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Hunter's Forbidden Mate: MM Wolf

Shifter Romance (Ombra Pack

Chronicles Book 5) Blake R. Wolfe
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Parker's Forbidden Mate: MM Wolf Shifter Romance (Ombra

Pack Chronicles Book 1) Blake R. Wolfe

Oliver's Forbidden Mate: MM Wolf Shifter Romance (Ombra

Pack Chronicles Book 3) Blake R. Wolfe

Eoin's Forbidden Mate: MM Wolf Shifter Romance (Ombra

Pack Chronicles Book 4) Blake R. Wolfe

Marrying His Brother's Mate: A Wolf Shifter Forbidden

Romance, Book 3 Alicia Banks
Betrayed Wolf Mate: Rejected Mate Wolf Shifter Romance
(Silver Wolves Black Ops Book 5) Ruby Knoxx

Forbidden Pregnant Mate: Surprise Pregnancy Wolf

Shifter Romance (Silver Wolves Black Ops Book 4) Ruby

Wolf Mate (The Forbidden Mate Trilogy Book 1) Jen L.


Wolf’s Claimed Mate: Wolf Shifter Pretend Romance

(Silverlake Valley Wolves Book 3) Sansa Moon

Duke's Baby Deal (MM Mpreg Shifter Romance) (Mercy

Hills Pack Book 3) Ann-Katrin Byrde [Byrde
Ombra Pack Chronicles Book #5

Blake R. Wolfe

UwU Publishing
Copyright © 2024 Blake R. Wolfe

All rights reserved

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

This book was produced without the use of AI Generated Content.

Cover design by: GetCovers

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309
Printed in the United States of America
Hey there, person! Welcome to book #5 of the Ombra Pack Chronicles! This next installment follows Hunter and Logan, two
characters that I have absolutely fallen in love with while writing this book. Hunter is the best kind of himbo you could ask for,
and Logan is just as sweet as can be. Their adventure was one that made me laugh. A lot. So I know you’re going to love it too!
So, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?
◆ ◆ ◆

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“I told you notThisto gowasseeat that little bastard!” my father roared the moment I walked through the door.
least the fourth time my father had started this argument.
“He’s been my best friend since middle school, Dad,” I sighed, taking off my jacket and hanging it on the hook beside
the door. I was used to his constant chastising. “I couldn’t just ignore the invitation to his gallery opening. He’s been working
his ass off.”
“He’s a traitor to the pack!”
Another sigh. “He filed all the right paperwork, and the Alpha signed it.”
“Yeah, but you and I know the truth,” he replied, pointing a finger at me. “A pack’s bond is stronger than blood. You
can’t just up and leave whenever you decide you don’t like the rules anymore. Eoin spit in the face of our Alpha, along with all
his other sick little friends. They’re the reason our pack is falling apart! And now you’re going to support him at some stupid
gallery opening.”
I’d had just about enough of his yelling at me. “Remember who you’re talking to,” I growled. “I’m pack Beta now
and your superior. Don’t treat me like I’m some child.”
“And don’t you forget who got you this position in the first place.”
This was his go-to reasoning every single time, and it was getting old.
“Dad, I’m not going to talk to you when you’re like this. You can either speak to me with respect, or I’m leaving.”
“I don’t like your tone–”
“Shut the hell up, Martin,” my mother’s voice called from the other room. A moment later, she appeared in the dining
room. “I only get to see Hunter once a week for Sunday dinner, and you’re not going to ruin that for me.”
“He needs to understand Bea…”
“No, you need to keep your mouth shut, or you’ll find yourself living in a motel for the rest of the week.”
My father didn’t back down, but I saw his demeanor shift instantly. Even for an old pack Beta like him, he knew that
coming between a female and her pups was asking for trouble. And my mother wasn’t the type to just show her belly and walk
away. She’d fight tooth and nail if she had to. Had my father gotten to choose his mate, I could almost guarantee it wouldn’t
have been her. She was far too feisty for his tastes.
But her tenacity had always made her an asset to the pack.
“Hi, Hunter,” she said, replacing her snarl with a smile as she pulled me into a hug. “How was the opening?”
“It was good,” I replied, watching my father twitch out of the corner of my eye. “Packed, too. You should have seen
the amount of suits Kent got to come in from New York. I wouldn’t be surprised if Eoin nearly sold out. He’s gonna be painting
for weeks to refill that gallery.”
“That’s great to hear!”
My father grunted in disapproval.
“Stuff it, Martin.” He went to turn away, but she grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him back around. “Maybe you
should apologize to your son for being such a grumpy asshole.”
He growled in return.
“Motel, Martin,” she said, not backing down. “M-O-T-E-L.”
He rolled his eyes, letting out a dramatic sigh. Mom wasn’t going to give up, and he knew it. His life would be a lot
easier if she just did what he said.
“I’m sorry, Hunter,” he said, his voice flat. “I’m just worried about our pack.”
Mom gave him a small nod, and he stalked off to the living room to pout in his chair. She shook her head as he went.
“Boys… They’re so emotional.” She glanced back at me. “You hungry? Dinner’s not ready yet, but you look thin.”
“I can wait for dinner,” I replied with a smile. “I’m not thin.”
“I just worry about you, dear,” she said, giving me a once-over. “You should find a good girl to settle down with.
One that can cook. I want to make sure you’re taken care of.”
“I can take care of myself, Mom. I know how to turn the stove on and everything.”
“Mom,” I said, trying to maintain my smile. “I’ve already got enough pressure from the pack to find a mate right now.
Please don’t make me feel worse…”
“Maybe you don’t have to worry about it,” she added with a note of excitement. “Because I just met this great girl at
the pack ladies' lunch the other day and–”
“Bea!” my father called from the other room. “Motel.”
“Excuse me for a moment,” she said to me, gritting her teeth. “I need to go chop something, or I’m going to murder
your father.”
I sighed as she walked away. Being home for Sunday dinners has always brought such joy. They meant well, both of
them. But sometimes, I would rather be floating in a shark tank than listening to the pair of them bicker. Or being put on the spot
by either of their agendas. My mother had it in her mind that I should have been mated before I left high school. Meanwhile, my
father wanted me to become him and take on all his old-fashioned ideals. The same ideals that got our pack into the precarious
position we were now.
Less than three months ago, the entire pack leadership had been replaced. Our Alpha stepped down along with his
Beta, my father, and his Gamma. That meant three new people were needed to run the place in their stead. That’s where the
Alpha’s son, myself, and my cousin Ricky came in.
It was a sudden shift, but we had no other choice. Wolves were leaving the pack at an alarming rate. And when they
cited their reasons for going, it was almost always the same. They were tired of our pack being old-fashioned and stuck in their
So the grandest of all cons was hatched. The old leaders would step down, replacing themselves with younger faces.
Meanwhile, they’d continue running everything from the shadows, pulling our strings like we were marionettes in a puppet
show. They promised us, their replacements, that they would change the pack for the better.
But it had been nearly three months, and nothing significant had changed. In fact, our leadership meetings with the old
duffs consisted of nothing but trying to find clever ways to trick young people into holding onto traditional ideals. That meant
no humans, no branching out to other packs, defending our territory, and forgetting that queer wolves existed in our pack.
Which is why my father was upset I’d gone to see Eoin. Not only had he left the pack, but he dared to mate with a
human and be queer all at the same time. Being gay was enough to have him practically outcast from the pack since he was
sixteen. But finding his fated mate in a human was unforgivable. Just like Parker, Wyatt, and Oliver before him, the Alpha was
all too happy to get rid of him once and for all to the Ombra Pack.
However, others were catching on and following his lead, even after the new blood had taken up the mantle. If we
didn’t do something soon, the Allard Pack was going to shrink until it disappeared off the map completely.
Unfortunately, I was quickly shot down when I spoke up in meetings. The Alpha’s son, Brayden, was all too happy to
be his father’s puppet. He mimicked anything his father said with pride, flexing his Alpha heritage at anyone who dared oppose
him. Ricky, our new Gamma, was soft-spoken and subordinate. We agreed when he and I were alone, but he agreed with
whatever Brayden said when he was around.
And now, for some reason, the elders were pushing all the new leaders to mate up as soon as possible. They wanted
to present a unified front with a strong Luna and two more females at her back. I didn’t see how it was going to help, but that
didn’t stop them from bugging me about it every single freaking day. I’d seen more girls in the past two months than I’d seen in
my whole life, and not a damn one of them tripped my mate sensor.
The others might have been okay with picking someone based on their connections and skills, but I was still holding
out for the time being. I wanted to find my mate, the one I actually belonged with. It just hadn’t happened yet. And it drove the
elders crazy.
So, for the time being, we made zero progress. And the Allard Pack slowly disintegrated around us. I suppose that’s
why my father was always in such a terrible mood and why he harped on me so much. It was also probably the reason my
mother wanted to murder him on a daily basis. It was no secret they challenged one another, but even this was a bit extreme.
“Hunter!” I heard my Mom call from the kitchen. “Come in here real quick.”
I did as I was told, shaking the worry from my brain. It was out of my control, so there was no sense sitting there
worrying about it. There was no shortage of problems in my pack.
“Yeah?” I replied, stepping into the kitchen. I stopped for a moment, inhaling deeply the sweet scent of roasting ham.
My mouth began to water immediately. “What’s up?”
“Something came for you in the mail a while back, and I just totally forgot about it.” Mom wiped her hands on a
towel before grabbing a letter from the counter. She handed it over, her brows knitted together. “I don’t recognize the
handwriting or the return address. But it’s for you.”
The name was initials only, and the address was from Colorado. “L.G.R.?” I asked. “Is that a company or
“No idea.” She returned to her pots on the stove. “But it’s handwritten, so you should probably read it.”
I turned the letter over, noticing the date stamp from the post office. It had been delivered right around the same time
that I’d taken my new position as Beta. The letter had been sitting on Mom and Dad’s counter for almost three months.
Tearing it open, I unfolded a lined sheet of paper with unfamiliar handwriting scrawled across it. Thankfully, it was
legible, the letters having a soft, loopy look to them.
I hope this letter finds you well. That seems like a weird way to open a letter to someone you haven’t talked to in almost
fifteen years, but that’s what you’re supposed to say, right? Anyway, I wanted to write you to let you know that I’m coming
back to Ludington in May. I’m actually gonna stay for the whole summer at my uncle’s cabin. He’s let me have the place to
unwind for a bit since I just finished grad school. And well, I figured it would be cool if we could meet up and have lunch or
something while I’m there. I’d love to catch up and just see how things have been going with you and everyone in the area.
P.S. Did you ever grow into those giant paws of yours?
I couldn’t help feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Logan was my best friend all through grade school.
He’d left just as we moved into the sixth grade. He was always my protector against the bullies at school. I was such a shrimpy
kid back then.
And he was the only human I’d ever revealed my wolfy secret to.
Suddenly, I was thankful that my mother hadn’t gone snooping through my mail. Logan didn’t know how much trouble
I’d be in if they found out. My father would have blown his lid right on the spot.
“Something wrong, dear?”
“N-No,” I replied, hastily folding the letter up and tucking it into my pocket. “It’s just a letter from an old school
friend. Do you remember Logan?”
“Hmm…” She tapped the wooden spoon against her lips absentmindedly. “The lanky kid back in grade school?”
“I don’t remember much. Just that you two seemed to hang around a lot.”
“Apparently, he’s coming back for the summer and wants to have lunch.”
“Aww. That’s sweet. When’s he due back?”
“Sometime in May.”
“That’ll be any day now.”
“Yeah,” I said, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. “Any day now.”

yawned and stretched as I stepped out of the rental car, staring at the vast ocean of fresh water in front of me. A cool breeze
I whipped up off Lake Michigan, and I breathed it in deeply, filling my lungs with its sweetness.
I’d nearly forgotten how beautiful it was.
Of course, after spending the last six years in college getting my MBA, everything looked beautiful. My life had been
nothing but cubicles, grumpy executives, and overworked employees during my time there. And my internship was even worse.
But now, all of that was finally over. I had the degree, and I was free of my crippling class load.
Now, I just had to figure out what to do with my life.
My capstone project was working for an insurance tech startup out in Colorado. After a year of taking fifteen
meetings a day and failing to get the old duffs to listen to a goddamn thing I said, I turned down their offer for employment upon
graduation. The last thing I wanted to do was waste my time in some startup that was gonna go under or be sold off in two
years anyway.
And my hunch was right. Only two weeks after I turned down their offer, they liquidated my entire department and
laid off twenty percent of the company without warning.
The entire experience left me with a bad taste in my mouth and a sinking feeling in my gut that I’d just spent six years
getting a useless degree. Granted, I knew a lot about business, finance, leadership, and all those things you’d want to know if
you were going to start your own company. However, I had no idea what kind of company that would be, and getting old
executives to take me seriously at twenty-six was impossible.
So, I decided to take the summer off.
My uncle Gary was kind enough to lend me his cabin on the lake free of charge to get my head together. He’d always
been my favorite relative. He and his husband lived down in Saugatuck now, the gayest little town in Michigan, and they had
more than one summer cabin. If he wasn’t so well off, I might have turned him down. But this was too much of a good thing to
pass up. Besides, he’d insisted, saying he would be personally offended if I didn’t take the offer.
I couldn’t disappoint him, so there I was, standing in front of a cute little log cabin with pink plastic flamingos stuck
into the landscaping. Flamingos in Michigan seemed like a weird choice, but I just laughed it off. Besides, what really mattered
was the view.
Grabbing my suitcase and backpack from the car, I headed up the gravel path to the house, jogged left, and walked
around to the back porch. There I located the key under a wooden bear statue that, for some strange reason, had a fully erect
human penis carved between its legs.
“I bet that’s a conversation starter…”
My uncle was a bit of an eccentric man, according to my parents. And by that, I was pretty sure they just meant he
was very gay. But while they judged him silently for it, I admired him for being so out and proud. He knew who he was and
didn’t do anything to hide it. Meanwhile, it had taken me nearly all of college to come to terms with myself.
In fact, he was going to be the first one I told when he and his husband came to visit. I’d already decided. Then, if
that went well, I’d figure out a way to break it to Mom and Dad. Mom would probably cry, and my father… well, he might not
talk to me for a little while. He was a pretty typical blue-collar man, and that came with a set of expectations for my life and
what I would become.
Hopefully, the pair of them could get over it.
Dropping my bags on the back porch, I turned toward the long set of stairs leading down to the beach. The cabin was
small, and the neighbors were close, but the best thing about Uncle Gary’s cabin was the lake. He had his own little private
beach on Lake Michigan, and I couldn’t think of anything better in the entire world.
There was something about the Great Lakes that got into your soul. When you lived so close to them and grew up
splashing in their waves, you fell in love, even if you didn’t know it. The day after we moved away from Ludington when I was
eleven, I felt an emptiness in my chest. For the past fifteen years, it had been there, ever-present and never ceasing. It wasn’t
until I reached the bottom of the stairs and walked to the edge of the water that I felt it disappear.
Lifting my arms, I let the wind blow my hair back, the cold air dancing across my skin. I gazed out at the sun sinking
toward the watery horizon, breathing in the fresh air. This was where I belonged.
This was home.
Now, I just had to figure out how to make money without leaving again. And Ludington wasn’t exactly known for
being a rich town. Especially considering it was less than ten thousand people.
Maybe Hunter could help me find something.
It was a long shot. Hell, the guy hadn’t even answered the letter I’d sent almost two months ago. I wasn’t sure he
even remembered who I was, much less wanted to hang out with me. Then again, I’d sent it to the house he’d grown up in. He
probably didn’t live with his parents anymore, and it was possible he didn’t even live in Ludington. Did werewolves move
away from home? Were they allowed to? What if his parents didn’t live in that house anymore?
There were so many variables. And I didn’t have an answer to any of them. But one thing was for certain: I never
heard back from him. Either he didn’t get the letter, or he wasn’t interested. And, in my rush to send it out, I hadn’t included any
other type of contact information, which was stupid. Even if he replied, I wouldn’t get the letter.
My only hope now was to wander around town, hoping I ran into him or he caught my scent. He was always good at
tracking things down when we were kids.
I kicked off my shoes and socks, plopping down in the cool sand with my head turned to the horizon. Golds and reds
filled the sky as the sun sank lower, my mind filling with memories from a lifetime ago.
How many days had Hunter and I spent on beaches just like this one? Or hiking through the woods in search of high
adventure? In school, I was his protector, being the bigger of the two. But when we were in the woods, I relied on him
completely. With his wolf nose, he could sniff out any hint of danger long before it found us. Of course, that got us into trouble
plenty of times, but those were the memories that stuck with me.
What I remembered most of all was how in awe I was of him. Watching him transform from boy to wolf pup right in
front of me was more thrilling than anything I’d ever seen. Sometimes, he even let me ride on his back, the pair of us galloping
through the woods as far as his big paws would take us. In our minds, we fought dragons, stormed castles, and rescued damsels
in distress. Those were the best days of my life.
Heartbroken didn’t begin to describe how I felt when my parents forced me to move away. I lost my best friend that
day, and as the months and years crept by, we lost contact with one another. I started middle school in a new state, far from the
home I loved, and had to rebuild my life. It was easier to forget about Hunter than cling to a friendship divided by several
hundred miles.
But I never forgot about him. And, after some recent reflection on the subject, I’d come to the conclusion that he
wasn’t just my best friend. He was the first guy I’d ever liked. We were just little kids, so I didn’t know what the feelings were
back then. However, hindsight cleared that up as soon as I started accepting who I was.
I shook my head, laughing to myself. It was probably better. I didn’t know back then. It would have made it all the
more difficult to leave. Besides, Hunter, while only eleven at the time, was definitely straight. I’d never met a guy so smooth
with the ladies. And I was certain he’d grown into quite the heartbreaker. Hell, he might even be married already.
That thought caused a sudden burst of cold in my chest. Time to change the subject.
“Donuts,” I said aloud, squishing the sand between my toes. “I need donuts.”
I glanced back up at the cabin. There was no way fresh donuts were in there. Uncle Gary said he hadn’t been there
since last summer. The most I expected to find was a few spiders and a healthy coating of dust on everything.
“I wonder if that little donut shop is still here…” I mulled the thought over for a moment. “Well, only one way to find
Forcing myself up out of the sand, I dusted my pants off, grabbed my shoes, and headed for the stairs. If there was
one thing that could make me feel better in this entire world, it was a custard-filled Long John from the local donut shop. Or
possibly an apple fritter.
Maybe both.

s soon as I was out of my parent's house and in my Jeep, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. I was finally free of their
A bickering and their opinions. They were good people; I loved them, but my god, they could be exhausting. Not that I
could tell them that. And, of course, I was certain that come Tuesday, I’d get an earful from my dad about Eoin again.
Mom wouldn’t be there to defend me, so I’d have to come up with a way to do it on my own.
If being a member of pack leadership didn’t have so many great benefits, I never would have accepted the position.
Before I’d become pack Beta, I was working at a local gym in town doing custodial work. It was the same one that Oliver
worked at, a member of the Ombra Pack. The front desk guy was some form of paranormal creature as well, but not one I could
identify by scent. Either way, the coworkers were fine, but the work… well, it was gross, to say the very least. A free gym
membership, along with my measly paycheck, somehow didn’t quite make up for the fact that I had to clean up a sweat and a
multitude of other bodily fluids on a daily basis.
My sensitive wolf nose would never forget that place.
So when Dad offered me pack Beta with a full salary, good benefits, and an apartment furnished by the pack, I said
yes before he even finished speaking. Any amount of responsibility was better than working a dead-end job. But it still came
with its challenges. Mainly pack politics.
However, that could wait until Tuesday. Right then, there was something much more important on my mind.
My sweet tooth.
Mom never made dessert for Sunday dinners. Even when I offered to bring one myself, she turned me down.
Something about my father having high cholesterol or something. Frankly, I didn’t even know werewolves could get high
cholesterol. But after years of eating red meat in excess for every single meal, his habits finally caught up with him. Turns out
werewolf healing can close a major would and save wolves from the brink of death, but it couldn’t stop arteries from getting
clogged after decades of abuse.
I’d make sure to keep that in mind.
But right now, I needed dessert. Badly. It was a matter of life and death. I was almost certain of it. And I knew just
the perfect place to go that would be open late on a Sunday night.
Mattina Fresca Bakery.
Turning the ignition over, I threw the Jeep into first gear, my mouth already watering at the thought of all those freshly
baked glazed donuts. I just hoped they had the custard-filled Long Johns I liked so much. Those had a tendency to go fast.
Maybe I’d get lucky.
Ten minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot of the bakery. There was only one other vehicle in the lot, and it
seemed like luck was on my side for the moment. Stepping out of the car, I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the sweet
scent of fried dough, sugar glazes, chocolate frosting, and all manner of fruits and spices that went into those delicious morsels.
If I’d been in wolf form, my tail would have been wagging all the way to the door. This was my one indulgence. I
worked out every day just so that I could have donuts whenever I wanted them. It was probably my biggest motivator for
staying fit. And, because I never stopped wanting those deep-fried pieces of heaven, I ended up looking pretty good if I said so
I practically floated through the front door, following the scent straight to the counter. There was another customer
there, probably the owner of the car out front, watching the cashier pick his donuts out of the case. Another worker stepped out
of the kitchen, spotted me, and headed over.
“What can I getcha?” she asked, putting on a friendly, albeit forced, smile.
“Long Johns if you’ve got them,” I replied, holding up my fingers. “At least two if you can.”
“Custard or frosting filled?”
“Definitely custard.”
“Let me take a look.”
She leaned down, glancing through the back of the case at the racks of donuts. Scanning each one, she worked her
way down to the far end. The other cashier had just finished filling a bag and placed it on the counter.
“Any more custard Long Johns down here?” she asked.
The other cashier uncomfortably glanced in my direction. “Uh… just sold the last ones to this customer.”
I glanced at the guy he’d just handed the donuts to, doing my best not to glare. He was shorter than me and definitely
less muscular. His short dark hair was spiked up, giving it a bit of a messy look. What really caught my attention, though, were
his vibrant green eyes that seemed to almost sparkle of their own accord.
There was something familiar about those eyes.
“I’m sorry, sir,” my helper called back. “Is there anything else I can interest you in?”
I sighed. A donut was a donut. I could just pick something else. “Yeah. Let me take a look real quick.”
Slowly, I made my way down the case, looking at all the other donuts proudly displayed within. I wasn’t paying
much attention until I nearly walked face-first into someone else.
“Sorry,” I muttered, taking a step back. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
The man who’d bought my favorite donuts was standing there, staring at me.
“Can… Can I help you?”
“Do I know you?” he asked, looking me up and down. “You seem familiar for some reason.”
I paused for a moment. “You know… I had the same thought, and I don’t really know why.”
“Well, only one way to find out,” he said, sticking out his hand to shake. “I’m Logan.”
I took his hand without thinking. “Hunter.”
We both froze, our hands clasped together in mid-air. A shot of electricity surged through my body at his touch, my
skin breaking out in gooseflesh all over.
Had I heard him right?
“H-Hunter?” he stammered. “Hunter Price?”
It couldn’t be. “Logan Ross?”
Both of us suddenly exclaimed at the same time.
“You’re huge!”
“You’re tiny!”
There was a heartbeat of silence before we both busted up laughing. Behind the counter, the cashiers stared at us like
we were insane, cackling like hyenas in the middle of an empty store. They probably thought we were high.
“Holy shit, dude!” Logan managed to get out between tears of laughter. “I can’t believe it’s you!”
“Me either!” I reached into my pocket, producing his letter. “I literally just got your letter today! My mother forgot
about it for almost three months!” I stuffed it back into my pocket. “I didn’t think I’d be able to find you.”
“It was stupid not to put my phone number in there,” he said, shaking his head. “I thought maybe you’d moved away
or didn’t want to see me.”
“Hell no! I always want to see you!” That felt like a weird thing to say to someone I hadn’t seen in fifteen years. “I
mean… I always wondered what happened to you.”
He smiled, the sight of it filling me with warmth. “I always wondered about you too.” Leaning close, he placed his
hand on the side of his mouth. “And judging by how big you are now, I’d say you grew into those paws, huh?”
A nervous laugh escaped my throat. “Let’s talk about that somewhere else.”
“Well? Come on then.” He held up the bag of donuts, giving them a shake. “I’ve got plenty for both of us.”
“I don’t wanna take your donuts, dude.”
“Then buy more.” He pointed to a lower section of the case. “Apple fritters, please!”
I placed my hands on my hips, shaking my head. “You really haven’t changed, have you?”
He gave me a wink. “I’m a lot cuter now.”
“That’s for sure.”
My heart nearly fell out of my butt. What the fuck did I just say?!
“Don’t tease me,” he laughed, punching in the arm. “And hurry up with the donuts.”
“Okay, okay.”
I breathed a sigh of relief as Logan left the shop, the bell jingling behind him. What the hell was wrong with me? It
had been fifteen years since I’d seen the guy, and one look was all it took to send me into a nervous tizzy. I didn’t even
understand why.
Maybe I was nervous that he wouldn’t like me anymore. After all, it had been fifteen long years since I’d seen him;
inevitably, we were both very different people than we remembered. It was completely possible that in the next twenty minutes
he’d decide he never wanted to see me again. And that was surprisingly difficult to think about. For fifteen years I’d been
holding onto an image of Logan in my head, a snapshot of who he was at eleven years old. After he left, I didn’t have many
friends. I didn’t meet Eoin until high school, and now I’m not even allowed to see him. All I had left was the pack, and they
weren’t friends; they were my people, the ones I was supposed to lead.
But Logan was always there in the back of my mind, proof that I wasn’t some weirdo nobody liked. Lots of people
liked me. But did they spend long nights talking with me about my deepest fears? No. Did they get to know me on a more
personal level? Also no. I didn’t have anyone like that except Eoin, and he was running a business now.
It was probably silly, but I just didn’t want to lose a foundational piece of myself. Logan helped me get through the
tough years when the bullying got bad and before I was big enough to defend myself. I didn’t want that cherished piece of my
memory tarnished by what might happen next.
However, there was no way out now. Instead of freaking out, I needed to take a deep breath, get my shit together, buy
some donuts, and stop blurting out stupid things. I wasn’t exactly the sharpest lightbulb in the tool chest, but I could at least do
“Okay,” I sighed, looking up at the cashiers. Both of them seemed uncomfortable. How long had I been standing there
muttering to myself? Christ, they probably thought I was insane.
“S-Sorry,” I added, trying to sound less crazy. “Can I have a couple fapple drippers?”
It took a moment for the confused expression on her face to register. I facepalmed so hard I nearly knocked myself out.
“Oh my god… this is not going well…”

climbed into my rental car, flicking on the lights so Hunter knew which one I was in. My heart was pounding. Out of all the
I people I could have run into on my first day back in Ludington, I ran into the one I wanted to see most. Hunter fucking Price.
And boy, had he grown up.
The last time I saw Hunter, he was almost a full foot shorter than me. I’d gone through a growth spurt in fifth grade,
making me one of the biggest in the class. However, Hunter obviously went through something similar after I left. Not only was
he well over six feet tall now, but he was also muscular as fuck! I don’t think I’d ever seen someone built like him. He had
wide, muscular shoulders, his deltoids straining against the fabric of his t-shirt. His pecs were also fighting to escape, not to
mention the line of abs I could see through his shirt leading down to a tapered waist. He had that V shape that most men work
their whole lives to attain. But he made it look so… effortless.
He was so big everywhere it made me wonder what else might be big…
A stirring in my groin brought my attention back to reality, a sinking feeling filling my stomach. I mentally checked
myself. Hunter was my childhood friend, not some guy that I needed to lust for. Sure, he was easily one of the top three most
handsome men I’d ever seen in my life, but that didn’t mean I needed to drool over him. My memories of our time together
meant more than that, and I didn’t want to tarnish them by following my dick.
Besides, I was all too aware that he wasn’t even the same species as me. Judging by how worried he was about his
werewolf secret getting out, I could pretty easily deduce that his kind didn’t date humans. If they did, it wouldn’t be such a
Before I could get myself totally under control, there was a knock at my window. I rolled it down, putting on my best
“You got the fritters?”
He held up the back. “Right here, chief.”
That was a weird nickname. Very midwestern.
“Hop in,” I said, hitting the unlock button. “Passenger side is open.”
Hunter went around to the other side and gently stuffed himself into the passenger seat. I couldn’t help but laugh as he
got in, his knees pressed tight against the dashboard. He struggled for a moment and stopped partway between sitting and
standing. He tried to wiggle himself free while still protecting the bag of donuts.
With a big sigh, he stopped, leaning against the car. “I’m stuck.”
I did my best to stifle the giggling, but I couldn’t help it. “Just a second.”
Leaning over the center console, I reached between his legs and grabbed the release lever to put the seat back.
However, the moment the tension was off the bar, the seat snapped back several inches, and I realized Hunter had been
partially leaning against it. With a yelp and a flurry of arms and legs, Hunter fell backward into the car, and I got tangled up in
the process. By the time we came to rest, he was practically lying on top of me, my arm trapped under him and my face pressed
up against his lower back.
“Oh my god,” he laughed, grabbing the door to lift himself off me. “So sorry!”
His shifting let my arm go, but it placed his perfectly tone ass directly in my face. I stared wantonly, and it took every
ounce of self-control I had not to make a comment about how wonderful it was. Or to bite it. Something about his ass just made
me think it needed to be in my mouth.
What the hell was wrong with me?
“It’s cool,” I laughed nervously, extricating myself from his seat. “It’s my fault anyway. I didn’t realize the seat was
all the way forward when I rented it.”
“The last passenger must have been under five feet tall,” Hunter replied, rearranging himself in the seat and closing
the door. “I don’t know why they even let seats go that far forward.”
“Not everyone is a behemoth like you.”
Hunter lifted an eyebrow in my direction.
“It’s a compliment,” I added, holding up my hands. “Seriously. You’re built like a goddamn tank. Not like that little
shrimpy kid I remember.”
“Thanks,” he smiled, his soft brown eyes sparkling. “With you gone, I had to do something, right? I couldn’t rely on
the tall kid to protect me anymore.”
“Turns out he wasn’t that tall anyway. Five foot six in fifth grade is big. But as an adult? Not so much.” I looked him
up and down. “What are you now?”
“Fucking hell… Tall and you won the genetic lottery.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh please,” I laughed. “As if you don’t know how handsome you are.”
Hunter’s cheeks went bright red. Did he like the compliments? Or was I just making him feel super awkward?
“Thanks, buddy. And you didn’t turn out too bad yourself.”
There it was again. That was the second time he’d complimented me about my looks. Granted, I’d done the same to
him, but I liked men. Then again, things weren’t the same as when we were kids. Lots of guys were a lot more secure now.
Maybe I could test him.
“So, how are things around here?” I asked, opening the bag of donuts and handing him one of the Long Johns. “I half
expected to come back and find you married with a house full of kids. Or pups? What do werewolves call them?”
“All those things,” he laughed, taking the donut. His first bite was nearly a third of the damn thing, his mouth full as
he continued speaking. “And not much around here has changed. It’s pretty much the same as it’s always been. Maybe a few
new businesses in town, but not much else.”
“No wife then?”
Here was my chance. “No girlfriend either?”
He shook his head. “Nah. Although my mom keeps trying to set me up with every wolf girl she can find. It’s getting
“Not ready to settle down?”
He sighed. “No. But I’m gonna have to soon. I just got promoted to pack Beta, and that means I need to take a mate.
Preferably within the first year.”
There it was, the answer I was looking for. He was straight, just not ready to commit yet. Not that I could blame him;
we were both still pretty young. Getting married in your twenties seemed insane in this day and age.
“How about you?” Hunter asked, changing the subject. “Any girls in your sights?”
“Nah.” I figured there was no reason not to be honest with him. “That’s not really my thing.”
He furrowed his brows. “Like you just don’t want to date?”
“I want to date.” I took a deep breath, knowing full well this town was voted red in every single election. “I’m not
really into girls.”
“Oh.” Hunter clapped a hand on my shoulder with a big grin on his face. “That’s cool, dude.”
“Hell yeah, man.” He took another big bite. “My best friend Eoin is gay. He and his partner just opened a gallery,
Eoin was his best friend? The jolt of jealousy through my chest caught me off guard. I felt stupid almost instantly. It
had been fifteen years since I’d seen Hunter. I was the last person on the planet who could be called his best friend after that.
“A gallery? Here?”
“Yeah. Kent’s got a lot of connections in Manhattan. Eoin nearly sold out at the grand opening. He’s gonna be busy as
hell restocking that place for the tourist season.”
“That sounds really cool, actually.” I had conflicting feelings about this Eoin character. He sounded cool, but I didn’t
like how close he was with Hunter. It was dumb, but the feeling was there nonetheless. “If he’s got a partner that can pull
strings like that, their business should do just fine.”
“Enough about stuff here,” Hunter said, stuffing the last third of the donut in his mouth. “Tell me about you. What do
you do? How long are you here?”
“I actually just finished my master’s degree in business, so I’m here for the summer to blow off some steam before I
find a big boy job. My Uncle Gary is letting me use his cabin out on the lake.”
“That’s awesome,” Hunter smiled, a bit of chocolate frosting on his upper lip. He licked it clean before continuing.
“Any idea what kind of job you’re gonna get?”
I let out a heavy sigh, taking my first bite at last. “I’m not sure. I could do a lot of things with an MBA. But none of
them really sound good, ya know? After six years of spreadsheets and business proposals and idiot CEOs that are too old to
use a smartphone, I’m kinda burnt out.”
“Sounds like you need the break.”
I nodded. “I really do. My capstone internship was pretty fucking rough. As soon as I left, the company laid off a
bunch of people, too. It’s not a great time to find a white-collar job.”
“Why not just make your own? Like Eoin did.”
“What kind of business do you suggest I start?” I laughed, knowing full well it sounded much easier than it actually
“I don’t know,” Hunter shrugged. “But everybody has something they love to do, right? Make a business out of that!”
He made it sound so simple. I wished it was. But trying to figure out what to do for the rest of my life wasn’t a
question I could quickly answer.
“I’m not sure,” I replied at last. “But maybe you can help me think about it more when we hang out.”
“You want to hang out with me?” He seemed surprised.
“Of course I do!” I exclaimed. “It’s been fifteen years, dude! We need to catch up! And I need to visit all our old
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah. That would be a lot of fun.”
“Give me your phone. I’ll put my number in it.”
Hunter handed it over without a second thought. I quickly added my info to his contact list and handed it back.
“There, now you can let me know when you’re free.”
“I don’t have anything going on tomorrow.”
“Perfect,” I chuckled. “I don’t have anything going on all summer, so that should line up just fine.”
“I’ll text you then,” he said, reaching for the door handle.
“You don’t have to go now if you don’t want,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “I… uh… wasn’t trying to get
rid of you or anything.”
“It’s not that.” His gaze dropped to the ground, and his cheeks flushed. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, but
he seemed a bit nervous for some reason. “It’s just been… a long day. I’m worn out.”
“No worries, dude,” I smiled, trying not to sound disappointed. There would always be tomorrow. “Go get some
rest, and I’ll see ya later.”
“Hey, Logan?”
“It was… uh… good to see you.” He smiled. “Really good.”
I couldn’t help but smile back. “It’s really good to see you too, Hunter.”
“Here.” He placed his bag of apple fritters on the passenger seat. “You should keep these. I don’t need this much
sugar before bed.”
“Neither do I!” I paused for a moment. “How about I bring them to our hangout tomorrow? As incentive.”
“I don’t think I’d need incentive to hang out with you.”
My heart swelled at his words, the warmth spreading through my chest.
“See ya later,” he said with a wave.
The door shut, and I lifted a hand to him through the glass.
Holy shit, I was in trouble.

oly shit, what was wrong with me?

H I felt bad for ducking out on Logan so quickly, but I was reaching a point inside his car where I wouldn’t be
able to control myself anymore. From the moment I sat down, his scent threatened to overwhelm me completely. It was so
much different than I remembered. When we were kids, he just smelled like himself. I never really paid much attention to it.
But now his scent was rich, like warm dark chocolate and hazelnuts. And it made me ravenous, but not for food.
And I’d been hiding a hard-on the entire time I was in his car. Thankfully, between the bag of donuts and my jacket, I
was able to cover most of it. However, getting out of the car had been a bit of a gamble, but I knew I had to leave. Considering
he didn’t get a weird look on his face, I figured I’d successfully hidden my arousal from him.
But why was I aroused in the first place?
As far as I knew, I liked women. When I was a kid, I always tried to impress the girls. Throughout high school,
women had been on my mind hourly. Not that I ever got anywhere with them. It wasn’t college that I started thinking about
women less. While everyone else was out chasing tail, I was focusing mostly on keeping my grades high enough to stay on the
football team. In hindsight, I suppose it was a little odd that women sort of fell off my radar during a time when most guys
thought about nothing else. I just thought I was being studious because that’s what college is about.
Was there something else going on I hadn’t noticed?
I didn’t think so. As I drove home, I wracked my brain, trying to think of a single situation in which I was attracted to
a man. Nothing stood out to me. Of course, during high school and college, I’d looked at other guys in the locker room just to
make sure all my parts looked normal. But that wasn’t sexual.
This new feeling, however, definitely was. And my cock was pointing directly at Logan.
Why him? We’d spent most of our childhood together, and I never once thought of him as more than a friend. Granted,
I was ten, but that didn’t stop every boy I knew at the time from talking about sex, even if they had no idea what they were
saying. We were all aware of what it was, but I didn’t remember feeling much about it.
So why now? What had changed?
I mean, it was easy to see that he’d grown up. The boy I remembered was still there in his features, but they’d
sharpened and matured with time. He was smaller than me now, his body lithe and ropey. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think he
was cute, but I thought that was just an objective observation. But as I thought about it, there were little things I noticed that
straight guys probably didn’t see. I liked how he kept his hair, how it looked effortless and kind of edgy without being over the
top. His eyes were just as vibrant green as I remembered, but now I was noticing the little flecks of gold around his pupils that
caught the light and sparkled. His skin was pale and smooth, and a smattering of dark hair over his wiry forearms made me
want to touch them. Even the soft pink tone of his lips made me wonder what it would feel like to kiss him.
Okay, so I was definitely looking at him differently now. But the transition from women to men still seemed sudden. I
couldn’t deny I felt something around him I hadn’t felt before. At first, I thought it was just the excitement of seeing an old
friend. But as it went on and my symptoms swelled, I realized it was more than that. It took everything I had not to lean across
that center console and kiss him when he said he wasn’t into women.
When had that happened? Why did that make my heart pound? Was he interested in me? Would he say no if I made a
move on him? What if he said yes?!
My mind was reeling as I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment. Even under just a thin jacket, I was sweating
my ass off from the adrenaline. It felt as if the entire foundation of my life had shifted in the past hour, and I was desperately
trying not to crumble around it. Not to mention, my heart was still pounding a mile a minute. The entire thing made me feel
embarrassed from head to toe for a multitude of reasons.
That is why, when my phone buzzed in my pocket, I was all too happy to answer it, no matter who it was. Thankfully,
it was a message from Eoin.
Eoin: Hey! Sorry it took me a few days to get back to you. Things were crazy at that opening, but I wanted to say thank you
for coming. I know your old man is probably flipping his lid about it…
Me: He’s always mad about something, don’t worry about it. And I can imagine you’ve been busy! I’ve never seen so many
red stickers in a gallery at one time
Eoin: Have you ever even been to a gallery?
Me: Yeah… I went to an art gallery in college once for a field trip or something
Eoin: You mean an art museum?
Me: It had pictures in it, I don’t fucking know
Eoin: I swear I’m not laughing.
Me: Uh-huh
Eoin: Either way, thanks for coming. And I know you probably can’t because of the pack, but Kent is hovering over my
shoulder and insisting I invite you to dinner on Friday. We’re going up to Traverse City to celebrate
I sat there for a long moment, staring at my screen. Of course, I wanted to join them, but Eoin was right; my dad
would pitch a fucking fit. Not to mention, a celebration for a great business opening sounded kind of private. I didn’t want to
Me: You know I want to… but…
Eoin: I know. Your dad and the pack.
Me: I’m sorry.
Eoin: Hey, don’t apologize. We both knew stuff like this was going to happen. I don’t hold it against you at all, promise.
Me: You sure?
Eoin: Hundo-P
Me: I’ll text you when I can sneak away. Maybe if we just randomly “run into each other” then the old farts won’t get so
upset. Not that they won’t just find something else…
Eoin: They still trying to force you to wife up?
Me: You know it
Eoin: Fuck them, dude. You’re Beta now. Do whatever the hell you want
Me: I wish it were that easy
Eoin: It is. You just have to do it.
While he meant well, Eoin didn’t exactly have the greatest track record when it came to navigating social
expectations. I mean, the guy literally almost went to jail last fall for doing graffiti all over downtown. Granted, it all worked
out in the end, but barely. He almost lost his freedom and his mate in the process. So maybe the ‘Fuck it’ attitude wasn’t exactly
the best way to go when life got hard.
For a moment, my fingers hovered over the keyboard, wondering if I should tell him about Logan. Out of everyone I
knew, Eoin would probably understand these strange feelings I was having. He might even be able to give me some advice. But
I felt a strange sort of protectiveness over Logan like I wanted to keep him to myself. At least for now, anyway, until I figured
out what the hell was going on.
Eoin: I’m just saying you’ve gotta live your own life, okay? Don’t let those alpha asshats boss you around. You only get to
be on the planet once. Don’t waste it.
Me: Thanks Eoin. And I’ll let you know about hanging out sometime, okay?
Eoin: Sounds good buddy
The more I stared at his message, the more I realized he was right. I was only going to experience this life once. Did
I really want to spend it being puppeted by old men and forced to marry some she-wolf I didn’t even know? The answer to that
was an unequivocal no.
I didn’t know what the hell was going on with my feelings toward Logan or what the future would hold. But I made a
decision then and there. I wasn’t going to stop living my life just to please my father and his friends. I was gonna live it for me,
whatever the hell that meant. And the first thing I was gonna do was have whatever friends I wanted.
Me: You know what, fuck it. Count me in for Friday.
Eoin: Hell yes.

here was a ball of nervous excitement sitting in the pit of my stomach as I drove out of Ludington, leaving town in my
T rearview mirror. Hunter was waiting for me at the state park, one of the places we used to hang out as children. It was my
favorite place to hike before I left, and I was thrilled to be going back.
I couldn’t quite place why I was nervous, though. It could have been because I felt out of place in this small town that
I no longer felt I was a part of. Or it could be the fact that Hunter was acting kind of strange around me. But, if I dug deep
enough, it was easy to find the true reason.
I had a crush on Hunter, and it was getting stronger with every passing moment. I’d spent nearly the entire night
worrying about it, like you do. My brain went through every possible explanation, but in the end, it was all too simple. He was
cute, he was just as sweet as he’d always been, and most importantly, I knew I could trust him. That, more than anything, was
what made my heart skip a beat every time I thought about him.
But Hunter liked girls, and the last thing I wanted to do was betray his trust by trying to insert myself into the
situation. He didn’t deserve foolish attempts to get him to play for my team. No, I cared about him too much to risk our
friendship like that. Now that I’d found him again, I didn’t want to lose him over something as stupid as a crush. Besides, I was
probably just projecting anyway. Being relatively new to accepting who I was meant signals were difficult to tease apart
sometimes. I wasn’t going to mistake Hunter’s sweet disposition as a sign that he was into me.
And that meant I needed to keep myself in check. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be too hard, considering we were going
back to the woods where we used to run around as kids. I figured a hike wasn’t going to be too awkward, right? It was just
walking and talking. And with all the exercise involved, I’d hardly have time to think. I’d be too busy trying not to die.
As I pulled into the state park, I saw Hunter’s Jeep parked on the far side. I pulled my car alongside it, noticing that
Hunter was just on the other side, leaning against his vehicle and staring at his phone. Parking mine, I got out, throwing my bag
over my shoulder as I went. I hadn’t forgotten the donuts or some extra snacks. Most likely, we’d both be hungry by the end of
this, and town was a ways off.
“Hey!” I called, walking around the car. “How’s it going–”
My jaw nearly hit the floor as I saw Hunter standing there in skimpy running shorts and a tank top that was made of
almost nothing. I could see every bulging muscle in his arms flex as he turned around, tucking his phone in his pocket. The
homemade tank barely covered his pecs, his nipples peeking out either side. He looked just like those football boys I’d seen in
college, except hunkier somehow. Eventually, my eyes wandered down to the bulge in his paper-thin shorts.
Holy fuck. He was obviously no slouch in that department.
“Hey, Logan,” he smiled, clapping me on the shoulder to snap me out of my stupor. “I wondered what was taking you
so long!”
“S-Sorry,” I stammered, trying to regain control of myself. “I stopped at one of the gas stations to grab snacks. I
figured we’d need them.”
“Ooh.” He took another step forward, the heat of his body washing over me in waves. “What kind?”
“Uh… beef jerky, chips… a couple granola bars.” I licked my lips, wanting so badly to bury my face in his pecs and
just motorboat him until I asphyxiated from pure joy. “I wasn’t sure what you liked.”
“And the donuts?”
“And the donuts,” I nodded.
“Sounds like you’ve got it all covered.” He gave me a warm smile. “Ready to get going?”
“Y-Yeah.” I finally managed to tear my eyes away from him. “Where did you want to go?”
“I figured we could walk the trails a bit and then end up down on the beach afterward. I really need to stretch my
legs. Been way too cooped up lately.”
“What? You don’t take yourself for a walk every day?” I lifted an eyebrow in his direction. “Isn’t that like basic
werewolf care?”
He gave me an unimpressed look.
I chuckled to myself. “Well, did you at least remember your leash today?”
“Is this what it’s gonna be all day?” he asked. “Dog jokes?”
“Oh, come on. It’s funny!”
He crossed his arms over his chest with a grunt. “Ha.”
“Alright, alright,” I said, lifting my hands in defeat. “I’ll stop making dog jokes.” I paused for a moment. “Not gonna
lie though, I’m curious to see how big your wolf form has gotten.”
Hunter smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Come on,” he said, waving a hand. “Follow me.”
Keeping on Hunter’s heels, I followed him down the edge of the parking lot until we came to a break in the trees. He
glanced over his shoulder, making sure we weren’t being followed, before ducking inside the trees. I looked too, not really
sure what he was worried about. It was still early in the season, so there were only a few people at the park on a Monday
afternoon. However, it looked like most of them were keeping to the beach anyway.
I stepped onto the path, following Hunter. The moment I was through the trees, my gaze was drawn upward. Hunter
was taking his shirt off.
“You can’t be hot,” I said. “That tank is made of nothing.”
“I don’t want to get tangled in it.”
“When I shift.”
My hands immediately started to shake. I wasn’t scared, just nervous for some reason. I’d seen Hunter as a wolf
plenty of times, but that was back when he was just a pup. He would probably be huge now.
“Y-You don’t have to do that,” I said hastily. “I was just kidding.”
“I want to,” he smiled, tossing his still-warm shirt into my arms. “Besides, I get out more energy this way. I’ve been
way too cooped up lately.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why not?” He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts. “I trust you.”
His words made my heart skip a beat. I couldn’t speak. All I could do was nod.
“Oh, and if anyone asks, I’m your pet Husky, okay?”
Before I could say anything, Hunter casually slipped his shorts off, and my jaw nearly hit the ground. I knew he was
blond, but I didn’t know he was blond all the way down. There was no stopping my gaze as I drank in the sight of his thick
cock and heavy balls just dangling there like they weren’t the most incredible things I’d ever seen. And… was it just my
imagination, or was he half hard?
“Can you keep these in your bag for me?” he asked, handing his shorts over.
I nodded dumbly, still staring at the Greek god standing in front of me.
“Thanks, buddy,” he said, his cheeks turning pink.
Managing to gain some tiny amount of control over myself at last, I shook my head and met his gaze once more. “No
problem. I’ll grab your shoes, too.”
“This might look a little weird, so you don’t have to watch if you don’t want to.”
“It’s fine.”
Hunter gave me a small nod and turned to the side. He shook his arms out and bounced up and down like a gymnast
getting ready to perform. My gaze was drawn back to that beautiful cock of his, swinging from side to side. It was a little
bigger now, the vein running along the top beginning to bulge. Was it just me, or was getting naked in the woods turning him on?
“Here we go,” he muttered, mostly to himself.
Arching forward, I heard a series of small pops as Hunter’s bones popped out of their joints. His body morphed and
shifted, limbs elongating and twisting before snapping back into a more familiar dog-like shape. A muzzle and rows of sharp
teeth erupted from his face, his skin quickly covered by snow-white fur. In just a matter of seconds, he went from a Greek god
to the most beautiful pure white wolf I’d ever seen in my life. He turned to look at me, and I couldn’t help a small squeal.
His nose was pink!
“Oh my god…” I muttered to myself. “Look how cute you are!”
Hunter huffed through his nose. I’d never seen a wolf glare before, but he managed it nonetheless.
“Oh, don’t be so grumpy,” I said, taking a step forward. “And get over here so I can pet you!”
I crouched down, holding my arms wide. Hunter stood there for a long moment, huffed again, and begrudgingly
trotted over to me. He seemed fairly irritated about the entire thing. However, the moment I wrapped my arms around him, his
tail began to wag so hard that I thought he might hurt himself, not to mention the small whine that echoed through his muzzle.
He liked the attention.
“I know you’re a person, but I want to call you a good boy so bad,” I chuckled, running my hands through his fur. I
scratched up and down his back before taking both his ears in my hands. “You are so fluffy!”
I’d never had a dog growing up, but I’d always wanted one. In fact, after we moved, I’d befriended the next-door
neighbor’s dog without my parents knowing it. She used to slip through the fence every day after school, and we’d play fetch
and roll around in the grass until dinner was ready. I always rubbed her ears like this, and she loved it.
Without a second thought, I grabbed the sides of Hunter’s face, much like I did the dog back home, and kissed him on
the forehead.
It wasn't until he whined that I realized what I had done.
“S-Sorry,” I stammered, letting him go. “Uh… old habit I guess…”
His tail was wagging a mile a minute, but he seemed to be in a kind of daze.
“Come on,” I said, standing back up. “We should probably get going.”
Hunter nodded, still in a daze. He turned to lead the way and ran directly into a tree.
I tried not to laugh. However, I did not succeed.
“Are you okay?” I asked, stifling it as much as I could.
Hunter grunted and stalked off, his head held low. I stuffed his clothing into my bag, along with his shoes.
“Wait for me!” I called after him, jogging to catch up.
Next time, I will not kiss the puppy.

’d been sitting in my Jeep for a good ten minutes outside the pack office. It was just one of a small group of buildings at the
I front of our pack-owned land that were used for various types of community support. But the one I was sitting in front of
was the one for pack leaders, the place where all our meetings took place.
And I was dreading going inside.
My father’s truck, along with everyone else's, was already in the parking lot. And I knew the moment I stepped
through that door, I was gonna get an ear full from everyone inside. Except maybe Ricky, but he wouldn’t defend me either. I
had no doubt my father told everyone about my attending Eoin’s gallery opening, and of course, they’d all have an opinion
about it.
It was amazing how much just being friendly could get you in trouble when you were helping run the pack. Something
as simple as a neighborly gesture could be misconstrued in so many ways. I wasn’t sure if that was a sign of the times or just
how it had always been. But I wasn’t a fan either way.
I just hoped they didn’t know Logan was back in town.
“Alright,” I sighed, grabbing the door handle to my left. “The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can leave.”
Bracing myself for the inevitable, I hopped out of the truck and headed inside. At the door to the conference room, I
paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. Forcing myself to smile, I turned the handle and pushed my way inside. All heads
turned in my direction, and the moment my gaze met his, my father gave me that smile.
I knew it was coming before he even opened his mouth.
“Bout time you joined us,” he called, pushing himself up from his seat. “Were you out helping your pack traitor friend
move or something?”
“Nope.” It was best not to engage when he got like this. “I was actually avoiding coming here because I knew you
would be rude about it.”
I didn’t say I was good at following my own advice.
“Alright,” our old Alpha said, holding up his hands. “That’s enough, you two.”
“But it’s not good for the pack!” my father replied, his gaze locked on me. “It looks bad!”
“Having a bond with other local packs is never a bad thing, Martin,” he said, waving him off. “I’m tired of hearing
about this.”
“I think he’s right to be upset,” Brayden added, making himself known as he stood up and puffed out his chest. He
was taking his new title very seriously. “It looks bad to fraternize with those human lovers.”
I shot him a nasty glare. “You mean like it looks bad that your conservative buddy, Mayor Anderson, got caught with
his pants down at a gay bathhouse?” Brayden looked like I’d insulted his mother. “How about you stop spewing the hate you
see on Fox News and start using your brain a bit?”
Brayden practically leaped at me, his teeth bared. But his father caught him by the scruff of the neck and threw him
back into his chair.
“ENOUGH!” he roared. “This is not how pack leadership functions!”
“He disrespected me!” Brayden snarled back, pointing a finger in my direction. “I’m the ALPHA!”
“You are acting like a child!” his father spat. He turned to Martin, pointing a threatening finger at him. “You started
this, Martin. Keep your opinions to yourself unless they are asked for. And you,” he said, turning back to Brayden. “Stop acting
like a teenage brat, or I will beat your ass in front of everyone here! Understand?”
Brayden was so red in the face that he looked like a tomato. I could hear his teeth grinding as he nodded, his
embarrassment and frustration all too clear.
“Hunter,” the Alpha said, finally coming to me. “I know you have friends in the Ombra Pack, and while I don’t think
you should abandon them, there are more important things to take care of here. For now, you should focus your energies on
being a good leader for your pack, even if that means seeing your friends less.” He took a few steps closer, adding quietly,
“And please stop antagonizing my son. I won’t always be able to stop him for you.”
“Right,” I nodded. “I’ll try to be better.”
“Thank you,” the Alpha sighed. He turned away, clapping his hands together. “Alright, to the task at hand!”
He walked to the front of the room, taking his place behind the large desk there. Meanwhile, Brayden shot me one
last dirty look before turning his attention to his father. My father, on the other hand, avoided eye contact with me completely as
I went and took my seat next to Ricky. Unsurprisingly, Ricky was practically shaking in his boots. The man had zero tolerance
when it came to confrontation. The moment a fight broke out, no matter how minor, he dissolved into an anxious mess. I had no
doubt in my mind that if pack leadership had been chosen in a more traditional manner, he never would have gotten the
“The Allard Pack has received another five notices to leave in the past two weeks since our last pack meeting.” The
Alpha held up a handful of papers, giving them a shake in the air. “This stack of paper resembles nearly five percent of our
pack total now. And that should alarm you. At this rate, come next spring, there won’t be any pack left for you to lead.” He
looked at each of us in turn. “We changed the guard in hopes that a younger group would garner favor among the pack youth, but
so far, it’s not done much. We need a new tactic.”
I raised my hand.
“Yes, Hunter?”
“What’s the reason cited on the forms for leaving?”
“Other,” the Alpha replied.
“Has anyone asked them why they’re leaving?”
“They’re ungrateful pups. That’s why they’re leaving,” Brayden spat.
His father glared down in his direction before addressing me once more. “They’ve been asked to elaborate, but none
of them have come forward with that information.”
“Good,” Brayden scoffed.
I pointed in Brayden’s direction. “That’s why. Nobody wants to talk to us because their new Alpha has made it
extremely clear that he doesn’t care.”
“Shut up, Brayden,” his father barked before he could even open his mouth.
“I’m not trying to stir the pot here,” I continued, avoiding Brayden’s glare. “But how are we supposed to keep
wolves in this pack if they’re too afraid to even talk to us?”
“What would you suggest as a solution?” Ricky’s father asked with a tone of incredulity.
“Open an anonymous comment box, something online that can’t be tracked. There’s tons of websites that do it for
free. That way, our wolves would feel safe in expressing their opinions. Then, once we have the info, we can start working to
regain their trust.”
“And what if they just want to go out into the work and fuck every human in their path?” Brayden shot back. “What
“Plenty of wolves already do that,” I replied, lifting my eyebrow in his direction. “And some of us would do well to
remember that we went to the same college together and remember what happened at parties all too well.”
His cheeks turned a bright red as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I was a kid. I didn’t know better.”
“You were an adult, and you did it to piss your father off.”
“And succeeded,” the Alpha added. “Several times.”
“Here’s the thing,” I continued. “We can sit here and do what-if scenarios until the end of time. But we won’t get
anywhere. At least if we hear from the wolves we have left, we can get an idea of what they want. Whether the pack wants to
do something about it or not will be decided in this room. I’m not suggesting we follow the Ombra Pack in their footsteps, just
that we know what’s going on first instead of trying to solve a problem we don’t know the name of.”
The Alpha nodded, smiling in my direction. “You should be proud of your boy, Martin,” he said, looking up at my
father. “He’s got a good head on his shoulders.” When my father didn’t reply, the Alpha added, “Must be something he got from
his mother.”
I don’t think I’d ever seen my dad turn that shade of red before. I was definitely going to hear about that later. And I
had a feeling my mother was going to hear about it, too. At least she’d back me up on that one.
“Alright,” the Alpha said, clapping his hands. “Now that we’ve got a plan, who’s going to execute it?”
Brayden raised his hand. “I think Hunter should do it. After all, it was his brilliant idea.”
“Good idea.” The Alpha looked at me. “You seem to be the only person in the room with some gumption, so I leave
it up to you.”
I couldn’t help but smile as Brayden’s face scrunched up like he’d just bitten into a lemon. We may have grown up
together, but I was starting to think I hated him. Becoming Alpha had only served to make his already inflated ego even bigger.
It was nice to watch him be taken down a peg now and then.
“I’d be more than happy to,” I replied, giving the Alpha a nod. “I should have it ready in a couple of days.”
“Perfect.” He turned back to the rest of the group. “With new business taken care of, let's move on to old business.”
I sat back in my chair, a smug look on my face as Brayden glared in my direction.
Sometimes, pack meetings weren’t too bad.

uesday was by far the most Monday-est day of the week. That’s why, instead of looking at job postings, I decided to go
T downtown to explore by myself. I’d only been in Ludington for a couple of days. I still had the entire summer to look at
job postings. Another day or two of complete irresponsibility wouldn’t hurt.
I’d kind of hoped to hang out with Hunter again, but he had a pack meeting, whatever that meant. The way he
explained it, he was basically part of the local werewolf government. In my head, I had an image of a wolf in a courtroom
wearing a powdered wig and holding a gavel. He assured me it looked nothing like that, but I still thought my idea was more
entertaining. That’s why, the moment I got home, I tried to sketch out the scene in my notepad. However, being untrained in
anything remotely related to visual art, the drawing was… less than stellar.
Scratch becoming a famous artist from my list of cool businesses to start.
As silly as it sounded, I hoped wandering through town would give me some ideas on that subject. I liked Hunter’s
idea of starting my own business, and with my degree, I definitely had a head start in that area. But finding something I loved to
do? That was the hard part. I hadn’t had a hobby since eleventh grade. Instead, I focused on getting a full-ride scholarship to a
decent college before moving on to grad school. The last thing I wanted to do was start my life off with a mountain of student
debt. And through some miracle, I’d managed to keep my loans below ten grand by the end of it all. That would be easy to pay
If I could find something tolerable to do that made money.
Insurance was right out. Granted, I had the skills, so it was a good fallback if I had no other choice. I wasn’t really fit
for a blue-collar job since I knew literally nothing about them. Sure, I could probably manage one after I got a little bit of
practice, but I’d happily admit I was too shrimpy and delicate to do plumbing or electrical work. I’d leave that to the burly
So I kept my eyes open as I drove through downtown, hoping one of the local businesses might give me an idea.
There were an alarming amount of hardware stores. Apparently, people in Ludington only renovated houses. Grocery
was out, their profit margins were far too low, and I didn’t want to compete with big box stores. There were lots of tiny
businesses that cleaned houses, did nail and hair care, or small medical services. Again, not my thing. There were thrift shops,
used bookstores, and all manner of tiny restaurants. The books I could get behind, but again, talk about low profits.
What I really needed was either a service-based business that cost almost nothing to run or a high-profit product that
really spoke to a niche market. All of that was business school speak for ‘I want to make money fast’ because, let’s face it,
being poor was terrible. I’d done enough of that growing up, and I didn’t get the master’s degree for the bragging rights.
Then, a store caught my attention. It was a single standalone building, the facade made entirely of windows. Inside
were pops of bright, vibrant colors hanging on the walls. There was a small sign hanging over the front door that read Blue
Moon Gallery.
Was that the one that belonged to Hunter’s friend Eoin? It was too obvious, right? I mean, the moon-themed name
gave it away in a heartbeat. There’s no way a werewolf would have done that.
Curiosity won out as I made an emergency left turn into the parking lot. The open sign was on, and I had to know.
Besides, he’d have no idea who I was. I could just take a peek and see what kind of ‘best friend’ this Eoin character was. You
could tell a lot about people from the company they kept, so maybe I could learn something about Hunter in the process.
I shook my head as I got out of the car and headed for the door. I knew I was being stupid. Being jealous of a person
I’d never met because Hunter made friends while I was gone for fifteen years was the epitome of idiocy. What the hell did I
have to be jealous of? Hell, I’d just seen Hunter completely naked and half-cocked the day before. I should be counting my
blessings. For a straight guy, that was the closest I could ever hope to get with him.
Still, I could tell that Hunter admired Eoin, and I wanted to know how to get that same admiration. I knew full well it
was desperate and dumb, but that’d never stopped me before. Maybe Eoin could tell me more about Hunter so I could at least
be a better friend than I had been. I needed all the help I could get to catch up on fifteen years of separation.
The bell jingled overhead as I stepped inside. Sunlight streamed through the front windows, illuminating the freshly
redone hardwood floors. Everything from ceiling to floor was newly renovated. Hunter wasn’t kidding when he said Eoin was
putting everything he had into this place. One wall was nothing but merchandise: cups, sweatshirts, t-shirts, postcards, and the
like with his artwork printed on them. The other walls, including those separating the room into sections, were plastered with
large canvases, their surfaces covered from top to bottom in bright, vibrant spray paint.
One caught my eye, and I stepped up in front of it. I stared open-mouthed up at the life-size figure on the canvas. He
was wearing a painting respirator, his bright green eyes staring down at me. Behind him was a section of a mural. However,
the edges of the painting cut off both letters, making them illegible.
“Wow…” I muttered, continuing to stare.
“Yeah, that one seems to get that a lot,” a voice said behind me.
I nearly jumped out of my skin, spinning on my heel and almost falling over. A strong hand shot out and grabbed my
arm, righting me once more. I followed the thickly muscled arm up to a square-jawed face, dark beard, and bright green eyes.
It was the man in the painting. He was shorter than I expected.
“Thanks,” I replied, taking a step back. “You scared me.”
“Sorry about that,” he laughed. “Apparently, I walk quietly.”
“This is you, right?” I asked, pointing up at the canvas.
“What makes you think that?”
“You have the same eyes.”
“Hmm.” He studied it for a moment. “I suppose that makes sense. It’s a self-portrait, after all.”
“You’re the artist?”
“Sure as fuck am,” he smiled.
Weird response.
“So what brings ya in?”
“Oh, I heard about this place from a friend,” I replied, stepping up to another wall and looking over the paintings. “I
wanted to see if it was really as impressive as he said it was.”
“It’s not bad.”
The man gave me a sideways glance before a smirk broke out across his face. “I suppose that’s not the worst
“Well, you must be doing something right for your grand opening to go so well.” I gestured around to several empty
spots on the walls. “Looks like you damn near sold out.”
“Who is this friend of yours who knows so much about my gallery?”
“Oh, I’m sure you can figure that out, Eoin.” His smirk dropped for a moment, and I relished being a step ahead of
him. There was something about his cocky demeanor that just made me want to mess with him. “One thing I am curious about,”
I said, checking to make sure we were alone. “How do you manage to hold a spray can with paws?”
Eoin’s brows furrowed as he took a step forward, inhaling deeply through his nose. “You’re human,” he said in a
surprised tone. “But I can smell wolf all over you.”
I was still wearing the same hoodie I’d had on the day before when I hiked with Hunter. Eoin leaned closer, taking
another deep sniff.
“You know Hunter, don’t you?”
“Ding ding!”
“And he told you his secret?”
“Fifteen years ago, he did.”
Eoin snapped his fingers as he pointed at me, the recognition flashing in his eyes. “Logan?!”
“It me.”
“You little shit,” he laughed, clapping me on the shoulder. “You had me worried there for a moment!”
“Hard to pass up an opportunity like that,” I replied. “Us gays need to stay on our toes.”
“You’re a cock muncher too?” Again, weird response. But it was funny, which is what I think he was going for.
“Hunter sure does have a type, doesn’t he?”
“Eoin!” another voice called. I turned to see an auburn-haired man in tight jeans and a paisley button-up stomp
around the corner. “You need to stop saying words like that when customers are around!”
“I don’t see a customer. Do you?” He looked at me.
“Not yet,” I nodded.
“See, Kent? It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not fine. This is a small town with small-town people in it! They aren’t gonna come in here to shop if
you’re screaming cock all the time!” He gave me a sideways glance. “And don’t encourage him!”
“Personally, I think a better term would be throbbing member,” I replied.
Eoin wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Oh, I like you.”
“For fuck’s sake…” Kent huffed before walking away.
“That’s my boyfriend,” Eoin said. He cupped his hand against his mouth and shouted across the gallery, “And I love
him very much!”
“Fuck you!” was the reply.
“So, Hunter spoke very highly of you,” I said, turning my attention back to Eoin. “Called you his best friend.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “He’s the reason I had a place to go after I came out and my parents forced me out of the house.
He’s a really sweet guy.”
“He is,” I nodded, my thoughts drifting back to all those times he’d been by my side as a kid. “Too sweet for the
world we live in.”
Eoin furrowed his brows, giving me a discerning look. “I think you and I need to have coffee and get to know each
other. How about it?”
“Sure,” I shrugged. I had nothing else to do, and Eoin actually seemed kind of okay. “Why not?”
“Kent! I’m going to get coffee with my new gay friend!”
“Good riddance!” There was a long pause. “Love you!”
“Love you too!” Eoin led me toward the front door, a smile on his face. “He’s still a little grumpy. I got him thrown
in jail once.”
“That’s a story I want to hear.”
“It’s a good one.” There was a sparkle of mischief in Eoin’s eyes. “I promise.”

“T his place is kinda janky,” Eoin said as we stepped into the coffee shop together. “But it’s the only one we’ve got in this
“Really?” I asked, glancing about the interior that looked like it hadn’t been updated since the seventies. “Even with
all the tourists that come here?”
“A few of the gift shops and ice cream places have coffee, but nothing full service. Plus, they’re seasonal, so no
coffee between October and May.”
“That’s… kind of terrible.”
“Tell me about it,” Eoin huffed, heading for the counter. “I have to make it for myself at home all winter. It’s a
“A hate crime.”
He glanced back at me. “I knew I liked you.”
“You’re better than I expected.”
He lifted an eyebrow. “You thought I would be bad?”
“Eh… more like I was jealous that Hunter went and got a new best friend while I was away.”
“After fifteen years?”
“I didn’t say it made sense.”
Eoin shook his head, stepping up to the counter. “Large hot coffee for me, please. Black.” He gestured for me to step
forward. “It’s on me.”
“Alright. Uh… iced chai latte, biggest one you’ve got.”
He grinned. “You’re a bottom, aren’t you?”
“And what are you, huh?” I shot back. “A masochist? Who the hell drinks straight black coffee?”
“Your drink doesn’t even have coffee in it!” He handed some cash over to the cashier. “And just for your
information, I’m a top and a masochist.”
“What a lucky guy Kent must be,” I mumbled, giving him a nudge with my elbow.
“Eh, he loves it. He wouldn’t stick around if he didn’t.”
“The dick must be good if you sent him to jail, and he still came back.”
“The dick,” Eoin replied, taking his cup from the cashier. “Is excellent.”
I had to stifle a laugh as the cashier turned away, his face bright pink. As much as I dreaded meeting this Eoin
character earlier this morning, I had to admit that he was pretty entertaining. He had a cynical edge that resonated with me like
he knew what the real world was like. People like Hunter were attractive because they still had an air of innocence. They
helped me see the good in the world. But people like Eoin were the kind you could talk shop with.
“So, you wanted to get to know me, huh?” I said, gathering my drink as soon as it came up. “Anything in particular
you wanted to ask?”
“I mean, I’m surprised you’re human,” he replied, leading me to a corner booth away from everyone else. “Hunter’s
pack isn’t exactly accepting of your kind. It surprises me he told someone like you about his secret.”
“He told me when we were kids. I guess he probably wasn’t supposed to, but we were like eleven, so secrets didn’t
really happen.”
“Has he ever shifted in front of you?”
“Oh yeah, he used to all the time when we were kids.” I paused for a moment. “And he did yesterday, too, when we
were out on a hike.”
Eoin’s eyes lit up as he leaned forward. “Like… right in front of you?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, the heat flushing to my cheeks. “Butt ass naked and everything.”
“Wow…” Eoin sat back in his seat. “That is something I never expected.”
“Why’s that?”
“Werewolves are used to being naked in front of each other. It just kinda happens when you’re shifting all the time.
We don’t think twice about it.” He paused, taking a sip of his coffee. “But shifting in front of a human is kind of intimate, don’t
you think? It implies a serious amount of trust. Not to mention, it could get him in big trouble with his pack.”
“It could?”
“Hell, yes, it could! Did he tell you he’s pack Beta?”
“He said something about it, but I didn’t really understand.” I shrugged, taking a drink of my chai. “I guess he’s like
one of the leaders or something? Werewolf government?”
A sharp burst of laughter echoed from Eoin’s throat as he tipped his head back. Several people in the shop turned to
look at us but went back to their coffee quickly, shooting disapproving stares in our direction.
“He’s second in command of the entire pack,” Eoin said at last. “A pack that shunned me because I was gay and
outlawed mating with humans.”
“You can call it dating, I guess. But it’s a life-long commitment.”
“Like marriage.”
“Tell that to all the divorced people,” Eoin chuckled. “This is something else, a kind of fated bond between two
people. It’s something you can’t help or plan. It just sort of happens.”
“So how can they forbid you from being with humans then if that’s who you’re fated to bond with?” I shook my head.
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“Because humans knowing our secret puts us in danger. Granted, none of us have ever shared that secret without
great caution, but there’s bound to be a few stupid fucks who run at the mouth if they don’t have consequences waiting for them
from the Alpha of the pack.” He took another sip of his drink. “That’s why I’m not part of the pack anymore. As soon as Kent
and I got involved, I knew I had to leave. Thankfully, my new pack doesn’t mind mating with humans. In fact, everyone in the
pack has a human mate.”
“So you can just leave a werewolf pack?”
“You can, but it’s frowned upon. In fact, the reason Hunter is Beta now is because his pack is losing wolves left and
right. The old leaders thought fresh young faces would convince wolves to stay. So far, it doesn’t seem to be working, and
Hunter is feeling the pressure. He’s not even allowed to see me anymore. Not that it’s stopped him.”
I nodded, taking another drink. “I thought he seemed kind of off. Like he needed a break or something.”
“Oh, believe me, he does. That’s why I invited him out this Friday to a celebration dinner with Kent and me.” His
eyes widened as he slapped the table in front of him, the other customers jumping again. “Hey! Why don’t you come with us?!”
“I… I don’t want to intrude,” I said, feeling suddenly self-conscious. “We hardly even know each other.”
“Yeah, but so what? Hunter will be there and it’ll give you two more time to reconnect. Plus, it’s nice to make new
friends, right?”
“I’m only here for the summer,” I blurted out. “I don’t want you guys to waste time on me when I’m just gonna
Eoin lifted an eyebrow. “Are you just gonna leave?”
“I have no reason to stay. And no job.”
“Your best friend is here, and you have no reason to stay?”
“My best friend from a lifetime ago.”
“But you still like him?”
“Of course I like him!” I felt a rush of heat to my cheeks as the words sank in. “N-Not like that, though. H-He’s not…
I mean I’m not… We’re just friends!”
Eoin’s eyes got wider and wider with every stuttered word that came out of my mouth. “Oh my god,” he smiled. “You
like him, don’t you?”
“No!” My face was bright red, I just knew it. “Of course not!”
“Defensive,” he nodded. “That’s a sure sign.”
“I’m not being defensive!”
“Of course, you aren’t,” he mocked, reaching across the table and patting my hand. “You two are definitely just
friends. I believe you.”
I turned my gaze down toward my lap, wringing my hands nervously. “Is… Is it that obvious?”
“I’m gonna put this gently,” he replied. “You couldn’t be more obvious if you were holding up a neon sign that said
‘Fuck me, Hunter, I’m yours.’”
“Jesus Christ…”
“I get it, dude,” Eoin laughed, throwing his arm over the back of his seat. “He’s hot. Always has been. I had a mad
crush on him in high school.” My horrified look must have said enough because he held up his hands and said, “Don’t worry.
Nothing came of it.”
“He’s straight, isn’t he?”
“As far as I know.”
I sighed. “God, I’m pathetic.”
“Eh, it’s normal. All of us gay boys fall for a straight man at one time or another.”
Eoin lifted an eyebrow at me again. He did that a lot.
“You new at this or something?”
“Yeah… you could say that.” My shoulders slouched forward as I looked out the window. “I just kinda figured it out
this past year. I haven’t even told my parents yet. It’s one of the reasons I’m spending a summer out here by myself. I’m trying to
really figure out who I am.”
“I hate to break it to you, buddy. But figuring all that out is gonna take more than a single summer.” He saw the
crestfallen look on my face and clapped me on the shoulder. “But don’t worry about it! That’s what life’s all about, right?
Making mistakes gives you something to learn from.”
“Like crushing on a straight guy?”
“Eh, that’s probably a mistake you’ll make several times. I know I did.” He shook his head. “Regardless, I still think
you should come out with us on Friday. You and Hunter will have more time to talk, plus Kent and I are in desperate need of
some social interaction after spending all winter working on this gallery.” He sighed. “And I’m gonna be spending the next two
months painting my ass off to make up for all those sales at the grand opening. This is gonna be my last hurrah for a while.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Not at all! Besides, you’ve gotta come now.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because we’re friends.” He gave me a sly grin. “And I want to watch you squirm around Hunter.”
“Great,” I sighed. “You’re a sadist too.”
His smile widened. “Guilty.”

ince it was a bit of a jaunt to get up to Traverse City, Kent and Eoin had offered to drive. That way, we could all hang out
S on the ride up, too. I pulled my Jeep into their driveway, their new house standing on the hill at the very end of it. It was a
beautiful place, small enough for just the two of them but big enough to give them room to grow. Behind the house, I could
make out a large rectangle of freshly plowed earth. From what Eoin had told me, Kent was a bit of a gardener. It looked to me
like he was planning to feed the entire neighborhood.
I parked my Jeep in the turnaround, leaving plenty of room for Kent to get out. Both he and Eoin stepped out of the
house, waving as they headed in my direction. However, there was a third figure behind them. It wasn’t until I saw the rental
car parked on the other side of Kent that I realized who it was.
What the hell was Logan doing here?!
“We picked up another stray yesterday,” Eoin called, a big smile on his face. “One you already know, I think.”
“Hey, Hunter,” Logan said shyly.
“Hey buddy…”
We stared at one another for a long, awkward moment.
“You don’t mind, do you?” Eoin asked, patting him on the shoulder. “I figured a friend of yours is a friend of mine,
“Y-Yeah, that’s totally fine.”
“You’re gonna be cooped up in a car with three gay boys all day, so I hope you brought your sarcasm with you.” Eoin
paused, staring at the pair of us, trying to avoid eye contact. “Or you can be weird. That’s cool.”
“What?” I said, my gaze snapping up to him. “What did you say?”
He laughed. “Hello? Are you in there?”
“Yeah, yeah… sorry. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
Eoin looked at me, then at Logan, and back again. “Uh-huh.”
“Get in the car, boys,” Kent called, walking around the SUV. “I don’t wanna be late for our reservation.”
“You two get to sit in the back,” Eoin said, opening the rear passenger door. “It’s nice and cozy.”
Logan stepped up first, burning him a dirty look before climbing inside.
“You’re next, princess.”
“Why are you being weird?” I asked, grabbing the edge of the door as I put a foot on the running boards. “You up to
“Me?!” Eoin always acted so innocently when he was up to no good. “I don’t know what you could be referring to.”
“What did you do?”
“Do? I didn’t do a goddamn thing.” He gave me a good once-over. “You on the other hand…”
“What did I do?!”
“I’m gonna leave without you two,” Kent called, turning over the engine. “In ya get.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Eoin replied, climbing in beside him.
I followed suit, taking my jacket off before I climbed into the seat behind Eoin. The moment the car door shut, all I
could smell was the dark chocolate and hazelnuts. Logan’s scent. And my body reacted immediately, my jeans growing
uncomfortably tight.
Thankfully, my jacket was easily placed over my lap.
“Please don’t call me that…” Kent sighed. “I’m only a couple years older than you.”
“You’re practically forty.”
“I’m literally twenty-nine…”
Logan leaned over toward me, his hand on the side of his mouth. “Are they always like this?”
I nodded. “I think it’s how they entertain themselves.”
“So Kent,” Logan said, breaking up the bickering before it could go any further. “Eoin hasn’t told me much about you.
What do you do?”
“Well, I used to be a real estate agent in New York. Extremely rich people would tell me what they wanted, and it
was my job to find it and furnish it according to their tastes. Made a fuck ton of money doing it too.” He put the car in gear and
headed down the driveway. “But now I’m basically retired. I still sell a house here and there,” he added with a shrug. “When
it’s worth my while, of course. But mostly, I do the marketing for Eoin’s gallery. Selling paintings is a lot more fun than selling
houses, let me tell you.”
“I hear you there. I did my internship at an insurance startup.”
“You poor boy.”
“Don’t worry,” Logan laughed, leaning forward in his seat. “I’m not going back. Actually, that’s why I’m here this
summer. I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.”
“Oh yeah? What are you looking into?”
“I’ve been thinking about…”
Their conversation continued, but I no longer heard the words coming out of their mouths. When Logan leaned
forward in his seat, he put his hand on top of mine without realizing it. I knew I should have pulled away, but the moment his
skin touched mine, I froze. If I removed it now, he’d know how long I’d waited to call attention to it, and that would be
suspicious. But that wasn’t the real reason I stayed silent.
I was silent because I liked it. A lot.
My heart pounded in my chest. All I could do was sit there staring at his hand on top of mine. I wanted to lace my
fingers through his, to kiss them one by one. It was such an odd, intoxicating feeling that I just plain didn’t understand. Why was
I so infatuated with him all of a sudden? Could it be because his scent was filling the car to the point where it nearly blocked
out everything else? Or maybe it was because I remembered the way he stared at me a few days ago when we went hiking.
Taking my clothes off in front of him had been a sort of weird test. Somehow, I convinced myself that if I could just
act like it wasn’t a big deal, then it wouldn’t be. But watching him stare, his jaw hanging open, as I stripped there in the woods
was far more erotic than I ever imagined. Knowing that he was impressed by my body, that he found it attractive… that turned
me on more than I thought possible.
And I wanted more of it.
But Logan was a man… and human, the two things I was not prepared for in any way. Dating a man was about as
alien to me as being vegan. I wouldn’t even know where to start. As for dating a human? Well, that would get me kicked out of
the pack instantly. Not to mention lose me my entire livelihood in the process.
No. Logan was off-limits. It couldn’t happen. I wouldn’t let it.
“Huh?” I replied dumbly, looking up at Logan. “What?”
“We were asking if there was anywhere you wanted to go while we were in town?”
“Oh… uh… no, I guess?”
I glanced up at Eoin, catching his gaze. My eyes flicked down to Logan’s hand resting on top of mine and back up.
Eoin, being deeply perceptive, caught on immediately. He reached out, taking Logan’s arm, releasing my hand from him at last
without anyone noticing.
“This is really soft,” he said, running his fingers over Logan’s hoodie sleeve. “Do you know what brand it is? We’ve
been looking for a better hoodie manufacturer for the store.”
“Oh… uh… I don’t know.” Logan reached down and grabbed the bottom hem of the hoodie. “Let me check.”
He pulled the fabric up, his t-shirt coming along for the ride, and immediately got stuck in the small interior of the
vehicle. His lithe, wiry form was fully exposed, my eyes following the dark trail of hair running down his torso before
plunging below his waistline.
“Shit,” he muttered from within the tangle of fabric. “I’m stuck.”
“Well, help him, Hunter,” Eoin urged, a smirk pulling at his lips.
My eyes were already fixed on him, my mouth watering as I stared at his pale skin and those perky pink nipples. I
wanted to lick him, to bite him, to worship his entire body from head to toe. The feeling was so overwhelming. Before I knew
what was happening, my hands were already closing in on him, my fingers only inches from his skin.
The moment before I made contact, the vehicle suddenly lurched to one side, and the pair of us crashed into one
“Sorry,” Kent called. “Big pothole.”
But I barely heard him. With his arms stuck in the air, Logan had tipped back against the door, his body twisting in the
seat. At the same time, I’d been thrown off balance, and I landed face-first in his crotch, my forehead pressed against his bare
In that moment, my entire world spun around me. My delicate wolf senses were overwhelmed with the scent of dark
chocolate and hazelnuts. His hazelnuts.
“My god, you two are useless.”
A pair of hands pulled me off of Logan, righting me in my seat. Still dazed, I watched as Eoin leaned into the back
seat, helping him get free from the hoodie at last.
“S-Sorry,” I managed to mutter, my cheeks burning. “I… fell over.”
Eoin burned me a dirty look from behind the hoodie.
“It’s okay,” Logan laughed nervously, shifting his shirt back into place so he was no longer exposed. His cheeks were
bright red, and he couldn’t maintain eye contact with me. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Y-Yeah,” I muttered stupidly back.
◆ ◆ ◆

A few hours later, Kent was pulling the SUV back into the driveway. Dinner had gone off without another incident,
and we even managed to do a little shopping afterward just for fun. Not that I did much shopping because I spent the entire time
staring at Logan’s ass in every single outfit he tried on. And, more than once, I caught myself growling at other guys in the store
that looked his way. I even did it to Eoin by accident when he gave Logan a compliment.
What the fuck was wrong with me? I had no right to be possessive over him like that. He was a friend, nothing more.
Clearly, I was losing my goddamn mind.
We all got out of the car and said our midwestern goodbyes, which consisted of standing in the dark driveway talking
for another thirty minutes. Finally, when we were all finished, Logan turned to head for his car. I made a move to follow him,
but Eoin held me back.
“I need to talk to you.”
“I’m really tired–” I began.
“Tired my ass,” he snapped. He pointed at the ground in front of me. “Stay.”
“I’m not a dog, you know–”
“Then stop acting like one, you horny little shit.”
Logan waved from twenty feet away. “Bye, guys! Thanks for the great day!”
“No problem! We’ll do it again sometime!” Eoin called back. Then he elbowed me in the ribs. “Wave goodbye, you
I pulled my hand up too fast without thinking and nearly uppercut the mirror off the passenger side door.
“Is he okay?” Logan called.
“He’s fine.” Eoin waved him back toward his car. “Werewolves heal fast anyway.”
“Okay… Bye.”
I managed to lift my other hand in a weak wave, but I was too busy fighting back pain to say anything. Within a few
seconds, Logan was driving his rental out toward the road, a couple of light honks from his car as one last farewell.
“You,” Eoin said in the most accusational tone I’d ever heard. “Why are you keeping secrets from me?!”
“Secrets?” I asked, shaking my hand and hissing through my teeth in pain. There was already a sizeable bruise across
my knuckles. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t try to deny it,” Eoin said, holding a threatening finger in my face. “Maybe Logan doesn’t know how you feel,
but I’m a wolf, remember? I could smell it on you the moment you laid eyes on him. You want that boy.”
“He’s just a friend!”
“Oh, shut the fuck up. You’ve smelled like a raging hardon since the moment we got into the car.”
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Hunter,” Eoin said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What’s going on? Just tell me. Maybe I can help.”
I sighed, my shoulders hunching forward. Hiding things from Kent and Logan was easy. But hiding things from Eoin
was almost impossible. Being werewolves, our senses were so heightened that we could practically read each other’s minds.
My emotions affected my scent, and that was going to give me away.
“I… I don’t know,” I said at last, leaning back against the car. “I don’t understand it. I’ve never felt like this before.
About anyone. It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Describe it to me,” Eoin said softly, patting my shoulder. “Maybe I can help.”
“I ran into Logan the other night completely by accident. I didn’t even know he was in town yet. And it was just a
sudden explosion of feelings. He smells so good I can barely stand it. My body is reacting to him in ways I’ve never
experienced with a man before, and every time he touches me…” I shuddered. “It’s intoxicating. I feel like I’m drunk around
him.” I shook my head, growling under my breath. “But he’s a guy… and a human! I can’t feel that way about him! Not being
pack Beta!”
“Did you feel like this when you were kids?”
“No… I don’t think so. I just remember him protecting me from the bigger kids and trusting him a lot because of it.
He was the only person I ever shifted in front of.”
“And now?”
“Now, if another guy even looks at him, I want to tear their throat out.”
“Yeah, I noticed that while we were shopping.”
“Sorry,” I muttered. “I didn’t mean to growl at you. It just kind of happened.”
“It’s alright. I understand being protective of your mate.”
“Yeah, that makes sense–” I stopped, my heart leaping into my throat. “W-What? What do you mean, mate?!”
Eoin patted me on the shoulder. “Sorry to tell you this, but you’ve got it real fucking bad, buddy.”
“He… He can’t be…”
“He is. And you have a choice to make.”
Fuck my life.

hy the fuck was I sitting in Logan’s driveway right now?

W I’d spent days agonizing over everything that Eoin had said to me. The more I thought about it, the more I
knew he was right. However, that didn’t stop me from trying to convince myself he was wrong. And so far, I’d been
deeply unsuccessful. Every moment I tried to force my mind off of Logan was one spent in agony. That and it never worked. So,
I’d given up trying.
However, I thought when he messaged me the day before asking if I’d come over for dinner that I’d be able to say no.
I’d been practicing all week to get my mind in shape and resist the urges I felt toward him. But, of course, the moment he asked
me, I answered with an enthusiastic yes before I even knew what I was doing. It was like my fingers flew into action of their
own accord, typing out my answer before I finished reading.
So now I was sitting in Logan’s driveway, dressed in the cutest button-up I could find and, a nice pair of jeans a cold
twelve-pack of beer in my passenger seat. Should I have gotten a bottle of wine? What kind of things did Logan like to drink?
Did gay men even drink beer?
I fully realized that last question was probably a little problematic, but I truly didn’t know. I did know, however, that
I couldn’t trust myself to know what gay men wanted because I had no fucking idea what I was, to begin with. My head was so
fucked up and turned around from these past two weeks that I didn’t know which way was up anymore.
Sighing, I leaned forward, resting my head against the steering wheel. I really shouldn’t have been there. But I just
plain couldn’t help it. I needed to see Logan again just as much as I needed to take my next breath. Something about him made
me feel alive like life was more than just a performance of going through the motions. He brought a lightness to things that I
hadn’t felt before.
The sensation was similar to the one he’d given me as a kid, but back then, I just thought he was a good friend. Now
that I was older, I knew better. I cared for him. Deeply. And having him walk back into my life had rekindled that fire within
me. I suppose that’s probably why I’d never been interested much in dating. I’d already found my perfect person. I just didn’t
know it at the time.
Hindsight was a bitch.
“Come on,” I mumbled to myself. “You’re not gonna leave, so you might as well do this.”
I made a mental note not to act like a weirdo the entire time. Logan didn’t know how I felt about him, and I intended
to keep it that way. He’d just got back in town, and the last thing I wanted to do was make him feel rushed or awkward.
Besides, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do with my new self-discovery. I needed some time to adjust to it and figure out
who I was before I started making moves on another man. And I had to figure out if I was going to stay with the Allard Pack.
Mating with a human would lose me my position and probably get me kicked out. But then again, if the pack Beta left to join the
Ombra Pack, that would look really fucking bad.
Why could nothing ever be easy?
I’d worry about all of that later. For now, I was just going to focus on having a good night with my friend. Tomorrow
was the day to explore my growing pile of problems.
Grabbing the twelve-pack from the seat, I pushed my way out of the Jeep, throwing the door closed behind me. I
started for the front door but saw a head pop around the backside of the house.
“Just come this way,” Logan called, waving me toward him. “The view’s better out here anyway!”
I nodded, and he ducked back behind the house. Already, I could feel my cheeks heating up. Just the sight of him was
enough to get me going. However, the moment I started toward the back porch, I caught the scent of roasting meat on the wind,
and my mouth began to water.
“Fuck, that smells good,” I said, rounding the corner.
Logan laughed. “Thanks! It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the chance to cook again. Being cooped up at school
meant eating a lot of cafeteria food.” He adjusted his little apron and pulled open the grill lid, smoke and heat billowing out in
a cloud. “There’s only so many times you can eat a chicken patty before you wish you were dead, you know?”
“Well, whatever you’re making is gonna be great, I can tell.”
“I hope so because this grill is definitely a little finicky.” He fiddled with the knobs, adjusting them and shifting meat
around the grate. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a little of everything. There’s burgers, ribs, chicken, bratwurst, and
small brisket I’ve been working on all day.”
“Christ,” I muttered, looking at the feast contained within the grill alone. “How many people are coming to this
“Just you and me.” He avoided eye contact, his stance shifting like he was a bit embarrassed. “But I know how much
you wolves like meat.”
“Yeah,” I laughed. “But you could feed a small army with all this!”
“I’ll just have leftovers this week.”
“Well, if you need help eating them, let me know.”
“You don’t even know if it’s good yet…”
“It’ll be good because you made it.”
Logan turned bright red the moment the words left my mouth, and I instantly regretted saying them. For a guy who
was trying to play it cool, I sure was laying it on thick by accident.
“The apron is cute,” I added quickly, hoping that would diffuse the tension. “What does it say?”
Logan had it tied up to stop it from hanging around his knees. But as he untied it and let the fabric fall, I couldn’t help
the heavy twitch in my jeans.
“Everyone loves my sausage,” Logan read, laughing to himself. “Apparently, my uncle has a sense of humor.”
“I-It’s funny,” I stammered. “Ridiculous, but funny.”
Logan lifted an eyebrow. “You think my sausage is ridiculous?”
“No, no! I’m sure your sausage is great!” I crammed my palm against my forehead. Why the fuck had I said that. “I’m
gonna go put this beer in the fridge,” I said, keeping my eyes pointed downward as my face turned bright red. “Be right back.”
I trudged through the small cabin and into the kitchen, grumbling the entire way. We weren’t even five minutes into
this evening of ours, and already I’d made an awkward comment about Logan’s cock. Seriously… if I could fumble any harder,
it would be incredible.
With the beer tucked in the fridge, I took a deep breath and headed back to the sliding door. I pulled it open, opening
my mouth to apologize to Logan for making such a stupid comment. However, out of the corner of my eye, I caught him
adjusting a very obvious bulge in his pants, and all thoughts left my brain. Instant blue screen.
Then my foot caught the door track, and I fell. I hit the porch hard, bouncing once before coming to a rest, the sound
of tearing fabric filling my ears. My jeans, which had been tight a moment ago, no longer pressed against my skin. I reached
back, feeling the giant tear down the ass seam, my fingers touching bare skin because, like a fool, I decided to go commando
that day.
“I wish I was dead…” I muttered into the porch, my face pressed against the warm composite boards.
“Hunter!” Logan cried, dropping down next to me on his knees. “Are you okay?!”
I nodded, but I couldn’t force myself to speak or look at him. A deep sense of embarrassment filled my entire body,
threatening to consume me. Why was I always such an idiot around him?
There was the sound of shifting fabric before I felt something draped across my waist. Glancing down, I saw Logan’s
apron. He’d covered up the tear in my pants to preserve my dignity. Not that I had any left, but it was a sweet gesture. Then I
heard him start to giggle.
“You know… you’re kind of accident-prone.”
“Yeah… I know…” I grumbled into the porch, still face down and not moving.
“You don’t have an extra pair of jeans by chance, do you?”
“Don’t worry,” he said, patting me on the back. “You won’t fit in my jeans, but I have some oversized sweatpants you
could wear.”
“Y-You don’t mind?” I asked, looking up at him at last. Most guys wouldn’t offer their sweatpants up if they knew my
dick was gonna make direct contact with the fabric.
“Not at all! Besides, I can’t have you walking around all night with your ass hanging out! It would be way too
Was that a compliment? I didn’t have a chance to pick it apart before I felt Logan pulling at my arm.
“Come on. Let’s get you taken care of so we can eat.”
Another sigh as I hung my head in shame. “Okay.”
I felt like a goddamn fool.
◆ ◆ ◆

Dinner was incredible, and the food quickly made me forget about my earlier embarrassment. After we’d eaten too
much, we took a hike down to the beach to walk it off a bit, enjoying the heat of the setting sun on our backs. Conversation
flowed easily and naturally. After only a short time together, it felt like the fifteen years between us had disappeared. I wasn’t
walking along the beach with a stranger anymore. Instead, I was side by side with my best friend, whom I’d had all my life. I
was sure now, more than ever, that while Logan had grown up, his heart had remained the same. He was still one of the best
people I’d ever met.
The climb back up the stairs to the cabin was a bit of a slog. The sun had dipped below the horizon, the breeze
cooled, and I still felt fat and sleepy. My wolf instincts told me to curl up in a warm corner and sleep it off, but I forced myself
to keep going. The last thing I wanted to do was miss time with Logan, especially when he seemed so happy.
Eventually, we made it back to the top of the stairs and practically dragged ourselves to a pair of deck chairs sitting
side by side on the porch. With a cooler full of beer to my left and Logan to my right, we cracked open fresh bottles and kept
right on talking.
Slowly, the night crept in, bringing with it the sound of cicadas and crickets amongst the trees. We’d forgotten to turn
on the porch lights, so the only thing illuminating our world was the dull blue glow of a bug zapper behind us. The soft hum of
the electricity was weirdly soothing, bringing back memories of summers long past. We both leaned back in our chairs, staring
up at the stars strewn across the night sky above us. Being so far outside of town, it felt like we could see the entire galaxy. A
peaceful silence fell over us, and although Logan remained staring up at the stars, I found my gaze drifting over to him.
“It sure is pretty out here,” Logan said after a while.
“Yeah,” I replied, still staring at him. “It is.”
“I’d forgotten how beautiful it could be. Everyone thinks living in Colorado must be nothing but majestic mountains
as far as the eye can see, but living in Denver means I’d have to climb a high-rise to see anything.”
“Are you still planning on going back there when the summer’s over?”
Logan sighed. “I haven’t decided yet. But I don’t have a place to stay here or a job or anything… else. So I guess
that’s really my only choice.”
“Is that all you’d need to stay? A job and a place?”
“I guess,” he replied with a shrug. “I’m kind of directionless right now.” He glanced in my direction, a smile
spreading over his face. “It’s funny, you know? I spent all this time worrying about grades, scholarships, good schools, and
getting a degree that would make me good money… and you know what? I still ended up lost and confused, just like every
other college kid. I’ve got the whole world in front of me and no idea what to do with it.” He shook his head, taking a swig
from his bottle. “This was exactly what I set out to avoid, and I ran straight into it anyway.”
“I feel the same way.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. I mean, I didn’t put a bunch of work into it like you did, though. I went to college to play sports and then
afterward I got a shitty job. I always knew my dad intended I become Beta, so I’ve been trained for that my whole life.” I
paused. “And now that I have it… I’m not sure I want it. They’ve given me money and benefits and released me from the nine-
to-five grind. But there’s something missing.”
Logan leaned closer, his gaze fixed on mine. “Like what?”
“Freedom,” I sighed. “Being Beta means my life belongs to the pack. There’s so many expectations. I can’t do
anything that I want to.”
“What do you want to do?”
I… I want to hang out with Eoin and Kent without being chastised. I want to have my own thoughts without having to
fight to be heard all the time.” I looked up at Logan. “And… I want to choose my mate, not have one forced upon me. But if I do
that, I’ll lose my position, my pack, and probably my family.”
“Do you have someone in mind?”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
“That’s a big decision. That’s a lot to lose for just one person.”
“They’re pretty special.”
“I see…” Logan took another drink, staring out over the dark lake in the distance, the moon creeping up over the
trees. “I wish I had someone like that. But my someone… well, let’s just say I’m not his type.”
“Why’s that?”
Logan laughed. “It’s a tale as old as time. Little gay boy falls for straight guy. It’ll never work out.”
I swallowed hard. “What would you do if it could work out?”
Even in the dark, I could see the color flush into Logan’s cheeks. “I’d kiss him, and I’d never stop,” he said, his
voice shaking. “I’d treat him like the perfect guy he is for the rest of his life and do everything in my power to make him
I couldn’t help leaning closer, his scent growing richer as he spoke. “I’m sure he’d do the same for you.”
Logan shook his head. “He doesn’t know how I feel.”
Reaching out, I took his chin between my thumb and forefinger, turning him to face me.
“Yes… he does.”
Logan’s eyes widened, but he didn’t pull away. I leaned closer, my gaze flitting between his vibrant green eyes and
those perfectly kissable lips. We were only an inch apart when I felt something bump against my chest.
A sudden crash made us both jump as several empty bottles clattered across the porch. I yanked myself back, the
adrenaline pumping through my veins. A moment later, it was replaced by embarrassment. Once again, I’d ruined the moment
with my clumsy bullshit.
“I… I should go,” I said, pushing myself up from the chair. “Thanks for dinner. It was really good.”
As I turned to walk away, Logan scrambled out of his chair, his bottle clattering across the deck boards.
His hand was on my shoulder, and I couldn’t bring myself to pull away.
“Did you… Did you really mean that just now?”
I took a deep breath, my head tilting slightly.
“Hunter… Please don’t leave…”
All at once, I felt Logan’s arms snake around my waist, pulling me into a hug from behind. Electricity surged through
my body as he pressed against me. I could feel his heart beating in his chest and smell the rich chocolate scent of his skin
soaking into my pores. He felt so small wrapped around me like that, but I was glad he was doing it from behind. I didn’t have
to look down to know my sweatpants were stretched to the breaking point.
“You really want me to stay? Even if I told you I had no idea why I felt this way or that I’m so confused I don’t know
which way is up?”
Logan turned me around. Ignoring my obvious situation downstairs, he threw his arms around my neck. “Of course I
do. We can figure it out together.”
How could I say no to those beautiful green eyes?”
“Can… Can I kiss you?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Logan smiled. “Nothing would make me happier.”

unter leaned down toward me, his hand resting on my cheek. My entire body tingled under his touch as he got closer and
H closer. I could feel the heat rolling off him in waves, his face bright red. But he was slowing down, and I wasn’t about to
let this opportunity pass me by.
Tightening my grip around his neck, I pulled in down the rest of the way, our lips meeting at last.
The entire world around me disappeared in an instant. I wasn’t sure where I was or how I got there, but I didn’t care.
All that mattered was Hunter and his soft lips firmly pressed against mine. Electricity shot down my spine, settling in the pit of
my stomach where a thousand butterflies erupted all at once. I could feel his heart beating against mine through his chest,
seemingly keeping rhythm with one another.
I couldn’t describe what I was feeling as anything other than magical. It felt right being there in his strong arms. He
pulled me tight against him, practically lifting me off the ground. His tongue pressed against my lips, and I opened up to him
willingly, desperate for anything I could get from him. After almost two weeks of crushing on him so hard I could barely
breathe, there was nothing I could do to resist him. And I didn’t want to.
My body reacted in more ways than one, my cock stiffening against his belly. Of course, I’d already noticed his
massive erection more than once. Since the moment he’d put on my sweatpants, I could barely keep my eyes off his bulge. For a
while I thought he was sporting a halfie, but now that he was fully hard, I realized he was just fucking huge.
And I couldn’t deny I wanted to see it along with a few other things.
At last, Hunter pulled away, breathless but still holding me tightly. “W-Wow…”
“Same,” I replied, the taste of him still on my lips. I leaned my head against his chest, savoring the feeling of his
muscular pecs against my cheek. “What do we do now?”
“I… I don’t know.” He paused for a moment. “It feels like I should, but I don’t want to stop.”
“What do you mean?”
“I want to… you know…” He gestured toward me.
“With me?”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything–”
I put a finger on his lips. “It’s okay. But are you ready for that?”
“I don’t know. I have no idea what I’m doing.”
There was something about his tone that made me think there was more to it than just being with a guy.
“Hunter…” I looked up into those luscious brown eyes of his. “Have you ever had sex before?”
I didn’t think it was possible for his face to get any redder, but it did.
Slowly, he shook his head.
“And you want me to be your first?” It felt like a huge responsibility. I’d had my fair share of hookups in college
before I graduated, but I’d never taken someone's virginity before. “Are you sure?”
“I can’t think of anyone I trust more,” Hunter said, his voice soft. “You’re my best friend in the whole world, Logan. I
showed you who I really was before anyone else, and you never once left my side. I… I trust you more than anyone.”
I gulped audibly, the seriousness of the situation settling in.
“I… I’m honored,” I replied. “But I have one question.”
“Is there any… werewolf stuff I need to know that happens during stuff like this? Just so I’m not surprised.”
Hunter burst out laughing, his baritone voice echoing off the trees. “No weird stuff, I promise. I might have the
inclination to bite you, but I won’t if you don’t like it.”
“Will that turn me into a werewolf if you did?”
“It doesn’t work like that.”
I nodded. “Alright.” Pulling him back down, I gave him another kiss. “Then, Hunter Price, I would be honored to be
your first.”
“Really.” I pulled away, taking his big, meaty hand in mine. “Follow me.”
Leading him through the cabin, I took Hunter to the bedroom tucked behind the living room. He didn’t speak a word
as I pulled him into the room and shut the door behind us. But when I turned around, he was staring at the floor, shuffling his
“Do you want me to go first?” I asked, booping him on the nose. “I know you’re nervous.”
“Y-Yeah. If that’s okay.”
“It’s fine,” I smiled.
I was surprised he was nervous at all, considering he’d gotten naked in front of me to shift less than a week ago. But
this situation came with a different set of expectations, and it was his first time being sexual with anyone; I’d do anything in my
power to make him more comfortable.
“You don’t have to turn away either,” I replied, grabbing the bottom hem of my shirt. “Actually, I’d like it if you
He nodded, lifting his gaze. “Okay.”
I gave him a wink before pulling my shirt up over my head. It wasn’t a grand gesture by any means, but I definitely
saw Hunter’s jaw slacken.
“Do you want to touch me?”
“Can I?” He sounded so eager.
I couldn’t help laughing as I stepped up to him. “Of course.”
Hunter lifted his hand but paused halfway. I reached out, pulling him closer until his hand rested against my bare
chest. Grabbing his other hand, I put it on my waist, his fingers immediately digging into my hip.
“You’re so soft,” he whispered, running his fingers over my skin.
My cock twitched in my jeans, the restrictive fabric far too tight. I wanted it to be set free, but the electric touch of
Hunter’s fingers felt too good to rush through. Slowly, he worked his hand across my chest, then up and around the back of my
neck. His touch was gentle and exploratory but passionate. However, the hand on my hip didn’t move. Only his fingers
squeezed into my skin.
“Here,” I said, grabbing it once more and moving it down to my left buttcheek. “Squeeze that.”
He did as he was told, and I rewarded him with a soft moan that was barely audible. His eyes snapped up to mine
immediately, and I knew full well it was enough for his wolf hearing to pick up. Not to mention, he could probably smell the
lust on me. I could smell his, too. It was light and really just smelled like his skin, but there was a heat behind it that was
unmistakable. That and his massive cock was pressed up against my belly.
I kept forgetting how much taller he was than me.
“Why don’t you take them off,” I said, taking a small step back and gesturing to my jeans. “They’re getting kind of
tight anyway.”
Hunter nodded dumbly, his mouth falling open a little further. He got down on his knees in front of me, his thick hands
shaking as he delicately unbuttoned my jeans. Slowly, he pulled the zipper down, releasing some of the pressure. His gaze was
fixed on my bulging underwear, and I prayed he’d keep going.
He leaned forward, hooking his fingers into the waistband of my pants. I thought for a moment he was going to pull
them free, but instead, I felt his soft lips against my stomach.
“Oh fuck,” I hissed.
He pulled away. “S-Sorry!”
“Don’t be! It feels good! I just didn’t expect it.”
“Please,” I said, stepping between his legs so that his lips were only inches from my throbbing cock. “Don’t stop.”
Before I could say another word, his mouth was on my skin once more. He kissed the curve of my hips, nipping at the
sensitive skin as his hands wrapped around me. His fingers plunged below the waistline of my clothing, eagerly squeezing my
ass in his palms. I could not help a few soft moans as he traced his tongue across my stomach, ending with his nose pressed
against my groin. He inhaled deeply, his hands squeezing my cheeks once more.
“Fuck you smell good,” he growled, the vibrations radiating through my body. “It’s so hard to resist…”
“Then don’t,” I replied. I reached down, tipping his face up toward me. “My body is yours. I trust you.”
“I… I don’t know what to do…”
I lifted an eyebrow. “I think you do; you’re just scared to do it.”
“But… what if I do it wrong?”
Leaning down, I placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “Then we’ll just do it again.” Another kiss. “And again.” Another
kiss. “And again.”
By the time I pulled away from him, he was bright red. But I could still see the hunger in his eyes. He wanted me so
fucking bad he could taste it.
“Go ahead,” I said, straightening back up. “I’m all yours.”

here was no more hesitation in his movements as Hunter gave in to his base desires and pulled my clothing away in one
T fluid motion. My rock-hard cock sprang free off my underwear, hitting him directly in the nose. I couldn’t help but laugh
as he jumped back, a trail of precum smeared across his face. He wiped it away from his cheek, stopped, stared at his
hand, and then licked it off.
I watched the full body shiver begin at his shoulders and work itself all the way down to his toes. His pupils dilated,
and he let out a low, pleased groan. As his gaze lifted once more, I realized the hunger had taken over him completely. The
wolf was loose, and I was at his mercy.
Before I could get a word out, he had a hand wrapped around the base of my cock, his other cupping my balls. He
pressed his face against my groin, breathing me in deeply. His tongue flicked out, running down the shaft of my cock before he
went back to the head to lick the rest of the precum from my skin. Without warning, he plunged my cock into his mouth, the slick
warmth surrounding me completely.
“Oh fuck…” I gasped, my hand suddenly on the back of his head. “Oh my god…”
Hunter pulled away only for a moment, ripping his shirt off before swallowing me whole once more without a word.
I wanted to warn him to slow down, to take things little by little so he didn’t gag or get overwhelmed. But now that the
floodgates had been opened, I realized there was no stopping him. When I said my body was his, I didn’t think he’d take it
seriously since this was his first time. However, I had a feeling I was in for the ride of a lifetime now.
Maybe having sex with a werewolf was a bit more than I’d bargained for. Not that I was going to stop him. It felt
way too good to do that. Besides, if I was going to let someone ravage my body, I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else but him.
Even though we’d just reconnected, he was everything to me.
And I’d worry about those feelings later.
Hunter’s mouth came away from my cock with a sudden pop, and he got to his feet. He grabbed me by the jaw,
forcing his lips roughly against mine. I didn’t resist. In fact, the only thing I could do was grab at the monster trying to break
through my sweatpants he was wearing. The moment my hand wrapped around his thick shaft, he growled directly into my
mouth, filling my body with a sensation that hovered on the edge of fear and pure adrenaline.
“Your scent…” he panted against my lips. “It’s driving me wild.”
“I told you,” I replied breathlessly. “Do whatever you want to me.”
I slipped both of my hands under the waistband of his sweatpants, gripping his throbbing cock. “Anything.”
With his lips jammed against mine, Hunter did what I’d been waiting for. He slipped his thumbs into the waistband of
his pants and practically threw them to the ground. Finally, his cock was free, and I had to tear myself away from his lips for a
moment just to admire it.
Hunter’s cock was a work of art. Easily over nine inches long and nearly as thick as my wrist, he dwarfed any dick
I’d ever seen in person by far. If he unleashed that monster online, he’d probably have a million followers within a week. A
large vein ran down the top of his shaft until it met a thick head with a tall ridge. I stared at it for a moment, wondering what it
would feel like inside of me.
However, all thoughts left my brain as I felt myself suddenly lifted from the ground. Hunter grasped my hips,
slamming my back against the wall as he pressed his body against mine. My arms automatically wrapped around his neck while
my legs circled his waist. I felt a shudder of pleasure as the head of his cock came to rest against my hole.
A passionate make-out session began, Hunter’s hips bucking of their own accord. His cock ground against my ass,
desperate for friction. Precum smeared across my cheeks, the slickness giving him even more reason to thrust. I knew what he
wanted, and with my own cock grinding against his torso, I couldn’t deny that I wanted it too. Even so, I couldn’t find a moment
to beg for it. With his lips crushed against mine and his fingers digging into my hips, there was nothing I could do to form a
coherent sentence. All I wanted was more. More of the same, more of something else, more of whatever he would give me.
I needed him.
As if he could read my mind, Hunter, still lip-locked with me, suddenly pulled away from the wall. He spun around,
knocking over a lamp and my empty suitcase in the process. Neither of us cared enough to stop what we were doing. Instead, I
felt him kneel on the bed, leaning forward to lay me gently on the mattress, his cock still grinding against my ass.
He pulled away at last, his lips swollen and pink from the workout they’d received. I stared up into those luscious
brown eyes, begging him with my own to keep going. He nodded as if he understood. Trailing kisses down my neck and chest,
my hands gripping the bedsheets as the waves of pleasure washed over me. He stopped again at the base of my rock-hard cock,
breathing in my scent deeply.
Just when I thought he was going to swallow me whole again, he grabbed the back of my knees and forced me
backward, exposing my most private areas to him fully. Without warning, his hot, wet tongue slipped between my cheeks,
licking across my hole all the way up to my balls.
I nearly came right there. That was the last thing I expected him to do.
“Fuck…” he groaned, his body vibrating.
And I didn’t get a chance to say anything again as he dove back in, his tongue working my hole over in a way I’d
never experienced. My muscles flexed and shifted of their own accord, my body squirming from the sheer amount of delight
Hunter’s tongue was bringing me. Was this what it felt like to be worshipped? Because I wanted more of it. An entire lifetime
of this, every single day.
My hands tore at the bedsheets, my body pinned to the bed under Hunter’s strong hands. It felt amazing to just let him
have his way with me. So good, in fact, that I was afraid I might cum without even touching myself.
Suddenly, after giving me the tongue lashing of a lifetime, Hunter pulled away, staring at me breathlessly.
“I need to fuck you.”
“Well?” I asked, breathless and red as my body shuddered with pleasure. “What are you waiting for?” I reached
over, grabbed a bottle of lube from the nightstand drawer, and tossed it to him. “Just push it in slow at first, okay? You’re kind
of massive.”
How he managed to blush even further was beyond me, but it didn’t matter.
“M-Maybe you should…” He shook his head. “I don’t know if I can control myself.”
I rolled to the side and patted the bed. “Lay down. I’ll drive this time.”
He nodded, flopping onto his back. His gorgeous cock bounced back and forth, coming to a rest against his belly. The
thing was so fucking big it could barely hold itself up. I stopped for just a moment to admire it. Reaching out, I wrapped my
fingers around the base. They did not meet on the other side. I’d need two hands if I was going to fully encompass his girth.
Now, being a gay man without a lot of experience, Hunter’s cock looked like a death sentence. It was the way I
wanted to go, to be sure, but it still looked like a lot. But I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I could at least take half of him, if
not a little more. And considering he was a virgin, I had an idea that it would be more than enough.
However, before I pulled away from that gorgeous monster, I leaned down and licked the precum from his cockhead.
The salty sweetness burst over my tongue as he gasped in surprise. I made a mental note to give sucking him a try if this
happened again.
Crawling over his body, I straddled Hunter’s hips. “I’m gonna go slow,” I said, squirting a generous amount of lube
into my hand. “I might be kinda tight. It’s been a while.”
“Those other guys were stupid for letting you go,” he said, his strong body shifting under mine. “They didn’t deserve
Usually, guys use lines like that to get laid. But considering Hunter was getting that either way, I had a feeling he was
being genuine. No matter the situation, he always had something sweet to say to me. I even liked how protective he was. It
made me feel safe.
Leaning down, I gave him one last kiss. “Thanks, babe.”
He didn’t get a chance to respond as I reached back and grabbed his cock with my lubed hand. There was a gasp
followed by a small moan as I began to slowly pump his shaft, making sure he was fully coated. The last of it I smeared over
my hole, hoping it would be enough to make this all possible.
With a deep breath, I aimed his cock against my hole and leaned back.
To my absolute amazement, I felt the head of cock slip inside, his thick ridge popping past my ring. All at once, every
nerve in my body was alight with electricity. Shivers ran from head to toe, wave after wave of pleasure following in their path.
Warmth burst through my chest as the entire world around me shifted. I leaned forward, my hands grasping Hunter’s muscular
chest. At the same time, my ass pushed back, swallowing more and more of his massive cock.
The sounds that came out of me were unlike anything I’d ever heard. I wasn’t sure what kind of magic his tongue had
done to me, but even though I felt stretched to my limits, I was taking him without even the slightest hint of pain. A little more
than halfway down his girthy shaft, I felt him hit my second ring. But my body didn’t resist as he pushed past. It wasn’t until I
came to rest against his pelvis that I finally took a breath.
“Oh… my… god…” I exhaled, his cock pulsing directly against my prostate. I was fairly certain I didn’t have a
single brain cell left. “Oh fuck…”
My words were met with a small whine as Hunter’s hands snaked up my legs. His fingers came to rest against my
hips, his body quaking underneath me. It took me a moment to realize he wasn’t shaking due to tension or excitement but
because he was doing everything he could to stop himself from fucking me.
And I couldn’t deny either of us that pleasure.
Keeping my hands on his chest, I began to slowly rock back and forth. I leaned forward until I felt the head of his
cock reach my entrance, stopped for just a moment, then began to work my way back down until our bodies met once more. I
repeated this movement again and again, his fingers gripping me tighter with each pass. His breathing was ragged, and those
brown eyes stared at me with an intensity I’d never seen before. And I couldn’t tear myself away either. Watching every
pleasurable moment pass across his features was turning me on more than I thought possible. He was discovering a whole new
world in front of my very eyes, and I loved it. To know that I was giving him an experience he’d remember for the rest of his
life… well, let’s just say it was more erotic than I expected.
I kept the rhythm going, unable to stop myself regardless of how close either of us was to bursting. I didn’t expect a
marathon out of Hunter for his first time and I hoped he wasn’t expecting one from me. The way his thick cock ground against
my prostate with every pass, I was already leaking copious amounts of precum all over his belly. Each time I bottomed out, I
felt my hole stretch a little bit further, the sensation driving me wild. Heat bloomed in my belly, and I knew I wasn’t going to
last long. In fact, I didn’t dare touch myself. I knew the moment I did, I’d blow.
“L-Logan,” Hunter shuddered, the muscles in his arms flexing as he forced me down a little further. “I… I’m not
“Me either,” I said, squeezing his muscular chest. I leaned down close, giving him a small kiss. “Don’t hold back.”
He froze for a moment.
“I trust you,” I whispered.
With a nod, his fingers dug in even further. He lifted me up, locking me in place, and began to thrust. Tipping my head
back, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride.
Hunter picked up the pace quickly, the sound of his balls slapping against my ass filling the room. Sounds escaped
me that I didn’t know I could make. No matter how much I squirmed or arched my back, Hunter’s strong arms held me in place.
Each thrust pushed me closer and closer to the edge, the heat filling my belly. My cock throbbed against his torso,
every movement of his body creating more friction between us. Try as I might, I wasn’t going to last with him pounding my
prostate like that. At last, I gave up, letting the ecstasy take me at last.
With a final cry, I bucked forward, my cock shooting a massive load of cum across Hunter. It wasn’t until I glanced
down that I saw the stripe across his face, his tongue darting out to lick my seed from his lips. And the moment he did, his pace
increased, driving me to the edge of oblivion.
His fingers suddenly dug into my hips as he slammed his cock to the hilt. With a deep guttural moan, he came, his
cock pulsing wildly inside me. I felt each throb and shiver, cum filling parts of me that I didn’t think could be reached. The
sensation was unlike anything I’d ever felt before.
And a moment later, I felt all the strength leave my body. I collapsed forward onto Hunter’s chest, my sticky mess
smeared between us. He threw his arms around me, holding me close while his cock continued to pulse inside me.
“Hopefully, that was okay… for your… first time,” I panted.
“It was amazing,” he replied, just as breathless as I was. “I didn’t know you could cum without touching yourself.”
I shook my head. “I didn’t know either.” I paused for a moment, trying to catch my breath. “I think… I think I need a
“Thank the gods,” Hunter replied. “Me too. I need some carbs, stat.” He kissed my forehead, running his fingers
through my hair. “Then maybe we could… do it again?”
I lifted my head, furrowing my brows in his direction. “I’m gonna sound like someone blowing on an empty bottle by
the time you’re done with me.”
He smiled, his eyes sparkling.
“My butthole is never gonna be the same.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
I shook my head. “With you? Never.”

uck cloud nine; I was on cloud thirty-seven after my night with Logan. Nothing would have convinced me to leave that bed
F after we’d made a donut run and finished our second round of punching holes in my V-card. Laying there with him
wrapped in my arms all night was a dream come true, although I was fairly certain I didn’t sleep at all.
Still, come morning, I was wired and not the least bit tired. How could I be? I’d found my mate.
Eoin had been right from the very beginning. He called it before I even knew what I was feeling. Looking back now,
it seemed so obvious, but I had no idea at the time.
Of course, taking a human as a mate wasn’t a big deal for Eoin. But for me, it presented a lot of problems. However,
I was determined not to let that stop me. I’d spent an entire lifetime waiting for the right person, and I wasn’t about to let
something like a pack position get in the way of that. I could find another job and another pack if need be.
But I had an idea of how to work things in my favor. Nobody would be happy about it, of course. Then again, nobody
in the Allard Pack was happy anyway. That’s why they kept leaving. This might actually give me a way to save both my
position and the pack. I just had to get to work on it first.
Careful not to wake Logan, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and opened a text thread with the pack
Me: I’m starting on the survey project today. I’ll need the week to get everything squared away and set up. Can you spare
me for that amount of time?
Dad: You can’t spare a minute for the meeting?
Me: The meeting takes hours, and I could put those to better use, saving our pack from falling apart.
Brayden: I still don’t like this idea.
Ricky: I’m fine with whatever the group decides.
I sighed. The odds weren’t looking good. Brayden and my father were being difficult as always. And Ricky was
spineless. How his father ever thought he could handle Gamma, I had no idea.
Alpha: Take two weeks. Get it done and send it out. Once you have the results, I expect a full breakdown of the data at the
following meeting. Saving the pack is more important than having you sit through a meeting.
Me: Yes, sir. I’ll get it done.
A smile crept across my face. I had no doubt in my mind that Brayden was fuming wherever he was. My father, on
the other hand, was probably carrying on and causing trouble for Mom. But I wasn’t too worried about her. She could handle
Me: Dad, tell Mom I’m sorry, but I’ll have to take a raincheck on dinner tomorrow night.
Martin: She’s going to be heartbroken.
Me: Right. I have a feeling that a night off from whipping up a feast will probably help with that. Why don’t you take her
out to dinner or something for once?
I sat there waiting for a minute or two, waiting for the disgruntled response. I knew I was egging him on, but that man
was too stubborn for his own good. Flipping to a different text thread, I sent a quick message.
Me: Mom, tell Dad to take you out to dinner tonight. And if he won’t, go by yourself. He can have a TV dinner or
Mom: I might just go visit my mother for a couple of days, the way he’s acting. I don’t know what you did to rile him up, but
he’s throwing one hell of a fit.
Me: What a baby. He didn’t get his way at the meeting.
Mom: I should’ve known. Packing a bag now.
Me: Have a good trip!
Putting my phone down beside me, I couldn’t help but smile. That had gone a lot better than I anticipated. Without
knowing it, the Alpha had given me a chance to fight for everything that I wanted. If I could prove that there were others like me
in the Allard Pack, maybe I could keep my position and Logan.
I glanced down at the man draped over my chest. He looked so peaceful there, his face buried in my neck. I let my
hand rest against his shoulder, stroking my thumb across his skin. This was the last thing I expected when I received his letter.
Even so, I couldn’t deny how ridiculously happy I was because of it. Maybe it was just the endorphins, or maybe it was the
mate bond, but for the first time in my life, I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Nothing was missing from my
life now. With Logan at my side, I had everything I could ever want.
Still, I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. The line between friend and lover had been permanently blurred now, and
I didn’t know where we stood. Would he want to date me, or was our night together only comfort between friends? Did he
actually mean what he’d said the night before, or was that just some smooth talk to get me in bed?
I seriously doubted he would lie or trick me like that, but I knew Logan stood at a crossroads in his life as he tried to
figure out who he wanted to be. While I would happily invite him to join me along my path, I didn’t want to stop him from
pursuing his own dreams. Then again, I didn’t know if I could bear the thought of him leaving either. He might like me, but was
that enough to keep him from going when the perfect job appeared? I wasn’t sure.
Logan shifted, sleepily placing tiny kisses along my neck before dozing off once more. My skin prickled with
pleasure, and I pulled him a little closer, savoring the heat of his naked body pressed against mine. I lay there, soaking it all in.
This was a moment I wanted to crystalize in my memory forever. Even if he did go, I’d never forget this night or how perfect he
looked wrapped in my arms.
“C-Can’t breathe…” I heard a muffled voice say from my neck.
I let go immediately, lifting Logan away from my skin. “Sorry,” I muttered. “I… I guess I was holding you too
I felt like such a fucking idiot. There I was, dreaming about a life with this man while accidentally trying to smother
“It’s fine,” he smiled, draping himself across my chest once more. “I like it when you hold me tight.” He placed a
kiss on my left pec. “Just make sure I have air next time.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” I paused. “I… I’m just such a goddamn ditz around you.”
“Why’s that?”
“I don’t know.” A sigh. “No, that’s not true. I know why.”
I looked straight into those green eyes of his I loved so much. “Because I’m crazy about you, that’s why. You’re so
fucking beautiful I can’t think straight.”
Logan smiled, his face turning bright red. “I think that might be the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
“Well, I’m gonna make sure you hear it all the time,” I replied. “I’ll remind you how beautiful you are every single
“Every day, huh? Does that mean you enjoyed yourself last night?”
I nodded dumbly. “Uh-huh.”
Logan glanced down at the already tented sheets. Just mentioning the mind-blowing sex we had the night before was
enough to make me rock-hard in about three seconds.
“And here I was worried I’d wake up to an empty bed and you’d never speak to me again,” he chuckled. “No regrets
“My only regret,” I said, kissing him on the tip of his nose. “Was that we didn’t do it sooner.”
“So the foundations of your identity aren’t shattered after having sex with a man?”
I shook my head. “I was worried about that too at first. But the more I think about it, the less I’m convinced I was
straight to begin with. In fact, I don’t remember feeling very sexually attracted to many people at all. I wanted to do it; I just
never seemed to be able to find the right person.”
“Huh,” Logan said, crossing his arms over my chest and resting his chin on them. “You sound like you might be a
little Demisexual then.”
“Is that like people who are attracted to Demi Moore? Because I don’t think that’s me.”
Logan laughed. “No, you silly pup. It’s people who only find sexual attraction once they feel a deep bond with
“Oh…” I pondered it over for a moment. “I mean, that sounds right. That must be why I wanted you so badly. And the
mate bond.”
“Mate bond?”
“It’s a thing with werewolves… like a person they’re fated to be with. At least that’s what we’re taught.”
“You… You think we were fated to be together?”
I nodded. “It seems like it.”
“That’s the sweetest and cheesiest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” he replied, crawling forward to kiss me. “But I
have a feeling you mean it.”
“Of course I do. I didn’t know how to describe my feelings when we were kids, but I know now that it was the mate
bond.” I reached up, brushing a few dark strands of hair from his forehead. “You’ve always been the one for me. I just had to
see you again to realize it.”
“I don’t know why… but I feel the same way.”
“Can I keep you?”
A single tear welled up, falling down Logan’s cheek before he threw his arms around my neck.
“I guess that’s a yes.”
There was a mumble and a nod from my neck as he held me tighter. We stayed there for a long moment, time slowing
to a standstill. So much was said without a single word passing between us, and everything in the world was just the way it
should be.
“Do you wanna go get more donuts?”

sat in the corner booth of the coffee shop by myself, tapping away on my laptop. Mooching off their wifi had become a daily
I habit. Unfortunately, my uncle’s cabin, despite its brilliant views, didn’t have an internet connection, and my phone
reception wasn’t good enough to hotspot for anything more than checking email. Besides, wandering into town for coffee
and food was basically a treat anyway, so I didn’t mind coming in.
And it allowed me to stake out my competition.
Something Eoin had said the other day caught my attention. This coffee shop was the only one in town that stayed
open all year long. And, judging by the lack of customers and the poor quality of the drinks I’d purchased, they weren’t very
popular either. While I wasn’t in the habit of trying to run people out of business, I did know an opportunity when I saw one.
Coffee was one of the biggest growing industries in the United States, and it boasted an incredibly high profit
margin. Even if I tripled the quality of the product and kept the same prices as the shop I was sitting in, I would make great
profits with room to hire several workers at liveable wages. And, even though Ludington was a small town, it had plenty of
people to support a year-round coffee shop. Not to mention, if my product was good, I could probably bring in quite a bit more
during the summer months by advertising to tourists. I could even get a food truck and park it down at local beaches or events.
The possibilities were endless.
With one hand scrolling through dozens of pages across the internet, my other hand scribbled away in the small
notebook I’d picked up. Already, it was half full, my business plan coming together much quicker than I thought possible. The
only major question left was if the owner of the coffee shop would sell to me or not. If not, I’d start my own place somewhere
else, but I’d prefer to take a known location with a drive-thru window already prepared. And, if I could buy it off the owner,
that would negate the guilt of running someone out of business. Obviously, I’d need to secure financing, but I had quite a bit
stored away to make a down payment, so I felt confident about my chances there.
While the idea of running my own business was exciting, I couldn’t deny that I had other motivations for my sudden
If I had a shop like this, something to call my own, I’d have a way to stay in Ludington permanently. Starting life
fresh out of college in a new town would be difficult, and my parents would probably pitch a fit that I’d moved so far away.
But now that I’d found Hunter, I knew there was no way I could let him go. I had to find a way to stay without requiring him to
support me. This would be my contribution so he could focus on his pack duties instead of worrying about me all the time.
I needed to stand on my own two feet, and I was fairly certain this was the way to do it.
“Hey! Long time no see!”
I glanced over my shoulder, wondering who the greeting was for. But when I looked up, I saw Eoin and Kent
standing in the doorway of the coffee shop. However, they had two other people with them I didn’t recognize. And Eoin was
looking directly at me.
“Yeah, I’m talking to you, shorty,” he said with a smirk.
I stood up, smiling despite his name-calling. “Shorty? You looked in a mirror lately?”
“Very funny,” he laughed, stepping up to the table. “It’s a term of endearment. Us short kings have to stick together.”
“I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you called short, and you didn’t start a bar fight,” one of the men added. He
had sort of auburn hair with bright blue eyes. “Kent teaching you to control that temper of yours finally?”
“Suck a dick, Wyatt.”
“I’m getting better at it.”
Eoin huffed, gesturing up to the strangers. “This is my cousin, Wyatt,” he said, pointing to the blue-eyed one. “And
this tall, dark, and handsome Italian he somehow managed to trick into liking him is Tanner.”
“Nice to meet you,” Tanner said, holding out a hand.
“This is Logan,” Eoin said. “He’s human.”
“Oh my god, Eoin,” Kent muttered. “You can’t just go around saying people are human all the time. It sounds weird!”
“Sorry,” Eoin replied, shaking his head. “He’s wolf-challenged.”
“It’s nice to meet you both,” I said, taking Wyatt’s hand after Tanner’s. “You must be part of the pack Hunter
mentioned. The one that allows human mates.”
“Wow,” Wyatt smiled. “He’s really filled you in on what’s going on, hasn’t he?”
Eoin lifted an eyebrow, taking a sniff of the air. “Smells like he’s filled quite a bit of you in.”
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