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HOW TO - Combine duplicate Cerner user ID.

(updated 1/24/12)

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this process is to maintain the “oldest” of all the user’s Cerner accounts (assumed to be the original
account), and combine the “newer” accounts into that original account..

1. An RC ticket with user name info is required.

2. From within HNA User, search for the user.

3. Select one of the accounts, and then click on the “quick view” icon. (It looks like a pair of glasses)

4. The following screen will open. Write down the “Person ID”, and then close this window.

5. Now open the 2nd account and write down the “person ID” for the 2nd account.

6. If there are more than two accounts then repeat this process for every account available.

INFO: The lower number of the two “Person IDs” is the oldest of all the accounts. We will call the lowest numbered account the
“GOOD” (older) account for the remainder of this document. Also, any account that is not the GOOD account will be
referred to as the BAD (newer) account for the remainder of this document. (review the “Objective” at the top of the page)

7. Working with all the “newer” accounts, open alias for the account.

8. Write down ALL the alias info available for this account. (it will be used later in the perm account)
9. After writing down ALL the alias information, you will now deactivate this alias info.

TO DEACTIVATE, do the following on each alias entry:

a) Select one line item in the area titled “Personal Alias”.
b) Uncheck the “Organization” box
c) Highlight and delete everything in the area title “Alias”
d) UNcheck the box titled “Active”.
e) Change the “Effective Dates” to today’s date.
f) Click OK to save these changes then close this window.
g) A window (like below) will open. Click on YES.

h) Repeat steps “a” through “g” on each additional line item in the “Personal Alias” area until you have done each line item
“a” THROUGH “g” ON EACH LINE ITEM IN THE “Personal Alias” AREA. Ask for assistance if you are unsure of
what this means. Not doing this correctly can corrupt a user’s Cerner account.

i) Back at the list of all the users Cerner accounts, double click on the same account you just worked on.
j) Set the “end date” to today’s date.
k) If this is a Physician, UNcheck the box titled “Physician”.
l) Click OK to save these changes.

10. If the user has more than two Cerner accounts, then repeat all the steps in Step 9 before going onto Step 10.

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INFO: Now that the duplicate (newer) accounts have been disabled, we will now work on the remaining GOOD account that will
become the user’s ONLY remaining Cerner account.

11. To update the remaining GOOD Cerner account with all the required / pertinent information, do the following:
a) Highlight the GOOD account.
b) Open the Alias screen.
a. (we will now add/update the alias info)
c) Referring to the alias info you wrote down in the earlier steps, compare that info with the info that is in this account. If any of
the info from the BAD account is already entered (and matches) in this GOOD account, then there is nothing to update/add
for that line item.
d) Any info missing needs to be added to this GOOD account.
12. Open a new RC ticket and use the template (located in “ Service Organization : Banner Health I/T” -- Area : Cerner)
titled “Cerner General Request.”.
(NOTE: Open a NEW separate RC ticket rather than a new sub-task. A subtask will not allow you to close YOUR request,
which would subsequently send an email to the requestor informing them of the user’s Cerner ID and any other account
information they would need to forward to the user.)

13. Title it “Combine duplicate user Cerner profiles.”.

14. Select the appropriate information for areas titled:

“Department” = Information Technology.
“Facility” = Banner Corporate Center - Phoenix.
“Justification” = Maintenance.
“Need by” = 1 day out.

15. In the “Instructions” field, type: “Combine duplicate user Cerner profiles for (NAME).
“GOOD account = (Person ID #)”.
“BAD account(s) = (Person ID #)”.
(Insert the user’s name and the Person ID number s in their appropriate location.)

16. Select Submit.

17. Make note of the new RC number it creates for you.

18. This new RC ticket “should” be automatically assigned to the “Clinical Systems - Cain, Rhonda” team. You may want to
open this new RC ticket and verify this has happened, otherwise the request may float around until someone assigns it to the
correct team for completion.)

Now that a new RC ticket has been opened for the Clinical Systems team, let’s return back to the original RC ticket that
initially requested this Cerner combine.

19. In the original RC ticket, add any notes regarding the remaining GOOD Cerner ID that needs to go to the user so they can log
into that account.

20. Close that ticket so this information goes to the requestor and they can forward the info onto the user.

21. IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to move any addresses and phone numbers need to be moved into to the GOOD account. If
they differ between the two accounts, research it the best you can to obtain the correct info.

That’s it. You’re done. 

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