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PRISMA Toolbox is a tool that manipulates very big SAR (CSK and CSG missions)
and hyperspectral (PRISMA mission) images. It is particularly focused on
hyperspectral PRISMA mission images (see section 2).
PRISMA Toolbox is a project derived by the Planetek’s PrismaToolbox system, with
upgradings realized under the ASI-Planetek contract MePA n. 3321592.
PRISMA Toolbox allows to create, configure and execute massively parallel
processing tasks (specific for satellite imagery or science data) on big datasets on a
high-end multi monitor desktop workstation by leveraging the power of a proprietary
map/reduce framework.
Its modern Human Machine Interface enables the user to easily interact with
algorithms, image data and unstructured metadata and exploit the power of
heterogeneous computing devices such as modern multi-core CPUs, Graphics
Processing Units (GPUs) and Accelerators (FPGA and ASICs with OpenCL support).
Great efforts were also made on designing a fluid, responsive and performant image
visualization engine, based on industry standard technologies such as C++11, modern
OpenGL and Qt5 toolkit.
PRISMA Toolbox supports simultaneous visualization of different images that can be
navigated in co-registration mode, providing real-time graphical operation on them.
Therefore, thanks to its high performance visualization and processing capabilities
PRISMA Toolbox is ready for use in production environment for manipulating HDF5,
JPG, PNG and TIFF data sources.
The advantages that PRISMA Toolbox can provide to the user are:
- an accurate and generic coordinate conversion engine, given its capability to
handle many different coordinate spaces: the user can load data sets and attributes
from hierarchical and generic data files (HDF5, HDF-EOS, TIFF, JPEG,FITS)
- more processing power and interaction speed by exploiting the use of
heterogeneous computing and parallel processing techniques: the user is able to
visualize and process big images and data sets executing processing and visualization
algorithms on multicore CPUs and discrete GPUs, thanks to a proprietary acceleration
engine integrating Khronos OpenGL and OpenCL Application Programming Interface
(API) for parallel applications
- load ~4GiB image from disk to memory in less than 15s
- create image pyramids on the fly, within-memory caching of tiles
- maximise the use of Solid State Disks
- execute real-time image filtering at about 400fps on GPU

PRISMA sensor provides a swath width of 30 km at nadir. Data takes shall be
programmed with a along track integer multiple of 30 km lengths. Maximum data
take length is equal to 1800 km. All products cover a standard scene with size 30x30
km2 as a result of segmentation of longer data take strips.
The PRISMA Mission delivers products up to Level 2. The processing logic is
sketched below.

Figure 2-1: PRISMA Processing Overview

PRISMA Product types available for users generated by Ground Segment are listed in
the following table
Level-1 Calibrated and Coregistered Top of Generated upon user 2.1 GB
(L1) Atmosphere Radiance in sensor geometry. request each 30x30 km2
Level-2B Coregistered At-surface Radiance in sensor Generated upon user 1.1 GB
(L2B) geometry. request each 30x30 km2
Level-2C Coregistered Surface Reflectance in sensor Generated upon user 1.1 GB
(L2C) geometry. request each 30x30 km2
Level-2D Generated upon user 1.1-1.9 GB
Geolocated Surface Reflectance
(L2D) request each 30x30 km2
Table 2-1: PRISMA Product types
2.1. Product types
PRISMA products are formatted according to HDF-EOS5 format.

2.1.1. Level-0
The Level-0 Product is not delivered to users.
The Level-0 Product is deciphered decompressed raw image data in Instrument
Source Packet (ISP) format. It is the basis of all subsequent processing tasks and it is
permanently archived.

2.1.2. Level-1
It is obtained formatting raw image data in arrays and by the application of
radiometric calibration and channels co-registration to provide TOA radiances starting
from L0. An approximate geometric model is also evaluated allowing any pixel to be
located on a WGS84 ellipsoid.
The following layers are included in Level-1 Product:
- Radiometrically Calibrated HYPER land-observation frames list, with relevant
- Radiometrically Calibrated PAN land-observation frames list, with relevant
- Radiometrically Calibrated Coregistered HYPER land-observation frames list,
with relevant attributes;
- Radiometrically Calibrated Coregistered PAN land-observation frames list, with
relevant attributes.
Figure 2-2: L1 Product structure
Each folder represents a HDF5 group containing datasets.
Raster hyperspectral and panchromatic data are stored in (PRS_L1_HCO,
PRS_L1_HRC) and (PRS_L1_PRC, PRS_L1_PCO), respectively. The suffix RC and
CO are used to distinguish between Radiometrically Calibrated and Coregistered
The /Info/Housekeeping Group contains frame-dependent HK payload parameters.
The /Info/Ancillary Group contains frame-dependent ancillary parameters (e.g. star-
trackers and GPS data).

2.1.3. Level-2B
It is obtained by applying the atmospheric corrections (Rayleigh scattering, gaseous
absorption, water absorption, aerosol scattering) to the L1 product to generate at-
surface radiance.
The following layers are included in Level-2B Product:
- At-surface radiance HYPER land-observation frames list, with relevant
- At-surface radiance PAN land-observation frames list, with relevant attributes;

Figure 2-3: L2B Product Structure

2.1.4. Level-2C
It is obtained by applying the atmospheric corrections needed for L2B product
generation, integrating the radiance-to-reflectance conversion, in order to provide
surface reflectance and maps rlated to atmospheric constituents.
The following layers are included in Level-2C Product:
- Surface reflectance HYPER land-observation frames list, with relevant
- Surface reflectance PAN land-observation frames list, with relevant attributes;
- Aerosol Optical Thickness map @550nm;
- Water Vapour content map;
- Cloud Optical Thickness;
- Angstrom exponent between 550/705 nm
Figure 2-4: L2C Product Structure
Raster hyperspectral and panchromatic data are stored in PRS_L2C_HCO and
PRS_L2C_PCO, respectively. Maps used for atmospheric correction are stored in
dedicated groups:

PRS_L2C_AEX Angstrom Exponent Map
PRS_L2C_AOT Aerosol Optical Thickness Map
PRS_L2C_COT Cloud Optical Thickness Map
PRS_L2C_WVM Water Vapour Map
Table 2-2: L2C Product Maps

2.1.5. Level-2D
It is obtained by applying geometric correction with GCP (optionally) and DTM to
the processing steps needed for L2C product generation, to provide surface
reflectance projected on a cartographic UTM reference system.
The following layers are included in Level-2D Product:
- Geocoded surface reflectance HYPER land-observation frames list, with relevant
- Geocoded surface reflectance PAN land-observation frames list, with relevant
Figure 2-5: L2D Product structure


At start-up the following _Main Window_ is displayed.

Figure 3-1: PRISMA Toolbox Main Window

3.1. Main Window

The _Main Window_ is organized into the _Menu File_, the _Tabbed Pane_, the
_Central Working Area_ and the lower _Status Bar_.
The tool’s main functionalities are made accessible by the _Tabbed Pane_ (left side
tabs column), while a set of additional features are activated by _Menu File_.
The _Status Bar_, finally contains few indicators of local resources usage (GPU, CPU
and threads).

3.1.1. Menu File

The _Menu File_ contains these grouped actions.

Figure 3-2: PRISMA Toolbox Menu File

· _File_
- _Open_ action, to open a file
- _Exit_ action, which is the unique return point of the SW
· _Tools_
- _GeoLocation_ show an on-line geolocated map (see 3.2.1 section)
· _Windows_
- _Console _ show application console (see 3.2.2 section)
- _Configuration_ show application configuration (see 3.2.3 section)
- _Log_ show application logs (see 3.2.4 section)
· _Help_
- _Contact Support _ show application console (see 3.2.2 section)
- _On-Line Help_ show Help on-line (see 3.2.6 section)

3.1.2. Status Bar

The Status Bar is set at the bottom of the Main Window and remains visible also in
the roll-up view of the window.

Figure 3-3: PRISMA Toolbox Status Bar

3.1.3. Tabbed Pan

On the left of Main Window is presented a Tabbed Pan that permits to active the view
(by tab) to tool’s main functionalities on the working area.

Figure 3-4: PRISMA Toolbox Tabbed Pan

Each tab active the actual main functionality on main window. Buttons (and tabs) are:
_Home_ show application information (see 3.3.1 section)
_HDF_ show HDF files inspector (see 3.3.2 section)
_Messages_ show application messages (see 3.3.3 section)
_PRISMA HDF_ show a section focused to PRISMA Products (see
3.3.3 section)

3.2. Menu File

3.2.1. GeoLocation
View a geolocated map (via the google maps service) centralized to the last position
explored by one of the 2 workspaces.
This widget offers experimental features that are still being evaluated for future
Figure 3-5: GeoLocation panel
Next table details the meaning for all controls on panel.

Control Description
Show/Modify actual Latitude/Longitude map center
Show/Modify visualized map type:
§ roadmap: displays the default road map view
§ satellite: displays Google Earth satellite images
§ terrain: displays a physical map based on terrain
§ hybrid: displays a mixture of normal and satellite
Table 3-1: GeoLocation panel controls

3.2.2. Console
Figure 3-6: Console panel

3.2.3. Configuration
The Configuration Settings Panel is organized to set and view the main configuration
settings of PRISMA Toolbox.

Figure 3-7: Configuration Settings panel

It shows the the Processing Resources panel that list the accelerators available on the
workstation and their characteristics with the possibility to modify the default one
used (at the start-up the one with the best performance is automatically selected).

3.2.4. Log

Figure 3-8: Log panel

The following log levels are available:
None (level undefined)
Debug (level 1)
Info (level 0)
Warning (level 2)
Error (level 3)
Critical (level 4)

Next table details the meaning for all controls on panel.

Control Description
Load log file selecting it from filesystem
On opening at the first time show actual application file log
path displayed on table.
All application logs are stored on log folder; the filename
has this naming convention:
From combo-box it is possible to select and show an old
application log or select the actual render-server sub-
process log that has this naming convetion:
where PID is the PRISMA Toolbox PID

Reload list of file logs from configured log path

Clear view
Show None log entries (level
Show Info log entries (level 0)
Show Debug log entries (level 1)
Show Warning log entries (level 2)
Show Error log entries (level 3)
Show Critical log entries (level 4)

Table 3-2: LOG panel controls

3.2.5. Contact Support

Show a form to Contact Support.
Figure 3-9: Contact Support panel
To forward a support request the panel suggest the support request email or user can
fill the form and submit request.
Next table details the meaning for all controls on panel.

Control Description
_Title_ Edit an introductive title for request
Show/Modify actual Type Support Request:
§ Generic: for generic request
§ Bug: to report possible application
problems encountered
§ Suggestion: to give the user the
opportunity to suggest possible
improvements or additions of features
Edit the body request to detail the request
and help the PRISMA Toolbox
development team understand how to
support it
Browse optionally the file system and select
a generic file (e.g. a screenshot image) with
a file of maximum 5MB to attach at support
Select to let the user choose whether or not
to attach the application logs to the support
_Submit_ Submit edited custom support request
Table 3-3: Contact Support panel controls

3.2.6. Help

The Help on-line is activable from this button or by contextually on actual

widget activated (or pressing F1 keyboard key).

Figure 3-10: Help panel

It is possible search keyword, starting from actual cursor position, editing relative text
box and pushing _Find_ button.
If it unfound occurrence then restart from the top help document.
Re-pushing this button without editing the find string move the cursor to next found
If you want to search specifically for the purpose of a control (e.g. button), you can
search through _<NAME>_ string.

3.3. Tabbed Pan

3.3.1. Home Tab
The Home tab is displayed as default on the tool opening. It contains information
about the SW main version and its components, Language and Theme configurations.

Figure 3-11: Home tab

This tab contains the _Language_ selection by list: if user change language it is
required a restart application.

Figure 3-12: Language selection

This tab contains the _Theme_ selection by list: if user change theme on real-time it is
changed aspect tool.

Figure 3-13: Theme selection

On next table are presented the different aspects for each theme.
Table 3-4: Theme Application aspects

3.3.2. HDF
This tab can be used in order to open products to be analysed for visual inspection or
metadata browsing and plotting. This is the entry-point for displaying datasets on
Figure 3-14: HDF tab
Next table details the meaning for all controls on panel.

Control Description
This button permits to open on HDF product: this action opens the
_Open_ window _Select Input File_ to browse file-system for the product to
check (see Opened product section for details)

This button enable the selected product on PRISMA HDF tab (see
section 3.3.4 for details)

_Close_ This button close the selected product

_Close All_ This button close all opened products and clear list view

Selecting a format it is possible to save on file system, by the _Save

_Export to_
As_ window, the all HDF attributes in _ASCII_ or _CSV_ formats.

This button exports the selected dataset (e.g. IMG) in another format:
EPS for plotting on plotter devices, JPEG, or tagged graphical format
_Save As_
(TGA or TGX). A window appears for selecting folder destination and
name of file (with the right extension)

_Show on This buttons display the selected dataset (e.g. IMG) on one of the two
WS-A_ workspaces (see section 0 for details)
_Show on

This button shows Plotter window (see Plot of nodes section for

Table 3-5: HDF tab controls

Opened product
Operator can open an HDF product using the _Open_ button. This action opens the
window _Select Input File_ to browse file-system for the product to check.
When the product is opened the operator can inspect the hierarchical structure of the

Figure 3-15: HDF tab with a opened product

Selecting groups or dataset, automatically the section at right is populated with the
belonging attributes.
Operator, moving to the right section, can sort attributes (in alphabetical order or
reverse order) clicking on _Attributes_ header table. If operator wants to see all
attributes of the product, can click on the check-box _Show All Product Attributes_.
Figure 3-16: All attributes on reverse displayed
Plot of nodes
Clicking on _Plot_ button, is made available a new widget with four tabs: _Text_,
_Table_, _Plot_, _Preview_ and _ImPlot_
In _Text_ mode, when operator select an attribute from right section, value of the
attribute is expressed in text format.

Figure 3-17: Text format (on Plotter)

In _Table_ mode in table format.
Figure 3-18: Table format (on Plotter)
In _Plot_ mode, values are plotted in a graphical window
In this window user can select start and/or end index of vectorial attributes to plot,
can, selecting the graph, change the color of graph, or superimpose a grid and acting
on mouse wheel, zoom on graph.
He can export the graph by the _Save As_ button as image in jpeg, png or bitmap
format on filesystem. The _Fit Image_ button is useful for resetting of zoom and re-
center the graph.

Figure 3-19: Plot format (on Plotter)

In _Preview_ mode, when operator select a dataset from right section, show a preview
with the possibility to set its brightness thanks to the relative slider.
The preview is applicable only for small image (e.g. Quick Look dataset, however the
maximum limit in size as a pixel for image dataset can be modified by configuration
file (key Widget.IMPREVIEW.maxpixelsize with default value equal to 1024).

Figure 3-20: Preview (on Plotter)

In _ImPlot_ mode, when operator select a dataset from right section, is shown a table
with all raw data pixel values where row/column headers correspond to pixel
coordinate on image.

Figure 3-21: ImPlot (on Plotter)

3.3.3. Messages
The _Messages_ tab collects information, warning and errors generated by the tool. It
includes for same instance, information about the message text, tag of the source that
has generated message and the type of message.

Figure 3-22: Messages tab


This tab is focused to present and explore a PRISMA Product.

Figure 3-23: PRISMA HDF tab

The tab is organized in a product controls top bar and a sub tabbed pan to interact
with a specific section/feature for product.
Next table details the meaning for product controls on top bar.
Control Description
This button permits to open on HDF product: this action opens the
window _Select Input File_ to browse file-system and select desired
The selected product is added on HDF list product (see section 3.3.2)
and update all tab sections.
During opening a progress bar is shown (like next image) and user
can begin to explore the various sections without having to wait for
them to be fully opened.

This button closes actual opened product and remove it from list on
HDF tab (see section 3.3.2)

_Reload RGB_ This button reload on Workspace A the product RGB image

This button reload on Workspace A the product PAN(chromatic)

_Reload PAN_

This button detaches both tabbed Workspace A/B on isolated


Table 3-6: PRISMA HDF product controls on top bar

Next table lists and summarize the every tab on sub tabbed pan.

Control Description
_Product This sub-tab gives an overview of selected product (see details on Product
Overview_ Overview section).

This sub-tab lists the attributes contained on root of selected product (see details
on Attributes section).

_Band This sub-tab contains a preview for selected band (see details on Band Preview
Preview_ section).

_RGB_ This sub-tab contains:

· on the centre the Workspace A and, in particular, when a PRISMA product
is activated, it contains its RGB image (see details on RGB section)
· above the Workspace a slider to set brightness image and a checkable
button _Detach_ to attach/detach Workspace on sub-tab
· below the Workspace the pixel controls (see details on Pixel Info section)
· on the right a list for all selected product bands (see details on Product
Bands section)
on the bottom the spectral signature for actual pixel coordinates (see details
on Histogram

Figure 3-29: Histogram panel

A Histogram panel is displayed when button is pressed. It permits to select

an analyser to apply to visible SubFrame, selected ROI of full Image. It is possible
to set Min/Max levels or brightness.
· Spectral Signature section)

_PAN_ This sub-tab contains:

· on the centre the Workspace B and, in particular, when a PRISMA product
is activated it contains its PAN image (see details on RGB section)
· above the Workspace a slider to set brightness image and a checkable
button _Detach_ to attach/detach Workspace on sub-tab
· below the Workspace the pixel controls (see details on Pixel Info section)
· on the right a list for all selected product bands (see details on Product
Bands section)
on the bottom the spectral signature for actual pixel coordinates (see details
on Histogram
Figure 3-29: Histogram panel

A Histogram panel is displayed when button is pressed. It permits to select

an analyser to apply to visible SubFrame, selected ROI of full Image. It is possible
to set Min/Max levels or brightness.
· Spectral Signature section)

Table 3-7: PRISMA HDF sub tabbed pan

Attention: when a PRISMA product of a different level to the L2D is opened, its
extracted and/or processed images are rotated 90 degrees clockwise to give them a
presentation closer to the real geocoded view; for this reason the image coordinates
and the resulting calculations also take this principle into consideration.
Product Overview
Figure 3-24: Product Overview sub-tab
The sub-tab is composed of 3 parts:
· on the top left is presented a cropped image of the world map centered on the
product with guidelines that approximate the corners of the product
· on the top right is presented a static quick look RBG image of the product
· on the bottom is presented a table with the major fields/information of the
product directly read and / or processed by its metadata

Figure 3-25: Attributes sub-tab

The sub-tab is composed of 2 parts:
· on the left is presented a selectable list of product attributes present on root
· on the right is presented a navigable section with details of selected attribute
(see details on Plot of nodes section)
Band Preview

Figure 3-26: Band Preview sub-tab

When a band from Multilayers list (see details on Product Bands section) is selected
by single click or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard, a static preview for this is
presented with the possibility of increasing and decreasing its brightness with its
slider below the image.

Figure 3-27: RGB sub-tab

When the product is opened at the first time, its presentation in RGB is automatically
processed on the fly using configured bands on VNIR cube and scale range to set each
channel RGB value for each image pixel; next list gives an example configuration:
· multilayer.vnir.rgb_scaling=65535
To have details for a generic Workspace see section Pixel Info

Figure 3-30: Pixel Info panel

A Pixel Info panel is displayed above both the workspaces. It summarizes the
information on the pixel at cursor position. Specifically, it includes:

color of pixel (if active dataset on workspace isn’t complex or real type)
pixel's row (R) index (ranging from 0 to ImageHeight-1)
pixel's column (C) index (ranging from 0 to ImageWidth-1)
pixel’s value (v) with Real and Imaginary parts; Imaginary part is visible only for
complex image
pixel’s latitude (La) evaluated in-line
pixel’s longitude (Lo) evaluated in-line
height (H), in meters, evaluated in-line on the product’s DEM
_coreg_ checkbox for Workspaces coregistration
On moving on workspace or editing the R/C values the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H
is computed on the fly, as well as editing the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H (when this
service is enabled) the R/C image coordinate is automatically calculated and the
image is centered at that coordinate and in this case the _coreg_ checkbox is also
By activating the _coreg_ checkbox (when it is enabled), the images in the
Workspaces are geodetically co-registered and the navigation in one of the two moves
the center on the other.
Following figure shows a possible scenario for PRISMA L2D products: a co-
registrated view of the PAN and RGB layers can be set flagging the _coreg_
checkbox in the Pixel Info panel and detaching Workspaces in separated windows by
_Detach_ buttons.
Figure 3-31: Co-registered visualization for PAN-RGB views in PRISMA L2D
Next image shows an example of possible use case for co-registration functionality by
opening a SAR image (CSG mission, GTC_B type) in Workspace A and the PAN
(chromatic) of a PRISMA L2D image on Workspace B and, at the same time, opening
the geolocated map (see for details 3.2.1 section) automatically co-registered with the
2 Workspaces images.
Figure 3-32: co-registration example
Image Workspaces.

Figure 3-28: PAN sub-tab

When the product is opened at the first time, its PAN(chromatic) is automatically
extracted and processed from the relative bi-dimensional GRAY16 PCO dataset.
To have details for a generic Workspace see section Pixel Info
Figure 3-30: Pixel Info panel
A Pixel Info panel is displayed above both the workspaces. It summarizes the
information on the pixel at cursor position. Specifically, it includes:

color of pixel (if active dataset on workspace isn’t complex or real type)
pixel's row (R) index (ranging from 0 to ImageHeight-1)
pixel's column (C) index (ranging from 0 to ImageWidth-1)
pixel’s value (v) with Real and Imaginary parts; Imaginary part is visible only for
complex image
pixel’s latitude (La) evaluated in-line
pixel’s longitude (Lo) evaluated in-line
height (H), in meters, evaluated in-line on the product’s DEM
_coreg_ checkbox for Workspaces coregistration
On moving on workspace or editing the R/C values the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H
is computed on the fly, as well as editing the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H (when this
service is enabled) the R/C image coordinate is automatically calculated and the
image is centered at that coordinate and in this case the _coreg_ checkbox is also
By activating the _coreg_ checkbox (when it is enabled), the images in the
Workspaces are geodetically co-registered and the navigation in one of the two moves
the center on the other.
Following figure shows a possible scenario for PRISMA L2D products: a co-
registrated view of the PAN and RGB layers can be set flagging the _coreg_
checkbox in the Pixel Info panel and detaching Workspaces in separated windows by
_Detach_ buttons.
Figure 3-31: Co-registered visualization for PAN-RGB views in PRISMA L2D
Next image shows an example of possible use case for co-registration functionality by
opening a SAR image (CSG mission, GTC_B type) in Workspace A and the PAN
(chromatic) of a PRISMA L2D image on Workspace B and, at the same time, opening
the geolocated map (see for details 3.2.1 section) automatically co-registered with the
2 Workspaces images.
Figure 3-32: co-registration example
Image Workspaces.
Product Bands
When the product is opened at the first time, all bands contained on VNIR/SWIR
Cube datasets are pre-processed on the fly to make their exploration more fluid and
All bands are presented in 2 ways deactivating or activating the checkbox above the
list of bands:
· separated and ordered in their owner's cube

· grouped and sorted by their wavelengths

Only valid bands are inserted on list: this information are deducted from the flags
contained on relative vectorial attributes of the product.
When a band is selected a preview is activated (see details on Band Preview
section), while when double clicked on a band, it is opened on the fly into
Workspace B (used by default for PAN) to allow navigation using the Workspace
functionalities (see details on PAN and Pixel Info

Figure 3-30: Pixel Info panel

A Pixel Info panel is displayed above both the workspaces. It summarizes the
information on the pixel at cursor position. Specifically, it includes:

color of pixel (if active dataset on workspace isn’t complex or real type)
pixel's row (R) index (ranging from 0 to ImageHeight-1)
pixel's column (C) index (ranging from 0 to ImageWidth-1)
pixel’s value (v) with Real and Imaginary parts; Imaginary part is visible only for
complex image
pixel’s latitude (La) evaluated in-line
pixel’s longitude (Lo) evaluated in-line
height (H), in meters, evaluated in-line on the product’s DEM
_coreg_ checkbox for Workspaces coregistration
On moving on workspace or editing the R/C values the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H
is computed on the fly, as well as editing the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H (when this
service is enabled) the R/C image coordinate is automatically calculated and the
image is centered at that coordinate and in this case the _coreg_ checkbox is also
By activating the _coreg_ checkbox (when it is enabled), the images in the
Workspaces are geodetically co-registered and the navigation in one of the two moves
the center on the other.
Following figure shows a possible scenario for PRISMA L2D products: a co-
registrated view of the PAN and RGB layers can be set flagging the _coreg_
checkbox in the Pixel Info panel and detaching Workspaces in separated windows by
_Detach_ buttons.

Figure 3-31: Co-registered visualization for PAN-RGB views in PRISMA L2D

Next image shows an example of possible use case for co-registration functionality by
opening a SAR image (CSG mission, GTC_B type) in Workspace A and the PAN
(chromatic) of a PRISMA L2D image on Workspace B and, at the same time, opening
the geolocated map (see for details 3.2.1 section) automatically co-registered with the
2 Workspaces images.
Figure 3-32: co-registration example
Image Workspaces sections).
Figure 3-29: Histogram panel

A Histogram panel is displayed when button is pressed. It permits to select an

analyser to apply to visible SubFrame, selected ROI of full Image. It is possible to set
Min/Max levels or brightness.
Spectral Signature
On moving on Workspace (see for details Pixel Info

Figure 3-30: Pixel Info panel

A Pixel Info panel is displayed above both the workspaces. It summarizes the
information on the pixel at cursor position. Specifically, it includes:

color of pixel (if active dataset on workspace isn’t complex or real type)
pixel's row (R) index (ranging from 0 to ImageHeight-1)
pixel's column (C) index (ranging from 0 to ImageWidth-1)
pixel’s value (v) with Real and Imaginary parts; Imaginary part is visible only for
complex image
pixel’s latitude (La) evaluated in-line
pixel’s longitude (Lo) evaluated in-line
height (H), in meters, evaluated in-line on the product’s DEM
_coreg_ checkbox for Workspaces coregistration
On moving on workspace or editing the R/C values the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H
is computed on the fly, as well as editing the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H (when this
service is enabled) the R/C image coordinate is automatically calculated and the
image is centered at that coordinate and in this case the _coreg_ checkbox is also
By activating the _coreg_ checkbox (when it is enabled), the images in the
Workspaces are geodetically co-registered and the navigation in one of the two moves
the center on the other.
Following figure shows a possible scenario for PRISMA L2D products: a co-
registrated view of the PAN and RGB layers can be set flagging the _coreg_
checkbox in the Pixel Info panel and detaching Workspaces in separated windows by
_Detach_ buttons.

Figure 3-31: Co-registered visualization for PAN-RGB views in PRISMA L2D

Next image shows an example of possible use case for co-registration functionality by
opening a SAR image (CSG mission, GTC_B type) in Workspace A and the PAN
(chromatic) of a PRISMA L2D image on Workspace B and, at the same time, opening
the geolocated map (see for details 3.2.1 section) automatically co-registered with the
2 Workspaces images.
Figure 3-32: co-registration example
Image Workspaces section or using a pixel navigator (see for details Pixel Info
section) a spectral signature is elaborated on the fly to show a plotted view for all
band values relative to actual pixel coordinates. The signature for workspace is visible
when button is pressed.
When the PRISMA product is L1, L2B level the band value is computed in radiance
mode, otherwise for L2C, L2D the band value is computed in reflectance mode.
On moving on the plot a dynamic tooltip is presented to show details for band and
computed value.
The spectral signature is presented in two different ways deactivating or activating the
checkbox above the list of bands (see for details Product Bands section):
· separated and ordered in their owner's cube

· grouped and sorted by their wavelengths

Figure 3-32: Spectral Signatures PRS

When a MultiLayer dataset is shown via HDF tab it is possible to view the plotting of

single pixel for all layers via button .

Figure 3-32: Spectral Signatures

On RGB/PAN/Band exploration it is possible to save contextual file pushing the

button and one of next file formats.

Figure 3-32: Save file formats

Pixel Info
Figure 3-30: Pixel Info panel
A Pixel Info panel is displayed above both the workspaces. It summarizes the
information on the pixel at cursor position. Specifically, it includes:

color of pixel (if active dataset on workspace isn’t complex or real type)
pixel's row (R) index (ranging from 0 to ImageHeight-1)
pixel's column (C) index (ranging from 0 to ImageWidth-1)
pixel’s value (v) with Real and Imaginary parts; Imaginary part is visible only for
complex image
pixel’s latitude (La) evaluated in-line
pixel’s longitude (Lo) evaluated in-line
height (H), in meters, evaluated in-line on the product’s DEM
_coreg_ checkbox for Workspaces coregistration
On moving on workspace or editing the R/C values the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H
is computed on the fly, as well as editing the geodetic coordinate La/Lo/H (when this
service is enabled) the R/C image coordinate is automatically calculated and the
image is centered at that coordinate and in this case the _coreg_ checkbox is also
By activating the _coreg_ checkbox (when it is enabled), the images in the
Workspaces are geodetically co-registered and the navigation in one of the two moves
the center on the other.
Following figure shows a possible scenario for PRISMA L2D products: a co-
registrated view of the PAN and RGB layers can be set flagging the _coreg_
checkbox in the Pixel Info panel and detaching Workspaces in separated windows by
_Detach_ buttons.
Figure 3-31: Co-registered visualization for PAN-RGB views in PRISMA L2D
Next image shows an example of possible use case for co-registration functionality by
opening a SAR image (CSG mission, GTC_B type) in Workspace A and the PAN
(chromatic) of a PRISMA L2D image on Workspace B and, at the same time, opening
the geolocated map (see for details 3.2.1 section) automatically co-registered with the
2 Workspaces images.
Figure 3-32: co-registration example
Image Workspaces
Once a data product is selected for the analysis, the workspaces will show
loaded/selected data, as they are in the product for real datatypes, or in a detected
form, evaluated in-line, for complex datatypes.
the quick-look evaluated in-line on actual data is shown in the top one (on the left for
Workspace A, on the right for Workspace B)
a lens centered on the cursor (with a fixed zoom level equal to 2x) is shown in lower
window (on the left for Workspace A, on the right for Workspace B)
These additional windows can be toggled on/off by means of the F11 keyboard key.

Figure 3-33: workspace

Data can be browsed using mouse:
dragging (click left, move mouse and release button) to obtain pan,
zooming with mouse scroll wheel,
jumping to a different position of the central cursor by clicking onto the desired
position in the quick-look window in the left/ right top of the main one,
jumping can also be used to define an exploration path within the displayed image:
the tool moves the window over data following, sequentially, all the points selected
(by simple clicks).
Data can be also moved using keyboard:
moving the central cursor (together with the viewport) over data (using arrows keys),
zooming with + and - keyboard key,
centering the cursor (and the viewport) over the center of the image displayed in the
workspace with spacebar keyboard key,
rotate counterclockwise (or clockwise) the image in the viewport with the 1
keyboard key (or the 2 keyboard key),
resetting rotation to the original image geometry with the 3 keyboard key.
A regular grid can be toggled on/off on the workspace with the G keyboard key.
A (little) yellow cross is present on the center of the Main Window: when user moves
the center the cursor colour change for 3 seconds to red.
A light-yellow viewfinder is dynamically shown on the mouse cursor position: when
user moves the mouse cursor holding down the shift keyboard key the coordinates
information (if available) are automatically updated.
Area of Interest
To draw directly from workspace an Area of Interest (AOI) user must be fix a Point of
Interest (POI) or a Region of Interest (ROI) by single mouse right click to fix
single/multi points for area; when a region is completed drawn user must be press the
Esc keyboard key to apply it.
On next figure is shown a POI on workspace drawn with this steps:
mouse right click on position of POI
press the Esc key
A new yellow square is shown with center on POI position and the sides fixed to 128
A label is anchored to square with information of POI generated:
name: when generated on workspace is from WS<A/B> (<ID>)
coordinates: when converter is available show geodetic coordinates [<LAT> <LON>
Figure 3-34: POI on workspace
On next figure is shown a triangular ROI on workspace drawn with this steps:
mouse right click on three vertices of ROI
press the Esc key
A new yellow triangle is shown.
A label is anchored to square with information of ROI generated:
name: when generated on workspace is from WS<A/B> (<ID>)
coordinates: when converter is available show geodetic coordinates of first point
[<LAT> <LON> <H>]
Figure 3-35: ROI on workspace
It is possible to select/deselect a AOI by single mouse left click on shape to
enable/disable it for future analysis.
It is possible to remove AOI from workspace selecting it before and press the Canc
keobard key.
Smart cursor
To help user to inspect details for image enabled on workspace a Smart Cursor mode
is optionally activated/deactivated by press the F12 keyboard key.
Data can be browsed using mouse:
dragging (click left, move mouse and release button) to obtain pan,
zooming with + (plus) and - keys in the numpad,
On next figure is shown Smart Cursor enabled on workspace.
Figure 3-36: Smart Cursor
Keyboard shortcuts
Available keyboards shortcuts to tool’s functions are reported in the following figure.
This help image is visible on workspace pressing keyboard button F1 keyboard key.

Figure 3-37: keyboard shortcut

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