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The Universal Principle of Biology: Determinism, Quantum Physics and


Article in NeuroQuantology · September 2014

DOI: 10.14704/nq.2014.12.3.747


4 196

3 authors:

Attila Grandpierre Deepak Chopra

Konkoly Observatory 40 PUBLICATIONS 223 CITATIONS

Menas Kafatos
Chapman University


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NeuroQuantology | September 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 3 | Page 364-373 364
Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology

The Universal Principle of Biology:

Determinism, Quantum Physics and Spontaneity

Attila Grandpierre*, Deepak Chopra† and Menas C. Kafatos‡

For the last four centuries, physics became the pre-eminent natural science. Now it is widely believed that biology will
replace physics in prominence. However, systematic efforts to develop a science of theoretical biology on a par with
modern theoretical physics in depth and explanatory power have failed. In this paper, we introduce the most
promising effort to achieve a fundamental theory of biology, the framework of Ervin Bauer, which includes three
requirements for life. The universal principle of biology, which is Bauer’s principle, is introduced and presented in
mathematical form. Because he was able to derive all fundamental life phenomena from this single principle, we
propose that Bauer’s principle is the first and foundational principle of biology. It can play a central role in biology
similar to the one played in physics by the least action principle. We posit that this new picture will open the
possibility to achieve an exact theoretical biology. Expanding the conceptual framework of theoretical physics in the
most suitable way that is necessary and sufficient for an exact theoretical biology is a challenging task. We also clarify
some significant conceptual difficulties of Bauer’s requirements in the context of modern biology, and we
fundamentally connect Bauer’s theory to quantum physics. In conclusion, we strongly believe that the only version of
modern theoretical biology capable of following in the footsteps of modern physics is Bauer’s theory.

Key Words: theoretical biology, exact biology, action principle, spontaneity, quantum physics, indeterminism
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2014.12.3.747 NeuroQuantology 2014; 3: 364-373

1. Introduction1 reality is called for. To fulfill biology’s promise,

As Carl Woese formulated in his famous article, it must reach a new and inspiring vision of the
“A new biology for a new century” biology living world, one that addresses the major
today is at a crossroads. The mechanistic, problems in the field that 20th-century biology,
reductionist understanding of biology does not namely molecular biology, could not handle
work because it is misleading and it fails to and, so, ended up avoiding. If such a vision
capture biology’s essence. As he remarks, a new, emerges, it has the potential to lead biology to a
deeper, more invigorating representation of fundamental role in science, along with physics,
which will define and explore the nature of
reality (Woese, 2004).
Corresponding author: Attila Grandpierre
Address: ‡Chapman University, Center of Excellence, Schmid College of Unlike current science in general,
Science and Technology, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866, USA.
*Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Konkoly contemporary biology in its theoretical
Thege u. 13-17, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary. †The Chopra Center. foundations is built on descriptive and relatively
Phone: +36-70-5097404 natural-language terms. This runs contrary to
e-mail 
the trend of building on the relevant aspects of
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors
declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any achievements in physics, which found universal
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a laws of physical changes. In order for biology to
potential conflict of interest. become a genuine theoretical science, as well
Received: 13 April 2014; Revised: 14 July 2014; Accepted: 23 July 2014
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Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology
founded as modern physics, and just as reliably other is the biological principle (Bauer, 1967)
predictive, its theoretical foundations should be arising from the basic fact that all living
revised (Brent and Bruck, 2006). organisms must maintain themselves high
above thermodynamic equilibrium. In biology,
Today a minimal requirement for
therefore, it is not the principle of least action
respectability of any physical theory is to admit
that determines the gross behavior of living
a variational principle (Edelen, 1971).
organisms. Living organisms must continuously
Variational principles of physics determine
select the endpoints of their processes
from all possible trajectories between an initial
according to the requirements of remaining
configuration A and a final configuration B
alive. Since being alive involves a tendency to
corresponding to a specifed time, the one that is
maintain life as long as possible, and as far
actually occurring is distinguished by the
above thermodynamic equilibrium as possible,
smallest value of a physical quantity, in
the selection of biological endpoints
comparison to every possible slightly modified
corresponds to a maximal principle, termed the
paths. In physics, the least action principle
greatest action principle (Grandpierre, 2007).
plays this role, since all the fundamental laws of
Moreover, such a generalization would provide
physics can be derived from it (Feynman, 1985;
a way to build biology on the complete
pp.104-105; Zee 1986; p.109). The pivotal role
theoretical framework worked out by
of the least action principle was first recognized
theoretical physics. The least action principle
in the 18th century by Maupertuis and Euler
only needs to be generalized by one step that
(there was the ancient precedent in Heron of
allows for biologically determined endpoints:
Alexandria, a Greek mathematician and
biological teleology.
physicist of the 1st century). The central role of
the least action principle in physics corresponds The prevailing attitude toward a potential
to unsolved conceptual problems related to a first principle in biology has historically been
mechanical version of teleology (Grandpierre, highly controversial. However, Ervin Bauer
2012a). “There is absolutely no doubt that every (1967), in deriving his version of the universal
effect in the universe can be explained as principle of life, pointed out that the behavior of
satisfactorily from final causes, by the aid of the living organisms is not governed by physical
method of maxima and minima, as it can from laws. For example, a cat does not move on the
the effective causes” (Euler, 1744; in Lemons, basis of Newton’s laws of motion. A cat - or a
1997, x). Variational principles like the one single cell, for that matter – that is in a state of
expressing that light travels between any point rest doesn’t tend to remain at rest, even in the
A to B on the path corresponding to the least absence of external forces acting upon it.
traveling time (Fermat’s principle), are the Instead, it spontaneously initiates internal
contemporary descendants of final causes biological forces that continuously change its
(Lemons, 1997, x). state. The significance of this elementary
biological fact isn’t recognized, however,
Given that biology has moved to the fore
because the related biological theory to
in the 21st century, which has even been
supplant theories of physics hasn’t been
dubbed “the century of biology,” is it plausible
formulated. Today, the dominant opinion is
to search for its own first principle? The least
that since all living organisms consist of
action principle can become the ideal tool of
material particles that are governed by physical
biology when generalized to allow for free
laws, there is no room for an additional,
endpoint selection suitable for biological
independent biological principle (Kim, 1989;
purposes. For example, a bird descending from
Davies, 2006; p.266).
a height beginning at initial point A, can freely
select where it lands (endpoint B), such as the In contrast, we would point out that a
branch of a neighborhood tree. For a living non-deterministic type of spontaneity does exist
organism, the endpoint B is not pre-fixed, as it in physics (Grandpierre and Kafatos, 2012;
would be for a stone dropped from a height. The 2013). For example, quantum physics cannot
endpoint is, to a significant extent, freely determine which atom of a radioactive clump of
selectable, open to biological determinations. matter will be the one to decay next. The
quantum revolution introduced a fundamental
Biological determinations have two
uncertainty in the microworld. Therefore, not
sources. One is the living organism itself,
all details of physical processes are determined
having an independent biological autonomy
within any given physical condition. Rather
(Grandpierre and Kafatos, 2012; 2013). The
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Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology
than claiming that biology must first follow the Unfortunately, despite repeated attempts
deterministic model of physics, one must of Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Wigner and
recognize that non-determinism plays a pivotal other founders of quantum physics, the
role in quantum mechanics and, prominently, fundamental connection between quantum
in biology. The freedom and spontaneity physics and biology has remained largely
observed in living organisms doesn’t contradict unexplored. Instead of building itself up
physics. But the question remains open of how systematically from exact grounds, modern
to make the two truly compatible. Spontaneous biology has decoupled itself from the main
action offers an intriguing clue, but its branch of natural sciences and built itself on
implications are not easily followed up. some phenomenal, descriptive terms. Thus the
usual method of today’s biology (e.g.
If biological determination is possible at
Abercrombie et al., 1990; Alberts et al., 2004;
all, it must work on the possibilities that physics
Campbell et al., 2008) is to start defining life by
left open - and in some respects indeterminate -
metabolism, reproduction, and other basic
at the quantum level. Possibilities aren’t pre-
phenomena. Biologists then attempt to answer
fixed by any means. This implies that there is a
fundamental questions about the nature of life
place in Nature for biological determinations,
on the basis of metabolism and reproduction
and these can either occur at the quantum level
(Cleland, 2006).
or utilize it for higher level action. Since
quantum indeterminism operates at small, In reality, this becomes a circular
nano-scales, as seen from the Heisenberg argument: According to the “metabolism first”
uncertainty relation, it may not at first glance hypothesis (i.e., “The peculiarity which
seem suitable for large-amplitude biological distinguishes life qualitatively from all other
changes. Nevertheless, while quantum forms of motion of matter... is metabolism”
indeterminism occurs at a very deep level of Oparin, 2010; Schrödinger, 1948; p.71), life is
Nature, biological determinism may defined by metabolism. Yet at the same time
simultaneously act on a macroscopic number of metabolism is explained by life (metabolism is
particles, and, consecutively, on a large number the “sum of the physical and chemical processes
of time steps. Quantum indeterminism has a occurring within a living organism”, e.g.,
random character, and while this randomness Abercrombie et al., 1990; p.357). The question
may arise from a large number of independent of how to define life is begged in such circular
subsystems, non-randomness results when the reasoning. Cleland (2006) has pointed out that
subsystems are not independent but closely the solution to this problem is to develop an
connected. In living organisms the hierarchy of adequately general scientific theory of life. To
subsystems are finely orchestrated together; our knowledge, such a theory was developed
this means that they are not independent but only once in the history of modern science, by
highly dependent on each other instead. Ervin Bauer (1967). Unfortunately, Bauer’s
Therefore, in the presence of biological landmark oeuvre is practically unknown in the
organization, quantum indeterminism may well English speaking world. First, we present a
become non-random, additive, and organized. concise introduction to Bauer’s work that led to
If living organisms intervene in their physical a first principle of life, the Bauer principle.
processes and modify them into biological paths
at the quantum level, they must not do it
randomly but systematically, according to 2. Bauer’s Principle
biological demands. This is the reason, we Ervin Bauer (1890-1938) was a far-seeing
think, that a cat, although subject to Newton’s Hungarian biologist who worked in his native
laws, can spontaneously change its behavior in land but also Germany, Czechoslovakia, and
a systematic manner. Cats, like other living ultimately the Soviet Union. He wrote his
things, have independent biological autonomy fundamental works in 1920 and 1935 (Bauer,
(Grandpierre and Kafatos, 2012; 2013) making 1920a, b; 1935/1967) before being killed in
them capable of initiating newly beginning Stalinist purges in 1938 (Müller, 2005). His
causal chains. Therefore, they may initiate a work was banned in the Soviet Union on
cumulatively increasing difference between ideological grounds. It took considerable
biological and physical behavior, modifying the courage to preserve a few remaining copies of
effects of Newton’s laws on their state of Bauer’s book, Theoretical Biology, and to
motion. discuss his theory. Yet Boris P. Tokin (1965)
and others kept his memory alive, and in 1967
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Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology
Tokin’s book about Bauer was published in however, since all “powered” or “charged”
Hungarian (Bauer, 1967, see also Russia machines when switched on satisfy it. A toy
publications, 1982; 1993; 2002). Today Bauer is robot running on batteries is capable of doing
often presented in the Russian and Hungarian work in the absence of actions from its external
literature as a scientist who was much ahead of environment.
his time; he is regarded now as one of the
Switched-on machines are not to be
founders of theoretical biology (Müller, 2005),
regarded as living. Yet today many biologists
which aims to achieve something like Einstein’s
and natural scientists are inclined to consider
great goal, to unify all of physics in one grand
living organisms precisely as switched-on
machines, which, similarly to all other
In our view, Bauer succeeded in solving a machines, obey physico-chemical laws
greater problem than Einstein faced the according to their given conditions. They reject
unification of all fundamental biological ab ovo the possibility of genuine biological laws
phenomena in one equation. At the very least, a and factors, assuming that physical laws suffice.
growing number of papers indicate the Bauer thought that such a position cannot be
timeliness of Bauer’s work (e.g. Levich, 1993; accepted without a closer study of the scientific
Brauckmann, 2000; Alt, 2002; Reeben, 2008; problem itself. Therefore, in his eyes the task is
Volkenstein, 2009; Grandpierre, 1988; 2002; to elucidate whether living systems show sui
2007; 2008a; 2011a; 2011b; 2012b; 2013; 2014; generis properties that differentiate them from
Grandpierre and Kafatos, 2012; 2013; Voeikov other systems (Bauer, 1967; p.33).
and Del Giudice, 2009; Elek and Müller, 2013).
Bauer sought to prove that all basic life
2.2 The second requirement of life
phenomena are the consequence of the same
The second requirement of life (Bauer, 1967;
underlying universal principle that
p.34) states that living organisms in a changing
characterizes only living matter (Bauer, 1967;
environment must manifest changes that are
p.18). He had worked out a systematic approach
different from those manifested by inanimate
starting from the most elementary to the most
systems. For example, consider the difference
complex requirements of life.
between pushing a cat across the floor and
pushing a shoe. Acting on the cat with a force ’F’
practically never corresponds to the inertial
2.1. The first requirement of life
trajectory plus the drag force. Indeed, other
Bauer found three basic requirements of life:
forces inevitably come into play (as the cat
“First, it is characteristic for all living organisms
hisses, squirms, and claws), which are not taken
that spontaneous changes occur in their states,
into account in the purely physical picture. A
changes not arising from external causes outer
living cat exerts internal biological forces that
to the body of the organism” (Bauer, 1967;
change its (highly unpredictable) potential
p.32). No one calls a body or system living
trajectory (ibid., 35).
unless ‘active’ changes occur within it due to the
contribution of the system itself. In other Bauer adds that living systems modify the
words, a system cannot be living if all its initial conditions within which the physical
changes are a direct consequence of external forces act (ibid., 36). In order that such
physico-chemical laws alone. modifying processes occur, the system must
possess potential energies that it can apply to
The first requirement thus states that all
change the effect of external changes upon
living organisms must manifest spontaneous
itself. A shoe being pushed across the floor can’t
changes even in the absence of outer influences,
fight back; a cat can. Although the second
meaning a constant environment. An example
requirement may be satisfied occasionally by
might be a paramecium swimming at will in a
suitably constructed inanimate machines (e.g.,
perfectly still drop of water. Of course, in such
a shoe that explodes if you try to push it across
an organism a certain amount of free energy
the floor), living organisms satisfy this
must still be available. Bauer notes that
requirement regularly.
potential differences must be present inside a
living system, which can equilibrate them in the Bauer notes that this ability has often
absence of any external influence. He argues been regarded as responsiveness. Living things
that such a requirement is not enough to are characterized by complex, unpredictable
distinguish living from non-living forms, responses (as well as deterministic ones innate
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Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology
to their species, like a duck taking to water). chemical pathway. This is formulated as
However, he adds that responsiveness is follows: We regard any system as living only if
conventionally conceived to be essentially a it utilizes its free energy to increase its ability
“discharge” phenomenon, i.e., as a physical to do work. There must be internal
process only. He points out that even if machineries, then, making it possible to
responsiveness is a discharge phenomenon; this increase the organism’s capacity for work even
fails to explain the peculiar way in which such if the environment remains unchanged. In
discharges occur in living organisms. The short: the organism uses its capacity for work to
discharge phase is regularly followed by a new increase that capacity. Bauer writes;
recharge (e.g., after a synapse fires between two “The work of living systems, independently
neurons, the depleted chemical charge is almost from outer conditions, is directed against the
instantly replaced by a new charge). This means equilibrium that should be reached within the
that responsiveness contains a lawful element given environment and initial conditions.”
in relation to recharge processes which is (Bauer, 1967; p.44).
missing from purely physico-chemical
Without the third requirement, living
explanations (a battery that loses its charge is
things wouldn’t be able to maintain themselves,
called dead for good reason).
to regulate their activities, and to act
Bauer presents detailed arguments accordingly to the requirements of life on longer
showing that living systems are not chemical timescales. Certainly living organisms wouldn’t
machines and are fundamentally different from be able to invest work without the ability to act
dynamical systems like a waterfall or a spontaneously. Moreover, they wouldn’t be able
whirlwind, since these latter ones do not to invest work systematically without the ability
contribute to generate the conditions of their to recharge themselves regularly. The third
specific activities. Waterfalls do not generate requirement of life includes the first two.
the height differences which drives them,
In principle, Bauer adds (ibid., 51), it may
whirlwinds do not generate pressure
be possible to imagine systems that conceivably
differences; both of them behave passively;
fulfill the third requirement of life, yet they
their gross behavior is governed by physical
would still not count as living organisms. Yet it
is plausible to accept that the existence of such
Bauer radically challenged an inanimate systems is in principle impossible.
unquestioned assumption that life can be We can regard the third requirement as not
accounted for by physics and chemistry. He only a necessary but also a sufficient criterion of
offered a subtle qualifier: physico-chemical life: it stands as the universal principle of
conditions can be such that they allow the biology.
behavior of biological phenomena to exist in a
Bauer’s principle states that,
way that qualifies as life. Most biologists still
want to determine only the precise conditions “The living and only the living systems are
impinging on living phenomena, because they never in equilibrium; they permanently invest
accept that the laws beyond them (defined by work on the debit of their free energy budget
physics and chemistry) are already known. Yet against that equilibration which should occur
for the given the initial conditions of the
that knowledge isn’t sufficient - as Bauer
system on the basis of the physical and
argues, science can explain living phenomena chemical laws” (Bauer 1967, 51).
only if it explores the corresponding laws
associated with life as such. It is futile to reject Bauer’s principle qualifies as the basic
their existence without close, systematic study. principle in biology under the following
conditions: If it can be confirmed in each and
every living organism; if it leads to correct
2.3. The third requirement of life conjectures and isn’t found to conflict with the
In summary, the first two requirements of living facts; and finally, if it is suitable as the basis of
systems call for spontaneous changes all biological investigations. We consider
independent of outside forces and the ability to Bauer’s principle as the definition of life that is
modify their behavior in a way foreign to suitable to serve as a foundation for an exact
inanimate objects. The third requirement takes biology.
another step forward; it corresponds to the We contend that Bauer’s principle is
direction of change relative to the physico- highly likely to meet these conditions. He has
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shown that it is possible to derive all the inanimate one, F’, by an amount equal to the
fundamental phenomena of life from one basic work invested by the organism against the
principle (Bauer, 1967; pp.113-198). For equilibration process. Now if the terms of work
example, he was able to derive the fundamental – differences in pressure, concentration,
law of metabolism in a mathematical form and electric voltage etc. – are denoted by X (X’), and
to thus determine the limits of growth. the changes driven by them in a time dt are dx
(dx’), then we obtain the universal law of
Bauer points out that his basic principle
biology in the following form (1):
will have to be completed, since in its current
form it does not say anything about the
t t
quantitative aspect of energy use. He  '
conjectures in general that living organisms F'  F   X dx dt   X ' dx dt . (1)
t0 dt t dt
transform all of their free energy into work 0

against decay, against thermodynamic

equilibration dictated by physico-chemical laws. We can add to (1) the additional thesis
Since energy dissipation from the living body is expressed by Bauer, namely, that this difference
continuous, the maintenance of life requires
for living systems F’ (F represent inanimate,
continuous activity to maintain a distance from physical systems) achieves the maximal
equilibrium. This makes it plausible to assume possible value,
that all the free energy of the organism is
guided into a phase in which it makes (F’-F)│(living systems) = max. (2)
biologically useful work. With this additional The difference between F’ and F arises
thesis, if proved, the basic principle of biology from the fact that the terms in living organisms
can be formulated mathematically and can be F’ the quantities X’ and x’ in (1) vary in time
confronted with empirical data. differently than in inanimate systems F. The
difference between the physical and biological
system acts always against or compensates the
2.4. The mathematical formulation of Bauer’s effect of physical equilibration processes, and
the organism always uses all its free energy
Let us consider a closed isothermal room, the
content against equilibration.
walls of which allows heat to be transmitted,
and in which we can take the temperature as
approximately constant. The Second Law of 3. An attempt to clarify Bauer’s
Thermodynamics states that if we make a requirements in the context of modern
thought experiment and put a system into this science
room, it cannot work indefinitely but must In the formulation of Bauer’s first requirement
equilibrate within a finite time. The free energy of life there are, as we found, two terms having
of the system can be expressed as the maximal crucial importance: ‘spontaneity’ and ‘active’.
useful work of the system within those We are impelled to consider the relevant
conditions. The equilibrium will occur when the meaning of these terms in order to grasp
free energy content of the system cannot Bauer’s theory more fully. In effect, the
decrease anymore, reaching its minimum. spontaneity of living things seems to be at odds
Bauer’s thesis states that an isothermally closed with basic physics, which poses both a problem
living system will transform all its free energy and an opening for new thinking.
into work that modifies the conditions within
the organism in a way that the minimum Spontaneity in physics is of two basic
achieved will be not only a relative, but an types, deterministic and indeterministic. The
absolute one, in order to reach its lowest first corresponds to physically determined
minimum value. Therefore, if the same processes, as in the spontaneous equilibration
experiment is repeated with another, now of temperatures between a system and its
inanimate system having an initial state in environment. This type of spontaneity is
which the sum of all potential differences, present in thermodynamics. (Hence, ice cubes
measured in absolute units, is equal with that of spontaneously melt at room temperature.) It
the living organism, then, within such characterizes classical Newtonian physics as a
conditions, after equilibration occurs for both whole, where physical determinism is complete.
systems, the final free energy content of the As we have seen, biological activity would be
organism F will be smaller than that of the impossible under such conditions.
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Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology
The second type of spontaneity, unknown to a biologically usable energy form. This
to classical physics, corresponds to physically biologically governable form of energy must be
indetermined processes in the quantum utilized for the sake of biological purposes. The
domain, like the spontaneous creation of fact that biologically governable energy is
particle-antiparticle pairs of virtual particles mobilized must be related to a motivational
(Kane, 2007). This type of spontaneity presents power like desire or will. For example,
a significant conceptual difficulty for two voluntary motion seems to be due to an act of
reasons, both applicable to biology: One is that will, representing a certain kind of energy
physically indetermined spontaneous processes (when someone runs after a train hoping to hop
apparently violate the law of energy on). If creatures are able to move their legs
conservation. As Paul Davies (1983; p.162) according to their willpower, than physical
expresses it; energy is being transformed into a biologically
“In the everyday world, energy is always governable mode. The will to run after a train,
unalterably fixed; the law of energy or to move at all, is the real cause of the
conservation is a cornerstone of classical resultant motion (Baumeister, 2012). In our
physics. But in the quantum microworld, view, this leads to the possibility that the energy
energy can appear and disappear out of underlying the will to move can cover the
nowhere in a spontaneous and unpredictable energy cost of creating virtual particles from the
fashion.” vacuum. Our proposal would shed light on how
The second difficulty with physically willpower acts on living matter by acting on the
indetermined spontaneity is the violation of quantum vacuum level to create virtual particle
causality. According to one popular view among pairs, offering a scientific approach to solve the
quantum theorists (e.g., Bohr, 1999; p.17), the mind-body problem. At the same time, without
spontaneous creation of particle pairs occurs any additional input, it resolves two basic
acausally. But accepting such an assumption is insufficiencies of physics by restoring the
equivalent to giving up the principle of universal validity of energy conservation and
causality. According to physicalist views, only causality.
physical causes are possible in Nature (Kim, In formulating the first requirement of life
1993; p.280). Accepting this restricting view has Bauer does not make explicit which kind of
the consequence that if a phenomenon does not spontaneity he has in mind. He presents
have a physical cause, it must be acausal. examples of the physically determined type
So within a single process, the only. A plausible reason is that quantum
spontaneous generation of virtual particle pairs physics, the source of the second type of
meant that loopholes had to be created spontaneity, was relatively new in the 1930s,
regarding two cornerstones of classical physics. and the link between biology and physically
We think, however, that the universal validity of indetermined spontaneous processes had not
the conservation of energy and the principle of been explicitly made. As far as we know, our
causality deserves more attention. There’s an attempt is the first.
indication, in the light of Bauer’s principle, that The second term we wanted to expand on
their violation isn’t necessary. is “active,” because it poses a closely related
In other words, we propose a wider conceptual difficulty. A switched-on machine
horizon that takes in biology as being just as can be regarded as active in comparison to its
fundamental as physics in offering explanatory switched-off, passive state. As discussed earlier,
models. One can conjecture that physically Bauer considered that specially designed
indetermined spontaneous processes in living machines may seem to work in a way that
organisms may be determined by biological deviates from what would be expected given
factors. If so, biological activities can be physical conditions and laws. Yet such
responsible for the creation of virtual particles, deviations are due to hidden internal workings;
and biological causes can be responsible for in reality, the machine’s activities are physically
physically “acausal” processes. We call this new determined. It does nothing spontaneously,
type of spontaneity, initiated by biological either through willpower or decision-making.
causes, biological spontaneity. In contrast, physically indetermined
Bauer writes that the chemical energy in activity of living organisms can be traced to
food is not used directly but is transformed first biological causes, which support and determine
all manner of living behavior, as in the process
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Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology
of lifting your arm. This physically process. The Bauer principle requires
indetermined but biologically determined type biologically initiated modifications of physical
of activity we would term biological activity. It pathways. Following biological pathways, these
is not easy to figure out which version of the modifications reach significant amplitudes.
term ’active’ Bauer had in mind. Since the chain of physical causes is almost
Notwithstanding, we think that in presenting closed, and the only holes in it are the ones
the three requirements of life, he proceeded to offered by the Heisenberg Uncertainty
postulate the concepts of biological spontaneity Principle, the macroscopic amplitude biological
and biological activity as we have defined them. changes should develop from much small
These considerations play the most pronounced amplitude, elementary biological interventions
role in the detailed interpretation of the basic all compatible with the uncertainty relation.
principle of life, namely, Bauer’s principle. Elementary biological interventions act on the
inputs of physical laws applied at every time
What’s taking place here is a conceptual
step, changing these inputs so that at the
shift from simpler physical activity to its more
endpoint the arising biological behavior
difficult biological aspects. As an illustration,
deviates significantly from the one expectable
when Bauer discusses responsiveness in his
on merely physical grounds. We propose that
treatment of the second requirement of life, he
the length of these elementary temporal units
writes, “In living systems the discharge is
are determined from the Heisenberg principle
followed generally by recharge. And this latter
between time and energy - the duration of an
general law, and not the unknown character of
elementary process generating a virtual particle
the reaction chain, is what led to the creation of
pair with a certain energy. If this is the case, the
the concept of responsiveness.” (ibid. p.40)
third requirement demands the modification of
Muscles and springs both move back to their
biological structures, including their physical
original state after being stretched. The
conditions, from one time step to the next at the
difference is that in a living organism the
quantum- or nano-level of elementary
regeneration of energy supply with potential
biological processes. This means that the length
differences after the contraction of the muscle
of the elementary time step is limited by the
occurs as a law.
relevant energies of virtual processes,
As we see it, since biological regeneration constrained by the Heisenberg uncertainty
in general is extremely flexible, it may be principle. Moreover, the biologically initiated
impossible to model it by pre-fixed genetic modification is not random but directed against
information patterns and machine-like equilibration, increasing the ability of the
behavior. For one thing, regeneration would organism to do work.
require too many genetic patterns. More
importantly, these patterns would have to be
4. Conclusions
flexible, renewable, creating new elements even
We note that the proper understanding of
at the level of algorithmic complexity
Bauer’s principle, as history shows, proved to be
(Grandpierre, 2008b).
unusually demanding, especially regarding
Even if recharge occasionally occurs on a fields of scholarship where the influence of
physico-chemical-genetic basis, its regular, physicalism is dominant. As an already wide
constant recurrence transcends randomness literature indicates, its oversimplification and
and replaces it by a law (of the biological kind misinterpretation are not rare; Bauer’s principle
that Bauer attempts to formulate). It is this is even thought to be simply a subordinate
undeniably lawful character and the existence physical principle (see e.g., Elek and Müller,
of a deeper, more general biological law that is 2013). Yet we note that if a system works in a
ignored and denied in the physicalist approach. way that its gross behavior deviates from
In his third requirement, Bauer holds that physically expectable behavior (governed by the
a living system "always” uses its energy to least action principle) in its most fundamental
modify the environment in such a way that it aspects in almost all its manifestations, than it
can do more work. The qualifier “always” differs fundamentally from every machines as
well as from dynamical and open systems with
indicates an emphasis once again on the lawful
aspect of life. In our understanding, the term which nowadays living organisms are frequently
“always” may refer to all elementary or confused. Since these aspects are beyond the
quantum time-steps of the given biological scope of our paper, we only mention that the
basic difference of living organisms from
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology | September 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 3 | Page 364-373 372
Grandpierre et al., Universal principle of biology
physical systems are more and more recognized behavior (Grandpierre, 2007). Here we have
(Toepfer, 2012; Nicholson, 2013). portrayed a biological principle governing the
creation of virtual particles to modify the input
Bauer’s principle fulfills the pressing need
conditions of the least action principle in a
in biology for a theoretical foundation. In
systematic, lawful, principal manner.
contrast to all other biological theories
approaching life from “fundamental” There is a close parallel here with control
phenomena like metabolism and reproduction, theory. Control theory is an interdisciplinary
Bauer’s theory shows a remarkable, as yet branch of engineering and mathematics that
unexplored similarity to the conceptual deals with the behavior of dynamical systems
structure of modern physics and its highest that have inputs. The external input of a system
achievement, the least action principle. is called the reference. When one or more
output variables of a system need to follow a
To wit, modern physics has grasped three
certain reference over time, a controller exists
levels of Nature: the level of observable
to manipulate the inputs in order to obtain a
phenomena, the level of fundamental physical
desired effect on the output end. A new class of
laws, and the level of the least action principle.
phenomena, laws, and principles appear before
Observable phenomena (first level) correspond
us, leading to a new theoretical biology as a
to the physical conditions that are input
stronger sibling of theoretical physics. Bauer
elements to the equations of physics.
has pointed us to the principal level underlying
Fundamental physical laws (second level) are
the quantum level of Nature.
approximated by differential equations
describing physical behaviors. The least action We have argued that biological
principle (third level) is an integral principle; it spontaneity and biological activity are
grasps physical processes holistically, between physically allowed by the existence of already
their initial point and endpoint. established, physically indetermined processes.
This means that there exists a foundation that is
The action principle usually corresponds
suitable to develop into a mature theory as its
to least action, expressing one of the most basic
tenets are expanded and tested in detail. Ervin
facts of Nature, that inanimate objects do not
Bauer’s work opens a natural way to explore the
contribute to changing their paths but simply
fundamental connection between quantum
follow the trajectory of the least action, namely
physics and biology. We think that only his
an inertial trajectory.
theory allows biology to develop into the next
If living organisms contribute, through exact natural science.
the spontaneous generation of virtual particles,
Finally, we propose that Bauer’s principle
to changing their behavior from an inertial
and quantum physics are related at a
trajectory to one following Bauer’s principle,
fundamental level of the universe. His
this means that biology begins at the deepest
theoretical biology continues where quantum
level of Nature. Life begins beyond the quantum
physics arrived at with the measurement
problem: to a general theory, not just of the
Living behavior systematically deviates observer whose indeterminacy revolutionized
from the least action principle and follows the physics, but of every living organism.
greatest action principle instead in their gross

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