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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

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Geotechnical investigations and preliminary support design for

the Geçilmez tunnel: A case study along the Black Sea coastal
highway, Giresun, northern Turkey
Haluk Akgün a,⇑, Serkan Muratlı b, Mustafa Kerem Koçkar c
Geotechnology Unit, Department of Geological Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Çınar Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Ankara, Turkey
Earthquake Implementation and Research Center, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study encompasses geotechnical investigations, stability assessments and design of the preliminary
Received 7 December 2011 support systems for the Geçilmez tunnel which is constructed in Giresun for the improvement of the high-
Received in revised form 22 October 2013 way along the Black Sea coast. During the study, a detailed geological map of the study area was prepared
Accepted 28 October 2013
and the geotechnical characteristics of the rock masses were determined. The rock mass classification of
Available online 28 November 2013
the tunnel grounds was performed by utilizing the RMR method, Q system, NATM and the Geological
Strength Index (GSI) classification which was followed by performing a geotechnical investigation along
the tunnel grounds in order to obtain the geotechnical parameters for the stability analyses of the portals
Tunnel and portal stability
Geotechnical characterization
and of the tunnel. Lugeon (water pressure) tests were performed in order to determine the permeability of
Rock mass classification the rock mass along the tunnel. The appropriate geotechnical parameters were utilized in order to perform
Structurally controlled rock failures during rock slope stability kinematic and limit equilibrium analyses at the portals of the tunnel. Empirical preli-
tunneling (wedge stability) minary tunnel support systems according to the RMR method, Q-system and NATM were determined. The
Finite element analyses structurally controlled instabilities within the tunnel sections were identified and the required prelimin-
Thrust–moment interaction analysis ary tunnel support systems were determined to overcome these instabilities. Regarding the structurally
controlled rock failures along the probable weak zones and lineaments (i.e., inactive probable faults or
shear zones) during tunneling, wedge stability analysis was utilized to determine the potential wedge fail-
ures that could possibly occur during tunneling and to apply the necessary support systems for stabilizing
any wedge failure in the tunnel. The induced stress distributions and deformations in the rock mass sur-
rounding the tunnel grounds was investigated and the interaction of the support systems with the rock
mass was analyzed by using numerical (finite element) modeling. In the finite element analyses it was
assumed that the rock mass behaved as a fractured rock mass since the tunnel grounds were moderate
to highly jointed. The objective of the numerical modeling was to check the validity of the empirical pre-
liminary tunnel support requirements and also to compare the results with those obtained through
assuming structurally controlled failures during tunneling. The performance of the preliminary tunnel
support was also validated on the basis of thrust–moment interaction analyses. The results of the struc-
turally controlled failure analyses, numerical analyses and thrust–moment analyses were compared in
an attempt to determine the preliminary tunnel support systems to stabilize the Geçilmez tunnel.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction studies carried out in the region, four tunnels were constructed,
which are the Aksu tunnel, Geçilmez tunnel, Uluburun tunnel
The Turkish General Directorate of Highways (KGM) adjudi- and Arıdurak tunnel, respectively (Fig. 1). This study consists of
cated a highway project for the improvement of the government geotechnically assessing the portal slope stability and tunnel sta-
highways along the Black Sea coast. The project included construc- bility of the Geçilmez tunnel which is constructed as a single tube
tion of highways, viaducts and tunnels for the improvement of the horseshoe shaped tunnel between KM: 12 + 247.50–12 + 555.00 of
highway between Giresun–Espiye (KM: 0 + 000–24 + 576.14) along the Giresun–Espiye highway project with a total length of 307.5 m.
the Black Sea coast. As a result of the preliminary geotechnical The construction of the Geçilmez tunnel is part of a project that
involves the improvement of the Black Sea coast government high-
way between Giresun–Espiye (KM: 0 + 000–24 + 576.14) and the
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 2105727; fax: +90 312 2105750.
Geçilmez tunnel is constructed approximately at the midway of
E-mail address: (H. Akgün).

0886-7798/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
278 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

Fig. 1. Location map of the study area through (a) Google Earth and (b) local map.

this project which is situated about 500 m after the Yolağzı town- area. The best times to visit the area is between April and August,
ship. It is accessible through all year by the existing government as there is heavy rain in the region during the other months. Fig. 2
Black Sea coast highway. Fig. 1 gives a location map of the study gives a view of the location of the entrance portal of the Geçilmez
tunnel prior to excavation.

2. General geology

In general, the Eastern Pontides (Eastern Black Sea) has formed

by the intercalation of Upper Cretaceous basic and acidic volcanic
rocks and their pyroclastics (agglomerate and tuff), which are the
products of subduction zone in island arc volcanism related with
the tectonism of the region. The volcanosedimentary and pelagic
units have formed during dormant periods of volcanism in the re-
gion. The oldest volcanic rocks in the region are the lower basic
series and the youngest volcanic rock is the acidic biotite bearing
dacite. The other units observed in the region are deep intrusive
rocks such as diorite, quartz diorite, granodiorite, basaltic dykes
and sedimentary units including sandstone and limestone (Metag
Fig. 2. A view (looking NE) of the location of the entrance portal of the Geçilmez Engineering Co. Ltd., 1972; Temelsu International Engineering Ser-
tunnel prior to excavation. vices Inc., 1994).
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 279

2.1. Stratigraphy International Engineering Services Inc., 1994). The structural anal-
ysis of the project area was also validated by using 1/15.000 scale
The generalized columnar section of the region is presented by aerial photographs (Temelsu International Engineering Services
Fig. 3. The units from oldest to youngest are the lower basic series, Inc., 1994). The dense vegetation and thick alluvium observed in
dacite, the volcanosedimentary unit, diorite, the upper basic series, the study area and its close vicinity made the structural analysis
biotite bearing dacite, diabase and basalt dykes, and alluvium (Me- difficult with such large scale of aerial photographs. Nevertheless,
tag Engineering Co. Ltd., 1972). using the morphological properties and surface waters which gen-
erally follow the probable weak zones and form tributary-gullies,
some other probable weak zones and lineaments with approxi-
2.2. Tectonism mate orientations of N–S and NW–SE were also identified. The
examples of the approximate N–S extending probable lineaments
The region is under the influence of the Eastern Pontides tecto- (i.e., inactive faults or shear zones) may be observed in the geolog-
nism, where the geological model is based on island arc volcanism. ical map in Fig. 4 which correspond to the entrance (western)
Tectonism is developed in the northeast, northwest (NW) and portal of the tunnel (F1), to the inner section of the tunnel (F2
east–west (E–W) directions. The general alignment of the disconti- and F3/F4) and to the exit (eastern) portal of the tunnel (F5),
nuities in the region is northeast (NE) and northwest (NW). The ef- respectively.
fect of tectonism is mostly seen in tuffs and sedimentary
formations as most of the rocks are volcanic in the region. The off-
set of faults is not easy to measure, because of dense vegetation 3. Geology and geotechnics of the project area
and thick alluvium (Metag Engineering Co. Ltd., 1972; Temelsu
3.1. General

A geological map with a scale of 1/1000 and a section along the

tunnel axis was prepared (Fig. 4). The length of the tunnel is
307.5 m and the entire tunnel cuts through basalt. A general side
view of the tunnel route is given by Fig. 5. The rocks that are ex-
posed in the study area are agglomerate, biotite bearing dacite
and basalt which are described below. Colluvium is generally ob-
served along the coastline and at the mouths of major rivers. It is
generally composed of sand, gravel with a thickness ranging from
3 to 6 m.

3.1.1. Basalt
It is black to greenish and light green to gray-black where
weathered and has porphyritic texture with plagioclase pheno-
crysts. It is generally slightly to moderately weathered and locally
highly weathered especially at the entrance portal of the tunnel.
The rock is generally slightly to moderately chloritized and serpen-
tinized and also contains slight iron staining. It locally shows
columnar jointing and vesicularity (3–10 mm) with columns
extending in the east–west direction, which most probably is a
product of submarine volcanism. It is medium strong to strong
with an average uniaxial compressive strength of 42.5 MPa (ISRM,
1981). It is moderately to locally highly jointed with 15–60 cm
spacing and 1–10 m persistence. The joints have rough, undulatory
and slightly weathered to unweathered surfaces with occasional
calcite infillings. Other than the jointing described above, there
are some occasional nearly vertical discontinuities with 10–20 m
persistence and 2–5 cm aperture with calcite infilling in the basal-
tic rock mass, which are distinguished as probable faults. Drilling
was performed in the basalt along the tunnel route through bore-
holes GÇ-1, GÇ-4, GÇ-5 and GÇ-6 where the average corresponding
RQD values were determined to be 61%, 85%, 66% and 58%, respec-
tively, leading to a mean RQD value ± one standard deviation of
67.5% ± 12.1%. The RQD value was also calculated from the discon-
tinuity scan-line survey measurements performed on basalt out-
crops along the tunnel route from the equation: RQD = 115–3.3
Jv, where Jv is the total number of joints per m3 (RQD = 100 for
Jv < 4.5; Barton et al., 1974). The number of joints per m3 was mea-
sured to range from 12 to 15, which led to an RQD value range of
65.5–75.4%, justifying the mean RQD value of 67.5% obtained from
the core samples.

3.1.2. Agglomerate
Fig. 3. A generalized columnar section of the region (Metag Engineering Co. Ltd., Agglomerate which is the base rock in the study area has not
1972). been cut along the tunnel route but it covers a large area and it
280 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

Fig. 4. Geological map and cross section along the axis of the Geçilmez tunnel.

Table 1
Laboratory test results along with sample intervals.

Borehole Sample Unit weight, Uniaxial Modulus Poisson’s

no.a interval ct (kN/m3) compressive of ratio, t
(m) strength, rc elasticity,
(MPa) E (GPa)
GÇ-1 14.40– 21.28 45 – –
GÇ-1 57.45– 23.34 32 8.40 0.05
GÇ-6 17.00– 24.32 40 9.25 0.38
Fig. 5. A general view of basalt along the Geçilmez tunnel. 17.30
GÇ-4 28.60– 23.73 30 15.0 0.11
is exposed towards the east of the study area after passing the exit GÇ-4 28.60– 23.63 40 – –
portal. Agglomerate is dark green to green and yellowish to brown 28.90
GÇ-4 32.78– 22.65 18 4.0 0.11
with a sandy andesitic coarse grained matrix. It is generally mono-
mictic and contains lapilli size (4–64 mm) and block size (>64 mm) GÇ-4 35.50– 23.54 32 – –
black to gray rounded basalt clasts. It is weak to moderately weath- 35.70
ered and locally highly weathered with calcite veinlets (3–5 mm) GÇ-5 13.30– 24.81 67 – –
around the clasts. Although it seems massive it is weak to medium 13.55
GÇ-5 18.90– 24.32 81 – –
strong with no consistent jointing.
GÇ-5 27.00– 24.91 40 14.0 0.13
3.1.3. Biotite bearing dacite 27.25
Biotite bearing dacite and tuff is only observed at the crest of a
Borehole locations are presented in Fig. 4.
the hill that overlies the tunnel and it has not been cut during tun-
neling. It is yellowish to white and pinkish, possessing a fine glassy
matrix with abundant biotite and some quartz phenocrysts. It is tunnel route. Two more vertical boreholes were planned to be
slightly weathered, but kaolinization of feldspars and sericitation drilled, one towards one-third of the tunnel route and the other to-
is observed in the highly weathered tuffaceous regions. It is hard, wards the summit of the hill, but these borings could not be per-
strong and massive. It is observed as big blocks on slopes and at formed due to accessibility problems caused by dense vegetation,
the crest of the hill that the tunnel is constructed. especially hazelnut trees. As a result, all the borings were drilled
horizontally and placed adjacent to the highway along the tunnel
3.2. Geotechnical investigations route.
Rock mechanics tests were performed by the Turkish General
In order to determine the geotechnical properties of the project Directorate of Government Highways Technical Research Depart-
site, a total of 200 m of drilling was performed through four bore- ment, Soil Mechanics and Tunneling Section on 10 core samples ta-
holes along the tunnel route. Two of the boreholes were located at ken from the four borings to determine the physical and mechanical
the entrance and exit portals, one borehole around the exit portal properties of the basalt constituting the tunnel grounds. The results
in the tunnel section and another one towards the middle of the of the geomechanics tests summarized in Table 1 indicate that the
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 281

mean unit weight ± one standard deviation of the basalt is representing approximately 71% and 29% of the tunnel grounds,
23.65 ± 1.08 kN/m3. The uniaxial compressive strength, modulus respectively.
of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio are 42.50 ± 18.52 MPa,
10.13 ± 4.47 GPa and 0.156 ± 0.129, respectively. 4.2. Determination of the geomechanical properties of basalt
In practice, the intrusive rocks and their pyroclastics are gener-
ally assumed to be impermeable because of their glassy matrices, The geomechanical properties of the basalt was studied and
however, pyroclastic rocks may contain local permeable zones evaluated for each of the seven geotechnical sectors mentioned
within their decomposed and altered regions which may have in Table 3. The rock mass properties (i.e., shear strength parame-
developed due to the long period of the inactivity of volcanism in ters, elastic parameters, Hoek–Brown constants, etc.) of each sector
the region. These zones are not capable of holding water perma- were evaluated by using the RMR method, Q system and the
nently, as they are bound by impermeable units from the top Geological Strength Index (GSI) method (Hoek and Brown, 1997)
and from the bottom. The same conditions also seem to be valid as given in Table 4. The geomechanical parameters provided input
for the hydrothermally altered zones. for the kinematic and limit equilibrium analyses along with tunnel
The tunnel route is composed entirely of basalt and in practice stability assessment through structurally controlled failure and fi-
basalt is impermeable, however, because of its discontinuous nite element analyses.
nature, it may allow inflow of water into the tunnel especially
during the heavy rainy season in the area (i.e., September to
April), particularly in the highly jointed, fractured and weathered 5. Rock slope stability assessment
sections of the basalt. For this reason, water pressure (Lugeon)
tests were performed in the vicinity of the tunnel to determine 5.1. Stability analyses of the portals
the permeability of the basaltic rock mass along the tunnel route
and hence, to gather information on the potential of the water In order to decide the most suitable slope geometry and loca-
inflow into the tunnel level. The results of the water pressure tion for portal construction, several closely spaced geological sec-
(Lugeon) tests indicated that the rock mass permeability ranged tions were drawn at the west (entrance) and east (exit) portals of
from very low (0.32 L) to low permeability (2.86 L) with a mean the tunnel. As a result of the evaluation of the sections, it was
permeability ± one standard deviation of 1.39 ± 0.92 L (low decided to construct the entrance portal between KM: 12 + 235–
permeability) according to the classification proposed by Qui- 12 + 247.5 and the exit portal between KM: 12 + 555–12 + 570 of
nones-Rozo (2010). These low permeability results suggested that the highway. Cut portal side slopes (i.e., cut slopes along the sides
no serious water inflow problems at the tunnel level were to be of the portal locations) and portal face slopes (i.e., cut slopes above
expected. the portal faces) with the determined slope ratios at the entrance
and exit portals of the tunnel were initially analyzed by stereo-
graphic techniques and kinematic analyses, and then slopes with
4. Rock mass classification and empirical tunnel support design
potential failures were checked by utilizing limit equilibrium
4.1. General
The first step in any rock slope stability analysis must be a de-
The geotechnical properties of the rock mass constituting the tailed evaluation of the lithology and rock mass structure. This is
tunnel grounds were determined through dividing the tunnel followed by the necessity to determine if the orientation of the
grounds into seven geotechnical sectors. The boundaries of these existing discontinuity sets could lead to block instability. This
seven geotechnical sectors were delineated by the three inactive assessment may be carried out by means of stereographic tech-
probable faults (shear zones) situated at KM: 12 + 306–12 + 316 niques and kinematic analysis. For example, the program DIPS
(F2) and at KM: 12 + 448–12 + 461 (F3 and F4; Fig. 4). Since the (Diederichs and Hoek, 1989) allows for the visualization and deter-
inactive probable fault (shear zone) F1 is located about 9 m west mination of the kinematic feasibility of rock slopes by using fric-
of the entrance portal and lies outside of the tunnel space, it tion cones (FC), daylight envelopes (DLE) and toppling envelopes
was ignored in the stability analyses of the entrance portal. The (TE). It is essential that such approaches recognize potential sliding
inactive probable fault (shear zone) located about 9 m west of failures involving single discontinuities or discontinuity intersec-
the exit portal (F5) was taken into account in the stability analyses tions. The DIPS software program was used to generate the stereo-
of the exit portal since it lies inside the tunnel space. The probable nets from the data collected through the scan-line discontinuity
shear zones F1 and F5 were encountered during the drilling oper- survey. For each discontinuity survey a contoured pole data stere-
ations in borings GÇ-1 and GÇ-6, respectively. The geotechnical onet with joint set windows was constructed. The stereonets were
properties of the sectors were assessed through using three then analyzed according to procedures given in Hoek and Bray
empirical rock mass classification systems, namely the Q-system (1981) in order to assess potential modes of failure, thereby allow-
(Barton et al., 1974), the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) method ing potential failure zones to be identified (Bye and Bell, 2001).
(Bieniawski, 1989) and NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method)
by using correlations with the RMR and Q systems according to 5.2. Kinematic analyses of the portal slopes
the procedure given by the Turkish General Directorate of
Highways (2002). Considering the geological observations, rock mass classifica-
A summary of the empirical preliminary support systems tions and topographic conditions, a slope ratio of 1/3 (h:V) was
(including rock bolt, shotcrete, wiremesh and steel sets) according chosen for the side slopes and a slope ratio of 1/5 (h:V) was chosen
to the RMR method, Q-system and NATM are briefly summarized for the portal face slopes. The slopes were then kinematically ana-
in Table 2. In this table, support requirements are simply assem- lyzed according to the determined slope ratios for possible kine-
bled within three categories of the rock mass: Fair Quality/B1 (Q matic rock slope failures, namely, planar failure, wedge failure,
range: 10–4), Fair Quality/B2 (Q range: 4–1) and Poor Quality/B3 and toppling failure, respectively. Since the behavior of rock in nat-
(Q range: 1–0.1). A summary of the rock mass classification of ural and artificial rock slopes is controlled by the discontinuity
the seven sectors according to the RMR method, Q-system and planes, in the kinematic analyses of slopes, the parameters that be-
NATM are given in Table 3. The basalt was classified according to long to the discontinuity surfaces were used. According to Hunt
NATM into two ground categories, which are B2 and B3, (1996), typical strength values for rock mass discontinuities for
282 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

Table 2
Summary of the empirical support type and related support requirements for the Geçilmez tunnel.

Support type B1/4 < Q < 10/fair rock B2/1 < Q < 4/fair rock B3/0.1 < Q < 1/poor rock
Construction phase Top heading and bench Top heading and bench Top heading and bench
Excavation method Drill and blast Smooth blasting, roadheaders if required Smooth blasting, roadheaders if required
Round length Top heading (2.0–3.0 m) and bench Top heading (1.5–2.5 m) and bench Top heading (1.5–2.0 m) and bench
(4.0 m) (3.5 m) (2.5 m)
Stand-up time 2–4 days 5–10 h 2h
Support time Commence support after each blast Commence support after each blast Commence support after each blast
NATM, RMR and Q-system Shotcrete (100 mm) + wiremesh (1 Shotcrete (150 mm) + wiremesh (1 Shotcrete (250 mm) + wiremesh (2
support requirements layer) + systematic grouted bolting SN* layer) + systematic grouted bolting SN* layer) + steel ribs
type (U = 26 mm, L = 4 m, spacing type (U = 26 mm, L = 4 m, spacing (spacing1.0  1.0 m) + systematic
2.0  2.5 m) + spot SN* type bolting (if 2.0  2.0 m) + spot SN* type bolting (if groutedbolting SN* type (U = 26 mm,
required in lower half) required in lower half) L = 4 m, spacing 1.0  2.0 m) + forepoling
(L = 4 m, spacing 0.5  0.5, every two
The SN (Store Norfors) bolt is a complete rod anchor provided with a rolled up metric thread, plate, spherical washer and hexagonal nut that is available in different sizes.

Table 3
A summary of the rock mass classification of the tunnel sectors.

Tunnel section Length (m) RMR Q NATM

Sector 1: Entrance portal (probable fault or shear zone) (F1) 28 45 1.01 B3
KM: 12 + 242–12 + 270
Sector 2: Tunnel section 36 56 1.78 B2
KM: 12 + 270–12 + 306
Sector 3: Tunnel section (probable fault or shear zone) (F2) 10 33 0.11 B3
KM: 12 + 306–12 + 316
Sector 4: Tunnel section 132 56 1.78 B2
KM: 12 + 316–12 + 448
Sector 5: Tunnel section (probable faults or shear zones) (F3 and F4) 13 31 0.10 B3
KM: 12 + 448–12 + 461
Sector 6: Tunnel section 70 56 1.78 B2
KM: 12 + 461–12 + 531
Sector 7: Exit portal (probable fault or shear zone) (F5) 48 47 0.82 B3
KM: 12 + 531–12 + 579

use in preliminary stability analysis for smooth and unweathered portal face slope and 1/3 (h:V) for the portal side slope, leading
surfaces are / = 30–35° for granite, basalt, gneiss, sandstone, lime- to the entrance portal face and side slope orientations of 79°/
stone and / = 25–30° for shale, phyllite, micaschist. It is advised to 227° (dip/dip direction) and 72°/317°, respectively. A scan-line dis-
add 5–15° to these values if the discontinuity surfaces are rough continuity survey was performed around the entrance portal and
and undulated or have an average roughness, but if the discontinu- 66 discontinuity measurements were taken. As a result of the ste-
ity surfaces are highly weathered and decomposed 5–10° is ad- reographic plot of these data, three main discontinuity sets were
vised to be subtracted from these values (Hunt, 1996). Since the determined at the entrance portal:
discontinuity surfaces in the study area are rough to slightly rough,
the upper bound value of 35° was utilized for / in the kinematic DS1 = 36°/293° (dip/dip direction).
analyses of the entrance and exit portal slopes which consist of dis- DS2 = 65°/317°.
continuous rock masses. This value also corresponds to the upper DS3 = 53°/003°.
bound of the / value obtained through the RMR method for the
portal slopes. It should be noted that one of the inactive probable faults with
an orientation of 84°/256° (dip/dip direction) that was discovered
5.2.1. Kinematic analyses of the entrance portal slopes in the area is located towards the west of the entrance portal (F1;
The side and face slopes of the entrance portal of the Geçilmez Table 3 and Fig. 4). Since this probable fault is not located in the
tunnel encompasses dark gray, black to locally greenish; moderate tunnel space and does not cut the side or face slope of the entrance
to highly weathered, medium hard to hard, medium strong to portal, it was ignored in the kinematic analyses. The pole density
strong, moderate to closely jointed basalt. The separations of the plot of the discontinuities at the entrance portal is given by
discontinuities generally range from 0.5 to 5 mm and occasionally Fig. 6. The major discontinuity sets in basalt and their kinematic
range from 5 to 10 mm. The discontinuities are rough, undulating analyses results at the entrance portal face and side slopes are gi-
and are occasionally filled by calcite. The average spacing of the ven in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively.
discontinuities are 150–300 mm with persistence ranging from 1
to 3 m. The 60 m horizontal drilling (GÇ-1; Figs. 4 and 5) performed 5.2.2. Kinematic analyses of the exit portal slopes
at the entrance portal reveals that the RQD is 30–35% in the first 5– The exit portal of the tunnel is mostly covered by hazelnut trees
7 m, which is the most weathered and disintegrated part that will which were grown on the 2–3 m thick soil covering the underlying
be removed during portal construction. The RQD gradually in- basalt. The geotechnical characterization of the exit portal slopes
creases going from the entrance portal to the inner parts of the was performed with the aid of two horizontal boreholes, namely,
tunnel leading to an average RQD in the borehole of about 61%. GÇ-6 of 60 m length drilled parallel to the tunnel axis at the exit
The entrance portal was designed to be constructed between portal and GÇ-5 of 30 m length drilled perpendicular to the tunnel
KM: 12 + 235–12 + 247.50 with a slope ratio of 1/5 (h:V) for the axis at the side of the exit portal. The exit portal consists of black to
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 283

Table 4
The geomechanical properties of basalt at each of the seven geotechnical sectors of the project area as determined by the RMR method, Q system and the Geological Strength
Index (GSI) method. RocLab (Rocscience, 2007) was utilized for the GSI method.

Geomechanical properties Sector 1: Entrance portal Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Sector 7: Exit portal
RMR method
RMR rating 45 56 33 56 31 56 47
Elastic modulus (E; MPa)a 7499 12,000 3758 12,000 3350 12,000 8414
Friction angle (/0 ; °) 25–35 25–35 15–25 25–35 15–25 25–35 25–35
Cohesive strength (c0 ; MPa) 0.2–0.3 0.2–0.3 0.1–0.2 0.2–0.3 0.1–0.2 0.2–0.3 0.2–0.3
Rock mass class and description III; Fair rock III; Fair IV; Poor III; Fair IV; Poor III; Fair III; Fair rock
rock rock rock rock rock
Q system
Q-rating 1.01 1.78 0.11 1.78 0.10 1.78 0.82
Elastic modulus (E; MPa)b 7544 9115 3602 9115 3490 9115 7033
Rock mass class Poor rock Poor rock V. poor rock Poor rock V. poor rock Poor rock V. poor rock
GSI method
Intact rock strength (rci; MPa)c 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.5
Intact elastic modulus (Ei; MPa) 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875
Hoek–Brown constant (mi) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Geological Strength Index (GSI) 34 ± 2 44 ± 3 26 ± 2 44 ± 3 24 ± 2 44 ± 3 36 ± 2
Disturbance factor, Dd 1.0 (S)e; 0.8 (T)e 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 (S)e; 0.8 (T)e
Hoek–Brown constant (mb) 0.224 (S); 0.492 (T) 0.892 0.305 0.892 0.271 0.892 0.259 (S); 0.554 (T)
Hoek–Brown constant (s) 1.67  105 (S); 4.54  105 0.0002 1.35  105 0.0002 9.98  106 0.0002 2.33  105 (S); 0.0001
(T) (T)
Constant (a) 0.517 0.509 0.529 0.509 0.533 0.509 0.515
Friction angle (/0 ; °) 40.1 (S); 50.5 (T) 49.0 38.0 46.0 36.0 50.1 41.5 (S); 51.5 (T)
Cohesive strength (c0 ; MPa) 0.104 (S); 0.099 (T) 0.234 0.146 0.302 0.143 0.213 0.112 (S); 0.105 (T)
Rock mass tensile strength (rtm; MPa) 0.003 (S); 0.004 (T) 0.010 0.002 0.010 0.002 0.010 0.004 (S); 0.005 (T)
Uniaxial compressive strength (rc; 0.144 (S); 0.241 (T) 0.568 0.113 0.568 0.091 0.568 0.175 (S); 0.288 (T)
Deformation modulus (Erm; MPa)f 472.2 (S); 570.9 (T) 946.6 431.7 946.6 409.7 946.6 506.1 (S); 623.4 (T)
a (RMR-10)/40
E (GPa) = 10 if RMR 6 50 (Serafim and Pereira, 1983); E (GPa) = 2  RMR-100 if RMR > 50 (Bieniawski, 1976).
E ðGPaÞ ¼ 10Q 1=3
c where Qc = Q  rc/100 (Barton, 2002).
The mean value from Table 1.
For a reasonably conservative approach, a disturbance factor of 1.0, representing poor quality blasting was assigned for the rock masses of the portal slopes and a
disturbance factor of 0.8, representing very poor quality blasting was assigned for the rock masses of the tunnel sections.
S = slope; T = tunnel.
The deformation modulus (Em) values have been calculated by the Generalized Hoek–Diederichs equation (Hoek and Diederichs, 2006).

Fig. 6. Pole density plot of basalt at the entrance portal.

dark gray, locally greenish, slightly to moderately weathered, lo- RQD is 66% in borehole GÇ-6 and 58% in borehole GÇ-5, leading
cally highly weathered, medium hard to hard, medium strong to to an overall mean RQD of 62% at the exit portal.
strong, moderate to closely jointed basalt. The separations of the The exit portal was designed to be constructed between KM:
discontinuities generally range from 0.5 to 5 mm and occasionally 12 + 555–12 + 570 with a slope ratio of 1/5 (h:V) for the portal face
range from 5 to 10 mm. The discontinuities are rough, undulating slope and 1/3 (h:V) for the portal side slope, leading to entrance
and are occasionally filled by calcite. The joints have an average portal face and side slope orientations of 79°/057° (dip/dip
spacing of 250–450 mm and persistence of 3–l0 m. The average 23direction) and 72°/327°, respectively. A total of 24 discontinuity
284 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

Fig. 7. The major discontinuity sets in basalt and their kinematic analyses results at the portal face slope at the entrance portal.

Fig. 8. The major discontinuity sets in basalt and their kinematic analyses results at the cut side slope at the entrance portal.

measurements were taken and five main discontinuity sets were 5.2.3. Results of the kinematic analyses
determined at the exit portal: In the portal slopes, two kinematic failure zones were identified,
namely, planar and wedge failure zones (Figs. 8 and 11). Planar
DS1 = 63°/171° (dip/dip direction). failure is a common type of translational failure and occurs by slid-
DS2 = 36°/167°. ing along a single plane. According to Hoek and Bray (1981), in or-
DS3 = 23°/320°. der for sliding to occur on a single plane, all of the geometrical
DS4 = 70°/306°. conditions must be satisfied. Then, from the stereographic analy-
DS5 = probable fault F5 = 81°/018°. ses, a potential for planar failure exists when the poles of the dis-
continuities fall within the daylight envelope behind the slope face
It should be noted that one of the inactive probable faults or and are inclined at an angle greater than the friction angle, which is
shear zones with an orientation of 81°/018° (dip/dip direction) that 35° (DIPS software; Rocscience, 2004). Potential wedge failures ex-
was discovered in the area is located along the exit portal (F5; Ta- ist where two discontinuities, which dip out of a face intersect and
ble 3). Since this probable fault or shear zone is located in the tun- the line of intersection daylights into the face and is steeper than
nel space and cuts the side or face slope of the exit portal, it was the friction angle of the joint surfaces (Hoek and Bray, 1981). Then,
considered in the kinematic analyses. The pole density plot of the on the stereonet, if discontinuity 1 and 2 intersect within the cone
discontinuities at the exit portal is given by Fig. 9. The major dis- of wedge or friction circle (line of intersection dip angle > friction
continuity sets in basalt and their kinematic analyses results at dip angle) and daylight within the slope face, these result in a high
the exit portal face and side slopes are given in Figs. 10 and 11, probability of wedge failure (DIPS software; Rocscience, 2004).
respectively. Hence, the results of the kinematic analyses on the portal slopes
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 285

Fig. 9. Pole density plot of basalt at the exit portal.

Fig. 10. The major discontinuity sets in basalt and their kinematic analyses results at the portal face slope at the exit portal.

Fig. 11. The major discontinuity sets in basalt and their kinematic analyses results at the cut side slope at the exit portal.
286 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

depict the potential for planar failure at the entrance portal side Hoek and Bray (1981) present a limit equilibrium procedure for
slope along discontinuity set 2, discontinuity set 3 and a potential planar failure analysis that accounts for the effects of cohesion (c),
for wedge failure along discontinuity sets 2 and 3, and along dis- angle of internal friction (/) and water pressures (U, V; Fig. 12) for
continuity sets 1 and 3 (Fig. 8). No possibility of kinematic failure a slope with a tension crack through equation:
exists along the face slope of the entrance portal (i.e., none of the
cA þ ½WCosWp  U  VSinWp Tan/
poles of the discontinuities fall within the daylight envelope; F¼ ð1Þ
WSinWp þ VCosWp
Fig. 7). There is a possibility of kinematic wedge failure between
discontinuity set 4 and the probable fault F5 along the side slope where, from Fig. 12, A = length of the discontinuity plane; H = height
of the exit portal (Fig. 11). There is no possibility of kinematic fail- of the block; z = depth of the tension crack; Wf = dip of the slope
ure along the face slope of the exit portal (i.e., none of the poles of face; Wp = dip of the discontinuity plane; W = weight of the planar
the discontinuities fall within the daylight envelope and none of block/unit width; zw = depth of water in tension crack; V = lateral
the discontinuities intersect within the cone of wedge; Fig. 10). water pressure in the tension crack/unit width; U = uplift water
The kinematic failures determined by the stereographic analyses pressure/unit width; c = cohesion; and / = internal friction angle.
were checked and verified by the limit equilibrium analyses pre- Hoek and Bray (1981) present a limit equilibrium procedure for
sented below. wedge failure analysis that takes into account the effects of cohe-
sion and water pressure. The factor of safety is calculated from
5.3. Limit equilibrium analysis of the kinematic rock slope failures
F ¼3=cHðcA X þ cB YÞ þ ðA  ðcw =2cÞXÞTan/A
5.3.1. General þ ðB  ðcw =2cÞYÞTan/B ð2Þ
In the kinematic analyses, the potential rock failures were
determined based on the geometry of the slope, the orientation where cA and cB are the cohesive strengths of planes A and B along
of the discontinuities and the friction angle since the potential fail- the base of the wedge; /A and /B are the angles of internal friction
ures determined by the kinematic analyses are valid for zero cohe- on planes A and B along the base of the wedge; c is the unit weight
sion (c = 0) and zero water pressure. In this section, these potential of the rock mass; cw is the unit weight of water; H is the height of
failures are checked through limit equilibrium analysis by consid- the wedge; X, Y, A, and B are dimensionless factors that depend on
ering the effects of cohesion and water. The cohesion of the basaltic the geometry of the wedge and the slope; and, the angles wa, wb, w5
rock mass at the entrance (Sector 1) and exit portals (Sector 7) as required for calculating the coefficients X, Y, A and B are measured
determined by the RMR method ranged from 200 to 300 kPa (Ta- from the stereoplot according to Hoek and Bray (1981).
ble 4). For a reasonably conservative approach, the cohesion along
the discontinuities was taken as 100 kPa in the limit equilibrium 5.3.2. Results of the limit equilibrium analyses
analyses (i.e., a value equal to half of the lower bound of the cohe- The results of the entrance portal cut side slope planar limit
sion of the basaltic rock mass). Although the slopes were dry and equilibrium analyses for saturated conditions by utilizing Eq. (1)
no groundwater was encountered during drilling at the entrance showed that the factor of safety (F) was determined to be greater
and exit portals, considering the high rainfall along the Black Sea than 1.20 for the discontinuity sets DS2 (65°/317°; F = 1.29) and
coast, the portals under consideration were evaluated by assuming DS3 (53°/003°; F = 3.17). Upon performing the entrance portal
saturated conditions for a conservative approach. The safe factor of cut side slope wedge limit equilibrium analyses for saturated con-
safety (F) in the analytical solution was considered to be equal to ditions (Eq. (2)), the factor of safety was determined to be greater
1.20 (F = 1.20) in conjunction with the requirement of the Turkish than 1.20 for the two wedges defined by discontinuity sets DS1–
Department of State Highways (2002). The results of the kinematic DS3 (F = 2.60) and DS2–DS3 (F = 2.83). The results of the exit portal
analyses indicated the possibility of planar and wedge failure along cut side slope wedge limit equilibrium analyses for saturated con-
the cut side slope of the entrance portal and wedge failure along ditions (Eq. (2)) showed that the factor of safety was determined to
the cut side slope of the exit portal of the tunnel. Limit equilibrium be greater than 1.20 (F = 10.8) for the wedge defined by the discon-
analyses were carried out in these sectors to check and verify the tinuity set DS4 and the probable fault F5. It should be noted that on
stability of any potential kinematic failure in these rock slopes the stereonet, the intersection of DS4 and the probable fault F5 day-
through comparing the resisting forces vs. the driving forces acting lights almost on the slope face, resulting in a very low probability
on the rock slopes. of wedge failure, leading to a very high FS as expected. Hence, the

Fig. 12. Geometry of a slope with a tension crack (Hoek and Bray, 1981).
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 287

results of the limit equilibrium analyses indicated that neither stabilizing any wedge failure in the tunnel. The tunnel route, with
planar nor wedge failure was to be expected along the entrance a trend of N47°E and a plunge of 0o was analyzed at three critical
or exit portal cut side slopes even under saturated conditions for sections, specifically the entrance portal (Sector 1), the central sec-
a side slope of 1/3 (h:V). tor where two probable faults or shear zones F3 and F4 intersect
(Sector 5) and the exit portal of the tunnel (Sector 7) by utilizing
5.4. Reinforcement of the portal slopes the major joint sets pertaining to each sector (Table 3). The
geomechanical rock mass parameters of the discontinuity surfaces
The entrance and exit portal slopes of the Geçilmez tunnel were at each sector are presented in Table 4. A factor of safety (FS) of 1.5
analyzed by both kinematic and limit equilibrium analyses and it was utilized in the tunnel stability analyses performed by
was determined that the portal slopes were generally stable and Unwedge.
safe. But in order to be conservative and to reduce the possibility
of future slope failures, the portal slopes are recommended to be 6.2.1. Entrance portal of the tunnel (Sector 1)
supported according to the specifications of the Turkish Depart- This part includes the section at KM: 12 + 242–12 + 316 of the
ment of State Highways (2002) as presented below: tunnel grounds and the three dominant discontinuity sets repre-
senting this section were given previously as follows (note that
 10 cm shotcrete (applied as 5 + 5 cm layers) and wiremesh (one the pole density plots and the major discontinuity sets are given
layer), by Figs. 6 and 7):
 systematic rock bolts (U = 26 mm, L = 6 m long, spacing
3  3 m). DS1 = 36°/293° (dip/dip direction).
DS2 = 65°/317°.
6. Analysis and remediation of the structurally controlled rock DS3 = 53°/003°.
failures during tunneling
At the entrance portal, three wedges of which two of them had a
6.1. Introduction potential for wedge failure with respect to tunneling were deter-
mined as presented in Fig. 13(a). Fig. 13(b) shows the results upon
In underground openings excavated in jointed rock masses at application of the empirical support systems (presented by Table 2
relatively shallow depths, the most common types of failures are for poor/B3 type of rock) which led to an increase in the factor of
those involving wedges falling from the roof or sliding out of the safety values leading to stable wedges (FS > 1.5).
sidewalk of the openings. These wedges are formed by intersecting
structural features, such as bedding planes and joints, which sepa- 6.2.2. Central sector with two probable inactive faults or shear zones F3
rate the rock mass into discrete but interlocked pieces. When a free and F4 (Sector 5)
face is created by the excavation of the opening, the restraint from This part includes the section at KM: 12 + 448–12 + 461 of the
the surrounding rock is removed. One or more of these wedges can tunnel grounds. A scan-line discontinuity survey was performed
fall or slide from the surface if the bounding planes are continuous along the tunnel route and 88 discontinuity measurements were
or rock bridges along the discontinuities are broken. Each wedge, taken. Fig. 14 gives a pole density plot of the discontinuity sets
which is allowed to fall or slide, will cause a reduction in the re- along the tunnel route. As a result of the stereographic plot of these
straint and the interlocking of the rock mass and this, in turn, will data, four main discontinuity sets were determined along the
allow other wedges to fall. This failure process will continue until tunnel route. A plot of these four main discontinuity sets and the
natural arching in the rock mass prevents further unravelling or two probable shear zones F3 and F4 are given by Fig. 15 and are
until the opening is full of fallen material (Hoek, 2006). summarized below:
A characteristic feature of wedge failures in blocky rock is that
very little movement occurs in the rock mass before failure of the DS1 = 18°/196° (dip/dip direction).
wedge. In the case of a roof wedge which falls, failure can occur as DS2 = 49°/146°.
soon as the base of the wedge is fully exposed by the excavation of DS3 = 27°/347°.
the opening. For sidewall wedges, sliding a few millimeters along DS4 = 80°/074°.
one plane or along the line of intersection of two planes is gener- DS5 = probable fault or shear zone F3 = 80°/018°.
ally sufficient to overcome the peak strength of these surfaces. This DS6 = probable fault or shear zone F4 = 85°/272.
dictates that movement along the surfaces must be minimized.
Consequently, the support system has to provide a ‘stiff’ response Wedge stability along the central part of the tunnel alignment
to movement. This means that mechanically anchored rock bolts was assessed by studying the influence of each of the four discon-
need to be tensioned while fully grouted rock bolts or other contin- tinuity sets (DS1–4) on the two fault or shear zones F3 and F4. At
uously coupled devices can be left untensioned. Mechanically an- the central sector nineteen wedges of which eleven of them had
chored bolts with face plates or fully grouted bolts or cables can a potential for wedge failure with respect to tunneling were deter-
be selected to provide support. In addition, a layer of shotcrete mined as presented in Fig. 16a. Fig. 16b shows the results upon
can be applied to the excavation surface for additional support of application of the empirical support systems (presented by Table 2
wedges in blocky ground, and can be very effective if applied cor- for poor/B3 type of rock) which did not entirely lead to an increase
rectly. This is because the base of a typical wedge has a large in the factor of safety values leading to stable wedges. In other
perimeter and hence, even for a relatively thin layer of shotcrete, words, when the influence of the discontinuity sets DS2 and DS4
a significant cross sectional area of material has to be punched were analyzed separately in conjunction with the two fault or
through before the wedge can fail (Hoek et al., 1995). shear zones (F3 and F4) along the tunnel alignment after the appli-
cation of the empirical support systems, safety factors of the poten-
6.2. Wedge stability analysis of the Geçilmez tunnel tial roof wedges of DS2–8 and DS4–4 were calculated as 1.493 and
1.337 (Fig. 16b), respectively (FS < 1.5). This may imply that poten-
The software Unwedge (Rocscience, 2005) was utilized to deter- tial wedge failures (i.e., excessive overbreak, collapsing and defor-
mine the potential wedge failures that could possibly occur during mation risks) might occur along the roof of the tunnel. In such a
tunneling and to apply the necessary support systems for case, an increase in the preliminary support elements (i.e., steel
288 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

support, wiremesh, shotcrete, invert concrete, etc.) may be utilized 6.2.3. Exit portal of the tunnel (Sector 7)
to decrease the possibility of wedge failure along the tunnel in This part includes the section at KM: 12 + 531–12 + 579 of the
these two probable fault or shear zones (Sector 5). For this specific tunnel grounds and the four dominant discontinuity sets along
case, an additional shotcrete thickness of 100 mm, which brought with one probable fault or shear zone (F5) representing this section
the total shotcrete thickness to 350 mm was applied to increase were given previously as follows (note that the pole density plots
the structurally controlled stability along the roof of Sector 5. This and the major discontinuity sets are given by Figs. 9 and 10):
way, the safety factors of the potential roof wedges of DS2–8 and
DS4–4 increased up to 1.774 and 1.575, respectively, leading to DS1 = 63°/171° (dip/dip direction).
stable rock wedges. DS2 = 36°/167°.

(a) prior to application of support (b) after application of support

Fig. 13. A perspective view and related safety factors of the potential wedge failures determined at the tunnel entrance portal (a) prior to and (b) after application of the
tunnel support systems.

Fig. 14. Pole density plot of the discontinuity sets along the tunnel route.
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 289

DS3 = 23°/320°. time. At the exit portal, nineteen wedges of which four of
DS4 = 70°/306°. them had a potential for wedge failure with respect to tunnel-
DS5 = probable fault or shear zone F5 = 81°/018°. ing were determined as presented in Fig. 17a. Fig. 17b shows
the results upon application of the empirical support systems
Wedge stability at the exit portal of the tunnel was as- (presented by Table 2 for poor/B3 type of rock) which led to
sessed by studying the influence of two of the four discontinu- an increase in the factor of safety values leading to stable
ity sets (DS1–4) on the probable fault or shear zone F5 at a wedges (FS > 1.5).

Fig. 15. The major discontinuity sets in basalt and the two probable shear zones F3 and F4 along the tunnel route.

F3-F4 & DS1 F3-F4 & DS3

F3-F4 & DS2 F3-F4 & DS4

Fig. 16a. A perspective view and related safety factors of the potential wedge failures determined at the tunnel central sector prior to application of the empirical support
systems. Note that the influence of each of the four discontinuity sets (DS1–4) were analyzed separately in conjunction with the two shear zones F3 and F4 along the tunnel
290 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

F3-F4 & DS1 F3-F4 & DS3

F3-F4 & DS2 F3-F4 & DS4

Fig. 16b. A perspective view and related safety factors of the potential wedge failures determined at the tunnel central sector after application of the empirical support
systems. Note that the influence of each of the four discontinuity sets (DS1–4) were analyzed separately in conjunction with the two shear zones F3 and F4 along the tunnel

F5 & DS2-4 F5 & DS1-3

F5 & DS 3-4 F5 & DS1-4

Fig. 17a. A perspective view and related safety factors of the potential wedge failures determined at the tunnel exit portal prior to application of the empirical support
systems. Note that the influence of two of the four discontinuity sets (DS1–4) were analyzed separately in conjunction with the probable fault F5 at a time.
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 291

F5 & DS2-4 F5 & DS1-3

F5 & DS3-4 F5 & DS1-4

Fig. 17b. A perspective view and related safety factors of the potential wedge failures determined at the tunnel exit portal after application of the empirical support systems.
Note that the influence of each of the four discontinuity sets (DS1–4) were analyzed separately in conjunction with the probable fault F5 at a time.

7. In situ and induced stress analysis around the Geçilmez preliminary support systems (i.e., shotcrete and rock bolting) were
tunnel investigated.

7.1. Introduction 7.2. Numerical modeling

The finite element software Phase2 (Rocscience, 2010) was used The tunnel grounds were analyzed and modeled with Phase2 at
to determine the induced stresses and deformations developed the three critical sectors, namely, Sector 1 (the entrance portal),
around the rock mass surrounding the tunnel and the interaction Sector 5 (the most critical zone entailing the intersection of inac-
of the proposed preliminary support systems with the tunnel tive faults or shear zones) and Sector 7 (the exit portal). The follow-
grounds assuming that the rock mass behaved as a fractured rock ing section summarizes the results of the finite element analyses at
mass since the tunnel ground is moderate to highly jointed. As sta- the three different sectors.
ted before, the tunnel is planned to be constructed as a single tube
horseshoe shaped tunnel with a 10 m span and 8 m height. The 7.2.1. Finite element modeling of Sector 1 (the entrance portal) of the
tunnel grounds were analyzed and modeled with Phase2 with the Geçilmez tunnel
geotechnical parameters presented in Table 4. As the tunnel In this tunnel section, the support systems that were empiri-
grounds are moderate to highly jointed, the Generalized Hoek– cally determined in Table 2 were utilized. The finite element mesh
Brown plastic failure criterion was used with Phase2 (Rocscience, of the unsupported and supported tunnel section at the end of the
2010). third and final (fourth) stages of tunneling, the total displacements
The objective of Phase2 was to check the validity of the empir- and the extent of yield zones (shear and tension) in the rock mass
ical preliminary tunnel support requirements given in Table 2, are shown in Figs. 18–20, respectively. The displacements and the
using the top heading and bench method of excavation as sug- extent of the yield (failure) zone decreased after support installa-
gested by the Turkish Department of State Highways (2002) and tion. Therefore, it may be concluded that the support recommen-
also to compare the results with those obtained through Unwedge dations given in Table 2 and checked through the software
which assumes structurally controlled failures (i.e., wedge failure) ‘‘Unwedge’’ were also deemed satisfactory according to the results
during tunneling. Modeling with Phase2 consisted of four stages. In obtained by Phase2 in order to stabilize the entrance portal of the
the first stage, in situ stress distributions (gravity loading due to tunnel.
the thickness of the overburden at the design elevation) were
examined. In the following two stages, the induced displacements 7.2.2. Finite element modeling of Sector 5 (intersection of the inactive
and the yield points (shear and tension) developed around the tun- probable faults or shear zones) of the Geçilmez tunnel
nel were analyzed by using top heading followed by excavating the In this tunnel section, the support systems that were empiri-
entire tunnel. In the final stage, the performances of the cally determined in Table 2 were utilized. The finite element mesh
292 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

Fig. 18. Finite element mesh of the supported entrance portal section at the end of the final (fourth) stage of tunneling.

Fig. 19. Total displacements around the (a) unsupported entrance portal section and (b) supported entrance portal section at the end of the third and fourth stages of
tunneling, respectively.
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 293

Fig. 20. Extent of the yield zones around the (a) unsupported entrance portal section and (b) supported entrance portal section at the end of the third and fourth stages of
tunneling, respectively.

of the unsupported and supported tunnel sections at the end of the 7.2.3. Finite element modeling of Sector 7 (the exit portal) of the
third and final (fourth) stages of tunneling, the total displacements Geçilmez tunnel
and the extent of yield zones (shear and tension) in the rock mass In this tunnel section, the support systems that were empiri-
for Sector 5 are presented by Figs. 21–23, respectively. Regarding cally determined in Table 2 were utilized. The finite element mesh
Sector 5, the displacements and the extent of the yield (failure) of the unsupported and supported tunnel section at the end of the
zone generally slightly decreased after support installation third and final (fourth) stages of tunneling, the total displacements
(Fig. 22 and Fig. 23). Although, at Sector 5, the support recommen- and the extent of yield zones (shear and tension) in the rock mass
dations given in Table 2 were deemed satisfactory according to the are shown in Figs. 24–26, respectively. The displacements and the
results obtained by Phase2 to stabilize the tunnel section, the extent of the yield (failure) zone decreased after support installa-
support recommendations checked through the software tion. Therefore, it may be concluded that the support recommen-
‘‘Unwedge’’ did not give satisfactory results for some section due dations given in Table 2 and checked through the software
to the structural instability of the shear zones which was not pos- ‘‘Unwedge’’ were also deemed satisfactory according to the results
sible to detect by using continuous rock mass modeling (such as obtained by Phase2 in order to stabilize the exit portal of the
Phase2) in some cases given above. During the modeling of contin- tunnel.
uous rock masses, it is difficult to idealize the kinematically con-
trolled rock mass or fault zones, which may be insufficient for 7.2.4. Validation of preliminary tunnel support thorough thrust–
describing deformation, failure mechanism and other failure re- moment interaction
lated phenomenon encountered during tunnel excavation. Hence, Sauer et al. (1994) introduced the basic considerations of the
when studying structurally (kinematically) controlled rock masses, capacity limit curves (CLC) and demonstrated the design of cross
it may be desirable to consider the continuous characteristics as sections or shotcrete lined tunnels by the use of CLC’s. Such curves
well as the structural (discontinuous) characteristics of the rock determine all combinations of bending moment and thrust that
masses during modeling. can be endured by a given concrete or shotcrete cross-section.
294 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

Fig. 21. Finite element mesh of the supported tunnel section at the end of the final (fourth) stage of tunneling at Sector 5.

Fig. 22. Total displacements around the (a) unsupported tunnel section and (b) supported tunnel section at the end of the third and fourth stages of tunneling at Sector 5,
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 295

Fig. 23. Extent of the yield zones around the (a) unsupported tunnel section and (b) supported tunnel section at the end of the third and fourth stages of excavation at Sector
5, respectively.

Fig. 24. Finite element mesh of the supported exit portal section at the end of the final (fourth) stage of tunneling.
296 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299

Fig. 25. Total displacements around the (a) unsupported exit portal section and (b) supported exit portal section at the end of the third and fourth stages of tunneling,

The principle of CLC’s is to present computed thrust (N) and bend- analyses, some cracking and crushing can be tolerated provided
ing moment (M) combinations vs. all possible maximum allowable that it does not lead to progressive failure. Similarly, as it can be
section forces in a diagram. For this purpose all combinations of observed from the plots of the analyses results, there are some
calculated section forces for a given plain or reinforced cross points falling beyond the region formed by capacity curves. These
section are graphed in a diagram with the thrust at the abscissa curves were calculated on the assumption that the preliminary lin-
and the bending moment at the ordinate. Although the most unfa- ing consists of 250 mm thick shotcrete without any reinforcement.
vorable deformation and the load scenario on support elements Consequently, those linings consisting of shotcrete can be said to
presented above appear to be in acceptable limits and the empiri- be acceptable.
cally determined support members are deemed to be safe enough
to support the tunnel, preliminary tunnel support (e.g., shotcrete
alone) was also validated on the basis of the resulting factor of 8. Summary and conclusions
safety with respect to failure through using thrust–moment inter-
action diagrams as suggested by Sauer et al. (1994) and Hoek In this study, the stability assessment and the design of the
(2007). The moment-axial thrust capacity curves plotted in Geçilmez tunnel which is constructed in Giresun, along the Black
Fig. 27(a)–(c) by the RESPONSE2000 software (Sauer et al., 1994) Sea coastline, Turkey was investigated. The study began with 1/
were calculated for a factor of safety of 1.0 on the basis that the 1000 scale geological mapping of the study area and the
shotcrete is temporary. Those curves have been calculated for Sec- determination of the geotechnical characteristics of the rock
tor 1 (the entrance portal), Sector 5 (the inactive fault or shear zone masses in the area. Then, rock mass classification of the tunnel
intersection) and Sector 7 (the exit portal), respectively. In these grounds was completed and the geotechnical parameters that were
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 297

Fig. 26. Extent of the yield zones around the (a) unsupported exit portal section and (b) supported exit portal section at the end of the third and fourth stages of tunneling,

necessary for the stability analysis and for the design of the tunnel remediation measures (i.e., systematic rock bolting, shotcrete and
were determined. wiremesh).
During the geological mapping of the study area, it was deter- Regarding the structurally controlled rock failures along the
mined that the entire tunnel ground was composed of basalt which probable weak zones and lineaments (i.e., inactive probable faults
is generally slightly to moderately weathered, moderate to highly or shear zones) during tunneling, wedge stability analysis was uti-
jointed, medium strong to strong. The basaltic rock constituting lized by using the Unwedge software to determine the potential
the tunnel ground was classified through the RMR-system, Q-sys- wedge failures that could possibly occur during tunneling and to
tem and NATM as ranging from very poor to fair according to the apply the necessary support systems for stabilizing any wedge fail-
RMR and Q-system and as B2 (friable) and B3 (very friable) accord- ure in the tunnel (i.e., the performances of the empirical support
ing to NATM. systems were checked).
The results of the water pressure (Lugeon) tests indicated that The finite element software Phase2 was used to determine the
the permeability of the rock mass ranged from very low permeabil- induced stresses and deformations developed around the rock
ity (0.32 L) to low permeability (2.86 L) with a mean permeabil- mass surrounding the tunnel and to check the validity of the
ity ± one standard deviation of 1.39 ± 0.921 L (low permeability). empirical preliminary tunnel support requirements obtained by
Kinematic and limit equilibrium rock slope stability analyses the RMR, Q-system and NATM. An additional objective of Phase2
were performed at the portal face and portal side slopes. Following was to compare the results with those obtained through Unwedge
the slope stability analyses, recommendations were made which assumes structurally controlled failures (i.e., wedge failure)
regarding the required support systems or appropriate slope during tunneling. Because it is difficult to idealize structurally
298 H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299


Crush on bottom
Crush on top

Top Heading+support

Axia lthrust (MN)

Full excavation

1.0 Full excavation+support


-0.06 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

Moment (MNm/m)


2.5 Crush on bottom

Crush on top
Top Heading+support
Axia lthrust (MN)

1.5 Full excavation

Full excavation+support





Moment (MNm/m)


Crush on bottom
Crush on top

Top Heading+support
Axia lthrust (MN)

Full excavation

1.0 Full


-0.06 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

Moment (MNm/m)

Fig. 27. Shotcrete stability analyses of the Geçilmez tunnel through the RESPONSE 2000 software for (a) Sector 1 (the entrance portal), (b) Sector 5 (the inactive shear zone
intersection) and (c) Sector 7 (the exit portal).

(kinematically) controlled rock mass or fault zones in terms of basis of thrust–moment interaction analyses through the RE-
describing deformation, failure mechanism and other phenomenon SPONSE2000 software.
encountered during tunnel excavation by using continuous rock
mass modeling, when studying structurally (kinematically) Acknowledgements
controlled rock masses, it may be desirable to consider the contin-
uous characteristics as well as the structural (discontinuous) char- Thanks are due to Mr. Hasan Özaslan of Yüksel Proje Interna-
acteristics of the rock masses during modeling. tional A.Sß. for his kind assistance throughout the project and for
Upon installation of the empirical preliminary support systems, supplying Fig. 2. The authors are thankful to Dr. Kıvanç Okalp,
the total displacements and the extent of the failure zones around Coordinator of Projects, Beray Engineering Consultancy Ltd., for
the tunnel was generally reduced. Therefore, it was concluded that his assistance in re-drafting Fig. 4 and to Dr. Evrim Sopacı, Senior
the empirical support recommendations given for tunnel design Geological Engineer, Temelsu International Engineering Services
were generally satisfactory. The performance of the preliminary Inc., for his valuable suggestions in some of the numerical model-
tunnel support (e.g., shotcrete alone) was also validated on the ing steps.
H. Akgün et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 277–299 299

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