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De c e m be r 6, 2023

Atsign releases SSH No Ports 4.0 with Windows

support and SDK
At sign has unveiled t he release of SSH No Port s 4.0. SSH No Port s is a syst em administ rat ion t ool
used t o access remot e syst ems (gat eways, indust rial PCs, and many ot her devices) via SSH from
anywhere, wit hout t he need for net work configurat ion, and wit hout any open port s on eit her device.

SSH No Port s crypt ographically secures previously exposed services which mit igat es against TCP
at t acks by removing t he need for web servers/daemons t o be list ening on ext ernal int erfaces. It
does all t his while st ill allowing full access by aut horized people.

This major updat e expands support t o Windows, adding t o t he exist ing support for MacOS and Linux.
Addit ionally, t he release includes a much-ant icipat ed SDK t hat allows OEMs, syst ems int egrat ors,
and app developers t o incorporat e t he unique addressabilit y and securit y feat ures available wit h SSH
No Port s int o t heir solut ions.

Early examples of how SSH No Port s is being int egrat ed int o ot her product s include,

A major manufact urer of home net working appliances is int egrat ing SSH No Port s int o t heir
device t o provide t heir cust omers wit h access t o t he configurat ion int erface (a local web
service) while t hey are away from home. Their cust omers do not need t o add any rout ing rules.
A prominent LoRaWAN gat eway provider is adding SSH No Port s t o t heir solut ion t o provide
cust omers access t o t heir gat eway management int erfaces t hat sit on public cellular
net works wit hout needing t he provider t o set up NAT and wit hout exposing any net work at t ack
surfaces on t he gat eway.

“We are excit ed t o announce t he 4.0 release of SSH No Port s,” said Colin Const able, CTO of At sign.
“Wit h Windows support and t he SDK, SSH No Port s 4.0 combines unmat ched securit y wit h t he
ult imat e ease of use and access. This Net working 2.0 solut ion is ideal for any organizat ion t hat
needs t o securely access remot e devices.”

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