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Good and bad manners

Good manners is key element of social life. It reflects recpect and kidness towards others .

For me, it is very important when I talk to someone that he looks me in the eye. It's very
disrespectful to me if he doesn't look me in the eyes.As another thing i find very disrespectful
is when someone talks with their mouth full.

Among the most important things we were taught from a young age is to thank and ask,
although sometimes it happens that someone does not thank me and I am very sorry. I also
find it very rude not to say hello to someone when I know them, I prefer to say hello even if
the person doesn't remember me.

This is a very controversial topic and that is who pays on the first date. A man should always
pay for me and it doesn't matter who invited whom. I personally prefer that the man pays on
the first date and the woman on the second date.

I notice lots of little things a man should do, like hold the door or a man should walk to the
side closer to the road.

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