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# Warning: 12 Weird Signs That Show You're Having Liver Damage
# https://www.youtube.com/watch/jVz78aTWgpw

00:00:00.160 12 weird signs that you have liver

00:00:02.719 damage in this video we're going to be
00:00:05.480 taking a deep dive into 12 weird signs
00:00:08.320 and symptoms of liver
00:00:10.240 damage these are very important signs to
00:00:13.040 be aware of because you can stop this
00:00:15.000 disease from progressing and getting
00:00:16.840 worse as your liver is able to
00:00:18.600 completely regenerate with a little help
00:00:21.840 liver disease is a condition that is
00:00:24.000 affecting over 25% of people worldwide
00:00:27.439 and this number is growing at a rapid
00:00:29.439 rate
00:00:30.840 most people believe that liver damage
00:00:33.040 comes from only drinking too much
00:00:34.840 alcohol but the truth is it can also be
00:00:37.280 caused by eating too many sweetened
00:00:39.520 sugary or processed foods and drinks by
00:00:42.559 consuming too many omega-6 vegetable
00:00:45.160 oils and fast foods using painkillers
00:00:48.160 too often like acetaminophen or
00:00:50.399 Ibuprofen viruses can cause damage and
00:00:53.399 hepatitis in the
00:00:54.879 liver having too much Elemental iron in
00:00:57.800 the body can be a problem and also o
00:01:00.160 toxins from the environments like
00:01:02.160 pesticides Plastics petroleum and the
00:01:05.280 list goes on and on so if you'd like to
00:01:09.200 find out if there are problems with your
00:01:11.080 liver watch this video through until the
00:01:13.320 end as we will also be exploring some
00:01:15.960 natural home treatments to clean the
00:01:17.880 liver and prevent the damage from
00:01:19.640 getting worse disclaimer this video is
00:01:23.040 for educational purposes only so do
00:01:25.840 speak to your doctor if you have any
00:01:27.640 medical conditions the first symptom of
00:01:30.840 liver problems is pale stools when you
00:01:33.079 use the toilet your liver releases
00:01:36.159 conjugated bile acids to help digest
00:01:38.640 fats from your food which give your
00:01:40.479 stool its normal brown color if you have
00:01:43.920 fatty liver disease or liver damage
00:01:46.640 however this bile stops flowing properly
00:01:49.079 through the bile ducts causing your
00:01:51.000 stool to become lighter paler or clay
00:01:53.880 colored and it may float on the top of
00:01:56.119 the toilet water because of the
00:01:57.840 undigested fat that's making it
00:02:00.360 buoyant symptom number two is pooright
00:02:03.600 Vision if you notice that it's much more
00:02:06.479 difficult to focus or see at nighttime
00:02:09.038 especially where there's poor lighting
00:02:11.038 this may indicate a retinol or a vitamin
00:02:13.400 A
00:02:14.440 deficiency the bile that comes from your
00:02:16.800 liver helps you to absorb vitamin A to
00:02:19.120 help the rod cells and your eyes adapt
00:02:21.280 to different levels of light having
00:02:24.120 liver disease however causes a lack of
00:02:26.959 bile so that you don't absorb enough
00:02:29.080 vitamin A triggering what we call night
00:02:32.200 blindness this can also indicate that
00:02:34.599 you have a congested gallbladder
00:02:36.760 especially if your eyes also feel very
00:02:39.000 dried out sore irritated and
00:02:42.239 gritty sign number three is a swollen
00:02:45.120 right foot when the blood isn't flowing
00:02:48.080 normally through your liver it can
00:02:49.879 become swollen and enlarged which puts
00:02:52.239 pressure on the poral vein this causes
00:02:55.519 fluid or water to accumulate in the legs
00:02:57.959 or feet and then when you press PR your
00:03:00.040 finger into the swollen area it may
00:03:02.239 leave an
00:03:03.480 indentation if you notice that the right
00:03:05.720 foot in your ankle is more swollen than
00:03:07.840 the left this is an extremely common
00:03:10.159 sign that you may have liver damage and
00:03:12.440 you may want to use a natural remedy to
00:03:14.599 improve its function but we'll talk more
00:03:16.920 about cleaning your liver later in the
00:03:19.360 video jumping back to sign number four
00:03:22.159 now which is white eyelid
00:03:24.319 growths another weird sign of liver
00:03:27.400 damage is the appearance of white or
00:03:29.959 yellowish growth surround your
00:03:32.040 eyelids these are small pockets of
00:03:34.439 cholesterol deposits that build up under
00:03:36.760 your skin because your liver isn't
00:03:38.599 breaking down cholesterol
00:03:40.720 properly causing it to back up into
00:03:43.080 different areas of the
00:03:44.720 body sign number five is right-sided
00:03:48.280 pressure another sign that you may have
00:03:50.680 liver disease is a feeling of pressure
00:03:52.920 or pain on the right side of your rib
00:03:54.920 cage especially after you eat bile from
00:03:58.640 your liver is turning into into a sludge
00:04:00.680 because of the liver
00:04:02.079 damage which is clogging up the little
00:04:04.439 tubes connected to your gallbladder and
00:04:06.760 causes a sensation of pressure and pain
00:04:09.200 around the
00:04:10.239 ribs this can also put pressure on the
00:04:12.760 frenic nerve causing muscle tightness
00:04:15.280 and pain in the area around your right
00:04:17.918 shoulder sign number six is purple and
00:04:20.798 red spots when your liver is congested
00:04:24.320 inflamed or damaged it produces less
00:04:27.000 proteins that are needed for normal
00:04:28.840 blood clotting
00:04:30.720 this means that you can bruise more
00:04:32.440 easily and quite often unusual purple or
00:04:35.320 red bumps can appear as a rash on the
00:04:37.520 skin as well as small red
00:04:40.080 patches this often happens around the
00:04:42.440 lower legs or the arms and it's caused
00:04:45.039 by the poor blood circulation triggered
00:04:47.280 by liver disease or possibly
00:04:50.440 diabetes next up is cracked
00:04:53.039 heels your body uses vitamin B3 commonly
00:04:56.880 known as niin to keep your skin cells
00:04:59.800 strong smooth and moisturized to prevent
00:05:02.400 it from becoming
00:05:03.840 damaged if you have liver disease
00:05:06.639 however your body uses up its vitamin B3
00:05:09.479 stores to help repair the
00:05:11.600 damage this leaves less of the nutrient
00:05:14.199 available for other jobs causing the
00:05:16.479 skin on the saws of your feet and heels
00:05:18.840 to start
00:05:20.000 cracking this can be overcome by loading
00:05:22.720 up on vitamin B3 and fixing the root
00:05:25.520 cause of the problem which is fatty
00:05:27.440 liver
00:05:28.479 disease another symptom of liver disease
00:05:31.199 is having the constant urge to scratch
00:05:33.479 orch the palms of your hands or the saws
00:05:35.800 of your
00:05:36.639 feet this condition is caused by a
00:05:39.160 buildup of bile acids under the skin
00:05:41.960 because the liver is not filtering them
00:05:43.880 out properly and this causes histamines
00:05:46.400 to build up in the blood causing the
00:05:48.240 Itchy
00:05:49.280 reaction number nine is all white or
00:05:51.840 clubbed
00:05:52.800 nails if your fingernails begin to turn
00:05:55.479 all white in color losing their pink
00:05:57.759 color or they take on a round Ed clubbed
00:06:00.560 or bulbous appearance this can indicate
00:06:03.120 that there is some serious liver damage
00:06:05.400 or another underlying health condition
00:06:07.599 which is preventing oxygen from reaching
00:06:09.599 the nail
00:06:10.759 Matrix it was discovered in the 1950s
00:06:13.960 that 8 out of 10 people with severe
00:06:15.919 liver scarring had all white
00:06:18.160 nails sign number 10 is dark urine your
00:06:22.280 liver has the job of breaking down old
00:06:24.560 red blood cells which contains this
00:06:26.919 yellowish pigment called biler Rubin
00:06:30.160 now if your liver or the gallbladder
00:06:32.360 becomes damaged this pigment can start
00:06:34.720 to build up inside the body and then it
00:06:37.039 can be flush through the urine causing
00:06:39.120 your pee to have a very strong dark
00:06:41.759 orange Amber Brown or Cola color because
00:06:45.479 your liver isn't breaking down the
00:06:47.199 pigment
00:06:48.280 normally this can also be caused by
00:06:50.720 certain medications that are weakening
00:06:52.639 your liver like antibiotic sleeping
00:06:55.400 pills or birth control pills 11 is
00:06:59.440 yellowed skin when your liver isn't
00:07:02.160 working properly and filtering this B
00:07:04.479 Rubin from your blood the pigment can
00:07:06.639 also start to change the color of your
00:07:09.080 skin this can cause a yellowish tinge to
00:07:11.879 the skin called jaundice which is a sign
00:07:14.520 that there is some serious damage in the
00:07:16.599 liver such as hepatitis therosis drug or
00:07:20.479 medication
00:07:21.879 poisoning so please visit your doctor if
00:07:25.120 this is the case and finally number 12
00:07:28.759 is spider
00:07:30.080 veins spider veins look like small red
00:07:33.120 dots with spider like extensions of
00:07:35.400 blood vessels that appear on the skin
00:07:38.400 these are blood vessels that have become
00:07:40.280 damaged because your liver isn't doing
00:07:42.240 its job in filtering out all of the
00:07:44.360 excess
00:07:45.400 estrogen high estrogen weakens the blood
00:07:48.199 vessels in the veins causing them to
00:07:50.720 dilate and they become visible on the
00:07:53.280 skin if you have one or more of these
00:07:55.720 symptoms that we've talked about here
00:07:57.879 it's highly recommended to visit your
00:07:59.879 doctor and ask for an ultrasound test
00:08:03.199 this is a very simple non-invasive test
00:08:06.000 which uses sound waves to take an image
00:08:08.159 of your liver and its network of blood
00:08:10.280 vessels to find out if there are any
00:08:12.360 fatty deposits building up
00:08:14.639 inside fortunately the liver is one of
00:08:17.440 the only organs in the body that can
00:08:19.520 completely heal and
00:08:21.479 regenerate how to reverse liver
00:08:24.240 disease as I previously mentioned the
00:08:27.039 liver has four different stages of
00:08:28.960 damage image first it gets clogged up
00:08:32.279 with fat then it becomes inflamed and
00:08:34.559 begins to develop Scar Tissue called
00:08:36.880 fibrosis and then it develops into a
00:08:39.279 more severe lifethreatening stage called
00:08:42.880 therosis fortunately however the liver
00:08:45.959 has the ability to completely regenerate
00:08:48.480 and heal itself when you fix your diet
00:08:50.800 and use the right
00:08:52.320 remedies so let's go through the most
00:08:54.640 important steps to reverse liver
00:08:57.160 damage one clean up your diet by cutting
00:09:00.399 back on sugary starchy and flour-based
00:09:03.360 foods like bread biscuits sweets ketchup
00:09:07.959 pancakes pasta soda drinks
00:09:11.560 Etc a fatty or damaged liver is
00:09:14.440 sensitive to fructose which is fruit
00:09:16.680 sugar in the same way that it is alcohol
00:09:19.519 so it's important to stop drinking fruit
00:09:21.760 juices and alcohol
00:09:23.959 entirely two eat lots of bitter sulfur
00:09:27.399 rich foods like leafy greens Arch oos
00:09:31.200 radishes garlic broccoli brussel sprouts
00:09:35.279 kale cabbage mushrooms pasture raised
00:09:38.880 eggs wild salmon and other oily fish
00:09:42.440 walnuts onions scallions and broccoli
00:09:46.720 Sprouts foods that are high in Sulfur
00:09:49.279 help to strip away fat from your liver
00:09:51.320 by boosting glutathione levels and
00:09:53.440 helping to detoxify
00:09:55.519 poisons three drink one cup of organic
00:09:58.720 coffee that's brewed at home each
00:10:00.440 morning and then add one teaspoon of
00:10:03.120 turmeric the polyphenols found in the
00:10:05.720 coffee and the phytonutrients in the
00:10:07.560 turmeric reduce Scar Tissue formation in
00:10:09.959 the liver and they also help it to
00:10:11.920 repair damage caused by alcohol drugs or
00:10:16.079 fructose you should also be drinking at
00:10:18.640 least one liter of highquality mineral
00:10:20.920 water throughout the day to help thin
00:10:23.079 out your blood and help the liver to
00:10:24.920 produce bile in order to break down any
00:10:27.320 fatty deposits you can also add freshly
00:10:30.839 squeezed lemon or lime juice to improve
00:10:33.360 the filtration of toxins in your liver
00:10:36.760 in fact I recommend that you get as many
00:10:39.240 liver cleansing herbs and spices into
00:10:41.639 your diet as possible such as Ginger
00:10:44.399 turmeric cinnamon dandelion root milk
00:10:47.680 ftle raer mushrooms green tea and also
00:10:52.079 cloves four eat all of your daily
00:10:54.600 calories in a 6-hour window allowing
00:10:57.240 your body 18 hours to fast fast each day
00:11:01.120 I recommend eating all of your food
00:11:02.959 between the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 6:00
00:11:05.240 p.m. but you can change this window to
00:11:07.560 suit your
00:11:08.760 lifestyle this is what we call
00:11:10.680 intermittent fasting or timed eating and
00:11:13.279 it majorly improves the health of your
00:11:15.120 liver by lowering inflammation and
00:11:17.240 increasing insulin like growth factor a
00:11:19.800 hormone that helps to prevent fat from
00:11:21.959 accumulating in the
00:11:23.360 liver fasting also stimulates autophagy
00:11:26.880 where your liver recycles old damage to
00:11:29.079 cells and proteins to regenerate new
00:11:31.320 healthy liver
00:11:32.760 cells five stop eating all of the
00:11:35.600 inflammatory seed
00:11:37.360 oils such as corn cotton seed canola
00:11:41.120 rape seed soy oil cheaper processed
00:11:44.120 olive oil margarine
00:11:46.680 Etc start eating anti-inflammatory fats
00:11:50.240 instead like extra virgin olive oil and
00:11:52.720 virgin coconut oil in your own home
00:11:55.160 cooked delicious recipes as these have
00:11:57.639 been proven to have liver protective
00:11:59.959 properties and finally to clean out the
00:12:02.720 fatty deposits and to lower inflammation
00:12:05.360 inside the liver take a purified bile
00:12:08.079 supplement in the morning on an empty
00:12:10.440 stomach you can use TKA purified bile
00:12:13.720 salts or a digestive enzyme blend that
00:12:16.519 contains Ox bile on the ingredients list
00:12:20.199 these not only help to eliminate fat
00:12:22.079 from your liver but they also prevent
00:12:24.079 the formation of gallbladder
00:12:26.320 stones if you are serious about
00:12:28.560 repairing during your liver there are
00:12:30.120 also other vitamins and supplements that
00:12:32.519 can be used if you'd like to learn more
00:12:35.800 tap on this video that's on the screen
00:12:37.880 now for more
00:12:39.360 information once again thank you so much
00:12:42.199 for watching my video today and for your
00:12:44.800 support wishing you great health wealth
00:12:47.959 and
00:12:53.440 happiness

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