ECCE Email Writing

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Email Writing

Adapted and Compiled by Ms. Andrea Aguirre A.

According to the new format of the ECCE exams, candidates are invited
to choose one of two writing tasks:

• Task 1, which is an email or letter

• Task 2, which is an essay and to express their opinion on the writing
task they have chosen.

In the following slides, the email needed to complete the ECCE Writing
task will be further explained.
1. The email / letter is addressed to people who have
a high position and some form of power, so you
EMAIL should also give it the appropriate formal style
2. The email needs to be written in 5 paragraphs.
Considerations 3. Do not copy the writing task but try to use your
own words as much as possible.

Body Paragraph 1

EMAIL Body Paragraph 2

General Outline Body Paragraph 3

Identifying the parts of the prompt
The local city council is planning to promote physical activity in the
community. They want community members to suggest how this can
be done.
Write an email to the city council to explain your opinion. Give reasons
to support your ideas. Start your email, “Dear City Council Members”

1. Who are you? 1. I am a Community Member

2. Why are you writing? 2. to explain my opinion about how to
promote physical activity in the community
Email Writing: Introduction
A good email introduction should include:
1. Who you are
2. Why you are writing
3. Your opinion Dear Mr. Pitt,
I am a fifteen-year-old camper and I am very
interested in physical fitness. I am writing
Do not analyze your point of view,
to make some suggestions about how to
just say quickly and clearly what promote physical exercise at the camp. In my
you think opinion, there are various ways in which this
can be achieved
Email Writing: Introduction
Useful phrases
WHO ARE YOU? (I am a student at this high school / I am a community
member / I am a local citizen).
WHY ARE YOU WRITING? (I am writing to suggest how… / I am writing
to suggest a suitable location for… / I am writing regarding the city
council’s plan to…).
WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? (In my opinion, there are many ways in
which this can be achieved. / I think that the best option would be… /
To my mind, the city council should implement this plan for various
Expressing opinions Making Suggestions
- I think/believe that … / I am of the opinion that - Perhaps (teachers) could do sth / There could be
… / It seems to me that … sth
- In my opinion, / In my view, / To my mind, - It may/might be a good idea (for teachers) to do
-Personally, I agree/disagree with … / I am in favor sth
of / I am against - It is vital/essential that (teachers) do sth
- It would/might be better if (teachers) did sth
Other useful
Providing Explanations Providing Results
- In other words, / That is to say, / More - As a result, / As a consequence, / Consequently,
specifically, - In this way,
- This means that … / What I mean is that … - Therefore,
- This is because … / The reason for this is that - So, / …, so …
Email Writing: Body Paragraph 1
Your body paragraph 1 should
include: First of all, perhaps you could provide campers
with sufficient sports equipment. For instance,
1. Your first suggestion you can make sure that there are plenty of
2. Several supporting sentences bikes, balls and rackets, so campers will be
able to use them whenever they want.
Moreover, there could be a wide variety of
activities available for them to choose from,
such as wall climbing, canoeing, hiking and
yoga. As a result, each camper will be able to
take part in whatever suits them best
Email Writing: Body Paragraph 2
Your body paragraph 2 should
I also suggest that you hire professional PE
1. Your second suggestion instructors to supervise team sports, water
2. Several supporting sentences activities and other games. More specifically,
they can help campers with any activity they
find difficult and encourage them to try
something new. In this way, children will not
only feel safe while playing but they will also
get the most out of every activity
Email Writing: Body Paragraph 3
Your body paragraph 3 should
1. Your last suggestion Last but not least, it might be a good idea to
organize relay games and sports
2. Several supporting sentences competitions. That is to say, you can set up
teams according to the campers’ ages so that
they can compete for prizes. Consequently,
children will be more than willing to
participate and try their best to win.
Email Writing: Conclusion
Your conclusion should include:
1. Your restated opinion All in all, I think that if you follow my
suggestions, you will definitely succeed in
2. An expected result persuading your campers to get plenty of
exercise. So, they will not only have fun, but
they will also learn the importance of
including physical fitness in their daily lives.

Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Stuart
Email Writing: Checklist
A local high school is planning to
improve the school environment. The
principal of the school wants to know
what ideas students have about how to
EMAIL do this.
Writing Prompt 1 Write an email to the principal to
explain your opinion. Give reasons to
support your ideas. Start your email,
“Dear Mr. Stevens.”
The city council is planning to offer
tourists discount coupons for
entertainment facilities in order to
attract more visitors to the area. They
want to know whether to go forward
EMAIL with their idea and are asking members
of the public for feedback.
Writing Prompt 2 Write an email to the city council
expressing your own views on whether
tourists should be offered discount
coupons for entertainment facilities.
Give reasons to support your ideas. Start
your email, “Dear City Council
The principal of your high school is
thinking of banning the use of cell
phones on the school premises. She
wants to know how students feel about
this idea.
EMAIL Write an email to the principal
Writing Prompt 3 expressing your own views on whether
cell phones should be banned from the
school premises. Give reasons to
support your ideas. Start your email,
“Dear Principal.”
The principal of your high school has
noticed that many students do not eat
healthily or exercise enough, so she
wants to try to help them stay healthy.
EMAIL She wants to know what ideas students
have about how to do this.
Writing Prompt 4 Write an email to the principal to explain
your opinion. Give reasons to support
your ideas. Start your email, “Dear Ms.
The athletic director of a summer camp
is looking for ways to promote physical
fitness at the camp. He wants to know
what ideas his young campers have
EMAIL about how to do this.
Write an email to the athletic director to
Writing Prompt 5 explain your opinion. Give reasons to
support your ideas. Start your email,
“Dear Mr. Pitt.”

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