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Year 7 Physics Loudness Pitch

Chapter 2: Sound
Transverse waves occur when LARGE AMPLITUDE→ LOUD SOUND High frequency → High pitch
the oscillations (vibrations)
are perpendicular (at 90
degrees) to the direction of
the wave.


Low frequency → low pitch

Longitudinal waves occur when

Frequency is the number of waves passing a point per
the oscillations (vibrations) are
parallel to the direction of the
Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) or kilohertz (kHz)

3) The vibrations are passed onto tiny bones called

1) The pinna
the ossicles that amplify the sound
A vibration produces a sound wave. Sound waves spread by causing directs the
particles in a medium (solid, liquid or gas) to vibrate. sound into your
auditory canal 4) The vibrations are
In a vacuum there are no particles so no sound can be produced or passed on to liquid in
spread the cochlea which
contains tiny hairs.
As the liquid moves,
2) The sound the hairs move and
wave causes produces electrical
your ear drum signals.
to vibrate

5) The electrical signals travel down the auditory

Speed of sound decreases nerve to your brain
Retrieval Practice
Question Answer

1. Define frequency The number of waves passing a point per second

2. Name the type of waves where the oscillations are perpendicular to Transverse
the direction of the wave.
3. State what produces sound waves Vibrations

4. Name the tiny bones in the ear that amplify sound Ossicles

5. Describe a longitudinal wave When the oscillations are parallel to the direction of the wave.

6. Describe the volume of a sound wave with a large amplitude Loud (high volume)

7. Name the state of matter where sound travels the fastest. Solids

8. State the part of the ear that contains a liquid with tiny hairs and Cochlea
produces electrical signals.
9. State the unit of frequency Hz (Hertz)

10. Explain why no sound waves can travel in a vacuum. There are no particles.

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