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Cost management

Addressing the challenge

of falling prices
Through the last three articles, the second stage of customer value creation, ie, operations and delivery cycle have
been explored. There are four aspects that are considered to be critical for sustaining the cost management initiative
at this stage. These include sustaining the current cost levels (cost control), questioning the current cost levels (cost
reduction), aligning the business processes to the customer value (using lean principles) and addressing the challenge
of falling prices (Kaizen costing). The first three was addressed in the last three articles. This article addresses the
fourth aspect, ie, addressing the challenge of falling prices. Read on…

M Hariharan

ith increasing competition and continuously for sustaining the current
constant demands from the profitability. Quality initiatives also help in
customer, there is a constant sustaining the current profitability effectively.
pressure on prices in today’s Though quality tools are not cost reduction
marketplace. The basic equation of cost methods; these could lead to reduction of cost.
management is S – P = C, where C is the
allowable cost. On the other hand, input Kaizen
prices go up as it depends on Kai (change) + Zen (good) = Kaizen
the investors who shuffle meaning improvement. Moreover, Kaizen means
their portfolio among continuous improvement in personal life, home
shares, commodities, life, social life, and working life. When applied
metals, etc. to the workplace, Kaizen means continuous
Therefore, it is improvement involving everyone - managers
important to and workers alike – Imai.
focus on Kaizen is a process involving gradual, orderly
the cost and continuous improvement. It focusses on
eliminating waste in all systems and processes
of an organisation. It involves everyone
in an organisation who works together to
make improvements ‘without large capital
investments’. When applied on a long-term basis,
it can bring about dramatic improvement in
the bottomline.

Local optimisation leading to global

Kaizen, like any other quality initiative
improves the operating performance of an
organisation. However, any improvement that
focusses at a micro level without understanding
the overall improvement can be detrimental to
the overall growth.

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! of the existing model of product. It is think so! For eg, consider a bank that
Õ ..

. .
about beating the current cost levels
rather than matching standards and
is improving its ‘time taken to search
and provide the account opening
explaining variances. Kaizen costing form to the customer’. This is a form of
system has specific cost-improvement improvement. But can this be quantified
Process A Process B activities for each department and each in terms of financial impact? This
200 MT/Hr 100 MT/Hr
accounting period but not everywhere. improvement cannot be quantified and
Information provided by Kaizen costing said for sure that the employee cost
allows the management to zero-in on will come down by so much amount.
Process A in-change is more efficient and improves productivity
Process A is measured based on MT per hour or cost per MT where improvements can be made. How then can this improvement be
Kaizen costing aims to achieve cost quantified? In this case, it is important to
Figure 1: Local optimisation leading
to overall suboptimisation
reductions, to improve customer service measure the time taken for the process
and improve bottom line. before the improvement procedure and
Figure 1 represents local optimisation the time taken after the improvement.
leading to overall suboptimisation. Process Aims Setting a target to achieve this would
B works on the output of Process A. Ideally, Kaizen costing (KC) is for the existing be better. These improvement areas
Process A should produce only 100 MT/hr products whereas target costing (TC) are identified based on the customer
to meet the requirements of Process B. is for new products (Figure 2). TC is value proposition with the firm’s efforts
However, if the in-charge of Process A
manages to improve the productivity
of Process A, imagine the impact of the Target costing
Product specification
same! Hence, the ‘work-in-progress’ tag
will increase for Process B. If another Kaizen costing
Price targets
dimension is added to this problem – in
case these processes produce variety of Profit targets Start production
products – Process A, which is measured
in terms of tonnes per hour will try to pull Cost targets Minor product/process changes
ahead orders irrespective of the market
requirement. So, any improvement in Major product/process changes
Product scrapping
productivity at Process A and reduction
of setup time can lead to overall sub- Does
No Yes
optimisation. These improvements can design meet
make sense, when there is a potential cost the TC?
reduction possible.
Any Kaizen initiative that fails to focus Figure 2: Address of target costing and Kaizen costing
on the overall impact has the potential to
lead a situation where local optimisation applied in the design stage of the PLC as directed towards this. But, the author
leads to global suboptimisation. There are cost reduction is primarily through the suggests that any effort to quantify this
a few CEOs who lament that everybody improvements in product design. KC is improvement in terms of the financial
in their firm has improved, but they applied during the manufacturing stage impact will be in vain.
still continue to make losses. Further, if as cost reduction is primarily through Then what are the kinds of
everyone is improving in a firm, it may increased efficiency of production process. improvements that can be quantified?
lead to overall sub-optimisation. KC is in essence a technique for
z Establish ‘standard cost’ for the
profit management. Its objective is to current period
Kaizen costing – quantifying help ensure that each product earns Rs. 100
z Establish ’target cost reduction
improvement efforts an adequate profit across its life. It amount’ (Kaizen cost) for the period
Rs. 10
Businesses must continually improve complements TC by extending the z Compare the actual cost with the
to stay competitive. One of the main discipline that TC creates in product standard cost
Rs. 96
purposes of the whole management development process. z Compare the actually rationlised
accounting system is to influence the amount Rs. 4

behaviour of a firm’s employees to achieve Quantifying improvement z Variance is the difference between
target cost reduction amount and Rs. 6
corporate goals. Kaizen costing is the The question arises, ‘Can the impact the actually rationalised amount
system to support the cost reduction of all improvements to the bottomline Figure 3: Steps in Kaizen costing
process in the manufacturing phase be quantified?’ The author does not

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fluctuate and are influenced by factors

that will not continue in the current year.
If a standard costing system is in
place, the standard cost established for
Group cost reduction objective the system can be considered. Here again,
this number has to be updated based on
current and anticipated practices.

Establishing Kaizen cost – target

cost reduction amount
Kaizen costing follows three
approaches to quantify and track
improvements. These include:
z Period-specific: Reducing direct costs

Direct material Direct labour of production processes and support

cost reduction cost reduction processes
Purchased parts
objective by objective by
cost reduction z Item-specific: Reducing direct costs of
product product line
objective by item
products and components
Not individual material wise z Overhead-specific: Reducing indirect
Figure 4: Period Specific KC — establishing specific cost reducion targets
Period-specific Kaizen costing
Any improvement that directly improves Establishing standard cost The objective of period specific KC
revenue, reduces cost and optimises Normally, many Japanese companies is to find ways to perform production
investment can be quantified in financial take the previous year-end actual cost and associated support processes more
terms. In the above example, this effort as the standard cost. This is because, efficiently. In the case of production
could lead to improvement in sales, it is presumed that the cost has been processes, it should find ways to produce
reduction in storage space as well as the most efficient cost improved over a products so that they consume less
reduction in future cost of manpower, period of time. material & labour and trigger fewer
as the existing resource is utilised better. However, this method may not be overhead activities. Improving process
However, the impact is indirect and not appropriate, where the current costs capability stability, reduction of
directly traceable. Hence, quantifying this
improvement is not feasible.

Steps in Kaizen costing Product specific

Kaizen costing is a method that Kaizen costing
incorporates Kaizen savings before the
savings accrue, in the budget for current
year. Normally, where Kaizen initiatives
are taken, the improvements are included
in the following year’s budget. There are
many companies that incorporate cost
reduction targets in their annual budgets.
But how is Kaizen costing different? Selling price
Aggressive Kaizen falling faster than
As far as the concept of incorporating Failure to
savings imputed manufacturing
anticipated cost targets are concerned, Achieve cost
in life cycle
Kaizen costing is same as this method. profitability
However, the point of difference is two
fold. First, KC continues from where TC
signs off, ie, cost reduction targets are Feed forward
based on the cost targets imputed into Feedback
the life cycle cost of the product. Second,
the method of identifying the cost
reduction targets – Kaizen cost (Figure 3). Figure 5: Product specific KC — triggers

64 Modern Plastics & Polymers ● June-July 2006


product and customer value proposition is

Component specific redefined. However, in product specific
Kaizen costing
KC, functionality is fixed; ie, the
functionality of the product cannot be
changed. But, it does not mean that the
material content and the process cannot
All products that be changed, yet the customer should not
contain the item perceive the change.
report low
Product-specific KC is applied under
three circumstances (Figure 5)
z Failure to achieve target cost: The
product is launched with the promise
of achieving the target cost. But on
Material and other
Tear-down identifies
launch, the promised level was not
Prior cost reduction input costs increase
cost reduction insufficient excessively achieved. This is a planning failure and
opportunity here Product Specific KC is done more
as a feed back mechanism to achieve
the originally planned target cost
Figure 6: Component specific KC — triggers
z Aggressive Kaizen savings imputed
set-up time, reducing process wastages, direct labour and purchased parts. The in life cycle profitability: While
reduction of cycle time are some material level cost reduction is addressed designing the product, the top
examples of addressing improvements in through item specific KC. management allowed the product
production processes. As the targets are to be launched at a higher target
to be given before the budget is prepared, Item-specific Kaizen costing cost, to ensure a strategic product
improvements in Process A (Figure 1) will The objective of item specific KC is to survive the initial years of launch.
be carefully considered. to maintain the profitability of a given Here, product specific KC acts as a feed
For support processes, it should product. It is initiated under two primary forward mechanism to achieve the
find ways to perform them so that they conditions: when a new product is promised cost levels over the life cycle
consume fewer resources. For example, launched above its target cost or, when of the product
improving material movements, storage the selling price of a long-term, mature z Selling price is falling faster than
practices, planning of buffer stock, product is falling faster than its cost. manufacturing cost: This happens
maintenance scheduling are areas of This is the second area where Kaizen due to intensified competition and
support services. As pressure mounts on costing is different from other methods of supplier power. It is not a planning
selling prices, period specific KC acts as incorporating the cost reduction targets. failure but extraneous factors
the primary cost-reduction mechanism. It continues from where target costing impacting the profitability of the
This is because, sustainable cost reduction signs off. product. Here again, product specific
is possible only through addressing the There are two levels of item-specific KC acts as a feed forward mechanism
processes at the post design level. KC: product specific KC and component Thus, KC forces the firm to focus on
Under period specific KC, the specific KC. specific products and product lines for
starting point is establishing the cost- Product-specific KC is akin to TC. achieving cost reduction, instead of
reduction objectives for each group In TC, functionality is variable, ie, the spreading the efforts thin and wide.
of firm’s production facilities. Then it is primary difference lies in the ability to Component-specific KC is similar to
decomposed to material, labour and change product functionality, where the component level TC. When cost target
purchased parts level. It can be top down, Table 1: Standard costing vs Kaizen costing
where the top management establishes Standard costing Kaizen costing
the overall reduction percentage and this z Cost-control system z Cost-reduction/management system
percolates down to the group level and z Stability in current processes z Continuous improvement
departmental levels. Alternatively, one z Goal is meeting cost peformance sandards z Goal is to achieve cost reduction standards
can use a bottom up approach, where the z Standards are set annually or semi-annually z Cost reduction targets are set and applied monthly
departments give their achievable cost and continous improvement (Kaizen) methods are
applied all year long to meet targets
reduction targets, approved or modified z Cost variance analysis involves comparing actual to z Cost variance analysis involves target Kaizen costs
by the top management. standard costs versus actual cost reduction amounts
The group cost reduction objective z Cost variance investigation occurs when standards z Cost variance investigaion occurs when targets cost
is further broken up into direct material, are not met reduction amounts are not attained

Modern Plastics & Polymers ● June-July 2006 65


is set for the component, the design z Prior cost reduction insufficient: Conclusion
engineers have to find ways to achieve With the constantly falling selling Kaizen costing is a budgetary control
that cost. prices and the investor expectation system that incorporates Kaizen savings
But lesser freedom is given to change increasing, it is identified that the prior before the savings arise. It focusses on
the design of the rest of the product. The cost reduction is insufficient specific processes, products, components
function should not change as the value z Material and other input costs and complexities to achieve cost
proposition for the customer is frozen at increase excessively: Steel prices reduction targets. It ensures that the
the design stage. going up forcing manufacturers to customer value is not sacrificed in an
Component-specific KC is applied address those steel parts is a classic attempt to achieve cost reduction. It is not
under four triggers (Figure 6): example a cost control system but a cost reduction/
z All products that contain the cost management methodology (Table 1).
item report low profitability: In Overhead-specific Kaizen costing The next article of our series will focus
any discrete manufacturing firm, Overhead-specific Kaizen costing on understanding customer relationship
components tend to get standardised addresses causes of excessive complexity through the eyes of cost management. It will
across different products. Tear across products and periods. The overhead include the ways to understand customer
down analysis to identify common costs can be addressed based on the and enhance the profitability. „
components used across products can methods that were discussed in the last
throw those products that contain three articles. M Hariharan is the director
these components as a possible cost of Savoir Faire Management
reduction candidate Writings on Kaizen costing Services, Mumbai. He has been
helping firms across sectors in
z Tear down analysis identifies There is not much material on Kaizen
identifying their core problem,
cost reduction opportunity: costing. Besides, a few articles written
aligning their processes
Comparing parts used by competitors, by Japanese authors like Monden, the
according to customer needs
standardising components across one book that addresses Kaizen costing and enable sustenance of the
product lines, material replacement, elaborately is ‘Inter-organisational Cost efforts. He preaches what he practices and has
alternative sourcing of parts comes Management’ by Robin Cooper and successfully trained more than 5,000 executives
out of this analysis Regine Slagmulder. on these aspects. Email:

66 Modern Plastics & Polymers ● June-July 2006

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