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# WHY Sugar is as Bad as Alcohol (Fructose, The Liver Toxin)
# https://www.youtube.com/watch/f_4Q9Iv7_Ao

00:00:00.420 To alcohol!
00:00:01.420 The cause of and solution to all of life'sproblems.
00:00:06.880 We’re all familiar with the dangers of alcoholand the fact that
frequent alcohol consumption
00:00:11.660 can fry your liver.
00:00:13.340 Anyone who has had alcohol before will notdoubt that it is a toxin,
even if they are
00:00:18.130 not familiar with what it specifically doesinside your body.
00:00:21.940 This is because you can experience the immediateor “acute” effects of
alcohol exposure
00:00:25.949 in a single night after just a few drinks.
00:00:29.100 You might not notice your heart rate becomingirregular, your blood
vessels dilating, or
00:00:33.761 your loss of fine motor control, but you willnotice something is
different as you become
00:00:38.269 “drunk” or “intoxicated”.
00:00:40.859 Then if the pleasant feeling of being drunkhad you doubting whether or
not alcohol is
00:00:44.760 a toxin, the hangover that comes the nextday will surely confirm that
it is.
00:00:49.059 So you don’t really need much educationor convincing about whether or
not frequent
00:00:53.459 consumption of alcohol has some potentiallyserious effects on your
00:00:58.300 The reason you can feel the effects of alcoholright away and get
“drunk” is because
00:01:02.049 a little bit of the alcohol is metabolizedby the brain.
00:01:05.510 Actually what goes to the brain is less than10% of the alcohol.
00:01:08.909 The majority of it- about 80% gets metabolizedby the liver.
00:01:13.090 This is why you can develop all sorts of seriousliver issues quite
quickly if you’re drinking
00:01:17.510 on a daily basis.
00:01:18.790 However, your liver is a very powerful organthat can handle various
toxins relatively
00:01:23.479 well, so one night of celebrating your birthdayat the bar isn’t going
to have you trying
00:01:27.530 to get on the liver transplant list.
00:01:30.329 But what if we could make an alcoholic drinkwith a special type of
alcohol that didn’t
00:01:34.109 get metabolized in the brain, so you wouldn’texperience the acute
effects of alcohol toxicity?
00:01:39.969 You could have several beers at lunch andstill be sharp as a tack
during the company
00:01:43.909 meeting at 2PM.
00:01:45.969 Maybe you’d even be allowed to drink anddrive because it wouldn’t
impair your motor
00:01:49.340 skills.
00:01:50.619 Companies might even get away with marketingthis special alcohol to
00:01:54.009 "I present to you... kid beer" Hey I meanif the kid isn’t slurring his
words and
00:02:02.830 falling down, it should be OK right?
00:02:05.229 ...Of course not, no parent in their rightmind would give their kid
alcohol simply because
00:02:09.970 they don’t appear drunk.
00:02:12.269 So here are the immediate health effects,and the long term health
effects that come
00:02:16.209 with alcohol consumption.
00:02:18.420 How would you feel about a substance thatdoesn’t get metabolized in
the brain, so
00:02:22.390 you get none of these and you only have toworry about 8 of these 12
problems from frequent
00:02:28.510 consumption?
00:02:29.670 ...Still not OK that, I’m guessing.
00:02:33.440 Well we already have a substance like thisthat is consumed on a daily
00:02:38.150 Like alcohol, it’s not necessary for anybiochemical reaction in the
body, you don’t
00:02:42.650 need it to survive.
00:02:43.920 It’s not metabolized in the brain so itdoesn’t get you drunk, but like
00:02:48.330 and other toxins, it’s processed primarilyin the liver.
00:02:51.959 And frequent consumption of it leads to allsorts of health problems.
00:02:55.720 This substance is fructose.
00:02:57.939 Table sugar, sucrose, is made up of one moleculeof glucose and one
molecule of fructose.
00:03:04.329 Fructose is in honey, it’s in fruit juice,it’s in high fructose corn
syrup - it’s
00:03:07.989 what makes the really sweet stuff sweet.
00:03:10.310 "Okay, now you wouldn't think twice aboutnot giving your kid a
00:03:16.741 But you don't think twice about giving yourkid a can of coke.
00:03:24.020 But they're the same."
00:03:25.970 This is Robert Lustig, he is one of the biggestfactor in bringing the
detrimental effects
00:03:30.610 of sugar to light.
00:03:31.810 At first, he can sound a bit over the topwhen talking about sugar-
"Sugar is a poison,
00:03:37.280 it is a chronic, dose dependent hepato- livertoxin."
00:03:42.670 However, he can back all his statements upwith more than 16 years of
medical research,
00:03:47.780 academic discourse, policy analysis, dataanalysis, a whole lot of
patient care and
00:03:52.620 maybe most important: the biochemistry ofhow sugar is processed in the
00:03:57.990 There's all sorts of compelling statisticswe could talk about, but the
actual mechanisms
00:04:02.569 that cause sugar to have such bad effectson the body paint a much
clearer picture.
00:04:07.680 Once you understand how it is processed inthe body, it leaves very
little debate as
00:04:12.220 to whether or not sugar could be considereda toxin, and you start to
see how a lot of
00:04:16.779 modern health issues are caused by sugar.
00:04:19.730 Let’s look at how sugar is metabolised,Butfirst we’ll look at glucose
or “starch”
00:04:24.660 to see how a non-toxic carbohydrate is metabolized.
00:04:27.980 By the way, it’s not necessary to rememberall these specific terms
that come up.
00:04:32.320 Just pay attention to how glucose flows throughthe cell so we can see
how it’s different
00:04:36.000 from alcohol and sugar.
00:04:38.670 So here is what’s happening in your liverwhen you eat something like a
slice of white
00:04:42.320 bread.
00:04:43.690 First off, only 20% of the glucose you atewill actually hit the liver
because the other
00:04:48.380 80% is metabolised by all the other cellsin your body.
00:04:52.980 Before glucose can get into the liver cell,it needs to stimulate the
pancreas to make
00:04:57.690 insulin.
00:04:58.750 The insulin will stimulate this insulin receptorIRS-1, which causes a
series of reactions
00:05:04.320 to then stimulate SREBP1 and activate thisenzyme called glucokinase.
00:05:11.540 Glucokinase takes glucose to Glucose 6-Phosphatewhich mostly gets
stored in the liver as Glycogen.
00:05:19.010 Glycogen is a good thing because it acts asa reserve tank of energy
that your body can
00:05:23.550 access when necessary.
00:05:25.450 This is why runners will “carb load” beforea race- to completely fill
up their glycogen
00:05:30.000 stores and have more energy during the racethan what is just sitting
in their gut.
00:05:35.810 What doesn’t go to glycogen gets metabolizeddown to pyruvate.
00:05:40.210 Pyruvate enters the mitochondria, Mitochondriais like the coal furnace
of your cell because
00:05:44.910 it converts the Pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA thenburns that in the TCA cycle
to produce a bunch
00:05:51.130 of energy in the form of ATP.
00:05:54.510 Not all of this is gonna get burned off soa little bit may be left
over as citrate.
00:06:00.050 The SREBP1 from before activates these threeenzymes start a process
called de novo lipogenesis.
00:06:07.910 De novo “new” lipo “fat” genesis “making”.
00:06:11.770 So the cell is taking this leftover citrateand converting it into fat.
00:06:16.390 The liver really doesn’t want the fat sittingaround inside it, so it
gets converted down
00:06:20.450 to something called VLDL which is stored inyour fat tissue.
00:06:24.500 Not only can this make you fat, but VLDL isactually a big contributor
to heart disease.
00:06:28.940 While this might sound bad, it’s actuallynot that big of a deal
because remember: only
00:06:33.720 20% of the glucose made it to the liver, thenhalf of that went to
glycogen, then alot of
00:06:39.250 that is burned off for energy, so maybe 1/50thof what you ate will
actually turn into VLDL.
00:06:45.770 So could a farmer whose eating rice and vegetablesat every meal die of
a heart attack?
00:06:49.760 Maybe.
00:06:50.760 But it’s gonna happen when they're aboutage 90, so that’s not too bad.
00:06:55.190 So now let’s look at ethanol, which is “drinkingalcohol” to see what
makes it so different
00:06:59.450 from glucose.
00:07:00.590 Here’s what happens in the liver when youhave an alcoholic drink.
00:07:04.800 As you can guess, ethanol is not necessaryfor any biological process,
so a majority
00:07:09.380 of is processed like a toxin in the liver.
00:07:12.280 10% will get processed in the stomach andintestines and another 10%
gets processed
00:07:17.400 by the kidneys, muscle and the brain.
00:07:20.330 This is the first big difference between glucoseand ethanol, the liver
has to work 4 times
00:07:24.830 as hard because it processes 80% of the ethanolthat comes in.
00:07:29.550 Ethanol doesn’t need insulin to get intothe cell, it just diffuses in
there and is
00:07:33.930 converted to acetaldehyde.
00:07:36.650 Acetaldehyde generates something called reactiveoxygen species.
00:07:40.400 Reactive oxygen species damage proteins inthe body, can cause cancer
and are thought
00:07:44.840 to be the key factor in aging.
00:07:47.180 This is how anti oxidants are supposed tocombat aging, because they
deal with these
00:07:51.060 ROS’s.
00:07:53.330 The acetaldehyde then gets converted to acetateand goes into the
mitochondria like last time.
00:07:59.680 With glucose, only 20% of the substrate wentto the liver and then
maybe half of that went
00:08:04.710 to the liver mitochondria because the restwent to glycogen.
00:08:08.560 So what alcohol is doing is overloading yourmitochondria.
00:08:16.020 So A bunch of acetate comes in, goes throughthe TCA cycle and you’re
left with a ton
00:08:20.770 of citrate.
00:08:22.140 The same three enzymes start “new fat making”are stimulated and you
end up with a lot of
00:08:27.160 bad fat.
00:08:28.720 This will go to your fat stores, primarilyyour visceral fat.
00:08:32.500 This is the stuff that causes a lot of healthissues and surrounds your
organs, giving you
00:08:36.659 a big gut.
00:08:37.799 This is why people get “beer bellies”because that’s the area that gets
00:08:40.929 with the fat produced by alcohol.
00:08:43.899 So the liver has all this fat being producedthat it doesn’t want
sitting around inside
00:08:47.530 it so it will also export some of the fatout in the form of free fatty
00:08:52.500 These can get into the muscle, causing muscleinsulin resistance which
is very problematic.
00:08:57.310 Some of it won’t even be able to get out,so you have a fat droplet
sitting around in
00:09:01.850 the liver and now you have your alcoholicfatty liver disease.
00:09:06.810 So the excess of Acyl-CoA, the ethanol andthe ROS species activate an
enzyme called
00:09:12.459 JNK1 which is the bridge between metabolismand inflammation.
00:09:17.379 This ends up further damaging the liver andit promotes insulin
resistance within the
00:09:21.279 liver by inactivating IRS-1, that insulinreceptor from before.
00:09:26.240 This means your pancreas has to work a lotharder and pump more insulin
out to do its
00:09:30.480 job.
00:09:31.480 Now let’s look at sugar.
00:09:34.430 Sugar is made up of equal parts glucose andfructose.
00:09:38.140 Fructose is what causes the problems so let’ssee how it’s metabolized
very similarly
00:09:41.920 to ethanol.
00:09:43.089 Here’s what’s going on in the liver whenyou have a glass of something
sweet like orange
00:09:47.509 juice.
00:09:48.850 So first off - like Ethanol, Fructose is notnecessary to the body so
it’s treated like
00:09:54.149 a foreign substance and almost 100% of itis processed in the liver.
00:09:59.410 It comes in, gets metabolized down to pyruvateand enters the
00:10:04.139 Now we have the same situation where everythinggoes straight to the
liver, does not get stored
00:10:08.310 in glycogen and overloads your liver cell’smitochondria.
00:10:12.610 The pyruvate goes through TCA cycle, producesa bunch of citrate and
that gets converted
00:10:18.170 down to VLDL.
00:10:20.360 This leads to increased risk of heart diseaseand visceral fat
00:10:23.560 Now you’ve got a “soda belly”.
00:10:27.079 Like before, it exits the cell as free fattyacids leading to muscle
insulin resistance.
00:10:33.540 Not all of the fat can get out of the cellso fat accumulates in the
liver and you get
00:10:38.079 non alcoholic fatty liver disease.
00:10:47.579 The same JNK1 gets stimulated which promotesinflammation and JNK1 acts
on the same IRS-1
00:10:54.540 insulin receptor causing insulin resistancein the liver.
00:11:00.639 All of this is actually illustrated reallywell in the movie “That
Sugar Film.”
00:11:04.930 Damon Gameau goes on a diet with plenty oflow fat and so called
“healthy” foods
00:11:08.990 like yogurt, whole grain cereals, fruit juiceand fruit smoothies.
00:11:13.370 The aim is to eat foods marketed as “healthy”while reaching the
average sugar intake of
00:11:18.339 a typical Australian which is about 40 teaspoons.
00:11:22.170 His results demonstrate all of these biochemicalprocesses we just
talked about.
00:11:26.569 He gained 8.5kg and an extra 7% total bodyfat mainly in the form of
visceral fat, his
00:11:33.681 heart disease risk went up, he’s developedinsulin resistance and after
only 18 days
00:11:38.730 he developed non alcoholic fatty liver disease.
00:11:42.290 What I thought was interesting was that hedidn’t change the amount of
calories he
00:11:45.560 was consuming yet he packed on such a significantamount of fat.
00:11:50.870 Actually there’s another element to fructosemetabolism that makes it
generate so much
00:11:55.490 fat.
00:11:57.200 Fructose forms something called Xylulose 5-Phosphate,and this further
stimulates the de novo lipogenesis
00:12:02.980 enzymes, leading to even more fat making.
00:12:06.829 That explains the obesity epidemic.
00:12:08.720 Also, when it’s getting converted to Fructose1-Phosphate it produces
Uric Acid.
00:12:13.890 Uric Acid raises your blood pressure and nowyou get hypertension too.
00:12:21.970 Oh and Coca Cola still wants to pretend thatobesity is all about
calories and a calorie
00:12:31.370 is just a calorie no matter where it comesfrom.
00:12:34.579 One thing I should mention is that fiber helpsprevent the sugar in
fruit from becoming a
00:12:38.790 problem.
00:12:40.040 Fiber reduces the rate of intestinal absorptionmeaning your liver can
easily handle the steady
00:12:44.890 stream of sugar from a piece of fruit.
00:12:47.570 The fiber will also fill you up.
00:12:49.980 So 4 apples might be actually a lot of foodto take in in one sitting,
but you can get
00:12:55.059 4 whole apple’s worth of sugar deliveredto your liver in a few seconds
from one glass
00:12:59.850 of apple juice.
00:13:02.060 One night of tequila shots isn’t going tocause your liver to explode,
but having a
00:13:05.709 shot of whiskey with every meal and for asnack would do some serious
00:13:10.550 By the same token, having a big piece of cakewith ice cream at a
birthday party isn’t
00:13:15.189 that big of a deal, but most of us are loadingup on sugar all
throughout the day without
00:13:19.689 noticing it.
00:13:21.100 We’ll have a breakfast of cereal and juice,then a starbucks pseudo-
milkshake thing on
00:13:25.720 the way to work, have a sandwich with lowfat yogurt for lunch, a
granola bar for a
00:13:30.460 snack, then some pasta with a salad for dinner.
00:13:34.000 But we’re not realizing that that the yogurthas as much sugar as
candy, the granola bar
00:13:38.180 has as much sugar as a package of oreos, andeven your pasta sauce and
salad dressing has
00:13:43.309 sugar pumped into it.
00:13:45.379 80% of the 600,000 packaged food items onthe market have added sugar
in them.
00:13:51.860 By the way, they’re not gonna have any ofthat protective fiber you
find in whole fruits
00:13:55.720 or vegetables.
00:13:56.950 The fiber has been removed to improve shelflife of the products.
00:14:01.509 The average American child sees 30,000 TVcommercials a year
advertising fast food or
00:14:06.930 candy.
00:14:08.250 While something like kid beer sounds joke-ish-lyevil, maybe it’s not
all that different
00:14:12.740 from these fun, colorful sugar packed itemskids have access to
wherever they go.
00:14:18.509 "Alright, I'm hanging up."
00:14:21.939 "You know what's the most destructive forcein the universe?"
00:14:27.300 "Sugar?"

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