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BULLETIN of the International Association of ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 1

de I'Association Internationale de G#OLOGIE DE FINGENIEUR Paris - No 54 - Octobre 1996






Many landslides have occurred at slope cuts-embankments adjacent to the Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea and Irbid-Jerash-Amman highways in Jordan, especially
during the last four years that were characterized by exceptional raifall dud ng winter. Clayey beds found in the foundations of the failing areas were responsible
for the occurrence of these landslides.
This paper presents the results of research evaluating the chemical and engineering properties of the clayey beds in the Kurnub Sandstone Unit and the Ajlun
Group of the Upper Cretaceous at twenty four landslide locations along the Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea and Irbid-Jerash Amman highways. The clay minerals
associated with the clayey beds were characterized and correlated with their engineering properties. The relationship between clay minerals, chemical and
engineering properties of clayey beds and the foundation failures were also identified.
The study included field visits to twenty four landslides sites to identify the problem, collect samples from the foundation along the slip surface, draw profiles
and columnar sections.
Chemical analysis was carried out for the whole rock sample and for clay samples. Tests were also conducted to evaluate the physical and engineering
properties of the samples.
Results showed that most of the landslides occurred within the upper part of the Kurnub Sandstone and the Na'ur formation.
Quartz, calcite and dolomite are the non-clay minerals and Mixed-Layer (I/S) and kaolinite are the clay minerals identified for samples obtained from the
studied areas.
The jointed rocks allowed water to penetrate through the joints and reach the clayey beds. The ability of the mixed-layer (I/S) clays to expand in the presence
of water resulted in the reduction of shear strength during rainfall, thus initiating the sliding process. The doub[e-layer effect was noticed in samples with
higher (I/S) content which gave tile highest swelling potential, highest Liquid and Plastic Limits, and the lowest angle of friction.

De nombreux glissements de tarrain se sont pr,,xlaits dans des do,blais des autoroutes Amman-Na'ur-Mer Morte et Irbid-Jerash-amman en Jordanie. en
particulier au tours des deux demi~res anndes, qui ont ~to, caracto,riso,es par des chutes de pluie exceptionnelles en hiver. Les lits argileux pro,sents dans [es
zones atteintes sont 5. I'origine de ees glissements. Le pro,sent article presente les resultats des recherches sur [es propridtds chimiques et go,otecbniques de
ces lits argileux, ~.partir des pr~l~vements effectuo,s sur 24 glissements. Les relations entre la nature et la quantito, de mindraux argileux et leur comportement
en place dans les glissements sont dgalement o,tudio,s.
L'o,tude inclut des visites de terrain sur les 24 sites, la collecte d'dcbantillons le long des surfaces de glissement, des profils et des coupes s0.rides.
Les analyses chimiques ont portd sur les o,chamillons globaux et sur les argiles.
Le quartz, la calcite et la dolomite sont les mino,raux non argileux les plus r@andus et les interstratifio,s et la kaolinite sont les mino,raux argileux rencontrds
dans les seeteurs o,tudids.
Les roches fissuro,es ont permis 5. l'eau de pdndtrer jusqu'aux lits argileux. Les niveaux 5 mindraux argileux interstratifids ont gonfld ro,duisant la rdsistance
au cisaillement duram les pluies, ddclcnchant ainsi le processus de glissement.

Introduction f o u n d a t i o n s p l a y a m a j o r role in c o n t r o l l i n g t h e i r s t a b i l i t y ,
e s p e c i a l l y w h e n w a t e r is i n t r o d u c e d into t h e f o u n d a t i o n a n d
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f c l a y m i n e r a l s m a y p l a y a s i g n i f i c a n t role accumulates within the clayey material. Smectites may
a b s o r b a s i g n i f i c a n t q u a n t i t y o f w a t e r t h a t r e s u l t in t h e
in c o n t r o l l i n g t h e s t a b i l i t y o f f o u n d a t i o n s . F o r e x a m p l e ,
smectites, expansive clays with high swelling potential, reduction of shear strength of the foundation bedrock.
c o n s o l i d a t i o n a n d l o w s h e a r s t r e n g t h m a y r e s u l t in t h e
T h e full u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e b e h a v i o r o f e x p a n s i v e c l a y s
damage of structures including roads, airports, railways,
will h e l p in m i n i m i z i n g n u m b e r o f t h e s e e n g i n e e r i n g p r o b -
retaining walls, dams, bridges, and building foundations,

Landslides of slopes and embankments are main engineer- In J o r d a n , n u m e r o u s o f l a n d s l i d e s h a v e o c c u r r e d d u r i n g t h e

i n g p r o b l e m s w h e r e t h e e x i s t e n c e o f e x p a n s i v e c l a y s in t h e last fifty y e a r s a l o n g r o a d s a n d h i g h w a y s d u r i n g h e a v y

" Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid-Jordan.
*~' Jordan University, Amman-Jordan.

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% OL Old LandsLide

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Fig. 1 : Location Map of Irbid-Jerash-Amman Highway Showing the Sites of Major Landslides.

rainfall periods. These landslides occurred at the sites of Expansive clays exist in the foundations of these landslide
embankments and slope cuts. Clays were present in the areas. Expansive clays are present in many outcropping
foundations of failed material at these sites. Moreover, the beds in different areas in Jordan. The clayey beds of the
roads and highways that suffered landslides were charac- foundations of most landslide area belong to the Kurnub
terized by poor surface and subsurface drainage. The Sandstone Unit and the Ajlun Group of the Upper Creta-
majority of these landslides occurred along Irbid-Jerash- ceous.
Amman and Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea.
Previous geotechnical studies at the sites of these land-
Location maps showing Irbid-Jerash-amman and Amman- slides, e.g. A1-Homoud et al. ( 1994 (a, b), 1995 (a, b, c) and
Na'ur-Dead Sea highways are given in Figure 1 and 2 1997) Dames and Moore (1993), Parsons Brinckerhoff
respectively. Sites of major landslides that took place along (1987) were directed towards studying the geology of land-
these highways are also shown on these maps. slide areas, evaluating the physical and engineering prop-

Hawkins et al. (1986) concluded that there is a positive

3 5" 3 6' ~ # ~ S N I correlation between Atterberg limits and the clay minerals
content. Sridharan et al. (11988) stated that the liquid limit
of kaolinitic soils is a function of clay fabric.
9 SYRIA ~ u~i~ The type and the clay minerals content together with the
chemistry of the pore fluid could greatly influence Atter-
berg limit. This fact was discussed by several authors.
~e] {[ e h Hawkins et al. (1986) concluded that soils composed of
clay minerals other than montmorillonite may show a great
variations in the values of Atterberg limits as a result of the
3# I~anis| ~' gacl@ / presence of the n o n - d a y minerals. They added that there is
a negative correlation between the calcite content (i.e. a
non-clay mineral) and the plasticity index.
Sridharan et al. (1988), concluded that soils with a greet
degree of particle flocculation would posses a higher liquid
limit than soils with a more parallel particle attraction and
repulsion forces and have a prominent role in determining
JORDAN ,, the liquid limit of kaolinitic soils. The forces in turn deter-
mine the particle arrangement (clay fabric) which regulate
9 Pet r (:
"/[ Z ~,QK.. the liquid limit values. This leads to a conclusion that the
liquid limit of kaolinitic soils is a function of clay fabric,
30 # 30~ and Atterberg limits increase with the increase of clay
SAUD [ minerals content and in particular montmorillonite
ARABIA (Hawkins et al., 1986; and Sridharan, 1988).
The swell potential may be defined as the percent of vertical
0 50 100 Km increase in height of a soil sample laterally confined when
Z9~ L. , --__.z 29'
saturated with water from the initial conditions of moisture,
density, and overburden pressure (Ramana, 1993).

Fig. 2 : Location Map of Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea Highway Showing the The amount of potential volume change is dependent on the
Sites of Major Landslides. mineralogical composition : clay mineral type, clay min-
eral content and exchangeable cations (Mohammed et al.,
erties of the foundations materials (i.e. shear strength,
The potential swell is found to increase with the increase
Atterberg limits and grain size distribution), performance
of the liquid limit values and to decrease with the increase
of slope stability analyses to evaluate the mechanism of
of the initial water content. This conclusion was ascer-
failure and identify proper shear strength parameters to be
tained by Ramana (1993).
used /or the analysis of the remediations. Solutions sug-
gested to stabilize the landslide areas include 9 reduction of Olson and Mesri (1970) suggested that the factors deter-
inclination of cut slopes, construction of retaining struc- mining the volume change behavior: the shearing resis-
tures, reconstruction of embankment after removal of the tance, clay fabric and attractive forces arise from
weak foundation material, installation of proper surface physico-chemical mechanisms.
and subsurface drainage, reinforcement of the weak layers
at sliding cut areas by anchors and steel bars, and others. Sridharan et al. (1973) proposed that the volume change
behaviour of Kaolinite is governed by shearing resistance
However, previous studies at the sites of these landslides at interparticle level, apart from the physical component.
did not address the importance of chemical properties and The attractive forces arising from physico-chemical
mineralogical characteristics of foundation clays and their mechanisms contribute to shearing resistance. These forces
correlation with other physical and engineering properties mainly include Van der Waal forces.
(e.g. swelling potential, shear strength parameters, etc.) and
their rote in the occurrence of landslides. The lack of Shear strength parameters are a function of chemical and
understanding of the relationship between the mineralogi- physico-chemical effects. The mechanical effects are rep-
cal characteristics and engineering properties of the clayey resented by the interactions between the particles that are
beds has led to difficulties in solving the problem of land- controlled by size. shape, packing and physical properties
sliding. of the individual particle, and to the friction between them
(Olson, 1974). The chemical effects are applied to interac-
This research was directed towards bridging this gap and tions through diffuse double layers, Van der Waal forces
developing a better understanding of the landslides to assist and ionic forces (Olson, 1974). The interaction between the
in the design of future projects. grains is a function of the ambient fluid (Horn and Deere,
1962) and since the fluid is chemically adsorbed, it is not
The chemistry and mineralogy of the soil together with the possible to separate the physical and chemical effects com-
clay fabric could greatly influence Atterberg limits. pletely.

For this study, samples were obtained from clayey beds at ary of the Kurnub Sandstone is easily distinguished by the
twenty four different landslide locations along the Irbid- presence of green glauconitic sandstone bed.
Jerash-Amman and Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea highways in The Na'ur formation is composed of marlstone, claystone
Jordan. the presence of expansive clays at these locations and partly of marly limestone a n d nodular limestone. The
was known to be a major element influencing slope stabil- Fuheis Formation is composed of marly limestone, lime-
ity. the clayey beds at these locations belong to the Kurnub stone and dolomitic limestone. The lower part of this for-
Unit and the Ajlun Group of the Upper Cretaceous. mation is exposed in some localities of the two studied
Samples were subjected to different tests to evaluate their areas.
physical, chemical, mineralogical, and engineering proper-
ties. Columnar sections and geological profiles were drawn
Field Work
for the beds at each site. Disturbed clay samples were
obtained from locations along the slip surface at each
During 1993 detailed field investigations were carried out
landslide site.
along Irbid-Jerash-Amman a n d Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea
This paper presents also briefly the geological characteris- highways. Investigation was based on 1 " 25000 geological
tics of the landslide areas from which clay samples were map published by the Central Water and the Natural Re-
obtained, mineralogical characterization of the studied sources Authorities in Jordan. Geological survey indicated
clayey samples, and their engineering properties. that the two highways wereconstructed within Cretaceous
sedimentary rocks.

Materials and methods Field work included the assessment and selection of the
type section along each highway, sampling, and sketching.
Stratigraphy of the Study Areas It concentrated on observations that reflect the relationship
between the failure mechanism and the presence of clayey
The Kurnub Sandstone rocks and the Na'ur (AI/2) and beds in the landsliding areas. Figures 3 and 4 show the type
Fuheis (A3) Formations are exposed in the investigated sections for the two study areas, respectively.
area. These belong to Cretaceous rocks (Table 1).
Cretaceous rocks cover more than 60 % of Jordan territo- Sampling
ries and are differentiated into two parts, the lower part
which is known as the Kurnub Sandstone and is of conti- Based on the type sections of Jerash area (Fig. 3) and of
nental origin, and the upper part which is of marine origin. Na'ur area (Fig. 4), twenty four disturbed trench samples
The upper part is divided into two groups, the Ajlun Group were collected from the clayey beds of the Kurnub and
at the bottom and the Belqa Group at the top of the se- Na'ur Formations along the two highways.
quence. The Kurnub Sandstone consists mainly of friable The locations of the collected samples are given in Table 2.
sandstone. The sandstones are varicoloured and are of fine The twenty' four samples from the two studied areas were
sand size. The rocks intercalated with siltstones and
as follows. Twelve samples were collected from Irbid-
claystones. Jerash-Amman h i g h w a y samples J 1, J2, J3, J4 were col-
The claystone intercalations are dominant within the upper lected from the Kurnub Sandstone Formation and samples
part of the Kumub Sandstone and are lenticular in shape J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, Jl0, Jl l and J12 were collected from the
with limited extensions (10' s of meters). The upper bound- Na'ur Formation (A1/2) (Fig. 3). Another twelve samples

Table L: DifferentStratigra9hic Nomenclatureof Cretaceous Rocks (after Shtewi, 1994).

System Series Group* Formation** Member***

Early Paleogene Paleocene B3 Muwaggar Chalk-Marl
Mastrichtian B2b Phosphorite
Campanian Belqa Amman
B2a SilicifiedLimestone
Coniacian B1 E1-Ghudran
Late Cretaceous Massive Limestone
Turonian A7 Wadi Sir
A5-6 Shueib
Ajlun EchinoidalLimestone
Cenomanian A4 Hummar
A3 Fuheis
Nodular Limestone
A1-2 Na'ur
Early Cretaceous Kurnub(Hathira) Sandstone
Quennell(1951) and MacDonaldet aL (1965).
** Masri (1963) and Parker (1969).
*** Bender (1974).

,GROUP 'J U~ot.c~., :Sample' ~



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2-- )

2 " "'-' "' . dk

. .

r162 . :" = ' :_ i\
2 =_----- ~ J3
< -_- iI

-7 8m




"~I0m 5al~astone Silt-,- Oolom. Nodular Mazly Maristone

Cla~stoor Sandstone Mar!su~nr Limestone

Sandy, Clav~tone Gloucomte Marly Limestone Dolom.

SCALE J1 Dolormte C~aystone Limestone

Fig. 4 : Type Section of Nu'ur Area.

Fig. 3 : T y p e S e c t i o n o f J e r a s h A r e a ( L e g e n d as in F i g u r e 8).

(L.O.I.) was determined at the Arab Company for White

were collected from Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea highway; Cement Industry Laboratory.
samples Nl and N2 were collected from the Kurnub Sand-
stone Formation and samples N3, N4, N5, N6, NT, NS, N9, The following physical and engineering properties were
N 10, N ll and N l2 were collected from the Na'ur Forma- determined for samples obtained from thirteen selected
tion (Fig. 4). sites based on experiments conducted at the Soil Mechanics
Laboratory at the Civil Engineering Department at Jordan
Experimental Program University of Science and Technology (JUST): liquid
limit, plastic limit, specific gravity, grain size distribution,
Samples collected from twenty four sites were subjected to free swell potential, compression index, preconsolidation
petrographical and mineralogical analysis using the polar- pressure, optimum water content, maximum dry density,
ized microscope and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) tech- unconsolidated undrained translatory direct shear cohesion
niques. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) technique (both peak and residual) and angle of friction (both peak
was also used for samples obtained from twelve sites. The and residual), secant modulus, initial modulus, and strain
mineralogical investigation was conducted for rock sam- at failure (for both first time shear and reshear after failure).
ples at the Geology Department, University of Jordan. The grain size distribution was determined using hydrome-
Chemical analysis was conducted using X-ray Fluores- ter test method and size fractionation technique using a
cence (XRF) technique at laboratories of the Natural Re- computerized size fractionation analyzer available at the
sources Authority (NRA) and the Arab Company for White Earth Science and Environment Department. Yarmouk
Cement Industry (ACWCI) in Jordan. Loss on Ignition University, Jordan.

Table 2 : Locations of the Studied Samples Along Amman-Na'ur-Dead washed with 1 : I methanole and acetone through cen-
Sea and lrbid-Jerash-Amman Highways. trifugation.
Highway Sample No.* Station (km) 3. 0.3 M sodium citrate was used to remove iron-oxides.
Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea J1 41 + 600 Sodium acetate was used as a buffer of pH = 5 to stabilize
J2 40 + 600 the pH.
J3 39 + 200
J4 42 + 800 The clay size fraction (i.e. s m a l l e r than 2 microns) was
J5 42 + 275 separated after treatment using ultrasonic probe and cen-
J6 45 + 300 trifugation. The clay size fraction was suspended again in
I7 46 + 100 distilled water and the suspension of each sample was
J8 45 + 300
J9 35 + 500 dropped on the three glass slides using a dropper. The
J10 55 + 150 samples were dried at room temperature over night. The
Jl 1 56 + 280 first air dried preparation was untreated, the second was
J12 55 + 100 saturated with ethylene glycol, and the third was heated up
Irbid-Jerash-Amman N1 15 + 000 to 550~ for two hours. The w h o l e oriented preparation
N2 15 + 000 were X-rayed. The clay m i n e r a l s in the (< 2 btm) fraction
N3 15 + 350 were identified from the basal reflections obtained from the
N4 15 + 500
N5 15 + 600 sheet-like structure. Mixed layer I/S was identified accord-
N6 14 + 750 ing to the method of Reynolds and Hower (1970)
N7 19 + 000
N8 10 + 600
N9 l0 + 500 X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) T e c h n i q u e s
N10 10 + 300
Nll t0 + 300 The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique was used for the
N12 I0 + 300 determination of the chemical constituents of the samples.
* N refers to Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea highway: J refers to All the twenty four samples w e r e subjected to chemical
Irbid-Jerash-Amman highway. analysis using W D X R F (Model 2023) with 40 kv, at the
labs of the N R A and the X R F device available at the
A C W C I labs. The percentages of the major oxides (i.e.
Thin Section Petrography SiO2, AL203, MgO, K20, Fe203, MnO, CaO, TiOe, SO3,
Na:O, P205, CL, Cr) were determined. The whole rock
All the twenty four samples were studied under the polar- samples were ground using a T i m a Mill, then 0.8 gm of
ized microscope. After thin section were prepared the im- each sample was weighted, and 7.2 gm of Li2B.,O7 were
pregnation method was used for most of the samples added and the mixture was well mixed. The mixture was
because of their softness. Silicon carbide was used as an then fused in a flexure machine. T h e loss on ignition (L.O.I)
abrasive material Kerosene was used instead of water dur- was carried out to determine the amount of volatile con-
ing the grinding process till the desired thickness (120-30 .a) stituents. One gram of each sample was weighted in an
was reached. The thin sections were cleaned by acetone empty crucible. The crucible was heated to 950~ for two
before the examination under the polarized microscope. hours. After cooling in a desiccator, the (L.O.I.) was calcu-
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD)
Scanning electron Microscope ( S E M )
A PW Phillips Diffractometer was used to determine clay
minerals for the following conditions" scanning r a t e T w e l v e samples were subjected to SEM study, six (6) from
2~ chart speed : 2 cm/minute. 30 kv - 25 ma and each highway outcrops. Fresh undisturbed samples were
Cu-Kc~ radiation. Random runs were carried out for the sliced into suitable volume, m o u n t e d on a (I0 mm) alumi-
whole rock samples to identify the non-clay (primary) num stub, then coated by a thin layer of gold using an
minerals. The preparations were scanned from 2-60 (20). evaporator. Coating is used to prevent the build up of
In order to identify the clay minerals and to enhance the electrons on the surface by conducting away static electric-
based reflections, oriented glass preparations (i.e. slides) ity.
of treated (< 2 .am size fraction) were X-rayed. Eleven
samples from Irbid-Jerash-Amman highway and nine sam- Engineering Tests
ples from A m m a n - N a ' u r - D e a d Sea highway were chosen
for the determination of the clay minerals. The twenty Engineering tests were carried out following the American
samples were treated to remove organic matter, carbonates Society for Testing and Materials ( A S T M ) Standards.
and iron oxides. The chemical treatment is described as These tests were : grain size distribution (both hydrometer
follows : test method and computerized grain size analyzer), liquid
limit, plastic limit, specific gravity, Harvard Miniature
1. Sodium hypochloride (NaOCL) was used to oxidize the
(kneading compaction), free swell potential, consolidation
organic matter, then washed with 1" 1 methanole and
and unconsolidated undrained translatory direct shear tests.
acetone through centrifugation.
Samples from thirteen representative sites were selected for
2. Ammonium acetate (NH4OAC) "pH = 5" was used to these tests based on the results o f mineralogical and chemi-
remove the carbonate substance, then the sample was cal tests (i.e. X R F and X R D tests results).

The concept behind the computerized grain size analyzer Results and discussion
is to introduce a special cell that contains particles sus-
pended in distilled water into a path of a laser beam which
diverts the light through diffraction. The device is con- Mineralogical and Chemical Results
nected to a programmed computer. The program is able to
calculate the grain diameter in the tested sample and to plot X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Results
the cumulative frequency distribution with a logarithmic
scale based on statistical issues. Non-Clay (Primary) Minerals
The characteristic diffraction peaks were obtained for non-
Kneading compaction test was carried out in accordance
clay minerals identified in the studied samples.
with A S T M D698. Consolidation test was carried out in
accordance with A S T M D2435-90, and translatory direct Calcite was identified by its characteristic diffraction
shear test was carried out in accordance with peaks. The results agreed with the A S T M card No. 5-586.
A S T M D3080-90. Calcite is characterized by its sharpest peak that appears at
3.04A ~ (104) and 29.5. Figure 5 shows different X-ray
For swell potential and consolidation tests, the samples
diffractograms for calcite as one of the identified non-clay
were prepared at a dry unit weight (7<0 of 1.8 g/cm ) and
minerals. This mineral is recorded in all the samples of
water content (w %) of I5 %. For translatory direct shear A1/2 Formation of the two highways except for samples
test samples were prepared ar dry unit weight (Td) of J l l and J12 as indicated in Table 3.
1.8 g/cm~and water content (w %) of 30 %.
Quartz was identified by its characteristic diffraction
In direct shear test, shearing was continued until the shear peaks. This agree with the A S T M card No. (5-490). The
force passes its m a x i m u m value and became constant or strongest characteristic peak rises at 3.34 A ~ (101).
decreases; representing the failure condition. Shear tests Figure 5 shows the X-ray diffractograms where quartz ap-
were carried out at normal stresses of 96, 192, 287 and pears with other non-clay minerals. The (10l) peak was
383 kPa. used as an internal standard on which the peaks of other
non-clay minerals was calibrated. Quartz was recorded in
After the failure condition is reached for each vertical load
all samples with the except of samples N3, N6 and J [ 0 of
increment, the sample is sheared again (resheared) follow-
the A I / 2 Formation. It was also recorded in all the samples
ing the same procedure as that of first time shear but along
of Kurnub Formations. Table 3 shows the quartz distribu-
an existing failure surface. This was carried out to represent
tion in the studied samples.
the case of the land failures that took place within clayey
beds along previous failure planes. Infact this represent the D o l o m i t e ' s characteristic diffraction peaks agree with the
case of landslides in Jordan that take place at areas that has A S T M card No. (11-87). D o l o m i t e can be identified by the
suffered from many landsliding incidents in the past as a strongest peak at 2.88 A" (104) and 31.0. Figure 5 shows
result of tectonic movements, earthquakes, and heavy rain- dolomite presence in the studied samples. Dolomite is
fall. considering the fact that these areas are within the recorded in most of the samples of A1/2 Formation but not
Jordan rift system. in the samples of the Kurnub Formation (Table 3).

Table 3 : Clay arid Non-Clay Minerals Identified in the Studied Samples Based on XRD-Results.

Sample Code I/S K

N1 X X X
N2 X X X
N3 X X X X
N4 X X
N5 X X X X
N6 X
N7 X X X X
N8 X x
N9 X X X
N10 X X
Nll x
N12 X X
Jl X X
J2 X X
J3 X
J4 X x
J5 X X X X
J6 X X X X
J7 X X X
J8 X ' X X X
J9 X I • X X
J10 X J X X
Jll X I x X X
J12 X X X
Index : IIS : Illite/Smectite (mixed layer), K : Kaolinite, I Illite, Q : Quartz, C : Calcite, D : Dolomite and P : Pyrite.

The X-ray diffraction patterns of Kaolinite vary consider-

ably because of the unit cells parallel to the b-axis (ASTM,
1983). Ordered and disordered Kaolinite can be differen-
tiated by the sharpness and intensity of the basal reflection
o o .., i<i ~ M~ and by the presence and intensity of the (020, 110 and 111)
0 reflections.
l/ Ord
K K b. Mixed-Layer (Illite/Smectite "'US") : Mixed-layers (I/S)
OK ^ iv, K
characterized by high scattering at low angles.
On the basis of matching the diffraction patterns of the
glycilated samples with the calculated one-dimensional
diffraction profiles of Reynolds and Hower (1970), the
disordered mixed-layer (I/S) was recorded in all the
~ 1 7 6 <
treated samples except for N8 and NI0 of the A1/2 For-
mation samples, as given in Table 3. The diffraction peak
CC C C C 0 C
(001)10/(003)17 appears at (11-12) A ~ in dry oriented runs.

(00-/!) K

50 40 30 20 ~0 2d
Fig. 5 : RandomX-Ray Diffractograms. C : Calgite; D : Dolomite: Q : (0@)/(002) N
Quartz; K: Kaolinite;P : Pyrite; I/S : MixedLayer (Illite/Smec-

Pyrite's characteristic diffraction peaks agree with the

ASTM card No. (6-0710). The strongest peak of pyrite
appears at 1.63 A ~ and 56.45. Pyrite is recorded only in lls /
sample J1 of the Kurnub Formation of Irbid-Jerash-Amman {002)/(003) ,/'
Highway as shown in Table 3.

Clay Minerals

The three prepared slides (normal, heated and glycolated)

of each sample of the 20 treated samples were X-rayed. The
treatment of clay samples with ethylene glycol permits the
organic complex to intercalate systematically into the lat-
tice of smectite and usually replaces the inter layer water.
S /r
Glycotation method can helps in the identification of the
mixed-layer type of clays with expandable layers, heating /
of the oriented clay samples to 550~ for two hours de-
stroys the kaolinite structure as a result of dehydroxylation

and the smectite layers collapse to 10 A ~ Table 3 summa- I
rizes the identified clay minerals of the studied samples.
The following clay minerals were identified by the X-ray
diffractometer :
a. Kaolinite : The most intense basal reflections of kaolinite I
appear at 7.19 A~ (001) and 3.57 A ~ (002). kaolinite basal
reflections are not affected upon glycolation, but the struc-
ture collapses and disappears upon heating to 550~ for
two hours. Figures 6 and 7 show the behavior of Kaolinite
upon treatment.
Kaolinite is identified in all the treated samples of the 20 ~6 ~o 6
J z4
Kurnub and A1/2 Formations except for sample J9. Ta-
ble 3 shows the occurrence of Kaolinite in the studied Fig. 6 : OrientedX-Ray Diffractograms for Sample N1. N : Normal; O :
samples. Glyeolated; H : Heated to 550"C.

Upon glycolation the (001)101(002)i7 shifts to show the layer clays are composed of two layers with two types of
collapse of the basal reflection. Upon heating to 550~ for negative charge. The high charge layers are the non-ex-
two hours it collapses to (10) A ~ basal reflection. Figures pandable, whereas the low-charge are the expandable one.
6 and 7 show the behavior of mixed-layer (I/S) upon The two layers of the mixed layer clays are separated by a
heating and glycolation. small distance. The identified mixed-layer clays in this
work are the illite/smectite. The strongest peak of smectite
c. Illite : The basal reflections (001), (002) and (003) of i llite
appear at 10 A ~ 5 A ~ and 3.3 A ~ respectively. The peaks is 17 A ~ and for illite is 10 A ~ and the position of the peak
of illite are not affected upon glycolation and heating to of I/S mixed-layer depends on the presence of smectite
550~ for two hours nor glycolation. Elite is recorded only layers and the degree of ordering. The peak position will
shift towards 17 A ~ if the Smectite % is higher than the illite
in one sample as given in Table 3.
%. but if the itlite % is higher than the smectite % the
mixed-layer peak will shift towards the 10 A ~ position.
Estimation of the Expandability of the Mixed-Layer ll-
The expandibility can be estimated by determining the peak
lite/Smectite (IIS)
position of (001) m/(002) lr and (002110/(003)17, then the
The expandability of the mixed-layer clays depends on the difference between the two positions could be plotted on
type and the degree of ordering of the layers. The mixed- Reynolds and Hower (1970) modified curve for estimating
expandabilities. The estimated cxpandabilities are listed in
Table 4.

X-Ray Fluorescence Results

/s N The chemical results of the whole rock samples are listed

(001 ,tO02) in Table 5. The chemical analysis results are used to calcu-
/ late the mineral content of the tested samples using a
computer program prepared for this purpose developed by
Julio et al. (1992). Moreover, the results from the computer
program were verified using the "Data Handbook for Clay
Minerals and Other Non-Metalic Minerals" (Olphen and
\ ,J Fripiat, 1979). The results are given in Table 6.

71 r G
I!/ S / '"\ Petrographical Results
(oo?)/~,:x),s) ., ".--/
/ s\ r
All the samples which were chosen from the Kurnub Sand-
stone and A l/2 Formations were subjected for petrographic
work. The samples were selected from clayey and marly
/ clay or clayey marl in order to serve the objectives of the
study. Table 7 shows the rock type of each of the studied
i l/

Table 4 : Calculated Expandabilities in the I/S of the Studied Samples.

Sample No, % Smectite

J1 5

/ J2
J7 50
J8 32
J9 80
J10 60
Jll 75
J12 50
NI 25
N2 30
N3 10
N5 42
N7 60
2o 1~ ~o ~. z~ N8 5
N9 15
Fig. 7 : Oriented X-Ray Diffractograms for Sample j6. N : Normal ; G : NIO 5
Gtycolated ; H : Heated to 550~ N12 30

Table 5 : Chemical Composition of the whole Rock Samples.

Table 6 : Quantitative Mineral Content as Calculated from Table 6.

Sample No. US &/or I "%" K "%" Q "%" C "go" D "%" Amorphous Material, Sulfides, Iron
Oxides, Gypsum, Feldspar & Others "%"
N1 21 3l 32 16
N2 22 36 25 17
N3 6 8 49 38
N4 4 8 58 30
N5 35 E3 2 49 5 6
N6 11 4 2 74 10
N7 42 16 ll 7 7 17
N8 6 1 2 86 5
N9 35 7 10 33 8 7
N10 18" 26 48 8
Nil 13 2 3 50 30 2
NI2 20 !20 ii0 26 15 9
J1 19 21 23 I 37**
J2 23 46 9 22
J3 19 48 15 I8
J4 21 39 24 16
J5 26 I I1 7 33 17 6
J6 24 20 7 28 92 112
J7 51 20 12 15
J8 28 12 5 45 6 4
J9 55 3 7 11 20 4
J10 35 5 4 5O 4 2
Jll 16 10 4 14 47 9
J12 120 18 5 13 48 I 5
Index : IIS = Mixed layer. I = tllite, C = Calcite. P = Pyrite, K = Kaolinite. Q = Quartz, D = Dolomite.
This value represents illite percentage.
** 9 % of this value is pyrite.

The Kurnub Sandstone Formation Samples 2. M o n o m i n e r a l s 9

S a m p l e s J1, J2, J3, J4, N1 and N 2 are a r g i l l a c e o u s a n d have a. Q u a r t z : Q u a r t z crystals are o b s e r v e d in all the K u r n u b
r e v e a l e d the f o l l o w i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : S a n d s t o n e s a m p l e s . T h e y are s u b a n g u l a r to r o u n d e d indi-
cating a m e d i u m to high d i s t a n c e o f transportatibn. The
1. Lithic g r a i n s : s a n d s t o n e lithics are rarely f o u n d and are clayey matrix is g r o w i n g at the e x p e n s e of q u a r t z crystals.
m a i n l y o f q u a r t z . T h e lithics are r o u n d e d to s u b r o u n d e d in T h i s diagenetic feature is a c o m m o n p h e n o m e n o n in all
s h a p e and are well o b s e r v e d in s a m p l e J1, the studied s a m p l e s .

Table 7 : StudiedRock Types.

Sample No. Rock Type

N1 Claystone
N2 Claystone
N3 Calcareous Claystone
N4 Calcareous Claystone
N5 Claystone
N6 Calcareous Claystone
N7 Claystone
N8 Calcareous Claystone
N9 Claystone
N10 Calcareous Claystone
NIl Calcareous Claystone
NI2 Calcareous Claystone
J1 Claystone
J2 Claystone
J3 Claystone
J4 Claystone
J5 Claystone
J6 Claystone A.
J7 Claystone
J8 Claystone
J9 Calcareous Claystone
Yl0 Claystone
Jll Claystone
J12 Claystone

b. Muscovite and Sericite : Muscovite and sericite crystals of

the size < 0.2 mm are parallel to subparallel and are well
identified in sample J l. These crystals are tabular and
f l ~ y in shape and are embedded in a clayey matrix. The
flakes are light brown to greenish with cloudy appearance.
Muscovite and sericite crystals are mostly the alteration
products of feldspars and are also, the result of possible
aggradational growth.
c. Pyrite: Pyrite crystals are recorded in sample J l. It is [3.
opaque and has an angular boundaries. Pyrite crystals are
surrounded by the clayey matrix together with the fine Fig. 8 : A : a. Euhedral Pyrite Crystals; b. Quartz Crystals (x 10 xpl).
seicite and muscovite crystals (Fig. 8). B : Typical MassiveTexture.

d. Feldspars : Feldspars occur as minor non-clay minerals in

the Kurnub Sandstone samples. Feldspars are rare com-
pared with quartz because of their chemical and physical 6. Diagenesis: The common diagenetic feature is the
instability. Partial to complete decomposition of feldspar growing of the clayey material at the expense of quartz and
crystals into clayey material is a common phenomenon. feldspar crystals. Recrystallization and aggradational
Some unaltered euhedral to subhedral feldspar crystals are growth of the clayey material are other diagenetic features.
colourless, although most of the crystals show cloudy or
brownish appearance as a result of partial alteration into
clay minerals. The A 1/2 Formation Samples

3. Matrix : The matrix form the groundmass of the clayey

The studied samples are J5, J6, J7, J8, I9, Jl0, J11, J12. N3,
samples. It is composed of fine clayey material and char-
N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9. NI0, N I [ and Nl2. They revealed
acterized by diagenetic growth along the laminae and re-
the following characteristics 9
crystallization into mica-like minerals.
4. Cement : Dark to reddish brown cement is common in 1. Monominerals :
all the studied samples. It is replacing the clayey matrix.
a. Quartz: It is very. common and is disseminated in the
The cement is cryptocrystalline and is dominated by the
clayey matrix. Quartz crystals are corroded and the edges
presence of iron oxides mainly hematite (FeaO3) and/or
are decomposed and replaced by clay minerals. They are
limonite (FeO. OH. nH20). The iron oxides are to be
fine to medium in size, and suhrounded in shape but most
supplied by descending solutions from the overlying sedi-
of the crystals are rounded and reflect a long distance of
transportation. Quartz crystals are less common in the
5. Texture: The general texture is mud-supported with A1/2 formation compared with the Kurnub argillaceous
laminations. samples.

b. Feldspars : Feldspar crystals are rarely found. Relict of is common. Secondary spray calcite is also present with
twinned euhedral crystals are present, and are highly rhombohedral cleavage usually filling pores and cavi-
altered and decomposed into clay minerals. It is believed ties which occur as A and B-cement (Fig. 9 B). Recrys-
that these crystals are inherited. tallization and neoforrnation of spray calcite is recorded
c. Glauconite : Green to pale green glauconite is rounded in in some cases.
shape. It is recorded in sample J5 only. c. Iron Oxides : Iron-oxides are c o m m o n as acement material
2. Matrix : The matrix is abundant and is found as fine to in all the studied samples. The Fe-oxides are partially
very fine clayey material. Very fine dolomite rhombs of filling the pores and replacing the matrix (Fig. 9 B).
diagenetic origin are replacing the matrix material. 5. Organisms 9 Forams (globigerina), gastropods, pelecy-
3. Textures : The massive, laminated and mud-supported pods and nummulites are recorded in some of the studied
textures are common. Crystal growth of micaceous mate- samples. These fossils reflect the marine origin of these
rial along laminae planes is noticed (Fig. 8 B and 9). sediments. Shtewi (1994) concluded that the N a ' u r Forma-
4. Cement : tion was deposited in a shallow restricted marine environ-
ment. The Fossils and/or its remains were diagenetically
a. Dolomite : Dolomite crystals are abundant and occur as recrystalled into spary calcite in most of the cases9
very fine rhombs (Fig. 9 A). Dolomite crystals are dis-
seminated in the clayey matrix and are believed to be of 6. D i a g e n e s i s Feldspars and quartz are diagenetically
diagenetic origin. Dolomite crystals are recorded in most altered into clayey material 9 The neoformation of fine dolo-
of the studied samples. mite rhombs replacing the matrix is a very c o m m o n diage-
netic process. The fossil remains are also recrystalled to
b. Calcite : Calcite crystals are very common and occur as
spray calcite is a c o m m o n diagenetic feature usually filling
micrite. Recrystallization of fossils and/or fossil remains
pores and cavities.

Scanning Electron Microscope Results

The SEM is an ideal technique for studying the morphology

and diagenetic features of the clay minerals. The following
minerals and diagenetic features are observed :
a. Dolomite crystals are recognized in most of the studied
samples. The SEM results confirmed the diagenetic forma-
tion of dolomite at the expense of clay minerals. This is
clearly observed in Figures 10B, 11A and 11C.
b. Kaolinite is present as individual isolated pseudohexago-
hal plates associated with the clayey matrix as shown in
Figures 10A and 1 lB.
c. The mixed-layer (I/S) is the most abundant identified
clay minerals in the studied samples. It occurs as plates and
A. flakes as shown in Figures 10, 11A and 12. The I/S flakes
show continuous growth and orientation parallel and sub-
parallel to each others and along foliation planes. The
foliation and orientation of the mixed-layer (I/S) is a com-
mon phenomenon and can be observed in Figures 10A, 10B
and 11A. The I/S laths are encountered by the diageneti-
cally formed rhombs of dolomite as shown in Figures 10A
and 11B.
Figures 10A, 10C and 12B show the high porosity of most
of the studied samples. It can be also observed from
Figure 13C that the pores are interconnected, so that the
water could easily penetrates through the pores into the
clayey beds. The foliation and laminae-like structure with
perfect orientation as shown in Figures 10A, 10B and 11A
is a c o m m o n texture in the studied samples.

Engineering Results
The two methods of determination of the grain size distri-
Fig. 9 : A : a. Euhedral Dolomite Crystals : b. Typical LaminatedTexture bution (hydrometer and computerized grain size analyzer)
(x i0 xpl). B : a. A and B-Cement: b. Calcite Crystals (x I0 xpl). were carried out for the thirteen tested samples.

The results obtained from the computerized analyzer (sum- The percentages of free swell (i.e. final swell) for the tested
marized in Table 8) are considered of higher accuracy samples were obtained and listed in Table 8. Consolidation
compared with the hydrometer results. Personal errors usu- parameters were obtained from e-log P curves, these in-
ally encountered in the hydrometer test are taken into clude : compressibility index (Co) and maximum past pres-
consideration in the computerized grain size analyzer. sure (Pp) as summarized in Table 8.

The results of liquid limit and plastic limit are given in

The results of the direct shear tests for the first time shear-
Table 8. Samples classification following the Unified Clas-
ing and the resheared samples were presented in the form
sification System is shown in Figures 13 and 14, for sam-
of stress-strain curves and used to obtain the following
ples from lrbid-Jerash-Amman and A m m a n - N a ' u r - D e a d
parameters : angle of friction ~ and cohesion c at both peak
Sea highways, respectively. The results of the Specific
and residual shear stresses, strain at failure (el), secant
Gravity (Gs) for the tested samples are summarized in
modulus ( E ~ ) and tangent (initial) modulus rein) were also
Table 8.
calculated from the stress-strain curves.

The results of kneading compaction test (I-Iarverd Mini-

ature) were presented in the form of compaction curves Detailed direct shear test results are given in Tables 9 and
representing the relation between dry density and water 10 for samples from A m m a n - N a ' u r - D e a d Sea and Irbid-
content. The maximum dry density and optimum water Jerash-Amman highways respectively. However. Table 8
content are obtained from these curves and listed in Table 8. summarize the peak values of shear strength parameters.

Fig. 10: A: Mixed-Layer IllS) and Kaolinite Show Typical Oriented Fig. 11: A: a, Euhedral Dolomite Crystal of Diagenetic Origin;
Laminae-Like Texture. B : Typical Parallel to Subparallel Lami- b. Mixed-Layer (I/S) Laminated Texture, B : Euhedral Dolomite
nae-Like Texture. C : Thin Films of Mixed-Layer (I/S) and the Crystals of Diagenetic Origin. C : Kaolinite and Mixed-Layer(I/S)
Caves. (a) Reflect the High Porosity. Randomly Oriented.



~7 CL


:~ 20


0 10 20 30 z,O 50 60 70 80 90 100
~quid '.,rail (L,L) (~I

Fig. 13 : Classification of the Irbid-Jerash-Amman Highway Samples.

B Legend: CL : Inorganic Clays of Low to Medium Plasticity ; CH :
Inorganic Clays of High Plasticity ; ML : Inorganic Silts and Very
Fig. 12 : A : Thin Films of Mixed-Layer (US). B : a. Kaolinite Crystal : Fine Sand with Slight Plasticity ; MH : Inorganic Silts, Fine Sandy
b. Oriented Mixed-Layer (I/S) Laminae. or Silty Soil. Elastic Silts.

Table 8 : Engineering Properties of the Studied Samples.

Sample Clay* Silt* Sand*
% % % % 1%
N2 34.7 57.5 7.8 1.52 30.0 2., 0.27 11.8 I 56.63 I 7.4 25.57
N3 14.7 76.4 8.9 2.00 15.0 2., ,8 ] 1.5 I 280.3 I 0.08 17.5 I 37.00 I 13.5 ] 33.50
N5 36.3 57.8 5.9 73 I 32.0 1.60 25.0 2.' '1 ]22.5 I143.6 ]0.29 13.2 ]48.S4 I 7.7 ]32.76
N7 37.0 62.0 1.0 64 I 30.0 1.68 20.0 2.' '2 ] 19.0 301.3 t 0.27 11.0 ] 93.69 I 5.7 { 63.74
N9 23.7 62.4 13.9 56 I 24.0 1.69 22.5 12.' I 10.O4 ~08.58 [0.26 14.5 I 48.00 } 8.2 I 39.09
10.1 77.5 12.4 39 [ 9.5 1.72 2010 2.: ;5 I 2.0 271.8 t 0.08 16.0 I 80.64 { 9.4 ] 31.58
J4 40.4 55.6 4.0 45 I 20.0 174 225 12q ,8 ] 10.2 ] 194.3 I 0.33 13.8 { 99.51 I 9.0 { 37.08
J6 29.3 65.3 +5.4 77 I 43.2 1.63 27.5 i2.' '4 ] 14.0 ] 227.5 I 0.27 13.4 i 90.61 I 7.8 { 23.84
J7 25.6 71.8 2.6 54 [ i6.0 1.63 26.3 122 '3 ]21.2 [ 255.6 10.28 14.5 I 99"51 I 9.4 I 36.50
J8 33.9 64.4 1.7 51 [ 23.0 1.72 23.7 12: '5'3
J9 48.2 50.8 1.0 99 I 52.0 1.45 33.7 12.' ]]27.2[
10.9 251.1
I 235.1 10.35
[0.14 15.3
10.4 79.19
I 68.14 ]/ 5.1
9.6 ]135.06
J10 40.5 57.9 i.6 62 [ 31.0 1.63 26.3 12., i8 ] 12.8 { 196.6 {0.17 12.6 I 81.68 [ 7.1 I 56.67
Jll 37.6 60.5 1.9 1.80 17.5 ~., ~ 0 . 1 4 16.1 30.14 9N 29.06
* : Values are from computerized Grain Size Analysis ; L.L. : Liquid Limit ; P.I. Plasticity Index; yj m,x : Dry Unit Weight ;
wo,,, : Optimum Water Content ; G : Specific Gravity ;
P~ : Maximum Past Pressure ; Cc : Compression Index ; FS : Free Swell ; 07, : Peak Internal Friction Angle for the First Time Shearing ; ~pr : Peak Internal
Friction Angle for the Resheared Samples ; epi : Peak Cohesion for the First Time shearing "and %rPeak Cohesion for the Resheared Samples.

Correlation between Chemical-lVlineralogical Characteris- increase, the plasticity index (P.I.) increase. This agrees
tics and Physical/Engineering Properties with the results of others (e.g. Sridharan er al.. 1988).
SEM results indicated that the mixed-layer (I/S) is the
Atterberg Limits major clay mineral present in the studied samples. It is also
concluded that most of the studied samples have a high
In this study, the maximum liquid limit (L.L.) and plasticity
porosity and laminated textures.
index (P.I.) values are 99 % and 52 %, respectively, and are
reported for J9 sample. The grain size analysis for the same Table 6 shows the abundance of the clay and non-clay
sample indicated that it has the highest clay size content minerals in the studied samples. The comparison of this
(48 %). On the contrary sample N3 has the lowest values table with results of Atterberg limits (Table 8), indicate that
of liquid limit and plasticity index (25 % and 9.5 %, respec- samples with highest (I/S)% tend to have the highest
tively). The clay content of sample N3 is also low (15%). Atterberg limits, and the samples with the highest calcite,
Results in Table 8 indicate that as the clay size content quartz, and dolomite content tend to have the lowest Atter-

Table 9 : Direct Shear Test Result for Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea Highway Samples.

First Time Shearin Resheared

Sample Applied Secant Modulus Initial Modulus Horizontal Secant Modulus Initial Modulus Horizontal
Vertical E .... E,~ Displacement E,~. E,. Displacement
Stress kPa kPa kPa at Failure kPa kPa at Failure
(cm) (cm)

96 294.1 245.1 0.28 48.6 101.9 0.32

192 352.9 366.0 0.18 411.8 411.8 0.48
N2 784.3 0.18 4l 1.8 411.8 0.28
287 470.6
383 470.6 784.3 0.30 823.5 1176.5 0.24

96 339.9 313.7 0.08 294.1 294.1 0.06

192 490.2 392.2 0.12 313.7 313.7 0.08
N3 519.6 0.08 326.8 326.8 0.10
287 586.6
383 1098.0 1(/19.6 ~. 0.18 451.0 451.0 0.14

96 274.3 183.0 0.24 225.5 411.8 0.17

192 392.2 227.4 0.20 666.6 666.6 0.09
N5 235.3 0.32 910.9 901.9 0.12
287 183.0
383 529.4 568.6 0.20 1176.5 1176.5 0.20

96 313.7 274.5 0.32 104.6 130.7 0.30

192 450.9 490.2 0.32 156.9 183.0 0.48
N7 941.2 0.40 575.2 575.2 0.33
287 666.6
383 1058.8 941.2 0.34 784.3 784.3 0.54
96 379.1 392.2 0.10 235.3 235.3 0.10
N9 192 490.2. 588.2 0.10 274.5 274.5 0.09
287 627.4 784.3 0.10 627.4 627.4 0.12

"Fable 9 continued

First Time Sheai-ing Resheared ;tress for Shear Stress for

First Time Shearing Resheared
Peak Residual Peak Residual
Peak Residual Peak Residual
Sample c ~ c 0 c kPa kPa kPa kPa
kPa deg. kPa deg. kPa deg.
56.6 11.8 40 8.3 25.6 7.4 25.5 7.0 54.72 39.74 38.59
65.66 47.81 45.50
1.09.-14 82.92 59.90 59.90
141.12 95.04 77.18 68.54
N3 37.3 17.5 30 [2.0 33.3 13.5 3(/.0 10.0 66.82 48.96 57.60 48.96
96.19 75.46 76.61 71.42
L32.48 94.47 103.10 76.03
_ _ ~ _ 109.44 124.42 95.62
N5 48.8 13.2 32 7.8 32.8 7.7 32.0 7.0 L 46.08 43.78 35.71
89.28 56.45 61.63 53.57
111.74 60.48 70.85 68.54
142.27 89.29 83.52 81.22
N7 93.7 11.0 80 7.0 62.7 5.7 60.0 5.3 i
9 97.84 73.15 69.12
138.82 108.29 80.64 74.88
149.18 118./18 91.58 89.86
j 164.74 134.21 101.38 92.17
N9 48.0 14.5 44 11.0 39. l 8.2 = 35.0 7.0 ~ - 71.42
j 120.96 I

b e r g l i m i t v a l u e s . In g e n e r a l , t h e s a m p l e s w i t h t h e h i g h e s t N 2 , N 5 a n d N 7 ) t e n d to h a v e t h e h i g h e s t v a l u e s o f s w e l l
c l a y m i n e r a l s c o n t e n t h a v e the h i g h e s t A t t e r b e r g l i m i t p e r c e n t a g e s . D e s p i t e o f its h i g h L . L . a n d P.I. v a l u e s , s a m p l e
values. J6 h a s a r e l a t i v e l y l o w s w e l l p e r c e n t a g e a n d t h i s i m p l i e s
o t h e r f a c t o r s , s u c h as t h e l o w p e r m e a b i l i t y . I n f a c t this
s a m p l e w a s a l l o w e d to s w e l l f o r a b o u t t h r e e d a y s .
Swell and Consolidation
T h i s o b s e r v a t i o n w a s a t s o m a d e by G i l l o t t ( 1 9 8 6 ) a n d
Table 8 shows that the samples with higher liquid limit T a y l o r et al. (19861. T h e y s t a t e d that the m a g n i t u d e o f t h e
( L . L . ) a n d p l a s t i c i t y i n d e x (P.I.) v a l u e s (i.e. s a m p l e s J7, J9, v o l u m e c h a n g e is a f u n c t i o n o f the m i n e r a l o g y , m o i s t u r e

Table 10 : Direct Shear Test Result for trbid-Jerash-Amman Highway Samples.

First Time Shearing R.esheared

Sample Applied Secant Initial Horizontal Secant Initial Horizontal
Vertical ] Modulus Modulus Displacement Modulus Modulus Displacement
Stress E~r E~, at Failure E~c. gin at Failure
kPa kPa kPa (cm) kPa kPa (cm)
Jl 96 48.40 46.10 0.24 705.9 705.9 0.08
192 60.50 56.40 0.36 326.8 431.4 0. t6
287 80.60 73.70 0.25 245.1 431.4 0. I4
J4 96 53.00 51.30 0.16 183.0 I86.3 0.28
192 64.50 63.40 0.12 145.1 315.1 0.20
287 83.50 82.90 0.16 246.7 264.7 0.20
383 96.80 95.00 0.26 294.1 392.2 0.16
J6 96 37.40 37.40 0.13 i80.4 203.9
I 0.12
192 47.20 45.50 0.18 126.4 130.7 0.10
287 65.10 65.10 0.20 490.2 588.2 0.08
383 74.90 68.50 0.20 186.3 219.6 0.12
J7 96 I 53.00 47.20 I 0.27 431.4 588.2 0.09
192 i 65.70 63.40 ' 0.35 784.3 705.9 0.04
287 I 86,40 8t.80 i 0.36 1176.5 9t0.9 0.07
387 I 99.1 97.40 I 0.40 1960.8 1137.2 0.18
J8 96 0 53,00 50.t0 r 0.12 196.1 186.3 0.16
192 62.20 62.20 0.17 280.1 264.7 0.13
287 83.50 78.30 0.18 439.2 379.1 0.13
387 100.00 100.20 0.20 633.6 522.9 0.14
J9 96 43.80 40.30 0.34 392.2 294.1 0.12
192 58.20 49.50 0.20 451.0 411.8 0.20
287 63.40 55.30 0.27 509.8 411.8 0.32
387 72.00 60.50 0.28 735.3 490.2 0.20
J10 96 68.00 57.00 0.12 219,6 227.4 0.16
t92 81.20 74.90 0.12 313.7 294.1 0.12
287 89.90 82.90 0.16 245.1 352.9 0.12
387 105.40 103.70 0.20 745. l 490.2 0.12
Jll 96 44.90 36.80 0.12 294. l iI 300.6 0.24
192 63.40 55.90 0.24 901.9 ~ 568.6 0.10
287 77.80 63.40 , 0.16 1176.5 :r 705.9 Ir 0.12

c o n t e n t , c o m p o s i t i o n a n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f the p o r e f l u i d ,
f a b r i c a n d m t e r p a r t i c l e s c e m e n t a t i o n . T h e y a d d e d that the
rate o f the v o l u m e c h a n ~ e d e p e n d s on the p e r m e a b i l i t y
w h i c h is a f u n c t i o n o f the s i z e o f t h e p a r t i c l e s .

/ F i g u r e s 15 a n d 16 s h o w the p r o j e c t i o n o f t h e r e s u l t s o f

* / s t u d i e d s a m p l e s on the e x p a n s i v e n e s s c h a r t for Irbid-
J e r a s h - A m m a n a n d A m m a n - N a " u r - D e a d S e a h i g h w a y s , re-

30' [L *N 5 It is n o t i c e a b l e f r o m r e s u l t s in T a b l e 8 that as c l a y c o n t e n t
-g= S7 a n d P.I. v a l u e s i n c r e a s e , t h e s w e l l p o t e n t i a l i n c r e a s e .

b19 It c a n b e o b s e r v e d f r o m t h e d a t a in T a b l e s 6 a n d 8 t h a t t h e
--z 20- HH
m i x e d - l a y e r (I/S) c o n t e n t i n f l u e n c e s t h e s w e l l m o r e t h a n
t h e K a o l i n i t e c o n t e n t b e c a u s e in t h e c a s e o f t h e m i x e d - l a y e r
(I/S) t h e a p p l i a n c e o f t h e d o u b l e l a y e r t h e o r y is f u n c t i o n a l ,
10- w h e r e a s in the K a o l i n i t e c a s e , s w e l l is p u r e l y m e c h a n i c a l
[L-ML d e p e n d i n g o n t h e r e l e a s e d s t r e s s ( D r i s c o l l , 1984).

O' The SEM results indicate that most of the studied samples
10 20 30 ~.0 50 60 70 80 90 100 are o r i e n t e d as s h o w n in F i g u r e 10. T h e w e l l o r i e n t e d
Liquid Limit (h.',.', {.'I) s a m p l e s t e n d to h a v e h i g h e r C o m p r e s s i o n I n d e x ( C c ) ' v a l u e s
w h e r e a s the l e s s o r i e n t e d s a m p l e s t e n d to h a v e l o w e r v a l u e s
Fig. 14 : Classification of the Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea Highway Sam- o f Cc. T h e v a l u e s o f t h e C o m p r e s s i o n I n d e x are s h o w n in
ples (Legend as in Figure 13). T a b l e 8.

Table 10 continued

First Time Shearing Resheared Shear Stress for First Shear Stress for
Time Shearing Resheared
Peak I Residual Residual
Peak Residual Peak Residual
kPa kPa kPa kPa

80.5 16,0 58 12.0 9.4 25.0 109.40 77.80 862.7 588.2

123.50 88,10 666.7 588.2
164.20 128.40 980.4 705.8
,14 99:5 13.8 68 13.0 9.O 37.0 120.40 77180 339.7 326.8
149.80 110.60 392.6 451.0
163.00 141.10 431,4 568.6
149.10 167.00 431.4 568.6
21.8 7.8 115.20 74.90 339.9 284.3
132.50 92.20 431.4 392.2
160.70 102.00 431.4 392.2
181.40 146.90 470.6 392.2
14.5 i 72.5 9.4 35.0 122.10 77.80 235.3 156.9
153.80 110.60 254.9 196.1
170.50 142.30 294.1 196. t
198,10 176.60 313;7 196.1
J8 122.10 77.80 333.3 261.4
154.40 112.30 333.3 274.5
169.90 143.40 457.5 343.1
203,90 178.00 509.8 392,1
J9 68.1 10.4 60 38.8 [ 5.1 35.0 85.30 71.40 163.4 235.3
106.60 87.60 392.2 392.2
115.20 100.80 1176.5 1176.5
140.00 104.20 1176.5 1176.5
J10 81.7 . _. 9 56.7 7.1 100.80 82.40 215.7 235.3
126.70 98.50 392.2 392.2

~-J11 30.1 16;I

I 22 14 29.1 9.8 28.0
112.90 91.00 390.0 313.7

70 F 1 i ~+/ /
It can be o b s e r v e d from the data in T a b l e s 6 and 8 that the I ~,/ cer~[ high ! I ~"
m i x e d - l a y e r (I/S) affect the c o m p r e s s i b i l i t y index for the
tested samples more than Kaolinite. This could be attrib- 6ok -b .,~-.' I i ,,f
uted to the high void ratio in the m i x e d - l a y e r (I/S) rich
samples where the d o u b l e layer theory and the high flexi- ] ,I ~L I J%~;W" t
bility of S m e c t i t e films d o m i n a t e , whereas in the case of
Kaolinite the plates are more stiff and elastic. I Ii , , / ! r /"
i "-
j -
I/ :
e, / . . ~

S h e a r Strength
I li , ! ..".';'! S~C.-'5 ~3J
[n this study, the m a x i m u m internal friction angle (r was 3o~- . , ~ ; . ~' .... : ,J~-' )r ~ ~,2>f
I / !n~n,u~~ ~."2- ~
17.5 ~ and the m i n i m u m value was [0.4 ~ for samples N3 and
J9, respectively for the peak at the first time shearing
(Table 9).
~o ,;<p,~',.,,n~s~ .--'ti,. i.... --T -
/ 'Hf .,,~7~ ! I i
The quantitative m i n e r a l o g i c a l calculations (Table 6) yield
that the non-clay m i n e r a l s c o n t e n t of sample N3 is 88 % / /:A~,~] I I I !
(calcite, d o l o m i t e and quartz), and the clay c o n t e n t is very,
m i n o r (< 5 %). W h e r e a s the n o n - c l a y content for sample J9
is a b o u t 42 %, and the clay c o n t e n t is a b o u t 58 %. T a b l e 4
%' ,; ~; ~o :o so ~0 5
Clay Content (~1
indicates that 80 % of the m i x e d - l a y e r (I/S) of s a m p l e J9 is
Smectite, w h e r e a s only 10 % of the m i x e d - l a y e r of s a m p l e Fig. 15 : Expansiveness Chart Showing Projection of Results of lrbid-
N3 is Smectite. T h e r e f o r e , the low angle o f internal friction 3erash-Amman Highway Samples.

70 to the force of shearing making the sliding process easier

ii ~'' i i ] in the reshearing than that for the first time shearing. This
J , !~/' vep~' h,Gn ] " [
, ! ~. eX pQ]PISI v r ~ s 5 ~; can be noticed in the failure envelopes. The results of angle
: -~ i i \ .4 of friction and cohesion are smaller for resheared samples
' +,'1 L ! , + .... ]
than for first time shearing (Tables 8, 9 and 10). Lowering
r </ / of the cohesion (e) as well as the angle of internal friction
/' I d/
: ~
! /1
'. q'~ /~
(~) took place during the reshearing of the samples.
{ ~ I N2 i " i "~ .....
- : - ,.@
' 1" .... ~ :~4 /" Conclusions
i ./i! i ,////} I ~'./~,'/

F. ~o ..,.' ~ !t h-l o n ,~; .... .. Based on the results of this study the following conclusions
ex~anstve n~ss ~ ] ~,\~ "j' are emphasized :
,-a " . '. I / c~ v 1 "

i,,'~'~ ~d ium 7- ] /" [ 1. The extremely jointed rocks allowed the water during
i'; lexP a,~~'Ivenes-~,,.~
[~ v n the rainy winter to penetrate through the joints and to be
/ ! . ?"
trapped by the clayey beds, water has led to the reduction
/ j/ L/ . expansi e ess
of the shear strength parameters and has caused the failures.
2. Quartz, calcite and dolomite are the non-clay minerals
and mixed-layer (I/S) and kaolinite are the clay minerals
10 .?0 30 z.O 50 60 70 identified in the studied samples.
3. Samples with highest (I/S) % tend to have the highest
Atterberg limits, and the samples with the highest calcite,
Fig. 16 : Expansiveness Chart Showing Projection of Results of Amman-
Na'ur-Dead Sea Highway Samples.
quartz, and dolomite content tend to have the lowest Atter-
berg limit values.
4. The high ability of the mixed-layer (I/S) clays to expand
is attributed to the mineralogical composition (type and with the presence of water (the double layer-effect) has
content) as far as the clay size content in the studied resulted in the reduction of the shear strength parameters
samples, i.e. the higher the mixed-layer (I/S) content the which activated the sliding process.
lower the internal friction angle because of the double layer 5. Mixed layer (I/S) content influence the swell and com-
effect. Samples N7 and J7 have also a relatively low angles pressibility more than kaolinite content.
of friction and high Smectite content. 6. The double-layer effect is noticed in samples with
The data in Tables 8, 9 and 10 indicate a negative relation- higher (I/S) content which gave the highest swell percent-
ship between clay size content and the internal friction ages. liquid limit, and plastic limit, and the lowest internal
angle. Olson (1974) stated that the equidimensional soil friction angle (0).
particles with wide distribution of particle sizes yield the 7. The SEM results indicated that most of the studied
highest internal friction angle (0) because of the maximum samples are oriented resulting in higher compression index.
amount of particle interaction during shearing. This can be
observed in results given in Table 8. 8. The reshearing direct shear test results compared to first
time shear ascertain that the reduction of the shear strength
Moreover, test results shows that as the plasticity index took place along the pre-existing shear or sliding surfaces.
(P.I.) increase the angle of friction (both residual and peak The highways within two areas (Jerash and Na'ur) have
for first time shearing and resheared) decrease for the previously suffered from landslides, the pre-existing shear
reasons discussed previously. or sliding surfaces are to be considered during the geotech-
nical analysis and design (e.g. slope stability analysis) for
The random clay fabric has resulted in high shear strength,
the purpose of construction of the two highways.
so the shear resistance is a function of clay fabric and
surface friction (Mitchell, 1976). Therefore, the platy ap- 9. To avoid water percolation at the locations of the ex-
pearance of the mixed-layer (Figure 10) is responsible for posed clayey beds, construction of the surface water drain-
the lower values of ((p) (Mesri, Rokhsar and Bohor, 1975) age system is necessary.
because the plates make the sliding so easy with the pres- 10. Results of this study can be used to identify potentially
ence of water. unstable slope in the study area vicinity prior to their
It can also be observed from the results in Tables 6, 9 and failure.
10 that as the mixed-layer (I/S) content increase the peak
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