Adjectives and Adverbs 1

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u4 UNIT 6a Grammar: Adjectives - Adverbs ADJECTIVES Adjectives describe people, places, things, ideas, etc. They have only one form in all genders, singular and plural, ond can be placed before nouns or after verbs such as appear, keep, make, feel, sound, smell, look, taste, etc. She is 0 prety git. 1 smells horrible. They ore harelworking students Keep quiet, please! ‘Most common adjectives (large, long, heavy, late, etc) do not have @ particular ending. However, there are cern common endings for adjectives which are formed from nouns and verbs. These are: fashionable -ous courageous ist rocist dlassical esque picturesque less coreless petulant ful careful «like businesslike angular ion Canadian “hy friendly imaginary : possible sory introductory fortunate wie historic ous famous wooden + feal historical + some quarrelsome dependent fous hilarious + lucky Shakespearean ish reddish ‘The most common prefixes used with adjectives are: o- ‘amoral im- impossible pre premature ab- abnormal intolerant pro pro-American anti - contiircroft irregular sub- subiropical dis- dishonest ‘malnourished super - superhuman extra - ‘extracurricular ron - nonstop un untrue hyper - hypersensitive over - overgrown under - undermanned a illegol post- postmodern 1 Write the adjectives made from the following words. doy dally rust energy victory accident sun base responsibilty hesitate fear affection circle use life glory beauty . fool humour 2 Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line 1. was told that the information | was looking for was classified and tothe public. ACCESS 2 His business methods have gained him a bad name. SCRUPLE 3 Jone’s behaviour towards her superiors led to her dismissal from the job. RESPECT 4. The monager was so --vssee With his work that he failed to notice me standing there. OCCUPY 5. The child was emaciated and ...snonnnnnnnnsnsnnnin afer being abandoned by its parents. NOURISH 6 "Her hand writing is ;;how does she expect me to read i?” LEGIBLE 7 Special schools are recommended for children ADIUST 8 The city of Athens is known to be noisy... sonsneens ond polluted. POPULATE 9 The European Union is trying to : solories in all countries. STANDARE 10 The idea of moving to the countryside was to him as he was used to living in the city. APPEAL 6a Grammar: Adjectives - Advarbs, Noes on Adjectives + Compound adjectives ore formed with present participles longstanding debs, longplaying record past participles selFemployed carpenter, candlelit restaurant cardinal numbers + nouns coneyearold gid, threeday course, a £30 pair of shoes profixes ond suffixes non-stop show, waterproof watch wal, bodly, ill, poorly + participles wellpaid clerk, ilfiting shirt, pooryypaid assistant Some adjectives ending -ly look like adverbs [friendly, motherly, lonely, lovely). These adjectives form their adverbs by adding the word way/manner/fashion. She behaved in a very fiondly way/manner fashion. * Some adjectives such as poor, late ond old have different meanings, according to where they are placed in the sentence. My grondlather is very old. (in years) Tony i an old friend of mine. (I've known him for a long time) Certain adjectives can be used with the to represent a group as @ whole: the rich, the dead, the young, the unemployed, the homeless, the blind, etc ‘Present and past participles can be used as adjectives, Present participles describe the quality of o noun. amoying behaviour (What kind of behaviour? annoying) Pest poriciples describe how the subject feels. ‘annoyed feacher (How does the teacher feel? annoyed) Nouns describing materials, substances, purpose, and use can be used as adjectives, but they do not have comparative or superlative forms and cannot be modified by very. ake bosch eat ea 2 Wooden table bl a sone wall «chopping board a woollen coat [not *wool coat) However, there are adjectives derived from the above nouns. These adjectives have © metaphorical meaning. silky hair (ha ike silk], golden hoi, silvery moon, stony look ete 12 There ore certain adverbs such as above, upstairs, downstairs, inside, etc which can be used as adjectives. ‘on upstairs room the downstairs bathroom the above rule the inside page ee * ile, old and young are offen used in fixed adjectivenoun combinations, so they are always placed next to the noun they modify This young man spends too much money. That litle gid! seems to be lost. "© Adjectives which describe absolute qualities such as left, right, single, correct, equal, absent, etc do not have comparative or superlative forms. 3 Make compound adjectives to describe the following: 1 Aboy who has straight hair. 2 Awoman with green eyes. 3A dog which barks constantly. 4 Acar that moves fast. 5 Apparent who has @ broad mind. 6 Arable with three legs 7 Ateacher with good qualifications. 11 A student who speaks French. 9 Aworkshop which lasts four hours. 1D Aroom with poor lighting 15 Grammar: Adjectives - Adverbs A Fill in the appropriate present or past participle. 1. Thot'so most (irritate) noise, isn't it? 2 Thankfully, the results of the survey were thoroughly (encourage). 3 The news come as a shock to everyone. The community was (devastate) 4 twas {exhilorate) to be back in San Francisco after such « long time. 5. Hamilton’s novel was {inspi by 0 real person. 6 twas very 7 true love and devotion {move} to see such ‘ORDER OF ADJECTIVES 5 Underline the correct item. 1 Father drove us to the station in stone/stony silence 2 It would be a good idea to pack one or two pat of thick woollen/wool socks. 3. The lake locked magnificent in the silvery/sive moonlight. 4 Jenny got a beautiful gold/golden brooch for ba birthday. 5. Monica visited her aunt in her summer/summay house in Majorca. 6 The cctress was wearing a stunning long silky/i dress. A general guide to the ordering of adjectives is given below. However, this cannot always be strictly followed since when there is more than one adjective in a sentence, itis rather difficult to say in exactly what order they should be placed, as this depends on the speakers feeling or intention. number [opinion | size/ | age | shape ‘colour/ ‘verb/—[origin/ | material | noun weight temperature | participle | nafionaliy form lai7both/|itree [rice | small round | brown [carved wooden | bles] half /first fone Targe | old | rectangular Chinese miner Noles ‘+ When two or more adjectives of the same category are used, the more general adjective comes before the more specific one. kind, gentle man '* Commas are only used to separate adjectives which ore equally important; they ore never used to separate the final adjective from the noun it modifies.

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