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HỌC KỲ 2 NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024

(Phần dành cho sinh viên/ học viên)

Bài thi học phần: Tiếng Anh 3 Số báo danh: 5

………………………….………………………... Mã số SV/HV: 22D100026

Mã số đề thi: 19 Lớp: 232-ENTH1611-29

Ngày thi: 1/6/2024 Tổng số trang: 3 Họ và tên: Nguyễn Việt Anh

Điểm kết luận:

GV chấm thi 1: …….………………………......

GV chấm thi 2: …….………………………......

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GV chấm 1:
Câu 1: ……… điểm
Câu 2: ……… điểm
Cộng …… điểm

GV chấm 2:
Câu 1: ……… điểm

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Câu 2: ……… điểm
Cộng …… điểm

Bài làm

Question 1:

1, Summarize the text using your own words (80-100)

Advertising helps people recognize a brand, persuades them to try it, and aims to
maintain their loyalty, which is crucial for repeated purchases. Effective advertising, alongside
product quality, encourages this loyalty. Market research identifies target demographics,
ensuring ads reach the right audience. The industry is fast-paced and creative, adapting to
changing societal structures by targeting specific groups like working mothers and single
individuals. New technologies, such as computer graphics, enhance advertising by capturing
consumer attention and presenting products innovatively.

2, What are the elements of a successful advertisement (about 300 words)

There are many elements of advertisement which can help people recognize a particular
brand and persuade them to buy it. First of all, the headline is first thing people notice, a good
headline grabs attention of the audience. The headline must catch the reader’s eyes, this can be
achieved thought bold font and strong color, it should stand out and make the audient notice.
Moreover, the headline is a critical element of advertising that can make or break the success of
a campaign, it has the power to attract, engage, and persuade the audience, and should be given
careful thought and attention in the creative process. Also, high- quality visuals can make a
significant impact, whether through images, videos, or graphics, visuals should be attractive,
relevant to the message. Visuals can often communicate a message more effectively than words
alone, a quality visual can attention, make a lasting impression on viewers. Additionally, the
target audience is an essential element of advertising, it refers to the specific group of people
that an advertising is created to reach and influence. Understanding the target audience is very
important in developing an effective advertising strategy. Because, when you know your
audience, you can understand their need, this information helps you create products or services

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that solve their problem. In conclusion, making a successful advertising requires many
important elements to impact on audience and create a long lasting impression.

Question 2: Write an article about a book you read recently that left a deep impression on you.
You should write about 300 word.

I have read many books in my life but the most special one is The adventure of Cricket
of To Hoai, it published in 1941 and was favorited by many readers in Viet Nam. When I read
this book, I really liked this character. This is a strong and healthy cricket. However, he is very
arrogant and always believes that he may become the world's leader. Crickets always look down
on those around him, especially crickets - a small and weak neighbor friend. One time, the main
character plays trick on Coc which causing his neighbor’s death. Before dying, he advised
Cricket to give up his arrogance. Cricket was extremely regretful and realized his fist lesson.
Later, he met his companions and begin his adventure journey. Both have gone through many
challenges, met may new friends, traveled to many land like Kingdom of Ant and leant many
precious lessons about friendship. After reading this book, it left a deep impression on me and
tough me many, when I read every page, I feel like I'm in a fairy tale world. This story is also
known for its exquisite storytelling and rich imagery. Each page opens up a vivid and
interesting natural world, immersing readers in a rich and colorful adventure. To Hoai cleverly
used simple and profound language to create a story that is both intimate and philosophical.
Another special feature of "The Adventures of Cricket" is that the lessons about life are
integrated naturally and gently. Through adventures, the author not only encourages youth's
courage and desire to conquer, but also reminds of the importance of kindness, empathy and
solidarity. “The Adventures of Cricket” is not only a book for children, but also a work in which
adults can also find many lessons and inspiration. Cricket's journey is proof that each of us, no
matter how small, can contribute and change the world in our own way.


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