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I can't teach everybody about earthing so here is a cache of links and information for your perusal. It is
excerpts from a private ME/CFS forum I belong to. Take what you like.


This doesn't haveto be complicated. Watch the movie, buy the product. Plug it in. Bob's your uncle.

Movie Grounding (the documentary) The music begins with a bit of sentimentality but soon it is a great


Educational material

The End.


Join Earthing Heals Facebook page.


I am part of an intimate private forum of people with my illness and I've been teaching them about this. So I
will forward excerpts on to you. There is quite a bit of info for such a simple procedure. I will try to keep it
short but this conversation has been going on for weeks.


There is lots of actual real science behind this stuff. And a story. There is always a story.

The Cliff Notes version: In the 1960s the technology for shoe soles changed from leather to plastic.
From that time on unless you spent a lot of time barefoot outside you stopped being grounded to the
earth. This is also the time when inflammatory diseases began to surge. We were no longer
grounding through our shoes. Nowadays we are never grounded to the earth. So there is no way to
discharge the positive ions that build up in our bodies, free radicals that are so devastating.
A lovely 15 minute video from Clint Ober on how his discovered all this:

How negative ions help us:

* They neutralize free radicals.

* They revitalize cell metabolism.
* They enhance immune function.
* They purify the blood.
* They balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion.

So you can buy negative ion generators, salt lamps, get rid of carpet, and all fluorescent lights, open
windows, etc. All in order to compensate for not wearing leather shoes or being outside barefoot. And
you can ground yourself.

So grounding connects you to the earth's electrical field which neutralizes positive ions and floods you
with the earth's negative ions. It's just the earth, right? But look out because since you've been so
isolated from the earth and built up such a dysfunctional electrical mess inside your body you can detox
and herx like crazy. Go slow!

Eventually you'll want to be earthing as much as possible and there are a myriad of ways to do it.

I've heard that earthing makes your body into a little faraday cage which means it shields you from some
EMFS such as wifi and (shudder) 5G.

OVERVIEW is the original company started by Clint Ober. Then the higher end Ober
company A lot of the other companies I've found simply sell their
products. sells smaller mats as well. There are other companies as well. One in Canada called All the British ones seem to be selling Ober products.

The sells carbon embedded bed mats. Also a $3,500.

chair! Carbon is very conductive. The mats are far more durable than the sheets but also less comfortable.
The moisture in your skin generally makes a top sheet over a carbon mat conductive. So that helps but not
all like them. Maybe read Amazon reviews but don't buy there because of copycat sellers knocking off the

If you are looking for alternatives you can sew some soft conductive fabric across your current sheet for less
money. There are lots of fabrics available but two factors: do you want to sleep on them? Are they
conductive rather than shielding? Look for conductivity. There is a grounding plug at the bottom of this
page. You can also order a fabric sampler book that is fully
refundable if you buy the fabric. You can then ground the fabric with the alligator clips and plugs, though
make sure you are making contact! This guy shows how to make a sheet in the second video. Make sure the
fabric you buy is conductive not just shielding. You can use the $10/ yard stuff I think. Also you must make
sure what you buy is something you want to sleep on! And the fabric doesn't last forever. Oils and so on
degrade the metal fibers. and

You might want to buy an outlet tester if you plan to use your house's ground through the plug rather than
a wire and rod to the earth.
keywords=socket+tester&qid=1559502613&s=gateway&sr=8-4 or has them cheaper:

And if you make your own you may want to include a fuse to break the circuit if hit by lightening. This is just
a low amp inline automotive fuse or you can buy one at LESS EMFs: on this interesting page: The commercial products all have built in resistors so do not need fuses.


Here are some of his products in case sleeping on aluminum mesh or making your own sheet isn't your
thing. and the others.


Wow. Folks I am onto something. I've been marginally skeptical regarding earthing but no more.

I've been really fearful at how bad my inflammation has gotten as evidenced by the loudness of

tinnitus and the constant buzzing all over especially hands and feet. It is stress related and EMF

related and even if this build is going smoothly the house is overwhelming just because.

So I decided to look into earthing again.

So I took some aluminum screen and taped it to my mattress cover with gorilla tape and ran a simple

insulated wire from the mesh to a metal stake out my window. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I had the

mesh and the stake and the wire cost $4.

How to: and


A comical German site with many videos about a dozen ways to earth. Scroll down for videos. Turn off the
sound or auto translate.
To auto translate: Hit the CC button. Then move over to the SETTINGS button and hit SUBTITLES (CC)1
(German autogenerated). Then on the next page change the checkmark to auto translate. Then choose your
language. The subtitles are so bad that you will understand the video inspite of them. : )


Commercial products need no fuses because they use resistors instead. Buy and plug in or stick a stake in
the ground, your choice.

The commercial product:

Or buy a kit.


Bands or patches can be placed over kidney 1.


Here is another neat aspect. If you have a tens machine you can take the electrodes, stick them around a
wound or sprain and stick (12 guage) wires into one end of the electrode connectors and then the other
end into a metal post in hopefully slightly damp earth. They help with PAIN. SO simple. And they ground the
whole body as well. My husband bought about six feet of insulated 12 guage wire for each patch and bared
one end to go into the electrodes and bared the other ends to wire nut together and attach to the ground
wire that he threw out the window and staked in the ground. He added a 5 amp inline fuse to protect from
thunderstorms as shown in this video about making your own earthing sheet. [If you makethe sheet and
buy your fabric from less EMFs make sure it is something you actually want to sleep on and that is
conductive. Much of it is just for shielding, not conductive. I put this video here just becausehe has fuses, it
is showing sheets, not patches.]

The fuses:

The mickey mouse version: I think these are the electrodes I have. You don't need the machine, just the


You can put copper rivets through the soles of your shoes and your moist socks will conduct earth ions into
your body. There are kits.

Or, buy the rivets and setter at Tandy's for much less. You'll still need a cutter.

Or, just buy the ready made shoes. There are other sources as well.


My sister told me a story yesterday about how, long years ago when her young boys shared a room, a
dousing sensitive came to visit and apropos of nothing said there was running water under Sarah's house.
She said who is ever in that room will really feel it. Well, Sarah's boys were in that room and fighting all the
time as were Sarah and her husband in other parts of the house. The douser took two 4 foot pieces of rebar
and hammered them into the earth in a couple places and all the fighting instantly stopped.

A number of months later she noticed the boys again were at each other and went out to look at the rebar.
That week a workman had been to her house and she discovered he had pulled the thing out. She
hammered it back in and everything was fine again.

The world is a much stranger place than people realize.

Last night I said to husband, let's do an experiment. Turn the switch on or off and I'll come back and tell you
if it's on or not. OK. So I lay down and felt the faint warm fuzzy and said: It's ON! No it's not, said husband.
Yes, it is, said I. No, it's not, said he, hey, wait a minute you are right it is on!. So I am EMF sensitive (I knew
this) and can feel it.


Guys, this stuff is amazing. Earthing now for about 3 weeks. In addition to inflammatory symptoms reduced
(increased gut motility, minor arthritis pain gone, hands less red and swollen, food intolerances slightly
reduced, not getting up to pee in the night, flu symptoms mostly GONE) I've noticed that I have utterly zero
interest in recreational drugs. My husband's glass of beer is finally safe unattended. :)
Before investing in anything I taped aluminum screening under my sheet and wired it to a metal post out
my window. I included an inline automotive 5 amp fuse and a toggle switch since I am EMF sensitive
(hardware store knows) and wanted to turn it off and on without unwiring it. It can be kind of jazzy at first.
The fuse keeps you safe from lightening.

Husband also sent a wire to the ground and wired electrode patches filched from our TENS machine to his
feet and forehead, he has glaucoma and neuropathy. He is also sleeping much better and like me not peeing
in the night, which indicates reduced inflammation yet his contacts are only three 2" x 2" patches. I suspect
the aluminum mesh is a more potent conductor than any of the commercial products but I don't think it
really matters. If you buy the or other reputable brands it likely doesn't matter what you get.
It all works. This technology is very basic stuff.

Yesterday I was in a dreadful state, something broke my little heart, and went to the beach and lay face
down on the sand for 20 minutes to earth the area around my heart and the unbearable pain dissipated and
after a couple hours sitting around I was quite cheerful. This was even more potent than my aluminum
mesh. The main consideration might be how to earth as many hours a day as possible, and buy or make
what you can afford or what suits your nature. .


There is some serious science behind this. Cool.

Here is Clint Ober's teaching site. Oddly there is no side bar so use your up and down arrows to scroll.

Lots of videos, lots of science.


1) Skin contact to the earth changes the body's electrical potential by flow of electrons from the earth
into the body. Paper:…/Sokal-and-Sokal-2012-Bioelectrical-p…

2) Earthing/grounding charges red blood cells and reduces blood viscosity.


3) Earthing/grounding reduces body AC voltage induced by human-made EMFs and improves vagal
tone, which reduces inflammation, increases calmness, and improves mental wellbeing.

4) Earthing/grounding reduces inflammation in the body.

5) Earthing/grounding improves sleep.

6) Earthing/grounding reduces blood pressure.


7) Earthing/grounding reduces pain.


And this is from Pub Med, The government's collection of medical studies:

It is also suggested that free electrons from the earth neutralize the positively charged free radicals that are
the hallmark of chronic inflammation. ... It is proposed that free or mobile electrons from the earth can
resolve chronic inflammation by serving as natural antioxidants.

This is what I am experiencing. This is the most potent anti inflammatory I've ever tried, better even than
fish oil.

Here is the link to the study.

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