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Table of Contents

Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4
1. Choosing Your Niche ..................................................................................... 6
Identify Profitable Niches through Research ................................................ 6
Verifying the Profit Potential of Your Chosen Niche.................................... 7
Analyzing Competition and Audience Demand……………………………….10
Monetization of your Faceless YouTube Channel…………………………….10
Factors to Consider when Choosing Your Niche ....................................... 11
Naming your Faceless Channel.................................................................... 11
Create Branding Images for your New Faceless Channel ....................... 12
2. The Importance of Keyword Research for Your Profitable Faceless
YouTube Channel............................................................................................... 13
The Role of Keywords in YouTube SEO ..................................................... 13
Benefits of YouTube Keyword Research .................................................... 14
Understanding the YouTube Algorithm ....................................................... 14
Tools and Techniques for Effective YouTube Keyword Research ......... 15
Create a Master Keyword List for your Faceless YouTube Channel ..... 19
3. Generating Engaging Content Ideas for your Videos ......................... 20
Your Videos must be Engaging .................................................................... 20
Using AI to Analyze Audience Preferences and Trends .......................... 21
Tips for Optimizing AI-Generated Video Content Ideas ........................... 21
Using ChatGPT to Generate Video Content Ideas for Your Faceless
Channel............................................................................................................. 22
4. Create Your First Faceless Video Using AI Tools ................................ 24
Tips for Crafting an Engaging Script for Your Faceless Videos .............. 25
Using ChatGPT to Create Your Video Script ............................................. 25
Create your Account at 29
Creating your First Faceless Video using the AI Power of .... 30
Using the Features of to make your Video more Appealing . 34
5. Uploading your Videos and Optimizing them ........................................ 35

Uploading your Video to YouTube ............................................................... 35
Creating a Video Description with ChatGPT .............................................. 38
Create an Eye-Catching Thumbnail with ............................... 39
Use the Right Tags ......................................................................................... 40
Subtitles, End Screens, and Cards .............................................................. 41
Finishing Off ..................................................................................................... 41
6. Other Ways to Use AI Tools to Create and Optimize Faceless
Videos .................................................................................................................... .42
Use ChatGPT to Plan Your Content ............................................................ 42
VidIQ AI Coach ................................................................................................ 43
Tubebuddy AI................................................................................................... 45
Use to Create Engaging Videos .................................................. 45
Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 47

Welcome to this powerful guide on creating profitable faceless YouTube channels. A lot of
people are not comfortable with showing their face on camera and a faceless YouTube channel is
ideal. We have provided full details of the steps that you need to take to provide yourself with
the best chance of creating a profitable faceless YouTube channel.
Choosing the right niche for your faceless YouTube channel is very important. If you get this
wrong, all of your efforts could be in vain. The first chapter of this powerful guide explains
exactly how to identify a faceless channel that has the potential to make money for you.
A lot of video creators overlook the importance of keyword research. The harsh reality is that
your faceless YouTube channel is not going to be successful if users cannot find your videos. It
is worth putting in the effort to develop a keyword list that you can keep adding to as your
channel grows.
Powerful AI tools like ChatGPT are very useful for coming up with good ideas for your faceless
channel content. By asking the right questions, you will get a stream of good ideas in seconds.
All is revealed in the third chapter of this powerful guide.
Chapter 4 provides the steps that you need to follow to create your first faceless video for your
channel. Once you understand how everything works, you will see that it is a lot easier than you
may have thought. Follow the advice here and make your first video very quickly.
Optimizing your videos correctly is crucial for the success of your faceless YouTube channel.
We will show you step-by-step how to optimize each video that you upload to YouTube so that
you increase your chances of it being discovered by users.

In the final chapter, we will discuss some other things that you can do with AI tools that will help
you make your faceless YouTube channel a success. In addition to this, we will discuss some
alternative AI tools that you can use to make life easier for you.
Not all faceless YouTube channels are profitable. There are a few different reasons for this but
usually the biggest reason is that the wrong niche is selected. If a good niche is chosen, a faceless
channel can fail if the videos they upload are not optimized. So, follow the advice and guidance
in this powerful guide and pay attention to the details.
OK, let’s get started…


1. Choosing Your Niche
When you are starting a faceless YouTube channel you may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of
choosing the right niche. In this chapter, we'll guide you through the process of selecting a
profitable niche for your channel, ensuring you make a lasting impression on your audience and
reap the rewards.
Choosing the right niche is crucial to the success of your YouTube channel. It determines the
type of content you create and the audience you attract. To make an impact, you need to find a
niche that is in demand and that you can monetize successfully.
A well-defined niche allows you to position yourself as an expert in a specific field, attracting a
dedicated audience that shares your interests. By focusing on a niche, you can create content that
directly caters to the needs and desires of your target audience, building a loyal following and
increasing your chances of success.
We'll show you how to conduct thorough market research, explore different niches, and analyze
competition to identify the untapped opportunities waiting to be explored.

Identify Profitable Niches through Research

Market research is a vital step in determining the profitability of a niche for your faceless
YouTube channel. It helps you understand the demand for content within a specific niche and
identify potential gaps or opportunities that you can leverage.

You can use AI to help identify profitable faceless channel niches. We will use ChatGPT to do
this. If you don’t have a free ChatGPT account then go over to

The key to success with ChatGPT is to use the right text prompts. Enter a prompt like “Give me
the best 50 faceless YouTube channel niches”. ChatGPT will then create the list for you. Here is
a sample of the list that ChatGPT generated with this prompt:

Let’s go with suggestion 44 about daily positive affirmations. These types of motivational videos
are always popular and easy to make using AI.

Verifying the Profit Potential of Your Chosen Niche

One way that you can check the potential of a niche idea is to use YouTube search and find
existing channels with popular videos. You can then use to check the estimated
monthly earnings.
For this example, we searched YouTube for “Positive Affirmations”. This is what we initially


The first video has 5.6 million views, so we noted the channel name which is “@lavendaire”.
Scrolling through the search results we also found:

Another channel with a lot of views with the name “@MotivationHubOfficial”. Now we are
going to use a website called Social Blade to see the estimated potential revenue for these 2
channels. This is what they estimated for the @lavendaire channel:


Here you can see that the estimated monthly earnings from YouTube ad revenue alone is
between $564 and $9,000. In our experience, Social Blade tends to significantly underestimate
these earnings so it will probably be more like $10,000 a month which meets our goal.
These are the estimated earnings for the @MotivationHubOfficial channel according to Social

Here we have estimated monthly earnings of up to $17k which is excellent. We would

recommend that you look at a few more related YouTube channels to see if your chosen niche
idea is a good one. You now know the method for doing this so you can rinse and repeat.

Another thing that you can do to be confident about your choice of YouTube faceless channel
niche is to perform keyword research. There are free tools you can use such as the Google
Keyword Planner and others. Keyword research is essential for the success of your channel and
we will cover this in more detail in the next chapter.
For your interest, the Google Keyword Planner showed that the search volume for the keyword
“positive affirmations” was between 100k and 1 million searches a month in the United States
alone. There are other affirmation-related keywords that you can use as well.

Analyzing Competition and Audience Demand

Once you've narrowed down your list to a few potential niches based on market research, it's
time to analyze the competition and audience demand more closely. Understanding the existing
channels and their content within your chosen niches is crucial to identifying gaps or areas where
you can offer something unique.
Start by watching videos from the top channels within your potential niches. Pay attention to the
engagement levels, the comments section, and the audience's feedback. Look for patterns and
identify the content topics that resonate the most with the audience. This will give you an idea of
what works well and what you can improve upon.

Monetization of your Faceless YouTube Channel

Don’t solely rely on YouTube ad revenue for monetization. If your channel does not take off as
you want it to then the revenue from this can be disappointing. Consider the monetization
potential of the niche beyond advertising revenue.
Research the types of products or services that are commonly associated with your potential
niches. Are there affiliate programs or sponsorship opportunities available? Understanding the
potential revenue streams within a niche can help you make an informed decision about its
It has been proven that the most successful faceless YouTube channels make significantly more
money with affiliate revenue than with ad revenue. One of the reasons that we like the positive
affirmation idea is because this is in the self-help niche which is both huge and evergreen.
Evergreen means that there is always demand for the niche year-round. There are no major
seasonal variations. You will find a ton of self-help products that you can be an affiliate for in
self-help. The money-making potential is enormous.


Factors to Consider when Choosing Your Niche

Consider the following factors when making your faceless YouTube channel niche decision:
1. Passion and Expertise: Choose a niche that you genuinely enjoy and have some level of
expertise in if this is possible. This will make creating content more enjoyable and authentic.
If you don’t have passion and expertise then don’t worry – just go where the money is!
2. Market Demand: Ensure there is a significant audience demand for content within your
chosen niche. Look for niches with a decent search volume and engagement levels.
3. Competition: Assess the level of competition within the niche. If the competition is too
fierce, it may be challenging to stand out. Conversely, if there is no competition at all, it
could indicate a lack of demand.
4. Monetization Potential: Evaluate the monetization potential of the niche. Are there products
or services you can promote as an affiliate? Is there a market for sponsored content?

Naming your Faceless Channel

You need to give your new faceless YouTube channel a unique name when you have identified
your niche. We will use ChatGPT to help us to come up with some good names. Use a prompt
like “Please suggest good names for a faceless YouTube channel about positive affirmations”.
This is what ChatGPT returned for this prompt:

For our example, we will choose “Affirmation Quest”.Double-check that your chosen channel
name is not already taken by searching on YouTube. So, for this example, the search will be
“affirmation quest channel”. If it is available then use it for your channel name.


Now create your new channel and use the name @AffirmationQuest. This is a generic enough
name that we can use for motivation videos and other related content as well as just affirmation
videos. Next, you will need branding for your new channel.

Create Branding Images for your New Faceless Channel

You need to create a channel profile image and a background image for your new faceless
YouTube channel. If you want to do this yourself but don’t have any graphic design skills then
we recommend that you use With Canva, there are many templates for you to
choose from even with a free account.
Alternatively, you can go over to and pay a few dollars to an experienced graphic
artist to create your channel art. Tell them what your channel is called and the video content that
you intend to post.
Here is a tip for your channel profile image. We recommend that you include a human face. You
don’t want YouTube to know that your channel is faceless. Although this doesn’t violate their
terms and conditions at the moment, things can change.
For your background image, you can go to image sites such as and to
find copyright-free images to use. Just type in your main keyword in the search bar and see what
comes up. Find a suitable image and add it to your Canva template or pass it to your Fiverr
freelancer to use on your behalf.

In the next chapter, we will discuss the role of keyword research in making your faceless
YouTube channel successful…


2. The Importance of Keyword Research for Your
Profitable Faceless YouTube Channel

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful YouTube channel. By understanding what
your target audience is searching for, you can create content that aligns with their needs and
desires. This not only improves your chances of ranking higher in search results but also
increases the likelihood of attracting viewers who are genuinely interested in your content.
But it's not enough to simply identify relevant keywords. To truly harness the power of keyword
research, you need to strategically incorporate them into your video titles, descriptions, and tags.
By doing so, you make it easier for the YouTube search engine to understand the context of your
content, making it more likely to appear in relevant search queries.

The Role of Keywords in YouTube SEO

Keywords play a crucial role in YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Optimizing your
videos with relevant keywords increases your chances of appearing in search results when users
search for content similar to yours. YouTube's algorithm looks at various factors, such as
keywords, engagement, and user behavior, to determine relevancy to a particular search query.


By including keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags, you provide search engines
with important contextual information about your content. This helps them understand the
relevance of your video to specific search queries, thereby increasing your chances of ranking
higher in search results.
Additionally, keywords can also help you attract viewers who are genuinely interested in your
content. When you optimize your videos with relevant keywords, you increase the likelihood of
attracting viewers who are actively searching for content related to your niche. These viewers are
more likely to engage with your videos and subscribe to your channel.

Benefits of YouTube Keyword Research

Firstly, it helps you understand your target audience's search habits and preferences. By gaining
insights into the specific keywords and phrases they use when searching for content, you can
tailor your video content to align with their needs and desires. This not only increases the
likelihood of attracting viewers but also helps you establish yourself as a trusted authority.
Secondly, keyword research allows you to uncover untapped opportunities and gaps in the
market. By analyzing the search volume and competition for different keywords, you can
identify topics and keywords that are in high demand but have relatively low competition.
This can give you a competitive edge and address the needs of your target audience while
standing out from the crowd. You can also use keyword research to identify new topic ideas for
future videos.

Understanding the YouTube Algorithm

To truly harness the power of keyword research, it is essential to understand how the YouTube
algorithm works. While the exact details of the algorithm are a closely guarded secret, certain
factors are known to influence the ranking of videos in search results.
One of the key factors is the relevance of the video to the search query. By optimizing your
videos with relevant keywords, you increase their chances of being considered relevant to
specific search queries. This can significantly improve your ranking in search results and
increase your visibility to potential viewers.
Another important factor is video engagement. YouTube takes into account metrics such as
watch time, likes, comments, and shares to determine the overall engagement of a video. By
creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to
engage with your videos, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.


User behavior also plays a role in the YouTube algorithm. If viewers consistently watch your
videos, subscribe to your channel, or interact with your content positively, it signals to YouTube
that your videos are valuable and deserving of higher rankings.

Tools and Techniques for Effective YouTube Keyword Research

Keyword research can be made easier and more effective by utilizing various tools and
techniques. Here are some popular free and low-cost tools to consider:
YouTube Autosuggest – like Google, YouTube has an autosuggest feature that can help you
identify some great keywords for your faceless YouTube channel. In the image below, we have
entered the search term “positive affirmations” and you can see the suggestions for related
keywords that YouTube has made:


This works on a hierarchical basis meaning that the keyword suggestions closest to the top are
those that YouTube feels are the most relevant and those at the bottom are the least relevant.
Google Trends – did you know that you can now use Google Trends for YouTube? Well you
can, and it can be really helpful to provide you with keyword ideas for future content, etc. Let’s
look at the images below:

As you can see, we have changed the parameters to “Worldwide” and “YouTube Search”. The
trend here is fairly flat which is fine. Scrolling down to the bottom of the page you will find
some related queries that you can add to your keyword list:


Keywords Everywhere – this used to be a free Google Chrome plugin but now there is a small
subscription charge which you may want to consider. You can get a lot of valuable information
from Keywords Everywhere as you can see from the image below:

You can find out the ranking difficulty for a specific keyword, the YouTube monthly search
volume, the top channels, average video views, and a lot more.

VidIQ – a lot of the information that you can get with Keywords Everywhere is also available
with the free VidIQ Google Chrome plugin. What we really like about VidIQ is that it shows you
the overall score for the keyword, the search volume, and the competition as you can see below:

There are many other useful features in the free version of VidIQ such as related keywords and
top channels. It is worth installing this plugin for your Google Chrome browser.

Tubebuddy – both Tubebuddy and VidIQ will identify the tags used for a specific video. You
will get a list of tags similar to the image below and you can copy them and add them to your

With Tubebuddy you also get a keyword explorer, suggested shorts feature, click magnet,
thumbnail generator, and a lot more. Make sure that you install this free Google Chrome
extension to help you with your YouTube keyword research.

ChatGPT – you can use ChatGPT to come up with keyword suggestions for your channel and
videos. You can enter a prompt like “Please provide me with a list of keywords for a faceless
YouTube channel about positive affirmations”. Here is how ChatGPT responded to this prompt:


What you can’t see is that ChatGPT provided 30 keyword suggestions in total. If you want more
then just ask it to provide more. Check these keywords to see if they are valid using Keywords
Everywhere or Tubebuddy as ChatGPT is not a keyword research tool specifically.
If you have a Google AdWords account then you can use the free Google Keyword Planner to
identify keyword ideas. Although this is not specifically for YouTube, the search volumes and
suggested related keywords can be helpful.

Create a Master Keyword List for your Faceless YouTube


We recommend that you create a master keyword research list for your faceless YouTube
channel. You can use a spreadsheet for this such as Microsoft Excel or a free one like Google
Sheets. Each time you discover a new keyword add it to your list with all of the relevant details.

In the next chapter, we will discuss how to generate good content ideas for your videos on your
faceless YouTube channel…


3. Generating Engaging Content Ideas for your Videos

By incorporating cutting-edge AI technology into your content creation process, you can tap into
the power of data analysis and machine learning algorithms to uncover the topics and themes that
resonate most with your target audience.
AI can analyze existing video content along with user feedback and engagement metrics to
identify trends and patterns that will inform your future content strategy. With the help of AI,
you can identify the most popular video content ideas within your niche.
You can also discover untapped niche avenues, and even predict emerging trends. This will not
only save you time and effort but also ensure that your videos consistently attract views and

Your Videos must be Engaging

If you want to achieve your goal of making $10k per month from your faceless YouTube channel
as quickly as possible you must create engaging videos. As a content creator, it's crucial to
understand the importance of engaging video content to stand out from the crowd.


Engaging video content not only captures the attention of your audience but also keeps them
hooked until the end. It creates a connection between the viewer and the content, making them
more likely to share, comment, and engage with your videos. Engaging videos have the power to
evoke emotions, spark discussions, and leave a lasting impression on the viewer's mind.
Creating engaging video content requires a deep understanding of your target audience and their
preferences. This is where AI can play a significant role. By leveraging AI-powered tools and
platforms, you can gain insights into what resonates with your audience, identify emerging
trends, and generate content ideas that will captivate your viewers.

Using AI to Analyze Audience Preferences and Trends

One of the key advantages of AI platforms like ChatGPT in generating video content ideas is its
ability to analyze audience preferences and trends. By analyzing user engagement metrics, social
media conversations, and other data sources, AI can provide valuable insights into what your
audience finds engaging and what topics are currently trending.
Here are some ways you can leverage AI to analyze audience preferences and trends:
● Engagement Metrics Analysis: AI can analyze metrics such as views, likes, comments,
and shares to identify patterns and trends in your existing video content. By
understanding which videos are performing well and why, you can generate new ideas
that align with your audience's preferences.
● Social Media Listening: AI-powered tools can analyze social media conversations,
hashtags, and mentions to understand the sentiments and preferences of your target
audience. By monitoring social media platforms, you can identify emerging trends, topics
of interest, and pain points that can be translated into engaging video content ideas.
● Competitor Analysis: AI can analyze the content of your competitors and identify their
most successful videos. By understanding what is resonating with your competitors'
audiences, you can generate similar ideas while adding your unique twist to stand out.

By leveraging AI to analyze audience preferences and trends, you can ensure that your video
content ideas are relevant, engaging, and aligned with what your audience is looking for.

Tips for Optimizing AI-Generated Video Content Ideas

While AI can be a powerful tool in generating video content ideas, it's important to optimize and
refine these ideas to ensure they align with your brand and audience. Here are some tips for
optimizing AI-generated video content ideas:

● Add a Personal Touch: While AI can generate ideas based on data analysis, it's essential
to add your unique perspective and voice to the content. Customize the AI-generated
ideas to reflect your brand's identity and values.
● Validate with User Feedback: AI-generated ideas should be validated with user
feedback. Pay attention to comments, reviews, and social media conversations to
understand how your audience is responding to the content. Use this feedback to iterate
and improve your content strategy.
● Stay Relevant and Timely: AI can help identify emerging trends, but it's important to
stay relevant and timely with your content. Keep an eye on industry news, events, and
cultural shifts to ensure your video content remains fresh and up-to-date.
● Experiment and Iterate: Don't be afraid to experiment with different AI-generated
ideas. Test different formats, styles, and topics to see what resonates best with your
audience. Use data analytics to analyze the performance of each video and iterate

Using ChatGPT to Generate Video Content Ideas for Your

Faceless Channel

You can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for current and future video content for your faceless
YouTube channel. Use a prompt like “Give me 10 YouTube Shorts ideas for a faceless channel
about positive affirmations”. This is how ChatGPT responded to this prompt:

You can’t see all 10 results in this image so here is a list of the ideas that ChatGPT returned:
1. Morning Boost

2. Affirmation Quickie
3. Nature Affirmations
4. Power Pose Affirmations
5. Word Art Affirmations
6. Mindful Breathing Affirmations
7. Affirmation Flashcards
8. Mirror Affirmations
9. Affirmation Remix
10. Daily Gratitude Affirmations

All of these ideas are good and you can use them to create videos. If you want to create longer
videos and not YouTube Shorts then you can specify that in your ChatGPT prompt. In the next
chapter we are going to create a video using AI tools so for this we will choose the idea
“Morning Boost”.

In the next chapter, we will discuss how to create your first video for your new faceless channel
with AI tools…


4. Create Your First Faceless Video Using AI Tools

Creating faceless videos has become a popular choice for content creators who want to maintain
their anonymity or focus on the content itself. By combining the power of ChatGPT and, you can unlock a whole new level of creativity and engagement in your videos.
ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model that uses advanced natural language processing to
generate human-like text. It can be a valuable tool for scriptwriting, allowing you to easily
generate dialogues, monologues, or voiceovers for your faceless videos.
With its ability to understand context and generate coherent responses, ChatGPT will save you
time and effort in crafting compelling scripts. We will show you an example of how good
ChatGPT is at generating video scripts a little later. is a versatile video editing platform that offers a range of features to enhance your
faceless videos. It provides a user-friendly interface, a vast library of video templates, and an
extensive collection of stock footage and audio tracks. You can easily add animations, text
overlays, transitions, and other elements to make your videos visually appealing and engaging.
By combining the power of ChatGPT and, you can create faceless videos that
captivate your audience, communicate your message effectively, and leave a lasting impression.
In this chapter, we will show you how you can use these 2 powerful AI tools to create engaging
videos without the need to show your face.


Tips for Crafting an Engaging Script for Your Faceless Videos

Before we get into the practical side of things and show you how to create a great script with
ChatGPT and then use this to create an amazing faceless video with, here are a few
proven tips on creating the best scripts:
1. Understand your audience: Before writing the script, research your target audience and
understand their interests, preferences, and pain points. This will help you tailor your script to
resonate with your viewers and address their needs effectively.
2. Start with a hook: Grab your audience's attention from the beginning by starting with a hook
or an intriguing question. This will entice viewers to continue watching and make them curious
about what you have to say.
3. Use storytelling techniques: Incorporate storytelling techniques into your script to make it
more engaging and memorable. Introduce characters, create a narrative arc, and use anecdotes or
examples to illustrate your points.
4. Keep it concise: Attention spans are limited, so keep your script concise and to the point.
Avoid unnecessary fluff and focus on delivering your message clearly and efficiently.
5. Incorporate humor or emotion: Injecting humor or emotion into your script can make it more
relatable and enjoyable to watch. Use appropriate jokes, anecdotes, or heartfelt moments to
connect with your audience on an emotional level.
6. Include a call to action: End your script with a clear call to action that tells viewers what to
do next. Whether it's subscribing to your channel, visiting your website, or sharing the video, a
call to action encourages viewer engagement and helps you achieve your goals.

Using ChatGPT to Create Your Video Script

We are going to create a YouTube Short video in this chapter. Since YouTube launched Shorts,
it has grown significantly and it is a lot easier to get thousands of views to your Shorts videos
than to conventional YouTube videos. If you are not familiar with YouTube Shorts, they have a
maximum time limit of 60 seconds. This is fine for our first affirmation video.
In the previous chapter, ChatGPT generated ideas for our first video and we decided to go with
the “Morning Boost” option. As we only have 60 seconds to get our message across, we have
decided to create a video with 3 positive affirmations that beginners to affirmations can use to
start their mornings off in the right way.
For ChatGPT to generate the script that we need, we must enter the right prompt. In this
example, we will go with the prompt “Generate a YouTube Shorts script for 3 positive

affirmations for beginners to use for a morning boost”. This is how ChatGPT responded to this

As this is a screenshot from one of our computers, we cannot show you the whole script. So, we
copied it and you can see below the full output:

<<< Start of the script >>>

**[INTRO - Visual of a Sunrise]**

Narrator (Voiceover): "Good morning! Welcome to your daily dose of positive affirmations.
Let's start your day with a boost of positivity and motivation."

**[AFFIRMATION 1 - Visual of Blooming Flower]**

Narrator (Voiceover): "I am ready to embrace the opportunities this day brings. I am open to new
beginnings and endless possibilities."

**[AFFIRMATION 2 - Visual of Calm Ocean Waves]**

Narrator (Voiceover): "I am calm and centered. Just as the waves find their rhythm, I find my
inner peace and strength."

**[AFFIRMATION 3 - Visual of Rising Hot Air Balloon]**

Narrator (Voiceover): "I rise above challenges and limitations. Like a hot air balloon, I ascend
with confidence and grace."

**[ENDING - Visual of Smiling Sun]**

Narrator (Voiceover): "Remember, every morning is a chance to begin anew. Take these
affirmations with you as you move through your day. You've got this!"


"Start Your Day with Positivity"

**[OUTRO - Visual of Sparkling Stars]**

Narrator (Voiceover): "Thank you for joining us for these affirmations. If you enjoyed this,
remember to like and subscribe for more daily positivity. Have a wonderful day filled with joy,
purpose, and inspiration."


"Subscribe for More Positivity"

[Subscribe Button and Channel Logo]


[Soft and uplifting background music throughout the video]


Remember, when recording or creating your YouTube Shorts, use visuals that match the
affirmations' themes to enhance the impact of the positive messages.

<<< End of the script >>>

We recommend that you copy the script that ChatGPT generates for you as well. You will need
to do this because there will be some changes required to it so that you can copy and paste it
directly into
This video script is very good. ChatGPT has even made recommendations for visuals, an
enticing call to action (CTA), and the background music you should use. The next step is to
clean up the script so we can enter it directly into so that it can automatically create
our video.
What you need for the script is just the narration elements and any other important
text. After we cleaned up the ChatGPT script ready for it looked like this:

<<< Start of InVideo script >>>

Good morning! Welcome to your daily dose of positive affirmations. Let's start your day with a
boost of positivity and motivation.


I am ready to embrace the opportunities this day brings. I am open to new beginnings and
endless possibilities.


I am calm and centered. Just as the waves find their rhythm, I find my inner peace and strength.



I rise above challenges and limitations. Like a hot air balloon, I ascend with confidence and

Remember, every morning is a chance to begin anew. Take these affirmations with you as you
move through your day. You've got this!

Start Your Day with Positivity

Thank you for joining us for these affirmations. If you enjoyed this, remember to like and
subscribe for more daily positivity. Have a wonderful day filled with joy, purpose, and

Subscribe for More Positivity

<<< End of InVideo script >>>
Copy your revised script into a notepad or basic text file. Notice how simple the script is now.
We have removed all of the prompts for the narrator etc., as well as the quotation marks. Keep it
as simple as possible to achieve the best results with

Create your Account at

You can easily create YouTube Shorts videos using the AI power of There is a free
plan available so you can test the effectiveness of this AI video creator. If you are serious about
your faceless YouTube channel (and you should be) then they have a monthly plan at $15 (if you
pay annually or $30 for monthly payments). See the pricing and features available at


Even with the free plan you get access to more than 6000 templates as well as a vast media
library. Videos made under the free plan will have a watermark though. You can use the
automated text-to-speech feature to create all of your videos or you can record a voiceover
yourself. More on this later.
Go to and register an account.

Creating your First Faceless Video using the AI Power of

We have set up a free account to show you what is possible. Once you have logged in, choose
the “AI text to video” option at the top of the page:


Change the aspect ratio to “Portable” for YouTube Shorts. You will then be presented with
several templates that you can choose from. Select the one that you like the best. Now click on
the “Use Template” button which takes you to the editor.

Add your Script

You will see a screen that has the “Script” box on the left and the canvas area on the right. Now
you are ready to copy and paste your “cleaned up” script that you generated using ChatGPT.
Copy and paste it into InVideo so it will look something like this:


Edit your Automatically Generated Scenes

What will now do is automatically create slides or scenes for your video from the
script that you pasted in. The good news is that you have total flexibility here and you can edit
each of these slides as you want to. For example, you can change the media associated with your
slides until they are the “best fit” for your video.
Click on a scene to edit it. Choose “Video” from the left-hand side and then enter a keyword to
find the appropriate clip. The keyword we are going to use here is “feeling good”.

Make the necessary adjustments and preview your scene to ensure you are happy with it. Once
you are happy then click on the “Save” button in the top right-hand corner.

Add a Voiceover

We recommend that you add a voiceover to all of the videos that you create for your faceless
YouTube channel. has some good AI voices available that sound realistic.
Alternatively, you can record your own voiceover or outsource this work to someone on
You may want to consider using a real human voice for your faceless videos as rumors are
circulating that YouTube can detect AI-generated voiceovers no matter how good they are. At
the moment, this is not a problem, but YouTube may decide to de-monetize videos that have AI-
generated voiceovers in the future.
If you want to use the AI-generated voiceover feature of this is easy to do. Choose
Advanced Options and then select the scene that you want to add the voiceover to. Click on the
Voiceover button and select “Automated Text to Speech”.

On the left-hand side, you will be able to choose from some different male and female voices.
Choose the one that you think sounds right for your video and then click on the “Generate VO”
button. You can save a lot of time by checking the “Add automated VO for all scenes” box. Then
click on the “Add VO to Scene” button. Make sure that you save everything.

We recommend that you preview the entire video (all of the scenes together) to ensure that
everything is good. Remember that you can make changes to any of your scenes but we do
suggest that you are consistent in your approach.


When you are happy with everything you can export your finished video as an MP4 file and save
it to your computer. Click on the “Download and Share” button in the top right of your screen.
You can edit your video at any time afterward.

Using the Features of to make your Video more


By following the steps above, you can create a high-quality faceless video in a short time. But
you can do more if you wish. Adding visuals, text overlays, and transitions can significantly
enhance the impact of your faceless videos. Here are some techniques you can use to make your
videos visually appealing and engaging:
1. Visual storytelling: Use relevant images, videos, or animations to visually illustrate your
script. Visual cues can help viewers understand complex concepts, evoke emotions, and enhance
the overall viewing experience.
2. Text overlays: Add text overlays or captions to highlight key points, emphasize important
information, or provide additional context. Use visually appealing fonts, colors, and animations
to make the text visually engaging.
3. Motion graphics: Incorporate motion graphics or animated elements to add dynamism and
visual interest to your video. Animations can be used to demonstrate processes, transitions
between scenes, or simply to add a creative touch to your video.
4. Transitions: Smooth transitions between scenes or dialogues can make your video flow
seamlessly and keep viewers engaged. Experiment with different transition effects, such as fades,
zooms, or flips, to add visual interest and maintain the rhythm of your video.
5. Color grading: Apply color grading techniques to enhance the visual aesthetics of your video.
Adjusting the color balance, saturation, or contrast can create a specific mood or atmosphere that
complements your script and engages your audience. has a lot of great features and you can learn these by finding tutorials on YouTube.
Remember to strike a balance between visual elements and the script itself. Visuals should
support and enhance the content, rather than overpowering or distracting viewers from the main
message of your faceless video.

In the next chapter, we will discuss uploading your video and optimizing it…


5. Uploading your Videos and Optimizing them
In this chapter about uploading and optimizing your faceless YouTube videos, we will guide you
through the process of uploading your content using best practices that will help you maximize
your reach and capture the attention of your target audience.
Starting with the basics, we will walk you through the steps of uploading a video to your
YouTube channel, including selecting the right file format, optimizing the title and description
for SEO, and adding relevant tags.
We will also discuss more advanced strategies, such as creating eye-catching thumbnails,
optimizing your video's metadata, and utilizing annotations and cards to increase viewer
interaction and engagement.

Uploading your Video to YouTube

The first tip that we have for you here is to use a filename for your video that includes your main
keyword. Remember the morning boost positive affirmation video that we created with ChatGPT
and in the last chapter? We are going to use this to demonstrate uploading and
optimization techniques.
Through our keyword research, we have found that the best keyword to optimize this video for is
“morning positive affirmations”. This keyword is searched for on YouTube thousands of times a
month. So we have changed the filename of our video to “morning-positive-affirmations.mp4”

Uploading a video to YouTube is very easy. Every page has the uploader button at the top-right
as you can see in the image below:

Click on this uploader icon and you will be taken to the “Upload Videos” section. If you have
more than one YouTube channel then you need to switch to your newly created faceless video
channel first. Perform a Google search if you are not sure how to do this. You will see this

Click on “SELECT FILES” and browse your computer to find your video. Next, you will be
requested to provide a title and description for your video:


We have the Tubebuddy plugin installed which we recommended in Chapter 2. You can use
Tubebuddy to recommend some good titles for you using AI that include your main keyword.
Here is what it suggested for our video:


We like the first suggestion which is “Boost Your Day: Morning Positive Affirmations” so we
clicked on the “Use” button and selected this. Scroll down the page and you will be requested to
add a video description.

Creating a Video Description with ChatGPT

You can ask ChatGPT to create an optimized video description for you. We used the prompt
“Please create an optimized video description for a YouTube video about morning positive
affirmations. Please include the keywords positive morning affirmations, morning affirmations,
morning affirmations for success, morning affirmation quotes, affirmations for the morning,
powerful morning affirmations”
Note that we have asked ChatGPT to include selected keywords that we discovered from our
keyword research. This is how ChatGPT responded:

This is a well-optimized description that includes all of the keywords that we asked for. At the
bottom of the description, ChatGPT has listed the keywords that we asked for. I would not
recommend you include such a list in your description as YouTube can view this as “keyword
stuffing” and penalize your video in the rankings.
Copy the output from ChatGPT and add it to a text file. Make the changes that you require and
then copy and paste into the description box of the YouTube uploader. If you are promoting a
related affiliate product or service then add the URL for your offer as the first line of the
description. This ensures it displays “above the fold”.

Create an Eye-Catching Thumbnail with


If you are uploading a normal video rather than a Short then you can add your own thumbnail.
We recommend that you do this. You can go to and outsource this for a few dollars.
But it is easy to create a good thumbnail using Register for a free account if you
don’t have one.

Search for “YouTube thumbnail” and you will see the available templates. We have chosen the
template below:

Click on the “Customize this Template” button and change the words as you require them. This
is how our thumbnail turned out:


Download your thumbnail and use your main keyword for the file name. Ours was “positive-
morning-affirmations.png”. Now upload your thumbnail to YouTube. It took about 5 minutes to
create this eye-catching thumbnail using To add a thumbnail, you may be asked to
verify your phone number.

Use the Right Tags

Both Tubebuddy and VidIQ will recommend the tags that you should include to optimize your
video. Just type your main keyword into the YouTube search bar and choose a video. You will
see the recommended tags on the right-hand side. For our video, these are the recommended


You can copy these tags to the clipboard and then paste them into YouTube. Choose a category
for your video and click on the “Next” button.

Subtitles, End Screens, and Cards

You can add subtitles to your video, end screens, and cards which are all good for YouTube
SEO. This is fairly easy to do and there are a lot of videos on YouTube that will show you how
to do this. As we are uploading a test video, we didn’t add any of these features but we
recommend that you take the time to do this with your videos.

Finishing Off

Make sure that you choose the “Public” option for your video before you publish it. This means
that any YouTube viewer can find it and watch it. The other options of “Private” and “Unlisted”
are not good options. These are ideal for paid courses for example.
You can find our test video at

In the final chapter, we will discuss other ways to use AI tools to create and optimize great
faceless videos…


6. Other Ways to Use AI Tools to Create and Optimize
Faceless Videos
In this final chapter, we will provide you with other suggestions for using AI tools to help you
create videos and optimize them for your faceless YouTube channel. You may need to pay a
small subscription to use some of these tools but the long-term benefits are worth the small
additional cost.
You need to be serious about your faceless YouTube channel. It has the potential to generate a
lot of money from YouTube ad revenue and affiliate commissions so treat it as a business. Set
goals for your faceless YouTube channel and be prepared to invest in the best AI tools that will
produce the best results.

Use ChatGPT to Plan Your Content

You can use ChatGPT to plan ahead with your video content. Instead of asking it to come up
with a few ideas for video titles/subjects, you can request that it provide you with multiple ideas.
ChatGPT is not perfect and you may need to run prompts a few times to get what you want.
For example, let’s assume that you are looking to create 3 new YouTube Shorts videos each day
to quickly populate your faceless channel. You can ask ChatGPT to provide you with ideas for
videos 3 months in advance.

Use a prompt like “Please generate 90 video content ideas for my new positive affirmations
faceless video channel”. This is how ChatGPT responded to this request:

Interestingly, ChatGPT came up with 88 video title suggestions and not the 90 we asked for. This
happens sometimes. You can easily ask it to generate more. All of the ideas that ChatGPT came
up with were sound and we could make YouTube Short videos around them. It would have taken
us a long time to come up with these ideas on our own.

ChatGPT is such a versatile AI tool. We recommend that you learn as much as you can about it
and discover other features that can help you with your faceless YouTube channel. Upgrading to
the “Plus” plan is not expensive and worthy of consideration if you intend to create many videos
for your channel (which you should).

VidIQ AI Coach

We have already discussed how good VidIQ is for optimizing your YouTube videos. They have
recently introduced a new feature called the VidIQ AI Coach. This is like ChatGPT just for
YouTube. You can use this AI tool to help you with video creation ideas, creating titles and
descriptions, and more.
To access the VidIQ Coach, go to If you have a Gmail account you can
sign in using this. Otherwise, it is easy to create a free account. Log in and select “AI Coach”
from the top menu. You will see a screen like this:


You can now type a prompt as you would with ChatGPT. We used the prompt “Please provide
video ideas for a faceless YouTube channel about positive affirmations”. This is how the VidIQ
AI Coach responded:

It responded with 5 good ideas for our positive affirmations channel. This AI tool collects data
directly from YouTube so it has the edge over ChatGPT when it comes to ideas for your faceless
channel. You can upgrade to the Pro version for $10 to access more features and use the tool

Tubebuddy AI

Tubebuddy is another great YouTube video optimization tool. They now have an AI tool that
will analyze your thumbnails and provide you with a predictive score on how likely users are to
click on them. You can also use the Tubebuddy AI tool to create optimized video titles for you.
Perhaps the most powerful feature of the Tubebuddy AI tool is that you can use it to come up
with ideas for YouTube Shorts that are backed by AI insights. To access these AI tool features,
you will need to sign up for one of their premium plans. The features are useful but you need to
decide if it is worth it for you or not. Here is the pricing:

Use to Create Engaging Videos is not the only option when it comes to creating faceless videos. You can register for
a free account and start creating videos right away. Some of the features of
are similar to such as being able to create a video automatically from a text script.
Other features include being able to transform a longer video into engaging branded clips that
you can post to your social media channels for greater exposure. Adding captions to your videos
is easy with as well. Let’s take a look at the pricing:


45 has similar features to and the pricing is similar too. The biggest difference
is that there is a 14-day free trial with where you have to verify a payment method
such as a credit card. When the 14-day trial has expired, they will start charging you to use the
One of the reasons that we prefer and recommend is that you can sign up for their
free plan forever and never have to provide any payment details. The chances are that you will
move to a paid plan because you want to make several videos a month. This is probably the
thinking behind the free trial but we believe that you should have the choice.
You can create some excellent videos with so it is worth considering. Think about the
types of videos that you want to create and the features that you want to include and compare with to see which of these great AI tools is the best for you.


If you have read this guide from start to finish you will have learned what you need to do to give
yourself the best chance of creating a profitable faceless YouTube channel. You don’t need any
special skills to create your faceless channel and the cost of using the necessary AI tools will be
fairly low (there are some you can use for free).
Now it is over to you. While reading this guide will make you a bit smarter, only by taking
action will you get started on identifying the right niche for your faceless YouTube channel with
the help of AI tools that will do most of the hard work for you.
We hope that you found this guide to be informative and useful. Get started today by identifying
faceless YouTube channel niches that will be popular and have monetization opportunities. We
wish you every success with your faceless YouTube channel using AI tools!



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