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To answer:
responder a un anuncio answer an advertisement

abrir la puerta answer the door

contestar al teléfono answer the phone

To break:
descifrar un código break a code

quitarse una costumbre break a habit

darle la noticia a alguien break the news to someone

romper con la tradición break with tradition

To bring:
llamar la atención sobre bring attention to

llevar ante la justicia bring to justice

lograr un cambio bring about change

presentar cargos contra alguien bring charges against someone

hacer llorar a alguien bring tears to someon's eyes (o make someone cry)

poner fin bring to an end

To call:
convocar una reunión call a meeting (o to arrenge / set a meeting)

convocar una huelga call a strike

convocar elecciones call an election

llamar la atención a call attention to

llamar para decir que se está enfermo call in sick

To catch:
llamar la atención de alguien catch someone's attention/eye

coger a alguien por sorpresa catch someone by surprise

captar un destello de catch a glimpse of

olerse algo catch a whiff of

incendiarse catch fire

atisbar catch sight of

To get :
entender/pillar un chiste get a joke

volver a estar juntos get back together

hacerse de noche get dark

(llegar a) conocer get to know

meterse en problemas get into trouble

deshacerse de get rid of

tener la impresión get the impression

To give :
aconsejar give advice

poner un ejemplo give an example

prestar declaración give evidence

dar lugar a give rise to

ceder el paso give way

To go :
ir al extranjero go abroad/overseas

conectarse go online

tener una cita (romántica) go on a date

ir a pie go on foot

ir a la quiebra go out of business

pasar de moda go out of fashion

To have:
tener una/la oportunidad de have a/the chance to
tener derecho have a/the right

tomar un café have a coffee

tomarse algo (una bebida) have a drink

divertirse, pasárselo bien have fun / have a good time

organizar/celebrar una fiesta have a party / throw a party

To say vs. To tell:

"To Say":
 Definition: "To say" refers to the action of expressing words, ideas, or verbal
 General Use: It is used when someone is communicating something in a general
manner, without specifying to whom the communication is directed.
 Ejemplos:
 Say hello
 Say something
 Say sorry
"To Tell":
 Definition: "To say" refers to the action of expressing words, ideas, or verbal
 General Use: It is used when someone is communicating something in a general
manner, without specifying to whom the communication is directed.
 Ejemplos:
 Tell a story
 Tell the truth/a lie
 Tell a joke
 Tell the time

Go vs. Come:
 Collocations with "go" often involve leaving a place or performing an action that
involves movement outside the speaker's current place.
 Say hello
 Say something
 Say sorry
 Collocations with "come" often involve reaching a place or performing an action that
involves movement toward the speaker's place.
 Come home
 Come to a party
 Come for dinner
 Come to visit

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