guys seriously working up to fuck me in Jenna and Harrison’s spare bed?”

“Why do you think Ethan locked the door?” Nathan says.

“So nobody disturbed us while we were changing.”

“Yeah, that wasn’t the reason,” Ethan says.

“I was wondering why you didn’t put on your Christmas PJs.”

This time, both the twins roll their eyes and shake their heads. “Carrie, we love you more than life itself, but we are
never wearing Christmas PJs. E. V. E. R.” Ethan bends over me, lifting my top so he can use his clever tongue to lick my
stiff nipple. He doesn’t stop there though, moving to suck it into his mouth, all while maintaining eye contact. If we
weren’t at a sleepover, I’d be moaning long and loud.

Nathan’s hand drifts up my thigh, no longer content with moisturizing, and now seeking what’s in my panties.

“Fuck,” I mutter, as his finger finds my slick opening and slides upward to find my clit.

“That’s it, baby. Let your legs drop open.”

I don’t waste time knowing what’s coming. Nathan’s clever fingers, followed by Nathan’s clever tongue. I love the
way he licks me, like I’m the sweetest ice-cream and he’s trying to work out my flavor.

As he kneels between my legs, using his hands to push my panties aside, I smile at his concentration. “You know, all
the girls have bought matching PJs for their families. We’re getting together tomorrow to take an awesome group

Even though I didn’t think it would be possible, Nathan loses focus on my pussy. “Awesome group shot of grown
men dressed up like giant babies?”

“Not cool,” Ethan says, sliding down his sleep shorts to reveal a very long, very thick, very hard cock.

“If you’re trying to reassert your manhood in the face of the impending PJ emasculation,” I say, zeroing in on my
favorite body part, “you’re going the right way about it.”

“My manhood is firmly intact,” he says, his tight fist tugging his cock into even longer, even harder proportions. “As
you’re about to find out.”

“I never doubted it,” I laugh.

“That’s good to know.”

As Nathan leans in to lick between my legs, I reach out for Ethan’s manhood, encouraging him to bring it to my lips.
The taste of him is as familiar as my morning coffee, as delicious as the tastiest dessert. The way he moans when I take
him deep is enough to curl my toes, but Nathan’s mouth whispering over my warm pussy just makes everything
sweeter and sharper.

There’s something about the push and pull of sex, the anticipation of your partner’s actions, the familiarity and
surprise that brings us closer. By day, we’re three separate people, connected by love and trust and commitment. But
at night, we become just one being, united in the search for the ultimate pleasure.

“Oh, you look so fucking hot taking my cock,” sexy professor Ethan says, grinning down at me with his glasses still in
place. His eyes drift to where his brother is currently sucking on my clit and I watch in real time as his eyes glaze with
arousal. “Nathan really enjoys doing that,” he says, canting his hips as though he’s imagining working his way into my

I don’t stop to tell him Nathan’s fantastic at it because he already knows. Instead, I suck harder, hollowing my
cheeks and pushing deeper, until his thighs begin to tremble, and his hand is in my hair, trying to slow everything
down. When he pulls his cock from between my lips, there’s an audible popping sound that makes us all laugh.

“I think it’s time to give Harrison and Jenna a run for their money in the noise department.” Ethan slumps onto the
bed with his back resting against the headboard. He pats his lap. “Jump on pretty girl. Let me show you the ride of your

“Yee-haw, cowboy,” I snigger.

“Is Ethan getting bossy?” Nathan asks, wiping his top lip with the back of his hand.

“Something like that,” I say, but I’m already obeying his order.

Even though I’ve been fucking these men for years, it still takes me time to fit everything they’ve got going on inside
me. Just one of them is a snug fit, but I know as soon as Ethan takes this position that he wants both of them in my
pussy at the same time. I remember the first time we did this, I thought they were going to split me open, but instead I
had the craziest orgasm ever. What used to be daunting is now a treat.

I roll my hips, dropping lower and lower with each pass until Ethan is buried deep inside me and my eyes are tightly
closed with concentration. Nathan looms behind me, his hands on my hips, his big body warm and close. “Relax, baby,”
he says, stroking up and down my spine in long, firm strokes, knowing what I need to lose myself between them.

“She’s ready,” Ethan reassures.

“Of course she is.” Nathan lines up his cock alongside his brother’s and pushes, reveling in the slickness and heat
between us.

“Let Nathan in, baby,” Ethan croons, kissing my damp forehead and holding me close against his chest. I soften
under their touch and words, wanting this moment where we’re all joined, needing to feel them fill me.

Being with two men shouldn’t be this easy. Long ago, before I overheard them talking about wanting me, I
remember feeling so conflicted about having feelings for my twin stepbrothers. It seemed so wrong, so forbidden. But
looking back, all of that seems so ridiculous now.

We’re meant to be, like peas and carrots, and steak and fries. They’re my left and my right and I’m the glue that
binds us all.

Nathan moves deeper as Ethan, and I keep still. I pant softly as my body stretches, and Ethan kisses my cheeks,
telling me how beautiful it is that I love them both. And it is beautiful.

The transition between penetration and fucking is seamless. Nathan takes over, moving for us all, grinding my clit
against his brother’s pelvic bone, making my legs twitch with sensation. Ethan groans at the tightness of my pussy,
clamping his eyes shut, furrowing his brow. The pleasure is so extreme it’s hard to find the focus to breathe.

“Oh God,” I groan.

“Carrie,” Nathan responds, kissing the back of my neck while he works my body into a frenzy. My body is liquid heat
and forest fire, slick and open between my men. This is it. The thing that brought us together. The thing that will keep
us burning as bright as the sun.

“I’m…” I can’t get the word coming out of my mouth before it happens. My pussy bears down so tightly that Nathan
pauses his thrusts, moving slower and shallower, soaking up my pleasure. His hand brushes my spine again, as though
he’s soothing a skittish mare.

“Baby,” he whispers.

“Baby,” Ethan repeats.

All my words have been stolen as I tumble into oblivion.

I’m weak limbed and loose brained when Nathan begins to move again, but it doesn’t matter. My body is a vessel
for their pleasure now, and feeling them come together inside me is the ultimate high. Four hands grasp my hips and
waist, two mouths find my skin and suck hard, leaving marks that will take weeks to heal, but I don’t care. They can
mark me forever and I’d take it all.

“Fuck,” Nathan mutters, and I know he’s speaking through gritted teeth because it doesn’t sound like him.

“Give it to her,” Ethan says, with a similar growl to his twin. “Fill her up.”

Nathan groans, seizing inside me, his cock pulsing as he does exactly what his brother ordered, and Ethan isn’t far
behind, taking over and thrusting until he releases too.

The sound of our shared panting is ridiculous, the weight of Nathan overbearing, the heat of Ethan like a raging
furnace. But none of that matters because I’m so damned happy. A bubble of laughter drifts through me, until it
escapes, and I’m laughing and panting and perfectly content.

And just as I’m about to tell them how good they did, there’s a bang on the wall. “Keep it down, you guys,” Harrison
yells and even through the wall, I can tell he’s laughing.

“I guess we got our own back,” Ethan laughs.

“They won’t be able to look at us over breakfast,” I say, cringing even as I find it hilarious.

It’s Christmas morning, and Carrie and Ethan are still sleeping soundly. I slide out of bed to check on the twins. They’re
earlier risers and have been known to get up to mischief when left unattended. The last thing we need to deal with this
morning is a bathroom covered in creams or an entire bag of makeup ruined.

Surprisingly, Abbey, Emma, and Natalie are all still sleeping. I guess they must have stayed up playing and overslept.
I don’t think I’ve ever known a kid sleep after seven am on Christmas morning.

In the kitchen, I find Harrison at the table, sipping on a steaming cup of coffee.

“Happy Christmas, dude.”

“Back at you.” He waves his hand in the direction of the coffee pot. “Fix yourself some coffee. We’re going to need

He’s right. With so many kids between us all, today is going to be filled with the best kind of chaos. I search out a
mug from a high cupboard and fix myself coffee with cream and sugar. Harrison watches me with a smirk. “Are you not
sweet enough already?”

“Don’t knock it until you try it. These days, it’s my only vice.”

“I don’t know.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Sounded like a lot of vice-like behavior coming from your room last

I slump into an oak chair at the kitchen table. “I’ll tell you what. I won’t bring up your sex noises if you don’t bring
up mine.”

“Sounds like a good plan, dude.”

We both sip our drinks in companionable silence. It’s been a while since we met up and the unfamiliarity that time
brings isn’t welcome. Life is busy, but I miss my friend.

“Tell me what’s big in your life right now,” I say.

Harrison raises his eyebrows, studying me like I just asked for the length and girth of his cock. I guess men don’t talk
this way as a rule, but we should.

“You want me to get deep and meaningful?”

“I want to know what’s going on in your life rather than hearing it from Jenna via Carrie.”
He snorts, rubbing his neck again. “I bought Jenna an eternity ring and gave it to her last night.”

“Nice.” I smile at the way sharing even that information seems too much for Harrison.

“It’s nice to finally be in a financial position to give her the ring she deserves.”

“You know Jenna doesn’t care about any of that,” I say. “You give him the man she deserves every day. That’s what

My friend smiles at me and nods. “I think that might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

“Yeah, don’t get fucking used to it.”

“We’ve been trying for another baby,” he says, his eyes focused on the wooden fruit bowl in the middle of the
table. “Since Abbey was a year old.”

“Have you seen a doctor?” I ask.

“Nah. Jenna doesn’t want to. She wants to leave it in the hands of fate.”

“And you?”

“I’m happy with our family as it is. But I’m worried Jenna might regret not giving IVF a chance. I’ve been saving a
little every month in case she changes her mind.”

I think back to the months after Carrie almost lost her life in childbirth and my worry that she might want to risk
having another baby. I dreaded the conversation because there’s no right or wrong option. All I knew was that I didn’t
want Carrie to risk her life. I need her. Ethan needs her. Our children need her. Thankfully, Carrie was pragmatic, too.
We are, and always will be, a family of five, and I’m alright with that.

“I think that Dr. Phil would tell you that communication is key. Why don’t you tell her what you told me, and at
least give her the option?”

Harrison nods and is about to reply when we hear the patter of tiny feet coming down the hall.

“Daddy,” Abbey shouts. “Santa’s come.” She grabs for his hand, leaning her body weight toward the door as if to
pull him in the direction she wants to go. Harrison lumbers to his feet, and the pure happiness on this face is

“Daddy N,” Emma shouts, barreling in behind Abbey. “Santa found us.”

Both my daughters were fretting when we left our house that Santa wouldn’t know where to deliver their presents.
Somehow, Ethan managed to convince them of Santa’s all-knowing magical capabilities, so much so that I heard them
reassuring Katelin’s and Bethany’s kids that everything was going to be fine, even though they were staying in a hotel.

“What’s going on?” Ethan yells from the bottom of the stairs, feigning confusion.

“Santa’s come,” all the girls yell together.

“Did he bring my presents too?” Ethan asks, jogging into the den like an overgrown kid. The real kids trail him,
laughing their heads off, and I shake my head at my twin. Carrie and Jenna appear in the hallway, both bleary-eyed and
with sleep mussed hair. Well, actually, it’s sex mussed.
“Is Ethan being a doofus?” Carrie asks, rolling her eyes.

“Yep,” I say. “But I think the kids appreciate it.”

“Coffee?” Harrison asks, strolling over to his wife and kissing her hard on the mouth.

“Coffee would be awesome,” Jenna says.

I gaze around at us, wondering where all the years have gone. Our days as frivolous college kids are over, but
despite the passing of time, we’re all still the same. My mind drifts to imagining what we’ll be like when our kids are at
college. We might have some gray hair creeping through, and some laughter lines, but underneath we’ll be the same
stupid twenty-somethings who took chances on love and hit the jackpot.

I knew Christmas morning was going to be strange this year. It’s the first time we spent Christmas Eve in a motel, and
the first time we’ve woken as a family away from home during the festive season.

Bryan wasn’t impressed when I insisted on packing a two-foot fake Christmas tree in my suitcase. It’s standing in the
room's corner on a small oak table with all the presents piled beneath it. It’s an odd-looking sight - the presents are
too large and plentiful and the tree too small - but setting it up last night made me feel truly festive.

There are three double beds in this family suite. Isobel is tucked into one with her brothers. Austin and Jason
pushed together the other two as soon as we walked through the door: I couldn’t help but smile at their commitment
to ensuring that we all slept together even when away from home.

A small beam of light has broken through a gap in the thick drapes and has caught the single gold star that I’ve
clipped to the tree, refracting light through the room. It’s absolutely magical and I’m the only one awake to see it.

At least I think I am.

“You want to wake the kids, don’t you?” Austin asks, touching my cheek with the back of his thumb. I twist to face
him, finding him staring at me through long lashes, his bottom lip drawn between his teeth with amusement.

“They never sleep in this late,” I whisper. “I know yesterday was full-on fun, but it’s Christmas morning. They’re
usually awake at four am.”

“And you usually put them back to sleep again.”

“Well, everyone knows Santa doesn’t complete his rounds until six-thirty am.” I wiggle my eyebrows and Austin
throws his arm over me and pulls me closer. His skin is so warm, and he smells of the ocean and summertime. Closing
my eyes, I press light kisses to his shoulder, and he hums contentedly.

“I like it when we wake up first,” he says. “Just a few minutes of alone time before the rest want to steal your

“The rest are awake,” Jason says groggily from behind me. “But have your special time, Bro. It’s all good.”

Austin groans. “Somehow, you manage to make it less fun.”

“Play nice,” I say, even though I know that neither of them means anything bad by what they’re saying. There is only
one of me, and now there are six people who need my attention. I’ve had to accept that I can only spread myself so
thinly, and they’ve had to put some of their needs behind those of our children.

It’s a fine balance, but one I feel we’ve managed pretty well.
Bryan groans himself away on the other side of Jason. They take turns on who gets to sleep directly next to me
without argument. They only came up with a schedule after I told them I wouldn’t keep having the ‘who’s going to sit
in the front seat’ conversation every night and still have sex with them.

“Daddy, why do you make such funny noises?” a little voice peeps.

“I ask myself that same question, honey,” I laugh, propping myself up onto my elbow.

Little Isaiah smiles and stretches just like his poppa, but without the accompanying noises.

“Happy Christmas, Sweetie,” I say.

For a second, he stares at me blankly, then he remembers what day it is and sits up with a start. Isaac follows,
blinking into the darkness. “What’s going on?” he says.

“It’s Christmas.” Isaiah scrambles out from under the comforter and crawls frantically down the big bed toward the

“He came!” he squeals. “Santa came.”

“Of course he came,” Isobel mumbles. “Santa’s magic.”

“Mommy’s magic,” Jason says, kissing the back of my neck. The kids might not appreciate the work it takes to get
Christmas organized, but at least my husbands do.

“Can I open my presents?” Isaac says, already on the floor next to his twin.

“Of course,” I say. “But what do we need to say first?”

“Thank you, Santa,” all three of my kids declare, probably loud enough to wake the people in the next room. I’m not
worried though because any minute, Bethany and her mega-brood will wake up and the hotel will be in chaos!

“Okay then. Let me get my phone so I can take some pictures.”

Isobel is slower to get out of bed and I’m kneeling next to the makeshift tree as she settles next to her brothers. I
snap a cute picture of them in their matching pajamas as Bryan, Austin, and Jason sit up in bed. Bryan has his phone in
his hand.

“Everyone, turn around and pose for a photo with Mommy.”

“But I’m opening presents, Daddy,” Isaiah says, not turning around.

“You can open them after,” Jason says lightly. “You know how much Mommy would love a picture with her babies.”

Isaiah lowers the present he’s holding and looks at me with big, serious eyes. “Okay, Mommy. But just one.”

I nod, but inside my heart is aching and my throat is rope-tight.

My three beautiful children climb onto my knees and Bryan moves to a better position to take the picture. Austin
quickly puts the sidelights on and Jason beams. I smile so happily I fear my cheeks will split.

As Isobel scrambles to her feet, she wraps her arms around my head and kisses my hair. Isaiah and Isaac are too
interested in their presents, but that’s okay. I know I’ll get more kisses later.
I watch their happy faces light up with each gift that’s peeled free of its paper confines, giving thanks that not only
can we afford to make their Christmas dreams come true but also that I’m still around to witness it all.

Looking over to the bed, I find Austin, Jason, and Bryan watching me watching our children. Maybe they’re just
happy I’m happy, but in my heart, I know they’re thinking the same thing.

Every day is such a blessing.

And this Christmas day feels like the greatest blessing of all.

“It’s time to get in the car,” I say, taking hold of Isaiah’s hand before he finds another distraction.

“But I want to play,” he says, staring up at me with an expression like I just stole his cookie.

“I know, Squirt, but Uncle Harrison and Auntie Jenna are expecting us. All your presents will be here when you get

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure.”

“And don’t forget you can choose one to take with you,” Isobel says from the floor where she’s currently putting on
her silver glitter pumps. My girl looks like a Christmas angel dressed up in her silver dress with a silver bow fixing up her
long, shiny hair.

“Which one are you taking?” I ask.

“My baby doll,” she says, pointing to a bundle next to her. A little nose pokes out from a fluffy, pink blanket.

“She’s sure wrapped up snug,” I smile.

“It’s cold outside, Daddy. I have to make sure she keeps warm.”

“Of course you do.”

Katelin appears from the bathroom in a black ribbed turtleneck, black satin skirt and long suede heeled boots. She’s
painted her lips red, and at her ears are the diamond earrings me and my brothers chose for her main Christmas gift.
Even after years together, she still takes my breath away. In fact, the years just make the ache in my chest even

There was a time when I got lost in wondering how long we’d have together. Katelin went through so much and we
were all grateful when she got the all clear. But none of us is ignorant to the potential risk she’s going to live with for
the rest of her life.

Katelin found a way to put worry aside. She’s that kind of woman. Her no nonsense approach to everything is one
of the things that attracted me to her in the first place. But the thing about loving someone so hard is that often, you
worry about them more than they worry for themselves.

At least I have my brothers to share the burden with. Between us, we talk when we need to, and keep our concerns
away from Katelin. She gets to have a normal life and enjoy our children. She deserves no less.
“You look gorgeous,” I say.

“Perfection,” Jason agrees.

“A goddess,” Bryan adds.

“Mommy, you’re so pretty,” Isaac says, his big green eyes wide as saucers.

She bends to straighten his jumper and pepper his face with gentle kisses. “Thank you, sweetie.” She bends and
lowers her tone. “You look pretty good yourself.”

When he puffs out his little chest, I have to blow out a breath.

“Can I hold your hand?” Katelin asks.

“Sure, Mommy. I’m taking my dinosaur.”

“Good choice.” Katelin straightens and smooths her skirt before taking Isaac’s chubby hand.

“I’ve got Issy,” Bryan says.

“I guess that leaves me in charge of carrying all the bags?” Jason grimaces at the pile of things Katelin deems
necessary for an afternoon at Harrison’s house. Like they don’t have a kid and everything we could require under their
own roof.

“You snooze you lose,” I say as my twin loads both his shoulders with bag straps and then fills his arms with the box
of food and drink Katelin has bought as our contribution to the day.

“Ready to go?” Bryan asks.

My eyes drift over our strange but perfect family, at our children who are such a perfect blend of all of us, at my
brothers who make my life better every day, and at the woman who is the center of our universe.

This time of year, over all others, makes me thankful for how far we’ve come, and pray for many more steps in our
journey to come.

“I think I need to sleep,” Liam says, throwing his arm around me and snuggling closer on Harrison’s super comfy

“This couch is perfect for that,” Harrison says, but then his eyes drift over the other eight people currently crowded
on and he shrugs. “At least, it is when it’s just me and Jenna around.”

“Anyway, it’s too early to be sleepy,” I tell Liam. “Have a cup of coffee or a shot of something. We’ve got games to
play, and we haven’t cut the cake yet.”

I glance over at the dining table, checking the children haven’t attacked my four tier winter spectacular cake. With
its white frosting and fondant, trees and winter animals, not to mention a sugar lake, it took me the best part of three
days to complete. It’s a miracle we transported it here in one piece and If I don’t get at least one festive group picture
around it, I’m going to cry.

“That cake is something else,” Carrie says. “You really have broken all the records for confectionery awesomeness.”

“You should have seen the wedding cake she made last week,” Liam says. “It brought tears to my eyes.”

“Big softie,” I say, kissing my husband’s stubbly jaw.

“Big girl more like,” Bryan says.

Katelin shoots him a withering look, adjusting little Isaac on her knee. “Ignore my husband. He’s pretending he
doesn’t have a sensitive side, but as you can see, he really does.”

We all focus on sleeping Isaiah, who’s cradled in Bryan’s arms. “Don’t tell everyone,” Bryan frowns with mock anger.

“So, who’s down for a game of beer pong?” Jenna asks. “We can shift the cake and set up on the dining table.”

Callum’s eyes meet mine, and he’s instantly aware of my feelings. “Tell you what,” he says quickly. “Let’s set up a
group picture with the cake and when we’ve done that, we can risk moving it.”

Jenna looks between us. “Okay. That sounds great.”

I forgive my friend’s lack of understanding about cake. She wasn’t present for the early disaster in my baking career
when one of my first four tier cakes collapsed just before it was going to be delivered. To say I almost had a heart
attack wouldn’t be an overstatement.

“Come on then, everyone,” Ryan says, always the organizer. “Kids. Time for photos.”

“What shall I do about Isaiah?” Bryan asks.

“Hold him for the photo. It’ll be a cute memory,” Katelin says. “Poor baby has been worn out by food and fun.”

“I didn’t know my Christmas lunch was capable of such things,” Jenna grins.

“If we weren’t all concerned with being polite, we’d all be nodding off right now.” Matty pats his belly and I shake
my head. It must be good genes because all my husbands have kept trim. I glance down at my own body, which has
borne six children in four pregnancies. There is a lot about it that differs from when I first met my men. Stretch marks
are inevitable in twin pregnancies, and loose skin is the gift that gets left behind after. My hips have widened, and my
breasts are fuller and need a whole lot more support than they used to. I could feel bad about the changes, but
Callum, Liam, Matty and Ryan have never made me feel anything less than a goddess. In fact, they worship my body
even more because of what it’s given them. A family. A life filled with joy. A future to look forward to.

Liam is first to rise from the sofa and he holds out a hand to me, which I gratefully accept. “Molly. Rachel.” I wave
my daughters over and they scramble up from the floor and crowd our legs.

Harrison finds Abbey, and Matty rounds up the rest of the children.

Ryan finds his tripod selfie stick and sets up his phone to capture the moment. It’s not a easy group to photograph.
The children are too amped up from sugar and fun to stand still. The ten men in our group are all so broad and tall
that fitting them into one frame seems like an impossibility. Jenna, Carrie and Katelin are so focused on getting the kids
to stand still they aren’t looking at the camera. Ryan is patient for so long before he loses it.

“Listen, you guys. All we need to do is stand still for ten seconds. Kids, think of it as musical statues. And when
we’re done, you get to eat some of that delicious cake behind you. Three, two one, the music has stopped.” He sets the
timer and makes the quick dash to my side, wrapping his arm around my middle.

“Make sure you’re all still and smiling,” he says through his grinning teeth.

When the shutter clicks, everyone relaxes in a collective sigh.

“Hang on a minute,” Ryan says. “Before you move, let me check the picture.”

“I’m sure it’s fine,” Matty, his twin, reassures.

Ryan squints at the screen and rolls his eyes. “The kids all look like they're constipated, and Rachel has her eyes

“I think it’s the best we’re going to get,” I conceded. “And I’m sure there’s an app to fix her eyes.”

“There is,” Katelin says. “I can do it for you if you send it to me.”

Jenna produces a knife and plates from a side unit. “You can do the honors,” she says, eyeing the cake. “Just looking
at it makes me panic.”

“There’s an art to cutting these tall cakes,” I say.

“She provides a leaflet for her customers,” Liam says.

“Well, it helps them get the portion sizes right and that way, no one complains that the cake is too small.”

“People do that?” Harrison asks, happily accepting the first slice of white chocolate cake.
“You’d be amazed what people try.” Ryan tries to sneak the next plate, but I hand it to Jenna.

“The hosts get the first plates,” I say. “Where’s Abbey?”

“I’m here, Auntie Beth.”

“Here’s yours, sweetie. I gave you a penguin.”

“I don’t want to eat him,” she says seriously. “He’s too cute. Maybe I’ll feed him some cake.”

She totters off with her plate carefully balanced in her chubby hands.

I carefully cut twenty-five pieces of cake, marveling at how big our families have become. Not so long ago, we were
all stumbling around on our own, looking for love, and now here we are, united by it.

“This is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten,” Nathan groans, his eyes rolling.

Carrie swats him on the shoulder. “Seriously, dude. I’m right here.”

“TMI,” Jenna screws her face up in disgust. “It was bad enough listening to you guys last night, let alone having to
think about it while I’m eating cake.”

Carrie doubles over laughing. “You know, I was talking about my cooking, but I see where your mind lives.”

For the first time ever, I witness Jenna blush.

This is what Christmas is all about. Fun and laughter with friends and family.

I’m so blessed to have found so much love.


Beer pong is a game I last played in college, and I don’t remember if I was any good at it because I’d always end up so

“So, I don’t get it. Are we filling the cups with beer?” I ask Jenna.

“No,” she says, her eyebrows shooting up. “What kind of party do you think this is?”

“I know what kind of party he wishes it was,” Harrison says, throwing his arm around my shoulder and slapping me
on the back hard.

“My days of waking up next to the toilet are truly over,” I admit, relieved.

Jenna shakes a bag of candy. “This is a kid friendly version, with prizes for the winners.”

“You can have a beer for your prize, if you like,” Harrison offers.

“Another beer and Callum will be snoring on your couch.” Bethany steps forward to place the red plastic cups on
the table in a triangle formation. Katelin appears with a bottle of water and begins to decant into each cup.

“I’m glad to hear you have so much faith in me,” I say. “I’m the designated driver.”

“Oh yeah,” Bethany laughs, her cheeks pink and feet a little unsteady from the three glasses of wine she’s drunk.

“Maybe you need to have a rest on the couch,” I say, arching my brow. She waves me away like I’m an idiot for even
suggesting it.

“I’m a master of beer pong,” Matty says, holding the small white plastic ball, squinting one eye and practicing his

“There are other more impressive claims to fame,” Ryan, his twin, says.

“You can be on the other team, then.” Matty nods at the other end of the table and Ryan doesn’t object.

When the table is almost covered with half-filled plastic cups, Jenna rounds up the kids yet again. Most of them will
need to stand on a chair to even see over the table, but I guess that’s part of the fun. Abbey is up first, and she
bounces the ball, landing it into the cup at the far corner. She squeals with glee and jumps up and down on the chair
so vigorously that Harrison grabs hold of her. “Well done, baby,” he says. “You got one.”

“Of course, I did, Daddy. I’ve been practicing.”

We all face Jenna, who shrugs. “What? Harrison’s been away for two weeks. We had a lot of time on our hands.”
“Looks like you have a rival,” Ryan tells Matty.

“It’s all good,” he replies, helping his daughter Molly onto the chair opposite Abbey’s. “Here’s the ball, sweeties. See
if you can get it into a cup.”

She wrinkles her little button nose and bounces the ball so wide that it spins sideways from the table. Her little
shoulders droop, but Matty kisses her cheek. “You did good,” he whispers softly. “It takes practice, and you get to have
more goes, okay?”

“Okay.” She plops onto her bottom and slides off the chair ready for whoever is going next, and I’m so proud of my
brother and the way he parents Molly and all of our children with patience and kindness.

The game continues, with Matty and Ryan facing off each time. It’s odd to see them as rivals when they’re unusually
close. Odd but hilarious.

“I think we should just leave them to it,” I say to Liam, who’s standing next to me.

“Sounds like a good idea.”

“Can I get that beer now?” I ask Harrison.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

Matty wins in the end, with a little help from Molly, who manages with practice to eliminate two cups. Jenna hands
around the candy and we all migrate back to the den. The kids watch a Christmas movie and the rest of us talk about
what’s changed since the last time we were together.

I notice Jenna seems distracted but put it down to the fact that she’s hosting and probably has a whole head full of
details stealing her attention. When there’s a natural break in conversation, she slides forward on the couch. “I have
some news,” she says softly.

“You do?” Harrison frowns at his wife in a curious way. I guess he’s as in the dark about this news as we are.

“I do.” She fumbles around in the pocket of her sweater and pulls out something that’s mostly concealed in her fist.
Placing it on the table in front of Harrison, we all stare at the white stick she’s revealed.

Harrison leans in as though he’s not really taking in the pregnancy test in front of him. His eyes flick to Jenna and
then back to the stick. “This is a pregnancy test.”

“Yes.” She calmly watches him struggle to comprehend what she’s telling him, and around the room, we all smile at
the unfolding moment of happiness.

“You’re pregnant?” he says, his eyes filled with hope and wonder.

“Nine weeks,” she says.

Harrison’s focus returns to the stick and he reaches out to touch it so gently, it’s almost as though the baby has just
appeared in front of him. Then he pulls Jenna into the fiercest hug, and we all erupt into congratulations.

Harrison is a big guy and I’ve never seen him cry before, but his eyes are watery as he pulls away. Jenna is beaming,
and kisses him on the cheek, smoothing away a single tear that’s escaped his eyes.

“Congratulations,” I say, knowing how long they’ve waited for this moment. It’s never been a secret that they’ve had
issues with having a family and I’m so happy that they’re going to be blessed a second time around. “Well, if that isn’t
the perfect way to round off a Christmas celebration, I don’t know what is,” I add.

“This time next year, there will be twenty-six of us.” Bethany claps her hands with excitement.

“There’s still time to make that number higher,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

“Down boy,” she snaps. “The oven is closed for good.”

“I guess it won’t be us,” I laugh, totally understanding my wife’s perspective.

“Or us,” Carrie says, looking over at her daughters wistfully.

“Or us,” Katelin says with absolute certainty.

“Well, twenty-six is a pretty good number,” Harrison says, wiping his face with his palms, still lost in the moment's

I grab my glass from the table and hold it up. “To friends and family, and the blessings of Christmas.”

Everyone with a glass repeats my toast back and we all drink to the contentment we have at this moment.

Who knows what life will bring in the next twelve months? All we can do is live each day the best we can. Love our
families and friends and hope for many more days in the future.

“Happy Christmas, everyone,” Abbey says, holding up a beaker of apple juice.

“Happy Christmas,” we all reply.

It really has been the best one ever.

Keep reading for an excerpt of HUGE 3D, the next reverse harem romance in the bestselling Huge Series.

Everyone calls them the 3D brothers.
Dane, Dylan, and Drew are triplets. It’s almost impossible to tell them apart.
Dark. Daring. Defined. They leave me dazed.
The other D’s I hear whispered on the wind are what make me hotter than a BBQ in Satan’s backyard. Devilish.
Depraved. Deviant.
I’ve heard the whispers about the size of things I should know nothing about. I’ve seen them walking around my
house in boxers, and I get the feeling the rumors are true. I know I shouldn’t be thinking about what they’re packing in
their pants. They’re my stepbrothers for goodness sake, but I can’t help myself.
Their midnight-eyes hint at dangerous pleasures.
Dangerous because I know they like to share, and taking part in that kind of thing can get a girl a reputation that
she can’t ever escape from.
Dangerous because I have a feeling that once you get touched by the 3D brothers, you will be ruined for any other
man who comes after.
Dangerous because my mom has finally found a man she can trust- Dane, Dylan, and Drew’s father- and I can’t risk
messing it up for her.
Or can I?

"It must be pure torture." The smirk on Falon's face is enough to make me want to slap it right off her.
Jordan slaps his thigh, already pretty hammered from his three strawberry margaritas. "Look at the girl blush! She
looks like a damn tomato, Falon!
She's the color of my margarita!"
I flip them both off, the bass thrumming deep in my body as I slide off the barstool. "Just because you two fantasize
about fucking them doesn't mean I do. I'm practically like their little sister."
I glance across the dance floor at the Red Devil, where we decided to hang out tonight, and find myself unable to
tear my gaze away from them.
The 3D Brothers. Dane, Dylan, and Drew Mason. Did I mention they're sort of like my brothers?
Dane is high-fiving Drew over Dylan's head, the three of them flashing their matching million-watt smiles at the
group of cheerleaders draped all around them with their eyes all glazed over. I know I shouldn't be jealous, I mean, it's
not like anything could ever happen between me and, well, any one of the boys. Mom's been dating their dad, Richard
Mason, for a while now. The goofy look on her face is enough to keep me in my own lane. After the way Dad treated us
—cheating on Mom and then happy to leave us behind to play house with his new love—I don't dare screw anything
up for her. She's happy again, and that makes me happy.
It's just that… it's hard not to imagine what being passed around between the three brothers would be like. They
like that, you see.
The thought makes me shiver.
"Milly. Earth to Milly! See, Jordan? I told you she's full of shit," Falon says, teasing me as she swirls her straw around
in her mojito. "Face the facts, girl. You're totally eye-fucking them right now."
"No way," I say, putting my hands on my hips. "I don't get what everyone sees in them, anyway. They're just three
brainless jocks with their own fan club. It's kinda ridiculous if you ask me." I shrug, and Falon and Jordan both shake
their heads at me before Jordan points out a cute dude in his sociology class. My mind slips from the conversation a
little and settles into watching the 3Ds from afar, slowly sipping on my own beer as they carry on laughing and nudging
each other in front of the handful of girls and a few stupid jock friends from school.
It's like I'm completely fucking invisible over here. Neither Dane, Dylan, or Drew seem to know I even exist. They
probably didn't realize I came in, what with their raving fans and all.
I'm so deep in my own head that it takes me a moment to realize that someone is standing right in front of my face.
I don't know how long the guy's been there, but there's an expectant look on his face, and I'm not sure I want to find
out why.
"Howdy," he says, tipping his head at me. "You wanna dance?" He juts his thumb toward the dance floor in the
middle of the bar. I take in his sloppy appearance—the guy's easily in his late forties and drunk as hell—and slowly
shake my head.
The expectancy changes to something resembling confusion. "' Scuse me?"
Dammit, I really didn't want to have to deal with some old drunk dude tonight… "I'm not really in the dancing
mood," I explain. "I'm sorry."
For some reason, the guy thinks it's okay to lean in toward me, whiskey thick on his heavy breath. "Are you turning
me down, baby?"
Both Falon and Jordan turn back to me, and I can feel their glares.
"I'm not your baby," I reply coolly.
A muscle twitches in the guy's face, and he exhales, the stink of it hitting me square in the face. If he wasn't a total
dick, maybe I'd offer the guy a mint or two. "You got a nasty little attitude, you know that? Bitches like you think they
can talk to people however the hell they feel like it, no consequences or nothin'."
Their presence is known before he even gets a chance to turn around. All three of them are standing there with
their thick corded arms folded over their broad chests, essentially blockading the guy in. He's not too much shorter
than them, but he realizes in an instant that he's no match.
"I don't suppose you want to take a hike, asshole?" Drew says, tilting his head to the side, his dark eyes piercing.
The man eagerly throws his hands up, not even able to stare them down. "Look, I don't want any trouble, okay? I
was just leaving…"
"Damn right, you were," Dylan mumbles, moving aside for the man to leave without another word. All three of
them share a quick glance before looking down at me on my barstool.
Anger boils up inside of me, threatening to spill over. "What the hell was that all about? I totally had it covered!" I
say, furious that they had the nerve to try and step in to save the day. Leave it to the fucking Masons to act like knights
on white horses.
"Really? Because it looked to me like he was being a douchebag to you," Drew says, smirking, his dimple visible even
in the dim bar. Goddammit, why did they have to be so damn sexy?
"I'm leaving," I mutter to my friends before they have a chance to say anything, grabbing my purse and throwing it
over my shoulder before I storm out of the place.
I stick my hand out at the curb, trying to hail one of the yellow taxis whizzing by, but someone pulls it down gently
and ducks out of the way before I nearly smack them.
"Stop following me!" I shriek, staring up at Dane, who's leveling me with a patient look.
"We can't just let you go like that. At least let us come with you. Dad would kill us if we didn't."
I sigh, watching as one of the taxis slows to a stop in front of us right as Dylan and Drew catch up. "Fine. Whatever."
I yank open the door to the cab, glaring over my shoulder at the three of them before sliding in.
Dane hops into the front passenger seat while Dylan and Drew sit on either side of me, wearing matching amused
grins. I try to pretend I don't notice how close they're pressed against me by scowling, but judging by the way they're
both refusing to ditch the smiles, I'm not sure I'm doing the greatest job.
It's a warm night, and I silently thank god when the guys roll down their windows, the cool breeze whipping my dark
hair all around my face, and even ruffling Drew and Dane's longer, shaggier hair. Dylan shaves his head but keeps the
sexy scruff on his face—not that I notice or anything…
When we finally make it back to the house, I storm off to my room, slamming the door behind me for good
measure, but truthfully, it's not because I'm still angry with them. I mean, I sorta am, but it's more because I couldn't
stand the thought of being pressed between Dylan and Drew any longer without needing my own personal break.
Downstairs, I hear the back door fly open and three heavy pairs of footsteps leading out to the pool deck. Cracking
open the window, I get a clear view of the three of them stripping down to their boxers, their pants hanging on the
deck railing before they hop into the lit-up pool.
My breath catches in my throat, and it's all I can do to keep my hand out of my underwear as I watch them
swimming around, tag-teaming each other by way of dunking.
I'm close enough to just barely make out snippets of their loud conversation over the water splashing. I lean in,
ducking down, so they don't see me and listen, biting my lip.
"I don't know, man. She's so outside of our usual," one of them, maybe Dylan, says.
"That's what makes it so much better. God, she fucking drives me crazy. How many times have we had this
"Yeah, I know what you mean. It doesn't help that we have to see her all the time. Did you see what she was
wearing? God. Damn!"
The three of them start whooping and laughing even louder, and I sink down all the way to the floor, jealousy
running right through me.
Whoever this girl is that drove all three of the Mason boys crazy is one lucky bitch. I fucking hate her already.


Have you read the books in the Amazon Bestselling Huge Series?



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Have you read books in the Multiple Love Series?

BIG 3 | HOT 4 | HARD 5 | DEEP 6 | STEEL 7 | INKED 8 | CLOUD 9 | 10 INCHES

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International bestselling author Stephanie Brother writes high heat love stories with a hint of the forbidden. Since
2015, she’s been bringing to life handsome, flawed heroes who know how to treat their women. If you enjoy stories
involving multiple lovers, including twins, triplets, stepbrothers, and their friends, you’re in the right place. When it
comes to books and men, Stephanie truly believes it’s the more, the merrier.

She spends most of her day typing, drinking coffee, and interacting with readers.

Her books have been translated into German, French, and Spanish, and she has hit the Amazon bestseller list in seven

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Ces trieuves acordées et jurées à tenir le terme de deus ans tant
seullement, li cardinaus de Boulongne retourna à Amiens deviers le
roi de France. Et li rois d’Engleterre ordonna ses besongnes et s’en
retourna en Engleterre, et i remena la roine sa fenme et tous lors
enfans et lor estat, dames et damoiselles, et ne laissièrent nului
derrière; et ordonna à demorer en Calais et à estre chapitainne un
chevalier lombart, lequel on nonmoit mesire Ameri de Pavie. Et estoit
li dis chevaliers très grandement en la grace et amour dou dit roi, car
il l’avoit servi un lonch temps. Et bien se confioit li rois en li, qant il li
bailloit en garde le jeuiel ou monde à ce jour que il amoit le mieuls:
c’estoit la ville et le castiel de Calais. Se l’en deubt estre priès
mesvenu, ensi que vous orés recorder en l’istore. Fos 145 vº et 146.
P. 65, l. 16: Or.... anuis.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 15 à 17: Or m’est advis
que c’est grand advis. Fº 171.—Mss. A 7 à 10, 18, 19: Or m’est avis
que c’est grant avis. Fº 151.—Mss. A 11 à 14: Or m’est advis que
c’est grant avis. Fº 159 vº.—Mss. A 20 à 22: Or me samble que c’est
grant annuy. Fº 249 vº.—Mss. A 23 à 33: Or m’est avis que c’estoit
grant pitié. Fº 185 vº.
P. 65, l. 28: Saint Omer.—Ms. B 6: Et en Flandres et en Artois et
en Boulenois et aultre part. Les aucuns les plaindoient et les autres
non, car en devant le siège le ville de Calais avoit le renommée de
tous cheulx qui le congnoissoient et antoient, que c’estoit l’eune des
villes du monde le plus plaine de pechiés, où le plus de roberies et
de choses mal acquises demoroient et convertisoient. Sy disoient les
aulcuns qui les congnoissoient que Dieu les avoit paiiet seloncq leur
deserte, car à paine povoient nulz gens aller par mer, s’il n’estoient
trop bien acompaigniés, qui passoient devant le havre qu’il ne
fussent mourdris ou desrobés. Et pour che les haioit le roy englès.
Fº 408.
P. 66, l. 4: Boulongne.—Les mss. A 1 à 6, 11 à 14, 18 à 22
ajoutent: son cousin. Fº 171.
P. 66, l. 5: legation.—Ms. B 6: Tant alèrent (les deux cardinaux) de
l’un à l’autre que unes trièvez furent prisez entre les deux rois et leur
gens, et devoit durer jusques à le Saint Jehan Baptiste qui seroit l’an
de grace mil trois cens quarante huit. Fº 409.
P. 66, l. 10: l’autre.—Ms. A 29: Quant la dame eut esté un mois en
gesine en la ville de Calais.
P. 66, l. 21 et 22: quatre cens.—Mss. A 1 à 14, 18 à 33: trois cens.
Fº 171 vº.
P. 66, l. 24: si grandes.—Ms. A 29: que plusieurs beaux et bons
mesnages s’y vindrent amasser voulontiers.

§ 315. P. 67, l. 12: Toute.—Ms. de Rome: Quoi que les trieuves

fuissent bien tenues entre le roi de France et le roi d’Engleterre, tant
que de lors personnes et de ceuls où lors poissances et semonces
et conmandemens se pooient estendre, se conmençoient jà à courir
pluisseurs enventureus brigans et pillars ens ès lontainnes marces
de France, ens ès lieus où il sentoient les chevaliers foibles et non
fait de la guerre, et prendoient lors villes et lors castiaus; car il se
quelloient ensamble une qantité de tels gens d’armes, alemans ou
autres, qui sus l’ombre de la guerre faisoient lors fais et lors
emprises, et ne lor aloit nuls au devant. Et voloient bien li auqun dire
que il estoient porté couvertement et souffert des officiiers dou roi et
des chevaliers et esquiers dou pais où il conversoient, et que chil
estoient participant à lors butins et pillages. Dont je vous di que,
depuis toutes tels coses et apertises d’armes, furent, parmi le
roiaulme de France, escoles de toutes iniquités et mauvestés; car
trop fort se moutepliièrent, par le laisseur et amplèce que il orent de
conmencement, ensi que vous orés recorder avant en l’istore.
Il i eut un brigant pillart, et croi que il fu alemans, qui trop fort
resgna en Limosin et en la Lange d’Oc, lequel on nonmoit Bacon.
Chils avoit aultres brigans desous lui, et le tenoient à mestre et à
capitainne, pour tant que il estoit le pieur de tous les aultres et li plus
outrageus, et bien les paioit de mois en mois, et fu trop malement
apers et soubtieus à embler et esqieler villes et forterèces. Et
cevauçoient, tels fois estoit, ils et ses compagnons, vint ou trente
lieues de nuit par voies couvertes, et venoient, sus le point de un
ajournement, là où il voloient estre, et esqielloient le lieu où il avoient
jeté et asis leur visée; et qant il estoient dedens une ville, ils
boutoient le feu en cinq ou en siis maisons. Les gens de celi ville
estoient esbahi et gerpisoient tout et s’enfuioient. Et chil pillart
ronpoient cofres et escrins et prendoient ce que de bon il trouvoient
dedens, et aussi des plus rices honmes à prisonniers, et les
rançonnoient. Et vendoient les villes que pris avoient as honmes dou
pais et à ceuls meismes lesquels boutés hors il en avoient, et en
prendoient grant argent, selonch ce que il se pooient composer. Et
par tels cas asamblèrent chil pillart trop malement grant finance. Et
prist chils Bacons la ville de Dousenach en Limosin et le pilla toute,
et encores le vendi ilss en deniers apparilliés, qant il s’en departi,
diis mille esqus.
Apriès, chils Bacons et ses gens prisent le ville et le chastiel de
Comborne et le visconte et la contesse et lors enfans dedens, et les
rançonna à vingt quatre mille esqus et retint le chastiel et trouva
cautelle et action de guerrier le pais, pour tant que chils viscontes de
Comborne s’estoit armés pour la contesse de Montfort, car chils
Bacons estoit de la partie à la fenme mesire Carle de Blois. En la fin
il vendi le chastiel au roi de France, et en ot en deniers tous
apparilliés vingt quatre [mille] esqus, mais on les fist paiier le plat
pais. Et fist chils viscontes de Conbourne sa paix au roi de France.
Et li rois volt avoir ce Bacon dalés li, et fu wisiers d’armes dou roi et
bien en la grace dou roi Phelippe et dou roi Jehan, et tous jours bien
montés de coursiers, de roncins et de hagenées; et avoit assés
grant finance d’or et d’argent, et demora en bon estat tant que il
vesqui. Fº 146.
P. 67, l. 30 et 31: gaegnoient.—Ms. B 3: pauvres gens de guerre
et brigans. Fº 151 vº.
P. 68, l. 5: quarante mil.—Mss. A 8 à 10, 15 à 17: soixante mil.
Fº 151 vº.
P. 68, l. 5: escus.—Ms. B 6: florins. Fº 411.
P. 68, l. 9: s’assembloient.—Ms. B 6: trente brigans ou quarante.
Fº 411.
P. 68, l. 13: maison.—Les mss. A 1 à 6, 11 à 14, 16 à 22 ajoutent:
ou en deux. Fº 172.
P. 68, l. 19: Donsonak.—Mss. A 1 à 7, 11 à 14, 23 à 29:
Donsenok, Dousenok. Fº 172.—Mss. A 8 à 10: Donsenac. Fº 151 vº.
—Mss. A 15 à 17: Dondenach. Fº 169.—Mss. A 18, 19: Dousenach.
Fº 176.—Mss. A 20 à 22: Donzenork. Fº 242.—Mss. A 30 à 33:
Dousenos. Fº 199 vº.—Ms. B 3: Donzenac. Fº 151 vº.—Ms. B 4:
Dousenak. Fº 142.
P. 68, l. 24: Combourne.—Mss. A 18, 19: Comborn. Fº 176.—Ms.
A 7: Coubourne. Fº 162.—Ms. B 3: Combort. Fº 151 vº.
P. 68, l. 24: en Limozin.—Ms. B 6: assés près de Limoges. Fº 412.
P. 68, l. 27: prisent.—Ms. B 6: sur son lit. Fº 412.
P. 68, l. 28: appelloit.—Mss. A 29: monseigneur Jehan.
P. 68, l. 31 et 32: vingt quatre.—Ms. B 6: vingt trois. Fº 412.
P. 69, l. 4: vingt mil.—Mss. A 20 à 22 et B 6: trente mille. Fº 242.
P. 69, l. 4 et 5: au roy de France.—Mss. A 20 à 22: au dit roy
P. 69, l. 6: Bacons.—Ms. B 6: Bachons. Fº 412.—Mss. A 1 à 14:
Bacon. Fº 172.—Mss. A 15 à 17: Guillaume Bacon Fº 168.
P. 69, l. 10: vesqui.—Les mss. A 20 à 22 ajoutent: en ce monde.
Fº 242.

§ 316. P. 69, l. 11: En.—Ms. de Rome: Parellement et de ce temps

ot un homme d’armes, en Bretagne, alemant que l’on clama Crokart,
liquels avoit esté en son commencement uns varlès au signeur
d’Ercle en Hollandes, mais il se porta si bien ens ès guerres de
Bretagne par prises de villes et de chastiaus et des racas fais et de
raençons de gentils hommes que, qant il ot assés menet celle ruse
et il fu tanés de guerriier et de mal faire, il raporta la finance de
soissante mille viés esqus. Et fu chils Crokars uns des chiaus qui
furent armé avoecques les Englois en la bataille des Trente, et fu
tous li mieudres de son costé; et i acquist tel grace que li rois Jehans
de France li manda que, se il voloit relenqir les Englois et devenir
François, il le feroit chevalier et li donroit fenme et mille esqus de
revenue par an. Il refusa à ce.
Chils Crokars vint en Hollandes en grant estat, et pour ce que il
vei que li signeur qui le congnissoient, n’en faisoient point de
compte, il retourna en Bretagne, en ce temps que li dus de
Lancastre, Henris qui chi desus est nonmés contes Derbi, seoit à
siège devant la chité de Rennes. Li dus li fist grant chière et le retint
de son hostel à douse chevaus, et avint de Crokart ce que je vous
en dirai.
Une fois, il cevauçoit un coursier, liquels li avoit cousté trois cens
esqus, et l’avoit tout nouviel et le volt asaiier pour veoir et sçavoir
conment il s’en poroit aidier, se il li besongnoit; et ferit ce coursier
des esporons, liquels estoient fors et rades et mal enbouqiés, et vint
asallir un fosset. Li coursiers tresbusça et rompi son mestre le col.
Ensi fina Crokars. Fº 146 vº.
P. 69, l. 11: En tèle.—Mss. A 1 à 14, 18, 19, 30 à 33: En autelle.
Fº 172.—Ms. B 4: En otelle. Fº 142.
P. 69, l. 19: Crokart.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 11 à 14, 18, 19: Crokat.
Fº 172.—Mss. A 8 à 10, 15 à 17, 20 à 33: Croquart. Fº 152.—Mss. A
18, 19: Croquat. Fº 176.—Ms. B 3: Crocart. Fº 151 vº.—Le ms. A 29
ajoute: natif du comté de Flandres.
P. 69, l. 20 et 21: Ercle.—Mss. A 15 à 17: Hercleh. Fº 169 vº.—
Mss. A 20 à 22: Arcles. Fº 242.
P. 69, l. 25: le vasselage.—Mss. A 1 à 17, 11 à 14, 18 à 33: la
prouesce. Fº 172.—Ms. B 3: la vaillantise. Fº 152.
P. 70, l. 2: le fin.—Mss. A 1 à 14, 18 à 22: la finance. Fº 172.
P. 70, l. 3: soissante mil.—Mss. A 15 à 17: cent mille. Fº 169 vº.—
Mss. A 20 à 33: quarante mille. Fº 242 vº.
P. 70, l. 7: Trente.—Ms. B 6: et fu li uns des prins à celle bataille
avoecques les aultres. Fº 414.—Les mss. A 18, 19 ajoutent: contre
Trente. Fº 176 vº.
P. 70, l. 8: li mieudres.—Mss. A 1 à 7, 11 à 14, 18, 19, 23 à 33; le
meilleur combatant. Fº 172.—Mss. A 8 à 10, 15 à 17: le mendre.
Fº 152.—Ms. B 3: le meilleur. Fº 152.
P. 70, l. 16: trois cens.—Mss. A 1 à 6: trois mille. Fº 172 vº.—Ms.
B 3: quatre cens. Fº 152.
P. 70, l. 19: trebucha.—Ms. B 6: Sy se brisa le dit Crokars le
hateriel. Fº 414.
P. 70, l. 21: ensi.—Ms. B 6: Sy brigans monteplyèrent puissedy
tant que maint damaige en avint en pluiseurs marches par le
royalme de Franche. Fº 414.

§ 317. P. 70, l. 22: En ce temps.—Ms. d’Amiens: Celle trieuwe fu

assés bien tenue, mais il avint en celle année que messires Joffrois
de Cargny, qui se tenoit à Saint Omer et à qui durement anuioit, et à
aucuns chevaliers de Picardie, de le prise de Callais, tretièrent tant
deviers monseigneur Ainmeri de Pavie, un chevalier lombart,
cappittaine de Callais, que pour argent il leur eut en couvent de
rendre et livrer Callais, à un certain jour qui mis y fu, parmy vingt mil
escus qu’il en devoient paiier. Or avint que li roys d’Engleterre seut
ce markiet, je ne say comment, et manda à Londrez monseigneur
Ainmeri et l’espoenta bien. Touttesfois, finablement, il li dist qu’il
poursieuvist son marchiet et qu’il seroit à le journée, et parmy tant il
li pardonroit tout son fourfet. Messires Ainmeri, qui cuida bien estre
mors, li eut en couvent et vint de recief à Callais. Fº 98.
—Ms. de Rome: Or retournons à la matère dont je parloie, qant je
conmençai à parler de Bacon et de Crokart. Vous devés sçavoir que
en la ville de Saint Omer se tenoit uns moult vaillans chevaliers
françois, liquels se noumoit mesires Joffrois de Cargni, et croi que il
soit as armes Campegnois. Chils mesires Joffrois estoit en coer trop
grandement courouchiés de la prise et dou conquès de la ville et dou
chastiel de Calais, que les Englois tenoient, et metoit toutes ses
ententes et imaginations au regarder conment il le peuist ravoir, et
sentoit pour ce temps un chapitainne en Calais, qui n’estoit pas trop
haus homs, ne de l’estration d’Engleterre. Si se avisa mesires
Joffroy de Carni que il feroit asaiier au dit chapitainne, qui se
nonmoit mesires Ainmeris de Pavie, se pour argent pronmetre et
donner, il poroit marceander à lui par quoi il peuist avoir Calais. Et se
enclina en ceste pensée le plus, pour tant que mesires Ainmeris
estoit Lombars et de nation estragne; car se il fust Englois ou
Hainnuiers, il ne se fust jamais avanchiés de faire ce que il fist. Et
envoia secretement tretier deviers cel mesire Ainmeri par un
Lombart demorant [à Paris] qui se disoit son cousin.
Ainmeris entendi à ces trettiés et se dissimula trop fort, ensi que il
apparu, car il fist entendant à ce Lombart parisiien que on nonmoit
Ambrosin, que il renderoit Calais as François pour vint mille esqus,
car il estoit tanés de servir le roi d’Engleterre et voloit retourner en
son pais. Et tout che que il disoit, estoit bourde, car jamais ne l’euist
fait; et bien le creoient de ses paroles Ambrosins et mesires Joffrois.
Et furent les coses si aprochies que jours mis et asis que de rendre
et livrer as François le chastiel de Calais, et par le chastiel on
enteroit en la ville. Et de ce se tenoient tout à segur et à conforté
mesires Joffrois et ses consauls. Et s’en vint li dis mesires Joffrois de
Carni à Paris, et remostra ce marchiet et ce trettiet as plus proçains
dou roi. Li auqun le voloient croire et li aultre non; et disoient que ce
estoit une barterie couverte, et que jamais pour vint mille esqus, on
ne retourneroit à avoir Calais. Li aultre disoient, qui desiroient à veoir
le marchiet acompli, que si poroit bien faire. Mesires Joffrois afremoit
les coses si acertes que il en fu creus. Et furent ordonné et delivré
par le tresorier de France li vint mille esqus; et furent envoiiet et
aporté en l’abeie de Saint Bertin à Saint Omer. Messires Joffrois de
Cargni fist une semonse et priière secrète de gens d’armes en
Artois, en Boulenois et là environ; et ne sçavoient nuls encores pour
où c’estoit à aler.
Entrues que mesires Joffrois de Cargni entendoit de grant desir et
volenté au procurer ses besongnes, mesires Ainmeris de Pavie,
d’autre costé, qui les voloit decevoir, monta en mer et vint en
Angleterre. Et trouva le roi à Eltem, et li remostra toute la besongne,
conment elle aloit et demenée elle estoit. Li rois entendi à ces
paroles, qui fu moult esmervilliés de ce, et pensa sus un petit. Et
apella mesire Gautier de Mauni qui pour ces jours estoit dalés li, et
fist à mesire Ainmeri de Pavie recorder toute la marceandise,
conment elle aloit; et en demanda consel, quel cose en estoit bonne
à faire. Mesires Gautiers en respondi son entente et dist: «Sire, li
François folient et abusent trop grandement, qui, en bonnes trieuves
jurées et données, marceandent de vous trahir, et voellent avoir la
ville et le chastiel qui tant vous ont cousté: il ne fait point à souffrir.
Vous m’avés demandé consel et je vous consillerai. Vous envoierés
là à Calais des bonnes gens d’armes assés et par raison, pour
resister à l’encontre des François, et dirés à Ainmeri que il procède
avant en son marchié, et bien se garde que de son lés il n’i ait fraude
ne traison, car vous vos estes confiiés en li et vous confiierés
encores.»—«Gautier, respondi li rois, vous dites bien, et je le ferai
ensi et vous institue à estre souverains de celle armée. Traiiés vous
viers Douvres et celle marce là, et je vous envoierai gens assés.»
Mesires Gautiers de Mauni respondi au roi: «Sire, je le ferai
volentiers.» Puis appella li rois Ainmeri de Pavie et li dist à part: «Je
voel, dist li rois, que tu poursieves ton marchiet. Gautiers de Mauni
retournera avoecques toi, et de tout ce que il te conselle, uses apriès
son consel.» Il respondi et dist: «Volentiers.» Fos 146 vº et 147.
P. 70, l. 22: En ce temps.—Ms. B 6: en l’an de grace mil trois cens
quarante huit. Fº 414.
P. 70, l. 26: touchans.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 8 à 19 ajoutent: fait d’armes.
Fº 172 vº.—Ms. B 3: le fait d’armes. Fº 152.
P. 71, l. 10: convoiteus.—Ms. B 3: ambicieux. Fº 152.
P. 72, l. 2: part.—Ms. A 29: et lui demanda des nouvelles de
Callais: «Chier, sire, respondit le Lombart, je n’y sache que tout
bien.» Adonc il le traict à part, si lui dit: «Tu sçais que pour la grant
fiance que j’ay eu en toy, je t’avoye donné en garde.»
P. 72, l. 3: la riens.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 8 à 22 et B 3: la chose. Fº 173.
—Ms. A 7: la rien. Fº 162 vº.
P. 72, l. 23: se Diex me vaille.—Mss. A 1 à 22: se Dieu me vueille
aidier. Fº 173.
P. 73, l. 4: empensé.—Mss. A 15 à 17, 20 à 22: en pensée.
Fº 170.—Ms. B 3: pensoit. Fº 152 vº.
P. 73, l. 13: monseigneur de Fiennes.—Mss. A 1 à 6: messire
Morel de Fiennes. Fº 173.
P. 73, l. 14: Ribeumont.—Mss. A 20 à 22: Ribeaumont. Fº 243 vº.
P. 73, l. 15: Kreki.—Mss. A 20 à 22: Creci.
P. 73, l. 15: Were.—Mss. A 20 à 22: Ware.
P. 73, l. 16: dou Bos.—Mss. A 7 à 17: du Boys. Fº 163.
P. 73, l. 24: par nuit.—Ce mots manquent dans les mss. A 1 à 6, 8
à 14.—Ms. B 3: à ce jour, de nuyt. Fº 152 vº.

§ 318. P. 73, l. 27: Quant li rois.—Ms. d’Amiens: Li roys

d’Engleterre ne mist mies en oubli ce que faire volloit, mès se bouta
à mil hommez d’armes de nuit secretement en le ville de Callais. Au
jour que li dis messire Ainmeris dubt delivrer le ville de Callais, y
vinrent messires Joffroix de Cargny, messires Moraux de Fiennez,
messires Jehans de Landas, messires Ustasses de Ribeumont,
messires Pepins de Were, messires Henris dou Bos, li sirez de
Kikempoi et pluisseurs autres d’Artois, de Vermendois et de
Picardie, et fissent ung secret mandement. Si furent mis en le ville
de Callais de nuit. Dont saillirent li Englès hors et envaïrent les
Franchois, et les reboutèrent hors de la ville. Et là eut grant bataille
et crueuse, car li Franchois se requeillièrent, qui estoient grant
fuisson. Fº 98.
—Ms. de Rome: Adonc se departirent dou roi d’Engleterre mesires
Ainmeris et mesires Gautiers et vinrent à Douvres, et là passèrent la
mer et vinrent sus un tart à Calais. Depuis envoia li rois d’Engleterre
gens d’armes et archiers d’Exsesses et de Sousexses et de la conté
de Kent viers Douvres et viers Zandvich, et passèrent petit à petit la
mer et se boutèrent couvertement à Calais et tant que la ville en fu
bien pourveue. Et droit sus le point dou darrain jour, de quoi à
l’endemain li marchiés devoit estre livrés à l’entente des François, li
rois d’Engleterre en prope personne vint à Calais, non congneus de
plenté de gens: de quoi mesires Gautiers de Mauni fu moult
esmervilliés qant il le vei; nequedent il se fissent bonne chière. Et
dist li rois: «Gautier, je voel veoir et connoistre quels gens vendront
pour moi tolir Calais, que je ai tant comparet. Je le voel aidier à
deffendre et à garder; mais je me meterai desous vostre pennon,
ensi conme uns de vostres chevaliers, ne je ne voel pas que toutes
mes gens sachent que je soie ichi venus maintenant pour tèle
cose.»—«Sire, respondi mesires Gautiers, vous avés raison. Or en
ordonnés à vostre ordenance, car bien me plaist.»
Moult des gens le roi d’Engleterre ne sçavoient pour quoi il
estoient venu et furent bouté en cambres et en celiers ens ou
chastiel; et cheuls liquel estoient en la ville, se tinrent tous qois en
lors hostels. Et leur fu dit: «Ne vous bougiés de chi, tant que vous
auerés aultres nouvelles.» Tout se acordèrent à l’ordenance que on
les volt metre.
Ceste besongne estoit poursievoite moult aigrement et
couvertement de mesire Joffroi de Carni, et ne quidoit point fallir à
ravoir Calais; si fort se confioit il ens ès paroles et convenances de
mesire Ainmeri de Pavie, et avoit segnefiiet à pluisseurs bons
chevaliers et esquiers d’Artois, de Boulenois et de Piqardie, à tels
que à mesire Jehan de Landas, à mesire Ustasse de Ribeumont, à
mesire Pepin de Were, au visconte des Qènes, au chastelain de
Biauvais, au signeur de Creqi, au signeur de Cresèques, au signeur
de Brimeu, au signeur de Santi, au signeur de Fransures et à moult
d’aultres. Et qant il furent venu en l’abeie de Liques, il dist as
capitainnes de l’ordenance de la marceandise que il avoit à cel
Ainmeri de Pavie. Li auqun supposoient assés que Ainmeris, pour
tant que il estoit Lombars, prenderoit les deniers et renderoit le
chastiel de Calais, et se il avoient le chastiel, il aueroient la ville. Et li
aultre creoient mieuls le contraire que le fait, et doubtoient fort
traison; et chil qui estoient de celle opinion, se tenoient tous jours
Mesires Jofrois de Carni, liquels avoit fait son amas de gens
d’armes et d’arbalestriers, remist, sus un ajournement qui fu le nuit
de l’an mil trois cens quarante huit, toutes ces gens d’armes
ensamble et aproça Calais; et cevauchièrent de nuit et vinrent sus
un ajournement assés priès de Calais, ensi que devisé se portoit. Et
envoia li dis mesires Jofrois de Cargni deus de ses varlès devant,
pour parler à mesire Ainmeri et pour sçavoir le couvenant de Calais.
Li varlet trouvèrent à la porte dou chastiel, à celle qui oevre sus la
mer, mesire Ainmeri, et leur dist: «Oil. Faites les traire avant.» Li
varlet retournèrent et recordèrent toutes ces paroles à mesire Joffroi
qui de ce fu grandement resjoïs, et dist as chevaliers qui là estoient
dalés li: «Calais est nostre. Sievés me tout le pas, car je m’en vois
prendre la sasine dou chastiel.» Il le fissent et estoient bien euls cinq
cens en une brousse, sans les arbalestriers qui venoient derrière.
Adonc se ravisa mesires Jofrois et dist à mesire Oudart de Renti
liquels estoit dalés li: «Oudart, prenés les florins; portés les. Vous
ferés le paiement. Je voel entrer en Calais par la porte toute ouverte.
Je n’i enterai jà par le guichet, ne moi, ne ma banière.»
Mesires Oudars de Renti s’i acorda et prist les florins qui estoient
en deus bouges et les fist encargier par ses varlès; et vint deviers le
chastiel et trouva le guichet de la porte ouvert, et mesire Ainmeri à
l’entrée. Et entrèrent tout chil qui entrer vorrent adonc, et chil qui
ordonné estoient de aler pour prendre la sasine dou chastiel. Si tos
que il furent tout entré dedens, mesires Aimmeris fist reclore et barer
le guicet: de quoi mesires Oudars de Rend li dist: «Pourqoi serrés
vous le guichet? il apertient que il soit ouvers. Si enteront nostres
gens dedens.» Donc dist mesires Ainmeris: «Il n’i enteront meshui
fors que par la porte toute ouverte, et tantos le sera, mais que je aie
recheu les deniers que je doi avoir. Vous estes gens assés.» Et puis
dist par couvreture: «Vous veés bien que vous estes signeur dou
Mesires Oudars de Renti s’apaisa de ceste parole et sievi mesire
Ainmeri; et aussi fissent tout li aultre, et trouvèrent le pont dou castel
avalé et la porte ouverte. Il passèrent sus et oultre, et ne veirent pas
samblant, ne oïrent honme ne fenme. Mesires Ainmeris enmena
mesire Oudart de Renti en la chambre dou portier, à l’entrée de la
porte, et li dist: «Metés ichi les deniers.» Mesires Oudars de Renti le
fist à sa resqueste. Il furent mis sus une table. Et dist messires
Ainmeris: «I sont il tout?»—«Oil, par ma foi, dist mesires Oudars.
Mesires Jofrois de Cargni le mes a ensi fait prendre.»—«Je vous en
croi bien, dist messires Ainmeris. Or vous tenés ichi un petit, je voi
querir les clefs des portes de la ville, car je les fis her soir toutes
aporter ichi dedens.» Mesires Oudars de Renti le crei bien de ceste
parole. Mesires Ainmeris entra dedens une salle qui estoit toute
plainne de gens d’armes. Si tretos que elle fu ouverte, tout à une fois
il sallirent hors, et ausi chil de la grose tour, où li rois d’Engleterre
estoit. En mesire Oudars de Renti et en ses gens qui là estoient
venu, n’ot point de deffense, car il furent pris as mains et tout boutés
en tours et en prisons.
Je vous dirai que mesires Ainmeris de Pavie avoit fait pour resjoïr
les François. Il avoit bouté hors dou chastiel les banières dou roi de
France; mais si tretos que ceste aventure fu avenue que pris chil qui
estoient alé devant pour saisir le chastiel, il osta ces banières et mist
cestes dou roi d’Engleterre. Il estoit encores moult matin, environ
solel levant.
Qant li François, qui estoient sus le sabelon devant Calais, veirent
ce couvenant, il congneurent tantos que il estoient trahi. Mesires
Jofrois de Carni, qui grant desir avoit d’entrer ens ou chastiel et
liquels estoit avoecques ses gens et desous banière, regarde viers
une porte et le voit ouvrir, et issir à brousse grant fuisson de gens
d’armes et d’archiers et venant le bon pas sur euls, et dist à mesire
Ustase de Ribeumont et à mesire Jehan de Landas qui n’estoient
pas trop lonch de li: «Signeur et compagnon, nous sonmes trahi.
Chils faus Lombars m’a deceu, et je vous ai bouté en ce dangier, ce
poise moi, se amender le pooie; et puisque combatre nous fault,
moustrons que nous sonmes gens de volenté et de
deffense.»—«Sire, respondirent il, c’est bien nostre intention.» Lors
se missent ces trois banères ensamble et requellièrent lors gens par
bonne ordenance et apuignièrent les glaves et moustrèrent visage.
Evous les Englois venus, le pennon mesire Gautier de Mauni tout
devant, et le roi d’Engleterre desous celi; et savoient trop petit de
gens de son costé que li rois fust là. Les Englois avoient retailliet lors
lances jusques à cinq piés de lonc et s’en vinrent le bon pas et
entrèrent en ces François et conmenchièrent à pousser, et les
François à euls. Et là ot très fort pousseis avant que il peuissent
entrer l’un dedans l’autre; et trop bien se tinrent en estat sans perdre
ne gaegnier terre, une longe espasse. Li François estoient là grant
fuisson, et se tout euissent moustré corage et deffense, ensi que li
troi chevalier desus nonmet fissent, il euissent espoir mieuls
besongniet que il ne fissent; car [qant] chil qui estoient derrière et qui
recranment traioient avant, entendirent que il estoient trahi et que
lors gens se combatoient, il se missent grant fuisson au retour. Et
chil qui voloient aler avant ne pooient, car il estoient sus un cemin
destroit que il ne pooient dou plus aler ou cevauchier que euls
quatre de front. Se les couvenoit requler avoecques les esbahis et
les fuians, vosissent ou non. Et auquns vaillans hommes, qant il se
trouvèrent au large sus les camps, et bien savoient que mesires
Joffrois de Carni, mesires Ustasses de Ribeumont et mesires
Jehans de Landas estoient devant, s’arestoient et atendoient là l’un
l’autre et disoient, tels que mesires Pepins de Were, mesires Henris
de Qreqi, li sires de Reli: «Se nous en alons sans nostres
chapitainnes qui sont encores derrière et qui se conbatent, nous
sonmes deshonnouret à tous jours mès.» Et par la parole et
monitions des bons et vaillans honmes s’en requellièrent plus de
sept cens qui tout voloient tourner les dos. Or parlerons dou pouseis
et de la bataille qui fu devant Calais. Fos 147 à 148 vº.
P. 74, l. 7: trois cens.—Mss. A 15 à 17: quatre cens. Fº 170 vº.
P. 74, l. 24: Calais.—Ms. B 6: à tout grant bachelerie et grant
foison de gens d’armes et bien dix mille hommes de piet. Fº 417.
P. 74, l. 26 et 27: à priès de mienuit.—Mss. A 1 à 14, 18, 19 et B 3,
4: après mienuit. Fº 173 vº.—Mss. A 15 à 17: après la mienuit.
Fº 170 vº.—Mss. A 20 à 22, 30 à 33: environ heure de mynuit.
Fº 244.—Mss. A 23 à 29: environ mynuit. Fº 188.
P. 74, l. 27: vint.—Ms. A 29: à une lieue.
P. 76, l. 4: sach.—Ms. A 29 ajoute: de cuir.
P. 76, l. 14: veriel.—Mss. A 1 à 6: verroil. Fº 174.—Mss. A 8 à 10,
15 à 19, 23 à 33: verroul. Fº 153 vº.—Mss. A 7, 11 à 14, 20 à 22:
verrouil. Fº 164.—Ms. B 3: verroux. Fº 153 vº.—Ms. B 4: verueil.
Fº 143 vº.
P. 77, l. 8 et 9: as chevaliers.—Ms. B 3: aux archiers. Fº 153 vº.
P. 77, l. 12: Were.—Mss. A 11 à 14, 20 à 22: Wastre. Fº 162.—
Mss. A 18, 19: Wasère. Fº 178 vº.—Mss. A 23 à 29: Ware. Fº 189.—
Ms. B 3: la Were. Fº 153 vº.
P. 77, l. 12: sont.—Ms. A 29: par usage, gens subtils, avaricieux et
pleins de grand malice.
P. 77, l. 17: evous.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 11 à 14: veez ci venir. Fº 174.—
Mss. A 15 à 17: atant va venir. Fº 171.—Mss. A 20 à 22: veés vous
yci venir. Fº 245.
P. 77, l. 19: Akesufforch.—Ms. B 3: d’Aque. Fº 153 vº.—Ms. B 4:
d’Eskesuforch. Fº 144.
P. 78, l. 8: par saint Jorge.—Mss. A 18 à 22: par saint Denis.
Fº 178 vº.
P. 78, l. 9: mal dehait ait.—Mss. A 15 à 22: mal ait. Fº 171 vº.—
Ms. B 3: maudit soit. Fº 154.
P. 78, l. 14: tout quoi.—Mss. A 1 à 22: tantost. Fº 174 vº.—Ms. B
3: tout court. Fº 154.
P. 78, l. 20: fait.—Ms. B 6: Et yssy le roy par le porte et tous les
aultres après, et coururent vistement sus messire Joffroy et ses gens
d’armes, dont il y avoit grant foison de Picardie, d’Artois et de
Boulenois avecq messire Joffroy, telz que le seigneur de Fiènes, le
seigneur de Cresecke, le seigneur de Bassentin, le seigneur de
Jocourt, le seigneur de Creky, monseigneur Ustasse de Ribemont,
monseigneur Henry du Bois, messire Pepin de Werre, monseigneur
Jehan de Landas, messire Oudart de Renty et pluiseurs autres.
Quant chil seigneur perchurent qu’il estoient decheu et trahis, sy
furent tous esbahis et se retrairent che qu’il peurent. Et se
recuellèrent les aucuns, et ly aucuns montèrent sur leurs chevaulx et
s’en partirent le plus tost qu’il porent. Là eult dure mellée et grant
hustin, car les Englès, gens d’armes et archiers, qui s’estoient
enbuschiet en ches murailles et en ces maisons de Calais, sallirent
hors vistement si trestost qu’il oïrent sonner ung cors, qui leur estoit
signe de envaïr ches Franchois, et les envaïrent moult radement. Et
ches chevaliers de Franche entendoient à yaulx deffendre; mais les
Englès recullèrent les gens de piet jusques à une grose rivière qui
queurt au quart d’une lieue ou pau mains desous Callais. Et là y eult
grant foison de noiiés et de mors sur le rivière et sur le rivaige entre
Calais [et] la rivière.
Tant s’ensonnièrent ly chevaliers et escuiers, d’un costé et
d’aultre, que le jour vint et qu’il commenchièrent à recongnoistre l’un
l’autre. Sy se requellèrent avoecques monseigneur Godeffroy de
Cargny aulcun bon chevalier quy envis s’enfuioient sans luy, telz que
messire Ustasses de Ribemont, messire Jehan de Landas, messire
Pepins de Werre, messire Gavain de Bailleul, messire Henry du Bos,
le sire de Creky, messire Oudart de Renty et pluiseurs autres.
Fos 418 et 419.
P. 79, l. 3: Kresekes.—Mss. A 1 à 6 et B 3: Cresques. Fº 174 vº.—
Ms. A 7: Krekes. Fº 164 vº.
P. 79, l. 13: Saintpi.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 8 à 14, 18, 19: Cempy. Fº 175.
—Mss. A 23 à 33 et B 3, 4: Sempy. Fº 189 vº.
P. 79, l. 13: Loncvillers.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 8 à 14, 18, 19: Longvillier.
Fº 175.—Ms. A 7: Lonchvileis. Fº 164 vº.—Ms. B 3: Loncvilliers.
Fº 154.—Mss. A 23 à 33: Lonchimberth. Fº 189 vº.
P. 79, l. 14: Maunier.—Mss. A 15 à 17: Maumer. Fº 171 vº.—Ms. B
3: Nannier. Fº 154.

§ 319. P. 79, l. 22: Nous parlerons.—Ms. d’Amiens: Et se combati

ce jour li roys d’Engleterre desoubs le bannière messire Gautier de
Mauny. Et y fu très bons chevaliers, dou costet des Franchois,
messires Ustassez de Ribeumont. Touttezfois, li Franchois furent
tout desconfi, tout mort et tout pris, et rammené au soir en le ville de
Callais. Fº 98 vº.
—Ms. de Rome: Bien moustra là li gentis rois Edouwars que il
avoit grant desir de conbatre et amour as armes, qant il s’estoit mis
en tel parti et tant humeliiés que desous le pennon mesire Gautier
de Mauni, son chevalier. Et s’en vint li rois conbatre main à main à
mesire Ustasse de Ribeumont, et escremirent de lors espées et
jettèrent pluisseurs cops l’un sus l’autre, une longe espace; car tout
doi en savoient bien jeuer et escremir, et mieuls assés li rois
d’Engleterre et de plus soutieus tours ne fesist li dis messire
Ustasse, car il l’avoit apris d’enfanche. Mesires Ustasses ne savoit à
qui il se conbatoit; mais li rois le sçavoit bien, car il le recongnissoit
par ses armes. Et li rois estoit armés simplement ensi que uns
aultres chevaliers; et toutes fois il estoit gardés d’auquns chevaliers
et esquiers qui là estoient ordonné pour son corps, à la fin que il ne
fust trop avant sourquis. Tant issirent de gens d’armes de Calais que
li François, qui là estoient sus le sabelon et requlé en la place où
l’anée devant li rois d’Engleterre avoit mis son siège, ne porent
souffrir celle painne; et en i ot grant fuisson de mors et de pris, et par
especial li troi chevalier là demorèrent. Et prist li rois d’Engleterre
mesire Ustasse de Ribeumont, et se rendi à lui et le fiança: de quoi li
dis chevaliers fu moult resjoïs depuis, qant il sceut que li rois
d’Engleterre l’avoit combatu et pris à prisonnier. Là furent pris
mesires Jofrois de Carni et mesires Jehans de Landas, et trop petit
se sauvèrent de ces premiers.
Adonc montèrent pluisseurs Englois as chevaus que il avoient
tous apparilliés, et passèrent delivrement la rivière, les auquns à
gué, car elle estoit basse, et les aultres au pont, et se missent en
cace et sus les camps apriès les François; et là trouvèrent il les bons
chevaliers entre Hames et Calais, tels que mesire Henri dou Bois,
mesire Pepin de Were, le signeur de Qreqi, le signeur de Reli, le
signeur de Brimeu, le signeur de Fransures et pluissieurs aultres qui
moustrèrent visage et deffense moult vaillanment. Et descendirent
les auquns à piet pour mieuls combatre; car pour ce jour et pour ce
que il faisoit grant relin, les terres estoient si molles que ceval ne
s’en pooient ravoir. Et fu là uns pousseis et uns esteqeis moult grans
et bien soustenus et vaillanment des François, mais finablement il
les couvint perdre; car lors honmes se esclarcisoient toutdis et les
Englois mouteplioient. Là furent mort, dont ce fu damages, mesires
Pepins de Were et mesires Henris dou Bois, et pris, li sires de Qreqi
et li sires de Reli. Et se sauvèrent par estre bien montés mesires
Moriauls de Fiennes, li sires de Cresèqes, li sires de Santi, li
viscontes des Qènes, li chastelains de Biauvais et li sires de
Fransures et moult d’aultres, et s’en alèrent bouter ens ès forterèces
proçainnes; et les Englois retournèrent et n’alèrent plus avant.
Ceste besongne avint droitement le nuit de l’an mil trois cens
quarante huit; et en fu grant nouvelle en France et en Engleterre,
pour tant que li rois d’Engleterre i avoit esté. Fos 148 vº et 149.
P. 79, l. 31: Ribeumont.—Ms. B 3: Ribemont. Fº 154 vº.
P. 80, l. 5: Ustasses.—Ms. A 29: au roy que il ne cognissoit.
P. 80, l. 22 et 23: Gauvains de Bailluel.—Mss. A 11 à 14: Gauvain
de Bailleul.—Ms. B 3: Gauvaing de Ballouel. Fº 154 vº.—Ms. B 4:
Gavains de Bailluel. Fº 144 vº.
P. 80, l. 23: Creki.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 8 à 33: Crequi. Fº 154 vº.
P. 81, l. 2: aultre.—Ms. B 6: Et dura le cache moult longement
jusques entre Ghines. Là en dedens en y eult moult de mors,
d’affolés et de navrés. Et y eult bien mors de cheaulx de Saint Omer
seullement quatre cens hommes parmy les arbalestriés. Fº 420.
P. 81, l. 16: quarante huit.—Mss. A 1 à 6, 8 à 22: quarante neuf,
droitement le premier jour de janvier. Fº 175 vº.
§ 320. P. 81, l. 18: Quant.—Ms. d’Amiens: Et donna li roys
d’Engleterre à soupper les chevaliers franchois prisonniers; et là
donna il de sa main à messire Ustasse de Ribeumont le cappelet
d’argent pour le mieux combatant de son costet, et li quita sa prison
et li fist encorres delivrer deux cevaux et vingt escus pour retourner
en se maison. Fº 98 vº.
—Ms. de Rome: Qant toute ceste besongne fu passée et les
cachans retournés et tous rentrés dedens Calais, et les chevaliers
prisonniers là menés et mis en la tour et en belles cambres
avoecques mesire Oudart de Renti et auquns aultres qui pris avoient
esté en devant, ensi que vous savés, adonc s’espandirent les
nouvelles en pluisseurs lieus aval la ville de Calais que li rois
d’Engleterre avoit esté en celle besongne. Li auqun le creoient et li
aultre non; et en la fin tou le crurent Englois et François, car il le
sceurent de verité.
Ensi que mesires Joffrois de Cargni, mesires Jehans de Landas,
mesires Ustasses de Ribeumont et li aultre estoient tout ensamble
en une cambre, et se devisoient et parloient conment chil fauls
chevaliers lombars, mesires Ainmeris de Pavie les avoit trahis et
deceus fausement et couvertement, evous venu messire Gautier de
Mauni en la cambre, lui quatrime tant seullement; et se aquinta de
paroles à ces chevaliers moult sagement et leur dist: «Biau signeur,
faites bonnes chière. Li rois d’Engleterre, nostres sires, vous voelt
avoir à nuit au souper.»
Chil chevalier françois furent tout esmervilliet de ceste parole et
regardèrent l’un l’autre, car il ne quidoient pas que li rois d’Engleterre
fust à Calais. Messires Gautiers de Mauni s’en perchut bien que il
s’en esmervilloient; si leur dit de rechief: «Il est ensi. Vous le verés
ce soir seoir au souper, et vous fera à tous bonne chière, car je li ai
oy dire ensi, quoique vous li avés volut embler Calais que il ainme
tant.»—Donc respondirent il: «Dieus i ait part, et nous le verons
volentiers.» Lors prist congiet li dis mesires Gautiers de Mauni à euls
et se departi, et il demorèrent, ensi que chil qui en furent tout resjoï,
car ils en esperèrent grandement mieuls à valoir.
Qant li heure du souper fu venue, et que tout fu apparilliés et les
tables couvertes, li rois d’Engleterre envoia querir par mesire Gautier
de Mauni ces chevaliers françois prisonniers, liquels bien
acompagniés les vint querir là où il estoient et les enmena
avoecques lui; et trouvèrent le roi qui les atendoit et fuisson de
chevaliers d’Engleterre dalés lui. Qant il le veirent enmi la sale
devant le dreçoir, et grant fuisson de cerges et de tortis tout autour
de li, il l’approchièrent et l’enclinèrent bien bas. Il les fist tous lever
sus piés l’un apriès l’autre et leur dist: «Bien venant.» Et tantos
chevaliers aportèrent l’aige, et lava li rois et puis esquiers d’offisce,
et donnèrent à laver. Si s’asist li rois et fist seoir d’encoste li et à sa
table tous les chevaliers prisonniers. Si furent servi bien et à paix et
à grant loisir.
Qant on ot soupé, on leva les tables, et demora li rois en la salle
entre ces chevaliers françois et englois, et estoit à nu chief et portoit
un capelet de fins perles sus ses cheviaus qui estoient plus noirs
que meure. Et conmença li rois à aler de l’un à l’autre et entra en
paroles joieuses, tant à ses gens conme as François et s’adreça sus
mesire Jofroy de Cargni; et là, en parlant à lui, il canga un petit
contenance, car il regarda sus costé et dist: «Mesire Jofroi, mesire
Jofroi, je vous doi, par vostre deserte, petit amer, qant vous voliés
par nuit embler ce que j’ai si comparet, et qui m’a coustet tant de
deniers. Si sui moult liés, qant je vous ai pris à l’esprueve. Vous en
voliés avoir millour marchiet que je n’aie eu, qant vous le quidiés
avoir pour vint mille escus; mais Dieus m’a aidié que vous avés falli
à vostre entente. Encores m’aidera il, se il li plaist, je i ai bien fiance,
maugré en aient tout mi ennemi.» Mesires Joffrois fu tous honteus et
ne respondi mot.
Et li rois passa oultre et s’en vint devant mesire Ustasse de
Ribeumont et li dist tout joieusement: «Mesire Ustasse, vous estes li
chevaliers del monde où en armes je me sui jusques à chi le plus
esbatus de l’espée, et je vous ai veu moult volentiers, et vous tieng
pour la journée pour le mieuls asallant et requerant ses ennemis. Et
de la bataille je vous en donne le pris, et aussi font tout li cevalier de
ma court par droite sieute.»
Adonc prist li rois le chapelet lequel il portoit sus son chief, qui
estoit bons et riches, et le mist et asist sus le chief à mesire Ustasse,
et li dist ensi: «Mesire Ustase, je vous donne ce capelet pour le
mieuls combatant de toute la journée de ceuls de dedens et de ceuls
de dehors, et vous pri que vous le portés ceste anée pour l’amour de
mi. Je sçai bien que vous estes gais et amoureus, et que volentiers
vous vos trouvés entre dames et damoiselles. Si dittes partout où
vous venés que je le vous ai donné, et parmi tant je vous quite
vostre prison. Vous estes mon prisonnier, et vous poés partir
demain, se vous volés.»
Li chevaliers fu tous resjoïs de ces deus dons, le premier de
l’onnour que li rois d’Engleterre li faisoit de donner si rice jeuiel que
le chapelet que il portoit sus son chief, et l’autre don de ce que il li
quitoit sa prison. Si se volt engenoullier devant le roi, mais li rois ne
le volt souffrir. Et le remerchia grandement li dis mesire Ustasse et
dist: «Très chiers sires et nobles rois, je ferai tout ce dont vous me
cargiés.» Adonc fu là aporté vins et espisces, et en prist li rois et li
chevalier, et puis casquns ala en son retret et passèrent la nuit.
Qant ce vint à lendemain, par le congiet dou roi, mesires Ustasses
de Ribeumont se departi de Calais quites et delivres et à son
honnour, ensi que vous savés, et prist congiet à ses compagnons. Et
s’en retourna en France deviers le roi Phelippe et le duch de
Normendie qui moult l’amoit, et leur recorda son aventure. Et toute
celle anée il porta ce capelet de perles sus son chief, de quoi il
furent grandes nouvelles en France et en aultres pais.
Et li rois d’Engleterre se departi de Calais, mais à son
departement il institua mesire Jehan de Biaucamp à estre capitainne
et gardiien de Calais, et en osta mesire Ainmeri de Pavie, et li donna
terre ailleurs en la chastelerie de Calais, une forte maison que on
dist Fretun. Et puis entra en mer avoecques ses gens et enmena
avoecques lui en Engleterre ses prisonniers; et vinrent à Londres et
trouvèrent là le conte de Ghines, le conte de Tanqarville, mesire
Carle de Blois et des aultres barons et chevaliers de France qui
avoient esté pris en Bretagne et en Gascongne et ailleurs, ensi que
les armes amennent. Si se conjoïrent et festiièrent l’un l’autre, ne
onques ne furent mis en prison serrée, mais recreu sus lors fois
courtoisement, et pooient par tout Londres aler, jeuer et esbatre.
Et mesire Carles de Blois, li contes de Ghines et li contes de
Tanqarville aloient voler des faucons et des lanerés au dehors de
Londres et esbatre sus le pais, qant il voloient. Et pooient demorer
quatre jours hors, et au chienqime retourner à Londres; et qant il
s’estoient remoustré un jour, ils s’en pooient partir à l’endemain et
retourner arrière en lors esbas. Fº 149.
P. 81, l. 18: Quant.—Le § 320 manque dans les mss. A 1 à 6,
fº 175 vº, dans les mss. A 8 à 10, fº 154, dans les mss. A 11 à 14,
fº 163, dans les mss. A 15 à 17, fº 172, dans les mss. A 18, 19,
fº 179 vº, enfin dans les mss. A 20 à 22, fº 246 vº.—Le § 320, dans
le ms. A 7, fº 165 vº, s’arrête à ces mots: fu moult resjoïs (p. 83, l.
22), et dans les mss. A 23 à 33, fº 190, à ces mots: demain s’il vous
plaist (p. 83, l. 18 et 49).
P. 81, l. 18: Quant.—Ms. B 6: Quant la bataille fut finée et la
chasse cessée et tout le camp delivré, et que les Englès ne savoient
point à qui combatre, car les cappitaines des François estoient que
mors ou pris pour celle bataille, excepté aulcuns signeurs qui se
sauvèrent, messire Moriaulx de Fi[e]ne, le sire de Rely, le sire de
Cresekes; et laissèrent mors le sire de Quiquenpois, monseigneur
Pepin de Werre et le sire du Bos et des aultres chevaliers: donc se
retrait le roy en la ville de Calais. Fos 420 et 421.
P. 81, l. 19: se retraist.—Ms. B 3: se tira. Fº 154 vº.
P. 83, l. 6: par droite sieute.—Mss. A 23 à 29: par droite sentence.
Fº 190 vº.—Mss. A 30 à 33: par droit science. Fº 201 vº.—Ms. B 3:
par droicte raison. Fº 155.—Ms. B 4: par droite science. Fº 145.
P. 83, l. 8: chief.—Ms. B 6: bien richement ouvré de grandes
perles et grosses. Fº 422.
P. 83, l. 10: chapelet.—Ms. B 6: cappiel. Fº 422.
P. 83, l. 17: prisonnier.—Ms. B 6: je vous quiteray pour l’amour des
dames et demoyselles vostre prison. Fº 422.
P. 84, l. 14: escus.—Ms. B 6: florins. Fº 423.

§ 321. P. 84, l. 21: En celle anée[300].—Ms. d’Amiens: En ceste

année trespassa de ce siècle la roynne de France, femme au roy
Phelippe et suer au duc Oede de Bourgoingne. Ossi fist madamme
Bonne, la duçoise de Normendie, fille au roy de Behaingne: si furent
li pères et li filz vesvéz de lors deux femmes. Assés tost apriès, se

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