Introduction To Modern Planar Transmission Lines: Physical, Analytical, and Circuit Models Approach (Wiley - IEEE) 1st Edition Anand K. Verma

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Introduction To Modern Planar

Transmission Lines: Physical,

Analytical, and Circuit Models
Approach (Wiley - IEEE) 1st Edition
Anand K. Verma
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Introduction to Modern Planar
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Introduction to Modern Planar Transmission Lines

Physical, Analytical, and Circuit Models Approach

Anand K. Verma
Adjunct Professor, School of Engineering
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Formerly Professor, Department of Electronic Science
South Campus, Delhi University
New Delhi, India
This edition first published 2021
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Names: Verma, Anand K., 1948– author.

Title: Introduction to modern planar transmission lines : physical,
analytical, and circuit models approach / Anand K. Verma.
Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley-IEEE Press, [2021] | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020050198 (print) | LCCN 2020050199 (ebook) | ISBN
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To my loving and caring wife Kamini Verma and ever-smiling grandchildren Naina, Tinu, and Nupur.


Preface xxi
Acknowledgments xxiii
Author Biography xxv

1 Overview of Transmission Lines: (Historical Perspective, Overview of Present Book) 1

Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of the Classical Transmission Lines 1
1.1.1 Telegraph Line 1
1.1.2 Development of Theoretical Concepts in EM-Theory 2
1.1.3 Development of the Transmission Line Equations 6
1.1.4 Waveguides as Propagation Medium 8
1.2 Planar Transmission Lines 8
1.2.1 Development of Planar Transmission Lines 8
1.2.2 Analytical Methods Applied to Planar Transmission Lines 10
1.3 Overview of Present Book 10
1.3.1 The Organization of Chapters in This Book 11
1.3.2 Key Features, Intended Audience, and Some Suggestions 14
References 15

2 Waves on Transmission Lines – I: (Basic Equations, Multisection Transmission Lines) 19

Introduction 19
2.1 Uniform Transmission Lines 19
2.1.1 Wave Motion 19
2.1.2 Circuit Model of Transmission Line 21
2.1.3 Kelvin–Heaviside Transmission Line Equations in Time Domain 23
2.1.4 Kelvin–Heaviside Transmission Line Equations in Frequency-Domain 24
2.1.5 Characteristic of Lossy Transmission Line 26
2.1.6 Wave Equation with Source 27
2.1.7 Solution of Voltage and Current-Wave Equation 28
2.1.8 Application of Thevenin’s Theorem to Transmission Line 33
2.1.9 Power Relation on Transmission Line 34
2.2 Multisection Transmission Lines and Source Excitation 36
2.2.1 Multisection Transmission Lines 36
2.2.2 Location of Sources 38
2.3 Nonuniform Transmission Lines 40
viii Contents

2.3.1 Wave Equation for Nonuniform Transmission Line 40

2.3.2 Lossless Exponential Transmission Line 42
References 43

3 Waves on Transmission Lines – II: (Network Parameters, Wave Velocities, Loaded Lines) 45
Introduction 45
3.1 Matrix Description of Microwave Network 45
3.1.1 [Z] Parameters 46
3.1.2 Admittance Matrix 48
3.1.3 Transmission [ABCD] Parameter 49
3.1.4 Scattering [S] Parameters 51
3.2 Conversion and Extraction of Parameters 59
3.2.1 Relation Between Matrix Parameters 59
3.2.2 De-Embedding of True S-Parameters 61
3.2.3 Extraction of Propagation Characteristics 62
3.3 Wave Velocity on Transmission Line 63
3.3.1 Phase Velocity 63
3.3.2 Group Velocity 66
3.4 Linear Dispersive Transmission Lines 69
3.4.1 Wave Equation of Dispersive Transmission Lines 69
3.4.2 Circuit Models of Dispersive Transmission Lines 72
References 75

4 Waves in Material Medium – I: (Waves in Isotropic and Anisotropic Media, Polarization of Waves) 77
Introduction 77
4.1 Basic Electrical Quantities and Parameters 77
4.1.1 Flux Field and Force Field 77
4.1.2 Constitutive Relations 78
4.1.3 Category of Materials 79

4.2 Electrical Property of Medium 80

4.2.1 Linear and Nonlinear Medium 80
4.2.2 Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous Medium 81
4.2.3 Isotropic and Anisotropic Medium 81
4.2.4 Nondispersive and Dispersive Medium 85
4.2.5 Non-lossy and Lossy Medium 86
4.2.6 Static Conductivity of Materials 86
4.3 Circuit Model of Medium 87
4.3.1 RC Circuit Model of Lossy Dielectric Medium 88
4.3.2 Circuit Model of Lossy Magnetic Medium 90
4.4 Maxwell Equations and Power Relation 91
4.4.1 Maxwell’s Equations 91
4.4.2 Power and Energy Relation from Maxwell Equations 94
4.5 EM-waves in Unbounded Isotropic Medium 96
4.5.1 EM-wave Equation 96
4.5.2 1D Wave Equation 97
Contents ix

4.5.3 Uniform Plane Waves in Linear Lossless Homogeneous Isotropic Medium 98

4.5.4 Vector Algebraic Form of Maxwell Equations 101
4.5.5 Uniform Plane Waves in Lossy Conducting Medium 102
4.6 Polarization of EM-waves 104
4.6.1 Linear Polarization 104
4.6.2 Circular Polarization 105
4.6.3 Elliptical Polarization 106
4.6.4 Jones Matrix Description of Polarization States 106
4.7 EM-waves Propagation in Unbounded Anisotropic Medium 110
4.7.1 Wave Propagation in Uniaxial Medium 111
4.7.2 Wave Propagation in Uniaxial Gyroelectric Medium 113
4.7.3 Dispersion Relations in Biaxial Medium 114
4.7.4 Concept of Isofrequency Contours and Isofrequency Surfaces 115
4.7.5 Dispersion Relations in Uniaxial Medium 116
References 118

5 Waves in Material Medium-II: (Reflection & Transmission of Waves, Introduction to Metamaterials) 121
Introduction 121
5.1 EM-Waves at Interface of Two Different Media 121
5.1.1 Normal Incidence of Plane Waves 121
5.1.2 The Interface of a Dielectric and Perfect Conductor 124
5.1.3 Transmission Line Model of the Composite Medium 124
5.2 Oblique Incidence of Plane Waves 125
5.2.1 TE (Perpendicular) Polarization Case 125
5.2.2 TM (Parallel) Polarization Case 128
5.2.3 Dispersion Diagrams of Refracted Waves in Isotropic and Uniaxial Anisotropic Media 129
5.2.4 Wave Impedance and Equivalent Transmission Line Model 130

5.3 Special Cases of Angle of Incidence 132

5.3.1 Brewster Angle 132
5.3.2 Critical Angle 133
5.4 EM-Waves Incident at Dielectric Slab 136
5.4.1 Oblique Incidence 136
5.4.2 Normal Incidence 138
5.5 EM-Waves in Metamaterials Medium 139
5.5.1 General Introduction of Metamaterials and Their Classifications 139
5.5.2 EM-Waves in DNG Medium 141
5.5.3 Basic Transmission Line Model of the DNG Medium 144
5.5.4 Lossy DPS and DNG Media 146
5.5.5 Wave Propagation in DNG Slab 146
5.5.6 DNG Flat Lens and Superlens 149
5.5.7 Doppler and Cerenkov Radiation in DNG Medium 151
5.5.8 Metamaterial Perfect Absorber (MPA) 153
References 156

6 Electrical Properties of Dielectric Medium 159

Introduction 159
x Contents

6.1 Modeling of Dielectric-Medium 159

6.1.1 Dielectric Polarization 159
6.1.2 Susceptibility, Relative Permittivity, and Clausius–Mossotti Model 162
6.1.3 Models of Polarizability 164
6.1.4 Magnetization of Materials 165
6.2 Static Dielectric Constants of Materials 167
6.2.1 Natural Dielectric Materials 167
6.2.2 Artificial Dielectric Materials 168
6.3 Dielectric Mixtures 173
6.3.1 General Description of Dielectric Mixture Medium 173
6.3.2 Limiting Values of Equivalent Relative Permittivity 174
6.3.3 Additional Equivalent Permittivity Models of Mixture 175
6.4 Frequency Response of Dielectric Materials 178
6.4.1 Relaxation in Material and Decay Law 179
6.4.2 Polarization Law of Linear Dielectric-Medium 179
6.4.3 Debye Dispersion Relation 181
6.5 Resonance Response of the Dielectric-Medium 183
6.5.1 Lorentz Oscillator Model 183
6.5.2 Drude Model of Conductor and Plasma 188
6.5.3 Dispersion Models of Dielectric Mixture Medium 189
6.5.4 Kramers–Kronig Relation 190
6.6 Interfacial Polarization 190
6.6.1 Interfacial Polarization in Two-Layered Capacitor Medium 190
6.7 Circuit Models of Dielectric Materials 193
6.7.1 Series RC Circuit Model 193
6.7.2 Parallel RC Circuit Model 194
6.7.3 Parallel Series Combined Circuit Model 195
6.7.4 Series Combination of RC Parallel Circuit 196
6.7.5 Series RLC Resonant Circuit Model 200
6.8 Substrate Materials for Microwave Planar Technology 202
6.8.1 Evaluation of Parameters of Single-Term Debye and Lorentz Models 202
6.8.2 Multiterm and Wideband Debye Models 205
6.8.3 Metasubstrates 207
References 208

7 Waves in Waveguide Medium 213

Introduction 213
7.1 Classification of EM-Fields 213
7.1.1 Maxwell Equations and Vector Potentials 214
7.1.2 Magnetic Vector Potential 214
7.1.3 Electric Vector Potential 215
7.1.4 Generation of EM-Field by Electric and Magnetic Vector Potentials 216
7.2 Boundary Surface and Boundary Conditions 219
7.2.1 Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) 219
7.2.2 Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC) 220
Contents xi

7.2.3 Interface of Two Media 221

7.3 TEM-Mode Parallel-Plate Waveguide 222
7.3.1 TEM Field in Parallel-Plate Waveguide 222
7.3.2 Circuit Relations 222
7.3.3 Kelvin–Heaviside Transmission Line Equations from Maxwell Equations 223
7.4 Rectangular Waveguides 223
7.4.1 Rectangular Waveguide with Four EWs 223
7.4.2 Rectangular Waveguide with Four MWs 235
7.4.3 Rectangular Waveguide with Composite Electric and MWs 237
7.5 Conductor Backed Dielectric Sheet Surface Wave Waveguide 240
7.5.1 TMz Surface Wave Mode 240
7.5.2 TEz Surface Wave Mode 242

7.6 Equivalent Circuit Model of Waveguide 244

7.6.1 Relation Between Wave Impedance and Characteristic Impedance 244
7.6.2 Transmission Line Model of Waveguide 245
7.7 Transverse Resonance Method (TRM) 247
7.7.1 Standard Rectangular Waveguide 247
7.7.2 Dielectric Loaded Waveguide 248
7.7.3 Slab Waveguide 249
7.7.4 Conductor Backed Multilayer Dielectric Sheet 252
7.8 Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) 253
7.8.1 Complete Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) 253
7.8.2 Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) 256
References 258

8 Microstrip Line: Basic Characteristics 261

Introduction 261
8.1 General Description 261
8.1.1 Conceptual Evolution of Microstrip Lines 264
8.1.2 Non-TEM Nature of Microstrip Line 264
8.1.3 Quasi-TEM Mode of Microstrip Line 265
8.1.4 Basic Parameters of Microstrip Line 266

8.2 Static Closed-Form Models of Microstrip Line 268

8.2.1 Homogeneous Medium Model of Microstrip Line (Wheeler’s Transformation) 268
8.2.2 Static Characteristic Impedance of Microstrip Line 270
8.2.3 Results on Static Parameters of Microstrip Line 271
8.2.4 Effect of Conductor Thickness on Static Parameters of Microstrip Line 272
8.2.5 Effect of Shield on Static Parameters of Microstrip Line 274
8.2.6 Microstrip Line on Anisotropic Substrate 276

8.3 Dispersion in Microstrip Line 278

8.3.1 Nature of Dispersion in Microstrip 278
8.3.2 Waveguide Model of Microstrip 280
8.3.3 Logistic Dispersion Model of Microstrip (Dispersion Law of Microstrip) 282
8.3.4 Kirschning–Jansen Dispersion Model 284
8.3.5 Improved Model of Frequency-Dependent Characteristic Impedance 284
xii Contents

8.3.6 Synthesis of Microstrip Line 285

8.4 Losses in Microstrip Line 285
8.4.1 Dielectric Loss in Microstrip 285
8.4.2 Conductor Loss in Microstrip 287
8.5 Circuit Model of Lossy Microstrip Line 295
References 296

9 Coplanar Waveguide and Coplanar Stripline: Basic Characteristics 301

Introduction 301
9.1 General Description 301
9.2 Fundamentals of Conformal Mapping Method 302
9.2.1 Complex Variable 302
9.2.2 Analytic Function 303
9.2.3 Properties of Conformal Transformation 304
9.2.4 Schwarz–Christoffel (SC) Transformation 306
9.2.5 Elliptic Sine Function 307
9.3 Conformal Mapping Analysis of Coplanar Waveguide 310
9.3.1 Infinite Extent CPW 310
9.3.2 CPW on Finite Thickness Substrate and Infinite Ground Plane 311
9.3.3 CPW with Finite Ground Planes 313
9.3.4 Static Characteristics of CPW 315
9.3.5 Top-Shielded CPW 316
9.3.6 Conductor-Backed CPW 317
9.4 Coplanar Stripline 319
9.4.1 Symmetrical CPS on Infinitely Thick Substrate 319
9.4.2 Asymmetrical CPS (ACPS) on Infinitely Thick Substrate 320
9.4.3 Symmetrical CPS on Finite Thickness Substrate 321
9.4.4 Asymmetrical CPW (ACPW) and Asymmetrical CPS (ACPS) on Finite Thickness Substrate 324
9.4.5 Asymmetric CPS Line with Infinitely Wide Ground Plane 326
9.4.6 CPS with Coplanar Ground Plane [CPS–CGP] 326
9.4.7 Discussion on Results for CPS 327
9.5 Effect of Conductor Thickness on Characteristics of CPW and CPS Structures 329
9.5.1 CPW Structure 329
9.5.2 CPS Structure 330
9.6 Modal Field and Dispersion of CPW and CPS Structures 330
9.6.1 Modal Field Structure of CPW 330
9.6.2 Modal Field Structure of CPS 332
9.6.3 Closed-Form Dispersion Model of CPW 334
9.6.4 Dispersion in CPS Line 336

9.7 Losses in CPW and CPS Structures 337

9.7.1 Conductor Loss 337
9.7.2 Dielectric Loss 341
9.7.3 Substrate Radiation Loss 342

9.8 Circuit Models and Synthesis of CPW and CPS 345

9.8.1 Circuit Model 345
Contents xiii

9.8.2 Synthesis of CPW 346

9.8.3 Synthesis of CPS 347
References 348

10 Slot Line: Basic Characteristics 353

Introduction 353
10.1 Slot Line Structures 353
10.1.1 Structures of the Open Slot Line 353
10.1.2 Shielded Slot Line Structures 354

10.2 Analysis and Modeling of Slot Line 355

10.2.1 Magnetic Current Model 355
10.3 Waveguide Model 357
10.3.1 Standard Slot Line 357
10.3.2 Sandwich Slot Line 370
10.3.3 Shielded Slot Line 371
10.3.4 Characteristics of Slot Line 376
10.4 Closed-form Models 378
10.4.1 Conformal Mapping Method 379
10.4.2 Krowne Model 380
10.4.3 Integrated Model 381
References 384

11 Coupled Transmission Lines: Basic Characteristics 391

Introduction 391
11.1 Some Coupled Line Structures 391
11.2 Basic Concepts of Coupled Transmission Lines 394
11.2.1 Forward and Reverse Directional Coupling 394
11.2.2 Basic Definitions 395
11.3 Circuit Models of Coupling 396
11.3.1 Capacitive Coupling – Even and Odd Mode Basics 397
11.3.2 Forms of Capacitive Coupling 399
11.3.3 Forms of Inductive Coupling 401
11.4 Even–Odd Mode Analysis of Symmetrical Coupled Lines 402
11.4.1 Analysis Method 404
11.4.2 Coupling Coefficients 408
11.5 Wave Equation for Coupled Transmission Lines 409
11.5.1 Kelvin–Heaviside Coupled Transmission Line Equations 409
11.5.2 Solution of Coupled Wave Equation 411
11.5.3 Modal Characteristic Impedance and Admittance 414
References 416

12 Planar Coupled Transmission Lines 419

Introduction 419
12.1 Line Parameters of Symmetric Edge Coupled Microstrips 419
xiv Contents

12.1.1 Static Models for Even- and Odd-Mode Relative Permittivity and Characteristic Impedances of Edge Coupled
Microstrips 419
12.1.2 Frequency-Dependent Models of Edge Coupled Microstrip Lines 423
12.2 Line Parameters of Asymmetric Coupled Microstrips 424
12.2.1 Static Parameters of Asymmetrically Coupled Microstrips 424
12.2.2 Frequency-Dependent Line Parameters of Asymmetrically Coupled Microstrips 426
12.3 Line Parameters of Coupled CPW 430
12.3.1 Symmetric Edge Coupled CPW 430
12.3.2 Shielded Broadside Coupled CPW 432
12.4 Network Parameters of Coupled Line Section 433
12.4.1 Symmetrical Coupled Line in Homogeneous Medium 434
12.4.2 Symmetrical Coupled Microstrip Line in An Inhomogeneous Medium 438
12.4.3 ABCD Matrix of Symmetrical Coupled Transmission Lines 444
12.5 Asymmetrical Coupled Lines Network Parameters 447
12.5.1 [ABCD] Parameters of the 4-Port Network 447
References 452

13 Fabrication of Planar Transmission Lines 455

Introduction 455
13.1 Elements of Hybrid MIC (HMIC) Technology 455
13.1.1 Substrates 456
13.1.2 Hybrid MIC Fabrication Process 457
13.1.3 Thin-Film Process 459
13.1.4 Thick-Film Process 460

13.2 Elements of Monolithic MIC (MMIC) Technology 462

13.2.1 Fabrication Process 464
13.2.2 Planar Transmission Lines in MMIC 466
13.3 Micromachined Transmission Line Technology 471
13.3.1 MEMS Fabrication Process 471
13.3.2 MEMS Transmission Line Structures 473
13.4 Elements of LTCC 478
13.4.1 LTCC Materials and Process 480
13.4.2 LTCC Circuit Fabrication 482
13.4.3 LTCC Planar Transmission Line and Some Components 484
13.4.4 LTCC Waveguide and Cavity Resonators 489
References 489

14 Static Variational Methods for Planar Transmission Lines 493

Introduction 493
14.1 Variational Formulation of Transmission Line 493
14.1.1 Basic Concepts of Variation 493
14.1.2 Energy Method-Based Variational Expression 495
14.1.3 Green’s Function Method-Based Variational Expression 497
14.2 Variational Expression of Line Capacitance in Fourier Domain 498
14.2.1 Transformation of Poisson Equation in Fourier Domain 498
Contents xv

14.2.2 Transformation of Variational Expression of Line Capacitance in Fourier

Domain 499
14.2.3 Fourier Transform of Some Charge Distribution Functions 500
14.3 Analysis of Microstrip Line by Variational Method 503
14.3.1 Boxed Microstrip Line (Green’s Function Method in Space Domain) 503
14.3.2 Open Microstrip Line (Green’s Function Method in Fourier Domain) 508
14.3.3 Open Microstrip Line (Energy Method in Fourier Domain) 510

14.4 Analysis of Multilayer Microstrip Line 512

14.4.1 Space Domain Analysis of Multilayer Microstrip Structure 512
14.4.2 Static Spectral Domain Analysis of Multilayer Microstrip 518
14.5 Analysis of Coupled Microstrip Line in Multilayer Dielectric Medium 519
14.5.1 Space Domain Analysis 520
14.5.2 Spectral Domain Analysis 523
14.6 Discrete Fourier Transform Method 525
14.6.1 Discrete Fourier Transform 525
14.6.2 Boxed Microstrip Line 528
14.6.3 Boxed Coplanar Waveguide 531
References 537

15 Multilayer Planar Transmission Lines: SLR Formulation 541

Introduction 541
15.1 SLR Process for Multilayer Microstrip Lines 541
15.1.1 SLR-Process for Lossy Multilayer Microstrip Lines 542
15.1.2 Dispersion Model of Multilayer Microstrip Lines 544
15.1.3 Characteristic Impedance and Synthesis of Multilayer Microstrip Lines 549
15.1.4 Models of Losses in Multilayer Microstrip Lines 550
15.1.5 Circuit Model of Multilayer Microstrip Lines 553

15.2 SLR Process for Multilayer Coupled Microstrip Lines 553

15.2.1 Equivalent Single-Layer Substrate 553
15.2.2 Dispersion Model of Multilayer Coupled Microstrip Lines 555
15.2.3 Characteristic Impedance and Synthesis of Multilayer Coupled Microstrips 556
15.2.4 Loss Models of Multilayer Coupled Microstrip Lines 557
15.3 SLR Process for Multilayer ACPW/CPW 559
15.3.1 Single-Layer Reduction (SLR) Process for Multilayer ACPW/CPW 560
15.3.2 Static SDA of Multilayer ACPW/CPW Using Two-Conductor Model 561
15.3.3 Dispersion Models of Multilayer ACPW/CPW 564
15.3.4 Loss Models of Multilayer ACPW/CPW 565
15.4 Further Consideration of SLR Formulation 566
References 567

16 Dynamic Spectral Domain Analysis 571

Introduction 571
16.1 General Discussion of SDA 571
16.2 Green’s Function of Single-Layer Planar Line 574
16.2.1 Formulation of Field Problem 574
xvi Contents

16.2.2 Case #1: CPW and Microstrip Structures 576

16.2.3 Case #II – Sides: MW – EW, Bottom: MW, Top: EW 584
16.3 Solution of Hybrid Mode Field Equations (Galerkin’s Method in Fourier Domain) 587
16.3.1 Microstrip 587
16.3.2 CPW Structure 589
16.4 Basis Functions for Surface Current Density and Slot Field 590
16.4.1 Nature of the Field and Current Densities 590
16.4.2 Basis Functions and Nature of Hybrid Modes 590

16.5 Coplanar Multistrip Structure 596

16.5.1 Symmetrical Coupled Microstrip Line 597
16.6 Multilayer Planar Transmission Lines 598
16.6.1 Immittance Approach for Single-Level Strip Conductors 600
16.6.2 Immittance Approach for Multilevel Strip Conductors 605
References 610

17 Lumped and Line Resonators: Basic Characteristics 613

Introduction 613
17.1 Basic Resonating Structures 613
17.2 Zero-Dimensional Lumped Resonator 615
17.2.1 Lumped Series Resonant Circuit 615
17.2.2 Lumped Parallel Resonant Circuit 617
17.2.3 Resonator with External Circuit 619
17.2.4 One-Port Reflection-Type Resonator 620
17.2.5 Two-Port Transmission-Type Resonator 623
17.2.6 Two-Port Reaction-Type Resonator 629

17.3 Transmission Line Resonator 629

17.3.1 Lumped Resonator Modeling of Transmission Line Resonator 630
17.3.2 Modal Description of λg/2 Short-Circuited Line Resonator 634
References 636

18 Planar Resonating Structures 639

Introduction 639
18.1 Microstrip Line Resonator 639
18.1.1 λg/2 Open-end Microstrip Resonator 640
18.1.2 λg/2 and λg/4 Short-circuited Ends Microstrip Resonator 643
18.1.3 Microstrip Ring Resonator 643
18.1.4 Microstrip Step Impedance Resonator 645
18.1.5 Microstrip Hairpin Resonator 649
18.2 CPW Resonator 651
18.3 Slot Line Resonator 653
18.4 Coupling of Line Resonator to Source and Load 654
18.4.1 Direct-coupled Resonator 655
18.4.2 Reactively Coupled Line Resonator 656
18.4.3 Tapped Line Resonator 658
Contents xvii

18.4.4 Feed to Planar Transmission Line Resonator 659

18.5 Coupled Resonators 659
18.5.1 Coupled Microstrip Line Resonator 659
18.5.2 Circuit Model of Coupled Microstrip Line Resonator 661
18.5.3 Some Structures of Coupled Microstrip Line Resonator 664
18.6 Microstrip Patch Resonators 666
18.6.1 Rectangular Patch 667
18.6.2 Modified Wolff Model (MWM) 667
18.6.3 Circular Patch 670
18.6.4 Ring Patch 671
18.6.5 Equilateral Triangular Patch 672
18.7 2D Fractal Resonators 674
18.7.1 Fractal Geometry 674
18.7.2 Fractal Resonator Antenna 682
18.7.3 Fractal Resonators 683
18.8 Dual-Mode Resonators 686
18.8.1 Dual-Mode Patch Resonators 686
18.8.2 Dual-Mode Ring Resonators 689
References 692

19 Planar Periodic Transmission Lines 697

Introduction 697
19.1 1D and 2D Lattice Structures 697
19.1.1 Bragg’s Law of Diffraction 697
19.1.2 Crystal Lattice Structures 698
19.1.3 Concept of Brillouin Zone 701
19.2 Space Harmonics of Periodic Structures 703
19.2.1 Floquet–Bloch Theorem and Space Harmonics 703
19.3 Circuit Models of 1D Periodic Transmission Line 704
19.3.1 Periodically Loaded Artificial Lines 705
19.3.2 [ABCD] Parameters of Unit Cell 707
19.3.3 Dispersion in Periodic Lines 709
19.3.4 Characteristics of 1D Periodic Lines 712
19.3.5 Some Loading Elements of 1D Periodic Lines 718
19.3.6 Realization of Planar Loading Elements 720
19.4 1D Planar EBG Structures 728
19.4.1 1D Microstrip EBG Line 728
19.4.2 1D CPW EBG Line 742
References 748

20 Planar Periodic Surfaces 753

Introduction 753
20.1 2D Planar EBG Surfaces 753
20.1.1 General Introduction of EBG Surfaces 753
20.1.2 Characteristics of EBG Surface 756
xviii Contents

20.1.3 Horizontal Wire Dipole Near EBG Surface 760

20.2 Circuit Models of Mushroom-Type EBG 763
20.2.1 Basic Circuit Model 763
20.2.2 Dynamic Circuit Model 767
20.3 Uniplanar EBG Structures 771
20.4 2D Circuit Models of EBG Structures 773
20.4.1 Shunt-Connected 2D Planar EBG Circuit Model 773
20.4.2 Series-Connected 2D Planar EBG Circuit Model 780
References 782

21 Metamaterials Realization and Circuit Models – I: (Basic Structural Elements and Bulk Metamaterials) 785
Introduction 785
21.1 Artificial Electric Medium 785
21.1.1 Polarization in the Wire Medium 786
21.1.2 Equivalent Parallel Plate Waveguide Model of Wire Medium 789
21.1.3 Reactance Loaded Wire Medium 791
21.2 Artificial Magnetic Medium 793
21.2.1 Characteristics of the SRR 794
21.2.2 Circuit Model of the SRR 795
21.2.3 Computation of Equivalent Circuit Parameters of SRR 798
21.2.4 Bi-anisotropy in the SRR Medium 800
21.2.5 Variations in SRR Structure 801
21.3 Double Negative Metamaterials 803
21.3.1 Composite Permittivity–Permeability Functions 803
21.3.2 Realization of Composite DNG Metamaterials 805
21.3.3 Realization of Single-Structure DNG Metamaterials 809
21.4 Homogenization and Parameters Extraction 814
21.4.1 Nicolson–Ross–Weir (NRW) Method 814
21.4.2 Dynamic Maxwell Garnett Model 821
References 827

22 Metamaterials Realization and Circuit Models – II: (Metalines and Metasurfaces) 833
Introduction 833
22.1 Circuit Models of 1D-Metamaterials 833
22.1.1 Homogenization of the 1D-medium 834
22.1.2 Circuit Equivalence of Material Medium 834
22.1.3 Single Reactive Loading of Host Medium 836
22.1.4 Single Reactive Loading of Host Medium with Coupling 838
22.1.5 Circuit Models of 1D Metalines 839
22.2 Nonresonant Microstrip Metalines 846
22.2.1 Series–Parallel (CRLH) Metalines 846
22.2.2 Cascaded MNG–ENG (CRLH) Metalines 848
22.2.3 Parallel–Series (D-CRLH) Metalines 849
22.3 Resonant Metalines 850
22.3.1 Resonant Inclusions 851
Contents xix

22.3.2 Microstrip Resonant Metalines 852

22.3.3 CPW-Resonant Metalines 854

22.4 Some Applications of Metalines 856

22.4.1 Backfire to Endfire Leaky Wave Antenna 856
22.4.2 Metaline-Based Microstrip Directional Coupler 857
22.4.3 Multiband Metaline-Based Components 859
22.5 Modeling and Characterization of Metsurfaces 859
22.5.1 Characterization of Metasurface 862
22.5.2 Reflection and Transmission Coefficients of Isotropic Metasurfaces 865
22.5.3 Phase Control of Metasurface 867
22.5.4 Generalized Snell’s Laws of Metasurfaces 870
22.5.5 Surface Waves on Metasurface 872
22.6 Applications of Metasurfaces 873
22.6.1 Demonstration of Anomalous Reflection and Refraction of Metasurfaces 873
22.6.2 Reflectionless Transmission of Metasurfaces 877
22.6.3 Polarization Conversion of Incident Plane Wave 880
References 886

Index 893


The planar transmission lines form the core of modern the field of electrical engineering, broadcast transmit-
high-frequency communication, computer, and other ters, and satellite communication.
related technology. The subject has come up to the pres- At present, the planar transmission lines are taught as
ent level of maturity over the past three to four decades. part of the course on RF and microwave packaging,
The planar transmission lines are used not only as inter- advanced electromagnetic field theory, and microwave
connects on the PCB board and IC chips; these are design. It is also taught as an independent paper. How-
directly needed for the development of microwave and ever, a teacher has to consult divergent sources to pre-
mm-wave components in the form of microwave inte- pare the lecture notes, as no single source at the
grated circuits (MIC). The types of planar transmission teaching-level is available. Moreover, the classroom
lines, i.e. their physical structures and material medium, teaching of the planar transmission lines is not as sys-
have been changing with the growth of technology in tematic as the classical metallic waveguide structures.
many other disciplines. Such efforts during recent years It is due to the very nature of the subject itself. The avail-
propelled the MIC to move in many exotic directions – able books are usually not classroom oriented. Usually,
MMIC, MEMS, LTCC, use of ferroelectrics, and high- they can be grouped into two categories – 1. Design-
temperature superconductors, optically controlled oriented books, 2. Monograph kind of books. Once we
microwave devices, nonlinear planar transmission lines, use the first category of books in the classroom, we
DGS, EBG, metamaterials, etc. The researchers with end up writing only closed-form expressions without
varying backgrounds have contributed much to research any systematic derivation of the expressions. The sys-
activities. Already the divergent planar technology has tematic approach is important in the classroom environ-
contributed significantly to the advancement of high- ment. The second category of books is suitable for an
frequency electronics and in the near future, more con- experienced researcher or specialist. It is difficult to
tribution will be made by it. The exotic planar transmis- use them in the classroom. Thus, a teacher of this subject
sion lines are not covered comprehensively in a single has to struggle between these two extremes to balance
book. The present book is an attempt in this direction. teaching throughout the semester. Finally, a teacher
The proposed book aims to provide a comprehensive has to depend on personal experience and lecture notes.
discussion of planar transmission lines and their applica- There is a need to present, in one cover, the divergent
tions. It focuses on physical understanding, analytical topics of the planar transmission lines in a student-
approach, and circuit models for planar transmission friendly format. The researchers with varying back-
lines and resonators in the complex environment. grounds in physics, chemistry, engineering, and other
The present book has evolved from the lecture notes, fields have joined activities in the expanding area of
workshop, seminar presentation, and invited lectures the planar technology. The early researchers, R&D pro-
delivered by the author at many universities and R&D fessionals in the industry, teachers, and students need a
centers. Some chapters were also initially written for text that could be useful in faster acquisition of the
the Ph.D. students to help them to understand the topics. physical modeling process and theoretical formulations
Finally, it has evolved from notes prepared by the author used in the classical planar transmission lines. Similar
as a scheme for the self-study. The author started his aca- treatment is also needed for the modern engineered
demic career after 17 years of professional experience in EBG and metamaterial lines and surfaces.
xxii Preface

Therefore, the real motivation for writing this interme- The book correlates the physical process with mathe-
diate-level book is to fill the gap for a textbook on the pla- matical treatment. The advanced mathematical methods
nar transmission line that caters to the need for such as the conformal mapping method, variational
classroom teaching, early researchers with divergent method, and spectral domain method applied to planar
backgrounds, and designers working in the microwave lines are worked out in adequate details. The book fur-
industry. The book is intended to help students both ther covers modern topics such as the DGS/EBG, meta-
at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It also material-based planar transmission lines, and surfaces.
serves the purpose of a resource book for self-study. The approach used in writing the book is perhaps less
The detailed derivations of results and physical modeling formal than most available texts. This approach is help-
of the planar transmission lines are two basic concepts fol- ful for classroom teaching. It also assists the reader to
lowed through the book. The present book is neither a follow the contemporary developments in planar
design-oriented book nor an advanced monograph. technology.


The author is thankful to Prof. Karu P. Esselle and Prof. Dr. Raheel Hashmi, Dr. Sudipta Chakraborty, and
Graham Town, School of Engineering, Macquarie Univer- Dr. Rajas Prakash Khokle of School of Engineering,
sity, Sydney, for supporting Adjunct Professorship at Macquarie University, Sydney; Dr. Nasimuddin of Insti-
Macquarie University. The author is also thankful to tute for Infocomm Research, Singapore; Prof. Asoke De,
Prof. Enakshi K. Sharma, Department of Electronic Dr. Priyanka Jain, Ms. Priyanka Garg of Department of
Science, South Campus, Delhi University, for continuous Electrical Engineering, DTU, Delhi; Mr. Shailendra
discussions on topics related to EM-Theory, Wave prop- Singh of Product Development and Innovation Center,
agation, etc. The author sincerely appreciates the help Bharat Electronics Ltd., Bengaluru, India; Dr. Rajesh
and guidance provided by Prof. Kai Chang, Department Singh, Microwave Radiation Laboratory, University of
of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University during Pisa, Italy; Dr. Archna Rajput, IIT Jammu, India; Dr.
the review process of the book. The author also appreci- Ravi Kumar Arya, Dept. of ECE, NIT, Delhi. The author
ates the active interest taken by Mr. Brett Kurzman and is especially thankful to his students, Mr. Shailendra
his team of Wiley Publishing for the review and friendly Singh and Mr. Prashant Chaudhary for their continu-
administrative support. ous help in correction of all chapters.
The author is particularly grateful to Dr. I.J. Bahl, The author expresses his unbounded love and regards
Editor-in-Chief, Int. J. of RF & Microwave Computer- to his parents – Late Sh. A.P. Verma and Late Tara Devi,
Aided Engineering, John Wiley, USA; Prof. Zhongxiang Uncle Late Sh. Hira Prasad, to grandmother Late Rad-
Shen, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, hika Devi, and Uncle and Life-guide Sh. Girija Pd. Sri-
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; and Prof. vastava. The author also is grateful to his teacher Prof.
Ladislau Matekovits, Department of Electronics and Tel- M.K.P. Mishra for excellent teaching of Circuit Theory
ecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, for reading in unique style, and for providing support in many ways.
book chapters and providing valuable suggestions to The author is thankful to his family members for their
improve the book. encouragement and support. Finally, I wish to express
The author has benefitted from the comments, sug- my heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation to my wife,
gestions, and corrections of many colleagues, teachers, Kamini. The smiling faces of my grandchildren, Naina,
and students. The author would like to thank the fol- Tinu, and Nupur have always kept me going on with the
lowing people for their useful contributions toward tiring work of book writing.
corrections and useful discussions: Dr. Koteshwar
Rao, Dr. Harsupreet Kaur, Dr. Kamlesh Patel, Mr. Amit
Birwal, Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Dr. Paramjeet Singh, Dr. Anand K. Verma
Y.K. Awasthi, and Mr. Prashant Chaudhary from the New Delhi, Sydney
Department of Electronic Science, Delhi University;

Author Biography

Anand K. Verma, PhD, is an adjunct professor in the ultra-wideband quasi-planar antenna applicable to
School of Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, both linear and circular polarization. He has organized
Australia. Formerly, he was professor and head, and attended many international symposia and work-
Department of Electronic Science, South Campus, shops. He has conducted short-term courses and deliv-
University of Delhi, New Delhi, India. He has been a ered invited lectures at the research institutes in India
visiting professor at Otto van Guericke University, and several countries. He was also chairman of the
Magdeburg, Germany (2002–2003), and a Tan Chin TPC, APMC-2004, New Delhi, India. Professor Verma
Tuan Scholar (2001) at Nanyang Technological has published over 250 papers in international journals
University, Singapore. He holds a German patent on and the proceedings of international and national sym-
a microstrip antenna. He has introduced the concept posia. He has introduced the concept of single layer
and design method of surface-mounted compact reduction (SLR) formulation for the CAD-oriented
horn antenna used for high gain, wideband, and modeling of multilayer planar lines.

Overview of Transmission Lines

(Historical Perspective, Overview of Present Book)

• To present brief historical notes on the classical transmis-
sion lines and development of transmission line theory.
The transmission line is at the core of the communica-
tion technology system. It forms a medium for signal • To present brief historical notes on planar transmis-
sion lines.
transmission, and also helps to develop high-frequency
passive components and circuit blocks. Historically, • To present an overview of the contents of the book.

both experimental investigations and analytical theories

have played significant roles in the growth of transmis-
sion line technology. Each type of distinct line structure
is responsible for the development of distinct commu- 1.1 Overview of the Classical
nication technology. The single-wire transmission line Transmission Lines
with the Earth as a return conductor is responsible for
the operation of Telegraphy. It evolved into the coaxial The classical transmission lines such as a single-wire
cable that made the Transatlantic Telegraphy possible. line with the earth as a return conductor, coaxial cable,
The two-wire open line became a medium for the Tele- two-wire line, multi-conductor lines, and waveguides
phonic transmission. These two line structures are behind are reviewed very briefly in this section. The historical
the development of the monopole and dipole antenna development of the Telegrapher’s Equations is also pre-
that made possible the growth of the high-frequency com- sented. The developments of the theoretical concepts
munication using the medium wave (MW), short wave of EM-theory are reviewed below. The data related to
(SW), very high-frequency (VHF), and ultra-high fre- the review of the EM-theory and transmission lines
quency (UHF) bands. The microwave and mm-wave are collected from the published books [B.1–B.7] and
transmission systems are developed mostly around the journal articles referred at the end of the chapter.
metallic waveguides, and subsequently also using the
nonmetallic dielectric waveguides. Finally, it has resulted 1.1.1 Telegraph Line
in modern optical fiber technology. The planar transmis-
sion lines are behind the modern advanced microwave The telegraph is the first coded point-to-point electrical
communication components and systems. communication system. As early as 1747, William Wat-
The present chapter provides a very brief historical son showed the possibility of transmitting an electrical
overview of the classical and modern planar transmis- current on a wire using the earth as a return conductor.
sion lines. The chapter presents a historical survey of Thus, overhead single-wire with the earth as a return con-
the development of the electromagnetic (EM) theory ductor is the first transmission line. It is to be noted that
also. Next, a brief overview of the organization of the even the voltaic pile, i.e. the chemical battery of Volta
book is discussed. was nonexistent at that time. The Leiden jar, a capacitor
to store the static electrical charges, was invented just
two years before in 1745. However, much earlier in

the year 1663, Otto Von Guericke studied the phenom-
To present a survey of the developments of the classical enon of static electricity and designed a machine to pro-
EM-theory. duce it. Thus, the charged Leiden jar became a source of

Introduction to Modern Planar Transmission Lines: Physical, Analytical, and Circuit Models Approach, First Edition. Anand K. Verma.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2 1 Overview of Transmission Lines

electricity, and single-wire transmission was the the electrical effect is due to the flow of a small stream
communication medium. These were two important of weightless particles called effluvium. This concept
ingredients to establish the telegraph link. The third helped the formulation of one- and two-fluid model of
ingredient of telegraphy, the electroscope, invented by electricity. He also invented the first electrical measur-
William Gilbert around 1600, acted as the receiver for ing instrument, the electroscope, which helped further
the coded signals. It is interesting to note that the experimental investigations on electricity.
telegraph was conceived without any theoretical investi- In 1733, Fay proposed that electricity comes in two
gations on electricity. Even Coulomb’s law was discov- forms – vitreous and resinous, and on combination, they
ered later in 1785. However, the proper telegraphy cancel each other. The flow of the two forms of electric-
could be developed only after the invention of voltaic ity was explained by the two-fluid model. During this
pile, i.e. a chemical battery by Volta in 1799. Further time interval, around up to 1745, the electrical attraction
development of the telegraph has an involved history. and repulsion were explained using the flow of Gilbert’s
In 1837, Morse patented his telegraph in the United particle effluvium. In 1750, Benjamin Franklin proposed
States, and on January 6, 1838, the first telegram was the one-fluid model of electricity. The matter containing
sent over 3 km distance. Cooke commercialized the tel- a very small quantity of electric fluid was treated as
egraph in England and established the 21 km link on negatively charged, and the matter with excess electric
April 9, 1839. Thus, an era of electrical communication fluid was treated positively charged. Thus, the negative
heralded. In 1844, long-distance Morse’s telegraph charge was resinous electricity, and the positive charge
between Washington, DC, and Baltimore, Maryland was vitreous electricity. Now, the stage was ready for
was established. Before further reviewing the growth further theoretical and experimental investigations on
of the classical transmission lines, it is useful to have a electricity.
quick look at the theoretical developments related to In the year 1773, Lagrange introduced the concept of
electricity [B.5]. the gravitational field, now called the scalar potential
field, created by a mass. The gravitational force of
1.1.2 Development of Theoretical Concepts in Newton was conceived as working through the gravita-
EM-Theory tional field. The scalar potential field has appeared as a
mechanism to explain the gravitational force interac-
The ancients unfolded our story of Electromagnetism tion between two masses. Thus, a mass located in the
through careful observations of the phenomena of static potential field, described by a function called the poten-
electricity and natural magnetism. The developments of tial function, experiences the gravitational force. In
basic concepts, analytical modeling, and theoretical for- 1777, Lagrange also introduced the divergence theorem
mulations used in the EM-Theory are emphasized in the for the gravitational field. The nomenclature potential
review. The theoretical concepts of the electric and mag- field was introduced by Green in 1828. Subsequently,
netic fields followed the mathematical models developed Gauss in 1840 called it “potential.” Laplace in 1782
for the gravitational force by Newton in 1687, and subse- showed that the potential function ϕ (x,y,z) satisfies
quently refined by other investigators. The development the equation ∇2ϕ = 0. Now the equation is called
of the theoretical models of transmission lines inherited Laplace’s equation.
the modeling process, and mathematical method of Following the Law of Gravitation, Coulomb postulated
Fourier developed for the transmission of heat in a rod. similar inverse square law, now called Coulomb’s law,
for the electrically charged bodies. He experimentally
Electrostatics and Scalar Potential demonstrated the inverse square law for the charged
Newton published his theory of gravitation in his mon- bodies in 1785. Thus, the mathematical foundation of
ograph Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. the EM-theory was laid by Coulomb. The law was also
Newton viewed the gravitational interaction between applicable to magnetic objects. The interaction between
two masses through force. The effect of static electricity charged bodies was described by the electric force. In
was known for a long time, at least since 600 BC. How- the year 1812, Poisson extended the concept of potential
ever, only in 1600, Gilbert carried out systematic studies function from the gravitation to electrostatics. Incorporat-
of both magnetism and static electricity. The static elec- ing the charge distribution function ρ, he obtained the
tricity was generated by the rubbing of two specific modified Laplace’s equation, written in modern termi-
objects. He suggested the word electricus for electricity, nology, ∇2ϕ = −ρ/ε0. This equation now called Poisson’s
and the English word “electricity” was suggested by equation is the key equation to describe the potential field
Thomas Browne in 1646. Gilbert also suggested that due to the charge distribution. In the same year, Gauss
1.1 Overview of the Classical Transmission Lines 3

rediscovered the divergence theorem originally discov- equation using the line integral to compute the magnetic
ered by Lagrange for the gravitational field. field at a position in the space due to the current flowing
In the year 1828, Green coined the nomenclature – in a wire [J.2, B.6, B.7].
the potential function, for the function of Lagrange
and modern concept of the scalar potential field
came into existence. Green also showed an important Ohm’s Law
relation between the surface and volume integrals, The voltaic pile helped the discovery of the magnetic
now known as Green’s Theorem. Green applied his effect of current; however, surprisingly the relation
method to the static magnetic field also. Green also between the current flowing in resistance and voltage
introduced a method to solve the 3D inhomogeneous across it, known as the Ohm’s law, remained undiscov-
Poisson partial differential equation where the consid- ered. The primary reason was the unstable voltage
ered source is a point charge. The point charge is supplied by the voltaic pile. The discovery of thermoelec-
described by the Dirac’s delta function. The solution tricity by Seebeck in 1822 provided a constant voltage
of the Poisson’s partial differential equation, using source to supply continuous electric current. Using the
Dirac’s delta function, is now called Green’s function. thermo-piles in the year 1826, Ohm obtained a simple
Neumann (1832–1925) extended the Green’s function but powerful relation among voltage, current, and resist-
method to solve the 2D potential problem and obtained ance. It was the beginning of the Electric Circuit Theory.
the eigenfunction expansion of 2D Green’s function However, only in 1850 Kirchhoff published his two
[J.1–J.5, B.2, B.7]. circuital laws and opened the path for the development
of the Network Theory. Kirchhoff also showed that Ohm’s
electroscopic force (voltage) and classical potential of
Magnetic Effect of Current Lagrange, Laplace, and Poisson are identical. Interest-
So far, we have paid attention to the electrostatics. At ingly, Ohm’s law could be viewed as a symbol of the
this stage, Leiden jar was the only source of static elec- International Scientific unity relating to Italy (Volta),
tricity. A source for the continuous electric current Germany (Ohm), and France (Ampere). Based on the
was not available. Volta in 1799 invented the voltaic pile, magnetic effect of current, in the same year, Johann
i.e. a chemical battery, and the first time a continuous Christian Poggendorff invented the galvanometer to
source of electric current came into existence. On April detect the current in a wire. Kelvin improved its sensitiv-
21, 1820, it led to the discovery of the magnetic effect of ity by designing the mirror galvanometer in 1858 [B.1,
current flowing in a wire. The electric current became B.6, B.7].
the source of the magnetic field, encircling the cur-
rent-carrying wire. The magnetic effect of current was
discovered by Orsted (Oersted). In the same year, Electric Effect of the Time-Varying Magnetic Field
Ampere showed that the co-directional parallel currents On knowing the magnetic effect created by an electric
flowing in two wires attract each other, and the counter- current, Faraday argued that the magnetic field can also
currents repel each other. It was a very significant dis- produce the electric effect. After some attempts, he rea-
covery, i.e. creation of the attractive and repulsive lized that such an effect can’t be produced by the station-
magnetic forces without any physical magnet. It firmly ary magnet. In 1831, he could generate the electric
established the relation between electricity and magnet- potential (electromotive force) and electric current by
ism. Ampere further developed an equation, presently the time-varying magnetic field of a moving magnet.
called Ampere’s Circuital Law, to connect the current The phenomenon is called the induction effect. The volt-
flowing in a wire to the magnetic field around it and age induction effect demonstrated that electricity could
developed the right-hand rule. He called the new field be generated by a purely mechanical process, converting
of electricity Electrodynamics and Maxwell recognized the mechanical energy into electrical energy via the
him as the Father of Electrodynamics. Ampere further medium of the moving magnetic field. The first DC gen-
modeled the natural magnetic materials as the materials erator was demonstrated by Faraday himself, and next
composed of perpetual tiny circulating electric currents. year French instrument maker Hippolyte Pixii built
He demonstrated the validity of his concept using the the first A.C. generator inaugurating the Electrical Age.
current-carrying conductor in the helical form called a Now, the electricity was ready to accelerate the
solenoid. The solenoid worked like an artificial bar mag- growth of human civilization at an unprecedented rate
net. In the year 1820 itself, Biot–Savart obtained the [B.6, B.7].
4 1 Overview of Transmission Lines

Concept of the Magnetic Vector Potential law, and Ohm’s law. Now Maxwell, Newton of the
In the process of discovery of induction, Faraday intro- EM-theory, arrived at the scene to combine all the laws
duced the concept of fields, and also suggested that the in one harmonious concept, i.e. in the Dynamic Electro-
electric energy resides in the field around the charged magnetic Theory. He introduced the brilliant concept of
body and the magnetic energy resides in the field around the displacement current, created not by any new kind of
the magnetized body. Thus, he viewed that the electric charge but simply by the time-dependent electric field.
and magnetic energies reside in the space around the Unlike the usual electric current supported by a conduc-
charged or magnetized body, not in the charge or tor, this new current was predominantly supported by
magnet. the dielectric medium. However, both currents were
The field concept has greatly influenced the further in a position to generate the magnetic fields. Thus, Max-
development of EM-theory. The field provided a mech- well modified Ampere’s circuital law by incorporating
anism of interaction between charged bodies. Using the displacement current in it. The outcome was dra-
Ampere-Biot–Savart law of magnetic forces, and electro- matic; the electromagnetic wave equation. Despite such
magnetic induction of Faraday, Neumann in 1845 intro- success, the concept and physical existence of displace-
duced the concept of the magnetic vector potential A to ment current created a controversy that continues even
describe the magnetic field. Subsequently, Maxwell in our time, and its measurement is a controversial issue
showed that the time derivative of A computes the In the year 1856, Maxwell formulated the Faraday’s
induced electric field E. Kelvin in 1847 further extended law of induction mathematically, and modified Ampere’s
the concept of the magnetic vector potential A to com- circuital law in 1861 by adding the displacement current
to it. Finally in 1865 after a time lag of nearly 10 years,
pute the magnetic field using the relation B = ∇ × A . Maxwell could consolidate all available knowledge of
This relation comes as a solution of the Gauss divergence the electric and magnetic phenomena in a set of 20 equa-
equation ∇ B = 0 due to the closed-loop of the tions with 20 unknowns. However, he could solve the
magnetic field, showing the nonexistence of a magnetic equations to get the wave equations for the EM-wave
charge. Kelvin further elaborated on the mathematical with velocity same as the velocity of light. Now, the light
theory of magnetism in 1851. It is interesting to note that became simply an EM-wave. In the year 1884, Heaviside
at any location in the space once time-dependent reformulated the Maxwell equations in a modern set of
magnetic vector potential function is known, both the four vector differential equation. The new formulation
magnetic and electric fields could be computed as, of Maxwell equations was in terms of the electric and
magnetic field quantities and completely removed the
B =∇× A a concept of potentials, considering them unnecessary
∇ × E = − ∂ B ∂t = ∇ × − ∂ A ∂t 111 and unphysical. Hertz has independently rewritten the
Maxwell equation in the scalar form using 12 equations
E = − ∂ A ∂t b without potential function. Hertz worked out these
equations only after Heaviside. In 1884, Poynting com-
Maxwell shared the views of Neumann and Kelvin. puted the power transported by the EM-waves. Recog-
However, time-retardation was not incorporated in nizing the contributions of both Heaviside and Hertz
the scalar and vector potentials. In 1867, Lorentz intro- in reformulating Maxwell’s set of equations, Lorentz
duced the concept of retardation in both the scalar and called the EM-fields equations Maxwell–Heaviside–Hertz
vector potentials to develop the EM-theory of light, equations. However, in due course of time, the other two
independent of Maxwell. The time-retardation only names were dropped and the four-vector differential
in the scalar potential was first suggested by Riemann equations are now popularly known as “Maxwell’s Equa-
in 1858, but his work was published posthumously in tions” [J.1, J.6, J.9, J.10, B.5–B.7].
1867 [J.1, J.2, B.6, B.7].

Maxwell’s Dynamic Electromagnetic Theory Generation and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves

At this stage of developments in the EM-theory, the elec- Maxwell’s EM-theory was a controversial theory, and
tric field was described in terms of the scalar electric physicists such as Kelvin never accepted it. Hertz finally
potential, and the magnetic field was described by the generated, transmitted, and detected the EM-waves in
magnetic vector potential. Several laws were in exist- 1887 at wavelengths of 5 m and 50 cm. In the process,
ence, such as Faraday’s law, Ampere’s law, Gauss’s he invented the loaded dipole as the transmitting
1.1 Overview of the Classical Transmission Lines 5

antenna, rectangular wire-loop receiving antenna, and source of the magnetic vector potential A . So, Lorentz
spark-gap both as transmitter and detector to detect considered the propagation of both the magnetic vector
the propagated EM-waves. Thus, he experimentally and electric scalar potential with a finite velocity that
confirmed the validity of Maxwell equations and opened resulted in the retarded time at the field point. However,
the magnificent gateway of wireless communication. Maxwell’s scalar potential was nonpropagating. Max-
In the year 1895, Marconi transmitted and received a well did not write a wave equation for the scalar poten-
coded telegraphic message at a distance of 1.75 miles.
Marconi continued his works and finally on December tial, as his use of Coulomb gauge ∇ A = 0 was
12, 1901, he succeeded in establishing the 1700 miles inconsistent with it. Later on, even electric vector poten-
long-distance wireless communication link between tial F was introduced in the formulation of EM-theory.
England and Canada. The transmission took place using The nonphysical magnetic current, introduced in Max-
the Hertzian spark-gap transmitter operating at the well’s equations by Heaviside, is the source of potential
wavelength of 366m. In the year 1895 itself, J.C. Bose F . The use of vector potentials simplified the computa-
generated, transmitted, and detected the 6 mm EM- tion of the fields due to radiation from wire antenna and
wave. He used circular waveguide and horn antenna aperture antenna. A component of the magnetic/electric
in his system. In 1897, Bose reported his microwave vector potential is a scalar quantity. It has further helped
and mm-wave researches in the wavelengths ranging the reformulation of EM-field theory in terms of the elec-
from 2.5 cm to 5 mm at Royal Institution, London. Of tric scalar and magnetic scalar potentials [B.9, B.10].
course, the Hertzian spark-gap transmitter was at the Such formulations are used in the guided-waves analy-
core of his communication system. Bose was much sis. In recent years, it has been pointed out that the
ahead of his time as the commercial communication sys- Lorentz gauge condition and retarded potentials were for-
tem grew around the low frequency, and the microwave mulated by Lorenz in 1867, much before the formulation
phase of communication was yet to come in the future. of famous H. A. Lorentz [J.14, J.15]. However, most of
In 1902, Max Abraham introduced the concept of the the textbooks refer to the name of Lorentz.
radiation resistance of an antenna [J.11–J.13, B.1–B6]. Both Heaviside and Hertz considered only the electric
and magnetic fields as real physical quantities, and mag-
netic vector and electric scalar potentials as merely aux-
Further Information on Potentials
iliary nonphysical mathematical concepts to solve the
Hertz is known for his outstanding experimental works.
EM-field problem. Possibly, this was not the attitude
However, as a student of Helmholtz, he was a high rank-
of Kelvin and Maxwell. They identified the electrical
ing theoretical physicist. Although, he considered, like
potential with energy, and magnetic vector potential
Heaviside, electric and magnetic fields as the real phys-
ical quantities, still he used the vector potentials, now with momentum. The magnetic vector potential A could
e m be considered as the potential momentum per unit
called Hertzian potentials π and π , to solve Maxwell’s
wave equation for the radiation problem. These poten- charge, just as the electric scalar potential ϕ is the poten-
tials are closely related to the electric scalar potential tial energy per unit charge [J.16]. The potential momen-

ϕ and magnetic vector potential A. Stratton further used tum P is obtained as follows:
Hertzian potentials in elaborating the EM-theory [B.8]. ∂ qA
Collin continued the use of Hertzian potentials for the F = = qE = − , P = qA
dt ∂t
analysis of the guided waves. He also used the A and 112
ϕ potentials in the radiation problems [B.9, B.10]. The
use of Hertzian potentials gradually declined. However, In the above equation, F is the force acting on the
its usefulness in problem-solving has been highlighted charge q, and E is given by equation (1.1.1b).
[J.1, J.11, J.12]. Lebedev in 1900 experimentally demonstrated the radi-
Gradually, the magnetic vector potential became the ation pressure, demonstrating momentum carried by the
problem-solving tool if not the physical reality. Further, EM-wave. The energy and momentum carried by the EM-
by using the retarded scalar and vector potentials and wave indicate that the light radiation could be viewed as
Lorentz gauge condition ∇ A = − με∂ϕ ∂t connecting some kind of particle, not a wave phenomenon. A particle
both the vector and scalar potentials, Lorentz formu- is characterized by energy and momentum. Such a dual
lated the EM-theory of Maxwell in terms of the magnetic nature of light is a quantum mechanical duality
vector potential. In his formulation, a current is the phenomenon. Einstein introduced the concept of the light
6 1 Overview of Transmission Lines

particle, called “photon” to explain the interaction of light engineered materials under the influence of external
with matter, i.e. the photoelectric effect. However, Lorentz fields [B.4, B.6, B.7, B.12]
retained the classical wave model to explain the interac-
tion between radiation and matter via polarization of
1.1.3 Development of the Transmission Line
dipoles in a material creating its frequency-dependent
It is to be noted that at a location in the space, even for Kelvin’s Cable Theory
zero B and E fields, the potentials A and ϕ could exist During the period 1840–1850, several persons conceived
[B.11]. Aharonov–Bohm predicted that the potential the idea of telegraph across the Atlantic Ocean. Finally,
in the year 1850, the first under-sea telegraphy, between
fields A and ϕ, in the absence of B and E , could influ- Dover (Kent, England) and Calais (France), was made
ence a charged particle. Tonomura and collaborators operational. However, no cable theory was available at
experimentally confirmed the validity of Aharonov– that time to understand the electrical behavior of signal
Bohm prediction. The Aharonov–Bohm effect demon- transmission over the undersea cable.
strates that B and E fields only partly describe the In 1854, Kelvin modeled the under-sea cable as a coax-
EM-fields in quantum mechanics. The vector potential ial cable with an inner conductor of wire surrounded by
also has to be retained for a complete description of an insulating dielectric layer, followed by the saline sea-
the EM-field quantum mechanically [J.3, J.16, J.17]. water acting as the outer conductor [J.18, B.1]. The coax-
However, to solve the classical electromagnetic pro- ial cable was modeled by him as a distributed RC circuit
blems, such as guided wave propagation and radiation with the series resistance R per unit length (p.u.l.) and
from antenna, Heaviside formulation of Maxwell equa- shunt capacitance C p.u.l. It was the time of the fluid
tions and potential functions as additional tools is model of electricity. Kelvin further conceived the flow
adequate. of electricity similar to the flow of heat in a conductor.
Fourier analysis of 1D heat flow was in existence since
1822. Following the analogy of heat equation of Fourier,
EM-Modeling of Medium Kelvin obtained the diffusion type equation for the trans-
The above brief review omitted developments in the mitted voltage signal over the under-sea coaxial cable:
electromagnetic properties of the material medium.
A few important developments could be summarized. ∂2 v ∂v
= RC 113
In 1837, Faraday introduced the concept of the dielectric ∂x2 ∂t
constant of a material. In 1838, he introduced the con- This is the first Cable Theory; Kelvin called the above
cept of electric polarization P in dielectrics under the equation the equation of electric excitation in a subma-
influence of the external electric field. Soon after the dis- rine telegraph wire. Kelvin’s model did not account for
covery of the electron in 1897 by J.J. Thomson, the mod- the inductance L p.u.l. and the conductance G p.u.l. of
els around electrons were developed to describe the the cable. The cable inductance L is due to the magnetic
electromagnetic properties of a material. Around 1898, effect of current, and G is due to the leakage current
John Gaston Leathem obtained an important relation between the inner and outer conductors. However,
D = E + P , connecting the displacement of charges cable theory was a great success. Following the method
in a material with polarization. Kelvin, in the year of Fourier, he solved the equation for both the voltage
1850, developed the concept of magnetic permeability and current signals. At any distance x on the cable, a
definite time-interval was needed to get the maximum
and susceptibility with separate concepts of B , M, and current of the received signal. The galvanometer was
H to characterize a magnetic material. In 1900, Drude used to detect the received current. This time-interval
developed the electrical conduction model, now known called the retardation time of the received current sig-
as the Drude model, after electron theory. Subsequently, nal also depends on the square of the distance. Moreo-
the model was extended to the dielectric medium by Lor- ver, the telegraph signals constituted of several waves
entz in 1905. The model called the Drude-Lorentz model of different frequencies, and their propagation veloci-
explains the dispersive property of dielectrics. In the year ties were frequency-dependent. It limited the speed of
1912, Debye developed the concept of dipole moment signal transmission for long-distance telegraphy. The
and obtained equations relating it to the dielectric conclusions of Kelvin’s analysis were ignored, and
constant. These models laid the foundation to study of 1858 transatlantic cable worked only for three weeks.
the electric and magnetic properties of natural and It failed due to the application of 2000 V potential pulse
1.1 Overview of the Classical Transmission Lines 7

on the cable. The speed of transmission was just 0.1 To solve the above time-domain equation, Heaviside
words per minute. Finally, following Kelvin’s advice developed his own intuitive operational method
and using a very sensitive mirror galvanometer approach by defining the operator ∂/∂t p. The use of
invented by him, the transatlantic telegraph was suc- the operator reduced the above partial differential equa-
cessfully completed in 1865 with eight words per tion to the ordinary second-order differential equation.
minute transmission speed [B.1–B.3]. Finally, he solved the equation under initial and final
conditions at the ends of a finite length line. In the proc-
Heaviside Transmission Line Equation ess, he obtained the expressions for the characteristic
The limitation of the speed of telegraph signals was not impedance and propagation constant in terms of line
understood at that time. The RC model of the cable, lead- parameters. Heaviside could obtain results for the
ing to the diffusion equation, and use of the time-domain line under different conditions. For a lossless line,
pulse could not explain it. Moreover, it became obvious R = G = 0, the equation (1.1.5b) is obtained. Conceptu-
that the RC model couldn’t be used to understand the ally, the characteristic impedance provided a mechan-
problems related to voice transmission over telephonic ism to explain the phenomenon of wave propagation
channels. The telephony was coming into existence. on an infinite line. At each section of the line, it behaved
The modern telephone system is an outcome of the like a secondary Huygens’s source providing the for-
efforts of several innovators. However, Graham Bell ward-moving wave motion. Heaviside also obtained
got the first patent of a telephone in the year 1874. The the condition for the dispersionless transmission on a real
transmitted telephonic voice signal was distorted. There- lossy line, and suggested the inductive loading of a line to
fore, an analytical model was urgently needed to reduce the distortion in both the telegraph and tele-
improve the quality of telephonic transmission. Heavi- phone lines. Afterward, his intuitive operational method
side in 1876 introduced the line inductance L p.u.l. and approach developed into the formal Laplace transform
reformulated the cable theory of Kelvin using Kirchhoff method, widely used to solve the differential equa-
circuital laws [B1, B.3]. The formulation resulted in the tions [J.19, J.20, B.1–B.3, B.13].
wave equation for both the voltage (V) and current (I) The method of Heaviside was further extended by
waves on the line: Pupin in 1899 and 1900. Pupin introduced the har-
∂2 T ∂T ∂2 T monic excitation in the wave equation as a real part
= RC + LC , where T = V, I of the source V0ejpt [J.21, J.22]. This was an indication
∂x2 ∂t ∂t2
114 of the use of the modern phasor solution of the wave
equation. Similar analytical works, and also practical
In the case of line inductance L = 0, the above equa- inductive loading of the line was done by Campbell
tion is reduced to the diffusion type cable equation (1.1.3) at Bell Laboratory. He published the results in 1903
of Kelvin. Using the Fourier method, Heaviside solved [J.23]. In July 1893, Steinmetz introduced the concept
the aforementioned time-domain equation. Only in of phasor to solve the AC networks of RLC circuits.
1887, he could introduce the line conductance G p.u.l In 1893, Kennelly also published the use of complex
in his formulation to account for the leakage current notation in Ohm’s law for the AC circuits [J.24]. Carson
in an imperfect insulating layer between two conduc- in 1921 applied the method to solve Maxwell’s equa-
tors. Finally, Heaviside obtained a set of coupled trans- tions for the wave propagation on closely spaced lines,
mission line equations using all four line constants R, L, and also analyzed for the mutual impedances. Carson
C, and G. Subsequently, the coupled transmission line in 1927 developed the electromagnetic theory of the
equations were called the Telegrapher’s equations. At Electric Circuits, and paved the way for the modeling
the end, Heaviside obtained the following modified of the wave phenomena using the circuit models
wave equation: [J.25, J.26].
For lossy line Peijel in 1918, and Levin in 1927 analyzed the wave
propagation on the parallel lines. Levin extended the tel-
∂2 T ∂T ∂2 T egrapher’s equations to the multiconductor transmission
= RC + LG + LC 2 + RG T a
∂x 2 ∂t ∂t lines using Maxwell’s equations [J.27]. In 1931 Bewley
For lossless line presented a set of wave equations on the coupled multi-
conductor lines. Subsequently, Pipes introduced the
∂2 T ∂2 V matrix method to formulate the wave propagation prob-
= LC , where T = V, I b
∂x2 ∂t2 lem on the multiconductor lines [J.28, J.29]. Thus, the
115 theoretical foundation was laid to deal with the complex
8 1 Overview of Transmission Lines

technical problems related to transmission lines. Start- propagation in a tube [J.33]. Serious analytical work
ing with Marconi wireless in 1895, several improve- on waveguides was further undertaken by J.R Carson,
ments took place in the long-range wireless S.P. Mead, and S.A. Schelkunoff around 1933 [J.34].
telegraphy. Also, the audio broadcasting was developed Almost forgotten analytical works of Rayleigh was rein-
between 1905 and 1906 and commercially, around vented. Chu and Barrow further investigated the EM-
1920–1923, in the long-wave, medium-wave, and waves propagation in the elliptical and rectangular hol-
short-wave RF frequency bands [B.5]. Now, the time low metallic pipes [J.35]. During 1934, Schelkunoff
was ripe for microwave and mm-wave communication. extended the concept of impedance to the EM-wave
The above discussion shows that the Telegrapher’s propagation in the coaxial line, and obtained the trans-
equations have come in existence due to the contribu- mission line equations using the electromagnetic the-
tions of both Kelvin and Heaviside. To recognize their ory [J.36]. In 1937, he further extended the theory to
contributions, we call in this book the Telegrapher’s the TE and TM mode guided wave propagations, and
equations as the Kelvin-Heaviside transmission line equa- obtained the circuit models of mode supporting wave-
tions. Also, as the characteristic impedance behaves as guides. Finally, Schelkunoff generalized the standard
the secondary Huygens’s source, so it can also be viewed telegrapher’s equation, using Maxwell’s EM-theory to
as the Huygens’s load. Such Huygens’s load distributed represent an infinite set of uncoupled and coupled
over a surface forms the modern Huygens’s metasurface, modes of a waveguide by the system of uncoupled
discussed in the chapter 22 of this book. and coupled transmission line equations [J.37–J.39].
Subsequently, his method has been extended to planar
lines in an inhomogeneous medium supporting the
1.1.4 Waveguides as Propagation Medium
hybrid modes [B.13].
Heaviside reformulated Maxwell equation in 1884. He During the World War-II period, important theoretical
rejected the idea of EM-wave propagation in a hollow and practical works were done in the field of waveguide
metallic cylinder. In his opinion, two conductors, alter- technology for the development of the waveguide-based
natively one conductor and the earth as a ground con- components and systems. The development of Radar
ductor are essential for the EM-wave propagation. provided the impetus for such research activities.
However, in 1893 J.J. Thomson expressed the possibility
of the EM-wave propagation in a hollow cylinder [B.12].
Next year, Oliver Lodge verified it experimentally. In the 1.2 Planar Transmission Lines
year 1895, J.C. Bose used the waveguide and horn
antenna for the mm-wave transmission and reception. A brief review of the development of planar transmis-
In 1897 he reported the work at Royal Institution in Lon- sion lines, influencing modern microwave technology,
don [B.5]. However, it was Rayleigh who carried out a is presented below. A review is also given for the analyt-
detailed solution of boundary-value problems. He ical methods as applied to the planar line parameters.
obtained the normal mode solution, showing wave prop-
agation in the form of the distinct discrete modes, i.e. the
1.2.1 Development of Planar Transmission Lines
normal modes. He obtained his solutions for both the TE
and TM modes, and introduced the concept of the cutoff The waveguide is a low-loss transmission medium capa-
frequency for modes. He further examined the EM- ble of handling high power transmission. However, it is
wave propagation on a dielectric waveguide [J.30]. In a bulky structure with limited bandwidth. The fabrica-
1920 Rayleigh, Sommerfeld and Debye continued the tion of waveguide-based components is a complex and
researches in this direction. expensive machining process. The limitations of the
However, only in 1930 proper experimental investiga- waveguide provided an impetus for the growth of planar
tions of the wave propagation in the waveguides were lines, and technology based on the planar lines. H.A
undertaken by G. C. Southworth at Bell Labs, and Wheeler, in 1936, developed a low-loss coplanar stri-
W.L. Barrow at MIT. In 1934, microwave commercial link pline, and in 1942 created parallel plate strip transmis-
was established, and in 1936, Southworth and Barrow sion line on a high permittivity substrate. The line
discovered the possibility of using the waveguide as a structure was compact and suitable at low RF frequency
transmission medium. However, they published their from 150 MHz to 1500 MHz. However, properly docu-
works only in 1936 [J.31, J.32, B.5]. During the same mented stripline was reported by R.M. Barrett only in
time-period, Brillouin also investigated the wave 1951. Just next year, i.e. in 1952, Grieg and Engelmann
1.2 Planar Transmission Lines 9

reported microstrip line. Both structures competed with July 1979. However, after a long gap, Yao and Chang
each other. Initially, the stripline in the homogeneous developed the surface MEMS switch for DC-4 GHz
medium was a preferred line, as it is a dispersionless line operation and high-quality MEMS inductor chip could
with a larger bandwidth. It supports the TEM mode be realized in 1997. Subsequent years witnessed a reduc-
propagation. As it is a shielded line, so it also has a tion in operating voltage of MEMS switches. The opera-
higher Q-factor. Whereas, the microstrip in the inhomo- tion of MEMS in the microwave and mm-wave ranges
geneous medium is a dispersive line as it supports the expanded their applications in the field of the antenna
dominant hybrid mode. It has a smaller bandwidth and other microwave systems [J.46–J.48].
and lower Q-factor. During 1960, solid-state components The robust and compact multilayer ceramic tape-
started appearing, and microstrip became the preferred based microwave technology, called the low-temperature
line structure for the MIC environment. The microstrip co-fired ceramics (LTCC) gradually acquired significance
is an open structure that provided easier access for the for the development of the hybrid integrated circuits. It
interconnections. It led to the development of miniatur- started in 1950–1960 to develop more robust capacitors.
ized microstrip integrated circuit (MIC) technology. The several layers of different materials are used in a sin-
Gradually, the discrete active devices were combined gle multilayer laminated package to design multi-
with the planar passive microwave components, and functionality circuit-blocks. The planar lines in the
the hybrid MIC (HMIC) came into existence. The sixties LTCC are used in the multilayer and multilevel formats
were a very creative period for the planar line technol- as a medium to develop the components and intercon-
ogy. In 1968, Cohn reported the slot line followed by nect [J.49, J.50].
the coplanar waveguide (CPW) that became the medium Further innovations in the planar microwave technol-
of MMIC. C.P. Wen in 1969 developed the CPW. It is an ogy were added by incorporating the periodic reactive
interesting and unusual coincidence that the abbrevia- loading of planar lines and planar surfaces resulting in
tion of both the line name and inventor’s name is the electronic band-gap (EBG) lines and EBG surfaces
CPW. The integration of the slot line with waveguide for a wide range of applications. Long ago, the theoretical
took place in 1972 when Meier reported the quasi-planar basis for the analysis of the periodic structures was sum-
fin line [J.40–J.44]. marized by L. Brillouin [B.14]. The theoretical concept of
Further compactness in the microwave circuits the metamaterial as a double negative (negative permit-
and systems took place through the development of tivity and negative permeability) material medium, and
the monolithic MIC (MMIC) circuit concept in the year its radical impact on behaviors of the electromagnetic
1964. At this stage, the MMIC was based on silicon tech- phenomena were worked out by Victor Veselago in
nology. Unfortunately, the program was not successful 1967. The practical development of the metamaterials
due to the very lossy Si-substrate. The semi-insulating is an outcome of a long history of artificial dielectrics
Si-substrate deteriorated in the process of the formation and mixture medium. However, only in 1996–1999, Pen-
of active devices, such as bipolar junction transistors dry and co-workers suggested, and further experimen-
(BJTs) on a Si-substrate. The next phase of MMIC tally demonstrated, the artificial negative permittivity
development took place for the GaAs substrate-based below the controlled plasma frequency. It was realized
technology in 1968. It required nearly 10–12 years for by using the periodic arrangement of thin conducting
its more meaningful development. The span of wires. Further, in 1999 Pendry and co-workers suggested
1980–1986 was a period of rapid growth for MMIC and experimentally produced resonance type magnetic
technology. In 1990s, SiGe based technology was devel- behavior in the split coaxial conducting cylinders. How-
oped that permitted operation of high-efficiency circuits ever, only Smith and co-workers worked out the simul-
at higher frequencies. The MMIC technology achieved taneous negative permittivity and negative permeability
its maturity for the MMIC based on the silicon and in 2000, and experimentally verified it in 2001. Gradu-
indium–phosphide (InP) substrates apart from the ally, the concept of metamaterials was added to the pla-
GaAs substrate. At the core of the development were nar lines and surfaces resulting in the realization of
the multilayer planar lines and new varieties of active metalines and metasurfaces. These artificial structures
devices [J.45]. have significantly influenced the design and develop-
Another kind of Si-based technology, namely the ment of unique antenna, components, and circuits with
micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) gradually new characteristics and multifunctionality. Present
came to the fields of RF and microwave. Petersen’s researches in these fields are in progress in many direc-
reported the MEMS membrane-based switches in tions [J.51–J.55].
10 1 Overview of Transmission Lines

1.2.2 Analytical Methods Applied to Planar the slot line, and also microstrip line. Jansen extended
Transmission Lines the dynamic SDA to analyze the higher order modes
in the microstrip. The method is very powerful and ana-
Assaudourion and Rimai considered the microstrip in
lytically elegant. It has been used and improved by other
the quasi-static limit. They assumed the TEM mode
researchers in the field of planar resonators, antenna,
propagation on it. They applied, in 1952, the well-
and line structures. Other powerful methods, such as
established conformal mapping method to compute the
the method of moments, finite elements, finite-difference
characteristic impedance, dielectric, and conductor
time-domain method, and so on have also been devel-
losses. Between the years 1954 and 1955, Cohn also used
oped to analyze the 2D and 3D complex planar struc-
the conformal mapping method to get the design-
tures. The contemporary EM-Simulators are based on
oriented results for the characteristic impedance, dielec-
these numerical methods. The closed-form models for
tric and conductor losses of the stripline. He further used
faster computation of the static and frequency-
the conformal mapping method to get the odd-even
dependent line parameters of planar lines have also been
mode impedances of the edge-coupled strip lines in
developed by several investigators. The closed-form
1955 itself. He further obtained these results for the
models of lines, discontinuities, and so on helped
broadside-coupled strip lines in 1960. Following the con-
the development of the Circuit Simulators [J.72–J.75,
formal mapping method, in 1964 and 1965 Wheeler pro-
B.15, B.16].
duced more accurate and design-oriented expressions
for the computation of characteristic impedance of
microstrip line. He extended his analysis to get further
results in 1977 and 1978 [J.56–J.64]. 1.3 Overview of Present Book
In 1969 Cohn suggested another planar line, i.e. the
slot line. It is a complementary structure of the micro- The book presents a seamless treatment of the classical
strip line. He also presented the equivalent waveguide planar transmission lines and modern engineered planar
model of the slot line, and obtained the frequency- lines using the concept of the engineered electromag-
dependent propagation parameters of the slot line. Next netic bandgap (EBG) structures and metamaterials.
in the group of the planar lines is the coplanar waveguide The modern EBG and metamaterials based planar lines
(CPW) proposed by C.P. Wen. He obtained the initial are the outcome of the classical researches in the artifi-
quasi-static line parameters of CPW using the conformal cial dielectrics and concept of homogenization of mixing
mapping method. Subsequently, the conformal mapping of inclusions in the host medium. Gradually, the modern
method was applied to analyze several variants of the microwave planar transmissions became a complex
planar lines [J.65–J.67]. medium of wave propagations on the 1D lines and 2D
Other quasi-analytical and numerical methods were surfaces. It demanded serious considerations of wave–
also used for the analysis of microstrip lines. For matter interactions, especially in the engineered materi-
instance, in 1968 Yamashita and Mitra introduced als by the microwaves researchers and engineers. It
the quasi-analytical variational method in the Fourier demanded a physical understanding of various electro-
domain to obtain the quasi-static line parameters of magnetic phenomena taking place in the artificially
the microstrip line. It was the prelude to the quasi- engineered complex medium. It also required the analyt-
analytical dynamic spectral domain analysis (SDA) of ical and circuit modeling of the planar transmission
microstrip and other planar lines. The dynamic SDA is lines under the complex environment. The present
a full-wave analysis method that considers the hybrid book: Introduction to Modern Planar Transmission
mode nature of planar lines. After a gap of nearly 10 Lines (Physical, Analytical, and Circuit Models
years, Itoh used the concept of the discrete Fourier trans- Approach) addresses these problems from the very
form and Galerkin’s method to get the static line para- basics, making it suitable for the early comers to the
meters of suspended coupled microstrip lines, and also fields. However, the detailed treatment of topics could
extended the method to suspended multiconductor be also useful to more experienced professionals and
microstrip structures. The Fourier domain method engineers. The numerical methods used in the analysis
was significantly extended by many investigators to of the planar structures and basis of the EM-simulators
other planar structures such as the CPW [J.68–J.71, are more specialized topics beyond the scope and line of
B.15, B.16]. thought followed in the present book.
In 1973 and 1974, Itoh and Mitra introduced the The key concept used throughout the book is the mod-
dynamic SDA to obtain dispersion characteristics of eling, physical, analytical, and circuit, of the planar
1.3 Overview of Present Book 11

structures. However, what is the meaning of modeling Likewise, the chapters are also arranged from the sim-
itself? Scientific modeling is a process of understanding pler to complex.
the unknown with the help of known. The reverse is not The distribution of the chapters among the groups is
possible. The method of analogy is a great tool in such discussed below. The key features of the chapters are
a modeling process. The growth of electromagnetic field also summarized.
theories at different stages has evolved from the previ-
ously known results of the gravitational field. Likewise,
the gradual development of the transmission line Introductory Transmission Line and EM-Wave Theory
theory has used the analogy of heat flow. These are The six chapters, chapters 2–7, on the transmission lines
two important illustrative examples discussed in the pre- and various aspects of the EM-theory are introduced in
vious section. The experimental observation and the the book before even commencing with the microstrip
experimental verification of the theoretically predicted in chapter 8. These topics provide the essential back-
results are further contributors to the modeling process. ground to follow smoothly the topics covered in this book.
The scientific modeling process has been examined in It could be useful in understanding the analysis and mod-
depth by the modern educationists [B.17]. The reader eling of the planar line structures, the EBG based lines,
can observe such a modeling process in the development and surfaces, and also the metamaterials and metasur-
of models for the complex planar medium exhibiting faces. Moreover, the topics discussed may also help to
unique properties. understand the modern publications in these fields. The
usual undergraduate textbooks on the EM-theory do not
1.3.1 The Organization of Chapters in This Book cover all the topics. However, the reader’s familiarity with
the transmission line and EM-theory is assumed. The
The chapters of this book are organized into four distinct
reader interested in a more detailed study of these topics
groups as follows:
can follow the references given at the end of the chapters.
i) Introductory transmission line and EM wave Some contents of the chapters are highlighted below.
theory. The chapters 2 and 3 on transmission lines are written
ii) Basic planar lines and Resonators: Microstrip, as a review. However, it goes beyond a regular review,
CPW, Slot lines, Coupled lines, and Resonators. although it starts with the familiar notion of oscillation
iii) Analytical Methods: Conformal mapping method, and wave propagation on lines. Usually, the available
Variational method, Full- wave SDA, and SLR textbooks present the transmission line equations and
formulation. wave equations for the uniform lines only, without
iv) Contemporary engineered planar structures: Peri- any source. The present book covers the transmission
odic planar lines and surfaces, Metamaterials – line equations and wave equations with a source, and
Bulk, 1D metalines, 2D metasurfaces. the analysis of the multisection transmission lines is also
introduced. Such formulation is used in the chapters 14
The group i reviews the transmission line and the and 16 to obtain the Green’s functions of planar trans-
EM-theory to assist the reader to follow the rest of mission lines used with the variational method and
the chapters with ease. The groups ii and iii form full-wave spectral-domain analysis (SDA) method. The
the classical transmission lines, and the group iv is chapter on the transmission line adequately covers the
the modern transmission lines and surfaces. The book concept of dispersion in the wave supporting medium.
presents a seamless treatment of the classical planar Also, the impact of the reactive loading of the line on
transmission lines and the modern engineered planar the nature of wave propagation is discussed. Such treat-
lines and surfaces using the concept of EBG and meta- ment prepares a reader for the periodically loaded engi-
materials. The modern EBG and metamaterials based neered lines and surfaces, both as the bandgap medium
planar lines are the outcome of the classical researches and homogenized metamaterial medium. These topics
in the artificial dielectrics and concept of homogeniza- are discussed in chapters 19–22. Chapter 3 covers vari-
tion of mixing of inclusions in the host medium. The ous parameters used for the characterization of a line
topics of the chapters are selected to provide compre- section. Understanding of this topic is essential for
hensive coverage of the needed background to under- understanding the microwave components design, the
stand the functioning of both the classical and modern results obtained from EM-simulation, and to develop
lines and surfaces. Each chapter follows a uniform the circuit models.
style. The topics within a chapter start with simple Chapters 4 and 5 cover the wave’s propagation in the
concepts and move to a higher complexity level. material medium. Again, primarily it is a review of the
12 1 Overview of Transmission Lines

EM-theory. However, its perspective is very broadly Chapter 7 comprehensively treats basic waveguide
applicable to the topics discussed in other chapters. structures. It begins with the classification of the modal
The chapter 4 commences with a basic review of the EM-fields, and the sources of their generation. The
electromagnetics and elementary electrical properties waveguides are analyzed using the scalar electric and
of the material medium, such as linearity, nonlinearity, magnetic potentials. The spectral domain analysis
homogeneity, inhomogeneity, anisotropy, and losses. It (SDA) method discussed in chapter 16 is based on these
further covers the topic of the circuit modeling of a scalar potentials. The concept of the perfect electric con-
medium. The known topics of Maxwell’s equations in ductor (PEC) and the perfect magnetic conductor (PMC)
the differential form, as well as in the vector-algebraic with boundary conditions are introduced. The analysis
form are presented. The wave propagation is discussed of the rectangular geometry of the waveguides formed
not only in the isotropic and conducting media but also with these surfaces is presented. Thus, apart from the
in the anisotropic, uniaxial, gyroelectric, and biaxial usual all metallic walls, i.e. the PEC based waveguides,
media. The complex media are encountered by the wave all PMC and two PEC and two PMC walls waveguides
propagating in the metamaterials. While reviewing the are also discussed. The dielectric slab waveguides and
wave polarizations, the Jones matrix description of surface-waveguides are also presented. The concept of
polarization states is also discussed. It is needed to follow the odd/even mode analysis is introduced. These con-
the contemporary developments in the metasurfaces. cepts are used in the book for the analysis of symmetri-
Chapter 4 ends with the concepts of isofrequency con- cally coupled planar lines in chapters 11 and 12. The
tours and isofrequency surfaces, and the dispersion rela- simple and powerful transverse resonance method
tions in the uniaxial medium. (TRM) is introduced to get the propagation characteris-
Chapter 5 reviews both the normal and polarization- tics of the dielectric-loaded waveguides and the multi-
dependent oblique incidence of the waves at the inter- layer surface-waveguides. Finally, chapter 7 ends with
face of two media. It also presents the equivalent trans- the contemporary substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)
mission line model of the wave’s incidence at the developed in the environment of the planar technology.
interface of two media. The model can be extended to
more number of layers. The formulation has many appli- Basic Planar Lines and Resonators
cations. The model is used for instance in chapter 20 on The planar line structures – microstrip, CPW, and slot
the EBG surface. The chapter 5 also presents the basic line are discussed in chapters 8–10, respectively. The
electrodynamics of the engineered metamaterials and chapters 11 and 12 cover the theory of the coupled trans-
formulate the basic characteristics of the wave pro- mission lines and their realization and analysis in the
pagation in the metamaterials. It also discusses some planar technology environment. The theory of resonat-
important directions for applications of metamaterials. ing structures and planar lines version of the resonators
However, the realization of the bulk metamaterials, are discussed in chapters 17 and 18, respectively. The
metalines, and metasurfaces are followed up in the chap- fabrication technologies – MIC, MMIC, MEMS, and
ters 21 and 22. LTCC used in the planar lines and components are
Chapter 6 covers a review of the electrical properties of reviewed in chapter 13.
the natural and artificial dielectric media. It also pre- The microstrip is the most commonly used planar
sents various static and frequency-dependent models line in planar technology. It is in the inhomogeneous
of the mixture media. The artificial dielectric medium medium supporting the hybrid-mode that is approxi-
finds its application in modeling the metamaterials. mated as the dispersive quasi-TEM mode. However, at
The Lorentz, Drude, and Debye models applicable to the lower frequency, it is treated in the nondispersive
the frequency-dependent permittivity are discussed. static condition. Chapter 8 introduces the concept of
Chapter 6 further discusses the interfacial polarization medium transformation from the inhomogeneous
and its circuit model. This important topic is usually medium to the homogeneous medium using Wheeler’s
not discussed in popular textbooks. The modeling of transformation for the lossy microstrip medium. The
the substrates, using the single term Debye and Lorentz results on the static microstrip line parameters are sum-
models, as well as the multi-term and wideband Debye marized. The dispersion law is discussed to get the
models are elaborated. These models help to get the dispersion model of microstrip. Some other dispersion
causal effective permittivity of the planar lines of the models are also summarized. The losses and their com-
substrates, useful in the time-domain analysis of pulse putation are presented in detail. Finally, chapter 8 ends
propagation on the planar lines. Finally, the chapter with the circuit model of the microstrip line giving the
ends with a novel concept of artificial metasubstrate. complex frequency-dependent characteristic impedance
1.3 Overview of Present Book 13

and propagation constant. The circuit model explains monolithic MIC (MMIC) technology, the silicon-based
the behavior of the low-frequency dispersion due to micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology,
the finite conductivity of the conductors. Several topics and the ceramic tape-based low temperature co-fired
are covered for the first time in a book form. The deriva- ceramic (LTCC) technology. The typical details of the
tions of some frequently used expressions are provided. material and conductor parameters used in these tech-
The coplanar waveguides (CPW) and the coplanar stri- nologies are also summarized. The familiarity of the fab-
pline structures (CPS) and their variations are discussed rication process could be useful to the researchers and
in chapter 9. The approach used in this chapter is based designers developing planar lines models and circuits.
on the detailed derivation of the results using the confor- The basic discussion and basic analysis of the resona-
mal mapping method. Usually, the available books only tor circuits, lumped and distributed line type, are pre-
summarize the results of the conformal mapping sented in chapter 17. The implementation of the
method. However, chapter 9 briefly presents the confor- theory of transmission line resonators, and also the
mal mapping method as applied to the CPW and CPS. patch resonators, is the subject matter of chapter 18.
The characteristics of the modes, dispersion, and losses The emphasis is placed on the circuit modeling of the
are presented in detail. The results are also presented for resonating structures. Chapter 18 also discusses the frac-
the synthesis of the CPW and CPS line structures. tal resonators and the dual-mode resonators with the
Finally, the circuit models of the lossy CPW and CPS illustrative examples of their applications. The resonat-
are given to get the frequency-dependent complex char- ing structures are important components for the devel-
acteristics impedance and propagation constant. opment of the planar EBG and metamaterials.
The modeling of the third important planar line, i.e.
the slot line is presented in chapter 10. The modeling
process is based on the unique waveguide model of Cohn. Analytical Methods
The model provides the frequency-dependent character- Most of the discussions on the planar transmission lines
istic impedance and propagation constant of the slot and resonators are centered on the physical models and
line, supporting the hybrid mode. The waveguide model closed-form expression using circuit modeling. How-
of the slot line treats the hybrid-mode as a linear combi- ever, the analytical and quasi-analytical methods have
nation of the TE and TM modes. The equivalent wave- been developed in the literature for more versatile and
guide model is further extended to the multilayer and accurate modeling of the planar line structures in the
shielded slot line structures. The chapter ends with the multilayered medium. The conformal mapping method,
closed-form integrated model of the slot line to compute as applied to the CPW and CPS line structures, is pre-
the dispersion and loss parameters. sented in chapter 9. The chapter 14 presents the static
The next two chapters 11 and 12 cover the basic variational methods, both in the space-domain and Four-
characteristic of the coupled lines theory and ier domain, for the analysis of the microstrip and
implementation of theory in the planar technology. coupled microstrip. Using the transverse transmission
Chapter 11 discusses the coupling mechanism and line (TTL) technique, the variational method is extended
the analysis of symmetrical and asymmetrical coupled to the multilayer microstrip lines. The method is
lines. The wave equation of the coupled transmission extended to the boxed microstrip line and CPW using
is obtained and solved in some cases. Chapter 12 the Galerkin’s method. However, the planar lines are
summarizes the design expressions for the edge both lossy and dispersive medium. The closed-form
coupled and broadside coupled microstrip lines. Sim- models are normally not available for the multilayer
ilar expressions are also summarized for the coupled lossy planar lines. Chapter 15 presents the scheme of
CPW line structures. The network parameters for both the single-layer reduction (SLR) formulation that utilizes
symmetrical and asymmetrical coupled line sections the variational method and available single layer closed-
are discussed in detail. Such an analysis is useful for form expressions to compute the dispersion and losses in
the design of the filters. the multilayer planar lines. The SLR models could be
At this stage, the further discussion of the planar line incorporated in the microwave CAD packages for the
structure is discontinued and the fabrication technolo- synthesis of the planar microwave components in the
gies suitable for the planar lines and components are multilayer environment. Finally, the semi-analytical
introduced in chapter 13. The chapter 13 discusses, in full-wave method, i.e. the dynamic SDA is elaborated
brief, the four kinds of fabrication technologies – the in chapter 16. The treatment is at the introductory level
hybrid microwave integrated circuit (HMIC) suitable for with the detailed derivation of expressions. The method
the PCB board medium, the semiconductor based also incorporates the multilayered planar lines.
14 1 Overview of Transmission Lines

Contemporary Engineered Planar Structures examples from the published literature are given to
These are the topics of current interest and have wide- clarify the theory and physical principles involved in
ranging applications in the development of novel devices the contemporary topics of the EBG lines and surfaces,
and antenna structures with controlled functionalities. metamaterials, metalines, and metasurfaces.
Chapter 19 is dedicated to the periodically loaded trans- The multilayer structures useful for the MMIC,
mission lines and their circuit models. The method MEMS, and LTCC technology are covered. The closed-
of the circuit models based analysis of the electronic form modeling of dispersion, frequency-dependent char-
band-gap (EBG) line is elaborated in detail and applied acteristic impedance, and losses in the multilayer planar
to the loaded microstrip and CPW line structures. The transmission lines is covered for the first time in a book-
method is extended to the planar EBG surfaces in chap- form. Also, the basic fabrication technology of the planar
ter 20. The accurate circuit model of the EBG surfaces is transmission lines in the MMIC, MEMS, and LTCC tech-
presented, and also the process of the EM-simulation nology is described to help the modelers of the EM-
and interpretation of the results are discussed. phenomenon and microwave circuit designers.
The analyses of the engineered artificial media called Thus, the book prepares the reader to follow the mod-
the bulk metamaterials, metalines, and metasurfaces are ern designs of the planar circuits and also to undertake
presented in the chapters 21 and 22. The modeling and independent researches in the field of planar microwave
parameter extraction of the engineered media are also technology.
discussed. The metasurfaces are interesting structures
with several possible applications both in the develop-
Intended Audience
ment of the circuits and planar antenna with multi-
The book is intended to help undergraduate students of
dimensional functionalities. The unique generalized
third/fourth year and also postgraduate students. It is
Snell’s laws are discussed in chapter 22 that helps to con-
useful to the teachers of microwave engineering in pre-
trol the wave propagation. The polarization control and
paring lectures, assignments, and projects. The new
conversion of the state of polarization of the incident
researchers in the field of microwave engineering will
waves are also achieved with metasurfaces. Several
find the book useful to improve their skills in the mod-
applications of the metasurface are summarized.
eling of the planar structures. It is also suitable for the
self-study of the RF/Microwave professionals in the
1.3.2 Key Features, Intended Audience, industries. The selected chapters could be used in class-
and Some Suggestions room teaching. It could be the main text for conducting
elective courses at the university level. Further, the book
Key Features
can serve as a reference book even to more experienced
Possibly, it is the first comprehensive book dedicated
users in the industry.
entirely to the planar transmission lines. The book cov-
ers the microstrip lines, CPW, and other classical reso-
nating structures from basic to advanced form in one Some Suggestions
cover. The book further covers the EBG and metamate- The students and new researchers can have a fast review
rial-based planar transmission lines and surfaces. These of the transmission line theory, EM-theory, and so on
are the topics of current interest. The sequence of the from chapters 2–7. Then it will be much easier to follow
chapter is logical and of increasing complexity. the remaining text. It will be also helpful in following
The emphasis of the book is on the modeling of the other advanced books and published current literature.
planar lines and engineered surfaces using the physical However, experienced readers can read any chapter or
concepts, circuit-models, closed-form expressions, and topic. The concept for the forward and backward referen-
the derivation of a large number of expressions. It pro- cing of chapters, sections, and subsections are provided
vides an in-depth review of the classical transmission to help the reader to skip the chapters or to go back to an
line theory, electromagnetics, modeling of the material intended topic inside the book.
medium, and waveguide structures compactly without A large number of closed-form expressions are given
sacrificing the clarity of presentation. for the modeling purpose. A reader is encouraged to
The advanced mathematical treatment of the topics, write the Matlab codes or codes in any other language
such as the variational method, conformal mapping familiar to him/her. The teacher can assign to students
method, and SDA for several kinds of planar line struc- the code development as homework. Such activities will
tures is carried out in detail to help the new readers unfa- enhance the learning process and skill development.
miliar with these topics. A large number of illustrative More efforts will be needed to write the codes for the
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IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-12, pp. coupled microstrip parameters including dispersion,
280–289, May 1964. high-order modes, loss and finite strip thickness, IEEE
J.62 Wheeler, H.A.: Transmission-line properties of parallel Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-26,
strips separated by a dielectric sheet, IEEE Trans. pp. 75–82, 1978.
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closure of the wound may be tried.

Definition. Causes: Debility—general and local, and its causes, fermentescible

food, legumes, new grain, paralyzing seeds, musty fodder, defective teeth, jaws and
salivary glands, iced water after grain, verminous embolism, chill. Symptoms:
Anamnesis, colic, gaseous distension, stupor, death, diagnosis from spasmodic
colic. Course: Fatal in two hours, or more. Recovery. Lesions: Distension of bowels
with carburetted hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, redness of intestinal
mucosa, anæmia of abdominal organs, congestion of cutaneous and surface
vessels. Treatment: Stimulants, antiseptics, enemata, chloral hydrate, puncture,
eserine, pilocarpin, friction, massage, exercise, dieting, bitters.

Definition. A gaseous overdistension of the intestines, from

fermentations in the ingesta, but also in part from air that has been
swallowed, and from carbon dioxide exhaled from the blood
circulating in the intestinal mucosa.
Causes. These are to a large extent the same as those of gastric
tympany. General and digestive debility resulting from former
disease, from spare diet, from unsuitable or indigestible food, from
anæmia, from parasites, from hemorrhages, is a potent predisposing
Weakness of the alimentary canal from catarrh, or other persistent
disease, from impaired innervation, from embolism of the vessels
and imperfect circulation also predisposes, or again the lack of
vermicular movement and of the mingling of the digestive fluids with
the food, leaving the latter in a specially fermentescible condition. As
direct exciting causes may be named:
Very fermentescible food in excess, such as the leguminous
products (beans, peas, vetches, cowpea, alfalfa, sainfoin, clover) in
their green condition. These contain an excess of protein
compounds, which should be mainly digested in the stomach, and if
passed rapidly in large quantity into the intestines, they fail to be
sufficiently acted on by the trypsin, and are specially liable to
fermentation. Very rapidly grown and aqueous grasses are similarly
liable to decomposition.
New grain is specially liable to fermentation the more so that it
sometimes contains a paralyzing agent, which acts like intoxicating
ryegrass. The ripening seeds of many forage plants often act in this
way, (annual and perennial ryegrass, millet, Hungarian grass, chick
vetch, vetches generally). The same has been observed of the leaves
of growing maize, grapevine leaves, and potato plants.
Musty and spoiled fodders of all kinds are very dangerous, the
toxic principles of the fungi and bacterial ferments paralyzing the
sympathetic nervous filaments.
Fodders that are imperfectly masticated and insalivated owing to
defective teeth or diseased jaws or glands are liable to prove hurtful
in a similar way.
A full drink of water and especially of ice cold water after a feed of
grain is one of the most potent factors. The stomach and intestines
are both roused to violent peristaltic action, the undigested food is
washed on into the bowels, and too often the action of the cold
induces congestion and partial paresis, and exposes the undigested
mass to the uncontrolled action of ferments.
Circulatory troubles caused by verminous embolism (see
intestinal congestion) is another very prolific factor. A sudden chill in
an animal that is perspiring and fatigued may precipitate an attack,
by causing a retrocession of blood from the skin to the intestines,
with resulting paresis of their coats.
Symptoms. The condition is usually complicated with gastric
tympany, so that we have a complication of symptoms. The history of
the case is often diagnostic, showing one of the above mentioned
causes, and above all a full drink after a feed of grain, speedily
followed by abdominal pain, gaseous distension of the abdomen,
causing death in two hours or upward. The distension of the
abdomen usually shows more on the right than the left, and the
resonance on percussion is greater. Colics are usually less violent
than in intestinal congestion, and the actions of the animal are less
precipitate or disorderly. He may lie down, roll and rise, but the
constant restless movement, the sitting on the haunches, and the
frequent agonized turning of the nose toward the flank are rarely
shown. The animal is rather dull and prostrate, passing finally into a
stupor, the face is pinched and anxious, the back arched, the head
pendent, the walk slow and unsteady, and respiration and pulse
accelerated. There is no complete intermission of pain, though it is
more acute at one time than another, for some time there is rumbling
in the bowels followed by complete silence, as they are fully
paralyzed, fæces may be passed at first, but this ceases as the floating
colon is emptied and the gaseous distension becomes extreme, and
urination which may take place in the early stages is no longer
effected in the advanced ones. The compression of the thorax causes
severe dyspnœa, accompanied, when the patient is down, by a slight
Course. In the advanced stages the animal may sink to the ground
oppressed by the shock, poisoned by the carbon dioxide which can
no longer be exhaled through the lungs, and by hydrogen sulphide
and other toxic products of intestinal fermentation. Death may
follow two hours after a hearty meal and is rarely long delayed in
fatal cases.
Improvement may be recognized by the termination of the paresis,
the lessening of the abdominal tension, the return of the rumbling in
the abdomen, the passage of fæces and flatus, and of urine and by
general relief.
Lesions. In case of death the overdistension of the intestines and
abdomen is the most marked lesion, the composition of the gas
varying with the nature of the ingesta and the duration of the illness.
Carburetted hydrogen compounds abound as a rule in the early
stages, while carbon dioxide predominates later. Pinner found 49 per
cent. of carburetted hydrogen, 8 per cent. of carbon dioxide, and 42
per cent. of nitrogen.
The contents of the large intestines are usually in considerable
amount and in an undigested condition. The walls of the distended
bowels are greatly attenuated and may show congestion, petechiæ, or
rupture. Rupture of the diaphragm is not uncommon. Congestion of
the lungs, but especially of the skin and superficial structures of the
body, and of the brain are natural results of the expulsion of blood
from the abdominal cavity.
Treatment. The desiderata are: relief from existing gaseous
tension; arrest of further fermentation; and the restoration of the
vermicular movement of the intestine.
The two first indications may sometimes be successfully met by
stimulants and antiseptics. Formerly, mild cases were successfully
treated by oil of peppermint and oil of turpentine in oil, and a free
use of enemata. A more modern resort is a large (virtually soporific)
dose of chloral hydrate (1 oz.) given in solution. This is at once a
powerful antiferment and an antispasmodic. It is moreover highly
volatile and in the heat of the stomach is readily passed on into the
duodenum and absorbed. Employed early it not only checks the
production of gas, but it relaxes the whole intestinal tract and allows
the free passage of accumulated gas which passes off rapidly per
But in severe cases the gaseous distension is too great to hope for
relief by such measures and puncture of the cæcum or double colon
is the only hopeful resort. This is made with a small trochar and
cannula not more than ¼ inch in bore, which is inserted at the point
of greatest resonance. The point usually advised, as in the ox, is the
centre of the space circumscribed by the last rib, the ilium and the
transverse processes of the lumbar vertebræ. A better plan is to
percuss and puncture the point where the drumlike resonance is
greatest. The higher the puncture the more promising as the cannula
is less likely to be blocked by the ingesta which accumulates in the
lower part of each viscus. The cannula may be left in place for some
time to keep the bowel flaccid and allow time for the restoration of
its contractile functions. The cannula may be utilized to inject
antiferments (chloral) and peristaltic stimulants (eserine, pilocarpin,
barium chloride). In cases in which puncture is not imperative these
agents may be used hypodermically, eserine 1½ gr., pilocarpin 2 grs.
or barium chloride 7 grs.
Enemata of soapsuds, with or without stimulants prove effective in
emptying the floating colon and soliciting the action of the large
intestines generally and the passage of flatus. Friction of the
abdomen and walking exercise are desirable. After recovery a
restricted diet, laxatives and bitters serve to restore the lost tone of
the alimentary canal.

Definition. Causes: dessication of ingesta in colon, sacculation, constriction at

pelvic flexure, debility, ill health, local peristalsis, diseased teeth, jaws or salivary
apparatus, excess of food, heating grain, hard fibrous indigestible fodder, green
leguminosæ, privation of water, inactivity, verminous aneurisms, tumors,
strictures, obstructions. Symptoms: colics after meals, becoming more severe,
tension and firmness of right side, sitting on haunches, stretching, small, hard, dry
coated stools, obstruction felt on rectal exploration, frequent attempts to urinate,
tympany. Course: six hours to six days or more, signs of aggravation and
improvement. Lesions: large intestines tympanitic, impaction often at pelvic
flexure, or other constriction, adherent mucosa has thick mucus or blood, is
discolored, friable, necrosis, perforation, liquid contents of distended bowel in
front, rupture, invagination, volvulus. Treatment: laxative diet, injections, aloes,
pilocarpin, eserine, barium chloride, chloral hydrate, morphia, henbane,
belladonna, puncture, cold or oleaginous enemata, empty or knead rectum and
colon, cold compress, electricity, friction, laparotomy.

Definition. This is an impaction and obstruction of the colon, and

usually of the pelvic flexure with dried and badly digested alimentary
Causes. Certain anatomical and physiological conditions
contribute to this disease in the horse. The ingesta as it leaves the
stomach is liquid or pultaceous and throughout the small intestines
it remains so, so that they are little liable to impaction. But by the
time the cæcum is reached much of the liquid has been absorbed,
and as the contents pass into the double colon they are usually a soft
solid, which gradually becomes dried as it advances through the
double and floating colon. The sacculation of cæcum and colon tends
to delay the masses and favors absorption. The pelvic flexure, the
narrowest part of the double colon, is formed by an acute bend of the
viscus on itself so that the dried masses advancing from in front are
especially liable to become arrested and impacted at this point.
Impaction may, however, occur at any part of the large intestine.
Any debility or atony of the intestines predisposes to the condition.
The ingesta accumulates in the portion which does not contract
sufficiently to pass it onward, and this soon becomes distended to a
state of absolute paresis. All conditions of debility, and all prolonged
ill health tend to operate in this way by lessening vermicular
Again in cases of nausea or intestinal disorder the supervention of
antiperistaltic movements, will tend to accumulate the ingesta at one
point and favor impaction (Ernst).
As in the case of other indigestions the imperfect preparation of
the food is an active factor. Diseased teeth, jaws or salivary glands,
act in this way and a functionally weak stomach contributes to this as
to other intestinal disorders.
An excess of food and especially indigestible food will contribute to
impaction. Heating grain, like corn, wheat, buckwheat, passed
rapidly through the stomach in an imperfectly digested condition,
tends to accumulate in the larger intestines. Hard, fibrous fodders
like hay and straw that have run to seed, or which have been washed
out by rains, bleached or heated, rye-straw, the stalks of beans, peas,
vetches, which have been similarly spoiled, and clover hay affected
with cryptogams or other ferments act in the same way. Even clover
eaten green, produces in foals impactions to which the hairs of the
leaves and chalices materially contribute (Verrier). The allied plants
alfalfa and sainfoin when passed rapidly through the stomach tend to
impaction of the large intestines. But any fibrous, indigestible and
innutritious fodder, taken in excess to make up the deficiency of
nutriment is liable to act in this way.
Other conditions that contribute to impaction are lack of water,
especially at night when much hay is consumed, and lack of exercise
which tends to torpor of both liver and bowels.
Finally verminous aneurisms and embolism of the intestinal
arteries induce congestion, paresis, spasms, and other disorders
which tend to aggregation and impaction. Also tumors, strictures and
obstructions of all kinds tend to impaction.
Symptoms. A certain amount of impaction is not incompatible
with ordinary health, but as this increases all grades of colic may be
met with from the most simple and transient to the most persistent
and severe.
In the milder forms slight and transient colics come on after
meals, for days in succession, before any serious attack is sustained.
These are especially marked under dry bulky fodder (hay), less so on
grain, and less on green food or roots. The animal paws, moves the
hind limbs uneasily, looks at the flanks, he may even kick at the
abdomen, lie down and roll, rise, pass a little manure or flatus, and
seeming relieved may resume feeding, until the next attack. The
intermissions may last a few minutes, a quarter of an hour or longer,
and they gradually become more prolonged until they disappear for
the time. Sooner or later, however, the obstruction becomes more
complete and the colic more severe and persistent. To the ordinary
symptoms of violent abdominal pain there are added symptoms
which point to bowel impaction or obstruction. There is a special
tension of the right side of the abdomen, with flatness on percussion.
When down there is a tendency to sit on the haunches to relieve
pressure on the diaphragm and lungs. When standing there is a
disposition to stretch the fore limbs out forward and the hind ones
backward. Fæces may be passed at first in a few small round balls at
a time, but this soon ceases, and very little or none can be obtained
even by the use of enemas. The straining is usually so violent as to
expel the enemata as soon as introduced. The hand introduced into
the rectum can easily detect the solid impacted pelvic flexure of the
colon pressing backward into the pelvis or impinging on the right
pubis. Another common symptom is the frequent passage of urine in
dribblets, due to the irritation of the bladder by the pressure upon it
of the impacted colon during straining. In cases of this kind the colon
and cæcum become tympanitic as first shown by a resonant
distension of the right flank obliterating the hollow in front of the
ilium, and later by a similar condition of the left flank.
The abdominal pain is usually less acute than in simple spasmodic
colic or intestinal congestion. The face is less pinched and anxious,
the eye less frightened, the kicking at the belly less violent, and the
lying down more deliberate and careful. Very commonly the patient
merely rests on his belly or side without attempting to roll.
Course. The disease may last six to twelve hours, or even as many
days before it ends in recovery or death. The colicy symptoms usually
increase, with the complication of dyspnœa when tympany becomes
well marked, hyperthermia in case of the supervention of enteritis,
and signs of general peritonitis and collapse in case of rupture of the
bowel. A sudden increase of the pain may otherwise indicate the
occurrence of invagination.
As indicating a favorable termination there may be restoration of
the rumbling, the passage of fæces at first perhaps in the form of
solid cylindroid masses, and later as a mixture of broken up ingesta,
liquid and gas, the tension of the abdomen disappears, the pains
lessen and cease, and there is a gradual restoration to health.
Lesions. The abdominal walls are tense and more or less drumlike,
and when these are cut through the large intestines protrude
strongly. When punctured there is a free discharge of gas. The most
common seat of obstruction is the pelvic flexure, but it may occur in
the floating colon, or rectum, in the double colon even at other parts
than its pelvic flexure, in the cæcum or in the ilio-cæcal opening. The
impacted mass is firm, rather dry, covered with mucus and
sometimes blood, and manifestly only partially digested. Its size and
form vary greatly as it is moulded into the affected viscus. The
mucosa in contact with the impacted mass is covered with a thick
layer of viscid mucus sometimes streaked with blood. The mucosa
itself is congested, thickened, friable, and marked with spots or
patches of various colors (white, gray, green,) indicating
commencing necrosis. In old standing cases this may extend to the
other coats of the bowel determining perforation or laceration.
The portion of the bowel immediately in front of the obstruction is
filled with liquid which has been forced down upon the barrier by the
active peristaltic movements, and the distension by liquid and gas
may have increased until rupture has ensued with the escape of the
contents into the peritoneal cavity. Invagination, volvulus and
peritonitis are common.
Treatment. This will vary according to the stage and degree of the
illness. In slight cases with transient colics only after meals, a more
laxative diet may suffice. Boiled flaxseed, roots, potatoes, apples,
green cornstalks, silage, or even sloppy bran mashes, with an
abundance of good water and active exercise may prove efficient.
Copious injections of warm water, soapsuds, or linseed oil emulsion
may be added.
In the more violent cases we must resort to more active measures
and yet drastic purgatives are full of danger. The free secretion from
the vascular small intestines and the active vermicular movements,
lead to the speedy overdistension of the bowel just in front of the
obstruction, the current being strong and active all around the
contracting gut in contact with the mucosa, while a weaker return
current sets in in the centre, but is effectually checked and arrested
at no great distance in front of the impaction by the strong backward
peripheral stream. If therefore the impaction is not broken up, it is
inevitable that the gut above must be more and more distended until
a rupture ensues.
Yet in a certain number of cases a moderate dose of aloes or castor
oil supplemented by frequent enemata and other measures, succeeds
in safely overcoming the obstruction. The solid impacted mass is
gradually softened and removed, and finally after perhaps three or
four days of complete obstruction the fæces begin to pass and
recovery ensues.
With or without the aloes, the hypodermic use of pilocarpin or
eserine or both will often succeed in obtaining successful peristalsis.
Barium chloride while inducing more active peristalsis is, on that
account, somewhat more dangerous.
Pain may be moderated and fermentation checked by chloral
hydrate (½ oz.), or, an anodyne, morphia (2–4 grs.), may be given
hypodermically. In the absence of these, extract of hyoscyamus or
belladonna (2 drs.) may be given by the mouth, and repeated as may
be necessary. If tympany is dangerous use the trochar and cannula.
Enemata and other accessory measures must not be neglected.
W. Williams has resorted to rectal injections of 2 oz. aloes forced
into the rectum by a syringe furnished with a long elastic tube, and
repeated when expelled. Brusasco has used copious liquid injections
poured into a rectal tube the end of which is raised at least ten feet
above the croup, so as to gain the requisite force. Schadrin uses
injections of cold water to stimulate the bowels to contractions.
Injections of oils or mucilaginous matters when they can be carried
far enough lubricate the walls and favor the passage of solid matters.
Castor oil which acts to a large extent locally is especially applicable.
Mechanical applications are often valuable. If the obstruction is
lodged in the rectum or floating colon it can usually be reached by
the oiled hand and carefully extracted. If this is not successful,
impactions in the floating colon or pelvic flexure may still be to a
large extent broken up and loosened by the knuckles of the oiled
hand in the rectum. I have often resorted to this with excellent effect.
Impactions in the cæcum or elsewhere in the double colon are
however inaccessible for such treatment. For these, external
measures are available. Wilhelm wraps the abdomen in cold
compresses. Causse and Lafosse recommend the electric current.
Friction to the skin of the abdomen is a common resort. Rudofsky
turns the animal on his side or his back, to remove the weight of the
small intestines from the impacted cæcum or colon, and favor the
exit by gravitation of the contents from the cæcum into the colon.
Kneading of the abdomen with the fists or knee when in this
recumbent position may also be resorted to.
As a dernier resort, Gaullet performed laparotomy but with no
success as the animal died the following day. The horse was,
however, in extremis at the time of the operation and a portion of the
intestinal wall was blackish and gangrenous. To be successful such
an operation should be practiced before there is any probability of
gangrene, and while the patient is still in good condition for
recuperation. But these are just the cases in which success is to be
hoped for from less dangerous measures. Again the conditions for its
success are best in case of obstruction of the pelvic flexure, as that
could easily be drawn out through a spacious abdominal wound,
incised, emptied and sutured with careful antiseptic precautions, and
with little risk of infection of the peritoneum. But this is just the
point where an obstruction can be efficiently dealt with in a less
dangerous way, by kneading through the rectum for example. The
operation, however, is not one to be utterly condemned, but in any
case in which it is certain that the obstruction is otherwise
irremediable, it should be adopted at as early a stage as possible,
under anæsthesia, and with antiseptic precautions. The after
treatment would consist in a restricted diet of milk or gruel with
antiseptics to prevent fermentation and bloating.

Causes: Debility, hard, fibrous food, dry winter feeding, privation of water,
astringents, smut, ergot. Symptoms: Hard, moulded, coated dung, blood-streaked,
and in small quantity, tympany, dullness, debility, splashing sound when right
flank is pressed, rectal exploration. Treatment: Laxative food, water, salt,
strychnia, eserine, barium chloride, enemata, oils.

This is not a common affection in cattle, yet it does occur in weak

and debilitated conditions, and in animals fed on fibrous and
innutritious aliments. The ingesta are delayed in the gut, their liquid
portion absorbed and the remainder accumulates in a hard mass,
which distends and weakens the bowel. Dry winter feeding, with a
scarcity of water strongly contributes to its production. Astringent
plants in the hay, or smut or ergot may add to the tendency.
Symptoms. The fæces are hard and firm, glazed on the surface,
coated with mucus and sometimes stained with blood. They are
passed in small quantity and with much effort and straining, and
finally the bowels become completely blocked, nothing whatever
being passed. Tympany of the rumen now appears, especially after
feeding, appetite and rumination fail, there is much dullness,
debility, and loss of flesh and unless relieved, the animal dies in
marasmus. Pressure on the right side of the abdomen made suddenly
and forcibly produces a sound of liquid splashing in an air space,
derived apparently from the accumulation above the obstruction.
The oiled hand introduced into the rectum may feel the solid
impaction, but in any case causes pain and moaning when the seat of
the impaction is pressed upon.
Treatment. In the milder cases and earlier stages a change to
sloppy food, green food, or boiled flaxseed, with plenty of salt, free
access to water, and scruple doses of nux vomica may prove
In the more advanced conditions with complete obstruction, give
½ lb. to 1 lb. each of sodium chloride, and sodic sulphate, and ½ dr.
nux vomica, inject hypodermically 3 grs. eserine or 7 grains barium
chloride, give water ad libitum, and frequent and large injections of
soapsuds. If these latter are given cold they will still further stimulate
the missing peristalsis. In obstinate cases a second dose of the salts,
or 1 quart of castor oil may be given with the addition of 20 drops of
croton oil.
When relief has been obtained, a laxative and nutritive diet and a
course of bitters should follow.
Causes: green leguminosæ, dew, rain, dry indigestible food, lack of water or
exercise, debility, torpid liver. Symptoms: firm, small, coated stools, obstruction,
straining, tympany, rumbling, vomiting, anorexia, lies on belly, secludes himself,
restless, grinding teeth, diarrhœa. Diagnosis from hog cholera. Treatment:
laxatives, enemata, antiferments, rubbing, massage, mechanical unloading of
rectum, puncture, dieting, bitters.
Causes. The leguminosæ in their green state are liable to produce
indigestion and flatulence in the pig. If covered by dew or rain this
tendency is increased. Dry, fibrous or indigestible food with privation
of water and of exercise tends to intestinal impaction. Debility from
any cause, by weakening the contractility and secretory power of the
bowel strongly predisposes to this condition. Torpid liver with
diminished secretion of bile is another common factor.
Symptoms. The defecations are infrequent, and small, and covered
by a mucus film on a glazed surface. This increases steadily until they
cease altogether, when straining, tympany, rumbling and vomiting
follow. The animal refuses food, and lies on its belly, hiding under
the straw when that is available. Restlessness with frequent change
of place and grinding of the teeth are noticed. A spontaneous cure
may take place by a free secretion of liquid in which the impacted
mass is loosened, disintegrated and floated off, the costiveness being
succeeded by diarrhœa. Once established this diarrhœa may become
persistent, causing serious loss of condition, and simulating hog
cholera. It may be distinguished by the fact that it occurred without
the introduction of a contagium, is easily accounted for by the nature
of the food and is not communicated to adjacent herds treated in a
different way. There is also the absence of the petechiæ on the skin,
and, on post mortem, of the specific round necrotic intestinal ulcers
of hog cholera.
Treatment. The first object is to rid the intestines of the irritating
impacted masses, and this may be secured by giving 1 oz. castor oil, 2
drs. jalap, or 3 grs. croton farina to a 150 lb. pig. This may be
seconded by frequent and copious injections of soapsuds. If
fermentation and tympany are troublesome 30 grs. chloral hydrate
may be given and repeated as circumstances demand it. Active
rubbing of the abdomen or kneading of the same will prove useful. If
tympany becomes dangerous the gas may be safely evacuated by
trochar and cannula, the point of puncture being selected by the
clearness of the resonance. When the impaction has reached the
rectum and prevents the use of enemata, it may be extracted with the
oiled fore finger. An injection of sweet oil may then be given and the
finger may be used again and again as the impacted fæces come
within reach. When diarrhœa has set in it may be checked by doses
of 30 to 60 drops of laudanum, and a diet of boiled milk, well boiled
flaxseed or other starchy gruel or mush. A course of bitters with
chalk, bismuth or antiseptics will prove serviceable during
Usual seat. Causes: house life, neglect of call to defecate, lack of exercise,
overdistension, atony, watch dogs, over feeding, obesity, ill health, debility, loss of
teeth, paraplegia, spiced and sweet food, matting of hair over anus, tumors round
anus. Symptoms: small, hard, white, glazed stools, straining, no stools, hot, tender,
swollen, bulging anus, abdominal manipulation, dullness, laziness, seeking
seclusion, colics, tender abdomen, stiffness, arched back, drooping head and tail,
vomiting—sometimes feculent, fever. Lesions: impacted mass of hard, gritty
particles, catarrhal congested or necrotic mucosa, and outer coats, perforating
ulcers. Treatment: air, exercise, laxative diet, mechanical extraction, purgatives,
enemata, demulcents, laparotomy, enterrectomy.
In the dog, atony and impaction are common especially in the
rectum, where the fæces are unduly retained in connection with
house life until accumulated and dried. The impaction tends to
extension forward, the new material adding continually to the old,
and the overdistended rectum becoming more and more atonic in
proportion to the increase of the distension.
Causes. The most prominent factor is denial of nature’s call to
defecate, on the part of house dogs trained to habits of cleanliness.
The accumulated mass distends and weakens the rectum, enabling it
to hold more without suffering, making the call of nature less
imperious, and diminishing the power of expulsion. Lack of exercise
usually operates in the same animals, as it also does in watch dogs,
the movements of which are limited by the length of their chains.
Overfeeding contributes, in various ways, by increasing the
amount of feculent matter passed on into the rectum, by hastening
the food through stomach and small intestine imperfectly digested
and therefore in a more irritating condition, and by contributing to
obesity and lack of tone.
In mastiffs, hounds, bull-dogs, etc., which are naturally gluttonous
and swallow animal food in large masses without tearing apart, or
mastication, portions pass into the intestine undigested and tend to
disturb and block the terminal bowel.
Dogs that are out of health, and which lack tone in general have
usually torpid bowels and suffer from delay and impaction of
contents. Hence all chronic and debilitating diseases are liable to
become aggravated by this troublesome complication.
Old dogs with the teeth worn out and the general tone of the
stomach and intestines low are habitual sufferers.
Paralysis of the posterior limbs is usually associated with paresis of
the rectum and accumulation, and various other atonic nervous
disorders act in the same way.
The sympathy between the skin and alimentary tract shows itself
in common disorders, indigestions and catarrh becoming
complicated by skin eruptions acute and chronic, by indigestions and
impactions. To both conditions the nature of the food of house dogs
largely contributes, the habit of eating abundantly at each meal time
of the master, the consumption of highly spiced meats, of sweet
cakes, pastry and puddings, and even the exclusive diet of white
bread or farinaceous and starchy aliment.
In long haired dogs, the matting of these hairs together across the
anus proves a factor by rendering defecation difficult and painful.
The formation of tumors around the anus, or inflammation and
swelling of the anal glands are additional causes.
Symptoms. As in other animals this condition may be chronic,
lasting for a long time without leading to complete obstruction. The
fæces are passed in hard fœtid, whitish masses, often partly divided,
in pellets, dry, and polished on the surface and covered with a film of
mucus, sometimes blood. They are passed at considerable intervals,
slowly and with painful effort and straining.
In the more advanced and violent cases defecation becomes
absolutely impossible, though the animal strains violently and
frequently. The anus and rectum bulge as a rounded swelling and the
congested and bleeding mucous membrane may be exposed, but
nothing is passed. The anus is hot and tender to the touch and the
anal glands swollen. Manipulation of the abdomen between the two
hands can detect the impacted gut extended forward for a
considerable distance, and even implicating the colon. The oiled
finger in the rectum may detect the impacted matter as a
conglomerate mass of gritty materials. If the appetite continues this
becomes all the more extensive. The affected animal is dull, prostrate
and indisposed to exertion, seeking a dark retired place where he can
rest undisturbed curled up into a ball. Sometimes he starts with a
sharp yelp. Especially does he shrink and complain when the belly is
handled. If made to walk, he does so stiffly, hangs head and tail,
arches the back and tucks up the belly. The face and eyes express
severe suffering. Vomiting is a frequent complication, the rejected
matters being often feculent. Colicy pains are indicated by yelping or
moaning, enteritis and peritonitis by hyperthermia and extreme
abdominal tenderness. The acute disease may last from one to two
weeks, and death may be preceded by auto-infection, by nervous
symptoms of various kinds or by enteritis or peritonitis.
Lesions. These may be stated shortly as impaction, catarrh or
necrotic changes of the mucosa, more or less extensive
inflammations of the bowels and peritoneum, perforations, and
congestions of the liver and kidneys.
Treatment. In the milder cases plenty of open air exercise and a
laxative diet may succeed. In the more severe cases it is usually
requisite to unload the rectum mechanically. The dog is laid on a
table, and the oiled finger introduced through the anus, lubricates
the mucosa as far as it can be reached. Then little by little the firm
mass may be disintegrated and removed being steadied by the other
hand applied on the abdomen. The handle of a teaspoon or a special
spoonshaped curette may at times replace the finger to advantage,
but must be used with due judgment, in view of the thinness and
friability of the walls of the gut.
When the gut has been emptied in this way, or in the less severe
cases without this preliminary, purgatives and frequent injections
can be used to advantage. Jalap ½ dr. and calomel 5 grains, or castor
oil ½ oz., or syrup of buckthorn have been usually employed. The
impaction is usually too firm for the transient action of eserine or
pilocarpin. As injections, castor oil, soapsuds, decoctions of flaxseed,
mallow or elm bark may be employed being repeated as often as they
are expelled and supplemented by the mechanical removal of all
solid matters that come within reach.
In cases so extensive as to resist the above measures we can resort
to laparotomy. The incision can be made close and parallel to the
linea alba, the rectum, or floating colon drawn out through the
wound, the other intestines being carefully held back by an assistant,
the gut is then incised longitudinally and its solid contents removed.
The wound is thoroughly cleansed, washed with an antiseptic
(mercuric chloride 1:2000), and sutured with catgut, the mucosa
being carefully turned in and the muscular and peritoneal coats kept
in accurate contact. Finally the abdominal wound is closed by silk
sutures. The patient must be placed for a week or ten days on well
boiled gruels and the rectum frequently emptied by injections of
tepid water.
In case the bowel is found to be necrotic, the gangrenous section
may be excised and the ends brought together by Murphy’s button,
or simply sutured with catgut over a hollow tube of raw potato.

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