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General Considerations of the Course

• Its Presidents and Their Legacies

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Charlemagne T. Tamondong
UP-Institute of Hygiene
• Legacy
- "Emergence of the Profession"

• Highlights of Accomplishments
- Public acceptance and recognition of PAMET and its good
social standing
- Approval on May 10, 1967 of House Bill No. 7082 (MT
Bill) sponsored by Congressman Jose Moreno and
Congresswoman Magnolia Antonino

. -r:echnology Practice in the Philippine Setting
Introduction to Medica1''

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Nardito D. Moraleta
Far Eastern University
- "Professional Recognition"
• Highlights of Accomplishments
- Approval ofR.A. 5527 (Senate Bill No. 996)
- SEC Registration ofPAMET: October 14, 1969 (Registration
No. 39570)
- PAMET Chapters: Cebu (1969) and Baguio (1970)
- Council of Medical Technology Education
- First MT Board Exam conducted by the 1' t Board of
- PAMET Code of Ethics (August 6, 1968)
- PAMET NEWS: 1st Official Newspaper

Additional Note:
RA 5527 was approved on June 21, 1969 and contains 32
sections. It has been revised three times to date. However, recently
the following are being worked out already:
a. HB 4742 - Rolando Andaya
b. SB 2722 - Senator Edgardo Angara
- "Medical Technology Act of 2011•

General Considerations of the Course

Felix E. Asprer
(1970-1971, 1973-1977)
Uniyersity of Santo Tomas

• Legacy
- "Legislative Agenda"

• Highlights of Accomplishments
- Approval of PD 498 Oune 28, 1974}
- Accreditation of PAMET as a bona fide professional
organization for medical technologists by the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) on May 24, 1975
- PAMET Chapters: La Union, Pangasinan, Zambales, and
Additional Note:
PD 498 was the frrst amendment when martial law was
declared. It also amended most of the sections of RA 5527. Felix
Asprer is the f1rst PAMET president to serve two terms.


Bernardo T. Tabaosares
Fat Eastem University

• Legacy
- "Celebration of the Practice•
• Highlights of Accomplislunents
- Amendments to the Teves Law (about the salaries
medical professionals)
- Proclamation on September 15, 1972 of the third week
September as the Philippine Medical Technology Week
- PAMET Chapter: Davao City
Angelina R. Jose
Oanuary 1973-September 1973)
Universi ty of Santo Tomas , 1

• Legacy
- "Career Advocacy"
• Highligh ts of Accompl ishments
- Approval of P75.00 professional tax of a registered medical
technologist (RMT) by the Bureau of Internal Revenue
- Upgrading of the Medical Technology profession by raising
its professional code number from 20 to 3

Addition al Note:
Ms. Jose is the fifth PAMET president. Her term is also the
shortest. She is also the first lady president of PAMET.
lntroduction to lVIVlH\•'"" •-

Venerable C.V. Oca

(1977-February 198~)
Far Eastern University

• Legacy
- "Educational Enhancement"
• Highlights of Accomplishments
- Monthly seminars for the continuing professional
education of medical technologists
- Monthly medical missions offering free laboratory services
to the poor and less fortunate
- Monthly quiz contests participated in by different medical
technology schools in the country
- Classification of PAMET members into different cat" ·
. , Junio
(associate . . r, re gul ) egones
Additional Note:
Ms. Oca did not finish her last term of office b
for the U.S. ecause she left
Generaf Considerations of the Course

Carmencita P. Acedera
College of Holy Spirit
• Legacy
- "Image Building"
• Highlights of Accomplishments
- Conferment of awar~s to deserving chapters and
of the association such as the Most Outstanding
Technologist Award, Distinguished Service
pter of
Crisanto G. Almario Memorial Award, and the Cha
the Year Award
ization of
- Approval of the upgrading of the salary standard
13 to 22
government medical technologists from salary grade
- Fellow category in the membership was included
least 25%
- Inclusion of the hazard pay equivalent to at
gists in
of the basic monthly salary of medical technolo
ta for
government practice (as embodied in the Magna Car
Public Health Workers)
ter of the
- Publication of the LABNEWS, the official newslet
- Aggressive and relevant CPE for competence sust
with corresponding units
iate quiz
- Incorporation of the sportsfest and inter-colleg
show in the Medical Technology Week celebration
- Composition of the Beloved PAMET Hymn by
Pefanco and Hector Gayares Jr. in November 22, 1989

Additional Note: .
ed the
Ms. Acedera is the 8th PAMET president wh~ serv
, ::
association for the longest term. 11
Practice in the Philippine Setting
. Medical TechnoIogY
lntroducuon to . •
• .

• Marilyn R. Atienza
Philippine Women's University

• Legacy·
- "Proactivism"
. Higblig];its of AccOmplishments
_ Closer coordination between PAMET and PA
the upliftment of the profession
- Acquisition of the PAMET Secretariat Office at
Cityland 10
in Makati City in 1995
- Approval of the PAMET Constitution and By-La
ws in 1992
Additional Note:
Mrs. Atienza is the 9th PAMET president. Sh
e is currently one
of the members of the Medical Technology Board
t 1cnera1 (,<msicJorntions ()f the (our~~!

Norma N. Chang
University of Santo Tomas

• Legacy
- "International Leadership"
• Highlights of Accomplishments
- Approval of the 1997 Code of Ethics of the Medical
Technology Profession (March 7, 1997)
- Accident and sickness assistance to bona fide members of
the association through the Bayanihan Plan
- Registration of the Philippine Journal of Medical
Technology in the International Library of Congress with a
corresponding ISSN number
- Publication of the PAMET LINK, the current newsletter of
the association
- Formation of the Philippine Council for Quality Assurance-
in Clinical Laboratories which includes member
organizations like PSP, DOH-BRL, PSQUA and PAMET.
nolOQY r 'vv •• -
Medical Tech
Introduction to

Agnes B. Medenilla
University of Santo Tomas

• Legacy
_ "Organizational Dynanus • "
. Highlights of Accomplishments
_ Submission of prop~~ed '.1111endments to RA 5527_ to the
•House of Representatives
- Job fairs for newly-registere4 medical technologists
- Ratification of the 2002 PAMET Constitution and By-Laws
on December 6, 2003
- Recipient of the Most Outstanding Professional
Organization by CHAP in 2001
- Launching of the "Alagang Safeguard, Alagang Nanay•
advertising campaign in partnership with Procter &
Additional Note: ~s. Medenilla is the second PAMET president who served the
OlJ ice ior two terms Sh 1• h th
• e st e 11 and 13th president of PAMET.
Shirley I. Fabian Cruzada
Far Eastern University

• Legacy
- "Interdisciplinary Networking"
• Highlights of Accomplishments
- Partnership with Procter &Gamble in awarding scholarship
grants to PAMET members who are candidates for masteral
or doctorate degrees dubbed "Dagdag Karunungan,
Kinabukasan ng Kalusugan Thesis/Dissertation Grant"
- Comprehensive web and e-commerce solution for
communication, transactions, and education via www.
- Collaborative activities: PAMET website (
- Formulation and adoption of PAMET vision-mission
- Implementation of the electronic membership ID system
- Approval of the research fund for PAMET members
- Formation of the Institutional Review Board
- Inclusion of the Student Research Forum during the
Medical Technology Week celebration
. M d' el Technology Practice in the Ph111pp1ne ~etting
lntroduct,on to 8 ,c

Leila M. Florento
University of Santo Tomas

• Legacy
- "Beyond Expectations"
• Highlights of Accomplishments
- CPE for medical technologists
- Intensified collaboration with Procter & Gamble: "Limang
Hakbang Tungo Scl Kalusugan" - a joint effort by PAMET
- Heightened research-related .activities through the help of
Ms. Lily Alquiza
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Romeo Joseph J. Ignacio

(2013-pre sent)
San Juan De Dios

• Legacy
- "Soar Higher through V.O.I.C.E:'
• Highlight s of Accompli shments
- V.0.1.C.E.: Visibility, Oneness, Integrity, Commitme nt, and
- Collabora tion and enhanced linkages with academic
institution s

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