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Paleopathology of Children
To Charlotte and Keith, for showing the way.
Paleopathology of Children
Identification of Pathological Conditions in the
Human Skeletal Remains of Non-Adults

Mary Lewis
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Acknowledgments xi

1. Biology and Significance of the Nonadult Skeleton

Introduction 1
Skeletal Development and Ossification 3
Intramembranous Ossification 3
Endochondral Ossification 3
Bone Formation and Remodeling 4
Pattern and Timing of Ossification 5
Immune System Development 5
Immunity in the Newborn 5
Immunity in the Child 6
Immunity in the Adolescent 6
Exploring Immunodeficiency in Bioarchaeology 7
Factors in Pediatric Paleopathology 8
Themes in Child Paleopathology 8
Hidden Heterogeneity of Frailty and Selective Mortality 8
Measuring Specificity 9
A “Slew” of Possibles: Methodological Rigor, Transparency, and Objectivity 10
Differential Diagnosis 10
Comorbidity and Cooccurrence 11
References 12

2. Congenital Conditions I: Anomalies

Introduction 17
Cranium 19
Premature Cranial Suture Closure 20
Congenital Deafness (Aural Stenosis and Aural Atresia) 28
Spine 29
Congenital Lordosis, Kyphosis, and Scoliosis 29
Occipitalization (Atlantooccipital Fusion) 29
Lumbarization and Sacralization 30
Sagittal Clefting 30
Cleft Neural Arches 31

vi Contents

Thorax 32
Supernumerary Ribs 32
Bifid Ribs, Costal Fusion 33
Extremities 33
Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot) 33
Radioulnar Synostosis 33
Polydactyly and Syndactyly 34
Neural Tube Defects 34
Congenital Herniation (Dystrophism) 34
Cleft Palate 37
Spina Bifida 39
References 40

3. Congenital Conditions II: Skeletal Dysplasias and Other Syndromes

Introduction 45
Skeletal Dysplasias 46
Thanatophoric Dwarfism 48
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and Congenital Hip Dislocation 49
Metaphyseal Dysplasia (Pyle’s Disease) 52
Fibrous Dysplasia 53
Congenital Syndromes 53
Binder Syndrome (Maxillonasal Dysplasia) 53
Klippel–Feil Syndrome 55
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) and Other Aneuploid Conditions 57
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 60
Osteopetrosis (Osteosclerosis Fragilis) 61
Cerebral Palsy 63
References 64

4. Dental Disease, Defects, and Variations in Dental Morphology

Introduction 67
Dental Caries 68
Dental Calculus 76
Periapical Cavitation 77
Periodontal Disease (Periodontitis) 77
Antemortem Tooth Loss 78
Dental Anomalies 79
Hyperdontia (Supernumerary Teeth) 80
Natal and Neonatal Teeth 80
Dental Fusion 81
Macrodontia and Microdontia 83
Talon Cusps 83
Dental Trauma 83
Dental Modification 84
Contents vii

Disruption in Dental Development 84

Dental Enamel Hypoplasia 84
Turner’s and Skinner’s Teeth 85
References 86

5. Trauma and Treatment

Introduction 91
Principles of Pediatric Trauma 92
Greenstick Fractures 92
Plastic Deformation 93
Buckle Fractures 94
Physeal Fractures 94
Long Bone Fractures 96
Complications Specific to Child Trauma 96
Premature Fusion 96
Fragment Overlap 97
Healing 98
Identifying Postcranial Injuries 100
Cortical Striations 102
Cranial Fractures 102
Facial Fractures 103
Spinal Injuries 104
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis 106
Clay-Shoveler’s Fractures 107
Rib Fractures 108
Age-Related Injuries 108
Birth Trauma 108
Erb’s and Klumph’s Palsy (Congenital Brachial Palsy) 109
Toddler’s Fractures 110
Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans 110
Slipped Femoral Epiphysis 111
Other Forms of Trauma 112
Myositis Ossificans Traumatica (Heterotrophic
Treatment: Autopsies and Surgical Intervention 115
Themes in the Study of Child Trauma 117
Violence Associated With Extreme Cultural Conflict 117
Culturally Sanctioned Ritual Violence 118
Caregiver-Induced Violence and Neglect 119
Activity-Induced Injuries 121
Structural Violence 122
References 123

6. Infectious Diseases I: Infections of Nonspecific Origin

Introduction 131
Subperiosteal New Bone Formation 131
viii Contents

Infective Osteitis 133

Osteomyelitis 134
Infantile Osteomyelitis 136
Brodie’s Abscess 136
Spinal Osteomyelitis 137
Chronic Sinusitis 137
Otitis Media and Mastoiditis 140
Endocranial Lesions 141
Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis 145
References 147

7. Infectious Diseases II: Infections of Specific Origin

Smallpox (Osteomyelitis Variolosa) 151
Rubella 152
Poliomyelitis 153
Tuberculosis 155
Long Bones 161
Hands and Feet 162
Leprosy 164
Infantile Leprosy 164
Pathogenesis in Children 166
Nerve Damage 167
Skeletal Manifestations 167
Treponemal Diseases 172
Endemic Syphilis (Bejel, Treponarid) 176
Congenital Syphilis 176
References 185

8. Hemopoietic and Metabolic Disorders

Hemopoietic Disorders 193
Cribra Orbitalia, Porotic Hyperostosis, and the
“Cribrous Syndrome” 194
Sickle Cell Anemia 203
Hemophilia A and B 207
Metabolic Disorders 209
Rickets and Osteomalacia (Vitamin D Deficiency) 209
Infantile Scurvy (Vitamin C Deficiency) 213
Comorbidity and Cooccurrence in Rickets and Scurvy 218
References 218
Contents ix

9. Neoplastic Disease, Tumors, and Tumor-Like Lesions

Introduction 225
Classification of Lesions and Terminology 226
Recognition of Tumors 226
Benign Primary Tumors 230
Osteoid Osteoma 230
Osteoblastoma (Codman’s Tumor) 230
Giant-Cell Tumor (Osteoclastoma) 231
Hereditary Multiple Osteochondromas 232
Chondromas and Ollier’s Disease 232
Chondromyxoid Fibroma 234
Desmoid Fibroma (Desmoplastic Fibroma) 234
Fibrous Cortical Defects 234
Nonossifying Fibroma 235
Osteofibrous Dysplasia 235
Bone Cysts 236
Unicameral (Solitary) Bone Cyst 236
Aneurismal Bone Cyst 236
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis 236
Eosinophilic Granuloma 238
Hand–Schüller–Christian Disease 238
Letterer–Siwe Disease 239
Malignant Primary Tumors 240
Osteosarcoma (Osteogenic Sarcoma) 240
Ewing’s Sarcoma 240
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 242
References 242

10. Juvenile Arthropathies, Circulatory, and Endocrine Disorders

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 245
Systemic Arthritis 247
Seronegative Idiopathic Arthritis 248
Juvenile-Onset Adult-Type Rheumatoid Arthritis 249
Juvenile-Onset Ankylosing Spondylitis 250
Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis 250
Hemophilic Arthritis 252
Schmorl’s Nodes 252
Circulatory Disorders 252
Osgood–Schlatter Disease 254
Blount’s Disease (Tibia Vara) 255
Legg–Calvé–Perthes’ Disease 255
Scheuermann’s Disease (Juvenile kyphosis, Spinal Osteochondrosis) 256
Endocrine Disturbances258
Hypopituitarism (Pituitary Dwarfism) 259
Hyperpituitarism (Pituitary Gigantism, Acromegaly) 259
Hypothyroidism (Myxedema) 260
Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis) 261
Cushing’s Disease 261
x Contents

References 263

11. Miscellaneous Conditions

Infantile Cranial Lacunae 267
Cranial Modification 267
Anteroposterior Deformation 268
Circumferential or Circular Deformation 268
Juvenile Paget’s Disease (Infantile Hereditary Hyperphosphasia, Hyperostosis Corticalis Deformans) 269
Phossy Jaw 269
Bladder Stone Disease 270
Lead Poisoning 271
Transverse Lines in Bone 271
Harris Lines 271
Lead Lines 272
Bismuth Lines 273
Metaphyseal Bands of Leukemia 273
Scurvy Line 273
Healing and Healed Rickets 273
Osteopathia Striata 274
Bone Length Discrepancy 274
Fluctuating and Directional Asymmetry 274
Pathological Asymmetry 275
References 278

Index 283

I am indebted to my friends and colleagues from around the world for their unwaveringly generosity in providing their
expertise, photographs, publications, unpublished data, assistance, access to collections, and permission to include images
of their wonderful cases. I have been sent many examples of child skeletal pathology over the years, and while not every
remarkable child made it into this book, they remain in the archive and are not forgotten.
I thank Jelena Beklavac and Richard Dabb (Museum of London Archaeology), Robert Kruszynski (The Natural
History Museum, London), Daniel Antoine (The British Museum), Jason L. King (CAA Archeology, Kampville),
and Simon Roffey (University of Winchester) for granting permission to include images of the individuals that they
curate. I thank Sarah Lucas (University of Reading) for creating Fig. 2.1, and Louise Loe (Oxford Archaeology),
Rebecca Gowland (Durham University), Maria Liston (University of Waterloo), and Petra Verlinden (University of
Sheffield) who all generously took the time to rephotograph their skeletons for inclusion in the book. Petra also con-
tributed her great expertise by coauthoring the trauma chapter. I had a very enjoyable day at the British Museum pho-
tographing the child with osteogenesis imperfecta, and I am grateful to Daniel Antoine for all his help and expertise.
So many other colleagues have provided tremendous support in responding to my (sometimes endless) queries and
sharing their cases and images: Anne Rohnbogner, Ceri Falys, Elsa Tomasto-Cagigao, Fiona Shapland, Judith Arnett,
Sharon Clough, Caroline Arcini, Nancy Tayles, Corinne Duhig, Charlotte Roberts, Jane Buikstra, Katie Tucker,
Joël Blondiaux, Simon Hillson, Alan Ogden, Malin Holst, Handan Üstündag, Gaynor Western, Jelena Beklavac,
and Rebecca Redfern. Every effort has been made to acknowledge copyright holders, but in the few cases where
this has not been possible, any omissions brought to my attention will be remedied in any future editions. Thanks
also go to Joslyn Paguio and all the team at Elsevier for their good natured, but firm nudging and help pulling
everything together.
As always I am thankful for my friends and colleagues in the Department of Archaeology at the University of
Reading. They provide such a stimulating place to work and have allowed me the time and moral support needed to
finish this book. It was sorely needed when I broke my right wrist 2 months before the deadline! Finally, I am grateful
to my friends and family for their continued interest, encouragement, and endless glasses of wine! And to Jack, for
the walks.

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Chapter 1

Biology and Significance of the Nonadult

Chapter Outline
Introduction1 Factors in Pediatric Paleopathology 8
Skeletal Development and Ossification 3 Themes in Child Paleopathology 8
Intramembranous Ossification 3 Hidden Heterogeneity of Frailty and Selective Mortality 8
Endochondral Ossification 3 Measuring Specificity 9
Bone Formation and Remodeling 4 A “Slew” of Possibles: Methodological Rigor, Transparency,
Pattern and Timing of Ossification 5 and Objectivity 10
Immune System Development 5 Differential Diagnosis 10
Immunity in the Newborn 5 Comorbidity and Cooccurrence 11
Immunity in the Child 6 References12
Immunity in the Adolescent 6
Exploring Immunodeficiency in Bioarchaeology 7
The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease

their wider surroundings they are exposed to new physical

INTRODUCTION hazards and pathogens (Halcrow and Tayles, 2011; Kamp,
A child's skeleton carries a wealth of information about 2006), and these risks increase as they enter adolescence
their physical and social life; from their birth, growth and (Lewis et al., 2015). Hence, our understanding of disease
development, diet and age at death, to the social and eco- and trauma in a child in the past must also be informed
nomic factors that exposed them to trauma and disease at by their physical age and transforming social identity that
different stages of their brief lives. Cultural attitudes dic- influenced their freedoms and experience of risk.
tated where and how infants and children were buried, when Early reports of pathological lesions in children's skel-
they assumed their gender identity, if they were sacrificed or etal remains are rare, perhaps due to a previous misconcep-
exposed to physical abuse, and at what age they were set to tion that these individuals would have died too soon for
work or considered adults. As vulnerable members of a society lesions of chronic disease to be expressed on their skeleton.
who are wholly dependent on the care of others, understand- Child paleopathology had a few early pioneers. The earliest
ing the survival of infants has the potential to provide an report of pathology in a child from an archeological context
accurate measure of a population’s ability to adapt to their was by Shattock (1905) who identified bladder stones in a
particular environmental circumstances (Mensforth et al., 16-year-old and an “adolescent male” from Egypt. In 1915,
1978). Children have emerged as important social actors Bolk examined premature cranial suture closure in nonadult
in the past, contributing to material culture and influencing skulls from a cemetery in Amsterdam, while Derry (1938)
the archeological record (Baxter, 2006, 2008), and we are described tuberculosis in a 9-year-old. Williams et al.
increasingly aware of their importance to our understand- (1941) suggested multiple myeloma for the lytic lesions
ing of past society, culture, and the life lived (Halcrow and present in a 10-year-old from 13th-century Rochester, New
Tayles, 2011). A child's genetic inheritance may determine York, and 10 years later, Stewart and Spoehr (1951) argued
their level of frailty and susceptibility to disease and death, for the presence of yaws in a 14-year-old from Malaysia.
but their health is profoundly influenced by overlapping and This case still remains as one of the few examples of yaws
interconnected socioeconomic layers, comprising their fam- in the paleopathological literature. In England, Brothwell
ily, immediate social environment, and cultural norms that (1958) identified leprosy in an isolated child skull from
dictate their lives (World Health Organisation, 1993) (Fig. medieval Scarborough Castle, and Wells (1961) described
1.1). As children age and begin to interact with their peers and the first case of Scheuermann’s disease in paleopathology in

Paleopathology of Children. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-410402-0.00001-1

Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1
2 Paleopathology of Children

FIGURE 1.1 Overlapping and interconnected socioeconomic factors that influence children's health and their lived experience. After the World Health
Organisation, 1993. The Health of Young People. A Challenge and a Promise. WHO, Geneva, p. 3.

the spine of a 16-year-old female from Bronze Age Dorset. Lewis, 2015; Wheeler et al., 2013), tuberculosis (Lewis,
Brothwell (1960) continued to highlight the importance of 2011; Santos and Roberts, 2001), mercury treatment in syph-
examining nonadult skeletons adding a potential case of ilis (Ioannou et al., 2015), anemia, rickets, scurvy (Brickley
Down syndrome to his body of research. In the 1970s, stud- and Ives, 2008; Stark, 2014; Zuckerman et al., 2014), and
ies that focused on dental disease (Lunt, 1972; Moore and upper respiratory tract infections (Krenz-Niedbała and
Corbett, 1973, 1975, 1976) and physiological stress indi- Łukasik, 2016a,b), while dental disease is now receiving
cators demonstrated the potential of population analysis much more detailed attention (Halcrow et al., 2013). Scurvy
over individual case studies for understanding child health is perhaps the most commonly reported child disease in
(Cook and Buikstra, 1979; Mensforth et al., 1978; Mulinski, the paleopathological literature. Initially, only reported
1976). A series of articles by Ortner et al. (Ortner and as isolated cases, it has become recognized as a powerful
Utermohle, 1981; Ortner, 1984; Ortner and Hunter, 1981) tool in understanding issues surrounding food shortages,
highlighted juvenile arthritis, osteomyelitis, and scurvy, weaning practices, subsistence transitions, social control
while Hinkes (1983), Hummert (1983), and Storey (1986) and marginalization, genetic susceptibility, and the coex-
carried out the first large-scale studies that concentrated on istence of cancer and gastrointestinal diseases (Bourbou,
the health of children from the Grasshopper Pueblo, Sudan, 2014; Buckley, 2014; Crandall, 2014; Halcrow et al., 2014;
and Mexico, respectively. At the same time, Schultz (1984) Lewis, 2010). Reflecting advances in adult paleopathology,
began extensive research into the histological evidence for the identification of diseases in a child’s remains through
disease in prehistoric child samples from numerous sites the use of ancient deoxyribonucleic acid (aDNA) analysis is
across Europe. By the late 1990s studies of nonadult paleo- also on the increase (Dabernat and Crubézy, 2010; Montiel
pathology had become more commonplace, and today the et al., 2012; Pálfi et al., 2000; Rubini et al., 2014).
discipline has fully matured. Our analysis has gone beyond Despite the rising popularity of nonadult paleopathology,
simple identification to a more nuanced approach to the there are still challenges. Many pertain to the nature of grow-
investigation of comorbidity and cooccurrence of disease ing bone. For example, rickets appears readily as large quan-
in childhood (Crandall and Klaus, 2014; Schattmann et al., tities of structurally inferior new bone are rapidly deposited
2016; Snoddy et al., 2016) and the role children play in our at the growth plate, while in mature bone a slower rate of
understanding of sacrifice, caregiving, and violence in the turnover means lesions take much longer to appear and are
past (Crandall et al., 2012; Kato et al., 2007; Klaus, 2014a; more subtle (Brickley et al., 2005). Conversely, accelerated
Mays, 2014). Advances have been made in the identification growth then allows the inferior bone to be quickly replaced
of accidental and nonaccidental trauma (Verlinden and by normal tissue as the minerals needed for normal bone
Biology and Significance of the Nonadult Skeleton Chapter | 1 3

formation are once again received, causing both the mac-

roscopic and radiographic signs of the disease to disappear
from the skeleton within months (Harris, 1933). The highly
plastic nature of children’s bones means that they are less
prone to complete fracture, but instead suffer partial breaks
(greenstick fractures), buckling or bowing deformities that
are hard to identify in dry bone (Lewis, 2000, 2007, 2014).
We are still unable to effectively distinguish between new
bone formation as the result of infection or trauma, from that
which forms as part of the normal growth process in young
children, often hindering our ability to explore such pathol-
ogy in children younger than 4 years of age. In addition, the
utility of subperiosteal new bone as an indicator of general
physiological stress has been called into question (Weston,
2012; but see Klaus, 2014b). To accurately diagnose patho-
logical conditions on a child’s remains, it is crucial to have
a comprehensive understanding of growth and development; FIGURE 1.2 Development of the skull with solid black areas at the base
the differences between adult and pediatric bones, or child of the skull forming endochondrally and hatched areas showing the spread
and adolescent skeletons; and the different responses each of spicules from a center of ossification within connective tissue. From
Sadler, T., 2012. Langman’s Medical Embryology. Lippincott: Williams &
age group has to disease and trauma.
Wilkins, London, p. 134.


1998). Bone is deposited in irregular concentric layers com-
OSSIFICATION posed of woven bone. At birth the cranial vault has one layer,
During early embryonic development there are three pri- with the inner and outer lamina (tables) and inner diploë
mary germ layers from which all of the structures of the not clearly defined until the 4th year (Steiniche and Hauge,
body develop: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. 2003). Dimensional growth of the cranial vault is achieved at
The outer layer (or ectoderm) gives rise to the hair, nails, the sutures. By the 2nd year of life, the bones of the sutures
and skin; the inner layer (endoderm) is responsible for the have interlocked and growth continues by bone absorption
development of the digestive tract and respiratory systems. and deposition at the skull tables (Feik and Glover, 1998).
The mesoderm condenses to form the mesenchyme or The development of the rest of the skull occurs through
embryonic connective tissue from which the bones, carti- both endochondral ossification (mandible, cranial base) and
lage, muscles, and circulatory system arise around the 12th a combination of endochondral and intramembranous ossi-
week of gestation (Humphries, 2011). Cells arising from the fication (temporal, sphenoid, occipital) (Humphries, 2011).
mesenchyme migrate to specific locations from where ossi- Understanding the pattern and timing of cranial vault devel-
fication (osteogenesis) of bones of the skeleton will begin. opment is crucial for the interpretation of the appearance of
Osteogenesis occurs through both intramembranous (within dry bone when considering the presence of possible endocra-
membrane) and endochondral (from cartilage) ossification. nial lesions in infants and young children (Fig. 1.2).

Intramembranous Ossification Endochondral Ossification

The flat bones of the skull (frontal, parietal), clavicle, and The cartilage template on which endochondral ossification
maxilla form within a thickened connective membrane in a occurs is produced by the chondrification of other mes-
process referred to as intramembranous ossification. Cells enchyme cells, which separate into fibroblasts and chon-
arising from the mesenchyme differentiate into osteoblasts droblasts. The cartilage template develops through both
producing a network of spicules (trabecule) around which interstitial and appositional growth. Appositional growth
collagen fibers are deposited on condensed vascular connec- occurs where layer after layer of cartilage is deposited on the
tive tissue (Humphries, 2011; Steiniche and Hauge, 2003). perichondrium (the precursor to the periosteum) that lines the
The membrane is directly ossified by osteoblasts without the outer surface of the model (Humphries, 2011). Multifocal or
need for a cartilage precursor, allowing for the accelerated interstitial growth occurs as the template’s central cells swell
bone formation necessary to accommodate the rapidly grow- and blood vessels form to produce the primary center of ossi-
ing brain, which achieves 50% of its weight by the end of fication contained within a collar of bone. Osteoblasts are
the first year. Growth gradually slows until around 7 years released and begin to deposit osteoid (the precursor to min-
when the skull reaches its adult dimensions (Feik and Glover, eralized bone) to form the bone shaft or diaphysis (Steiniche
4 Paleopathology of Children

FIGURE 1.3 Endochondral development of a long bone. (A) Embryonic cartilage model. (B) Initiation of formation of the primary center of ossification
at the center of the cartilage model, with chondrocyte hypertrophy and vascular invasion. (C) Primary center of ossification is established. (D) Secondary
centers of ossification (epiphyses) appear and are separated from the primary center of ossification by the growth plate. (E) In the adult, the growth plate
has been consumed and the epiphyses have fused to the diaphysis ending longitudinal growth. After Mackie, E., Ahmed, Y., Tatarczuch, L., Chen, K.,
Mirams, M., 2008. Endochondral ossification: how cartilage is converted into bone in the developing skeleton. The International Journal of Biochemistry
& Cell Biology 40, 46–62, p. 48.

and Hauge, 2003). This process continues along the template, single nucleated cells that synthesize alkaline phosphate and
while blood vessels form at the end of the model to produce a regulate the deposition of the bone matrix molecules, includ-
secondary center of ossification, or epiphysis (Fig. 1.3). The ing type 1 collagen and a variety of proteins (Walsh et al.,
growing end of the shaft (or metaphysis) and epiphyses are 2003). Once surrounded by a mineralized bone matrix they
separated by a zone of cartilage known as the growth plate are considered osteocytes (bone maintainers). Despite their
(or physis) allowing the bone to increase in length. This plate isolated location within fluid spaces or lacunae, osteocytes
varies in thickness throughout the growth period, until it is continue to communicate with each other via canaliculi that
eventually consumed by bone and the epiphyses fuse mark- connect the lacunae. Osteoclasts (bone absorbers) are hema-
ing the end of bone growth (Humphries, 2011). topoietic in origin and are multinucleated cells around 10
Endochondral growth at the growth plate is achieved by times larger and less numerous than osteoblasts. They secrete
the construction of an extracellular matrix through a prolifer- protons and hydrolyses that degrade the organic and inorganic
ation of chondrocytes organized in zones. The zone furthest constituents of the bone tissue (Walsh et al., 2003). Bone
away from ossification is occupied by resting chondrocytes, can be divided into two distinct types: woven and lamellar
adjacent to which are hypertrophied chondrocytes, which bone. Woven or immature bone (also known as fiber bone) is
deposit the matrix and eventually become flattened and die. arranged randomly in a meshwork pattern, whereas lamellar
The matrix is then invaded by blood vessels, bone marrow or mature bone is organized in parallel sheets or lamellae.
cells, osteoclasts, and osteoblasts, with the latter depositing Woven bone is formed during rapid bone formation such as
osteoid onto the matrix. Endochondral growth is regulated during the growth and development of perinates and infants
by the growth hormone and thyroid hormone (Mackie et al., (Ortner, 2003). After 4 years of age the main bone depos-
2008). In the child, vitamin D deficiency disrupts the qual- ited is lamellar bone (Steiniche and Hauge, 2003), and any
ity of new bone deposition at both the endochondral and additional woven bone may be seen as part of a pathologi-
intramembranous sites, resulting in a combination of rickets cal process (Ortner, 2003). Throughout the growth process
and osteomalacia, respectively (Pettifor and Daniels, 1997). an increase in the diameter of the bone, or “bone modeling,”
occurs as new bone is deposited on the external (periosteal)
surface of the shaft by osteoblasts, which line the inner layer
Bone Formation and Remodeling of the periosteum. Funnelization, or the process by which the
Osteoblasts (bone formers) are the main cells responsible for diaphysis remains tapered and the metaphysis flared, occurs
bone development and remodeling (Marks, 1979). They are with resorption under the periosteum producing a porous or
Biology and Significance of the Nonadult Skeleton Chapter | 1 5

“cutback zone.” At the same time, bone is removed on the as spina bifida, Klippel–Feil syndrome, or aplasia of the
internal (endosteal) surface of the shaft to maintain the pro- odontoid process, before 12 or 15 years of age.
portions of the medullary cavity (Schönau and Rauch, 2003).
Skeletal growth is accelerated up to 37 weeks of gesta- IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT
tion and then after birth, with bone turnover rates higher
in premature babies than full-term infants (Mora et al., The main organs involved in the production of cells respon-
2003). Bone tissue continues to be removed and replaced sible for the human immune system are the bone marrow,
throughout life in a process known as “bone remodeling” thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes (Abbas et al., 2014). The
(Frost, 1964), producing more numerous and intercut- cells of the immune system are derived from stem cells that
ting Haversian systems (or osteons) as the bone ages. In originate from the fetal liver and bone marrow. Immune
healthy children, the amount of bone added and removed cells signal each other through cell surface molecules and
is perfectly balanced, but when this equilibrium is dis- soluble messengers (cytokines, chemokines, and interleu-
rupted, the features indicative of bone pathology (e.g., kins). When pathogens breach the body’s barrier defenses
hypertrophic or atrophic bone) become evident. Normal (i.e., skin and mucosa), it reacts in two ways, through
bone development is not only dependent on a normal innate and then adaptive immunity. Both mechanisms
nutritional and endocrinal environment, but on normal have a humoral and cellular response to a pathogen. Innate
muscular activity. In the child, muscles are attached to the immunity describes mechanisms that exist before infection.
periosteum rather than the bone itself, and loss of muscle It comprises physical barriers such as the skin, and anti-
pull causes the normally relaxed periosteum to become microbial substances produced by the epithelial surfaces;
tightly bound to the cortex with a loss of osteogenic activ- phagocytic cells (neutrophils, macrophages) and natural
ity, eventually causing hypotrophy (atrophy) of the bone. killer cells, blood proteins, and cytokines that regulate and
Epiphyseal activity due to effects on the cartilage in dis- coordinate the other cells of innate immunity (Abbas et al.,
use may also cause a loss in bone length during paralysis 2014). Innate immunity is mainly concerned with contain-
(Ring, 1961). ing microbes on first contact, while adaptive immunity
is involved in the final clearance of the invader from the
body (Goenka and Kollmann, 2015). The adaptive immune
Pattern and Timing of Ossification response is characterized by its ability to build an immuno-
The number of bones in the nonadult range from 156 to logical memory for a particular microbe that, while caus-
450, as ossification centers appear and fuse (e.g., 156 at ing an initial delay in the immune response, leads to more
birth and 332 at age of 6 years) compared to 206 in the rapid and enhanced responses to the microbe on each rein-
adult (Lewis, 2007:26). Almost all of the primary ossifica- fection (Cant et al., 2008). For this reason it is also known
tion centers are present between 7 and 12 weeks in utero, as acquired or specific immunity (Abbas et al., 2014). The
with the secondary ossification centers appearing over a adaptive immune response is controlled by T and B lym-
much longer period from birth to puberty. The skeletal ele- phocytes producing T-receptor cells and microbe targets or
ments ossify from “head to tail” in the axial skeleton and antigens (Abbas et al., 2014; Cant et al., 2008). Humoral
from proximal to distal in the appendicular skeleton. The immunity is mediated by molecules in the blood or antibod-
clavicle is the first bone to ossify followed by the mandible ies, which are immunoglobins produced by B lymphocytes
and maxilla, which stimulate the development of the dental in the bone marrow. Antibodies recognize the microbial
follicles (Long, 2012; Retrouvey et al., 2012). Humphrey antigens and neutralize the infectivity of the microbe. They
(1998) demonstrated that in the growing skeleton, the cra- are highly specialized and in turn activate other immune
nium is the earliest to reach adult proportions and starts mechanisms, with some activating phagocytic cells and
with an increase in frontal breadth, ending in the mandible other inflammatory mediators (or mast cells) from leuko-
and mastoid process. Long bone diameters reach adult cytes. The most dominant types of antibody are IgM, IgA,
proportions last, with long bone length being followed by and IgG, followed by IgD and IgE (Abbas et al., 2014).
the completion of growth in the pelvis, scapula, and clavi-
cle. Later growing bones are more sexually dimorphic than
Immunity in the Newborn
the earlier growing elements, with males growing faster
and for longer during puberty. This allows for males, who While the form of immunity induced by exposure to foreign
previously lag behind the females, not only to catch up in antigens is known as active immunity, passive immunity
size but to overtake the females at the end of the adoles- describes the transfer of lymphocytes from an immunized
cent growth spurt (Humphrey, 1998). Careful attention to individual to another unexposed individual, such as from
the timing and fusion of the epiphyses is essential, and a mother to her child. During the critical few months of a
in younger skeletons an unfused neural arch, sacral lami- newborns’ life they move from a sterile uterine environment
nae, or dens “epiphysis” (ossiculum terminale) may hin- to one teeming with new pathogens for which they have
der diagnosis of congenital or traumatic conditions such no acquired immunity, meaning they are at unprecedented
6 Paleopathology of Children

risk of infection and death (Goenka and Kollmann, 2015). birth, while macrophages are the first and neutrophils are
Mothers provide protection in the form of transplacen- the last cells to appear in the blood during fetal life (Holt
tal antibodies, antiinfective factors in amniotic fluid, and and Jones, 2000). Neutrophils are short-lived cells that die
through colostrum (the thicker and yellowish ‘first milk’) soon after phagocytosis becoming a major component of
and breast milk enabling newborns to fight infections pus. Macrophages by contrast are more robust and form an
before he/she has the ability to create their own antibod- important front line of defense against infection (Janeway
ies (Palmeira and Carneiro-Sampaio, 2016). It is the IgG et al., 1997).
molecules that cross the placenta in large numbers and
provide a high degree of passive immunity to the newborn Immunity in the Child
(Abbas et al., 2014; Janeway et al., 1997). Depending on
the mother’s previous exposure, IgG can protect the new- Childhood immunity is defined as the period from 2 years
born against infections such as tetanus, diphtheria, rubella, to the start of gonadal steroid production that precedes
mumps, and measles (Hoshower, 1994). Antibodies have a the onset of puberty (McDade, 2003). From two years,
half life of 21 days and maternal antibodies transferred to breast milk cannot supply the immunological resistance
the child during the last month of pregnancy may still be needed and passive immunity is no longer effective, mean-
present 3 months after birth. Secretory IgA antibodies are ing children now need to rely on their own immunological
present in large amounts in colostrum (released for 2–5 days defenses (McDade, 2003). This may explain why mortal-
postpartum) and breast milk, which along with other bio- ity rates between the ages of 1 and 5 years, while lower
active factors provide protection against infections without than for the infant, are five times higher than in an adult,
causing inflammation, while also supporting the child’s and by 5–15 years mortality rates are twice as high as they
developing mucosal system in the digestive and respiratory are in adulthood. T and B lymphocytes steadily decline in
tract (Palmeira and Carneiro-Sampaio, 2016). IgA antibod- comparison to their number at infancy, while lymphocytes
ies are absorbed through the mucosa of the urinary tract, bearing memory cell markers increase as children are exposed
rather than the gut (Newman, 1995), and compensate for to an ever increasing number of pathogens in their
the minimal production of secretory antibodies by the new- environment. Studies have shown that high-pathogen loads
born in the first 6 months of life (Palmeira and Carneiro- put a strain on the body’s resources as the activation of the
Sampaio, 2016). Breast milk has been demonstrated to immune system is compromised in favor of optimal growth.
provide protection against acute diarrhea, respiratory tract However, in those with better nutritional resources, this
infections, otitis media, neonatal septicemia, Escherichia trade-off is less apparent (McDade, 2003).
coli, streptococci, Salmonella, and viral infections such as
poliomyelitis (Hoshower, 1994). Studies have also shown
Immunity in the Adolescent
that the milk of mothers with preterm babies contains
higher concentrations on immune proteins than full-term With an increase in demands for resources during the puber-
milk (Trend et al., 2016). Long term, breast feeding lowers tal growth spurt, the trade-off between the immune system
the risk of childhood tumors and in later life, diabetes, rheu- and physiological development becomes more apparent
matoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and obesity (Palmeira and with mortality from infection increasing to 2.5 times that
Carneiro-Sampaio, 2016). of late childhood (McDade, 2003). The influence of the
In the face of bacterial invasion, the innate neonatal sex hormones on the immune system is demonstrated by
immune system will respond by releasing phagocytes and the types of diseases that reveal themselves, with females
antigen presenting cells, with additional protection pro- more prone to autoimmune diseases and males more likely
vided by maternal antigens. This is normally an effective to experience chronic inflammatory disease and infections
response to infection, but in the neonate an immature reg- (Bupp, 2015). Stini (1985, p. 213) argued that the difference
ulatory response can cause a fatal buildup of proinflam- in immune system capability between males and females
matory cytokines causing septic shock and multiple organ arises during adolescence as female bodies prepare for
failure. A gradual maturation of the antigen response pregnancy. Androgens and estrogens have different moder-
to produce specific antigens is only seen after 2 years ating effects on the immune system, with testosterone being
(McKintosh and Stenson, 2008). While these complicat- more immunosuppressive, and estrogen causing suppressed
ing factors associated with an immature immune system cell-mediated immunity coupled with advanced B lympho-
will be increased in preterm children, there is evidence cyte activity and antibody production (McDade, 2003). As
that they will develop more robust immune systems earlier a result, adolescents are increasingly susceptible to chronic
than their full-term counterparts (McKintosh and Stenson, infections such as tuberculosis and leprosy, with other
2008). Fetuses and newborns also have a limited ability infections appearing due to their tendency of exposure to a
to mount a cellular immune response compared to adults. riskier lifestyle through experimentation with sex and drugs
Granulocytes do not form in large numbers until after (Lewis et al., 2015). The influence of the sex hormones
Biology and Significance of the Nonadult Skeleton Chapter | 1 7

on cellular and hormonal immune response may explain alter gene expression. Humans are plastic during their
why at puberty, adolescents develop adult-type tuberculo- development and an adverse environment can affect the
sis, which is no longer contained, but attacked increasing body structure and the function of different systems at
the risk of the mycobacteria being released into the blood- critical periods of growth in utero (Barker, 2012). As the
stream (Marais et al., 2005). The health of a pregnant ado- developing fetus thrives on maternal stores of protein and
lescent female has a direct influence on the fetus and hence fat in tissue laid down before pregnancy, the nutritional
the next generation. For example, fetal growth impairment health of the mother at conception is vital. This nutritional
which is more common in pregnant women under the age of status at the time of conception and throughout preg-
18 years, has been shown to predispose the child to diabetes nancy affects the growth trajectory of the fetus. Dietary
in later life (Sawyer et al., 2012). improvements result in faster fetal growth, particularly in
males, suggesting they are more sensitive to environmen-
tal stressors than females (Barker, 2012). As females are
Exploring Immunodeficiency in
born with all the ovum they will ever release, the quality of
Bioarchaeology these eggs is a reflection of their mother’s maternal nutri-
A normally functioning cortex is essential to the immune tional state (Barker, 2012), and hence the damaging effect
system, as it is essential for the production of sufficient of poor nutrition is transferred from generation to gen-
helper, effector, and killer cells by the T cells that pass eration. The impact of poor maternal nutrition may also
through the cortex (Clark et al., 1986). As bone and neuro- be felt during breastfeeding, leading to stunted growth in
logical growth follow a similar growth trajectory, limi- the young child (Gowland, 2015). Gowland (2015) has
tations in early bone development are likely to reflect criticized our lack of engagement with key concepts of
damage to the neurological and immune systems that phenotypic plasticity that have long held the attention
would leave individuals vulnerable throughout their life. of medical and social sciences. In particular, we have
The relationship between immunity and growth in child- ignored the concept that the health of a given population
hood has been explored in bioarchaeology through tooth cannot be understood simply in terms of their immediate
and vertebral neural canal (VNC) dimensions, and head environment, but that “individual biographies should be
circumference where reduced size has been consis- viewed as nested or ‘imbedded’ within the lives of others”
tently shown to affect adult health (Clark et al., 1986). (Gowland, 2015, p. 530). Epigenetic processes (or gene
Dimensions of the VNC, unlike stature and are not expression) form the basis of phenotypic flexibility that
affected by catch-up growth. Tracking reduced dimen- allows the organism to respond to adverse environmental
sions along the anterior–posterior (AP) and transverse circumstances. While epigenetics may help us to under-
(TR) axis has allowed for a more detailed understand- stand generational responses to stress in the past, there
ing of stress events at ages 6 and 17 years, respectively are two major hurdles identified by Klaus (2014b). First,
(Watts, 2013). Several studies have shown individuals that we cannot see the changes of gene expression at the
with reduced TR and AP neural arch size have a reduced skeletal level or recognize changes on dry bone and sec-
life span (Clark et al., 1986; Watts, 2013). Head circum- ond, that we have yet to understand how genetic flexibility
ference is also vulnerable to stunting due to its relation- impacts specific skeletal phenotypes leading to common
ship with the thalamus gland that also influences the stress indicators such as enamel hypoplasia. Temple’s
function of immature T cells, which migrate from the (2014) study of enamel hypoplasia and longevity in late
bone marrow to the thalamus early in life where they Jomon foragers from Japan may provide one way for us to
become functionally mature (Clark et al., 1986). explore this. He demonstrated that those with earlier form-
ing dental defects had a significantly greater risk of form-
ing later enamel defects and dying younger indicating a
The Developmental Origins of Health and
trade-off between growth and immune competence in later
Disease Hypothesis
life. Gowland (2015) suggests that evidence for growth
More recently bioarchaeologists have begun to engage retardation in those under 3 years of age may provide a
with the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease context for our understanding of adult health in any given
(DOHaD) hypothesis. This stems from Barker’s (2012) sample, with children acting as proxies for their “invis-
assertion that good nutritional health of the mother is cru- ible” mothers (Barker, 2012; Gowland, 2015; Waterland
cial to the prevention of chronic disease in their offspring and Michels, 2007). In addition, perinates may have the
in later life (e.g., coronary heart disease, diabetes, and potential to reveal information about maternal nutritional
breast cancer). For example, individuals with type 2 dia- status through examination of δ15 nitrogen levels, which
betes have been shown to be small for gestational age and are now considered to also reflect an ill or malnourished
grow slowly for the first 2 years after birth. Malnutrition mother, rather than simply providing a breastfeeding sig-
and other stressors during fetal development permanently nal (Beaumont et al., 2015).
8 Paleopathology of Children

FACTORS IN PEDIATRIC PALEOPATHOLOGY The distribution and expression of lesions is further

complicated by a transforming immune system and the
The juvenile skeleton differs from the adult in its biomechan-
gradual replacement of red with yellow bone marrow as
ics, morphology, anatomy, and physiology and is character-
the child ages (Kricun, 1985). This has implications for the
ized by nutritionally dependent rapid growth (Humphries,
expression of hemopoietic disorders such as iron deficiency
2011). There are several key factors that need to be consid-
anemia, the formation of cribra orbitalia, and the hematoge-
ered when assessing skeletal pathology in children. These
nous spread of infections that often accumulate in the joints
make the frequency and nature of disease expression differ-
(Chapter 6). The ready supply of iron not only provides the
ent to that of adults:
perfect environment for bacteria replication, but also means
1. Rapid bone remodeling that hyperemia caused by hypervascularity at the infected
2. Bone plasticity site can result in overgrowth (Trueta, 1959). The recogni-
3. The presence of a cartilaginous growth plate tion of overgrowth or shortening is, however, dependent on
4. A looser, thicker, and more active periosteum the age at which the child is affected. Any difference in one
5. Large amounts of red bone marrow bone compared to the opposite side will only be evident if
there is enough normal longitudinal growth left for these
The implications of rapid bone remodeling on the expres-
discrepancies to emerge (Chapter 11).
sion and repair of pathological conditions have already been
discussed in regard to rickets, with the presence of the car-
tilaginous growth plate increasing the distribution of rick- THEMES IN CHILD PALEOPATHOLOGY
ets lesions in the child (Chapter 8). Young bone is more Hidden Heterogeneity of Frailty and
porous and flexible than mature bone, as sparse Haversian
systems mean that the canals occupy a greater portion of
Selective Mortality
the cortex. Coupled with greater amounts of collagen and Hidden heterogeneity describes the various degrees of sus-
a fluid growth plate, this means nonadult bone can with- ceptibility to disease and death of individuals in any given
stand greater pressure before breaking (Humphries, 2011). population. Frailty, where the individual has a decreased
Fractures are often incomplete (i.e., greenstick, bowed) resistance to stressors, is highly individualistic and unre-
and heal rapidly as fracture lines, calluses, and deformi- lated to age or the presence of chronic disease (Fried et al.,
ties are quickly incorporated into the normal dimensions 2009). An individual’s likelihood to succumb is the result
of the growing bone (Chapter 5). However, the presence of of hidden factors such as genetic predisposition, socioeco-
the vulnerable growth plate (or physis) means that in the nomic status, and microenvironment. As frail individuals
child, the complications of trauma can include premature die more readily, they may be overrepresented within the
epiphyseal fusion, shortening, overgrowth, or joint angula- mortuary sample, dying with higher rates of pathology, or
tion if one area of the growth plate is “tethered” (Verlinden short stature that attests to their lower immune competence
and Lewis, 2015). Whereas after 18 months and before (Wood et al., 1992). Given that bioarchaeologists can only
fusion, the growth plate can provide protection against the normally recognize lesions after an individual has suffered
spread of infection between the epiphysis and metaphysis for some time (i.e., they were strong enough to mount some
(Resnick and Kransdorf, 2005, p. 715). The pediatric peri- resistance or overcome the infection), the idea that lesions
osteum is thicker, stronger, and more biologically active equate to poor health and that no lesions equate to good
than an adult’s due to the need for constant remodeling dur- health is far too simplistic (Siek, 2013). Those interested
ing growth (Wilber and Thompson, 1998). Although more in children wrestle with the fact that biologically they have
firmly attached to the metaphyses through a dense network failed to reach reproductive age, represent the nonsurvivors
of fibers (zone of Ranvier), the periosteum is more loosely in that community, and hence, are potentially all frail. That
attached to the diaphyses. When inflamed through trauma said, Dewitte and Stojanowski (2015) emphasize the impor-
or infection, a child’s periosteum is more likely to be ripped tance of a child’s remains in understanding hidden frailty.
away from large portions of shaft, resulting in widespread They represent a group where ages can be more precisely
hematomas. More numerous and active osteoblasts are then determined, and coupled with the use of multiple stress
more likely to cause bone hypertrophy (Humphries, 2011). indicators they allow the infant, child, and adolescent to be
Conversely, due to this loose connection the periosteum is used to explore the details of frailty and longevity in the
less likely to be torn during a traumatic event allowing for early part of the life course.
tissue continuity and stability for healing (Johnston and Several scholars have cautioned against the belief that
Foster, 2001, p. 29). In the skull, however, the more loosely we are measuring “health” in past populations as opposed to
adhered dura mater in a child is more susceptible to rupture the prevalence of indicators of physiological stress (Temple
(Mack et al., 2009). and Goodman, 2014). Health, in the modern sense, refers
Biology and Significance of the Nonadult Skeleton Chapter | 1 9

to the complete physical, mental, and social well-being of We have the potential to score healing and active rickets and
an individual, not just the absence of disease or infirmity scurvy in nonadult remains, and while degenerative joint
(Reitsema and McIlvaine, 2014). Health may be culturally disease is rare in younger individuals, it has been shown
embedded and this is not easily identified through the analy- to be present in an adolescent’s skeletal remains (Lewis,
sis of human skeletal remains. While it may be beyond our 2016). In children, these lesions may be truncated, but they
reach to measure such a holistic concept as “health,” we are no less useful, and improvements in aDNA sequencing
may be able to explore different levels of frailty within a are enabling us to identify pathogens in individuals where
population and between groups. A measure of frailty that skeletal lesions have not had time to develop (Wright and
can be used to assess an individual’s current functionality Yoder, 2003). Dewitte and Stojanowski (2015) highlight
and susceptibility to future assaults requires the examination the importance of using short-term cemeteries with precise
of multiple stress indicators, rather than a single biomarker chronologies to explore issues of frailty and selectivity,
(Temple and Goodman, 2014). In 2016, Marklein et al. sug- taking a multidisciplinary bioarcheological approach that
gested the use of the “Frailty Index” by which an individu- emphasizes the cultural context and seeks to address, rather
al’s vulnerability to disability, decreased mobility, reduced than to avoid, issues of heterogeneity of frailty.
activity levels, need for long-term care, and mortality could
be measured and compared to others. In modern clinical
Measuring Specificity
medicine the index utilizes up to 70 biomarkers including
hormonal markers that are currently impossible to apply Wright and Chew (1999) explored issues of selective mor-
to skeletal material (Marklein et al., 2016). Physiological tality in rural Guatemala. High levels of porotic hyperos-
stress markers have dual meaning, as they represent both tosis indicative of childhood anemia had been noted in the
a survival of past stress events and indicate ongoing and adult skulls of ancient Mayans and interpreted as suggest-
cumulative stress at the time of death. The use of biomark- ing poor levels of nutrition in the past. Similar high levels of
ers such as osteoporosis or periodontal disease are heavily anemia in modern children from the region, however, were
weighted toward an adult’s remains but many of the markers not reflected in the prevalence of porotic hyperostosis in
proposed in the index are applicable to children, in addition modern adult crania from forensic contexts. This suggested
to several others (i.e., disuse atrophy, see Table 1.1). The that circumstances in the past were more conducive to sur-
use of femoral length per quartile as a measure of stunted vival with childhood anemia than they were in the modern
growth is problematic when scoring children's remains as population. This example highlights the fact that the pres-
they are still growing, but large nonadult samples where den- ence of a lesion does not always infer illness and that the
tal ages will allow comparisons of growth may prove useful. absence of a lesion does not always infer health. Nor is

TABLE 1.1 Frailty Index Measured Through Multiple Indicators of Stress, Revised for Use in a Nonadult’s Remains

Stress Category Frailty Variable Scores and Measurements Frailty Score “1”
Growth Femoral length Length in quadrants Shortest lengths
Enamel hypoplasia Present/absent Present
Nutrition and infection Osteomyelitis Active, healing, absent Active
Subperiosteal new bone Active, healing, absent Active
Periodontal disease Present/absent Present
Cribra orbitalia Active, healing, absent Active
Rickets and osteomalacia Active, healing, absent Active
Scurvy Active, healing, absent Active
Neoplasms Present/absent Present
Activity Osteoarthritis Present/absent Present
Disuse atrophy Present/absent Present
Trauma Fracture Present/absent Present

Adapted from Marklein, K.E., Leahy, R.E., Crews, D.E., 2016. In sickness and in death: assessing frailty in human skeletal remains. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 161 (2), 208–225, p. 5.
10 Paleopathology of Children

there a one-to-one relationship between diseases and their in hypothesis testing, or to adopt methodological advances
corresponding lesions. Individuals vary in their expression relevant to the discipline, resulting in “an obfuscating slew
of a disease, and as our skeletal samples only represent a of ‘possible’ cases” (2016: 381). Following Boldsen and
small cohort of the original living population we cannot take Milner (2012), they highlighted the need for us to advance
lesion frequency in a mortality sample and simply extrapo- the discipline by considering the specificity of each lesion
late that into disease frequency in the living population to the disease in question, ensuring that such lesions do not
from which they were derived (Boldsen, 2001). To explore occur in other conditions. Evidence-based criteria should be
this fully, we need to embrace current concepts of lesion developed by testing the expression of the lesions in a vari-
specificity and host sensitivity; using clinically diagnosed ety of museum-based pathological skeletons with known
individuals and healthy controls from a suitable preantibi- conditions and in healthy individuals (i.e., negative cases)
otic reference population to build a suite of diagnostic cri- (Zuckerman et al., 2016).
teria for the conditions we wish to study (Weston, 2008). Bone has a limited ability to respond to a particular
Boldsen (2001) argues that we should be applying modern stress insult, and in the absence of soft tissue we are left
basic epidemiological concepts to study disease frequency with a defined sequence of changes (Ortner, 2012):
which involves including negative cases, and standardized
a. abnormal bone formation
descriptive terminology, to predict the number of cases we
b. abnormal absence of bone
may expect to manifest certain lesions within a specific dis-
c. abnormal bone size
ease complex.
d. abnormal bone shape
Boldsen and Milner (2012) divide their mortality sam-
ples by (1) sensitivity: individuals who have a particular Our current classification system is complex and rid-
disease and show lesions that can be recognized as diagnos- dled with pitfalls, as a disease may be classed accord-
tic of that disease (true positive) and (2) specificity: a group ing to the cause (e.g., pathogen) or pathogenesis of the
of individuals without the disease who are recognized as disease (Ortner, 2012). For example, joint disease may
being disease free (true negative). As not all people with the be inflammatory in origin and circulatory diseases often
same disease show the same distribution of lesions, not all develop after a traumatic event. Assignment may also be
lesions are distinctive enough to be diagnostic of a disease, arbitrary, reflecting evolving clinical practice or histori-
and not all individuals with a disease will show lesions, any cal patterns as in the case of Langerhans cell histiocytosis
mortuary sample will include people who: and leukemia. Both are blood-born disorders once clas-
sified as neoplastic. We also rely on good preservation
1. lack lesions because they are disease free (true negative);
to map the pattern of diseases throughout the skeleton
2. lack lesions despite suffering from the disease being
and help us classify and perhaps diagnose a condition.
examined (false negative);
However, when it comes to diagnosing a condition in a
3. show diagnostic lesions for the disease being examined
child, we also need to be conscious of the changes in
and suffer from that disease (true positive);
skeletal response due to age that dictates which areas of
4. show lesions similar to the disease being examined, but
the skeleton are most vulnerable and when, and incor-
suffer from another disease (false positive).
porates transitions within the immune system. Many
To tackle issues of sensitivity, this approach takes the conditions will produce the same type of lesion, such as
bold step in suggesting the presence of disease without the porosity seen in the initial stages of inflammation due
empirical skeletal evidence. For nonadult paleopathologists to an infection, or that as the result of rickets, scurvy,
Boldsen’s model is complicated by the different suscepti- and anemia. We have yet to fully understand the impact
bility to disease in children of different ages, and because of one disease process or treatment on the visibility and
of this, Boldsen’s study of leprosy in Tirup, Denmark only expression of another (e.g., rickets and scurvy; mercury
included individuals over the age of 14 years (Boldsen, 2001). and congenital syphilis) (Chapters 7 and 8).
As children often reflect the endemic nature of a disease
within a population, more detailed research using reference
Differential Diagnosis
child populations is desirable.
Klepinger (1983) considers that some diseases paleo-
A “Slew” of Possibles: Methodological Rigor, pathologists encounter may no longer exist, disappearing
before they were ever recorded in the clinical literature,
Transparency, and Objectivity while others may have evolved through time. We may
In 2016, Zuckerman et al. provided an unblinking critique encounter diseases at the early or terminal phases of expres-
of current paleopathological practice. They accuse many sion or during the healing process, stages that are rarely
researchers of failing to adhere to scientific rigor, engage documented clinically. We need to merge our processual,
Biology and Significance of the Nonadult Skeleton Chapter | 1 11

biocultural, and evolutionary analysis of disease with data the difference between ‘highly consistent’ and ‘typical’ was
or method-driven approaches using clinically diagnosed too vague. Four options are provided here:
comparatives to enable us to view the entirety of each
1. “Not consistent”: the lesion could not have been caused
particular disease expression on the skeleton (Zuckerman
by the condition described.
et al., 2016). When considering a diagnosis it is important
2. “Consistent with”: the lesion could have been caused by
to consider many possible conditions (a list of differential
the condition described but is nonspecific, and there are
diagnoses), casting the net widely and then narrowing down
many other possible causes.
the likely causes using specific diagnostic criteria, within
3. “Highly consistent”: the lesion could have been caused
the context of the geographic location, culture, and the age
by the condition described, but there are a few other pos-
and sex of the individual. Some conditions will be more
sible causes.
common in adults or the elderly, while others commonly
4. “Diagnostic of”: this lesion could not have been caused
affect infants or children. While these considerations may
in any way other than the condition describes (i.e., it is
not immediately eliminate a specific condition from the list,
it makes it less likely. An excellent example of this type
of approach is demonstrated by Bauduer et al. (2014) who The overall evaluation of lesions and their distribution
examined destructive lesions on the skull of a 20-year-old throughout the skeleton (i.e., the bones affected) is crucial,
female. They began by describing the macroscopic, radio- as is consideration of the age of the individual when try-
graphic, and CT scan appearance of the lesions, their distri- ing to determine a definitive diagnosis. There should also
bution on the skull (e.g., that they spared the facial bones), be recognition that individuals may be suffering from more
their size, involvement of the cranial tables, appearance of than one related condition at their time of death (comorbid-
the edges, and whether the lesions converged. The list of ity) or may exhibit lesions characteristic of another earlier
classifications that caused abnormal removal of bone was unrelated disease, or secondary condition (cooccurrence).
created (i.e., traumatic, metabolic, neoplastic, congenital, The healed and active appearance of lesions is crucial in
infectious) and eliminated one by one, exploring infections determining possible comorbidity from cooccurence.
and neoplasia in more detail. Once a neoplastic condition
was determined the nature of the lesion and the age, sex,
Comorbidity and Cooccurrence
and geographical origin of the individual was used to iso-
late a specific diagnosis, noting that the lack of postcra- As it is unlikely a malnourished child will be deficient in just
nial bones made a definitive diagnosis impossible. The one nutrient, the presence of lesions in the skeleton relating to
examination should, wherever possible, include radiographs. more than one nutritional condition is likely high (Armelagos
Anterioposterior and mediolateral views, and an X-ray of et al., 2014; Crandall and Klaus, 2014). We also know that in
the unaffected bone from the other side is desirable, but not the past conditions such as rickets left children susceptible
always practical in large-scale studies taking place in local to potentially fatal diseases such as whooping cough (Hardy,
museums where the facilities are limited and permission is 1992), and that malnutrition and infection are inextricably
rarely given to remove the skeleton. However, a detailed linked (Jones and Berkley, 2014). But our identification of
description and photographs are essential. De Boer et al. comorbidity, where several conditions are active at once, or
(2013) reviewed the significance of histology in the diag- cooccurrence where one disease may manifest after another,
nosis of specific conditions in skeletonized remains, and is still in its early stages, and the issues are highly complex.
while advocating its use in the differential diagnosis pro- For example, if a child is suffering from rickets and marasmus
cess, they argued that histology could currently only pro- (severe protein–calorie deficiency) and has retarded growth,
vide a specific diagnosis for a few conditions: osteoporosis, the signs and symptoms of rickets will not appear unless the
Paget’s disease, hyperparathyroidism, and, potentially, marasmus is cured (Griffith, 1919). Hence, children suffering
osteomalacia. from a suite of nutritional diseases may not show any vis-
An accurate description of lesions underpins a thorough ible signs of disease on the skeleton. While the relationship
examination and allows for any diagnosis to be challenged between rickets, scurvy, and anemia is acknowledged, we are
at a later date even in the absence of the bone itself, which only now developing detailed descriptions that may enable
may have been lost or reburied. With this in mind, Appleby us to identify their comorbidity in the past (e.g., Schattmann
et al. (2015, p. 20) proposed the adoption of descriptive et al., 2016; Zuckerman et al., 2014). For example, Klaus
terminology ratified by the United Nations and used by (2013) suggested that new bone formation in the cranium
forensic practitioners to describe the lesions of torture. caused by rickets is much finer than that produced in scurvy. It
They provided standard terms that reflect the strength of the is also not clear which of the conditions, rickets or scurvy, will
lesion in the determination of a specific diagnosis. Matthias dominate in cases of comorbidity, with some studies showing
et al. (2016) later removed the fourth criterion, arguing that vitamin C deficiency can inhibit or eliminate traces of rickets
12 Paleopathology of Children

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“Go away—don’t speak to me! You turn everything into ridicule,”
cried Alice hotly.
“See how I am snubbed, Miss Ferrars,” he observed, rising, and
dusting the knees of his trousers; “all because I wanted to kiss my
cousin! Where was the harm? Don’t all your cousins kiss you?”
“I’m not bound to answer such an impertinent question,” replied
Mary, laughing.
“Well, never mind. Suppose you take me for a nice little moonlight
walk, and give me your confidence. I am afraid to stay here,” waving
his handkerchief towards Alice.
In another moment they had descended the steps together,
leaving Alice and her husband alone.
The former made an earnest effort for composure as she stood for
some moments gazing out on the woods, which lay black and silver
in the moonlight. Presently she turned and looked at her husband.
He was leaning against the window-frame, the white background of
which brought into bold relief the strength and symmetry of his
figure. He was looking at her intently, with an amused smile on his
A horrible thought that smile suggested to Alice’s excited brain. He
was laughing at her in his sleeve; he had told Geoffrey! The very
idea made her giddy.
“Alice, I began to think you had forgotten how to fly into a passion.
I see I was mistaken.”
“You were,” defiantly, measuring him from head to foot. “I was
mistaken also; I thought you were a gentleman.”
A momentary, almost imperceptible start, and then he replied
“I thought so, too.”
“But you are not.” A dead silence. “You know it is true.”
“Of course,” he replied icily, “whatever you say is undeniable.
Once you told me you despised and detested me; now I am no
gentleman. So be it. You have no objection to smoking, as well as I
can remember?”
Provoked beyond all bounds by his perfect sangfroid, she said:
“Shall I tell you why you are no gentleman?”
“If it will not be giving you too much trouble,” carefully nursing a
newly-lighted match.
“Because you have told Geoffrey. You heard what he said just
“Told Geoffrey!” he exclaimed in much amazement. “Pray explain
yourself. You are speaking in riddles, as far as I’m concerned.”
“Told him about the other evening—before the races; it was too
shameful. Oh, you might have spared me!” covering her face with
her hands.
A dead silence. At last his answer came in a cold formal voice.
“If I had done what you imagine, I certainly would richly deserve to
forfeit the name of gentleman. I am surprised that even you” (with
scathing emphasis) “should ask me to vindicate myself from such a
charge. I have not told Geoffrey—strange as it may appear to you—
and am sorry that after all you should have such a mean opinion of
me still.”
Alice removed her hands, but averted her face as she said:
“You did not tell him? Then what could he mean?”—hesitatingly.
“Am I responsible for Geoffrey’s random remarks?” he asked
“No, no, of course not. Please forgive me, Reginald; I did you a
great injustice!” looking at him with lovely deprecating eyes. “Do?”
she pleaded.
“You know very well, Alice,” he answered earnestly, “that I could
forgive you anything. You have only to ask, and it is granted.”
“Surely,” he thought to himself, “this is a broad hint with a
“A mere façon de parler,” said Alice to herself; “a kind of Chinese
compliment! Forgive anything! A likely thing, when my one fault still
remains a huge unerasable blot in his eyes.”
After a moment’s silence she turned towards him with a pretty little
“Are you cold?” he asked formally. (Oh, why will she not seize this
blessed opportunity?)
“No, not actually cold. I believe it’s a goose walking over my grave
—you know the tradition,” she answered with a laugh. “Well,” as he
remained silent, “if you are not going to say ‘Happy goose,’ like the
young man in Punch, perhaps you will be so kind as to bring me my
red shawl; it’s on one of the chairs in the hall.”
So much for his hints and hopes.
Wrapped in the shawl, as a preventive against further shivering,
Alice and her husband promenade up and down the terrace for
nearly an hour, although it seemed to them no longer than a quarter
of the time, talking of India chiefly. He told her about his regiment, his
friends, his horses and dogs, his native servants, delighted to share
his thoughts and experiences with her who was, in spite of
everything, dearer to him than life itself. The interest she manifested
made him talk of himself more freely than he had done for years, and
then with her alone. To her eager questions about the African
campaign—his glories, his decorations, and his wounds—his
answers were but brief and unsatisfactory; but he dwelt on the
successes of his comrades-in-arms with generous and eloquent
enthusiasm. And Alice, glad that he should talk to her as of old, on
any subject, and hardly able to realise the present brief happy
moment, lent a greedy ear to whatever narrative he was pleased to
So absorbed were they that the other couple arrived at the foot of
the steps unnoticed.
“Rex,” cried Geoffrey, “is she cool? Is it safe for me to come up?”
“Quite safe. She accords you a free pardon.”
“Reginald!” she exclaimed, “how can you say so?”
“You are bound to forgive him; I forgave that old lady for you the
other day—you owe me a free pardon for Geoffrey.”
“Oh, but that was different. She—she——”
“She did not want to kiss him, did she?” put in Geoffrey the
irrepressible. “He never would have forgiven that, be sure!”
When the ladies had gone to bed, Reginald took a turn up and
down the terrace, solus: “I cannot make her out,” he said to himself
as he knocked the ashes off his cheroot. “At times, such as this
evening for instance, I could almost imagine that the past was a bad
dream, nothing more. It’s a curious thing that my own wife is the only
woman who has ever puzzled me. One day she says we are to be
strangers, the next friends; one day a cool shake hands, another a
kiss. We spent an hour in a fool’s paradise to-night—at any rate I did.
I would be an idiot indeed if I took it for the real thing I seemed so
sure of once—paradise without the fool.”

The next day was Sunday, and all the party went to church
together in the open carriage. Alice, in a lovely white bonnet, a mass
of ostrich feathers, sat opposite to Geoffrey, who, after carefully
inspecting her, patronisingly remarked:
“That is a most touching construction on your head, Alice, and not
unbecoming. Have yourself painted for the next Academy, ‘Lady in a
“How ridiculous! Fancy me in the Royal Academy!”
“Why not? Are you above it, like the old lady who said ‘she would
not mind being painted for the Academy, but would wait till she went
to Rome and have herself done by one of the old masters.’”
“I believe you spend your time making up these stories, Geoffrey.
Here we are—now hand me down nicely; don’t haul me out as you
generally do.”
“You want to show off your new boots; I know your vanity,” he
retorted as he sprang out.
The church being central was fuller than most country churches,
and attended by many of the county families. As the Monkswood
party walked up the aisle every eye was turned on them with
unconcealed curiosity. With Lady Fairfax’s appearance all were
familiar, but which of these two young men was the roving husband?
“The elder of the two, of course; he was dark and bronzed, and
looked like a soldier; the other was a youth.” N.B.—Geoffrey,
although three-and-twenty, looked about nineteen.
The Fairfaxes formed a topic of discourse at many a luncheon-
table that day.
“Did you see Lady Fairfax in church, and her husband?” said one
young lady.
“How do you know which was her husband, or if he was there at
all?” replied her mother, who, with bonnet-strings thrown back, was
making an ample meal. “I don’t believe he has come back one bit.”
“Oh, but he has,” persisted her daughter; “their coachman told
Brown; he arrived last Monday, and that was him sitting next the
“Pray how do you know?”
“Because he found the hymns for her, and gave her a hassock.”
“Weighty reasons certainly. It is much more likely, from what you
say, that he is not her husband. You never see your father finding my
place or giving me a footstool,” returned the old lady, as she tossed
off a glass of sherry and looked round as much as to say, “This
argument is a clincher.”
“Well, but when the offertory-bag came round I saw her get very
red, as if she had forgotten her purse, and he slipped a sovereign
into her hand.”
“And that’s conclusive, you think?” said her mother.
“Pray may I inquire how you saw all this byplay?” asked her
“I was sitting right behind them, and made good use of my eyes,
as usual—that’s all.”
“Well,” responded the youth, pushing away his plate, “I don’t care
who he is, but I should like to know who his tailor is. He was
uncommonly well got up. I never saw a better-built coat,” he added
with fervour.
“I expect the block had something to say to it. It might not look so
well on shoulders like a champagne-bottle,” returned his sister,
looking at him amiably.
Leaving them to the impending battle, we return to Monkswood,
and find our friends also at luncheon.
“What disgraceful singing! I never heard a less unanimous choir;
everyone for himself it seemed to me, time and tune being quite
beneath notice,” remarked Geoffrey.
“It is splendid to what it used to be when I was a boy,” replied Sir
Reginald; “we had a kind of orchestra composed of a fiddle and a
“Did any of you see me?” asked Alice, appealing to the company.
“Every time I knelt down and leant forward the jet fringe on the jacket
of the lady in front, who would sit bolt upright, became entangled in
the feathers of my bonnet. At one time it threatened to be quite
serious. I was afraid I should have had to have slipped off my bonnet
and left it behind.”
“No, I did not remark you,” responded Geoffrey. “But did you see
the old buffer with the white waistcoat exactly under the pulpit? Miss
Ferrars has taken such a fancy to him. She never took her eyes off
him, and whispered to me during the sermon, ‘That she would rather
be an old man’s darling than a young man’s slave.’”
“Mr. Saville, how can you?”
“He might not suit,” pursued Geoffrey unabashed, “but I’ll look out
for another old gentleman for you, very old, very infirm, and very rich
—the most tender and assiduous care during his lifetime
guaranteed, n’est-ce pas?”
“I have no intention of marrying at present, many thanks for your
kind offer.”
“Well, perhaps you are right,” returned Geoffrey calmly. “I myself
am inclined to agree with the Frenchman who said, ‘Three weeks’
paradise, thirty years’ war!’ Married people always fight either quietly
at home, which is the most deadly, or publicly, which is the most
“Really, Geoffrey,” said Miss Saville, “with two married people
present it is hardly polite to air such opinions.”
“Oh,” replied this incorrigible young man, looking mischievously at
Alice, “if the cap does not fit them they need not put it on.”
“Have some claret, Alice?” interrupted her husband, seeing that
Geoffrey was in a teasing humour.
“No, thank you.”
“Oh, but you will have to take it, my dear girl,” said her aunt; “you
know you were ordered it.”
“Was she?” exclaimed Sir Reginald, pouring out a glass and gently
pushing it towards her.
“Oh, but I really cannot drink it. I hate it!” she urged.
“Then have some on your handkerchief,” said Geoffrey soothingly;
“like the man who became a teetotaller after indulging for years, and
being asked to take some real ‘mountain dew,’ reluctantly declined,
but said, ‘Give me a drop on my handkerchief, it will do me good to
smell it.’”
“Hold out your handkerchief; it will be all the same as if you
swallowed it.”
“Geoffrey, I declare I think you are quite off your head at times; is
he not, Mary?—or is it his Irish proclivities breaking out?” said Alice,
waving away Geoffrey and the claret-jug.
“Don’t you talk about Irish proclivities, ma’am; you have a strong
suspicion of the blarney-stone yourself, and Irish eyes, and a real
Irish temper.”
“Geoffrey, how can you say so?”
“Very easily. I often see you blarneying and wheedling that child of
yours as only an Irishwoman can. I suppose you don’t say, ‘Ah, won’t
you now, just to please mother?’ and you coaxed and talked me out
of that photo of——”
“Geoffrey, I declare, if you say another word, I’ll never be friends
with you again!” exclaimed Alice, half rising.
“Oh, all right, I’m dumb; but you did, you know; and I maintain that
your Irishisms are as thick as the leaves in Vallambrosa. Why should
the leaves be thicker there than anywhere else?” said he, standing
up and looking round. “Can anyone tell me? I thought not. Well, I’m
off, not to study the leaves, but the fruit in the garden.”

On Sunday evening, just as Alice was about to step into bed, and
Mary was already sound asleep, the nurse came in to say, “Master
Maurice is very bad with croup, and such a time to have it, too—not
a drop of ipecacuanha in the house since Mary the housemaid broke
the bottle last week.” To hurry on her dressing-gown and run up to
the nursery took Alice less than two minutes. Maurice lay gasping in
his cot. He was very ill indeed, as the nurse had said. He had never
had such a bad attack before. His plaintive eyes, his poor little hot
clasping hands, his struggles for breath, drove Alice nearly wild.
The nurse said, “I can’t leave the child, ma’am. Will you go down
and rouse Sir Reginald or Master Geoffrey, and send off for the
doctor at once?”
Alice flew down the passage, and had gone some distance before
she suddenly remembered that she did not know which was her
husband’s room, and he must be called up in preference to Geoffrey.
She knew it was in the old wing, and that no one but himself slept
there. Opening the swing-door into the dark carpetless corridor, she
tried the first room. Silence. She opened the door—all was dark and
still; in the next equal blackness and stillness; at the third, her
patience exhausted, she dispensed with a knock, turned the handle,
and all but fell down the steps into a lighted room, large, low, and
old-fashioned, bare of curtains and all luxuries. A small iron bed,
some obsolete chairs and tables, a huge bookcase, and a couple of
cabinets containing birds’-nests and fossils, were ranged round the
walls. Her husband was standing in the middle of the room with his
coat off, winding up his watch. Shutting it with a sharp click, he
viewed the apparition on the doorstep with unmeasured
astonishment. His wife’s white frightened face told him that
something was amiss, as she stood before him pale and distracted.
“What is the matter?” he cried. “Robbers! or is the house on fire?”
“Maurice is very ill. I want you to rouse up the men and send for
the doctor.”
“Very well,” he replied, resuming his coat and taking up his candle.
“I’ll have a look at him first; perhaps he is not as bad as you
He followed Alice to the nursery; and when he saw the state of the
case he looked very grave indeed.
“Shall I go for the doctor myself, Alice?” he asked.
“No, sir, do not,” interposed the nurse significantly. “You had much
better stay here.”
Whilst he was below giving directions, Alice and the nurse
administered a steaming hot bath to Maurice; but it was of no avail,
his breathing was as laboured as ever. The nurse going downstairs,
on an errand, met her master returning.
“Well, is he better?” he asked eagerly.
“No, sir; but worse! How long will it be before the doctor comes?”
“An hour, at the least,” replied Sir Reginald.
“An hour’s the very most he will last, poor lamb.”
“Is he so very bad as all that?” inquired her master, turning deadly
“Very bad. He could not be worse! Will you please to stay with my
lady whilst I am away—if anything do happen to the child, she’ll go
clean out of her mind, for certain—it’s a terrible pity Mrs. Mayhew is
away, and Miss Saville is no more use than a child herself.”
“Shall I have her called? Surely she has some experience.”
“No, sir; the fewer people in the nursery the better; and I’m afraid
that all the experience in the country could not save the child now—
he’s desperate bad.” So saying, this Job’s comforter continued her
way downstairs, leaving Sir Reginald to take her place with his wife.
He stood for a moment to collect his thoughts, and then quickly
ascended to the nursery, where he found the child on Alice’s lap,
fighting and gasping for breath—a most heartrending sight. His
mother, perfectly collected so far, but as white as marble, was
soothing him with such soft endearments and caresses as only a
mother knows.
When her husband entered, she raised her sweet pathetic eyes to
his, as if in mute entreaty for help for her child.
“I wish I knew something to suggest, Alice,” he said, coming over
to the table, near which she was sitting; “I am a capital nurse if it
were typhoid fever or broken bones; but I know nothing about
children. There is an old book on household medicine in the library,
we might find some hints in it. Shall I fetch it?”
“Do, and don’t be long,” she answered.
In a few minutes he had returned with the book, over which they
pored together—the barrier between them was completely broken
down for the time being by this common anxiety. Alice found herself
ordering him hither and thither as if he were Geoffrey. None of the
remedies suggested were of any use, as there was no medicine-
chest in the house, and a mustard plaster and hot bath had been
already tried in vain.
Reginald lifted the child from Alice’s arms and laid him in his bed,
saying that he would have more air.
Presently the nurse returned, and, standing at the foot of the cot,
surveyed the little patient critically. Whilst Alice was bending over
him, she approached her master and whispered in his ear:
“It is all over with him; another fit like the last and he will choke; he
can’t live above a quarter of an hour.”
“In that case you had better leave me alone with Lady Fairfax; but
bring the doctor the instant he comes.”
“But I’d better stay, sir; I had, indeed.”
“No—no,” he returned impatiently, “go—go at once. You can be of
no use here.”
This whispered conversation was unnoticed by Alice, who was
bending over Maurice, fanning him. With watch in hand, Sir Reginald
stood at one side of the child, whilst his wife knelt at the other.
Maurice seemed weaker and weaker.
Alice looked at her husband and read in his face that he shared
her worst fears. Her child was dying. She leant over her boy in an
agony of tearless grief.
“Oh, my darling Maurice!” she cried almost frantically, “don’t die,
don’t leave me! you are all I have in the world!” looking at him with
distracted eyes and wringing her small thin hands. “If you are taken I
will go with you. I won’t, no, I won’t live without you!”
“Alice, Alice!” remonstrated her husband; “think of what you are
Suddenly rising, she took the child up in her arms and carried him
to the window.
“At least he shall die in my arms,” she said. “Yes, he shall!” she
exclaimed excitedly.
“But he is not dying now,” said Sir Reginald. “Give him to me for a
little; he is much too heavy for you. Remember, whilst there’s life
there’s hope.”
“No—no—no! Do not take him from me for the little time he may
be left. Oh, my own darling, how you are suffering! If I could only
bear it for you; if I might only die in your stead!” she moaned, rocking
the boy in her arms. “How glad I am that they say I am so weak and
delicate; I will soon follow you, my treasure.”
Sir Reginald, leaning against the window-shutter, listened to his
half-distracted wife in silence.
“I know you think that I am wicked, that I am insane,” continued
Alice; “but if he dies I will die too; it will kill me.” And she turned on
him a look akin to madness and despair.
“Alice, am I nothing to you, then?”
“You! You are only the shadow of my husband. No; you are
nothing to me; you said so yourself,” she murmured as she kissed
her boy’s hands convulsively.
“I know that I am nothing to you but the shadow of a husband.
Deeply as you have injured me, what else could I be? But consider
me now—for the next few hours at least—the husband I would have
been to you, and let me comfort you, my dearest. If your child is
taken, who can share your grief like me—his father? and if he is
spared—as I sincerely trust he will be—who can so deeply feel the
happiness of having him restored? His pulse is still pretty strong,” he
added, taking the child’s little hand in his. “The doctor will be here in
five minutes. Do not give up all hope yet, my poor Alice.”
“Oh Reginald,” she said gratefully, “you have lifted a little of the
load off my heart; you have comforted me already.”
At this instant the door opened, and the doctor and nurse came
into the room; the former bustled over to the side of Maurice’s cot.
“Ah-h!” said he. He always prefaced his remarks with a long
breath, as if he had just swallowed something delicious. “I’m in time,
after all, I see! Bring him here to the table, Lady Fairfax, and I’ll give
him a dose that will cure him in no time. Don’t look so frightened, my
dear young lady.”
White as her dressing-gown, her long hair hanging in a thick loose
plait far below her waist, she rose and gave her boy into the doctor’s
hands. He administered a remedy that had an almost instantaneous
effect, and, within a quarter of an hour, Maurice lay in his little cot
sound asleep.
The doctor, an elderly, eccentric, and extremely clever man, after
staring at Sir Reginald for some seconds, said brusquely:
“And who is this young gentleman who has dropped the medicine
so accurately and been so useful?”
“He is my husband, Dr. Barton.”
“Ah-h! I thought so, from the likeness to the boy; but you told me
your husband was in India! By what conjuring trick is he here to-
“No conjuring trick beyond a medical board,” replied Sir Reginald
“Ah-h! Well, as you are here, Sir Reginald, I want to speak to you.
The child is all right, there is not the slightest fear of him—a bad
attack of croup; but I’ve pulled children through worse often. That
idiot of a nurse, to swell her own importance, seems to have
frightened Lady Fairfax nearly into fits. I never thought much of that
nurse—never; I often told you so,” nodding solemnly at Alice. “Well,
we may as well go downstairs, Sir Reginald. Good-night, Lady
Fairfax; good-night, and go to bed.”
Together they descended to the library. The doctor, having
usurped the rug and refreshed himself with some spirits and water,
said abruptly:
“I want particularly to speak to you, Sir Reginald, now you are
here, about your wife. The boy is all right, he will live to plague you
for many a year; he is as strong as a pony; there’s no fear of him.”
“Do you mean,” said Sir Reginald, fixing on him an eye piercing as
an eagle’s, “that there is fear of my wife?”
“I do,” he replied emphatically, “and I think it my duty to tell you so,
now you are here. That you set off to India and left a delicate girl of
seventeen moping here alone is your concern, of course!”
“Of course,” repeated his host, reddening with anger.
Dr. Barton eyed the young man standing before him with a
resentful glance from under his bushy, luxuriant, gray eyebrows.
“He looks overbearing, harsh, and cold. I’ve no doubt he treats her
as he treats his troopers; I’ll not spare him then. Your wife,” clearing
his throat and speaking slowly, “will probably leave you a widower
ere long. She comes of a delicate stock, and, as far as I can
observe, is rapidly following in her mother’s footsteps.”
Seeing that this thrust told, he continued:
“She is subject to deadly fainting fits, and might go off in one of
them any day.”
A dead silence followed this remark, during which the doctor, after
glaring at Sir Reginald over the edge of his tumbler, swallowed the
remainder of his whisky and water, and, buttoning up his coat and
taking his hat, briskly prepared to depart.
Sir Reginald’s dry lips refused to speak; large drops of perspiration
stood like beads on his brow; the veins in his hand, where he was
grasping the back of a chair, resembled thick cords.
“Ah,” thought the doctor, complacently, “he does care. However,
he had no business to leave her,” he said to himself, as he feasted
his eye on his victim with an air of tranquil enjoyment.
“She may,” he proceeded aloud, “come round with care and
indulgence of every kind; she must never be crossed, thwarted, or
agitated, and always have her own way. (Looks as if he liked his own
way.) I’ll come round in a day or two and see how she is going on.
“Wait a second,” said Sir Reginald vehemently, detaining him with
one hand; “you cannot go like this. If my wife is so seriously ill, you
must leave me some more fixed directions.”
“She is not actually ill, only threatened with illness. As for
directions, I say watch her and guard her as the very apple of your
eye. She nearly died when that child was born, as I daresay you
know. A sudden chill, a bad cold, would carry her off; she has no
stamina.” Exit.
“What a night this has been,” thought Sir Reginald, looking at the
clock wearily; “first I am told that the child is dying, now my wife.”
He drew a chair to the table, and, leaning his elbows on it, buried
his face in his hands.
“Anything but this,” he said to himself; “after all I have gone
through can this be coming?”
For more than a quarter of an hour he remained in the same
attitude, wrestling with the bitterest anguish he had ever known. The
door, which was ajar, was softly pushed open and Alice came in.
“Well,” she said, “what does he say; is it all right?”
Then catching sight of her husband’s face, she seized his arm.
“Tell me the worst at once,” she gasped, steadying herself by her
other hand on the back of his chair. “Don’t hide it from me, for God’s
“There is nothing to be told,” he replied, making a valiant effort to
speak and look as usual. “Maurice was not nearly as ill as we
imagined; he will be all right to-morrow; I assure you there is no
cause for alarm,” he added earnestly, “none whatever.”
“You are sure? You are not saying this out of mistaken kindness?
It is true?”
“Quite true,” he repeated, pushing back his chair and standing up.
Alice gazed fixedly at her husband; he was deathly pale, and had
a half-stunned look, and surely when she first saw him his thick black
lashes were wet.
“Then what was the matter with you just now?” she inquired.
“Won’t you tell me? Won’t you let me share your trouble after all you
said to-night?”
“I can’t. At least not now,” he stammered.
“Why not now?” she exclaimed. “It must be some very bad news, I
know, for you look even more sorry than when we thought Maurice
was dying; and yet it cannot be anything worse than that! Let me
help you to bear it whatever it is; do, my dear Regy?”
“Never allude to the subject again, Alice, unless you wish to drive
me frantic. You could not share this trouble with me, no one could.
Perhaps some day I may tell you, not now. You must go to bed at
once, it is past two o’clock,” he added authoritatively.
“No, no,” she replied firmly; “I am going to sit up with Maurice.”
“Indeed you will do nothing of the kind; I will stay with him if it is
necessary; but you are to go to bed this instant,” he replied in a tone
that effectually repelled argument. And in spite of all Alice could say
she was obliged to obey, and, very reluctantly, retired.

Maurice, with a broad piece of flannel round his throat, appeared

at breakfast next morning as well as ever; and Alice, pale and
languid, took her place before the teapot as usual. She observed a
change in her husband. On other mornings he disappeared after
breakfast, and was never seen till luncheon, excusing himself on the
plea of business with the bailiff; and, in fact, unless absolutely
obliged to ride or play lawn-tennis, they saw nothing of him all day.
Alice had reason to know that many of his spare hours were spent
with Maurice. More than once she had come across the pair in the
park, Maurice riding Tweedle Dum, his father holding the bridle and
relating long and thrilling fairy tales—accounts of dwarfs, giants, and
fairy-princesses with golden hair; or they would be discovered on the
edge of a pond, sailing boats, or under the lee of a haycock, sharing
a leaf of strawberries. Maurice idolised his father, and Alice could
see that she no longer had the first and only place in his affections.
She felt no twinge of jealousy as she made this discovery; she was
very ready to share his heart with Reginald.
This particular morning her husband did not vanish as usual the
instant breakfast was over. He loitered about the grounds with the
ladies, made suggestions about the garden, and gave them a lesson
in budding roses.
He distinctly put a veto on lawn-tennis as far as Alice was
concerned, but he fetched a chair, a book, and a shawl, and
established her under a tree, where she could look on. She caught
his eyes fixed on her more than once with a look of anxiety and
concern in their dark depths that puzzled her extremely.
What did this change mean? Could he be going to forgive her after
all? Her colour and her spirits rose at the thought; a little happiness
goes a long way at twenty. Revived by a whole morning’s rest, she
was meditating a move, when Geoffrey, with a broad smirk on his
face and a fat frog in his handkerchief, lounged up to her.
“Here,” said he, “is the frog who would a-wooing go;” and he
added, as he uncovered the treasure, “he is come to pay his
addresses to you, Alice,” making a feint of putting him in her lap.
“That he is not,” she cried, jumping up and dodging Geoffrey round
a tree. Round and round they went like a pair of squirrels, Mary and
Reginald gravely looking on.
“Did you ever see such a pair of children?” exclaimed Mary.
“That’s the way Alice used to go on before she was married. She
had such wild spirits; she was the life of us all at Rougemont. I would
never have known her to be the same person, she is so changed,”
she observed, with a reproachful glance at Reginald.
“I see you blame me for it all, Miss Ferrars; but Alice has only
herself to thank, no one else. You would say that I was changed too
if you had known me three years ago, before this unfortunate
separation between us. Alice has told you all about it, of course?” he
asked with conviction.
“No, not one word.”
“Do you mean to say that, living together in such close intimacy—
sharing the same room, and no doubt sitting up half the night talking,
as young ladies do—she has never made you her confidante?”
“Not with regard to you. On any other subject she is as open as
the day, but her married life she never alludes to; and well as I know
her and love her—childish and young as she is—she is the last
person into whose confidence I would thrust myself uninvited.”
Just at this instant Alice, who had hitherto eluded Geoffrey, came
running up exhausted and out of breath with laughing.
“Save me, Mary, save me!” she cried, stretching out both hands,
and at the same time catching her foot in the tennis-rope she would
have measured her length on the sward, had not her husband
stepped forward and caught her in his arms. It was altogether
accidental, and only for a second that he held her, but Alice became
“I cannot allow any more of this kind of thing,” he said, coolly
picking up his tennis-bat. “Helen will be back this afternoon, and I am
sure she will not hear of your going to the ball to-morrow if you knock
yourself up to-day. I am going into Manister now, and I leave you in
Miss Ferrars’ charge. I see Cardigan waiting, and as I have to
change my clothes I must be off.”
“By-the-way, Rex, before you go I want you to tell me something,”
said Geoffrey with an air of unusual solemnity.
“Yes?” responded Reginald, turning back and looking at him
gravely. “Look sharp, then, for I’m in a hurry.”
“You have been brought up amongst horses since you were the
size of Maurice, and ought to know all about them, both from a civil
and military point of view——”
“Well, what is it?” impatiently.
“On which side of a horse does the most hair grow?”
“The side the mane is on.”
“No; try again.”
“The off side!—the near side!”
“No. Give it up?”
“Yes, of course I do.”
“The outside! Good riddle, isn’t it?”
“No. Your own, I presume. I have no time to waste listening to
such nonsense. Now mind you don’t encourage Alice in running
about and tiring herself,” he concluded, as with a glance at his wife
he walked rapidly away.
“What does he mean?” asked Geoffrey with raised brows and an
air of veiled derision; “one would think you were made of sugar! I
suppose he is going into Manister to buy a glass case to keep you in!
You don’t mean to tell me you are about to set up as a young lady

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