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Table of Content

1. Mock-ups
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Key Features of Mockups
1.3 Overview
1.4 Mockup diagram
1.4.1 Summary of Weekly Sales Report
Mockup for Leckie’s Choice (LC)
1.5. Conclusion
Task 6.3D
Name: Ansh Taneja
Student ID:2310994764

1. Mock-ups

1.1 Introduction
The mockup demonstration of our LC Order Application! In today's
global marketplace, conducting secure and efficient transactions is vital
for businesses engaged in international trade. Our LC Order Application
is designed to simplify the management of Letter of Credit transactions,
offering a user-friendly interface and robust functionality to meet the
diverse needs of businesses navigating the complexities of cross-border

1.2 Key Features of Mockups:

 High Fidelity: Mockups are crafted with meticulous attention

to detail, incorporating realistic visual elements such as colors,
typography, images, and icons to closely resemble the final

 Interactive Elements: Mockups often include interactive

features such as clickable buttons, dropdown menus, form fields,
and navigation links, allowing users to simulate the actual user
 Content Representation: Mockups utilize actual or placeholder
content to populate the interface, providing a realistic context for
evaluating the design and layout.

 Iterative Design: Mockups facilitate iterative design processes,

enabling designers to experiment with different layouts, color
schemes, and interactive elements to refine the design based on
feedback and testing.

1.3. Overview:
The mockup is designed to convey key insights and metrics
related to LC's weekly sales, including branch-wise sales
summaries, product performance, and total revenue. It
features a clean and organized layout with visually appealing
charts and tables for easy interpretation of data.

1.4. Mockup Diagram

Those users who are not yet registered to the application can
register themself on the application by clicking on register icon
Here is the weekly sale graph which is showing that Branch A
products have more sale than Branch B products and branch B
products have less sale than Branch C products and also among
three of Branches Branch A has high number of sales.

1.4.1 Summary of Weekly Sales Report Mockup for Leckie’s

Choice (LC)
The provided mockup offers a comprehensive visualization of
LC's weekly sales report, enabling stakeholders to gain valuable
insights into sales performance across branches and product
categories. Here's a summary of the key elements featured in the

1.5. Conclusion
The weekly reports mockup for Leckie’s Choice (LC)
provides a comprehensive overview of sales performance,
offering valuable insights into branch-wise sales, product
performance, and total revenue. Through its clear
visualization and structured presentation of data, the mockup
facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning
for LC. It serves as a powerful tool for stakeholders to
analyze trends, identify opportunities, and drive business
growth effectively. Overall, the mockup demonstrates LC's
commitment to leveraging data-driven insights to optimize
operations and achieve long-term success in the market.

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