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How My Dad Wen't From $0 to

$1Million Dollar Drop Ship Biz
Step By Step Process of How He Did it!
Short on Ideas of what Niche to pick? Download my
Free List of the top 199 Product Selection Ideas for your
eCommerce Store and get started on your dropship
eCommerce business the right way, with a proven
Niche that works!

If You're serious (and I mean real serious) about

launching a passive income online business using my
method then click here and register for one of my free
LIVE drop ship training webinars.

AJ Jomah
Angelina's Dad &
Drop Shipper
Ever had this conversation?
Be honest...
What went wrong here?

The idea was freaking brilliant and you figured out

a great product to sell online.

Why didn't people buy it?

There are several things that have to be nearly perfect for

a product to sell well online!

1. Price (the sweet spot price that will attract the right type
of buyer)

2.Desire by the type of buyer (target demographics)

3. No brand loyalty to the product (I'll explain later)

4. Targeted Traffic
The pricing has to be on point. If you charge 10x more
than you should, no one buys because you’ve out-priced
the market.

Price it 10x too low, and people are skeptical because it’s
too cheap. Either way, you’re hosed.

Also with high ticket Dropship eCommerce you want don’t

want to be selling products that cost $10 through $100
because the price point is not advantage enough for you
to attract the type of upper middle class customer we

(If i lost you here don’t worry, I’ll explain as we go along)

Your customers has to have a desire for the product
you’re selling within the niche you’re selling in. Does it
solve a need or desire they want? If not, you’re screwed.

Is the website optimized the right way to get them to

convert to a buyer? Are you is your website resonating
with them? If not, yup, you’re screwed.

Hint: Customers buy on emotion not logic, which means

the way your website is designed and layout including the
images, descriptions and logo could either create a
positive emotional reaction because aesthetically it makes
them feel good, safe and comfortable with being and
buying from your website.
Here is a fun diagram that shows how this

Get one of these out of whack and poof! Stupid

Pessimistic You thinks he’s a baller.
(He’s not. Optimistic You is just lazy and skipped
So, how do you make sure these four things are
This is how…

Pre-research the niche and product

well before you launch a store.
(sounds simple right?)
Before you create anything, go through an extensive
product selection validation process to refine your niche
and customer target demographics and make sure there is
an intense level of desire for the product.

But most people get lazy and skip this step.

And that’s why most people’s sites flop.

This is especially true for those of you who have

successfully launched an eCommerce store in the past.
You think you are invincible and know everything. You

Do your homework or suffer.

Don’t skip this process. Don’t be that guy.

I’ll help you.

Today we’re going to do two

Thing #1: I’m going to walk you through my journey

of validating the first product I ever sold on my

Drop Ship eCommerce store.

It was called ALL Paper Shredder.

I wound up selling it 8 months after I launched it,

for $650,000 (that’s what I was able to take home

after the brokerage fee’s and legal fees)

No I don’t have a copy of the check… I’m not the

real estate investor guy on facebook trying to show

you how i’m depositing all these checks. I sold 1

store in 8 months prior to it I didn’t know what the hell I

was doing.
It was a site that contained 3 things: 1) High end

Paper Shredders that was very niche specific

2) Targeted a very specific market demographic of

small, mid-size businesses as well as hospitals and

school districts which meant I only had to focus on

purchasing managers and people who had small offices 3)

I also had a website designed for optimization so

when I lead the right customer to my site, I gave

them no reason to leave…

worst case I made sure they knew they could get a

hold of me, and often time they did, which is where

the real magic happens.

When I created and launched this store, I had no

email list, no experience running an online

business. But I stumbled on a course that I invested

heavily in that tought me an outdated approach to

dropshipping, what I was able to do was apply new

methods to attracting the right customer combined

with an insanely optimized website that made sure

to convert them at the right rate, I let fate do the

What happened? Crazy stuff.

We sold $0 the first week, made some tweaks to our

PLA and adword campaigns, decided not to focus on
any SEO or Blog stuff and strictly on targeted traffic
using Google Shopping and PLA’s (product listing

What happened next?

We rocket launched to a $46,000 month and a
$80,000 2nd month!

This happened because the Niche and pricing were

on point. And there was a strong need for what I
sold, just to a much smaller group of buyers, which
is ok because I was selling them at an average price
of $1,500 each!
And THAT was because I spent 4 weeks in an
intense validation process before launching the
store and calling suppliers.

Click here for a Case Study Interview with Markus

who went generated $42,000 his first 30 days with my
Thing #2: Today we’re releasing a BRAND-NEW
template into 7FIGURESKILLS, the Product Selection

If you want me to take you by the hand and

show you everything you need to do to properly

validate your niche and product (you’ll get at least

$10,000 in sales), this worksheet is for you.

If you’re sick and tired of trying to start or

starting an eCommerce store that flops or being

unsure about how to properly find and pick the

right niche, products, finding and calling

suppliers, building an amazing website that

converts, this worksheet is exactly what you need.

If you’re unsure whether your product and niche

idea will match the right type of buyer and

customer and you really don’t know where to go

from here yup, this template is your soulmate.

There are 7 total steps you need to go through to

properly pick and find the right product and niche

and validate your product. (We used these steps

to find the product helped us generate $1.3 Million

a Year in Sales for our First eCommerce Store.)

Here’s a quick overview of how it works.

Let’s jump into the validation methodology we used for the
All Paper Shredders, Get your first $10,000 in sales and
our latest course on the A to Z of Dropshipping.

There are 7 major

Game time!
Step 1: Make a list of any purchases
you or your friends (family) made in the
past 3 months that cost over $500

Note: If you you find it weird to ask around who bought what
for over $500 that’s ok, I suggest using facebook and
messenger to ask around. If you still not sure then go
straight to my other strategy and find an existing business
for sale on that is an online store To do this,
visit and start searching around for
eCommerce stores for sale (that don’t sell on amazon)
Once you click on internet businesses category you
will see a list of different sites available for sell.
Next, create a Google spreadsheet of Niche Selection Ideas or
download my worksheet here:

We’ll call this our Perfect Product Idea spreadsheet.

Add subheadingNext, enter the listing details of the top 10
eCommerce stores for sell that you like.

Step 2: Write down a list of the most

expensive items you can think of that
would go in a house or office.

I know this can appear challenging but work with me for a

minute. When I came up with my niche I found it using the first
step but for a lot of you that might not be enough so we have
to try more methods until we get it right. Take a look at this
room here and let’s see how many items we can identify that
are drop shippable and might be viable niche ideas if all
metrics are met? (you can learn more about the metrics I look
for when finding a niche in our product selection blueprint
Dropship items you may have never noticed as drop
shippable items.
Chandeliers, lamps, wall paper, mirrors, chairs,
tables, coaches, ottomans, fireplaces, crown
moldings, book shelves. :

Which one of these items have you ignored when you

walk into a living room , now imagine other places you
see almost daily that you overlook.

You can use as many of these methods are

applicable to you. The main goal is to have a list of 20
or more niches to be able to move to the next step of
your journey.


The best way to find if you can drop ship a product is to

visit, they are the largest dropship
eCommerce website on the internet with Billions in sales
and as of a few years ago become a publicly traded
company, you can bet if you’re on their website and find a
product to sell, that the product is drop shippable. Simply
type in price ranges over $250 and start searching in the
search bar…
And then look through which of products meets
our metrics for viable products to sell.
Once you have identified a few products include
them in your Product Selection Worksheet to
assess later on.

Method #2: Google Shopping and google


Another way you can find a good product is searching

google shopping and google trends.
Method #3 Google Trends

The next tool we’re using is Google Trends, and you

can find it here:
Put in the same keyword, and see what the results
If the chart shows the keyword trending very negatively,
you probably want to avoid the niche.

For instance, the keyword “printing press” is probably

trending down more and more, as it becomes a forgotten

You would probably not expect a lot of business if you

chose to open up an old fashioned printing press

Another benefit to Google Trends is that you can tell in

advance if your niche is seasonal. For example, type in
“Water Features”.

You will see that it gets a spike in searches every

May/April, so it is most likely a seasonal niche.

If you have an audience that is highly engaged via

commenting, then go through and see which posts
have the post comments. Add these posts to your
Step 3: Analyze the common metrics of
each niche to find a sweet spot.

Now that you have a grasp on how to start

brainstorming and searching products to sell the
right now, it’s time to find the common metrics.

Next to each entry in your worksheet you’ll want to

identify if there are any Brand Loyalty to the

Whether the suppliers are dropship friendly and

whether there are more than 20 suppliers or more!

When finished it should look like this:

What this spreadsheet shows (yes I removed many
of the items because I’m not going to do all the
work for you) is the following:

1. Anything with UMP meets our metrics

(Upper Middle Class)
2. Any item below $200-$400 is not qualified
3. Which of these products where dropship
4. Which one of these products had enough
suppliers to reach out to.

There are many more ways to identify
interesting niches but following the key metrics
will eliminate the niches not to touch, not even
with a 10 foot pole. To many times this is
where I see people go wrong, thinking just
because there are suppliers and the product is
dropship friendly that that’s all you need to
know to move forward.
Step 4: Spy on the competition to see
what sells the best on their sites.

This is just one way to validate the niche but not
the full solution.

At this point, you have analyzed your best

possible niches and products to sell, identified
the key metrics that my team and I identify as a
viable niche,you’ve found a few competitors that
sell the same products and it looks promising.

Now, you need to pick one product idea and

build a store around it before you call suppliers.
Even before you build a store you need to
understand a lot about your suppliers and
what they are looking for so you can get
approved by the best suppliers.

Ask yourself these three questions to help

make your decision:

1. Which product idea excites me the most?

2. Which product would be the most helpful
to my customers?
3. Which product has the most earning

Don’t overanalyze this step.

Spend no more than 72 hours deciding on your

product idea. Remember, you’re going to validate
it before you build it, so you aren’t committing to it
100% right now.

Just go with your gut.

Then…pick your favorite.

Want to learn the step by step process my team
and I take when we decide on picking a niche.
First download our list of 187 Product

selection Ideas and sign up for our online

Product Selection System Course.

Actually an extraction of our most important

parts of our core course that we sell for

thousands of dollars… we decided to put

together an entire course just on Product

selection and walk you through 6 Modules

dedicated to learning and understanding the

key metrics we focus on to find the right

niche to move forward with, it includes the

Product Selection worksheet and so much more.

Click the picture about
to get Angie's Free 3 Day
Advance Drop Ship
Training Lessons
Step 5: Make Sure Product is Hard to
Find Locally:

If you needed garden equipment, you'd likely head down to

your local Home Depot or Lowe’s. But where would you go to
buy surveillance equipment or magicians' accessories?
Probably online. Pick niche products that are hard to find
locally, and you'll be able to get in front of the vast majority of
your customers as they search online.
While you ideally want something difficult to source
locally, you also need to ensure there's ample
demand for the product!

This can be a fine line to walk, and we'll return to the

issue in the competition section below.

Step 6: Is There Enough Demand For

Your Product?

The best way to measure online demand is with

Google's Keyword Tool, which provides data on
how many people are searching for a specific
term. If you're unfamiliar with the tool, I'd strongly
recommend watching this video on how to do
keyword research:
In a nutshell, make sure to:

Use “phrase” or [exact] match, as these provide the

most accurate results;
Look at the local and not the global results;
Look for keywords with lots of “long-tail” variations.

If we were selling sunglasses, “prescription

sunglasses” and “discount Oakley sunglasses”
would be examples of long-tail variations. These
are important because your primary keyword
(“sunglasses,” in this example) will only provide a
small fraction of your traffic.

Even with a #1 ranking in Google, you'll be lucky

to receive 30% of the phrase's traffic!
Realistically, most ecommerce sites will receive 80
to 90% of their traffic from long-tail keywords.

So the more long-tail variations associated with a

primary keyword, the more potential traffic you can

As a rule of thumb, I like to see at least 3,000 exact-

match local searches for a niche's primary keyword,
and ideally a dozen or so long-tail variations.

Without sufficient search volume, I won't even

bother evaluating a niche on other criteria.

Step 7: Is it a Trend, Fad, or Growing

Make sure you understand to the best of your ability
where your product stands. Does your product or niche
fall into fad, trend, stable or growing market?

Example: A Geiger Counter is a personal device about

the size of a cell phone that tells you the level of
radiation around you. Cool niche market right?

With a quick Google Trends search, I knew instantly

that I would have probably made a small fortune if I
had been selling them in March of 2011 right after the
earthquake in Japan. Likely if I tried to sell them now, I
would probably sit on my inventory for a while.

So How Do I Get
Click Here To Join DSA
If you’re 100% serious about getting started and
getting the right help to launch a profitable

eCommerce business that is semi automated then

start by learning about how we find niches, behind
the scenes process we take, step by step, get our
Product Selection Process and start today.
The Real Boss: Angelina My Dad: AJ Jomah

AJ Jomah - Co-Founder & CEO,

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