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Periods of sun 65/49 " Tomorrow: Partly sunny 68/47 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness monday, october 9 , 2023
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Israel declares war against Hamas

In Mideast, combined death
toll is over 1,000
race to stem Ground incursion
wide conflict expected soon in Gaza


The Biden administration on sDerOT, Israel 4 Israel formal-

Sunday scrambled to prevent ly declared war against the Pales-
Hamas9s assault on Israel from tinian militant group Hamas on
escalating into a multi-front, re- Sunday as it reeled from a sur-
gional conflict, deploying a U.S. prise attack that killed more than
aircraft carrier group to the east- 700 people, opening the way for a
ern Mediterranean and rushing major escalation in fighting that
arms to the Israeli military in a bid already threatened to engulf the
to deter the Lebanon-based Hez- region. A swelling counterattack
bollah and other actors from at- by Israeli forces in Gaza also
tacking. killed more than 400 people, in-
The effort came amid close con- cluding 78 children, as residents
sultations between President braced for a more punishing cam-
Biden and Israeli Prime Minister paign that some feared would
Benjamin Netanyahu, whose gov- include an Israeli ground inva-
ernment formally declared war on sion.
Hamas on Sunday. U.S. officials The vote for war by Israel9s
expect Israel to unleash a broad- cabinet could signal a wider oper-
based ground assault against the ation 4 it allows the government
militant group within the next 24 to expand military mobilization
to 48 hours, following the sophis- and deploy a more lethal range of
ticated Hamas attack on Saturday military options. U.S. officials
that killed more than 700 Israelis. said Sunday that they expected
LOAy AyyOuB fOR the wAshIngtOn POst
Israeli reprisals have killed more Israel to launch a ground incur-
than 400 Palestinians in the Gaza A building destroyed in an Israeli airstrike, with smoke continuing to rise, in Burj Al-Aklouk in Gaza on sunday. sion into Gaza in the next 24 to 48
Strip. hours, according to people famil-
American citizens are probably iar with the matter.
among the hostages that Hamas is Israel also requested height-
holding inside Gaza, Secretary of ened cooperation with the United
State Antony Blinken said Sunday. States on intelligence-sharing re-
At least several Americans were lated to southern Lebanon, ac-
killed in the attack, a senior ad- cording to the people, who spoke
ministration official confirmed. on the condition of anonymity to
The toll ups the stakes for the discuss sensitive military mat-
Biden administration as it engag- ters. Earlier Sunday, Israeli forces
es in a complicated multinational and Lebanese militants traded
SEE MIDEAsT ON A12 fire across the border, with the
powerful armed group Hezbollah
claiming responsibility for the ar-
Iran: Blinken rebuts claims that tillery and missile attacks.
freed-up assets aided attack. A7 <Our hearts are with you. Our
minds are with you. Our souls are
In Gaza: After Israeli airstrikes, with you. Our history and guns
residents brace for all-out war. A11 and our rockets are with you,= top
Hezbollah official Hashem
southern Israel: Region9s troops Safieddine said at a rally in Beirut
and civilians are still on edge. A10 on Sunday, referring to Hamas.
OhAd ZwIgenBeRg/AP LOAy AyyOuB fOR the wAshIngtOn POst Hezbollah9s entrance injected a
D.C. reacts: Political protests Israelis run to take cover in a shelter as a siren sounds a A Palestinian family flees a day after Israeli Prime Minister combustible new element into
and prayers for peace. B1 warning of incoming rockets, in Ashkelon, Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu told Gaza residents to <leave now.= SEE IsRAEL ON A8

Festivalgoers recount how revelry turned to massacre A sense of solidarity among American Jews 4 for now
BY L OVEDAY M ORRIS, explosions over the thumping for adults.= BY M ICHELLE B OORSTEIN back. <Two coalitions. Two ver- She feels consumed with grief
I MOGEN P IPER, music. Others, used to rockets <Guys, we have red alert,= the AND A NNIE G OWEN sions of Judaism. Two visions for and terror for Israelis, and she
J OYCE S OHYUN L EE from Gaza, shrugged them off. voice warned. <Red alert.= the Jewish people, in direct con- wants to show them they9re not
AND S USANNAH G EORGE <We heard sirens and rockets, Videos verified by The Wash- Just a few weeks ago, before a flict,= she said, prompting ap- alone.
tons of rockets,= said Millet Ben ington Post show people leaving huge Rosh Hashanah audience, plause and eventually a standing <I9ve given five sermons just
The first rockets were fired just Haim, 27, who attended the festi- hurriedly, a few jogging, many Rabbi Rachel Timoner thun- ovation 4 both rare sights in this year very harshly critical of
before dawn, arcing through the val with a group of friends, posing glancing back to look at the white dered from the pulpit of her large synagogue. the Israeli government, and my
sky over thousands of revelers with one of them just minutes rocket flashes in the lightening Brooklyn synagogue against the This weekend, Timoner was whole career I9ve spoken about
who had been dancing through before the attack and sticking her sky. They appear confused but not government in Israel. laser-focused on prayer and sup- the [Israeli] occupation. But this
the night at a trance music festi- tongue out for the camera. panicked. The Jewish state9s current port for Israel and its govern- is not that time,= Timoner told the
val 4 billed as an event celebrat- Then the music stopped. A person dressed in black with leaders, she said, were welcom- ment, which experienced some of The Washington Post on Sunday.
ing <friends, love and infinite A voice boomed from the loud- a yellow safety vest was directing ing violent racists and trying to the deadliest and most terrifying <This is not a 8both sides9 time.=
freedom.= speakers over the tented stages crowds away from the stages. dismantle democracy and plural- days in the country9s history dur- The Hamas ambushes, which
Initially, some of the ravers and the chill-out area that orga- Then the gunfire started. ism. American Jewry9s liberal ing continued attacks and hos- have left some 700 dead in Israel,
didn9t notice the sound of the nizers described as a <playground SEE RAVE ON A9 majority, she said, must fight tage-taking by the group Hamas. SEE U.s. JEws ON A12

A brigade of objectors Democrats press Biden

Most of the school book challenges in 2021-2022
came from just 11 people, including a Va. mom
over border crossings
BY T OLUSE O LORUNNIPA tones about an unexpected
BY H ANNAH N ATANSON other is a recent graduate. (Two plunge in illegal migration, Biden
books were removed before she Democratic Mayor Eric Adams is once again under growing pres-
ennifer Petersen keeps 73 could challenge them.) of New York City traveled to Mexi- sure to address a surge in border

J school books she detests in

her basement.
She ordered most from
Across 434 pages of challenges
4 longer than many of the books
she objected to 4 Petersen of-
co in a high-profile move to dis-
courage illegal immigration.
Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker of
crossings that shows no sign of
slowing down. And the most nota-
ble criticism is coming from his
Amazon. In the last year, she fered variations on a theme. Illinois has written President own party.
read each one. She highlighted <This book reads like a how to Biden a sharply worded letter de- That could pose a significant
and typed up excerpts from more guide for raping teens,= she wrote manding more help. The San Di- political threat as Biden faces a
than 1,300 pages 4 of the of one. ego County Board of Supervisors, potential rematch against former
24,000-plus pages she read 4 <The book normalizes teen sex a nonpartisan group led by a president Donald Trump, who
that she says depict sexual acts. and . . . glorifies and incites teens Democrat, unanimously declared rode the immigration issue to the
Then she filed challenges against to have sex,= she wrote of an- the lack of federal resources for White House in 2016 with promis-
71 of the books with Spotsylvania other. asylum seekers a <humanitarian es of a border wall, a ban on
JuLIA nIkhInsOn fOR the wAshIngtOn POst
County Public Schools, the Vir- <What is the fascination,= she crisis.= Muslim travelers and other harsh
ginia district where one of her asked of a third, <with so many of Jennifer Petersen has challenged dozens of books at spotsylvania Four months after White measures.
children is a student and the SEE EDUCATION ON A18 County Public schools in Virginia that she says depict sexual acts. House officials spoke in victorious SEE BORDER ON A4

in the news The reGIon

A D.C. woman was al-
Montgomery County sT yle
Director spike Lee,
BusIness news.........................A15
Public Schools in recent opInIon pAGes..........................A16
legedly shot dead by her weeks has twice moved whose wide-ranging col- oBITuArIes..................................B4
earthquakes strike afghanistan Taliban The nATIon The eConomy boyfriend hours after he into new jobs the investi- lection of cultural arti- TelevIsIon...................................C4

officials estimate more than 2,400 deaths. a13 Catch up on the legal Apple9s under-the-radar was served with a protec- facts is on display at the worlD news...............................A6
gator who closed an in-
wrangling from the past influence on the sale of tive order. B1 Brooklyn Museum, dis-
quiry into a former mid-
australia9s 8voice9 referendum As voters week in Donald Trump9s e-books has resulted in Two 19-year-olds were cusses his trove, friend- CONTENT © 2023
dle school principal. B1
criminal cases. A2 higher prices. A15 injured in a shooting at ships and work. C1 The Washington Post

consider whether to give Indigenous people a Infighting among Tex- The FCC9s argument
students are getting a Year 146, No. 53633
Bowie State University feel for cross-country af- Today9s office workers
parliamentary advisory body, old-fashioned as Republicans threat- that net neutrality would as the historically Black explain what a potential
ter Fairfax County intro-
door-knocking is running up against the ens to consume another boost national security school celebrated home- reboot of <The Office=
duced sports into its
special session. A3 has its doubters. A15 coming weekend. B1 should look like. C1
modern spread of misinformation. a6 public middle schools. B1
A2 eZ re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

neWsPAPer DeLiVerY
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Trump9s defense ûghts to slow pace of trials
or concerns contact us at
washingtonpost.com/subscriberservices or BY P ERRY S TEIN nell and Mark Berman have been
send us an email at AND D EVLIN B ARRETT reporting on the lawsuit.
homedelivery@washpost.com or call Trump was not required to
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 Welcome back to The Trump attend, but he showed up on
to sUBscriBe Trials, our weekly effort to keep several days, denouncing the
800-753-Post (7678) readers up to date on the many process as unfair in speeches
criminal 4 and civil 4 cases the outside the courtroom.
to ADVertise 45th president is fighting in Judge Arthur Engoron, who is
Classified: 202-334-6200
federal and state courts. overseeing the trial, issued a gag
display: 202-334-7642 Let9s get started: order against the former presi-
dent after Trump posted a photo
MAin PHone nUMBer What9s ahead of a member of the court staff on
Federal prosecutors and Don- social media, along with a dis-
to reAcH tHe neWsrooM ald Trump9s attorneys were sup- paraging message. The gag order
Metro: 202-334-7300; posed to have until Monday to prohibits Trump and other par-
metro@washpost.com finish filing their pretrial mo- ties in the case from making
national: 202-334-7410; tions in the D.C. federal election public comments about the court
national@washpost.com obstruction case 4 a key dead- staff. The photo of the employee
Business: 202-334-7320; line in the proceedings. appears to have been deleted, on
business@washpost.com These motions often launch Engoron9s orders.
sports: 202-334-7350; the consequential fights that
sports@washpost.com will decide the parameters of an Nerd word of the week
investigative: 202-334-6179; upcoming trial, a little like draw- Your nerd word of the week is
investigations@washpost.com ing boundaries on a playing . . . discovery.
style: 202-334-7535; field. In every trial, prosecutors
style@washpost.com But Friday 4 just days before must give defense attorneys the
reader advocate: 202-334-7582; the deadline 4 the judge granted evidence they have collected so
readers@washpost.com Trump9s request for an extension, they can build a defense for their
giving both sides until Oct. 23 to clients. This is known as the
to reAcH tHe oPinion PAGes file their motions. alex Brandon/aP discovery process. It can consist
letters to the editor:
letters@washpost.com or call
Trump9s team already filed a Former president Donald Trump and his aide Waltine <Walt= Nauta, right, at Reagan National Airport of millions of pages and, in
202-334-6215 big pretrial motion last week, in August. The two face federal charges related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents. Trump9s document case, the
opinion: arguing the judge should dismiss equivalent of years of security
oped@washpost.com the D.C. indictment because the Trump9s team said in a filing stage, and a jury should decide In a filing, Trump9s attorneys footage.
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). allegations against him occurred that prosecutors working for Powell9s guilt or innocence. said it was not feasible for them All four of Trump9s criminal
PostMaster: send address changes to as he was acting within the legal special counsel Jack Smith are For fans of British comedy, to meet a current Oct. 10 dead- trials are in the discovery phase
the Washington Post, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
d.C. 20071. boundaries of his presidency. A simply not giving them enough from our colleague Amy Gard- line to file motions related to the 4 a process that plays out behind
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, d.C., and key issue is whether the judge9s time to write motions and pre- ner: McAfee appeared to make a classified evidence. closed doors.
additional mailing office.
decision will be appealed to pare Trump9s defense. His law- Monty Python reference when he They cited a number of techni-
higher courts, and if so, how yers said that prosecutors are rejected co-defendant Kenneth cal reasons as to why they can9t Question time
much time that might consume pushing a fast timeline and deny- Chesebro9s request to dismiss his make the deadline, including Why does the Trump defense
c o r r e c tio ns before the trial begins. ing Trump his <constitutional indictment because one of the that a top Trump lawyer, Chris team need to review the classi-
More motions are expected. right to present a defense.= special prosecutors apparently Kise, still does not have the fied documents at all? Isn9t it
Trump9s attorneys said in the Ultimately, judges decide the did not properly document that necessary security clearance to enough just to say they were
the Washington Post is committed to dismissal request that <fatal defi- timing of trials. Prosecutors have he9d been sworn in to work on review all the classified evidence. clearly marked classified?
correcting errors that appear in the ciencies in the indictment will be said that Trump9s team has am- the case, as required under Geor- Kise also has been very busy Two reasons.
newspaper. those interested in addressed in future motion(s) ple time and accused his lawyers gia law. representing Trump in a New First, to win a conviction,
contacting the paper for that purpose and proceeding(s).= of deploying delaying tactics. <As if this parrot of a motion is York civil trial that began last prosecutors must show that the
email: corrections@washpost.com. Judge Aileen M. Cannon has a somehow not yet dead,= McAfee week. documents contain information
hearing in Fort Pierce, Fla., on Georgia: State case on 2020 wrote, alluding to the famous <relating to the national de-
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be
Thursday in Trump9s classified- election Monty Python dead parrot New York: State business fense,= meaning the information
connected to the desk involved 4
national, Foreign, Metro, style, sports, documents case to determine if The details: Trump faces 13 sketch. fraud case is closely held by a relatively
Business or any of the weekly sections. the lawyers representing the for- state counts, with prosecutors The details: Trump faces 34 small number of people in gov-
Comments can be directed to the mer president9s two co-defen- alleging that he tried to undo the Florida: Federal classified- state counts in connection with ernment and not available to the
Post9s reader advocate, who can be dants have any conflicts of inter- election results in that state. documents case hush money paid to adult-film general public. The defense may
reached at 202-334-7582 or est. Planned trial date: None yet, The details: Trump faces 40 actress Stormy Daniels during try to argue that the information
readers@washpost.com. though two of Trump9s 18 co-de- federal counts over accusations the 2016 campaign. is not particularly sensitive; to
Highlights of last week fendants are scheduled for trial that he kept top-secret govern- Planned trial date: March 25 mount such a defense, it needs
D.C.: Federal case on 2020 Oct. 23. ment documents at Mar-a-Lago What happened: Trump9s access to the documents.
election What happened: No major 4 his home and private club 4 team asked New York Supreme Second, prosecutors must
Download the The details: Trump faces four developments in Trump9s case, and then thwarted government Court Justice Juan Merchan to prove the defendant acted will-
Washington Post app federal charges for alleged ef- but one of his co-defendants demands that he return them. dismiss the case, arguing in a fully, meaning with the specific
stay informed with award-winning forts to overturn the results of made news. Planned trial date: May 20 filing that the prosecution re- intent to do something illegal.
the 2020 election. Fulton County Superior Court What happened: Trump9s flects an unjust effort that relies The type of information in the
national and international news,
Planned trial date: March 4 Judge Scott McAfee rejected for- team once again asked Judge on novel legal theories and a documents is relevant to decid-
PlUs complete local news coverage What happened: In addition mer Trump attorney Sidney Pow- Cannon to push the trial back problematic witness 4 Trump9s ing willfulness.
of the d.C. metro area. Create to filing their motion to dismiss, ell9s attempt to get the case until after the presidential elec- former lawyer Michael Cohen. Prosecutors may claim the
customized news alerts, save Trump9s lawyers renewed their against her dismissed. Our col- tion, citing the difficulties of New York fraud case: Sepa- documents were so sensitive, the
articles for offline reading in My efforts to delay the trial timeline. league Holly Bailey reported that accessing all of the classified rately, the civil trial to determine defendant had to know he was
Post, browse the daily print edition That9s been a common theme in Powell had claimed prosecutors evidence. whether Trump and his company acting unlawfully.
and scroll through our the discover these cases, which Trump 4 the withheld evidence that would Some of the documents are misrepresented business deals And defense lawyers may try
tab to find stories that interest you. GOP presidential front-runner 4 have exonerated her 4 a claim considered so sensitive, the gov- by drastically inflating the value to convince the jury the informa-
Free to download on the app store would like to postpone until one prosecutor called <absurd.= ernment is still searching for a of his real estate properties be- tion was so harmless it shows
and Play store, subscribers enjoy after the November 2024 elec- McAfee said he had no author- safe place to store them in Flori- gan last week. Our colleagues there was no willful lawbreak-
unlimited access. tion. ity to dismiss charges at this da. Shayna Jacobs, Jonathan O9Con- ing.


As views of Columbus change, debate grows on the value of his letters

dressed to Spanish monarchs letter around January from a
King Ferdinand II and Queen Isa- friend in Switzerland, where a
Document from 1493 is bella in March 1493, Columbus private library had kept an origi-
first original copy since wrote that he thought he had nal Latin copy for nearly a cen-
landed on islands near the Indian tury. The letter, which is the only
1966 to be auctioned Ocean. He described the beauty of documentation of Columbus9s
the area, which he wrote included first travels to the Americas, was
singing birds, palm trees, large stored in a binding that was creat-
BY K YLE M ELNICK mountains and flowing rivers. ed in the 18th or 19th century,
<It9s kind of like when Neil Ford said.
Margaret Ford never expected Armstrong stepped off the ladder Ford said she compared the
to get ahold of one of the original and started talking about the letter to another original copy
copies of a letter Christopher Co- powder of the lunar surface and owned by the British Library. In-
lumbus wrote in 1493, announc- how his boots stuck down,= said spectors in New York also con-
ing his impressions of a group of Steve Berry, who wrote the 2012 firmed the letter was authentic,
islands he claimed to have <dis- novel <The Columbus Affair.= she said.
covered.= But when a private li- <He9s giving you a description of An original copy has not been
brary in Switzerland offered her everything he9s seeing in this auctioned since 1966, Ford said.
auction house an original Latin strange new world.= An Atlanta man bought a differ-
copy of the letter this year, Ford The letter also portrayed Co- ent copy of the letter from a rare-
was ecstatic. lumbus9s misdeeds. He took In- book dealer for $875,000 in 2004.
Columbus was the first Euro- digenous people, whom he called But public opinions about Co-
pean in centuries to claim he had timid and fearful, by force and lumbus have changed since then.
found the American islands, brought some back to Spain, he At least 40 Columbus monuments
which later came to be known as wrote. have been removed since 2018,
the Caribbean islands. The news Columbus wrote the letter in according to The Post9s data. For
forever altered history, launching Spanish, and the government in the past two years, President
communication and trade be- Spain then sent the letter to Rome Biden acknowledged Indigenous
tween Europe and the Americas. to spread word of the claims, Ford Peoples9 Day in October.
Still, there was one question Katherine Frey/the Washington Post said. Officials there translated the Ford said the auction isn9t
Ford9s auction house, Christie9s, The Columbus Fountain outside Union Station in Northeast Washington was sculpted by Lorado Taft letter into Latin and, through about Columbus but about his
had to address: How would it and features the Italian explorer, a globe and other figures representing the Old and New worlds. their printing press, distributed a voyage and <how that changed
advertise the letter? few dozen copies to residents, the course of history.= Ford said
In recent years, Columbus and The sale has broached a con- creating what Ford said was one later copies of the letter have sold
his men have been the subject of versation among historians of of the world9s first <media fren- for about $700,000, so she felt an
controversy because of their role how Columbus9s shifting public zies.= original copy was worth more.
in enslaving Indigenous groups. <It9s kind of like when Neil Armstrong image affects the value of the The Columbian Exchange Other historians agree that the
Some U.S. states now recognize physical items he left behind. picked up momentum thereafter, letter is too influential to be for-
Indigenous Peoples9 Day instead stepped off the ladder and started talking <This is an issue that happens as Europe sent people, money, gotten.
of Columbus Day. with many, many old documents,= plants and animals, along with <Europeans were very arrogant
Christie9s decided that the let- about the powder of the lunar surface and Edward Lewine, the vice presi- diseases and weapons, to the and pedantic, thinking they were
ter9s allure was its historical sig- dent of communications for Americas. Europeans explored the smartest people on the plan-
nificance, which Ford said will how his boots stuck down.= Christie9s, told The Washington more of the Americas in the com- et,= Berry said. <That9s just the way
remain regardless of Columbus9s Post. <And we are very careful ing years as they enslaved Indig- it was; just the way it happened. It
steve Berry, <Columbus affair= author, on the letter9s descriptions
reputation. The letter is anticipat- about the way that we present enous people, leading to millions doesn9t diminish his initial report
ed to sell for up to $1.5 million at them. . . . It9s not simple.= of deaths. and the value of this historical
auction. In the letter Columbus ad- Ford said she learned about the document 4 not in the least.=

Retropolis Stories of the past, rediscovered.

monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post EZ rE A3

Politics & the Nation

Tex. Republicans9 inûghting threatens to consume another special session
BY M OLLY H ENNESSY- F ISKE gets elected= as speaker, Paxton
told Carlson.
A civil war is raging among The political action committee
Texas Republicans. And as law- Defend Texas Liberty is already
makers return to Austin this looking ahead to March9s primary
week to address <school choice= and recruiting candidates to run
vouchers and border security, against House Republicans who
that infighting threatens to con- voted to impeach Paxton, Stein-
sume what will be the third spe- hauser said. <They9re going to put
cial session of the year. real money into that effort.
The GOP has ruled all three They9re branding Dade a certain
branches of state government for way: 8California Drunk Dade,9 a
decades, but this year tensions liberal out to get conservatives.=
within the party have boiled over But the liberal label is hard to
into very public battles 4 mirror- fathom. Phelan is an East Texas
ing the fractures in Washington developer who, since his election
that last week led to the ouster of in 2014, has supported some of
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as the most conservative laws in the
House speaker. country, including bans on abor-
<This is very akin to what is tion and gender-affirming care
going on at the federal level right for minors. He has supported
now,= said Brendan Steinhauser, a Abbott9s multibillion-dollar bor-
Republican strategist based in der security effort, Operation
Austin. <You have leadership of Lone Star, and at the start of the
the Republican Party . . . trying to 2023 regular session he listed
fend off challenges from the border security legislation as a
grass-roots, certainly populist priority.
wing of the party.= The movement to unseat him
The key difference in Texas, he after two years reflects how dar-
added, is that <Republicans con- ing the populist wing of the Texas
trol everything across the board, GOP has become, agreed James
and so it9s a policy battle about Henson, director of the Texas
what we should do with that Politics Project at the University
power.= of Texas at Austin. The question is
The state is run largely by the whether his detractors have
BrAndon BEll/gEtty ImAgEs
<Big Three= gatekeepers: Gov. enough votes to succeed.
Greg Abbott; Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Migrants wait for processing Sept. 11 in Eagle Pass, Tex. Gov. Greg Abbott is seeking legislative action authorizing Texas law enforcement <If they do it, it will happen
who presides over the Senate; <to arrest or remove any person who illegally enters the State, with penalties up to 20 years in prison for refusing to comply with removal.= early on. We9ll find out how seri-
and House Speaker Dade Phelan. ous any sort of challenge is in the
The legislature officially meets the least, or even lose money. The first day or two,= Henson said.
for about five months every other last time the House even consid- Those opponents would prob-
year, though special sessions ered voucher legislation was ably propose a motion to vacate
called by Abbott are turning law- 2005. A House committee was the chair, which in Texas requires
makers9 convenings into a year- poised to pass a limited voucher at least 10 legislators to second.
long affair. plan earlier this year, but Abbott While 23 House Republicans vot-
In 2023, the trio have traded threatened to veto any measure ed against impeaching Paxton 4
barbs on social media over prop- that didn9t apply to most stu- compared to nearly three times
erty tax cuts, education spending dents. that many who voted for im-
and the impeachment of Attorney On Thursday, the governor de- peachment 4 that doesn9t mean
General Ken Paxton. The fallout tailed the legislative goals for they would all be willing to take a
from Paxton9s acquittal last <extraordinary session #3.= stand and vote against Phelan,
month 4 on charges of bribery, Among them: action authorizing Henson noted.
abuse of office and other miscon- Texas law enforcement <to arrest <Do they have 11 [Republicans]
duct 4 only further inflamed or remove any person who illegal- really willing to face the speaker
relations among the leadership as ly enters the State, with penalties down right now?= he asked.
well as the rank and file. up to 20 years in prison for Were the motion to pass, a
Phelan9s opponents have refusing to comply with removal.= majority of the House would then
branded him a RINO, an acronym It9s unclear what position Phel- have to agree to oust him. At least
for the derogatory phrase <Re- an and other relatively moderate some Democrats would have to
publican in name only,= for sup- House Republicans who sided be part of that, something Hen-
porting the House9s impeach- with him on Paxton9s impeach- son doesn9t anticipate, especially
ment of Paxton. Patrick presided ment will take as they fend off after Phelan supported Paxton9s
over the trial in the Senate and primary challenges and name- impeachment.
lashed out at the speaker as it calling from the base. The speak- Manny Garcia, co-founder of
ended, calling the proceedings a er already faces two primary op- the Austin-based progressive ad-
waste of taxpayer money and ponents next spring; Paxton just vocacy firm Seeker Strategies,
ordering an audit of their cost to endorsed one of them. says Democrats might be swayed
the state. ErIc gAy/AP His tenure as House speaker either way 4 though their disem-
On Friday, the lieutenant gov- Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, center, talks with defense and prosecution attorneys Sept. 14 in Austin could be determined as soon as powered party is accustomed to
ernor again went on the attack. A during the impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton, which divided Texas Republicans. Monday. The party9s right flank compromising with more-moder-
statement from his office de- has vowed to unseat him, saying ate conservatives.
scribed the House impeachment himself like that in public,= Pax- Abbott largely remained on the gious leaders, Abbott asked vot- he is a Democratic sympathizer 4 <Are Democrats in a mood to
managers as <still trying to wipe ton told former Fox TV host sidelines during the trial, ap- ers to contact lawmakers in their just as a far-right GOP faction in unseat Speaker Phelan? Dade
the egg off their face= and casti- Tucker Carlson on his show pointing two temporary replace- districts and press for <education- Congress pushed to oust McCar- Phelan needs to think about what
gated them anew for <shoddy streaming on the X social media ments for the suspended Paxton. al freedom.= thy for what it contended was his he has to offer Democrats,= he
work= and other <colossal= mis- platform last month. <And they Once it ended, he released a The issue has long divided the collusion with Democrats. said.
steps from start to finish. did nothing about it. Instead, statement siding with Patrick and Texas House, however, and Pax- In Texas, the speaker tradition- Regardless, Garcia and others
The attorney general has gone they came after me.= noting Paxton <has done an out- ton9s impeachment only aggra- ally assigns both Republicans and expect the special session to get
further, not only accusing Phelan Phelan9s reactions were equal- standing job representing Texas, vated those divisions. While law- Democrats to chair committees. bogged down by GOP dysfunc-
of orchestrating the impeach- ly sharp. A statement from his especially pushing back against makers ultimately reached an Phelan appointed Democrats to tion.
ment investigation for political office dismissed Paxton9s early the Biden Administration.= agreement in July on cutting lead eight of 34 committees at the <One-party rule for the past 30
gain but also alleging, based on accusations as <a last-ditch effort The governor campaigned last property taxes 4 the outcome start of the regular 2023 legisla- years has led us to a place where
live-stream footage from the to save face= just as a House year on school vouchers and has took two special sessions 4 the tive session, down from 13 the the majority party cannot gov-
House floor of Phelan slurring his committee announced it was in- vowed to keep calling special next debate probably will be just previous session. Paxton and oth- ern,= he said. <Abortion doesn9t
words, that he presided while vestigating him. And after the sessions until lawmakers pass a as contentious. er grass-roots conservatives still exist in Texas. AR-15s are running
inebriated. Paxton9s backers have acquittal, the speaker blasted Pat- bill allowing parents to use tax- Rural GOP lawmakers have fault him for sharing power. rampant. The border buoys are
dubbed him <Drunk Dade.= rick for <confessing his bias and payer dollars to send their chil- often sided with urban Demo- <Whoever gives those Demo- killing people. How much more
<We shouldn9t allow a speaker, placing his contempt for the peo- dren to private schools. During a crats in opposing vouchers be- crats the most 4 whatever Re- conservative do they want to get?
especially our party, to present ple9s House on full display.= recent virtual town hall with reli- cause their districts stand to gain publican agrees to the most 4 . . . It9s a pressure cooker.=

Disney fans work their magic for a boy with cancer

BY P RAVEENA couldn9t buy for my kids,= said This past spring, when the lando with her husband that
S OMASUNDARAM Patchin, 43. family learned that the cancer same weekend.
Drew has had brain cancer had returned for a third time and Sotakoun, who worked as a
Jennifer Patchin learned in since 2019, when he was diag- was largely inoperable, their ap- Disney cast member more than
February that her 9-year-old nosed with his first ependymo- proach was <very, very different,= 10 years ago, planned to attend
son9s brain cancer had come ma, a type of tumor, at age 6. Patchin said. She 4 alongside her the Halloween party and had
back. Though he had surgery to re- husband, Doug; their 5-year-old been checking the Facebook
This time, Drew9s brain tumor move the tumor and underwent son, Tyler; and her sister, Debbie group that afternoon when she
was inoperable. His oncologist about 30 rounds of radiation that Schultz 4 made a list of all the saw Schultz9s post.
told the family they probably had year, it was all <no big deal= to things they wanted to do with <I was like, this takes zero
about nine months left with him, him, Patchin said. He was so Drew over the next nine months. effort to make these boys9 day,=
Patchin recalled. The family de- young at the time that he9d quick- At the same time, Patchin was Sotakoun said.
cided they would spend the time ly forgotten the weeks he9d been contacting doctors across the She knew that if she saw Drew
making memories and doing in the hospital and the treat- country, hoping to find one who and Tyler, she would say hello.
<whatever Drew wanted.= ments he9d undergone, she said. could try to help her son. But she wanted to take it one step
JEnnIfEr PAtchIn
And Drew, who is now 10, Drew, who9d always loved In July, Drew had some of his further by sharing Schultz9s re-
wanted to feel famous. He9d been characters and mascots, watched tumor removed and began che- quest to her more than 1 million Drew Patchin, a 10-year-old with brain cancer, and his brother,
featured in local news a few times <SpongeBob SquarePants= and motherapy as part of a six-week followers on TikTok. Tyler, went to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party on Sept. 29.
during his battle with brain can- <Paw Patrol= during radiation. clinical trial the Patchin family <I feel like I9d be doing a
cer, and he9d loved the rush of After treatment, he lived his life thought might help him get rid of disservice to myself if I didn9t use colleagues. video from Patchin shows. She
being recognized like a celebrity as normally as possible, taking the third tumor. But a Sept. 8 my platform for this kind of Realizing Drew and Tyler9s sent videos and photos from the
in his hometown of St. Louis, trips with his family to Disney MRI exam showed that it had thing, for something good,= Sota- wish would come true, Sotakoun party to Sotakoun so she could
Patchin said. theme parks and sporting events only grown, Patchin said. koun said. said, was a sign that <magic is so share updates with TikTok users
So late last month, the family to see his favorite characters and The family scheduled another She messaged Schultz for per- real.= who had asked about Drew9s day.
wanted to see whether he could mascots. scan for November and decided mission to make the video and to <It was amazing to see a lot of Since the party, Sotakoun9s
feel famous during their trip to And aside from the one time he they would still go to Orlando for include photos of the Patchin people come together for these TikToks have been viewed more
Walt Disney World9s Magic King- noticed that the cast member for Mickey9s Not-So-Scary Hallow- family so people could recognize two boys in such a simple way,= than 8 million times 4 a figure
dom. Hours before Mickey9s Not- Pluto, Mickey Mouse9s dog, had a een Party while Drew was feeling them. Sotakoun knew there were she said. Patchin and her family are still
So-Scary Halloween Party 4 plastic tongue, Drew still <be- up for it. Hoping to make the only about three hours to go until From the moment Drew and trying to grasp. They9d wanted
where Drew wanted to see his lieved in the magic= of the charac- party extra special for Drew and the party but hoped her video Tyler, dressed as Winnie-the- Drew and Tyler to feel famous but
all-time favorite character, Dop- ters, Patchin said. his brother, Patchin9s sister made would reach at least five or 10 Pooh and Tigger, entered the never expected millions of people
ey, one of the Snow White <Until he9s proven otherwise, a post in a Facebook group for the people who would be willing to Magic Kingdom, dozens of party- across the world to care about the
dwarves 4 Patchin9s sister posted he9s believed that,= she said. <And event. help. goers yelled their names, ex- siblings and their story.
online to see whether she could I love that about him.= <If you are going tonight and But the video9s views skyrock- claiming in high-pitched voices It9s a memory Patchin will keep
get a handful of attendees to The Patchin family considered happen to see them and want to eted. Users started showering the how excited they were to see the close in the coming months as the
pretend they recognized Drew. themselves lucky for years. When create pixie dust, just 8recogniz- video with comments to express duo, Patchin said. Disney cast family weighs their course of
But with help from a TikTok Drew9s cancer came back in 2021, ing9 them as celebrities excites support and expand its online members stationed throughout action after the next MRI 4 that
creator, the request went viral. the tumor was removed again. them!= Schultz wrote in a request reach. the park did the same, taking with the help of Sotakoun and
Everywhere Drew went during He9d survived brain cancer twice, hours before the event was set to With about one hour left until selfies and asking for autographs. other strangers online, they9d
the Sept. 29 party, visitors and and the family was hopeful he begin. the party, Sotakoun started re- During the parade at the end of been able to grant Drew9s wish.
Disney employees shouted his would not have to face it again. Her plea made its way to Kris- ceiving messages from cast mem- the night, Drew9s favorite charac- On Wednesday morning,
name, asked for autographs and <We knew if it came back, our ten Sotakoun, a 33-year-old self- bers working the event saying ter, Dopey, skipped over and Patchin asked Drew what his
posed for photos. options are very limited,= Patchin described <Disney adult= and they9d shared the request in hugged him across the rope bar- favorite part of the day was.
<That was all such magic that I said. content creator, who was in Or- group chats with other Disney rier before blowing him a kiss, <All of it,= he said.
A4 ez re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Seeing Biden vulnerable The White House has been

holding calls and meetings with
Democratic officials from New

on immigration, GOP York, Illinois and other locations

to coordinate and strategize, ac-
cording to administration offi-

joins border crossing fray cials, who spoke on the condition

of anonymity to describe internal
Two weekends ago, White
BORDER from A1 tations of a more relaxed policy. House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients,
Later that year liberals were upset senior adviser Tom Perez and oth-
With near-record numbers of by photos of border agents aggres- ers spoke with Pritzker, Chicago
daily arrivals, shelters overflow- sively pursuing Haitian migrants. mayor Brandon Johnson and oth-
ing with families and city govern- Biden reversed himself several er local officials to discuss the
ments overwhelmed by new resi- times on how much to lift Trump9s challenge and offer federal sup-
dents, one of the most intractable limit on refugees. He did not im- port. Yet last monday, Pritzker
challenges of Biden9s presidency mediately lift the Title 42 border sent his letter to Biden, using the
is again threatening to upend his policy, a pandemic-era measure word <untenable= four times to
legislative agenda. republicans that limited immigration, anger- describe the <humanitarian cri-
have become increasingly vocal in ing some in his own party. sis.=
challenging the president9s man- White House officials say the The administration has allocat-
agement of the crisis, but what is president is doing everything pos- ed more than $1 billion to help
especially notable 4 and concern- sible to deal with an overwhelm- cities deal with the surge of migra-
ing to the White House 4 is the ingly difficult situation, given tion, and the president has asked
unusually blunt language from Congress9s decades-long inability Congress to provide more funding
Democratic officials. to enact legislative solutions to and other legislative fixes to ad-
<The federal government9s lack address a problem that has vexed dress the problem. republicans in
miCHAel robinson CHávez/tHe WAsHington post
of intervention and coordination multiple administrations. In re- the House have rebuffed Biden9s
at the border has created an un- cent weeks, Biden has authorized Venezuelan migrants negotiate razor wire as they cross into the United States from Mexico last month. request and instead accused him
tenable situation for Illinois,= new work permits for migrants Democrats are using unusually blunt language to challenge President Biden over the border crossings. of promoting <open border= pol-
Pritzker, a potential future presi- from Venezuela, provided addi- icies that have attracted millions
dential candidate, wrote in his tional money to local govern- those policies in the face of the ing Sen. Alex Padilla (Calif.) and for the republican nomination, of migrants to come to the United
scathing letter to Biden last week. ments for migrant shelter and persistently high border cross- rep. Alexandria ocasio-Cortez has promised to conduct mass States from across the globe.
<There is no more room in New services and stepped up deporta- ings. (N.Y.) have blasted the adminis- deportations if he regains the White House officials counter
York,= Adams said Thursday while tions for people who entered the The latest flash point came in tration9s decision to move forward White House. He presents his that the far-reaching spending
in mexico City, his first stop on a country illegally. may with the expiration of the with barrier construction. White House tenure as a time of cuts proposed by House republi-
three-country tour aimed at try- most dramatically, the Biden pandemic-era Title 42 border pol- The president9s approach re- more effective management of the cans would decimate an already
ing to discourage migrants from administration last week said it icy, which had allowed authorities flects an administration that is border, despite the pitched legal overburdened Department of
crossing into the United States would bypass environmental and to quickly expel migrants back to <scared of the issue,= said Vanessa and political battles that erupted Homeland Security.
and continuing on to his city. conservation laws to fast-track mexico or their home countries. Cárdenas, executive director of over his policies separating fami- The matter could soon come to
Adams has been particularly construction of new barriers Since then, the Biden adminis- the pro-immigration group Amer- lies at the border and blocking a head in the midst of turmoil in
vocal in his criticism of the presi- along the border 4 a highly sym- tration has sought to pair new ica9s Voice. travel from several muslim-ma- the House of representatives,
dent, but major cities like New bolic move given Democrats9 legal opportunities for migrants <Not talking about the issue is jority countries. where rep. Kevin mcCarthy (r-
York, Chicago, Boston, San Diego longtime criticism of Trump9s pro- with harsher penalties for illegal not a strategy to win,= Cárdenas The Trump campaign last week Calif.) was ousted as speaker last
and Denver are all struggling to posed border wall. on friday, entry. Under new asylum rules, said, adding that she approved of cited Biden9s decision to proceed week amid the dissatisfaction of
manage the sudden arrival of Biden again reiterated his conten- the administration provided some of Biden9s recent actions but with additional border barriers as some hard-line conservatives
thousands of migrants and have tion that his hands were tied be- thousands of migrants with new felt he should be more proactive a tacit admission that Trump9s over his approach to spending
pleaded for more help, funding cause Congress had provided pathways to legally enter each in laying out his broader vision for own <build-the-wall= approach to bills.
and coordination from the federal funding for the barriers. month via programs like the CBP voters ahead of next year9s elec- immigration, much pilloried by Some republicans now say
government. <I was told that I had no choice,= one app, while also making it tion. <Because in the absence of Democrats, was sound. on social they will block any new funding
republicans are hitting Biden Biden told reporters at the White easier to deport people who do that answer, the other side is go- media, Trump called for an apolo- for the war in Ukraine until legis-
even harder. Some are threaten- House. <Congress passes legisla- not abide by the rules. ing to take over the debate like gy from Biden, who has criticized lation boosting border enforce-
ing to hold up aid to Ukraine tion to build something, whether Biden9s aides declared that this they9ve been doing.= his predecessor9s border crack- ment is passed, linking two seem-
unless it is accompanied by funds it9s an aircraft carrier or a wall or multifaceted plan was working in republican presidential candi- down as inhumane and cruel. ingly unrelated issues by saying
to protect the U.S.-mexico border. provide for a tax cut, and I can9t June, when the number of unau- dates seeking to oust Biden from recent polls showcase why re- the United States needs to protect
republican presidential candi- say, 8I don9t like it and I9m not thorized entries fell by nearly the White House next year are publicans see a political benefit in its own borders rather than
dates are promising, if they are going to do it.9= Earlier that same 70 percent. But the reprieve increasingly leaning into border elevating the issue ahead of next Ukraine9s. other republican law-
elected, to send troops into mexi- week, asked if he believed a bor- proved to be short-lived. politics. During the second GoP year9s elections. makers have threatened to allow
co to battle drug cartels. And re- der wall would be effective, Biden Now again facing a rapid in- presidential debate last month, Less than 1 in 4 Americans the government to shut down
publican governors played a key said <no.= crease in migration, the Biden the candidates spent much of the approve of Biden9s handling of the next month, when the current
role in the new dynamic by busing There is little evidence the push administration announced night attacking Biden9s immigra- immigration situation at the stopgap spending measure ex-
thousands of migrants into cities to enter the United States will Thursday it would resume deport- tion policies and presenting U.S.-mexico border, according to a pires, if Biden does not agree to
and states run by Democrats. abate over the long term. During ing Venezuelan migrants back to themselves as more capable of September Washington Post-ABC major changes in border policy.
While the renewed criticism is the past three years, federal their country. The decision came reducing the flow of migration. News poll. That9s down from 28 <This is a lawless Biden re-
coming at a challenging time for agents have made more than 6 less than a month after the admin- Sen. Tim Scott (r-S.C.) used his percent who said they approved gime,= rep. Andy Biggs (r-Ariz.)
Biden, as he ramps up his reelec- million arrests along the southern istration had extended legal sta- answer to the very first question in february. said last week on the House floor.
tion campaign, he has faced polit- border, the busiest span in the tus to nearly 500,000 Venezue- of the debate, about the United A marquette Law School poll <They will not enforce border
ical crosswinds on immigration 100-year history of the U.S. Border lans who were already in the Unit- Auto Workers strike, to pivot released Wednesday showed vot- laws. And we can pass them until
from the outset of his presidency, Patrol. ed States. abruptly to the migration issue. ers preferred Trump over Biden we9re blue in the face but until you
caught between a desire to over- And the politics of immigration Along the way, Biden himself <I9ll say this, Joe Biden should on the issue of immigration by a leverage the budget and the
turn Trump9s hard-line policies have only become more fraught. has rarely addressed these policy not be on the picket line,= Scott 23-point margin, with only 27 per- spending, you will not see en-
and the risk of inviting chaos at Biden campaigned in 2020 pledg- shifts publicly, as his actions have said. <He should be on the south- cent choosing the current presi- forcement by this administra-
the border. ing to undo many of the strict managed to upset a wide range of ern border working to close our dent. Unusually high disapproval tion.=
republicans pounced as bor- migration policies enacted by stakeholders, including those tra- southern border because it is un- among Democrats is one factor
der crossings rose when he took Trump, but has found himself ditionally aligned with him on safe, wide open and insecure.= driving the president9s poll num- nick miroff and maria sacchetti
office, fueled by migrants9 expec- embracing a growing number of other matters. Democrats includ- Trump, the leading contender bers on immigration. contributed to this report.

Woman dies 7 weeks found a fresh start in the quiet

surroundings of the island, where
they took boogie boards to the
into the flames, Hood wrote in the
family9s fundraiser. She did not see
her neighbors again.
to treat her, Hood said.
<He would cry every time he9d
see 8Jane Doe9 on her chart,= she

after fleeing Maui ûres coast or cycled across the plains.

<They both loved it,= Hood said.
<They watched the sunset togeth-
Allen emerged from the blazing
field on a main road, where emer-
gency responders treated her,
Allen drifted in and out of con-
sciousness as doctors prepared
er every day.= Hood said. A firefighter wrapped skin grafts to treat her burns, and
BY D ANIEL W U in-law. Allen and her neighbors gath- his arms around Allen to smother she was able to recount her ordeal
<She ran,= Hood told The Wash- ered outside their apartments and the flames covering her body, and to her husband, Hood said. But
Laurie Allen brought up the ington Post. <Through & a foot- watched the fire grow from a dis- she was rushed to maui memorial infections set back her treatment
rear of a desperate convoy that ball-field-long field that was on tance on the afternoon of Aug. 8, medical Center before being air- as she endured the searing pain of
tried to drive to safety as the maui fire.= Hood said. It didn9t appear to be lifted to Straub medical Center in a body almost completely covered
wildfires raged around them in Allen9s dramatic escape on foot, headed toward them until the Honolulu. in burns. Allen died <peacefully=
early August. The smoke was so through 100 yards of burning winds quickly changed. They At some point, Allen was able to with her family present after a
thick that Allen could hardly see grass, left her body scored with Courtesy oF perry Allen-Hood drove through neighborhood utter her husband9s name and seven-week battle, Hood wrote in
the road, a relative recalled. Then critical burns, her sister-in-law Perry and Laurie Allen. roads choked with smoke until the phone number, Hood said. A dis- the family9s fundraiser.
two brake lights pierced through said. She was airlifted to a burn downed tree blocked their path, traught Perry Allen received a voice That Allen willed herself in the
the smog. Allen later told her fam- unit in Honolulu, where she con- island of maui, reducing the his- Allen later told her family. message in the evening from a doc- hospital for that long, after dash-
ily that she saw her neighbors exit tinued to fight for her life in sur- toric beach town of Lahaina to Perry, who was at the resort at tor: <We think we have your wife.= ing through an inferno, was for the
their cars and run back toward her gery. But Allen, 65, died weeks ash. The wildfires were among the the time, was unable to reach La- Perry Allen endured his own sake of her husband, Hood said.
4 and she soon saw why. later, on Sept. 29, family members deadliest in U.S. history. haina because the roads were ordeal to reach Honolulu and Hood said Perry Allen told his
A large banyan tree had fallen told The Post. Allen had moved to Lahaina blocked, Hood said. He received a prove his wife9s identity to the wife in a lucid moment that he
across the road, crushing cars and <Her heart was tired, and she with her husband, Perry, about a worried text from his wife: The traf- hospital, Hood said. He recog- couldn9t lose her after losing ev-
raising a wall of fire between those was ready,= Hood wrote in an up- decade ago, Hood said. Allen fic out of town wasn9t moving. She nized Allen9s purple nail polish, erything else to the flames.
fleeing and their escape route. As date to an online fundraiser. worked as an office manager for a and the other drivers were stuck. but the couple9s documents had <It was almost like she took a
flames surrounded Allen9s group, Allen is one of the nearly 100 physical therapist, and Perry When flames encircled their gone up in flames with their home. deep breath and said, 8okay, I9m
she saw only one way out, said confirmed victims of the wildfires worked on a resort on another cars, Allen yelled at the group to Still, doctors allowed Allen to stay going to keep fighting,9= Hood
Penny Allen Hood, Allen9s sister- that swept across the Hawaiian part of the island. Together, they run and made the choice to plunge at his wife9s bedside as they raced said. <And she did.=

Seattle settles with man9s family wrote in a news release.

Experts put forth by the family
in the litigation process said that

in suit over delayed emergency care Yurek would have had about a
25 percent chance of survival if the
medics had worked on him when
they first arrived, their lawyer
BY J ONATHAN E DWARDS agreed to settle their wrongful- that they do tag certain addresses added.
death lawsuit for $1.86 million. In with <caution notes= that, in the <Quick treatment is critical to
William Yurek9s 13-year-old son a six-page complaint filed in King case of Yurek9s apartment, re- surviving cardiac arrest,=
called 911 when his father started County Superior Court, Yurek9s quired firefighter-paramedics Lindquist said in the release. <Ev-
having chest pains and trouble family had accused city officials of with the Seattle fire Department ery minute treatment is delayed
breathing in their Seattle apart- endangering residents9 lives by us- to wait for police before entering can lessen a patient9s chances of
ment in November 2021. ing an outdated 911 blacklist that because the occupant had a his- survival by seven to ten percent.=
<I think he9s having a heart at- required medics to wait for an tory of threatening them. Seattle police were <severely
tack or something,= he told the 911 escort from officers in a police But Yurek9s relatives said in understaffed= in November 2021
operator. <He9s making this weird department that officials knew their lawsuit that the list was out- in the aftermath of the abandon-
noise from his throat. A gurgling was <severely understaffed.= By dated. A previous tenant, not ment of the Capitol Hill occupied
noise.= doing so, they allegedly created Yurek, had been on the list, the suit Protest, a six-block, police-free
FAmily pHoto
medics arrived six minutes lat- conditions that inevitably led to states. zone established by activists amid
er but didn9t immediately enter tragedy. In a statement to The Post, the William Yurek, 46, was at home when his son called 911 for help. Black Lives matter protests in the
the residence. They had been di- <The family went into this want- Seattle city attorney9s office said weeks after George floyd was
rected to wait for a police escort ing justice, accountability, and for that city officials have changed He9s not okay,= the boy told the 911 911 a second time: <my dad is murdered, according to the suit.
because Yurek9s apartment unit the city to fix the issue so it didn9t how caution notes are used since operator, according to the lawsuit. barely breathing. I think he9s hav- Despite the short staffing, city offi-
had allegedly been put on a <black- happen to anyone else,= the fam- Yurek9s death. They now expire af- The 911 operator told the teen ing a heart attack,= he told the cials allegedly continued to use
list= of addresses considered hos- ily9s lawyer, mark Lindquist, said in ter a year unless they9re reviewed that help was on the way, the suit operator. <I9m just really worried.= the blacklist and caution notes
tile to police and paramedics. an email to The Washington Post. and renewed. Notes requiring po- states. He again said that his father was requiring medics to wait for a po-
Thirteen minutes after his first <People need to know how the lice assistance because of violent or Emergency responders arrived making <gurgling noises.= lice escort.
911 call, Yurek9s son made a sec- city let this happen,= meagan Pe- threatening behavior have to be about six minutes later, but they At 1:43 p.m., about 13 minutes In the news release, Lindquist
ond, even more desperate one, and tersen, Yurek9s ex-wife and the verified every time there9s a dis- stayed outside, having learned after they arrived outside the said that Yurek9s family members
six minutes later, medics made the mother of his three minor chil- patch to that address. And a cau- that Yurek9s residence had been apartment, medics entered with- appreciated city officials9 chang-
decision to enter the apartment, dren, said in the months after his tion note must be removed from an tagged with a caution note for out a police escort and found ing how rescue workers use cau-
according to his family. death. <They could have saved address if the occupant it applies to reported hostility toward police Yurek on the floor, the suit states. tion notes. That, he added, was
It was too late. Despite their Will if the system was working like has moved away. and firefighters, according to the They used CPr and a defibrillator one of their goals in filing a law-
efforts, Yurek died in front of his it should.= It was at 1:24 p.m. on Nov. 2, suit. Notes in the city9s 911 system to try to save him. suit.
son. He was 46. responding to the allegations 2021, that Yurek9s son called 911. directed medics to hail police for <once inside, medics did every- <We are pleased the city took
family members sued the city in the suit, city officials denied the <my dad . . . I don9t know, he an escort, the suit states. thing they could to save Will9s life,= steps to fix this issue,= he said, <so it
in December, and recently they existence of a blacklist but said can9t breathe or something. . . . At 1:37 p.m., Yurek9s son called Lindquist, the family9s lawyer, won9t happen again.=
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A5

2 million
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restored by 2030


We invest in nature to protect and restore biodiversity.

L9Oréal Groupe launched the L9Oréal Fund for Nature Regeneration.
This ¬50 million impact fund was created to support innovative projects that help restore
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a6 eZ re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

The World
In Australia, door-knockers are battling misinformation
A proposal to change the nation9s constitution to give Indigenous people a 8Voice to Parliament9 was meant to sail through. Now, it looks destined to fail.

SYDNEY 4 The man in the <Yes=

shirt was tall with broad shoul-
ders built by years moving cargo
at the Port of Darwin. But as
Thomas Mayo canvassed the Syd-
ney suburb of Mount Druitt, he
was careful to knock gently on
each door and speak calmly about
the cause to which he9d devoted
the past six years: the cause of
changing Australia9s constitution
to recognize Indigenous people
like him, and to give them a
<Voice,= or advisory body, to Par-
<G9day, mate, sorry to inter-
rupt. My name is Thomas and I9m
here with the Yes campaign for
the referendum that is coming
up,= Mayo said at the first door
that opened. <Have you made a
decision about your vote yet?=
The resident, a South Asian
immigrant, happily said he9d be
voting yes. Mayo pumped his fist
and handed the man an informa-
tion sheet.
At the next door, however, a
White woman cut him off and
closed the door in his face. It
wasn9t a new experience for
Mayo, who has been targeted
with conspiracy theories and rac-
ist caricatures and even threats of
The Oct. 14 referendum was
supposed to be straightforward.
It was the first thing the center-
left prime minister, Anthony Al-
banese, committed to on election
night last year, when polls
showed around two-thirds of
Australians supported the idea.
But opposition parties object-
ed, claiming the proposal9s word-
ing was too vague, the time frame
too short, the consequences too
The <No= campaign flooded so-
cial media with videos claiming mIchAel mIller/the WAshInGton Post

that the problem wasn9t decades

of discrimination Down Under, it Mayo handed her a flier and, Voice videos that had garnered agenda. In July, Fair Australia ran a news- said. So, too, were her friends, but
was the proposal itself, which sensing her hesitation, tried to thousands of views on TikTok. Mayo, a union organizer, got paper ad depicting Mayo as a they didn9t know any Indigenous
they said was divisive. reassure her. But they were no match for an involved in 2017, when a historic communist dancing for corporate people. Sowden did. She9d adopt-
Viral videos falsely warned <It9s just to recognize Indig- algorithm that appeared to favor summit of more than 250 Indig- donations. ed an Aboriginal teenager after
farmers that if the proposal enous people in the constitution,= No videos, even though many enous community leaders had Mayo had experienced dis- the girl9s mother had died. When
passed, Aboriginal people would he said. were misleading, and some were produced a powerful declaration crimination since he was a boy, Mayo had mentioned the disad-
take their land. Spurious messag- <Well, I agree with that,= she outright false. Almost all of them called the Uluru Statement from but the caricature 4 which vantages facing Indigenous peo-
es told immigrant parents that replied. had co-opted the Yes campaign9s the Heart. seemed to tap into racist stereo- ple, Sowden had agreed because
Indigenous kids would occupy <And the Voice part is just an Yes23 hashtag. It sought to enshrine the Voice types 4 had stung. It was a she9d seen it herself.
their children9s spots in school. advisory committee,= he contin- <It9s a U.S. thing,= she said. to Parliament in the constitution <national expression of degrada- And yet, there were the videos
Even Indigenous people were tar- ued. <The No campaign has been <They call it 8flooding the zone.9= and later to create a commission tion,= he said. on her phone, pulling her in
geted with misinformation claim- trying to tell people that this is She opened TikTok on her to supervise truth-telling and What Mayo worried about another direction, playing on her
ing the Voice would undermine 4 something that will take some- phone and searched for Yes23. All treaty-making. most was that the misinforma- fears.
not aid 4 pursuit of a treaty. thing away from someone. But it9s but one of the top videos were by Mayo, one of the signatories, tion would lead to violence. He9d <If you9re a homeowner, land-
In Australia, proposed changes just advice, nothing more than the main No group, Fair Aus- has been advocating for the Voice, seen an uptick in online vitriol owner or farmer or anything and
to the constitution must win a that.= tralia. Some featured Indigenous and that has made him a target. since May, when opposition lead- you vote yes, for the Voice, you9ve
<double majority= by prevailing <Okay,= she said, less assuredly. people calling the Voice <divisive.= Conservative columnists have er Peter Dutton claimed that the just killed this country complete-
in the overall vote and in at least <I hope you can support us,= he Others used misleadingly edited questioned his Aboriginal and Voice would <permanently divide ly,= one warned.
four of its six states. Polls show said, leaving Sowden to decide video clips to paint Mayo as a Torres Strait Islander ancestry. us by race= and <have an Or- <If we say yes to this referen-
the Yes vote well below 50 per- whether she trusted the man with communist who would use the Pictures of his parents have been wellian effect where all Austra- dum, we9re essentially giving
cent. the soft voice standing in front of Voice to pursue a secret, radical circulated and scrutinized online. lians are equal, but some Austra- away our sovereignty as a nation,=
Early voting began last week, her, or the frantic warnings in her lians are more equal than others.= said another.
and Yes campaigners are still try- Facebook feed. Sowden set her phone down.
ing to drum up support in work- Playing on fears She wasn9t sure she agreed, but
ing-class melting pots like Mount 8History is Calling9 It didn9t take long while door- the videos had stirred her darkest
Druitt. Could old-fashioned door- <It9s at the doors that we9re knocking to find Australians anxieties, and soon she, too, was
knocking compete with a torrent going to win this,= Mayo had struggling to sort fact from fic- echoing conspiracy theories.
of social media misinformation? urged roughly three dozen volun- tion. <People are a bit worried,= she
Mayo thanked the woman as teers gathered in a park earlier A Maori man originally from began, <because why should
she shut the door and kept walk- that morning, <having conversa- New Zealand said he9d been del- somebody be able to come in and
ing. Down a lane he found Ly- tions with people that haven9t uged with social media posts fea- take your land away from you
nette Sowden, smoking a Double heard about it before.= turing Indigenous people against when they haven9t even lived on it
Happiness cigarette and sipping Yet, increasingly, the problem the Voice, which had left him themselves?=
coffee from a Hot Wheels mug. was that many people had heard leaning toward voting no. A few blocks away, the Yes
The 58-year-old had been up all about the referendum 4 and A White grandmother told campaigners had reconvened at
night cleaning an office building. what they9d heard was often Mayo she didn9t need any more the park. Mayo reclined on the
Mayo wished her a good morning wrong. information: She got plenty from grass 4 a moment9s rest before
and asked how she was going to The Yes campaign, including Rumble, a YouTube rival popular heading to the airport and then to
vote. Mayo9s Yes23 organization, had with conservatives where a video Adelaide, then Melbourne, then
<I9m not sure,= she said. <I galvanized 40,000 volunteers. It calling the Voice a <secret com- back to Sydney. He9d only seen his
haven9t made up my mind.= had also outspent the opposition munist plot= had thousands of family one weekend in the past
Sowden, who is White, had on advertising, with a <History is views. three months.
Aboriginal relatives who were Calling= tagline and stirring tele- And then there was Sowden. Sometimes, Mayo said, it
voting yes. But her friends were vision ads appealing to Austra- After Mayo left, she sat at the seemed like the truth didn9t mat-
WIllIAm West/AFP/Getty ImAGes
all voting no. And her social me- lians9 better angels. kitchen table, wondering how to ter anymore.
dia feeds were filled with posts Online, however, what ap- TOP: Thomas Mayo knocks on doors in the Sydney suburb of reconcile the stories she9d heard He rose. He had a flight to
claiming the Voice was a takeover peared to be working was fear. Mount Druitt in September. He is a leader of the Yes campaign to on social media with what she9d catch: 13 more days to try to cut
by the World Economic Forum or Fin Duggan, a 30-year-old give Indigenous Australians a parliamentary advisory body. heard from him. through the misinformation, one
the <New World Order.= Yes23 volunteer, had made pro- ABOVE: A Walk for Yes rally in Melbourne that same month. Her son was voting no, she conversation at a time.


NoRTh KoREa their recent summit, the handed Labour its worst and being too consumed with killed the two attackers. and a far-right party that has
dramatic increase in rail traffic drubbing since 1935. But with an internal political chaos to sort Since the attack, Ankara has been riding high in national polls
Think tank: Rail traffic likely indicates North Korea9s election due next year, polls put out the country9s problems. launched airstrikes and ground- celebrated gains. The votes in
a sign of arming Russia supply of arms and munitions to Labour as much as 20 points 4 Associated Press based attacks against militant Bavaria and Hesse followed a
Russia,= Beyond Parallel, a ahead of the governing targets in the north of Syria and campaign marked by discontent
Recent satellite photos show a website run by the Washington- Conservative Party, and Labour TURKEY Iraq, while ramping up security with persistent squabbling in the
sharp increase in rail traffic based Center for Strategic and scored a victory in a special operations at home. national government and by
along the North Korea-Russia International Studies think tank, election in Scotland last week. Hundreds of fugitives Yerlikaya said on social media pressure to reduce the number of
border, indicating the North is said in a report Friday. However, Labour9s landslide 1997 caught after bombing platform X, formerly known as migrants arriving in Germany.
supplying munitions to Russia, it said, it was impossible to be election victory under Tony Blair Twitter, that the fugitives were
according to a U.S. think tank. sure because tarps were covering 4 the peak of its popularity 4 Turkish authorities have caught as part of a nationwide Tropical Storm Koinu
Speculation about a possible the shipping containers. was a quarter-century ago, and captured 2,554 fugitives as part initiative dubbed <Operation approaches Hong Kong: Scores
North Korean plan to refill 4 Associated Press the party has suffered four of a nationwide counterterrorism Heroes.= of flights in Hong Kong were
Russia9s munition stores, which straight election defeats. operation launched after Kurds Authorities had been canceled Sunday as Tropical
have been drained in its war with BRiTaiN The Conservatives have been detonated a bomb near searching for 12 of the fugitives Storm Koinu neared the
Ukraine, flared last month when in power nationally since 2010, government buildings in Ankara for over 10 years, Yerlikaya said, southern Chinese city after
North Korean leader Kim Jong Labour Party hopeful years that saw austerity following a week ago, Interior Minister Ali while 91 others had been sought leaving one dead and over 300
Un traveled to Russia to meet it could regain power the world banking crisis, Britain9s Yerlikaya said Sunday. for at least five years. injured in Taiwan. Koinu was
President Vladimir Putin. divisive decision to leave the Turkey said all targets 4 Reuters expected to skirt about 40 miles
Foreign officials suspect in Members of Britain9s European Union, a global belonging to the outlawed from Hong Kong on Sunday
exchange, Kim is seeking opposition Labour Party pandemic and a European war Kurdistan Workers9 Party (PKK) Conservatives and far-right night, dumping heavy showers,
sophisticated Russian weapons gathered in Liverpool on Sunday that has triggered the worst cost- militia and the Syrian Kurdish gain in German vote: Germany9s the Hong Kong Observatory said.
technologies to boost his nuclear for their annual conference with of-living crisis in decades. YPG militia were <legitimate center-right opposition won two Koinu was packing maximum
program. an unfamiliar feeling: optimism. In a speech opening the targets= for its forces, after the state elections Sunday, at the winds of 55 mph and gusts of up
<Given that Kim and Putin The party has been out of gathering, Deputy Leader Angela PKK claimed responsibility for halfway mark of Chancellor Olaf to 76 mph, according to the
discussed some military power for 13 years, and in the last Rayner accused Conservatives of the Oct. 1 bombing, which Scholz9s unpopular national observatory.
exchanges and cooperation at national election in 2019, voters presiding over <national decline= wounded two police officers and government, projections showed, 4 From news services
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A7

Blinken rejects claim on Hamas, Iranian assets money around as we speak be-
cause they know $6 billion is
going to be released.=
Blinken on <This Week= con-
demned Iran for its past support
for Hamas but said that officials
have not yet determined whether
Some maintain unfrozen Iran was involved in the latest
and unspent oil funds offensive.
<Hamas wouldn9t be Hamas
facilitated attack without the support that it9s got-
ten over many years from Iran,=
he said. <We haven9t yet seen
BY P ATRICK M ARLEY direct evidence that Iran was
behind this particular attack or
Secretary of State Antony involved.=
Blinken pushed back Sunday Echoing Blinken, deputy na-
against unsubstantiated claims tional security adviser Jon Finer
that Iranian assets that were re- on <Fox News Sunday= said the
cently freed up facilitated Biden administration was look-
Hamas9s surprise attack on Israel, ing into whether Iran had a role.
noting that none of the money <It is too soon to draw any defini-
has been spent yet and that it can tive conclusions, but Iran has
be used only for humanitarian been a longtime supporter of
purposes. Hamas and has complete com-
<Not a single dollar from that plicity in the capabilities that
account has actually been spent Hamas has built up over time,= he
to date,= Blinken said on ABC9s said.
<This Week.= <And in any event, Finer said the United States
it9s very carefully and closely reg- would closely monitor how Iran
ulated by the Treasury Depart- spends the recently unfrozen as-
ment to make sure that it9s only sets.
used for food, for medicine, for <If Iran spends that money in
medical equipment.= ways that it9s not supposed to, we
A Hamas spokesman told the will know,= he said. <We expect
BBC that the group received di- that this money is only going to be
rect support from Iran to conduct spent over a fairly extended peri-
its attack. Blinken denounced od of time 4 years, not weeks, not
Iran9s long history of backing months 4 and that spending
Hamas but emphasized that Iran money on stuff 4 food items,
had not yet used the funds that agricultural products, medicines
were recently made available. 4 that benefits the Iranian peo-
CRAIG Ruttle/AFP/Getty ImAGes
The Biden administration in ple, but it does not benefit the
September notified Congress that Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a September news conference in New York where he announced that five Americans jailed in Iran Iranian military, is frankly not
banks would be allowed to trans- have been freed. The deal unfroze $6 billion in Iranian assets, but the funds can only be used for humanitarian needs, Blinken says. related to the discussion that
fer $6 billion in frozen Iranian oil we9re having today.=
assets as part of an agreement to States monitors how the funds In 2020, the State Department Post. money is spent from that account, In a separate appearance on
exchange five American citizens are used to ensure they go toward reported that Iran spends about Some Republicans criticized it can only be used for medical <Fox News Sunday,= former secre-
detained in Iran for five Iranian providing food, medicine and $100 million a year on Hamas and the unfreezing of the Iranian as- supplies, for food, for medicine,= tary of state Mike Pompeo joined
citizens detained in the United other humanitarian needs to or- other Palestinian groups. Cliff sets at the time, arguing it could he said. <And those who are say- those who connected the week-
States. Under the deal, the funds dinary Iranians, according to the Kupchan, chairman of the con- inspire the country to capture ing otherwise are either misin- end attack to the freed-up funds.
were transferred from South Ko- State Department. sulting firm Eurasia Group, more prisoners in the future. formed or misinforming. And it9s <I was on this very show a few
rea to Qatar and could only be Nader Habibi, a professor of called that a relatively small They stepped up their condemna- wrong either way.= weeks back talking about the fact
used for humanitarian purposes. economics at Brandeis Univer- amount in the context of the tions of the agreement after Nikki Haley, who served as U.S. that when the United States pays
South Korea held $6 billion in sity9s Crown Center for Middle country9s overall finances and Hamas launched its attack Satur- ambassador to the United Na- $1 billion per hostage, there9ll be
Iranian funds under a 2018 waiv- East Studies, said in an interview said Iran would most likely bank- day on Israel. tions in the Trump administra- more hostage-taking,= he said.
er from the Trump administra- Sunday with The Washington roll Hamas at the same level <The Biden administration tion and is now seeking the Re- <Look what happened yesterday
tion that allowed it to continue to Post that Iran was likely to use regardless of whether the $6 bil- must be held accountable for its publican nomination for presi- 4 more hostages taken by the
purchase oil from Iran. The assets any additional resources for <re- lion in humanitarian funds were appeasement of these Hamas ter- dent, was more nuanced than Iranian regime9s proxy, Hamas in
were frozen in 2019 when the gime survival.= made available. rorists, including handing over some of her fellow Republicans. Gaza.=
Trump administration increased <Releasing that $6 billion obvi- <The reality is that funding billions of dollars to them and Suggesting on <Meet the Press= Hamas militants are holding
sanctions on Iran. ously opens up resources for Iran, Hamas is a foreign policy nation- their Iranian backers,= House Ma- that the unfrozen assets would Israeli military personnel and ci-
Under the recent deal, Blinken even if it is allocated just for food al security priority for Iran,= he jority Leader Steve Scalise free up other money to allow Iran vilians hostage, according to
signed a waiver that said foreign and medicine. That means that said. <They9re going to find that (R-La.), who is running for House to fund Hamas9s attack, Haley Hamas and Israel. Blinken on
banks would not be subject to U.S. Iran would be able to release money. The money they want to speaker, wrote in a message on X, said: <It was irresponsible for <Face the Nation= said the U.S.
sanctions for transferring the Ira- some funds that were previously spend, they9re going to spend.= the platform previously known as Secretary Blinken to say that the government is investigating
nian funds. The funds were trans- going to food and medicine for Iran is going to be more inter- Twitter. $6 billion doesn9t weigh in here.= whether any Americans have
ferred to Qatar9s central bank and other purposes,= Habibi said. ested in putting money toward On NBC9s <Meet the Press,= She added: <I mean, let9s be hon- been taken hostage.
can be used only for humanitari- <However, direct contribution to domestic concerns, he said. <They Blinken emphasized that the est with the American people and
an purchases made by vendors additional resources for Hamas, need what they9ve got to tend the funds must be used for humani- understand that Hamas knows mariana Alfaro and Daniel Gilbert
who have been vetted. The United in my opinion, would be limited.= farm at home,= Kupchan told The tarian assistance. <When any and Iran knows they9re moving contributed to this report.

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A8 eZ Re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Israel formally declares war on Hamas after surprise attack

ISRAEL from A1 the grisliest episodes in the she was separated from her boy- operation came in response to
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. friend and driven off on a motor- provocative moves by Israelis, in-
the fighting, raising the specter of The militants that crossed into cycle. cluding the storming of the al-Aq-
a conflagration that Israel has Israel and overran the communi- A later video showed Argamani sa mosque complex in East Jeru-
feared for decades: a multi-front ties seemed intent on taking hos- sitting on cushions in a room with salem 4 a site known to Jews as
attack by Arab enemies bent on tages, and hundreds were held in a tiled floor, sipping from a bottle the Temple mount 4 by ultrana-
wiping out the Jewish state. their homes or in public spaces of water. <We know she9s alive tionalist Israeli settlers.
Saturday9s attack, which saw while many more were taken from the video, but there are Leaders in Israel9s far-right
Palestinian gunmen infiltrate Is- across the border into the Gaza hundreds of people missing,= government have pushed for a
rael at multiple points, caught the Strip. marciano said. greater Jewish presence at the
country9s military and intelli- Israel9s embassy in Washington Israeli authorities said Sunday site, which holds religious signifi-
gence services off guard. The ex- said Sunday that <dozens= of Is- they were working to rescue hos- cance for Jews, muslims and
tent of the carnage was coming raelis were captured in the incur- tages. Christians. It has long been a
into focus Sunday: at least 700 sion, and Israel9s military said the <Israel is no stranger to hostage flash point in the Israeli-Palestin-
people were dead inside Israel hostages included civilians. The situations and we have specially ian conflict over Jerusalem, and a
and more than 2,000 wounded. spokesman for Hamas9s military trained negotiators and rescuers symbol of the Palestinian struggle
Dozens more were taken hostage wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Bri- in place,= said masha michelson, for self-determination.
and transferred to the Gaza Strip, gades, acknowledged that Hamas deputy head of the Israel Defense The events of the weekend
where local health authorities had captured and relocated forces9 international press de- come in the context of 75 years of
said late Sunday that 413 people <tens= of Israeli soldiers and offi- partment. Israeli occupation of the Palestin-
Oded BAlilty/AP
had been killed so far in Israeli cers, adding on Telegram that michelson said hundreds of ians. for Palestinians and sup-
military strikes. they had been <safeguarded in thousands of Israeli soldiers had Israelis inspect the rubble of a Tel Aviv building on Sunday, porters across the middle East
foreign nationals were among safe locations and in the resis- been deployed to southern and a day after it was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, who poured into the streets in
those killed and captured in Isra- tance9s tunnels.= northern Israel over the past day. Tehran; Beirut; Istanbul and San-
el. Gilad Erdan, Israel9s ambassa- Hamas famously has tunnels The army is still working to are few places to turn. guide were shot and killed, Isra- aa, Yemen, to celebrate the
dor to the United Nations, told running from Gaza into Israel, <clean= the area, going from About a half-million people el9s foreign ministry said, blam- Hamas attack, the violence was a
<fox & friends= on Sunday that which Israel dubs <a vast under- <home to home, and from trash live in areas along the border that ing the attack on a <local individ- response to decades of Israeli re-
<there are dozens, dozens, okay, of ground city with dozens of access can to trash can, all of which takes Israeli forces warned would be ual.= A third Israeli national was strictions, harassment and vio-
Americans, Israeli Americans, points.= Israel is particularly sen- an enormous amount of time,= theaters for fighting, according to hurt in the shooting and was <in lence against Palestinians living
holding American citizenship sitive to hostage-taking and has michelson said. mkhaimar Abusada, a political moderate condition,= the minis- under Israeli control.
who are held hostage now in in the past released hundreds of In southern Israel, along Gaza9s science professor at Al-Azhar try added. This sentiment raises pressure
Gaza.= Secretary of State Antony prisoners of war in exchange for northeastern edge, abandoned University in Gaza City. That9s too Egyptian media outlets report- on groups such as Hezbollah that
Blinken told CNN9s <State of the just one or two of its own 4 a cars and bodies lined the road. many to take refuge with family ed that the gunman was an Egyp- have largely stayed out of the fray
Union= that the Biden adminis- policy that Hamas has identified many of the bodies appeared to or friends elsewhere in Gaza, he tian policeman, who shot the of recent attacks from Lebanon
tration was working to verify re- as a <vulnerability,= according to belong to Palestinian militants. said 4 and no part of Gaza is group as they toured Pompey9s into Israel by Palestinian mili-
ports that Americans were dead Yossi mekelberg, an associate fel- on the edge of Be9eri, a kibbutz really safe. Pillar, an ancient roman site. tants, seeking to avoid an escala-
or missing. low in the middle East and North in southern Israel, soldiers led <It was bombing all night long,= State-owned newspaper Al-Ah- tion with Israel.
President Biden spoke with Is- Africa program at Chatham families out on foot. Two elderly Abusada said, adding that it was a ram said that the man was in But the volley of rockets, along
raeli Prime minister Benjamin House. residents had been hiding in their <very terrible day yesterday and custody and is under investiga- with fiery comments from group
Netanyahu on Sunday and reiter- Hamas has not yet made any bomb shelter since Saturday last night= in his relatively up- tion. leaders Sunday, indicated that
ated his <unreserved support,= ac- demands for the hostages9 re- morning. scale neighborhood of rimal on Egypt has engaged in a flurry of Hezbollah does not intend to re-
cording to the Israeli govern- lease, but militants could spread <The gunfire was unlike any- Gaza9s western edge. diplomacy since the Hamas at- main on the sidelines.
ment. Biden directed additional them out at sites to dissuade thing I had ever heard,= said Am- Conditions in Gaza, already tack began, with top officials mohanad Hage Ali, a Beirut-
support for Israel <in the face of Israel from retaliating with bily, a 37-year-old caregiver who difficult, are becoming dire. After speaking with counterparts in based fellow with the Carnegie
this unprecedented terrorist as- strikes, mekelberg said. hid with the couple as gunmen the Israeli government cut elec- Europe and the United States in middle East Center, said it would
sault by Hamas,= the White House one couple kidnapped from an overran Be9eri early Saturday tricity to the area on Saturday an effort to again position the be difficult for Hezbollah to ap-
said. all-night trance party near Gaza morning. The Washington Post night in retaliation for the Hamas country as a mediator between pear disengaged from the current
<The United States govern- on Saturday spent hours hiding did not use her last name out of attack, Gazans have been relying Israel and Palestinian factions. conflict in Gaza, especially after
ment will be rapidly providing the from armed gunmen in bushes concern for her security. <It was on the local power station, which Cairo has successfully brokered Lebanon9s capital, Beirut, has tak-
Israel Defense forces with addi- before being captured, according like something I had only heard produces only enough for a few cease-fires during past bouts of en in members of Hamas9s key
tional equipment and resources, to a friend. before on television or in the hours of electricity per day, fighting. leadership lately.
including munitions,= Defense Noa Argamani, 25, and her 29- movies.= Abusada said. The shooting in Alexandria <When the impact on Israel is
Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a year-old boyfriend Avinatan or retaliatory airstrikes by Israel <We are preparing for the served as an awkward reminder as big [as today9s], it makes less
statement Sunday, adding that were among hundreds of revelers pummeled the Gaza Strip over- worst. We know that there will be to Egyptian officials of strong sense to be risk-averse and com-
the first assistance would arrive at the rave just a few miles from night, and Netanyahu vowed to very tough days ahead of us,= anti-Israel sentiment among partmentalize things,= he said. <I
in Israel in the coming days. the fence that edges the Gaza turn <all of the places which Abusada said. <But we have been Arab populations, including their think this attack reshuffles the
Austin also said he directed the Strip when rocket fire began in Hamas is deployed, hiding and in those circumstances many own. cards, big time.=
movement of the USS Gerald r. the early hours of the morning, operating in & into rubble.= times in the past 16 years since Beyond the middle East, Ger-
ford Carrier Strike Group to the said Shlomit marciano, also 25. <I say to the residents of Gaza: Hamas has taken over the Gaza many is evaluating its support for dadouch reported from Beirut,
eastern mediterranean to <bol- The area was later overrun by Leave now because we will oper- Strip. And in the end, it hasn9t Palestinian projects after the Parker from Cairo and Rubin from
ster regional deterrence efforts.= gunmen, who shot at the fleeing ate forcefully everywhere,= he deterred Hamas, it hasn9t stopped Hamas-led incursion, according Brussels. loveday Morris in Berlin,
At least 10 locations in south- partygoers. or had messaged Ar- said in a televised statement late Hamas or the Palestinian resis- to Development minister Svenja Jintak Han in Seoul, Naomi Schanen
ern Israel, including residential gamani9s father at about 10 a.m. to Saturday. tance from fighting Israel.= Schulze. German Chancellor olaf and Annabelle timsit in london,
neighborhoods and military bas- say they were safe, but that was But in the densely populated The fighting has begun to have Scholz said he will discuss the Mariana Alfaro, dan Gilbert and John
es, remained active battle zones the last they were heard from enclave of some 2 million people ripple effects across the region. situation with Western and mid- Hudson in Washington and Noga
on Sunday afternoon, more than until a video was posted online that has been subjected since In Alexandria, Egypt, two Is- dle Eastern leaders Sunday. tarnopolsky in Jerusalem contributed
24 hours after the start of one of showing Argamani screaming as 2007 to an Israeli blockade, there raeli tourists and their Egyptian Hamas leaders said Saturday9s to this report.

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monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post ez re A9

<We heard shots. There were think I haven9t fully accepted it

cars with corpses on top of them yet; I slept in her bed last night.
that blocked the road,= he said. It9s crazy.=
<We couldn9t get out.= Argamani had debated not go-
They got in another friend9s car ing to the festival, but not because
but were quickly ambushed. of security concerns. <If she knew
<There were about seven to it was tense right now, then I
eight terrorists, and they started think she wouldn9t have gone, but
to shoot at us in our car,= he said. we knew nothing,= marciano said.
They drove on for a few hun- <She wasn9t sure because it was
dred meters and then abandoned far and expensive. I told her, 8Go;
the car, running past another you9re young.9 I regret that.=
with several dead bodies next to A later video appears to show
it. As he hid, raz thought about Argamani being held captive, sit-
his girlfriend, who he is planning ting on cushions in a room with a
to marry, and about his family. tiled floor, sipping from a bottle
<It9s clear that there was a of water. <At least we know she9s
failure here,= he said. <Now we alive,= marciano said.
need to get these people back who others don9t have that assur-
are missing. And to tell these ance.
people9s stories.= Tali Atias believes that her
Ben Haim and her friends had 23-year-old daughter, Dorin, who
also jumped out of their car and she last heard from shortly before
were running through the fields. 7 a.m. Saturday, might be among
<Every direction we ran we had the hostages. Dorin told her
more people shooting at us; we mother the area was under attack
were running for two hours try- and she was looking for shelter.
ing to escape. We started crawling Atias has posted on social me-
in bushes. Eventually I realized I dia and called her daughter9s
couldn9t run anymore.= friends to try to find out what
She and two friends and a happened to her, to no avail. <We
stranger lay down in a bush and don9t know what9s going on= or
covered themselves with leaves. <what to do,= she said.
<We stayed silent and tried to The family of Shani Louk feel
reach the police. The police said similarly helpless. The 22-year-
they can9t help us because too old posed for a mirror selfie just
many people were kidnapped.= before parting for the rave, her
After seven hours, with her long dreadlocks partially covered
Baz raTner for The WashingTon PosT phone battery at 2 percent, Ben by a headscarf, looking coyly to
Israel Defense Forces troops patrol on Sunday the site of a trance music festival near Kibbutz Reim, one of the first targets for Hamas Haim was picked up by a local the side, eyelids flecked with eye-
militants as they launched their unprecedented attack on Israel in the early hours of Saturday morning. resident who was driving around liner.
trying to rescue people. raz was <She loved to party,= said her
eventually picked up by the mili- cousin Tom Weintraub Louk, 30.

At least 260 reportedly killed at music festival site tary.

Help didn9t arrive in time for
Noa Argamani, 25, who was hid-
family members desperately
tried reaching Louk and her mex-
ican boyfriend when the news
ing in the bushes with her boy- broke.
RAVE from A1 Dozens are still missing, accord- back of a large refrigerated truck miles from the fence that divides friend, Avinatan or. or messaged Then they saw the video posted
ing to the Israel Defense forces; parked next to hundreds of aban- Israel from the Gaza Strip and its Argamani9s father around 10 a.m. online.
<We started running; we didn9t Israeli media has put the figure at doned cars. In one clearing, the besieged millions. The ravers to let him know they were safe. <We recognized her by the tat-
know where to go,= Ben Haim more than 100. Hamas says hos- shells of burned vehicles sat be- were told not to bring firearms or The couple were trying to reas- toos, and she has long dread-
said. <Nobody knew what to do.= tages are being held in tunnels side discarded tents, camping sharp objects onto the festival sure him, said Shlomit marciano, locks,= Louk9s cousin said.
The Tribe of Nova trance music and other secure locations in mats and coolers. grounds. They were tired and 25, a childhood friend of Arga- In the video, the woman is
festival, near Kibbutz reim, was Gaza. relatives searching for the defenseless when the attack be- mani9s. It was the last message facedown in the bed of the truck
one of the first targets for Hamas It remains unclear how many missing at a nearby intersection gan, trapped in a wide-open area the family received. with four militants, apparently
militants as they launched their of them were taken from the said more than a thousand people that offered few hiding places. on Saturday, they saw the cou- being paraded through Gaza. one
unprecedented attack on Israel in festival. Survivors have been in- were at the event when the mili- Ben Haim saw the militants in ple in a video circulating on holds her hair while another rais-
the early hours of Saturday morn- undated with messages from peo- tants attacked. Some festivalgo- the distance, closing in on foot. <I Palestinian social media. It shows es a gun in the air and shouts,
ing, overrunning the concert ple who are still looking for their ers estimated the true figure was took the car keys from a friend of Argamani screaming as she is <Allahu akbar!= A crowd follows
area, shooting into the crowd and loved ones. closer to 3,000 or 4,000. mine that was really wasted and separated from her boyfriend and the truck cheering. A boy spits in
grabbing as many hostages as The festival9s organizers have The attendees had not been got as many people in the car as driven off on a motorcycle. or her hair.
they could. festivalgoers de- not responded to requests for given the exact location of the possible and started driving like appears to have his hands bound While her cousin appears life-
scribed how the gunmen blocked comment but posted a message festival until a few hours before it crazy,= she said. <The people who and is pushed along by several less, the family is still holding out
roads, ambushed escaping cars on Instagram saying they were began at 10 p.m. friday. <The stayed, most of them got kid- young men. for news. <We have some kind of
and scoured the area looking for <stunned= and <share the grief of event will take place in a powerful napped or murdered.= The Post wasn9t able to inde- hope,= Louk9s cousin said.
people to kidnap. the missing and murdered fami- natural location full of trees, Cars were being shot at on the pendently confirm the location of
At least 260 bodies were recov- lies.= stunning in its beauty and orga- roads and there were gunmen the video, but the geography and Morris reported from Berlin, Piper
ered from the concert site Sun- <We hope and pray that good nized for your convenience, about everywhere, she said. sunlight are consistent with other from London, Lee from Washington
day, according to ZAKA, a volun- news will reach us and you soon,= an hour and a quarter south of Tel 31-year-old Gal raz also tried visuals from the scene. and george from southern israel.
teer emergency response group the post said. Aviv,= ticket buyers were told in to drive away with his friends <You can absolutely see it was shira rubin in Brussels, Meg Kelly in
in Israel. Across the country, at At the site of the rave Sunday, the lead-up. when he realized the area was her,= said marciano, who is stay- Washington and annabelle Timsit in
least 700 people have been killed. Israeli soldiers put bodies in the The festival was held just three overrun. ing with Argamani9s parents. <I London contributed to this report.



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A10 ez re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

In southern Israel, residents and troops remain on edge as clashes continue

BY S USANNAH G EORGE reassure the public that the be told the facilities are over- the building, Israeli troops fired
worst of the danger had passed. whelmed with unidentified bod- rockets into the complex, accord-
Be9erI, Israel 4 Columns of With more than 700 confirmed ies. ing to residents who watched the
tanks and artillery rolled down dead, Israel is a nation in shock, <It9s really unlike Israel,= she fight from nearby apartment
highways in southern Israel on even as it masses forces along the said. <Usually they are on top of blocks.
Sunday, past dead bodies and the border with Gaza and prepares everything. Now it9s like chaos.= <It was like a video game, like
charred wreckage of burned ve- for war. A man named Zhaki was Grand Theft Auto,= said Shimon
hicles. In dusty fields and or- The scale of the attacks has left searching for his missing niece in Dadiya, who was at home when
chards, other forces fanned out many families desperately seek- the town of Be9eri. He had called the attack began. <No one can
to search for militants on foot. ing information about their people he knows in the military believe how this happened.=
One unit patrolling a dirt road loved ones. Distraught relatives <to check against the lists they Dadiya said he expects anger
near Re9im stopped two young of the missing are gathering have of the kidnapped and the over the government response
men at a distance, yelling for outside community centers, be- dead, but her name isn9t on any of will grow as the shock wears off.
them to strip down and show side checkpoints and near the them,= he said, sitting with other He blames intelligence lapses for
they weren9t carrying weapons or entrances to towns still under relatives on the outskirts of the allowing the complex plot to
explosives. attack, hoping to speak to a town as civilians were escorted moving forward.
The men stood still in the soldier or an official 4 anyone out. <They had to have so much
clearing, their hands above their who might know something. <So many people are in the information before the attack,=
heads. A group of Israel soldiers Neora Swid last saw her hus- same position,= he said, only he said of Israel9s security forces.
Baz raTner for The WashingTon PosT
approached, searching them one band when he left to help defend giving his first name to protect He simply couldn9t understand,
by one and zip-tying their hands a neighboring village along the his family9s privacy. A tank rolls toward the border with Gaza near the town of Netivot he said, how no one saw it
behind their back. border with Gaza after it was Aharon Sabag, 26, was at the in southern Israel, where more than 700 people have been killed. coming.
<There9s movement in the breached by militants. He was trance music festival when it was In the town of Ashkelon, a
trees!= Another soldier called out receiving voice messages from attacked by Hamas gunmen early Iron Dome, they are just rockets, the shots. Up ahead, gunmen group of men at a sandwich shop
from a nearby ridge line before people screaming <come on we9re Saturday. He hasn9t been able to everything will be fine.= But as he were blocking the road, firing watched the news on television
releasing a bust of gunfire. injured,= she said. <I gave him a find three of his friends who were walked up to his car, a woman into the lines of cars trying to and shook their heads.
<Clear!= peck on the cheek and told him to there with him. His group was ran toward him screaming. Ter- leave the camp site. <I9m angry at the government,
Nearly two full days after Pal- text me when he got there.= separated when the shooting be- rorists were attacking partygo- <I don9t even remember seeing the government should have tak-
estinian militants marauded She knew what he was doing gan; he walked for hours through ers, she said. anything after that,= Sabag said. en care of Hamas the last time we
through communities in south- was dangerous, she said, but she the desert to get to safety. <I said 8What terrorists? <I just ran.= were in Gaza,= Solino Sabann
ern Israel, residents here and the had no idea what he was walking He had started to leave the There9s a fence that cost billions In the town of Sderot, armored said. As he spoke, sirens began to
troops deployed to protect them into. A few hours later, he party when he heard the volley of of dollars, there are cameras, bulldozers cleared debris from wail, warning of more incoming
remain on edge. Clashes between stopped replying to her messag- rocket fire, he recalled, but he there9s no way terrorists got in the front of a destroyed police rockets.
militants and Israeli forces con- es. wasn9t scared at that point. here,9= he told her. He thought station that had been the scene of <This time in Gaza, we won9t
tinued into the night Sunday, Like others, she has been call- <It9s normal for us in this area,= she was crazy, he said. Then, as a fierce battle the day before. stop attacking until it9s finished,=
even as authorities sought to ing around to hospitals, only to he said, <I thought we have the he began to drive away, he heard After militants took control of he said.

Musk boosts unvetted accounts on X two accounts he had promoted,

each of which have more than
600,000 followers, boosting their
ject to rumors, false claims and
propaganda during major events.
Researchers have said that X
shared by removing the head-
lines and promoting only pic-
tures, which experts said would

as false war information spreads visibility. He also continued to

fault <mainstream media,= telling
users to trust X instead.
has gotten much less reliable
since Musk took control nearly a
year ago. He ended the practice of
decrease traffic to news sites.
Musk also has been contribut-
ing to a broader legal and politi-
Other accounts on X drew en- awarding <verified= checks to es- cal campaign that has succeeded
BY J OSEPH M ENN Both were among the most of people in the media and banks gagement with photos or videos tablished media accounts, in quieting some academics and
important early spreaders of a are zionists= and telling a corre- of unrelated attacks from years stopped labeling some accounts research groups who track misin-
As false information about the false claim in May that there had spondent in June to <go worship a earlier and false claims that Iran as government-affiliated and be- formation by accusing them of
rapidly changing war between been an explosion near the White jew lil bro.= or others had entered the gan sending money to accounts fostering unconstitutional cen-
Gaza Strip militants and Israel House. The Dow Jones Industrial Information researchers said conflict. drawing heavy engagement, re- sorship.
proliferated on the social media Average stock index briefly that the new conflict was an early An account imitating the Jeru- warding views instead of Biden administration officials
platform X over the weekend, dropped 85 points before that test of how the revamped X con- salem Post falsely reported that accuracy. did not respond immediately to
owner Elon Musk personally rec- story was debunked. veys accurate data during a major the Israeli prime minister had A recent study published by questions about whether it was
ommended that users follow ac- Emerson T. Brooking, a re- crisis, and that the immediate been taken to the hospital, col- the European Commission con- working with social media com-
counts notorious for promoting searcher at the Atlantic Council impression was poor. lecting more than 700,000 views. cluded that Russian propaganda panies to identify misinforma-
lies. Digital Forensics Research Lab, <Anecdotal evidence that X is Numerous accounts promoted about its war in Ukraine has tion. The U.S. Cybersecurity and
<For following the war in real- posted that @sentdefender is an failing this stress test is plenti- a faked document saying that the reached more people on X this Infrastructure Security Agency,
time, @WarMonitors & @sentde- <absolutely poisonous account. ful,= said Mike Caulfield, a re- White House had approved $8 year than it did last year. which is among the government
fender are good,= Musk posted on regularly posting wrong and un- search scientist at the University billion in aid to Israel. Others <People who have paid for blue agencies being targeted by Musk
the platform formerly called verifiable things & inserting ran- of Washington9s Center for an posted video of buildings collaps- checks have a financial incentive and some Republicans, referred
Twitter on Sunday morning to dom editorialization and trying Informed Public. <Go on the plat- ing in Syria in the past and said to LARP [live action role-play] as questions to the State Depart-
150 million follower accounts. to juice its paid subscriber count.= form, do a search on Israel or they were in Gaza. war reporters by dredging up old ment, which monitors foreign
That post was viewed 11 million The War Monitor account has Gaza 4 you don9t have to scroll Spokespeople for X did not stories or fake footage,= Brooking disinformation.
times in three hours, drawing argued with others over Israel very far to find dubious or de- return emails seeking comment. wrote. <Elon Musk enables this.= Officials there did not respond
thanks from those two accounts, and religion, posting a year ago bunked information.= X and other real-time sources Last week, Musk said he would to a query. The White House also
before Musk deleted it. that <the overwhelming majority Musk left up his replies to the of information are especially sub- change the way articles are did not respond to emails.


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monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ su A11

Residents of Gaza reel from Israeli airstrikes and brace for an all-out war
BYH AZEM B ALOUSHA, <They also went after some resi- no way out for the 2 million people
L OAY A YYOUB, dential towers and buildings.= here, who have lived for more than
C LAIRE P ARKER The Israeli military says it has 15 years under a sea, land and air
AND S ARAH D ADOUCH hit more than 500 sites across blockade 4 imposed by Israel and
Gaza over the past two days. More backed by Egypt after Hamas
GAZA CITY 4 Gazans passed a than 400 people have been killed, seized power in 2007.
fearful night Saturday and awoke according to the Palestinian Eight in 10 Gazans live in pover-
to more violence Sunday, as Israeli Health Ministry, including 78 chil- ty, according to the United Na-
airstrikes pummeled Hamas tar- dren. tions, and 95 percent of the popu-
gets and residential neighbor- The death toll in Israel after lation lacks regular access to clean
hoods. Saturday9s rampage by Palestinian water. Even before the latest vio-
<It was bombing all night long,= militants has soared to 600, most lence, Gazans had already en-
said Mkhaimar Abusada, a politi- of them civilians. More than 100 dured four wars between Israel
cal science professor at Al-Azhar hostages, both civilians and sol- and Hamas, and a string of deadly
University in Gaza. diers, are being held by militants in exchanges in recent years between
Rimal, his relatively upscale the Gaza Strip, according to Israeli Israeli forces and Palestinian Is-
neighborhood on Gaza9s western media reports. After Israel9s cabi- lamic Jihad, a smaller militant
edge, saw a relentless barrage net approved a formal declaration group in the strip.
overnight, as Israeli forces pound- of war Sunday, Gazans braced for COGAT 4 the Coordination of
ed militant security compounds, intensified strikes and the possibil- Government Activities in the Terri-
he said. ity of a land invasion. tories, the Israeli administrative
<But the Israelis are not only <To all civilians in Gaza, I say, get body for the West Bank and Gaza 4
bombing governmental or secu- out of there,= Netanyahu said in a echoed Netanyahu9s warning Sat-
rity buildings,= Abusada said. speech late Saturday. But there is urday night, telling residents of
communities bordering southern
Israel to evacuate, saying the zone
Cities hit by rocket ûre, airstrikes would be an area of operation for
gun battles near gaza, as reported by local media the Israeli army.
Khalil al-Ayyash lived with his
Population haifa wife and four children in the Pales-
density 2020 population: tine Tower, in central Gaza, which
284,526 was leveled by Israeli airstrikes on ABOVE: A Palestinian family
Saturday. They were sheltering with flees from northern Gaza to a
neighbors when the rockets hit. safe place in the central Gaza
<The moment of the strike was Strip. LEFT: A man sits near
isrAeL very, very horrible,= he said. <We the rubble of his home in the
were afraid for the kids, afraid for Watan Tower, which was
our wives, afraid for ourselves.= destroyed by Israeli airstrikes.
Jenin Ayyash said he had obeyed Is-
raeli instructions to hunker down
Low in the center of the city, <thinking By early evening Saturday, more
tulkarm this is our area and our stores and than 20,000 internally displaced
livelihoods are here.= But nowhere people, some carrying mattresses
Qalqilya felt safe now: <The [Palestine] and other belongings, were shel-
Tower did not emerge unscathed, tering at UNRWA schools in Gaza,
Tel Aviv nor did the humans in the center of the agency said.
462,210 W E S T J or. the city, nor did the outskirts of the Water wells had stopped oper-
B A N K city,= he said. ating at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday,
Ben Gurion After his family made it out UNRWA said, and the agency9s
ramallah Jordan
alive, Ayyash said he called emer- food distribution operations were
Rehovot Modin
River gency services to evacuate the on hold <until further notice.=
photos by LoAy Ayyoub for the wAshington post
Ashdod Jericho wounded. 2,300 Gazans have been Arf Abu Leila, a mother from
226,046 Jerusalem injured, the Palestinian Health northern Gaza, was at a school
Ministry said Sunday, and medical strikes,= he said. situation goes on for a long time, with her young son, who slept in
Ashkelon 1949 armistice facilities are stretched thin. The Israeli government cut elec- we9re going to have a very serious front of her on a desk.
Green Line bethlehem
<Hospitals are overcrowded tricity to the Gaza Strip on Satur- problem with water, with the sew- <As you see, there9s no blanket,
Gaza City with injured people; there is a day night, leaving families reliant age system, because all of that is no mattress, no food, no drink,
sderot Dead shortage of drugs . . . and a short- on the local power station, which running through electricity.= nothing,= she said.
629,723 hebron Sea age of fuel for generators,= said only produces enough for several Roughly a half-million Gazans <We want to return to where we
Kfar Aza
GAZA Ayman al-Djaroucha, the deputy hours of electricity each day. Some live along the Israeli border, were in the first place. We want
be9eri nahal oz
re9im coordinator for Doctors Without areas had no power at all. The fuel Abusada said 4 too many to be peace,= she continued, glancing
Khan Younis Borders in Gaza. for generators all comes from Isra- taken in by relatives and friends in down at her child. <We don9t want
Magen Darwin Diaz, the organization9s el, and was already in short supply. other parts of the strip. anything to happen to our little
Rafah 10 MiLes medical coordinator in Gaza, add- <We rely on private generators Many are seeking refuge at ones. We don9t want anything to
sufa beersheba ed that health workers were strug- and local batteries or house batter- schools run by the United Nations happen to our young men.=
egypt gling to reach the wounded. <Am- ies to try to at least turn on the TV, Relief and Works Agency
bulances can9t be used right now keep the router going, the internet (UNRWA), the U.N. body charged parker reported from Cairo and
sources: worldpop, reuters, iDf, times of israel, un, palestinian Central bureau of statistics
because they9re being hit by air- going,= Abusada said. <But if this with supporting Palestinians. Dadouch from beirut.

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A12 eZ su the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Biden administration rushes to deter wider Mideast conûict

MIDeAsT from A1 ican counterparts this weekend,
clearly shaken by an assault that,
effort tamp down the possibility proportionally to their country9s
of more attacks on Israel. Hezbol- population, is a bigger blow than
lah, the Iran-backed militant the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in the
group and Lebanon9s largest polit- United States, the senior adminis-
ical party, has a history of attack- tration official said.
ing Israel when Jerusalem is en- In a call with Netanyahu on
gaged in hostilities with Hamas. Sunday, Biden <pledged his full
<No one elsewhere should try to support for the Government and
take advantage of this situation,= people of Israel in the face of an
Blinken told CNN on Sunday. <It9s unprecedented and appalling as-
something we9re watching very sault by Hamas terrorists,= the
carefully.= White House said in a statement.
The nascent war has dealt a <The leaders also discussed on-
blow to what would have been one going efforts to ensure that no
of Biden9s signature foreign policy enemies of Israel believe they can
achievements, a bid to get Saudi or should seek advantage from the
Arabia to recognize Israel. The current situation,= the statement
Saudis have predicated that deal added.
on Israel making concessions to The U.S. government <will be
Palestinians 4 potentially pulling rapidly providing the Israel De-
back settlements or increasing fense forces with additional
medical and financial assistance equipment and resources, includ-
4 but a broad-based Israeli mili- ing munitions. The first security
tary assault on the Gaza Strip is assistance will begin moving to-
unlikely to further that cause, pol- day and arriving in the coming
icymakers said. days,= Defense Secretary Lloyd
for now, the Biden administra- Austin said Sunday in a state-
tion has paused the Saudi initia- ment.
tive, concentrating its diplomatic The USS Gerald r. ford aircraft
outreach on getting Israel9s neigh- carrier 4 the U.S. Navy9s newest
bors to stand aside as Jerusalem and most advanced platform 4
tries to dismantle Hamas. along with an accompanying
Blinken and other top diplo- strike group is being sent to the
mAHmud HAms/AFP/getty ImAges
mats on Sunday worked the region. The U.S. Air force will also
phones, calling officials across the deploy a significant contingent, Israel9s Iron Dome takes action to intercept a rocket, fired from the Gaza strip, over the city of Netivot in southern Israel. The United
region to pass messages to Hez- Austin said. Combined, the de- states focused its diplomatic outreach sunday on getting Israel9s neighbors to stand aside as Israel tries to dismantle Hamas.
bollah telling the group not to ployments will involve thousands
attack Israel. The deployment of of military personnel. alternate U.S. representative, told double down on its terror choic- cepts, cameras and drones. weapons, leaders and fighters.=
the USS Gerald r. ford aircraft Beyond the Iron Dome missiles, reporters as he left the meeting. es,= he said. <We know only too Intelligence services may have Norman roule, a veteran CIA
carrier strike group to the eastern Israeli officials have made several <But obviously, not all.= well that the messages about Isra- mistaken Hamas movements for officer who managed several mid-
mediterranean was also intended specific requests to Washington in While there was widespread el9s right to defend itself will be exercises, echoing a similar mis- dle East programs for the intelli-
to send a deterrent message to the response to the military offensive horror at the attacks 4 and partic- interpreted by Israel as a license take in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, gence community, said it appears
Lebanese militant and political by Hamas, including small diame- ularly the military and civilian to kill, to pursue on the very path when Israel misread the initial that Hamas leaders <dramatically
force, according to a senior ad- ter bombs, ammunition for ma- hostages being held by Hamas 4 that led us here.= steps of an invasion by Syria in the altered their modus operandi= to
ministration official who, like oth- chine guns and heightened coop- others emphasized concern about As Israeli forces prepare for a north and Egypt in the south as a keep their plotting and training
ers, spoke on the condition of eration on intelligence-sharing, Palestinian civilians, the need for Gaza incursion, the government practice defensive deployment. secret. Like Unna, he noted that
anonymity to discuss sensitive se- according to officials who spoke a <proportionate= Israeli response requested heightened coopera- <Hamas exercises all the time,= the surprise attack was aided by
curity calculations. on the condition of anonymity to and the lack of progress in resolv- tion with the United States and its said Unna, who is currently with the lack of a timely response by
Asked whether Hamas may discuss ongoing operations. Some ing the underlying Israel- wide-ranging surveillance pow- reichman University9s Interna- Israeli security forces.
have acted in partnership with of Israel9s military requests, in- Palestinian conflict. ers. tional Institute for Counter-Ter- Slick noted that Shin Bet and
Iran to disrupt the effort to broker cluding those for small diameter Speaking separately to report- Israeli intelligence efforts 4 rorism. <They do exercises of in- the Directorate of military Intelli-
a Saudi deal, Blinken said <that bombs, were being processed and ers before the meeting, both Is- once thought to be omnipresent vading settlements. They train. gence have in recent years
could have been part of the moti- expedited, said one official. raeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gi- in Gaza 4 have been in the spot- We watch it. It was only exercis- <achieved extraordinary levels of
vation. Look, who opposes nor- A spokeswoman for the Israeli lad Erdan and riyad mansour, light following the failure to spot ing. Yesterday it became reality.= awareness of developments in
malization? Hamas, Hezbollah, Embassy in Washington declined representative of the Palestinian the Hamas incursion. Stephen Slick, a former CIA Gaza including the activities of
Iran.= to comment on the request. <We Authority9s U.N. observer mission, It9s <unbelievable, intolerable.= station chief in Tel Aviv who now Hamas and the smaller Islamic
But, he said, <we have not yet do not comment on the army were far less judicious in their said Yigal Unna, a former senior directs the intelligence studies Jihad group.=
seen evidence that Iran directed needs that are discussed with the remarks. official in Shin Bet, Israel9s inter- project at the University of Texas After Israel9s withdrawal from
or was behind this particular at- U.S.,= she said. Erdan, showing photos and nal security service, as well as a at Austin, said that given the scale Gaza in 2005, the government pri-
tack.= The Biden administration is videos of dead Israelis and civil- former officer with the Israeli mil- and variety of the Hamas attacks, oritized an increase in intelli-
Washington9s direct military also expected to add money for the ians being dragged away to Gaza, itary9s famed Unit 8200 hacking <it is highly unlikely that the plan- gence and surveillance capacity to
assistance for Israel is expected to Israeli government in a funding compared the attacks to the <po- and espionage arm. ning, training and positioning of ensure that extremists who ulti-
backfill the munitions that Israel request to Congress on top of ad- groms= and <Nazi death squads in Even worse was the operational this number of fighters would mately took control there would
will draw down as it fights Hamas, ditional military support for the 1940s.= He said Israel wanted failure by the military <because have escaped Israel9s collection not threaten southern Israel, he
as well as provide an additional Ukraine, said the officials. full condemnation of Hamas, but you would expect that Israel9s systems. It9s more likely that rel- said. <It9s possible that Israeli offi-
deterrent against Hezbollah, Iran The administration is still sort- would forge its own path regard- most sensitive and dangerous evant information was not pro- cials become complacent.=
and others who might be tempted ing out the legal implications of less. border would be defended better cessed or evaluated correctly or on the diplomatic front, the
to strike Israel, the official said. the absence of a House speaker, an <Today, many members of the than that,= Unna added. recognized as an indicator of hos- attacks and Israeli military re-
Israel9s request for Iron Dome unprecedented situation that may international community are sup- The fact that it was a holiday is tilities.= sponse <will complicate but need
interceptors 4 ground-to-air mis- be a barrier to congressional au- porting us. Yes. But if history has not an excuse, he said. <This is the Hamas leaders and military not derail= the Saudi-Israeli nor-
siles that target incoming rockets thorization for aid, one official taught us anything, we know that most dangerous front line of Isra- commanders appear also to have malization talks, Slick said.
4 is a precautionary step in antici- said. tomorrow that may not be the el and we spent billions on tech- exercised <extraordinary opera- <Israel remains committed to
pation of future bombardments There was widespread 4 but case,= Erdan said. Terror against nology,= that, for instance, allowed tional security and communica- the relationship, while the Saudi
and not an indication that it is not total 4 agreement at a closed- Israelis <quickly becomes a side Israel to detect underground tun- tions discipline,= Slick said. resolve will be tested by the fore-
running low on a missile defense door session of the United Nations note. But this time it will not be nels. for it to have been so poorly <Hamas will have learned from seeable criticism that will accom-
tool that has been key to shielding Security Council on Sunday after- the same. We will not let the world defended is <unconscionable.= the multiple previous instances pany Israel9s military actions in
Israeli citizens from incoming noon over how the blame should forget.= Shin Bet and Israel9s military where its rocket attacks on Israel Gaza,= he said.
fire, U.S. officials said. be spread for the current crisis. mansour was equally critical of intelligence corps have Gaza blan- prompted an immediate Israeli
Netanyahu and other senior Is- <There were a good number of the international body, but from keted with surveillance, through military response that was in- Karen deyoung, toluse Olorunnipa
raeli officials have had a raw tone countries that condemned the the opposite perspective. human spies, sensors and other formed by voluminous intelli- and missy Ryan contributed to this
in their conversations with Amer- Hamas attacks,= robert Wood, the <This is not the time to let Israel technical means including inter- gence on the location of their report.

Attacks evoke solidarity among U.S. Jews, but some predict widened ûssures
U.s. Jews from A1 threatened. The complexity of U.S. Jews shows a deep but ing the handling of the Palestin- ular Israelis hiding in bunkers? At present, he said, there is a
the current situation, she said, changing relationship between ian conflict and the current right- Did they have enough food and feeling of unity similar to what he
seems destined to be divisive. U.S. Jews and Israel. In 2021, 8 in wing government9s efforts to re- water? experienced after the Sept. 11,
were so violent, graphic and sur- <When a progressive Jew 10 U.S. Jews told Pew that caring duce the independence of the <maybe if they could talk it out 2001, terrorist attacks.
prising that they stunned the mourns the harm on Israeli fami- about Israel is an essential or Israeli Supreme Court. While U.S. they could give them a little bit of <I think it9s a watershed in
American Jewish psyche, ideo- lies, mourns this terrorist attack, important part of what being Jewish liturgy generally almost land,= one student said. Israeli history in terms of the
logically as well as emotionally. I fear I9m not nodding to the Jewish means to them. However, always includes prayers for the At the end of the exchange, relationship between U.S. Jews
Increasingly divided in recent historical context [of Israeli occu- that percentage is 71 for Jews 18 state of Israel, many Hebrew Kramer told the children to speak and Israel,= he said. <That sense
years about Israel9s right-wing pation of Palestinian land]. But if to 29 years old, compared with schools and rabbi sermons avoid to their parents if they wanted to of vulnerability.=
leaders, many American Jews I do nod to the historical context, 87 percent among people ages 50 contemporary details when they know more, and reminded them: In a way, Kiyomi Kowalski
found themselves this weekend I fear I9ll be seen as justifying a to 64. address the topic. <remember, it9s happening pret- identifies with that.
tapping into a vein of solidarity. terrorist attack, which I could Being a Jewish holiday, Sun- In overland Park, Kan., where ty far away from us, but we care a Kowalski, who works with pro-
<I think that up until two days never, ever do,= said Carrillo- day was relatively quiet in public a neo-Nazi sympathizer shot and lot, right?= gressive activists on how to con-
ago the conversation in the U.S. Klein, who lives in Cleveland. conversations. most orthodox killed three people at the Jewish michelle Adler-Wexler, an front antisemitism on the left,
and among many American Jews <Progressive Jews feel broken. Jews don9t use technology on the Community Center of Greater overland Park resident and em- said she had gotten out of the
was: 8How do we engage because And this will only plummet us sabbath and other holidays. Kansas City and a nearby Jewish ployee of the synagogue, said she marine Corps just four days be-
of concern about the future of into much deeper polarization.= There were multiple small rallies retirement community in 2014, was trying to help her teenage fore the 9/11 attacks, and <I re-
Israel and where some of the Jewish communities faced not around the country, including at rabbi Stephanie Kramer said daughter navigate the conflict on member really loathing George
policies are going?9 I believe that just political but also spiritual synagogues, outside the Israeli leaders at her Temple Congrega- social media. madison, a high- W. Bush.= But after the terrorist
for the next several months that decisions this weekend, as the Embassy in D.C. and in New York tion B9nai Jehudah made the schooler, had posted a note of attacks, there was a more basic
will no longer be a significant war erupted on a holiday that is City9s Times Square, where a few decision to discuss the rising support for Israel on Instagram, national feeling of coming to-
topic,= said Gil Preuss, CEo of the all about joy. Simhat Torah, hundred people turned out for a conflict with even some of the which quickly spread among her gether.
Jewish federation of Greater which marks the end and start of Democratic Socialists of America younger children during Hebrew friend group. Another teen re- <Before that, I would have
Washington. <In a month the the holy book9s annual cycle, event Sunday to support Pales- school services Sunday. They sponded with an emoji of the never said: 8oh, I feel comforted
conversation may be very differ- literally means <the celebration tinian liberation. They waved wanted to meet the issue head- Palestinian flag. by my republican neighbor.9 But
ent.= of the Torah,= and it is normally a Palestinian flags and chanted on, she said at the synagogue, but The schoolmate asked, <Why then I was,= said Kowalski, who
But while some immediately time when Jews dance into the <resistance is justified.= on Sat- in an age-appropriate way. would you support Israel?= Adler- lives in Los Angeles. That feeling
felt a setting-aside of the usual night carrying sacred scrolls. Dif- urday, New York Gov. Kathy <The images coming out are Wexler recounted. of unity can be <beautiful,= she
deep differences about Israel ferent Jewish groups celebrate on Hochul (D) condemned the rally very scary,= she told The Post. <I rabbi mark Dratch, executive said 4 but it depends on how it9s
among America9s 7 million to slightly different dates, but most before it was held. don9t want to tell them that vice president of the rabbinical meted out.
8 million Jews, others braced for American Jews marked it Satur- IfNotNow, a prominent Jewish children and elderly are being Council of America 4 one of the <It changes the dialogue for a
the exact opposite. Especially day or Sunday. group focused on ending Israel9s kidnapped.= world9s largest groups of ortho- while because we won9t be talk-
among the most liberal U.S. Jews In Brooklyn9s Grand Army Pla- occupation of Palestinian land, Kramer then had an impromp- dox rabbis 4 said a period that ing about [the Israeli-Palestinian
4 and 71 percent identify as za, Timoner9s Beth Elohim and 20 said it watched the <unfolding tu exchange with fourth-grade had been complex for many U.S. conflict] in a nuanced way,= she
Democratic-leaning, according other congregations first debated horrors with heartbreak and classmates of her daughter who Jews seemed simpler at present. said.
to Pew research Center 4 some canceling the commemoration of dread= for Israelis and Palestin- were sitting on beanbag chairs in <Whatever our differences rabbi rick Jacobs, leader of
already saw fissures over how the the holy day and then decided to ians. the synagogue9s <Israel room,= a may be politically [in the ortho- reform Judaism, the largest de-
attacks would be understood. reform it. To walk slowly in cir- <We cannot and will not say small room wallpapered in pic- dox communities], when it nomination of Judaism, said the
And pain. cles instead of dancing. To sing today9s actions by Palestinian tures of Israel. The room was comes to the very survival of image of Jews being terrorized
Havi Carrillo-Klein, 23, who the same songs, but with somber, militants are unprovoked,= it said designed to be an <immersive Israel and the safety of its people, and murdered <does tap into a
leads groups to the region to reflective music and prayer. Beth Saturday. <We absolutely con- space= for contemplation and we9re all united; everything else very different part of the Ameri-
work on the overlap between El Hebrew in Alexandria can- demn the killing of innocent learning about the country. is pushed aside immediately. Is- can Jewish psyche.= A deep, an-
conflict there and other systems celed its planned festive block civilians. . . . Their blood is on the <There is fighting that has rael is a big, dysfunctional fam- cient part, he said.
of oppression, said the Hamas party and shifted to a quieter hands= of the Israeli, U.S. and broken out in Israel. People from ily, and in a time of crisis every- <I don9t think [the Hamas at-
attacks are a <catalyst= for a lunch and craft event focused on other governments <who have a neighboring place called Gaza one rallies around,= Dratch said. tacks] threaten the immediate
greater divide. That9s because, Israel, where attendees sang the turned a blind eye to decades of came in without any warning and In the months and years after existence of Israel, but it did tap
she said, they tap into an already Israeli national anthem. Still oth- Palestinian oppression.= they9re trying to start a conflict, Israel9s other wars, he said, there into the reality that even with
wide rift among U.S. Jews over er Jewish communities felt While orthodox Jews tend to and Israel is going to have to fight were eventually <major political Israel9s strength, it9s vulnerable.
whether Jews and Israel should strongly about commemorating be more unconditionally sup- back,= Kramer explained. ramifications= and changed alli- . . . We all have those narratives.
primarily be seen today as hold- Simhat Torah in the traditional portive of and connected to Isra- The children peppered her ances among Jews in some cases. These are not just people of one
ers of power and privilege or way. el, there has still been division with questions. Why were the <It9s much too soon to predict political tribe who are in harm9s
instead as disenfranchised and Some significant polling of among them over issues includ- Palestinians unhappy? Were reg- anything.= way. Everyone is in harm9s way.=
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A13

After western Afghanistan earthquakes, Taliban says more than 2,400 dead
BYR ICK N OACK and nongovernmental organiza- my whole life,= he said. and effectively. strOng sHAKIng LIgHt sHAKIng
AND H AQ N AWAZ K HAN tions said ambulances were on While footage on social media Taliban officials appeared in-
their way and that aid workers on Saturday showed chaotic tent Sunday on portraying them-
isLaMaBaD, Pakistan 4 One had begun to distribute emergen- scenes in Herat, one of Afghani- selves as in control of the situa-
day after powerful earthquakes cy tents, clothes and medicine. stan9s most populous cities, the tion. Abdul Ghani Baradar, a sen-
struck western Afghanistan, gov- But Siddig Ibrahim, a senior damage was most severe to the ior Taliban leader, said that au- t U rKm e n I stA n
ernment officials estimated Sun- UNICEF official in the region, west of the city, near the border thorities dispatched helicopters mashhad
day that more than 2,400 people warned that medicine and sup- with Iran. Most of the deaths to the earthquake epicenter with-
were killed and thousands in- plies in the region9s main hospital were reported from villages in half an hour, state-run broad-
jured. were <expected to be depleted about 25 miles from the city cen- caster RTA reported.
<Many are still trapped,= said soon.= ter, the United Nations and local At least 10 search teams were
Janan Saiq, a spokesman for the The U.N. Office for the Coordi- officials said, where cellphone sent to the earthquake zone, dis- Kashmar
Taliban-run Disaster Manage- nation of Humanitarian Affairs access continued to be disrupted aster management official Saiq
ment Ministry who announced provided a lower number of con- Sunday. said. Government members in A FgH A n I stA n
the toll. Several villages have firmed fatalities than the death Afghan officials said the epi- Kabul announced 100 million af- 6.3 M
<completely perished,= Saiq said, toll announced by the Taliban, center was in two districts, Zinda ghanis, the equivalent of $1.3 mil-
as the full extent of one of the saying Sunday night that 1,023 Jan and Ghurian, where mud lion, in emergency aid. IrAn Herat
deadliest natural disasters in Af- people were reported to have brick houses collapsed within But in Herat, which is not
ghanistan in decades became in- been killed and more than 500 seconds of the initial earthquake, among the most earthquake-
creasingly clear. were missing. leaving residents with no time to prone Afghan cities, locals ob-
Hundreds of people were hos- The initial 6.3-magnitude escape. served an improvised response. |e main earthquake,
pitalized in and around the city of earthquake hit the area around One man was still tightly hold- Farid Ahmad, a resident, said
Herat, the provincial capital close Herat on Saturday morning, se- ing onto what rescuers believed authorities had to block lanes in which had a 6.3
to the epicenter, said health offi- verely damaging or destroying to be his daughter when the two the city on Sunday to allow ambu- magnitude, hit the
cial Muhammad Talib Shahid, almost 2,000 homes, according were found dead under the rub- lances to reach hospitals. Birjand
area surrounding Herat
pushing medical resources there to the government. Local officials ble, footage shared with The Taliban officials appealed to
to the brink of collapse. There later reported powerful after- Washington Post by the Afghan businesses to supply food and on saturday morning.
still appeared to be limited inter- shocks. After initial assessments Disaster Management Ministry rescue equipment, and could be
national assistance 24 hours after from local officials indicated lim- showed. seen loading donated shovels and
the quake. The United Nations ited damage Saturday, the death First responders compared the other equipment into their vehi-
toll surged as rescue efforts con- destruction to the damage caused cles as they prepared to head to
tinued overnight. by the quake that struck eastern the epicenter of the quake. Locals
An Afghan man, below left, Baz Muhammad Sarwari, a Afghanistan last year, killing joining the search-and-rescue ef-
walks by a destroyed home in Herat resident, said he was on the more than 1,000 people and rais- fort dug for survivors with their Zabol
Herat province. Mourners in second floor of a building in the ing questions at the time about bare hands. 50 mILes
the village of Kashkak, below earthquake zone when it started the internationally isolated Tali-
right, cover a grave after a shaking. <I haven9t experienced ban government9s ability to re- Khan reported from Peshawar, source: Usgs sAmUeL grAnAdOs / tHe WAsHIngtOn POst
funeral for earthquake victims. such a powerful earthquake in spond to major disasters quickly Pakistan.

OmId HAqjOO/AP mOHsen KArImI/AFP/getty ImAges

Rich Paul
Founder & CEO, Klutch Sports Group
and Co-Head, UTA Sports
Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 12:00 p.m.
Paul talks about the changing business of sports
and his path to representing some of the biggest
professional athletes including LeBron James.

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A14 eZ re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Warming is driving many amphibians toward extinction

BY D INO G RANDONI What we lose when croaking at a higher pitch as tem- slender amphibians are at risk of
amphibians vanish peratures increase. Eventually, vanishing, according to the study
You know the story: Slowly turn Over 2 in 5 amphibian species the island may get so hot that the in Nature.
up the heat on a frog in a pot of are at risk of extinction, according frogs run out of room up the Many salamander species live
water, and the frog won9t hop out. to the report, making them the mountains. Already, at least three in only one place, making them
Oblivious to the imperceptible in- most threatened group of verte- of Puerto Rico9s coquís are pre- particularly susceptible to climate
crease in heat, it will stay put until brates. By comparison, roughly a sumed extinct. change and habitat fragmenta-
4 well, until it croaks. fourth of mammals and an eighth Another potential victim of cli- tion. The Hickory Nut Gorge green
When it comes to the effect of of birds are at risk of vanishing for mate change is the golden toad of salamander, for instance, lives ex-
rising global temperatures on am- good. Costa Rica. Hotter and drier con- clusively in a 14-mile-long canyon
phibians, the proverbial frog-boil- Frogs and other amphibians are ditions in its forest home may in North Carolina9s Blue Ridge
ing story is more than just a meta- <overlooked compared to more have made the colorful toad more Mountains.
phor. well-known groups like birds and vulnerable to a deadly fungal dis- <This isn9t a problem that exists
Climate change is emerging as mammals,= said Kelsey Neam, an- ease that attacks amphibians9 in the tropics and doesn9t affect
one of the biggest threats to frogs other study co-author. But losing skin. The last one was seen in 1989. people here in the United States,=
and other amphibians, according amphibians would be devastating <It9s a beautiful, beautiful toad,= said Apodaca, who helped discov-
to a major study published because they often act as a crucial said Patricia Burrowes, a retired er the salamander species.
Wednesday in the journal Nature. link in the food web of ecosystems, herpetologist at the University of The first major assessment of
Between 2004 and 2022, rising gobbling up insects and, in turn, Puerto Rico. <I9m old enough to declines in amphibians came out
temperatures became the primary being eaten by larger predators. have seen these frogs disappear.= in 2004, and this study uses the
reason more than 100 amphibian <Without those amphibians to That fungal infection, called data from a recently completed
robIn moore
species are slipping toward ex- fulfill that niche, we will see this chytridiomycosis, has ripped second assessment. <Things have
tinction. A juvenile Hartweg9s climbing salamander from Guatemala. collapse of the food web,= said through amphibian populations gotten even worse= since then,
<It9s a gut punch and an awak- Salamanders are the most endangered type of amphibians. Neam, who, like Luedtke, works from Latin America to Africa to Apodaca said.
ening,= said JJ Apodaca, executive for an Austin-based environmen- Australia, driving hundreds of There are still signs of hope.
director of the nonprofit Amphibi- amphibians around the world, the effects of climate change,= said tal group called Re:wild. amphibians toward oblivion. By Habitat protection and other con-
an and Reptile Conservancy. He too. The soft-skinned animals lack Jennifer Luedtke, an amphibian Among amphibians declining one measure, it is causing the servation measures have helped in
was not involved in the study. the scales, fur and feathers of oth- group coordinator with the Inter- because of climate change are the worst loss of biodiversity of any the recovery of more than five
The spread of disease among er animals to help regulate their national Union for Conservation coquí frogs native to Puerto Rico, wildlife disease in history. dozen amphibians from Costa
frogs and the destruction of temperature and moisture levels of Nature and one of the lead which are retreating up the is- Rica to Malaysia.
swamps and other habitats have in this hotter and more drought- authors of the study from more land9s mountains as temperatures 8Not all bad news9 <It9s not all bad news,= Luedtke
long been recognized as reasons stricken world. than 100 researchers. go up. Yet for all the threats frogs face, said. <But we really must build on
many amphibians are declining. <There is a growing proportion <So habitat protection alone Named for their two-note <co- the study concluded the salaman- this momentum and significantly
But this new study establishes of species being pushed to the just won9t be sufficient as a risk-re- quí= call, the island9s iconic frogs der is the most endangered type of scale up investment in amphibian
climate change as a major risk for brink of extinction by disease and duction measure.= are decreasing in body size and amphibian. About 3 in 5 of the conservation.=

White House condemns posts Trump, along with other members

of his administration, and com-
mented on racism and other social

targeting LGBTQ Interior spokesman issues.

It spurred other replies that
called Cherry a disgrace or a <di-
versity hire.=
BY T IMOTHY P UKO sage that called him a <radical tion that believes to our core in the Several commenters on X came
leftist.= principle that out of many we are to Cherry9s defense, questioning
The White House on Sunday In addition to his work at Interi- one 4 and we are proud that the why he would attract attention in
condemned a conservative social or, Cherry is part of a queer DJ people who serve in it reflect those the first place.
media activist for ridiculing an collective pushing for a more in- values as well.= Raichik9s posts came less than a
openly-gay Interior Department clusive LGBTQ nightlife scene in Raichik and the @LibsofTikTok week after Interior Secretary Deb
official on the site X, describing her Washington. account have nearly 3 million fol- Haaland posted a video of herself
posts as <cruel and unacceptable.= He had joined the Biden admin- lowers combined, and have been with self-described queer environ-
Chaya Raichik, who created the istration during its first weeks in frequently cited by Tucker Carlson mentalist and drag queen Pattie
@libsoftiktok account on X, for- 2021, and previously worked in and other right-wing media fig- Gonia, discussing the cultural im-
merly known as Twitter, sparked a Democratic politics in Arizona ures. After gaining a large Twitter portance of Stonewall National
debate online this week after post- and at the liberal watchdog group following in 2022 after calling on Monument, which commemo-
ing and reposting several times Media Matters for America, ac- openly-gay teachers to stop teach- tAsos KAtopoDIs/getty ImAges/gLAAD rates the LGBTQ civil rights move-
about Tyler Cherry, Interior9s prin- cording to his X and LinkedIn ing, Raichik began criticizing From left, Tyler Cherry, Michael Vazquez and Jamie Citron attend a ment.
cipal deputy communications di- profiles. The White House called transgender medical treatment of Pride celebration hosted by Vice President Harris in June. Some critics, including tennis
rector. The posts appeared to criti- Cherry an <invaluable member of young people at hospitals. star Martina Navratilova who is a
cize his appearance, referred to our team,= according to a state- Raichik and the @libsoftiktok chik and the @libsoftiktok ac- The @libsoftiktok post also in- lesbian, questioned why the interi-
him as one of the <total weirdos= ment first obtained by the Advo- account did not respond to direct count posted several pictures of cluded screenshots of years-old or secretary would appear with the
the Biden administration has cate, an LGBTQ+ magazine. Interi- messages on X seeking comment, Cherry, referring to him as the political posts that appeared to be performer. Navratilova suggested
hired, laughed at photos of him in or declined to comment. including questions about wheth- <queer spokesperson= for Interior from Cherry9s personal account that dressing in drag amounts to a
a dress that the New York Times <No one should be targeted sim- er the posts targeted Cherry for his and, in one reply, asking <How from before he joined the Biden <pathetic parody of women,=
published in a piece on his wed- ply for being themselves,= the state- appearance. many sets of pronouns do you administration. The old posts criti- though some drag performers
ding, and reposted another mes- ment said. <This is an administra- On Thursday afternoon, Rai- think he has?= cized former president Donald have been active in LGBTQ rights.

Giving Voice
Malcolm Jenkins
super bowl Champion
Author, <What Winners Won9t tell you=
Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 3:00 p.m.

Jenkins speaks about his memoir, protesting the

national anthem while in the NFL and his work
to reform the criminal justice system.

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monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re a15

Economy & Business

TeCh friend

Buying e-books or audiobooks? You9ll have to grapple with Apple.

BY S HIRA O VIDE ence on your book buying op-
It9s obvious that Amazon has
changed how you buy books. One tiny win
Less obvious is Apple9s influ- If you9re buying audiobooks,
ence on book readers. it9s not a bad idea to compare
Apple helped engineer a pric- prices 4 even on Audible9s web-
ing shift that means many e-book site compared to its app.
bestsellers cost more than they As I briefly mentioned, if you
did a decade ago 4 on Apple9s subscribe to Audible9s Premium
Books app, Amazon and other Plus plan, which gives you <cred-
digital stores. its= to download at least one
And now, Apple9s rules that audiobook each month, you save
dictate everything you can do on money if you buy on Audible9s
your iPhone have forced odd website and not in the app.
contortions for Spotify, which Audible Premium Plus costs
wants to challenge the audiobook $14.95 a month if you buy it on
dominance of Amazon9s Audible. Audible.com and $15.99 if you
(Amazon founder Jeff Bezos buy in the Audible app for iPhone
owns The Washington Post. In- or Android.
terim CEO Patty Stonesifer is a Again, this is Audible9s way of
member of Amazon9s board of partly making up for what it owes
directors.) Apple or Google as the app store
Among those contortions: You owners.
can9t actually buy the audiobooks I don9t know exactly what
in Spotify9s app that offers audio- Amazon9s Audible pays Apple or
books. Google, but typically a big compa-
That9s at least twice that Apple, ny owes a 30 percent commission
which barely registers as a book- to Apple, or almost $5 on a $15.99
seller, has steered the direction of monthly subscription, for the
book buying. iLLustration by eLena Lacey/the Washington Post first year you subscribe to a
Apple9s behind-the-scenes digital service like Audible.
book influence shows how Big ment said that this was an illegal Spotify gives you three options armor for an app video game, a as Spotify. The difference is that After that, Amazon might owe
Tech companies can have unex- price-fixing conspiracy. Book to listen to books. Since last week, Washington Post online subscrip- Amazon and Audible have al- 15 percent, or $2.40 on your
pected power over what you buy, publishers and Apple essentially British and Australian subscrib- tion or an audiobook 4 Apple ready hooked a bunch of people. $15.99 monthly subscription, for
the prices you pay and the direc- lost in court but they got what ers to Spotify9s music service can collects a commission of up 30 Spotify says that it9s trying to as long as you pay for the sub-
tion of entire industries. they wanted anyway. listen to 15 hours of audiobooks percent of each sale. give you an alternative to Audible scription.
Now, prices of e-books (and each month at no added cost. That would mean, for example, 4 but that some of its audiobook You might even see price dif-
E-books cost more than audiobooks) are often set by book (This option is coming soon to that Spotify might charge you an features and marketing are ferences for individual audio-
they did before publishers. The $10 e-book best- the United States, where an indi- extra $7.50 to pay Apple9s fees on quashed by Apple9s restrictions. book purchases 4 probably be-
After Amazon released its Kin- seller is rare. Costs of $15 or $16 vidual subscription typically a $25 audiobook, or eat the cost Apple didn9t respond to re- cause of corporate price tinker-
dle device 15 years ago, it charged are typical. costs $10.99 a month.) itself. (Spotify is unprofitable.) quests for comment. In the past, ing, not the app store fees.
$9.99 for many popular new Those higher prices compared Subscribers who want more Some other companies, includ- the company has said that its app On Friday, Audible9s website
e-books. to a decade ago might not be a can buy an additional 10 hours of ing Audible, already charge you store gives people the best op- showed me a price of $26.24 for
That low price compared to bad thing for you. The $10 e-book audiobooks a month for $11. You more when you buy some stuff in tions for quality and privacy in the new Elon Musk biography.
hardcover books converted many was an artificially low price that can also buy individual audio- their apps compared to their apps, but that people can make In Audible9s Android app, I saw
readers to e-books and helped helped Amazon establish its book titles from Spotify. websites, to offset the commis- purchases on the app company9s a price of $26.99 for the same
establish Amazon as the biggest dominance. The wrinkle is you can9t buy sion they pay Apple. website instead. audiobook. (Audible is testing
digital bookseller. My point is that this shift in individual audiobooks from Spo- Or to avoid charging you more, Spotify has complained for sales of individual audiobooks in
Big book publishers, however, what you pay for e-books might tify9s iPhone app. You can9t buy a they don9t let you buy digital years that Apple9s control over its iPhone app. That purchase
hated it. never have happened without Spotify subscription in the app, things in their apps at all. You apps hurts Spotify and you. The option isn9t available to everyone
Amazon itself set the $9.99 Apple. either, or extra hours of audio- can9t buy e-books in the Kindle gripes are self-serving and Spoti- yet.)
price, which was so low that One giant tech company, Ap- books. (Spotify9s Android app for iPhone app, for example. fy is complicit in crippling fea- On Spotify9s website, the Musk
Amazon sometimes lost money ple, championed a reversal of a now has some but not all of those And again because Apple tures in its iPhone app in its fight audiobook was $26.90. Remem-
on each sale. Book companies price standard established by an- limitations.) won9t allow it, apps can9t tell you with Apple. ber, you can9t buy the audiobook
worried that people would never other giant tech company, Ama- You need to buy from Spoti- where you9re supposed to buy But Spotify also isn9t wrong. in Spotify9s app. You have to buy it
be willing to pay more than $10 zon. Book readers were pawns in fy.com and then access your sub- stuff from them if purchases Because of Apple9s absolute con- on Spotify9s website and then
for any book. this power play. scription or audiobook purchase aren9t available in the app. trol over apps, it is setting the open your Spotify app to listen.
When Apple came out with the in the Spotify iPhone app. Spotify Spotify last year tried multiple terms of the competition for your And if all this is confusing, I
iPad in 2010, the company took a Spotify sells audiobooks, says this is too clunky. times to redesign its app to let dollars in audiobooks. listen to lots of audiobooks free
different approach: Book pub- but not in its app These gymnastics are Spotify9s you buy audiobooks without get- You could be better off with thanks to my local public library
lishers could effectively block dis- Spotify started to compete compromises to Apple9s dictator- ting into trouble with Apple. It Apple9s influence in digital books, and the Libby app. (At the New
counts on e-books sold in the iPad with Audible in audiobooks a ship over iPhone apps. didn9t work. or worse off. Either way, a compa- York Public Library, there9s a wait
bookstore and on Amazon, too. year ago. Apple hasn9t made it For any digital stuff that you Audible and the Kindle app are ny that has almost nothing to do of <several months= to borrow the
Long story short: The govern- easy for Spotify or you. buy in an iPhone app 4 virtual subject to the same restrictions with books has an indelible influ- Musk audiobook.)

FCC security argument on net neutrality has foes a p p oin TmenT s

assoCiaTions law and lobbying of the District appointed Laura

specializing in communications Lewis, a senior VP at the Center and nonprofiTs Bose Public Affairs Group of Novey head of the national
The Technology 202 and technology law. for Strategic and International National Partnership for the District appointed Jon education team.
by david diMolfetta In the years since net Studies. <And now, & China and Women & Families of the Mandel senior vice president Quarles & Brady of the
neutrality was repealed, the FCC cybersecurity are the big District appointed Anwesha and counsel. District appointed James
in 2021 revoked China Telecom9s justifications for policy actions, Majumder economist. DLA Piper of the District Aquilina and Hans Riede
When Federal Communications authority to provide services in and so everyone tries to apply National Rural Electric appointed Evan Zhao partner. partners.
Commission Chairwoman Jessica the United States, followed by them.= Cooperative Association of Hogan Lovells of the District Womble Bond Dickinson of
Rosenworcel unveiled plans to China Unicom in 2022. Both were The FCC referred The Arlington appointed Kelly appointed Howard Levine Tysons appointed Gina
restore net neutrality this month, done <in the absence of Title II Technology 202 to the Cushman vice president of partner and Lucy Munro chief Schaecher partner.
she said reinstating the rule reclassification of broadband commission9s Notice of Proposed political affairs. people officer.
would <give the FCC and its services,= Waltzman said. Rulemaking on the net neutrality Hunton Andrews Kurth of send information about promotions,
national security partners the Similarly, Brandon Pugh, item and highlighted multiple Companies the District appointed Rachel appointments and personnel moves
tools needed to defend our policy director and a resident sections that explained the Emmes of Rockville appointed Saltzman partner. in the Washington region to
networks from potential security senior fellow at the free market agency9s national security Matt Bond chief financial officer. McGuire Woods Consulting appointments@washpost.com.
threats.= think tank R Street Institute, rationale. Rosenworcel has
The rule 4 which gives the doesn9t view net neutrality as a previously said the commission
agency broad powers to regulate
internet service as a utility, akin
to water or electricity 4 hasn9t
historically been invoked for
means of addressing gaps in
cyber and national security. He
said the FCC should instead focus
on other security areas, such as
works with national security
partners on decisions that
involve protecting U.S.
communications networks.
cybersecurity purposes.
But Rosenworcel in prepared
remarks argued that net
neutrality would permit the FCC
to expand its powers beyond
the agency9s contributions to the
Office of the National Cyber
Director on harmonizing
cybersecurity requirements or its
separate Privacy and Data
Rosenworcel and the
Department of Homeland
Security9s Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Director
Jen Easterly in August released a
telecommunications services to Protection Taskforce that is blog post about one of those areas Quality Entry Doors Installed In One Day
tackle broadband service exploring device and supply known as the border gateway
providers deemed security risks. chain security. protocol which determines data Professional, Highly Trained Craftsmen
She also said the FCC without net But Jenna Leventoff, senior transmission routes on the
neutrality has limited ability to
enforce newer cybersecurity
policy council at the American
Civil Liberties Union, views net
internet. DHS did not return a
request for comment.
Sliding Patio Doors and French Doors Available!
standards. neutrality protections as a plus, The security implications of
But some cybersecurity policy
and legal experts challenged the
and not just for competition
reasons. The shift would enable
net neutrality should still be
taken seriously, even if its history No interest if paid in
rationale that net neutrality
would be a boon to national
security and cybersecurity. They
the FCC to <take any actions it
needs to take regarding
broadband networks,= she said.
has been politically charged, said
Megan Stifel, chief strategy
officer for the Institute for
full within 18 months.
say the commission has already <If they want to take action to Security and Technology. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the purchase balance
is not paid in full within the promotional period.* Minimum purchase of $4,500 required.
done significant work to keep make our networks more safe <We read daily about &
potential cyberthreats off U.S. and more secure, they'll have the ransomware and other
networks, and that net neutrality authority to do that.= cybersecurity incidents that have *Financing provided by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases of $4,500 or more charged with approved credit. Minimum monthly
payments are required during the promotional 18 month period. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date at the APR for Purchases if the
wouldn9t give them much more Some say the commission is resulted from first to market purchase balance is not paid in full within the promotional period. Paying only the minimum monthly payment will not pay off the purchase balance before the end of
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security matters. threats from China and Russia to Stifel wrote in an email. <As This information is accurate as of 10/01/2023 and is subject to change. For current information, call us at 1-800-431-5921. Offer expires 10/31/2023.
The FCC has already been able spur policymakers9 support for broadband expansion continues,
to shut out carriers deemed by the contested broadband item. it is essential that we securely
regulators as security threats, <For a long time, the excuse for connect users 4 through both 202-816-8808 DC
said Howard Waltzman, a doing anything in the U.S. was technical measures and in
partner at law firm Mayer Brown counterterrorism,= said James boosting their cyber hygiene.=
301-661-3168 MD
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trading as reported by companies9 directors, presidents, chief financial officers, general counsel, chief executive
officers, chairmen and other officers, or by beneficial owners of more than 10 percent of a company9s stock.
Company Insider Title Date Action Shares Price Now holds
Macrogenics Biotech Target NV Beneficial owner Oct. 2 Bought 150,000 4.46 9,929,963
Maximus Ilene R. Baylinson General manager Sept. 29 Sold 7,073 74.68 17,083
Bruce L. Caswell Chief executive officer Sept. 29 Sold 21,049 74.68 233,010
Theresa D. Golinvaux Senior vice president Sept. 28 Sold 961 74.68 2,569
Michelle F. Link Chief HR officer Sept. 28 Sold 2,384 74.68 4,980
David Mutryn Chief financial officer Sept. 29 Sold 3,886 74.68 13,008
Teresa Weipert General manager Sept. 29 Sold 1,444 74.68 5,493

Thomson Financial
VA #2705029456A | MHIC #46744 | DC #67000878 | NC #77474
a16 EZ rE the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023




ManiSh SwaruP/aP
A girl looks at the Facebook page of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a nationalist
organization, in New Delhi in October 2021. letters@washpost.com

A toxic mix of tech Farms could save downtowns

The Oct. 1 editorial <Don9t count on
office space to solve America9s housing
serious symptoms attend school does
not acknowledge that other students,
their families and school faculty might
be high-risk for serious consequences of

and hate threatens India crisis= discussed the high vacancy rates
of commercial office buildings in Ameri-
can cities and why converting them into
habitable real estate to help the housing
the coronavirus.
Regardless of any individual9s risk
profile, anyone can experience long
covid. About one-third of people who
crisis has been difficult, if not prohibi- had covid report long-covid symptoms
Left unchecked, it could eat away at the country9s democracy. tive. Unfortunately, the editorial missed up to nine months after illness. In fact,
an opportunity to plug the use of such even a mild covid infection can increase
N INDIA, social media platforms have become fear of angering the government and losing users. spaces for vertical farming, a practice the risk of a heart attack, stroke or heart

I conveyor belts for hate under Prime Minister

Narendra Modi, his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya
Janata Party and its affiliated groups. That is the
takeaway from an unsettling Post series, <Rising India,
Toxic Tech,= by reporters Gerry Shih, Joseph Menn and
In south India9s Karnataka state, the Post reporters
found that Mr. Modi9s party and related nationalist
groups have spread inflammatory material on an
industrial scale. As Karnataka geared up for elections,
the BJP used tens of thousands of followers to propagate
that is expanding rapidly in Asia and
even in U.S. cities.
Area 2 Farms recently started a
vertical farm in a vacant Arlington
paper storage warehouse; it now deliv-
failure up to a year after recovery.
Dr. Wen9s policy examples from Den-
mark and Britain failed to acknowledge
that those countries have national
health-care systems, where anyone with
Pranshu Verma, which reveals that platforms such as its messages across a range of WhatsApp groups. ers greens and vegetables to more than severe covid illness requiring hospital-
Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube and Twitter, now known Alongside the official party machine, the Post reporters 100 families a week. Using vertical racks ization or long-covid symptoms can
as X, were late and lame in stamping out vile content discovered a shadowy parallel campaign creating incen- stacked on each other, LED lights and access medical care without fear of
aimed at India9s Muslim minority. diary posts that painted a dire and false message that hydroponics, vertical farms need no sun, bankruptcy. More than 27 million Amer-
To be sure, Mr. Modi and the BJP have, first and Muslims, aided by the secular and liberal Congress soil or pesticides and reportedly can icans do not have health insurance.
foremost, driven the majoritarian nationalism and party, had abused and murdered members of the Hindu produce up to 30 harvests a year with People of color are least likely to be
autocratic drift that undermine India9s democracy day majority. 95 percent less water than outdoor insured, exacerbating health inequali-
by day. Yet platforms allowed bad actors to break their BJP social media workers flooded WhatsApp users farms. News reports indicate that high- ties covid has already aggravated.
rules repeatedly, while they played catch-up or turned a with group messages that, as the election approached, energy usage for LED lights has been the Katherine Wolf, Washington
blind eye. A spokeswoman for Facebook, Margarita became strewn with incendiary posts and appeals to Achilles9 heel, but breakthroughs in LED
Franklin, told The Post, <We prohibit coordinated religious bigotry. A spokeswoman for Meta, which owns technology and artificial intelligence
inauthentic behavior, hate speech and content that WhatsApp and Facebook, told the Post reporters that the promise to lessen energy needs. Using Listen to Ms. Swift
incites violence, and we enforce these policies globally.= company has limited message-forwarding and used micro-robotics, for example, Area 2
These are fine goals that, judging by the series, are spam-detection to prevent automated mass messaging. Farms reports it uses 25 percent fewer In his Oct. 1 Sunday Opinion commen-
regularly unmet in India. But WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted to ensure LED lights than the average vertical tary, <Hooray for Taylor Swift and Travis
Nearly three years ago, a Facebook team uncovered a privacy, making it hard to monitor. A former Meta farm. Kelce. Watch out, Trump.,= Rick Reilly
vast social media influence operation that used hun- employee told The Post that this has been recognized With the potential to revolutionize wrote about Taylor Swift and her boy-
dreds of fake accounts to praise the Indian army9s internally for years but executives have not found a the food industry and benefit the envi- friend Travis Kelce (neither of whom I
crackdown in the restive border region of Kashmir and solution to monitor or moderate a platform that is by ronment, urban vertical farming is the had heard of ) possibly using their im-
accuse Kashmiri journalists of separatism and sedition. design private. future, and it would seem a propitious mense popularity to encourage their
The team identified a storied Indian army unit as the Another chilling example is the story of a gun-toting use of vacant commercial buildings. admirers to vote. I immediately became
source of this inauthentic behavior. But when they vigilante group, among many in north India who have Jay Gruner, McLean a fan.
sought to delete the network9s pages, Facebook execu- worked discreetly in a legal gray zone to protect cows, I didn9t grow up in this country. My
tives in New Delhi pushed back, saying they didn9t want which are worshiped by Hindus. The job of transporting country of origin is Belgium, where
to antagonize the government of a sovereign nation over cows is often done by Muslims, and they are chased, Metro is working on funding voting was required for everyone 18 and
actions in territory it controls, that they needed to harassed and intimidated at gunpoint by the Hindu up. I only voted once there. In the United
consult lawyers and that they feared retribution. Their vigilantes, who have become more extreme and flam- The Sept. 30 editorial <Metro is teeter- States, I have voted in every election
objections <staved off action for a full year,= the Post boyant, thanks to social media. One of them, Monu ing on the edge of a fiscal cliff= laid out since I became a citizen.
reporters found, <while the Indian army unit continued Manesar, who was propelled to fame by his appearance the challenges we face but missed the I hear many people complain about
to spread disinformation that put Kashmiri journalists on YouTube, terrorized minority Muslim communities mark on regional cooperation. Contrary what is happening in this country. I
in danger.= in two Indian states. to sitting by as a drastic situation un- wonder how many of them voted.
When the Facebook investigators ran into resistance India9s dangerous combination of militant Hindu folds, area leaders are engaged and com- Voting is one of the only things we can
from their colleagues in India, they passed the informa- nationalism and pliant or overwhelmed social media mitted to ensuring our transit system is do to make a change in how this country
tion to their counterparts at Twitter, where the army had shows how illiberalism can spread in a wired world. To in a strong position to serve the region. is run. We can determine who ends up in
established a parallel operation. The Facebook team halt it now would require a major change by the BJP, Beginning this summer, the Metropol- the White House, Senate and House. Yes,
<hoped that Twitter would do the first takedown, giving which is not likely, or far more aggressive policing by the itan Washington Council of Govern- the electoral college has overridden the
Facebook political cover so it wouldn9t have to face platforms, which is hardly assured. But left unchecked, ments (COG) convened regional officials popular vote. I would vote for getting rid
government retribution alone and its internal dispute this toxic mix risks turning even more corrosive, eating and Randy Clark, the Washington Metro- of the electoral college, but that is
could be resolved.= But Twitter <took no action= out of away at the heart of India9s democracy. politan Area Transit Authority general another story.
manager and chief executive, to focus on Still, if we all vote, then maybe we
Metro at our annual retreat. Since then, would be able to kick that electoral
we9ve stood up new work groups in college in the butt.

High rates, high danger which area leaders, including local and
state elected officials, representatives
from the executives of the D.C., Maryland
So, young and old, listen to Ms. Swift
and Mr. Kelce and vote, vote, vote. Our
power might be limited, but voting
and Virginia, and private and nonprofit shows that as Americans we are able to
It9s getting harder and harder for the U.S. government to repay its debt. sector partners, can collaborate and craft make changes. We are not completely
solutions. helpless as to what happens in the
ORROWING IS expensive again, as anyone who tion. The government did indeed borrow massively in Much as we did during the successful United States.

B has tried to buy a car or home lately can tell you.

The interest rate on 10-year Treasury bonds, the
benchmark for home loans, is hovering around
4.75 percent, a nearly two-decade high. This will
significantly add to the federal government9s expenses
2020, but largely to keep businesses and consumers
solvent during the pandemic. The Biden administra-
tion and Congress have subsequently made invest-
ments but were unable to lock in low rates for decades.
The average maturity in the federal debt portfolio is
effort to secure dedicated funding for the
system9s capital budget, our city and
county managers are reviewing Metro9s
financials to give us a better understand-
ing of the current needs and options for
Karine Rafferty, Gaithersburg

Men in prison don9t marry

and raises the urgency to lower the deficit. Interest about six years, meaning a huge chunk of government policymakers to consider as we forge a In her Oct. 2 op-ed, <For single moms,
costs are already the fastest-growing part of the budget. debt must soon be refinanced at high rates. Consider path forward. We plan to issue prelimi- partners are hard to find,= Christine
Net interest costs 4 a nonnegotiable expense 4 nearly the three-month Treasury bill. The yield on that was nary recommendations later this fall. Emba wrote that women lament that
doubled as a share of federal outlays between 2020 and almost zero in 2021. Now, it9s more than 5 percent. Kate Stewart, Washington plausible marriage partners are hard to
2023, going from $345 billion, or 5 percent, to There was already a critical need for Congress and The writer is chair of the Metropolitan find. One reason for this is that many men
$660 billion, or 10 percent. (Defense, by comparison, President Biden to start addressing the long-term fiscal Washington Council of Governments are in prison. The United States incarcer-
cost $815 billion, or 13 percent of spending in 2023.) situation through some combination of higher taxes, Board of Directors and a member of the ates a higher proportion of its men than
The higher rates partly reflect the Federal Reserve9s moderate expense cuts, and adjustments to Social Montgomery County Council. almost any country in the world.
necessary campaign against inflation, but they also Security and Medicare. We laid out a plan earlier this Males from minority communities, es-
mean that the miracle of compounding is now working year to stabilize the debt. The sobering new interest- pecially if they are poor, are more prone
against the country9s fiscal stability. Barring policy rate reality makes it even more pressing. Indeed, the Long covid is serious to be in prison. Boys and young men, of
changes, recent interest rate increases could add infamous crowding-out effect from large federal debts all races, with fathers in prison have a
$3 trillion over the next decade to interest costs, might start making a comeback. Instead of providing As someone who has worked in infec- markedly higher propensity for pursuing
according to Marc Goldwein, senior policy director for capital to invest in private business, directly or through tious-disease prevention and control for a life of crime themselves.
the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. the stock market, people with extra cash are likely to more than 20 years, I was concerned that Across the United States, prison might
In addition to financial danger, there9s irony here: choose to earn high rates on less risky government debt. Leana S. Wen, in her Oct. 2 op-ed, <The rival poverty as a primary reason chil-
While millions of Americans bought or refinanced This could hurt U.S. growth. One sign that investor CDC needs to change its covid guidance,= dren from single-parent homes don9t do
homes at mortgage rates below 4 percent in recent caution, and not just Fed policy, is at work: Interest advocated for the Centers for Disease as well in life as the progeny of privileged
years and locked those cheap rates for 30 years, the rates on government debt have continued to rise well Control and Prevention to change its two-parent families.
U.S. government failed to do so. Top Democratic after the Fed9s last hike, which occurred in July. mask guidance, ignored the evidence Frank Richter, Clawson, Mich.
economists such as Janet L. Yellen and Lawrence H. With the House of Representatives in chaos, perhaps about the risks of long covid and as-
Summers urged a government borrowing spree during the best hope is for a bipartisan group of senators to sumed that we always know when we are
a period of seemingly permanent low interest rates launch a debt commission to generate a plan. It might putting a vulnerable person at risk of ð read more letters online: wapo.st/letters
before 2020. They argued it was wise to borrow not get taken seriously for a while with the 2024 contracting the coronavirus. Letters: letters@washpost.com
long-term and invest in productivity-enhancing infra- election looming. But if interest costs remain high, so Dr. Wen9s suggestion that coronavi- Op-eds: oped@washpost.com
structure and education, as well as the green transi- will the risks of inaction. rus-positive children without a fever or Submissions must be exclusive to The Post.

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monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re a17

davId IgnatIus CatheRIne Rampell

The Hamas attack is an intelligence failure Three milestones

that could take Israel years to unravel from a stunning
he vicious Hamas assault of terrorism on nightmare. The country was more divided than I after a contested election that could only be resolved
jobs report
Jobs in bars and restaurants have
returned to pre-pandemic levels

T Saturday truly was Israel9s 9/11 4 not simply

in the anguished demand for revenge that
has followed the attack but also in the
strange blindness that preceded it.
True intelligence failures result not simply from a
have seen it in more than 40 years of reporting there.
The security establishment 4 meaning Mossad,
military intelligence and the domestic security serv-
ice known as Shin Bet 4 was bitterly opposed to the
fragile government headed by Prime Minister Benja-
by the Supreme Court. Our divisions then seem like
nothing compared with now. But the 9/11 Commis-
sion documented how the Bush team didn9t pay
adequate attention to warnings from CIA Director
George Tenet and his analysts of a possible al-Qaeda
Jobs in food services/drinking places

he U.S. economy added nearly twice 12.37m
as many
jobs in September as economists had fore-
cast, according to the Bureau of Labor Statis-
tics. And that9s before you consider how much
lack of information but also an inability to under- min Netanyahu. And it showed. attack. 10mgrowth was revised upward in July and August.
stand it. Israelis knew the malevolent hatred that The intelligence elite believed that Netanyahu Intelligence failures involve a strange hubris. The All
9min all, it was an astonishingly good report.
animated Hamas and its backers in Iran. What they was wrecking Israel by assaulting its Supreme tough guys get sucker punched. As journalists some- Three milestones in particular are worth
didn9t appreciate was the creativity and competence Court. I say that because several senior Mossad times say, people start <reading their own clips= and 8m
of their adversaries. This was a level of organized officers, including a former director, conveyed that believing their vaunted reputations. Mossad and its 7m
malice that was, literally, unthinkable. fellow agencies have lived off their mythic aura for 1. Raise
glass sept. 923
Just as Americans never imagined that the Mus- generations; they9re celebrated as lions in novels and When covid hit, the shuttering of businesses
Jan. 920
lim fundamentalists of al-Qaeda would have the TV shows even as their American brethren are around the country and reluctance of consumers to
perverse genius to fly airplanes into buildings, Israeli In the months that preceded ridiculed as <clowns in action.= But sometimes tough dine out eliminated about half the jobs across the
analysts don9t seem to have appreciated that Hamas guys don9t see the dangers that more cautious people
government employment is ûnally back
industry. That is, between February and April 2020,
fighters could escape the barricaded compound of the Gaza disaster, Israel has been might. where
about it wasrestaurant
6 million pre-pandemic, butvanished.
and bar jobs that's
Gaza with paragliders. Israelis evidently didn9t cred- The Iranians and their Hamas allies play a more Even as the economy
entirely driven by the feds reopened, these employers
it their foe9s ability to operate simultaneously across a domestic political nightmare. complicated game than some Israelis, in their justi- struggled to hire back workers. Some longtime food
air, sea and land. And they certainly didn9t appreci- fied hatred of the mullahs, might realize. Iran was employment
services levels
workers hadindexed
the business
ate Hamas9s and its allies9 ability to keep secrets. genuinely threatened by Israel9s plan to normalize altogether, trading up toGovernment
Federal government better-paying or more hu-
Will we learn, as we did after the attacks of Sept. 11, message to me directly in recent months. The relations with Saudi Arabia and, in the process, mane positions. SomeLocal
state government
jumped from employer to
2001, in the United States, that the information security elite is secular; it lives in Tel Aviv and neuter the Palestinian issue as Tehran9s trump card. employer amid the bidding war for staff. Declines in
necessary to prevent the attacks was in the system? Haifa; it listens to Mozart. It deeply resented Bibi9s In its consternation, Iran was considering an open- immigration 4 owing to pandemic-era policies and
Somewhere, the lights might have been <blinking alliance with ultra-Orthodox parties who generally ing to the United States, even as its allies were the
110%Trump administration9sAugustbroader
920 sabotage of im-
red.= But in the haunting phrase that came to explain don9t serve in the military and espouse a very planning a vicious attack, Arab sources tell me. migration processing 4 hurt the industry as well,
the 9/11 failure, Israelis evidently couldn9t <connect different, much more religious Israel than the one Intelligence failures begin with overconfidence. because
105% foreign-born workers make up about one-
the dots.= They couldn9t see what, in retrospect, was created in courageous service by the security bar- People who are running scared sometimes look more fifth of the sector9s jobs. 103.4%
staring them in the face. ons and their predecessors. closely in the shadows. But
bars and restaurants have steadily been recov-
In the United States in 2001, one big problem was Israel seemed to be coming apart in the months A final thought: When we say that the Gaza ering, and, as of last month, employment levels were
that the CIA and the FBI were intense rivals and before Hamas fighters broke through the Gaza cage. outrage was an Israeli version of 9/11, we should finally back to where they were in February 2020. It
didn9t trust each other. They wouldn9t share (or when Thousands of Israelis were marching in the streets of remember the other big lesson of that catastrophe, 95%
919 that more people are joiningsept 923the labor
they did, couldn9t comprehend) the intelligence that Tel Aviv to protest Netanyahu9s attempt to alter what other than our failure to see it coming. The United force and immigration has largely normalized.
was in their separate silos. I don9t know enough they saw as the fundamental character of the state. States overreacted. It didn9t simply take revenge and
about Israeli intelligence to draw any firm parallels. Did that political chaos contribute to the Gaza destroy its enemies. It sought to remake the Middle Jobs in bars and restaurants have
But the intelligence world always has professional attacks? I don9t know. But, surely, the domestic feuds East, with long, mostly fruitless wars in Iraq and returned to pre-pandemic levels high
rivalries and jealousies. What9s more, this was a of the past few months might have led Hamas and its Afghanistan. who are employed is at a record
moment when top political leadership was so disor- backers in Tehran to believe that Israel was internal- Israeli power at its best is calculated and ruthless- Jobs in food 25
% of women services/drinking
to 54 years old places
who are employed
ganized that it couldn9t have imposed order. ly weak and, perhaps, vulnerable. ly efficient. I hope that Israel, in avenging this Jobs in bars and restaurants have12.37m
The Israel of 2023 4 in the months that preceded America before 9/11 knew something of that assault, doesn9t create future problems that are even 12m 75.3%
the Gaza disaster 4 has been a domestic political fragility. President George W. Bush came to office worse.
returned to pre-pandemic levels
60% in food services/drinking places
Jan. 916 sept. 2023
sept. 923
9m Jan. 920
Data are seasonally adjusted.
sources: u.s. Bureau of Labor statistics, via FReD/Federal Reserve
7m of st. Louis, u.s.employment
Bank is ûnally back
Bureau of Labor statistics
Jan. 916 sept. 923
where it was
the WAshinGton Post pre-pandemic, but that's
2. A boon driven Jan.
for public-sector 920 workers
entirely by the feds
Public-sector employment also took a hit early in
the in bars
pandemic. levels
Theand indexed
employment to has
sector overall Feb. 2020
is finally
have back
returned jobs lost,
it was
Federal though that milestone
to pre-pandemic Government is
but that's
overall entirely
driven bygovernment
state growth in theLocal
federal government.
Jobs in and
State driven
foodlocal by the
governments are places
still deeply in the
hole. Hence all
employment thoseindexed
levels headlines about
to Feb. shortages of
August 920 12.37m
12m bus drivers, cops, corrections officers, etc.
To government
be clear, Government
state and local governmentsoverallhave lots of
105% but are struggling
state government to fill them. This is the
Local government
10m of a collection of factors. The sector9s 103.4%
100% older workforce
August is aging
920 into retirement,
for instance. Amid high inflation, wages in the private
8m have risen much faster than those in the public
sector (which already paid less for many equivalent
7m Jan. 919 sept 923 103.4%
Some916 government jobs (publicsept. health,
923 educa-
100% elections, policing) have
Jan. 920 also grown much more
stressful in recent years.
95% are employed is at a record high
Jan. 919 employment is ûnallysept 923 back
% of women 25 to 54 years
where it was pre-pandemic, butold who are employed
entirely driven by the feds 75.3%
who levels indexed
are employed is attoa Feb. 2020
record high
% ofFederal
women government Government
25 to 54 years old whooverall
are employed
state government Local government
40% 75.3%
AmiR Cohen/ReuteRs
110% August 920
Firefighters work to put out a blaze in an open field near a hospital in Ashkelon, Israel, on Saturday. 60%
Jan. 1950 sept. 2023
Data are seasonally adjusted.
40% 103.4%
max Boot
sources: u.s. Bureau of Labor statistics, via FReD/Federal Reserve
Bank of st. Louis, u.s. Bureau of Labor statistics

This is Israel9s 9/11. The consequences 20%

the WAshinGton
95% Jan. 1950Post
Jan. 919
Data are seasonally adjusted.
sept. 2023
sept 923

will be dangerous 4 and unforeseeable. sources: u.s. Bureau of Labor statistics, via FReD/Federal Reserve
Bank of st. Louis, u.s. Bureau of Labor statistics
the WAshinGton Post
3. They are can employed
do it is at a record high
had been planning to write about the negotia- and seize Israeli tanks and other armored vehicles. civilian population. Indeed, Hamas might be trying

I tions among President Biden, Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia
to normalize Israel-Saudi ties in return for a
U.S.-Saudi defense treaty. Analysts I talked to were
Hamas fighters are committing war crimes while
carrying out a daring terrorist operation that has
shaken Israel9s sense of security. Israel will no
doubt strike back with an overwhelming military
to draw Israel into a quagmire similar to the Israeli
invasion of Lebanon in 1982, knowing that Israeli
forces are much more vulnerable when they are
fighting on foot than when they are dropping
bombs from the sky.
% of women
Despite all25 to 54
those years old
warnings whoaare
setting working women back a generation, working
women seem to be doing better than ever. After
stagnation in women9s employment early in the
60% century, women ages 25 to 54 are more likely to be

cautiously optimistic that this megadeal might be Though Israel could never make peace with The Israeli military remains the strongest force working today than at any previous time in history.
concluded by early next year. Despite the continuing Hamas, a movement dedicated to the destruction of in the Middle East, and it will ultimately prevail. This
40% is thanks partly to demographic changes, partly
civil war in Syria, the region felt calm. U.S. national the Jewish state, it had learned to live with a But even a tactical victory would leave Israel facing to changing social norms and partly to changing
security adviser Jake Sullivan remarked late last terrorist organization in control of the Gaza Strip as the question <Now what?= Most Israelis have no working conditions.
month that <the Middle East region is quieter today a lesser evil 4 compared with a renewed Israeli desire for a long-term occupation of the Gaza Strip, 20% The same milestone is not true of men. Prime-age
than it has been in two decades now.= occupation, an even more extremist group such as one that would inevitably lead to further Israeli men9s Jan. 1950
labor force participation is backsept. 2023 it was
to where
So much for that. Saturday9s surprise attack by casualties and accusations that their troops are pre-pandemic, but longer-term,
Data are seasonally adjusted. it9s been trending
Hamas fighters into Israel is a grim reminder that, committing war crimes. But they are running out of downward.
in the Middle East, war-fighting usually takes alternatives. sources: u.s. Bureau
So: Does of LaborBiden
President statistics, via FReD/Federal
deserve Reserve
credit for these
precedence over peacemaking. It is hard to imagine Now the pressure will be irresistible The only certainty is that the Hamas attack will Bank of st. Louis, u.s. Bureau of Labor statistics
remarkable numbers?
the WAshinGton Post
the Saudi-Israeli peace talks making much progress make life worse for Palestinians. Gaza is already one In his remarks Friday afternoon, he certainly
as Israel reels from the worst surprise attack it has for Netanyahu . . . to order the of the poorest places on Earth, and its misery has claimed as much, saying, <It9s Bidenomics, growing
suffered since the 1973 Yom Kippur War 4 and as it only been exacerbated by the Israeli-Egyptian the economy from the middle-out, bottom-up, not the
mobilizes for what is likely to be its largest ground complete destruction of Hamas. blockade designed to prevent Hamas from amass- top down.= In truth, presidents have very limited
assault into the Gaza Strip since Operation Cast ing too much military power. The day before the control over economic conditions, but because he gets
Lead in 2008-2009. Indeed, though we don9t know attacks, The Post ran a heart-rending story about blamed for the bad things no matter what, it9s hard to
for sure why Hamas chose to strike exactly now, this al-Qaeda in charge, or Libya-style chaos. Israel had how merchants in Gaza are so poor, they cannot chastise him for taking credit for the good ones.
could well be part of a larger attempt by Iran and its mounted numerous military operations against afford trucks and have to rely on donkeys 4 only to To the extent <Bidenomics= is primarily about
proxies 4 including Hamas 4 to prevent a historic Hamas since its takeover in 2007, two years after see the supply of donkeys from Israel dry up. manufacturing and industrial policy, though, its fin-
reconciliation between Jerusalem and Riyadh. Israel pulled out of Gaza. But these were mostly Hamas did not attack because of the miserable gerprints are not terribly visible in data so far.
It is shocking enough to see internet footage of from the air. And even when Israeli troops were conditions in Gaza. Its leaders are insulated from When Biden spoke in celebration of the robust
the Hamas attack as an American witnessing deployed, they never stayed for long. deprivation and motivated by religious and nation- hiring numbers, manufacturing was the one and only
events from afar. The shock must be many times As a 2017 Rand Corp. study noted: <Israel9s grand alist fanaticism. But the terrible conditions do make sector he called out by name. The same was true last
greater for Israelis who have to process the strategy became 8mowing the grass9 4 accepting its it easy for Hamas to recruit fighters from among month. But the recent hiring numbers show very
calamity that has befallen their country. This is inability to permanently solve the problem and young men so poor and desperate that they have no little growth in the sector, even before taking into
Israel9s 9/11, and, just as the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks instead repeatedly targeting leadership of Palestin- better alternative than to become <martyrs.= account the work stoppages related to the United
rippled out across the world from Afghanistan to ian militant organizations to keep violence manage- Ultimately, Israelis and Palestinians have to Auto Workers9 strike. (If the strike had begun earlier
Iraq, so, too, will the 10/7 attacks ripple out in ways able. Dealing with Hamas in Gaza puts Israel in a recognize that they have no alternative but to live in the month, the report might well have shown job
that are as dangerous as they are unpredictable. strategic quandary: It needs to exert enough force side by side in peace. Responsible Israelis 4 who are losses rather than gains in the sector.) And over a
Israel has gotten accustomed to the threat posed to deter Hamas from attacking but not so much that largely missing from Netanyahu9s far-right cabinet longer-term horizon, manufacturing job growth
by Hamas rockets 4 and there was indeed a it topples the regime. As one Israeli defense analyst 4 know that Palestinians9 lives have to improve to since the pandemic began has been weaker than that
large-scale rocket attack from the Gaza Strip on put it, 8We want to break their bones without prevent more eruptions of violence in the future. in the rest of the economy. Other metrics suggest the
Saturday. But there is no precedent for the massive putting them in the hospital.9= An Israeli-Saudi normalization deal, assuming it sector has been contracting for the past 11 consecu-
ground assault that Hamas also mounted. Hamas9s Now the pressure will be irresistible for Netanya- preserves the possibility of a two-state solution, tive months.
fighters managed to penetrate Israeli border posts hu, who on Saturday declared that <we are at war,= could make an important contribution to Israel9s On the other hand: Evidence for claims that Biden
and the border fence enclosing Gaza, rampaging to order the complete destruction of Hamas. That long-term security. But the prospect of peace talks is somehow discouraging Americans writ large from
through surrounding Israeli communities, massa- could lead Israeli troops into extremely difficult advancing is far more remote today than it was working or otherwise hamstringing employers are
cring innocent civilians and seizing hostages. They fighting in the dense urban terrain of Gaza City yesterday. For now, war and suffering are the order nowhere evident in the data. Employers are hiring,
even managed to penetrate Israeli military bases against a shadowy foe that can hide among the of the day, with no clear end in sight. and Americans are ready to work.
A18 eZ re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Book objector challenges devolved into a shouting match

between school board members
and people in the audience, in-

a Virginia school district cluding Petersen, who at one

point yelled, <It9s in our schools!
. . . You oversee these schools!=
After the chaos led to a brief
EduCAtIoN from A1 al relationship between the son recess, board member Cole asked
of an American president and the board to vote on whether
these books containing detailed the prince of England. Jodi Pi- <what ms. Petersen is reading out
sexual content?= coult9s <Nineteen minutes,= a loud . . . is offensive and there-
Petersen, 48, is part of a small dark novel about a school shoot- fore breaks the rules of deco-
army of book objectors nation- ing, nestled close by a collection rum.= But the board9s conserva-
wide. School book challenges of Allen Ginsberg poems. Every tive majority overruled her.
reached historic highs in Ameri- book bristled with dozens of To Petersen, it was a moment
ca in 2021 and 2022, according to pastel-colored sticky notes Pe- of triumph: School board mem-
the American Library Associa- tersen had pasted in to mark bers9 discomfort was proof the
tion. And just a handful of people sexual content. books should not be in school
are driving those records. A But the job was far from done. libraries, she felt.
Washington Post analysis of She walked to her living room To Cole and other school offi-
thousands of challenges nation- and nodded to a low-slung cials, it was yet more evidence of
wide found that 60 percent of all brown sofa. That, she said, is how Petersen is disrupting the
challenges in the 2021-2022 where she does her book review- district.
school year came from 11 adults, ing. Petersen walked closer and Cole said the district has lost
each of whom objected to dozens pointed with an index finger to a staff members because of what
4 sometimes close to 100 4 of concave dark spot on the couch, Petersen is doing, although she
books in their districts. about the size of someone sitting could not provide an exact num-
PhoTos by Julia nikhinson For The WashingTon PosT
Petersen is one of these serial cross-legged. ber. The district did not answer
filers, whose actions have riven <Yes,= she said. <That9s from all questions asking about Peters-
her community, earning her fer- the reading.= In days and weeks en9s effect on its personnel.
vent admiration and criticism. to come, she would sit down and Between May 1, 2022, and tions. Kimberly Allen, library liaison
The majority of school book deepen it. for some titles, she tallied the and high school librarian for the
objections center on titles by or
Feb. 27, 2023, Petersen read: number of curse words, includ- district, estimates that, last
about LGBTQ individuals or peo- one year, 73 books ing language describing human school year, fielding Petersen9s
ple of color, The Post found.
Petersen, though, has just one
criterion by which she judges a
Petersen grew up hating
books. A tomboy, she preferred
to play with bugs and climb
24,172 genitalia. for each, she wrote out
a short plot summary; eventual-
ly, she would write 6,556 words
challenges required 4o hours of
labor per week from her and a
team of 10 high school librarians,
book. Does it contain material trees, she said. She found texts of such synopses. She carefully work they mostly did on their
that, under Virginia law, quali- assigned at school, such as the listed every page she found ob- own time, late in the evening and
fies as sexually explicit, porno-
graphic or obscene? fewer than a
third of the titles she challenged
works of Shakespeare or snatch-
es of Paradise Lost, mostly bor-
ing. The only book she remem-
73 jectionable. over the next 14
months, she would identify 1,335
pages as problematic, about
on weekends, because they still
had to keep up with their regular
jobs. Neither she nor her col-
have LGBTQ characters or pro- bers enjoying was Edgar Allan books (she challenged 71) 5.5 percent of the 24,172 pages leagues received overtime pay,
tagonists of color, according to a Poe9s collected stories, which she she read. Allen said.
Post review of her objections, appreciated for their special This is about 5 books per month Petersen read five books a Per school district policy, each
obtained through a records re- creepiness. month. The vast majority, she challenge at a campus required
quest from the Spotsylvania dis- That changed about 15 years said, she found disgusting. the principal, sometimes work-
trict. ago, around the time Petersen9s In that first batch, she wrote of ing with librarians, to form a
Petersen9s district has lurched daughter was born. Petersen had Petersen found objectionable: <Beloved=: <The book illustrates school-level review committee
from one book controversy to always loved Asian and middle the horrors of our history. How- comprising a half-dozen teachers
another in recent years. In 2021,
the Spotsylvania school board
voted to remove sexually explicit
Eastern culture. When she spot-
ted a novel with two Chinese
sisters on the cover in a ross
1,335 ever, the passages outlined do
not add to the story and they are
sexually explicit.=
and parents. Each committee
recommended keeping the titles,
Allen said.
tomes from libraries, with two Dress for Less store, she sat
pages In some challenges, she cited But Petersen appealed every
members suggesting burning down with it and couldn9t stop scientific research to back up her decision, leading to the forma-
them 4 remarks that drew na- reading. She finished the book, contention children could be tion of a district-level review
tional scorn. The board later
rescinded that decision. Then,
<Shanghai Girls= by Lisa See, in a
5.5% harmed by reading about sex
acts 4 in particular a 2020 paper
committee, comprising another
handful of teachers and parents
this spring, the superintendent As her two children grew up, of what she read she found in the National Insti- 4 these selected by the office of
pulled 14 books for <sexually Petersen, who is a stay-at-home tutes of Health9s online library Teaching and Learning. Those
explicit material= 4 including mom, found herself raising a that said <exposure to sexually panels, too, recommended keep-
Toni morrison9s <Beloved= 4 and reading family. They each have Her book challenges totaled: explicit media in early adoles- ing the books.
suggested shutting down school preferences: Her husband likes cence had a substantive relation- The superintendent has the
libraries to address budget short- science fiction, as does her son. ship with risky sexual behavior= final say: He intervened to pull 14
falls. That proposal went no-
where, but the school board
Her daughter prefers fantasies
and tales with dragons. And
434 in early adulthood.
In that study, the authors
books this spring. Another 29
books await his verdict. (five are
voted to make it easier to yank Petersen generally sticks with pages (longer than most of suggested one solution would be still at the district committee
books with sexual content. Asian dramas and histories. the books she challenged) for schoolteachers and parents stage.) So far, none of Petersen9s
much of the turmoil has been Petersen didn9t think about to provide teens with <appropri- challenges has been rejected out-
driven, directly or indirectly, by what books were available in ate information on sexuality,= right.
Petersen. In the decades before schools until two years ago. She including sex education classes. Then there are the 18 books
she began filing challenges, the had begun attending school
As part of the challenge Another study published two Petersen challenged that librari-
district saw almost no objec- board meetings in 2020, first to process, Petersen wrote years later found that exposure ans pulled before they could go
tions, maybe one every five to 10 protest pandemic school clo- book summaries totaling: to sexually explicit material through the review process, Al-
years, library staff said. Now, in sures and then mandatory mask- made some boys happy and up- len said. She said those books
addition to her flurry of filings, ing. At one meeting, parents she set some girls, but <the majority were removed as part of routine
Petersen attends almost every
school board meeting, some-
didn9t know rose to denounce the
sexual content of two books: <33
6,556 of adolescents felt neutral, which
suggests that seeing sexually ex-
winnowing, some because of lack
of interest, others for being out-
times reading aloud graphic pas- Snowfish,= which tells the story words plicit materials is not as distress- dated or in poor condition, and a
sages from the books she is of homeless teenagers, one of ing as originally thought.= handful for 4 yes 4 sexual or
challenging 4 mostly sentences whom is a drug-addicted prosti- age-inappropriate content. Allen
too explicit to be printed in this tute while another is on the run thousands to go said she herself weeded out two
newspaper. from a sexual abuser; and <Call felt confident that, if other adults denied them existence on our At a school board meeting on books Petersen identified as
She claims Spotsylvania had me By Your Name,= centered on a had to hear the graphic details shelves.= Jan. 9 of this year, 52 book problematic, <Anatomy of a Boy-
removed 36 of the books she gay relationship. included in books meant for Petersen thought it was better challenges in, Petersen walked to friend= and <Anatomy of a Single
objected to as of early Septem- Their speech spurred board schoolchildren, they would agree to let people learn about such the podium and started reading Girl,= both teen romance novels,
ber. A district spokesperson con- member rabih Abuismail to the titles had to go. Instead, things after they had come of aloud from <me and Earl and the because <they were too mature,
firmed 35 such removals had comment, <I think we should dozens of parents, students and age. But she was disappointed to Dying Girl,= a book about three too adult for high school.=
taken place as of that date, throw those books in a fire.= teachers spoke up to defend find school officials nonrespon- high school friends, one of whom But that does not mean Allen
including the superintendent9s Another board member, Kirk books like <33 Snowfish,= calling sive to her concerns: They kept has leukemia. Petersen had filed agrees with Petersen. In <most of
14. Eighteen titles were yanked Twigg, vowed that the board them vital to entertaining and noting that no one had formally an objection to the book two the books [she challenged], we
by librarians before they could would begin <eradicating this informing kids in a diverse soci- challenged any titles in Spotsyl- months earlier for graphic, inap- do not agree with her assess-
go through the review process, bad stuff.= ety. vania, she said. propriate content. ment, because . . . you cannot
and another three were restrict- Petersen, too, was alarmed. If Gina Terry, a parent and for- So she started filing challeng- She had just finished reciting base the merit of a book on just
ed to the high school level. most children under 18 read about sex, mer Spotsylvania English teach- es. a passage in which characters its parts,= Allen said. <She is
of the other books Petersen chal- she worries, they will be more er, said in an interview that Her first seven arrived on discuss how to <eat p---y= and weighing the whole book on
lenged are now awaiting the likely to engage in unsafe sex or sexually explicit material is not may 1, 2022. Among her targets <butthole= 4 and started on an single passages.=
superintendent9s review, the fall victim to sexual predators. always harmful 4 instead, it can were <All Boys Aren9t Blue,= a oral sex scene from another book Allen said that, among school
spokesperson said. She understands children can be educational. She gave the memoir about growing up Black called <Dead End= 4 when a librarians, Petersen <is not popu-
To some, Petersen is a fanatic find sexual material online. And example of <Sold,= a book told and LGBTQ; <Beloved,= morri- school board member, Lorita C. lar.= She added: <maybe she9s a
bent on crushing schools under she knows some parents think from the perspective of a 13-year- son9s acclaimed novel about slav- Daniels, interjected and asked good person, doing this for the
the weight of prudish objections. it9s okay for their teens to read old girl sold into sexual slavery. ery; and <Sold.= Petersen had for a <point of order,= adding, <I right reasons. But she9s doing it
<This whole effort has been a sexually explicit books. But deci- Terry praised the writing as read each title, marking sexual just cannot sit here and listen to the wrong way.=
waste of money, time and re- sions about when and how to <haunting,= although she ac- passages in yellow highlighter that.= Elsewhere, though, she has
sources,= school board member read about sex should be made knowledged the text deals with before sticking pink, green, blue Twigg, one of the board mem- earned a strong core of support-
Nicole Cole said. (The district within the family, she believes, complex, difficult and dark sub- and yellow Post-it Notes onto bers who proposed burning ive admirers.
said it has not tracked the money, and books with sex scenes cer- jects. highlighted pages 4 the same books, jumped in to defend Pe- She gained two best friends:
time and work it spent respond- tainly shouldn9t be available at <There is absolutely discom- method she used to study at the tersen: <There should be no in- Stroh, the mother of eight, and
ing to Petersen9s requests, al- school, making the lives of par- fort. But the whole point of the University of Central florida, terference by the public to hear Jessica rohrabacher, 42, a de-
though a top library staffer esti- ents who want to preserve their book is to bring attention to the where she majored in psycholo- what their children have an op- vout Christian with two children,
mated that a team of 11 people kids9 innocence that much hard- real plight of real girls,= Terry gy. portunity, without their knowl- one an attendee and one a gradu-
spent 40 hours per week on her er. said. <By saying it needs to be The early challenges struck edge even, to obtain. So we have ate of Spotsylvania schools. They
challenges last school year.) most of all, she just doesn9t banned, we9ve taken these real the same notes that would ring to hear this out.= each found Petersen through her
But to others, including some understand why schools need to stories about real people and through Petersen9s next 64 objec- Within seconds, the meeting advocacy at board meetings. The
of the district9s top leaders, she is stock books with graphic sex three women have formed a book
a hero. The superintendent, scenes, which she defines as challenge support group. Stroh
mark Taylor, wrote in a state- anything beyond the <fade-to- and rohrabacher accompany Pe-
ment that Petersen has <raised black= moment in movies. She tersen to board meetings. She
awareness= of sexually explicit never found any such scenes in also regularly texts or calls the
content in his libraries. And at her school books growing up. She other two 4 sometimes past
least a dozen Spotsylvania par- doesn9t think steamy or violent midnight 4 to ask their advice
ents and area residents, span- sex acts are educational. She has on whether something qualifies
ning different ethnicities and always kept her children from as sexually explicit. or just for
religions, have coalesced around reading books with material like company, as she wades through
Petersen as their champion. They that. an especially dark book.
note that she is Buddhist, not the So when she heard about <33 <She means the world to me,=
Christian fundamentalist some Snowfish,= she decided to investi- rohrabacher said. <She9s been
assume. They lament what they gate just what, exactly, was avail- my rock.=
call the attacks Petersen has able in her children9s schools. Stroh said: <We have relied on
faced online and in person. They She found a host of other con- her strength to come out there
see her as a defender of children9s cerning books 4 some of which for the past two years, day in and
innocence. she identified by checking Spot- day out. But I also see on a
<She sides with the side of the sylvania9s catalogue against lists personal level the fragility . . .
truth,= said Wanda Stroh, who of most-challenged titles main- sometimes she9s at her breaking
has sent eight children through tained by groups such as the point.=
Spotsylvania schools. <Like a American Library Association, Petersen said she faces harass-
lion, she will protect everything known as ALA. ment online, including dozens of
that she believes in and holds <It was like, 8oh, wait, the ALA insulting messages she shared
dear.= has a list of banned books.9 8So with The Post. In one exchange,
on a recent Tuesday, Petersen PEN America keeps a list,9 = Pe- commenters called her a <witch=
trailed a hand across the backs of tersen said. <It was pretty easy, and a <boil= that needed lancing.
her 73 verboten titles. She had between social media, regular But she has no intention of
gathered them together on a news media and professional stopping.
squat black shelf. organizations,= to find her tar- Petersen will keep filing chal-
<Boy Toy,= a teen romance that gets. toP: Jennifer Petersen holds a stack of books that she has challenged, with <sexual content= lenges <as long as it takes . . . to
deals with abuse, sat next to At first, her plan was just to marked with dozens of colorful sticky notes. ABoVE: Spotsylvania County School Board get the sexually explicit books
<red, White and royal Blue,= read aloud sex scenes from books member Nicole Cole, right, speaks during a meeting in August. In the spring, 14 books were out,= she said. <To make it so that
which chronicles an internation- at school board meetings. She pulled for <sexually explicit material= and the board voted to make it easier to yank books. they cannot come back.=

METRO monday, october 9 , 2023 eZ sU B

approx. 2 p.m.
BWi takes top honors in the family of a Black echo Brown, 39,
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
65° America9s Best Restroom student suspended over channeled agonies of
Precip: 25% contest, and a beef over a the way he wears his hair poverty and racism into
48 60 63 58 ° ° ° Wind: SW
8-16 mph Burger King ad. B3 is suing texas officials. B2 autobiographical art. B4

Hours after
order, a D.C. moved
woman dies o>cial
Overwhelmed system
can leave abuse victims
to handle bureaucracies

Patricia Johnson, it seems, did Second reassignment

everything she could to separate comes after Post inquiry
from her boyfriend, who she ac-
cused of abusing her.
she repeatedly called D.C. po- BY A LEXANDRA R OBBINS
lice and sought help from the AND N ICOLE A SBURY
court system.
Despite those efforts, however, Montgomery County Public
authorities said 46-year-old schools in recent weeks has twice
Desmond L. Thurston fatally shot moved Khalid Walker, the investi-
Johnson, 52, on Oct. 1 in her gator who closed an inquiry into
home, hours after he was served misconduct allegations against
with a court-issued temporary former Farquhar Middle school
protective order barring him principal Joel Beidleman, into
from being near Johnson or her new jobs 4 most recently on
property. Friday, hours after The Washing-
Johnson9s death 4 she was ton Post sent questions asking
shot in her head and chest inside why he had received a raise and a
her clapboard duplex at the far
southern edge of the District 4
was another reminder of a dom-
estic-violence prevention system
The thrill of victory ... new position.
The Post reported in August
that educators and parents com-
plained to the school district at
overwhelmed with people des-
perately seeking help, and one
that leaves them largely on their
own to navigate police and court
and the agony of the feet least 18 times in seven years
about alleged sexual harassment,
bullying and retaliation by
Beidleman 4 and that Walker
bureaucracies. had ended an investigation into
<We have a victim that had K ARINA E LWOOD school, and that9s where the principal in July by saying he
multiple prior domestic violence
Fairfax County starts middle-school we9re hoping that9s going to had found no wrongdoing. After
incidents, that had reached out Before the stampede of sports program with cross-country build that momentum,= that story, Walker had an out-of-
for help and done all the things tweens rounded the track, Principal eric Underhill office message on his email for
we ask victims to do,= said Micae- Coach Matthew Moore ex- said. several weeks.
la Deming, policy director for the plained the goals of Mon- Fairfax launched its inau- Last week, Walker9s internal
D.C. Coalition Against Domestic day9s practice. The idea, he gural middle-school sports bio page on MCPs9s website said
Violence. <And the city still said, was to get used to run- program last month, wel- he had a new job as acting assis-
couldn9t keep her safe. And that, ning two miles continuous- coming thousands of sixth-, tant general counsel. spokesman
unfortunately, is not unusual.= ly, something that was new seventh- and eighth-grad- Chris Cram confirmed Friday
On average, nearly 500 people to many of the middle- ers to their school9s cross- about 4 p.m. that Walker had
per month file petitions for tem- schoolers on the cross- country teams. been moved to the general coun-
porary protective orders in the country team. District spokeswoman sel9s office and given an $11,893
District, according to a D.C. supe- But, as with many activi- Julie Moult said middle raise.
rior Court spokesman. ties for 12- and 13-year-olds, schools didn9t offer athlet- Three hours later, Cram texted
Petitioners, almost always some of the kids9 reason for ics because community a Post reporter and said that
women, are given copies of the circling the track was hang- sports programs in the area Walker had again been moved 4
orders by court employees so they ing out with friends as were so robust and popular. now to <a special assignment
can attempt to serve the paper- much as running. But Fairfax superintendent position within the Office of Hu-
work on their alleged abusers, The coaches, teachers Michelle Reid, who came to man Resources and Development
typically by hiring a private proc- and administrators at sand- the district last year, said at his previous salary of
ess server. They can also request burg Middle school already she wanted a more equita- $132,661.=
that D.C. police serve the docu- knew that. In fact, creating ble policy. now students Asked why the district had
ments, although advocates say opportunities to make can exercise and bond with made the sudden change, Cram
that can sometimes take days. friends and build communi- their neighbors without said Walker had first been moved
even when protective orders ty was part of the reason pay-to-play community <based on his skill set but that
are served 4 as was done in Fairfax County Public sports, which often require assignment was reevaluated by
Johnson9s case 4 D.C. police cau- schools decided to intro- fees and transportation. the Office of Human Resources
tion on their tip sheets for abused duce sports to its middle In March, the school and Development.=
women that paperwork alone schools for the first time board agreed to allocate several witnesses alleged dis-
cannot prevent someone from this year. $600,000 in the budget for turbing details to Walker about
violating the order, and <cannot <It9s really great to see middle-schoolers to hit the Beidleman9s harassment of a so-
make the abuse stop.= students bring this idea of ground running 4 literally. cial studies teacher, according to
Temporary protective orders camaraderie and teamwork so far, the cross-country The Post9s investigation, includ-
are valid for two weeks, providing into the classroom, into the see SPORTS On B2 ing late-night texts telling her to
michAel s. WilliAmson/the WAshington Post
time to schedule a court hearing <Come be with me= in a hotel
at which the accused can tell their room and a suggestion in front of
side of the story. A judge then FROM TOP: Middle school cross-country runners take off in a group training session at Sandburg Middle School in three colleagues that she <should
decides whether the order is ex- Alexandria. Christian Taylor, 13, left, and Meaghan Afrifah, 12, on a fence; Jax Cooper, 13, after a sprint. just f--- me.= When she took a
tended. leave from her job and Beidleman
natalia Otero, co-founder and called her repeatedly to say the
see ORdeR On B4 see wALkeR On B3

Washington mourns with Israel, calls for peace Two young men injured
Pro-Palestinian rally
Israelis were killed saturday, and
as of sunday, Israel had officially
in Bowie State shooting
declared war against Hamas,
draws others who see which rules the Gaza strip. Police said at a news confer-
At synagogues and churches Incident occurs ence sunday that they do not
8new moment9 in struggle on sunday, congregants and reli- believe the two shootings were
gious leaders prayed for peace. In amid festivities during connected. The victims were not
front of the White House, a few homecoming weekend Bowie state students, police said,
BY L UZ L AZO hundred pro-Palestinian protest- and a Morgan state spokesman
AND J ESSICA C ONTRERA ers called for the end of U.s. aid said they were not affiliated with
to Israel. that university either.
sam Lilek returned from Tel Mayor Muriel e. Bowser (D) BY N ICK A NDERSON Col. Roland L. Butler Jr., super-
Aviv a few days ago to vacation pledged support for the Israeli AND M ARTIN W EIL intendent of the Maryland state
with his parents in the Maryland people and the Jewish communi- Police, said the gunshot wounds
suburbs. By saturday, he was ty in Washington as she an- Two 19-year-old men were in- the two men suffered were not
grieving as he saw the images of nounced stepped-up police pa- jured saturday night in a shoot- believed to be life-threatening.
explosions and bloody bodies in trols at houses of worship and ing at Bowie state University as <We believe there are no further
Israel, where he has been study- embassies. the Prince George9s County threats to the campus or the
AmAndA AndRAde-RhoAdes foR the WAshington Post
ing for the past two years. <We join those around the school was celebrating home- public at this point,= Butler said.
<I9m obviously distraught. Peo- world in calling for peace, con- People gather near the Lincoln Memorial to demonstrate their coming weekend, police said. The <We also believe the shooting was
ple are scared and angry,= said demning the tragic attack on support for Israel after the deadly violence overseas. incident led to a three-hour cam- an isolated incident.=
Lilek, 31, a student at Tel Aviv Israel,= Bowser said sunday on pus lockdown, the cancellation of The Bowie state campus was
University. He attended a somber the social media platform X, from other faiths joined them. calling the Hamas militant group classes and an outpouring of locked down immediately after
vigil sunday at Temple sinai in formerly known as Twitter. <We Together, they cried. <an antisemitic, fundamentalist concern from Maryland officials. the shooting, with an order to
northwest Washington to honor pray for an end to this blood- <It9s terrifying. It9s upsetting,= mass murder organization.= Tem- It was the second shooting shelter in place, from shortly
those killed in the attack by shed.= said Linda Hirsch, a retired so- ple sinai, he said, is a progressive within a week to occur during before midnight until about 3
Hamas. synagogues across the region cial worker from Bethesda, congregation that has vocally homecoming festivities at a his- a.m. sunday, when authorities
Across the Washington region, were filled with worshipers. They whose husband was a Holocaust opposed Israel9s occupation of torically Black university in gave an all-clear. University Presi-
members of the Jewish and Pal- said memorial prayers. They survivor. <I worry for a place that the West Bank, supporting peace Maryland, following an outbreak dent Aminta H. Breaux said class-
estinian communities and their sang <What a Wonderful World= I love dearly.= with Palestinians and the peace- of gunfire Tuesday night at Mor- es will be canceled Monday as the
supporters responded to the es- and hymns of hope, healing and Rabbi Jonathan Roos of Tem- ful creation of a Palestinian state gan state University in Baltimore campus recovers from the shock.
calation in violence. At least 700 people coming together. Those ple sinai condemned the attack, see ISRAeL On B4 that wounded five people. see ShOOTIng On B2
B2 eZ re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Fairfax County gets middle-school sports program on course with cross-country
SPORTS from B1 phones.=
reid said the school district
season has been well received by plans to continue investing in
students and their parents, school middle-school sports and hopes to
leaders said. Nearly 2,000 stu- expand the offerings in coming
dents participated in the district9s years.
first meet last Saturday. The sea- middle-school sports are fairly
son runs through october. Then common. Nearby Prince William
track will begin in the spring. and Arlington counties offer a va-
The introduction of middle- riety of sports including tennis,
school sports comes as schools football, soccer, basketball and
around the country face a mental wrestling. In the District, middle-
health crisis, fueled in part by the school students can choose from a
isolation and disruption students range of sports including bowling,
felt during the pandemic. Nation- archery and baseball.
ally, 70 percent of schools have other school districts are just
reported an uptick in students now following suit. Baltimore City
asking for mental health services Public Schools piloted a middle-
since the pandemic started. school sports program last year
In fairfax County, about 17 per- before launching the full program
cent of sixth-graders reported feel- this year, and Alexandria City Pub-
ing stressed most or all of the time, lic Schools, which does not offer
and about 62 percent reported middle-school sports, floated a
experiencing stress a little or some proposal last month to introduce
of the time, according to the coun- athletics to its middle schools as
ty9s 2023 youth survey, conducted well.
in November and December 2022. <Coming out of covid, I really
Nearly 30 percent of sixth-graders believe that our kids need more
reported feeling so sad or hopeless programming,= James Parker, ath-
almost every day for two or more letic director at ACPS, said at the
weeks in a row that they stopped Sept. 21 school board meeting.
doing usual activities. <They need more opportunities to
reid said she hopes athletics be able to learn leadership,
will boost mental and physical healthy habits, those types of
wellness in the district9s 23 middle things, and also be around posi-
schools. tive role models, stay off the
<It9s just part of a healthy life- streets.=
style as we think about our young The board will consider fund-
people moving into adolescence ing for the proposal, which would
and then graduating and becom- add 10 sports over a three-year
ing citizens,= reid said in an inter- period, during budget discussions
view. <We9re in a mental health in the spring.
crisis in many ways, and also a Back at monday9s practice, after
fitness crisis in this country. It9s about an hour of running in the
really important for students to be lingering heat, the students9 feet
active and engaged, and we9re just slowed to a walk. They paced the
excited for that possibility.= track with their hands on their
At practice on monday, moore heads. They sprawled out on the
explained the day9s routine. Don9t green turf, stomachs rising and
go too fast, he said. Aim for four falling, still heavy with breath.
laps around the track and field. He Practice was coming to a close,
knew that many of the nearly 50 but not before a water break and
runners present had competed in catch-up with friends.
the first meet just days earlier. Claire Brown, 13, joined the
<Hey, 8Panthers9 on three. Let9s team at Sandburg to stay active
be really loud,= he said. <1, 2, 3 &= during offseason for lacrosse,
<Panthers!= the kids shouted, which she plays outside of school.
before their Nikes hit the asphalt. running was not her <strong suit,=
Studies show the benefits that PhoToS by miChAel S. WilliAmSon/The WAShinGTon PoST but she said she can already feel
physical activity can have for CLOCKWiSE FROM TOP: Wyatt Sutton, 12, runs during training. Claire Brown, 13, cheers on fellow runners at Sandburg Middle School. herself building endurance and
school performance. According to Middle-schoolers run during practice. Fairfax County Public Schools decided to introduce sports in middle schools to foster community. getting better.
the Centers for Disease Control The encouragement from
and Prevention, physically active friends on the team has helped.
students tend to have better and developing key skills like involved, and parents are just as <Kids now have a reason to be joined the team, but the best <They9d be, like, hyping you up,
grades, school attendance, cogni- teamwork and leadership. eager to find ways to help. She sees seen and feel seen,= Augustin said. friends she9s made in the first and they9re like: 8oh, come on. You
tive performance and classroom Tyesha Augustin, Sandburg9s the runners sitting together at <It9s not just, 8I9m a student at the weeks of practice have made her got you got a little more left in
behaviors. Studies also show that athletic coordinator, said the lunch 4 friends they may not have school,9 it9s 8I9m a student-athlete,9 want to keep coming back. you,9= Brown said. <It9s just like
participating in youth sports can school is already seeing the posi- met otherwise. She9s heard the and there9s benefits that can take <I like meeting new people that everybody encouraging every-
provide a wide range of social tive effects of the cross-country kids encourage each other and you down the line.= are actually really cool,= meaghan body. 8You got a little more left. You
benefits, such as improving men- team. Students run up to her in the seen many building confidence meaghan Afrifah, 12, didn9t re- said. <And I like to see people can do this, push a little harder.
tal health, building confidence, hallway asking how they can get with every practice. ally like running when she first outside, like, not using their You got there.9=

Two 19-year-olds injured Texas governor, AG sued over hairstyle suspension

in shooting at Bowie State Black sudent was barred
ShOOTing from B1 At 11:30 p.m., troopers re- from class and sports for
sponded to reports of gunfire on
Breaux said Gov. Wes moore (D) campus, along with officers from
over 3 weeks, suit says
and other state and local officials Prince George9s County and Bow-
had relayed their concerns. ie State police. The victims,
<We9re going to take this one whom police did not identify, BY B RITTANY S HAMMAS
day at a time,= Breaux said. <We9re were found in front of the univer- AND K IM B ELLWARE
not used to this here at Bowie sity9s Center for Business and
State University.= Graduate Studies and taken to a The family of a Black student
for several days, Bowie State hospital for treatment, police suspended from his Texas high
had marked its homecoming said. maj. Kenny Brown of the school over the way he wears his
week with festivities leading up state police said investigators re- hair is suing the state9s governor
to a football game Saturday after- covered a weapon at the scene, and attorney general, arguing
noon against Virginia State Uni- but Brown did not describe it. that they have failed to enforce a
versity, followed by a music festi- <We do not know what led up new law prohibiting hair dis-
val, a jazz and comedy event, and to the actual shooting,= he said. crimination.
CourTeSy of DArreShA GeorGe
an after-party. <for a week our <Preliminarily we believe that Darryl George was barred
miChAel Wyke/AP
campus was filled with nothing there was more than one shooter.= from classes and football at Bar-
but happiness and joy,= Breaux Brown urged the public to bers Hill High School for more ABOVE: Darryl george and his mother Darresha george. George and her attorney, Allie
said. provide police with video footage than three weeks, according to a RighT: Darryl wears his hair in locs and was suspended for it. Booker, declined The Washing-
It is common for homecoming or other information, and he gave complaint filed last month in the ton Post9s request for comment.
events at historically Black col- a tip line: 301-860-4688. <We U.S. District Court for the South- codes face scrutiny over from respond to requests for com- This is not the first time the
leges and universities to draw understand that some students ern District of Texas. While serv- civil rights advocates who argue ment. A spokesperson for the district has been sued over alle-
attendance from people who are also may have some social media ing an in-school suspension, the that they can be discriminatory Barbers Hill Independent School gations that its policy is discrim-
not directly connected to the host video that is important,= he said. 17-year-old junior was kept from along racial, cultural or religious District told Houston-based inatory against Black students.
university. Saturday at Bowie Bowie State University, with his peers, forced to sit on a stool grounds. The same week George KTrK-TV last month that the Three years before the Crown
State was no exception. State about 6,300 students, is halfway in a cubicle and made to com- was pulled out of class, a law teen9s suspension is because of Act passed, the school suspend-
troopers from the College Park between Washington and Annap- plete schoolwork alone. District aimed at preventing hair-based his hair length, not style. ed De9Andre Arnold and Kaden
Barrack were helping Bowie State olis, and is roughly equidistant officials also threatened to move discrimination took effect in Tex- The district asked a court to Bradford for keeping their hair
with security. from Washington and Baltimore. him to an alternative school if he as. weigh in on whether its dress in dreadlocks. Like George, both
does not change his hair, the The Crown Act 4 versions of code violates the Crown Act, students were placed on in-
complaint said. which have passed in at least 24 CNN reported on Sept. 20. school suspension and risked
School officials say George is states 4 mandates that school <Although we believe the new being forced into an alternative
violating the dress code, which dress codes do not <discriminate law does not govern hair length, school unless they cut their hair.
requires that boys keep their hair against a hair texture or protec- we are asking the judicial system Arnold, 18 at the time, would
from growing beyond their eye- tive hairstyle commonly or his- of Texas to interpret,= Barbers also have been barred from prom

Retropolis brows and earlobes. He wears

locs <as an outward expression of
his Black identity and culture,=
according to the lawsuit, and
torically associated with race.=
The complaint filed by the
George family argues that Texas
Gov. Greg Abbott (r) and Attor-
Hill Superintendent Greg Poole
said in a statement shared with
the outlet.
The lawsuit, filed by George9s
and graduation if he did not cut
his hair. He ultimately trans-
ferred districts.
Bradford, 16 at the time, sued
they contain strands of hair from ney General Ken Paxton (r) have mother, Darresha George, calls the district, alleging that the
Stories of the past, rediscovered. his father and stepfather. a duty to ensure that the law was for Abbott and Paxton to be policy violated his civil rights. In
washingtonpost.com/retropolis He refuses to cut them. followed. compelled to stop the district 2021, a federal court granted an
The dispute at the school in But, it says, <the Defendants and others in Texas from disci- injunction preventing the dis-

mont Belvieu, Tex., roughly 30 have done nothing.= plining students due to locs and trict from enforcing the hair-
miles east of Houston, comes as representatives for Abbott other protective styles. Through length policy against Bradford.
school and workplace dress and Paxton did not immediately a representative, Darresha The case is still pending.

Tomorrow, Oct. 10 on Washington Post Live:

Malcolm Jenkins on 8What Winners Won9t Tell You9 and athlete activism
malcolm Jenkins is a two-time Super bowl champion, entrepreneur and social justice activist. on Tuesday, oct. 10 at
3:00 p.m. eT, Jenkins joins Washington Post sports columnist Jerry brewer to talk about his memoir, <What Winners Won9t
Subscriber Exclusives Tell you,= protesting the national anthem while in the nfl and his ongoing work to reform the criminal justice system.
Washington Post Live is the newsroom9s live journalism platform.
Tune in at washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/.
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re B3

I9ve got beef with Burger King over its advertisement9s apostrophe misuse
Do you remember appeared in a Burger King relationship with the apostrophe. read 4 carries strong <There but
Burger King9s commercial I saw the other day In Australia, the chain is known for the grace of God go I= vibes.
<Have it you9re on my television. as Hungry Jack9s. If I was to quote There are vast swaths of
way= ad The ad was for a Whopper Jr. a Cockney saying that, I9d write: grammar that I9m a bit shaky on.
campaign? promotion. The conceit was that Ooh, luv. Shall we go to 9ungry So sweaty do I get just thinking
John of course you you could get two of the baby Jack9s? about <lay= and <lie= that I
Kelly's don9t. It was <Have burgers for a mere $5: one for you I would not write: Ooh, luv. deliberately write around any
Washington it your way.= Back and one for a friend. But 4 Shall we go to 8ungry Jack9s? usage of them. As for <who= vs.
then 4 1974, the spoiler alert! 4 you9d probably Still, I wouldn9t say that the <whom,= howm should I know?
web informs me 4 want to consume the pair company that owns Burger King really, the only hill I9m willing
Burger King knew yourself. or, as the text on the and Hungry Jack9s 4 restaurant to die on is mount Apostrophe.
how to use an apostrophe. Today, screen put it: Brands International 4 is overly That9s because it isn9t that hard!
not so much. JK YOU enamored with the apostrophe. What about you? Is there a hill
I9m afraid this is another ATE 8EM Among its other brands are Tim you9re willing to die on? I mean,
thrilling installment in <As the BOTH Hortons and Popeyes 4 not Tim not literally. or maybe <literally=
Apostrophe Turns,= my long, I grabbed my remote, Horton9s and Popeye9s. 4 the misuse thereof 4 is exactly
John Kelly/the Washington Post
lonely crusade against the misuse rewound, paused and took a I emailed the fast-food chain the hill you9re willing to die on. Is
of everyone9s favorite possessive photo. This was the Zapruder film and its ad agency 4 Chicago- there a seemingly See the apostrophe in this television ad? It9s facing the wrong way.
punctuation mark. But the to me, even if the JK stood for based oKrP 4 seeking comment inconsequential thing that raises
apostrophe doesn9t serve only to <Just kidding,= not <John Kelly.= but didn9t hear back. But, really, your hackles every time you This isn9t just for when I9m, sponsored by Cintas Corp.
signal possession; it also This must not stand, or 4 to what are they going to say? We encounter it? Send the details 4 um, in the hot seat, but also for I wrote about the facilities 4 in
indicates when a letter has been keep with the theme 4 it mustn9t didn9t know it was wrong? We with <my death hill= in the when I9m on the outside. I9m still Concourses B and C 4 in July.
removed. You9re is short for you stand. knew and didn9t care? subject line 4 to me at scarred from the time I opened Designed by AECom, they9re
are. Look, I don9t care if civilians Still, I do like their burgers. john.kelly@washpost.com. the rusty restroom door on a ferry practically worth missing your
And 9em is short for them. get it wrong. But Burger King is a crossing Lake Champlain. flight over. The prize includes an
Note the composition of that multibillion-dollar company that Mistakes were made Flushed with pride This is all a roundabout way of UltraClean(!) from Cintas and
apostrophe. It floats up there like presumably paid millions of I9ve found that one surefire This isn9t exactly a death hill to announcing that the new $2,500 in cleaning supplies.
a tiny number 9, or as the Beatles dollars to a big ad agency to come way to make a mistake is to point me, but I do appreciate a nice lock restrooms at Baltimore- And, of course, the BWI
put it, <Number nine, number up with that commercial. And out someone else9s error. That9s on a public bathroom. Give me a Washington International bathrooms now take their place
nine, number nine . . .= they don9t bother to get it right? why most journalists are afraid to twirly knob that locks sturdily marshall Airport took top honors in America9s Best restroom Hall
It does not float up there like a It9s not as if Burger King do that. Every error we see 4 and announces <occupied= or last month at the 2023 America9s of fame. They9re No. 1 for Nos. 1
tiny number 6, which is how it doesn9t have a close and loving every A-section correction we <Vacant.= Best restroom contest, and 2.

Some surprised by o>cial9s new role Simmons, Walker9s former super-

visor and the director of the de-
partment, is on leave, Cram con-
of 4 and would have had to
approve 4 her district9s recent
move of Walker to an o level
The personnel moves occurred
about two weeks after montgom-
ery County Inspector General me-
firmed, but he said he could not position with a raise. <There9s no gan Davey Limarzi said her office
walker from B1 comes with a raise and access to behaviors to continue?= share the specifics about the way that mcKnight wouldn9t have would open two investigative in-
higher-level resources. The cen- Another teacher, who told the leave. Simmons ran the office known, procedurally and espe- quiries into the school system:
absence looked <suspicious,= tral office employees spoke on the district that Beidleman sexually while it received multiple reports cially given what a key figure he is The first will scrutinize the school
Walker told her the actions quali- condition of anonymity because harassed her, said that learning alleging that Beidleman sexually in all this, in the middle of a district9s handling of misconduct
fied as <harassment,= according they fear retribution by the about Walker9s new role was <re- harassed, bullied and retaliated storm. It couldn9t have slipped complaints against school system
to the teacher and a contempora- school system. victimizing.= The teachers spoke against staff. Simmons and miller through,= one former central of- employees, and the second will
neous message she sent a co- In a first exchange of messages on the condition of anonymity did not immediately answer re- fice employee said. look into all allegations of mis-
worker about the conversation. about the move friday afternoon, because they feared retaliation by quests to comment for this arti- Beidleman9s former supervisor, conduct by Beidleman received
Nevertheless, Walker found that Cram, the spokesman, said, <We the school district. <They don9t cle. associate superintendent of by July 2023 4 as well as any
Beidleman did not violate mCPS9s don9t see it as a promotion; he even have remorse or care about Beidleman was promoted to schools and well-being Diane previous allegations that were
sexual harassment policy and was literally swapped into an what I or anybody has gone run Paint Branch High School in morris, is on administrative leave not investigated.
closed the case. open position. However, because through. mcKnight said she Burtonsville early this summer, and receiving pay, Cram con- Cram added friday afternoon
Walker referred questions to he is using his credentials as a reached out to us. Nobody despite the 18 reports mCPS had firmed. morris, the principal of that while an investigation was
the district9s spokesman. Beidle- lawyer, the position does earn an reached out to me,= she said. received about his alleged mis- farquhar before Beidleman, was underway, <it9s important to put
man did not answer a request to amount that is more than he was Then, hours after confirming conduct. mcKnight has said she listed as the executive leader [Walker] in a different spot at this
comment for this article. mCPS making previously.= Walker9s new job to The Post, was <not aware that there was an overseeing Beidleman9s standard moment.=
would not say if Schools Superin- observers of mCPS were sur- mCPS said it had reduced his internal investigation against Dr. five-year evaluation during the In an Aug. 17 video statement,
tendent monifa B. mcKnight had prised about Walker9s job in the salary and moved him to a new Joel Beidleman at the time of his 2022-2023 school year, according mcKnight said about the investi-
approved the moves. general counsel9s office. The post- assignment in the human re- promotion.= The county school to a confidential internal school gation, <If there is any rot, we will
A reporter for The Post learned ing <shows complete disregard sources department. board has directed her to imple- district document obtained by root it out. But I want to make it
about Walker9s new position in and disrespect for the situation Walker was originally placed in ment <a corrective action plan= so The Post. At least six people sepa- clear to everyone, there will be
the general counsel9s office and for the victims,= said a teach- the general counsel9s office to fill the district takes future abuse rately informed the Department accountability.=
Thursday. er who told Walker that Beidle- an opening created by the depar- claims more seriously and keeps of Compliance and Investigation
four former central office em- man bullied and sexually ha- ture of Danielle miller, whom better track of investigations in 2023 of Beidleman9s miscon- Robbins, a freelance journalist, has
ployees said that because Walker rassed farquhar educators. <Why mCPS named acting director of when promoting staff. duct. The Post was unable to been a substitute teacher in
was elevated from an <N= level even bother doing an investiga- Walker9s old unit, the Depart- Still, four former central office reach morris on friday, but she Montgomery County in a different
position to an <o= position, the tion if they9re going to continue to ment of Compliance and Investi- employees told The Post that has not responded to previous school cluster from the ones
move was a promotion because it promote people who allow these gations, Cram said. michaele mcKnight would have been aware questions. described in this article.

l o cal D i g est


tHe DistRict closed to vehicles. The event mount olney Lane. Police (240) 335-7022

featured activities including yoga, mobilized a SWAT unit after
Man fatally shot in musical performances and bike learning the suspect was armed
Brightwood, police say repair clinics. inside the residence where he
4 Lauren Lumpkin lived with his grandparents.
D.C. police are investigating When the unit entered, police
after a man was fatally shot MaRYlaND said Sunday, they found michael
Saturday afternoon in the Wayne Stull, of Georgia, had been
Brightwood area, officials said. Police: Son charged in shot. He was pronounced dead at
Police said they were called man9s shooting death the scene.

about 1:30 p.m. to the 5500 block Nicholas marquis Stull, 25, was
of Seventh Street NW. The victim A 57-year-old man was shot arrested and charged with first-
was pronounced dead at the and killed Saturday night in degree murder and other counts,
scene, officials said. olney, police said, and his son was police said. He was treated at a
The shooting occurred just a charged with murder. hospital for a self-inflicted OCTOBER ONLY!
few blocks east of open Streets montgomery County police gunshot wound that was not life-
Georgia Avenue, where a three- received a report of gunfire at threatening, police said.
mile-long stretch of the road was 8:24 p.m. on the 4500 block of 4 Nick Anderson
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B4 eZ re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Israeli-Palestinian conflict sets off activism in D.C.

ISrAEl from B1 really needs to reckon with and They were watched closely by one was carried by Leslie An-
confront the reality of their anti- about a dozen Secret Service geline, 66, who was visiting the
alongside Israel. semitism and their hatred.= officers, and later escorted by District from California. She flew
<And that is exactly why we The scene at the Northwest D.C. police officers. But the gath- in this month to protest the war
condemn Israel9s attackers,= roos Washington synagogue was one ering, which included singing, in Ukraine and said she was
said, adding that the attacks have of many playing out across the chanting and dancing, remained among those arrested at the of-
shaken the Jewish community in Jewish world on a weekend that peaceful. No counterprotesters fice of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
Washington. many at Temple normally is full of joy and cel- appeared to be present. last week.
Sinai have relatives in Israel or ebration of Shabbat and Shemini The All out for Palestinian She protested her first war,
travel there to study, begin their Atzeret, a Jewish holiday. At Territories rally was organized by Vietnam, at age 14. In between
careers or to connect with their Adas Israel Congregation in groups including Party for So- strolling the city and dining at
religion and people. Cleveland Park, congregants cialism and Liberation, Palestin- Busboys and Poets, she wanted to
Negotiations for a two-state were planning an emergency re- ian Youth movement, maryland be part of a response when she
solution between Israel and the sponse to raise funds to support 2 Palestinian territories and oth- saw the declaration of another MiChAel A. MCCoy for the WAshington Post

Palestinians have been stalled for the victims. ers, according to a news release. war in the news. Demonstrators assemble near the White House on Sunday. The
years 4 and while the violence <Tragically, we9ve once again It was among dozens of similar <I don9t support the violence rally drew some who advocate for the end of U.S. aid to Israel.
appeared to erupt suddenly Sat- waked up to the news of war in protests planned across the on either side,= Angeline said.
urday, it followed more than a our beloved Israel,= Adas leaders country. <But I don9t think it9s unpro- es Sunday, where leaders prayed lous breakthrough and a miracu-
year of escalating tensions in the said to congregants. Calling the day a <moment of voked. It is heartbreaking and an for Israelis and peace in the lous peace to come that will be a
West Bank and Gaza. This year They continued: victory,= organizers led chants absolute tragedy that it has come middle East. many condemned lasting peace.=
alone has seen a spike in deadly <Yes, we will pray for a swift calling for independent Palestin- to this.= the attacks. Lilek, who has a flight back to
attacks against both Israelis and end to this latest fighting.= ian territories and the end of U.S. Shortly before 2:30 p.m. Sun- In Gaithersburg, pastor Dale Israel in two weeks, said the
Palestinians. <Yes, we will pray for a lasting funding for Israel. Some said day, the crowd, still a few hun- o9Shields opened his congrega- attack and war won9t stop him
Hamas said the operation was peace, a different future.= they felt more hopeful about the dred strong, began marching. As tion9s four services this weekend from returning to get his post-
in response to the years-long <Yes, we will pray for our future of Palestinian territories they left the White House with a prayer for Israel and graduate degree. This weekend
blockade of Gaza, as well as families and friends who will now than they had over their grounds and moved south along encouraged congregants at he was fielding messages from
recent Israeli military raids in once again suffer terrible loss.= lifetimes. 17th Street, they were met by a Church of the redeemer 4 one of friends there who were being
the West Bank and violence at <Yes, we will pray for the safe <To put it simply, this moment half-dozen D.C. police vehicles. the largest Christian churches in called up as reservists in the
al-Aqsa mosque, a disputed reli- return of those held captive.= is a new moment in our struggle, Police redirected traffic. montgomery County 4 to con- Israeli army.
gious site in Jerusalem known to <Yes, we will reach out to our the struggle of the Palestinian <End detention, stop the tinue to pray for peace in that <I love Israel. It has been a
Jews as the Temple mount. loved ones deeply and directly people,= said Yasin Shami, 29. crimes, Israel out of Palestinian part of the world. great place to live, and right now
<Antisemitism and the hatred impacted.= Some protesters carried heart- territories,= the crowd chanted as <We certainly want to pray for my life is there,= he said. <I want
of Jews is a part of this,= roos While they prayed, a rally in shaped signs pasted with pic- it passed the Eisenhower Execu- that portion of the world, that to go back and continue. And any
said in an interview. <Anyone front of the White House swelled tures of Palestinian children who tive office Building. God9s peace rests upon it,= Israeli would tell you that you
who is inclined to sympathize to a few hundred pro-Palestinian have been killed in recent years The gravity of the moment o9Shields said Sunday morning. can9t let these sorts of terrorism
with Hamas in this situation protesters. of the decades-long conflict. also was felt in Christian church- <We ask the Lord for a miracu- interfere.=

Killing bares abuse prevention issues In october 2021, D.C. police

said they responded to a report of
the couple loudly arguing 4 a
not have any probable cause to
believe an assault took place,= and
that they advised Johnson to ob-
officers with the printed tempo-
rary protection order, which the
officers promptly served on
dispute over gas for a vehicle, as it tain a temporary protective order. Thurston. Police said Thurston
OrDEr from B1 safety plan.= victims in D.C. so far this year, up turned out. A police spokeswom- Protective orders are not pub- then left the home.
In the end, though, a tempo- 38 percent from the same time an said officers found no proba- lic documents, so it could not be Seven hours later, in the pre-
executive director of DC Safe, rary protective order couldn9t period in 2022. ble cause for an arrest. Johnson, determined precisely what John- dawn hours of oct. 1, police said
which assists victims of domestic stop Johnson from being killed. Efforts to reach relatives of in the petition for a temporary son wrote in hers, or if she men- Thurston returned to the home
violence, said authorities should She <jumped through all the Johnson were unsuccessful. protective order that she filed tioned whether she or Thurston and used his key to get inside.
assess cases less on whether a hoops= to get help, Deming said, Court documents and D.C. police days before she was killed, said had access to a firearm. Thurston later told police that
person who was abused followed and <the result was still her reports catalogue a long history Thurston had threatened to shoot on Sept. 30, police said John- during an argument, Johnson
proper court procedures and death.= of reported abuse, threats and her in the face. But there is no son called them for help serving headed to a closet where, he
more on <the mind-set of the Police said they arrested Thur- other turmoil involving the cou- mention of that allegation in a the temporary protective order claimed, she kept a firearm, ac-
person doing the harm.= ston shortly after the killing ple. Before the killing, police had D.C. police report filed at the time she had just obtained. But she cording to the arrest affidavit. He
otero, whose group does le- when he approached officers arrested Thurston on a domestic of the incident. only had an electronic version on told police that he reached the
thality assessments on domestic about a mile from Johnson9s violence-related charge involving Johnson also wrote in her pro- her cellphone, and officers told closet first, grabbed the gun and
violence cases and consults with home and surrendered. In an Johnson. tective order petition that Thur- her they needed a hard copy. shot Johnson on a second-floor
police on calls in real time, said arrest affidavit filed in Superior In January 2020, during an ston had threatened her and de- Domestic violence advocates said landing, the affidavit says.
the system should give more at- Court, police said Thurston con- argument over shared property, stroyed her property during Au- the officers were correct 4 al- Another person inside the
tention to extreme risk cases. fessed to the killing, which he police said, they charged gust and September 2022. D.C. though they also said protective home witnessed the shooting, the
<We need to start doing better told detectives occurred after Thurston with assault after police said they have no reports of orders can now be filed electroni- affidavit says. The unidentified
by survivors to coordinate re- Johnson accused him of cheating Johnson accused him of punch- calls regarding those allegations. cally, and the guidelines about witness told police that Thurston
sources and have these situations on her. ing her in the left eye. Police said on Sept. 28, Johnson called requiring hard copies are being said <he messed up and that the
managed on a timely basis for The U.S. attorney9s office in the Thurston alleged that Johnson police and told them her boy- reevaluated. decedent ruined his life,= as a
survivors that are at a higher risk District charged Thurston with had also struck him, but officers friend threatened to kill her, ac- The affidavit filed in connec- police officer summarized it in
for homicides,= she said. second-degree murder. A Superi- said they found no evidence of cording to a summary of her tion with Thurston9s arrest says a the affidavit. Thurston also told
Advocates say protective or- or Court judge ordered him de- that and determined that Thur- protective order that is included friend helped Johnson get print- the other person <there won9t be a
ders are important first steps in tained and scheduled a prelimi- ston was the primary aggressor. in the police affidavit used to ed copies shortly after police left him without her.=
confronting abusers and holding nary hearing for oct. 16. Thur- Court documents show that obtain an arrest warrant for the residence. Later that night, Police said they found the pa-
them to account. Deming, of the ston9s attorney, Steven r. Kiersh, prosecutors dropped the charge Thurston after Johnson was police said, Thurston came to perwork that Johnson had assem-
D.C. Coalition Against Domestic declined to comment. A woman against Thurston shortly before a killed. A police report on that Johnson9s house after learning bled before filing her petition for
Violence, called the orders <tre- who identified herself as Thur- scheduled trial in may 2020. No incident says only that she and about the protective order. He a temporary protective order. The
mendously helpful= in lowering ston9s sister, reached by phone explanation was given, and a Thurston had been arguing about called police and told them he materials were laid out on a bed,
tensions and giving people friday, said, <He is innocent, that spokeswoman for the U.S. attor- one of them moving out of the wanted them to stand by outside including Thurston9s driver9s li-
breathing space to separate and is all I can say.= She declined to ney9s office for D.C. said that as a home they shared. The report so he could move some of his cense, his social security card and
regroup. But she noted that <pro- comment further. matter of policy, the office does does not mention the threat belongings out of the house. his birth certificate.
tection orders aren9t a single solu- As of friday, Johnson was not comment on charging deci- Johnson alleges. While he was there, a police There also was a printout of the
tion,= but rather <a piece of a among the latest of 217 homicide sions. officers wrote that they <did report says, Johnson provided order itself 4 her copy to keep.

Echo Brown, 39

A beloved storyteller and a voice of Black women

BY E MILY L ANGER co in 2015. It later was presented the basement was visible through scending into depression. <All of
elsewhere in California and in the floor boards. roaches and this trauma I9d been through,
Echo Brown, who channeled Chicago, Cleveland, Berlin and mice ran uncontrolled. <Poverty which I hadn9t really processed or
the agonies of poverty and racism Dublin. gets into your brain, it gets into dealt with, came up and it was
into autobiographical art, writing ms. Brown disarmed her audi- your bones,= she once told the San really overwhelming,= she told
and performing in an acclaimed ences with humor, joking about Jose mercury News. <People ask the alumni publication. <I was
one-woman show and penning the flannel-wearing <lumbersex- me how I overcame it, but I9m not either going to take my own life or
two young-adult novels that ual= hipster men of her dating sure that you ever do.= I was going to figure out how to
earned her a growing reputation life. Having let down their guard, She confessed a sense of guilt heal myself.=
as a voice of Black women, died audiences followed ms. Brown that she managed to emerge from ms. Brown decided to move
Sept. 16 at a hospital in Cleveland. while she inhabited an array of the circumstances of her youth, west to California, where she im-
She was 39. characters, from her anguished while her two brothers, one of mersed herself in yoga, mediation
Her mother, April Brown, con- mother to the White judge who whom died of an overdose and the and spirituality. She found work
firmed her death and said the incarcerates her brother for a other of whom was incarcerated, at Challenge Day, a nonprofit or-
cause has not yet been deter- drug violation, in an odyssey did not. Besides her mother, sur- ganization that offers workshops
mined. ms. Brown suffered from through the traumas of her life to vivors include her stepfather, Ed- seeking to inspire young people.
kidney failure caused by lupus that point. ward Trueitt, both of Lorain, The experience fueled her inter-
and was awaiting a kidney trans- <Word of mouth fills the thea- ohio, and a brother. est in storytelling.
plant when she died. tre,= author Alice Walker pub- ms. Brown lived for a time She enrolled in a solo perform-
Alexis KeenAn
ms. Brown began her life on the lished on her blog. <Not since during her senior year of high ance class with David ford, a
east side of Cleveland, growing up early Whoopi Goldberg and early Echo Brown drew wide notice with her one-woman show, <Black school with an English teacher resident director at the marsh
amid the desperation that results and late Anna Deavere Smith Virgins Are Not for Hipsters,= and her two young-adult novels. who saw her potential. She was theater, and began developing the
from poverty, pervasive discrimi- have I been so moved by a per- <Black Girl Unlimited= (2020) and <The Chosen One= (2022). accepted at a long list of univer- show that became <Black Virgins
nation and substance abuse. on former9s narrative. This one wom- sities and said she chose to attend Are Not for Hipsters.= Anderson,
the strength of her academics as an show proves once again that ry of a Teenage Wizard= (2020) In her second novel, ms. Brown Dartmouth on the basis of the her book editor, said she recruited
valedictorian of her high school, there is apparently a black wom- and <The Chosen one: A first- picked up where her previous contented faces she saw in a col- ms. Brown as a young-adult writ-
she received a scholarship to at- an gene that refuses to let her stay Generation Ivy League odyssey= book left off, with her arrival on lege brochure. er in part because she was an
tend Dartmouth College, a place down, give up, or admit defeat, in (2022), that drew from the depths campus at Dartmouth as the first Despite her obvious gifts, a <unapologetic and proud Black
she said she hoped would be <the any area in which she passionate- of her early life as well as on the member of her family to attend high school guidance counselor female creator writing from that
birth of my becoming.= ly lives her life.= literary tradition of magical real- college. While she wrote the fol- tried to steer her away from the lens.= It was a <tremendous serv-
But the idyllic Ivy League green onstage, ms. Brown radiated ism. low-up volume, kidney failure college, telling her that she was ice to young people,= Anderson
in New Hampshire was exposed energy, drawing her crowds into a In the first book, passages be- was steadily eroding her health, better off excelling at a <third- or said, <to have direct access to her
as only an illusory escape from dance at one point in the show tween the world of her upbring- ms. Brown said, and she felt com- fourth-tier= school than failing at voice.=
her past, she recounted, when a and again to their feet at the end ing and places of greater opportu- pelled to tell her story while she an Ivy League one. <He didn9t ms. Brown took on recent cre-
passerby in a pickup truck saw in ovations. Her talkbacks after nity are depicted as portals. The could. believe in me,= she told a Dart- ative projects, including the novel
her on the university grounds and the show proved as affecting as protagonist and her mother, <She was writing from a place mouth alumni magazine years <A Jazzman9s Blues,= written with
shouted the n-word from the win- the performances themselves and among others, are revealed as of complete and total creative later, <simply based on where I actor and filmmaker Tyler Perry
dow. The person who assailed her drew many viewers who recog- wizards, their magical powers a abundance,= said Jessica Ander- came from.= and scheduled for release next
had no affiliation with Dart- nized themselves in her story. representation of what is re- son, her editor at Christy ottavia- ms. Brown wrote for the Dart- year.
mouth. But <it was enough to <She became an instant role quired of them to survive. no Books, an imprint of Little, mouth student newspaper and <I don9t think people realize
shatter me,= ms. Brown said years model for me,= said Travia fitz- <They have said wizards are Brown Books for Young readers. studied government, receiving how important story is in our
later in a TED Talk, describing her patrick, 35, who saw the show unbreakable, but I9m not sure <She had stories to tell, and she her bachelor9s degree in 2006. culture, as well as who9s telling
realization that, as she put it, twice in San francisco in 2016 anymore,= ms. Brown wrote. knew it,= Anderson added, recall- After college she moved to New the story,= ms. Brown said. <I9ve
there would be no <promised and later undertook a correspon- <They call us warriors because we ing her as <a writer who only ever York City, where she worked for had a lot of Black women come up
land= in America for someone like dence with ms. Brown. <I think survive it and they call us strong sounded like herself.= an organization that investigated to me and say, 8Wow, this is the
her. her deeper mission was to inspire because it doesn9t topple us. They Echo Unique Ladadrian Brown charges of police misconduct. The first time I think I9ve seen my real
She eventually settled in the Black women and let them know call us magic because we manage was born in Cleveland on April 10, experience, she said, was <a brutal story onstage,9= she continued,
San francisco Bay Area, where a that they could do anything. I to make miracles out of it. 8Wow! 1984. She was raised by her moth- introduction to the way that the recalling reactions to her play.
class in solo performance led her believe that in her short life she Look at her take it all! She9s so er, a seamstress, and her stepfa- world really works.= <We can9t downplay the impor-
to create and produce a one-wom- did that.= strong!9 But for us, it9s not a ther, a welder, whom she consid- She later worked as a legal tance of that and how it shapes
an show, <Black Virgins Are Not ms. Brown later wrote two victory. It9s a bloodbath. What ered her father. An apartment secretary and studied briefly at the minds, hearts, and potentially
for Hipsters,= that premiered at young-adult novels, <Black Girl happens after the bloodbath, building where they lived was so the graduate journalism school at even the life paths, of people
the marsh theater in San francis- Unlimited: The remarkable Sto- when we finally fall?= neglected, ms. Brown recalled, Columbia University before de- coming behind us.=
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re B5


October 9, 1957 3 December 4, 2021 Mary <Joan= Gray (née Sobieck) passed
away on June 2, 2023. She was living with
Tim Wakefield, 57 Happy Birthday in Heaven! I know you9re her youngest daughter Theresa Croghan
enjoying your favorite 3 Angel Food Cake! in Kenilworth, IL at the time. She had just
celebrated her 92nd birthday on May 28.

An infielder-turned-pitcher who James D. Joan was one of the seven children of Anne
(née Philips) and Wilford Sobieck. She grew
up on her family farm in Bowlus, MN. She
attended stewardess college in 1953 as
American Airlines most junior steward-

could make the knuckleball dance JOHNSON

ess. In 1955 she left the airline to marry a
young Lt. in the Marine Corps from Texas,
D9Wayne Gray. They had 58 wonderful and
adventurous years of marriage, with many
of them spent on military bases around
CLARISSA R. JOHNSON the world. Joan spent these years being
We miss you and we love you an avid volunteer and an active member of
Your daughters, the Marine Corps wives club wherever she
Clarissa, Brenda, Juanita and Linda was living. Over the years, Joan revived her
career at American Airlines. She remained
an active member of the Washington, DC PHYLLIS ARMANDA PINCKNEY
Kiwi Club well into her 809s. Joan was pre- <Mercy= passed away on September 10,
MANFUSO ceded in death by her husband and all her
siblings. She is survived by her three chil-
2023. Born in Clarksburg, WV on May 1944.
A memorial service on Saturday, Octo-
dren: Stephen D. Gray, Elizabeth Gray Hen- ber 21, 2023, 11 a.m., at Accokeek First
THOMAS ALLEN MANFUSO drickson (Jeffery), Theresa Gray Croghan Church of God, 15821 Livingston, RD, Ac-
October 9, 1963 - December 19, 1984 (John). Joan was adored by her four grand- cokeek, MD.
Today, I count my blessings. I am as thank- children: Matthew Hendrickson (Julia),
ful as can be for all the love and happiness Rosie Croghan Schalka (Michael), Elizabeth
you have given me. Croghan, Mary Croghan Schoder (Scott).
We miss and love you. Joan was the beloved great grandmother
Your Family of Mary and Julie Schalka and Faye and
Scott Schoder.
Funeral mass will be held on October 11,
DEATH NOTICE 2023 at the Old Post Chapel, Ft Myer, VA
at 2:45 p.m with Interment in Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery. There will be a reception
BELENKO immediately following at Patton Hall in the
Fife and Drum room. In lieu of ûowers the ROGERSON
family requests donations to be made to
VIKTOR IVANOVICH BELENKO The American Red Cross in Joan9s honor
at The American Red Cross, PO Box 37889, Wynefred Walker Rogerson, 93, of Mount
After a life of legendary service to his Boone, IA, 50037. Pleasant, SC, formerly of Alexandria, VA,
adopted country, Viktor passed away on died Thursday, September 28, 2023. A
September 24, 2023 after a brief illness memorial service will be held October 14,
with his sons Tom and Paul by his side. 2023, in J. Henry Stuhr, Inc., Mt. Pleasant
Ever courageous, he will be missed by his Chapel at 10 a.m. In lieu of ûowers, memo-
American comrades. No memorial service rials may be made to the National Gallery
planned. of Art, 2000 South Club Drive, Landover,
MD 20785, www.nga.gov. A memorial mes-
sage may be sent to the family by visiting
COTTER our website at

When the
need arises,
JIm RoGash/Getty ImaGes
let families
Tim Wakefield became a fixture with the Boston Red Sox from 1995 to 2011 and was crucial to the team
breaking its World Series drought in 2004. He was third in pitching victories for the franchise.
ond you in the THOMAS
BY M ICHAEL S . R OSENWALD pitcher when the Pittsburgh Pi-
rates drafted him in the eighth
prise hitters.
<Phil Niekro is the reason I did Directory. JULY 31, 1955 3 OCTOBER 4, 2023
James Anthony Thomas passed away at
the age of 68 on October 4, 2023. A lifelong
Tim Wakefield, who flustered round of the 1988 draft. what I did in Boston,= Mr. Wake-
big league hitters for 19 seasons He was a first baseman 4 and field said in 2020 after his men- To be seen in the resident of Falls Church, Virginia, James
is survived by his wife Joan of 40 years;
with his 68-mph dancing not, it turned out, one good tor died. <He helped resurrect my Funeral Services daughters Jessica (Kyle) and Rebecca; son
Ryan; and grandchildren Noah, Lucas, Na-
knuckleball, an asymmetric war- enough to make it to the big career.= Michael Joseph Cotter, aged Directory, please call than, Cameron, Claire and Hannah. He is
predeceased by his mother, Mary Lloyd of
fare pitch in the era of 95-mph leagues. After hitting only .189 in Timothy Stephen Wakefield 82, passed away from compli-
fastballs that helped the Boston his first minor league season, Mr. was born in Melbourne, Fla., on
cations of multiple organ fail- paid Death Notices at Winchester, VA. James will be remembered
as an avid reader of the Washington Post
ure on September 25, 2023.
Red Sox end their 86-year cham- Wakefield was on a path to get Aug. 2, 1966. His father designed 202-334-4122. and Falls Church News Press, a Washing-
ton Nationals fan, and an animal lover. A
Born on Christmas Day in memorial will be held on Monday, October
pionship drought in 2004, died released when one of his manag- circuits for Harris Corp., and his 1940, Michael was raised in Worcester, 16 at 11 a.m. at Everly in Falls Church, VA.
Sunday. He was 57. ers saw him throwing a knuckle- mother worked at the company MA. He attended the University of Mary- www.everlyfuneralhome.com
land and served as a Marine in the Viet-
The Red Sox announced his ball in warm-ups. The other play- as a purchaser. nam War. Michael held many jobs over the
years, but was most proud of starting his
death, and said the cause was er struggled to catch it. He learned to throw a knuckle- own house painting business. DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE
brain cancer. The Pirates turned Mr. Wake- ball 4 and how hard it was to
Michael is preceded in death by his wife,
Mr. Wakefield was one of the field into a pitcher. At first, he catch 4 while tossing the ball Paula Crowley; all of his siblings: Mary
Patricia Brettschneider, Noreen Peltier,
few major league pitchers to was wary. around with his father after he
William M. Cotter, and Margaret King. He is
master the knuckleball, a pitch came home from work. survived by his children: Christine Gooley, extended family and friends.
that has almost no rotation, caus- <He was tired, and he wanted Kelly Jean, Michael Devin Cotter, and Wil-
liam Cotter. He will be dearly missed by all Born and raised in Washington, DC, Tracy
ing it to move with roughly the to go inside,= Mr. Wakefield told graduated from The Maret School, and Rol-
same unpredictability as a mos- < & The hitter doesn9t the New Yorker magazine. <So the
those who knew him.
lins College. After college she enjoyed a
successful career with Gucci and Cartier in
A Memorial Service will be held on Fri-
quito. Outfielder Bobby Murcer knuckleball was his way of trying day, October 13 at 12 p.m. at St. Joseph9s Beverly Hills, CA. Raising her children in Poto-
once compared hitting it with know where it9s going, to tire me out, 9cause I didn9t Catholic Church, 11007 Montgomery Road,
Beltsville, MD 20705.
mac MD, surrounded by family, brought Tracy
tremendous joy. She relished in juggling their
<trying to eat Jell-O with chop- want to have to catch it 4 it9d go www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com many school and sports activities. Incredibly

sticks.= and the catcher doesn9t by me and I9d have to go pick it

welcoming, Tracy loved hosting family din-
ners, holiday meals, and always went the
extra mile with details to make it elegant
<I have no idea where it9s up. It was kind of a subtle way of
know where it9s going.= and festive. She had a remarkable knack for
going, the hitter doesn9t know
where it9s going, and the catcher Tim Wakefield,
Dad saying, 8Time to go, let9s quit.9
= When the bringing people together. Friendship with
Tracy was a bond for life.

doesn9t know where it9s going,=

Mr. Wakefield once said.
on the knuckleball that he
made his specialty
Mr. Wakefield studied busi-
ness and played baseball at the
need arises, Moving to Boca Raton gave Tracy the oppor-
tunity to enjoy new hobbies like golf, pickle-
ball, and canasta. Over the years, traveling,
The knuckleball comes with
one significant drawback: Some-
Florida Institute of Technology,
graduating in 1989. He was a
let families TRACY OCHSMAN
especially cruising, had become a favorite
pastime. Most signiûcantly, Tracy delighted

times the pitch lands right over <When they put an infielder on standout hitter, setting the ond you in the Tracy Kolker Ochsman of Po-
tomac, MD and Boca Raton, FL
passed away on Wednesday,
in being Nana to her grandchildren and was
excitedly looking forward to the new baby
arriving in December.
the middle of the plate, and the
batter hits the ball to another Zip
the mound, it9s like they9re put-
ting you out to pasture,= he told
school9s single-season record for
home runs with 22. Funeral Services October 4, 2023. Cherished wife,
mother and Nana, she is sur-
vived by her beloved husband,
Funeral Services will be held on Tuesday,
October 10, 2023, 12 p.m. at Washington
That happened to Mr. Wake-
the Buffalo News. <They9re saying
you don9t have what it takes to get
Throughout his career, Mr.
Wakefield was also known for his
Directory. Bruce Ochsman; daughters: Paris (Benjamin),
January (Andrew), and Kate; sons: Steven
(Jill), Chase (Amanda), and Lion; grandchil-
Hebrew Congregation, 3935 Macomb Street,
NW, Washington, DC with interment to fol-
low at King David Memorial Gardens, Falls
field in the 2003 American to the big leagues.= charitable work, especially in dren: Harris, Cash, Chloe, Brooklyn, Knight, Church, VA. A gathering in honor of Tracy will
League Championship Series, Halfway through the 1992 sea- Boston.
To be seen in the and Jordyn; brothers: Gary (Nancy), Jeffrey be held at The Ochsman Residence Tuesday
(Pam), and Aunt Betty Shapiro. Tracy was evening at 6:30 p.m. Contributions may be
when Aaron Boone, in one of the son, the Pirates called him up. In 2010, Major League Base- Funeral Services preceded in death by her parents, Ciss and made in her memory to American Friends of
Bernie Kolker and brother Steve Kolker. Kind, Magen David Adom (https://afmda.org/).
game9s most memorable postsea- In his first appearance, he ball honored him with the Rober- Directory, please call generous, and devoted, Tracy will be pro- www.sagelbloomûeld.com
son moments, hit a game-win- pitched a complete game against to Clemente Award, named after foundly missed by her nieces, nephews and
paid Death Notices at
ning home run off him in extra the St. Louis Cardinals, giving up the Pittsburgh Pirates star who
innings of Game 7 to send the only six hits and striking out 10 to died in a 1972 plane crash while 202-334-4122. DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE
New York Yankees 4 Boston9s earn the win. Mr. Wakefield went delivering supplies to earthquake
longtime nemesis 4 to the World 8-1 for the season and finished victims in Nicaragua. ALEXANDER
Series. third in the Rookie of the Year Mr. Wakefield married Stacy
The following season, the Red voting. He won two games in the Stover in 2002. She survives him, Americana, chocolate and ice cream molds,
and porcelain. MJ particularly loved rabbits,
Sox and Yankees met again in the National League Championship along with their children, Trevor DEATH NOTICES and her family delighted in her collection of
MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. molds in the shapes of bunnies.
ALCS, with New York taking a Series against the Braves. and Brianna. A complete list of SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
decisive 3-0 series lead. But the Sportswriters waxed poetic survivors was not immediately To place a notice, call: Born in Elmhurst, Illinois to the late Louis L.
Red Sox bounced back, in part about Mr. Wakefield9s knuckle- available. 202-334-4122 Verveer and the late Janet Zerfass Verveer,
MJ received her primary education at Star of
because of Mr. Wakefield9s three ball, but his second season in the Given the mystery of the 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122 the Sea in Honolulu, Hawaii, and St. Joseph9s
EMAIL: Catholic School in Downers Grove, Illinois.
scoreless innings in extra innings majors was disappointing. After knuckleball, some physicists deathnotices@washpost.com
She graduated from Downers Grove North
of Game 5. After dispatching the walking nine batters on Opening have devoted considerable re- Email and faxes MUST include High School and later earned a Bachelor of
name, home address & home phone # Science degree in Home Economics from
Yankees, the Red Sox swept the Day, his struggle to throw strikes search time to understanding of the responsible billing party. Iowa State University, where she met Bob
St. Louis Cardinals to win their continued and he was sent down how it moves. Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily on an arranged date for the ROTC Military
Phone-In deadline Ball.
first World Series since 1918. to the minor leagues. The Pirates <The knuckleball is thrown so 4 p.m. M-F
Mr. Wakefield pitched 17 of his released him in 1995, and Boston that the stitches on one side catch 3 p.m. Sa-Su Bob, who at one youthful stage, had pro-
claimed in writing he would never marry,
19 big league seasons for Boston. signed him a week later. the air,= Yale physicist Robert CURRENT 2023 RATES: suddenly found himself inviting MJ to a
( PER DAY) ROTC parade with his parents, asking MJ
His 186 career wins are the Soon after he joined the team, Adair, the author of <The Physics MARY JANE ALEXANDER to pin his gold bars on him with his moth-
third-most in Red Sox history, Red Sox general manager Dan of Baseball,= told the New York MONDAY-SATURDAY 1947 - 2023 er when he was commissioned, attending
Black & White Mary Jane Alexander, 76, of Springûeld, church with MJ, and driving her home to
behind Roger Clemens and Cy Duquette connected Mr. Wake- Times in 1992. <It is smooth on 1" - $155 (text only) Virginia, known to her loved ones as <MJ,= the Chicago area after the school year. For
Young. He holds team records for field with Phil Niekro, the retired the other side, and that gives an 2" - $355 (text only) passed away peacefully on August 20, 2023. her part, MJ quickly began her own training
3" - $505 program, which lasted 55 years, to improve
Her adoring husband of 54 years, Colonel
innings pitched and games start- knuckleball master who won 318 imbalance. The disruption of the 4" - $555
(Ret.) Robert W. Alexander, was by her side. Bob9s punctuality and appreciation of mod-
5" - $700
ed. Befitting the knuckleball9s games during his career. Niekro air gives you less air resistance, ------ Beloved sister of Philip Verveer and sister- ern ûlms.
SUNDAY in-law Melanne Verveer. Cherished aunt of
path, he also holds the team worked with Mr. Wakefield on and the ball moves in that direc- Black & White Michael Verveer, Alexandra Verveer (Adam A faithful Catholic, Mary Jane was a mem-
records for walks and wild pitch- changing the speed of his knuck- tion.= 1"- $185 (text only) Goldberg), Elaina Verveer (Greg Johnson), ber of St. Bernadette9s Catholic Church in
2" - $390 (text only) Scott Martin (Katie), Brooke Clement (Tony), Springûeld, Virginia, where she worshipped.
es. leball and also encouraged him to The result, he said: <It9s a 3" - $560 Lyndsay Ressler (Adam), and Haley Wilkes
4" - $590 (Dan). Devoted great aunt to many great Funeral services for Mary Jane on November
Mr. Wakefield wasn9t even a learn to throw a fastball to sur- tough pitch to hit.= 5" - $765 nieces and nephews, including Leigh and 30, 2023, will include a Funeral Mass at St.
Evan Bianchi, who loved her dearly. Bernadette Catholic Church in Springûeld,
6"+ for ALL Black & White notices Virginia, at 10 a.m. and graveside services at
$155 each additional inch Mon - Sat A dedicated Air Force wife for whom Bob9s Arlington National Cemetery at 1 p.m.
$185 each additional inch Sunday
-------------------- 26-year service was as much her career as
MONDAY-SATURDAY his, MJ shared in 10 permanent changes of The family thanks The View Alexandria and
Color station, including NATO assignments in Ger- Goodwin Hospice staffs for their compas-
3" - $650 many and Belgium. During Bob9s service, sionate care. Friends Gretchen Sauer, Mary
4" - $700 she worked in the U.S. Civil Service as an Jane Bradley-Smith, Barb and Terry Croft,

State-of-the-art Booklets " Brochures 5" - $855

Administrative Assistant and Program An-
alyst. In recent years, MJ volunteered with
the Honor Flight Network welcoming veter-
Brian Boland, John Peterson, and Helene
Phelan provided solace from near and afar.
In lieu of ûowers, contributions can be made
Posters " Flyers Color ans at Washington Reagan National Airport. to Catholic Charities, Ecumenical Commu-

PRINTING. Postcards
3" - $685
4" - $785
5" - $955
MJ was known for her warm and friendly
nature and for always putting her family
ûrst. She delighted in hosting annual Easter
nity Helping Others (ECHO) in Springûeld,
Virginia, World Central Kitchen, the Honor
Flight Network, Goodwin Hospice, or the
Lymphoma and Leukemia Society.
6"+ for ALL color notices
$260 each additional inch Mon - Sat egg hunts in her and Bob9s home for their
Business Cards $290 each additional inch Sunday grandnieces since they were very young,
including through this past Easter though
The Demaine Funeral Home in Springûeld,
Virginia, is assisting the family with the ar-

Impeccable And More

Notices with photos begin at 3"
(All photos add 2" to your notice.)


those grandnieces are now in their 20s. MJ
never let anyone leave a hunt without life-
sized bags of popcorn.
May Mary Jane Alexander rest in eternal
peace. Her memory is a blessing to all who


All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque
MJ was an accomplished genealogist, doc-
umenting generations of the Verveer family
tree in Europe and the United States through
extensive research. She had a passion for
knew and loved her.
View and sign Mary Jane9s memorial page
and guestbook at
traveling and was an avid collector of Early www.DignityMemorial.com
Additional plaques start at $26 each
and may be ordered.

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appear on our website through
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B6 EZ RE k The washingTon posT . monday, ocTober 9 , 2023

The Weather
washingTonposT.com/weaTher . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher . facebook.com/capiTalweaTher

Off-and-on clouds Today Tuesday Wednesday |ursday Friday Saturday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Periods of sun Partly sunny Sunny and Sunny Partly sunny Rain, mainly
An early jacket is warranted, but pleasant intervals early Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

sunshine and lower southwesterly

breezes near 15 mph assist in real
and perceived warming. Afternoon
temperatures top out in the mid-60s
for the most part, with some off-and-on clouds
bubbling up. Overnight, a couple of quick
showers are possible with skies generally partly
cloudy. Breezes may near a calm level. Low
65° 49 ° 68° 47 ° 72° 52 ° 77° 58 ° 72° 59 ° 69° 54 °

FEELS*: 62° FEELS: 69° FEELS: 73° FEELS: 77° FEELS: 72° FEELS: 66°
temperatures will be in the mid- to upper 40s. CHNCE PRECIP: 25% P: 5% P: 0% P: 25% P: 25% P: 85%
WIND: SW 8316 mph W: WNW 6312 mph W: SW 6312 mph W: SSW 438 mph W: ENE 7314 mph W: N 6312 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: High
W | F Sa Su M Tu W | F Sa Su M Tu W
Statistics through 5 p.m. Sunday

REGIO N NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 64° 3:00 p.m. 62° 3:00 p.m. 63° 2:38 p.m.
Low 47° 7:00 a.m. 42° 6:24 a.m. 49° 5:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
62/50 Normal 72°/55° 71°/48° 71°/50°
62/45 Record high 91° 2007 92° 2007 91° 2007
Hagerstown Record low 36° 1964 30° 2001 31° 2001
65/47 Dover Diference from 303yr. avg. (National): this month: +4.2° yr. to date: +1.8°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
47/38 65/49 64/57
65/48 OCEAN: 64°

Charlottesville Ocean City

66/44 66/56
OCEAN: 66°
69/48 Virginia Beach
70/56 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 67°
69/53 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
Total this month 0.07" 0.18" 0.10"
kitty Hawk
Normal 0.96" 1.01" 1.09"
OCEAN: 71° Total this year 26.16" 26.05" 31.27"
Normal 32.80" 34.17" 35.31"
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Good
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees Low
Weeds Low UV: Low Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Moderate 2 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 7:11 a.m. 6:39 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, mostly cloudy, a shower in the Moon 2:02 a.m. 4:43 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Oct 14 Oct 21 Oct 28 Nov 5
avernoon. Cold; breezy in northern parts. High 45 to Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 3:29 a.m. 4:38 p.m.
52. Winds southwest 8316 mph. Tonight, partly cloudy; High: Palm Springs, CA 103° High: Mina, Saudi Arabia 111° Mars 8:13 a.m. 7:10 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<310 30s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Daniel, WY 20° Low: Oymyakon, Russia 32° Jupiter 7:52 p.m. 9:35 a.m.
a shower in spots in northern parts. Mostly cloudy in for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 4:52 p.m. 3:34 a.m.
southern parts. Low 38 to 42.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 61/39/pc 65/49/s Oklahoma City 83/53/s 85/63/s WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 89/65/t 88/64/s Rio de Janeiro 80/71/t 76/71/c
Atlantic beaches: Today, partly sunny. High 64 to 69. Detroit 54/44/pc 55/44/c Omaha 63/39/pc 69/53/s Addis Ababa 77/52/pc 77/52/pc Istanbul 69/56/pc 71/58/s Riyadh 103/76/s 101/76/s
Winds southwest 10320 mph. Tonight, partly cloudy; Albany, NY 58/41/pc 59/42/sh El Paso 88/60/s 89/62/s Orlando 84/65/s 87/71/pc Amsterdam 68/55/c 71/63/c Jerusalem 78/64/c 77/58/s Rome 83/60/s 83/60/s
a shower in spots in the north. Low 53 to 57. Winds Albuquerque 79/54/s 78/55/pc Fairbanks, AK 35/25/sn 32/13/sn Philadelphia 62/50/pc 66/50/pc Athens 82/60/s 79/66/s Johannesburg 80/59/t 85/59/c San Salvador 84/70/r 82/70/t
southwest 7314 mph. Tuesday, mostly sunny. High 66 to 73. Anchorage 45/33/c 40/30/sf Fargo, ND 56/33/s 57/35/s Phoenix 100/74/s 99/73/s Auckland 62/55/pc 63/52/pc Kabul 77/51/s 79/50/s Santiago 80/48/s 69/43/pc
Winds southwest 7314 mph. Atlanta 75/55/s 79/62/pc Hartford, CT 62/42/pc 63/43/sh Pittsburgh 55/41/c 57/41/pc Baghdad 98/73/pc 97/75/pc Kingston, Jam. 90/80/t 90/81/sh Sarajevo 79/52/s 73/46/pc
Austin 87/61/s 80/62/t Honolulu 89/74/pc 89/73/pc Portland, ME 61/42/c 60/46/sh Bangkok 91/77/t 89/77/t Kolkata 94/80/sh 96/80/pc Seoul 72/52/pc 73/53/pc
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, partly sunny. Wind Baltimore 65/47/pc 69/44/pc Houston 85/64/s 82/66/pc Portland, OR 64/53/r 61/52/sh Beijing 77/48/s 74/48/pc Kyiv 52/36/pc 51/35/pc Shanghai 78/60/pc 78/61/c
southwest 6312 knots. Waves 2 feet or less. Visibility unrestricted. Billings, MT 80/50/s 74/49/t Indianapolis 60/41/pc 63/41/pc Providence, RI 62/48/pc 66/45/sh Berlin 57/50/c 63/55/c Lagos 88/77/t 88/77/c Singapore 91/79/pc 90/79/t
" Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny. Wind Birmingham 78/59/s 81/60/pc Jackson, MS 84/57/s 87/64/pc Raleigh, NC 72/50/s 76/52/pc Bogota 69/49/pc 68/49/sh Lima 70/62/c 70/63/pc Stockholm 46/29/s 50/43/c
southwest 8316 knots. Waves 132 feet on the Lower Potomac; 133 Bismarck, ND 57/34/s 58/38/s Jacksonville, FL 78/51/s 82/61/pc Reno, NV 72/44/pc 67/42/pc Brussels 72/54/c 74/57/pc Lisbon 92/66/s 87/63/s Sydney 75/60/s 69/58/pc
Boise 82/52/s 65/45/c Kansas City, MO 67/43/s 71/54/s Richmond 69/48/pc 75/48/pc Buenos Aires 81/64/s 80/53/pc London 75/55/pc 74/59/pc Taipei City 79/72/t 77/71/r
feet on the Chesapeake Bay." River Stages: |e stage at Little Falls
Boston 63/50/pc 64/51/sh Las Vegas 93/67/s 89/64/s Sacramento 72/59/pc 75/53/pc Cairo 88/71/s 87/70/s Madrid 84/57/pc 83/57/s Tehran 83/67/s 85/65/pc
will be around 2.70 feet today, falling to 2.60 Tuesday. Flood stage Buffalo 53/45/c 53/48/sh Little Rock 83/54/s 82/61/s St. Louis 67/45/s 70/54/s Manila 91/79/t 91/78/t Tokyo 68/65/r 76/63/sh
Caracas 81/66/t 81/66/sh
at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 58/44/pc 58/44/sh Los Angeles 82/61/s 78/62/s St. Thomas, VI 90/80/pc 89/80/s Copenhagen 55/46/c 59/56/c Mexico City 75/56/r 72/53/r Toronto 52/44/c 54/45/sh
Charleston, SC 76/54/s 80/61/s Louisville 68/45/pc 69/47/s Salt Lake City 81/57/s 74/49/c Dakar 90/79/c 90/79/pc Montreal 57/45/c 54/45/c Vienna 69/57/sh 70/50/pc
Charleston, WV 62/43/sh 63/39/pc Memphis 79/55/s 82/64/s San Diego 75/65/pc 73/65/pc Dublin 70/58/pc 70/54/c Moscow 38/32/r 38/29/c Warsaw 50/35/pc 53/45/pc
Today9s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 73/50/s 76/52/s Miami 88/76/t 88/78/t San Francisco 71/61/sh 71/57/pc Edinburgh 62/57/c 66/49/r Mumbai 94/79/pc 93/78/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 4:54 a.m. 11:57 a.m. 5:34 p.m. none Cheyenne, WY 75/42/s 75/47/pc Milwaukee 57/45/pc 56/43/pc San Juan, PR 93/80/pc 92/78/pc Frankfurt 74/52/c 75/51/pc Nairobi 85/61/pc 84/58/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow ûurries,
Chicago 58/42/pc 59/44/pc Minneapolis 55/38/pc 56/39/s Seattle 63/52/r 58/50/sh New Delhi 98/80/s 95/77/s sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 2:24 a.m. 8:42 a.m. 2:08 p.m. 8:16 p.m. Geneva 80/51/s 78/53/pc
Cincinnati 61/41/c 63/42/pc Nashville 76/48/s 75/52/s Spokane, WA 74/50/pc 57/46/c Oslo 50/34/c 52/50/r Sources: AccuWeather.com; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 4:24 a.m. 10:23 a.m. 4:55 p.m. 11:26 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 79/73/r 80/72/sh Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 55/43/c 57/43/c New Orleans 82/61/s 83/68/pc Syracuse 57/46/pc 56/48/c Helsinki 45/29/pc 46/40/c Ottawa 49/43/sh 51/42/r quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 12:34 a.m. 6:39 a.m. 12:31 p.m. 6:58 p.m. Dallas 90/66/s 86/67/s New York City 60/53/pc 65/52/pc Tampa 83/65/s 86/73/pc Ho Chi Minh City 92/77/t 88/77/t Paris 80/52/pc 81/53/pc * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 5:12 a.m. 10:26 a.m. 4:23 p.m. 11:05 p.m. Denver 80/47/s 80/49/pc Norfolk 69/53/s 72/56/pc Wichita 77/48/s 84/64/s Hong Kong 79/73/sh 80/73/r Prague 60/52/c 66/51/c measure of how the conditions really <feel.=

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monday, october 9, 2023

Style eZ Re c
Music review

Enji blurs the

line between
worldly and

whenever people from disparate ge-

ographies come together to make new
music, passive listeners tend to treat the
results like mosaics or club sandwiches
4 assemblages made to dazzle and
nourish us with the vague suggestion of
a universal language that might even-
tually help our idiot species transcend
its fractiousness. enji9s music feels way
deeper than that. no tiles, no tiers, no
pseudo-kumbaya. she9s a Mongolian
jazz singer recording bossa nova-hued
ballads in Germany, but instead of
coming together like global bric-a-brac,
her songs mix like satin interior paint 4
vivid and smooth.
Her gorgeous third album, <Ulaan,= is
extraordinary, a singular result of
unique circumstances, but also modest,
because isn9t everything that happens in
this life a singular result of unique
circumstances? Born enkhjargal
erkhembayar in the Mongolian capital
of Ulaanbaatar, enji spent her child-
hood living in a yurt, raised by working
parents who loved to sing. Fascinated
with traditional folk melodies, she grew
up to become a music teacher, until a
jazz outreach program organized by the
Goethe-institut suddenly bent her path
toward a recording career in Munich.
enji9s 2017 debut, <Mongolian song,=
featured jazz arrangements of tradition-
al Mongolian music (plus some extra
splash from legendary drummer Billy
Hart), while her 2021 album, <Ursgal,=
found the singer penning her own
interior ballads under the influence of
jazz standards. now, with <Ulaan,= enji
has expanded her band (guitarist Paul
Brändle, bassist Munguntovch Tsolmon-
bayar) to include two Brazilian players
(drummer Mariá Portugal, clarinetist
Joana Queiroz), and together, they seem
to have found a place for the singer9s
voice that didn9t previously exist.
it barely exists, though. The instru-
mentation on <Ulaan= feels so delicate,
it9s often on the precipice of vanishing.
keep your ears focused and you9ll hear
arrangements as practical as enji9s sing-
ing, which even at its lullaby-softest,
remains stealthily rhythmic and deeply
cooperative. on <Duulnaa,= when she
floats into a sequence of curlicue vowels
with Queiroz9s clarinet twirling nearby,

Spike Lee has

it9s like two puffs of smoke floating
through each other. in <Picture/Three
There9s no mistaking which office belongs to spike Lee in a sunny
shadows,= Brändle9s guitar converges corner of new York University9s Tisch school of the Arts, where
with enji and Queiroz so gently, it9s hard
to know whether the instruments are
he9s a tenured film professor and has been teaching for 30 years.

power. But he9s

supporting the voice or the voice is Just outside the door, you9ll find a director9s chair; a <Do the
supporting the instruments. instead of
obeying a formal hierarchy, their music
right Thing= street sign; a poster for that seminal 1989 film that
becomes a sort of liquid interdependen- used a single block in Brooklyn to capture the country9s explosive
racial tensions; and a framed historical notice for the sale of <250

still ûghting it.

Don9t worry about losing yourself in
the swirl. Across a neat 36 minutes, fine healthy neGroes,= with assurances that they don9t have
<Ulaan= conjures a sense of wonderment
without ponderousness, sentimentality
smallpox. ¶ inside, every surface is covered in memorabilia from
or melodrama. These songs sound so an incredible life in the arts: Lee in a tuxedo with buddies Joe
inventive, so free, yet so grounded 4 and see Q&A on c2
if they end up calming your mind, the Director shows off his memorabilia collection
aim wasn9t to numb it, but to open it. it9s Spike Lee between portraits of his parents, jazz bassist Bill Lee and
generous work, and it9s selfless, too. no BY J ADA Y UAN in new York teacher Jacqueline carroll Shelton Lee, at the Brooklyn Museum.
one here ever sounds like they9re trying
to draw attention to themselves. That
responsibility falls to us. share this
music with people you like and listen to
it with the people you love.

The workplace has changed. Can 8The O>ce9 change with it?
BY A NNE B RANIGIN delights and dorks that define office life,
and a perennial source of inspiration to
Boss Michael scott (steve Carell) is the hundreds of thousands of people
still making gaffes, except now 50 per- currently posting on #workTok.
cent of them are on Microsoft Teams (last in late september, the digital news site
week it was responding with a skull Puck reported that Greg Daniels, the
emoji after someone said they had to creator of the U.s. version of the series
miss work for a funeral). (the original show, the brainchild of
You won9t see stringent office accoun- ricky Gervais and stephen Merchant,
tant Angela Martin (Angela kinsey) at was based in Britain) may be bringing The Lego color palette, once
the office talking to her myriad cats on a the show back himself. in the past, simple, has expanded and
nannycam, but you will see them tramp- Daniels has toyed with the idea of an
ing across her keyboard during a budget <office= reboot, though he has appeared contracted over the years. c8
meeting on Zoom. on the fence about whether the same
Meanwhile, grumpy boomers stanley characters that made the American se-
carolyn hax
Hudson (Leslie David Baker) and kevin ries so beloved would return.
Malone (Brian Baumgartner) are still <i think it would just be sort of like an Our friend, who is getting a
running down the clock 4 doing their extension of the universe,= Daniels told divorce, wants us to freeze out
crosswords and rolling their eyes 4 Collider last year. <The way 8Mandalori-
they9re just <working= from home with an9 is like an extension of 8star wars.9 = her ex. What should we do? c2
their cameras off. we do not know yet when and where
According to office workers, this is this potential new <office= will be set (a
what the 2023 version of <The office= rep for Daniels didn9t respond to a
might look like. it9s a world that has mARquIS PeRkInS/mARíA ALCOnADA BROOkS/The WAShInGTOn POST; FReDeRICk m. BROWn/ GeTTy ImAGeS; ISTOCk
request for comment). Prior versions Crocs is introducing ventilated
already been traversing our feeds, fueled took place in a pre-pandemic world, with cowboy boots, and the brand9s
by bored white-collar laborers and the users dutifully respond with cry-laugh- nal workplace candy. full, fluorescent-lit cubicles and packed
content creators playing them. ing emojis and affirmations of <same.= even though he9s reached influencer parking lots. Daniels9s show ran from fans aren9t sure how to react. c4
Among those documenting our pre- <They like it when i9m cranky,= said status, Ferreira is also the real deal: He is 2005 to 2013: a time when terms such as
sent workplace reality is Bryan Ferreira. Ferreira, a 32-year-old credit and collec- still commuting 45 minutes into the <influencer marketing= and <hoteling=
About once a week, Ferreira positions his tions specialist for an e-commerce com- office five days a week, for God9s sake would have drawn blank stares from
phone at his desk, hits record, walks back pany (quite possibly the most (well, really for his bosses9 sake). most American workers. Is Drake9s <For All the Dogs=
out into his doorway and drop-kicks his <office=-like job ever). <They= are his And his TikTok tagline is <bringing Hybrid work has fundamentally really right for your canine?
bulky gray backpack into the room. Then 700,000-plus TikTok followers, who gob- back the office,= a reference to the hit changed the American office, and with it,
he posts it on TikTok, where hundreds of ble up his weekday posts like it9s commu- nBC sitcom devoted to the dreariness, see 'The Office' on c4 Well, it depends. c5
C2 eZ Re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

Director discusses Colin Kaepernick

project, heroics of 8Black Aquaman9
reached out to me to help him
Q&A from C1
when he was first running for <It doesn9t matter
Pesci, robert De niro and martin senate. so we9ve kept in touch. I
scorsese. An illustration of his mean, he didn9t run for the senate whether it9s a
dear friend Prince, depicted in just to be showboating. He has a
mournful purple rain, on a yellow- great heart, great mind, and cares television show, a
ing copy of the Village Voice from about what9s happening in the
the week the musician died in world. streamer or in the
2016. The other day, Lee was root-
ing under his desk and found a Q: You have Prince9s <Love theater. & What the
rolled-up poster for <raging Bull= symbol= guitar. How9d you wind
he had forgotten he owned, signed up with that? audience is seeing,
by Jake Lamotta, the boxer whose A: I asked him for it, <Can you gift
autobiography scorsese adapted
for the movie. <It had been there
it to me?= showed up a year later. that9s where the
for years!= Lee says, laughing.
<How long has he been dead? [But
Q: no explanation.
A: I was happy I got it! so I9m not
power comes from.=
now] De niro signed this and to- complaining to Prince, saying, Spike Lee
morrow marty9s gonna sign it. I9m <Why did it take a year?= But
not messing around here.= Any when I said, <Can you sign it?= He
memory of how he got it? <no!= said, <I9ll take it back, spike!= And
There9s a reason for this auto- I said, <oh, no, no, no! I don9t
graphing emergency. Lee, 66, is an need you to sign it!=
ardent collector of cultural items,
including richard Avedon pho- Q: John Leguizamo told me he
tography and racist cigarette couldn9t believe you had these
holders, and on saturday, the vintage federico fellini posters
Brooklyn museum opened <spike with wonderfully warm
Lee: Creative sources= with more dedications to you. How did you
than 450 pieces from his personal become friends?
collection, selected over a two- A: The first time I was in Italy
year process. promoting a film, I asked my
And there9s plenty more back in publicist, <Do you know fellini?=
his studio in fort Greene, he says, And he said, <Yeah, I know him.=
plus in storage. so I said, <Can you call him and
Lee9s mother, Jacqueline Car- see if he9ll have dinner with me?=
roll shelton Lee, a teacher of Black And so we just struck up a
literature, used to take him and his friendship. And every time I
siblings to that museum as a kid, would come to rome to promote
during a homegrown arts educa- a film, we9d have dinner. The first
tion that introduced him to cin- time I didn9t have a poster, but I PHOtOS BY Jelani Rice FOR tHe WaSHingtOn POSt

ema. she died when he was a found these poster stores that sell
sophomore at morehouse College, vintage Italian films in rome. so Q: When you let me sit in on your turn [later]. And these big-time
located in her hometown of Atlan- that9s when I got him to sign class at nYU, you showed the stu- Hollywood stars wrote checks to
ta, and there9s a whole section in them. dents <on the Waterfront.= Why keep the movement going. And
the exhibit dedicated to family, that movie? they got kind of lost in the sauce.
featuring his mother, grandpar- Q: The section dedicated to your A: one of the most influential But they went to selma. They
ents and father, the jazz musician family seems particularly things that happened when I was went to montgomery. They were
Bill Lee, who composed scores for poignant, and I know your mom here at nYU, going to film school there.
spike9s earlier films and died in was a huge influence, since she with Ang Lee and ernie Dicker-
may. spike Lee and his wife, Tonya took you to movies as a kid. son 4 who was DP [director of Q: Any films you9ve seen lately
Lewis Lee, just celebrated their A: I9ll tell you a funny story. my photography] on a lot of my films that are inspiring you?
30th anniversary, and their son, mother loved James Bond. Loved and is now one of the top episodic A: Well, you know, scorsese, that9s
Jackson, was on hand at the gala sean Connery. And she took me to directors 4 as my classmates, was my guy. <Killers of the flower
preview Tuesday taking photos, see <Goldfinger= the first week it being introduced to world cin- moon= is a great film. That native
alongside a deluge of collabora- came out and the theater was ema. The basic premise from American woman, Lily Gladstone,
tors and well-wishers, including packed. I9m 6 or 7. And you know, <she9s Gotta Have It= comes from she9s winning an oscar. And I CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Lee9s look for the opening night as the
journalist robin roberts and ac- it9s very rare in a James Bond film, <rashomon.= don9t think that9s a supporting first Black president of the Cannes Film Festival jury in 2021,
tors Adam Driver, John Leguiza- especially a sean Connery film, I9m not doing the students good role. I think that9s a leading role. designed in collaboration with Virgil Abloh, first Black artistic
mo, Giancarlo esposito and Lau- where there9s silence and not, you if they9ve seen a film 10 million she9s got my vote. director for Louis Vuitton; The <Love Symbol= guitar, right, given
rence fishburne. know, guns being shot, ships being times already. I9m trying to intro- to Lee by Prince; Giancarlo Esposito, Lee and Laurence Fishburne
blown up. But there9s a silent duce them to things. I9ll say, <You Q: she9s actually submitted her- at the Brooklyn Museum exhibition9s preview event Tuesday.
The following is a compilation of moment in the film. And I said to know there was some good s--- self for lead actress.
several conversations, including my mother, <mommy, why is that made before you were born. And it A: Good! she should not go for the reaction would be if it came Democratic primary was gonna
one the morning after the lady named Pussy Galore?= oh, might be black-and-white.= And the okey-doke. out today? be in september. This film just
exhibition9s oct. 3 opening gala. It people died laughing. my mother <on the Waterfront= is one of my And Chris nolan with <oppen- A: If it came out today, Black peo- came out in August. That was not
has been edited and condensed was so embarrassed, she grabbed all-time great films. I got to be heimer,= you know, he9s a massive ple would still not riot and bring an accident. Koch had to go.
for length and clarity. me and said, <spike, don9t you say good friends with Budd schul- filmmaker. Great film. I showed bloodshed, which is what those
another word.= True story! berg, who wrote the screenplay. [<Dunkirk=] in my class. And this guys said. The film came in 1989, Q: The movie made it onto the
Q: I wanted to get your recap of is not a criticism. It9s a comment. a lot inspired by graffiti artist mi- American film Institute9s Top 100
the night. What was the best part Q: You also have all these photos Q: ever meet marlon Brando? You How long was that film [<oppen- chael stewart, who got murdered list in 2007. Did it feel like it was
for you? of your dad, Bill Lee. Have you have so many posters of his movies heimer=]? by new York Transit Authority about time?
A: It was just an amazing night. been thinking about lessons you in the exhibition. cops and here we are. You look at A: You know what9s more impor-
And I hope that people come back learned from him since he A: never met him. Would have Q: Three hours. <Do the right Thing= now, what tant to me? It9s on the national
when it officially opens, because passed? loved to. But right after <Do the A: If it9s three hours, I would like the nYPD did, the strangle choke- film registry with the Library of
sometimes it9s hard to see what9s A: I9m still in my process of griev- right Thing= came out [in 1989], to add some more minutes about hold on [movie character] radio Congress. forever and ever. I9ve
on the wall because it was jam- ing, of losing my father. But it was he called me. I don9t know how he what happened to the Japanese raheem, you9re going to think got four films on the national reg-
packed. great to see him in this show. And got my number. Called me about people. People got vaporized. about George floyd and eric Gar- istry: <Do the right Thing,= <4 Lit-
my grandparents. my mother four in the morning. He stayed up many years later, people are ra- ner. & We got the crystal ball. We tle Girls,= <malcolm X= and <she9s
Q: Adam Driver was in never got to see me as a filmmak- late. He was in L.A. anyway. And dioactive. It9s not like he didn9t were talking about gentrification. Gotta Have It.= I think the great
<BlacKkKlansman= (2018), but I er, but my grandmother lived to he said he had this script about have power. He tells studios what We were talking about global stuff, you don9t have an expiration
didn9t realize you were tight. be 100 years old. she saved her so- native Americans that he wanted to do. I would have loved to have warming. date. It9s not milk. <Do the right
A: oh yeah, that9s my Brooklyn cial security checks from teach- me to read. never got the script, the end of the film maybe show Thing= is not gonna curdle!
brother! We really, really have a ing for 50 years and helped put never heard from him again. what it did, dropping those two Q: At the time, you credited the
kinship, a brotherhood that me through morehouse College, nuclear bombs on Japan. Under- movie with aiding the election of Q: Back when you started your
extends and not just when we9re gave me the seed money for my Q: Why was he your guy? stand, this is all love. And I bet he David Dinkins as new York City9s career, people would line up out-
working, you know? so, I mean, thesis film, which won the stu- A: Brando was a brother. so I9ll could tell me some things he first Black mayor and getting side theaters for opening night.
he9s in the club. dent Academy Award and also leave it at that. [Laughs.] would change about <Do the mayor ed Koch out of office. still We had blockbusters and a kind of
gave me seed money for <she9s right Thing= and <malcolm X.= think that9s true? collective viewing experience that
Q: And then you and Bill Bradley Gotta Have It.= for 50 years, she Q: A big supporter of the civil A: Didn9t help him! [Laughs.] I could do things like influence elec-
had a fun moment in the Knicks taught art, between macon and rights movement. Q: When you accepted an honor mean, we had a scene where we tions. Do you think that9s possible
room when you two passed a mic Atlanta. my grandmother was a A: You know, when sidney Poitier from the Toronto International had graffiti written that says, with streaming now?
back and forth and recapped great art teacher. never got to and Harry Belafonte went to Hol- film festival in september, you <Dump Koch.= And at the end of A: It9s not [about] the form. I
Game 7 of the 1970 teach one White student because lywood, they went to Brando, they talked about how two critics, Joe the movie, the final shot, sam remember when <roots= came
championship. How long have of Jim Crow laws in the state of went to Paul newman, they went Klein and David Denby, had pre- Jackson as mister señor Love out. That was tremendous. That
you known each other? Georgia. And for 50 years, White Peter Lawford, they went to dicted that <Do the right Thing= Daddy, he said, <remember peo- was on television. so it doesn9t
A: He9s one of the Knicks! Those students missed out because James Garner. They went to Char- would start riots when it came ple, remember to vote, remember matter whether it9s a television
guys are my heroes. You know, he schools were not integrated. lton Heston, who did a complete out in 1989. What do you think to register to vote.= I knew the see Q&A on C3

Our friends are getting divorced, and one has asked us to side against the ex
Adapted from an inertia. But I don9t know. We9re mutual friends with my soon-to-
online discussion. older. It feels weird to have be-ex.=
someone draw a line like that. I You: <Understandably. But I
Hi, Carolyn: my also get how they might need trust all of us to be adult and
spouse and I space and to be surrounded by discreet. Is that what you mean?
know several people who are 100 percent <for= or are you asking us to drop ex
Carolyn couples who are them. as our friend?=
Hax divorcing. In one Anyway, our current take is to Talking your way to what you
case, we are say, <Yeah, that is and this friend can accept,
<better= friends understandable,= but we aren9t regardless of the outcome,
with one person in the couple, going to stop being friends with sounds so much better than
but still friends with both. Post- the other person. Does that those permutations of ignoring
split, we have reached out to mean we stop reaching out to people or dropping them
both parties and tried to keep the friend who is without explanation. As needed,
our and our kids9 friendships uncomfortable? Do we say, <We you can always say you aren9t
going in this rough stretch. This love you, but we aren9t going to comfortable deciding anything
effort is one of the ways we have choose sides, let us know off the cuff and promise to get
been trying to give back and whether you still want to be back to your friend with an
help people we care about as friends with us right now=? Do answer.
they deal with the loss of their we just say, <Yeah, that must be I prefer it when people don9t
marriage. hard,= then let them figure out ask this of others, or at least not
now the closer friend is we9re still friends with the other lightly 4 meaning, don9t ask
nick galiFianakiS FOR tHe WaSHingtOn POSt
saying they feel uncomfortable person? Do we say, <We love you, except when the exes in question
with having mutual friends with this is raw right now, let9s take a are guilty of blatant
their soon-to-be-ex. our past break and make a plan to hang mistreatment or bad faith. friends with both parties, and I If you stay friends with my
experiences with breakups were out in a few months=? Absent such abuse, it9s a sign of accepted that, much as I wanted husband, then you are dirt and Write to carolyn Hax at
all pre-kids, before we knew how 4 Wanna Stay Friends respect to empower friends to to scream about her abuse to me not worthy to even talk to. And tellme@washpost.com. get her
hard it was going to be to make navigate their allegiances for and the children. over time, over time, a lot of people who column delivered to your inbox each
and keep good adult friends. In Wanna Stay Friends: first thing themselves. almost everyone took sides started <on her side= came to morning at wapo.st/gethax.
the past, we would have been you do is preempt any one reader9s thoughts: anyway. I tried as best I could to regret their choice and are
less proactive about reaching misunderstandings. l At the time of my divorce, accept it, enjoy the associations friends with me again, or with õ Join the discussion live at noon
out to both, and probably kept They: <I am feeling most people were clear about I had and lament the ones I lost. neither of us. I feel sorry for her Fridays at washingtonpost.com/live-
only the better friend out of uncomfortable with having their desire to stay neutral and my ex9s take was simply this: loss of friends. chats.
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re C3

Q&A from C2 protest of police brutality, and A: my sister [Letitia James, New and later] charged two people for [Lee asks his assistant to pull won9t say it. [Laughs.] I9m not
Donald Trump and others called York9s attorney general] is not murder. I forget their names. up a new video.] You gotta find saying that to the detriment of my
show, a streamer or in the theater. him unpatriotic. Will you be fea- scared. He can say all he wants. [Note: Thomas E. Blanton Jr. one when the swinging starts! brother, LeBron. All love. And it
It9s what we9re seeing, what the turing Trump? She9s a strong Black woman. She and Bobby frank Cherry, who had Where9s the melee? m-E-L-E-E! makes sense that people who
audience is seeing, that9s where A: He said, <Get that SoB off the ain9t scared. Don9t mess with her. been members of the Ku Klux There9s one guy that jumped off have only seen michael Jordan on
the power comes from. field.= I don9t call him by his You9ll get your feelings hurt. And Klan, were suspects for decades the paddle boat to come help his YouTube [that they don9t get it].
name. I call him Agent orange. you might go to jail, too. You in the horrific 1963, dynamite- brother. And Black folks are michael9s retired and they grew
Q: Now your big project is an ESPN And that was really one of his might go to the hoosegow! fueled bombing that killed four saying, <Black Aquaman! Black up seeing LeBron [James]. I9m
documentary series tentatively points in campaigning! African American girls 4 Addie Aquaman!= I9m not trying to not mad at that.
called <Da Saga of Colin Kaeper- Kaepernick kneeling during the Q: Just going back to Kap, what mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, make light of violence, but we9re
nick.= Any idea when it9ll come out? national anthem. He9s in there all makes you so interested in athlete Carole robertson and Denise not having that no more. We9re Q: You showed me a pair of game-
A: We9re still working on it. You right. He was in the end of protesters? mcNair, ages 11 to 14 4 and not having that. worn Jordans from a 1996 Bulls
know, when I got the call to do it, <BlacKkKlansman,= [when it cuts A: Number one, they have the injured more than 20 others. In vs. Knicks matchup that michael
from Kap, I said, <of course.= But it to real footage of the 2017 white platform. And they9re taking a 2001 and 2002, Blanton and Q: What was it like seeing Ketanji gave to you. Did you ask him for
takes time. This is an opportunity supremacy rally] in great risk and they9re risking their Cherry were convicted of four Brown Jackson, the first Black them?
for him to tell his story at length. Charlottesville. <Very fine people.= careers. Kaepernick hasn9t played counts of murder each and woman to be a Supreme Court A: Hell yeah, I asked him! The
in seven years. John Carlos, sentenced to life in prison, where Justice, give a speech at the 16th Bulls won the game 107-86, and
Q: Conservatives attacked Kaep- Q: Have you been following Tommie Smith [track stars who they died at 82 and 74, Street Baptist Church? look at mike, he wrote: <To Spike,
ernick for kneeling during the na- Trump9s trial for alleged fraud in raised their fists in a Black power respectively. Another Klan A: I shook her hand. I told her a sorry!=
tional anthem at NfL games as a New York? salute on the olympic podium in member, robert Chambliss, had joke. I said, <Look, if I get a traffic
1968 and were kicked out of the been convicted of murder in 1977, ticket, you gotta get me out of Q: Who9s your guy in this election
Games], they were left out to dry. at 73, and died in prison at 81. A jail.= She laughed. It wasn9t like coming up?
muhammad Ali lost three years of fourth conspirator, Herman Cash, <Haha!= She went [titters]. But A: What election?
his prime because he refused to died in the mid-990s before the what was scary, when she went up
fight an unjust war. When you fBI reopened the case.] to the podium, the protection she Q: The one that9s happening in
stand up for Black people, for But the fBI knew who did it needs. She had two people on 2024.
Brown people, even for women9s that week [of the bombing]. The each side of her that had, like, an A: John Starks for president! Just
rights 4 if you9re leading that, motherf---er9s nickname was attaché case, which was a joking. You don9t know the
you9re a target and you9re going to Dynamite Bob! They knew who machine gun. They9re not going answer to that question?
pay a price for that. planted those [19] sticks of to publicize it, rightly so, but I put
dynamite. So 20-something years money down my sister has had Q: I know the answer. But do you
Q: Talking to you, I9m struck by later, the day after <4 Little Girls= numerous death threats since she have any thoughts about
what it means for an athlete to opens, you press charges? They became the first Black woman in President Biden running again?
lose any part of their career, since knew! J. Edgar Hoover was no the highest court in the land. A: I know many times in my
their careers are so short. Is that friend of Black people, martin films I wore the cap of
why you wanted to make the Luther King Jr. or the civil rights Q: You had quite the September. <Negrodamus.= [Laughs.] With
series? movement. [Wiretapping] Dr. A: What happened? [Laughs.] <Do the right Thing,= we
A: Why did I want to do the two King and then sending those projected a lot of stuff. But I can9t
documentaries about tapes [of his extramarital affairs] Q: Getting the Ebert Director call this upcoming election. Yet!
[Hurricane] Katrina? Why did I to Coretta Scott King. Who does Award at the Toronto There9s people getting on Biden
want to do the documentary <4 that type of stuff? And say, <We9re International film festival. And for his age, his son. . . . The
Little Girls=? And I never like to gonna make these tapes public if you moderated the reunion of the motivation I feel for Joe now
talk about this, but this is the you don9t commit suicide.= The Talking Heads at the premiere of versus the first time is not the
truth: A week before the fBI knew who those terrorists the rerelease of remastered, Imax same. So they9ve got a lot of work
theatrical run of <4 Little Girls,= I were. It was homegrown, red, <Stop making Sense.= How9d that to do.
get a call from the fBI saying they white and blue, apple pie, fourth happen?
want to see the print. I send them of July terrorism. A: [Singer] David Byrne and I are Q: How do you think Trump9s
the print. And the day after the friends. I9ve done stuff with him chances are?
film debuted at film forum, the Q: You said it was really before. And I was honored that 4 A: Well, God help us. When he
Photos by david C. Lee fBI [reopened the investigation emotional being down there, 60 because you know they hadn9t was in office, every night I would
years after the 16th Street Baptist been together in, like, decades 4 say, <Please, Lord. I hope they
Church bombing. What struck they all said, <Bet.= They were cool gave him the wrong number for
you most about the day? with me doing it. the nuclear code.=
A: That in some ways, it was a
celebration. first of all, we9re in a Q: Were you worried about them Q: Are you worried about florida
Baptist church. So you know we not getting along? Gov. ron DeSantis as his most
had singing, you know we had the A: I don9t know what happened formidable opponent?
choir. It9s one of those things afterward. But that night, that A: Hell yeah. I don9t want him to
where you9re sad, but your spirit day, it was peace and love. And I have the nuclear code. No time.
is high. I know that might sound wasn9t trying to be, you know,
crazy, but that9s the way I felt, that Geraldo rivera, and start Q: They9re banning the teaching
we knew that we9re in the exact [something]. Number one, gotta of Black history in florida.
place, 60 years ago, where those give praise to the late, great A: You know what I say? If you9re
motherf---ers planted the sticks of [director] Jonathan Demme. He gonna be about it, be about it.
dynamite. did his thing with that. And they Start burning books like Nazi
You know what was funny blew it up on Imax and redid the Germany while you9re at it. Go
though? That thing that sound, so it was a great, great, ahead. Why are you faking the
happened in montgomery with great night. I got up to dance for funk? We know that9s what you
the boat. & You don9t know <once in a Lifetime.= I had to. want to do. Go ahead.
nothing about this?
[Calls out to his teaching Q: And you were at what looked Q: It9s not just banning books, it9s
assistant in the other room.] like every game of the U.S. open. teaching that enslaved people
Kwesi! find me them clips of A: Coco! [Laughs.] You see at the actually learned life skills.
what happened in montgomery! women9s final I was rocking my A: first of all, enslaved people
With the boat Kaepernick jersey, too. were farmers and all types of stuff
[Note: A Black riverboat co- before they were stolen from
captain spent 45 minutes asking a Q: What was it like being there? mother Africa. It9s not like they
private pontoon boat, via A: It was herstory. Not history. got here and master told them
loudspeaker, to move so he could Herstory. 19 years old. And Arthur what to do. So the skills you
dock, and he was met with taunts Ashe Stadium seats 24,000. I thought we learned, we knew
and yelling from the White mean, it was a home-crowd already. Africans created
passengers. When he was advantage, that9s for sure. I felt civilization, so I don9t know what
transported to the dock to talk sorry for [Coco Gauff9s] opponent you9re talking about. You
with them, they attacked him. for a minute because she wasn9t remember how in <Do the right
Three White men and one White winning today. That was not Thing= Giancarlo says <Boycott
woman were charged with happening. Sal9s=? Boycott florida! [Laughs.]
assault. A Black man wielding a Boycott florida!
folding chair and hailed by many Q: Is she the best you9ve seen Hell with 9em. Now, the
as a hero, was charged with since Serena? weather9s great. I9m not gonna
disorderly conduct.] A: I think we get sidetracked front. miami9s nice. But you know
[Lee, watching the video:] They comparing people. Even michael how sometimes we9re New
wouldn9t move their boat for the Jordan said on record, [clapping Yorkers, and we don9t think we9re
big boat. Uh oh! He took off his to emphasize his words] <I9m not necessarily part of New York
hat! [Laughs.] What! What! So gonna say I9m the greatest player State, like Buffalo and all that. So,
Photos by david C. Lee
they9re trying to gang up on this ever.= But you know what? There9s can we move miami? Let9s have
Photos from the set of Lee9s semi-autobiographical 1994 film <Crooklyn,= shot on location in New York. guy. Then here come our folks! All other people that say it. Like me! miami secede from the state of
Lee directed, co-wrote and appeared in the film as Snuffy, a character who loves to sniff glue. at once! Here they come! [Laughs.] He9s the G.o.A.T.! He florida.


The McRib is back (again)! Its rise was fueled by a Chicken McNugget shortage.
BY T IMOTHY B ELLA mented itself as one of the biggest with pork trimmings that could and nutritious, and most are al- wanted a boneless pork sandwich decide whether to discontinue
limited-time attractions in fast- be sold to fast-food companies. ready used in sausage without that could trick people into think- the product.=
for more than four decades, food history. The mcrib has been The lobby group had one specific objection.= ing they were eating a rack of ribs. It was one of many times the
four words in fast food have cap- celebrated as a cultural phenom- company in mind. With the technology in place, <Some thought, 8Why not just company said the sandwich was
tured the appetite and imagina- enon by fans and panned as an <The pork producers wanted to the inspiration for the mcrib make it round?9 It would9ve been going away, only for it to return.
tion of millions around the world abomination by critics. It has see more pork on the menu, and came from Arend, then a 31-year- easier,= Arend said to the maga- The mcrib found sustained suc-
who have craved a guilty pleasure been parodied by shows such as they were targeting mcDonald9s,= old chef who had cooked in luxury zine. <But I wanted it to look like a cess in Germany and Luxem-
for a limited time only: <The <The Simpsons= and <family mandigo told NPr in 2011. hotels in the United States and slab of ribs.= bourg and has come back to
mcrib is back.= Guy,= all while the mcrib has been The request turned mandigo Europe, serving the likes of Queen The creation of the mcrib was American stores as a special at-
While the barbecue-flavored killed off and brought back more into a pioneer for restructured Elizabeth II and Cary Grant. Ar- needed after the mcNuggets out- traction. The sandwich got an
pork sandwich did not find im- times than michael myers in meat products, which were com- end was lured away from his gour- performed all expectations and advertising bump in summer
mediate success for mcDonald9s <Halloween.= monly manufactured by using met gigs by the stability, salary turned mcDonald9s into one of the 1994 during a promotion for the
and seemed destined for doom, <I9m sure he would be thrilled lower-valued meat trimmings and benefits mcDonald9s could world9s largest chicken retailers. theatrical release of <The flint-
something unusual happened that a part of his creativity and that had been reduced in size by offer 4 and the challenge of lift- The company did the same for stones.=
that signaled that the mcrib ingenuity and those of his kitchen comminution, such as flaking, ing up the chain9s menu options. pork. mandigo told the Associat- Since then, mcDonald9s has
would not be easy to kill off: There team live on through the sale of chopping or slicing. As mandigo <They asked me several times ed Press in 1982 that mcDonald9s had at least four <farewell tours=
weren9t enough chickens to keep the mcrib,= said Lucy Habeck, explained with his colleagues in a to come to mcDonald9s. I said, 8I9m was buying up to 1.5 million for the sandwich, in 2005, 2006,
up with the wild success of Arend9s daughter. Arend died in 1995 paper published by the uni- a chef, I don9t believe in hamburg- pounds of pork shoulder a week 2007 and 2022.
Chicken mcNuggets. mcDonald9s August 2016 at 88, she said. versity, a comminuted meat mix- ers,9 = Arend recalled to the New from a nationwide supply of any- While some have tried to give
needed another hot item for its Nearly a year after the sand- ture is mixed with salt and water York Times in 1981. <But when I where between 2.4 million to 4 mandigo credit for inventing the
locations to promote, and in 1981, wich9s latest <farewell tour,= to extract salt-soluble proteins, came, I wanted to do for the million pounds. mcrib, the meat scientist has
rené Arend, the executive chef mcDonald9s announced Wednes- which, in turn, produce a <glue= people out there in the street <This seems to be the most been adamant that Arend and
for mcDonald9s, knew it was time day that 4 spoiler warning 4 the that binds the meat muscle pieces what I did for those who were successful new product mcDon- mcDonald9s made the sandwich.
to push the mcrib as a viable mcrib is back. The mcrib will be together. The muscle pieces can rich.= ald9s has had since the Big mac,= He just gave them the technology
alternative. available in limited markets start- then be reformed to produce a Habeck said of her father, <one William Trainer, an analyst for to do it amid a Chicken mcNugget
<The mcNuggets were so well ing in November, the company <meat log= of specific form or of the things that brought him the merrill Lynch, told the AP at the crisis.
received that every franchise announced. It9s unclear where ex- shape and can be cut into steaks most joy was creating food for the time. mcDonald9s played into the <We played an important role
wanted them. There wasn9t a sys- actly the mcrib will be available. or chops that can look similar in masses, and his mcDonald9s posi- uniqueness of the sandwich, run- in the technology to bind pieces of
tem to supply enough chicken,= <It turns out not everyone was appearance and texture to their tion gave him the opportunity to ning ads promoting <a new kind meat to each other,= he told the
Arend, who invented the mcrib ready to say goodbye to the intact muscle counterparts when do just that.= of 9que.= Lincoln Journal Star in 2010. <I
and mcNuggets, told maxim in mcrib,= the company said in a they are cooked. The idea for the mcrib came Despite the initial success didn9t invent the mcrib sand-
2009. <We had to come up with news release. <most people would be ex- after the chef had enjoyed some when it was introduced in menus wich. mcDonald9s did that.=
something to give the other fran- Though the mcrib has a devot- tremely unhappy if they were Southern barbecue, he said in in the Kansas City area in 1981, its Habeck said her dad <would be
chises as a new product. So the ed fan base, including an online served heart or tongue on a plate,= 2009. sales were slumping to the point thrilled that his grandchildren,
mcrib came about because of the tracker to help locate the elusive mandigo said in <food Chains: <I had just come back from that the company indicated that ryan and Sarah, are able to enjoy
shortage of chickens.= sandwich, fast-food consumers from farmyard to Shopping Charleston, South Carolina, the mcrib would never return. his creations.=
The decision put the mcrib on weren9t always craving a pork Cart,= a 2008 book by Warren where I ate sandwiches made <The ribs haven9t met our ex- <He really lit up when he saw
the map, making the sandwich 4 product. The National Pork Pro- Belasco and roger Horowitz. <But from pulled pork,= Arend told pectations as a sandwich, and generations of children enjoying
featuring restructured pork meat ducers Council wanted to change flaked into a restructured prod- maxim. <I said to myself, 8Some- mcDonald9s is exploring other op- mcNuggets and mcribs,= she
shaped like a miniature rack of that. It approached roger mandi- uct it loses its identity. Such prod- thing with that flavor should real- tions for ways to make it work,= said, <and it would be his dearest
ribs, barbecue sauce, onions and go, an animal science professor at ucts as tripe, heart and scalded ly go over.9 = mcDonald9s spokeswoman Steph- wish that children everywhere
pickles on a homestyle roll 4 a the University of Nebraska in the stomachs are high in protein, But Arend did not want to do a anie Skurdy said to the Toronto and their parents continue to en-
culinary curiosity that has ce- 1970s, about creating a product completely edible, wholesome pulled pork sandwich. Instead, he Star in 1983. <We9re trying to & joy these mcDonald9s favorites.=
C4 eZ re the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

In 2023, a reboot of 8The O>ce9 would happen in a very diberent workplace

'The Office' from c1 federal government. Her office <QUEEN!= dling number of people with
recently began requiring workers Lafevre, a member of Gen Z, whom you have that 40-hours-a-
its workers and their relation- to return three days a week. corroborated some of this 4 she week (or more) relationship. Peo-
ships to one another. Even in a Lafevre, 25, doesn9t even know likes <seeing people on my terms, ple you would otherwise never
workplace that made full-time what her office phone number is. on my schedule= and feels awk- meet, let alone hang out with.
office returns mandatory, like <much like Ken9s job is beach, ward with in-person social inter- Still, we clearly can9t stop
ferreira9s, managers attending my job is email,= she said, refer- actions, like whom to sit with at thinking about, lampooning or
the same meeting won9t huddle encing the <Barbie= movie. <And lunch. But the mockery cuts both complaining about our workplac-
in a conference room, but Zoom Google meets.= ways. What she considers to be es, even if fewer of us have a 9-5
into the meeting at their desks, A character with Dwight9s narc mundane and fairly simple office relationship to it. At the height of
he says. tendencies would also take a very tasks are befuddling or tedious to the covid outbreak, which coin-
Laurie Chamberlin leads re- online flavor, ferreira speculates: some of her superiors: cided with the 15th anniversary
cruitment solutions in North Dwight is <definitely installing <I9m like, 8Honey, you9re asking of the American show, many
America for the LLH, a global [surveillance] software on peo- me how to print out a PDf?9 = turned to <The office= as their
human resources provider and ple9s computers. You know, just Then there9s the office influ- comfort watch. Here was a place
temp staffing firm, and has seen tracking keystrokes and how long encer, whose days and machina- where the routines and faces
firsthand how offices have shift- the computer9s been asleep.= tions are captured on social me- were familiar and soothing;
ed all over the country. The spectrum of office high dia (we9re looking at you, ferrei- where among the mundane and
<for most companies, one of jinks has also changed. Less hid- ra); the mysterious remote em- the inane, there was heart.
the first things that we9re going to ing your neighbor9s staplers and mArquiS PerkinS/mAríA AlconAdA BrookS/the wAShinGton PoSt; ployee who seems to be on It may not have reflected the
Frederick m. Brown/ Getty imAGeS; iStock
notice right away is that you9re more turning your shyest col- permanent vacation (<It9s like, reality of our own workplaces 4
not seeing the same cast of char- league into a Slack emoji 4 then a are those seagulls I hear in the <You would hope to walk in and
acters monday to friday,= she viral meme. New battle lines have over. But technology and cultural Brian, our key decision-maker, background?= Lafevre said); and everyone is a Jim and a Pam, but
said. also been drawn over the open- changes also mean a 2023 version 8Sup dude,9 & a small part of him the side-hustler discreetly trying really everyone9s an Angela,= fer-
This means for hybrid offices, a seating floor plan: Who gets the of the show would have a whole was excited, and maybe a big part to juggle multiple jobs. reira quipped. But the show9s
smirking everyman like Jim prime <hotel desk= or comfiest new set of character types. of him was like, 8I9m never work- <I was getting my hair done,= continued omnipresence 4 and
Halpert (played by John Krasins- chair? Who always seems to se- A 2023-based reboot would not ing with this team again,9 = mar- Hr exec Chamberlin recalled, our continued insistence on doc-
ki) and a raging power-nerd like cure a meeting room but 4 you be complete without the much- shall deadpans. <and the woman kept turning the umenting all of our workplace
Dwight Schrute (rainn Wilson) know, not to judge or anything 4 maligned (and imitated) Gen Z A fan of <The office,= marshall, dryer off. She was on Bluetooth. trials, tribulations and cringe 4
may not even cross paths during doesn9t seem to be working? worker, about whom a growing a millennial, thinks the genera- She had another job and she had suggests we actually never left
the workweek. Some companies <The office= 4 both the British portion of #WorkTok is centered. tional differences in today9s office to periodically respond to what <The office= at all.
may even shutter the office on and U.S. versions 4 excelled at Natalie marshall, formerly of a are <kind of funnier now and look they were saying.= ferreira has an idea on how to
specific days. creating and building out arche- <big four= consulting firm, is now a lot different than they did then.= of course, <The office= was far open a 2023 reboot, by the way.
one scenario Chamberlin has typal characters, part of the rea- better known as her <Corporate others sketched a similar char- more than its instantly meme- <A Zoom meeting mandating
personally witnessed: <You9re at son it9s so easy to cut and paste Natalie= persona on social media. acter: The chronically online able characters 4 its magic was everybody back to the office. But,
the office, and no one else is.= the show9s cast over today9s work- recently, several of her highest- Gen-Z worker running the com- in its relationships: Pam and Jim, you know, seeing everybody9s re-
And answering an office land- place environment. We all know performing videos show mar- pany TikTok account, dressed in Jim and Dwight, Dwight and action as they9re, like, in their
line? Who even gives that num- the manager too eager to be shall looking at a screen, deliver- crop tops and cargo pants, ghost- michael, michael and everybody. home, still in bed, sleeping in
ber out anymore? included; the co-worker hope- ing careful feedback to an imagi- ing work in the middle of the day, from that perspective, what9s their pajamas. Like, 8I got to go
Not Gracie Lafevre, an execu- lessly devoted to their pets; the nary Gen-Z employee. filling the work Slack channels fundamentally different about back now?9 = he said. <I think that
tive assistant who works for the militant try-hard three desks <I think when you said to with memes and <slay= and today9s workplace is the dwin- would be very cool.=

Crocs will start selling ventilated cowboy boots later this month, spurs and all
BY JANAY KINGSBERRY the company said in a press re- The shoes let out a few squeaks as this year, the brand partnered with few years, the signature foam
lease, calling it one of the most she attempted what might be a online retailer Huckberry for a lim- clogs saw a resurgence during the
Crocs is taking a step into the widely requested shoe designs in line dance. ited release of Western-style boots coronavirus pandemic, as Ameri-
wild west this month. the brand9s history. others were decidedly skepti- designed with the signature Crocs cans sought out the comfortable
As part of its annual <Crocto- That claim is challenging to cal. silhouette for added comfort, earn- slip-on shoes to wander about
ber= celebration, the foam foot- confirm, although some people <It9s the fact they left the holes ing the nickname <croots.= their homes and gardens. The
wear company on Thursday un- have certainly fantasized about and are now unpractical as actual Crocs first launched in 2002 at a brand also overhauled its business
veiled the Crocs Classic Cowboy the idea. A beer company mocked boots,= a user commented beneath florida boat show where all 200 strategy to expand its reach and
Boot. It features traditional west- up a Croc boot in 2021 to some the post. And one user on X, for- prototypes sold out, The celebrity partnerships 4 making
ern-inspired embroidery, shiny acclaim, for example. merly Twitter, bridged the gap by Washington Post previously re- its way from living room carpets to
spurs, a <crocskin= texture and, The real ones, which go on sale calling the shoes <ugly cute.= ported. As word spread, sales Hollywood red carpets.
naturally, the signature ventila- later this month, are quickly turn- It9s hardly the company9s first boomed and the brand saw rapid The Crocs Classic Cowboy
tion holes that have helped polar- ing into one of the brand9s most stomp into the boot world. Crocs expansion until the 2008 Great Boots are priced at $120 and will
ize the fashion world around the debated styles. sells a few variations of boots on its recession brought losses of $185 be available for a limited time
clogs. Bree Kish modeled the boots for website. It also previously collabo- crocS, inc.
million and a near-bankruptcy for online and in select retail stores
The new boots come after years her followers on TikTok after re- rated with Balenciaga to create a the company. starting oct. 23, better recognized
of mounting demand from fans, ceiving a pair from the company. pair of $895 rain boots. And earlier crocs classic cowboy Boot. After falling out of fashion for a as <Croc Day= among fans.

t el ev i s io n lA tiMes CRossWoRD By Amanda Cook & Katie Hale

10/9/23 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 1 Physical effort
4.1 WRC (NBC) + NBCNe.. + Hollywo.. + The Voice + The Irrational + News 6 Girl Scout sash
4.2 WRC (IND) Bones Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Nanny Nanny Nanny addition
5.1 WTTG (Fox) + Fox 5 + TMZ + Kitchen Nightmares + Special Forces + Fox 5 News at 10 + Fox 5 .. 11 Flamenco cry
7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopardy! + NFL Football Green Bay Packers at Las Vegas Raiders (Live) + News 14 Unaccompanied
9.1 WUSA (CBS) + InsideEd. + ET + Price Is Right + Lotería Loca + NCIS + 9 News 15 Road one-eighty
14.1 WFDC (UNI) + Rosa + Eternamente + Tierra de esperanza + Minas de pasión + Noticias
16 <Industry Baby=
20.1 WDCA (MNTV) + FamFeud + FamFeud + Fox 5 News + FamFeud + FamFeud + FamFeud + Puzzler + Law-SVU
rapper Lil __ X
22.1 WMPT (PBS) + Connec.. + Collect + Antiques Roadshow + Go-Go City-Protest + Independent Lens
17 Potential
26.1 WETA (PBS) + PBS NewsHour + Antiques Roadshow + Sig. Dish + WETAAr.. + Independent Lens
March Madness
32.1 WHUT (PBS) + DW News + Newsline + Go-Go City-Protest + Dmv-Beat + DavidH.. + Sequoyah + BBCNe..
50.1 WDCW (CW) + Neighbor + Neighbor + Son of a + Run + Children + Run + DC News Now + Seinfeld
bracket buster
66.1 WPXW (ION) + FBI + FBI + FBI + FBI + FBI
19 Egyptian viper
A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 First48 20 Comfort
(6:00) Movie: Don't Movie: Thirteen Ghosts + (2001) Movie: The Last House on the 21 Rowboat pair
AMC Breathe (2016) (P) Left ++ (2009) 23 Pilates surface
Animal Planet Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Afraid 25 Hair coloring
BET Payne Payne Movie: Drumline: A New Beat (2014) (P) Martin technique with
Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Mediterranean Couch Below an ombre effect
Bravo Mediterranean Mediterranean Talk With Deck
Cartoon Network King/Hill King/Hill Burgers Burgers Burgers Burgers Burgers American American 29 <Gossip Girl=
CNN E. B. OutFront (Live) Cooper 360 (Live) The Source (Live) CNN (Live) CNN steps location
Comedy Central The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Office Office Office Office 32 Cooks (up),
Discovery Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraba.. as grub
Disney Big City Big City Hailey Hailey Marvel's Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Villains 33 Gaseous water
E! Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam E! News 34 Flying
(6:00) Monday Night NFL Football Green Bay Packers at Las Vegas Raiders (Live) (:15) formations
Countdown Postgame
SportsCenter NFL Football Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli: Green Bay (:15)
36 <Frozen=
ESPN2 Packers at Las Vegas Raiders (Live) Postgame princess
Food Network BeatBobby BeatBobby Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Cookie Big Bake 37 Mind-body
Fox News Ingraham (Live) Jesse Watters (Live) Hannity (Live) Gutfeld! Fox News connector © 2023 tribune Content Agency, llC. 10/9/23
(6:10) Movie: Hocus (:20) Movie: Maleficent: Mistress of Evil ++ (2019) Maleficent and The 700 40 Against
Pocus ++ (1993) a group of outcasts battle a powerful queen. Club 43 JPEG
(6:00) Movie: The Movie: There's Something About Mary +++ (1998) Movie: There's
2 <Moonlight= 31 Mix up <their= 42 Taken to the 53 Greet
FX Waterboy + (1998) Something About Ma... alternatives actor and <there,= e.g. junkyard wordlessly
(6:00) Movie: Pumpkin Movie: A Harvest Wedding (2017) Golden Golden Golden 44 Prefix with Mahershala 34 Pressed music 45 Snack on a stick 57 __ Sutra
Hallmark Everything (2022) Girls Girls Girls scope or soft 3 Basic foxtrot medium 46 Baseball Hall 58 Word with Man
Mystery 101 Mystery 101 Murder ... 48 Floating move of Famer or Maiden
Hallmark M&M 35 2023 World Cup
basketball 4 Not fooled by finalists, briefly Campanella 59 Mil. missions
(6:05) Movie: Breach Movie: The Silence of the Lambs ++++ Movie: Hannibal ++ (2001)
HBO +++ (2007) (1991) hoop, e.g. 5 Fishing rod 38 Each, informally 47 Top Billboard 61 Alley-__ pass
HGTV Love It or List It Tough Love Tough Love Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl 50 <Leaving attachment 39 Moody music spot 62 Mex. and Can.
History Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Special Presentation (:05) Aliens already?= 6 Banana buy genre 49 Country singer neighbor
Castle Castle Castle (:05) Castle (:05) 51 Electrifying 7 Completely lost 40 Smartphone Yearwood 63 Triage sites,
Castle industrial facility 8 Invoice word program 50 Male deer briefly
MASN (6:00) FanDuel Racing (Live) World Poker Tour Bensinger Coach Wolfpack 54 Whiskey grain
MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) With Jen Psaki (Live) R. Maddow (Live) Last Word (Live) 11th Hour
9 Future MBA9s 41 Udon and soba 52 67-Across co-star 64 Take-home pay
55 1950s sitcom exam
MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
name 10 Provides with
Nat9l Geographic Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below
NBC SportsNet NHL Hockey Beyond the Caps Line BeyondT.. Caps Line Hershey
56 Absorb, as a funds SATURDAY9S LA TIMES SOLUTION
Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
significant 11 Enjoying a hot
NWSN On Balance Cuomo Dan Abrams (Live) Banfield Cuomo
moment streak
Two and a Two and a Movie: Just Go With It ++ (2011) A man's (Adam Sandler) careless Movie: 59 Like most reruns 12 Ropes at the
Paramount Half Men Half Men lie spins out of control. Anchor... 60 <Black Hole Sun= rodeo
(6:25) (:25) Movie: Fear the Night Billions Why Women Kill Movie: grunge band
Showtime Deadlock.. (2023) Scream ...
13 Paranormal
Syfy (5:35) Movie: Flatliners + (2017) Medical students experiment Movie: Scary Stories to Tell in
65 Modernist ability, for short
Movie: C... with near-death experiences. (P) the Dark ++ (2019) architect who 18 Sunrise
TBS (4:30) MLB Baseball Postseas.. MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks at Los Angeles Dodgers lived to be 102 direction
(6:00) Movie: From the Movie: How the West Was Won +++ (1962) Three generations of Movie: 66 Hebrew prophet 22 Twin sister of
Mixed-Up Files of Mrs... family go west. Sequoia... 67 Actress Mary Apollo
TLC 90 Day Fiancé: Other 90 Day Fiancé: Other Last Resort 90 Day: Other Welcome Tyler __ 23 <The Hills=
(4:30) Movie: Hobbit: Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 +++ (2017) The (:45) Movie: Dune
TNT Desolation of Smaug ... team unravels the mystery of Peter Quill's parentage. +++ (2021) 68 ID on an I-9 airer
Travel (6:00) Mysteries- Unk. Mysteries of the Unknown Mysteries of the Unknown form 24 <Eureka!=
TruTV (4:30) MLB Baseball MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks at Los Angeles Dodgers (Live) 69 Not together 26 Put on clothes
TV Land Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King 70 Adolescent 27 Forcibly remove
TV One CosbySh.. CosbySh.. Fatal Attraction Fatal Attraction Sins of the City Attraction emotion 28 PreCheck org.
USA Network Chicago Fire WWE Monday Night RAW (Live) Chucky 30 Alexander
VH1 Hip Hop Hip Hop Basketball (SP) B-ball Wives (P) Hip Hop DoWn Calder
WNC8 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 7News at.. Smile SportsTalk WorldNe.. WJLANe.. Leg Pain? National 1 __ Vegas sculptures
LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition
Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re K C5

Your canine friends won9t be in their feelings over Drake9s 8For All the Dogs9
BY H ERB S CRIBNER Drake declined to comment adjust to your interests and lis-
when asked if the album was tening habits, experts said. Your
Drake released his new album produced with dogs in mind, or if favorite song becomes normal for
<For All the Dogs= Friday morn- Drake had any comments on your pup when it9s played over
ing after months of anticipation. dogs in general, research shows and over again.
The album9s cover shows a rather that softer and more melodic <They feed off us and respond
terrifying dog drawn with crayon tunes 4 like those you9d find on a to us,= said Kristi Flynn, assistant
(by Drake9s son, Adonis, no less). typical Drake album 4 might be a professor for the University of
And the newspaper ad that an- good fit for pups. Minnesota9s department of veter-
nounced the album in June in- <Ultimately if a track makes inary clinical sciences. <If we9re
cluded a small photo of two you, the dog9s owner, happy, sad, just comfortable and listening to
young puppies. hopeful, your mood will be the music we like, where life is
But, is <For All the Dogs= picked up by your dog,= said Anna good and everybody9s happy,
actually for the dogs? Webb, an animal behavior expert then they9re happy and comfort-
Sure, the album9s title is most and host of <A Dog9s Life= pod- able as well.=
likely a play on words for the cast. That9s because dogs try to
term <dog,= which often refers to Music is often seen as thera- Most rap falls outside those reflect human behavior and
a friend or, in some situations, a peutic for dogs, according to the parameters with about 140 beats mimic a person9s emotions, said
romantic partner who is less than American Kennel Club, which per minute, she said. But some Jennifer Skiff, the director of the
phOTO by Kyle gusTAFsOn FOR The WAshingTOn pOsT
loyal. And yes, Drake has men- shares research about canines. Drake songs, like his older hits international programs for the
tioned dogs in his lyrics before, Calmer music can ease their <Find Your Love= and <Hold On, Drake named his much anticipated new album, left, which was anti-animal cruelty group Ani-
and included audio clips of dogs anxiety and keep their energy We9re Going Home= would be fine released Friday, <For All the Dogs.= Drake9s relaxed flow actually mal Wellness Action who pro-
barking, too. low. for dogs because of their slower might make your dog a fan of his music, though experts say the duced a CD for dogs called, <The
Drake, after all, is a bit of a dog A dog9s ears are more sensitive tempo. loud, staccato beats of most hip-hop music is not good for canines. Divinity of Dogs: Music to Calm
guy 4 having been spotted hop- than humans9 so they can pick up Scroll through Spotify and Dogs and the People Who Love
ping around New York City in a on more sounds, which is why you9ll see playlist after playlist for Guardian. breathing slowed and they were Them.=
dog mask or showing off his dogs softer tunes make them feel more your canine, including collec- The findings aren9t far off from less likely to pace around after So there9s potential for dogs
in album promotional art. He9s at ease. tions for road trips with your what the Scottish SPCA and the hearing it. But heavy metal 4 and puppies everywhere to enjoy
mused about dogs in his songs Webb said that rap and hip- pup, or when you9re trying to University of Glasgow found in a with its slashing guitar vibra- Drake9s new album (assuming, of
before, too. On the 2015 bop hop are <not good for dogs= calm them down. 2017 study 4 classical music tions and grungy lyrics 4 doesn9t course, that you do as well), Skiff
<Company,= he sang, <I only text because it often moves faster The production company Re- interested dogs, but they often do the same. said.
her, man, I never call/I9m still a than classical or reggae, which laxMyDog has been producing become bored of the genre. Reg- In fact, other research suggests <If Drake comes out with
canine at heart, I9m a dog.= And have the same rhythm as a dog9s music for dogs since 2011 to gae and soft rock music reduced that short notes played in quick something that is melodic and
on Future9s 2022 hit <Wait For U,= heartbeat. Generally, she said, improve mental health among stress, barking habits and heart succession (like you might hear creates happiness, then it9s prob-
which Drake featured on with music that appeases canines the dogs who are having a rough 4 or rates among our furry friends, in metal or rap songs) inspired ably going to be happiness for
Tems, he solemnly rapped, <Sup- most has a similar or slower beat ruff 4 time. Through user feed- the research found. dogs to move more, whereas everyone in the family,= she said.
posed to be your dog, but you than a dog9s heart rate, which is back, the company found that Similarly, a January 2023 softer tones made dogs fall <If you9re jumping up and down
done put me in a kennel.= around 80 to 120 beats per min- certain genres and sounds ap- study found dogs feel calmer asleep. and moving to the groove, the
Though representatives for ute. pealed to dogs, according to The after classical music, too, as their At the end of the day, dogs will dog probably will too.=

Monday, October 9, 2023

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket www.washingtonpost.com/movies
Diógenes 7:00 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Chang An (Chang'an san wan li) The Creator - The IMAX 2D The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan Alamo Drafthouse A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:25-7:15
DISTRICT Dumb Money (R) 12:45-2:15-9:10 (PG) CC: 11:15-2:00-4:30-7:45- (PG) XD: 10:20-12:50-3:20 1:40-5:20-9:10 Experience (PG-13) 12:00 3:30-9:00 Cinema - One Loudoun 12:10-2:50-5:40 Jawan (Hindi) 12:00-3:50-7:40
AMC Georgetown 14 Strange Way of Life (R) 3:30-4:30- 9:30 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 10:25-1:30 Shelter in Solitude 12:40-3:20- When Evil Lurks 5:50-8:50 When Evil Lurks 2:30-8:30 20575 East Hampton Plaza Blue Giant 7:00 The Creator (PG-13) 12:30-
3111 K Street N.W. 8:00-9:30 Moscow Mission 6:05 The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:05-6:50-9:50 6:00-8:40 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG- 4:00-7:30
The Witch (R) CC: 7:00 Ramona 5:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Blue Giant 7:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) 9:45 Experience (R) 3:10-6:00-9:00 2:30-8:45 (PG) 11:10-2:00-3:30-6:00 13) 12:35-3:05-5:35-8:05 Gran Turismo: Based On a True
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:15-7:15 Stop Making Sense (1999) (NR) (PG) OC: 3:15 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 10:15- When Evil Lurks 1:50-4:30-7:15- Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary The Cabin in the Woods (R) 7:00 Dumb Money (R) 1:05 Story (PG-13) 12:40
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 12:15-3:00-6:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 3:55-9:30 10:00 (PG) 12:50-3:40-6:20-9:00 (PG) CC: 1:45-4:30-7:00-9:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- The Nun II (R) 6:30-9:30
(PG) CC: 12:15-2:30-4:45-8:15- AMC Academy 8 10:45-11:45-1:30-2:45-4:15-5:45- Dumb Money (R) 10:35-1:20 Thank You For Coming (Hindi) Regal Westview & IMAX Moscow Mission 5:30-8:30 (PG) 12:00-3:00-5:00-6:30 12:45-1:30-3:00-3:45-4:30-5:30- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
9:20 6198 Greenbelt Road 7:00-8:45-10:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) XD: 12:50-3:50-6:50-9:55 Expend4bles (R) 3:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 6:45-7:30-8:20-9:00-9:45-10:30 1:05-3:55-6:40-9:25
5243 Buckeystown Pike
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:40 Saw X (R) CC: 11:00-2:00-5:00- 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D 4:00-10:00 Saw X (R) 12:40-3:35-9:25-10:35 Dumb Money (R) 12:55-3:45-6:30
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 6:30-8:00-9:30-11:00 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 AMC Potomac Mills 18
She Came to Me (R) 11:55-2:35-
The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 12:30- (PG) CC: 1:00-2:00-3:15-4:15- She Came to Me (R) 11:15-1:55- Experience (R) 4:05-7:00-10:00 2700 Potomac Mills Circle Stop Making Sense (PG) 12:45- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:20-
2:50-5:15-7:35-10:00 4:35-7:25-10:05 Mission Raniganj 12:20-3:25- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 4:40-7:45-10:30 5:15-7:55-10:35 3:20-6:20-9:20
5:30-6:45 AMC Magic Johnson (PG) 11:50-12:50-2:20-3:10-
The Nun II (R) CC: 2:00-9:45 Capital Center 12 The Lion King (1994) Disney100 6:30-9:35 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:50 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Saw X (R) 12:10-3:10-9:35
Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:10-7:30 4:50-7:20 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: (PG) 12:05-2:40-5:15-7:50-10:25
(G) 10:40-1:05-3:35-4:35 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Strange Way of Life (R) 12:05-
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: The Creator (PG-13) 2:00-5:20- Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 12:10- (PG) 9:10
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:20- 800 Shoppers Way
1:00-3:30-7:15-9:30 4:20-7:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Chang An (Chang'an san wan (PG) 12:30-3:20-6:10-9:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie MAD (Telugu) 6:35-9:40 2:15
li) 10:35 Moscow Mission 12:00-3:15-6:40 8:40 2:50-5:30-8:00-10:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 The Nun II (R) CC: 4:00 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: Dumb Money (R) 12:20-3:30- (PG) 1:00 Thank You For Coming (Hindi)
(PG-13) CC: 12:40-4:50 1:00-3:30 When Evil Lurks 10:45-1:45-4:25- The Creator (PG-13) OC: 12:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Creator (PG-13) 12:30-4:00- (PG) 7:35 11:50-2:50-5:50-8:50
Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:50- 7:15-9:55 6:10-8:50 (PG) CC: 12:00-1:15-2:20-3:45-
Bottoms (R) CC: 12:40-3:00-5:20- 4:40-7:20 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Regal Germantown 7:30-9:30 The Creator (PG-13) 7:05 Mission Raniganj 11:40-3:00-
7:40-10:00 A Very Good Girl 12:45-6:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- 4:40-7:10-9:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 6:25-9:40
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: (PG) CC: 12:45-1:30-3:10-3:50- 20000 Century Boulevard 2:40-5:30-8:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Dumb Money (R) CC: 12:00-2:30- 5:30-6:10-7:50-8:30 Mission Raniganj 9:40 Expend4bles (R) CC: 12:45-3:40- 1:25-3:15-6:45-9:45 8:25 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary
4:30-7:15-8:00 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 Saw X (R) 12:45-3:40-6:40-9:40 6:20-9:10
5:00-7:30-10:00 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 1:15 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary The Exorcist: Believer (R) 6:00 (PG) 11:25-2:00-4:35-7:10
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC:
Saw X (R) CC: 2:15-5:00-7:45
(PG) 11:30-2:05-4:40-7:15-10:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Blind (PG-13) 4:10-7:10-9:45 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:40-4:30- Dumb Money (R) 1:15-4:15-
Saw X (R) 6:30 The Creator (PG-13) 3:15-6:15-
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1:45 Expend4bles (R) CC: 12:00-5:20 (PG) 11:50-1:10-2:20-3:40-4:50- The Creator - The IMAX 2D Expe- 7:20-10:10
2:00-4:40-7:20-10:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 12:20- Rules Ranjann 7:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) Regal Ballston Quarter 9:15
Saw X (R) CC: 12:00-2:45-5:30- AMC Annapolis Mall 11 MAD (Telugu) 6:00-9:30 6:40-7:40-9:10 rience (PG-13) 12:10-6:20 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 12:15- 12:15-8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1:20-
3:05-5:45-8:30 Expend4bles (R) 9:05 671 North Glebe Road
10:30 1020 Annapolis Mall Road The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Moscow Mission 9:20 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D 2:50-3:30-7:00-10:10 4:20-4:50-7:20-7:55
The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:20-2:10- Experience (R) 3:20-9:30 Saw X (R) 11:45-3:30-6:15-9:30 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00
Strange Way of Life (R) CC: Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 4:15-7:20 Expend4bles (R) 11:55-2:35-5:15- The Nun II (R) CC: 1:20-4:10- The Creator (PG-13) OC: 11:55AM
(PG) CC: 12:00-2:45-4:40-7:00 7:55-10:35 5:00-7:50 The Creator (PG-13) OC: 12:40 7:00-9:40 Angelika Film Center Mosaic Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
3:00-9:15 The Nun II (R) CC: 7:00 2911 District Ave (PG) 12:00-1:35-2:30-4:10-5:00 Regal Manassas & IMAX
She Came to Me (R) CC: Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:40-7:30 Dumb Money (R) CC: 2:10- The Creator (PG-13) 10:15-12:35- Jawan (Hindi) 12:40-4:20-8:40 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:30- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC:
The Creator (PG-13) 12:30-2:40- 1:00-3:50-4:20-6:00-7:30-9:00 1:10-3:45-6:30-9:15 Barbie (PG-13) 1:55 The Creator (PG-13) 3:20-5:05- 11380 Bulloch Drive
12:15-5:10 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 12:10- 4:45-7:30 1:25-3:55-4:35-7:05-7:45-10:15-
4:00-6:30-9:45 10:55 4:00-5:50-7:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 8:30 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00
Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Xscape Theatres
The Nun II (R) 12:20-3:10
12:00-5:00-10:00 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:20- 2:15-5:00 The Nun II (R) 11:05-1:55-4:45- Dumb Money (R) 12:10-3:30 Brandywine 14 (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:20-5:40 (PG) 11:15-12:15-2:30-4:45 Barbie (PG-13) 11:00-1:50-
4:20-6:50-9:30 7:35-10:25 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- 7710 Matapeake Business Drive It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 9:20 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 4:50-7:40
When Evil Lurks 2:45-10:25 The Creator - The IMAX 2D 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40
The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 12:00- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 1:50-3:10-5:10-6:00-8:00-8:50 4:35-7:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Experience (PG-13) CC: 12:15 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (PG- Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:20-4:00- Blue Giant 7:00 (PG) 11:30-2:00-4:40-7:10
4:00-10:00 2:20-4:10-8:00-10:10 Saw X (R) CC: 12:00-2:50-5:40- 10:55-1:35-4:15-6:55-9:35 Saw X (R) 11:30-12:20-2:30-3:20- 13) 1:00-4:00-7:00 6:40-9:20 Dumb Money (R) 11:30AM
The Nun II (R) CC: 1:30-5:20-9:50 8:30 5:20-6:20-8:20-9:15 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:25 Dumb Money (R) 12:40-3:10- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:40-3:40
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Cinépolis Gaithersburg Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 5:50-8:25
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: On Fire (PG-13) CC: 6:00-8:15 Thank You For Coming (Hindi) Strange Way of Life (R) 1:55-3:30- Expend4bles (R) 12:30-3:00-
1:00-3:40-6:20-9:00 629 Center Point Way Mutant Mayhem (PG) 10:55-1:55 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1:20- 5:50-8:30
Saw X (R) OC: 7:40 1:40-4:30-7:10-10:20 When Evil Lurks 2:45-8:00 1:00-4:30-8:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Saw X (R) CC: 1:45-4:45-6:30- 5:05-6:40
Dumb Money (R) CC: 12:30-3:00- Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Mission Raniganj 1:30-4:40-8:30 Mutiny in Heaven: The Birthday 2:20-4:20-5:20-7:20-7:50-8:20 The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00-2:50-
Strange Way of Life (R) OC: 7:15 (PG) 11:20-12:00-3:00-5:40-8:40 (PG) 10:50-11:30-1:10-1:50-3:40- 7:45-9:45-10:30 Saw X (R) 11:50-2:40-5:25-8:10 5:40-8:25
The Creator (PG-13) OC: 7:00 5:35-8:10-10:45 Experience (R) CC: 3:20-6:00-8:45 Rules Ranjann 12:50-5:30-9:00 6:00-8:20 The Blind (PG-13) 6:40-9:30 Party 7:05
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Expend4bles (R) 4:40-7:40 The Creator (PG-13) OC: 11:25AM When Evil Lurks 12:30-3:00- Jawan (Hindi) 11:35-3:10-6:50
Alamo Drafthouse Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:40-3:40- Expend4bles (R) 5:05-7:35-10:15 The Lion King (1994) Disney100 Stop Making Sense (PG) 5:30-8:00 The Creator (PG-13) 3:50-7:00
12:00-2:15-5:05-6:40-7:45-9:20- (PG) CC: 2:15-4:45-7:15 Regal Hyattsville Royale The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:40-2:20- (G) 12:30 10:55-8:15
Cinema - DC Bryant Street 10:30 7:00 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Dumb Money (R) 11:20-2:40-
630 Rhode Island Ave NE The Exorcist: Believer (R) OC: The Creator (PG-13) 11:00-2:40- 6505 America Blvd. 5:10-7:40-10:20 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 5:00 A Very Good Girl 11:30-2:05- (PG) 12:20-2:45-6:20-8:40
Saw X (R) CC: 1:10-5:00-7:50- 4:45-7:20 5:30-8:00
Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary
7:45; 4:15 6:00-9:20 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 The Creator (PG-13) 11:00-1:00- When Evil Lurks 8:00-10:30 The Creator (PG-13) OC: 11:45AM The Exorcist: Believer (R) 11:00-
9:10-10:40 4:05-7:10-10:10 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary The Creator (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
(PG) 11:45-3:00-6:00 The Blind (PG-13) 12:50-3:50 AMC Montgomery 16 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- 12:20-3:20-6:20-7:20
7101 Democracy Boulevard 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 5:55-8:45 The Nun II (R) 11:15-2:05-4:35- (PG) CC: 1:20-3:50-6:20-9:00 7:00 Regal Dulles Town Center
The Cabin in the Woods (R) 7:00 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary 21100 Dulles Town Circle Saw X (R) 11:40-2:30-5:20-8:10
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie AMC Center Park 8 The Witch (R) CC: 7:00 Dumb Money (R) 2:00-5:00-8:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 7:25-10:05 The Creator (PG-13) OC: 6:00
(PG) 12:05-2:30-4:45-7:05 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 The Creator - The IMAX 2D
(PG) 12:00-2:00-5:00-6:30 4001 Powder Mill Rd.
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 5:15-8:15 The Exorcist: Believer (R) (PG) 12:00-12:50-1:20-2:40-3:20- Dumb Money (R) 4:35-7:05-9:55 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Experience (PG-13) 11:00AM
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 11:00-12:20-2:20-3:20-5:20-6:20- 4:00-5:10-5:50-6:30-8:00-9:00 Maama Mascheendra 11:35-6:15 1:30-4:30-8:20; 7:30; 2:00 The Royal Hotel (R) 11:05-1:20- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 3:30-5:40-7:45 (PG) 11:40-12:45-2:15-4:45-7:20 Thank You For Coming (Hindi)
The Exorcist: Believer (R) (PG) CC: 10:30-12:00-1:00-2:15- Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 8:20-9:30 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:10-3:10- Saw X (R) 11:10-1:20-2:10-4:10- AMC Shirlington 7 11:15-2:10-5:00-7:50
3:15-4:30-5:45-7:10 Saw X (R) 1:20-4:20-7:20 6:00-9:00 4:50-6:50-7:30-9:40 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 3:00- Jawan (Hindi) 12:25
12:30-3:45 12:25-5:30 2772 South Randolph St. 5:30-8:00 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D
Expend4bles (R) CC: 10:50-4:05 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Expend4bles (R) 9:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 11:20- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-3:20-
Stop Making Sense (PG) 6:15 Landmark 6:20-9:25 Experience (R) 2:20-5:20-8:20
Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:20-6:45 (PG) CC: 12:00-1:00-2:45-3:45- Bethesda Row Cinema The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:20-3:20- 12:05-12:40-2:00-2:40-3:20-4:40- (PG) CC: 12:00-1:20-3:40-6:00- CMX Village 14 Mission Raniganj 1:00-4:10-7:30
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 10:15- 5:15-10:15 7235 Woodmont Avenue 6:10-8:55 5:20-6:30-7:20-8:00-9:10-10:00 1600 Village Market Boulevard The Nun II (R) 1:45-5:00-7:45
(PG) 9:00 8:20 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Creator (PG-13) OC: 12:10
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 1:45-4:00-7:40 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 3:15 The Creator (PG-13) 3:00-6:00- Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary The Creator (PG-13) CC: 12:50- Barbie (PG-13) 1:30-4:15-7:10
Barbie (PG-13) 7:45 11:50-2:30-5:15-8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) OC:
(PG) 1:15 The Nun II (R) CC: 11:40-2:30- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 7:20- Oppenheimer (R) 4:00-6:45 8:35 (PG) 11:45-2:25-4:45-7:15-9:35 4:00-7:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 1:40-4:20
5:10-7:45 10:00 The Nun II (R) 12:35-3:25-5:50- Month of Madhu 2:55-9:25 (PG) 11:45-1:00-2:10-3:20-4:30- Dumb Money (R) 12:35
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Royal Hotel (R) 7:20 The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 1:00- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:15- Regal Springûeld Town Center
12:15-3:30-6:45-9:45 Dumb Money (R) CC: 11:00-1:15- The Creator (PG-13) CC: 12:45- 8:45 iPic Pike & Rose 3:20-5:40-8:00 6:00
5:00-7:20 The Creator (PG-13) 7:00 3:10-4:10-6:10-7:10-9:15-9:45 6859 Springûeld Mall
Dumb Money (R) 1:00-4:00- 2:30-4:00-5:45-7:15-9:00-10:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 11830 Grand Park Avenue A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Expend4bles (R) 12:30-5:20-7:50
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Nun II (R) CC: 12:15-5:30- 12:25-3:15-6:05-8:55 The Nun II (R) 12:15-2:50-5:25- Saw X (R) 1:00-3:50-6:40-9:35 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00
7:15-10:15 5:00-7:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40
10:40-1:30-4:15-7:00-8:00 11:00 Dumb Money (R) 12:10-3:05 8:05 When Evil Lurks 3:30-6:00-8:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Saw X (R) 4:00-7:30-9:15 Dumb Money (R) 4:30-7:15 (PG) 3:00-6:00-9:30 Dumb Money (R) CC: 2:20-
Saw X (R) CC: 11:15-2:00-4:45- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:30- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary (PG) 10:50-11:30-1:30-2:10-
The Creator (PG-13) 11:45-2:45- 7:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 7:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) 7:45-10:45 4:55-7:35 (PG) 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00
4:15-7:45-9:30 12:30-2:45-5:25-8:15-11:00 1:20-3:15-4:20-6:05-7:20-8:55 11:50-2:25-5:00-7:40 4:10-4:50
Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary The Nun II (R) 4:30-7:30-11:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Expend4bles (R) 12:10-3:10-
The Exorcist: Believer (R) AMC Columbia 14 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG) 4:05-6:15 Saw X (R) 12:05-1:15-2:50-4:15- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG- Regal Fairfax Towne Center
(PG-13) CC: 12:00-6:15 5:50-7:25-8:45
The Creator (PG-13) 2:45-6:45- 1:20-4:10-7:00 4110 West Ox Road 6:10-9:20
8:00-10:00 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway The Royal Hotel (R) 4:50 10:15 Saw X (R) CC: 1:50-4:40-7:30 13) 12:25-2:55-5:15-7:35
Saw X (R) 12:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 9:30 The Creator (PG-13) OC: 12:00 Dumb Money (R) 12:05-2:40- Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:40-2:30-
The Creator (PG-13) 4:15 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Angelika Pop-Up at Union Market (PG) CC: 1:00-2:00-3:20-4:20-
Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:15-4:15- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 4:30 Regal Laurel Towne Centre 3:15-6:30-9:30
AMC Tysons Corner 16 5:10-7:55 Oppenheimer (R) 12:20-4:20-8:20 5:30-8:30
6:00-8:30 8:45-9:45 7850e Tysons Corner Center The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Creator (PG-13) 10:55-2:20-
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Stop Making Sense (PG) 4:40 14716 Baltimore Avenue Dumb Money (R) 4:00 7:30-9:55
Expend4bles (R) CC: 6:40-9:20 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Creator (PG-13) CC: 7:25- 2:45-5:30-8:10 (PG) 11:50-2:20-5:00-6:40
Dumb Money (R) 7:40; 2:10-4:40 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:05-3:50- 12:15-2:00-3:15-4:45-6:00-8:30- Landmark at Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) (!) 2:30- 10:35 The Nun II (R) 9:50
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 3:45-6:15-7:00-9:00-10:30 Saw X (R) 1:10-4:05-7:20-8:15 The Creator (PG-13) 3:40-6:50
Mutiny in Heaven: The Birthday 6:35-9:20 10:20 Annapolis Harbour Center The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 (PG) 1:00-3:40-6:10-9:15 Saw X (R) 3:30-7:15-10:45 The Blind (PG-13) 12:35-3:30-6:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Party 7:00 The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 1:30- Saw X (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:15- 11:00-1:45-4:30-10:05; 7:15 Stop Making Sense (PG) 3:00 11:40-2:40-5:20-8:10 12:00-3:10-6:20-9:00
The Creator (PG-13) 2:00-4:45- 4:00-6:30-9:00 10:15 Barbie (PG-13) 1:35-4:25-7:15 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:50-7:45 Saw X (R) CC: 11:50-2:50-5:50- The Creator (PG-13) 12:45-4:00- The Exorcist: Believer (R)
7:10 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 2:50- Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: 1:45- Oppenheimer (R) 1:00-3:30-6:55 Expend4bles (R) 4:50 VIRGINIA 6:05-8:45-9:05 7:00-8:00
Road to Boston (Boston 1947)
1:00-4:00 12:40-1:20-3:40-4:30-6:40-7:20-
Stop Making Sense (PG) 4:50 6:10-9:15 5:45-8:45-9:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:10-3:50-6:30 AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 The Witch (R) CC: 7:00 9:30-10:00
The Creator (PG-13) 12:10- Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Blue Giant 7:00
Avalon Theatre The Nun II (R) CC: 4:15-6:55-9:40 She Came to Me (R) CC: (PG) 1:00-1:45-3:10-4:00-5:20- 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Barbie (PG-13) CC: 11:10-1:55- (PG) 11:55-2:20-4:50-7:15 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 Saw X (R) 11:50-12:50-3:00-4:00-
5612 Connecticut Avenue A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: 12:05-2:55 7:30 3:20-6:40 4:40 6:10-7:10-9:10-10:10
The Nun II (R) 12:40-3:30-8:50 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- (PG-13) 12:10
1:35-4:25-7:05-9:40 Chang An (Chang'an san wan li) The Creator (PG-13) 1:20-4:10- (PG) CC: 12:05-12:45-3:00-5:20- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 2:00-2:45-4:45-5:30-7:30-8:10 Dumb Money (R) 12:40-3:20- When Evil Lurks 11:10-1:50-4:40-
Scrapper 12:45-3:00-5:15-7:30 7:10 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 7:40-10:15
12:20-3:45-6:00 (PG) CC: 11:05-12:30-1:25-2:55-
Dumb Money (R) 12:00-2:20-4:45 Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:20-4:10- 12:30-3:10-6:20-9:00 7:40 Cinema Arts Theatre 6:00-8:40
6:55-9:35 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:00- 3:45-5:15-7:35-9:55
9650 Unit 14 Main St. The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1:20- Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary
Landmark E Street Cinema The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 12:10 1:30-4:20-7:20 Dumb Money (R) 12:15-3:00- Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:10-9:15 4:10-7:20 (PG) 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:00-9:45
555 11th Street Northwest 5:50-8:40 4:10-7:10
3:00-6:00-8:45 When Evil Lurks 3:00-8:10 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:40-7:20 The Royal Hotel (R) 9:40-12:05- Saw X (R) 12:00-2:50-5:40-8:30 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
The Storms of Jeremy Thomas Saw X (R) CC: 1:00-3:45-6:35- Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary (PG-13) 1:10-7:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 1:10- 2:35-5:05-7:40 Agent Zero 3:30-7:30 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
1:45-2:40-4:30-5:40-7:15-8:50 12:40-3:20-7:50
3:00-5:30 9:35 (PG) CC: 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 Dumb Money (R) 1:50-4:30-7:05 3:35-6:00 My Sailor, My Love 9:55-2:45- Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman Surprise Film (NR) 7:00
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 2:00- Saw X (R) 12:50-4:00-6:50 Dumb Money (R) CC: 12:20-
The Royal Hotel (R) 8:00 Strange Way of Life (R) CC: Moscow Mission 2:20-10:50 4:45-7:20 Jawan (Hindi) 2:35 4:55-7:15 12:50-2:10-4:35 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Finding Her Beat 7:00 1:00-3:00-5:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 4:45-6:45-7:25 When Evil Lurks 12:00-2:50 The Nun II (R) CC: 1:05-3:55- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Creator (PG-13) OC: 12:30
Stop Making Sense (PG) 4:40 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: (PG) 11:00-12:00-1:30-2:30-4:00-
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Creator - The IMAX 2D (PG) OC: 7:45 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary 12:10-1:50-4:40-6:40-7:30 6:40-9:30 10:00-12:20-2:40-4:50-7:20 5:00-7:40
The Exorcist: Believer (R) OC: (PG) 12:45-3:30-6:00-8:30 Regal Fox & IMAX
3:25-7:45 Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:00 Old Greenbelt Theatre Saw X (R) CC: 2:20-5:10-8:00 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Golda (PG-13) 12:15-2:20-4:40 22875 Brambleton Plaza Expend4bles (R) 8:30
Fair Play (R) 3:00-5:30-8:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 1:45 7:30 129 Centerway Regal Rockville Center 11:50-2:30-5:25-8:05-10:45 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
Strange Way of Life (R) CC: Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) 9:40
Bottoms (R) 3:30 When Evil Lurks 7:00-9:35 AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 Dumb Money (R) 2:45 199 East Montgomery Avenue My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG-13) 9:50-12:10-7:00
Dumb Money (R) 7:30 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D 11115 Mall Circle
(PG-13) CC: 11:55AM Flora and Son (R) 10:05-12:25- Skanda - The Attacker (Telugu) The Creator (PG-13) 11:20-2:45-
The Royal Hotel (R) 2:30-5:00 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: 2:30-9:40 5:50-9:00
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 7:35 Experience (R) CC: 4:00-6:45-9:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Dumb Money (R) 5:15 Oppenheimer (R) 11:20AM 1:10-2:50-7:00 Dumb Money (R) CC: 11:40-2:20- 2:25-4:35-7:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Strange Way of Life (R) 3:45-7:15 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary (PG) CC: 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:00 5:00-7:45-10:25 She Came to Me (R) 9:45-12:00-
Stop Making Sense (PG) 3:15 (PG) CC: 1:25-4:05-6:40-9:15 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie AMC Hoffman Center 22 2:30-5:00-7:30 (PG) 11:20-11:50-12:30-2:00-3:10- 12:30-3:20-6:00-8:50
Expend4bles (R) CC: 12:25- 3899 Branch Avenue (PG) 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:50-9:40 206 Swamp Fox Rd. The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 4:40-7:15 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
The Royal Hotel (R) 4:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 3:00-5:45 The Creator (PG-13) 12:30- 12:00-2:45-5:30-8:15 Cinemark Centreville 12 (PG-13) 12:20-3:00-5:45
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 4:15 2:00-5:00; 7:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Ratham (Raththam) (Tamil)
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 11:00- 3:40-6:50 The Creator - The IMAX 2D Expe- 6201 Multiplex Drive
12:30-3:40-6:50-10:05 Dumb Money (R) 12:40-3:30-
(PG) 11:00-1:30-4:30-7:00 (PG) 1:00
Regal Gallery Place AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 1:45-4:30-7:15 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) rience (PG-13) CC: 11:55-3:05 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Equalizer 3 (R) 10:00 6:10-9:15
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 10:30- Expend4bles (R) 11:30-2:00 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 2:15- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:50-
701 Seventh Street Northwest 9811 Washingtonian Center
The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:00-3:35- 12:40-3:20-6:00-8:40 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: (PG) 2:00-4:30-7:00 Jawan (Hindi) 11:05-3:00-9:50
1:30-4:30-7:30 5:00-8:15
Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 The Witch (R) CC: 7:00
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: 6:00-8:30 Blue Giant 7:00 12:05-4:00-7:55
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 8:15; The Lion King (1994) Disney100 Expend4bles (R) 4:40 The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-3:20- 3:40-6:30-9:20
Barbie (PG-13) 11:30-2:40- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:15 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:25-7:10 6:40-9:50 Saw X (R) 11:40-2:50-5:40-8:40
2:45-5:30-8:15 The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- 5:00; 2:00-7:45; 8:45 The Blind (PG-13) 12:10-3:10-
5:40-8:40 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 6:00-9:00 (PG-13) 12:20 (G) 12:10-2:30 The Nun II (R) 12:40-4:50-7:50- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Saw X (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-8:00-
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG) CC: 10:30-11:15-12:50-1:45- Dumb Money (R) CC: 11:45-2:30- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- Dumb Money (R) 12:00 9:30; 6:30
Chang An (Chang'an san wan li) 10:25 1:00-4:00-6:50-9:30 6:20-9:25
(PG) 11:50-5:50-8:20 4:15-5:45-6:45-9:15 5:15-8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1:20- 6:15-9:50 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) When Evil Lurks 11:10-1:50-
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 2:25-5:00-6:15-8:00-9:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) OC: 6:15 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: Fukrey 3 11:00-6:10
The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:50-4:50- Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:00-3:45- 11:30-2:15-5:00-6:30-7:45 Saw X (R) 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 2:30-4:10-5:40-9:10-9:20
The Witch (R) CC: 7:00 12:10-2:55-5:20-6:40-9:20 Dumb Money (R) 11:50-2:30-5:05- 4:50-7:20
7:30-10:20 8:00-10:45 Saw X (R) 1:30-4:40-7:40 11:50-4:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1:30- 7:50-10:30 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Regal Cinemas Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:00-5:00
The Creator (PG-13) 12:10-3:35- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 9:15 Majestic Stadium 20 & IMAX
She Came to Me (R) 11:50-2:20-
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
When Evil Lurks 10:00 4:30-7:30-10:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1:20- (PG) 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30
6:40-9:50 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 11:30- (PG) 12:15 5:20-8:10 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Saw X (R) 1:45-4:15-8:00-10:55 4:20-7:20-10:20 The Exorcist: Believer (R)
The Nun II (R) 11:15-2:00-4:45- 900 Ellsworth Drive (PG) CC: 2:30-4:00-5:30-7:00-9:30 Experience (R) CC: 6:15-9:00
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 12:45-4:00-7:15-10:30 Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom
Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:15 Thank You For Coming (Hindi) Saw X (R) 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30 10:50-11:50-1:40-2:40-4:40-5:30-
1:20-4:10-6:50-9:35 Gran Turismo: Based On a True 7:30 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 of Storms 3:50 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary 9:55 The Creator - The IMAX 2D Expe- 7:30-8:20
Story (PG-13) CC: 8:15 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 9:50 Chang An (Chang'an san wan li) The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:00-3:45- (PG) CC: 12:35-3:05-5:35-8:05-
Dumb Money (R) 12:20-3:10 10:30AM 6:30-9:15 Mission Raniganj 8:20 rience (PG-13) 11:10-5:10 Smithsonian - Airbus
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:00- The Nun II (R) CC: 12:00-2:45- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 1:10-5:00-8:50 10:40 Rules Ranjann 9:30 Thank You For Coming (Hindi) IMAX Theater
5:30-8:15-11:00 Saw X (R) 1:00-3:45-8:15 (PG) 12:20-1:35-3:30-4:15-7:10 When Evil Lurks 5:30-8:00 The Nun II (R) CC: 3:00-6:00-9:00 The Royal Hotel (R) OC: 8:30 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
3:00-6:00-9:00 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 2:50-6:30-9:40
Saw X (R) 12:25-1:10-3:20-4:20- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Expend4bles (R) 6:50-9:40 Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary (PG) 12:00-1:10-2:50-3:40-5:15- Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
The Equalizer 3 (R) 9:40 1:15-4:00-6:45-9:30 AMC Worldgate 9
6:20-7:20-9:20-10:10 11:30-2:15-5:00-7:45-10:30 7000 Arundel Mills Circle (PG) 11:40-2:10-4:50-7:30 13025 Worldgate Drive 6:10-8:40 Experience (R) 2:20-8:20 1:05-3:50
The Royal Hotel (R) 12:20-2:55- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
When Evil Lurks 11:40-2:20-5:00- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX (PG-13) CC: 1:00-6:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Creator (PG-13) 1:35-3:30- Mission Raniganj 6:00-9:15 Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
7:50-10:30 13) CC: 11:00-1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 (PG) 10:00-10:30-11:10-11:30- 5:30-8:10 7:20-10:30
1419 South Main Chapel Way Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:00-3:45- (PG) CC: 10:45-11:30-12:30- Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Seas 12:25-4:25
Hocus Pocus 30th Anniversary Dumb Money (R) CC: 11:15-1:50- 1:10-1:50-2:20-3:50-4:30-6:30- The Creator (PG-13) 1:30-3:50 Dumb Money (R) 12:05-2:30-5:35- (PG) 11:00-1:40-4:30-7:10-9:50 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-1:45-
4:30-7:15-10:15 7:10-9:10 The Nun II (R) 10:00 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 6:30-9:15 1:00-1:45-2:45-3:15-4:00-5:30-
(PG) 11:40-2:10-4:40-7:10-9:40 Barbie (PG-13) 12:30 6:15-8:15 7:40-10:40 Rules Ranjann 11:40-3:10-6:40- 3:15
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) XD: A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC:
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:00- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 10:10 The Creator - The IMAX 2D
(PG) OC: 2:30 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 6:40-9:40; 10:20-1:20-4:20-7:20- 12:30-3:20-6:10-9:00 12:00-1:05-3:00-4:00-6:00-6:50- Pind America 11:15-2:10-5:15- Experience (PG-13) 5:00
Strange Way of Life (R) CC: 10:20; 10:20-1:20-4:20-7:20-10:20; Blue Giant 7:00 (PG) 11:40-12:15-2:10-3:00-4:50 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: 4:00-7:00
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:30- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: 9:00-9:40 8:10 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
1:00-1:30-3:30-4:00-6:30-7:20- 11:30-3:50-5:50 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00; Dumb Money (R) 1:10-3:55-6:45 Expend4bles (R) 12:40-6:30 1:00-5:15
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:20 Strange Way of Life (R) CC: 1:15- 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 Cinemark Fairfax Corner and XD The Exorcist: Believer (R) 12:20- (NR) 11:30AM
7:40-9:30; 4:30 The Creator - The IMAX 2D Expe- 10:40-11:00-12:20-1:40-2:00- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 3:20-6:20-9:20 The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:25
rience (PG-13) CC: 10:30-1:35 3:20-4:40-5:00-6:20-7:40-8:00- 12:10-12:50-3:05-3:40-6:00-6:30- The Creator (PG-13) 11:30- 3:15-5:15-7:15-9:15 Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:15-3:45- 11900 Palace Way
2:50-6:50 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: 8:00 6:30-9:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Regal Kingstowne & RPX University Mall Theatres
MARYLAND The Lion King (1994) Disney100 10:40-11:00
(G) 1:30 Saw X (R) 10:10-10:25-1:10-1:30-
Saw X (R) 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 The Nun II (R) 3:30-9:10 She Came to Me (R) CC: 1:30- The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: (PG) 12:00-12:30-1:00-2:30-3:00- 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center 10659-A Braddock Road
AFI Silver Theatre Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 4:10-4:30-4:50-7:10-7:30-7:50- The Creator - The IMAX 2D A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 4:15-7:00-9:30 11:15-2:00-4:45-7:30-8:45 3:30-5:00-6:00-8:30-10:05 Surprise Film (NR) 7:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Cultural Center 10:20 10:10-10:30-10:50 Experience (PG-13) 12:45 11:50-2:40-5:40-8:40 The Kill Room (R) CC: 4:15-9:30 Saw X (R) CC: 11:45-2:30-5:15- The Creator (PG-13) 12:25-3:40- Oppenheimer (R) 4:10-8:10 (PG) 12:30-2:35-4:40-7:00
8633 Colesville Road When Evil Lurks 10:30-5:15 Barbie (PG-13) 12:55 She Came to Me (R) 12:50-3:40- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 11:30- Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom 8:00 10:15 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Creator (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
Flora and Son (R) 5:10-7:10 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 6:30-9:20 12:20-1:00-2:20-3:40-4:10-5:20- of Storms 1:15-5:15 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: Gran Turismo: Based On a True (PG) 11:30-12:50-2:20-3:30- 7:15
Stop Making Sense (1999) (NR) Experience (R) CC: 4:45-7:45- Mutant Mayhem (PG) 10:05- The Lion King (1994) Disney100 6:40-7:20-8:00-8:30 Chang An (Chang'an san wan li) 10:50-2:40-6:15 Story (PG-13) 12:15-3:25 5:10-7:50 Dumb Money (R) 12:20-2:40-
OC: 1:30 10:45 3:45-9:45 (G) 12:10-2:30-5:00-8:10 Saw X (R) 12:10-3:30-7:30 2:00-4:45 Mission Raniganj 5:00-8:05 The Nun II (R) 3:50-10:00 Expend4bles (R) 1:50 4:50-7:30
C6 EZ RE the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023





f 8432
g None
f A63
g A Q J 10 9 5
f J 10 9 6 f 5
g A K J 10 8 g 9743
g 8 g 7432
f AKQ7
g Q652
f Q 10 8
g K6

The bidding:
1 NT 2g 3g Pass
3f Pass 4 g Pass
6f All Pass

W hen I watched today9s

deal in a penny game,
Unlucky Louie was East and
held one of his usual piles of
nothing. His expectation was
about minus 650 points, and
it got lower when North-South
bid a slam.
Luckily for Louie, South
was Joe Overberry, who
thinks it9s nobler to go down
in pursuit of an overtrick
than to make his contract.
West led the king of hearts
against six spades, and Joe
ruffed in dummy, led a trump
to his ace, ruffed another
heart and led a second
When Louie discarded, Joe
took the K-Q and started the
clubs. West ruffed the sec-
ond club and cashed his ace
of hearts.
<We stop at six spades LIO MARK TATULLI MIKE PETERS
when we should have bid
seven,= North moaned.
<Then the man goes down
trying to make seven.=
Joe pitched 1530 points.
At Trick Two he should play a
low trump from both hands,
guarding against a 4-1 break.
If West wins and returns
a trump, Joe wins, ruffs a
second heart in dummy and
draws trumps. He can run
the clubs without interrup- CHRIS BROWNE
tion for 12 tricks.
You hold:
f J 10 9 6 g A K J 10 8
You open one heart, your
partner bids one spade, you
raise to two spades and he
tries 2NT. What do you say?
ANSWER: Partner9s 2NT is
a try for game. He has about
11 high-card points, bal-
four so-so spades. You must
accept the try; if your hand
were any stronger, you might
have jumped to three spades
at your second turn. Since
you have a side singleton,
bid four spades.

4 Frank Stewart





monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You like people,
which makes you
perceptive, observant
and popular. You are
intelligent and multitalented.
You are also sensitive and
kind. This is a wonderful
year for you because you
are getting the recognition
you deserve. Expect a
raise, praise, awards and
acknowledgment. Bravo!
Moon Alert: There are no
restrictions to shopping or
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Leo.

(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Aries parents: Be aware that
this is an accident-prone day
for your kids. Be smart and
keep an eye on them. Know
where they are at all times and
remove them from hazardous
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
interrupted today. Something
unexpected might happen. You
might run out of something,
or someone might show up
unexpectedly or cancel when
you were expecting them.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Pay attention to everything you
say and do today because this
is a mildly accident-prone day
for your sign. Short trips and
appointments will be delayed
or canceled. Meanwhile,
feelings of duty and obligation,
strong today.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Today you might find money
or you might lose money.
Definitely keep an eye on your
possessions to prevent loss,
theft or damage. Meanwhile,
be patient with others and
focus on ways to be kind
instead of thinking about
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER STAN LEE & ALEX SAVIUK This is a restless day for you.
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN You feel excited and yet a
bit nervous. Because of this,
you might say something you
later regret. Therefore, protect
yourself and others, by slowing
down and thinking before you
speak or act.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
An undercurrent running
through this day makes
you feel slightly restless or
nervous. Don9t give it too
much energy. It9s a temporary
influence that9s gone in 24
hours or less. Meanwhile,
feel a bit reserved or strained.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
You9re a people pleaser.
Meanwhile, today many
people feel reserved, even
constrained, because of
duties and obligations. You
can work your magic because
powerful planets are in your
sign lending you energy and
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
An unexpected outburst might
your best to handle this. Be
part of the solution, not the
problem. Naturally, friends or
groups might be sidetracked
because they9re dealing with
bigger issues today.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Travel plans will change today,
which is why you should
double-check itineraries and
schedules. Also, it will be wise
for you to avoid controversial
or sensitive topics.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Double-check banking
situations and anything to
do with shared property.
Something unexpected
could impact these areas.
Meanwhile, you make a great
impression on others today.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Today you might feel surprised
by a spouse, partner or friend
who says or does something
you didn9t expect. Stay mellow.
Keep the peace. Don9t make a
big deal about something you
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Some days are easier, and
some days are not. Today
is one of those days when
relations with those who
are closest to you are a bit
stiff and reserved. They9re
not super negative, but
conversations are more sober
than usual.
4 Georgia Nicols



More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; comics@washpost.com; 202-334-4775.
C8 EZ RE the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

The original Lego brick colors

How Lego bricks went from ûve colors to nearly 200


ince modern Lego bricks debuted in 1958, their color scheme has palette. Using data from Rebrickable, a site that crowdsources

S undergone a transformation from just a handful to more than 110

at the peak in 2004. The palette has evolved, grown and shrunk
over the decades.
information about Lego sets, The Washington Post analyzed the palette
to explore what the color system says about the evolution of the
When Lego started manufacturing bricks, it started small, colorwise. Jared Hinton, a Los Angeles-based site administrator for Rebrick-
<These were very basic colors,= said Signe Weise, a corporate historian able, has worked for more than five years helping to carefully catalogue
at Lego. The original brick colors, according to Weise, were red, yellow, and maintain the data.
blue, white and transparent. <As the internet and interest in Lego colors has grown, so has our
If you counted every brick produced since 1958, most would be black, ability to preserve this information and create more accurate invento-
gray or white, but such a census obscures the colorful history of the ries,= Hinton said.

All the brick colors Lego has used since 1958

Lego bricks have appeared in nearly 200 different colors since 1958, including standard, transparent and glitter varieties.
At first, colors were limited. <Very few colors, very simple color system,= Signe Weise, a coporate historian at Lego, said.

New brick colors introduced between 1978 and 1989 New brick colors introduced between 1990 and 1999

Following the 1978 introduction of Lego themes and the minifigures as we know them today, In the 1990s, the color palette got a new addition: pink. <We introduced a couple of themes
the palette began to ramp up. Colors were added between 1978 and 1989, but the total targeted to girls,= Weise said. <So that meant the introduction of more pastel-like colors,
number of active colors in a year never exceeded two dozen. lighter greens and lighter pink colors.=

Brick colors used in 2004 Brick colors used in 2022

Lego9s product portfolio was expanding, which strained the company9s finances, Weise said. The palette has grown slightly since 2007 to about 70 colors in 2022.
The number of colors in use tripled from 1990 to 2000, and the palette peaked in 2004 with
more than 110 colors. To steady the company, Lego reduced the number of bricks as well as
the size of the color palette 4 down to about 60 in 2007. <We went from 14,000 different
types of [bricks] to around 3,500,= Weise said.

A more controlled color palette means <There was this trend of pink toys [in the a professor at Monmouth University who Star Wars minifigures for human charac-
designers have to work creatively within 1990s],= said Erica Weisgram, a professor at studies children9s toy play along with gen- ters 4 like Luke Skywalker, for example 4 had
Lego9s color system, Weise said. One way the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point dered experiences. <Our science is really clear been yellow up to that point. The decision to
designers do that is by reimagining pieces who researches gender development in chil- that children and consumers notice the color make Lando Calrissian9s skin brown was
with new colors. For example, a frog piece dren. <Pink got to be a designation of feminini- palettes, and that they know that those color controversial among fans, Hinton said, be-
appears in a bonsai tree set 4 but pink. The set ty.= palettes are associated with particular gen- cause the introduction of a Black minifigure in
contains many pink frogs, which sit on the After the introduction of the pinks and ders.= a world of yellow minifigures suggested that
branches of the tree in bloom, giving the pastels in the 1990s, the darker colors and In 2021, Lego committed to making its toys all yellow minifigures actually represented
appearance of flowers. primary colors in Lego9s palette seemed a lot more gender-neutral. White skin tones.
Similarly, an Avatar set includes turquoise more masculine by comparison, Weisgram Lando Calrissian was not the only minifig-
bananas and purple carrots to build plant life. said. Lego minifigures and representation ure released in 2003 with natural skin tones.
<You have to find new ways of using old Lego sets are still seen as gendered among The introduction of themes also marked the That same year, Lego also released minifig-
things,= said Weise. <We9re making sure that parents. In a study commissioned by Lego and first time a Lego set included the yellow ures for several real-life people, including
[the bricks] are within the system and that conducted by the Geena Davis Institute, re- minifigure. The yellow minifigure introduced NBA stars Kobe Bryant, Chris Webber and
they fit together with everything we have been searchers found that in an implicit bias in 1978 was intended to be <ethnically neu- Steve Nash. In 2004, Lego released a new color
doing.= assessment, 76 percent of parents said they9d tral,= according to a Lego account of the for light skin and updated minifigures in
recommend Lego for their sons, compared history of the minifigure, and for decades various franchises with natural skin tones.
Themes widen the palette with 24 percent who said the same of daugh- almost all were yellow. <It9s important for us because using differ-
Beginning in the 1960s, Lego grouped its ters. That changed in 2003 when Lego released a ent colors, especially when we talk skin tones,
products into a handful of categories, but it In that study, researchers shared recom- minifigure for Lando Calrissian, a Black char- is what enables us to represent more people,=
wasn9t until 1978 that Lego debuted the first mendations 4 including about color 4 to help acter in <Star Wars.= In that same account, Weise said. <More people, more children and
major themes 4 Castle, Town and Space. make Lego products more gender-neutral. authors write that he was the first minifigure more adults feel represented in our sets.=
Those themed sets form what is known to fans <Palette is a really important way that who a in the Star Wars theme and among the first of Lego recently cited a desire among kids to
as the <classic three,= Hinton said. toy is for is communicated,= said Lisa Dinella, all minifigures with natural skin tones. see themselves better represented in their
These themes each had a palette based on toys, which inspired a launch of a new set of
the colors of the time 4 early Castle sets characters for Lego9s Friends theme.
included mostly yellow bricks while Town <Representation is always a really good
included a lot more white and red. thing for kids to be able to see. They want to
As Lego9s color system evolved and grew, so see themself in the commercial. They want to
did the possibility for distinctive palettes. see themself in this toy,= Weisgram said.
Among the themes that Lego launched in the <Even though we have grown and the color
1990s were Star Wars and Belville, a category palette has grown with us, we still know where
with elements including playgrounds, horses, we are coming from and what we9re going to
castles and princesses. Both needed very stick with to keep the success going as well,=
different color profiles. Weise said.

SPORTS monday, october 9 , 2023 M2 d

ravens 10 Jaguars 25 Texans 19 Panthers 24 Titans 16 giants 16 Saints 34 Eagles 23 Bengals 34 Jets 31 Chiefs 27 Cowboys 10 Packers 8:15 p.m.
Steelers 17 Bills 20 Falcons 21 lions 42 Colts 23 Dolphins 31 Patriots 0 rams 14 Cardinals 20 Broncos 21 vikings 20 49ers 42 raiders aBC, ESPN

Through Game 2
ûve games, loss puts
rookies are the O9s on
a nonfactor
the brink
Injuries, struggles force
Commanders to lean on rangers 11,
their experienced players orioles 8
BALTIMORe 4 All year, inexperi-
In the 2022 NFL draft, the ence threatened to catch up with
Washington Commanders priori- the Baltimore orioles. They had
tized polished players over well- plenty of young talent. And after
rounded athletes. They wanted years of losing in service of a
skill and immediate impact to rebuild that never guaranteed
surround their quarterback, Car- anything, they had plenty of hun-
son Wentz, with options. so they ger. What they did not have was an
selected players with plenty of understanding of what it took to
college experience, including win 4 to win all summer, to win
first-round wide receiver Jahan down the stretch and to win in
Dotson and third-round running october.
back Brian Robinson Jr., who Yet that inexperience seemed
became starters as rookies. to inoculate the orioles against
They took defensive tackle Phi- whatever pressure their achieve-
darian Mathis in the second ments earned, leaving them bliss-
round, figuring he could quickly fully unaware of just how hard
become part of the rotation up winning in the major leagues can
front. (A season-ending injury in be. They did not know what it
Week 1 derailed that plan.) They meant to fail 4 not in any lasting
had a similar idea for fourth- way, at least. so they did not see
round safety Percy Butler and any reason they could not suc-
fifth-round tight end Cole Turner, ceed. And until this weekend, they
depth players who could help on had done nothing else.
special teams, too. But now, after an 11-8 loss to the
<You9d like to think that the Texas Rangers in Game 2 of the
early-on picks . . . [are] going to American League Division series
be able to contribute one way or in which multiple members of
the other,= Coach Ron Rivera said their pitching staff imploded, the
after that draft. <And more so orioles have reached a tipping
when you get into your top four 4 point: Having already lost behind
you want some sort of impact their top two starters, they need
from them.= three straight wins, the first two
Though it9s too early to fully on the road, to save their season.
evaluate the impact of Washing- The task is monumental, and the
ton9s 2023 draft class, the results resilience required will be far
so far are strikingly different greater than what they have had
from those in recent years 4 and to show so far. Then again, this
disappointing. The majority of group has never done this divi-
the seven-player class is still de- Chelsea Gray roared her approval Sunday after Las Vegas teammate Jackie Young, right, scored and drew a foul against New York. sion series thing before. It is possi-
veloping, and the lone starter, ble the orioles do not know how
first-round cornerback Emmanu- hard it will be, which might make

Coming up Aces
el Forbes Jr., has struggled, cost- it easier to do.
ing the team in consecutive losses <No one said it was going to be
before getting benched. easy,= shortstop Jorge Mateo said
sEE CommaNderS oN d6 through team interpreter Bran-
don Quinones. <We9re right here.
Commanders at Falcons We9re going to fight the fight.=
Sunday, 1 p.m., CBS Even sunday, when rookie
BY K AREEM C OPELAND <she9s a great decision-maker. she9s Grayson Rodriguez and the bull-
aces 99, a big, strong guard that has defense pen walked as many batters
LAS VeGAS 4 About 90 minutes liberty 82 first.= through six innings (10) as Balti-
before sunday9s Game 1 of the WNBA This is the matchup WNBA fans more had in a full game all season
The Pac-12 is the fun kind Finals, Becky Hammon casually men-
Young helps Las Vegas win had been anticipating after both and the orioles stumbled into
of league that a few might tioned that she thought Jackie Young teams loaded up in the offseason. The an early 9-2 deficit, they got back
want to stick around, our
could be the X-factor in this series. Game 1 of WNBA Finals Aces are the defending champions into the game. They outhit the
Her declaration wasn9t exactly shock- and feature A9ja Wilson, the 2022 Rangers 14-11. They saw rookie
Chuck Culpepper says. d2 ing; the Las Vegas Aces9 coach was MVP and back-to-back defensive Gunnar Henderson hit his first
talking about the 2019 No. 1 draft pick <I think Jackie9s just scratching the player of the year, along with three sEE orioLeS oN d6
ruNNiNG and a two-time all-star in the midst of surface of how great she can be,= other all-stars in the starting lineup.
The marathon record a career year. Hammon said after the game. <she They added two-time MVP Candace MLB division series
Regardless, Young made her coach does so many things that help you win Parker, who is out with a foot injury,
is shattered 4 and nears look like a soothsayer when she the game. she9s just one of those and two-time champion Alysha Clark. American League
two hours 4 as Kelvin poured in 26 points to lead the Aces to people that just keeps her nose to the The Liberty traded for 2021 MVP game 2: rangers 11, Orioles 8
a 99-82 victory over the New York ground. I just encourage her to be, Jonquel Jones and signed Breanna game 3: Tomorrow, 8 p.m., Fox
Kiptum wins in Chicago. d2
Liberty in front of a star-studded like, aggressive 4 whatever that stewart, who won her second MVP game 2: Twins 6, astros 2
pro FootBALL crowd at Michelob Ultra Arena. means. sEE wNBa fiNaLS oN d7 game 3: Tomorrow, 4 p.m., Fox
In Week 5, the Jaguars National League
WNBA Finals, Game 2: Liberty at Aces | Wednesday, 9 p.m., ESPN Phillies at Braves
stump the Bills, the Eagles game 2: Today, 6 p.m., TBS
win again, and the 49ers Diamondbacks at Dodgers
crush the Cowboys. d3-5 game 2: Today, 9 p.m., TBS

As Rooney moves on, it9s time Biles ends a dominant week with two more golds
for United to take long view BY E MILY G IAMBALVO

D.C. United9s term purposes. ANTWeRP, BeLGIuM 4 After the

on soccer hiring of Wayne By this summer, Rooney did Tokyo olympics in 2021, simone
Steven Rooney as coach take to the idea of extending his Biles9s future in gymnastics was
Goff last year 4 just stay. He wanted to continue the in limbo. The lingering question
like its signing of building process. United, was not whether she would re-
Wayne Rooney though, was not quite ready to turn to greatness but whether she
the lethal striker five years ago 4 look ahead; it wanted to see would even want to try. Biles took
was never a long-term solution. results this year. a year away from the sport and
Rooney, who lasted 11/2 seasons Any talk of a new contract then, with little self-generated
in each role, came stateside in hinged on the team9s fanfare, launched a comeback.
both instances to rouse a performance in the second half That led to this past week9s tri-
forgotten MLs club in a of the season. At the bare umphs, a brilliant showing at the
prospering league. As a player, minimum, Rooney needed to world championships that left no
he brought global gusto to make the playoffs 4 not a tall doubt: simone Biles is back.
freshly opened Audi Field and task in a generous league. Biles thrived under pressure
marketing power to a faded A late-season slide sealed his and capped her run sunday with
brand. With his career winding fate. Co-owners Jason Levien two more gold medals. In the last
down, though, he figured to stay and steve Kaplan were in women9s events 4 the beam and
no more than two or three attendance in Austin on floor finals 4 Biles showcased the
seasons. Wednesday for a 3-0 howler that same superb routines that she
Upon his return as coach in all but ended United9s playoff had all week and has for years.
July 2022, Rooney signed an chances. Elimination came she will leave here with five med-
unusually short contract, saturday despite a 2-0 victory als, including four golds, and with
through the 2023 season. With over New York City FC. the newly minted status as the
Rooney9s wife and children The postgame announcement most decorated gymnast in his-
staying in England and his that United and Rooney had tory.
ambitions tied to a bigger job agreed to part ways was not But this competition was more
back home someday, neither he surprising. A patchwork about what Biles proved to her-
nor United officials expected this measure had failed to stop a self 4 and to others. she showed
gig to last forever, either. It yvES hErMaN/rEuTErS
string of four consecutive she could handle the stress of a
would jointly serve their short- sEE oN SoCCer oN d12 Simone Biles narrowly won gold in the floor event using a program packed with powerful tumbling. sEE BiLeS oN d7
d2 eZ su the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023

With triple-OT thriller, game-winning kick and defensive gem, Pac-12 shows out
By now, it9s a
On leading theme of
Football chatter in a
chuck chatterbox nation
culpepper that the Pac-12
has found
admiration at the
brink of its disintegration. It9s
flourishing in 2023 before
perishing in 2024. It9s a hell of a
league for now and a hellish sign
of grotesque realignment
The theme seems only to
deepen weekend by weekend, as
if sneering and smirking at all of
us who will pine for the Pac once
10 of its 12 teams either bolt or
crawl toward three of the
country9s more eastern,
TV-richer leagues. The damned
theme deepened again Saturday
night, when Southern California
and Arizona tussled over an
apparent hallucination that
wound up 43-41 in triple
overtime, glitzy Colorado got a
gutty field goal to win at Arizona
State and soon-abandoned
Oregon State kept looking swell
at California.
Then the shipwrecked league
sailed toward a blissful weekend
upcoming, with spotless Oregon
visiting spotless Washington,
rugged UCLA 4 what? 4 visiting
Oregon State, and Southern
California headed for Notre
Dame, all after Deion Sanders9s
Colorado plays a home game
Friday night (wonder if that9ll Katelyn mulcahy/getty images

have any energy?) against USC quarterback Caleb Williams rushed for three touchdowns, one in the first overtime, before running in the winning two-pointer in the third extra period against Arizona.
Stanford. They will play these
gaudy games, then go elsewhere the Yellow Jackets= Andy aP t oP 25 c o a c h es 9 Po l l Cameron Ward, the thing. 8Do your thing. Get your
next year in search of TV ratings, Demetra. Washington State quarterback shine on. It9s your moment, baby.
away from a league churning out The Pac-12, as a compelling recOrd Pts Pvs recOrd Pts Pvs
drawing deserved rave upon Live it.9 =
great TV. collective, outshone the 1. Georgia (50) 6-0 1559 1 1. Georgia (61) 6-0 1597 1 deserved rave, faltered to 19 for Check the numbers. Mata,
2. Michigan (11) 6-0 1489 2 2. Michigan 6-0 1512 2
This has to be the strangest gathering fact that No. 1 Georgia 3. Ohio State (1) 5-0 1408 4 3. Ohio State (2) 5-0 1443 3 39 for 197 yards in the 25-17 loss from Buford, Ga., made 12 of 13
sport in the 200,000 years of and No. 2 Michigan have begun 4.
Florida State (1)
Florida State
Penn State
with one offensive touchdown, field goals and 50 of 51 extra
human existence, outpacing to look herculean again, as if 6. Penn State 5-0 1273 6 6. Washington (1) 5-0 1246 8 three sacks and six hurries. points last year at Jackson State,
7. Washington 5-0 1239 7 7. Oklahoma 6-0 1200 12
even camel racing with primed for third straight College 8. Oregon 5-0 1150 8 8. Oregon 5-0 1168 9
<And it was impressive to see,= then all four field goals and 10 of
remote-controlled robot jockeys Football Playoff appearances. 9. Texas 5-1 1052 3 9. Southern California 6-0 1121 7 Kelly said. 11 extra points this year at
10. Southern California 6-0 999 9 10. Alabama 5-1 1025 10
for strangeness. It9s ominous that Georgia, that 11. Alabama 5-1 971 11 11. Texas 5-1 982 4 <He got frustrated a lot,= UCLA Colorado.
So the Pac-12 kept thrilling, twice-defending national 12. North Carolina 5-0 894 14 12. North Carolina 5-0 912 13 defensive lineman Carl Jones Jr. That means he has three
13. Mississippi 5-1 748 16 13. Mississippi 5-1 764 15
enough to override other matters champion, beat a very good 14. Louisville 6-0 731 25 14. Oregon State 5-1 713 16 said. misses.
15. Oregon State 5-1 725 15 15. Louisville 6-0 651 25
in the category of thrills, even if Kentucky by a score such as 51- 16. Utah 4-1 567 18 16. Utah 4-1 600 19 <They just had waves of guys Wait: All were blocked.
nothing could outshine the 13. It9s something that Georgia 17. Duke 4-1 479 19 17. Tennessee 4-1 587 18 coming at you,= Washington It9s literally true! Mata don9t
18. UCLA 4-1 438 NR 18. Duke 4-1 451 21
Oklahoma-Texas wonder in the took a perennially good 19. Washington State 4-1 412 13 19. Washington State 4-1 370 14 State Coach Jake Dickert said. miss.
Cotton Bowl. Kentucky defense and scored on 19. Tennessee 4-2 412 22 20. LSU 4-2 355 23 A fetching nighttime followed. DJ Uiagalelei, last seen and
21. Notre Dame 5-2 374 10 21. Notre Dame 5-2 324 11
It outshone the nightmarish it on every single first-half 22. LSU 4-2 321 23 22. UCLA 4-1 276 NR Host Arizona State tied long seen during a bumpy ride
23. Kansas 5-1 103 NR 23. Kentucky 5-1 159 20
Saturday night that smacked one possession. <It9s incredible,= 24. Kentucky 5-1 99 20 24. Kansas 5-1 120 NR Colorado at 24 with 50 seconds quarterbacking Clemson,
of its former coaches, Mario Coach Kirby Smart told reporters 25. Miami 4-1 74 17 25. Missouri 5-1 78 22 left. Colorado quarterback continued to prosper at Oregon
Cristobal, who spent the 2021-22 in Athens, Ga. <You9re in the Others receiving votes: Missouri 69, Wyoming 42, Air Others receiving votes: Miami (4-1) 74, Wyoming (5-1) Shedeur Sanders, that shy fellow, State (5-1) with five touchdown
Force 41, Wisconsin 41, Tulane 27, West Virginia 26, 60, Air Force (5-0) 58, Iowa (5-1) 57, Maryland (5-1) 37,
offseason in a transcontinental rhythm, and you don9t realize Clemson 17, Maryland 9, Iowa 7, James Madison 7, Texas Clemson (4-2) 33, West Virginia (4-1) 24, Wisconsin adopted what he called <let9s go passes, three to tight end Jack
splash from Oregon to his alma you9re scoring every possession.= A&M 5. (4-1) 23, Texas A&M (4-2) 22, Tulane (4-1) 18, James legendary mode= and threw a Velling, in a 52-40 win at
Madison (5-0) 9, BYU (4-1) 9, Fresno State (5-1) 4, Ohio
mater, Miami, carting along a It9s foreboding, the quirky (5-1) 2, Memphis (4-1) 2, Florida (4-2) 2, Liberty (5-0) 1. monster of a 43-yard pass to California.
reputation as a gem of a dialect. Smart and staff Javon Antonio to help arrange Then, after midnight in some
recruiter, a peach of a motivator <challenged [the players] all Alejandro Mata9s doubtless populous regions, bleary eyes
and a dud of an in-game adapter. week to have a connected quarter,= and, <We just keep 74th in 2022, all while Coach 43-yard field goal with 12 might have seen USC star
Was this image fair? The physicality= and <talked all week getting better and better on the Chip Kelly tinkered with, of seconds left and a 27-24 win. quarterback Caleb Williams
chatter seesawed some, but now about mass and acceleration defensive front.= course, the offense? Colorado got to 4-2 after 1-11 make a frantic recovery of a
it tilts one way for a long time equal force.= The nation long Total yards at Minnesota: It9s at least partly because of last year. Sanders brought his fumbled exchange deep in field
because Cristobal9s Miami did since has learned that when 432-169. one D9Anton Lynn, former Penn giant smile to the front of the goal range with the seconds
not take a knee when a knee Georgia starts talking connected At Penn State: Nov. 11. State defensive back, former rowdy Arizona State student ticking in a 28-28 game against
would have closed out a 20-17 physicality and mass and Home to Ohio State: Nov. 25. safeties coach for the Baltimore section, where he showed those valiant Arizona. They might have
win, handed off the ball, fumbled acceleration equal force, or when Chance of losing elsewhere: Ravens (last year), nowadays a students his watch, which means seen Williams rush to spike the
the ball away, then saw Georgia a linebacker such as Jamon slim. first-year defensive coordinator it must be some watch. And his ball with two seconds left, on a
Tech wide receiver Christian Dumas-Johnson says after a 51-13 Still, the shine of the year in Westwood. father, Coach Prime, practiced play that didn9t count because
Leary roaming free to catch win, <They shouldn9t have gotten comes from the West, just before <Coach Lynn, he just brings a kicker love while explaining why USC used its final timeout. They
Haynes King9s game-winning [the two] scores,= look out. it melts. Five of the top 10 whole new energy to this team, he brought along a kicker from might have seen USC line up for
44-yard touchdown pass with The tendency to overlook passing teams lurk there 4 No. 1 to this defense,= defensive back Jackson State last offseason. a winning 25-yard field goal,
one second left. Michigan makes sense given its Washington, No. 2 Washington Alex Johnson told reporters after <Why do you think I brought then botch every iota of that
<We kind of thought they were schedule, but it9s a statement of State, No. 3 Southern California, Washington State9s great offense him here?= Sanders said. <Mata process. And then they might
taking a knee,= Georgia Tech purpose to win one9s first two Big No. 8 Colorado, No. 10 Oregon 4 stalled in the Rose Bowl. <He also don9t miss. You call a timeout have seen three overtimes, USC
Coach Brent Key told reporters Ten road games 45-7 and 52-10, yet the vast stat pool yields lets us be free within our and freeze him all you want. eking out a 43-41 win with
in Miami Gardens. even considering the struggles of another phenomenon: How on positions, within our groups. That don9t mean nothing to Williams taking over and
<I should9ve stepped in and hosts Nebraska and Minnesota. powder-blue Earth does UCLA We9re always able to ask Mata. That9s who he is, and that9s running the ball like some giant
said, 8Hey, just take a knee,9 = Thus did ninth-year coach Jim have the No. 1 yards-per-play questions or give feedback, give what he always says to me when force.
Cristobal said. Harbaugh9s comments include, defense (3.74) in mid-October comments, so that open I walk over to him and give him a They might have wished they
<I see it, and I still don9t <We haven9t had any points after finishing 96th in 2018, communication has allowed us hug. He says, 8I don9t miss,9 and I could see such a league for
believe it!= exclaimed <Voice of scored on us in the third 124th in 2019, 60th in 2021 and to play more freely.= love it. So I told him to do your longer.

televIsIoN aNd radIo

dIGest MlB PlayoFFs 4 dIvIsIoN serIes
6 p.m. National league, Game 2: Philadelphia at atlanta » tBs
rUNNING straight weeks, despite remaining 9 p.m. National league, Game 2: arizona at los angeles dodgers » tBs
Kiptum runs the first Miami managed to hang on to
8:15 p.m. Green Bay at las vegas » WJla (ch. 7), WmaR (ch. 2), esPn, WJFK (106.7 Fm)
sub-2:01 marathon a spot in the rankings, dropping
NBa PreseasoN
eight places after losing for the
Kelvin Kiptum of Kenya first time this season in painful 8 p.m. san antonio at oklahoma city » nBa tv
lowered the world record in the fashion to Georgia Tech. teNNIs
marathon Sunday, nearly Georgia9s 17-week streak of
5 a.m. atP: shanghai Masters, early rounds; Wta: Zhengzhou open,
breaking the two-hour barrier in No. 1 appearances ties it for the Korea open and hong Kong open, early rounds » tennis channel
winning the Chicago Marathon. fourth most of all time with 11 p.m. atP: shanghai Masters, early rounds; Wta: Zhengzhou open,
Dutch runner Sifan Hassan Florida State, which went wire-to- Korea open and hong Kong open, early rounds » tennis channel
added another highlight by wire as No. 1 in 1999.
running the second-fastest Next on the list is an 18-week caNadIaN FootBall leaGUe
women9s marathon. streak at No. 1 by USC from 1972 1 p.m. ottawa at Montreal » cBs sports network
Kiptum, 23, finished the race, to 1973. Then comes Miami9s 21 in ProFessIoNal volleyBall
run in optimum conditions, in a row from 2001 to 2002. 7 p.m. athletes Unlimited: team edmond vs. team Nootsara » esPnu
2 hours 35 seconds, breaking the The record is out of reach this 9:30 p.m. athletes Unlimited: team valentin-anderson vs. team de la cruz » esPnu
world record of 2:01:09 set by year: USC was No. 1 in 33 straight
fellow Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge in polls from late in the 2003 season colleGe GolF
the 2022 Berlin Marathon. until the final poll of the 2005 5 p.m. Jackson t. stephens cup, first round » golf channel
Kenya9s Benson Kipruto was season.
michael Reaves/getty images
second in 2:04:02, and Bashir Seven teams that entered
Abdi of Belgium was third in Kelvin Kiptum of Kenya won the Chicago Marathon in a world Saturday unbeaten lost, and two title and adds to her impressive and 19th-seeded Ben Shelton
2:04:32. Four Americans 4 record of 2:00:35, breaking Eliud Kipchoge9s mark of 2:01:09. of them dropped out of the top 25. 2023 haul that includes winning defeated Roman Safiullin, 3-6,
Conner Mantz, Clayton Young, Fresno State, which lost a at the French Open. 6-3, 6-4.
Galen Rupp and Sam Chelanga top male marathoner, and he is No. 2 Michigan received 11 Mountain West game at Samsonova did not manage a Eighth-seeded Casper Ruud
4 cracked the top 10. the only athlete known to have first-place votes as the Wolverines Wyoming, fell out of the ranking single break point opportunity in made it back-to-back straight sets
Hassan, 30, won in 2:13:44, run 26.2 miles in under two roll along unbeaten. after two weeks in. Missouri lost the 69-minute final. . . . wins with a 6-4, 6-2 victory over
second only to the 2:11:53 world hours. However, his 1:59:40.2 in No. 3 Ohio State and No. 4 to LSU and also slipped out after Sebastian Korda stunned 29th-seeded Christopher
mark set by Ethiopia9s Tigist 2019 came in a special event in Florida State each moved up a two weeks ranked. world No. 3 Daniil Medvedev, 7-6 Eubanks. Ruud plays Fabian
Assefa last month in Berlin. Ruth Vienna, not in a record-eligible spot and received a first-place The two teams jumping into (10-8), 6-2, to advance to the Marozsan in the fourth round.
Chepngetich of Kenya was race. vote. the rankings this week were there fourth round of the Shanghai In second-round matches
second Sunday in 2:15:37, with 4 Cindy Boren Oklahoma jumped seven spots earlier this season. Masters. carrying over from Saturday9s
Ethiopia9s Megertu Alemu third after beating Texas on Saturday to UCLA vaulted to No. 18 after The 23-year-old American rain delay, fifth seeded Andrey
in 2:17:09. Americans Emily colleGe FootBall reenter the top 10 for the first beating Washington State, and showed stamina and resilience by Rublev beat Quentin Halys, 6-4,
Sisson, Molly Seidel and Sara Oklahoma moved up to No. 5 in time since mid-September of last No. 23 Kansas returned to the saving three set points to 7-5, and Italy9s Lorenzo Sonego
Vaughn were among the top 10 the Associated Press poll, and year, when it tumbled to a 6-7 rankings after a week out by eventually prevail in the first-set defeated 10th-seeded Frances
finishers. Miami9s late-game gaffe nearly season. routing Central Florida. tiebreaker. Tiafoe, 2-6, 6-2, 6-3.
Kiptum has run only three cost the 25th-ranked Hurricanes The Longhorns slipped six Korda jumped to a 2-0 lead in Also, J.J. Wolf outlasted 15th-
marathons in his career but has a spot in rankings. spots to No. 9. teNNIs the second set en route to his first seeded Cameron Norrie, 6-3, 5-7,
posted three of the six fastest No. 1 Georgia, coming off its No. 6 Penn State held its spot, In Beijing, second-ranked Iga career win over a top-five player. 7-6 (7-4), and Grigor Dimitrov
times in history. The others: best game of the season, a rout of as did No. 7 Washington and No. 8 Swiatek won the China Open Korda will next face Francisco eased past Aleksander Vukic, 6-
2:01:53 in Valencia, Spain, in Kentucky, regained some of the Oregon a week before their Pac-12 with a 6-2, 6-2 victory over Cerundolo, who beat Marton 4, 6-3. The 18th-seeded Dimitrov
December 2022 and 2:01:25 in first-place votes it lost last week showdown. Liudmila Samsonova for her Fucsovics, 3-6, 6-4, 7-5. will next play 13th-seeded Karen
London in April. when it needed a late rally to stay USC dropped a spot to No. 10 WTA Tour-leading fifth title of the Sixth-seeded Jannik Sinner, Khachanov, who beat qualifier
For most of the past 10 years, unbeaten at Auburn. after escaping with a three- season. fresh off winning the China Bebit Zhukayev, 7-6 (7-1), 4-6, 6-2.
the 38-year-old Kipchoge has The Bulldogs got 50 first-place overtime victory against Arizona. Swiatek9s triumph, in her first Open, had a 6-3, 3-6, 6-2 triumph 4 From news services
been recognized as the world9s votes after 35 last week. The Trojans have fallen three visit to China, was her 16th career over 25th-seeded Sebastian Baez, and staff reports
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post EZ SU d3

nfl Week 5
Hurts helps Philadelphia stay perfect Ridder answers critics, lifts Atlanta
BY G REG B EACHAM which he calls by a name he BY C HARLES O DUM 15-12 lead early in the fourth quar-
EaglEs 23, wouldn9t disclose. <It9s clear that Falcons 21, ter. Robinson reached back to
iNGlEWOOD, Calif. 4 Philadel- Rams 14 it doesn9t always work for every- aTlaNTa 4 All the talk from TExans 19 catch the shovel pass against his
phia went 74 yards in 30 seconds one else, so we just want to Atlanta Coach Arthur Smith the hip before running through the
and lined up at the Los Angeles 1 continue to execute whenever it9s past two years about Desmond middle of the Houston defense
for one final snap before halftime. are off to consecutive 5-0 starts called. . . . We just want to contin- Ridder9s poise and composure <We proved we could stay calm, into the end zone.
Just about everybody in SoFi for the first time in franchise ue to grow. It9s truly about grow- meant little until the quarterback we could stay collected,= Ridder Houston rookie quarterback
Stadium knew that last play history despite never pulling ing.= demonstrated he could shine in said. <That was one of my first C.J. Stroud answered with an
would be the <tush push,= the away in this meeting of the past The Eagles earned another the final minute with a game on true two-minute drives. I didn9t 18-yard scoring pass to tight end
<Brotherly Shove= or whatever two NFC champions. Philadel- road victory punctuated by an- the line. try to rush anything, didn9t try to Dalton Schultz, giving the Texans
Jalen Hurts9s secret name is for phia has won 22 of its past 23 reg- other set of successful tush push- Now Ridder has a last-second force anything, just stayed within a 19-18 lead with 1:49 remaining.
the Eagles9 signature short-yard- ular season games. es, but they also will lament comeback win as an impressive my game.= Schultz found an opening in the
age surge. <It9s tough to win in this league, missed opportunities. They answer to his critics. It was a strong comeback for middle of the end zone behind
The Rams knew it was coming so we9re really happy with where racked up 454 total yards but Ridder passed and ran for Ridder following his three turn- safety Jessie Bates.
but still couldn9t keep Hurts from we9re at,= Goedert said. <We do failed to score at least 25 points touchdowns, providing a re- overs, including a pick-six, in last <We had an urgency on that last
scoring a touchdown that put the have stuff we need to clean up, for the first time this season. sponse to those who had called for week9s 23-7 loss to the Jackson- drive that we that obviously we
Eagles ahead for good. but it9s a good start for us.= Philadelphia went 13 for 18 on him to be benched, Younghoe Koo ville Jaguars in London. need to do a better job earlier in
That9s what it9s like facing the A.J. Brown had six catches for third downs after struggling in kicked a go-ahead, 37-yard field Ridder had no turnovers the game,= Schultz said. <We can9t
powerhouse Eagles these days: 127 yards, but the Eagles couldn9t that area last week. Still, the goal as time expired, and the Fal- against the Texans. His bounce- be kicking field goals all day long.=
They don9t always execute per- reach the end zone in the second Eagles settled for short field goals cons snapped a two-game skid by back performance ended a two- Stroud set an NFL record by
fectly, but they just keep moving half and had to rely on their by Jake Elliott after drives lasting beating the Houston Texans, game winning streak for Houston starting his career with 177 pass
forward. defense, which shut out the Rams 17 plays, 15 plays and 10 plays. 21-19, on Sunday. (2-3). attempts without an interception.
Hurts passed for 303 yards and (2-3) after halftime. Hurts9s surge Philadelphia9s defense covered <Now he9s got evidence, a great The key play in the game-win- He broke the record previously
a touchdown and rushed for into the end zone at the halftime for the offense9s shortcomings, fourth-quarter comeback,= Smith ning drive was Ridder9s 23-yard held by Dallas quarterback Dak
72 yards and another score, and gun was the game9s final touch- with Eagles rookie Jalen Carter said of Ridder. completion to Drake London to Prescott. Stroud set the record for
Philadelphia outlasted the Rams, down, but that was enough for picking up two sacks in the sta- After Houston took a 19-18 lead the Houston 26 that Smith said rookies a week earlier when he
23-14, on Sunday to remain un- Philadelphia. dium where he won a national with 1:49 remaining, Ridder com- <essentially decided the game.= reached 151 attempts without an
beaten. <Not to pour more water into title with Georgia nine months pleted each of his five passes on Ridder9s six-yard touchdown interception.
Dallas Goedert had eight that jug, but it9s something we9ve ago. Haason Reddick also had the final drive to set up Koo9s pass to rookie running back Bijan Stroud completed 20 of 35 pass-
catches for 117 yards and an early been able to do at a high level,= two sacks. game-ending kick. The Falcons Robinson and two-point pass to es for 249 yards and a score.
touchdown for the Eagles, who Hurts said of the signature play, 4 Associated Press (3-2) stopped a two-game skid. Tyler Allgeier gave the Falcons a 4 Associated Press


<We answered the bell every time they rung it,= said Jaguars running back Travis Etienne Jr., who rushed 26 times for 136 yards and two touchdowns Sunday at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London.

Jacksonville gets signature win, goes 2-0 on London trip

BY K EN M AGUIRE winning these types of games,= down, and Davis had six catches Lawrence finished 25 for 37 for Jaguars had no sacks in the game.
Jaguars Coach Doug Pederson JaguaRs 25, for 100 yards and a score. 315 yards with the touchdown and Early in the fourth quarter, de-
lONDON 4 Whenever Josh Allen said. <It9s big. We came over here Bills 20 <We didn9t take care of the little two lost fumbles. fensive tackle Ed Oliver sacked
and the Buffalo Bills tried to rally 1-2, and we9re going back 3-2.= things,= Allen said. <That9s on us Diggs channeled his inner Ron- Lawrence and recovered the fum-
in the fourth quarter on Sunday, The Bills (3-2), who arrived in captains, making sure that this aldo after catching a 15-yard ble at the Buffalo 32.
Travis Etienne Jr. and the Jackson- London on Friday morning, had Etienne scores twice as team is ready to go. You know, the touchdown pass to get Buffalo on The Bills lost starting lineback-
ville Jaguars had an answer. routed their past three opponents defense contains Buffalo opposing team, they were ready to the board with 1:14 left in the half. er Matt Milano to a knee injury in
Etienne rushed for 136 yards but looked tired at times, rushed go today. We weren9t.= The wide receiver, who had prom- the first quarter.
and two fourth-quarter touch- for only 29 yards and had a rash of The Jaguars survived two costly ised fans a soccer-style celebration The Josh Allen vs. Josh Allen
downs, and Jacksonville outlasted injuries. the Jaguars punted to the Buffalo 6, strip-sack lost fumbles by Trevor if he scored, beat cornerback Ty- showdown only came into play
the jet-lagged Bills for a 25-20 win Etienne scored on a 35-yard run leaving the Bills just 22 seconds. Lawrence, both times in Buffalo son Campbell off the line of scrim- when the Jaguars edge rusher was
at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. with just under three minutes left Stefon Diggs caught a pass and territory. mage. flagged for roughing the passer
<We answered the bell every after carrying it in from six yards tried to lateral it, but Jacksonville <We knew what kind of game it The Jaguars quickly moved the late in the game to give the Bills
time they rung it,= Etienne said. earlier. He also caught four passes recovered the fumble. was going to be,= Lawrence said. ball to the Buffalo 12, but edge- the ball first-and-goal from the 9.
The Jaguars (3-2) may not want for 48 yards. Calvin Ridley had In between Etienne9s touch- <They9re a great team. It9s going to rusher A.J. Epenesa9s strip-sack The Bills then scored to make it
to leave London after getting seven catches for 122 yards. downs, Allen completed a 19-yard be a four-quarter game no matter and fumble recovery ended the 18-13 on Davis9s touchdown.
back-to-back wins in the British Allen twice brought the Bills touchdown pass to Gabe Davis to how it starts.= Jacksonville threat with 10 sec- Up next, the Jaguars host the
capital, ending Buffalo9s three- back late in the fourth quarter. He cut the deficit to five points with The Jaguars led early when Zay onds left in the half. Epenesa beat Indianapolis Colts with a chance
game winning streak and proving ran it in from three yards to com- 4:03 to play. Jones made an acrobatic play to left tackle Cam Robinson 4 just to sweep their AFC South rival
they can hang with an AFC power- plete a 75-yard drive that took just Allen was 27 for 40 for 359 yards haul in a six-yard touchdown pass back from suspension 4 on Law- after beating them in the season
house. 45 seconds, making it 25-20 before and two touchdown passes and an in the back of the end zone in the rence9s blind side. opener.
<We as a team, I think, are figur- the two-minute warning. interception. Diggs had eight first quarter and Etienne added Epenesa and Leonard Floyd The Bills are home for the New
ing out that we9re very capable of With the Bills out of timeouts, catches for 121 yards and a touch- the two-point conversion. each finished with two sacks. The York Giants on Sunday night.


passing rushing receiving

Sam Howell, Commanders 37-51 72.5 388 2 1 Breece Hall, Jets 22 177 8.0 1 DJ Moore, Bears 10 8 230 28.8 3
Josh allen, Bills 27-40 67.5 359 2 1 Zack Moss, Colts 23 165 7.2 2 Ja9Marr Chase, Bengals 19 15 192 12.8 3
Desmond Ridder, Falcons 28-37 75.7 329 1 0 De9Von achane, Dolphins 11 151 13.7 1 Tyreek Hill, Dolphins 9 8 181 22.6 1
Joe Burrow, Bengals 36-46 78.3 317 3 1 Travis Etienne Jr., Jaguars 26 136 5.2 2 Deandre Hopkins, Titans 11 8 140 17.5 0
Trevor Lawrence, Jaguars 25-37 67.6 315 1 0 David Montgomery, Lions 19 109 5.7 1 George Pickens, Steelers 10 6 130 21.7 1
Tua Tagovailoa, Dolphins 22-30 73.3 308 2 2 Joe Mixon, Bengals 25 81 3.2 0 a.J. Brown, Eagles 8 6 127 21.2 0
Jalen Hurts, Eagles 25-38 65.8 303 1 1 alvin Kamara, Saints 22 80 3.6 1 Calvin Ridley, Jaguars 8 7 122 17.4 0
Kirk Cousins, Vikings 29-47 61.7 284 2 0 Khalil Herbert, Bears 10 76 7.6 0 Stefon Diggs, Bills 11 8 121 15.1 1
Justin Fields, Bears 15-29 51.7 282 4 0 Jalen Hurts, Eagles 15 72 4.8 1 Cooper Kupp, Rams 12 8 118 14.8 0
Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs 31-41 75.6 281 2 0 D9andre Swift, Eagles 17 70 4.1 0 Dallas Goedert, Eagles 9 8 117 14.6 1
d4 eZ m2 the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023


eAst w L t
stANd i N g s

Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div

Pittsburgh ûnds a way to beat its rival
Philadelphia 5 0 0 1.000 141 104 2-0-0 3-0-0 1-0-0 4-0-0 1-0-0
Dallas 3 2 0 .600 134 83 2-0-0 1-2-0 2-0-0 1-2-0 1-0-0
steelers 17,
Washington 2 3 0 .400 109 160 1-2-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 1-2-0 0-1-0 ravens 10
n.y. giants 1 4 0 .200 62 153 0-2-0 1-2-0 0-1-0 1-3-0 0-1-0
sOUtH w L t Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div BY W ILL G RAVES
tampa Bay 3 1 0 .750 84 68 1-1-0 2-0-0 0-0-0 3-1-0 1-0-0
PITTSBURGH 4 Mike Tomlin
atlanta 3 2 0 .600 83 96 3-0-0 0-2-0 1-1-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 spent a portion of the week show-
new orleans 3 2 0 .600 96 76 1-1-0 2-1-0 2-0-0 1-2-0 1-1-0 ing the Pittsburgh Steelers clips
Carolina 0 5 0 .000 91 144 0-2-0 0-3-0 0-0-0 0-5-0 0-2-0 of their longtime rivalry with the
Baltimore Ravens.
NORtH w L t Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div
It was filled with big hits,
Detroit 4 1 0 .800 148 107 2-1-0 2-0-0 1-0-0 3-1-0 1-0-0 iconic plays and career-defining
green Bay 2 2 0 .500 100 96 1-1-0 1-1-0 0-0-0 2-2-0 1-1-0 performances.
Chicago 1 4 0 .200 115 157 0-2-0 1-2-0 0-2-0 1-2-0 0-1-0 For the better part of three
hours on Sunday, there was little
minnesota 1 4 0 .200 110 122 0-3-0 1-1-0 0-2-0 1-2-0 0-0-0
to add to the reel.
west w L t Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div Until, that is, the end, when a
san Francisco 5 0 0 1.000 167 68 3-0-0 2-0-0 1-0-0 4-0-0 2-0-0 precocious play by a rookie
whose father knows a thing or
seattle 3 1 0 .750 111 91 1-1-0 2-0-0 0-0-0 3-1-0 0-1-0
two about beating the Ravens led
L.a. rams 2 3 0 .400 112 108 0-2-0 2-1-0 1-1-0 1-2-0 1-1-0 to a pair of throws that erased 56
arizona 1 4 0 .200 108 136 1-2-0 0-2-0 0-1-0 1-3-0 0-1-0 minutes of offensive ineptitude,
the last a 41-yard rainbow from
AFc Kenny Pickett to George Pickens
eAst w L t Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div with 1 minute 17 seconds to go
miami 4 1 0 .800 181 135 2-0-0 2-1-0 3-1-0 1-0-0 1-1-0 that helped the Steelers rally to
an improbable 17-10 victory.
Buffalo 3 2 0 .600 159 80 2-1-0 1-1-0 2-2-0 1-0-0 1-1-0
<We found a way to win down
n.y. Jets 2 3 0 .400 93 105 1-2-0 1-1-0 2-2-0 0-1-0 1-1-0 the stretch,= Pickett said. <I think
Joe sargent/getty Images
new england 1 4 0 .200 55 131 0-3-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 0-3-0 1-1-0 that9s all that matters. You know,
sOUtH w L t Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div
we9re nowhere near as good as we Steelers quarterback Kenny Pickett found wideout George Pickens for a fourth-quarter touchdown.
need to be.=
Indianapolis 3 2 0 .600 120 115 1-2-0 2-0-0 3-1-0 0-1-0 2-1-0 Not even close. Yet it didn9t rearview mirror. falling to 2-4 in his career against For Pittsburgh, Pickett9s game-
Jacksonville 3 2 0 .600 105 102 1-2-0 2-0-0 2-2-0 1-0-0 1-1-0 matter. Not with the Ravens (3-2) <The resiliency from the game Pittsburgh. winning drive will help ease 4
Houston 2 3 0 .400 115 100 1-1-0 1-2-0 2-2-0 0-1-0 1-1-0 intent on giving the game away. we just played was incredible,= <We had [the Steelers] beat,= momentarily anyway 4 some of
tennessee 2 3 0 .400 88 93 2-0-0 0-3-0 2-2-0 0-1-0 0-1-0
Baltimore turned the ball over said Pickens, who caught six Jackson said. <[On] offense, we the heat surrounding the offense
three times, allowed a blocked passes for 130 yards. had to find our groove; we didn9t and embattled coordinator Matt
NORtH w L t Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div punt for a safety that sparked Baltimore certainly helped. find it. The defense played a great Canada.
Baltimore 3 2 0 .600 109 75 1-1-0 2-1-0 3-2-0 0-0-0 2-1-0 Pittsburgh9s late surge and The Ravens dropped a handful of game 4 kept stopping, kept giv- While early game issues re-
Pittsburgh 3 2 0 .600 79 110 2-1-0 1-1-0 3-1-0 0-1-0 2-0-0 squandered a handful of other passes, including two in the end ing us opportunities. We9ve just main very much a problem, the
opportunities to bury the Steel- zone, and two of their three got to do what we do [and] finish Steelers managed 201 yards and
Cleveland 2 2 0 .500 76 60 2-1-0 0-1-0 2-2-0 0-0-0 1-2-0
ers (3-2), the last coming when turnovers came in the last five drives.= scored three times in the second
Cincinnati 2 3 0 .400 83 114 1-1-0 1-2-0 0-3-0 2-0-0 0-2-0 Lamar Jackson9s lob to the end minutes to lose a game they Baltimore was up 10-3 and half. Pickett completed 18 of 32
west w L t Pct PF PA HOMe AwAy AFc NFc div zone to Zay Flowers with 4:10 to seemingly had under control driving late in the first half when for 242 yards and the touchdown,
go ended up in the hands of from the opening coin toss. it faced fourth and two at the struggling with his accuracy ex-
Kansas City 4 1 0 .800 128 80 1-1-0 3-0-0 2-0-0 2-1-0 0-0-0
Pittsburgh cornerback Joey Por- <They came out and played Pittsburgh 23 with the clock tick- cept when throwing the ball up to
L.a. Chargers 2 2 0 .500 110 104 1-1-0 1-1-0 1-2-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 ter Jr., son of former Steeler their game and ended up getting ing. the 6-foot-4 Pickens.
Las Vegas 1 3 0 .250 62 101 0-1-0 1-2-0 1-3-0 0-0-0 1-1-0 linebacker and coach Joey Porter one,= Flowers said. <But we let Rather than have Justin Tuck- While the chants of <Fire Cana-
Denver 1 4 0 .200 121 181 0-3-0 1-1-0 0-3-0 1-1-0 0-1-0 Sr. them take that one.= er come on for a very makable da= popped up at times, by the
Pickett, whose erratic play Jackson appeared on the verge field goal, Ravens center Tyler end they were replaced by a
thursday9s result thursday9s game over the opening month of the of a breakout against the Steelers, Linderbaum snapped the ball to a collective roar 4 and maybe an
Chicago 40, at Washington 20 Denver at Kansas City, 8:15 p.m. season has offered little proof he9s a team he has struggled against surprised Jackson, who rolled to exhale or two in the coach9s box 4
ready to <kill it= in his first full since entering the league in 2018. his right and threw the ball away. as Pickett put together a game-
sunday9s results sunday9s games
year as the starter, gathered him- He had a 26-yard run early and The original plan was to kick, winning drive in the final min-
at Pittsburgh 17, Baltimore 10 Washington at Atlanta, 1 p.m.
Jacksonville 25, Buffalo 20 in London Baltimore vs. Tennessee in London, 9:30 a.m. self enough to drive the Steelers found open receivers while mov- but Linderbaum thought he saw utes for a second straight meet-
at Atlanta 21, Houston 19 Carolina at Miami, 1 p.m. 80 yards in eight plays. ing the ball with ease. one of the Steelers jump into the ing with the Ravens.
at Detroit 42, Carolina 24 Indianapolis at Jacksonville, 1 p.m.
at Indianapolis 23, Tennessee 16 Minnesota at Chicago, 1 p.m. The last came when Pickens It didn9t last. The Ravens mus- neutral zone and started the play <You get to this level, there9s so
at Miami 31, N.Y. Giants 16 New Orleans at Houston, 1 p.m.
New Orleans 34, at New England 0 San Francisco at Cleveland, 1 p.m. beat veteran Ravens cornerback tered just 91 yards after halftime expecting a penalty that would many outside factors that try to
Cincinnati 34, at Arizona 20 Seattle at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. and fellow Hoover (Ala.) High and allowed four sacks, including have resulted in a Baltimore first get into a team and try to pull a
Philadelphia 23, at L.A. Rams 14 New England at Las Vegas, 4:05 p.m.
Kansas City 27, at Minnesota 20 Arizona at L.A. Rams, 4:25 p.m. alum Marlon Humphrey down a strip-sack by Alex Highsmith down. team apart, whether it9s media-
N.Y. Jets 31, at Denver 21 Detroit at Tampa Bay, 4:25 p.m. the sideline to give Pittsburgh its with 1:02 remaining that led to Instead, the Ravens ended up related, fan-related, whatever it
at San Francisco 42, Dallas 10 Philadelphia at N.Y. Jets, 4:25 p.m.
Open: Cleveland, L.A. Chargers, Seattle, Tampa Bay N.Y. Giants at Buffalo, 8:20 p.m. first touchdown in nine quarters Chris Boswell9s third field goal. with nothing. may be,= Pickett said. <You have to
Open: Pittsburgh, Green Bay
Monday9s game and help the Steelers put a one- Jackson finished 22 of 38 for <It was my fault not being stay together because it9s the
Green Bay at Las Vegas, 8:15 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 16 sided blowout loss to Houston 236 yards and the late intercep- aware and putting our team in a ultimate team game.=
Dallas at L.A. Chargers, 8:15 p.m. the previous week firmly in the tion and 45 yards rushing while bad situation,= Linderbaum said. 4 Associated Press

colts 23, titans 16 saints 34, Patriots 0 dolphins 31, giants 16 Lions 42, Panthers 24 Bengals 34, chiefs 27, vikings 20
Zack Moss upstaged the re- Alvin Kamara rushed for a Rookie De9Von Achane had a Jared Goff threw three touch-
cardinals 20 Patrick Mahomes threw two
turn of Jonathan Taylor by run- score to become New Orleans9s 76-yard rushing touchdown and down passes in the first half and Joe Burrow threw for 317 yards touchdown passes in the third
ning for a career-high 165 yards career touchdown leader and Tyreek Hill surpassed 150 yards ran for a score in the fourth quar- and three touchdowns to Ja9Marr quarter, one to Travis Kelce after
and two scores and Gardner Derek Carr had two scoring pass- receiving for the third time this ter, lifting Detroit. Chase, who finished with a sea- the all-pro tight end briefly left
Minshew II was sharp in relief es in a rout. season for Miami. The NFC North-leading Lions son-high 192 yards receiving for the game with an ankle injury.
of the injured Anthony Richard- Tyrann Mathieu added a 27- The Dolphins9 524 yards gave are alone atop the division in Oc- Cincinnati. Mahomes went 31 for 41 for
son to lead Indianapolis. yard interception return for a them 2,568 for the season, which tober or later for the first time It was a much-needed offensive 281 yards and no turnovers in
The Colts snapped a seven- touchdown to help the Saints are the most yards through the since 2016. performance for Burrow, who his most efficient performance
game losing streak at home by chase Patriots quarterback Mac first five games of a season in NFL The Panthers turned the ball signed the NFL9s richest contract of the season for the defending
beating the Titans for the first Jones from the game 4 the sec- history. over three times in the first half during the offseason but was Super Bowl champion Chiefs,
time in six tries. ond straight week Coach Bill Miami regained first place in 4 two coming on consecutive slowed through his first four who again won while not at
Richardson left with a right Belichick sidelined Jones in the the AFC East after Buffalo lost to snaps 4 to set up Detroit for games of the season by a calf inju- their best.
shoulder injury late in the first second half. Jacksonville in London earlier three touchdowns and a 28-10 ry. The 26-year-old looked plenty Kirk Cousins threw for scores
half. He stayed down several Kamara punched in his 73rd Sunday. halftime lead. healthy against Arizona, complet- to Jordan Addison and Alexan-
minutes before walking slowly career touchdown, one of his 22 Tua Tagovailoa was 22 for 30 Carolina rookie quarterback ing 36 of 46 passes and buying der Mattison for the Vikings.
from the field to the injury tent carries for 80 yards. Carr finished for 308 yards and two touch- Bryce Young was picked off twice time on a handful of plays with They had two chances at the ty-
with his shoulder drooped. Sev- 18 of 26 for 183 yards and Michael downs with two interceptions for in the first half, and Miles Sand- his athleticism in the pocket. ing touchdown in the final five
eral minutes later, he came out Thomas had four catches for 65 the Dolphins. ers lost a fumble. Chase set a single-game fran- minutes, but a late hamstring
of the tent and walked with the yards as New Orleans ended a The Giants9 Jason Pinnock re- Young, the No. 1 overall pick, chise record with 15 receptions, injury to star wide receiver Jus-
team9s medical personnel into two-game skid. turned one of the interceptions was 25 of 41 for 247 yards and and he made tough catches in tin Jefferson and a lack of time-
the locker room. It was the second-worst shut- 102 yards for New York9s only three touchdowns with the two traffic by repeatedly finding outs from earlier mismanage-
Richardson was ruled out ear- out loss in team history for New touchdown. It was the Giants9 interceptions. He entered the seams in the Cardinals defense. ment of the game were ultimate-
ly in the third quarter after go- England, trailing only a 52-0 first touchdown in the first half of game with two touchdowns, two Cincinnati scored a touchdown ly too much to overcome.
ing 9 of 12 for 98 yards. Min- drubbing in Miami against the a game this season, and it tied for interceptions and two fumbles in the first half for the first time Mahomes hit Justin Watson
shew was 11 of 14 for 155 yards undefeated Dolphins in 1972. It the longest interception return in lost in three starts. this season and had three offen- with a 33-yard heave on third
in relief of Richardson. also drops the Patriots to 1-4 for team history. Goff9s one-yard sneak early in sive touchdowns, matching its to- and 18 from his own 17 to ex-
On a day when most expected the first time since 2000, Giants quarterback Daniel the fourth put Detroit ahead 35- tal from the first four games. tend the Chiefs9 first possession
Taylor or Tennessee9s Derrick Belichick9s first season in New Jones left in the fourth quarter 10. David Montgomery had 109 The Bengals got the ball to start of the second half. The two-time
Henry to be the focus, it was England. with a neck injury after a sack by yards rushing and a score, and the second half and wasted little MVP finished that drive with a
Moss who dazzled. He averaged He remains a win short of join- Andrew Van Ginkel. Tyrod Taylor rookie tight end Sam LaPorta time scoring. Burrow unleashed a tiebreaking eight-yard scoring
7.2 yards on 23 carries, caught ing Hall of Famers Don Shula and replaced Jones and led the Giants caught two touchdown passes in 63-yard touchdown pass to Chase toss to Rashee Rice.
two passes for 30 yards and George Halas as the only coaches on a drive capped by a 51-yard the first half. on the third play of the third KANSAS city ......................... 7 6 14 0 427
miNNESOtA ........................... 3 10 0 7 420
made play after play. in NFL history with 300 regular field goal by Graham Gano. cArOLiNA ................................ 0 10 0 14 424 quarter.
season victories. DEtrOit ................................. 14 14 0 14 442 FirSt QUArtEr
tENNESSEE ............................ 3 3 10 0 416 N.y. giANtS .............................. 0 10 3 3 416 ciNciNNAti ............................ 10 7 7 10 434
iNDiANAPOLiS ....................... 7 3 7 6 423 miAmi ....................................... 7 10 14 0 431 FirSt QUArtEr ArizONA .................................. 0 14 6 0 420 Kansas city: Pacheco 1 run (Butker kick), 10:00.
NEw OrLEANS ........................ 7 14 3 10 434 minnesota: FG Joseph 40, 4:02.
FirSt QUArtEr NEw ENgLAND ........................ 0 0 0 0 40 FirSt QUArtEr Detroit: Montgomery 42 run (Patterson kick), 9:41. FirSt QUArtEr
Detroit: LaPorta 4 pass from Goff (Patterson kick), 4:53. SEcOND QUArtEr
tennessee: FG Folk 27, 3:13. FirSt QUArtEr miami: Waddle 2 pass from Tagovailoa (J.Sanders kick), cincinnati: Chase 2 pass from Burrow (McPherson kick),
indianapolis: Moss 56 run (Gay kick), :41. 7:09. SEcOND QUArtEr 7:09. Kansas city: FG Butker 38, 12:46.
New Orleans: Mathieu 27 interception return (Grupe cincinnati: FG McPherson 40, 1:46. minnesota: FG Joseph 29, 8:02.
SEcOND QUArtEr kick), 7:02. SEcOND QUArtEr carolina: Tremble 1 pass from Young (Pineiro kick), minnesota: Addison 5 pass from Cousins (Joseph
12:48. SEcOND QUArtEr kick), 1:39.
indianapolis: FG Gay 43, 9:32. SEcOND QUArtEr miami: Achane 76 run (J.Sanders kick), 10:02. Detroit: J.Reynolds 1 pass from Goff (Patterson kick),
tennessee: FG Folk 53, 4:39. N.y. giants: FG Gano 49, 3:41. Arizona: M.Brown 25 pass from Dobbs (Prater kick), 12:25. Kansas city: FG Butker 40, :00.
New Orleans: Kamara 2 run (Grupe kick), 14:23. 3:50.
N.y. giants: Pinnock 102 interception return (Gano kick), Arizona: Ertz 4 pass from Dobbs (Prater kick), 8:28.
tHirD QUArtEr New Orleans: Olave 5 pass from Carr (Grupe kick), 10:47. Detroit: LaPorta 31 pass from Goff (Patterson kick), tHirD QUArtEr
1:40. 3:21. cincinnati: Taylor-Britt 11 interception return (McPher-
tennessee: Spears 19 run (Folk kick), 12:48. miami: FG J.Sanders 40, :00. son kick), 1:23. Kansas city: Rice 8 pass from Mahomes (Butker kick),
tHirD QUArtEr carolina: FG Pineiro 33, :06. 10:10.
indianapolis: Moss 3 run (Gay kick), 8:00.
tennessee: FG Folk 34, 2:02. New Orleans: FG Grupe 54, 11:34. tHirD QUArtEr tHirD QUArtEr Kansas city: Kelce 4 pass from Mahomes (Butker
miami: T.Hill 69 pass from Tagovailoa (J.Sanders kick), cincinnati: Chase 63 pass from Burrow (McPherson kick), 2:45.
FOUrtH QUArtEr FOUrtH QUArtEr Detroit: Goff 1 run (Patterson kick), 14:58.
14:06. kick), 13:39.
indianapolis: FG Gay 35, 13:22. New Orleans: Moreau 6 pass from Carr (Grupe kick), carolina: Chark 18 pass from Young (Pineiro kick), FOUrtH QUArtEr
N.y. giants: FG Gano 37, 4:26. 11:52. Arizona: Demercado 11 run (kick failed), 7:33.
indianapolis: FG Gay 28, 1:00. 13:03. minnesota: Mattison 9 pass from Cousins (Joseph
New Orleans: FG Grupe 53, 5:43. miami: Mostert 2 run (J.Sanders kick), :00. Detroit: C.Reynolds 5 run (Patterson kick), 7:27.
Attendance: 65,287. FOUrtH QUArtEr kick), 12:11.
Attendance: 64,628. FOUrtH QUArtEr carolina: Thielen 1 pass from Young (Pineiro kick), 1:55. Attendance: 67,003.
cincinnati: Chase 3 pass from Burrow (McPherson kick),
tEN iND Attendance: 63,648.
NO NE N.y. giants: FG Gano 51, 8:51. 7:48.
First Downs ........................................ 19 21 Kc miN
First Downs ........................................... 17 8 Attendance: 65,654. cAr DEt cincinnati: FG McPherson 40, 6:33.
Total Net Yards ................................ 348 429 First Downs ........................................ 21 24
Total Net Yards ................................... 304 156 First Downs ........................................... 26 23 Attendance: 62,651.
Rushes-Yards ................................. 22-89 34-193 Nyg miA Total Net Yards ................................ 334 329
Passing .............................................. 259 236 Rushes-Yards ................................ 42-136 18-45 First Downs ............................................ 15 22 Total Net Yards ................................... 342 377 ciN Ari Rushes-Yards ................................. 21-68 18-70
Punt Returns ................................... 1-12 1-5 Passing ................................................ 168 111 Total Net Yards .................................... 268 524 Rushes-Yards .................................. 23-99 30-159 Passing .............................................. 266 259
First Downs ............................................ 27 15
Kickoff Returns ................................ 1-12 1-19 Punt Returns ..................................... 3-22 2-1 Rushes-Yards ................................... 29-85 23-222 Passing ................................................ 243 218 Punt Returns ..................................... 1-8 1-3
Total Net Yards .................................... 380 294
Kickoff Returns ................................. 1-18 2-42 Punt Returns ....................................... 1-3 0-0 Kickoff Returns ................................ 1-20 0-0
Interceptions Ret. .............................. 0-0 1-10 Passing ................................................. 183 302 Rushes-Yards ................................... 30-93 22-142
Interceptions Ret. ............................. 2-27 0-0 Kickoff Returns ................................. 3-75 1-22 Interceptions Ret. .............................. 0-0 0-0
Comp-Att-Int ............................. 23-35-1 20-26-0 Punt Returns ......................................... 0-0 0-0 Passing ................................................. 287 152
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 18-26-0 15-31-2 Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 2-17 Comp-Att-Int ............................. 31-41-0 29-47-0
Sacked-Yards Lost ............................. 1-5 1-17 Kickoff Returns ................................... 1-20 1-25 Punt Returns ....................................... 4-68 2-22
Punts ............................................. 1-43.0 1-50.0 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 2-15 2-21 Interceptions Ret. ............................. 2-109 0-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 25-41-2 20-28-0 Sacked-Yards Lost ........................... 2-15 3-25
Kickoff Returns ..................................... 0-0 0-0
Fumbles-Lost ..................................... 0-0 1-0 Punts .......................................... 7-43.857 8-44.125 Comp-Att-Int ................................ 23-32-0 22-30-2 Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 1-4 2-18 Punts ......................................... 3-46.667 1-54.0
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 2-11 1-2
Penalties-Yards ............................... 4-58 8-55 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0 2-1 Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 7-22 1-6 Punts .............................................. 3-38.0 2-44.0 Fumbles-Lost ..................................... 0-0 2-1
Comp-Att-Int ................................ 36-46-1 15-32-2
Time Of Possession ....................... 28:57 31:03 Penalties-Yards .............................. 12-86 5-30 Punts .............................................. 4-40.25 2-34.5 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-1 0-0 Penalties-Yards ............................. 10-86 4-51
Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 3-30 3-14
Time Of Possession .......................... 39:34 20:26 Fumbles-Lost ........................................ 1-0 2-1 Penalties-Yards ................................ 7-45 5-35 Time Of Possession ....................... 31:59 28:01
Punts ............................................ 3-48.333 4-54.75
PASSiNg Penalties-Yards .................................. 6-43 6-43 Time Of Possession ......................... 28:45 31:15
PASSiNg Fumbles-Lost ........................................ 1-0 1-1 PASSiNg
tennessee: Tannehill 23-34-1-264, Henry 0-1-0-0. Time Of Possession .......................... 35:59 24:01 PASSiNg Penalties-Yards .................................. 4-40 2-16
indianapolis: Minshew 11-14-0-155, Richardson 9-12- New Orleans: Carr 18-26-0-183. Kansas city: Mahomes 31-41-0-281.
New England: Mac.Jones 12-22-2-110, Zappe 3-9-0-22. carolina: Young 25-41-2-247. Time Of Possession .......................... 38:10 21:50
0-98. PASSiNg minnesota: Cousins 29-47-0-284.
Detroit: Goff 20-28-0-236. PASSiNg
rUSHiNg N.y. giants: D.Jones 14-20-0-119, Taylor 9-12-0-86.
New Orleans: Kamara 22-80, Miller 12-37, Hill 3-19, Carr miami: Tagovailoa 22-30-2-308. rUSHiNg cincinnati: Burrow 36-46-1-317.
tennessee: Henry 13-43, Spears 7-34, Tannehill 2-12. Arizona: Dobbs 15-32-2-166. Kansas city: Pacheco 16-56, McKinnon 1-7, Edwards-
indianapolis: Moss 23-165, Taylor 6-18, Richardson 2-4, Winston 3-(minus 4). rUSHiNg carolina: Hubbard 9-35, Sanders 7-32, Shenault 5-27, Helaire 3-4, Toney 1-1.
2-5, McKenzie 1-4, Minshew 2-1. New England: Stevenson 8-24, Elliott 8-21, Mac.Jones N.y. giants: Gray 12-25, D.Jones 4-24, Breida 9-21, Tay- Young 1-4, Dalton 1-1. rUSHiNg minnesota: Mattison 8-26, Chandler 1-15, Akers 5-15,
1-0, Montgomery 1-0. lor 3-14, W.Robinson 1-1. Detroit: Montgomery 19-109, C.Reynolds 7-52, Goff 2-0, cincinnati: Mixon 25-81, Burrow 4-7, T.Williams 1-5. Powell 1-9, Cousins 3-5.
rEcEiViNg miami: Achane 11-151, Mostert 10-65, Tagovailoa 2-6. Bridgewater 2-(minus 2).
rEcEiViNg Arizona: Moore 3-50, Conner 6-46, Demercado 10-45, rEcEiViNg
tennessee: Hopkins 8-140, Okonkwo 5-33, Spears rEcEiViNg Dobbs 3-1.
4-35, Henry 3-19, Wesco 1-21, Westbrook-Ikhine 1-9, New Orleans: Thomas 4-65, Miller 4-53, Kamara 3-17, rEcEiViNg Kansas city: Kelce 10-67, Toney 5-26, Rice 4-33,
Shaheed 2-28, Olave 2-12, Moreau 1-6, Hill 1-1, Kirk- carolina: Thielen 11-107, Mingo 5-48, Chark 3-42, Hurst rEcEiViNg Ju.Watson 2-56, Ross 2-28, Gray 2-21, McKinnon 2-18,
Whyle 1-7. N.y. giants: Waller 8-86, W.Robinson 5-18, Slayton 2-35,
indianapolis: Downs 6-97, Pittman 5-52, Moss 2-30, wood 1-1. 3-21, I.Thomas 1-28, Tremble 1-1, Hubbard 1-0. Moore 2-11, Valdes-Scantling 1-12, Pacheco 1-9.
Campbell 2-23, Hodgins 2-19, Shepard 1-13, Bellinger cincinnati: Chase 15-192, Irwin 8-60, Boyd 6-39, Mixon
Ogletree 2-16, Granson 2-15, Alie-Cox 1-17, Taylor New England: Elliott 4-17, Smith-Schuster 3-6, Bourne 1-7, Breida 1-3, Gray 1-1. Detroit: J.Reynolds 4-76, LaPorta 3-47, Raymond 3-45, minnesota: Addison 6-64, Hockenson 5-51, Osborn
4-13, Iosivas 1-9, C.Brown 1-2, Lassiter 1-2.
1-16, Pierce 1-10. 2-43, Parker 2-20, Gesicki 2-17, Douglas 1-24, Montgom- miami: T.Hill 8-181, Waddle 5-35, C.Wilson 4-52, Berrios Wright 3-16, M.Jones 2-22, Montgomery 2-20, Williams Arizona: Brown 4-61, Moore 3-26, Swaim 2-22, McBride 5-49, Powell 4-43, Jefferson 3-28, Mattison 2-20, Ak-
ery 1-5. 2-13, Mostert 2-13, Achane 1-14. 2-2, Knight 1-8. ers 2-3, Oliver 1-15, Mundt 1-11.
2-17, Ertz 2-10, Mi.Wilson 1-18, Demercado 1-12.
New England: Ryland 48. N.y. giants: Gano 55. None. None.
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post eZ m2 D5

NFL week 5

Purdy continues to thrive as San Francisco throttles Dallas

49ers 42,
Cowboys 10

SaNTa ClaRa, Calif. 4 Brock

Purdy threw three of his four
touchdown passes to George Kit-
tle, and the San Francisco 49ers
extended their dominance over
the Dallas Cowboys with a 42-10
victory Sunday night.
The 49ers (5-0) knocked the
Cowboys out of the playoffs in
tight games the past two seasons,
adding intrigue to this early sea-
son matchup between perceived
The rematch wasn9t even close.
The 49ers led 14-0 before the
Cowboys got their initial first
down of the night and were never
really threatened on the way to
matching a franchise record with
their 15th straight regular season
win and earning their fifth 5-0
Purdy calmly picked apart the
league9s stingiest defense to im-
prove to 10-0 as a starter in the
NFL, and San Francisco9s defense
made life difficult on Dak Prescott
all night.
<The defense does their job, so it
makes life easy for me,= Purdy said.
Prescott was sacked three times
and heaved an interception into
double coverage after Dallas fell
behind 28-10 in the third quarter.
He threw two more interceptions
in the fourth quarter, with his only
highlight coming on a 26-yard
touchdown pass to KaVontae
Turpin in the second quarter.
<It was such a great night for the
whole defense, the whole team,=
said linebacker Fred Warner, who
had a sack, an interception and a
forced fumble. <It was so fun out
here today.=
It was Dallas9s most lopsided
defeat since a 49-17 loss to New
Orleans in 2013.
Purdy again was nearly mistake
free. A week after throwing only
one incomplete pass in a win over tHearon W. Henderson/getty Images

Arizona, he repeatedly found Brock Purdy threw four touchdown passes and made easy work of the Cowboys9 defense Sunday. The 49ers are 10-0 in the regular season with Purdy as the quarterback.
openings downfield to Brandon
Aiyuk, Deebo Samuel and espe- a 38-yarder early in the second Davis in 2009. Purdy to Kittle to take the lead. yards in the first quarter and no the 14th straight game he has
cially Kittle. quarter on a reverse flea-flicker Purdy added a one-yard touch- San Francisco has four touch- first downs for more than 17 min- scored a touchdown in the regular
Purdy finished 17 for 24 for and then a 10-yarder to put the down pass to Kyle Juszczyk in the downs and one field goal on the utes. season or playoffs. The only play-
252 yards and has not thrown an game away in the third quarter. fourth quarter. opening drive this season for a Christian McCaffrey scored on ers with longer streaks are Lenny
interception all season. He con- Kittle became the first 49ers The 49ers took the opening kick league-leading 31 points. a one-yard run in the second quar- Moore (17 games), O.J. Simpson
nected on a 19-yard touchdown player with three touchdown and drove 75 yards in seven plays The 49ers were just as tough on ter after losing a fumble near the (15) and John Riggins (15).
pass to Kittle on the opening drive, catches in a game since Vernon to score on a 19-yard pass from defense early, holding Dallas to six goal line earlier in the game. It was 4 Associated Press

Jets 31, Broncos 21 Jaguars 25, Bills 20 Steelers 17, Ravens 10 49ers 42, Cowboys 10 noTES
JACkSONvILLe ...................... 11 0 0 14 425 bALtImORe ............................. 7 3 0 0 410 dALLAS .................................... 0 7 3 0 410
New York celebrated Nathaniel
Hackett9s return to Denver by ral-
lying to a win behind Breece
buffALO .................................. 0
Jacksonville: Z.Jones 6 pass from Lawrence (Etienne
run), 6:59.
7 0 13 420 pIttSbuRgh ........................... 0
baltimore: Hill 14 run (Tucker kick), 6:15.
3 0 14 417 SAN fRANCISCO ..................... 7

San francisco: Kittle 19 pass from Purdy (Moody kick),

7 14 442

Vikings9 Jefferson exits

Hall9s 72-yard touchdown run
and Bryce Hall9s 39-yard game-
sealing scoop-and-score off Rus-
Jacksonville: FG McManus 44, 1:13.
buffalo: Diggs 15 pass from J.Allen (Bass kick), 1:14.
baltimore: FG Tucker 23, 12:23.
pittsburgh: FG Boswell 43, 3:16.
fOuRth QuARteR
San francisco: Kittle 38 pass from Purdy (Moody kick),
dallas: Turpin 26 pass from Prescott (Aubrey kick),
with a hamstring injury
sell Wilson9s fumble in the final fOuRth QuARteR pittsburgh: safety, 11:12. 7:45.
Jacksonville: Etienne 6 run (McManus kick), 7:44. pittsburgh: FG Boswell 25, 7:10. San francisco: McCaffrey 1 run (Moody kick), 2:36.
minute. buffalo: Davis 19 pass from J.Allen (pass failed), 4:03. pittsburgh: Pickens 41 pass from Pickett (pass failed), A SSOCIATED P RESS l COLTS: Indianapolis isn9t
That gave Hackett, the Jets9 of- Jacksonville: Etienne 35 run (McManus kick), 2:56. 1:17. thIRd QuARteR sure how much time, if any, rook-
buffalo: J.Allen 3 run (Bass kick), 2:11. pittsburgh: FG Boswell 42, :49. dallas: FG Aubrey 50, 11:53.
fensive coordinator who was fired Attendance: 67,272. San francisco: Kittle 10 pass from Purdy (Moody kick), Minnesota Vikings wide re- ie quarterback Anthony Richard-
JAC buf 7:20.
after going 4-11 as Denver9s head First Downs .......................................... 29 18 bAL pIt ceiver Justin Jefferson was forced son might miss after leaving in
coach last season, a measure of Total Net Yards ................................... 474 388 First Downs .......................................... 19 17 fOuRth QuARteR out of the game against the Kan- the first half of Sunday9s 23-16
Rushes-Yards ............................... 40-196 14-29 Total Net Yards ................................... 335 289 San francisco: Juszczyk 1 pass from Purdy (Moody
satisfaction. Especially after new Passing ................................................ 278 359 Rushes-Yards ............................... 25-125 30-87 kick), 14:19. sas City Chiefs in the fourth victory over the Titans with a
Punt Returns ....................................... 2-5 2-9 Passing ................................................ 210 202 San francisco: Mason 26 run (Moody kick), 13:59.
Broncos coach Sean Payton Kickoff Returns ................................. 1-10 0-0 Punt Returns ..................................... 2-13 1-8 Attendance: 71,617
quarter with a right hamstring right shoulder injury.
trashed him during training Interceptions Ret. ............................... 1-0 0-0 Kickoff Returns ................................... 0-0 2-43
dAL Sf
injury, and the team isn9t sure Coach Shane Steichen said he
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 25-37-0 27-40-1 Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 1-0
camp for the job he did in Denver, Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 5-37 0-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 22-38-1 18-32-0 First Downs ............................................ 8 25 when he will return. didn9t know the extent of the
Punts .............................................. 5-49.4 6-43.0 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 4-26 3-22 Total Net Yards ................................... 197 421
particularly the way he handled Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 4-2 2-1 Punts .............................................. 5-30.8 6-42.833 Rushes-Yards ................................. 19-57 41-170 Jefferson slipped on the turf injury immediately following the
Wilson during the quarterback9s Penalties-Yards ................................ 8-56 11-109 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 4-2 1-1 Passing ................................................ 140 251 while trying to make a cut on his game. Richardson didn9t speak
Time Of Possession ......................... 38:12 21:48 Penalties-Yards ................................ 2-20 3-30 Punt Returns ..................................... 1-10 4-39
dismal 2022 season. Time Of Possession ......................... 30:14 29:46 Kickoff Returns ................................. 4-68 0-0 route on a third-down pass deep with reporters and was expected
pASSINg Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 3-49
The Jets overcame a sloppy, Jacksonville: Lawrence 25-37-0-315. pASSINg Comp-Att-Int ............................... 16-26-3 18-25-0
in Kansas City territory and to undergo further evaluation
chippy first half to snap a three- buffalo: J.Allen 27-40-1-359. baltimore: Jackson 22-38-1-236. Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 4-21 1-2 limped slowly to the sideline after Sunday night.
pittsburgh: Pickett 18-32-0-224. Punts .............................................. 5-50.8 4-46.75
game skid and hand the Broncos RuShINg Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-1 1-1 grabbing the back of his right leg. The rookie was injured on a
Jacksonville: Etienne 26-136, Lawrence 7-31, Ridley RuShINg
their third home loss under Pay- 2-14, Bigsby 3-8, Kirk 1-6, Agnew 1-1. baltimore: Edwards 12-48, Jackson 6-45, Hill 7-32.
Penalties-Yards ................................ 6-60 6-45 The Vikings scored a touchdown four-yard run with 4:29 left in the
Time Of Possession ......................... 22:55 37:05
ton, who drew widespread criti- buffalo: J.Allen 4-14, Harris 3-13, Murray 2-6, Cook pittsburgh: Warren 9-40, Harris 14-37, Pickens 1-16, two plays later but ended up first half when he fell awkwardly
5-(minus 4). Pickett 6-(minus 6). pASSINg
cism for excoriating Hackett in an dallas: Prescott 14-24-3-153, Rush 2-2-0-8. losing, 27-20, to fall to 1-4 this to the ground with two Tennessee
interview with USA Today in July. Jacksonville: Ridley 7-122, Kirk 6-78, Etienne 4-48, En- baltimore: Andrews 6-65, Flowers 5-73, Agholor 4-64,
San francisco: Purdy 17-24-0-252, Darnold 1-1-0-1. season. players draped around him. Rich-
After the game, the Jets took gram 4-28, Z.Jones 3-23, Farrell 1-16. Hill 4-13, Beckham 2-13, Bateman 1-8. RuShINg <Still very early,= Coach Kevin ardson stayed down for several
buffalo: Diggs 8-121, Davis 6-100, Cook 3-25, Knox pittsburgh: Pickens 6-130, A.Robinson 5-29, Warren dallas: Pollard 8-29, Dowdle 5-15, Vaughn 3-7, Cooks
their own swipe at Payton in a 3-17, Harty 2-62, Kincaid 2-19, Shakir 1-11, Sherfield 3-39, Co.Heyward 3-23, Harris 1-3. 1-6, Prescott 1-2, Rush 1-(minus 2). O9Connell said after the game. minutes before walking slowly to
post on X: <when you lose to the 1-3, Murray 1-1.
mISSed fIeLd gOALS
San francisco: Mason 10-69, McCaffrey 19-51, Samuel <See where he9s at as we move the injury tent, his shoulder no-
5-30, Davis-Price 6-21, Darnold 1-(minus 1).
8offseason champs9 = 4 including mISSed fIeLd gOALS None. along here and diagnose exactly ticeably drooping to the right
None. ReCeIvINg
a photo of comedian Kevin James, dallas: Lamb 4-49, Pollard 4-35, Ferguson 3-28, Gallup what that injury is and what that side. After several more minutes
who portrayed Payton in a movie. 2-15, Turpin 1-26, Cooks 1-7, Vaughn 1-1. timeline looks like.= in the injury tent, he headed to
San francisco: Aiyuk 4-58, Juszczyk 4-26, Kittle 3-67,
N.Y. JetS .................................. 5 3 10 13 431 Falcons 21, Texans 19 Eagles 23, Rams 14 Samuel 3-55, McCaffrey 2-27, Jennings 1-19, McCloud The Vikings play Sunday at the the locker room with the team9s
deNveR .................................... 7 6 0 8 421 1-1.
hOuStON ................................ 3 6 3 7 419 phILAdeLphIA ........................ 7 10 0 6 423
Chicago Bears. medical staff.
fIRSt QuARteR mISSed fIeLd gOALS Jefferson was announced as It9s the third time this season
AtLANtA ................................. 7 0 0 14 421 L.A. RAmS ................................ 7 7 0 0 414
N.Y. Jets: FG Zuerlein 30, 11:19. None.
denver: McLaughlin 22 pass from R.Wilson (Lutz kick), fIRSt QuARteR fIRSt QuARteR questionable to return, but he Richardson has been unable to
7:34. houston: FG Fairbairn 38, 10:38. philadelphia: Goedert 6 pass from Hurts (Elliott kick),
N.Y. Jets: safety, 4:17. Atlanta: Ridder 7 run (Koo kick), 6:48. 8:37.
watched the remainder of the finish a game he started.
SeCONd QuARteR LA Rams: Atwell 3 pass from Stafford (Maher kick), game from the sideline with a <I think when you have a dy-
SeCONd QuARteR 2:01.
denver: FG Lutz 23, 12:47. houston: FG Fairbairn 43, 14:10. towel draped over his head. The namic player like him, and, obvi-
N.Y. Jets: FG Zuerlein 26, 6:41. SeCONd QuARteR
denver: FG Lutz 22, 1:48.
houston: FG Fairbairn 28, :03.
philadelphia: FG Elliott 34, 2:15.
all-pro, who led the NFL in recep- ously, one of his skill sets is as a
thIRd QuARteR LA Rams: Nacua 22 pass from Stafford (Maher kick), tions and yards last season, has runner. That9s what makes him
thIRd QuARteR houston: FG Fairbairn 42, 9:35. :32.
N.Y. Jets: Bre.Hall 72 run (Zuerlein kick), 13:29. philadelphia: Hurts 1 run (Elliott kick), :00.
never missed a game in his career. really good,= Steichen said. <The
N.Y. Jets: FG Zuerlein 27, 5:16. fOuRth QuARteR l BILLS: Starting linebacker
Atlanta: Robinson 6 pass from Ridder (Allgeier pass fOuRth QuARteR
designed run that he got hurt on,
fOuRth QuARteR from Ridder), 12:12. Matt Milano left early with a knee we ran something similar last
philadelphia: FG Elliott 26, 12:29.
N.Y. Jets: FG Zuerlein 22, 12:19. Atlanta: FG Koo 32, 6:57. philadelphia: FG Elliott 26, 4:06.
N.Y. Jets: FG Zuerlein 49, 7:27. houston: Schultz 18 pass from Stroud (Fairbairn kick), Attendance: 74,935.
injury that is <not looking good,= week that he popped for a big one,
denver: Trautman 3 pass from R.Wilson (Burton run),
Atlanta: FG Koo 37, :00. phI LAR
Coach Sean McDermott said. and then, obviously, this week, he
N.Y. Jets: Bry.Hall 39 fumble return (Zuerlein kick), :29. Attendance: 69,461. First Downs .......................................... 28 17 That9s after the team lost starting got the shoulder on that play. So
Attendance: 76,387. Total Net Yards ................................... 454 249
hOu AtL Rushes-Yards ............................... 39-159 14-54 cornerback Tre9Davious White that9s stuff you9ve got to look at.=
NYJ deN First Downs .......................................... 17 26
First Downs ........................................... 18 18 Total Net Yards ................................... 313 447
Passing ................................................ 295 195 last week to a season-ending l PANTHERS: Guard Chan-
Punt Returns ..................................... 2-35 0-0
Total Net Yards .................................... 407
Rushes-Yards ................................. 32-234
Rushes-Yards ................................. 23-64 36-96 Kickoff Returns ................................... 0-0 0-0 Achilles9 injury. dler Zavala was released from a
Passing ................................................ 249 351 Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 1-0
Passing ................................................ 173 169 Punt Returns ..................................... 2-19 1-10 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 25-38-1 21-37-0
McDermott is not optimistic hospital and traveled home with
Punt Returns ...................................... 2-14 1-0
Kickoff Returns ................................... 1-20 0-0
Kickoff Returns ................................... 0-0 2-35 Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 1-8 4-27 about DaQuan Jones, either. The the team after being carted off the
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 0-0 Punts .............................................. 1-41.0 4-53.75
Interceptions Ret. ................................. 0-0 1-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 20-35-0 29-38-0 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0 1-0 defensive end injured a pectoral field with a neck injury late in the
Comp-Att-Int ................................ 19-26-1 20-31-0 Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 0-0 0-0
Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 4-26 4-27 Punts .............................................. 6-39.0 5-40.0
Penalties-Yards ................................ 3-35
Time Of Possession ......................... 37:55
muscle. first quarter against the Lions.
Punts ................................................ 3-52.0 4-45.25 And McDermott is definitely The rookie was injured on a
Fumbles-Lost ........................................ 4-1
Penalties-Yards .................................. 9-71
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0
Penalties-Yards ................................ 5-25
Time Of Possession ......................... 24:28
philadelphia: Hurts 25-38-1-303.
Washington not pleased with the scenario of running play, and the medical
Time Of Possession .......................... 34:36 25:24
houston: Stroud 20-35-0-249.
L.A. Rams: Stafford 21-37-0-222.
Post podcasts arriving in London on Friday to
play a Jaguars team that had
staff took time to secure his neck
with a brace. He was placed on a
N.Y. Jets: Z.Wilson 19-26-1-199.
denver: Wilson 20-31-0-196.
Atlanta: Ridder 28-37-0-329, D.London 1-1-0-22.
philadelphia: Hurts 15-72, Swift 17-70, Gainwell 7-17.
L.A. Rams: K.Williams 13-53, Rivers 1-1. go with you already been in the British capital backboard and onto the back of a
RuShINg for a week. cart. Zavala was taken to a hospi-
N.Y. Jets: Bre.Hall 22-177, Z.Wilson 3-26, Cook 6-23,
Carter 1-8.
houston: Pierce 20-66, Stroud 1-2, Dell 2-(minus 4).
Atlanta: Robinson 14-46, Allgeier 17-40, Ridder 4-10,
Hodge 1-0.
philadelphia: Goedert 8-117, A.Brown 6-127, Swift
6-38, Watkins 2-4, Gainwell 1-7, D.Smith 1-6, Stoll 1-4.
everywhere. <We9ll see if, whatever comes tal, where he was alert and able to
denver: McLaughlin 9-68, Wilson 7-49, Perine 6-22. L.A. Rams: Kupp 8-118, Nacua 7-71, Higbee 2-20, up down the road in terms of us move all extremities.
houston: Schultz 7-65, Dell 3-57, N.Collins 3-39, Woods
Atwell 2-9, K.Williams 2-4. wpost.com/podcasts coming back here, but we need to <We think it was a bad stinger,
N.Y. Jets: Conklin 4-67, G.Wilson 3-54, Lazard 3-33,
Bre.Hall 3-17, Carter 3-14, Uzomah 2-12, Ruckert 1-2.
3-30, Metchie 2-20, Quitoriano 1-22, Pierce 1-16. mISSed fIeLd gOALS evaluate everything because I but our medical staff is always
Atlanta: Pitts 7-87, D.London 6-78, J.Smith 6-67, Hol- None.
denver: Jeudy 6-50, Perine 4-73, Trautman 4-26, lins 2-29, Robinson 2-12, Miller 2-10, K.Smith 1-28, didn9t feel like our energy was going to take every precaution to
McLaughlin 3-21, Sutton 1-13, Johnson 1-9, Mims 1-4. Pruitt 1-22, Hodge 1-11, Patterson 1-7. good enough early in the game. protect our players,= Panthers
S0263 1x4

mISSed fIeLd gOALS mISSed fIeLd gOALS They had better energy than we Coach Frank Reich said after
None. None.
did,= McDermott said. Detroit9s 42-24 win.
D6 eZ m2 the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023


Correa helps Minnesota cruise by his former team


HOUSTON 4 Carlos Correa had

three hits and three rBI and
Pablo López pitched seven score-
less innings, helping the minne-
sota Twins beat the Houston As-
tros, 6-2, on Sunday night in
Game 2 of their American League
Division Series.
Kyle farmer hit a two-run hom-
er for the Twins, who bounced
back nicely after losing, 6-4, in the
series opener Saturday night.
Game 3 of the best-of-five se-
ries is at minnesota on Tuesday.
Correa, an october star for so
many years in Houston, has re-
turned to the postseason with a
vengeance after lamenting how
much he missed the playoffs
BoB Levey/GeTTy ImaGes
when minnesota stumbled last
year in his first season with the Carlos Correa totaled three hits and three RBI as the Twins evened the series with the Astros at 1-1.
JoNaThaN NeWToN/The WashINGToN PosT Correa hit an rBI double in the average. hits in 41/3 innings. stringing anything together
<Just because you draft a guy in the second or third round doesn9t first inning in Game 2. He added a Yordan Alvarez, who homered Correa9s two-run single gave against López.
necessarily mean he9s an automatic starter,= Ron Rivera said. two-run single to center in the twice in Houston9s win in Game 1, him 63 career rBI in the playoffs, Their best chance to score
fifth, lifting the Twins to a 5-0 cut the lead to 6-2 with a two-run tying him with David Justice for against the right-hander came in
lead. He also robbed Jeremy Peña shot in the eighth inning. But third most in major league his- the fourth. Kyle Tucker walked

Commanders get little of a hit with a terrific defensive

play for the final out.
Correa has eight hits and four
Jhoan Duran pitched a perfect
ninth for minnesota.
The Astros had to hold off a
He celebrated by pounding his
chest and shouting, <Let9s go,=
with one out and moved to second
on a groundout by José Abreu.
michael Brantley lined a single to

out of their rookie class rBI in four games this postsea-

son, helping lead the Twins to
three playoff wins.
Twins rally in the series opener,
but they played from behind
throughout Game 2.
before pointing to his ecstatic
Correa received a smattering of
left field to send Tucker to third,
but López struck out Chas mcCor-
mick to end the threat.
López pitched a gem after lead- Willi Castro hit a leadoff single boos from the home crowd each Edouard Julien drove in a run
COMMAnDERS from D1 tively, and their contracts are ing the Twins to the victory in in the second for the Twins, and time he stepped to the plate. It with a single in the seventh in-
constructed so that moving on Game 1 of the first-round series farmer followed with a 377-foot was a stark change from the ado- ning to push the lead to 6-0.
Through Week 4, Washington9s from them, even after this year, against Toronto. He yielded six drive to left-center against fram- ration he long received at minute The defending champion As-
rookies, including undrafted could be difficult. (Guard Saah- hits and struck out seven Sunday ber Valdez. The homer was farm- maid Park in seven seasons with tros entered Sunday9s game 12-0
wide receiver mitchell Tinsley, diq Charles and backup tackle night while lowering his ErA to er9s first postseason hit after go- the Astros after being selected at minute maid Park in the ALDS
averaged just 10.7 snaps per game Cornelius Lucas are set to be free 0.71 this postseason. ing 0 for 10 in eight career games. first overall in the 2012 amateur since 2017, and the loss is their
on offense and defense. only four agents in march.) He kept the Astros off balance Valdez departed after Correa9s draft. first at home in the division series
teams played their rookies less. If on the defensive side, Wash- with a fastball that averaged 95.9 clutch swing in the fifth. He was A day after hitting three home since Game 4 in 2015.
you take forbes out of the equa- ington9s rookie ends, Henry and mph, slightly up from his season charged with five runs and seven runs, the Astros had trouble 4 Associated Press
tion, Washington9s rookies com- Jones, have the athleticism and
bined for just 13 offensive and <developmental potential,= as
defensive snaps. Sixth-round General manager martin may-
running back Chris rodriguez Jr. hew described it, to succeed at
played four; Tinsley, defensive their position. But both are raw
end Andre Jones Jr. (seventh and have been almost nonexis-
round) and interior offensive tent in the defensive line rota-
lineman ricky Stromberg (third tion.
round) played three apiece. finding reliable help on the
Tackle Braeden Daniels, a edge will become a more pressing
fourth-round pick, is on injured issue in a few months because
reserve and won9t play this sea- none of the team9s veteran ends
son, and fifth-round defensive are under contract in 2024.
end KJ Henry has been limited to The reasons the rookies have
13 snaps on special teams. Sec- played so little are myriad. Their
ond-round pick Quan martin, a development is perhaps atop the
versatile safety/nickelback whom list, but it9s not the only explana-
the team hoped would add depth tion. Daniels injured his rotator
and become a rotational piece in cuff in the preseason, rodriguez
the secondary, hasn9t played a missed the past two games be-
snap on defense. cause of an illness, and martin
more confounding: rivera9s ex- suffered a concussion in the sea-
planation, which seems to stray son opener. He was out for the
from his belief a year ago. Commanders9 win in Denver and,
<Just because you draft a guy in according to rivera, needed time
the second or third round doesn9t to work back into playing shape.
necessarily mean he9s an auto- But he has yet to be part of the
matic starter,= he said last week. defensive back rotation, even
<When I came into the league, amid the team9s recent struggles.
guys that were drafted in the When forbes was benched
second [or] third round weren9t Thursday, Danny Johnson took
expected to play right away.= over at cornerback, and the team
So what gives with the Class of used more five-man fronts.
2023? At this point, it9s fair to on the flip side, Washington9s
question whether the personnel starters have remained fairly
4 not just the rookies but also the healthy, unlike in past years,
Commanders9 veteran acquisi- when injuries created opportuni-
tions this year 4 fit what the ties for young players.
team is trying to accomplish. <You do want to play these
After the draft, team executives guys, and that9s why you took PhoTos By JohN mcDoNNeLL/The WashINGToN PosT

felt confident their free agent them,= rivera said. <But when Grayson Rodriguez, who had the Al9s second-lowest ERA in the second half, was tagged for five runs in 12/3 innings in his postseason debut.
signings and draft selections somebody9s playing, you9re not
filled needs and afforded them going to make changes to make
positional flexibility 4 some-
thing they have emphasized, es-
pecially in the secondary, where
defensive coordinator Jack Del
changes or just say, 8oh, yeah,
well, we drafted him, [so] we got
to play him.9 They got to earn the
right to get on the field, too. They
Orioles drop Game 2, fall into a 2-0 hole
rio uses multiple players at mul- got to beat out whoever9s in that
tiple spots, and on the offensive position.= ORIOlES from D1 described as an attempt to get
line, where being able to play two That9s why rivera continues to early contact from a patient line-
positions is almost a must for stress special teams, where mar- postseason home run while sport- up. But the command he found
reserves. tin has played 77 snaps, Henry 13 ing a black eye suffered on a slide. this summer did not materialize
martin9s versatility intrigued and Jones almost all of his 121. They saw mateo, the guy whose in the first postseason outing of
the team enough for it to draft The path from special teams to playing time Henderson cut into, his major league career.
him after taking another defen- defense is well-worn in Washing- jump into his first postseason <really struggled to get into a
sive back in the first round. flexi- ton, with players such as Butler lineup with a 4-for-4 showing and groove,= he said. <obviously
bility also was a factor in the and Darrick forrest receiving two doubles. And they saw Aaron spraying fastballs and not being
selections of Daniels, who played more time on defense after Hicks deliver a three-run homer able to have that in the zone
guard and tackle in college and spending much of their rookie in the ninth inning to get them consistently wasn9t working for
worked at tackle in training seasons on special teams. within striking distance. for me.=
camp, and Stromberg, who can <That9s when they get your these orioles, adversity is relative. Bryan Baker took over to eat
play guard and center. But nei- attention 4 especially defensive <Even when we were down 9-2, innings in the third, but he
ther has developed enough to fill backs, linebackers, defensive we kept fighting and brought it walked three straight rangers
immediate needs, and both may ends,= rivera said. <If they per- back pretty close,= Henderson with one out. When Jacob Webb
not make a significant impact for form on special teams and at a said. <Just goes to show you that entered, he surrendered a grand
a while. In free agency, the Com- high level, you know that kid9s no matter what the situation is, slam to mitch Garver, putting the
manders signed Nick Gates and going to make an impact. . . . I we9re going to keep fighting. Nev- orioles down by seven. Baltimore
Andrew Wylie to multiyear deals think this is all part of the growth er count us out.= ended up walking 11. Seager be-
to play center and tackle, respec- and development of guys.= Speaking of adversity being rel- came the first player to walk five
ative, rodriguez admitted Satur- times in a postseason game. Even
day that he had never experienced A grand slam by Mitch Garver in the third inning gave the Rangers the orioles, who orchestrated
much of it at all before this season, a 9-2 lead, which was too much for the Orioles to overcome Sunday. more comeback wins (48) than
when he pitched to a 7.35 ErA and anyone else in the AL, could not
allowed 13 homers in 451/3 innings But Sunday was different. The rangers lost eight in a row in climb back from that.
after debuting in April. The ori- rodriguez got into trouble late August, dropped seven of <We had a tough night,= out-
oles sent him to Class AAA Nor- right away: He allowed a single to eight not long after that, watched fielder Austin Hays said. <That9s
folk with specific instructions. leadoff man marcus Semien and their lead in the AL West dissi- unfortunate that it was tonight,
<He could out-stuff people in walked Corey Seager. With two pate, then recovered to secure a but it happens.=
the minor leagues,= manager outs, he walked Evan Carter to wild-card spot that they used to The question now is whether
Brandon Hyde said. <It was really load the bases; ball four should sweep away the Tampa Bay rays. the orioles can climb back. They
about fastball command and have been called strike three. But So they were not exactly de- will head to Texas to face postsea-
command of off-speed pitches, be- he escaped without damage and moralized by trailing early. And it son stalwart Nathan Eovaldi on

Retropolis cause his stuff was so good. He

went down, worked on that. He
came back . . . with real determi-
seemed to be steadying himself.
The orioles even gave him a two-
run lead when Hicks, who missed
a pivotal sign in the ninth inning
took a mere half-inning for them
to respond by pummeling rodri-
guez, who could not navigate the
barrage. By the time the orioles
Tuesday in front of a hostile
crowd. They will do so without the
man they planned to start Game 3,
left-hander John means, who was
Stories of the past, rediscovered. The kid returned an ace. He of Saturday9s Game 1, poked a hit could get someone ready to re- left off the division series roster
was second among AL qualifiers through the right side with the place him, rodriguez had allowed with elbow soreness. And they
with a 2.58 ErA during the sea- bases loaded. It was resilience, of five runs on six hits and four walks will do it all knowing they have

son9s second half. After opponents a kind. while getting just five outs. He not been swept since star catcher
had an oPS of .956 against him in The thing about resilience, threw 75 percent fastballs, a huge Adley rutschman debuted in may
his first 10 starts, rodriguez held though, is that most teams still jump from his regular season av- 2022. This would be an inoppor-
them to a .590 oPS in his last 13. playing on oct. 8 have plenty of it. erage of 49.6 percent, in what he tune time to end that streak.
monday, october 9 , 2023 . the washington post EZ sU d7

Aces rise to the top in a Game 1 loaded with stars

auto racing roundup

Cup Series
wnBa finalS from D1

award this season, and five-time

all-star Courtney Vandersloot.
Aces guard Kelsey Plum called
this finals matchup <inevitable.=
race has
All of that made michelob Ul-
tra Arena the place to be seen
Sunday. LeBron James and Tom
a spoiler
Brady, who recently bought a
stake in the Aces, sat courtside. A SSOCIATED P RESS
Actor mark Wahlberg and singer-
songwriter Kehlani were in the AJ Allmendinger spoiled
building. Jordin Sparks handled NASCAr9s playoffs by winning
the national anthem, and Ashanti Sunday9s elimination race on the
performed at halftime. Hall of roval at Charlotte motor Speed-
famer Sheryl Swoopes was pre- way in Concord, N.C., where All-
sent, too. mendinger is fantastic and wasn9t
Sunday9s opening 20 minutes going to move over just because
were what anyone 4 famous or he9s not in the championship
not 4 would have hoped for: a field.
high-energy, back-and-forth af- Allmendinger, in the first full
fair with both teams hitting season of his Cup return, led
shots and putting together runs 46 laps for Kaulig racing to win
but never taking complete con- for the first time in NASCAr9s top
trol. Neither team led by more series since Indianapolis in 2021.
than eight points in the first Allmendinger, who became a fa-
half. Any worries about a slow ther within the past month, was
start after a lengthy layoff 4 the sobbing when he collected the
Aces last played Sept. 29, the checkered flag.
Liberty on oct. 1 4 were quickly <Because you don9t know when
erased. you are going to do it again,= the
Then the Aces came out of 41-year-old said. He normally
halftime throwing haymakers to gives the checkered flag to a fan
improve to 6-0 in the postseason. but was keeping Sunday9s for his
<In the second half, the ball newborn son.
stopped and got stuck a little bit,= <That was probably the drive of
Stewart said, <and that made it my life,= he said later.
easier for them to kind of crowd Allmendinger then went into
the paint on [Jones] or myself.= the stands to pose for selfies with
Game 2 of the best-of-five se- the fans chanting his name. It was
ries is 9 p.m. on Wednesday, also the third Cup Series win for All-
in Las Vegas. mendinger, who has raced across
Young and Wilson combined 16 Cup seasons but took a break
for 21 of the Aces9 26 points in the from NASCAr9s top series in 2019
third quarter, and the Las Vegas and 2020. Kaulig slowly lured
defense picked up the intensity. him back with five Cup races in
The quarter ended with a Young 2021, all the way to this year9s full
blow-by of Vandersloot before season in Kaulig9s second year
she got to the rim and double- fielding cars at the elite level.
pumped as Vandersloot slapped <I hate crying right now, but it9s
her arms. She banked in the a freaking Cup race, man. You
runner for an and-one while don9t know when it9s ever going to
Chelsea Gray shouted at her The aces9 Kelsey Plum (26 points) drives to the basket in the second half, during which las Vegas outscored new York 53-33 to pull away. happen again,= Allmendinger
teammate, bouncing up and said. <This is why you do it. This is
down before slapping her hand. the defense gives me. But I think 8Absolutely not. That9s not you. I WNBA finals history. Las Vegas outscored 72-31; all-star Sabrina the only reason you do it. You
Young9s free throw gave the Aces the biggest thing is just being know you have it in you9 4 and I outscored New York 53-33 in the Ionescu was held to seven. fight. All the blood, sweat, tears.
a 72-65 lead 4 their biggest to confident.= love pulling that out of her. second half while shooting <our guards, they just had a It9s our second year in the Cup
that point 4 heading into the That was the beginning of the <People raised an eyebrow at us 54.7 percent for the game. little bit of a tough night,= New Series.=
fourth. end for the Liberty. Young9s three- when we drafted her number one. <our trio of guards I thought York Coach Sandy Brondello said. His win was pivotal in the
<[Hammon has] believed in point play started a 23-6 run that I was like, 8You need to prove were pretty ridiculous overall,= <That9s not going to happen two playoff elimination of Kyle Busch,
me since she got here last year, had the building rocking. every single night that you are the Hammon said. games in a row. We believe in the two-time series champion
and she just has a lot of confi- <Jackie was my rookie 4 she9s number one draft pick 4 every Stewart finished with 21 points them. They9ve carried us all sea- who had to win Sunday to ad-
dence in me,= Young said. <I my baby sister that I never want- single night.9 . . . That9s who we and nine rebounds. Jones added son long. We9ll still put the ball in vance to the round of eight. Busch
know my teammates do, coaches ed, but I love her to death,= Wilson need every single night.= 16 points and 10 rebounds 4 for their hands, and we want them to gave it a few tries but couldn9t get
do. And so that gives me confi- said with a laugh. <And I9m going Young, Wilson (19 points, eight her seventh double-double of the be confident and do what they do. into second place 4 William By-
dence to just be able to go out to make sure that I am pulling rebounds), Plum (26 points) and playoffs, the most in a single . . . They9re going to be fine. It9s a ron finished second 4 and settled
there and play my game. Just be that confidence out of her. Jack- Gray (20 points, nine assists, six WNBA postseason 4 and marine series. They took the first punch, for third.
aggressive from the beginning, ie9s a little shy; she kind of likes to rebounds) combined for Johannès had 14 points off the and now we have to have to Also eliminated was ross
hit open shots. Just take what beat around bushes, but I9m like: 91 points, the most by a quartet in bench. The Liberty9s guards were respond.= Chastain, last year9s title runner-
up; 2012 champion Brad Kesel-
owski; and Bubba Wallace, whose
first playoff appearance ended in

Conûdent, happy Biles leaves worlds with four golds and a silver the round of 12 on his 30th birth-
day with 23XI racing co-owner
michael Jordan watching from
Wallace9s pit stand.
BileS from D1 The remaining eight drivers in
the championship race are led by
major event and that the trouble Byron and ryan Blaney, who both
she had with a mental block at the won in the three-race round of 12
Tokyo olympics wouldn9t repeat to earn automatic berths into the
itself. She showed she9s as capable next three races.
of being her best version as her Denny Hamlin advanced in a
past self. Toyota for Joe Gibbs racing, as
<I wasn9t too worried about did Tyler reddick, who drives for
medal count or medal color this Hamlin and Jordan at 23XI rac-
meet,= Biles said Sunday, adding ing. Christopher Bell and martin
that she had talked about goals Truex Jr., the regular season
with teammate Joscelyn rober- champion, advanced with Ham-
son and her objective was simple. lin for Gibbs to get three cars
<As long as I get out there, do through.
those routines again, it9s a win in Kyle Larson drove a backup car
my book. It doesn9t matter if I end to a 13th-place finish to join By-
up on the podium or not. That9s ron, who has a series-best six wins
not something I care about.= this season, representing Hen-
Yet as she performed her diffi- drick motorsports and Chevrolet
cult routines without mistakes, in the next round. Larson crashed
Biles returned to the podium in Saturday practice, and Hen-
again and again. drick motorsports, which is locat-
She finished the meet with a ed about a mile from the speed-
floor routine packed with power- way, had to work into the night to
ful tumbling. She stepped out of get a car through inspection.
bounds on one pass, but her high ford has Blaney of Team Pen-
difficulty score provided the ske and Chris Buescher of rfK
cushion she needed for gold. re- racing.
beca Andrade, Biles9s top chal- The round of eight of
lenger, had stronger execution NASCAr9s playoffs opens Sunday
but couldn9t pass Biles, who at Las Vegas motor Speedway.
scored a 14.633. Andrade (14.500) Joey Logano is the defending race
shared the podium with fellow winner, and Byron scored his first
Brazilian flavia Saraiva (13.966), win of the season at Las Vegas in
a 24-year-old who had never won march.
an individual medal at the world l fORMUla One: max Ver-
championships. Simone Biles gave her best beam performance of the week Sunday in the final, winning by one-tenth of a point over China9s Zhou Yaqin. stappen followed his third for-
Andrade continues to compete mula one title with yet another
closely with Biles for gold on past world or olympic champi- 14.300. American Shilese Jones race win as he eased to victory in
several apparatuses, which has ons: Biles (2014, 2015 and 2019), would have been in medal con- the Qatar Grand Prix.
required the American to be at Japan9s Urara Ashikawa (2021), tention with her best routine, but The red Bull driver, who
her best to land atop the podium. Germany9s Pauline Schaefer-Betz she fell on her dismount and clinched the title in Saturday9s
In this final, if Biles had stepped (2017) and the Netherlands9 landed in seventh. Jones had an- sprint race, started on the pole
out of bounds with both feet Sanne Wevers (2016). A pair of other opportunity to medal on and was comfortably ahead of the
instead of one, she would have newcomers from China, Zhou floor and turned in a strong rou- rest of the field on his way to his
finished second. Yaqin and Zhang Qingying, can tine, but she finished in fifth. 14th Grand Prix win in 2023.
Before this trip to Belgium, be excellent, and Zhou earned a oscar Piastri and Lando Norris
Biles had performed in just two difficulty score in the final that another silver for Young finished second and third in a
official competitions 4 the U.S. matched Biles9s mark. Khoi Young9s impressive debut double podium finish for mcLar-
Classic, where she made her sea- So Biles needed a strong rou- at the world championships end- en.
son debut, and then the two-day tine to contend for this gold, and ed with another silver medal, this <I think what made the race
national championships 4 since she delivered. Every element was time on vault. He stuck both was my first stint, and after that I
the Tokyo Games. This time, faced secure. Biles9s best beam routine vaults as the first competitor, and could just manage my pace, mak-
with a week-long global event, of the world championships fin- his 14.849 was topped only by ing sure that the tires were in a
Biles excelled again. She per- ished with a full-twisting double Britain9s Jake Jarman (15.050). good window,= Verstappen said.
formed 16 times 4 four routines tuck dismount that had only a Young, a 20-year-old from Bowie, <But the mcLarens were quick
on each apparatus 4 and made small hop. With a 14.800, she already had a silver medal on again today. I had to push for it.
just one major mistake. That came edged Zhou by one-tenth, mean- pommel horse and a bronze in the It9s definitely a tough race out
on vault with her very difficult ing even a tiny mistake would team competition. there.=
Yurchenko double pike; she rolled have changed the outcome. While It was a breakthrough world The two mercedes of George
backward with too much power, a Biles had no lapses in balance, championships for the American russell and Lewis Hamilton
fall that led to her only silver. Zhou bent slightly at the hips after men, who claimed four medals. started behind Verstappen on the
<I9m not mad about it at all,= Biles completing a full-twisting jump, The U.S. team previously had won grid but collided at the first cor-
said, adding that it9s better to have NaOmI BakER/GETTy ImaGEs and that error probably cost her at least four medals at the world ner, ending seven-time champion
too much power than not enough. Biles, embraced by coach Cecile landi, won gold on beam for the the top spot on the podium. championships just once (2013) Hamilton9s race. Piastri charged
The beam final featured four fourth time in either a world championships or an Olympics. Andrade claimed bronze with a over the past four decades. through for second place.
d8 EZ M2 the washington post . monday, october 9 , 2023



Sanderson MLB playoffs

diamondbacks 11, dodgers 2
Late Saturday
NBA preseason
Jazz 101, Clippers 96
UTAh .................................. 24 19 26 32 4 101
EAsT W L T pts gf gA

in ûve-way
Best of three L.A. cLippERs .................... 27 23 16 30 4 96 z-Cincinnati.....................20 5 8 68 55 37
diAmONdBAcks AB R h Bi BB sO Avg ATLANTic W L pct gB
y-Orlando City.................17 7 9 60 53 39
NATiONAL LEAgUE Marte 2b.........................5 1 1 0 0 2 .200 Boston .......................................... 1 0 1.000 4 UTAh: Collins 2-3 0-0 5, Markkanen 4-10 2-2 10, Kessler y-Philadelphia .................15 8 10 55 56 39
diAmONdBAcks ELimiNATEd BREWERs, 2-0 Carroll rf .........................5 2 2 2 0 1 .400 Toronto......................................... 1 0 1.000 4 3-5 1-3 7, Horton-Tucker 5-13 0-0 13, Sexton 1-6 1-2 3, y-Columbus .....................15 9 9 54 65 45
Game 1: Arizona 6, at Milwaukee 3 Pham dh .........................5 3 4 1 0 0 .800 Brooklyn ....................................... 0 0 .000 2
Fontecchio 2-7 0-0 6, Hendricks 1-3 0-0 3, Samanic 3-4
1/ y-New England................14 8 10 52 54 42
New York ...................................... 0 0 .000

Game 2: Arizona 5, at Milwaukee 2 Walker 1b .......................3 2 1 1 1 1 .333 2
1-2 9, Olynyk 0-0 1-2 1, Yurtseven 2-4 0-1 4, Agbaji 4-10 y-Atlanta.........................13 9 11 50 64 51
Moreno c ........................5 1 2 3 0 2 .400 Philadelphia.................................. 0 1 .000 1 1-1 9, Clarkson 2-4 2-2 6, Dunn 7-7 0-0 15, K.George 2-9
phiLLiEs ELimiNATEd mARLiNs, 2-0 y-Nashville......................12 10 10 46 36 29
Gurriel Jr. lf ....................5 0 1 1 0 0 .200 5-6 10. Totals 38-85 14-21 101. CF Montréal ....................12 16 5 41 35 50
Game 1: at Philadelphia 4, Miami 1
Game 2: at Philadelphia 7, Miami 1 Thomas cf.......................3 2 1 1 2 0 .333 sOUThEAsT W L pct gB L.A. cLippERs: Leonard 4-8 2-2 11, Mann 1-1 0-0 2, D.C. United ......................10 14 10 40 45 49
Longoria 3b ....................4 0 1 2 0 0 .250 Atlanta ......................................... 0 0 .000 4 Zubac 2-3 0-0 4, Hyland 7-14 4-4 18, P.George 3-7 0-0 8, New York.........................10 13 10 40 35 39
AmERicAN LEAgUE Peterson 3b ....................0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Charlotte ...................................... 0 0 .000 4 Brown 3-5 0-0 7, Covington 0-1 0-0 0, Diabate 3-7 2-2 8, Chicago............................10 13 10 40 39 50
RANgERs ELimiNATEd RAYs, 2-0 Perdomo ss ....................4 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Miami ........................................... 0 0 .000 4 Martin Jr. 3-9 0-0 7, Miller 2-4 0-0 4, Williams 2-6 1-2 5, Charlotte FC ......................9 11 12 39 42 50
A SSOCIATED P RESS Game 1: Texas 4, at Tampa Bay 0 TOTALs 39 11 13 11 3 9 4 Orlando......................................... 0 0 .000 4 Plumlee 1-2 0-0 2, Coffey 1-7 2-2 5, Boston Jr. 0-0 0-0 0, New York City FC ..............8 11 14 38 34 39
Game 2: Texas 7, at Tampa Bay 1 Washington.................................. 0 0 .000 4 Moon 4-11 0-0 9, Powell 0-7 6-7 6. Totals 36-92 17-19 96. Inter Miami CF ..................9 17 6 33 39 51
dOdgERs AB R h Bi BB sO Avg Toronto FC ........................4 19 10 22 26 57
Luke List won when he least TWiNs ELimiNATEd BLUE JAYs, 2-0 cENTRAL W L pct gB
Three-point goals: Utah 11-37 (Horton-Tucker 3-7,
Game 1: at Minnesota 3, Toronto 1 Betts 2b-rf .....................3 1 0 0 1 1 .000 Samanic 2-2, Fontecchio 2-5, Collins 1-1, Dunn 1-1,
expected it, getting into a five-way Freeman 1b ....................2 1 0 0 2 0 .000 Milwaukee.................................... 1 0 1.000 4 WEsT W L T pts gf gA
Game 2: at Minnesota 2, Toronto 0 1/ Hendricks 1-3, K.George 1-6, Yurtseven 0-1, Clarkson
W.Smith c ......................4 0 2 2 0 0 .500 Cleveland...................................... 0 0 .000 2 z-St Louis City ................17 11 5 56 62 43
playoff Sunday in the Sanderson 0-2, Sexton 0-2, Markkanen 0-3, Agbaji 0-4), L.A.
divisiON sERiEs Muncy 3b........................4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Chicago ......................................... 0 1 .000 1 y-Los Angeles FC ............14 10 9 51 53 38
Clippers 7-26 (P.George 2-3, Martin Jr. 1-1, Brown 1-2,
Martinez dh....................3 0 0 0 1 1 .000 Detroit .......................................... 0 1 .000 1 y-Seattle .........................13 9 11 50 39 32
Farms Championship and ending Best of five; x-If necessary
Heyward rf-cf.................4 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Indiana.......................................... 0 1 .000 1
Moon 1-2, Leonard 1-3, Coffey 1-5, Miller 0-1, Williams
y-Houston .......................13 11 9 48 48 37
NATiONAL LEAgUE 0-1, Powell 0-2, Hyland 0-6). fouled Out: None. Re-
it quickly with a birdie putt from Peralta lf ........................2 0 1 0 0 1 .500
WEsTERN cONfERENcE bounds: Utah 51 (Markkanen 8), L.A. Clippers 42 y-Vancouver....................12 10 11 47 54 47
phiLLiEs LEAd BRAvEs, 1-0 Taylor ph-lf.....................2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 y-Real Salt Lake..............13 12 7 46 45 48
just inside 45 feet for his second Game 1: Philadelphia 3, at Atlanta 0 Outman cf ......................2 0 0 0 0 0 .000
(Diabate, Martin Jr. 8). Assists: Utah 22 (Dunn,
Portland ..........................11 12 10 43 45 55
sOUThWEsT W L pct gB K.George, Sexton 5), L.A. Clippers 18 (Hyland, Moon 4).
career PGA Tour victory. Monday9s game: Philadelphia (Wheeler 13-6) at Atlanta, Hernández ph-cf-ss........2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Total fouls: Utah 15, L.A. Clippers 21. A: 10,263 (10,300) San Jose..........................10 10 13 43 38 42
Memphis....................................... 1 0 1.000 4
6:07 (TBS) Rojas ss ..........................2 0 1 0 0 0 .500 1/ FC Dallas .........................10 10 12 42 36 35
The playoff would not have Houston........................................ 0 0 .000 2
Wednesday9s game: Atlanta at Philadelphia (Nola 12-9), Wong ph-2b....................1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1/ Sporting KC .....................11 14 8 41 45 50
New Orleans................................. 0 0 .000 2
5:07 (TBS) Minnesota United ...........10 12 11 41 45 48
been possible if not for Ben Grif- x-Thursday9s game: Atlanta at Philadelphia, 6:07 (TBS)
TOTALs 31 2 4 2 4 8 4 San Antonio.................................. 0 0 .000 1/
Austin FC ........................10 15 8 38 48 54
Dallas............................................ 0 2 .000 11/2
fin struggling down the stretch at x-Saturday9s game: Philadelphia at Atlanta, 6:07 (TBS) ARizONA ................ 630 000 110 4 11 13 0 LA Galaxy ..........................8 13 11 35 48 61
diAmONdBAcks LEAd dOdgERs, 1-0 L.A........................... 000 000 020 4 2 4 0 WNBA playoffs Colorado ............................5 16 11 26 25 52
the Country Club of Jackson, NORThWEsT W L pct gB
Game 1: Arizona 11, at Los Angeles 2 LOB: Arizona 6, Los Angeles 6. 2B: Marte (1), Walker Minnesota .................................... 2 0 1.000 4 fiRsT ROUNd y-Clinched playoff; z-Clinched conference
Miss. Griffin missed an eight-foot Monday9s game: Arizona at Los Angeles, 9:07 (TBS) (1), Longoria (1), Gurriel Jr. (1), Peralta (1). 3B: Denver .......................................... 0 0 .000 1
Wednesday9s game: Los Angeles at Arizona, 9:07 (TBS) Best of three sATURdAY9s REsULTs
par putt on the final hole. W.Smith (1). hR: Moreno (1), off Kershaw; Carroll (1), Oklahoma City.............................. 0 0 .000 1
x-Thursday9s game: Los Angeles at Arizona, 9:07 (TBS) off Sheehan; Thomas (1), off Grove; Pham (1), off Ve- Portland........................................ 0 0 .000 1 LiBERTY ELimiNATEd mYsTics, 2-0 at D.C. United 2, New York City FC 0
That gave a chance to List, x-Saturday9s game: Arizona at Los Angeles, 9:20 (TBS) sia. x-Utah........................................... 0 0 .000 1 Game 1: at New York 90, Washington 75 Columbus 1, at Atlanta 1
Swedish sensation Ludvig Aberg AmERicAN LEAgUE diAmONdBAcks ip h R ER BB sO ERA Game 2: at New York 90, Washington 85 (OT) Cincinnati 1, at Miami 0
RANgERs LEAd ORiOLEs, 2-0 M.Kelly.......................... 61/3 3 0 0 2 5 0.00 pAcific W L pct gB AcEs ELimiNATEd skY, 2-0 at CF Montréal 4, Portland 1
(68), Henrik Norlander (70) and Game 1: Texas 3, at Baltimore 2 Mantiply ......................... 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 Golden State ................................ 1 0 1.000 4 Game 1: at Las Vegas 87, Chicago 59 at New York 3, Toronto FC 0
Scott Stallings (70), all of whom Game 2: Texas 11, at Baltimore 8 Castro ..............................1 1 2 2 2 1 18.0 Phoenix......................................... 1 0 1.000 4
Game 2: at Las Vegas 92, Chicago 70 at Orlando City 3, New England 2
Tuesday9s game: Baltimore at Texas, 8:03 (Fox) Frías .................................1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 x-L.A. Clippers.............................. 0 0 .000 2
Nashville 0, at Philadelphia 0
returned to the par-4 18th hole Sacramento .................................. 0 1 .000 1 sUN ELimiNATEd LYNX, 2-1
x-Wednesday9s game: Baltimore at Texas, 7:07 (FS1) dOdgERs ip h R ER BB sO ERA Los Angeles FC 4, at Austin FC 2
L.A. Lakers.................................... 0 1 .000 1 Game 1: at Connecticut 90, Minnesota 60
alongside Griffin. None looked to x-Friday9s game: Texas at Baltimore, 8:03 (FS1)
Kershaw.......................... 1/3 6 6 6 1 0 162. Game 2: Minnesota 82, at Connecticut 75 Charlotte FC 2, at Chicago 0
have a reasonable birdie chance AsTROs LEAd TWiNs, 2-0 Sheehan ........................ 32/3 4 3 3 2 4 7.36 x-Late game Game 3: Connecticut 90, at Minnesota 75 San Jose 1, at FC Dallas 1
Game 1: at Houston 6, Minnesota 4 S.Miller ............................2 1 0 0 0 3 0.00 WiNgs ELimiNATEd dREAm, 2-0 at Houston 5, Colorado 1
until List poured in his putt and sUNdAY9s REsULTs
Game 2: Minnesota 6, at Houston 2 Grove................................1 1 1 1 0 1 9.00 at Minnesota 5, LA Galaxy 2
at Milwaukee 105, Chicago 102 Game 1: at Dallas 94, Atlanta 82
Tuesday9s game: Houston at Minnesota (Gray 8-8), 4:07 Vesia ................................1 1 1 1 0 1 9.00
slammed his fist in celebration. (Fox) Ferguson ..........................1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Phoenix 130, at Detroit 126 (OT) Game 2: at Dallas 101, Atlanta 74 Sporting KC 3, at Real Salt Lake 2
Vancouver 0, at Seattle 0
List closed with a 2-under-par x-Wednesday9s game: Houston at Minnesota, 2:07 (FS1)
Wp: M.Kelly (1-0); Lp: Kershaw (0-1). inherited run-
at Boston 114, Philadelphia 106 sEmifiNALs
x-Friday9s game: Minnesota at Houston, 4:07 (FS1) Toronto 112, Sacramento 99, in Vancouver Best of five sATURdAY9s mATchEs
70 and missed a birdie chance ners-scored: Mantiply 1-0, Sheehan 1-0. hBp: Sheehan
at Memphis 127, Indiana 122 (OT)
LEAgUE chAmpiONship sERiEs (Walker). T: 3:04. A: 51,653 (56,000). LiBERTY ELimiNATEd sUN, 3-1 New England at Nashville, 8:30
from just inside 10 feet on the Best of seven; x-If necessary L.A. Clippers vs. Utah, in Honolulu, late
Game 1: Connecticut 78, at New York 63 Colorado at FC Dallas, 8:30
final hole, giving away his cap to a NATiONAL LEAgUE mONdAY9s gAmEs Game 2: at New York 84, Connecticut 77 Real Salt Lake at LA Galaxy, 10:30
Game 3: New York 92, at Connecticut 81
fan because he figured that would Monday, Oct. 16: teNNiS Boston at New York, 7:30
Game 4: New York 87, at Connecticut 84 WEdNEsdAY, OcT 18
Tuesday, Oct. 17: San Antonio at Oklahoma City, 8 Charlotte FC at Miami, 8
be the last hole he played. Thursday, Oct. 19: L.A. Lakers vs. Brooklyn, 9 in Las Vegas AcEs ELimiNATEd WiNgs, 3-0
<It9s been a full roller coaster,= Friday, Oct. 20: AtP/WtA Game 1: at Las Vegas 97, Dallas 83
x-Saturday, Oct. 21: TUEsdAY9s gAmEs Game 2: at Las Vegas 91, Dallas 84
List said. <I hung in there. I didn9t x-Monday, Oct. 23: chiNA OpEN Cairns Taipans at Washington, 7 Game 3: Las Vegas 64, at Dallas 61 Sporting kC 3, Real Salt Lake 2
x-Tuesday, Oct. 24: At National Tennis Center; in Beijing
think it was going to be enough, purse: $3,633,875
Dallas at Madrid Baloncesto, 2:45 fiNALs Late Saturday
AmERicAN LEAgUE Charlotte at Miami, 7:30 Best of five; x-If necessary
but here we are. It9s been a crazy Sunday, Oct. 15:
surface: Hardcourt outdoor Cleveland at Atlanta, 7:30 spORTiNg kc 2 1 3
AcEs LEAd LiBERTY, 1-0 REAL sALT LAkE 0 2 2
20 minutes.= Monday, Oct. 16: WOmEN9s siNgLEs 4 chAmpiONship Indiana at Houston, 8
Game 1: at Las Vegas 99, New York 82
Wednesday, Oct. 18: Iga Swiatek (2), Poland, def. Liudmila Samsonova, Milwaukee at Memphis, 8 first half: 1, Sporting KC, Thommy, 5, 4th minute; 2,
Griffin had a birdie putt in the Thursday, Oct. 19: Russia, 6-2, 6-2. Orlando at New Orleans, 8
Wednesday9s game: New York at Las Vegas, 9 (ESPN)
Sporting KC, Russell, 6 (Ndenbe), 29th.
Sunday9s game: Las Vegas at New York, 3 (ABC)
playoff from about 35 feet and x-Friday, Oct. 20:
WOmEN9s dOUBLEs 4 chAmpiONship
Denver at Phoenix, 10 x-Wednesday, Oct. 18: Las Vegas at New York, 8 (ESPN) second half: 3, Sporting KC, Pulido, 14, 77th; 4, Real Salt
x-Sunday, Oct. 22: L.A. Clippers vs. Utah, 10 in Seattle x-Friday, Oct. 20: New York at Las Vegas, 9 (ESPN) Lake, Vera, 3, 81st; 5, Real Salt Lake, Savarino, 7, 89th.
slapped his left knee when he x-Monday, Oct. 23: Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain, and Marie Bouzkova, Czech New Zealand Breakers at Portland, 10
goalies: Sporting KC, Tim Melia, John Pulskamp; Real
Republic, def. Hao-Ching Chan, Taiwan, and Giuliana Salt Lake, Zac MacMath, Gavin Beavers.
realized it was going to miss on WORLd sERiEs Olmos, Mexico, 3-6, 6-0, 10-4. Yellow cards: Radoja, Sporting KC, 38th; Vera, Real Salt
the low side. This was his tourna- Best of seven; x-If necessary Lake, 58th; Melia, Sporting KC, 90th+2; MacMath, Real
Friday, Oct. 27: Aces 99, Liberty 82 Salt Lake, 90th+8.
ment to win, starting with a three- Saturday, Oct. 28: Bucks 105, Bulls 102 New York ............................ 25 24 16 17 4 82 Red cards: Glad, Real Salt Lake, 3rd.
shot lead and still leading by two Monday, Oct. 30: AtP Las vegas ........................... 22 24 26 27 4 99 A: 21,205.
Tuesday, Oct. 31: chicAgO ............................ 30 21 31 20 4 102
Sporting KC, Tim Melia; Logan Ndenbe, Dany Rosero
shots with three holes to play. x-Wednesday, Nov. 1: miLWAUkEE ...................... 21 29 28 27 4 105 NEW YORk miN fg fT O-T A pf pTs
shANghAi mAsTERs (Robert Castellanos, 48th), Robert Voloder; Jake Davis,
x-Friday, Nov. 3: At Qizhong Forest Sports City Arena; in Shanghai Laney 36:09 5-8 1-1 0-3 1 1 11 Felipe Gutierrez, Nemanja Radoja (Remi Walter, 52nd),
Griffin had gone 44 holes with- x-Saturday, Nov. 4: purse: $8,800,000
chicAgO: DeRozan 2-6 2-2 7, Williams 4-9 2-2 13,
Stewart 36:01 8-19 4-6 2-9 2 1 21 Erik Thommy (Gadi Kinda, 59th); Alan Pulido (William
Vucevic 1-3 2-2 4, LaVine 4-7 0-0 9, White 6-10 0-0 14,
out a bogey until making one on surface: Hardcourt outdoor Craig 3-9 0-0 7, Drell 0-0 0-0 0, Lewis 1-3 0-1 2, Phillips 1-4 Jones 34:12 7-12 2-2 3-10 1 4 16 Agada, 82nd), Johnny Russell (Marinos Tzionis, 74th),
0-0 2, Sanogo 2-5 0-0 4, Taylor 1-2 0-0 2, Terry 1-5 0-0 2, Ionescu 34:28 2-7 2-2 1-5 5 3 7 Daniel Salloi.
No. 8, and it was a wild ride the siNgLEs 4 ROUNd Of 64 Drummond 3-8 2-2 8, Bitim 2-3 0-0 6, Carter 3-7 1-1 8, Vandersloot 25:50 4-11 0-0 0-0 6 4 10 Real Salt Lake, Zac MacMath; Andrew Brody (Anderson Julio,
rest of the way. He closed with a 74 Rangers 11, Orioles 8 Arthur Fils, France, def. Alejandro Davidovich Fokina Caruso 0-1 0-0 0, Dosunmu 3-8 0-0 8, Heidegger 0-2 1-1 1, Johannès 19:51 5-9 0-0 0-3 2 2 14 62nd), Justen Glad, Bryan Oviedo (Maikel Chang, 62nd),
(24), Spain, 6-2, 7-5; Daniel Evans (30), Britain, def. Jackson 2-3 1-1 5, Jones 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 39-99 11-12 102. Thornton 8:13 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 3 3 Brayan Vera; Andres Gomez (Bode Davis, 62nd), Diego Luna
and finished with four others at RANgERs AB R h Bi BB sO Avg Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, 6-2, 3-0, ret; Grigor Willoughby 2:08 0-1 0-2 0-0 0 0 0 (Marcelo Silva, 5th), Braian Ojeda, Nelson Palacio, Jefferson
Dimitrov (18), Bulgaria, def. Aleksandar Vukic, Aus- miLWAUkEE: Crowder 4-7 0-0 10, Portis 4-5 0-0 8, Dolson 1:34 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Savarino; Cristian Arango (Rubio Rubin, 28th).
18-under 270. Semien 2b ......................5 1 2 1 1 0 .200
tralia, 6-4, 6-3; Andrey Rublev (5), Russia, def. Quentin B.Lopez 4-8 0-0 11, Beasley 5-10 0-0 13, Wigginton 1-7 Sabally 1:34 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Seager ss........................1 2 0 0 5 0 .250 0-0 2, Beauchamp 5-11 7-8 18, T.Antetokounmpo 6-8 2-2
List won for the first time since Garver dh........................6 2 2 5 0 1 .333
Halys, France, 6-4, 7-5; Karen Khachanov (13), Russia,
14, Timme 1-2 0-0 2, Bolden 1-1 1-2 3, R.Lopez 3-6 0-0 6, TOTALs 200 32-69 9-13 6-30 17 18 82
def. Beibit Zhukayev, Kazakhstan, 7-6 (7-1), 4-6, 6-2;
another playoff victory at Torrey García rf..........................5 0 2 1 0 1 .300 Connaughton 3-8 1-2 8, Jackson Jr. 2-5 0-0 4, Washing- Whitecaps 0, Sounders 0
Diego Schwartzman, Argentina, def. Jiri Lehecka (27), percentages: FG .464, FT .692. 3-point goals: 9-29, .310
Carter lf ..........................4 0 1 0 1 1 .333 ton Jr. 2-7 2-2 6. Totals 41-85 13-16 105.
Pines in early 2022. He had not Czech Republic, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2; Adrian Mannarino (31), (Johannès 4-7, Vandersloot 2-5, Thornton 1-2, Stewart
Heim c ............................5 0 1 1 0 1 .222
France, def. Chun Hsin Tseng, Taiwan, 6-2, 6-2. 1-4, Ionescu 1-5, Jones 0-3, Laney 0-3). Team Rebounds:
Late Saturday
Lowe 1b ..........................4 1 0 0 1 2 .125 Three-point goals: Chicago 13-35 (Williams 3-6, Bitim
finished in the top 10 since. Jung 3b ...........................4 2 2 0 1 1 .375 siNgLEs 4 ROUNd Of 32 2-2, Dosunmu 2-4, White 2-5, DeRozan 1-1, Craig 1-3, 2. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked shots: 3 (Johannès, vANcOUvER 0 0 0
l LPGA TOUR: Hyo Joo Kim of Taveras cf.......................3 3 1 2 2 0 .333 LaVine 1-3, Carter 1-4, Caruso 0-1, Heidegger 0-1, Jones Jones, Vandersloot). Turnovers: 11 (Johannès 3, Laney sEATTLE 0 0 0
Casper Ruud (8), Norway, def. Christopher Eubanks (29), 0-1, Lewis 0-1, Phillips 0-1, Terry 0-1, Vucevic 0-1), 3, Vandersloot 2, Ionescu, Jones, Stewart). steals: 6
TOTALs 37 11 11 10 11 7 4 United States, 6-4, 6-2; Sebastian Korda (26), United first half: None.
South Korea started with a five- States, def. Daniil Medvedev (2), Russia, 7-6 (10-8), 6-2;
Milwaukee 10-33 (B.Lopez 3-5, Beasley 3-7, Crowder (Laney 3, Jones, Sabally, Willoughby). Technical fouls:
second half: None.
2-4, Beauchamp 1-3, Connaughton 1-4, Jackson Jr. 0-1, Liberty, 7:35 second; Liberty, 4:58 second.
shot lead and didn9t give anyone ORiOLEs AB R h Bi BB sO Avg Hubert Hurkacz (16), Poland, def. Yu Hsiou Hsu, Taiwan, R.Lopez 0-1, Washington Jr. 0-4, Wigginton 0-4). fouled
goalies: Vancouver, Yohei Takaoka, Isaac Boehmer;
Rutschman c ..................5 0 1 0 0 0 .125 6-4, 6-4; Fabian Marozsan, Hungary, def. Dusan Lajovic, LAs vEgAs miN fg fT O-T A pf pTs Seattle, Stefan Frei, Stefan Cleveland.
much of a chance, closing with a Mountcastle 1b ..............4 1 1 1 0 1 .250 Serbia, 6-3, 6-3; Ben Shelton (19), United States, def.
Out: None. Rebounds: Chicago 47 (Drummond 9), Mil-
Wilson 34:59 7-11 5-6 1-8 2 1 19 Yellow cards: Roldan, Seattle, 34th; Chu, Seattle, 56th;
waukee 46 (Beauchamp 9). Assists: Chicago 24 (White Laborda, Vancouver, 63rd; Schopf, Vancouver, 66th;
2-under 69 to win the Ascendant Santander dh..................5 0 0 0 0 0 .250 Roman Safiullin, Russia, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4; Francisco Cerun- 6), Milwaukee 28 (Washington Jr. 7). Total fouls: Young 37:19 9-15 3-5 0-5 4 3 26
Gomez Andrade, Seattle, 73rd; Laryea, Vancouver,
Henderson 3b .................4 3 2 1 1 2 .375 dolo (20), Argentina, def. Marton Fucsovics, Hungary, Chicago 18, Milwaukee 13. A: 15,433 (17,500) Stokes 21:31 0-0 0-0 2-4 3 2 0
by four shots in The Colony, Tex. Hays lf ............................4 1 3 0 1 1 .429 3-6, 6-4, 7-5; Jannik Sinner (6), Italy, def. Sebastian Baez Gray 37:10 6-13 5-5 0-6 9 1 20 90th+2.
Hicks rf ...........................5 1 2 5 0 0 .286 (25), Argentina, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2; Zhang Zhizhen, China, def. Plum 36:10 10-19 5-5 0-5 1 4 26 Vancouver, Yohei Takaoka; Sam Adekugbe (Ryan Rapo-
It was the second straight week Westburg 2b ..................4 1 1 0 0 1 .200 Brandon Nakashima, United States, 7-6 (7-2), 6-2. Clark 28:01 3-6 2-2 1-5 2 4 8 so, 71st), Tristan Blackmon, Mathias Laborda (Javain
for a wire-to-wire winner on the O'Hearn ph .....................1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Suns 130, Pistons 126 (Ot) Bell 1:34 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 Brown, 70th), Richie Laryea, Ranko Veselinovic; Sebas-
Mullins cf .......................5 0 0 0 0 2 .000
dOUBLEs 4 ROUNd Of 32 Colson 1:20 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 tian Berhalter, Ryan Gauld, Junior Hoilett (Alessandro
Tour, following Hae Ran Ryu in Mateo ss ........................4 1 4 1 0 0 1.00 Max Purcell and Alex de Minaur, Australia, def. Ivan phOENiX ....................... 46 24 34 18 8 4 130 Coates 0:58 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 Schopf, 60th), Pedro Vite (Ali Ahmed, 84th); Brian
Dodig, Croatia, and Austin Krajicek (1), United States, 6-7 dETROiT ........................ 29 30 25 38 4 4 126 George 0:58 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 White.
the NW Arkansas Championship. TOTALs 41 8 14 8 2 7 4 (7-3), 6-1, 11-9; Robin Haase, Netherlands, and Stefanos Seattle, Stefan Frei; Yeimar Gomez Andrade, Jackson
TOTALs 200 35-64 20-23 4-34 21 16 99
Bianca Pagdanganan of the TEXAs..................... 054 010 001 4 11 11 1 Tsitsipas, Greece, def. Nathaniel Lammons and Jackson phOENiX: Durant 4-7 3-3 12, Okogie 2-3 0-0 4, Nurkic 2-4 Ragen, Nouhou Tolo; Josh Atencio, Leo Chu (Heber,
Withrow, United States, 3-6, 6-3, 10-8; Wesley Koolhof, 1-3 5, Beal 3-5 4-4 11, Booker 5-9 0-0 12, Bates-Diop 1-5 percentages: FG .547, FT .870. 3-point goals: 9-22, .409 72nd), Joao Paulo, Nicolas Lodeiro (Albert Rusnak,
Philippines closed with a 65 to tie BALTimORE............ 200 210 003 4 8 14 0 0-0 3, Azubuike 0-0 2-2 2, Bol 2-5 0-0 4, Eubanks 1-1 5-9
Netherlands, and Neal Skupski (2), Britain, def. Macken- (Young 5-8, Gray 3-5, Plum 1-7, Clark 0-2). Team 72nd), Alex Roldan, Cristian Roldan; Jordan Morris
for second with Atthaya Thitikul E: Seager (1). LOB: Texas 10, Baltimore 9. 2B: Taveras zie McDonald and Frances Tiafoe, United States, 6-7 (7-3), 7, Metu 3-7 6-6 14, Watanabe 4-9 0-0 10, Little 1-4 0-0 3, Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked shots: 5 (Reed Baker-Whiting, 87th).
(1), Jung (1), Mateo 2 (2), Hays (1), Westburg (1), 6-1, 10-3; Fabien Reboul and Sadio Doumbia, France, def. Allen 7-11 1-1 18, Gordon 2-6 4-4 8, Johnson 3-7 0-0 6, (Wilson 3, Gray 2). Turnovers: 11 (Gray 3, Plum 3, Young
of Thailand, who also shot a 65. Rutschman (1). hR: Garver (1), off Webb; Henderson Taylor Fritz and Sebastian Korda, United States, 6-3, 6-7 S.Lee 2-12 6-6 11. Totals 42-95 32-38 130. 3, Clark, Colson). steals: 7 (Young 3, Wilson 2, Clark,
(1), off Montgomery; Hicks (1), off Leclerc. RBi: Tav- (7-5), 10-4; Jean-Julien Rojer, Netherlands, and Marcelo Plum). Technical fouls: Aces, 8:56 second; coach Becky
Lexi Thompson (70) finished eras 2 (2), Garver 5 (5), García (1), Heim (2), Semien Arevalo-Gonzalez (8), El Salvador, def. Felix Auger-Alias-
dETROiT: Stewart 5-10 0-0 11, Thompson 3-9 5-8 12,
Hammon, 2:58 fourth. A: 10,300 (12,000)
Duren 2-4 2-6 6, Burks 3-6 0-0 6, Cunningham 5-15 0-0
six shots behind in fifth place (1), Hicks 5 (5), Mateo (1), Mountcastle (2), Henderson sime, Canada, and Jiri Lehecka, Czech Republic, 6-4, 7-5; 12, Bagley III 10-14 4-5 25, Evbuomwan 0-0 0-0 0, Harris
(1). sf: Mountcastle. Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz, Germany, def. Nikola 2-4 0-0 5, Wiseman 1-2 2-2 4, Hayes 5-8 3-3 13, Ivey 5-8 W L T pts gf gA
after her final round on the Tour RANgERs ip h R ER BB sO ERA Mektic, Croatia, and John Peers, Australia, 6-4, 4-6, 10-5; 2-4 15, Rhoden 1-3 0-0 2, Sasser 0-2 1-2 1, Simpson 1-3 Portland ..........................10 6 5 35 41 27
Michael Venus, New Zealand, and Jamie Murray, Britain, San Diego ........................10 7 4 34 29 22
before she tests her game on the Montgomery ....................4 9 5 4 1 2 9.00
def. Marcelo Melo and Rafael Matos, Brazil, 6-4, 1-6, 10-6.
0-2 2, Umude 4-7 2-2 12. Totals 47-95 21-34 126.
HO Ckey North Carolina...................8 7 6 30 28 22
Bradford........................ 32/3 3 0 0 0 4 0.00
PGA Tour in Las Vegas next week. Sborz............................... 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 dOUBLEs 4 ROUNd Of 16
Three-point goals: Phoenix 14-37 (Allen 3-6, Metu 2-3, Gotham FC ........................8 7 6 30 23 22
Booker 2-4, Watanabe 2-6, Beal 1-1, Durant 1-2, Little 1-2, Washington ......................7 5 9 30 26 28
Thompson and Sarah Kemp of Burke............................... 1/3 1 2 2 1 0 54.0
Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (7), Bates-Diop 1-3, S.Lee 1-3, Okogie 0-1, Johnson 0-2, Gordon NHL preseason OL Reign............................8 8 5 29 26 24
Leclerc............................. 2/3 1 1 1 0 1 5.40 0-4), Detroit 11-35 (Ivey 3-6, Cunningham 2-4, Umude 2-5,
Australia were the closest to Kim Argentina, def. Lucas Miedler and Alexander Erler, Orlando .............................9 11 1 28 26 28
ORiOLEs ip h R ER BB sO ERA Austria, 6-4, 7-6 (7-3). Bagley III 1-2, Harris 1-2, Thompson 1-3, Stewart 1-6, ATLANTic gp W L OT pts gf gA Angel City .........................7 7 7 28 26 29
going into the final round. Kemp Rodriguez...................... 12/3 6 5 5 4 2 27.0
Hayes 0-1, Rhoden 0-1, Simpson 0-1, Burks 0-2, Sasser Ottawa.......................... 8 6 2 0 12 27 18 Louisville...........................6 6 9 27 25 22
0-2). fouled Out: Phoenix None, Detroit 1 (Sasser). Detroit .......................... 8 5 2 1 11 29 22 Houston ............................6 7 8 26 16 17
closed with a 69 and finished Coulombe ........................ 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 0.00
Rebounds: Phoenix 50 (Eubanks 8), Detroit 49 (Thompson Tampa Bay.................... 7 5 2 0 10 22 18 Kansas City .......................8 12 1 25 28 34
Baker............................... 1/3 0 3 3 3 0 81.0
fourth. Webb............................. 12/3 1 1 1 0 1 9.00 gO L F 10). Assists: Phoenix 27 (S.Lee 4), Detroit 33 (Hayes 7). Toronto ......................... 8 4 2 2 10 26 23 Chicago..............................7 11 3 24 28 47
Total fouls: Phoenix 26, Detroit 33. A: 15,062 (20,491) Florida........................... 8 4 4 0 8 25 21
Kim finished at 13-under 271 at Flaherty ...........................2 2 1 1 3 1 4.50
Wells................................1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Montreal....................... 6 3 3 0 6 19 20 mONdAY, OcT. 2
Old American Golf Club, earning C.Pérez.............................1 1 0 0 0 2 0.00 PgA tour Boston .......................... 6 2 2 2 6 15 17
Buffalo.......................... 7 3 4 0 6 22 27 Orlando 1, at Angel City 0
Cano .................................1 1 1 1 1 0 9.00
$270,000 to move past $2 million sANdERsON fARms chAmpiONship Celtics 114, 76ers 106 fRidAY9s REsULTs
Wp: Bradford (1-0); Lp: Rodriguez (0-1). inherited run- At Country Club of Jackson (Miss.) mETROpOLiTAN gp W L OT pts gf gA
for the year for the first time in ners-scored: Bradford 1-0, Sborz 2-0, Leclerc 2-2, Cou- purse: $8.2 million phiLAdELphiA .................. 29 28 23 26 4 106
New Jersey ................... 7 7 0 0 14 30 13
Washington 0, at OL Reign 0
lombe 2-0, Webb 3-3. Wp: Montgomery. T: 3:45. A: Yardage: 7,461; par: 72 BOsTON ............................. 20 39 22 33 4 114 at Louisville 3, Orlando 2
her career. This was her sixth 46,475 (45,971).
Columbus...................... 8 4 3 1 9 27 25
career LPGA victory, to go along fiNAL ROUNd phiLAdELphiA: Harris 5-12 2-2 13, Tucker 0-1 0-0 0, Washington .................. 6 3 2 1 7 20 22 sATURdAY9s REsULTs
x-Won on first playoff hole Reed 1-8 3-4 5, Beverley 5-7 0-0 12, Maxey 9-17 3-3 24, Philadelphia.................. 6 3 2 1 7 15 17 at Portland 1, Gotham FC 0
with 14 titles on the Korean LPGA. $1,476,000
House Jr. 0-3 0-0 0, Oubre Jr. 2-7 2-3 6, Bamba 3-9 0-0 7, Pittsburgh .................... 7 3 3 1 7 20 20
San Diego 0, at North Carolina 0
Petrusev 3-3 0-0 6, Council IV 1-4 1-2 3, Duke Jr. 0-2 2-2 Carolina......................... 6 3 3 0 6 16 17
<My results this year wasn9t twins 6, Astros 2 x-Luke List (500) ...................... 66 66 68 70 4 270 -18
2, Green 1-6 0-0 3, Smart 2-3 0-0 6, Smith 2-6 0-0 5, N.Y. Islanders ............... 6 2 4 0 4 16 22 at Kansas City 6, Chicago 3
bad, but there was some disap- TWiNs AB R h Bi BB sO Avg $549,400 Springer 5-7 2-3 14. Totals 39-95 15-19 106. N.Y. Rangers................. 6 1 5 0 2 12 21 sUNdAY9s REsULT
Ludvig Aberg (184) .................. 67 69 66 68 4 270 -18
pointment because I didn9t have a Solano 1b........................3 1 1 0 0 0 .333 BOsTON: Porzingis 5-7 5-8 17, Tatum 3-13 7-9 13, Angel City 2, at Houston 1
Ben Griffin (184) ...................... 67 63 66 74 4 270 -18 cENTRAL gp W L OT pts gf gA
Kirilloff ph-1b.................2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Henrik Norlander (184) ............ 65 67 68 70 4 270 -18 Horford 1-3 2-2 5, Brown 7-10 4-5 19, White 2-6 3-4 7,
win,= Kim said. <I had a lot of the Polanco 2b ......................3 1 0 0 1 0 .250 Banton 2-6 0-0 5, Hauser 0-6 0-0 0, Stevens 2-2 1-1 5, Minnesota .................... 6 5 1 0 10 19 15 sUNdAY9s mATchEs
Scott Stallings (184) ................ 68 67 65 70 4 270 -18 St. Louis........................ 8 4 2 2 10 23 23
Lewis dh .........................4 1 1 0 1 3 .222 Kornet 1-2 2-2 4, Brissett 3-6 0-1 7, Holiday 2-10 0-0 6, North Carolina at Washington, 5
time to think just for myself. . . . Correa ss ........................4 0 3 3 1 1 .625 $276,750 Pritchard 9-14 2-2 26. Totals 37-85 26-34 114. Dallas............................ 7 4 2 1 9 23 17 Kansas City at Gotham FC, 5
This week I was able to [win], and Jeffers c .........................3 0 0 0 0 2 .286 Christiaan Bezuidenhout (92) .. 66 69 68 68 4 271 -17 Arizona ......................... 9 4 5 0 8 30 28
Three-point goals: Philadelphia 13-38 (Maxey 3-9, Houston at Orlando, 5
Castro lf-3b ....................3 1 1 0 1 1 .200 Mark Hubbard (92) ................... 69 68 67 67 4 271 -17 Chicago ......................... 6 2 2 2 6 14 20
it was just a really happy week for Carl Yuan (92) .......................... 66 66 67 72 4 271 -17 Springer 2-2, Beverley 2-3, Smart 2-3, Harris 1-3, Smith Winnipeg ...................... 6 2 3 1 5 14 15 OL Reign at Chicago, 5
Farmer 3b .......................3 1 1 2 0 1 .333 Portland at Angel City, 5
Julien ph.........................1 0 1 1 0 0 .400 1-3, Bamba 1-4, Green 1-5, House Jr. 0-1, Reed 0-1, Colorado........................ 6 2 4 0 4 16 20
me.= $223,450
Stevenson lf...................0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Tucker 0-1, Oubre Jr. 0-3), Boston 14-38 (Pritchard 6-11, Nashville....................... 6 1 4 1 3 13 22 Louisville at San Diego, 5
Cameron Champ (75) ............... 67 69 65 71 4 272 -16
Pagdanganan made a late Kepler rf .........................4 0 1 0 0 2 .286 Porzingis 2-3, Holiday 2-4, Brissett 1-2, Brown 1-2,
Troy Merritt (75) ...................... 68 65 71 68 4 272 -16
Taylor cf .........................4 1 1 0 0 0 .200 Horford 1-2, Banton 1-3, White 0-1, Tatum 0-4, Hauser pAcific gp W L OT pts gf gA
C.T. Pan (75) ............................. 68 69 69 66 4 272 -16
charge with a 30 on the back nine TOTALs 34 6 10 6 4 11 4
0-6). fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Philadelphia 48 Los Angeles .................. 9 6 2 1 13 30 28
$190,650 (Harris 7), Boston 49 (Tatum 10). Assists: Philadelphia
to at least have hope. Thitikul Zecheng Dou (65) ..................... 67 66 68 72 4 273 -15 19 (Maxey 4), Boston 19 (Tatum 5). Total fouls:
Edmonton ..................... 8 5 2 1 11 21 18 A utO RACiN g
AsTROs AB R h Bi BB sO Avg Calgary.......................... 8 4 3 1 9 28 25
birdied five of her last seven $160,583 Philadelphia 24, Boston 21. A: 19,156 (18,624) Anaheim ....................... 8 4 4 0 8 23 29
Altuve 2b........................4 0 2 0 0 0 .375 Joel Dahmen (57) ..................... 69 67 68 71 4 275 -13 Seattle .......................... 6 3 2 1 7 14 15
holes. But Kim did not buckle Bregman 3b ....................3 1 0 0 1 2 .167 Tom Hoge (0) ............................ 71 65 69 70 4 275 -13 Vegas ............................ 7 3 3 1 7 21 22
NASCAR Cup Series
over the back nine. Alvarez lf........................4 1 1 2 0 2 .429 Brett White (0) ........................ 68 70 68 69 4 275 -13 Raptors 112, kings 99 San Jose ....................... 6 2 2 2 6 15 16
Tucker rf.........................3 0 0 0 1 1 .143 ROvAL 400
$109,197 Vancouver..................... 6 2 3 1 5 11 20 At Charlotte Motor Speedway Road Course
Katherine Muzi closed with a J.Abreu 1b ......................4 0 0 0 0 0 .143
Tyler Duncan (45) ..................... 69 68 71 68 4 276 -12 sAcRAmENTO ................... 35 20 19 25 4 99 In Concord, N.C.
Brantley dh.....................4 0 1 0 0 1 .286 TORONTO ........................... 35 34 26 17 4 112 sATURdAY9s REsULTs
68 in her Tour debut as a Monday McCormick cf..................4 0 1 0 0 2 .250
Garrick Higgo (45) .................... 70 66 75 65 4 276 -12
Columbus 4, at Washington 2
Lap length: 2.28 miles
Kelly Kraft (45) ........................ 69 70 69 68 4 276 -12 (Start position in parentheses)
qualifier. She tied for seventh, Peña ss ...........................4 0 2 0 0 0 .375 sAcRAmENTO: H.Barnes 5-8 0-0 11, Murray 5-10 0-0 11,
Ben Martin (45) ........................ 70 68 72 66 4 276 -12 Vegas 7, at Los Angeles 4
Maldonado c ...................2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Chad Ramey (45) ...................... 70 68 67 71 4 276 -12 Sabonis 2-6 3-3 7, Fox 0-6 2-2 2, Huerter 1-3 0-0 2, 1. (6) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 109 laps, 41 points.
eight shots behind. She won just Diaz ph-c ........................1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Edwards 0-2 1-2 1, Lyles 1-3 2-2 5, Slawson 0-0 0-0 0, Arizona 7, Anaheim 1 at Tucson Arena 2. (14) William Byron, Chevrolet, 109, 35.
Alex Smalley (45) ..................... 70 69 67 70 4 276 -12 at Minnesota 4, Dallas 0
TOTALs 33 2 7 2 2 8 4 Vezenkov 4-7 2-2 12, McGee 3-3 1-1 7, Burton 0-2 0-0 0, 3. (5) Kyle Busch, Chevrolet, 109, 38.
over $45,000. Davis Thompson (45) ............... 67 70 70 69 4 276 -12
Jones 2-6 0-0 5, Lamb 1-2 3-4 6, Len 1-1 0-2 2, Duarte 2-9 Tampa Bay 4, at Florida 2 4. (10) Ty Gibbs, Toyota, 109, 35.
Erik Van Rooyen (45) ............... 67 68 69 72 4 276 -12
l PGA TOUR CHAMPIONS: miNNEsOTA ........... 120 020 100 4 6 10 0 Adam Svensson (0) .................. 67 69 66 74 4 276 -12 0-0 4, Ellis 0-2 1-2 1, Ford 4-5 0-0 8, J.Nowell 1-3 2-2 5, Montreal 6, at Ottawa 4 5. (7) Joey Logano, Ford, 109, 32.
hOUsTON ............... 000 000 020 4 2 7 0 Mitchell 3-7 0-0 8, Monk 0-4 2-3 2. Totals 35-89 19-25 99. at Detroit 4, Toronto 3 6. (1) Tyler Reddick, Toyota, 109, 48.
Brett Quigley recovered from a $67,377
at St. Louis 5, Chicago 3 7. (20) Chris Buescher, Ford, 109, 30.
LOB: Minnesota 7, Houston 6. 2B: Correa 2 (3), Peña Stephan Jaeger (34) ................. 71 68 72 66 4 277 -11 TORONTO: Anunoby 6-7 0-0 14, Siakam 3-6 2-3 8, Poeltl 8. (16) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 109, 29.
double bogey with four closing (1). hR: Farmer (1), off Valdez; Alvarez (3), off Stew- Matthew NeSmith (34) ........... 66 70 72 69 4 277 -11 2-4 0-0 4, S.Barnes 5-9 5-7 15, Schroder 1-3 3-4 6, Gueye sUNdAY9s REsULTs 9. (8) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 109, 42.
pars for a 1-under 71 and a one- art. Peter Kuest (0) ......................... 68 67 72 70 4 277 -11 2-2 3-5 7, Young 1-2 0-0 2, Boucher 5-7 0-2 11, McDaniels 10. (12) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 109, 40.
4-5 2-2 11, Temple 0-1 2-2 2, Trent Jr. 7-12 5-5 22, Dick No games scheduled.
TWiNs ip h R ER BB sO ERA 11. (18) Ryan Preece, Ford, 109, 26.
shot victory at the Furyk & López................................7 6 0 0 1 7 0.00
2-6 0-0 5, Flynn 1-6 2-2 5, Freeman-Liberty 0-3 0-0 0, mONdAY9s gAmEs 12. (17) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 109, 25.
M.Nowell 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 39-75 24-32 112.
Friends event in Jacksonville, Fla. Stewart............................1 1 2 2 1 1 18.0 LPgA tour No games scheduled. 13. (36) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 109, 30.
Duran ...............................1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Three-point goals: Sacramento 10-45 (Vezenkov 2-4, 14. (15) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 109, 23.
After the double bogey on the Mitchell 2-5, J.Nowell 1-1, Lamb 1-2, Lyles 1-2, Jones 1-3, ENd Of pREsEAsON 15. (2) Christopher Bell, Toyota, 109, 37.
AsTROs ip h R ER BB sO ERA
par-3 14th hole, Quigley held on, At Old American Golf Club; in The Colony, Tex. H.Barnes 1-4, Murray 1-5, Ford 0-1, Sabonis 0-1, Edwards 16. (4) Bubba Wallace, Toyota, 109, 34.
Valdez ........................... 41/3 7 5 5 3 5 10.3 purse: $1.8 million 0-2, Ellis 0-2, Huerter 0-2, Monk 0-2, Fox 0-3, Duarte 0-6), sTART Of REgULAR sEAsON 17. (24) Corey LaJoie, Chevrolet, 109, 20.
making a sharp-breaking seven- Maton ............................. 2/3 0 0 0 1 1 0.00 Yardage: 6,517; par: 71 Toronto 10-29 (Trent Jr. 3-6, Anunoby 2-2, Boucher 1-2, TUEsdAY9s gAmEs 18. (19) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 109, 19.
Stanek........................... 11/3 2 1 1 0 0 6.75 McDaniels 1-2, Schroder 1-3, Dick 1-4, Flynn 1-4, Free- Nashville at Tampa Bay, 5:30 19. (22) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 109, 18.
foot par putt on the final hole to Montero ........................ 12/3 1 0 0 0 3 0.00 fiNAL ROUNd man-Liberty 0-1, Temple 0-1, S.Barnes 0-2, Siakam 0-2). Chicago at Pittsburgh, 8 20. (11) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 109, 27.
avoid a playoff with Steven Alker. Brown...............................1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Sacramento 34 (Sabonis 6), Seattle at Vegas, 10:30 21. (21) Aric Almirola, Ford, 109, 16.
$270,000 Toronto 48 (S.Barnes 7). Assists: Sacramento 29 (Sabon- 22. (25) Justin Haley, Chevrolet, 109, 15.
Quigley won his first PGA Tour Wp: López (1-0); Lp: Valdez (0-1). inherited runners- Hyo Joo Kim ............................. 64 68 70 69 4 271 -13
scored: Maton 2-0, Montero 2-1. hBp: Montero (Jef- is 6), Toronto 30 (Flynn, Schroder 5). Total fouls: 23. (32) Todd Gilliland, Ford, 109, 14.
Champions title more than three fers). Wp: López. T: 3:09. A: 43,017 (41,000). $143,411 Sacramento 23, Toronto 29. A: 18,654 (18,890) 24. (31) Harrison Burton, Ford, 109, 13.
Bianca Pagdanganan ................ 70 70 70 65 4 275 -9 25. (29) Austin Cindric, Ford, 109, 12.
years ago in Morocco, in his sec- Atthaya Thitikul ...................... 70 69 71 65 4 275 -9 Canadiens 6, Senators 4 26. (28) Josh Bilicki, Chevrolet, 109, 0.
$93,286 27. (33) Austin Hill, Chevrolet, 109, 0.
ond start on the 50-and-older cir- L O CAL gOLF Sarah Kemp .............................. 67 71 69 69 4 276 -8
grizzlies 127, Pacers 122 (Ot) Late Saturday 28. (30) Chase Briscoe, Ford, 109, 9.
cuit. He had to wait 79 starts for iNdiANA ........................ 32 27 32 23 8 4 122 mONTREAL .............................. 2 1 3 4 6 29. (26) Mike Rockenfeller, Chevrolet, 109, 8.
$75,085 30. (34) Zane Smith, Ford, 109, 0.
mEmphis ...................... 34 32 25 23 13 4 127 OTTAWA .................................. 1 1 2 4 4
the next victory, finishing at pOhick BAY Lexi Thompson ......................... 71 65 71 70 4 277 -7 31. (37) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 109, 6.
Todd Pickering won overall gross in Saturday9s annual $61,433 iNdiANA: Mathurin 7-13 2-2 18, Toppin 3-7 0-1 7, Turner fiRsT pERiOd 32. (13) Michael McDowell, Ford, 109, 7.
11-under 205 to earn $315,000. Club Championship with a 77. George Ksenics won Club Cheyenne Knight ...................... 70 71 74 63 4 278 -6 1-4 4-4 6, B.Brown 2-8 1-2 5, McConnell 5-7 0-0 11, 33. (3) Daniel Suárez, Chevrolet, 109, 9.
I.Jackson 1-3 2-2 4, Nwora 3-9 0-0 7, Tshiebwe 1-1 0-0 2, scoring: 1, Montreal, Slafkovsky 1 (Matheson), 0:33. 2,
Alker closed with a 68. Champion with net of 73. Greg Fox won the gross senior $45,658 Walker 7-15 1-1 19, Smith 4-9 1-4 9, Nesmith 1-6 6-6 9, Ottawa, Kelly 1 (Mirnov, Matinpalo), 1:44. 3, Montreal, 34. (27) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Chevrolet, electrical, 96, 3.
club championship with a 75 while Jong Lee won the net Leona Maguire ......................... 70 67 74 68 4 279 -5 Pezzetta 1 (J.Harris, Evans), 14:04. 35. (35) Andy Lally, Ford, accident, 84, 0.
Steve Stricker finished outside senior club championship with a 65. Suk Yi won the gross Katherine Muzi ........................ 73 69 69 68 4 279 -5
Hield 2-8 0-0 4, K.Brown 2-4 0-0 4, Sheppard 6-16 0-0 15, 36. (23) Erik Jones, Chevrolet, accident, 79, 1.
Wong 0-2 2-2 2. Totals 45-112 19-24 122. sEcONd pERiOd 37. (9) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, dvp, 76, 9.
the top 10 for the first time this second flight championship with 76 while Charles So Yeon Ryu ............................. 72 69 68 70 4 279 -5
Petitte won the net second flight championship with 76. mEmphis: Bane 5-13 6-6 17, Jackson Jr. 8-15 2-3 18,
year, carding a 73 to tie for 15th. $34,280 Adams 2-2 0-0 4, Kennard 1-5 3-3 6, Rose 6-8 0-1 13,
scoring: 4, Montreal, Suzuki 1 (Barron), 8:26. 5, Ottawa, RAcE sTATisTics
Jodi Ewart Shadoff .................. 71 72 70 67 4 280 -4 Kubalik 1 (Brannstrom, Hamonic), 9:13. Average speed of race winner: 81.595 mph.
l DP WORLD TOUR: In St. G.Jackson 1-8 0-0 2, LaRavia 6-14 1-1 15, Lofton Jr. 5-6
Frida Kinhult ............................ 71 69 68 72 4 280 -4 0-0 11, Roddy 4-6 1-1 9, Tillman 4-6 0-0 8, Williams 2-7 Time of race: 3 hours, 5 minutes, 57 seconds.
Sarah Schmelzel ...................... 70 70 69 71 4 280 -4 ThiRd pERiOd
Andrews, Scotland, heavy rain t RA N S A Ct iON S 2-2 6, Aldama 4-8 2-2 10, Gilyard 1-3 0-0 3, Harrison 0-3 Margin of victory: 0.666 seconds.
$28,092 0-0 0, Konchar 1-4 2-2 5. Totals 50-108 19-21 127. scoring: 6, Ottawa, Jarventie 1 (Larsson, Bailey), 6:05. 7, Caution flags: 7 for 18 laps.
caused play at the Dunhill Links Celine Boutier .......................... 69 67 74 71 4 281 -3 Three-point goals: Indiana 13-53 (Walker 4-9, Sheppard
Ottawa, Greig 1, 6:21. 8, Montreal, Monahan 1 (Norlinder, Lead changes: 7 among 6 drivers.
Yuna Nishimura ....................... 69 69 74 69 4 281 -3 J.Harris), 13:57. 9, Montreal, Caufield 1 (Harvey-Pinard, Leaders summary (driver, times led, laps led): A.All-
Championship to be abandoned NhL Sarah Jane Smith ..................... 71 70 71 69 4 281 -3
3-10, Mathurin 2-5, McConnell 1-2, Toppin 1-2, Nesmith Suzuki), 16:30. 10, Montreal, A.Xhekaj 1 (Monahan), 17:58. mendinger, 2 times for 46 laps; T.Reddick, 1 time for 27
1-4, Nwora 1-6, Wong 0-1, K.Brown 0-2, Smith 0-2, B.Brown
for second straight day. carolina hurricanes: Assigned Fs Justin Robidas, Blake $22,753 0-3, Turner 0-3, Hield 0-4), Memphis 8-38 (LaRavia 2-5, shOTs ON gOAL
laps; C.Elliott, 1 time for 15 laps; C.Bell, 2 times for 9
Murray, G Yaniv Perets and D Griffin Mendel to Norfolk. laps; K.Busch, 1 time for 6 laps; R.Blaney, 1 time for 6
The third round was pushed Marina Alex .............................. 67 70 76 69 4 282 -2 Lofton Jr. 1-1, Rose 1-1, Gilyard 1-3, Konchar 1-3, Kennard
detroit Red Wings: Signed LW Zach Aston-Reese to a mONTREAL ............................ 13 14 11 4 38 laps.
Nicole Broch Estrup ................. 69 70 70 73 4 282 -2 1-4, Bane 1-6, Aldama 0-1, Roddy 0-1, Tillman 0-1, Williams
back to Monday and will be the one-year, two-way contract. OTTAWA ................................ 11 7 7 4 25 Wins: W.Byron, 6; D.Hamlin, 3; C.Buescher, 3; M.Truex,
Ally Ewing ................................ 71 70 72 69 4 282 -2 0-3, Jackson Jr. 0-4, G.Jackson 0-5). fouled Out: None.
montreal canadiens: Placed RW Joel Armia on waivers. power-play opportunities: Montreal 0 of 5; Ottawa 0 of 3. 3; K.Larson, 3; K.Busch, 3; R.Blaney, 2; T.Reddick, 2;
Sofia Garcia .............................. 66 68 76 72 4 282 -2 Rebounds: Indiana 56 (Walker 9), Memphis 48 (Aldama 8).
final round. Matt Fitzpatrick New Jersey devils: Assigned G Tyler Brennan to Lindsey Weaver-Wright .......... 68 73 71 70 4 282 -2 Assists: Indiana 30 (McConnell 8), Memphis 27 (Gilyard 6).
goalies: Montreal, Montembeault 1-0-0 (25 shots-21 saves). C.Bell, 1; R.Chastain, 1; J.Logano, 1; R.Stenhouse, 1;
Adirondack (ECHL). Ottawa, Sogaard 0-1-0 (38-32). A: 17,601 (18,572). T: 2:34. M.McDowell, 1.
holds a one-shot lead. Total fouls: Indiana 19, Memphis 26. A: 14,403 (18,119)


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JOBS JOBS Montgomery County Official Notices Official Notices Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC
Newspapers carriers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
MARYLAND Regional Public Hearing for a Draft Application to the U.S. 1966 GREENSPRING DRIVE, SUITE LL2
needed to deliver CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for PRO
Housing Grant Funds
LUTHERVILLE, MD 21093 Pardo & Drazin, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 410-238-2840 Russell S. Drazin, Attorney
The Washington Post Rockville, MD 20852
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs,
Notice is hereby given that the Metropolitan Washington Council of
Governments (COG) will conduct a virtual public hearing on Monday
4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
Washington, DC 20015
October 23, 2023 at 6:30pm for its draft application to HUD for PRO TRUSTEE9S SALE
in the vs. Housing grant funds. The Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing
(PRO Housing) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) supports commu-
MARIAM CAMARA nities which are actively taking steps to remove barriers to affordable 1745 KALORAMA ROAD, NW UNIT 101
DC, MD and VA area (DECEASED) housing. COG invites community members from northern Virginia, sub-
urban Maryland, and the District of Columbia to comment on the draft
11507 Sutherland Hill Way OF REAL PROPERTY
Silver Spring, MD 20904 application in advance of the public hearing.
Register to attend the meeting at https://publicinput.com/f8441. The
By virtue of a certain Purchase Money Construction Deed of Trust from District Trust Advisors
LLC dated April 28, 2022 and duly recorded May 6, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022050162 Unit A at 2116 4th Street, NE
Excellent part-time income Case No.480993V public hearing will be online only. English, Spanish, and American Sign
Language (ASL) translation will be available at the Public Hearing. (the <Deed of Trust=) among the Land Records of the District of Columbia (the <Land Washington, DC 20002
NOTICE Residents who require language interpretation in Vietnamese, Chi-
opportunity! Notice is hereby given this 5th nese-Mandarin/Cantonese, Amharic, or French must notify Tilla Hall at Records=), a default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby Lot 2036 in Square 3562
day of October, 2023, by the (202) 442-7239 or email opm.questions@dc.gov by 5:00 pm on Tuesday,
October 16, 2023. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) relay
and the covenants contained therein, and at the request of the party secured thereby (the
Circuit Court for Montgomery Unit B at 2116 4th Street, NE
Transportation required County, Maryland, that the sale service is available by calling (800) 201-7165. If you would like to pro- <Noteholder=), and in accordance with Public Law 90-566 and following mailing of the
of the property mentioned in vide comments during the public hearing, you are encouraged to send Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Condominium Unit recorded among the Land Washington, DC 20002
these proceedings and described your testimony to fairhousing@mwcog.org to accurately incorporate
as 11507 Sutherland Hill Way, your comments into the application to HUD. The draft application is Records on September 11, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023078121 and the recordation of the Lot 2037 in Square 3562
Silver Spring, MD 20904, made available online at www.mwcog.org and www.mwcog.org/fairhousing. Afûdavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure recorded among the Land Records on
To apply, go to and reported by the Substitute
Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND
Comments must be received by 5:00 P.M. on October 2324, 2023. You
may also submit comments about the application by mail to MWCOG, August 28, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023074271 the undersigned Trustee will sell, at public Unit C at 2116 4th Street, NE
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the attn: Housing Programs, 777 N. Capitol St., NE, Suite 300, Washington, auction, within the ofûce of ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 MASSACHUSETTS Washington, DC 20002
deliverthepost.com contrary thereof be shown on or DC 20002, or by TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) to 202-
962-3213. AVENUE, N.W., SUITE 100, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 on Lot 2038 in Square 3562
before the 6th day of Novem-
ber, 2023, provided a copy of
this NOTICE be inserted in some The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) operates Unit P-1 at 2116 4th Street, NE
daily newspaperprinted in said its programs without regard to race, color, and national origin and THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2023 AT 12:38 PM
850 Washington, DC 20002
1447 Autos Wanted Montgomery County County, once in each of three fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related
statutes and regulations prohibiting discrimination in all programs and
successive weeks before the
activities. For more information, to ûle a Title VI related complaint, or to The real estate located at 1745 Kalorama Road, NW Unit 101 Washington, DC and legally Lot 2039 in Square 3562
DONATE YOUR CAR/TRUCK/RV 6th day of November, 2023.
Lutheran Mission Society of MD MONTGOMERY COUNTY, The report states the purchase obtain information in another language, visit www.mwcog.org/nondis- described as follows:
Compassion Place ministries MARYLAND price at the Foreclosure sale to crimination or call (202) 962-3300. Unit P-2 at 2116 4th Street, NE
help local families with food, be $402,000.00.
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. John Ansell, et al. El Consejo de Gobiernos del Área Metropolitana de Washington (COG) ACCORDING TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM DATED 12/21/1989 AND RECORDED Washington, DC 20002
Substitute Trustees opera sus programas sin tener en cuenta la raza, el color, y el origen Lot 2040 in Square 3562
MVA licensed #W1044.
Clerk, Circuit Court for nacional y cumple con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 MARCH 30, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 9000018751, AS AMENDED, AND THE BY-LAWS OF
www.CompassionPlace.org Montgomery County, Maryland y los estatutos y reglamentos relacionados que prohíben la discrimi- CONDOMINIUM DATED DEC 21, 1989 AND RECORDED 3/30/1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO.
V. nación en todos los programas y actividades. Para más información, Unit P-3 at 2116 4th Street, NE
850 BWW#MD-334413 presentar una queja relacionada con el Título VI, u obtener información 9000018752, AS AMENDED, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,
Montgomery County FRANCOIS BOISSY.
Oct 9,16,23 2023 0012438179
en otro idioma, visite www.mwcog.org/nondiscrimination o llame al
(202) 962-3300.
Defendant. COLUMBIA IN CONDOMINIUM BOOK 39 AT PAGE 18. Lot 2041 in Square 3562
Case No. C-15-CV-22-003576
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County OF SAID <1745 KALORAMA ROAD, N.W. CONDOMINIUM= AS SET FORTH IN SAID DECLARATION Unit P-4 at 2116 4th Street, NE
day of September, 2023, that
James E. Clarke, et al. James E. Clarke, et al.
Unit 204, Bethesda, Maryland
20814, reported by John Ansell, MARYLAND Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees PARTNERSHIP, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN LIBER 183 AT FOLIO 18 IN THE OFFICE OF THE
Jeremy B. Wilkins, Robert A. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs SURVEYOR FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. SAID PROPERTY BEING NOW KNOWN FOR Washington, DC 20002
Craig A. Parker, et al. Lot 60 in Square 3562
CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
Oliveri, Amanda Driscole, Paul
Heinmuller, John C. Hanrahan, Substitute Trustees V. V. ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION PURPOSES AS LOT 2022 IN SQUARE 2560.
Rockville, MD 20852 Kristopher Hawkins, Substitute Plaintiffs,
Estate of
The improvements thereon being known as 1745 Kalorama Road Northwest, Unit #101,
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Trustees, be ratiûed and con-
VS. Delores E. Carter AKA
Sherlita T. Chapman and
Willie L. Chapman Washington, District of Columbia 20009. Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
ûrmed, unless cause to the
vs. contrary be shown on or before Dolores Elaine Carter, AKA Defendant(s) TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances (<Deed of Trust=) dated September 30, 2021 and recorded
Curtis Lee Johnson, Sr. Dolores E Carter on October 28, 2021 as Instrument No. 2021143456
the 23rd day of October, 2023,
provided a copy of this Notice Defendant. Defendant(s) Civil No. CAEF21-01630 now erected on the above-described land, including, without limitation, all equipment,
HYACINTH MORGAN be inserted in Washington Post, apparatus, machinery and ûxtures of any kind or character forming a part of said buildings, from 2116 4th Street LLC and Eckington Court LLC, as
2600 Eccleston Street a newspaper published in Mont- Case No.: C-16-CV-23-000896 Civil No. C-16-CV-23-000934 NOTICE PURSUANT TO
MD RULE 14-215 (A) structures, improvements or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, equipment, grantors, to Daniel Huertas, as trustee, securing that
Silver Spring, MD 20902 gomery County, Maryland, once
Defendant(s). in each of three (3) successive NOTICE NOTICE PURSUANT TO ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for machinery and other personal property owned and located in, upon or about the above- certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note in the principal
weeks on or before the 23rd day Notice is hereby given this 3 day
of October, 2023, by the Circuit
MD RULE 14-215 (A)
ORDERED, by the Circuit Court
Prince George9s County, Mary-
land, this 21 day of September, described land and any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in the aforesaid amount of $225,000.00, default having occurred under the
Case No. C-15-CV-22-004518 of October, 2023. The report
states the amount of sale to be Court for Prince George9s County, for Prince George9s County, 2023, that the foreclosure sale Deed of Trust (the <Property=). The <Property= does not include any property owned by any terms thereof, and following the mailing and recordation
NOTICE $227,000.00. Maryland, that the sale of 5718
Black Hawk Drive, Oxon Hill,
Maryland, this 20 day of Sep-
tember, 2023, that the fore-
of the property described in the
deed of trust docketed herein tenants at the Property. of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustee removing
Notice is hereby given this 19th
day of September, 2023, by the KAREN A. BUSHELL MD 20745, made and reported, closure sale of the property and located at 5810 Marietta TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The Property will be offered as an entirety only. The bid that Daniel Huertas as trustee and appointing Russell S. Drazin
Circuit Court for Montgomery CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT will be ratiûed and conûrmed,
unless cause to the contrary
described in the deed of trust
docketed herein and located at
Station Drive, Glenn Dale, MD
20769 made and reported by yields the highest price for the Property will be accepted by the Trustee (unless the sale is (<Substitute Trustee=) as successor trustee, an Afûdavit
County, Maryland, that the sale 50 MARYLAND AVENUE
of the property mentioned in ROCKVILE, MD 20850-2393 thereof be shown on or before 11442 Deepwood Drive, Unit James E. Clarke and Christine postponed or cancelled) and all bids will be provisional until acceptance. Notwithstanding of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure, and a Notice of
these proceedings and described Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436705
the 3 day of November, 2023, 176B, Bowie, MD 20720 made
and reported by James E. Clarke,
M. Drexel, Substitute Trustees,
be RATIFIED and CONFIRMED, the foregoing, the Trustee absolutely reserves the right to postpone the sale and/or cancel Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Condominium Unit, at
as 2600 Eccleston Street, Sil- provided a copy of this notice
ver Spring, MD 20902, made be inserted in a daily newspaper Christine M. Drexel and Joanna unless cause to the contrary be the sale at any time until the auctioneer announces that the Property is <sold= and the the request of the current noteholder, Substitute Trustee
and reported by the Substitute IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR printed in Prince George9s Coun- Foronda, Substitute Trustees,
shown on or before the 23 day
of October, 2023; provided a Trustee receives the deposit in the required amount and form. A deposit in the amount of will sell at public auction at the ofûce of Harvey West
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, ty, once in each of three succes-
Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND
CONFIRMED, unless cause to MARYLAND sive weeks before the 3 day of unless cause to the contrary be copy of this Order be inserted $25,000.00 will be required at the time of sale as a condition to bidding. Such deposit must Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440,
the contrary thereof be shown November, 2023. The Report shown on or before the 20 day
of October, 2023; provided a
in each of three (3) successive be by cashier9s check or certiûed check or in such other form as the Trustee may determine in Washington, DC 20015, on
on or before the 19th day of DIANA THEOLOGOU, of Sale states the amount of
October, 2023, provided a copy Substitute Trustee, et al, the foreclosure sale price to be copy of this Order be inserted weeks before the 23 day of Oc- his sole discretion, which check shall be payable to <Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee.= The deposit OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 2:00 PM
of this NOTICE be inserted in Plaintiffs, $236,000.00, subject to a prior in THE WASHINGTON POST, once
in each of three (3) successive
tober, 2023. The Report of Sale
states the amount of the sale at must be increased to 10% of the purchase price within 2 business days after consummation ALL THOSE LOTS OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS
Deed of Trust dated July 18, 2017
some daily newspaper printed
in said County, once in each of v. and recorded among the land re- weeks before the 20 day of Oc- $750,000.00. of the sale and delivered to the Substitute Trustee in the same form of funds as the initial THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington,
three successive weeks before cords for Prince George9s County tober, 2023. The Report of Sale
states the amount of the sale at BY THE COURT:
deposit. The Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust (or any related party) shall be exempted District of Columbia, known as Unit A at 2116 4th Street,
ALI A. GAWISH, ET. AL., at Book 39908, Page 410 in the
the 19th day of October, 2023.
The report states the purchase Defendant(s) original principal amount of $216,750.00. Mahasin El Amin by the Trustee from submitting any bidding deposit. The Trustee will, as a condition of the NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2036 in Square 3562), Unit
price at the Foreclosure sale to $228,480.00 and subject to a pri-
Clerk of the Circuit Court #769 sale, require all potential bidders except the Noteholder to show their deposit before any B at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2037
or Financing Statement related
be $406,000.00. Case No. C-15-CV-23-000549
to solar panels dated January 19, Mahasin El Amin Orlans 20-700301 bidding begins. The retained deposit of the successful purchaser shall be applied, without in Square 3562), Unit C at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington,
Karen A Bushell NOTICE 2018 and recorded among the Clerk of the Circuit Court #793
Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436722 interest, to the successful purchaser9s credit at settlement; provided, however, that in the DC 20002 (Lot 2038 in Square 3562), Unit P-1 at 2116
land records for Prince George9s
Clerk, Circuit Court for
Montgomery County, Maryland
ORDERED this 26th day of
September, 2023 by the Cir- County at Book 40473, Page 306 Orlans 22-000186 event the successful purchaser does not consummate the purchase in accordance with the 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2039 in Square
cuit Court for MONTGOMERY and thereafter renewed on May Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436648 terms of sale as herein provided, such deposit, will be forfeited, and after payment of all 3562), Unit P-2 at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC
15, 2023 and recorded at Book
BWW#MD-335480 County, Maryland, that the sale
of the property at 3908 Dunes 48824, Page 214, with a payoff expenses and commissions due in connection with the defaulted sale, the balance shall be 20002 (Lot 2040 in Square 3562), Unit P-3 at 2116 4th
Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436634 Way, Burtonsville, MD 20866 amount of $42,286.89 as of Sep- applied to the indebtedness due under the terms of the note and Deed of Trust. The terms of Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2041 in Square
tember 20, 2023.
mentioned in these proceedings,
made and reported Diana Theol- sale must be complied with, and settlement consummated thereon within 25 days from the 3562), Unit P-4 at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC
ogou, et. al, Substitute Trustees, Mahasin El Amin day of sale unless extended at the sole discretion of the Trustee. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. 20002 (Lot 2042 in Square 3562), and 315 W Street, NE,
Clerk of the Circuit Court #793
be ratiûed and conûrmed, unless
cause to the contrary thereof be The balance of the purchase price over and above the retained deposit, with interest thereon Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 60 in Square 3562), and more
shown on or before the 26th day
Oct 9,16,23 2023 0012438031
at the default rate of 18% per annum being charged from the date of sale through the fully described in the Deed of Trust (together with any and
of October, 2023 next, provided
a copy of this notice be inserted date of receipt of the balance of the purchase price, will be due at settlement by bank wire all personal property secured thereby).
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR in some newspaper published in transfer; and if not so paid, the Trustee as stated above will forfeit the deposit and reserves
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, said County once in each of three
successive weeks before the IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR the right to resell the Property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after such The property will be sold in an <AS IS= condition, with no
26th day of October, 2023 next. THE COUNTY OF
PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNlY, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR advertisement and on such terms as the Trustee may deem proper, and to avail himself and warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions,
CARRIE M. WARD, et al. The report states the amount of
sale to be $215,000.00 Subject
MARYLAND the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser. agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 to a Senior Mortgage. CARRIE M. WARD, et al. The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties in possession, if such rights have the same 3 except those encumbrances of record that
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 James E. Clarke, et al.
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs,
WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al. Rockville, MD 20852 Substitute Trustees priority over the Deed of Trust or have been granted non-disturbance or similar rights, and to are extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, rights of way, and limitations of by virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. Without
MARYLAND vs. V. record. The Property will be sold <WHERE IS= and in <AS IS= condition without any warranty limitation, the property will be sold subject to that certain
VIRGINIA J. NIKOLOVA Oct 2,9,16 2023 0012437388
as to condition, express or implied, and without any representation or warranty as to the Deed of Trust dated September 30, 2021 and recorded on
PAMELA JONES Linda J. McKinney and
618 Eden Place JERICE OLIVIA CAMPBELL KENNETH D. JONES Louis Robert Johnson AKA accuracy of the information furnished to prospective bidders by the Trustee or any other October 28, 2021 as Instrument No. 2021143455 from
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Defendant(s) 2116 4th Street LLC and Eckington Court LLC, as grantors,
1203 Castlehaven Court
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
R. Louise Robert Johnson party, if any, and without any other representations or warranty of any nature. Without
FOR THE COUNTY OF Defendant(s) to Daniel Huertas, as trustee, securing that certain
Defendant(s). limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Property will be sold without representation or
Case No. C-15-CV-23-002202 Civil No. CAEF19-35142 warranty as to (i) title to the Property, (ii) the nature, condition, structural integrity, or ûtness Commercial Deed of Trust Note in the principal amount of
WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al. Case No.C-16-CV-22-000296 $1,621,395.00.
NOTICE Trustee(s)
NOTICE PURSUANT TO for a particular use of any improvements, ûxtures or personal property included within the
Notice is hereby given this 5th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this
day of October, 2023, by the
Plairitiff(s). 4 day of October ,2023 by the
NOTICE MD RULE 14-215 (A) Property, (iii) the environmental condition of the Property or the compliance of the Property
Notice is hereby given this 20 ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes,
Circuit Court for Montgomery vs.
Circuit Court for the County of day of September, 2023, by the Prince George9s County, Mary- with federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the presence or disposal of
County, Maryland, that the sale
of the property mentioned in
Prince George9s, Maryland and
by the authority thereof, that the
Circuit Court for Prince George9s land, this 22 day of September, hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the Property with the Americans with Disabilities water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if
these proceedings and de-
sale made by William M. Savage,
County, Maryland, that the sale
of the property mentioned in
2023, that the foreclosure sale
of the property described in the Act or any similar law, (v) compliance of the Property with any zoning laws or ordinances any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the
scribed as 618 Eden Place,
Gaithersburg, MD 20877, made
Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of
the Real Property designated as
these proceedings and described deed of trust docketed herein and any and all applicable safety codes, or (vi) compliance with any tenants9 rights or property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall
and reported by the Substitute CIVIL NO: C-15-CV-22-001387
6328 Sunvalley Terrace, Dis-
as 1203 Castlehaven Court,
Capitol Heights, MD 20743,
and located at 2215 Iverson
Street, Temple Hills, MD 20748 similar laws, and acceptance of the Deed to the Property by the successful purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
trict Heights, MD 20747, and
reported in the above entitled
made and reported by the Sub- made and reported by James E. constitute a waiver of any claims against the Trustee or the Noteholder concerning any property.
NOTICE stitute Trustee, will be RATIFIED Clarke, Christine M. Drexel, Brian
contrary thereof be shown on or NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this
cause, will be ûnally ratiûed and AND CONFIRMED, unless cause Thomas and Jason Murphy, Sub- of the foregoing matters. The successful purchaser recognizes that any investigation,
before the 6th day of Novem- 25th day of September, 2023
conûrmed, unless cause to the
contrary thereof be shown on
to the contrary thereof be shown stitute Trustees, be RATIFIED and examination, or inspection of the Property is within the control of the owner or other parties TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $200,000.00 by cashier9s
ber, 2023, provided a copy of
this NOTICE be inserted in some
by the Circuit Court for the Coun-
ty of Montgomery, Maryland and
or before the 6 day of Novem-
on or before the 20 day of Oc-
tober, 2023, provided a copy of
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
contrary be shown on or before in possession of the Property and not within the control of the Trustee or the Noteholder. check will be required of purchaser at the time and place
daily newspaper printed in said by the authorily thereof, that the
ber, 2023 next; provided a copy
of this order be inserted in THE
this NOTICE be inserted in some the 23 day of October, 2023; Conveyance shall be by Trustee9s Deed, without covenant or warranty, express or implied. of sale. Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of
County, once in each of three
successive weeks before the
sale made by William M. Savage,
Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of
daily newspaper printed in said
County, once in each of three
provided a copy of this Order
be inserted in THE WASHINGTON The risk of loss or damage by ûre or other casualty to the Property from and after the time of sale. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO
6th day of November, 2023. the Real Property designated
Street, Washington DC MD pub-
lished in said County of Prince
successive weeks before the POST, once in each of three (3) sale shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser. The Property shall be sold subject to all SETTLEMENT BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price
The report states the purchase
price at the Foreclosure sale to
as 7901 Coriander Drive, Unit
302, Gaithersburg, MD 20879,
George9s once a week for three
20 day of October, 2023. The
report states the purchase price
successive weeks before the 23
day of October, 2023. The Re- taxes, ground rents, public charges, assessments, sewer, water, drainage, and other public to be paid in cash or certiûed funds at settlement. Interest
be $439,000.00. and reported in the above enti-
successive weeks before the 6
day of November, 2023. The
at the Foreclosure sale to be port of Sale states the amount of improvements, if any, whether assessments have been levied or not. The Noteholder and to be paid on the unpaid purchase money from the date of
tled cause, will be ûnally ratiûed
and conûrmed, unless cause to
report states the amount of the
$212,000.00. the sale at $300,253,79.
Trustee assume no liability for fuel, gas, electricity, utilities, and other operating charges sale to the date of settlement at the applicable interest
Clerk, Circuit Court for the contrary thereof be shown
sale to be $257,400.00. Mahasin El Amin BY THE COURT: accrued before or after the sale and all such charges shall be the sole responsibility of the rate set forth in the debt instrument secured by the Deed
Montgomery County, Maryland on or before the 25th day of Mahasin El Amin
Clerk, Circuit Court for
Prince George9s County,
Mahasin El Amin
Clerk of the Circuit Court #769 purchaser from the date of sale. All costs incident to the settlement and conveyancing of Trust. Purchaser shall be responsible for payment of all
October, 2023 next; provided
BWW#MD-363211 a copy of this order be inserted
Maryland including, without limitation, examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and settlement costs.
Oct 9,16,23 2023 0012438181 in THE WASHINGTON POST, 1150 PRINCE GEORGE9S #769 Orlans 19-700543 charges, all transfer taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, notary fees, settlement
15th Street, Washington DC, BWW#MD-354834
MD published in said County of Trustees File#: 23-293196 Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436662
Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436731
fees and all other costs incident to settlement shall be at the cost of the successful The noteholder and its afûliates, if a bidder, shall not be
Montgomery once a week for purchaser. The District of Columbia Government may impose transfer and recordation taxes required to post a deposit or to pay interest.
three successive weeks before Oct 9,16,23 2023 0012438122
the 25th day of October 2023. on any assignment of the successful bid prior to recordation of the Trustee9s Deed. The
The report states the amount of successful purchaser shall be solely liable for payment of such additional transfer and In the event that purchaser does not settle as required
the sale to be $130.000.00.
recordation taxes, if any. If the Trustee cannot convey title, the purchaser9s sole remedy is a for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such
KAREN A. BUSHELL return of deposit. Further particulars may be announced at the time of sale. default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FOR COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF and costs, and full commission on the gross sale price)
MARYLAND Trustees File#: 22-289835 PRINCE GEORGE9S, Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee
MARYLAND shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
Richard E. Solomon Oct 2,9,16 2023 0012437219
deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell the property at the
Richard J. Rogers WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al.
Michael McKeefery Trustee(s) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting
Christianna Kersey
Kevin Hildebeidel MONTGOMERY COUNTY,
MARYLAND purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or
Kyle Blackstone MARYLAND vs. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR proûts resulting from any resale of the property. Defaulting
Kathleen Young CARRIE M. WARD, et al. PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for legal fees
1099 Winterson Road, Suite 301 CARRIE M. WARD, et al. ESTATE OF 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 MARYLAND
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 MOSE CHESTNUT JR C/O Rockville, MD 20852 and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection with
Substitute Trustees Rockville, MD 20852 TRE9MARC CHESTNUT Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Diane S. Rosenberg Oct 6,9,11 2023 0012438102 such default.
Plaintiffs Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, (SUCCESSOR) Mark D. Meyer
PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE vs. 4340 East West Highway,
v. vs. Defendant(s)
Mortgagor(s) ALICE J. EVANS
Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein,
Patricia L Hall KYUNGJIN YOO 10620 Fitzgibbon Court Substitute Trustee purchaser9s sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited
James C. Hall
717 Symphony Woods Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20901
CIVIL NO: CAEF18-41257 Bowie, MD 20721
Plaintilf(s) to a refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered
19452 Saint Johnsbury Lane Defendant(s). NOTICE v. null and void and of no effect whatsoever.
Germantown, MD 20876 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this Case No. C-16-CV-23-000521
Defendants Case No. C-15-CV-22-003668 4 day of October, 2023 by the Yohance M Duff
Circuit Court for the County of NOTICE 7010 Killarney Street Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee9s
Case No. C-15-CV-23-002241 NOTICE
Notice is hereby given this 20th
Prince George9s, Maryland and
by the authority thereof, that the
Notice is hereby given this 21
day of September, 2023, by
Clinton, MD 20735
sole discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the
NOTICE day of September, 2023, by the sale made by William M. Savage, the Circuit Court for Prince property from sale at any time before or at the auction,
Notice is hereby given this 27th
day of September, 2023, by
Circuit Court for Montgomery
County, Maryland, that the sale
Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of
the Real Property designated as
George9s County, Maryland, that
the sale of the property men-
Case No. C-16-CV-23-001747 to extend the time to receive bids, to waive or modify the
of the property mentioned in tioned in these proceedings and deposit requirement, to waive or modify the requirement
Give a
the Circuit Court for Montgom- E10635 Lazy Day Lane, Mitch- NOTICE
ery County, that the sale of the
property mentioned in these
these proceedings and described
as 717 Symphony Woods
ellville, MD 20721, and reported
in the above entitled cause, will
described as 10620 Fitzgibbon
Court, Bowie, MD 20721, made
Notice is hereby given this 25
day of September, 2023 by the
that interest be paid on the unpaid purchase money, and/or
proceedings, made and reported, Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20901, be ûnally ratiûed and conûrmed, and reported by the Substitute Circuit Court for Prince George9s to extend the period of time for settlement.
will be ratiûed and conûrmed,
unless cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
made and reported by the Sub-
stitute Trustee, will be RATIFIED
AND CONFIRMED, unless cause
unles cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
the 6 day of November, 2023
Trustee, will, be RATIFIED AND,
CONFIRMED, unless cause to
the contrary thereof be shown
County, Maryland, that the sale of
7010 Killarney Street, Clinton,
MD 20735, made and reported,
giv that Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The
the 27th day of October, 2023, to the contrary thereof be shown next; provided a copy of this on or before the 23 day of Oc- will be ratiûed and conûrmed, successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to
provided a copy of this notice
be published in a newspaper of
general circulation in Montgom-
on or before the 20th day of
October, 2023, provided a copy
of this NOTICE be inserted in
order be inserted in THE WASH-
INGTON POST, 1150 15th Street,
Washington DC, MD published
tober, 2023, provided a copy of
this NOTICE be inserted in some
daily newspaper printed in said
unless cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
the 25 day of October, 2023,
delivers Substitute Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at
the conclusion of bidding.
ery County, once in each of three
successive weeks before the
27th day of October, 2023. The
some daily newspaper printed
in said County, once in each of
three successive weeks before
said County of Prince George9s
once a week for three succes-
sive weeks before the 6 day of
County, once in each of three
successive weeks before the
23 day of October, 2023. The
provided a copy of this notice
be inserted in a daily newspaper
printed in said County, once in
every day Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee
Report of Sale states the amount the 20th day of October, 2023. November, 2023. The report report states the purchase price each of three successive weeks
of the foreclosure sale price to The report states the purchase states the amount of the sale to at the Foreclosure sale to be before the 25 day of October,
be $349,000.00. The property price at the Foreclosure sale to be $309,000.00. $344,000.00. 2023. The Report of Sale states Giv subscriptions
sold herein is known as 19452 be $542,000.00. the amount of the foreclosure
Saint Johnsbury Lane, Ger- Mahasin El Amin Mahasin El Amin sale price to be $317,000.00. washingtonpost.com/my-post
mantown, MD 20876. KAREN A. BUSHELL CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Clerk, Circuit Court for
Clerk, Circuit Court for COURT FOR COUNTY OF Prince George9s County, Mahasin El Amin
KAREN A. BUSHELL Montgomery County, Maryland PRINCE GEORGE9S #793 Maryland #793 Clerk of the Circuit Court
Clerk of the Circuit Court Prince George9s County,
Montgomery County, Maryland BWW#MD-355448 Trustees File#: 18-276310 BWW#MD-356284 #793 Maryland
Oct 2,9,16 2023 0012437460 Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436643 Oct 9,16,23 2023 0012438125 Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436676 Oct 2,9,16 2023 0012437221 S0390-1x2 Oct 3,5,9,11,13 2023 0012435625
840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 872
Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Fairfax County
13942 New Braddock Rd,
1966 GREENSPRING DRIVE, SUITE LL2 Attorneys at Law 110 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET, SUITE 500 Centreville, VA 20121
In execution of the Superior Court for the District of LUTHERVILLE, MD 21093 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1000W ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20850
In execution of a Deed of Trust
Columbia9s Decree of Sale in Case: 2018 CA 003066 R(RP), 410-238-2840 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-656-5775 in the original principal amount
the undersigned Trustee(s) will offer for sale the property of $316,425.00 dated Febru-
ary 23, 2017 recorded among
20009 at a public auction within the ofûces of, HARVEY REAL PROPERTY AS 5921 2ND PLACE, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20011. PARKING SPACE KNOWN AS 1461 CHAPIN STREET, NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009. Court for Fairfax County on
March 28, 2017 as Instrument
WEST AUCTIONEERS, INC. 5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW 1618 FORT DAVIS PLACE, SE Number: 2017019314.001, the
Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015 202-463-4567 On WASHINGTON, D.C. 20020 By virtue of a certain Commercial Deed of Trust, Assignment By virtue of a certain Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents and Security Agreement dated undersigned appointed Substi-
tute Trustee will offer for sale at
OCTOBER 31, 2023 AT 11:00 A.M, the land and premises of Rents and Security Agreement dated March 11, 2022 September 28, 2021 (the <Deed of Trust=) duly recorded October 18, 2021 as Instrument No. public auction, at the Main en-
situated in the District of Columbia, and designated as By virtue of a certain Purchase Money Construction Deed (the <Deed of Trust=) duly recorded March 16, 2022 as 2021137468 among the Land Records of the District of Columbia (the <Land Records=) and trance of the courthouse for the
Circuit Court of Fairfax County,
and being Lot 2066 in Square 2105 & 0134, and more of Trust from 1618 GSD, LLC dated December 17, 2021 Instrument No. 2022029179 among the Land Records of the in accordance with Public Law 90-566 notice recorded among the Land Record as Instrument 4110 Chain Bridge Rd, Fairfax, VA
particularly described in the Deed of Trust recorded in the and duly recorded December 22, 2021 as Instrument No. District of Columbia (the <Land Records=) and subsequently No. 2023068571, a default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness secured 22030 on November 6, 2023 at
12:45 PM the property described
Land Records of the District of Columbia, on MARCH 10, 2021166309 (the <Deed of Trust=) and subsequently re-recorded on September 14, 2023 as Instrument No. thereby and the covenants contained therein, and at the request of the party secured thereby in said deed of trust, located at
2006 as Instrument Number: 2006031025. The property assigned by Assignment of Mortgage recorded October 19, 2023079191(as re-recorded, the <Deed of Trust=) and in (the <Noteholder=), the undersigned Substitute Trustees, will sell, at public auction, within the above address and brieûy
2022 as Instrument Number 2022105599 among the Land the ofûce of ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., SUITE described as: ALL OF THAT CER-
will be sold by Trustee9s Deed <as is= without any covenant, accordance with Public Law 90-566 notice recorded among TAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND
expressed or implied, in Fee Simple, subject to conditions, Records of the District of Columbia (the <Land Records=), a the Land Record as Instrument No. 2023079421, a default 100, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 on SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN
restrictions, easements, and all other recorded instruments default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness secured THE COUNTY OF FAIRFAX, COM-
superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above, and subject secured thereby and the covenants contained therein, and at thereby and the covenants contained therein, and at the THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2023 AT 12:25 PM MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED
to ratiûcation by the Court the request of the party secured thereby (the <Noteholder=), request of the party secured thereby (the <Noteholder=), the BELOW AS FOLLOWS:
and in accordance with Public Law 90-566 and following undersigned Substitute Trustees, will sell, at public auction, The property to be sold consists of the Original Secured Property located in the District of (36) SECTION (6) SINGLETON9S
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of the lesser of $15,000.00 or mailing of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property within the ofûce of ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 Columbia which is currently subdivided and is as follows: GROVE, AS THE SAME APPEARS
10% of the sale price will be required at time of sale in cash or Condominium Unit recorded among the Land Records on MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., SUITE 100, WASHINGTON, Lot Numbered One Hundred Eighty-One (181) in Harry Wardman and other subdivision of RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 7061
or certiûed funds. The deposit required to bid at the auction September 11, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023078120 and D.C. 20016 on Lot Numbered Thirty-Six (36) in the subdivision of the <The South Grounds of Columbia AT PAGE 607 AMONG THE LAND
is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors the recordation of the Afûdavit of Non-Residential Mortgage University= and of Lot Numbered One (1) in Block 18 <Meridian Hill=, per plat of said ûrst VIRGINIA AND CORRECTED IN
or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the credit and Foreclosure recorded among the Land Records on August THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2023 AT 11:00 AM mentioned subdivision recorded in the Ofûce of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in DEED BOOK 7173 AT PAGE 1833.
Tax ID: 0652 05 0036.
may submit a written bid to the Trustee which shall be 28, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023074133 the undersigned Liber County 19 at Folio 76, (the <Real Property=) which has the address of 1461 Chapin
announced at sale. The balance of the purchase price is Trustee will sell, at public auction, within the ofûce of the following described land and premises. Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20009. Square 2662 Lot 0181. (The <Original Secured TERMS OF SALE: A bidder9s de-
posit of $12,000.00 or 10% of the
to be paid in cash within 60 days of ûnal ratiûcation of the ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 MASSACHUSETTS All that piece or parcel of land, together with improvements, Property=) sale price, whichever is lower,
sale by the Court. AVENUE, N.W., SUITE 100, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 on rights, privileges, and appurtenances to the same The property consists of 4 individual condominium units and one parking space. The units will be required in the form of
a certiûed or cashier9s check.
belonging, situated in the District of Columbia, and is were a former portion of Square 2662 Lot 0181, which is currently subdivided into Square Cash will not be accepted as a
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2023 AT 12:40 PM described as follows: 2662 Lots 2291-2295 being further described as follows: deposit. Settlement within ûf-
teen (15) days of sale, otherwise
If purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid sixty (60) days Lot 109 in R.L. Davis9 Subdivision of lots in Square 3337 as Residential Units One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4) and Parking Space One (P-1) in the Trustee may forfeit deposit. Ad-
of the ratiûcation, the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees9 The real estate located at 1618 Fort Davis Place, SE per plat recorded in the Ofûce of the Surveyor for the District Condominium known as <MERIDIAN OVERLOOK CONDOMINIUM= according to the Declaration ditional terms to be announced
at sale. This is a communication
reasonable attorney fees as ordered by the Court, plus all Washington, DC and legally described as follows: of Columbia in Liber 99 at folio 40. of Condominium dated May 9, 2018, and recorded March 26, 2019 as Instrument No. from a debt collector. This notice
costs incurred, if the Trustees have ûled the appropriate Lot 19 in Square E-5519 in a Subdivision made by Anna Parcel ID: 3337-0109 2019030747, and the By-Laws of Condominium dated May 9, 2018, and recorded March is an attempt to collect on a debt
and any information obtained
motion with the Court to resell the property. Purchaser Maloney, as per plat recorded in the Ofûce of the Surveyor for Also known as 5921 2ND Place, N.W. Washington, D.C. 26, 2019, as Instrument No. 2019030748, and said ûnal Plat and Plans of Condominium will be used for that purpose.
waives personal service of any paper ûled with the Court the District of Columbia in Liber 113 at folio 40 20011. Subdivision recorded December 15, 2022, in Condo Book 104 at Page 50, as amended by (Trustee # 23-009256)
Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee,
in connection with such motion and any Show Cause Order Parcel ID: 5519-E -0019 TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, that First Amended and Restated Declaration and that First Amended and Restated Bylaws LLC C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548,
issued by the Court and expressly agrees to accept service The improvements thereon being known as 1618 Fort Davis improvements or appurtenances now erected on the above- as Instrument Numbers 2022125679 and 2022125680 on December 23, 2022, among Leesburg, VA 20177 (703) 777-
7101 website: www.Orlans.com
of any such paper or Order by certiûed mail and regular Place, SE Washington, District of Columbia 20020. described land, including, without limitation, all equipment, the Land Records of the District of Columbia, and any recorded amendments thereto as The Vendor auction.com will be
mail sent to the address provided by the purchaser and TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, apparatus, machinery and ûxtures of any kind or character of the date hereof, together with an undivided percentage share interest in the Common used in conjunction with this
sale.Potential Bidders: For sale
as recorded on the documents executed by the purchaser improvements or appurtenances now erected on the above- forming a part of said buildings, structures, improvements Elements of said <MERIDIAN OVERLOOK CONDOMINIUM= as set forth in said Declaration information, please visit www.
at the time of the sale. Service shall be deemed effective described land, including, without limitation, all equipment, or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, of Condominium and the Exhibits thereto, the Condominium Declaration allocates to the Auction.com or call (800) 280-
upon the purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the United apparatus, machinery and ûxtures of any kind or character equipment, machinery and other personal property owned Condominium Residential Units an undivided interest (stated as a percentage) in the
Oct 2,9 2023 0012434216
States Post Ofûce. It is expressly agreed by the purchaser forming a part of said buildings, structures, improvements and located in, upon or about the above-described land and common elements of the Condominium (hereinafter called the <Percentage Interest=)
that actual receipt of the certiûed mail is not required or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in The Percentage Interests of the Condominium Units are set forth in the Condominium 873
Prince William County
for service to be effective. If the purchaser fails to go to equipment, machinery and other personal property owned the aforesaid Deed of Trust (the <Property=). Declaration, said Condominium project is situate on Lot 181 (now known after subdivision
settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustees and located in, upon or about the above-described land and TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The Property will be offered as as Lots 2291-2295 in Square 2662 in the subdivision made by Harry Wardman and others, 3480 Wainscott Place, Wood-
and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees and any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in an entirety only. The bid which yields the highest price for as per plat recorded in Liber County 19 at folio 76 in the Ofûce of the Surveyor for the bridge, VA 22192
full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall the aforesaid Deed of Trust (the <Property=). The <Property= the Property will be accepted by the Substitute Trustees District of Columbia but for which no certiûcate of occupancy permits has yet to be issued. In execution of a Deed of Trust
be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. In does not include any property owned by any tenants at the (unless the sale is postponed or cancelled) and all bids (Collectively, the <Subdivided Property=) in the original principal amount
Property. Parcel ID: 2662-2291 1461 Chapin Street, NW # 1 of $472,500.00 dated May 8,
the event of resale the defaulting purchaser shall not be will be provisional until acceptance. Notwithstanding the 2017 recorded among the land
entitled to any surplus proceeds or proûts resulting from TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The Property will be offered as foregoing, the Substitute Trustees absolutely reserve the Parcel ID: 2662-2292 1461 Chapin Street, NW # 2 records of the Circuit Court for
an entirety only. The bid that yields the highest price for the Parcel ID: 2662-2293 1461 Chapin Street, NW # 3 Prince William County on May
any resale of the property regardless of any improvements right to postpone the sale and/or cancel the sale at any 9, 2017 as Instrument Number:
made to the real property. Interest is to be paid on the Property will be accepted by the Trustee (unless the sale time until the auctioneer announces that the Property is Parcel ID: 2662-2294 1461 Chapin Street, NW # 4 201705090034936, the under-
unpaid purchase money at the rate contained in the Deed is postponed or cancelled) and all bids will be provisional <sold= and the deposit in the required amount and form is Parcel ID: 2662-2295 1461 Chapin Street, NW # P-1 signed appointed Substitute
Trustee will offer for sale at
of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date the funds until acceptance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the received by the Substitute Trustees. A deposit in the amount 1461 Chapin Street, NW Units 1, 2, 3, 4 & P-1 public auction, at the Main en-
are received in the ofûce of the Trustees. In the event that Trustee absolutely reserves the right to postpone the sale of $50,000.00 will be required at the time of sale. Such (Collectively, the <Subdivided Property=) trance of the courthouse for the
Circuit Court of Prince William
the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, and/or cancel the sale at any time until the auctioneer deposit must be by cashier9s check or certiûed check or in TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances County, 9311 Lee Ave, Manas-
there shall be no abatement of interest. Taxes, water rent, announces that the Property is <sold= and the Trustee such other form as the Substitute Trustees may determine now erected on the above-described land, including, without limitation, all equipment, sas, VA 20110 on November 6,
2023 at 11:30 AM the property
condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, receives the deposit in the required amount and form. A in their sole discretion. The deposit must be increased apparatus, machinery and ûxtures of any kind or character forming a part of said buildings, described in said deed of trust,
all public charges/assessments payable on an annual deposit in the amount of $25,000.00 will be required at the to 10% of the winning bid amount and delivered to the structures, improvements or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, equipment, located at the above address
and brieûy described as: Lot
basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district time of sale as a condition to bidding. Such deposit must Substitute Trustees within one (1) business day after the machinery and other personal property owned and located in, upon or about the above- 215, Section 19-G, LAKE RIDGE,
charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year be by cashier9s check or certiûed check or in such other form consummation of the sale in the same form of funds as described land and any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in the aforesaid as the same appears duly ded-
icated, platted and recorded in
to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. as the Trustee may determine in his sole discretion, which the initial deposit. Failure to timely tender the deposit or Deed of Trust (the <Property=). Deed Book 1291 at Page 848,
Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs of all transfer check shall be payable to <Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee.= The increased deposit shall constitute a material default by TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The property will be offered individually and as an entirety. The among the land records of Prince
William County, Virginia. Tax ID:
taxes, documentary stamps and all other costs incident deposit must be increased to 10% of the purchase price the purchaser. The Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust sale will be made in the manner producing the greater amount of money. The Substitute 8293-13-7511.
to settlement. Purchaser shall be responsible for physical within 2 business days after consummation of the sale (or any related party) shall be exempted by the Substitute Trustees reserve the right to change the manner of offering at the time of sale. TERMS OF SALE: A bidder9s
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of and delivered to the Substitute Trustee in the same form Trustees from submitting any bidding deposit. The The bid which yields the highest price for the Property will be accepted by the Substitute deposit of $13,000.00 or 10% of
loss from the date of sale forward. The sale is subject to of funds as the initial deposit. The Noteholder secured by Substitute Trustees will, as a condition of the sale, require Trustees (unless the sale is postponed or cancelled) and all bids will be provisional until the sale price, whichever is low-
er, will be required in the form
post sale audit by the Mortgage holder to determine whether the Deed of Trust (or any related party) shall be exempted all potential bidders except the Noteholder to show their acceptance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Substitute Trustees absolutely reserve the of a certiûed or cashier9s check.
the borrower ûled bankruptcy, entered into any repayment/ by the Trustee from submitting any bidding deposit. The deposit before any bidding begins. The retained deposit of right to postpone the sale and/or cancel the sale at any time until the auctioneer announces Cash will not be accepted as a
deposit. Settlement within ûf-
forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid off prior to the Trustee will, as a condition of the sale, require all potential the successful purchaser shall be applied, without interest, that the Property is <sold= and the deposit in the required amount and form is received by teen (15) days of sale, otherwise
sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that upon bidders except the Noteholder to show their deposit to the successful purchaser9s credit at settlement, provided, the Substitute Trustees. A deposit in the amount of $25,000 per unit for Units 1, 2, 3, 4 if Trustee may forfeit deposit. Ad-
ditional terms to be announced
notiûcation by the Trustees of such event the sale is null before any bidding begins. The retained deposit of the however, that in the event the successful purchaser fails sold individually and a deposit of $5,0000 on Parking Space (P-1) if sold individually. If at sale. This is a communication
and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned successful purchaser shall be applied, without interest, to to consummate the purchase in accordance with the terms the combined bids on those units and parking space sold individually does not satisfy the from a debt collector. This notice
is an attempt to collect on a debt
without interest. Trustees9 File No 18-900008 the successful purchaser9s credit at settlement; provided, of sale as herein provided or otherwise defaults under the debt, then those bids shall be held in abeyance, and the units and parking space shall be and any information obtained
however, that in the event the successful purchaser does terms herein, such deposit, at the option of the Substitute offered together. If sold as an entirety, a deposit in the amount of $105,000. The highest will be used for that purpose.
(Trustee # 23-004842)
JAMES E. CLARKE, HUGH J. GREEN not consummate the purchase in accordance with the terms Trustees, shall immediately be forfeited. The terms of bid offered between the combined bids of the units and parking space sold individually or Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee,
AND SHANNON MENAPACE of sale as herein provided, such deposit, will be forfeited, sale must be complied with and settlement consummated the units and parking space sold as an entirety shall be the winning bid. All deposits must LLC C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548,
Leesburg, VA 20177 (703) 777-
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES and after payment of all expenses and commissions due thereon within ûfteen (15) days from the day of sale unless be in the form of cashier9s or certiûed check, or in any other form suitable to the Substitute 7101 website: www.Orlans.com
in connection with the defaulted sale, the balance shall extended at the sole discretion of the Substitute Trustees. Trustees in their sole discretion, shall be required at the time of sale, except no deposit shall Oct 2,9 2023 0012434215
C/O ORLANS PC be applied to the indebtedness due under the terms of the TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. The balance of the purchase price be required of the secured party, its successors or assigns. The deposit must be increased to
10% of the winning bid amount and delivered to the Substitute Trustees within one business TRUSTEE9S SALE OF
1602 Village Market Blvd SE, Suite 310 note and Deed of Trust. The terms of sale must be complied over and above the retained deposit, with interest thereon 18702 Red Maple Court,
Leesburg, VA 20175 with, and settlement consummated thereon within 25 days at the note rate then being charged from the date of sale day after the consummation of the sale in the same form of funds as the initial deposit. Triangle, VA 22172
(703) 777-7101 from the day of sale unless extended at the sole discretion through the date of receipt of the balance of the purchase Failure to timely tender the deposit shall constitute a material default by the purchaser. In execution of a Deed of Trust
of the Trustee. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. The balance of the price, will be due at settlement in certiûed funds; and if not The Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust (or any related party) shall be exempted by in the original principal amount
purchase price over and above the retained deposit, with so paid by the time speciûed herein, the Substitute Trustees the Substitute Trustees from submitting any bidding deposit. The Substitute Trustees will, of $295,000.00 dated August
22, 2012 recorded among the
interest thereon at the default rate of 18% per annum being reserve the right to retain the deposit and resell the Property as a condition of the sale, require all potential bidders except the Noteholder to show their land records of the Circuit Court
charged from the date of sale through the date of receipt of at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after deposit before any bidding begins. The retained deposit of the successful purchaser shall for Prince William County on
August 24, 2012 as Instrument
the balance of the purchase price, will be due at settlement such advertisement and on such terms as the Substitute be applied, without interest, to the successful purchaser9s credit at settlement, provided, Number: 201208240081189, the
by bank wire transfer; and if not so paid, the Trustee as Trustees may deem proper, and to avail themselves and however, that in the event the successful purchaser fails to consummate the purchase in undersigned appointed Substi-
tute Trustee will offer for sale at
stated above will forfeit the deposit and reserves the right the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights against the accordance with the terms of sale as herein provided, such deposit, at the option of the public auction, at the Main en-
Oct 2,9,16,23 2023 0012435058 to resell the Property at the risk and cost of the defaulting defaulting purchaser. Substitute Trustees, shall immediately be forfeited. The terms of sale must be complied with trance of the courthouse for the
Circuit Court of Prince William
purchaser, after such advertisement and on such terms The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties and settlement consummated thereon within 30 days from day of sale unless extended at County, 9311 Lee Ave, Manas-
as the Trustee may deem proper, and to avail himself and in possession, if such rights have priority over the Deed of the sole discretion of the Substitute Trustees. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. The balance of the sas, VA 20110 on November 6,
2023 at 11:30 AM the property
the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights against the Trust, and to any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, purchase price over and above the retained deposit, with interest thereon at the note default described in said deed of trust,
defaulting purchaser. easements, rights of way, and limitations of record. The rate of 23% per annum from the date of sale through the date of receipt of the balance of located at the above address and
brieûy described as: All that cer-
The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of Property will be sold <WHERE IS= and in <AS IS= condition the purchase price, will be due at settlement in certiûed funds; and if not so paid by the time tain lot or parcel of land together
COHN, GOLDBERG & DEUTSCH, LLC parties in possession, if such rights have priority over the without any warranty or representation as to condition, speciûed herein, the deposit shall be forfeited to the Substitute Trustees and all expenses with all improvements thereon,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW Deed of Trust or have been granted non-disturbance or express or implied, and without any representation or of this sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross sales price of the
situate, lying and being in Prince
William County, Commonwealth
1099 WINTERSON ROAD similar rights, and to any and all covenants, conditions, warranty as to the accuracy of the information furnished to sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. The Substitute Trustees of Virginia, and more particularly
SUITE 301 restrictions, easements, rights of way, and limitations of prospective bidders by the Substitute Trustees or any other shall be entitled to avail themselves and the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights
described as: All that certain Lot
Thirty-Eight (38) of the subdivi-
LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MARYLAND 21090 record. The Property will be sold <WHERE IS= and in <AS party and without any other representations or warranty against the defaulting purchaser. In the event of a resale, the defaulting Purchaser shall sion known as GRAHAM PARK
IS= condition without any warranty as to condition, express of any nature. Without limiting the generality of the not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or proûts resulting from any resale of the property shown on plat thereof attached
TRUSTEES9 FORECLOSURE SALE OF or implied, and without any representation or warranty as foregoing, the Property will be sold without representation regardless of any improvements made to the real property. In the event that settlement is to and recorded with the Deed
IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY of Dedication in Deed Book 446
to the accuracy of the information furnished to prospective or warranty as to (i) title to the Property, (ii) the nature, delayed for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. at Page 160 of the land records
bidders by the Trustee or any other party, if any, and without condition, compliance, quality, structural integrity, or The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties in possession, if such rights of Prince William County, Virginia.
Tax ID: 008140.
1901 CAPITOL AVENUE, NE any other representations or warranty of any nature. ûtness for a particular use of any improvements, ûxtures have priority over the Deed of Trust, and to any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions,
WASHINGTON, DC 20002 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Property or personal property included within the Property, (iii) the easements, rights of way, and limitations of record. Purchaser shall be responsible for TERMS OF SALE: A bidder9s
deposit of $11,000.00 or 10% of
will be sold without representation or warranty as to (i) title environmental condition of the Property or the compliance obtaining physical possession of the property. The Property will be sold <WHERE IS= and the sale price, whichever is low-
The undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction at Alex to the Property, (ii) the nature, condition, structural integrity, of the Property with federal, state and local laws and in <AS IS= condition without any warranty or representation as to condition, express or er, will be required in the form
Coopers Auctioneers, Inc. 4910 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. or ûtness for a particular use of any improvements, regulations concerning the presence or disposal of implied, and without any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the information of a certiûed or cashier9s check.
Cash will not be accepted as a
Suite 100, Washington, DC 20016, on ûxtures or personal property included within the Property, hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the Property furnished to prospective bidders by the Substitute Trustees or any other party and without deposit. Settlement within ûf-
teen (15) days of sale, otherwise
(iii) the environmental condition of the Property or the with the Americans with Disabilities Act or any similar any other representations or warranty of any nature. Without limiting the generality of the Trustee may forfeit deposit. Ad-
October 12, 2023 AT 1:12 P.M. compliance of the Property with federal, state and local law, or (v) compliance of the Property with any zoning and foregoing, the Property will be sold without representation or warranty as to (i) title to the ditional terms to be announced
at sale. This is a communication
laws and regulations concerning the presence or disposal construction laws or ordinances and any and all applicable Property, (ii) the nature, condition, compliance, quality, structural integrity, or ûtness for from a debt collector. This notice
THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS of hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the Property safety and building codes and regulations, and acceptance a particular use of any improvements, ûxtures or personal property included within the is an attempt to collect on a debt
THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act or any similar of the Deed to the Property by the successful purchaser shall Property, (iii) the environmental condition of the Property or the compliance of the Property and any information obtained
will be used for that purpose.
described in a Deed of Trust from Evolution Elite, LLC, dated law, (v) compliance of the Property with any zoning laws or constitute a waiver of any claims against the Substitute with federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the presence or disposal of (Trustee # 23-000438)
October 14, 2021, recorded in the Ofûce of the Recorder of ordinances and any and all applicable safety codes, or (vi) Trustees or the Noteholder concerning any of the foregoing hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the Property with the Americans with Disabilities Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee,
LLC C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548,
Deeds for the District of Columbia at Instrument Number compliance with any tenants9 rights or similar laws, and matters. The successful purchaser recognizes that any Act or any similar law, or (v) compliance of the Property with any zoning and construction Leesburg, VA 20177 (703) 777-
2021137117 on October 15, 2021, with an original principal acceptance of the Deed to the Property by the successful investigation, examination or inspection of the Property is laws or ordinances and any and all applicable safety and building codes and regulations, 7101 website: www.Orlans.com
balance of $842,500.00, and an original interest rate of purchaser shall constitute a waiver of any claims against within the control of the owner or other parties in possession and acceptance of the Deed to the Property by the successful purchaser shall constitute a Oct 2,9 2023 0012433616

8.99% per annum with a default rate of 13.99% per annum, the Trustee or the Noteholder concerning any of the of the Property and not within the control of the Substitute waiver of any claims against the Substitute Trustees or the Noteholder concerning any of the 876
default having occurred under the terms thereof. foregoing matters. The successful purchaser recognizes Trustees or the Noteholder. foregoing matters. The successful purchaser recognizes that any investigation, examination Loudoun County
ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE that any investigation, examination, or inspection of the Conveyance shall be by Substitute Trustees9 Deed, without or inspection of the Property is within the control of the owner or other parties in possession TRUSTEE9S SALE OF
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY Property is within the control of the owner or other parties in any covenant or warranty whatsoever, express or implied. of the Property and not within the control of the Substitute Trustees or the Noteholder. 1503 E Beech Rd,
DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT NUMBERED NINETEEN (19) IN possession of the Property and not within the control of the The risk of loss or damage by ûre or other casualty to the Conveyance shall be by Substitute Trustees9 Deed, without any covenant or warranty, express
Sterling, VA 20164
GRACE THOMPSON AND THERESA THOMPSON9S SUBDIVISION Trustee or the Noteholder. Property from and after the date of sale will be upon the or implied. If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey either insurable or marketable In execution of a Deed of Trust
OF LOTS IN BLOCK NUMBERED TWO (2) <IVY CITY= AS PER Conveyance shall be by Trustee9s Deed, without covenant or successful purchaser. Sold subject to all taxes, ground title, then Purchaser9s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the
in the original principal amount
of $90,000.00 dated August 27,
PLAT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR FOR THE warranty, express or implied. The risk of loss or damage rents, public charges, assessments, ûnes, infractions, deposit to the Purchaser. The risk of loss or damage by ûre or other casualty to the Property 1998 recorded among the land
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN LIBER 34 AT FOLIO 137. by ûre or other casualty to the Property from and after violations, liens, sewer, water, drainage and other public from and after the date of sale will be upon the successful purchaser. Sold subject to all records of the Circuit Court for
Loudoun County on September
A.P.N.: 4045//0019 the time of sale shall be the sole responsibility of the improvements whether any assessments have been levied taxes, ground rents, public charges, assessments, violations, liens, sewer, water, drainage 24, 1998 as Instrument Number:
The property will be sold by Trustee9s Deed <as is= without purchaser. The Property shall be sold subject to all taxes, or not and whether any of the foregoing have been recorded and other public improvements whether assessments have been levied or not and whether 40670, the undersigned appoint-
ed Substitute Trustee will offer
any covenant, expressed or implied, in fee simple subject to ground rents, public charges, assessments, sewer, water, or not. The Noteholder and Substitute Trustees assume such have been recorded or not. The Noteholder and Substitute Trustees assume no liability for sale at public auction, at the
conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded drainage, and other public improvements, if any, whether no liability for fuel, gas, electricity, water and sewer for fuel, gas, electricity, water and sewer charges, utilities and other operating charges Main entrance of the courthouse
for the Circuit Court of Loudoun
instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above. assessments have been levied or not. The Noteholder and charges, any other utilities and other operating charges accrued before or after the sale and all such charges shall be the sole responsibility of the County, 18 E Market St, Lees-
TERMS OF SALE: burg, VA 20176 on November
Trustee assume no liability for fuel, gas, electricity, utilities, accrued before or after the sale and all such charges purchaser from the date of sale. All costs incident to the settlement and conveyancing 6, 2023 at 2:15 PM the property
A deposit of the lesser of $84,000.00 or ten percent (10%) and other operating charges accrued before or after the sale shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser from the including, without limitation, examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and described in said deed of trust,
of the winning bid amount will be required at time of and all such charges shall be the sole responsibility of the date of sale. All costs incident to the settlement and charges, all transfer taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, ûnancing charges and located at the above address and
brieûy described as: ALL THAT
sale, in cash, certiûed check, or other form as Trustees purchaser from the date of sale. All costs incident to the conveyancing including, without limitation, examination fees, notary fees, settlement fees and all other costs incident to settlement shall be at PARCEL OF LAND IN LOUDOUN
may determine. The deposit required to bid at the auction settlement and conveyancing including, without limitation, of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and charges, the cost of the successful purchaser. If the Substitute Trustees cannot convey title, the COUNTY, STATE OF VIRGINIA,
is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes all transfer taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, purchaser9s sole remedy is a return of deposit. Further particulars may be announced at the DEED BOOK 695, PAGE 750, ID#
assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed and charges, all transfer taxes and charges, title insurance ûnancing charges and fees, notary fees, settlement fees time of sale. For further information, please contact Paul Cooper 443-470-1437. 81-F4D-340, BEING KNOWN AND
on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit premiums, notary fees, settlement fees and all other costs and all other costs incident to settlement shall be at the Craig A. Parker and Thomas J. Kokolis, D, SECTION 4, BROYHILL9S ADDI-
and may submit a written bid to the Trustee which shall be incident to settlement shall be at the cost of the successful sole cost of the successful purchaser. If the Substitute Substitute Trustees TION TO STERLING PARK, FILED IN
PLAT BOOK 551, PAGE 733.
announced at sale. The Balance of the purchase price to be purchaser. The District of Columbia Government may Trustees cannot convey title, the purchaser9s sole remedy is BY FEE SIMPLE DEED FROM WIL-
paid in cash within 30 days of the sale. At the Trustees9 impose transfer and recordation taxes on any assignment a return of deposit. Further particulars may be announced LIAM JOHN VACCA AND MARY C.
discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, if a corporation or of the successful bid prior to recordation of the Trustee9s at the time of sale. For further information, please contact SET FORTH IN BOOK 695 PAGE
LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding, of the legal Deed. The successful purchaser shall be solely liable for Jung Kim, Esquire at 202-900-8595. 750 DATED 05/02/1978 AND RE-
CORDED 05/02/1978, LOUDOUN
formation of such entity. payment of such additional transfer and recordation taxes, COUNTY RECORDS, COMMON-
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If purchaser fails to settle within if any. If the Trustee cannot convey title, the purchaser9s Jung Kim, Esquire WEALTH OF VIRGINIA. Tax ID:
the aforesaid thirty (30) days of the sale, the purchaser sole remedy is a return of deposit. Further particulars may Frances Wilburn, Esquire
agrees to pay the Trustees9 reasonable attorney fees, plus Oct 2,4,6,9,11 2023 0012436773 TERMS OF SALE: A bidder9s de-
be announced at the time of sale. Substitute Trustees posit of $9,000.00 or 10% of the
all costs incurred, if the Trustees have to resell the property. 852 856 872
If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee
Anne Arundel County Frederick County Fairfax County sale price, whichever is lower,
will be required in the form of
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR a certiûed or cashier9s check.
be forfeited to the Trustees and all expenses of this sale ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY
5833 Oak Leather Drive, Cash will not be accepted as a
(including attorney fees and full commission on the gross MARYLAND Burke, VA 22015 deposit. Settlement within ûf-
William M. Savage, et al. teen (15) days of sale, otherwise
sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and Substitute Trustees
100 West Patrick Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701 In execution of a Deed of Trust Trustee may forfeit deposit. Ad-
paid from the forfeited deposit. In the event of resale, the Clerk of the Court: 301-600-1976 in the original principal amount ditional terms to be announced
at sale. This is a communication
defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus Versus Assignment Ofûce: of $544,850.00 dated December
from a debt collector. This notice
proceeds or proûts resulting from any resale of the property Oct 9,11,13,16,18 2023 0012437466 Ian Peter Urlock
301-600-2015 15, 2006 recorded among the
land records of the Circuit Court is an attempt to collect on a debt
and any information obtained
regardless of any improvements made to the real property. 851 851 Defendant for Fairfax County on December
Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the Oct 6,9,11 2023 0012438100 Prince Georges County Prince Georges County No. C-02-CV-22-001646
Case Number:
19, 2006 in Deed Book: 18996 at
Deed Page: 989, the undersigned
will be used for that purpose.
(Trustee # 22-013993)
Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee,
rate of 13.99% per annum from the date of sale to the 851 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Reference Numbers: appointed Substitute Trustee
date the funds are received in the ofûce of the Trustees. In Prince Georges County PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY,
Notice is hereby issued this JAMES CLARKE
will offer for sale at public auc-
tion, at the Main entrance of the
LLC C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548,
Leesburg, VA 20177 (703) 777-
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR 7101 website: www.Orlans.com
the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, Diane S. Rosenberg, et al James E. Clarke, et al.
Wednesday, October 04, 2023
that the sale of the property VS.
courthouse for the Circuit Court
of Fairfax County, 4110 Chain
WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. MARYLAND 4340 East West Highway, Substitute Trustees in the proceedings mentioned, Bridge Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030 on
Oct 2,9 2023 0012433677

Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner KEITH YACKO, et al,
Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
Plaintiffs made and reported by William M.
Date: 9/25/2023
November 6, 2023 at 12:45
PM the property described in
association dues, all public charges/assessments payable Substitute Trustee, Substitute Trustee V. FIRMED, unless cause to the con- NOTICE OF SALE said deed of trust, located at the
on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan Plaintiff, Plaintiff(s)
Raheem Johnson
trary thereof be shown on or be-
fore the 3rd day of November
Notice is hereby issued by the
Circuit Court for Frederick Coun-
above address and brieûy de-
district charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the
current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the
purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs of
Give the V.
Richard E Edwards
7257 Crafford Place
Civil No. C-16-CV-23-002825
2023 next; provided, a copy of
this Notice be inserted in some
newspaper published in Anne
Arundel County, once in each of
ty this 25th day of September,
2023 that the sale made and
recorded by Christine M. Drexel
for the sale of the property de-
FIVE (305), SECTION TWO-F (2-F),
Give the
all transfer taxes, documentary stamps and all other costs
incident to settlement. Purchaser shall be responsible for
physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes
giv of Case No. C-16-CV-23-002173
Ft Washington, MD 20744
Case No. C-16-CV-23-000626
MD RULE 14-215 (A)
ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for
Prince George9s County, Mary-
three successive weeks before
the 3rd day of November 2023
next. The report states that the
amount of sale of the property at
scribed in these proceedings
8323 Sharon Dr,
Frederick, MD 21704
be ratiûed and conûrmed thir-
09 0305.
giv of
the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. The sale
is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder to being in- Notice is hereby issued this 27
day of September, 2023, that
the sale of the property in this
case, 13003 BRICE CT UPPER
Notice is hereby given this 20
day of September, 2023 by the
land, this 20 day of September,
2023, that the foreclosure sale
of the property described in the
deed of trust docketed herein
ANNAPOLIS, MD 21409 to be
ty (30) days from the date of
this Notice, unless cause to the
contrary be shown, provided a
copy of this Notice be inserted
TERMS OF SALE: A bidder9s
deposit of $14,000.00 or 10% of
the sale price, whichever is low-
being in-
determine whether the borrower ûled bankruptcy, entered
into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated, or
paid off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser
the-know MARLBORO, MD 20774, report-
ed by Jennifer Deardorff, Attor-
ney for the Substitute Trustee,
be ratiûed and conûrmed, unless
Circuit Court for Prince George9s
County, Maryand, that the sale of
7257 Crafford Place, Ft Wash-
ington, MD 20744, made and
and located at 8317 Cowan
Ave, Bowie, MD 20720 made
and reported by James E. Clarke
and Christine M. Drexel, Substi-
Scott A. Poyer
Circuit Court For
Anne Arundel County, MD.
in some Newspaper published
in this County, once in each
of three (3) successive weeks.
The report states the amount
er, will be required in the form
of a certiûed or cashier9s check.
Cash will not be accepted as a
deposit. Settlement within ûf-
Oct 9,16,23 2023 0012438148
agrees that upon notiûcation by the Trustees of such event cause to the contrary be shown
on or before the 27 day of Octo-
reported, will be ratiûed and
conûrmed, unles cause to the
tute Trustees, be RATIFIED and
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
of the sale to be $381,000.00. teen (15) days of sale, otherwise
Trustee may forfeit deposit. Ad-
the sale is null and void and of no legal effect and the Giv subscriptions ber, 2023, provided a copy of this contrary thereof be shown on or contrary be shown on or before Sandra K. Dalton ditional terms to be announced Giv subscriptions
deposit returned without interest. Additional terms may be Notice be inserted in Washington before the 20 day of October, the 20 day of October 2023; Clerk of the Circuit Court at sale. This is a communication
announced at sale. CGD File #: 460499 washingtonpost.com/my-post Post, a newspaper published in 2023, provided a copy of this provided a copy of this Order
Oct 2,9,16 2023 0012437225
from a debt collector. This notice washingtonpost.com/my-post
PRINCE GEORGE9S County, Mary- notice be inserted in The Wash- be inserted in THE WASHINGTON is an attempt to collect on a debt
Richard E. Solomon, Richard J. Rogers, Michael McKeefery, land, once in each of three (3)
successive weeks on or before
ington Post a daily newspaper POST, once in each of three (3) and any information obtained
printed in said County, once in successive weeks before the will be used for that purpose.
Christianna Kersey, Kevin Hildebeidel, Kyle Blackstone, and the 27 day of October, 2023. each of three successive weeks 20 day of October, 2023. The (Trustee # 23-008043)
Kathleen Young, Substitute Trustees The report states the amount of
sale to be $316,310.01.
before the 20 day of October, Report of Sale states the amount Substitute Trustee: ALG Trust-
2023. The Report of Sale states of the sale at $346,318.59. ee, LLC C/O Orlans PC PO Box
the amount of the foreclosure 2548, Leesburg, VA 20177 (703)
Mahasin El Amin sale price to be $202,791.00. BY THE COURT: 777-7101 website: www.Orlans.
Clerk #769 Mahasin El Amin com The Vendor XOME.COM
Oct 2,9,16 2023 0012437391
Mahasin El Amin Clerk of the Circuit Court #769 will be used in conjunction with
Clerk of the Circuit Court this sale.
Prince George9s County, Orlans 21-001480
Maryland #793 Oct 2,9 2023 0012433675
Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436636
Sep 25,Oct 2,9 2023 0012436647

Oct 2,4,6,9,11 2023 0012437393 S0390-1x3 S0390-1x3

851 851 852 852 852 852 852 852 879 MARYLAND
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Culpeper County
Law Ofûces Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC ORLANS PC ORLANS PC Trustee9s Sale Roommates
ALLAN P. FEIGELSON, PA 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 14182 Hill Haven Lane, Reva,
Virginia 22735 Fort Washington, MD-Nr Nat'l Harbor.
3812 THOROUGHBRED LANE Hunt Valley, MD 21031 LEESBURG, VA 20175 LEESBURG, VA 20175 (Tax Map No.: 27/ / 43/ D6 /) Private bedroom. All util, cable &
int incl. Fully furn. VETS WELCOME.
OWINGS MILLS, MARYLAND 21117 470-321-7112 703-777-7101 703-777-7101 Default having been made in the $875/mo & up. Call 703-362-0505
410-504-5608 terms of a certain Deed of Trust
the original principal amount Electronics
OF UNIMPROVED REAL PROPERTY- VACANT LOTS KNOWN AS 8481 Main Av 1201 Defense Highway the Clerk9s Ofûce of the Circuit
Court of the County of Cul- FREE high-speed internet for those
749 201ST STREET Gambrills, MD 21054 that qualify. Government program
13304 and 13306 CHESTNUT DRIVE, Pasadena, MD 21122 peper, Virginia in Instrument
for recipients of select programs
BOWIE MARYLAND 20720 PASADENA, MD 21122 Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from No. 160005392, the undersigned
Substitute Trustees will sell at incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assis-
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated GREGORY COOMBS AND FRANK O. COOMBS, dated March JUDITH C. ALLGOOD AND MARVIN DEE ALLGOOD, dated public auction on October 30, tance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Sur-
vivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB
from BUILDSOL, LLC, dated FEBRUARY 27, 2017 and February 23, 2006, and recorded in Liber 17525, folio 001, 31, 2007 and recorded in Liber 19043, folio 19 MODIFIED September 28, 2006 and recorded in Liber 18386, folio 2023, at 10:00 am, in front of
the building housing the Culpep- internet service. Bonus offer:
recorded in Liber 39435, Folio 545, among the Land Records of the land records of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY , with an ON MARCH 5, 2022 IN LIBER 38855 FOLIO 177; among 049 MODIFIED ON AUGUST 1, 2010 IN LIBER 23292 FOLIO er County Circuit Court, Main Android tablet FREE with one-time
$20 copay. Free shipping & handling.
PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, with an original principal original principal balance of $339,000.00, default having the Land Records of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, default 177 among the Land Records of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, Entrance, 135 West Cameron
Street, Culpeper, VA 22701, the Call Maxsip Telecom today!
balance of $396,000.00 and an original interest rate occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as MD, default having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case property designated as Lot D-2, 1-888-592-5957
of13.95% default having occurred under the terms thereof, Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE ANNE Case No.C-02-CV-23-000829; Tax ID No.03-693-31566200 docketed as Case No.C-02-CV-23-000003; Tax ID No.02- containing 1.253 acres, together
with a 20 feet wide ingress and
Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction, ARUNDEL COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 8 CHURCH ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the ANNE 000-11023800 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction egress easement to and from Switch to DISH and get up to a $300
of survey dated August 1, 1990
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condition without either express or implied warranty or subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of 610
be required of the successful Dogs for Sale
representation, including but not limited to the description, record affecting the same, including any condominium or Terms of Sale: A deposit $50,000.00 will be required at Terms of Sale: A deposit $50,000.00 will be required at bidder at time of sale. Prior to
the sale, interested bidders will
ûtness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK be required to register with and CAVALIER KING CHARLES
physical condition, construction, extent of construction, Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . OR BY CASHIER9S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. OR BY CASHIER9S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. must present a bid deposit which Puppies, colors 3 black and tan,
may be held during the sale by 1 ruby, ready Nov. 1st $2500
workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within the trustee. The bid deposit must Call or text 540-974-5777
environmental condition, merchantability, compliance TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for be certiûed funds and/or cash,
but no more than $9,900.00 of
with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances $26,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the cash will be accepted. The suc- GOLDEN RET AKC & GOLDEN /
or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be cessful bidder9s deposit will be
retained at the sale and applied
easements, agreements, liens and restrictions of record discretion, required at time of sale except for the party forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser9s forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser9s to the sale price. If held by the
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subject to any condominium and/or HOA assessments. from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase and accepts service by ûrst class mail and certiûed mail and accepts service by ûrst class mail and certiûed mail cessful bidders. Settlement is
price together with interest thereon at 6.750% per annum addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as to be made within 15 calendar
days. The successful bidder will
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $15,000.00 (CASH WILL NOT from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or be responsible for obtaining F. Golden & English creme. Beautiful
BE ACCEPTED) acceptable payment will be in the FORM OF Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion possession of the property, and litter. Parent on prem. Family raised.
$2,200. Call 240-409-9300
for all costs and fees related to
CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY CASHIER9S CHECK will be required after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the recording the Trustee9s Deed,
from purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be including the grantors tax. The
successful bidder will be re- MALTESE, POODLES, YORKIES -
available funds upon ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event entitled to receive any beneût from the resale, including, entitled to receive any beneût from the resale, including, quired to execute a Memoran- Purebred pups, NOT mixed, located in
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be paid at the rate of 13.95% on unpaid purchase money settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid Sales page of www.glasserlaw.
from date of sale to date of settlement. The secured party and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust com [glasserlaw.com], outlining
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herein, if a bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received tlement. A Trustee9s Deed will be
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of the sale by the Circuit Court, time being of the essence, Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that the settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that the P.L.C. on behalf of Atlantic Trust-
ee Services, L.L.C., and/or REO
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otherwise the purchaser9s deposit shall be forfeited and taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the Solutions, LLC, and/or Auction. Delivery avail. $300. Prefer text
the property will be resold at the risk and expense of the responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, com-VA, LLC, Substitute Trustees,
Crown Center Building, Suite 301-672-1072 or 434-277-8108
defaulting purchaser. All other public charges and private is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate 600, 580 East Main Street, Nor-
charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without folk, VA 23510, File No. 231363-
03, Tel: (757) 321-6465, between PUG PUPPIES - CKC REG.
ground rent, taxes if any, to be adjusted to date of sale. cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any the Substitute Trustee9s prior knowledge, this Contract shall the Substitute Trustee9s prior knowledge, this Contract shall 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon only. 2 MALES Shots, wormed, vet
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Cost of all documentary stamps and transfer taxes and all deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser9s sole be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser9s sole Oct 9,16 2023 0012434369
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other costs incident to the settlement shall be borne by the attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest. remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest. DC H NORTHWEST 620
purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes Cats
association dues and assessments will be adjusted to date of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, Apartments
of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not ratiûed for any reason, audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all Condos H Co-ops MINK RAG DOLLS: Rag doll kittens
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are unable to convey insurable title or a resale is to take sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, SE DC-Garfield Hills Apt 2317 to local shelter for each kitten sold.
place for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in law or other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and Hartford St. SE. Waiting list is 315-663-7559 or 315-725-8840
equity shall be limited to the refund of the aforementioned or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall open. App for 1, 2, 3, & 4
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deposit. The purchaser waives all rights and claims against void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the on Mondays and Tuesdays Siamese Kittens, Pedigree, gorgeous
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provisions shall survive settlement. Upon refund of the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute 202-889-0030. website: DAVASOIRSIAMESE.COM
the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect, and KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, Trustee(s) are unable to convey insurable title for any Trustee(s) are unable to convey insurable title for any wn Call 540-433-2537
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Conûdent Arsenal stares down City


It wasn9t the greatest game 4 or

the prettiest goal 4 that Emirates
Stadium has seen, but the roar of
celebration was among the loud-
est it has heard.
Perhaps the pendulum finally
swung Arsenal9s way in the fight
for English Premier League su-
Gabriel martinelli9s late goal
handed Arsenal a 1-0 win over
defending champion manchester
City on Sunday in London, ending
a 12-game losing streak in the
KirsTy wigglesworTh/associaTed Press
league against Pep Guardiola9s
team in the process. Manchester city9s Phil Foden, right, could only watch after
Despite 30 games still to play William saliba, top, and Gabriel helped Arsenal to a shutout win.
and only two points separating the
teams, it was a result that will fuel Liga in his team9s 2-2 draw at then stretchered off.
the belief at Arsenal that mikel Granada. montpellier was leading 4-2
Arteta9s team can finally end a At 16 years 87 days, Yamal sur- when the firework was thrown in
20-year title drought after coming passed malaga player fabrice the first minute of six minutes of
up just short last season. olinga, who was 16 years 98 days injury time.
<It gives [us] more confidence,= old when he scored against Celta l ITALY: romelu Lukaku is
martinelli said. <We know our po- Vigo in 2012. making an immediate impact at
tential and how tough it is to play Yamal scored his milestone goal roma. Paulo Dybala, meanwhile,
against them. Today we beat them, by pushing a loose ball into the remains injury-prone.
and it gives us more confidence to open net in first-half stoppage Lukaku scored twice in roma9s
kick on.= time. 4-1 win at last-place Cagliari in
Second-place Arsenal has the Elsewhere, Antoine Griezmann Serie A to raise his tally to seven
same number of points as leader scored with a late penalty kick as goals in eight matches across all
Tottenham. Atletico madrid beat real Socie- competitions with the Giallorossi.
City held off Arsenal for the title dad, 2-1, for its fifth straight win in Dybala exited the match in the
by five points last season, in part all competitions. first half with a left knee issue.
by beating the Gunners 3-1 away l FrAnce: Defending cham- Defending champion Napoli
and 4-1 at home. In fact, Arsenal pion Paris Saint-Germain got back was beaten at home for the second
had not taken a point against City to winning ways with a 3-1 victory time in the league this season,
in the league since 2017, its longest at rennes to move up to third falling, 3-1, to fiorentina.
losing streak against a single op- place in Ligue 1. l GerMAnY: Kingsley Coman
ponent in club history. midfielder Vitinha, right back scored twice as Bayern munich
Liverpool, meanwhile, was un- Achraf Hakimi and forward ran- eased to a 3-0 win over freiburg,
done by defensive mistakes in a dal Kolo muani scored to hand but Bayer Leverkusen returned to
2-2 draw at Brighton. rennes its first defeat of the sea- the top of the Bundesliga.
A mix-up between Virgil van son. Goals from Coman and Leroy
Dijk and Alexis mac Allister gifted The victory moved PSG even Sané gave the 11-time defending
Brighton an early lead, and Lewis with Brest and into third on goal champion its fifth win in seven
Dunk scored a 78th-minute equal- differential, two points behind league games. freiburg has never
izer for the hosts after mohamed leader monaco after eight rounds. beaten Bayern in munich in 24 at-
Salah scored twice late in the first rennes dropped to eighth place. tempts in the Bundesliga.
half. Coach Luis Enrique9s PSG was Leverkusen, meanwhile, pro-
Elsewhere, Newcastle9s run of routed, 4-1, by Newcastle in the duced another spectacle of attack-
impressive wins came to a halt Champions League in midweek ing soccer in a 3-0 win over local
with a 2-2 draw at West Ham de- and drew its previous game, 0-0, rival Cologne that kept Xabi Alon-
spite Alexander Isak scoring twice against lowly Clermont. so9s team atop after this round.
for the visitor. Earlier, Gennaro Gattuso se- l nWsL: Savannah mcCaskill
Aston Villa missed the chance cured his first win as marseille scored the game-winner in stop-
to climb into the Premier League9s coach in a 3-0 home win against page time, and visiting Angel City
top four as it was held to a 1-1 draw 10-man Le Havre. stayed alive for the playoffs with a
at Wolverhampton. The game between montpellier 2-1 victory over the Houston Dash.
l sPAIn: Barcelona teenager and Clermont was abandoned af- Angel City (7-7-7) faced elimina-
Lamine Yamal added his name to ter a firework thrown from the tion with a loss but instead moved
the record books again, becoming stands landed next to Clermont into eighth in the standings. Hous-
the youngest goal scorer ever in La goalkeeper mory Diaw, who was ton (6-7-8) dropped to 10th.


As Rooney exits, D.C. must look ahead

on soccer from D1

playoff-free campaigns.
United has not won a playoff
game since 2015, reached the
conference final since 2012 or
advanced to the mLS Cup since
2004. Its four championships
came during the mLS 1.0 era.
Club officials acknowledge
they need to introduce long-term
solutions, not stopgap fixes. for
the third time in three years,
they will conduct a coaching
search. It will undoubtedly
stretch across the continent and
front-office changes are also
in the works. United thought it
could get by without a general
manager this year. Instead of
replacing the ousted Lucy
rushton last offseason, it took
the cheap and easy route by
JoNaThaN NewToN/The washiNgToN PosT
letting sporting director Dave
Kasper (the previous Gm) and Wayne rooney was never meant to be a long-term solution for D.c.
technical director Stewart mairs United, which will conduct its third coaching search in three years.
fill the void.
In the coming weeks, United elusive. The only winning streak Because the probe did not
will appoint a general manager, (three games) came in April. The conclude until after the transfer
who will report to chief team was 6-5-6 at home and window closed, United was
executive Levien 4 not to entered Saturday9s finale with unable to replace fountas with
Kasper, who, after 20 years of one victory in 11 matches. another high-end designated
roster oversight, is expected to Shedding its thrifty player.
move into a senior advisory role, reputation, United had one of As the season slipped away,
people familiar with the the highest payrolls in mLS. there were also karmic messages
situation said. Whether that money was spent that maybe the club was going
<We9ve been hard at work wisely is up for debate. The club about things the wrong way.
talking with potential general did not make a lot of noise in the former star playmaker
managers, and when we have summer transfer and trade Luciano Acosta was leading fC
someone in place, part of that window. Cincinnati to the Supporters9
discussion is around: What9s our Nonetheless, <the owners Shield (awarded to the team with
coaching strategy, and what9s our backed me,= rooney said. <I got the most regular season points)
player recruitment strategy?= pretty much what I wanted. of and making the top case for mVP
Levien said in an interview late course, you always want more, honors.
Saturday. <How are we going to but no complaints.= Ben olsen, a celebrated
build a culture that is going to He did have to contend with United figure for more than
take us to where we want to go? several roster issues. Starting 20 years as a player and coach,
We9re getting smarter just by winger martín rodríguez tore an guided Houston to the U.S. open
having those discussions, by ACL as the season was about to Cup title and has the Dynamo
talking to different people start. midway through the roaring into the playoffs.
who9ve been successful doing campaign, starting midfielder And finally Saturday, Hernán
this.= Lewis o9Brien returned to Losada 4 olsen9s successor and
With a brilliant soccer mind, England when his loan from rooney9s predecessor who was
rooney made United smarter. Nottingham forest expired. abruptly fired early in his second
He mentored young players and Icelandic defender Victor season 4 coached montreal to a
brought structure to a team that Palsson sought a midseason victory over Portland that ended
had lost its way. He is an move back to Europe. D.C.9s playoff hopes.
inexperienced coach, though, And in the biggest setback, the United now enters yet another
and some of his decisions were club terminated star forward long offseason, four months to
called into question. He was a Taxi fountas9s contract late in not only prepare for 2024 but to
work in progress, just as the club the summer after a second set a course for sustained
as a whole seemed to be. league investigation into the satisfaction instead of fleeting
Positive results remained alleged use of racial slurs. buzz.

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