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Course Title: Information Course Code: BCSE354E

Security Management

Faculty: Prof.LEKI CHOM Slot: L7+L8



Program:BCE(CSE CORE) Batch Year:THIRD

School:Scope Submission Date: 18-03-2024

Brute Force and SQL Injection on XVWA login

Aim: Perform the attacks by following the steps of the DVWA in XVWA Download
the XAMPP from the browser.
Open the terminal and install instal XAMPP
Commands: chmod +x

Now it will download the XAMPP and we need to setup the XAMPP in our system.
After clicking the forward button it will start downloading the XAMPP.
Now click on the MySQL Database and click Start button from the right side.
It will start MySQL Database, such that we can access the XVWA.

Now we need to download the XVWA in our system for that we need to search in browser XVWA
installation, It will show the Github repository link and click that link.
Download the XVWA from github
Copy the path and open the files and go to the following path and open the terminal there

Enter the following commands in the terminal to download the XVWA

Sudo git
Now open the browser and enter the following:

Now to go
And create the database
Now enter the in browser, now we will be able to see the content
• Brute force attack on XVWA login
• To inject different SQL injection manually in the input field
• To use sqlmap for conduction SQL injection on the website
• To add SQLiPy extension to Burp Suite and perform SQL injection

Apparatus Required: Burp Suite, Foxy Proxy, XVWA Server

Brute Force Login Website:

Brute forcing using Intruder:

• In the login page, enter any random username and password, and send the request
to Burp Suite.

• In the proxy section, right click the request and send it to intruder.
• Add the payload positions only to username and passwd, and remove the payload for

• Choose different attack types as per need. The results of the same is shown next.

i. Sniper Attack:

Payload set 1
Payload type Simple list
Payload options admin

ii. Battering Ram

Payload set 1
Payload type Simple list
Payload options admin user
password user123

iii. Pitchfork:

Payload set 1 2
Payload type Simple list Simple list
Payload options admin 1234
user xvwa user password

iv. Cluster Bomb:

Payload set 1 2
Payload type Simple list Simple list
Payload options admin password
user xvwa vulnerable

Since xvwa does not have any login failed or pass page hence there will be no change in
length or status code. Therefore, we would have to manually request different results on the

Below is the demonstration:

Here I am trying for requesting a sample test in Sniper Attack.


As we can see we couldn’t login.

Now trying for a successful combination:

Trying battering ram result for admin-admin Result:

Here we can see we were able to login.

SQL Injection Demonstration:

EXERCISE – 1: Inject different SQL injection manually in the input field.

The website has only 1 input field which accepts either an item code or a search keyword and displays

SQL Injection Payloads:

Payload: 1' or 1=1 #

This reveals all of the data available.

Find the database name

Payload: 1' union select 1,2,3,4,database(),6,7 #

The database name is “xvwa”.
Find all tables

Payload: 1' union select 1,2,3,4,table_name,6,7 from information_schema.tables#

EXERCISE – 2: Use sqlmap for conduction SQL injection on the website.
First save the request using Burp Suite.

sqlmap -r requestedxvwa.txt -dbs

ii. Find the tables in xvwa

Command: sqlmap -r requestedxvwa.txt -D xvwa -tables

The tables in xvwa are caffaine, comments and users.

iii. Get all the details stored in users table

Command: sqlmap -r requestedxvwa.txt -D xvwa -T users --columns dump

Exercise 3: Add SQLiPy extension to Burp Suite and perform SQL injection.

Steps for adding the extension: • Go to Extender > BApp

Store and search for sqlipy.

• To add this extension, Jython is necessary. Visit and download the latest Jython
standalone JAR file.
• In Burp Suite, go to Extender > Options. Under the section Python Environment, click
Select file. Navigate to the saved location and click on the downloaded Jython JAR
• Now install the SQLiPy extension from BApp store.
Steps for using the extension:

• Send the request to SQLiPy Scan.

• This will take the request and auto populate information in the SQLiPy
"Sqlmap Scanner" tab.

• In the same tab, configure the options that you want for the injection testing.
Then click the
"Start Scan" button.
• Progress and informational messages on scans and other plugin activities are
displayed in the extensions SPLiPy "SQLMap Logs" tab.


Thus SQL injection was studied in 3 different methods on xvwa.

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