(MT) Modern History by MD Tarique (MT)

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 MODERN HISTORY MD TARIQUE SIR  Economic Exploitation: The British tried to take

away all that was possible from the Indians. They

tried to drain India out of all the wealth that she
 Class notes
 Racial Superiority and discrimination: The British
 Handouts
started to discriminate Indians on the basis of
 Bipin Chandra their colour
 India’s struggle for Independence  Literature of Protest and Patriotism: Bankim
 For a good administrator Chandra wrote the famous song Vande
 Principles and Pragmatic approach needed Mataram; Swami Vivekananda appealed to the
spiritual side of nationalism; Bal Gangadhar Tilak
 THEME OF FREEDOM STRUGGLE organized Ganapati and Shivaji festivals to awaken
 Emergence of Indian Nationalism & the masses. He thundered “Swaraj is my birth
right and I shall have it”
formation of INC  Although Indian society was heterogeneous yet
1. Nationalism & Indian Nationalism
many factors of late 19th century helped in
2. Factors responsible for the rise of Indian
arousing nationalist feelings
 Unification of India through uniform
3. Formation of INC- Myth or reality
administration & Modern judicial Institutions help
4. The Moderate Phase of INC 1885-1905
in developing a national consciousness
a. Demands/objectives/Goals
b. Nature of movement/ Method of struggle  Cultural consciousness result of socio-religious
c. Roles/achievements/Outcomes/ reform Movements of 19th century gave
Significance/ critics etc confidence to educated Indians about their past
and culture, particularly among upper caste
1. NATIONALISM,INDIAN NATIONALISM Hindus. Many of them saw India as a nation even
 Nationalism is a modern ideology. It is a feeling in ancient period , helpful in arousing a national
of oneness in geographical border with shared consciousness
history & culture , shared values and shared  Critique on British economic policies such as
aspirations Drain of wealth, poverty, high rate of taxation,
 Nationalism is a feeling of oneness, togetherness famine, de-industrialization all helped in
and common consciousness which may be based arousing a national consciousness among
on political, historical, religious, linguistic, racial, concerned educated Indians
cultural, psychological or some other identity. The  Modern Liberal political thought like liberty ,
people of one nation may share common equality, fraternity, justice, citizenship, helped in
aspirations and dreams too. For most scholars, arousing a national consciousness among
India is a nation in making. concerned educated middle class Indians
 Indian nationalism emerged in 2nd half of 19th  Modern press journals , magazines both in English
century in decades of 1860s-1870s & 1880s. firstly & vernacular languages raised important national
in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras among educated issues which helped in arousing a political
Middle class consciousness among readers
 { when, where, among whom done}  Modern means of transportation &
communication such as railways , roads , Post,
2. FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE telegraph helped in uniting Indians both
physically and emotionally
RISE/EMERGENCE OF INDIAN  English Language helped in uniting educated
NATIONALISM Indians of diverse vernacular languages. People
 The Revolt of 1857: The people after the revolt could discuss national issues more freely, because
became politically conscious English became a lingua franca language.
 The Imperialistic rule of the British: National  Ilbert Bill Controversy: The Indians realized
sentiments grew among the Indians because that the British would never let them come on
British had a strong hold over the institutions and par with them and that they would have to fight
Indian resources for their rights.

 The period of Lord Lytton was marked by many a. Many political organizations were established
controversies which forced many concerned in Bombay , Madras, Bengal in 1860s-70s-80s
educated Indians to join hands b. The leaders of these all organizations regularly
met Dadabhai Naoroji at London & A.O Hume
PREDECESSORS OF INC in India where they exchanged their ideas &
felt a need of all India political organization
A. Landholders Society (1838), to promote class
(gradual process not sudden)
interests of Landlords of Bihar, Bengal and Orissa.
 The Indian Nationalists felt that some English help
It was first political organization in India
was needed as they were close to the Govt. & had
B. Bengal British India Society (1843), to project and
experiences in Govt. functioning. they also
promote general public interest. Both merged in
realized that the presence of few English in INC
British India Association (1851)
would not create any suspicion in the mind of
C. Madras Native Association (1852)
authority (Congress founded by India so with the
D. Bombay Association (1852) help of British not by British)
E. East India Association: Dadabhai Nauroji (1866) to  So far, the claimed secret document has not been
discuss Indian question and influence British found
public men to promote Indian welfare.  Objectives of Indian National Congress
F. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (1876) by Justice Govind
 To promote friendly relations among
Ranade, Ganesh Vasudeo Joshi and S.H.
nationalist political workers from different
parts of the country.
G. Indian Association (1876) by Anand Mohan Bose
 Formulation of popular demands and their
and Surendra Nath Banerjee, demanded reforms
presentation before the
in civil services
 Characters of these Organisations
 Dominated by wealthy Zamindars  Mobilizing public opinion.
 Local in character  Development and consideration of feeling of
 Worked mainly for administrative reforms national unity.
 They demanded larger employment of Indians  Demands of Indian National Congress
in administration, spread of education, etc.  Expansion and reform of the Legislative
……1st class ended,2nd started……. Council
 Greater opportunities for Indians in the public
3. FORMATION OF INC services by holding ICS examination,
simultaneously in England and in India.
a) Safety Valve theory (view)
 Re-imposition of import duties on cotton
 Lord ,Wutenburg claimed about the existence of a
secret document consisting correspondence
between Lord Dufferin (1884-88 Gov-Gen &  Reduction of military expenditure
Viceroy) and Allan Dctovian Hume ( a retired civil  Spread of technical and general education
servant ICS)  Separation of judiciary from executive
 Based on this claimed secret document and some  NATURE OF THE MOVEMENTS
other developments the theory evolved regarding a) Confined themselves to speeches, meetings
Formation of INC – in which it was believed that and resolution.
Congress was formed / founded by British to b) Persuasion of the British government, by
protect their empire & interest in India prayers, petitions, writings, representations.
(economic, political, cultural) c) Believed in constitutional from of struggle
 Further later Lala-Lajpat Rai gave a term “Safety only
Valve “ to this theory d) Confined their political activity to educated
Just telling Govt was worried about revolt 1857 & class of cities only
similar can happen in future & let us create a body  OFFICIAL ATTITUDE
(INC) to avoid direct conflict between people and
a) From the very beginning the government was
Govt but it should be done through a body that
represent people to Govt hostile towards the development of
nationalist forces.
b) Nationalist theory b) The government thought that Congress would
 Indian nationalists before & after Independence confine itself to criticism of policies
have rejected safety valve theory and argued that
c) The nationalist began to preach the messages Few class × All classes ✓
of nationalism through meetings and believe in ✓ Wanted ×
pamphlets. The government did not like it. reform independence
d) Lord Dufferin called INC as political optimistic ✓ pessimistic ×
organization of ‘Microscopic Minority’.
e) Curzon wished to see Congress on its death
 1867:- Dada Bhai Naoroji in an article “English
debt to India” wrote as first document about
drain of wealth. Further along with him , RP
POLITICAL ORGANISATION Dutt, RC dutt, Gopal Krishan Gokhale, Dinsha
a) It represented all races, creeds and all watcha wrote about this theory
communities.  So early nationalists were Secular, reformists ,
b) Its membership was open to persons of all optimistic, and raised demands for all the
communities. classes
c) All communities have worked for its  Some of their key demands
 Administrative Demands: To make
d) It approached the country’s problems from an bureaucracy more responsive
all-India point of view.
e) Initially, it was represented by few but  Demand for Indianization of civil services
represented for all through simultaneous ICS examinations in
England and India.
4. MODERATE PHASE OF INC  Higher jobs in the army for Indians and
the raising of an Indian volunteer force.
1885-1905  Economic Demands:
 During this phase movement was confined to a  An enquiry into India’s growing poverty
handful of the educated middle class intelligentsia and famines
who were inspired by western education and  Abolition of Salt Tax
liberal thinkers  Cuts in Home Charges and military
a) Demands/objectives/Goals expenditure
 They were not demanding the independence  More funds for technical education to
 They demanded in 1906 & 1929 promote Indian industries
 1906:-demanded Swaraj first time by Dada Bhai  To end the unfair tariffs and excise duties
Naoroji in Calcutta  Civil Rights:
 1929:- poorna swaraj Lahore JL Nehru
 the moderates firmly opposed the
 More representations in the imperial council
restrictions imposed on the freedom of
(legislature) & executive bodies both at centre
speech, press and association.
and provincial levels (council)
 Separation of Judiciary from executive (theory  They demanded the scrapping of the
given by Montesque) Preventive Detection Act and restoration
 Indianization of civil services of individual liberties
 {write these kind of sentences always in
 Exam should be held in India also
 Syllabus should be changed
 To reduce the land revenue or tax b) Nature of movement/ Method of struggle
 Reduction in expenditure on administration &  early nationalists moved into different cities
army and using the same money in public welfare towards the end of the year
programs  they would elect president initially through
 To protect Indian industries , Govt should adopt consensus and later through voting
some policies  they would discuss various national issues
 Provide freedom of speech and thought with open mind (drain of wealth , famine)
 Implementation of famine code sincerely to check  they would adopt a resolution at end of the
drain of wealth session generally through consensus if
ANALYSIS OF early nationalists DEMANDS required by voting
ADD IN ANSWERS  resolution would be presented in the form of
Nationalist ✓ regional × Prayers , petition , appeal , application etc to
Secular ✓ communal ×
the concerned authorities and language used  In 1905 the Govt. of Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
was Soft & Humble (e.g sorry) announced that Bengal would be partitioned into
So they are called Moderates because of two parts
separate way of demanding (Soft & Humble) 1. East Bengal & Assam with Dhaka As Capital
 early nationalists published the proceedings 2. Bengal with Calcutta as capital
&resolution of INC in different newspaper  Why it is done, What Govt. Of the day said
both in English and vernacular languages  Govt claimed that partition was necessary for
c) Achievements/Outcomes/ Significance / administrative convenience as Bengal was Big
critics etc province
 Their demands were not met but they  BENGAL that time was { WB + BANGLADESH + BIHAR +
achieved something better & paved an easy JHARKHAND + ODIHA + CERTAIN PARTS OF ASSAM}
way for later Nationalists to pursue National  Govt intended to claim that the people would
movement benefit
 early nationalists created all India political  What the nationalists of the day said
platform (INC) on which leaders of later years
 Indian nationalists both moderates and extremists
played their respective roles (M.Gandhi , JL
rejected this claim of the Govt.
 early nationalists developed a democratic ,  They argued that
secular, political culture in India a) Partition was based on divide and rule principle
i.e. to divide Hindus and Muslims on the one hand
 early nationalists raised important national
& Bengalis and Non-Bengalis on other Hand. So
issues which awaken millions of Indians &
the British policy was Fissiparous policy
arouse patriotic feelings among them
Note:- Behind every conflict in world there is
 early nationalists pressurized Govt. to bring
hidden economic interest , always remember it,
some reforms as can be seen in Indian Council
religion, race, class , language are only used as
Acts of 1892, 1909
identity tools to get economic interest in
Add these in Answers
 Democracy of India is attributed also to
b) Other provinces like Madras Bombay madras
early nationalists
Punjab were big, why not these were partitioned
 India secular ਤ ਾਂ ਹੈ ਪਰ democratic ਨਹ ਾਂ ਹੈ
c) Calcutta was centre of anti-British activities by
ਕਿਉਕਿ society India ਚ ਹਜੇ ਬ patriarchal ਹੈ Moderates , extremists and revolutionaries and
ਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਬਹੁਤ ਿੁਝ । Democracy1951-52 ਕਿਚ Calcutta was also capital of British-India, therefore
ਨਹ ਾਂ 1880s ਤੋਂ ਹ ਇੰਡ ਆ ਚ ਸੁ ਰੂ ਹੋਈ ਸ ਪਰ Curzon Govt. wanted to divide the nationalists
ਇਥੇ ਪਰਧ ਨ ਮੰਤਰ ਅਜੇ ਬ ਪ ਰਟ ਤਕਹ ਿਰਦ ਹੈ
ਲੋ ਿ ਨਹ ਾਂ ਪਰ ਅਮਰ ਿ ਚ ਲੋ ਿ ਅਲਗ ਤੋਂ B. SWADESHI MOVEMENT
president ਚੁਣਦੇ ਨੇ so India ਚ ਏਹ legally ਤ  Cause
ਸਹ ਹੈ ਪਰ constitutional morality base ਤੇ  The Swadeshi Movement was both an intellectual
ਗ਼ਲਤ ਹੈ and mass reaction against Curzon’s reactionary
………….2nd class ended,3rd started……… policy and partition of Bengal. It was the first
mass movement of the country and in many
TIME PERIOD OF 1905 ways it anticipated Gandhian movement
 In 1905 the Govt. of Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
 Questions Come like announced that Bengal would be partitioned into
 Causes {background, context, circumstance } two parts
 Major events /course of the movement 1. East Bengal & Assam with Dhaka As Capital
 Salient’s features 2. Bengal with Calcutta as capital
 Outcome/result/significance etc
 Major events /course of the movement
A. PARTITION OF BENGAL i. 16 oct. 1905 when Bengal was partitioned
 What do we mean by partition people of Calcutta came on streets ,
 Bengal partitioned into Bengal and east Bengal & assembled at town hall ,protested against
Assam (Note:- it was not west Bengal) Govt. and burnt English good especially
English clothes

ii. The protestors formed Swadeshi Bandhav Cotton Mill and Bengal Chemicals were
Smiti and mobilized support in favor of leading examples of it.
Swadeshi Goods and appeal to the people to g) Swadeshi also influenced the realm of Indian
boycott English Goods Art and Science. Armindra Nath and Nanda Lal
iii. they boycotted the English educational Basu revived Ajanta and Rajput style of
institutions and established their own paintings.
nationalists schools and colleges h) Prafulla Chand Roy and Jagdish Chandra Bose
iv. they also boycotted English courts i.e. HC, worked on indigenous science.
District and lower courts and used the i) Literature of India also got a new genus.
services of traditional courts ‘Yuganter’ and ‘Bande Matram’ were the two
v. Many Indians Returned their title and honors leading news papers which had great impact
like Rai Bahadhur Khan Bahadhur etc on politics.
vi. They also boycotted English colonies , stopped j) “Thakur ma Jhuli” of Dakshin Ranjan
supplying food , milk , vegetables , Majumdar was wonderful literary work
newspapers, fruits in English colonies written for children.
 Salient features of Swadeshi movement k) Bengali theatre, ‘Jatra’ and ‘Baul Geet’ were
i. It was a mass movement of urban areas in also used to preach patriotism.
which industrial workers , traders , l) Rabindranath Tagore (Gurudev) composed
professionals, intellectuals ,women and ‘Amar Sonar Bangala’(My golden Bengal) in
students actively participated {peasants and 1905 to arouse patriotic feelings, which later
farmers were not there because it was mainly became national song of Bangladesh.
in urban areas) m) First time industrial workers also participated
ii. To mobilize common people , religious and in political movement. The Printer’s Union,
cultural symbols, slogans and songs were used Kolkata and Postal Union, Bombay went on
such as Raksha Bandhan , Ganesh Chaturthi, strike.
Durga Pooja and Holy bath in a river, which n) The most substantial legacy of swadeshi
united a section of majority but divided a movement was the growth of revolutionary
section of minority. Tagore, to inspire and groups in Bengal, Maharashtra and Punjab.
unite Bengalis , wrote Amar Sonar Bangla (My o) ‘Anushilan Smiti’, ‘Yugantar’, ‘Ashram’,
Golden Bengal) ‘Sadhana’, ‘Abhinav Bharat’, and ‘Anujumane
iii. Indian Industrialists and nationalists joined Muhibbane Vatan’ etc. were the prominent
hands together and many indigenous revolutionary groups
industries were established and promoted  Some emerging trends in Indian Politics
such as Handloom , cotton ,textile industries a) Vande Matram movement spread in south
of Bombay and Surat, paper , glass and India too.
matches Industry b) Industrial workers participated
 Important facts about Swadeshi movement c) First time women also participated in a
a) It was first time in Indian history that passive political movement
resistance and boycott, picketing of shops, d) Constructive Swadeshi was a new political
selling foreign goods were used as political ideal
weapons to oppose British Raj. e) Passive resistance was used as a political war,
b) The Bengal National College was founded with boycott was used effectively
Aurobindo Ghosh as its principal, National  Outcome
School at Barisal was also set up. i. Swadeshi movement although united many
c) National Council was set up to facilitate Indians in Bengal, Bombay , madras ,Punjab
teaching from primary to the university level and activated leaders and volunteers
with emphasis on vernaculars. ii. Despite opposition, Govt. partitioned Bengal
d) The Bengal technical Institute was set up. but in 1911 the two parts of Bengali speaking
e) Many organizations like ‘Swadeshi Bhandav region , however the Bihar and odisha got
Smiti’ , ‘The Dawn Society’, ‘Sadhana’, were separated from Bengal with Patna as common
formed to promulgate the ideology of headquarter
‘Swadeshi’ and ‘Swaraj’. iii. Further Odisha was separated from Bihar
f) Swadeshi movement gave impetus to the 1936 based on GOI Act 1935 {Odisha became
growth of indigenous industries . Lakshmi

new state 1936, but decision was taken in  They believe in passive resistance (boycott , strike
1935} , public meetings , dharna (court arrest) (none of
iv. This movement exposed the differences them is violent), writing in newspapers,
between moderates and extremists , was seen pamphlets , posters
at Calcutta session 1906 presided by  whereas extremists wanted Swadeshi movement
Dadabhai Naoroji in which Swaraj resolution should be spread in others parts of India along
was adopted ,but the surat session of with Bengal also
congress held in 1907 became violent session  What Extremists wanted?
famously called surat split presided by Rash a. The annual session of Congress should be
Behari Gosh as the extremists leaders were held at Nagpur
expelled out from congress. And Govt. also b. B.G.Tilak or Lajpat Rai as Congress
harassed and arrested the extremists and President
 “Tilak” was arrested and sent to c. Reiteration of resolutions on Boycott,
“Mandley jail (Burma-1908-1914), Swadeshi and National Education
 lajpat Rai was exiled and forced to leave  Calcutta Congress Session in Dec.1906
Punjab and deported to Kashmir a. Extremists wanted Tilak or Lajpat Rai as
 Aurobindo ghosh left politics and became President, Moderates proposed the name of
Sanyasi in Pondicherry and collection of Dadabhai Naoroji, who was finally elected
his letters was published in book form b. Compromise was made: Swaraj was declared
“New lamp for the Old” as goal of Congress.
 Decline of Swadeshi Movement, Causes c. Resolution on ‘Boycott’, ‘Swadeshi’ and
a) The government seeing its revolutionary ‘National Education’ was passed.
potential came down with heavy hands
b) Internal squabbles especially Surat split
weakened the movement  Causes:
c) Swadeshi movement lacked an effective a) Emergence of political consciousness about the
organization and party structure impact of colonial rule in India, especially the
d) Failed to reach the rural people, the peasants. exploitative character of economic policies like
‘drain of wealth’, ‘high rate of taxation’,
‘deindustrialization’, ‘poverty’, ‘regular
 MODERATES & EXTREMISTS (Dif.) occurrence of famine’ etc.
A. MODERATES b) Disillusionment from the moderate methods of
 Pherozeshah Merwanjee Mehta politics and loss of faith in constitutional politics
c) Consistent repressive policy of the government
 Dada Bhai Naoroji
 Surendranath Banerjee
 Gopal krishan Gokhale  Imprisonment of Tilak and some other editors
 They believe in Constitutional politics for preaching nationalism (1897)
 Reforms through legislation ,appeal, prayers ,  Deportation of Nathu brothers without trial
petitions , writing in press etc (1897)
 They wanted Swadeshi movement should be  Enactment of a law making it an offence to
confined to Bengal preach nationalism (1898)
 What Moderates wanted?  Enactment of the Indian Official Secrets Act to
a. The annual session of Congress should be restrict the freedom of the press (1904)
held at Surat d) Inspiration from Irish Republican’s movement,
b. Rash Behari Ghosh should be the and Japanese victory over Russia (1904)
President e) The educated youth of Bengal and Poone region
c. To drop the resolutions on boycott, were more active in the early phase of Indian
Swadeshi and national education nationalism
f) Anger, growth of self-respect and self-confidence
B. EXTREMISTS among section of educated and youth
 Aurobindo ghosh g) Large scale unemployment
 Lala Lajpat Rai (PB) h) The outbreak of plague in western part of the
 Bal Gangadhar tilak (Pune) Bombay presidency also acted as catalyst. The
 Bipin Chandra Pal (Bengal) first political assassination took place in India
during this time when Chapekar brothers killed …..3rd class ended, 4th started……….
Rands, the Plague Commissioner.
i) The regressive policy of Lord Curzon like Calcutta  THE INDIAN COUNCIL ACT 1909
Corporation Act,1899, Indian Universities Act of (MORLEY- MINTO REFORM)
1904, The Official Secrets Act and the Partition of
Bengal (1905) further angered people. A. BACKGROUND (in which context)
 The Methods And Tactics used by the  The Indian councils Act of 1909 was a political
Extremists maneuver to win the moderates in the
congress to the government side and to divide
 Passive resistance (Aurobindo Ghosh & Tilak
various communities and interests in India
are regarded as father of passive resistance)
 Dissatisfaction with Indian Council Act,1892.
a. Mass Mobilization
The extremists in the Congress advocated the
b. Public Speeches, posters, pamphlets
policy of pressure to win political rights. The
c. Boycott of British goods, services, courts,
1892 Act did not satisfy even the moderates
educational institutions
 In the early years of 20th century political
d. Use of Swadeshi goods, services and
activities in many parts of India especially in
Bengal, Bombay and madras had increased.
e. Return of Titles and Honors
Anti-british activities of Moderates, extremists
f. Promotion of National Education
and revolutionaries were on full swing
 Surat Congress Session in Dec. 1907 and  Curzon’s reactionary policies (Frazer
Events, which led to Surat Split Commission,1902, Indian University Act,1904)
a. The extremists wanted to extend the and Partition of Bengal (1905) awoke the
Swadeshi and boycott movement from Bengal national consciousness of Indians
to the rest of the country.  Some Muslim leaders met Governal-general
b. They also wanted to gradually extend the Lord Minto-II (1905-10) at Shimla and
boycott from foreign goods to every form of demanded representation for Muslims in
association or co-operation with the colonial legislative council
government.  Economic distress and famines alienated the
c. The moderates wanted to confine the boycott people from British rule
to parts of Bengal and were totally opposed to  The think tank of the Govt. was convinced
its extension to the government. that some reforms were needed through
d. By the end of 1907 they were looking at each which they could pacify at least the
other as political enemy. Moderate leaders Moderates
such as Firoz Shah Mehta and extremist such  In this background , Minto’s plan was to
as Aurbindo Ghosh felt that the split was placate political unrest by a dose of political
inevitable reforms . Morley (the secretary of state) and
e. Although Gokhle tried to avoid the split but Minto (Viceroy-Governal general ) suggested
there were differences in his camp.
some reforms which was enacted by British
f. At Surat, the extremist wanted to a guarantee
Parliament in 1909 as Indian Council Act 1909
that the four Calcutta resolutions be passed
 Government’s plan was to use political
and force it on the moderates
reforms as a device to drive a wedge between
g. They objected on Ras Bihari Ghosh becoming
Hindus and Muslims through communal
as Congress President
h. The split soon became inevitable
 Outcome of the Surat Split: B. THE PROVISIONS
a. With government encouragement moderates  The size of Legislative Councils, both at the
adopted compromising attitude Centre and in the Provinces, were expanded
b. Moderates controlled the Congress fully,  The size of Imperial council (central legislative
extremists were expelled from the party council) was expanded to 68 members (earlier
c. Extremists were harassed, arrested and it was 12 to 18 ) (Governor General + 7
deported in different parts of India and Executive Counselors + 60 Additional
Burma. Tilak was sent to Mandlay jail, Burma Members)
(Mynmar) where he lived from 1908 to 1914  TOTAL=68
d. The moderates too suffered, lost sheen in  ELECTED  NOMINATED
politics and lost popularity among the masses
 36  32  no court of India deprives you from
 Two types  Two types
 By general electorate  Officials C. CRITICAL EVALUATION / SIGNIFICANCE
 By Separate electorate  Non-officials  The act disillusioned nationalists, even the
 Today ↓  Today ↓ moderates in the Congress were unhappy.
 543 LS  2 Indian council act disappointed Indian
 238 RJ  12
Nationalists because the legislators got
limited powers .They had no control over
 Tenure of office of ‘additional’ members was
budget and executive
to be 3 years
 Qualifications, both for candidates and for  Self-government not conceded. Morley
voters. Women, minors, persons below 25 described it as moon-shine
years of age were not eligible to vote  Number of nominated members was quite
 Separate electorate (based on class or high and with the members from separate
community) would be given to Hindu electorate. The act injected poison in the
jamidars , Indian Muslims and Chamber of Indian body-politic through introduction of
commerce Calcutta and Chamber of class and communal electorates. System of
commerce Bombay . First time, system of communal electorates slowly and steadily led
class and communal electorates was to the inevitable end- the partition of India
introduced in the Legislative Councils  Separate electorate was based on Fissiparous
Communal Electorate was provided for Hindu policy of the Govt. and polarized different
Zamindars, Indian Muslims, Chambers of religious communities as J.L Nehru rightly
Commerce, Calcutta and Chambers of wrote “separate electorate institutionalized
Commerce, Bombay communalism in India”
 One Indian would be included in Gov-general  Size of electoral or franchise was very limited
Executive council (1st time :- S.P.Sinha) and majority of people (more than 90%) had
 Two Indians would be included in India’s no voting rights. Official majority in Central
council Office London {K.C.Gupta and Sayed Legislative Council kept all authority in
Husain Bilgrami } government hands
 The legislatures got some more powers , they  Disqualification clauses for elections to
could discuss on budget and could ask legislatures kept extremists’ nationalists out
supplementary questions. Members could of councils
discuss annual financial statement, propose  Legislative Councils resembled durbars, not
resolutions, but budgets as a whole was not parliament. The system of government of
subject to vote of legislative council. Members India remained “benevolent despotism” or
could ask questions and supplementary “constitutional autocracy”.
questions on matters of public interest.  The act failed to produce the satisfactory
 Non-official members were in majority in results, the members were elected indirectly
Provincial Legislative Council and consequently the people took no active
 Number of members of Provincial Executive interest in the election of the members.
Councils of Bengal, Madras and Bombay was  The responsibility in the matter of
raised to 4 each administration closely lay with the
 Note:- throughout british rule elections was bureaucracy, which could flout the
based on limited suffrage till 1951-52 elections recommendations of the members of the
in India was not based on universal adult legislature
 limited suffrage:- based on TIME PERIOD OF 1916
 Education ( like certificate, degree )
 Finance (income tax payers etc) A. THE HOME RULE LEAGUE
 This showed how many were voters at MOVEMENT - HRL-1916
that time  The year 1916 saw the union of the Moderate and
 Universal adult suffrage based on :- radical section of the Congress, and Lucknow pact
 citizen of India for the common cause of India.
 crossed 18 and
 The year 1916 is also memorable for the programme of educative propaganda and to a
inauguration of the two Home Rule Leagues, one revival of local-level Congress Committees.
founded by the Lokmanya Tilak in April and  Not willing to wait for too long, Besant laid the
another by Annie Besant in September,1916. condition that if the Congress did not implement
 Annie Besant launched her campaign through her its commitments, she would be free to set up her
two newspapers ‘New India’ and ‘Commonweal’ own League—which she finally had to, as there
and organized public meetings and conferences was no response from the Congress.
and demanded self-government after the war.  Tilak and Besant set up their separate leagues to
 Tilak’s league was active in Central Provinces, avoid any friction.
Berar, Maharashtra, and Karnataka while Besant’s  Besant’s League was set up in September 1916 in
league was active in Bombay, Madras and other Madras and covered the rest of India (including
parts of the country. Bombay city). It had 200 branches, was loosely
 Tilak conducted his activities from Poona and organized and had George Arundale as the
Beasant from Adyar (Madras). organizing secretary. Besides Arundale, the main
 Reasons for the Emergence of Home Rule work was done by B.W. Wadia and C. P.
Ramaswamy Aiyar.
 The move created considerable excitement at the
 Many Indian nationalists opposed the war, while
time, and attracted many members of the Indian
moderates and liberals backed the war. The issue
National Congress and the All-India Muslim
divided India’s political classes.
League, who had been allied since the 1916
 A section of the nationalists felt that popular
Lucknow Pact
pressure was required to attain concessions from
the government.  HOME RULE LEAGUE MOVEMENT1916
 The Moderates were disillusioned with the
Morley-Minto Reforms (Indian Council Act,1909).
1. Objectives and formation of HRL
 People were feeling the burden of wartime  April:-1916 Bal Gangadhar Tilak established
miseries caused by high taxation and a rise in HRL at Poona
prices, and were ready to participate in any  September:- 1916 “Annie Besant” established
movement of protest. it at Adiyar near Madras
 The War, being fought among the major  They were inspired Irish Home rule league &
imperialist powers of the day and backed by they wanted Swaraj or self rule
propaganda against each other, exposed the myth  To convey the message of Home Rule to
of white superiority. common man in remote and politically not
 Tilak was ready to assume leadership after his conscious areas, new method of publicity was
release in June 1914, and had made conciliatory used.
gestures to reassure the government of his loyalty  Emphasis was on propaganda to make it mass
and to the Moderates that he wanted, like the based and stressed on public meeting to
Irish Home Rule League, a reform of the spread awareness among people. It got a new
administration and not an overthrow of the dimension with Annie Besant being elected as
government. He also said that the acts of violence the President of Indian National Congress
had only served to retard the pace of political (1917). Many Congress leaders supported it
progress in India. He urged all Indians to assist the and joined the Movement.
Government of India in its hour of crisis. 2. Nature of the movement
 Annie Besant, the Irish theosophist based in India
 It was movement of two individuals not of
since 1893, had decided to enlarge the sphere of
congress party but joined by congress and
her activities to include the building of a
muslim league leaders
movement for Home Rule on the lines of the Irish
 Tilak recruited volunteers from Poona, Berar
Home Rule Leagues.
(MH), Central province (CP, capital Nagpur)
 Annie Besant and Home Rule League and Karnataka region
 At the annual session of the Congress in 1915 the  Annie Besant recruited volunteers from
efforts of Besant met with some success. It was Madras, Bombay and other parts of the
decided that the Extremists be admitted to country
Congress. Although Besant failed to get the  They held several Public meeting addressed
Congress to approve her scheme of Home Rule common people , mostly in cities, in their
Leagues, the Congress did commit itself to a public meeting other leaders also addressed
such as JL Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, soon elected as the President of the INC, at
MD ali Jinnah , Mahatma Gandhi , Maulana Calcutta session in 1917
Azad  Impact of the Home Rule League
 They also use newspapers like Tilak’s  Tilak and Besant infused a new spirit and life
newspapers were “Kesari in Marathi and in the national movement and intensified the
Marhatta in English” and “new India and demand for the grant of self-government.
Common weal by Annie Besant both are in  The movement involved the participation of
English” women, revival of swadeshi spirit and spread
 They also met different social groups of the movement far beyond the frontiers of
particularly students to mobilize , motivate , India.
to join Home rule league movement  The Movement brought together the
 Major events in short Moderates and the Extremists in the
 Promoted political education and Congress.
discussion  The Congress and the League presented a
 Established libraries containing materials common demand i.e., Self-Government.
on national politics  It created a generation of ardent nationalists
 Organized classes for students on politics who formed the backbone of the national
 Printed and circulated pamphlets 5. movement when, under Mahatma’s
 Collected funds . leadership, it entered its truly mass phase.
 Organized social work.
 Took part in local government activities B. LUCKNOW PACT 1916
 Arranged political meetings and lectures  b/w congress and Indian union muslim league
1. After the beginning of the First World War in
3. Outcome / result/ significance etc
1914, the British asked the Indian leaders for their
 This movement created some impact on
co-operation. Indian responses were of threefold:
youth of some cities who became regular
a) Moderate Congress leaders wanted to help
volunteers in subsequent nationalists
the government as a matter of duty
movements particularly Gandhian movements
b) Extremist leaders promised to help in the
 Emphasis on participation in freedom
hope of getting concessions
movement shifted from educated elite to
c) Revolutionaries hoped to fulfil their objectives
masses, which gave it a new dimension
out of England’s difficulties
 Swaraj became popular slogan during this
2. Two major developments during First World War
in Indian politics were:
 Some young leaders emerged from this
a) Reunion of the moderates and the extremists
movements such as JL Nehru, Maulana Azad,
b) Pact between Muslim League and Congress at
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Lucknow (1916)
 Pressure created by this movement made
3. Reunion of the moderates and the extremists took
some impact on Government which is
place due to following factors:
reflected in GOI Act 1919.( Declaration of
a) Tilak clarified his objective of attainment of
Montague – Chelmsford Reforms of 1918)
self-govt. by constitutional means
 It prepared the country for Gandhian style of
b) Death of G.K. Gokhale and F. S. Mehta in
political action
1915 softened moderates’ attitude
 Government’s reaction to the Home Rule c) Annie Besant and Mohammad Ali Jinnah
League Movement played the role of mediators
 The Government tried to crush the new a. Background
movement. Tilak’s entry into Punjab was  During course of WW-1 (1914-18), Indians
prohibited by the Punjab Government on the faced many hardships such as Death and
ground that Home Rule propaganda was Injury of thousands Indian soldiers , high rate
threat to the public peace. of inflation especially of the food articles
 On June 15, 1917 the Madras Government which jumped almost 400% & curtailment of
issued orders of arrest of Ms. Besant and her civil liberties created unrest
colleagues, B. P. Wadia and G. S. Arundale  Initially the leadership of All-India Muslim
who were soon released on account of public League was feudal, mostly nawabs, zamindars
pressure in September 1917. Ms. Besant was or elite Muslims. They wished to establish
friendly relations with the British to get some
political concessions. But, by 1912-13 a new  The Secretary of State for India should have
group of Muslim leaders entered in the fold of the same powers as the Secretary of State for
the Muslim League with a much different view other self-governing colonies. He should be
than their predecessors. The new leadership assisted by two Under Secretaries, of whom,
was modern, secular, and progressive. They one should be an Indian
were lawyers, Doctors, Journalist, teachers,  The Hindu and Muslim leaders would work to
poets, traders etc. promote communal harmony, muslim leaders
 Extremists were brought back in congress and would request muslim masses not to
many leaders of Muslim league were also slaughter cow and Hindu leaders would
members of Congress appeal to Hindu masses not to play music
 They wanted swaraj (self-rule), their due place nearby mosques at the time of Prayer
in Indian politics, economy and society with  Half the members of the Viceroy’s Executive
their identity intact. Many of them were Council should be Indians elected by the
members of both Congress and Muslims elected members of the Imperial Legislative
League (Congress had the policy of dual Council.
membership till 1938).  Judiciary should be separated from the
 A section of Muslims in India was anxious Executive. Members of the Judiciary in every
about Ottoman Turks and Caliph’s (Khalifa) Province should be placed under the control
future. The enmity of England towards the of the highest court of that Province.
Turks made the Muslims hostile to the British  They would work together to promote
as the Caliph was regarded as religious head communal harmony and to strengthen Hindu
of Muslims all over world. Muslim relations.
 At the close of the war, Lord Chelmsford  NOTE IT And USE IT
(1916-21) had invited suggestions from the  Democracy is the government elected by
Indians for post-World War I reform. majority but elected for all.
 In this background the leadership of congress
and muslim league felt the need to join hands …..4th class ended, 5th started……….
together and challenged the imperialist power
untidily c. Impact/Significance/consequence
b. The Pact  Lucknow pact was a historic pact which
 They (Congress + Muslim league ) agreed to helped in bringing nationalists (Hindus and
hold their annual session jointly Muslims ) together to face the challenges
 They agreed to struggle for Swaraj jointly and emerged from WW-1 and various colonial
wanted India to be treated as an independent policies
unit of the Empire, as a self-autonomous state  Together they launched several mass
with equal rights and responsibility movements such as Rowallt Satayagraha
 Provinces should be autonomous in their 1919, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation
respective spheres. The Imperial Government movement 1920-22
should only have a general right of  The unity at top percolated at the bottom also
supervision of the provinces but not to and communal harmony was seen among
interfere in their local affairs Hindus and Muslims, the Muslims stopped
 Congress agreed not to oppose separate slaughtering cows and Hindus stopped playing
electorate music nearby mosques
 1/3rd elected (1/3rd of 36 = 12) seats of  Both the Congress and the League put forth
Imperial council should be reserved for their demands for political reforms and Self
Muslims (based on Muslim population). Government
 The strength of Central Legislative Council  Lucknow pact and the unity displayed both at
should be increased to 150 members out of top and bottom made Govt. little nervous and
which four-fifths were to be elected and one- Govt. started promising to Indians that after
fifth to be nominated the war a responsible Govt. would be
 If a bill was opposed to 3/4th majority established .{also did in 1858 An act for better
members of minority community , which may Govt. in India, it means before British crown ,
be against their cultural interest , such bill EIC rule was not assured}
shall not be passed  The unity between the Congress and the
Muslim League and between Moderates and
the extremists shown at the Lucknow session Balkan War (1912).The Muslim leadership
of Congress clearly proved that the both in Congress and Muslim League
government could not repress the nationalist responded to this anger and anxieties which is
movement by violent means and that the reflected in Lucknow Pact of 1916.
existing system needed to be reformed e) In this background, Montagu, the Secretary of
 Therefore in 1918, Montagu-Chelmsford State and Lord Chelmsford, the Viceroy and
(1916-21):-suggested some reforms which Governor-General (1916-21) suggested some
was enacted in 1919 as GOI Act reforms which were enacted as Government
of India Act,1919.
 Note:- (Economic Historic Perspective)
 India’s Contribution to world’s GDP was 24% , 1. Secretary of state to be henceforth paid salary out
China’s was 20% , England’s was 2% of the British Exchequer.
 1947:- 2. The power of office of India Council was reduced.
 India 2% Secretary of State was not obliged to consult
 England 47% India council except: i. On financial matters ii.
 2022 matters concerning to I.C.S.
 India:- 1.8-2% 3. Secretary of State retained control over Indian
 USA:- 25% alone administration except over transferred bloc of
subject in the provinces.
 China:- 20%
4. Demarcation of two lists of subjects: Central List
 {Whenever you mention Indian less GDP
and Provincial List.
mention period of 1800-1900 and also 1947-
5. Number of Indian members in the governor
till now what happened in Past and what we
general’s executive council was raised from 1 to 3,
did till now}
out of a total of 8 members.
 All these reforms were the consequence of
6. Increase in governor general’s powers. He could
compulsion of British in India
restore cuts in grants; certify bills rejected by the
 AUGUST DECLARATION 1917 Legislative Assembly and he could issue
 In order to pacify the Indians, the Government
declared a policy on August 20, 1917. Montagu, 7. Central Legislative Council (Imperial Council)
Secretary of State, announced in the House of became bicameral:
a) Legislative Assembly – Term-3 Years, 145
Commons, that the policy of the British
Government was to develop self-governing members i
institutions in India, which was enthusiastically b) Council of States - Term- 5 years, 60
received by the Indians.
8. System of communal and class electorates was
 The declaration failed to satisfy most people in
India who felt that no definite plan was further extended to Sikhs, Indian Christians,
prescribed, by which India would reach the goal. Anglo-Indians and Europeans. .
9. Powers of Central Legislative Assembly was
Nor was there any standard laid down by which
enlarged but 75% of budget was still not votable
one could decide whether a certain stage for
further reforms had been initiated or not.
a) Policy of repression failed to contain political
unrest. Increased terrorist activities were a A. MAJOR EVENTS
manifestation of rising Indian unrest.  In 1893, he was invited in South-Africa by his
b) World War I raised Indian hopes for securing friend “Dada Bhai Abdulla” for his business
right of self-determination. related case.
c) Formation of Home Rule Leagues, arrest of  He was humiliated in a train , was travelling b/w
Annie Besant and judicial proceedings against Pretoria to Durban, this impacted his thought
Tilak, Ali brothers etc. had embittered political process
atmosphere.  {this incident made Gandhi to think why he
d) A large section of Muslims were angry with was humiliated even being so educated , well
the British over Turbo/Italian War (1911) and suited in English culture, so he got it is
mindset of upper race and lower race. He also two occasions on which Gandhi faced with a
thought “shall he accept it silently or resist it serious threat to his life. Once, when a white mob
for dignity} chased him down a street in Durban in 1896 and
 Education is one part, bigger part is the surrounded his house. The Second, when an
mindset and should be challenged Indian, who was angry with him because of an
agreement he had reached with the government,
 Gandhi’s Entry so in Polity is not planned it
assaulted him on the street. Gandhi learnt that
was Accidental
leaders often have to take hard decisions that are
 He wanted to come back after winning the unpopular with enthusiastic followers.
business related case but Indians mostly laborers 4. South Africa provided Gandhi with an opportunity
and traders requested him to stay for some more for evolving his own style of politics and
time leadership, for trying out new techniques of
 Gandhi eventually stayed more than 20 years struggle, on a limited scale, untrammeled by the
 He fought against discriminatory laws for poor opposition of contending political currents. In
Indians such as “Pass law & marriage law” South Africa, he had already taken the movement
 {Indians were not allowed to live inside the from its ‘Moderate’ phase into its ‘Gandhian’
city , for work they had to get a Pass inside phase. He already knew the strengths and the
the city} weaknesses of the Gandhian method and he was
 {All marriages were to be registered as convinced that it was the best method around. It
Christian manner} now remained for him to introduce it into India
 To mobilize Indians for their rights and to fight
against Racial Discrimination , Gandhi Founded B. GANDHI’S THOUGHTS ARE :-
“Natal National Congress”-his first political
organization in South Africa
 He edited a newspaper “weekly Indian Opinion”  Sources impacted his religious thoughts
 He established an Ashram “Tolstoy Farm “ At  Parents
Phoenix  Bhagwat Geeta
 He gave a new name “satayagraha”(means  Jain Literature
holding onto truth) to his political thought and  Other religious texts / teachings
strategy and on 9th September 1906  Like Jesus Christ in chapter “the mountain” in
 On the advice of G.K Gokhale , his political Bible: - Gandhi got phrase of Christ if anyone
mentor, and C.F Andrew (his lifelong friend):- on slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the
the advice of these two Gandhi returned to India other also.
on 9th Jan.1915 (known as Parvasi Bhartiya  His religious thoughts are
Diwas)  Truth is god & God is truth
 South African experiment of Gandhi  Service to man is service to God
(1893-1914  Soul of a religion is more important than its
1. South African experiment of Gandhi (1893-1914) body
provided him opportunity for leadership of the  {Soul means:- love, humanity, sympathy,
Indian freedom struggle. He had the invaluable Kindness, empathy, Truthfulness ,
experience of leading poor Indian labourers compassion, Justice and
(indented labourers) of seeing their capacity for  Body means:- temple, mosque, church ,
sacrifice and for bearing hardship, their morale in rituals , dargah etc}
the face of repression.  The centrality of all religions is same means
2. Gandhi also had the opportunity of leading peripheries may be different
Indians belonging to different religions; Hindus,  Different religion are different rules for the
Muslims, Christians and Parsis. They also came same destination
from different regions of India. They belonged to  Note:-
different social classes; rich merchants combined  he did not encourage conversion, says if you are
with poor indentured labourers. Women came Hindu be a good hindu and etc..even if Conversion
along with men. happened , He did not object also as he knew
3. In South Africa he learnt the hardest way that destination is same {Gandhi’s relevance in 21st
leadership involves facing the ire not only of the century – you can write }
enemy but also of one’s followers. There were  first he believed religion should not be separated

from politics than in 1940s he said it should be kept organizer. His efforts in South Africa were well
separate known not only among the educated but also
among the masses. On Gokhale’s advise, he
b) POLITICAL THOUGHTS decided to tour the country and see for himself
1. Satyagraha (Insist of truth) the condition of the masses.
 He would never intervene in a situation without
 First Search for the truth
first studying it with great care. Initially, he did not
 Absolute truth:- death
take stand on any political issue.
 Relative truth:- right for me may be wrong for
 He spent the year travelling around the country,
seeing things for himself, and in organizing his
 Now Insist on truth
Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad in 1917. (Earlier
 Make God as witness
Ashram was at the Kocharab Bungalow of Jivanlal
 Fearlessness {having no fear of any Desai, a barrister) where he, and his devoted band
consequence(s) } of followers who had come with him from South
 To change the heart and mind of the opponent Africa, would lead a community life.
through self suffering {e.g fast}. His this view is  His reasons for not joining the existing political
based on philosophy that organizations are best explained in his own words:
a. Man by nature is good “At my time of life and with views firmly formed
b. Means must be right for a right end on several matters, I could only join an
……….5th class ended,6th started…… organization to affect its policy and not be
2. Vows for satayagraha affected by it.”
 Satya-truth  GANDHI FROM 1917 TO 1919
 Non-violence:- violence of two types according to  Between 1917 and 1918, Gandhi was involved in
Gandhi {passive-injustice, atrocities, inequality, three struggles: Champaran, Ahmedabad and
discrimination, untouchabality and active- war, Kheda before he launched his first all India
civil war, riots, physical violence, violence against movement, Rowlatt Satyagraha in 1919
women etc}. Active violence is the result of a) 1917- Champaran satayagraha
passive violence. Passive violence is more severe b) 1918- Ahmadabad satayagraha
for a society. c) 1918-kheda satayagraha
 Control over palate d) 1919- Rowlatt satayagraha or jallianwala
 Not to steal:- not to keep more than required massacre
{stealing according to Gandhi is the reason for
 Bramacharya 1917
 Use of Swadeshi goods  Issue
 Physical labour  The peasants of Champaran nowadays (Motihari
 Fearlessness & Betiya districts) demanded freedom from “Tin
 To fight against untouchability Kathia system” and contract from indigo planters
 Tolerance :- just understand the mening by . The peasants had to grow indigo on 3/20th of
example in tier form following the total land (called tinkathia system) under their
 Tier-I:- I am celebrating the differences {best contract. Towards the end of the nineteenth
form or highest tolerance} century, German synthetic dyes replaced indigo;
 Tier II :- I am respecting / honoring your the profit from natural indigo decreased
culture, religion, belief etc  But the planters {either outsider European or
Indians} wanted heavy monetary compensation to
 Tier III ;- I am tolerating you release the peasants from contract. Besides, the
 Note :-Gandhi also said that violence is better
peasants were forced to sell the produce at prices
than cowardness
fixed by the Europeans, now a non-profitable
2. GANDHI IN INDIA business
 Peasants wanted freedom from indigo cultivation,
 Gandhi returned to India on January 09, 1915 at because it was no longer a profitable enterprise
the request of Gokhale, conveyed to him by C.F. unlike in the past especially after the invention of
Andrews. He brought an international reputation synthetic dye by the Germans in late 19th century
as a leading Indian nationalist, theorist and besides the peasants also lost fertility of the soil
due to high acidic value which was less than ph-7 only 25 percent of the money taken should be
in indigo crop compensated.
 Leaders & nature of the struggle  Thus the first Gandhian satayagraha in India
ended successfully
 The local peasant leader “Raj Kumar shukla”
 It established Gandhi’s credibility and also
invited Gandhi to visit Champaran , who visited
after initial reluctance established faith of people in truth and non-
 Along with Gandhi others leaders who visited
Champaran were “  Other Works during Champaran Stay
 Dr.Rajendra Prashad,  Gandhi established an ashram in Champaran,
 Anugraha Narayan Sinha, organizing scores of his veteran supporters and
 Brajkishore Prasad fresh volunteers from the region. He organized a
 Ramnavm prasad detailed study and survey of the villages,
 Mazhar-ul-haq, accounting the atrocities and terrible episodes of
 J.B kripalani , suffering, including the general state of
 Narhari Parekh, degenerate living.
 Mahadeo Desai”  Building on the confidence of villagers, he began
 They reached Champaran to probe into the leading the clean-up of villages, building of
matter, the authorities ordered him to leave the schools and hospitals and encouraging the village
area at once. Gandhi defied the order and leadership to undo purdah, untouchability and the
preferred to face the punishment. This passive suppression of women. He was joined by many
resistance or civil disobedience of an unjust order young nationalists from all over India, including
was a novel method at that time. Brajkishore Prasad, Rajendra Prasad, Anugraha
 Finally, the authorities retreated and permitted Narayan Sinha, Ram Navami Prasad etc
Gandhi to make an enquiry
 Gandhi & Other leaders met the farmers of
Champaran and recorded their statement 1918-
{principle of search of truth working note it} and  Ahmadabad mill strike
after confirmation Gandhi advised them not to  The mill workers (cotton mill) of Ahmadabad
cultivate indigo demanded “plague bonus” but the industrialists ,
 He addressed several peasants meeting and mostly Indians , did not agree
taught them the virtue of truth and non-violence  Gandhi then led the movement and advice the
and trained them for constructive works in the workers to stop work and go on strike
villages like  He addressed several meeting of the workers and
 to fight against untouchability taught them the virtues of truth and non-violence
 to promote hindu muslim unity, and appealed to them to remain united
 to empower women ,  To inspire and motivate the workers especially
 to develop the villages from its own resources when he saw the attendance of workers in public
and meetings was declining, he decided to go on fast
 to clean the villages unto death (aamran Anshan).
 Outcome/ result / significance?  First movement of Gandhi to goon “fast unto
 The consistent struggle and resistance by the death” { why this is done in pubic , to get
peasants their non violence methods compelled attention of govt, public , media and the
the govt. to appoint an enquiry commission in opponents}
which Gandhi was also made a member {Note it  This attracted large workers ,media and
principle working :- To change the heart and mind compelled the opponents (Indian mill
of the opponent} industrialists)
 The enquiry commission recommended that the  The opponents or the industrialists agreed to
force cannot be used to cultivate any crop & the appoint a “tribunal” {one –one representative
peasants were free to grow crop of their choice from both sides and one a neutral either be judge
 Gandhi was able to convince the authorities that or anyone}
the tinkathia system should be abolished and that  The tribunal awarded 25-35% as against 50%
the peasants should be compensated for the bonus demanded by the workers {Gandhi just
illegal dues extracted from them. As a thought his principle to be accepted &
compromise with the planters, he agreed that Industrialists did this and Gandhi advised
compromise when the case is b/w Indians and  Gandhi demonstrated to the people the efficacy
Indians. Note these two are the reasons why of his technique of Satyagraha.
Gandhi accepted 25-35% against demand of 50% }  He found his feet among the masses and came to
have a surer understanding of the strengths and
c) 1918-KHEDA SATAYAGRAHA(Gujarat)
weaknesses of the masses.
 Because of drought in 1918, crops failed in Kheda
 He acquired respect and commitment of many,
district of Gujarat. According to the Revenue
especially the youth.
Code, if the yield was less than 1/4th of the
normal produce, the farmers were entitled to d) 1919- ROWLATT SATAYAGRAHA OR
 The peasants of this district in Gujarat demanded
complete exemption from land revenue or
 Rowlatt satayagraha
“Malguzari”, due to failure of crops after severe  In early 1919 , (January), the controversial Rowlatt
drought act was passed , under which “any Indian” could
 But the tax authorities were not ready. With tax have been arrested on the charge of “sedition”
even on “suspicious” grounds for “2-years’
withheld, government’s collectors and inspectors
sent the thugs to seize property and cattle, while without “trial” {issues was its misuse and mis-
police forfeited the lands and all agrarian property interpretation and there was not any war , it was
peace so clearly it was against movements of
 Gandhi led the movement and told “Indu lal
Yagnik and Vallabh Bhai Patel” to visit the villages
 The Rowlatt Act was a legislative Act passed by
of kheda {Note:- search for truth principle was
the Imperial Legislative Council in London in 1919,
working and these two were locals so Gandhi
by indefinitely extending “emergency measures”
knew regional leaders are important}
(of the Defense of India Regulations Act) enacted
 After confirmation about the “plight of the
during the First World War in order to control
peasants” , Gandhi advised the peasants not to
public unrest and root out conspiracy in India.
pay “land revenue”
Passed on the recommendations of the Rowlatt
 He held several meeting and taught them the
Committee and named after its president, British
virtues of “Truth , non-violence and unity”
judge Sidney Rowlatt, the main provisions of this
 Farmers used their cash and valuables to donate
Act were as follows:-
to the Gujarat Sabha (Gandhi was its President)
1. The Act effectively authorized the
which was officially organizing the protest
government to imprison any person,
 The attendance of peasants in meeting continued suspected of terrorism living in the Raj, for up
, which was a source of motivation for both the to two years without a trial.
leaders and the peasants 2. It provided for stricter control of the press,
 The government finally realized that the farmers arrests without warrant, indefinite detention
and their leaders were firm on their decisions , without trial and juryless in camera trials for
therefore a “circular” was issued to the tax proscribed political acts.
officials that land revenue should be collected 3. The accused were denied the right to know
only from those peasants who were in position to the accusers and the evidence used in the
pay trial.
 Gandhi advised the peasants to accept the order 4. Those convicted were required to deposit
thus kheda satayagraha also ended successfully securities upon release, and were prohibited
{as per law and ethics Gandhi was demanding tax from taking part in any political, educational,
exemption , principle, } or religious activities
 During the Kheda Satyagraha, many young  Indian nationalists of all political shade opposed
nationalists such as Rowlatt act called it “draconian law” and chanted
 Vallabh Bahi Patel, slogans like “no appeal no wakil no daleel”
 Indulal Yagnik.  Md.Ali Jinnah protested and reigned from
 N.M. Joshi, “imperial council”
 Shankerlal Pareekh  Gandhi called for a nationwide protest in February
 and several others became Gandhi’s 1919. Gandhi named the Rowlatt Act as “Black
followers. Act”. Gandhi roped in younger members of Home
 Gains from Champaran, Ahmedabad Rule Leagues and the Pan Islamists.
and Kheda  Satayagraha was to be launched on April 6, 1919
but even before that, there were large-scale
violent, anti-British demonstrations in Calcutta,  Congress boycotted the special committee
Bombay, Delhi, Ahmedabad, etc headed by Lord Hunter to enquire into the killings.
 Gandhi founded “Satayagraha sabha” & to  Accepting the report of the Repressive Laws
mobilize common people against this act he ,
Committee, the Government of India repealed the
started “Sarva Dharma Prathana Sabha”
 (all religious meetings , it was his novelty , Rowlatt Act, the Press Act, and twenty-two other
new thing , because Gandhi know common laws in March 1922.
people were not known about the act and
only way to make them aware is to get them  Jallianwala massacre and aftermath
together by religious prayers)  On 13th april, the day of vaishaki people of
 Gandhi gave a call of an “all India strike on 6th Amritsar and surrounding villages assembled at
April 1919” and 1st all India strike under Gandhian jallianwala bagh and they were not aware about
leadership and was successful the imposed curfew in the city
 In Delhi, strike was organized by  Michel-O-Dyre the governor and general dyre in-
 Asaf Ali charge of law & order of Amritsar decided to open
 Dr. M.A.Ansari the fire on “innocent, un-armed people”
 In Punjab it was organized by  Without warning or giving time to escape, general
 Dr. Satya Pal Malik dyre opened a fire in which “379” people
 Dr. Saifudhin Kitchlew according to official people died , but local report
 There was a radical change in the situation suggested it was more than 1000 people , mostly
by now: women and children
1. The masses had found a direction; now they  This incident shocked the nation and the world
could “act” instead of just giving verbal and later on even “Churchill (PM of England”
expression to their grievances. called it as a blot of british empire
2. From now onwards, peasants, artisans and  Gandhi immediately withdrew the movement
the urban poor were to play an increasingly calling it his “Himalayan blunder”
important part in the struggle.  The govt. Removed “General dyre” and appointed
3. Orientation of the national movement turned an enquiry commission called “Hunter
to the masses permanently. Gandhi said that commission”. Indian nationalists called the report
salvation would come when masses were of commission as “eye wash”
awakened and became active in politics  However, general dyre was clearly saved and
 What happened at Jallianwala Bagh (April protected
13, 1919)  “house of lords “ praised general dyre and called
his act as “brave act”
 On Baisakhi day, a large crowd of people mostly
 “the morning post” an English daily even
from neighbouring villages, unaware of the
collected Pounds 30,000 to defend general dyre,
prohibitory orders in the city, had gathered in this all these episodes invited anger and upset
small park to protest against the arrest of their  Ravindra nath Tagore who returned his
leaders, Saifuddin Kitchlew and Satyapal Malik. knighthood title
 The Army surrounded the gathering under the …………6th class ended, 7th started……..
orders from General Dyer, the military
commander of Amritsar, and blocked the only exit
point and opened fire on the unarmed crowd A. BACKGROUND OF THE ACT
killing more than one thousand. After this a) During the course of 1914-18= WW-I:- British
massacre, martial law was proclaimed in Punjab. needed help of India for both men and material
(resources-food, clothes, kits, arms). So they
The incident was followed by uncivilized
needed leaders support (Gokhale, Gandhi, Feroz
brutalities on the inhabitants of Amritsar for shah Mehta). British started promising our leaders
several days. to give a “responsible govt” after the completion
 The entire nation was stunned. Rabindranath of war to Indians. So many Indian leaders started
Tagore renounced his knighthood in protest. supporting British during the war with the hope to
Gandhi was overwhelmed by the total get a better deal after the war. World War-I raised
Indian hopes for securing right of self-
atmosphere of violence and withdrew the
movement on April 18, 1919.
b) A group of Indians had also launched anti-british  Includes subjects Finance , police,
movement. Tilak and Annie Besant through home irrigation, power / electricity {note
rule league movement and muslim leaders stronger ministry was kept in British side
through Khilafat committee I defense of ottoman always note to make difference for exam
turks and caliph (Abdul Majid III) perspective}
c) Policy of repression failed to contain political b) Council of ministers
unrest. Increased terrorist activities were a  Transferred subjects
manifestation of rising Indian unrest.  The people (Indian) here as of moderate
d) Formation of Home Rule Leagues, arrest of Annie background whose intention More
Besant and judicial proceedings against Tilak, Ali concerned about concerns of people
brothers etc. had embittered political  Includes subjects Education Agriculture,
atmosphere. Industry ,Local self govt, Health etc
e) A large section of Muslims were angry with the  These subjects are transferable to
British over Turbo/Italian War (1911) and Balkan executive council {keep in mind always for
War (1912).The Muslim leadership both in exam perspective as here weak ministries
Congress and Muslim League responded to this were given in hands of people (Indian
anger and anxieties which is reflected in Lucknow ministers)}
Pact of 1916. 3) Bicameral legislature was to be introduced at
f) In this background, govt had to ensure the Indians center. The earlier Central Legislative Council
that a responsible govt would be established (Imperial Council) now became bicameral:
g) In this background, Montagu, the Secretary of a) Legislative Assembly (Lower House)
State and Lord Chelmsford, the Viceroy and  Term-3 Years,
Governor-General (1916-21) suggested/  145 members
recommended some reforms in 1918 which were a) 104 = elected
enacted as Government of India Act, 1919. b) 41= nominated
1. SOME FACTS ABOUT BRITISH INDIA b) Council of States (upper house)
 1947= 11 provinces  Term- 5 years ,
 6= Hindu majority  60 members
 5= Hindu Majority a) 36= elected
 Assam + Bengal= Muslim majority b) 24= nominated
 Odisha + Bihar= Hindu Majority 4) Separate electorates were given to others also
 UPCP= Hindu Majority (along with Muslim). System of communal and
 Bombay+ Madras= Hindu Majority class electorates was further extended to Sikhs,
 Punjab + Sind= Muslim majority Indian Christians, Anglo-Indians and Europeans. .
 NWFP=Muslim majority 5) Legislatives got some more power especially on
2. SOME FACTS ABOUT PRINCELY STATES budget. Powers of Central Legislative Assembly
 565= some say was enlarged but 75% of budget was still not
 564= some say votable. Size of electorate was slightly broadened
 563= some say 6) Secretary of state to be henceforth paid salary
 562= some say out of the British Exchequer.
 So write always 560+ as JL Nehru did not know 7) The power of office of India Council was reduced.
Secretary of State was not obliged to consult
India council except:
1) Demarcation of two lists of subjects: Central List
a) On financial matters
and Provincial List.
b) Matters concerning to I.C.S.
2) Diarchy was to be introduced in the provinces 8) Secretary of State retained control over Indian
(state list) administration except over transferred bloc of
 Governor now heading two bodies subject in the provinces.
a) Executive council 9) Increase in governor general’s powers. He could
 Reserved subjects restore cuts in grants; certify bills rejected by the
 Number of Indian members in the Legislative Assembly and he could issue
governor general’s executive council was ordinances.
raised from 1 to 3, out of a total of 8

C. CRITICAL ANALYSIS / SIGNIFCANCE OF  Jallianwala massacre and aftermath
GOI ACT 1919  On 13th april, the day of vaishaki people of
a) GOI Act 1919 Failed to satisfy Indian’s because the Amritsar and surrounding villages assembled at
core demand of Indians i.e. “swaraj” was not met. jallianwala bagh and they were not aware about
Neither the responsible govt ,as was promised, the imposed curfew in the city
was given to Indians  Michel-O-Dyre the governor and general dyre in-
b) Diarchy in provinces was opposed by Indians charge of law & order of Amritsar decided to open
Nationalists because it was not practical the fire on “innocent, un-armed people”
c) Separate electorates was further broadened  Without warning or giving time to escape, general
which polarized elections on communal identity dyre opened a fire in which “379” people
d) There was no check on powers of Governal according to official people died , but local report
general and he always behaved as an absolute suggested it was more than 1000 people , mostly
ruler women and children
e) The size of electorate was still very small and  This incident shocked the nation and the world
majority Indians did not have right to cast their and later on even “Churchill (PM of England”
vote called it as a blot of british empire
 Gandhi immediately withdrew the movement
 KHILAFAT & NON-COOPERATION calling it his “Himalayan blunder”
 The govt. removed “General Dyre” and appointed
MOVEMENT 1920-22 an enquiry commission called “Hunter
1. CAUSES commission”. Indian nationalists called the report
A. THE PUNJAB WRONGS of commission as “eye wash”
 What happened at Jallianwala Bagh (April  However, general dyre was clearly saved and
13, 1919)
 “house of lords “ praised general dyre and called
 On Baisakhi day, a large crowd of people mostly
his act as “brave act”
from neighbouring villages, unaware of the  “the morning post” an English daily even
prohibitory orders in the city, had gathered in this
small park to protest against the arrest of their B. KHILAFAT WRONGS
leaders, Saifuddin Kitchlew and Satyapal Malik.  It is a pan Islamic movement launched in India in
 The Army surrounded the gathering under the 1919-20 by Muslim leaders in defense of Ottoman
turks and caliph (Abdul Mazid III)
orders from General Dyer, the military
 They have three major concerns
commander of Amritsar, and blocked the only exit a) What would be the fate/ future of caliph
point and opened fire on the unarmed crowd b) What would be the fate of ottoman turks or
killing more than one thousand. After this Turkish empire
massacre, martial law was proclaimed in Punjab. c) What would be the fate of holy Islamic places
The incident was followed by uncivilized like Mecca & Medina and Jerusalem
 Ali Brothers (Mohammad Ali Jauhar and Shaukat
brutalities on the inhabitants of Amritsar for
Ali) along with some other Muslim leaders such as
several days. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Raees-ul-Muhajireen,
 The entire nation was stunned. Rabindranath Barrister Jan Muhammad Junejo, Hasrat Mohani,
Tagore renounced his knighthood in protest. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Dr. Hakim Ajmal
Gandhi was overwhelmed by the total Khan demanded non-cooperation movement
atmosphere of violence and withdrew the against british and appealed Mahatma Gandhi to
movement on April 18, 1919. lead the movement
 Ali brothers and Gandhi travelled India extensively
 Congress boycotted the special committee
and they sensed the mood of the people
headed by Lord Hunter to enquire into the killings. therefore in September 1920 the special session
 Accepting the report of the Repressive Laws of congress was called & non-cooperation
Committee, the Government of India repealed the resolution was discussed strongly backed by ali
Rowlatt Act, the Press Act, and twenty-two other brothers and other khilaftists along with mahatma
laws in March 1922. Gandhi.
 But other group of congress opposed this Idea and
they believed that masses are not disciplined and
a mass movement could be dangerous and strike was called for.
decided Khilafat issue was a religious issue and  CONGRESS STANDS ON KHILAFAT QUESTION
congress was a political party. The leaders who 1) It was quite clear that the support of Congress
opposed were Md Ali Jinnah, Motilal Nehru and was essential for the Khilafat movement to
CR das. succeed. Although Gandhi was in favour of
 In Dec 1920 , at Nagpur , annual session of
launching Satyagraha and non-cooperation
congress was held and in which two historic against the Government on Khilafat issue, the
resolutions were passed Congress was not united on this form of political
a. Constitution of congress was amended action.
b. Non-cooperation resolution was passed and 2) There was opposition to some of the other
adopted, which was moved by CR Das. (Jinnah provisions of the Gandhi’s non-cooperation
still opposed) programme also, such as boycott of Councils.
 KHILAFAT MOVEMENT 3) Later, however, Gandhi was able to get the
1) The Khilafat issue was not directly linked to Indian approval of the Congress for his programme of
politics but it provided the immediate background political action and Congress felt inclined to
to the movement and gave an added advantage of support a non-cooperation programme on the
cementing Hindu-Muslim unity against the British. Khilafat question because—
2) The Khilafat issue paved the way for the a) The anger of Muslims against the British could be
consolidation of the emergence of a radical channelized into a national movement
b) It was felt that this was a golden opportunity to
nationalist trend among the younger generation
cement Hindu-Muslim unity
of Muslims and the section of traditional Muslim c) Different sections of society—Hindus, Muslims,
scholars who were becoming increasingly critical Sikhs, Christians, peasants, artisans, capitalists,
of the British rule. This time, they were angered tribals, women, students—could come into the
by the treatment meted out to Turkey by the national movement by fighting for their own rights
British after the First World War. and realizing that the colonial rule was opposed to
3) Many Muslims in India, as the many Muslims of them
other countries, regarded the Sultan of Turkey as d) The Congress was losing faith in constitutional
their spiritual leader (Khalifa) so their sympathies struggle, especially after the Punjab incidents and
were with Turkey. During the War, Turkey had the blatantly partisan Hunter Commission Report
allied with Germany and Austria against the e) The Congress was aware that the masses were
eager to give expression to their discontent.
4) When the War ended, the British took a stern 2. MAJOR EVENTS/ NATURE OF THE
attitude towards Turkey—The movement gained
force after the Treaty of Sèvres (August 1920)
which imposed the partitioning of the Ottoman  On 1st January 1921, non-cooperation movement
Empire and gave Greece a powerful position in started officially, though people already started in
Anatolia, to the distress of the Turks. This 1920
incensed Muslims all over the world. 1) They started burning English goods and clothes
5) In India, Ali Brothers (Mohammad Ali Jauhar and and propagated the use of Swadeshi goods like
Shaukat Ali) along with some other Muslim khadi products
leaders such as Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Raees- 2) English educational institutions were also
ul-Muhajireen, Barrister Jan Muhammad Junejo, boycotted. Many educational institutions were
Hasrat Mohani, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Dr. established by Indian Nationalists such as
Hakim Ajmal joined hands and created an AllIndia a. Kashi Vidyapeeth
Khilafat Committee, at Lucknow in 1919 with Seth b. Bihar Vidyapeeth
Chotani as president. It had two main demands, c. Gujarat Vidyapeeth
which were never accepted: d. Jamia Milia Islamia (first at Aligarh later 1925
a) Caliph Sultan must retain sufficient territories to Delhi)
so that he is able to defend the Islamic Faith. 3) Many lawyers resigned bar council and left
b) The places which are called Jazirat-ul-arab, practice such as
including the Arabia, Syria, Iraq and Palestine a. C.R Das
must remain under Muslim suzerainty. b. Motilal Nehru
 6 October 17, 1919 was observed as Khilafat Day. c. Asaf Ali
Hindus also joined hands with the Muslims and a 4) Many returned their titles and honors like Gandhi
returned “Kaisr-i-Hind” on Khilafat issue
5) English colonies were also boycotted, goods and the peasants of eastern UP and Bihar had adopted
services were also boycotted radical strategy and they wanted no tax against
jamidars , whereas many congress leaders were
3. THE SALIENT FEATURES OF THE either jamidars or were supported by jamidars
1) Khilafat / non-cooperation movement was an all
India mass movement in which the peasants, A. CAUSES
traders , industrial workers, professionals, 1) Rowlatt Act was passed, which robbed the people
intellectuals, religious leaders , women and of their freedom. Jallianwala Bagh massacres and
students actively participated {Gandhian Impact} atrocities in Punjab had made the people angry
2) Constructive programs of Gandhi were Linked 2) Khilafat Issue- as discussed above
with this Movement such as 3) Economic hardship in India due to price rise
a) Village development program during First World War and the slump after 1918.
b) Anti-liquor program 4) Hunter Committee report was a whitewash on
c) Anti-untouchability program Michael O’ Dwayer’s deeds.
d) Hindu muslim unity program 5) No compensation was given to the victims of
e) Khadi program (weave Khadi) Jallianwala Bagh’s genocide. Successful satyagraha
3) Many Muslim leaders addressed hindu from Birla of Champaran, Ahmadabad and Kheda also must
temple like Ali brothers (that time inn Delhi) and have boosted confidence of Mahatma Gandhi.
Hindu leaders like Swami Shrada Nand addressed
Muslims from Jama Masjid in Delhi B. DEMANDS OF CONGRESS
4) Non-cooperation movement changed the pattern Congress put three demands before the British:
of mass movement in India, the congress party 1) Annulment of Rowlatt Act and remedying Punjab
was better organised due to new structure wrong
created after Nagpur session and the congress 2) Remedying the Khilafat wrong i.e. British should
workers at village block and district level adopt a lenient attitude towards Turkey
established connections with common people 3) Satisfying the nationalist urge for Swaraj
a) On 5th Feb. 1922, an angry mob consisting of 1) When the British refused to meet any of the
peasants and khilaftists chased policemen and demands of Congress, a Party Conference was
burnt police station at Chauri Chaura, Gorakhpur held at Allahabad in June 1920 and a programme
(UP) and killed of boycott of government schools, colleges and
b) This incident shocked Mahatma Gandhi, who law courts was approved.
decided to call off this movement on 12th 2) The Congress met in a special session in
February at Bardoli (GJ), which was against his September 1920 at Calcutta and agreed to start
principle of satayagraha {Note it for answer the Non-Cooperation Movement unless the
writing and interview in exam as unpopular British met the demands.
decisions can be taken by not compromising the 3) This was endorsed at Nagpur session
principles} (December,1920) and thus Non Co-operation
c) His unilateral decision shocked, surprised & Movement started in January 1921.
angered many nationalists especially Ali brothers, D. PROGRAMMES :- NON-COOPERATION
JL Nehru, SC Bose etc 1) Surrender of Government titles and honours.
d) Nationalist historian defended Gandhian decision 2) Congressmen not to attend Government durbars,
on two major grounds official functions etc.
a. Chauri Chaura incident was against Gandhian 3) Boycott of
principle of satayagraha (a) Legislatures—Central and provincial
b. Non-cooperation was losing its shine and (b) Government Courts
early enthusiasm, therefore withdrawal was (c) Government educational institutions.
natural and just a matter of time besides 4) Boycott of foreign goods.
Gandhian Strategy of mass movement was
“Struggle-truce-struggle” E. CONSTRUCTIVE ASPECT
e) But the Marxist historians Have criticized 1) Use of Swadeshi goods
Gandhian decision of withdrawal and argued that 2) Hand spinning and hand wearing
3) Removal of social evils like untouchability
4) Hindu-Muslim unity understood the method of nonviolence. Incidents like
5) Collection of money for Tilak Swaraj fund Chauri-Chaura could lead to excitement and fervour
6) Setting up national educational institutions turning the movement generally violent. 3. A violent
movement could be easily suppressed by the colonial
F. PROGRESS OF NON-COOPERATION regime that could use the |incidents of violence as an
MOVEMENT excuse to use the armed might of the state against the
protestors. 4. The movement was also showing signs of
1) Gandhi returned his title Kaiser-i-Hind
fatigue. This was natural as it is not possible to sustain
2) Congressmen boycotted election any movement at a high pitch for very long time. The
3) Bycott of government courts government seemed to be in no mood for negotiations.
4) C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru left their lucrative 3) In the wake of these disturbances, Ali’s brothers began
practice distancing themselves from Gandhi and the Congress.
5) Students boycotted schools and colleges, law Ali brothers criticized Gandhi’s stand.
courts 4) Although holding talks with the British and continuing
6) Bonfire of foreign goods their activities, the Khilafat struggle weakened as
7) Ashramas were opened Muslims were divided between working for the
8) Visit of Prince of Wales was boycotted Congress, the Khilafat cause and the Muslim League.
5) The Khilafat leadership fragmented on different
9) Picketing of shops selling foreign cloth. Value of
political lines. Syed Ata Ullah Shah Bukhari created
imports of foreign cloth fell from Rs.102.00crore Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-Islam with the support of Chaudhry
(1920-21) to Rs.57.00 crore (1921-22). Khadi Afzal Haq. Leaders such as Dr. Ansari, Maulana Azad
became popular. and Hakim Ajmal Khan remained strong supporters of
G. DIFFERENT PHASES Gandhi and the Congress. Ali brothers became more
active in Muslim League than in Congress.
1) Marked by boycott of government schools,
6) The central theme of the agitation- ‘The Khilafat
colleges and courts question’ dissipated soon. In November 1922, the
2) Concentration on raising funds for Tilak Swaraj people of Turkey rose under Mustafa Kamal Pasha and
Fund, enrolling common people as members of deprived the Sultan of political power. Turkey was
Congress and installing charkha. made a secular state. Thus, the Khilafat question lost
3) Concentration on the boycott of foreign goods its relevance. A European style of legal system was
and on organization of volunteer bands to established in Turkey and extensive rights granted to
organize a nationwide hartal on the eve of visit of women. Education was nationalized and modern
Prince of Wales. agriculture and industries developed. In 1924, the
Caliphate was abolished.
4) Some militant sections demanded complete
1) Government did not pay heed on Punjab wrongs
2) Khilafat grievances were not redressed
1) This movement was very powerful in Bihar and 3) Gandhi’s promise of Swaraj within a year was not
Gujrat. In Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu, there achieved
was very effective mass agitation.
2) In Andhra Pradesh, it was led by Venkatppaiya
and Silir Kammiya, while in Tamilnadu it was led COOPERATION MOVEMENT
by C. Rajgopalchari. 1) Proponent of the Khilafat see it as the spark that led to
3) In central province, it was led by Jawahar Lal the non-cooperation movement in India and a major
milestone in improving Hindu-Muslim relations
Nehru and in Bihar, Rajendra Prasad and Abdul
2) With the Non-Cooperation Movement, nationalist
Bari were the leaders of the movement. In sentiments reached every nook and corner of the
Gujarat, Sardar Vallabha Bhai Patel was the most country and politicized every strata of population—
important leader. artisans, peasants, students, urban poor, women,
I. SUSPENSION OF KHILAFAT AND NON- traders etc. It was this politicization and activeness of
millions of men and women which imparted a mass
COOPERATION MOVEMENT character to the national movement.
1) On February 5, 1922, in Chauri Chaura, after violent 3) The movement was successful enough to send strong
clashes between the local police and the protesters in signals in the minds of British about the awakening of
which three protesters were killed by police firing, Indians.
police chowki (station) was set on fire by the mob, 4) Colonial rule was based on two myths one, that such a
killing 22 police men. This incident forced Gandhi to rule was in the interest of Indians and two, that it was
call off the movement. invincible.
2) Gandhi felt that people had not learnt or fully
5) The first myth had been exploded by the economic
critique by the moderate nationalists. The second myth e) They were doing because of commitment to a
had been challenged by satayagraha through mass certain ideology
struggle. Now, the masses lost the hitherto all f) At the Delhi special session of the Congress in
pervasive fear of the colonial rule and its mighty 1923, a compromise formula was adopted
repressive organs
whereby the Swaraj Party was to fight
…………7th class ended, 8th started…….. elections to the councils and the assembly on
its own. At the Kakinada session of Congress
 THE SWARAJ PARTY Feb 1922 of 1923, the Swarajists were permitted to
 The withdrawal of the Non-cooperation enter the councils.
movement in February, 1922 and the arrest of  The no changers ,on the other hand, led by
Gandhi led to the spread of disintegration, Gandhi has decided to boycott the elections,
disorganization and demoralization in the which was going to be based on GOI Act 1919 &
nationalist ranks. the congress has already opposed various
 A new line of political activity was taken by C.R. provisions of the Act especially the diarchy
Das and Motilal Nehru. They suggested that the  Thus a parting of ways was avoided. In the
nationalists should end the boycott of the Belgaum Congress session of 1924, Gandhi
legislative council, enter them, expose them as himself approved the compromise formula
‘Sham parliaments’ and as a mask which the evolved earlier whereby the Swarajists could carry
bureaucracy has put on, and obstruct every work on their work in the Legislature on behalf of the
of the council. Congress.
 C.R. Das put forward this programme at the Gaya  At the Kanpur session of Congress held in 1925, in
Congress Session in December 1922. Another which Sarojini Naidu presided, full reconciliation
section of the Congress headed by Vallabh Bhai was brought about between the Swaraj Party and
Patel, Rajendra Prasad and C. Rajagopalachari the Congress
opposed the proposal and the proposal was  Swarajist also supported the Khilafat movement
defeated. but this movement died by its own when Turkish
 Das and Motilal resigned from their respective muslims led by led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk,
offices in the Congress and on 01 January 1923, or Mustafa Kemal Pasha established a modern
announced the formation of Congress-Khilafat secular nation state, so institution of khalifa was
Swarajist Party better known later as the Swaraj came to an end
Party. Das was the President and Motilal became  MAIN TECHNIQUES OF ACTION WERE:
one of the secretaries. The adherents of the
a) Refusal to pass the budget
council entry came to be known as pro-changers
b) Cooperation in passing social welfare legislation
and those opposing it as no-changers.
c) Occasional acceptance of offices
 The Swaraj Party accepted the Congress
d) Quitting the offices and resigning the membership
Programme in its entirety except in one respect- it
when asked to do so by the Congress
would take part in elections due later in the year.
e) In the 1923 and the 1926 elections, the Swaraj
Later, Hakim Ajmal Khan joined the Swarajists
Party captured a fairly substantial number of
while Vallabhbhai was of the no-changers which
elected seats. In 1923 elections the Swarajists got
also included Mazharul Huq and M.A. Ansari.
a majority in Bengal and Central Province
 After the withdrawal of non-cooperation
f) In the central legislative Assembly Motilal Nehru
movement , two camps emerged within the
was chosen the leader of the Swarajists. On 24
August 1925 Vithalbhai Patel was elected as the
a) Pro-changers:- group of these was led by CR first non-official President (speaker) of the Indian
Das and Motilal Nehru Legislative Assembly and was re-elected to this
b) No-changers:- this group was led by Gandhi office on January 20, 1927.
 The pro-changers founded “Congress-Khilafat
Swarajist party (famously known as Swaraj party
1) They certainly did not become a limb of imperial
31dec 1922, in some prelims it is 1923)
legislation and carried the policy to the point of
a) CR Das became President
b) ML Nehru became secretary
2) Outvoted government many times and took up
c) Swarajist wanted to contest the election
five major sets of issues:
scheduled to be held in 1923
a) Constitutional advance leading to Self-
d) There plan was to enter into the houses and
to wreck the house from within
b) Civil liberties Kelkar— advocated cooperation with the
c) Release of political prisoner government and holding of office wherever
d) Repeal of reprieve laws possible to protect the socalled Hindu
e) Development of indigenous industries interests.
3) Inspired the politicized persons to keep their 4) They accused the Non-responsivists like
political interests alive Motilal Nehru of being anti-Hindu and a beef-
4) Dominated large number of municipality and eater. Thus, the main leadership of the
other local bodies Swarajya Party reiterated faith in mass civil
5) Did excellent work in the field of sanitation, disobedience and withdrew from legislatures
education, to fight against untouchability and to in March 1926, while another section of
promote Khadi. Swarajists went into the 1926 elections as a
 SWARAJIST MANIFESTO FOR party in disarray, and did not fare well.
5) Coming of Simon Commission gave rise to a
ELECTIONS (RELEASED IN OCTOBER new political situation– parties joining hands
1923) as a result of anti-Simon agitation.
a) The Swarajists would present the nationalist Constitutional programme lost its relevance.
demand of self-government in councils 6) In 1930, the Swarajists finally walked out as a
b) If this demand was rejected, they would adopt result of the Lahore Congress resolution on
a policy of uniform, continuous and consistent purna swaraj and merged with Congress and
obstruction within the councils to make the beginning of the Civil Disobedience
governance through councils impossible Movement (1930-31).
c) Councils would thus be wrecked from within  CAUSES OF DECLINE - SWARAJ PARTY
by creating deadlocks on every measure 1) Death of C.R. Das in June 1925
 PROGRAMME OF SWARAJISTS 2) Motilal Nehru’s inability to keep party
1) Attainment of dominion status together
2) Right to frame a constitution 3) Swarajists accepted positions in government
3) Control over bureaucracy committees, in Assemblies and Executive
4) Establishment of a principle that bureaucracy Councils
derived its power from people 4) Appearance of splinter groups in the party
5) Right of people to control machinery and  CONTRIBUTION OF SWARAJ PARTY TO
system of government
6) Full provincial autonomy
a) Pressurized the British Government into
7) Attainment of swarajya
acceptance of some Indian demands
8) Organisation of labour– Industrial and
b) Party kept up the political struggle for
freedom during 1923-28
9) Establishment of control over local and
c) British labour party accepted Dominion status
municipal body
as goal of constitutional development in India
10) Agency for propaganda outside India
d) Legislatures used as platforms for national
11) Federation of Asiatic countries for promotion
of trade and commerce
e) Exposed the autocracy of British Government
12) Constructive programme of Congress
and callousness of I.C.S.
 DECLINE OF SWARAJISTS f) Promoted the cause of Indian freedom and
1) Two important expressions of the rift and added parliamentary dimension to freedom
defection were emergence of the Nationalist struggle after 1922.
Party under Malviya, N C Kelker etc. and the
Independent Party under M.A. Jinnah.  REVOLUTIONARIES/MILITANT
2) By 1924, the Swarajist position had weakened
because of widespread communal riots, split
among Swarajists themselves on communal A. ORIGIN/EMERGENCE OF THEM
and Responsivist-Non-responsivist lines, and Cover in this topic:- When, where, among
the death of C.R. Das in 1925 weakened it whom, why, individuals and organisations ,
further. sources of their inspirations and their activities
3) The Responsivists among Swarajists—Lala
Lajpat Rai, Madan Mohan Malaviya and N.C.
 In late 19th and early 20th century, revolutionaries allowed in Canada whose ship came direct from
activities among young politically conscious men port to port. This rule had been made specifically,
emerged in east Bengal & Poona region to put obstacles against the Indians because in
 The major causes of emergence of revolutionaries going to Canada their ships used to touch Chinese
activities were anger and frustration caused by or Japanese ports.
exploitations and atrocities done by british, police 2. To get over this Canadian rule, Gurudit Singh, an
officials , money lenders , jamidars, & Indian businessman of Singapore, had directly
controversial English officials come with immigrants in a Japanese ship without
 This youth were disappointed with criminal justice touching any intermediate port on the way.
system as they failed to get justice, they were also 3. The tired and angry passengers had to return from
disappointed by the political leaders of congress Vancouver. The Indian government also gave
both moderated and extremists them a rough treatment on return to Calcutta on
 They were inspired by gods and goddess like Kali, September 27, 1914. There were nearly 250 Sikhs
durga, Bhawani. They were also inspired by Irish who got down from the ship and an armed
republican army and Japanese victory over Russia engagement took place with the police at Budge
in 1904-05. Budge, Calcutta, leading to 22 deaths (as per the
 In 1897, Chapekar brothers, {Damodar and Bal official records), mostly Sikhs.
Krishna} killed an British official W. C. Rand in 4. The embittered Sikhs persecuted by the Police
.plague commissioner at Poona This incident is spread anger in Punjab. Another Japanese ship
regarded as first political murder of modern India. Tosa Maru, brought another batch of Indians from
Bal Gangadhar Tilak defended Chapekar the U.S.A, many of whom had been indoctrinated
brothers. {Also killed his military escort with the teachings of the Ghadar Party.
Lieutenant Ayerst at Pune, Maharashtra}. This 5. 6. In 1914, nearly 8000 Punjabi’s returned from
was the first case of militant nationalism in India the U.S.A. and Canada and spread revolutionary
after the 1857 Revolt. feeling among the people. They embittered
 In east Bengal and Poona, some revolutionaries returners spread the tales of the cruel and
organisations were established such as racialist character of imperialism.
a) Anushilan samiti
c) Yugantar POST WORLD WAR-I
d) Mitra mela (Poona) a) Ideological & social base of these
e) Abhinav bharat of V.D Savarkar (Poona) revolutionaries
 In 1908 two revolutionaries, Khudi ram bose and a. Impact of Russian Revolution (October,1917)
Prafula Kumar Chaki attempted to kill Kingsford, b. Impact of Communist ideology, Marx and
the controversial magistrate at Muzzafarpur Bihar, Lenin
but two English women died in the attack. c. Impact of Trade Union Movements
Khudiram bose was given death sentence  The October 1917 revolution of Russia also
(youngest Indian to be hand) whereas Prafula known as “Bolshevik revolution- a party of
kumar Chaki committed suicide to avoid arrest. workers and peasants” , led by Lenin,
Soon they become household names and patriotic believed in originally the Manifesto of German
songs were written in their honor. philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
 In 1912, an attempt was made to kill lord of the Communist Party called communist
Harding-II (1910-16, the viceroy & governor manifesto in 1848. Their ideas were First
general) at chandni chownk, by a group of revolution should take place all over the world
revolutionaries led by Ras Bihari Bose (not gosh  This Russian revolution attracted and
note it). But the governor general survived with a appealed millions of youth across the globe
minor injury, his elephant rider died. including thousands of Indians
 KAMAGATA MARU INCIDENT  They (Russian revolutionaries in Russian
Komgata Maru was a Japanese ocean ship which had revolution) were inspired by Karl Marx and
been hired by Gurudit Singh, to transport Punjabi’s Lenin and wanted to protect the rights of
(mostly Sikhs) from Singapore to Vancouver (Canada). workers and peasants
1. The ship reached Vancouver on May 23, 1914. But  They (Russian revolutionaries in Russian
the Canadian authorities refused permission to revolution) also wanted a secular republic
the ship to land there, although it followed the
Canadian rule that such immigrants would be
 This Russian revolution attracted and  Chittagong Armoury raid case on 18th April, 1930
appealed millions of youth across the globe by Surya Sen and his students 12.
including thousands of Indians  Execution of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru
b) Organisations & individuals & their activities on 23rd March, 1931 at Lahore Central Jail
 In 1924, Meeting of revolutionaries at Kanpur in C. REVOLUTIONARIES OUTSIDE INDIA,
October 1924 to form HRA (Hindustan Republican
Association),some group of revolutionaries
 Many Indian revolutionaries left India in different
founder HRA (Hindustan republican association)
phases to avoid arrest but they continued their
at Kanpur. Chandra shekar azad, Ram Prasad
mission to free India from abroad or to take
Bismil, Ashraf-ul-lah-khan, Rajendra Lahiri,
Sachindra Sanyal etc were prominent members of
 1913 (2 june January):- Ghadar party was one
such organisations founded for preparing for
 1925 (9th August):- Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashraf-ul-
India’s liberation at san Francisco USA by “Lala
lah-khan and others were involved in Kakori rail
hardyal, Sohan Singh, Barkat-ul-lah etc
Dacoity case (Lucknow)
a) They wanted to free India by arms struggle
 Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashraf-ul-lah-khan were given
b) They published two newspapers called
death sentence, many more got life imprisonment
Ghadar one in Punjabi and other in Urdu
 1928 (September):- HRA was transformed as
language. Since November 1913, the weekly
HSRA (Hindustan Socialist republican association)
Ghadar (Urdu and Punjabi languages) began
at Firozshah Kotla-Delhi.
to be published for spreading revolutionary
a) Bhagat singh (wrote why I am atheist and “the
ideas. The name Ghadar reminded the people
lost leader” pamphlet on Lala lajpat Rai, he
of the great patriotic rebellion of 1857.
also founded naujawan sabha),
c) They also raised funds , met local leaders,
b) Raj guru, Sukhdev, , Jatin Das, batukeshwar
mobilized support for India’s freedom
d) Hardyal, fearing trial and imprisonment in
c) Bhagwati Charan Vohra (he wrote the
U.S.A. went to Germany jumping the bail he
philosophy of Bomb) etc
was granted after being arrested in the U.S.A.
d) They believed in direct action
under British instigation.
e) They believed in socialist ideology
 Many individuals like Uddam singh, ajit singh
 1929 (8th April):- Bhagat singh and batukeshwar
(uncle of Bhagat Singh) and Madam Bhikaji cama
dutta threw two bombs in central legislative
were active in England, France and Germany. They
assembly Delhi. They were protesting against the
attacked, killed some controversial officers.
controversial bills
Madam Bhikaji cama hoisted tri-color flag in
a. Trade dispute bill, which curbed the rights of
France and Germany
 1942-1944:-
b. Public safety bill, which gave more power to
a) Some Indian revolutionaries in Southeast
british state (allowed to detain suspects
Asian countries became active to free India or
without any trial)
liberate India from British rule.
 After this they surrendered because
b) 1942:- Ras Bihari Bose, founded Indian
a. They wanted to use the platform of court to
Independence league (IIL= political wing) at
propagate their ideology
Tokyo, Japan. They also raised an army called
b. They have decided to give violent means and
INA (Indian National army), consisting of
had plan to work politically
former prisoners of wars (PoWs= were more
c. But the police charged them also on murder
than 50,000 in south-asian countries).
case of saunders a police officer (killed at
c) 1943:- INA was formed at Singapore, due to
Lahore on 17th December, 1928 ) who was
the efforts of captain Mohan singh (Indian)
killed by some revolutionaries at Lahore in
and major Fujiwara (Japanese). The name of
1928, who (saunders) was responsible for the
battalion was named after heroes of freedom
death of Lala laj pat Rai ,this case is called
struggle such as “Gandhi Battalion, Nehru
“Lahore conspiracy case” and
battalion, Subhash battalion, azad battalion,
d. Bhagat singh, raj guru, Sukhdev were given
Rani Laxmi bai battalion (female battalion led
death sentence in Oct 1930 and sent for
by Capt. Laxmi Sehgal).
execution 23 march 1931 in Lahore central
 1941 he escaped from house arrest
 He traveled extensively from Afghanistan to Russia, defeat of the Italians at Adowa in 1894 at the
Germany to Italy and finally landed up at Tokyo and hands of the Abyesinians, the victory of Japan
met Tojo the Japanese PM, who promised all help over Russia in 1904-05, the rise of the Sinn Fein
1943:- became commander of INA at Singapore movement in Ireland as well as the Young Turk
& established an interim government revolt, encouraged patriotic Indians to look
 He gave some slogans like forward with confidence.
a) “Jai Hind” along with Aabid ali. Both are e) The young conspirators derived inspiration from
given credit for this slogan the Bhagavad Gita as well as from the lives of
b) Give me blood and I will give you freedom Mazzini, Garibaldi (Italy) and Russian methods of
c) Delhi chalo revolutionary activities.
 His interim govt was called “Aarzi hakumat
 The Japanese to win confidence of INA, handed MILITANTS
over Andaman and Nicobar islands , which a) They lacked mass base, despite remarkable
were renamed as “Shaheed Dweep and swaraj heroism displayed by the revolutionaries,
Dweep” respectively. organized themselves in small secret societies
 April 1944:- one battalion of INA led by captain b) Initially, they had only anger and revenge in
“Shah Nawaz Khan” with the help of Japanese their mind
attacked India through Burma and entered c) They used religious and cultural symbols to
Manipur, captured many posts and seized imphal, unite and mobilize the youth
but two factors led to their defeat  CHRONOLOGY OF REVOLUTIONARY
a) sudden withdrawal by Japanese from India
b) bad weather
 1945:- INA Trial also known as “Red fort Trial” A. MAHARASHTRA
a) Captain shah Nawaz Khan a) Chapekar brothers (Damodar and Balkrishna)
b) Capt Prem kumar Sehgal killed Rand, the plague commissioner at
c) Captain Gurbaksh singh Dhillion Poona on 22 June, 1897 because he forced
 This was time of Hindu-muslims riots and house to house search (recall some harsh
demand of separate state for muslims measures during the period of Pandemic
 Their case was defended by a team of layers 2020-21and recall your angers and
led by Bhula Bhai desai (leader of lawyers frustrations)
team), other layers were Asaf ali, Sir Tej b) Shyamji Krishna Verma set up on 18 Feb, 1905
Bahadur , Kailash Bahadur Katju and J,L Nehru India Home Rule Society in London to work for
Indian’s freedom
D. THE OUTCOME / CONSEQUENCE / c) Madan Lal Dhingra shot dead Col. William
SIGNIFICANCE:- Curzon Wyllie at India House, London on
 01July, 1909
…………8th class ended, 9th started…….. d) Jackson, District Magistrate of Nasik was shot
dead on 21 Dec. 1909
a) Agitation against partition of Bengal stirred
a) Revolutionary terrorism was one of the ways of
political consciousness at an unprecedented
expressing patriotism and anger. The moderates
pitch during the early 20th century.
had failed to achieve much with their
b) Violent activities and robberies erupted in
constitutional agitation.
different parts of Bengal during 1906-07.
b) The revolutionaries had no place for compromise;
c) Muzaffarpur (Bihar) bomb case on 30 April,
they wanted complete independence and they
1908 by Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Kumar
believed their goal could be achieved only by
Chaki, when they attempted to kill
violent method by overthrowing of an alien
controversial magistrate, Kingsford, but two
English women were killed
c) The partition of Bengal and the swadeshi
d) Public prosecutor was shot dead in Calcutta in
movement had facilitated the growth of
February 1909
revolutionary/militant movement
e) Deputy Superintendent of police, Calcutta was
d) Moreover, contemporary international events had
killed on 24 February, 1909
made a strong impact on the young patriots. The
f) Bomb thrown at Lord Harding on 23
December 1912 at Chandni Chowk by preparation at every level – organizational,
revolutionaries led by Rash Bihari Bose strategic, tactical, financial – that was necessary
C. GHADAR (REVOLT) MOVEMENT, 1913 for an armed revolt
a) Lala Har Dyal went to U.S.A. in January 1911 b) Underestimated the strength of British in India
and founded the Ghadar party, on June 2, both their armed and organizational might
1913, in San Francisco (USA) for preparing for c) Failed to generate an effective and sustained
India’s liberation. leadership that was capable of integrating the
b) Since November 1913, the weekly Ghadar various aspects of the movement
(Urdu and Punjabi languages) began to be d) Nonexistent organizational structure – It was
published for spreading revolutionary ideas. sustained more by the enthusiasm of the militants
The name Ghadar reminded the people of the than by their effective organization.
great patriotic rebellion of 1857.
c) Har Dayal, fearing trial and imprisonment in
U.S.A. went to Germany jumping the bail he 
was granted after being arrested in the U.S.A.
under British instigation.
To expose the true nature of British rule in India such
as the drain of wealth, low expenditure on health and
high on arms the destruction of Indian industries, the
divide and rule policy etc. This was to be done by
Katcha Chittha (crux) which appeared in the
newspapers daily
a) Poems were written, which was marked by
their secular tone and revolutionary zeal
b) The newspaper evoked unprecedented
response and in a very brief time changed the
image of the Punjabi immigrants from a loyal
soldier to a rebel.
c) At the outbreak of the 1st World War (1914-
1918) they decided to set the opportunity
and organised an armed revolt by going
down to India and win over the Indian
soldiers. Many leaders persuaded Indians
living in Japan, Singapore, China and Hong
Kong to join the rebels at home.
d) These Ghadarites were closely monitored
and watched by the British. The response
for an armed revolt among the Punjabis was
very poor.
e) The plan leaked out and the movement was
crushed ruthlessly.
a) Although the movement failed, it was in the realm
of ideology that it was the greatest success. This
huge propaganda effort motivated and educated
an entire generation of workers and immigrants.
b) Another marked feature was its democratic and
egalitarian control
c) Hardayal’s work led to the creation of a truly
international outlook among the Ghadar
a) Underestimated the extent and amount of

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