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Personal Information


Prog ram: BS Physics Semester: 8

Reg ist rat ion: 20106551 Email:

User Name: 20104005-037

Degree Information

Course Code Credit Hours Course Name Grade Grade Points Remarks
Fall 2020

PHY1001 4 Mechanics-I A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

PHY1011 1 Lab-I A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

CS1140 3 Introduction to Computer Applications A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

ENG1001 3 English-I A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

PSY1001 3 Introduction to Psychology-I A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

MATH1001 3 Calculus I A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

Credit hours: 17 SGPA: 3.66

Spring 2021

MATH1005 3 Series and integral calculus A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

SOC1001 3 Introduction to Sociology A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY1003 3 Heat & Thermodynamics A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY1002 4 Electricity & Magnetism A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

ENG1002 3 English-II A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

PHY1013 1 Lab II A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

Credit hours: 17 SGPA: 3.84

Fall 2021

PHY2003 3 Waves & Oscillations B 3 Very Good | Include

MATH2010 3 Elementary Linear Algebra A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PKS1001 2 Pakistan Studies A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY2004 3 Modern Physics A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

ENG2001 3 English III A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

CHEM2011 3 Introduction to Physical Chemistry A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

PHY2006 1 LAB III A 3.66 Outstanding | Include


Credit hours: 18 SGPA: 3.64


Spring 2022

PHY2011 1 Lab-IV A+ 4 Exceptional | Include


PHY2005 3 Optics B 3 Very Good | Include


ISL1000 2 Islamic Studies A+ 4 Exceptional | Include


BTH1010 3 Introduction to Biotechnology A+ 4 Exceptional | Include


BCH1010 3 Introduction to Biochemistry C 2 Average | Include


STAT2005 3 Probability and Statistics A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

MATH1014 3 Differential Equations B+ 3.33 Excellent | Include

Credit hours: 18 SGPA: 3.33

Fall 2022

PHY3011 3 Classical Mechanics A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY3051 3 Mathematical Methods of Physics-I A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY3012 2 LAB-V A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

IQB1011 1 Iqbaliyat B- 2.66 Good | Include

PHY3031 3 Quantum Mechanics-I A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY3021 3 Electromagnetic Theory-I A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY3091 3 Electronics-I A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

Credit hours: 18 SGPA: 3.93

Spring 2023

PHY3092 3 Electronics-II A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY3041 3 Solid State Physics-I A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY3032 3 Quantum Mechanics-II A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY3022 3 Electrodynamics-II A 3.66 Outstanding | Include

PHY3052 3 Mathematical Methods of Physics-II A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

Credit hours: 15 SGPA: 3.93

Fall 2023

PHY4051 3 Plasma Physics A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY4042 3 Solid State Physics-II A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY4093 3 Nuclear Physics A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

PHY4061 3 Statistical Physics A+ 4 Exceptional | Include

Credit hours: 12 SGPA: 4

Total Credit Hours: 115 CGPA: 3.74

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