Planet and Diseases

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Planet : Sun

Body Parts : When Sun is weak and afflicted, it is indicative of physical weakness, anemic
eyesight, heart ailments and fractures.

2. Planet : Moon

Body Parts : When Moon is weak and afflicted, it is indicative of hysterical outbursts, fits, mental
challenges and menstrual disorders in women.

3. Planet : Mars

Body Parts : When Mars is strong but afflicted, it is indicative of richness in blood, high blood
pressure, accidents and irritations. A weak and afflicted Mars suggests blood ailments, low blood
pressure, anemia, tumors, boils and ulcers.

4. Planet : Mercury

Body Parts : When Mercury is weak and afflicted, it is indicative of nervous breakdown, nerve
diseases, epilepsy, paralysis, fever, ulcers and digestive disorders

5. Planet : Venus

Body Parts : When Venus is weak and afflicted, it is indicative of venereal disorders, diabetes,
uterine troubles, menstruation problems, loss of luster in the body and eye troubles.

6. Planet : Jupiter

Body Parts : When Jupiter is weak and afflicted, it relates to trouble from spleen, liver and

7. Planet : Saturn

Body Parts : When Saturn is weak and afflicted, it is indicative of weak bones, possible loss of
limbs, skin diseases, mental challenges and rheumatic pains.

8. Planet : Rahu

Body Parts : When Rahu is weak and afflicted, there can be breathing problems, leprosy, ulcers,

9. Planet : Ketu

Body Parts : When Ketu is weak and afflicted, it is likely to cause constant body pain, hunger
ailments, poisoning, and secretive ailments.

This are general indications. For Exact disease, other charts need to be analysed in detail.

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