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WASKITA: Jurnal Pendidikan Nilai dan Pembangunan Karakter Vol.4 No.

2 P-ISSN 2580-7005 E-ISSN 2655-8769



Risa Juliadilla
Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social Studies and Culture, Gajayana University

Informasi Artikel:
Dikirim: (5 Agustus 2020) ; Direvisi: (15 September 2020) ; Diterima: (25 Oktober 2020)
Publish: (31 Oktober 2020)

Abstract: Humane Education as a Method of Empathy Character for Children in School.

The cases of animal abuse are escalating. The highlighted issue that indicates psychopathology is
because of the lack of compassion for exploiting animals. Children with lack empathy and was
familiar with the abusing act become a serious problem. To deal with the problem, humane
education is a solution to maintain an effective way to cut the abusing behavior emotionally and
cognitively within empathy and to have manners toward animals associates with animal welfare
understanding. The program may set in a school and the suitable time to apply the program starts
from nursery school to elementary school. Humane education is not only “about” animals but also
“for” and “with” animals. The literature review aims to provide information on the definitions and
procedures of humane education, debate, and solutions for their application in the educational
setting and how humane education contributes to constructing empathy for children.

Key Word: Humane Education, Empathy Character, Children.

Abstrak: Pendidikan Kemanusiaan sebagai Metode Karakter Empati untuk Anak-Anak di

Sekolah. Kasus penyiksaan pada hewan terus mengalami peningkatan. Persoalan yang disoroti
mengindikasikan psikopatologi yang disebabkan karena kurangnya kasih sayang sehingga
melakukan eksploitasi pada hewan. Anak-anak yang kurang memiliki empati terbiasa melihat atau
melakukan tindak kekerasan sehingga hal ini menjadi masalah serius bagi perkembangan
psikologinya. Permasalahan ini perlu mendapat solusi, salah satunya yakni pendidikan
kemanusiaan. Strategi pendidikan kemanusiaan bertujuan untuk menghentikan perilaku kekerasan
secara emosional dan kognitif dengan empati sehingga memiliki pemahaman terhadap
kesejahteraan hewan. Program pendidikan kemanusiaan ini dapat diterapkan di sekolah dan
waktu yang tepat untuk menerapkan strategi ini adalah ketika taman kanak-kanak hingga sekolah
dasar. Pendidikan kemanusiaan tidak hanya tentang hewan, tetapi hewan dijadikan sebagai
sarana untuk melatih empati seseorang. Tinjauan pustaka menjelaskan tentang definisi dan
prosedur pendidikan kemanusiaan melalui debat dan problem solving. Strategi Pendidikan
Kemanusiaan memberikan kontribusi untuk membangun empati bagi anak-anak.

Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Kemanusiaan, Karakter Empati, Anak-anak.

PENDAHULUAN tewas viral di media sosial. Kabar

terbaru, polisi sedang memburu
“Sebuah video yang menunjukkan
para pelaku. Rekaman video yang
anak kucing diinjak-injak hingga
diduga terjadi di Malaysia ini
Risa Juliadila – Humane Education as a Method of Empathy Character for Children in School

memperlihatkan tiga perempuan contributes to conducting disorder

melakukan tindakan kejam
diagnose. Conduct disorder is the
terhadap seekor anak kucing.
Hewan mungil berbulu putih hitam beginning of antisocial personality
ini dianiaya, diinjak-injak
bergantian, dengan seutas tali yang
diikat di lehernya untuk mencegah Perpetrators of violence to humans
kucing malang itu kabur. Sontak
and animals are related. Those who
anak kucing malang itu meronta-
ronta kesakitan. Namun, ketiga perform violence from early ages toward
perempuan itu tanpa belas kasihan
both humans and animals can predict as
terus menyiksanya, hingga ajal
menjemput si kucing (Iswara, May individuals with the character of cruelty,
8, 2020).”
violent and antisocial. Violence toward
In reality, most of the people animals is a rehearsal before committing
consider the animals' torture is a trivial the act to humans. Many people have
issue and justify the act of torturing knowledge of animals as weak objects and
animals. The violence is not only initiated no excuses for hurting them. Animal
by adults but also children who also cruelty commit by children is a signal for
perform the same. Violence to animals the needs of serious treatment.
generates curiosity that may affect mental Torturing animals is an expression
behavior. In this digital era, the of previous cruelty. Violence is a cycle that
perpetrators who commit torture to animals the perpetrator has experienced as a victim.
frequently posting their activities through Children imitate the violence they have
social media. From the psychological experienced. The tendency for children
sight, what relevant background that whose witness violence will unleash
underlies the cruel behavior, and how the cruelty to pets as the weaker. In some
perpetrator's mental health condition will conditions, pets figured as a control tool
discuss. and targeted by perpetrators of domestic
Torturing animals relates to the violence (Alberta SPCA Director of
cruel behavior that was done for a purpose. Education, 2013). Committed violence of
One of the signals to be aware of is the animals in childhood tends to be
lack of compassion and empathy. In other implemented to humans. (National Society
words, when children torturing animals for the Protection of Cruelty to Children
and not showing any regret is a sign of the [NSPCC], nd).
psychopathology act. Children might The lesson of moral education must
encounter some problems cause by a lack be taught as early as possible as the
of empathy as they were familiar to see primary preventive to break the cycle.
and perform the torture. Torturing animals Moral education can distribute through

WASKITA Vol. 4 No. 2 2020

microsystems such as schools. Human countries such as Japan, India, and

education is part of Animal-Assisted America Humane Education became
Education (AAE). AAE is a program with compulsory and applied at the level of
educational settings and provides training nursery school to elementary. This
and learning that focus on developing program helps to prepare generations with
skills and knowledge through animal virtuous characters. Humane education
presence. Humane Education considers as aims to foster youth generation to be more
one of the effective ways to cut the cycle humane and had compassion for others.
of violence by practicing empathy Education is not restrained to the academic
(emotionally and cognitively) to humans side but also moral. This program can
by teaching to have manners to animals empower youth generation for respecting
based on welfare principles (Taylor & others. Besides, students are taught to be
Signal, 2005). Humane education may start critical about animal protection rights and
for nursery to elementary school. environmental ethics.
Humane education should make a In the early 20th century humane
deal with parental care. In reality still education is go public. Later on, the
found some parents who frequently let American Humane Association (AHA) set
their children abuse animals such as Humane Education for the curriculum in
pulling a cat's tail, chasing a chicken, and 1915. After the implementation of the
kicking birds in a cage. Both parents and curriculum, the crime rates are decreasing.
educators of humane education must see However, humane education is proposing
eye to eye on the definition of violence on to be taught to public school students at
animals and be suspicious if children least one hour a week (Ascione, 2005).
deliberately treat animals cruelly which At this time, school in Japan is
indicates a behavior that must be given implementing humane education nationally
serious treatment. for learning about kindness through caring
The earlier a child's character is for animals. They believe that raising
formed will more internalized and is animals will increase students' ability by
expected to contribute a moral society. performing challenges for students to
Therefore humane education is widely complete assignments. Students are given
applied in several schools starting from the task to be responsible for the welfare
nursery school to elementary school. and survival of animals (Nakajima, 2017).
Nurturing the empathy character for When this program sets, students will
children is a long-term investment and is experience the art of caring for living
not short-lived. In some developed things so that they are expected to be able

Risa Juliadila – Humane Education as a Method of Empathy Character for Children in School

to acknowledge all living things around take action to character education seriously
them. The expected result is the student's as same as the effort to improve academic
sense of responsibility for his duty, education. Schools that only prioritize
conscious of the surroundings, and academics and underestimate moral
responsibility. aspects are schools that are preparing
India also runs a dog bite dangerous societies (Kaimuddin, 2014).
prevention program to reduce the number Some individuals consider the humane
of attacks and dog bites on humans. This education program not yet a primary
program aims to understand the dog's body priority because the procedure is
language and educate students about dog complicated and far from the main goal of
habits. They better understand and raise education. On the other hand, there are
awareness to look after themselves when school regulations that prohibit the
they are near dogs. This is important to participation of animals in an educational
suppress the tendency of children's phobias setting. Other reasons are costs, extended
towards dogs (Seligsohn, 2014). work hours, and the possibility of attacks
Humane education is still yet carried out by animals and the transmission
popular in Indonesia. The 2013 Curriculum of animal diseases.
(K13) applied in national education Some schools may provide other
provides a field for students to explore academic activities to achieve educational
affective aspects. As a result, students are goals rather than apply humane education.
expected to be smart not only restricted in Research conducted by Samuels, Meers &
terms of intelectual but also have Normando (2018) set a trial, by
compassion. The curriculum has a main experimenting on elementary school
concept in the development of character students. Students are divided into two
education. Teachers play an important role groups: the experimental group (The Circle
in the formation of character education in of Compassion - a treatment of humane
schools. In theory character education is education) and the control group (the chess
apart from behavioral practices. The club program). The Circle of Compassion
present situation in national education is program discusses prosocial attitudes to
the answer. The focus is powerful at the animals and the environment once meeting
cognitive level and the clearly view are per week for 11 meetings face to face
when students who solves math or speaks class. The results were found that the
foreign language are considered smart. experimental group had a positive impact
Character education is vigorously by increasing prosocial behavior compared
needed as the academic side. Schools must to others that were treated playing chess.

WASKITA Vol. 4 No. 2 2020

The literature review aims to injury and disease, freedom from fear and
provide information on the definitions and distress, and freedom to express normal
procedures of humane education, debate, behavior (Susanto & Gandha, 2015).
and solutions for their application in the Students are explained with simple
educational setting and how humane cases, for example concerning news of
education contributes to constructing attacks on pets in humans. Through a
empathy for children. The benefits of this human's perspective, the cases look
study are aimed at broadening the idea that terrible. If we look at the animal welfare
it is valuable to develop empathy from an point of view some questions emerge as
early age. Empathy extends prosocial follows: What makes animals attack
behavior and moral intelligence that can humans? Is the animal had prospered?
distinguish right or wrong. These skills are Some cases of animal attacks triggered by
required to diminish violence. insufficient food supply or trapped in a
small cage. But the featured news is the
DISCUSSION animal's presence harm humans, so the
Animal welfare as the main theme of discussion on the particular issue is
humane education decline. Animal welfare brings a direct
Humane education has a special consequence to the environment, for
mission to teach kindness to animals that example, snakes roam because their habitat
stimulate the growth of empathy directed is disrupted by settlement. To maximize
at humans and have an impact on reducing the program, teachers' forces to provide
violent behavior (Signal & Taylor, 2009). good role models for students as well as a
Other perspectives about animals are also comprehensive understanding of the
presented. Thus, a clearer picture of perspective on animal learning.
animals that also have basic needs, fear, Born (2018) states 3 things related
pain, and affection for others will be to animal learning perspectives:
clearer. Starting from the simple reason 1. Education about animals is the basic
that student empathy is formed. Students knowledge and understanding of animals
also need to know information that there is used as a food source and how the role of
the name "Five (5) Freedom" that must be animals in nature.
known. This provision requires all animals 2. Education for animals is learning about
that are kept or live freely in nature by ethics, justice, and caring for animals. The
having rights or freedoms, namely: aim is to hone empathy because animals
freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom have rights and ethically well treat.
from discomfort, freedom from pain,

Risa Juliadila – Humane Education as a Method of Empathy Character for Children in School

3. Education with animals implies that side. In short, from other perspectives, the
animals are masters or tools, and performs benefits of animal welfare self-improve the
as a servant to humans. Learning with welfare of animals, besides increasing
animals means viewing animals as prosocial behavior.
creatures that are equal to humans.
Humane education not only talking Implementation of humane education
"about” animals but also “for” and “with” for national education
animals. Human education aims to broaden Many people underestimate the
and shape the students’ awareness through program in the field of education.
some different perspectives. Some fun However, interactions between animals
activities may give a clear picture to help and children contribute to the development
students understands, for example by of healthful character (Dally & Suggs,
milking, feeding, and socializing with 2010). On the other hand, Policymakers
cows. From the various activities, students must conduct scientific research to
learn animal education as a means for overcome find solutions. Particularly in
animal welfare. The activities are a sight of calculating profit and loss with the
roughly farm life. Students taught a lesson presence of animals in school settings.
to thank and respect the animal-being. In Many researchers have proved more of the
the present, humans are easy to arrange benefits of humane education than the
food for days, but the fact is the life-being disadvantages and it will force the
sacrificed for our needs. When the students policymakers to make it work.
have a look at these different perspectives Animal needs and welfare are the
then the teacher guides some relevant priority during animal participation in
perspective on the religious, moral, and educational settings such as checking out
science side. the layout, care methods, animal
Students are given a scientific characteristics (living in a colony or
explanation that livestock (cows) is solitary), and sterilization. When the needs
"designed" to convert for human food. The and welfare of animals are fulfilled, the
explanation confirmed by an illustration of program will achieve its objectives to the
the food chain for every living thing, and it fullest (Gee, Griffin & McCardle, 2017).
provides knowledge and consciousness for Animals that are involved in teaching must
students to know the cow's sacrifice. follow sets of procedures under the
Respecting animals through Islamic rules supervision of a veterinarian. All animals
during their life and slaughter is another involved are required not to be over-sized
respecting way on the moral and religious to the abundance or put their safety at risk

WASKITA Vol. 4 No. 2 2020

(Hediger et al, 2019). The psychological another perspective, and they already have
aspect and lesson readiness are also taken a desire to help (Juliadilla, Pakaja & Iksan,
for learners' and schools' consideration. It 2019). This means that empathy can be
aims to see the motivation and readiness of taught as early as possible. The program is
participants, the suitable facilities, social adjustable and refers to the development of
needs, and layout (MacNamara & Butler, children's empathy (themes, media, and
2010). teaching methods). A developmental and
Implementation of humane cognitive psychologist, Jerome Bruner
education involves every component of the believes that all lessons can be taught
school to carry out its duties. The teacher effectively in the intellectual form to any
is responsible for the safety of students and child at any stage of development
animals during the setting. Teachers also (Jalongo, 2013).
serve as the transfer of knowledge to Even though in Indonesia human
students using and through the presence of education is subordinate and that not
animals. In this program, students are hesitated to run the program. Humane
responsible for their safety when education can be learned theoretically, not
interacting with animals. This can be done as well as at the practical. The teacher can
through the introduction of animal habits use the aid of documentary films or
and body language. The animals are photographs to explain to the students. The
required to pass the health and behavior obtained understanding of the humane
tests to avoid the accident. In conclusion, education curriculum resulted to students
the highest results achieved when all in behave more positively towards animals
procedures are carried out properly. than those who do not.
Some opinions state that humane The implementation of humane
education is abundant for early childhood education does not always involve the
and elementary school. Empathy in presence of animals, although the presence
individuals has established since the and interaction with animals will enrich
beginning of birth. Babies will cry when learning experiences for students. Some
they hear other babies cry. When children ways that can be used to explain humane
are in the first year, they are at emotional education include small group discussions
empathy stages. Children begin to notice or watching videos related to animals. If
that other people's feelings are different the school is unable to set the classroom
from them. For elementary schools are at setting, it still has the opportunity to attach
the level of cognitive empathy. Children the moral value of humane education in
are understanding the problem from various subjects. The following

Risa Juliadila – Humane Education as a Method of Empathy Character for Children in School

Curriculum (K13) provide teachers in an aggressive, and teach about the differences
easy way to convey the topic to several perspectives on holy and clean (especially
subjects. Besides that, there are also for Muslims). At this point, it can also be
relevant themes about animals such as taught to children when exposed to dog
environmental topics. With this saliva it is necessary to purify themselves
opportunity, teachers can use it to provide by Islamic rules. Other lessons that can be
humane education. Juliadilla, Pakaja & taught are tolerance and respect for others.
Iksan (2020) have implemented the Because students must be able to respect if
introduction of humane education in an there is a friend who raises dogs by not
elementary school in Batu, East Java. They showing an attitude that hurts feelings. In
promote humane education through essence, many dimensions of learning can
integrated visual media entitle Animal be taught through humane education.
Education. This innovation was welcomed Dally & Suggs (2010) discussed
by teachers so they could teach academic the benefits of implementing humane
and moral lessons integrated. education in schools. The respondents
For schools that pursue for the were teachers from nursery school to the
interaction with animal in school setting high school level. The animals involved in
could start with animals that are easy to this study are various such as dogs, cats,
handle, such as fish and turtles. In hamsters, turtles, fish, and rabbits. During
principle, when conducting animal the study, students were asked to interact
assistance programs must have a balance with the selected animals by caring for,
between "easy" and "useful" (Nakajima, giving names, feeding, and burying when
2017). No requirement says to raise their pets died. As a result, one teacher
animals that are difficult to handle. The responded after the implementation of
most important thing is to emphasize the humane education the students were more
side effects on students regarding empathy empathetic to each other and responsible
and prosocial behavior improvement. One for the animals they raise in the class.
thing to consider in starting interactions Students start to respect the animal's rights
with animals is the type of animal that is and grief when their pet dies. In short, the
decided based on religious understanding. presence of fish and turtles also stimulates
For example, the presence of a dog at interaction with other students through
school could replace by rabbits or other basic conversations.
animals. Even if your topic is dogs, there
are many things to observe like dog habits,
preventive action to avoid dogs’

WASKITA Vol. 4 No. 2 2020

Humane education method to produce understand their emotions first. That is

students' empathy means how to express feelings of sadness,
The reason why humane education happiness, and anger properly. Because
used animals as the object just because emotional incongruence may interrupt
animals are vulnerable and easy to get hurt. individuals to understand themselves.
Besides, animals relate to children so that Thus, it will difficult when understanding
will attract children's attention easily. One the emotions of others. Humane education
of the best ways to teach empathy is to may teach us to understand the emotions of
introduce human-animal relationships. others. For example, students can learn
Humane education has a circle of empathy about dogs' body language when feeling
which is described as a group of people angry, suspicious, and happy. Then,
who interact to develop empathy together. students will understand when a dog is
A circle of empathy in children functions aggressive that the student does not try to
as a means of self-development through hold his tail to avoid dog bites. Instead,
self, family, and animals. (Jalongo, 2013). students are taught to reduce the emotions
Humane education is adapt to of dogs so that dogs feel happy by treated
discussing prosocial behavior through gently.
lessons and activities that are specific to Teaching empathy can be done by
people, animals, and the environment. providing examples in daily life, that are
Issues to be discussed include pets, adjusted to the level of student maturity.
livestock, wildlife, the environment, and Some cases like children chasing and
children. This activity is generated with frightening cats or chickens to scare them.
discussion and exploration of issues of This phenomenon is still considered
animal welfare, conservation, pollution, normal, and children are not considered to
and the effects of climate change, hurt animals. For someone who purposely
intimidation, poverty, and child labor scaring animals is indicate to the
(Samuels, Meers & Normando, 2018). psychological violence toward animals.
Through this program, students have also The sight of humane education is to break
opened up their eyes and sharpen critical the bad habit by giving a clear
thinking skills. Since childhood, students understanding and reasonable question.
must also be taught the issue of humanity Students are also involved to think and feel
so that they can be sensitive to the social divergently from other perspectives. For
problems around them. example, can children imagine and feel
Before providing students with the when they become an animal?, What do
lesson of empathy, the students can

Risa Juliadila – Humane Education as a Method of Empathy Character for Children in School

they feel? and what do they think it is national empathy motivation (Young,
appropriate for the animal?. Khalil, & Wharton, 2018). Prosocial action
Another complex example, the is the aim of the lesson on humane
phenomenon of the monkey mask show education. Things to remain are the cruel
which is considered attractive to children. violence started by the neglect of minor
Indeed, monkey masks have been banned violence. The idea looks simple but is
because they are considered to be an crucial.
exploitation of animals. Through this The impact provides by a circle of
phenomenon, students are invited to reflect empathy starts from kindness towards
and think about these animals. What can be animals and is extended around. If
done to decrease this exploitation? The someone treats animals (as creatures that
lesson that we explain has to follow with a are vulnerable to violence) well then it is
solution. The real action that is relevant is likely that he can treat each other well. Of
not giving money to the owner but giving a course, for the generation exposed to
reward such as bananas and nuts to the humane education from an early age rise to
monkeys. a generation that is, conscious, empathy,
The following examples are compassion, and prosocial.
methods that may succeed in developing
the character of empathy for students. CONCLUSION
Empathy can be identified in two ways: Humane education requires many
cognitive and affective. Cognitive things to be applied. This is also the reason
performs when students are involved to why adults are hesitant to teach children
think and describe the feelings of others. about the goodness of all living things.
Affective refers to the ability to have a Thus there is a different perspective of
feeling toward others. Cultivating empathy attitudes towards animals, is consuming
can be done by exposing inspirational beef or chicken can categorize as violence?
stories of animals and ending with moral Probably for vegans, but paying attention
value, or telling environmental crises that to animal welfare during their lives is one
result in the extinction of habitat for way to respect animals. There is an
animals. The empathy that initiates agreement that violence against animals is
cognitively and affective will get an impact carried out deliberately and treated cruelly.
when make it work. When individuals We should not let the valuable opportunity
realize to sympathize, spontaneously they to grow human education at an early age
will take part in reducing the others' be ignored. Character education from an
burden. This is called compassion or early age can begin with simple things

WASKITA Vol. 4 No. 2 2020

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that are not more important academically. New York: Spriger.
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Animal Education Berbasis Animasi
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