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Fluid Mechanics

Dr. Eng./ Umro Mostafa
• Ch.1 Basic Concepts
Units and dimensions and fluid properties
• Ch.2 Fluid statics and its applications
pressure and pressure measurements, Pascal’s law, buoyancy
• Ch.3 Fluid dynamics and its applications
Flow types, Reynolds's number, Continuity and momentum equations,
Bernoulli's equation (energy equation)
• Ch.4 Internal flow in pipes
flow and pressure losses calculations for laminar and turbulent flow,
friction losses, using tables and moody chart
• Ch.5 External flow and fluid structure interaction.
Aerodynamics, Drag and lift forces
• Ch.6 Fluid mechanics instrumentations
-industrial application (pumps, turbines, tanks, valves, weirs)
-Measurement devices
Fluid Mechanics
LEC. 2
Dr. Eng./ Umro Mostafa
Fluid Mechanics
LEC. 3
Dr. Eng./ Umro Mostafa
Chapter 3
Fluid Statics

1-Piezometric pressure+head ( pressure in tanks and in the

2- Measuring devices (barometer-piezometer-pressure transducers-
3-Gates (flat and curved)
5-Floating forces
‫‪where α is the lapse rate‬‬
‫معدل تغير درجه حرارة الجو مع‬
Fluid Mechanics
Dr. Eng./ Umro Mostafa
Chapter 3
Fluid Statics

1-Piezometric pressure+head ( pressure in tanks and in the

2- Measuring devices (barometer-piezometer-pressure transducers-
3-Gates (flat and curved)
5-Floating forces
Predicting Forces on Plane Surfaces (Panels)

Fluid Mechanics
LEC.5 (part 1)
Dr. Eng./ Umro Mostafa
Chapter 4 & 5 (Fluid dynamics)

CH.4 The Bernoulli's equation

and the pressure variation
CH. 5 The control volume
approach and the continuity
Problem 5:16
Water flows in a pipe that has a 1.2 m
diameter and the following hypothetical
velocity distribution: the velocity is
maximum at the centerline and decreases
linearly with r to a minimum at the pipe
wall. If Vmax= 4.5 m/s and Vmin=3.6 m/s,
find the discharge in:
a) m3/s and,
b) L/min

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