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1. What is a hub?

In networking, a hub is a device that connects multiple computers in a local

area network (LAN). It receives data packets from one device and
broadcasts it to all other devices connected to the hub.
2. Define the following.

A modem is a hardware component that allows a computer or other device
to connect to the Internet. It converts analog signals (from telephone or
cable wires) into digital data (1s and 0s) that a computer can recognize.
Similarly, it converts digital data from a computer into an analog signal for
transmission over standard telephone lines.
A router connects two or more IP networks or sub networks. It manages
traffic by forwarding data packets to their intended IP addresses and allows
multiple devices to share the same Internet connection. Routers typically
pass data between local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks
A bridge in a computer network is a device used to connect multiple LANs
together with a larger Local Area Network (LAN). The mechanism of
network aggregation is known as bridging. The bridge is a physical or
hardware device
3. Differentiate between client and servers.
A client is a computer or device that requests services or resources from a
Clients are typically end-user devices like laptops, smartphones, or tablets.
Clients rely on servers to provide them with data, files, or services.
Examples of clients include web browsers, email apps, and gaming consoles.
A server is a computer or device that provides services or resources to
Servers are powerful computers designed to store, process, and deliver data
or services to clients.
Servers respond to client requests, such as serving web pages, storing files,
or hosting applications.
Examples of servers include web servers, file servers, and email servers.
Understanding the Connection between
I. Remembering SDGs and Network Topology:

 Explain the importance of technology, connectivity,

and network topology in advancing the SDGs.
 Showcase examples of how networks and digital in-
frastructure can support initiatives related to educa-
tion, healthcare, environmental conservation, etc.

Give two advantages of star topology.

Easy to Troubleshoot:
In a star network, if one device encounters a problem, it does not affect the
rest of the network. This makes troubleshooting and identifying issues much
simpler as they are localized to individual connections.
Scalability and Performance:
Star topology allows for easy scalability by adding more devices to the
network without affecting the overall performance. Each device connects
directly to the central hub, ensuring efficient data transmission and minimal
network congestion.

UAE National Identity and Computer Networks


 Students will investigate the role of computer networks and

communication technologies in preserving and promoting the
national identity of the UAE.
How do you transfer files through e-mails?

Transferring Files via Email:

1. Compose a New Email:
Start by opening your email account and creating a new email message.
2. Attach the File:
Look for an "Attach" or "Paperclip" icon in the email composition window.
Click on it to browse and select the file you want to transfer from your
3. Upload the File:
Once you've selected the file, click "Open" or "Attach" to upload it to the
email. The file will be attached to the email message.
4. Add Recipient:
Enter the recipient's email address in the "To" field. You can also add a
subject and message if needed.
5. Send the Email:
After attaching the file and composing the email, click "Send" to send the
email with the file attachment to the recipient.
6. Recipient Downloads the File:
The recipient will receive the email with the attached file. They can then
download the file by clicking on the attachment in the email.
7.File Transfer Complete:
The file has now been successfully transferred via email from sender to
IV.Analysing and Evaluating
1. @ symbol is pronounced as……………………………. .
a. At the rate of b. At the website c. Delete
2. You can also send a file as an ……………………...with your e-mail.
a. Attachment b. Personal c. Keys
3. Username is also called …………………………………………….. .
a. Username b. Domain name c. Login name
4. …………………………….. is a set of rules governs data communication .
a. Protocol b.Sender c. Presentation
5. ……………………………… is a device that connects dissimilar networks.
a. Gateway b. Modem c. Client
6. A node is ………………computer or any device (smart phone, printer, and
tablet) connected in a network.
7. The way in which the nodes of a network are linked together is called
………topology………… .
8. Full form of E-mail is …Electronic mail………………………………………. .
9. In …………mesh……………. Topology all the nodes are interconnected with
one another.
10. The full form of MODEM is ……modulator demodulator…………………………… .
VII. Real life application Draw a network diagram.
11. Label Node, Hub, Server and Bridge .

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