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What is the relationship between the different concepts: language,

linguistics, and applied linguistics?

Language is the system of communication using symbols and rules to convey
meaning, while linguistics is the scientific study of language, including its
structure, variation, and evolution. Applied linguistics, on the other hand, takes
the findings of linguistics and applies them to real-world contexts, such as
language teaching, translation, and language policy. So, linguistics provides the
theoretical framework, while applied linguistics focuses on practical applications
within various contexts.
- The relationship between these three concepts can be thought of as a chain.
Language provides the raw material for linguistics, which in turn informs applied
linguistics. Let's look at this chain in more detail:
- Language: is the primary material for analysis and study by linguists, who
observe language in use and describe its structure, variation, and history.
- Linguistics: uses theories and methods to analyze and describe the nature and
behavior of language, providing a theoretical framework for understanding
language in different contexts.

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