2024 Test A

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AwesomeMath Test A

January 6 – January 18, 2024


DEADLINE: Thursday, January 18, 2024, 5:00 PM CST

• Students who wish to take Level 1 & Level 2 classes must submit solutions to Part I only.
• Students who wish to take Level 3 & Level 4 classes must submit solutions to Part II only.
• Only one test and one part (Part I or Part II) will be graded per student. Do NOT submit solutions to Part I
and then additional solutions to Part II as a separate submission.
• Students accepted for Level 1 and Level 2 will not be able to take Level 3 and 4 classes, however students
accepted for Level 3 and 4 are allowed to switch to lower-level classes if it turns out that their initial
classes are too difficult.
• This test is not timed, therefore, do not rush. Show us your best work. Your solutions will be evaluated
against mathematical experience and any math competition test scores provided on your application.
• We want you to have a positive and successful experience at our camps, therefore your work should be
yours and yours alone. The purpose of the test is to ensure that you are placed in classes that fit your level
and skills. If you consult outside resources (other people or online), then you are compromising your ability
to succeed in our challenging program.
• Do not be discouraged if you cannot solve all of the questions. We want to see the solutions you come
up with no matter how many problems you solve. Some of the problems involve complex mathematical
ideas, but all of them can be solved using only elementary techniques, admittedly combined in clever
• Include all significant steps in your reasoning and computation. We are interested in your ability to
present your work, so unsupported answers will receive less credit than well-reasoned progress towards a
solution without a correct answer.
• In this document, you will find an answer sheet. Print out or make several copies of the blank answer
sheet. Fill out the top of each answer sheet as you go. Start each problem on a new answer sheet.
• You may handwrite or type your solutions. If you type your solutions, your answer sheets should still
include the same information as shown on the test packet answer sheets (9-digit UIN, First and Last Name,
Problem #, etc.)

• Your solutions must be submitted as a single pdf document. Do NOT submit test solutions as individual
• UPLOAD your solutions file in accordance with the directions provided on your student dashboard.
• DO NOT email us your solutions as it will significantly delay receipt and grading of your solutions.
AwesomeMath Admission Test
Cover Sheet


9‐Digit UIN:

Last Name: First Name:

Admission Test (check one): A B C D E

Part Completed (check one): Part I Part II


Important Reminders:

 Make sure this COVER SHEET is the first page of your submission, and that it is completely filled out.
 UPLOAD your solutions file in accordance with the directions provided on your student dashboard.
 Your solutions must be submitted as a single pdf document. Do NOT submit test solutions as individual pages.
 DO NOT email us your solutions as it will significantly delay receipt and grading of your solutions.
 Students who wish to take Level 1 & Level 2 classes must submit solutions to Part I only
 Students who wish to take Level 3 & Level 4 classes must submit solutions to Part II only
 Only one test and one part (Part I or Part II) will be graded per student. Do NOT submit solutions to Part I and
then submit additional solutions to Part II.
AwesomeMath Admission Test Answer Sheet

9-Digit UIN:

First Name: Last Name:

Problem Number:

Write neatly! All work should be inside the box. Do NOT write on the back of the page!

Page Number: out of total pages being submitted

(including cover sheet)
Test A

January 6 – 18, 2024

Part I Levels 1 & 2

1. Find all triples (p, q, r) of primes such that

144p4 − 9q 2 − 4r4 = 2024.

2. There are seven colleagues: Fiorentina, Genoa, Inter, Juve, Lazio, Milan, and Napoli. Their initials
are consecutive letters in the English alphabet, with H and K missing.

(i) Find the number of all nine-tuples of consecutive letters with two of the seven non-extreme

components missing (in our example, not F nor N ). That is, strings of 9 consecutive letters
with two of them crossed-out, for instance (M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U).
(ii) What about if the two non-extreme missing components are consecutive letters in the English

k(k + 1)
3. Let Tk = be the k-th triangular number. Prove that there is a positive integer n such
that T1 + T2 + · · · + Tn = 2024.

4. Solve in integers the equation

(xy − 3)2 − 3(x − y)2 = .
|x − y|
5. In the equality
AWE − SOM E + M AT H = 2024,

different letters stand for different digits of the decimal system and no leading zero is allowed.
Find the minimum possible number M AT H.

6. Solve in real numbers the system of equations

22 23
+ = x + y = 1.
2024 2024y

4 6 12
7. The altitudes of a triangle have lengths , , . What is the perimeter of the triangle?
5 7 13
8. Find all pairs (m, n) of positive integers such that 3m 5n − 2024 is a perfect square.

9. Let an = n2 + 90n + 2024, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . Prove that

1 1 1 1 1 1

+ + ... + = + −
a1 a2 a44 m p q
for some positive integers m, p, q.

10. Solve the equation

(x + 3{x})bxc = 2024,
where bxc, {x} are the greatest integer less than or equal to x and the fractional part of x, respectively.

All materials contained within this document are protected by U.S. copyright law and may not
be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without prior, express written
permission of AwesomeMath LLC, except for non-commercial educational purposes only.
Part II Levels 3 & 4

1. Find all triples (p, q, r) of primes such that

p2 − q 2
− 2r3 = 2024.

2. Find all positive integers n for which
s  s 
n n
− = 105,

3 2
where nk denotes combinations of n taken k at a time.

3. Find the maximum of 44 · 46x + 46 · 44x − 2024x over all real numbers x.

4. Let an = (n2 − 3n) n + 1, where n, s, t are positive integers, s and t being relatively prime so that
1 1 1 s
+ + ··· + = ,
a8 a15 a2024 t
where the subscripts are k 2 − 1, k = 3, 4, . . . , 45. Find s.
5. Find the least positive integer n such that

S(n − 4)S(n) = 2024S(n + 2),

where S(N ) is the sum of the digits of N .


6. Let a ∈ (0, π/2) such that

90 sin a + 2024 cos a = sec a.
Evaluate sin a + 45 cos a and tan a.
7. Let ABCDE be a regular pentagon inscribed in a circle of radius 1. Point P lies in its interior so that

1+ 5
d(P, AB) + d(P, CD) = d(P, BC) + d(P, DE) = ,

where d(P, XY ) denotes the distance from P to line XY . Evaluate d(P, AE).
8. A tetrahedron ABCD with AB ⊥ AC ⊥ AD ⊥ AB has volume 2024 and edges AD, BD, CD
have integer lengths. Find the minimum possible value of
area(ABD) + area(BCD) + area(CAD).

9. Find all 4-tuples (m, n, p, q) of positive integers such that  2

2 2 2024
(mnp + 3m + 3n + 3p) − 3(mn + np + pm + 3) = .
10. Solve the equation

(bxc − {x})2 = 4 2 − 1 x − x2 ,

where bxc, {x} are the greatest integer less than or equal to x and the fractional part of x, respectively.

All materials contained within this document are protected by U.S. copyright law and may not
be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without prior, express written
permission of AwesomeMath LLC, except for non-commercial educational purposes only.

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