Articles in English

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Nature and Status of the Article in English

There are three articles in English: the definite (the), the indefinite (a/ an) and
the zero article (no article). The definite and the indefinite articles always
function as determiners. They have no function independent of the noun.

1.The definite article - it is used before a noun to show that the speaker and
the hearer consider the object denoted by the noun as definite, distinct from
all other objects of a certain class or group. Some nouns are used with the
because they refer to unique persons:

-the Pope;

-or things: the Bastille;

Some geographical names are also included such as:

-oceans and rivers: the Pacific; the Thames;

-countries: the Netherlands;

Some are singular nouns referring to something that is the only one in the
world such as the moon, the sun. Others refer to just one person or thing in a
specific place or organization: The president has insisted that he's in good

The is also used with superlative adjectives: the best, the purest, the most

Some nationalities are also represented with the definite article: the British;
the Chinese, the Finnish.

2.The Indefinite article - it is used with singular, countable nouns to talk about
things or people in an indefinite way. The indefinite article originates from the
unstressed form of one and in some phrases it can still be interpreted as "one":
a mile or two (one or two miles). We usually use a or an when we mention
something for the first time. The indefinite article is also used in noun phrases
that act as a subject complement: Mr. Smith is a teacher.

3. The Zero article - when we generally refer to something "as a whole" we use
the zero article: Cheetahs need to drink water only once per 4 days. When
uncountable abstract nouns are used in English they have no article: Patience is
the greatest virtue. We must use the zero article when we talk about:

-Certain institutions in society: I want to go to college; He was sentenced to 20

months in prison; Children learn a lot at school.

-Means of transport and communication: travel by car; communicate by


-Times of day and night: at dawn; in the morning; before noon;

-Seasons: The roads are always muddy in spring and fall.

-Meals that take part every day: She ate a pizza for lunch; We start dinner at

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