Culture and Fun Review: Warm Up

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Book : Spotlight (1) Teacher : Mr.

Baali Rachid

Lesson:15 Culture and Fun Review Timing : 1 hour

Objectives : By the end of the lesson S.s will be able to

• Use vocabulary to compare schools around the world through discussions.
Timing Procedure / Activities Dynamic T-S,S,S-S Materials

10 Mns Warm up : T_S Board

• Show a world map. Ask Where is Morocco? What other countries Textbook
do you know? Elicit countries and have them point them out on the
map. Presentation :
15 Mns T-S Board
S-S Texebook
• Point out the flags. Say Listen and say the country names. •
Say the country names a few times each and elicit choral Audio
repetition. • Practice listening to the country names by saying
a country and having the students point to the correct flag.
B. Listen: Where are these schools? T-S Textbook
• Say We are going to listen to students talk about their schools in S-S Audio
their countries. Look and listen. Write the letter of the country next
to the picture. • Do the first item together. Play the audio and stop it
after the first student. Ask Which picture do we write the letter A?
(Ethiopia) Write the letter N, for Nigeria, next to the picture.
(Nigeria, Canada, Japan, Jordan) • Play the rest of the audio. Pause
after each student to give students time to write the letter of the
country next to the pictures.
15 Mns T-S Textbook
C. Talk about it:
1. Look at the map. Write the name of each country. S-S Board
• Have the students do the first part of the exercise
individually. • Write the following sentence frames on the
board for sharing. _________ is here on the map. Put students
in groups of 3-4. Gesture and say Compare your maps.
Encourage students to use the sentence frames for support.
2. Group discussion. Choose one picture from Exercise
B. Think about your classroom. What is different?
What is the same? Write notes in the organizer. T-S Textbook
Model the activity. Say What is the same? Elicit an answer such as S-S Notebooks
There are books in Japan and in Morocco. There are tables in _____.
But in Morrocco, there are desks.
• Close the exercise by asking groups to share a few things that are
the same and different.

Fun Review:
20 Mns S-S Coins
A. BINGO: Classroom Vocabulary Paperclips
dried beans
B. Speaking Game: Describe the pictures game pieces

C. Tic Tac Toe

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