The Tsimshian Monkey Mask and The Sasquatch

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22. Come Sus Cos te Ai Fin” pli (85 20 Gist sone, Creme Pops Be ” — Acknowledgement ‘The authors patel to the Eskimo Arts Council of Oxave fer obtaining Deraision to reproduce photographs ofthese works of at fom the Welt Balin Eskimo Cooperate on belt of the ute of Cape Dore and ‘om La Feécation des Coopratives da Nowvena Quseson beta of toe sts of Naber Quebec ‘Marjorie M. Halpin ‘The Tsimshian Monkey Mask and Sasquatch ‘sono pone Tra men. Te ae set ta aie Funes iationpecne teak netics acto oem sa ‘hgh pawn ana ue conte date (EAE everintanlond comes baer te pan “This paper was inspired by a mask collated about 1914 from the Nika Indians nthe Nasi River aea of eorthere Bates Colombia by LL. GT. Etamens,wichis ow in the Peabody Museum, Harvard University (tes 31 and 39, In documentation accompanying the mask Emmons wrote that represented "a mythial Belg found inthe Woods nd clled today a ot ey." Whether or no this ase ia prt of a creature actualy sen ‘stggss to dose who ssi that thas some elevace tothe Sagat, ooogally unsere ape ke animal beevedhy both whiter and Indians > Inhabit forested regions of Bae Columbia. Ths papers a excunion to ‘he meanings behind the mask pu an temps to conc a sy fame ‘work within which we can appecend Tsimshian thought on Sasquatch ike “ninalsand compet wt an make sent, or be made sease of, fru. In anthropolory we neste those things wich are problemi to sy ooking forte csowbere. FO the perspective ranted tows by ote, we can soreness ours nore ‘eaty: Quotions of religons symbolism and thet sclationship to bale ‘atory experienc (at exponent soya tal bythe enperencet ‘ur not shared by other) mont commonly found in Srsladoed sat ae becoming inrasngly curent in tatropolgical esearch, As longs Saequtch na peronal rater tun aclletively sation expen ‘sain hallucinatory as oti esd by Westra clue, Sine to have 2:3C one's Dallacnatins are rea tone of the pina citena by which ‘mail sientitsdingnose insanity, research iat bllceary expense 212 MARUORIE M. HALEN elec goine cone of ou ime a oa utr with the problem of isan i Sugunh war nota comin en ts eed ve scons alling about i I twat ofcomieadeimos te pels wel th pres mold ot beet nhs ody Soro hen what wear saying might sometin betd ee 7 Kees saya we do nln at osama tate aces ‘east bit funny untess it is true."= oe “= ‘A nod nyo ystems x lp anion ot he uur seein ty the Pedy mae Aontng Wo yea aes Delogst RD. MacPheit ars notracmble any lnown psec ganas sty enough to be Hens a's osagealy versie ee on have rinse asin, for of which ae epecalynecocr ike ae Se he ss ft sow the dane tater te od shetnpertn andthe prosmais, chnos over ice. Te ow tages fromthe aotnape To te towstaped and sal tees oe ie forearm epltedin many monkey sie ogo eo ‘an for een The ded ou nae wah ound concen ‘iy ied nae ing and pea the be singe money e feature of te mask: Whe th ls, ne up tips pasion ra itso charters of numerout monkeys The pepnaoien eee te fe andl ofa chin abo song eee the non hanae sees So ‘sn dentiaon however, cuneate ty hak lage ate whch csc fer ter pate can man. Comptes ak ther ai with ose of Sth od snd New Worl reas Recs sence thi cp forthe bce of pominn an SF ae ene ‘eprcnt a mony ibe mot ely model would see og te a {Sd mockes of he Wer From oli preci, ho, th cate ores by he mas js invested or ania form sed tpn an Ok Wola nen bt hevig innit Sins ner tones ntanes meas Boe Columbine esti ofthe mask yt esa opment gzhtetlr mac om he Nk of adams in 1997 by M. arheau wat id to rape» "monicy” Whe ty somentes Sek tute lone and tc oa chin ae pete of onsamse ee ths maak dose oot have mony ies Ns fc nro ee sybils pn and Torte a gute bel forse Renee seen Sate reds nate nae, pis to flowy eon ‘out the peronanc he mk ‘The perormaee of this nog, when the ame was assumed began {HE TSIMSHLAN MONKEY MASK AND SASQUATCH 213 nother howe The performer doe not wis the mat a fit Bat when come into the est house, be gia a a & monkey, eso bly. He tows che beads of rome chino the re a Goes ot matter how cosy th missed may be ih ate wall hae fo ‘compensate the owners. The nest dy, he alls the poole 1 his howe, ‘wears he mask i loa hale on and py forthe damage cated oo Theat ay ‘This dsrpion dents th monkey aa mesmo (gomer) nae, esto si dramatized in mad perfortnanes, of whic se bow. ‘That prs which was thought of as 8 monkey, bul Wat othe salle ‘walh oF property woman wh carried crying Baby ated a Gian Story reotded by Lt Emmons a Haplon” Phish... was an ania closely asain wit the lad tr, oe ‘hough very human n appearance, apd spoke ef ona asa monkey woman The presence of ahh wis nde by the ayo or she afnaysctred on her back asl eng mt ik sae ‘Only ene without aul coud seth miraealos sete, ad when the voce ald he Was oblige to flow athe on goss around four iss then he woul come fo Paghsh. He then mut take the cid, Which inimeditey appeared to be hut, The mater pended for het infu and twas retard toe, Whereupon sbe ago Yo gras any ‘wah asked. In returning the chil the face of the pervon Bad to be Turned aay ae Be stppad hack, lest Pighsh kil hy wth her loo awe In his story the piis a aim bat one whic eambles bua, She is ko sido be tly atone wi the land er. Ina Cost Tsinshian myth reonded by Henry Tate and publted by Franz Boas, wealth woman originally ake woman who has chil ths ‘human ithe She cars the eld on her back a ltr gos nt he oan fo become thes monster hae, det inthis myth ss bing pa {sh part woman” Before seleaes for the ocean se pes her wet ‘oing power tober boband's ss, puting us siter's by on her back ‘and saying, "Whoster meas you or whoo eas sour cid ery, sal Be richer than anyooe cl.” This myth thas vides wealth woman ito two ‘mansions a human and ses monster (The ryt examined n more ‘til below.) tn acter myth, ao reorded by Tt, the female agus 8 dungeon monster whore il il eas onthe water even {wold nd fain aur oso hates The yeaa Stongamecaon cuenta td ie Bongo Ta enpwbie fekt otes Barons ecoded the Nika naxx sane ‘spit vant py, wehbe agin ued ts Smo sa ot ‘ho “they hada ory tha thir moaky woul cote eros tun hn cnyif ty tthe we Tac mane ined ‘eer ont This arene he monje oe anatons meting tecfomed ad eer pon in he wd the aoa an cau of ay Today te monk s sed withthe Sasqathty he Cast Tinshian be aerate loth word bs athe ait open ae onto” "eps" “Stantch” and “hafoot"™ I ipicas fs te ‘zai ob devdapd eta he lop Joba Duos has dase {hehe semantic range ofthe wordt excel oan say set at sn ie fami bur mht ey a cee ord bowed fom te Kwa btu, uly od San woods” or “wild man” by the Kwakiutl. : The Gs say nate mena of wath woman ny ed ned nd which hs oud vols et sounds ike te ey ofa sets Baby Inthe ey dys it war pana he a of wad ay tom hod a tin pod fore or ek a dy ose sar (ohh is owe: Wh he Ck som make a dation be {vcr th il wala and ihe woman wade! wik ber ine Soe ey ‘Sane tin carl tines” osha as mse Th pepe Sima ofthe id voce toa baby, imoter wordy aly ie ‘df ite» buman, was dn ofan somes ese Sot ‘stan hich edt the anal nd tay clea of ing he ‘enc fs man aba ate, ala a percep ig ey ‘un anal nas concen aon anoccos Wetting et ni, 8 cone eng whch olde socoutaed by ma hel Ge ‘oad or onthe scan when svey fom bmnsetlanet In eneeoene {ecu sie wan an eocoumr mith pont but 4 a satanoe Mos ray oll acquire some a Sona tt ee eae By coming tc atc of weal wom amore dt, weca insect ordi ofthe bs ctegary andi to undennd iy te tonkey andthe Sago ae bcs local seed wit he ey Bene “pt pasate Tension dr of tags She oc sai comprebende being st we uve ady imac tnd at ‘al dimenion alent dete, sky, ad whe. Het enn ‘tubes thoughout her asstoions tse fee a poneeee "THE TSIMSIIAN MONKEY MASK AND SASOUATEH 216 motherhood, er crying baby, ander resemblance toa hua, Her en funtion sto exchange the power to acai wath forthe turn fhe ce ‘She seems fo exchange for her cl aly with men excep in one neh a ich she shares her wealth testowing power el wha human woman Sho hae newborn chi Ta the wo Coast Tsimshian mys metinol above, either weskh worn cor berenla Els the peopiina vilage where proper mariage are nor ing. pase—in one nanos where a rice refses to matey andinsnoter where brothers incest expiclyoncus™ Brother ics seems mpi in {host mt aswel thie myth wealth woman beau woman 9 Take ands be the cane of cc's ef o mary one oh ates ‘ates since he profess tet marsag it hee. She aks i promi iter to take anor wile orto reveal teflon “st you de” ‘When fiend who has sped onthe pine dover her and thee cd the boom ofthe fake ie takes the dbo athe’ boss, and hl ‘recone th willage ring the night by plucking oat er eyes Only the Prins hse, ander newborn baby are spared. The prince hen rte "heed tots moter nthe lke, tying in anger and sorrow, “Why dn Yyoutake note to whom you gave yon cl? Tht child based everybody ny vile ‘What ica the people of the village migh se, to peevent which they elle by having hres plucked ou? fe conde hatte lowing Iornng would present tothe vilapers the apporenrltiorshipe st the ‘Prince baths toa cid who har wo mother and bist the mote of {child who hs o fae ie as no sand inthe myth) the pletion ‘of bodies nest sons aly obvious Two chien have beet hort 10 man ang his site, apparently nar of whom five sprees. Ti ingen tion streratened bythe ening ofthe myth ARer beng seule by er husband, wealth woman gives ‘ima tothe south, Sh the gives row gt weal {ois Sse, pts the sisters newborn baby onthe ste back, and ens et fay to the morth Having spared the pins and bist leaving he ‘itageeoielyuspopulate, ahs enters a period of mourning inte lake Mer which se ores up wih he or Baby om ex Back nd go nt he focean 1 bsnme te monster hago. The posiy tha melt oma {tod the man'sinerarethe sare, rae diferent supe of the san moron, ‘tengthens the tere of cet siren sant bythe wo tn Inthe second mh, weal woman as hagweloe has on klig th 8 ter hunter (he young men) of a village or “generation alr Beeston.” "er "eal ei” oat the water bstwee two Blas, oe of which ‘the ome of the sca ota, and functions as ure tothe aot hoatr. When they resce m, he ae hiled by his monster metber. Th the fn Seaver of he myth the only ppt emai inthe veg ar “one young ie. wih is ovo nephews and his nee ad the mother of ee ts {sel young peel." Then two othe nephews jon them. “Now tee we {oar young med, two women, aed the ee"? Thy diet il te one eran st ut ns mapa anoe made of yew wood The shit apace as hid inthe wate and retest rer sing hist and hissy fo {he desrtive wath of the bagel by fosting the sina ile cane, “The ld des wll the pation anand fram which “ihre nae oo soy {l.esape.” The hagweoe then sips ashing fr her hid ie the chit "coum th dso his work” (in other word, ned unter isbes of Setul coniene, fasting, ané Bxhig).¥ Then one of the nehons “competed his ste to have intreoure nt biter whieh ah ends bmn as asl duck Thechet then Kl thehagwelon an he goo tilage whee the nen make proper asziass en being thie wes home “hus the empty vias was peopled agin. andthe and wan eto ‘hose who wanted ent ts ocer 1 this myth, too, theres rots incest within an solted mating nit which een te depopulation of village. This tine, however, nels ‘oman and he chil are Filed by the head ofthe mattioe The er hey contract proper marrage aliones with anther croup, and the lage ‘spopultl. Ako in this ecood myth tia murdrovs wealth moma sh ‘eps the vilagets nay rr well in the oro en ca (ah whither ‘hil seni), acts to which i testo ie ber death The ince ie {his myth cape, and the hie who able to Kl the hapwcon doe so afer proper oberanc fa hantrtabooe My reading of hese mys, and of the wealth Woman apes fb wi, is ‘at they doin fc explore te anges inerng in the clase bother tet ‘iinsp ina matilieal,avaneuoeal ss which man's on 's his sucesor Insuch systems, the ters ony emporaiy "taken seoy by mother mn is ithe, nd teamed ara youth sos uncle and te mah Sine, Were a mantener into acer, isin relatos i i sates in ondrto father is own bet, ath woul elt othe vile el to bis sinter ang er son a inte seood myth). Overy s ther wert tempt to ep his ovn son ish, thas opening to bein aaa ‘elation with hissy, who is peopel he Res mother deat would ‘asin al tthe vlage (asthe et myth) The danger sees int instances by the exchange of man's teria marge wth tthe am, tcting the alans along wiih her peogety mover mporsly i ose Sigstion and tbe forms of wath eaten to hes cid moe nthe ‘ater Wealth woman s tester tarugh which man acquis bok alte snd ani ees bo ea er chiar to anes me in rope Imaviag alliance. She and ber cil are aso the teat and dangeass | | {THIETSINSUIAN MONKEY MASK AND SASQUATEHE 317 ‘monsters who srmbsieabrothe’s temptation to ka hi ste for hin, thei wm cl Sy oh tea ke ne Sana his hee ths perptanting him hres To both ce them plore the lena nso of marilinel systems and show the ie eo Sequees, death tothe communi, which woud rest for being the snare rls Emons was tld that “monkey woman” was “lovely ssoited” wit the ind ote animal most red by the Taman i radon ne nds considered dangerous today. White myst consid uggs !asoiaton wif se oer, he ail mot oem mentioned nth ad orit s the lg ter. The sa ote hs, of esas eon virtually extinct Since the carty nineteenth cety, which might wexwant fo is dsopretance from ths belie etem, rie tothe Europea neoacon ofthe moneys he land ter was probadiy peeved asthe most Ramanike animal ithe Tsimshian environment. sls atiropomoepsias Ry noindam, who ‘onsstntly describe iin tem of haan qualities A matali, for eat pl write a follows Wan te canthave fan ing something i nly ono “Tismigt bean craggeraton Sat nly sigh ont, forthe ee seems to makelight faery everyting docs and without out the mat fntoving ofall of native wife. Whathor tea, fedngs ot ney eoying te fam group, ids time fo fun un gates The ‘le senso el hat ifs ust 0 wonder to be vel oaceaed about anything ven thing that mont we conde exe Serious sie —such acting = ‘A zoologist writs that they “pay lke monkey He lo nots that they have an extensive sound repertory, of which the most charateetie sound “isacisious Tow printing notin very Seep reper, whichcaraily es Aheappeaneofeinga form ofeonvenation. Thee af we eter ths conversing undervaterisa very unusual one" They ao ie rau sereams abd uke rk ere aod wing. They how great ae. ‘Son for her oun and wil defend ther at he iso singe totems, ‘Sete sep with ther youn folded in thr rs, kth tad tary socal organization an 1 be depeed by bation They play Ged to escape iler whales They are one ofthe few tookasng analy. sashiag ‘muses and se urchins on ones eld on hr chests ‘Thus, whether we conse th combine tbs of oth lt en sen tro in ote alone, wear cera dling with anal bang te terwis ability to erate «perceptual ridge uning "nan and ania To “Toimshian bel land cess fave the power to transform thomstes into simular of hums eno poses “take say” the minds of tone who ‘counter them and it tht dungeons enticement, Whecss "ony oe ‘witout fault” could se wealth woman ad er cil seems hit kaso rey those with hit who were mor likey tse the lan oer oop Ontnay man are vulperabl otand oe poses on esa en they ve capsid and aren dager of drowning and on land wea they te im the forest thinking of «seal panes, Posesion fs mantel fy sani whic, fot cued by ashaman lends to dnth, Shamans can suring land ‘oiter possesion, afer which the ell spon the power of the ania ‘ether by Song or by rtring ito 9 pone satin ores ct nem and perform othe shaman ets rach ae waling The belt i the vulnerabily of thoe who are drowning olan otter positon might dive fom the condition ef hypobern cae Byte ‘api loss of body Heat in cold water, Acting to matial species ermiapeemis expansion of te short and untae sate obser as before death" Its symptoms cafe “sonfsion and deft tak, {ng which can manifest in behaviour consierd none thet stent For empl, an seqaintance of mine wo ser from hypothermia wale ‘king ook off er lots and beg raning Barefoot trough the sho, xpetiencng subcine elias of beat and prea energy It sem ily tak Someone in such cons sae might already cones homens over with real human or, more neal hat hypothermic confson de to cold wate exposure was equnted with te athe confnions of "ioaee” ‘eaviour resaing fom other cats, ‘The danger of thinking ofa sestally deed person whi alone in the yoo that it gives head ote an opportunity to fake that pen’ acs 'n ons iad, heshy manifesting in 2 human form ‘The seal las ofthe Jd ote peoples mentioned as an expt sang, Whea Cat Monte ofthe Ninka was Becoming shaman, he was approached by «teal ge svto wanted to have itscourse wth Bi She gave him power song aad {aveht him how to contol re. When shee, es tt she haa lan tet ta Helter danced in her mask? Sorces from Kita a abn Dose thet once an ose wi appears asa sewually enticing parson embraces ‘naman “ey 20 nto you aod strait to your brn and ga ao that you beome minds nda were ter oo, ou Go ve too fog afer, "hat happen 0 yoo, You star acting cay; then you Bt ik and die ‘A Gitksan woman sd tht introurse with a ier woman wl ake ‘man realy wild ul he ds Hf he mene man cannot 8o ethane {THE TSIMSHIAN MONKEY MASK AND SASQUATCH 218 ‘She then old the story ogi who wa “taken by the ote ake. She had to tied up bye amily ee she would ran away to the woods inorder to etura to him. A shaman lasts Fry oo othe ake sl ae the gl as bitoni teeter so tha they could 4 Bi with bow ad fro Hetieninstuces them "owt ther ofthe ote out and duce ‘tint he es mouth as she ay id on te ground. ANer ing Fredo snk the ter urn, she could te eured byte shams. Pept a mth oe numa “rine at pia and eveything tha nay" o preetion sgn hots and malevolent beings such sland eters Tn both instance, ht ‘their the urine i tha ofthe human or the teem to anon "unaiathe dinncton betwee the human a he nom has, ‘ha Coast Tsimshian myth about a man who vowed he nou! sever scum tthe I oer, ti lure i ak 10 be Yoo ater tha sx ‘When a cane in which the man is traeling with bis ester cpa he rons and he swims ashore The land otters teansform themselves to ‘oop and approach in anther anos, bt when te man throws te pa “ln hs fre thereby turing the pales into ky the land te peonle disappear and tsi cance tenors ine a dito lop He ase Fees to yn to the blandiments ofa and eter warazn who oft Food, whic would accom is tansformaton ita on fem soa He ati Then he Ycopazs the voce th doa se’ phon. “Tough not be afiaid of my om ste.” he saps to hms, ade acs te ses {lod he afer After month ets eed. “This myth esl isons tat about bothers ines lou ‘esituation ads uso expt histo bels theme Unlite™monkey wor" land ote woman snot manfeation of onsite. Her ghost. ke smyone tle’ wl Be aon bythe ters if he drowns The levoleee of he oad ‘ter isnot a consequees of ater st the, but seprsents some thing eve more dangerous. The fatrchangenbilty of feng of fod od fsx sngaeas tha the caepory of th danger isis but vem move basi han misplnnt of napproprinte sexual restnsips, Sac th two bay ic requirements of i are food and proceation. sory subsilons of hich are ofleraby the dethringng oes, this danger apes to be ‘one ofan absolutly fundamental ehalleng fo human exten Lind eters have the baw hii to 20 steely crate the Huson ‘hat they ae human beings tht they cam entice el humane ot ose and commen! rltonsipe®= Once humane have aseped the locion, bane Surrender to his cemenal xtusionwetneon hamans and anal tho Juma consciousness diols ito madnes and eventsly death As te Inuman’ ienydsappear, is or her bacy soem sto te body a ‘ter. The nophuman overwhelms ané porte the hur The tan formed person, however, resis awarenae offs hima save and ml en eip them, a when the drowned ghost of «mas ster appt a = imyh and ofes hin armless foods" Thus lopkal lnk teenecn the human ard the anima is eased. The rlvolnt aed ters eve we the “Emi ink between humans ab as, appearing ta them aot oly ase rns but aio as rates, Among the THing cilren are cpocly ‘aerblo lind eters who appear as thle prens™ ther animal and non-bemans pecially, are ofeeded by human clog) es, xen, bd nensration aad wll only approach Huma ‘who ein 3 eontton of purty. Ts han, sarans 2 nitrate ‘auire to bathe, fast and pratie seal soninene before s nomran tcouner will oecur—in oppesiton to the pllton which attracts and ‘ters. A bun’ fe can pli im by at ebservag mens tate or ‘by having ex with another mun while he vay. According to Gard "the contamination of setualinereouee war athorent to supenaralt {and} she comtinenc of hunters wes perbeulalysiresed™ Boat Jr hat “without any doubt the earl nuncon of sexual restates ‘ncing upon al hunters" Gitksan shamans today adm that it ack of ower ts, ueast apart, fom oversting. Since sues gambling alia evidence of supernatural favour, the Folowing Gitsan sory bead ia 1976s the contaminating hate human tology to those who grant power An unlucky man fost veyhing he posed in the gaming gine la te bone gi He et hs ely tnd wentnto the woods ina ateofange odie At git he came toa sack Where ke hed a woman singing babys ulaby (eps welt woe} Without teokng around at him, se called im into the howe an beta him. She wed wood chips costae dit af hs boy. The se soap of ‘mos sucha uo in pers Hi, be sad had ot washed ethane afer changing the baby befor Bing him fod. Then she sree of ar ined with ood. His wf, she said ad noe wae et hands ering ot ‘menos period before fealing him. For tee reasons he wat nlc ‘wong, The woman ia th hot was &nannou. She taught Hi set the {aboos 10 ha Be would thenceforth kaow what 1 do ating "Th i the reason formensru aoos"™ ‘The beeaing of her meas taboos wil not only contaminate & wom: se'shusbund, i spparely can ao nee et to Become insne though Jung ote possesion. The word masta lite“ «land tee ' lowed it Eni a eazy” oF “nnn” and aplid to persone hove ‘ins have been “ken by land ater, thi; bo ace posed, The ‘pmptoms of insanity include taking to people who canot been 9s (halunating) sane peson ar aa saad ose “wil.” They can be cae Uyystamans at asi Some asap. Barbus resaded the aluina song "THE TSIMSHIAN MONKEY MASK AND SASQUATCH 22 ‘on th loner Nats River ti ala “mu'waeny” and was sums ofer © ‘oman pate 1am poset, Noone san cue me. ‘Tae salon sin tho sume eek the ahoood woman 1 cont recoeniz the smal spt (tara) { donot esopni the sall spt ear) {am poses Wtourhes 3 it, where my body grows weak an epanatin by the sings,“ don’ Row the name ofthe sor a The song was: spit that touches my Body T don't eve eet Ta ey planed a alow ‘Toe patent he insoponed tobe a omen {sca ns sin ton ng ote tos woman under oo. Stree mould Th erm ta {tat} ens sano rain om aythig {The moman wh infigs he aor ve st vod) wil eo be with the ion the Ect where shew aly gett ‘The shun who one this song ha 2 pe he salmon aad he had a saa cig som oh pohly “nal ph (orto flere to in the song. Such caving wee placed ont patents body Ci touches my ribs, whee my body grows weak") At thet Bet ensayo in 1 th nen Atos ‘ne do not hrow the conons under which thn song became ans Prite care, specially estes la ter poseion to the breaking of ‘ens! aboor and the Cun of asm fo fesorng proper obseanse Stikem, (One of the prinspal symbolic factions of these balifs sms clear ‘enough fo the purposes ofthis pape. They serve oman the boundary [betwen he human and animal resi at dangerous pont of iterecton These can be defied a hse pins wher smarts rem Beings athe ‘vo wals sinh rca! dfernces betwen thes, Whee baw ial imate humans, they sansaress the boundary ooo the human side, He they hae the power to Bato wealth or dest ad aay, depending spon how they ae encountered by humans IC wealth worun Is appeoaehed by ‘ne who "altho faut” and who knows ho she, se ies wealth, Dowever, the ilsory enticement of the land ters are doses hey pl Timans vee tothe animal side, where ther humanity diols. Pesons who hae aired dilibed tee humanity raat ye steve chien, the downing, men ad womea Who teak Seta abooe—are bjs the singers contigion of thet fesemlance to animals Sima between hnumanc and animals reat openings in he separation of therein throash hich the sapecior power of te na-human eas eupt nto the pecs Svctured human order and overwvelythowe who have led them ‘Separation between the rams mmtined by cca conta of human ological funcsons: eating and defeating, sew and: menstruation, Safe ‘tcoonter with the nox-human realm depen pon te eapression of thes Functions by men through puricaton ofthe by and by women though ‘observance of mens aboos, Since possesion by animal or e's animal ‘ature, sa ansformation tantamount to death, ental ver human oly deem atempt to contol human octal. The most common form of ath ‘o' sing and sex mammal hunting people—drowningis lasied as \arealte bolo function also resaling la tnd or poweson, an does unrepuated sexsi condos. He o ho who Would encoutor death {nd sarsivehumlr, shamans, nits, and merstaaing weran est ‘crupulwaly attend to te purity of the body. When out of contol the powers of natu ea kill ‘This intereetation ean aso be aphid to power encouster in masked "ual, where humans hems tale onthe fore of coi for We Space pres a dealed postion ofthe tual they are such Niehy ‘Condensed symbole statements hat thi relevance othe argument of this ‘paper can be oily presented. ‘Matis are worn nthe dramatization of naxnox or “power” names. 0 which te peonieatons of power are impersonated by humane In te impersonation the aman merge hi o her Heit with the pose being ‘ll AS Goldnan says of the Kwak: "tp resi the arbi (power ‘ne mist alo become ia some measure the source bing He adr th {he transformation is ot, Hower, "taal teanaormatin, bat a masking ‘susformaton itis lvays known tat anther naman being beneath the ‘mask Wah the Tsimshian, were the rltonhiptxiween the uma ‘nd the gower being is even mors expt one of eration throug bth mast and ame, we can Be more precio no what amusing eso mation i Although we have already sen tht the Tsmshan wore mats ‘of bess (nluding wealth woman and monkey also land iter Woman "TE TSMSHUAN MONKEY MASK AND SASQUATCH 23 Pats 3 and 32) the Ky to understanding tr asking Hsin the Fac tat the majority of Fabian masks, and the arcs they embody, are human ‘The masks typially have even a portraits qual loop they ar not ‘Rpesetatios of pariclar pettons. They are the faces of ratnoy, te Faeesof power. Fortunately, we know the nares of overs hundred them, ‘tich permits toconsact compote picture of the qualities of power Most ofthe names are aoe human tbat, scion, or ealepory of person, such 2s Crpled, Det, Lavging Contauousy, Chekiog While Eng, Aways Hating larcoe, Corse, Sanat, Sine Woman, all of which ape aeativ apt ofthe deal or poste Tishian peso. To ‘eformaace they ae often humorous aldhough aulenes ae aso reported {Gry ina sate of fear and tor The rames ae ved by lineages ad Gram by thir member when they are assed, ar which they are ‘ten espe ariong the Cis) ased Secale names in every le. “The deamatiations ate performed forthe guests hefore a poltch a8 omonsrtion of the pomer of the Kneage, ss wall a6 for eerste Most performances const of sinpl sting oof the quay af the name (Gor example, Det esnpot bear; Laughing Continual keeps Laughing) Shooph move elaborate peformancss ae repre fo eater times Ts Common forthe pesorner to stack onal ing eles and to oshecsise tet out the guy of the nine pon the audience: fo examen the pet Fomana of Se. the power of ep i tarown upon th audience wh al ‘los th eye Te nak theme aze Bled tobe dangerous Henry ‘Tae wrote of «mask named Boing Words ha“ Wasa very error amONE thecommon poop and was ea cause of pide among the pons nd princi tobe allowed tout “rhs, ast approximation, we can sy tht power resides ovis tosied inhe negative ofthe aman, ha ts nerd, and ha x acted when umansessune ts atte tcough rsaguerads The ange othe sezave inexensve, from nonsensical acon, sacha Throwing Mato death se ts Corp, Shor all names are euslent moa hey ave all pesoaex thre of annox and share ts we ual etext, we mus! asst ta he nial ames also repent the aman negate. The xox mame Par Porcupine, for example, was slo the nae pven to heen who were Bork nth deerme et. That he aial axa ees to esas of {isl inbemity as many ths umn nano, on sands im 2 etanoncal Ietiontip fo them. The previous expontion ofthe interaction between mane and laa ete inthe naxnox Land Oxie Woman i partes Strong earesion othe nepative dimensions ofthe Hea human, eserilly the equation of analy wih unregulated seal vty “The raioship Reem name, pthaps more propery “name,” sd person hat no ye en well staied onthe Northwest Coast, though ‘tis sane in some depth for the Kwak by Goldman © Kwakitlaames asthe esatly autonomous spat exene of aaceiors. The eelecons Serna penons and ther ames ae epost: “te name cannot ff its ponerladen destiny without a cart, the person witout 4 name i fs complet! Tae arqustion of names for the Kei! wat 9 spun lization: “ty reivng the name the bearer warping the anesor end the ‘sopeantural being fe among man, Tn tear he inured hewn hie and indie that of his lineage fallow." Justa we hve sem wal the Let ters, Goldman bees that the being ofthe une wishes fo mnie a he human ream. A signicanedifernce between the Keak he names ‘and Thinshin maxbox names i that the Kua names “woul sx fo fm up Keakivt ehetosee,"# wheres the Tsimshian nase would toot {o sum up character in reves, regis Bat 2 srt jump from he nt name to the neesty of the mask Justa the land ote needs respite hom ode ‘tater inhuman foto mane anor el, so docs he wanton, 1 mans compreally inthe mask wor ya human. ut 9 the movement ‘com the nomhiman animal eel Wo the human reguits a rltonsp of simaity oe contagion between am animal and «human, 3 des the move ‘ent from the aoosuman peta ream the hin Powe, land oe ter, can mnie in omens isofar an fin eflection of itself i he ‘homan—thus nannon masks as eeepc of power ae hun or tums ke. Jost as does the and ete, power finds tton in those aspects ‘ofthe human normally suppesed by carl ed, ocading aspects of ‘Hologic morality and eultaal sei Tat hota re reed to pel) ‘hemeles by supprsig thee tags foncion fore power I ane sted canbe interpreted as oeping the resemblance fom tecoming 100 sérong a in and eter eecousers. We might thik of riots existing {he nonchunan realms in which tase quale of ta human are elected and magne When the sfc recognized bythe human, he bua in {aun becomes miror (ora mas, an the doubly retsad gaa acheve independenexstence. The hum Wearing he ms pre anata tion iven vcr expresion. The moving mak s power Be fem, ‘By bing the negate and postive dimenosof hese at pestion with the mas, the Temehin achine unity andthe expert of poner. It's impetant o remeber that thi «collective or rel exper ‘ose as opposed tothe bait and land tr encosnters which cose iolton To expesienc he negative lone If ak becoming overmhlned by its to experience it in tual to experience in the sec ofc colle ‘ie, Shamans can survive the Yoel jury ito ther els, ndinary ‘oralseamct Ta Taian tought, he, Sesgustch i an ain whoterexelance ‘THE TSINSHIAN MONKEY MASK AND SASQUATCH 228 to human tings is close coough to conse the boundary bstween animals 0d humans, Iisa6 rel” asa monkey, ut also ares” a welth woman ‘who asus diferent shapes. Thus the Tsashisn cannot aawer th quer ‘ion of wheter the Sangutch eal, 3 we pose the question, Todd they to not pci its eeemdlance to humans in he nme way that Now ‘Amerion Ssguatch sitnower do. Wh cach wt anima! bs some er ‘septs! quality which “appears” boman, the esene of bi ha eis found whroughout nature, altBough most ralevlenty conceited inthe Jana overs is found wherever mao extces agin of hel a ate, Incidin n his ova ith ad death ‘There ate, howeer,« sumer of parle snd sists between the ‘Tainshian Sasquatch aod our ov which igh stint sone mew quer ions about the phenomens. When thy ave compared some af the esental features of exch bscome clearer Fist both erenars ext st dangers oe interetions between the human and ama In Testi he eins resemblance tothe han canbe transformed ato an lla haroa by the Deoperating 8 of someone who i alkeady to clos tothe al en ‘That ist se the Sasgunteh cases usstions about the moral puty ofthe wines: Simi n Nort American cltre thre ee mits bo fidavis atesing to thee character and sobriety. John Gren dvs Me. Tyfog who “vas aman whom Lateady kasi, and whom 1 know to ave «pod reputation nthe community." tis at se mater of what it soon tea mater of hose ist as exng a lad ter person ean dis Tuna insane, people whose Sasquntches at eluctant o ami fy fearing tobe labled dren ‘orertzy. Green aes That “the pepie who know you yell woud ak you whit you had been drinking. ora best hey ight ake You seriously nought tare worying about you." A woman whote so reper ssi Stsqutch told me wih sme aati that "he was tht Kad ef boy Except for Albert Ostman, who was brie eagtred by Squats and ste some swecteating ras they gave bi" Nor Ameo are not Teported to have either food or se with Sagustces However, thee 6 ‘Soris of Sasqateshuman interbreeding in Rusa, and North Areca Joke about having seal nercoune with Just as the Tsimshian eee that to see bat a wealth woman is to become wealthy thee i «rumoured man dollar pri forthe ft Stsqutchcapturedn Nerh Aerie Or te ober and bath wealth wom nd Sasquatch see to appt f people who ae not ooking for nen, [North Ameceas wi believe in Sasguatch Wat Vey tone to ave is exienc vbdted and explained by the wei extashient indo. they fen berte sents for ignoring the erature and not mounts ‘sient expeditions ia search oft Tere it a ned for conten, whi ethaps 1 be expected ina democratic wcty which eal ooformity, bat Uhisned also reveal thoatrong conta that cence ol over ur cllectve ‘eal. Ie popally believed tt Saugsteh wilt exist unt siete fy that bes Sie, however, there mo eatepny la Wester cule or ‘sears who mediate the animal-bumsn reams weiss hae a eatery forthe Sasquatch to exist in, Those few soentite who do acoso end £0 ‘lice iti the extepoey of human predecesor which wonichow managed to Finally, sishian bei about bows canbe interpreted ws expressing spss of theses tht they normaly deay ut exnnot east te ‘Stsquteh does the same fru Ft sour aeons a rater sey plete vwefind of larg and hairy bent with ig et who smal abate tre ‘The burden of my argument, however, has beon to show tt the ‘Taimihian have 4 uit dierent concussion of fatness snlimal ings than the one we entody in Sargunch This tote exerted, Se we tie sod thinkin tems of eiferest clara eli. In oth ca "ures, though thereareblet tat the smal tio ela of the ema andthe ania can fase or confuse tuo 2 order of beng which ha apa and unusl existence or fora of maniasation, Sieh beings ae sours of ‘arin oth cultures, although othe Tuna they ae le anfesations a the divine to be sought et in the coloctine secu of alain a toying both the harman andthe nial i, whee a el os ‘oe “mising ink" ora «quay of wis nasting tronghoct mare ‘he Stsqutc sa tecogaiton ofthe connection betes the humana ne aura Notes, 4, esaty acu sao o487 Semone fae onan nF: Chander ‘ssi Sp 9 sl Thode Sinan og Bae “tara Ba out the Cana Haan” dor of Reto he hes Seti ose a9 RGR Sey ol Ox 7 CoP Th Gane ests Nw Yo. 5: Rept dns cope no. Nr "THE TSIMSHIAN MONKEY MASK AND SASQUATCH 227 «ae: zat oti a See ee nea eeggernegteeenr 1..€ Mave, Buen and Wier Beeon, engblided Suaie, 115.1987, on eo Ca ey Canaan Fie Noea ha "Rumen Noun spp Ra Ne Sean Gon) yt [ii ster Dem"a con Dis be Cat Tein ange: eo Rl, “Mane fo Samui” 14 ap lM, Cased a of Hn andr Conn of he Nove Coes ed Los es ECan nd Comba “he Shining Yah Tein Mig. Eee x Slane Neon Mnf, cee, TINE BST sz Eard rh The Wort of te One Pheri and New Vos 18 Lp Bet 2 Rochon AS te earn an tan Nin FE is tren, Meine sh aie Can, Bac 1, Sopa ere 18 ona Netw se Ca, 18D, 8ST se oj Popovic aed Pau Poet thoi Hy o ou End Bal Meme Maden: 4 Wine Mra Guile Te Non ‘Wen, Seat Maui Rec Uni 9S 22. Sone Ay Sa Em colo sand er Wes mak ‘Sivinuseteat ql penne chrono Se est meat pati ote {is Wea sm Br Th Hy ae Cone Yaa Te Sees ‘Seco Amores Fawn, BE Semen, ete te es re ca en cn Sasa eae eo paatianacnn ciate eee PES Recdate it sSeeamsciramtirgs et sie tit an oat na ate aes Eta lan tiie tan eben, RGR ioe oe nue ‘Prt Arch Veto ad De fon Pet Mk Ma al A Sieve euemmen aa eter Son eters Sites ic Authentics ee Souower Servier cceeaaenece SQeGcrcecioms sccm yes [ciel Test Set he bare wih ta saan ue ne chiGiieneaseaeiewetsuraaranras teas ges ea he imag oe se hae Se Met a lp mee ° coh eh eam et ee te gp fan University Press. 1966, p. 2. one erent hoor 28 ER i es sot rs HOLE mera tent ca ns vor osama neler ae Fee i Re cn la Sone Giiien cae ‘rete Sumer onesie a Se Sh ee Tesi Mos pr, " ms 2 Ger Math Hono 5. Bo ih, Ore af he eg Sen Yrs Ble 5,51 Roderick Sprague Carved Stone Heads of the Columbia River and Sasquatch ‘Se petra tis ni et Coa Re ky te noe {aura res A nstomp bcs ase se Yad sal ange Se Sem. 1am eitoval plished ia 1970 I wrote “to the bet of my knowledge 9 ‘ne hs sugested in print that perma the carved stone envopld ie heads of James Terry an later worker rom te Jen Day reon 0 CColanbin River could well be assowated wth the sasquatch phenome" Sine then, a review ofthe iteatre bat revealed tht the stra Was {nore in stating “Same Tery a ister workers” boa in ely Janes “Terry was nt the fst to ceprt tes stone caving. The fis poblated ‘mention ofthe Columbia River carvings by the pioneer paleoatlogs (0.6. Marsh in 1877. In a9 addres tothe Amenam Asien for fhe ‘Advancement of Science meting Neshvily esd “Among many stone carvings which I sw ther (Columbia Rive] wee ‘numberof eds, which 3 srongly resemble thous of aes that he Tienes a one sages itll? ‘Toe fat expt eporofantropoa carvings onthe lower Colum comes fiom a tie arte ended "Relea i Esser Oregon” by the Revered Myron els. inhisreort els dscr bed the election of Ms IF Kune ff Umatils Landing, Oregon: “she has» third baboon sar fo those Poca and Fas Porlnd, which has bon waced tothe rion of Easn ‘Oregon. Ths one is seventeea inches ston, five snd half igh ed wea seven pound Ina scood anc in the ansut report ofthe Smithonian Insti 186 Eels described private callctons tat he lserved in Oreton fr the

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