Could Seeding

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Cloud seeding that is silver iodide released into the air so that ice can form on the iodide

making it
become heavy and fall increases the amount of snow fall which is what intrigues me about this subject
for such an ability would seem to be god like. However, It’s more of squeezing more out of something
than anything else with how little it produces and being young unknown if it’s worth the trouble.

Such a topic does cause me to lift my ears when it’s going about because I think that it is wonderful
though the lack of knowledge about the extent of damage it may do does cause me to hesitate. It could
be that mass seeding may be too fast for the ocean to evaporate enough water to replace it or it may
not. This is the first thought of what may happen I had the second being that though it seems like
playing God a better comparison would be seeding is like a child redirecting the water from a river with
a 2 by 4: tiny and janky for weather control.

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