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In the Classroom
M Rea 944
Balloon Breathing Positive Effects
Take a deep breath. Imagine Controlled breath results in reduced fear,
anxiety, and decreases heart rate.
your lungs filling up like
Paying attention to breathing increases
balloons and carrying you off
awareness of thinking, feelings, and behaviour.
to a world of wonder. Let go
Breathing strategies help to manage thoughts,
of your worries and float into
moods, and experiences.
a land of relaxation.

Negative Effects Belly Breathing
A stressful event can result in more rapid Inhale slowly, 4 seconds through
breathing, the amygdala activity increases, and the nose. Pretend you’re blowing
triggers feelings like anxiety, anger, or fear. up a balloon in your belly. Wait
Results in flight, flight or freeze, and the heart two seconds, then slowly exhale
rate increases, stomach stops digestion, and through the mouth. Pretend you
breathing becomes more shallow. are emptying the balloon of air.
Wait 2 seconds, repeat.

Animal Breathing The Goal
Mimic the breathing patterns of
your favourite animals. Roar like Focused breathwork gets you back to rest and
a lion with deep, big breaths. digest mode, more oxygen into the bloodstream,
Flutter your wings like a and helps to calm down and lower stress.
butterfly with light fluttery
breaths or hop like a frog with
quick bouncy breaths!
Anxiety Canada. (n.d.). How to Teach Your Child Calm Breathing. Anxiety Canada | Self-help
Resources, Programs & Services.

Coping Skills for Kids. (n.d.). Deep breathing exercises for kids — Coping skills for kids.

Greater Good Magazine. (2019, October 31). What focusing on the breath does to your brain.
Greater Good.

Greater Good Magazine. (2022, January 7). How four deep breaths can help kids calm down.
Greater Good.

Rob Rea. (2024, April 15). Playful Breathwork for Children. Instagram.

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