Definition of Motivation

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Definition of Motivation

Motivation is the process that starts, guides, and keeps goal-oriented

behaviors. It comes from the Latin word meaning 'to move'. It's what
causes people to act in certain ways. It's like the push that is needed to get
things done. In business, praise, prestige, promotion, and pay are positive

**Importance of Motivation**

Motivation is important for managers. A manager's success relies on

motivating their team. The importance of motivation includes:
1. **Profitable Operation**: Motivation leads to profitable operations by
ensuring workers do their duties well, using available resources
2. **High Productivity**: Motivated employees work better, leading to
maximum production.
3. **Resistance to Change**: Motivation helps adjust to changes in
management and organization, adapting to a changing environment.
4. **Effective Use of Human Resources**: Motivation makes workers
willing to use resources well.
5. **Employee Satisfaction**: Motivation makes employees happy and
6. **Dispute Minimization**: Motivation reduces fights and strikes.
7. **Basis of Coordination**: Motivated employees understand each
other better and work well together.
8. **Workforce Stability**: A motivated and stable workforce is good for
the organization.
9. **Supervision Cost Reduction**: Motivated workers need less
10. **Achievement of Organizational Goals**: Motivated workers help
achieve organization objectives.
11. **Productive Resource Use**: Motivation helps use resources well.
12. **Goal Achievement**: Motivation helps people reach goals and get
Motivation is key to effective operations, high productivity, and achieving
organizational objectives.

**Financial Incentive Methods of Motivation**

1. **Fair Wages**: Offering a high and reasonable salary motivates

employees. Fair wages are essential to increase efficiency.
2. **Profit Sharing**: Distributing a part of the profit among employees
through various incentive plans motivates them to increase profits.
3. **Bonus**: Providing occasional bonuses such as Eid, Puja, or
vacation bonuses motivates employees.
4. **Financial Security**: Future financial security is desirable.
Organizations provide pension, provident fund, insurance, and gratuity
facilities to motivate employees.
5. **Advances and Loans**: Providing advance money from provident
funds and deducting it monthly from salaries motivates employees.
Financial institutions offer loan facilities to inspire them.
6. **Accommodation Facilities**: Providing accommodation facilities
plays a vital role in motivating employees.
7. **Transportation Facilities**: Employees coming from different places
need transport facilities, which motivates them.
8. **Medical Facilities**: Sound health is essential for high motivation.
Providing medical facilities for employees and their families increases
9. **Promotion**: Promotion is related to financial issues and helps
motivate employees.
10. **Rewards**: Every employee expects rewards for better work,
motivating them to perform at a high level.
11. **Rationing Facilities**: Providing rationing facilities inspires
12. **Canteen Facilities**: Organizing canteen facilities during working
hours motivates employees.

**Non-Financial Incentive Methods of Motivation**

1. **Positive Work Environment**: A clean, well-lit, and equipped

workplace motivates employees for better performance.

2. **Appreciation of Work Done**: Praising employees for their work

satisfies their ego needs, motivating them to work better.

3. **Competition**: Healthy competition among employees encourages

them to achieve personal or group goals, prompting more effort.

4. **Fair Treatment**: Fair treatment of employees boosts performance

without monetary incentives.

5. **Security**: Providing adequate security in the workplace reduces

mental pressure and motivates employees.

6. **Group Incentives**: Group incentives sometimes work better than

individual ones, increasing morale and productivity.

7. **Knowledge of the Results**: Knowing the results of their work

encourages better performance and facilitates learning.

8. **Worker's Participation in Management**: Involving workers in

decision-making gives them psychological satisfaction and boosts
9. **Suggestion System**: Encouraging employee suggestions motivates
them to contribute positively to the company.

10. **Education Facility**: Providing education facilities for employees'

children boosts motivation.

11. **Training Facility**: Training improves employees' abilities,

motivating them to perform better in their jobs.

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