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Infectious Disease Ecology and

Conservation Johannes Foufopoulos

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Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation Johannes


Infectious Disease Ecology of Wild Birds Jennifer C.


Emerging Zoonotic and Wildlife Pathogens: Disease

Ecology, Epidemiology, and Conservation Salkeld

Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease Elsevier

Australian Falcons: Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation
Stephen Debus

Beavers: Ecology, Behaviour, Conservation, and

Management Frank Rosell

Freshwater Ecology and Conservation: Approaches and

Techniques Jocelyne M.R. Hughes

Graphic guide to infectious disease Brian T. Kloss

Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters 2nd

Edition Lila Miller
Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation
Infectious Disease
Ecology and

Johannes Foufopoulos
Associate Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability,
University of Michigan, USA

Gary A. Wobeser
Professor Emeritus, Department of Veterinary Pathology,
University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Hamish McCallum
Professor and Director, Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security, Griffith University
and Environmental Futures Research Institute, Australia

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© Johannes Foufopoulos, Gary A. Wobeser and Hamish McCallum 2022
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2021942639
ISBN 978–0–19–958350–8 (hbk)
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This book is dedicated to the countless field conservation biologists and wildlife veterinarians who
struggle daily, often at great personal cost, for the protection of the planet’s biodiversity. It is also
dedicated to the present generation of students whose idealism and energy make us hopeful that a better
world is within reach.

Acknowledgments xiii
List of acronyms and abbreviations xiv
Glossary xv
Introduction xxv

Part I Epidemiological Background 1

1 Conservation biology and parasitism 3

1.1 What is conservation biology? 3
1.2 Biodiversity 3
1.3 Extinction 4
1.4 Drivers of extinction 5
1.4.1 The role of parasites and pathogens in extinction 6
1.4.2 Possible mechanisms of parasite-induced
extinction/endangerment 7
1.4.3 Detecting infectious disease threats to populations
or communities 9
1.5 Endangerment and conservation of parasites 10
1.5.1 Are parasites threatened? 10
1.5.2 Why conserve parasites—Ethical reasons 11
1.5.3 Why conserve parasites—Applied reasons 12
1.5.4 How do parasites become endangered? 15
1.5.5 What are the effects of conservation management activities
on parasite communities? 16
1.5.6 Which parasite species are most likely to become
endangered? 17
1.6 Conclusion 19

2 Disease epidemiology in natural systems 26

2.1 Introduction 26
2.2 Transmission and parasite life cycles 28
2.2.1 Transmission in single host–single parasite infections 28
2.2.2 Transmission in multiple host species–single parasite
infection 30


2.2.3 The basic reproductive number R0 30

2.2.4 Natural selection and host–parasite interactions 33
2.3 Factors determining outcome of infection 34
2.3.1 Host effects 34
2.3.2 Pathogen effects 35
2.3.3 Environmental effects 36

3 Anthropogenic effects and wildlife diseases 40

3.1 Introduction 40
3.2 Human introduction of pathogens or hosts 40
3.2.1 Introduction of a novel disease agent into a naive population 41
3.2.2 Introduction of naive hosts to an area where an indigenous
pathogen exists 44
3.2.3 Introduction of a host that alters the ecology of an indigenous
disease 44
3.3 Interactions between habitat degradation/loss and infectious
disease 46
3.3.1 Parasites/pathogens modifying habitat suitability 46
3.3.2 Effects of habitat degradation/fragmentation on parasites
and pathogens 47
3.3.3 Conclusion 49
3.4 Parasitism and predation 49
3.4.1 Trophic transmission 51
3.4.2 Effects of predators on herd health 52
3.4.3 Combined effects of predation and parasitism on host
population size and stability 53
3.5 Climate change and wildlife disease 53
3.5.1 Climate change and vector-borne diseases 54

Part II Acquisition of Field Data 63

4 Sampling, experimental design, and statistical analysis 65

4.1 Introduction 65
4.2 The three Rs of sampling and study design: Representativeness,
replication, and randomness 65
4.2.1 Representativeness 65
4.2.2 Replication 66
4.2.3 Randomness 67
4.3 Statistical tools 70
4.3.1 Likelihood 70
4.3.2 The Akaike Information Criterion 71
4.4 Hypothesis testing 72
4.5 Power analysis 73

5 Capture, restraint, and euthanasia of target species 76

5.1 Introduction 76
5.2 Are captured animals representative of the population? 77
5.3 Are biological samples collected from study animals representative
of the normal physiological state and not unduly influenced by the
capture procedure? 79
5.4 Will capture affect the study animal’s subsequent behavior, activity,
or survival? 83
5.5 Are sampling frequency and intensity sufficient to accurately
represent host population demographics and the dynamics of the
disease? 83
5.6 Will the capture technique endanger the investigator? 86
5.7 How can the capturing/sampling process be improved? 88
5.8 Euthanasia (humane killing) 89
5.9 Capture considerations for various categories of vertebrate hosts 90
5.9.1 Amphibians 90
5.9.2 Reptiles 90
5.9.3 Birds 91
5.9.4 Mammals 92

6 Disease and agent detection 97

6.1 Introduction 97
6.2 Detecting infectious agents in individuals 97
6.3 Detecting infectious agents at the population level 99
6.4 Detecting disease at the individual or population level 101
6.5 Confirming a cause–effect relationship between infection and
disease 103
6.5.1 Basic principles and methodological challenges 103
6.5.2 Experimental studies 105
6.5.3 Observational studies 106

7 The environmental context of wildlife disease 111

7.1 Introduction 111
7.2 Identifying and quantifying the association between environmental
features and disease occurrence 112
7.2.1 The importance of scale 115
7.3 Modeling the environmental occurrence of disease 115
7.3.1 Using features of the ecological niche to predict where or
when disease will occur 117
7.3.2 Using knowledge of the ecological niche in disease
management 118
7.4 Conclusions and summary 119

8 Agent and disease detection—Laboratory methods 123

8.1 Introduction 123
8.2 Sampling—Preanalysis 124

8.3 Sampling—Analysis 126

8.4 Sampling—Postanalysis 128

Part III Modeling and Data Analysis 131

9 Disease modeling 133

9.1 Why use a model? 133
9.2 Types of models 134
9.2.1 Strategic versus tactical models 134
9.2.2 Deterministic versus stochastic models 134
9.2.3 Microparasite versus macroparasite models 135
9.3 Microparasite models 136
9.3.1 Incorporating age structure and time delays 138
9.4 Macroparasite models 139
9.5 Integral projection models 140
9.6 The basic reproductive number R0 141
9.6.1 R0 for complex life cycles and multiple hosts 141
9.6.2 R0 for network models 145
9.7 Adding pathogens to population viability analysis models 146
9.8 Individual-based models 147
9.9 Models for spatial spread 148

10 Estimating basic epidemiological parameters 151

10.1 Introduction 151
10.2 Estimating host population size and infection status 151
10.3 Mortality and fecundity: Basic demographic parameters 152
10.3.1 Estimating pathogen- or parasite-induced mortality 152
10.3.2 Survival analysis 154
10.4 Mark–recapture methods 155
10.5 Quantifying transmission 157
10.5.1 What does one need to estimate and why? 157
10.5.2 Estimating contact rates 157
10.5.3 Estimating the force of infection 158
10.5.4 Multistate mark–recapture methods 158
10.6 Estimating R0 160
10.6.1 Direct estimation of R0 for emerging diseases 160
10.6.2 Estimation of R0 for infections at equilibrium 162
10.6.3 Estimating R0 in multiple host systems 162
10.7 Estimating the parameters for spatial spread 163
10.8 Bayesian approaches 163

Part IV Epidemiological Control and Prevention 169

11 Disease management: Introduction and planning 171

11.1 Identifying the problem: Known knowns 171
11.2 Known unknowns 171
11.3 Unknown unknowns 172
11.4 Steps in managing threats to wildlife from infectious disease 172
11.5 Management plans 175
11.5.1 Elements of a management plan 176
11.5.2 Existing management plans for wildlife diseases: The
example of Australia 176

12 Preventing new disease occurrences 181

12.1 Background and definitions 181
12.1.1 Anticipatory planning 183
12.1.2 Ecological and evolutionary considerations 184
12.2 Introduction of pathogens into susceptible systems: Prevention
and management 187
12.2.1 Preventing disease introduction after accidental movement
of hosts 187
12.2.2 Preventing disease introduction during intentional host
movement: Wildlife translocations and reintroductions 191
12.2.3 Preventative protection of individual hosts 192
12.3 Introduction of susceptible hosts to a disease nidus: Realities and
prevention 192
12.4 Preventing environmental changes that allow a disease to
establish or increase in prevalence 194
12.5 Conclusion 196

13 Disease elimination and eradication 202

13.1 Introduction 202
13.2 Pre-intervention considerations 202
13.3 Manipulating the causative agent 206
13.4 Manipulating the host(s) 207
13.5 Vaccination 211
13.6 Manipulating environmental factors 213
13.7 Combined techniques 215
13.8 The endgame 215
13.9 Establishing an “ark” or “insurance” population 216

14 Disease control: How to live with infection 223

14.1 Introduction 223
14.2 Reducing prevalence or intensity of infection 225
14.2.1 Culling 225

14.2.2 Chemotherapy 225

14.2.3 Managing species other than the focal host 227
14.3 Increasing resistance or tolerance 227
14.3.1 Food supplementation 227
14.3.2 Vaccination 228
14.3.3 Probiotics and related approaches 228
14.3.4 Genetic management 230
14.4 Increasing tolerance of infection at a population level 232

15 Infectious diseases as biological control agents 237

15.1 Introduction 237
15.2 Myxomatosis as a biological control for rabbit populations 237
15.3 Rabbit hemorrhagic disease to control rabbit populations 241
15.3.1 Rabbit biocontrol—Ecological consequences 242
15.4 Feline panleukopenia virus against cats 242
15.5 Herpesvirus as a control agent for European carp 243
15.6 Potential biological control of cane toads 245
15.7 Virally vectored immunocontraception 245
15.8 Synthesis and conclusions 246
15.8.1 Logistics of biocontrol 246
15.8.2 Required prerelease knowledge 247
15.8.3 Postrelease activities 247

16 Ethical and public outreach considerations 250

16.1 Introduction 250
16.2 Ethics in wildlife disease management 250
16.2.1 Conservation 252
16.2.2 Preservationism 253
16.2.3 A special case: Global eradication of pathogens or parasites 253
16.2.4 Implications for wildlife disease management 253
16.2.5 Ethics of wildlife disease management: Some practical
suggestions 254
16.3 Wildlife disease management and public outreach 255
16.3.1 Communicating information about wildlife-associated
disease: Interacting with the community 255
16.3.2 Stakeholder engagement methods 259

Index 264

This book is the product of the work of count- extensive bibliography. In addition, we are thank-
less individuals who have contributed to it directly, ful to the members of the UM Ecosystem Health
or indirectly. First, we would like to acknowledge class who read individual chapters and provided
the institutional support from our academic homes: comments and insights. Last, but not least, this
the School for Environment and Sustainability book reflects the indirect inputs of many colleagues
at the University of Michigan, the School of Envi- who, through innumerable conversations at confer-
ronment and Science and Centre for Planetary ences and professional meetings, helped shape the
Health and Food Security at Griffith University, ideas in this book. We thank our colleagues Rebecca
and the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at Hardin and Joe Eisenberg, who acted as sounding
the University of Saskatchewan, without which this boards for many of the ideas in this book. We also
book would not have been possible. JF would also would like to express our gratitude to the many col-
like to acknowledge the support of Griffith Uni- leagues who so generously provided us with images
versity and the Max Planck Institute for Animal of their work that are included in this book.
Movement (Konstanz, Germany), which provided We are deeply indebted to our editors at OUP,
intellectual homes during two sabbatical stints of Lucy Nash, Bethany Kershaw and Charles Bath
writing this book. HM would like to acknowledge for their patience, support, and attention to detail
the support of All Souls College Oxford, through a in improving the manuscript. However, our deep-
Visiting Fellowship in Michaelmas term 2015, dur- est thanks go to Ian Sherman, who with unfailing
ing which a substantial amount of time was spent poise, patience, and persistence kept us focused,
working on the book. and helped us navigate this project through the
We are greatly indebted to multiple students, and many years to completion.
especially David Faulker, Kesiree Thiamkeelakul, Most of all, we are thankful for our friends and
Kristine Meader, and Hal Terry, for reading earlier especially our spouses (JF: Jennifer; HM: Barbara;
versions of the manuscript and improving the text Gary: Amy as well as our children (JF: Alex; HM:
through numerous suggestions, corrections, and Alasdair and Maddy) and parents (JF: Christel and
edits. Chrysi Beltsou and Laura McNeil were instru- Manoli) for putting up with us while we spent
mental in compiling, organizing, and formatting the endless hours on writing this book.

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACE-2 angiotensin-converting enzyme 2

AIC Akaike information criterion
ANOVA analysis of variance
bTB bovine tuberculosis
CM capture myopathy
CSF classical swine fever
CWD chronic wasting disease
CyHV-3 cyprinid herpesvirus-3
DRA disease risk analysis
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ESU Evolutionarily Significant Unit
FIV feline immunodeficiency virus
FPV feline panleukopenia virus
GC glucocorticoid
GLMM generalized linear mixed model
GPS Global Positioning System
HA hunted animals
IA indicator animals
IPM integral projection model
IUCN International Union for Conservation
of Nature
MCMV murine cytomegalovirus
NIAID National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases
OIE World Organisation for Animal
PAA pre-analytical artifact
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PVA population viability analysis
RCV-A1 rabbit calicivirus Australia 1
RML Rocky Mountain Laboratories
RHDV rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus
SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
TTP total testing process
TST tuberculin skin test


“When I use a word” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a variance in counts per sampling unit will then
scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean— be larger than the mean count per sampling unit.
neither more nor less.” Macroparasites are almost invariably aggregat-
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass ed in their host population, the majority of hosts
harboring a few or no parasites and a few hosts
In the spirit of Humpty Dumpty and Lewis Carroll,
harboring large parasite burdens. Aggregation
the definitions we give in this glossary are the way
generally arises from some source heterogene-
in which we have used the terms in this book. Many
ity in the host or parasite population. Cluster-
of these terms may have slightly differing defini-
ing and overdispersion are synonymous terms.
tions throughout the biological and epidemiological
Aggregated distributions are often described by
the negative binomial distribution.
Terms adapted from Grenfell and Dobson (1997),
Agroecosystem Land used for crops, pasture, and
Meffe and Carroll (2006), Loker and Hofkin (2015),
livestock; the adjacent uncultivated land that
Allaby (2005), and various internet resources.
supports other vegetation and wildlife; and
Acaricide A chemical agent used to kill mites or the associated atmosphere, the underlying soils,
ticks. groundwater, and drainage networks.
Accuracy The degree to which an individual mea- Amplification host A host in which infectious
surement or estimate represents the true value agents multiply to high levels, providing an
of the attribute being measured; the proportion important source of infection for vectors or other
of all tests, both positive and negative, that are species.
correct. (cf. Precision) Anagenesis Evolutionary change, especially along
Adaptive management A management style in a single, unbranched lineage.
which the strategy is altered as additional Antibody A protein produced in the blood of ver-
information becomes available as management tebrates in response to an antigen. The antibody
proceeds. Passive adaptive management uses produced is able to bind specifically to that anti-
additional information as it becomes available. gen and plays a role in its inactivation or removal
Active adaptive management deliberately alters by the immune system.
the management strategy in order to gain infor- Antigen A substance, generally foreign, capable of
mation to aid management. inducing antibody formation.
Aetiological agent The causative agent of a dis- Antihelminthic A drug used specifically to control
ease or condition, often a microorganism or a helminth (i.e., parasitic worm) infections.
toxin. Arbovirus A member of a diverse group of virus-
Aggregation Organisms show an aggregated dis- es that use arthropods as vectors and are
tribution when the numbers per sampling unit transmitted in their saliva to the definitive
(often a quadrat or, in the case of parasites, a host.
host) are more variable than would be expected Background extinction rate Historical rates of
from a random (Poisson) distribution. The extinction owing to environmental causes not

xvi G L O S S A RY

influenced by human activities. Distinct and introduction of zoonotic pathogens into human
much lower than mass extinction events. populations.
Barrier culling A disease elimination approach Carrier (asymptomatic) An individual infected
in which populations of susceptible hosts are with a parasite that may transmit infection, but
removed from a specific region ahead of an epi- which does not display symptoms of disease.
zootic in order to prevent entry of the disease Case definition A standard set of criteria for deter-
into an area where it does not occur, or from mining whether an individual has a particu-
where it has been eliminated in the past. lar infection, disease, or syndrome. Use of an
Basic reproductive number (basic reproduction agreed-upon standard case definition ensures
number, basic reproductive ratio R0 ) A theo- that every case is equivalent, regardless of when
retical value representing the average number or where it occurred. Furthermore, it allows for
of new infections that arise during the period of rigorous comparison of case numbers or rate of
infectiousness of a single infectious individual disease, identified in one time or place against
who has entered a population of completely the number or rate from another time or place
susceptible hosts. (cf. effective reproduction (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
number) Chemoprophylaxis The use of chemicals to pre-
Bayesian statistical methods Statistical methods vent infection or disease.
derived from Thomas Bayes’ theorem of condi- Chemotherapy The treatment of infection by
tional probability. Bayesian methods are char- means of chemicals (drugs) that have a specific
acterized by their incorporation of prior knowl- toxic effect on the parasite or pathogen.
edge about the quantity to be estimated, which is Coccidia An order of parasitic protozoa.
then modified by the observed data to generate Cohort (observational) study A particular form of
a posterior distribution. longitudinal study that samples the performance
Binomial distribution A statistical distribution of a cohort (a group of individuals who share
that describes the probability of observing the a defining characteristic, typically those who
number of “successes” x, from a series of n experienced a common event, such as birth
independent trials in which the probability of during a selected period), at various intervals
success p remains constant. In disease ecology, throughout time. Cohort studies represent one
if the prevalence of infection in a population of the fundamental designs of epidemiology and
is p, the number of infected individuals x in a are used on “difficult to reach” answers, for
sample size of n individuals is likely to follow a instance on how risk factors affect the incidence
binomial distribution. of diseases.
Biocontrol or biological control The addition of a Commensalism A form of interspecific association
species to an ecological community with the in which two species live in close association
intention of controlling an invasive species. with each other, with one deriving a benefit, and
Biomagnification The accumulation of toxic sub- the other being neither positively nor negatively
stances in species occupying higher trophic lev- affected. (cf. Mutualism and Parasitism)
els. Complex life cycle A life cycle in which a para-
Bridge host A host (in most usages, other than site needs to be transmitted through at least two
a vector) that transmits infection from a main- different host species in order to complete its
tenance or reservoir host to a target host. (cf. development. (also Indirect life cycle)
amplification host and reservoir host) Confidence interval (xx%) A range of values with-
Burden of disease Mortality, morbidity, and dis- in which the true value of a parameter will fall
ability in a population caused by a disease. xx% of the time if a given estimation procedure
Bushmeat Meat from animals (usually terrestri- is repeated a large number of times. Loosely, it
al) that is harvested in the wild. Often a cause is often said that there is an xx% chance that the
of wildlife endangerment and a portal for the true value of the parameter will fall within the
G L O S S A RY xvii

confidence interval. This definition is, however, Edge effect The altered biological and environ-
closer to the credible interval used in Bayesian mental conditions at the perimeter of a fragment-
statistics. ed habitat; see Habitat fragmentation.
Contact rate The average frequency per unit time Effective reproduction number (Re ) The average
with which susceptible individuals contact (or number of secondary cases resulting from each
are sufficiently close to) infected individuals or infected individual at any point after disease has
infective stages of a parasite, such that they can been introduced into a population, taking into
potentially acquire infection. account factors such as an acquired immunity
Credible interval In Bayesian statistics, an inter- or vaccination. (cf. Basic reproduction number
val in which an unknown parameter falls with a R0 )
given probability. Efficacy An index of the potency of a drug or
Cross-sectional observation study A study that treatment, usually estimated as the average pro-
examines the infection or disease status of a host portion of parasites in any host killed by a single
population (generally subdivided by age or sex) dose or a short-term course of the treatment.
at a moment in time. Eigenvalue A fundamental mathematical param-
Definitive host see Primary host. eter associated with square matrices that has
Degrees of freedom (of an estimate or test statis- many important applications in population biol-
tic) The number of independent observations ogy and epidemiology. For example, the largest
used to calculate the statistic or estimate, minus (dominant) eigenvalue of a matrix describing an
the number of quantities calculated from the age-structured population represents the loga-
same dataset that were required to calculate the rithmic growth rate of that population.
statistic or estimate. Elimination of a pathogen. Reduction to zero of
Density-dependent transmission Transmission of the incidence of infection caused by a specific
a pathogen/parasite at a rate that is dependent agent, in a defined geographical area, as a result
(typically in a positive manner) on the popula- of deliberate efforts. (cf. Eradication)
tion density of the host. Environmental reservoir Part of the environment,
Digenean A parasitic helminth belonging to the either other organisms (see Reservoir popula-
platyhelminthic fluke subgroup Digenea. tion), or abiotic parts of the environment, in
Dilution effect The hypothesis that pathogen or which a parasite or pathogen can be maintained
parasite transmission to a target host decreases in the long term, and from which it can infect a
with increasing diversity of the ecological com- target population.
munity. Enzootic transmission Relatively stable transmis-
Direct life cycle (or Simple life cycle) A life cycle sion of an infectious agent in an animal popula-
in which a parasite is transmitted directly from tion.
one host to the next without an intermediate host Epizootic transmission Transmission of an infec-
or vector of another species. tious agent in an animal population in excess of
Disease An abnormal condition affecting the func- what is normally observed in a region in a given
tioning of an organism, not caused by external period. The resulting wave of infection is called
injury. Often used incorrectly or as shorthand an epizootic.
to refer to a parasite or pathogen that causes Eradication of a pathogen The reduction to zero of
disease. the worldwide incidence of infection caused by a
Disease triangle The concept that infectious dis- specific agent, as a result of deliberate effort. (cf.
ease (both at a population and individual lev- Elimination)
el) is a result of an interaction between the Eutrophication The overabundance of algal life
host, a disease-causing organism (parasite or (an algal bloom) in a body of water, typically
pathogen), and the environment in which both as the result of human-caused nutrient (N, P)
host and pathogen occur. inflow. Following the eventual death of these
xviii G L O S S A RY

algae, their decomposition leads to pronounced Fomite An inanimate object or substance that
removal of oxygen from the water column, there- transfers a pathogen from one host to another.
fore creating conditions conducive to pathogen Force of infection For microparasites, the rate
spread. (per unit of time) at which susceptible individ-
Exotic species Species introduced to a different uals in a given population acquire infection. For
ecosystem than their native one, often through macroparasites, the rate at which hosts acquire
anthropogenic processes; such nonnative species additional parasites.
however are not necessarily invasive. Frequency-dependent transmission A term used
Exposure Contact with an infectious agent req- to describe disease transmission that does not
uired, but not sufficient for infection. Not the depend on the density of infected and sus-
same as dose. ceptible hosts but instead on the frequency
Ex situ preservation Managing animals in zoos, with which a transmitting event occurs. Spread
or otherwise away from their natural habitat in of vector-transmitted pathogens and sexually
order to protect them. (Contrast with In situ transmitted diseases is often frequency depen-
conservation) dent.
Extinction cascade A series of linked extinctions Genetic drift Genetic changes and losses that
whereby the extinction of one species leads to the occur by chance, especially evident in small pop-
extinction of one or more different species. ulations.
Extinction vortex A set of self-reinforcing inter- Glochidium/ia The larval stage typical of many
nal processes (such as inbreeding depression or types of freshwater bivalves (mussels) that
demographic stochasticity) that can lead to the attaches to the gill filaments of fish where it
eventual extinction of small populations even lives as an ectoparasite. Ultimately it drops off
in the absence of external stressors. The tenden- and settles on the bottom of the water body to
cy of small populations to become progressive- continue its development into an adult mussel.
ly smaller in each generation, eventually going Habitat The physical environment in which a
extinct. species is found.
Extinction rate (background) “Normal” low-level Habitat corridors Strips of land, typically covered
rates of extinction owing to background envi- by natural vegetation, which connect patches of
ronmental causes, not influenced by human natural habitat.
activities or other catastrophic events (see Mass Habitat fragmentation The process by which a
extinction event). large, continuous area of habitat is both reduced
Fitness The extent to which an organism is adapt- in area and divided into two or more sections
ed to its environment, measured by the number (fragments).
of viable offspring it leaves behind relative to Helminth A member of one the five classes of para-
other individuals in the population. sitic worms: monogeneans, digeneans, cestodes,
Focal culling (“reactive culling,” “point infection nematodes, and acanthocephalans.
control”) An approach used to eliminate disease Herd immunity Reached when a sufficiently high
in animals. The entire group on an “infected” proportion of a population is immune (either as a
farm or a herd is euthanized, and culling may result of vaccination or acquired immunity) that
extend to adjacent premises, to remove poten- the prevalence of infection no longer increases in
tial sources of infection and reduce availability the population.
of susceptible animals. The technique requires Herd immunity threshold The minimum level of
rapid identification of cases, prompt interven- herd immunity that prevents sustained trans-
tion, and restriction of movement of animals into mission of an infectious agent in a popula-
and out of the cull site and is best used in sit- tion. Depends on characteristics of the infectious
uations where good access exists to the animal agent, the host population, and the environmen-
population. tal conditions.
G L O S S A RY xix

Heteroxenous A parasitic organism that utilizes hosts, or vectors before the definitive host is
more than one host during its life cycle. reinfected.
Hematozoan A parasitic organism residing pri- Infection The colonization and replication of a
marily in the blood of the host. parasitic organism that gains sustenance or shel-
Host Any animal or plant that under natural con- ter from the body of a host, whether or not that
ditions provides sustenance or shelter to a para- host experiences ill health.
sitic organism. Infectious (or contagious) disease Disease caused
Horizontal transmission The most common type by infection with a parasite that can be transmit-
of pathogen/parasite transmission, in which an ted from one individual to another either directly
infected individual infects another susceptible or, indirectly, through a vector.
individual of the same species. In situ conservation Managing species in their
Hypothesis testing A statistical approach in natural environment. (cf. Ex situ conservation)
which a null hypothesis continues to be accept- Intensity of infection Used inconsistently in the
ed following an experiment, unless the data literature: either the mean number of parasites
collected indicate that the null hypothesis is within infected members of the host population
sufficiently unlikely to be true. In that case an or the mean parasite burden of the entire popu-
alternative hypothesis is accepted. lation. Unless prevalence is 100%, the latter will
Immunity the ability to combat infection or dis- be smaller than the former.
ease owing to the presence of antibodies or acti- Intermediate host (also secondary host) A host
vated cells. Typically divided into three types: required for a parasite’s life cycle, but not the
acquired immunity is conferred on an individ- host inside which parasite sexual reproduction
ual following recovery from a disease; natural occurs.
or innate immunity is inherited from parents, or Invasive species A species occurring and expand-
in some cases antibodies may be passed across ing its distribution outside its natural range,
the placenta and therefore are present in the typically introduced directly or indirectly by to
blood at birth; and artificial immunity may be human activities (see exotic species).
induced by the injection of a vaccine or anti- Keystone species Select species that have a dispro-
serum and confers protection of variable dura- portionate effect on the organization of a bio-
tion to a pathogen. logical community and the loss of which may
Immunosuppression Suppression of the immune have far-reaching consequences for community
response by drugs, parasites, or the host’s own structure.
immune regulatory mechanisms. Koch’s postulates A set of four criteria used to
Inbreeding The mating of individuals who are determine whether a causative relationship
more closely related than by chance alone. exists between a microorganism and a disease.
Inbreeding depression Lowered reproductive First expressed formally by the German physi-
rates, or production of offspring with lowered cian Robert Koch in the nineteenth century.
survival and reproduction, following mating Latent infection An infection that is causing no
among close relatives or self-fertilization. disease.
Incidence rate The ratio of the number of new Latent period Interval between acquisition of
events (e.g., infections) during a defined time infection by a host and its ability to transmit
period to the population at risk of experiencing infection. (cf. Incubation period and Serial
the event. interval)
Incubation period The time interval between the Likelihood In statistics, the probability of observ-
acquisition of infection and the onset of clinical ing values of one or more model parameters,
signs. (cf. latent period and serial interval) given a particular set of data. The set of param-
Indirect Life cycle (or Complex life cycle) A life eters at which the likelihood is maximized are
cycle that requires one or more intermediate called the maximum likelihood estimates.
xx G L O S S A RY

Macroparasites Parasites that in general do not Mutualism A form of interspecific association in

multiply within their definitive hosts but instead which two species live in close association with
produce transmission states (eggs and larvae) each other, with both deriving a benefit. (cf.
that pass into the external environment or to Commensalism and Parasitism)
vectors (e.g., the parasitic helminths and arthro- Negative binomial distribution A discrete proba-
pods). Typically multicellular and visible with bility distribution for counts, giving the proba-
the naked eye. bility that a sampling unit has x items in it, in
Maintenance host A host species, in which a par- situations where items are aggregated. A key
asite or pathogen can be maintained indefinitely property of the negative binomial distribution
and from which infection can be transmitted to is that the variance in the number of items per
another target species. See Reservoir popula- sampling unit is greater than the mean number
tion, which is a slightly more general term. of items per sampling unit. Negative binomial
Mass extinction event The terminal extinction of distributions are described by two parameters:
a very large number of taxa that occurs over a the mean, and a parameter usually denoted k,
relatively short geologic time. Mass extinction which describes the degree of aggregation. Small
events are thought to be caused by catastroph- values of k represent highly aggregated distribu-
ic insults of global reach such as disruptions of tions, and as k approaches infinity, the negative
the planetary biogeochemical cycles following binomial distribution approaches a Poisson dis-
extensive volcanic eruptions or asteroid impacts. tribution. Distributions of parasites among hosts
Five major mass extinctions have been identified are often well described by negative binomial
in the fossil record, one each at the end of the distributions.
Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic, and Nidus Specific location of a given disease; the
Cretaceous geologic periods. Earth is present- result of a unique combination of ecological fac-
ly at the beginning of a sixth mass extinction tors that favors the maintenance and transmis-
triggered by human activities. sion of the disease organism.
Maximum likelihood estimates For a given sta- Nonselective culling, area-wide (“proactive
tistical model and set of data, the parameter culling,” “host population reduction”) A disease
estimates at which the likelihood is maximized. management approach that aims to stop the
Microparasites Parasites that undergo direct spread of a density-dependently transmitted
multiplication within their definitive hosts. pathogen by reducing wildlife host population
Microparasites are characterized by small size, densities through indiscriminate culling. See
short generation time, and a tendency to induce Selective culling.
immunity to reinfection in those hosts that sur- Null hypothesis In hypothesis testing, what will
vive the primary infection. Duration of infection continue to be believed in the absence of suffi-
is usually short in relation to the expected life cient evidence to the contrary. Usually, it is that
span of the host. “nothing is going on”: in an experiment it might
Microparasitism Infection with a microparasite. be that the response does not differ depending
Metapopulation A shifting mosaic of frequently on whether experimental subjects are exposed to
transient populations, linked by some degree of a treatment or a control.
migration; a population of populations. Ontogenetic Pertaining to the development of an
Morbidity Any departure, subjective or objective, individual from fertilization of an egg to adult-
from a state of physiological or psychological hood and death.
well-being. Oocyst The intermediate stage in the Apicomplex-
Mortality rate The rate per unit time at which an life cycle following the union of the micro-
individuals die; or alternatively the ratio of the and macrogametocyte in which sporozoites are
number of deaths during a defined time period produced.
to the number of hosts at risk of dying during Parameter A constant number that forms part
that period. of the specification of a mathematical model
G L O S S A RY xxi

(e.g., the transmission rate of a pathogen, or Therefore, the higher the power, the more like-
the variance in a normal distribution). Parame- ly the test can detect a true effect. A variety
ters are usually theoretical, unknown quantities of factors affect the power of a test including
that need to be estimated from data, frequent- the sample size, the effect size, and the inherent
ly derived from a sample taken from a wider variability in the data.
population. Power analysis An analysis used to determine the
Parasite An organism exhibiting a varying but minimum necessary sample size so that a test
obligatory dependence on another organism, or experiment can detect an effect at the desired
its host; typically detrimental to the survival level of significance.
and/or fecundity of the host. Precision The closeness to each other of repeated
Parasitemia The presence of a parasite in the measurements or estimates of the same quantity.
blood of the host. (cf. Accuracy)
Parasitism A form of interspecific association in Prepatent period The time from infection (gener-
which two species live in close association with ally first infection) until the host shows symp-
each other, with one (the parasite) living in or toms (synonymous with incubation period).
on the other and deriving a benefit, and the Prevalence (or Prevalence Rate) The proportion of
other (the host) being negatively affected. (cf. the host population with infection or disease,
Mutualism and Commensalism) often expressed as a percentage. A measure of
Pathogen A parasitic organism, typically unicel- how widespread an infection or disease is.
lular or a virus (hence also a microparasite), that Primary host The host in which a parasite’s sex-
causes disease or morbidity in its host. ual reproduction normally occurs (also termed
Pathogenicity The degree to which a parasite definitive host).
tends to cause disease in its host, and the severity Random sample A sample is a subset of the popu-
of the disease caused. lation and in statistics it is used to provide infor-
Poisson distribution A discrete probability distri- mation about the whole population. As a result,
bution for counts, giving the probability that a it needs to be an unbiased representation of the
sampling unit has x items in it, given that the entire population. Drawing a random sample is
overall mean number of items per unit is known. a common method for achieving this unbiased
It applies if items are distributed independently representation. In a simple random sample, each
between sampling units. A key property of the member of the population has an equal probabil-
Poisson distribution is that the variance in the ity of being included in the sample. The number
number of items per sampling unit is equal to of units in the sample is called the sample size,
the mean number of items per sampling unit. often denoted n.
In the context of parasite distributions among Recrudescence Reappearance of disease in a host
hosts, the number of parasites per host would whose infection has been quiescent (i.e., without
follow a Poisson distribution if the fact that a symptoms).
host has acquired one parasite provides no infor- Reintroduction An attempt to establish a species
mation on whether it is more or less likely to in an area that was once part of its histori-
acquire another parasite, compared with other cal range, but from which it was been extir-
members of the host population. This is not a pated. Reintroduction is prime occasion during
common situation: parasites are usually aggre- which attendant parasites/pathogens may also
gated in their distribution among hosts and the get accidentally introduced. (cf. translocation)
distribution is often better described by a nega- Replicate A random subset of the entire avail-
tive binomial distribution. able sample (i.e., sampling pool) that has been
Power Statistical power in a hypothesis test is drawn for a particular survey. Sample replicates
the probability that the null hypothesis will help measure variation in an experiment, so that
be rejected in favor of the alternative hypothe- any differences between treatment groups can be
sis, given that the alternative hypothesis is true. better evaluated.
xxii G L O S S A RY

Representativeness In a population, the extent to inanimate sources (e.g., dead plant or animal
which a selected sample represents the overall matter or dung).
population in terms of specific biological charac- Secondary host See Intermediate host.
teristics; in a reserve system, the quality of a set Selective culling (“test-and-cull”) A disease eradi-
of sites that together include all or most existing cation approach in which animals are tested for
biodiversity elements. infection, and those that test positive are killed
Reservoir population A host population, or group to prevent further disease transmission. It is the
of populations, in which a parasite or pathogen least controversial form of culling, because only
can be maintained indefinitely and from which infected individuals are removed; however it
infection can be transmitted to another target is also challenging because it requires both the
population. Reservoirs are often (but not nec- identification of infected individuals under field
essarily) different species from the target pop- conditions, and the ability to test a substantial
ulation and will frequently be more tolerant of proportion of the population. See Nonselective
infection than the target population. See main- culling.
tenance host. Sensitivity analysis A method used to determine
Resistance (as applied to parasites) The reduction the robustness of an assessment by investigat-
in susceptibility to chemotherapy or to chemical ing the degree to which the results and con-
vector control. clusions of the assessment are shaped by the
Resistance (as applied to hosts) The ability to lim- methods, models, or assumptions that went into
it parasite burden if exposed to infection. One the analysis. It often involves modifying these
host is more resistant than another if it devel- methods/models/assumptions and then deter-
ops a lower parasite burden when exposed to the mining to what extent the results change.
same infective dose. (cf. Tolerance) Serial interval The time between the acquisition
Response variable The variable that investigators of infection by a host and transmission onto
are trying to explain or predict and typically the another host. The serial interval is usually longer
focus of a question in a study. Also known as the than the latent period because onward transmis-
dependent or outcome variable, its value is pre- sion does not necessarily occur as soon as a host
dicted, or its variation is explained by explanato- becomes infectious.
ry (independent) variable(s). In an experimental Significance level A measure of the strength of
study, it is the outcome that is measured follow- the evidence that must be present in a sample
ing manipulation of the explanatory variable(s). before one rejects the null hypothesis (of no dif-
Risk assessment The process of identifying, eval- ference) and accepts the alternative hypothesis
uating, and managing the risks that may arise that an effect is statistically significant. In classi-
from a given action or activity. cal hypothesis testing, the researcher selects the
Sample A group of individuals or items that are significance level before conducting the experi-
selected from a larger population for measure- ment. Typically denoted as alpha or α, it is the
ment. The sample should be representative of the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when
population to ensure that one can generalize the it is true (making a Type I error). For example, a
findings from the sample to the population as a significance level of 0.05 indicates a 5% risk of
whole. concluding that a difference exists when there is
Sampling frame A sampling frame is a list or other no actual difference.
device used to define a researcher’s population Simple life cycle See Direct life cycle.
of interest. Hence a sampling frame defines a set Species–area relationship The positive relation-
of elements from which a researcher can select a ship between the size of natural areas and the
sample of the target population. number of species there. One of the fundamental
Saprophytic (or saprotroph) An organism that patterns in ecology.
absorbs soluble organic nutrients from Stochastic Random; a random process.
G L O S S A RY xxiii

Stratified random sampling A method of sam- Target host species or population A host species
pling that involves the division of a population or population of particular interest in a given sit-
into smaller subgroups known as strata. In strat- uation. In the context of conservation biology,
ified random sampling, or stratification, the stra- the target population will often be an endan-
ta are formed based on individuals’ common gered species or a species highly susceptible to
characteristics such as sex or age. Within each the parasite.
stratum individuals are then selected randomly. Test accuracy This refers to the ability of a test to
Stratum In statistics, a stratum (plural strata) differentiate between the patient (infected) and
refers to a subset of the population that is healthy cases correctly. To estimate the accuracy
being sampled. Stratification therefore consists of a test, one needs to calculate the proportion of
of dividing the population into strata within true positive and true negative in all evaluated
each of which an independent sample can be cases.
chosen. Stratification may be conducted based Test reliability This refers to how dependably or
on geographical criteria, e.g., by dividing up consistently a test can measure a characteristic.
the sampled area into subareas; or by referring This consistency of a measure relates to whether
to some other quality of an individual, e.g., by the test results can be reproduced repeatedly
dividing the individuals into strata according to under the same conditions.
sex. It ensures that all subsets of a population are Test sensitivity Sensitivity and specificity are
equally sampled. measures of a test’s ability to correctly classify
Superspreaders A small proportion of the infected an individual as having a disease or not having
members of a population that transmit the par- a disease. Sensitivity refers to a test’s ability to
asite or pathogen at a rate substantially higher designate an individual with disease as positive.
than most infected members of the population. A highly sensitive test means that there are few
Susceptibility Accessible to, or liable to infection false negative results, and thus fewer cases of
by a particular parasite. disease are missed. It is desirable to have a test
Susceptible individual An individual that can get that is both highly sensitive and highly specific.
infected by a pathogen either because it has nev- This is frequently not possible, and typically
er developed immunity (i.e., it is immunological- there exists a trade-off. In many clinical tests,
ly naive) or because it has lost past immunity. there are some individuals who are clearly nor-
Synergism An interaction in the way two factors mal, some clearly abnormal, and some that fall
affect another variable. This may be either pos- into the gray area between the two. As a result,
itive or negative (in which case the final effect careful choices must be made in establishing
is bigger/smaller than the sum of the individual test criteria for positive and negative results (see
factor effects). Test specificity).
Systematic samples Samples collected using a Test specificity Specificity and sensitivity are mea-
systematic sampling format. In this format, an sures of a test’s ability to correctly classify an
investigator chooses individuals from a target individual as having a disease or not having a
population by choosing a random starting point disease. The specificity of a test is its ability to
and then selecting sample members after a fixed designate an individual who does not have a dis-
“sampling interval,” e.g., every 10th individual. ease as negative. A highly specific test means
If the population order is random or random-like that there are few false positive results. It may
(e.g., alphabetical), then this method will pro- not be feasible to use a test with low specifici-
vide a representative sample that can be used ty for screening, since many individuals without
to draw conclusions about the population. Sys- the disease will screen positive, and potentially
tematic sampling is popular because it is simpler receive unnecessary diagnostic procedures (see
and more straightforward than random sam- Test sensitivity).
pling and more conducive to covering a large Test validity This is the extent to which a screen-
area. ing test accurately identifies diseased and
xxiv G L O S S A RY

nondiseased individuals. A test that has high the alternative hypothesis is accepted instead of
validity produces results that correspond to the null hypothesis. A test of a statistical hypoth-
the “real” infection status of an individual, as esis, where the region of rejection is on both
determined by some “gold standard” test. sides of the sampling distribution, is called a
Tolerance The ability to limit the harm caused two-tailed test.
by a given parasite burden. One host is more Type I error In a hypothesis test, a type I error
tolerant of infection than another if, given the occurs when a null hypothesis that is actually
same parasite burden, its fitness is higher. (cf. correct is rejected. The probability of committing
Resistance) a type I error equals the significance level one
Translocation A management technique often sets for the hypothesis test. For example, a signif-
used in mitigation for endangered species pro- icance level of 0.05 indicates that one is willing to
tection whereby an individual, population, or accept a 5% chance of wrongly rejecting the null
species is removed from its habitat to be estab- hypothesis. For a given set of data and statistical
lished in another area of similar or identical test, decreasing the probability of making a type
habitat. An occasion during which attendant I error increases the probability of making a Type
parasites/pathogens may also get accidentally II error.
introduced. Type II error In a hypothesis test, a type II error
Transmission The process by which a parasite occurs when one fails to reject a null hypothesis
passes from a source of infection to a new host. that is actually false. In other words, one obtains
Multiple types occur including horizontal, ver- a nonsignificant test result even though a true
tical, sexual, trophic, vector-borne, waterborne population effect actually exists. Some combina-
etc., with the first two being the most common. tion of a small sample size, inherent variability in
Trematode Any of the parasitic flatworms of the the data, and bad luck with random sample error
class Trematoda; characterized by a thick outer might have obscured the population effect. One
cuticle and one or more suckers to attach to the can decrease the probability of a type II error by
host. increasing the power of the test.
Trophic transmission A mode of transmission of Vector An organism that carries and transmits a
an infectious agent that depends on the con- pathogen between hosts. Vectors are typically
sumption of the one host by another. small-bodied and mobile and are often insects or
t-statistic In statistics, the t-statistic is the differ- other invertebrates.
ence between the estimated value of a parameter Vector-borne transmission A mode of transmis-
and a hypothesized value (which is often zero), sion of an infectious agent that depends on infec-
divided by the standard error of the estimate. tion of a relatively small-bodied mobile host
It is often used to test whether there is evi- (termed vector), typically an invertebrate such as
dence that two means differ. Another common an insect or a tick.
use is to test the hypothesis that the estimated Vertical transmission A mode of transmission in
value of a parameter differs significantly from which an infectious agent passes from a parent
zero. host to its offspring.
Two-tailed In statistics, a two-tailed test is a Virulence Broadly defined the ability of a
method in which the critical area of a distribu- pathogen to cause damage to the host.
tion is two-sided, and tests whether a sample is Zoogeography The study of the geographic distri-
greater than, or less than, a certain range of val- bution of animals at different taxonomic levels.
ues. It is used in null hypothesis testing and test- Zoonosis Infectious disease of humans caused
ing for statistical significance. If the sample being by an infectious agent that normally circulates
tested falls into either of the lateral critical areas, among nonhuman animal reservoirs.

As we write this, the raging COVID-19 pandemic To paraphrase our colleague Bart Kempenaers,
is reminding humanity of a lesson many of us had books differ from scientific papers because they
forgotten over the past century of rapid medical not only state and establish facts, they also estab-
advances: the power of infectious disease to affect lish arguments, synthesize fields, and propose new
not just our health and well-being, but to drasti- directions—in so doing, they have the ability to
cally reshape the world around us. At the same change perspectives and minds. To that extent, the
time, this pandemic is also a reminder of the crit- purpose of this book is threefold: first and foremost,
ical role of the environment, including ecological to make the argument that parasites and pathogens
species interactions, in shaping disease outbreaks. play a critical role in species conservation and need
While the circumstances of the origin of SARS-Cov- to be considered throughout any conservation man-
2 will undoubtedly become clearer in the future, agement effort; second, to serve as a gentle academic
its animal origins are undeniable, thus underscor- introduction to wildlife infectious disease ecology
ing the role of free-ranging wildlife as a perennial for people not directly involved in the field; and
source of new and emerging pathogens. last, to serve as a practical “how-to” guide for set-
An extensive body of research over the past 20 ting up a study of pathogenic organisms in natural
years has documented the origins and processes of populations.
pathogen emergence, and has also offered impor- Overall, this book is intended to stimulate inter-
tant avenues for infectious disease control and pre- est and summarize the current state of the field. It
vention. The same research has also revealed that is also our hope that it can serve as an introduc-
infectious diseases pose a significant danger not tion to the often-overwhelming literature for people
just for humans but also for many wildlife species. who are not experts in this rapidly expanding and
Indeed, emerging infectious diseases are increasing- particularly interdisciplinary field.
ly recognized as one of the major forces driving
species extinction. The same anthropogenic pro-
Intended audience
cesses that have led to increasing emergence of
zoonotic diseases affecting humans, namely habi- This book, focusing largely on the topic of disease
tat modification and destruction, climate change, ecology, sits thematically at the nexus of at least
and increased global connectivity, also have led to three more established disciplines: wildlife veteri-
increasing emergence of wildlife disease. Address- nary science, conservation biology, and theoretical
ing the challenges that wildlife faces from new population ecology. Because each of these fields
pathogens is particularly difficult for numerous rea- comes with its own priorities, values, biases, and its
sons, and no work currently exists that synthetically own specific vocabulary, one of the early challenges
integrates recent advances in the field. With this while writing the book was to integrate these dis-
book, we aim to fill this gap and help elucidate the tinct approaches and to produce a text that would
role of emerging disease ecology in conservation. be accessible to readers from each field.

Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation. Johannes Foufopoulos, Gary A. Wobeser and Hamish McCallum, Oxford University Press.
© Johannes Foufopoulos, Gary A. Wobeser and Hamish McCallum (2022). DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199583508.001.0001

The intended audience of this book includes stu- because they are particularly prominent in the con-
dents and practitioners from each of these fields. servation literature and because they illustrate dif-
We hope that it can act as a bridge that will ferent aspects of managing infectious diseases of
allow members of different disciplines to become conservation significance. Further, by returning to
familiar with basic concepts in disease ecology the same case studies repeatedly, we show how a
and conservation. More specifically, this book is range of approaches can be applied to solve these
aimed at advanced students, practicing conserva- difficult problems. More specifically:
tion biologists, and anyone interested in the study
Avian malaria and bird pox have devastated
of wildlife diseases in nature. To ensure accessi-
the Hawaiian avifauna following the introduc-
bility of the content, we have tried to limit the
tion of the mosquito vector Culex pipiens in the
amount of information to the most pertinent works
mid-nineteenth century. Several dozen species of
and to enrich the book with numerous figures
endemic birds have become extinct and sever-
and images. References to technical literature are
al others have contracted in distribution largely
restricted to the most important works, and each
because of these diseases. Owing to the dispro-
chapter is accompanied by its own reference section
portionate conservation impact and available fund-
to ensure its standalone relevance. Furthermore, we
ing, extensive research has already been conducted
have tried to use approachable language and have
on this system. As a result, we have a com-
included an extensive glossary that handles the
paratively good understanding of the transmis-
more technical terms and concepts discussed in the
sion dynamics of these pathogens, their impact
on the native bird populations, as well as possi-
ble management approaches. Avian malaria and
bird pox are important examples of the class of
Background and focal systems
vector-borne pathogens, and this system also illus-
As already pointed out by others before us, the trates multiple disease-related issues associated
study of infectious diseases has been one of the with anthropogenic climate change. This case study
triumphs of modern ecology. The past 20 years is first introduced in Chapter 1 and then also
have seen a blossoming of the field of disease referred to in Chapters 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, and 14.
ecology with numerous key studies advancing Chytridiomycosis is an emerging fungal disease
our understanding, not just of the role of par- that has had the greatest biodiversity impact of
asites and pathogens in natural ecosystems but any known vertebrate pathogen. First identified in
also of the associated ecological and evolutionary 1998, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the causative
host–pathogen dynamics. At this point, significant agent of the disease, is directly responsible for
progress has been made and it is an excellent time over 100 global frog species extinctions, particu-
to summarize the present state of the field. larly in Latin America and Australia. In addition,
We have intentionally focused this book on terres- this pathogen has precipitated broad-scale popula-
trial vertebrate organisms. While occasional exam- tion declines on every continent where frogs can
ples involving marine, invertebrate, and even plant be found. More recently, Batrachochytrium salaman-
species, are included, we have limited ourselves to drivorans, a related pathogen, has also led to mass
terrestrial vertebrates for two major reasons: first, mortalities of newts and salamanders in Europe.
host–parasite interactions are much better under- The origin of both waterborne fungi appears to be
stood in terrestrial vertebrates than in other groups in Asia, and they have been disseminated world-
of hosts; and second, whether one agrees with this wide owing to human activities. Supported in each
or not, they are the most common focus of conser- area by a few host species that are relatively toler-
vation management and restoration projects. ant of infection and can act as reservoirs of infec-
Within this group, we return repeatedly to three tion, these pathogens have been transmitted to
study systems that are, by virtue of the known other highly susceptible species, which can then
detail and our personal research background, be driven to extinction. Chytridiomycosis holds
disproportionally important. We have chosen these important lessons for conservation biologists as an

example of the threats posed by persistent, multi- experimental design for wildlife disease studies,
host pathogens. Chytridiomycosis is introduced in techniques for animal capture and data acquisition,
Chapter 1 and discussed in Chapters 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, methods for detecting disease agents in the field
11, 12, and 14. and laboratory, and development of mathematical
Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) models together with their parameterization. The
is a transmissible cancer, first detected in 1996, final section of the book deals with combining the
which threatens to cause the extinction of the largest theory and methodology to manage emerging dis-
marsupial carnivore still surviving. Tumor cells are ease threats. Following an introductory chapter on
transmitted between Tasmanian devils by biting planning management strategies, we discuss pre-
during competitive or mating interactions. These venting infectious disease arriving in an ecological
tumors are clonal descendants of a single tumor that community, eliminating disease once it has arrived,
arose in a nerve cell of a female devil, which must and ensuring that populations persist if disease can-
now be long dead. More recently, a second transmis- not be successfully eliminated. The next chapter
sible tumor has appeared in Tasmanian devils, with considers an entirely different application of man-
a male origin. The spread of this cancer has been agement of infectious disease in a conservation con-
facilitated by the underlying severe loss of genet- text, which is to use a parasite or pathogen to control
ic diversity in Tasmanian devil populations. While a pest species. The final chapter considers the ethical
this is a highly unusual pathogen, it is one of the and societal issues that may arise when managing
very few cases in which a novel infectious disease infectious diseases in wildlife populations.
has been extensively researched from its first emer- In summary, this book combines an introduc-
gence, so that insights can be gained into its impact tion to basic principles of wildlife epidemiology
and spread throughout almost the entire geograph- with practical veterinary approaches and theoretical
ic range of a species. This case study also illustrates ecology insights. It is not a detailed mathematical
the power of the diverse approaches that have been treatise of theoretical wildlife disease ecology, nor a
applied to understand the disease and manage its comprehensive review of veterinary field methods.
impact on the host population. DFTD is introduced Readers interested in this should consider the spe-
in Chapter 1, and is further discussed in Chapters 9, cialized literature available from other authors cited
10, 11, 14, and 16. throughout the book.
Disease ecology has expanded so rapidly in the
Beyond these key study systems, we have gone to
past several decades that it is no longer possible
great pains to expand coverage of the pathogens
to include all relevant references in this work. One
discussed. We have tried to include information
of the hardest choices has been to decide which
from disease and conservation from diverse parts
works to cite in this book. We apologize to our col-
of the world, especially from less developed coun-
leagues who may not find their work cited—any
tries that harbor important biological diversity and
such omissions are not intentional.
underappreciated ecological systems.
We tried to ensure the book is as accurate and
free of errors as possible. Nevertheless, this high-
ly interdisciplinary subject has become sufficiently
Book structure
complex and broad that it is easy for mistakes and
The book is structured around three sections. First, omissions to occur. Any mistakes are ours alone.
there are three general overview chapters, start- We hope that this book will raise awareness
ing with an introduction of the general principles of the dangers presented of infectious organ-
of conservation biology for non-conservationists, isms for threatened biodiversity and encourage
some principles of infectious disease ecology in nat- further study of this fascinating and rewarding
ural ecosystems for conservation biologists, and, field.
drawing the two strands together, a chapter on
interactions between human activities and wildlife JF, Ann Arbor
disease. Second, a series of methodology chapters GW, Saskatoon
follows, discussing principles of planning and HM, Brisbane

Epidemiological Background

Conservation Biology and Parasitism

Conservation biology differs from most other biological sciences in one important way: it is often
a crisis discipline.
Michael Soulé (1985, p. 727)

Much of what will be discussed in this book lies at conservation biology as a “crisis discipline”—in
the interface between multiple distinct disciplines, contrast to conventional ecology, it is a value-
including ecology, epidemiology, and veterinary laden, mission-oriented science with the principal
science. Yet, squarely in the center of the book’s aim to manage and protect the biological diversi-
focus is the science of conservation biology, a rel- ty of the planet. As such, conservation biologists
atively new field that may be unfamiliar to some of do not have the luxury of choosing their prob-
the readership. As a result, depending on their back- lems the way conventional ecologists do; instead
ground, users of this book may encounter unfamil- they often have problems thrust upon them and
iar conservation biology terminology and concepts. are asked to solve them, frequently with little prior
This chapter serves as an informational founda- knowledge about the system involved. Conserva-
tion for readers wanting to familiarize themselves tion biologists have, from the very inception of the
with the basics of conservation biology, especially field, embraced an interdisciplinary approach. The
in the context of disease ecology. The first half of the science combines elements of basic organismal biol-
chapter therefore discusses basic concepts in conser- ogy (such as population biology, community ecol-
vation science, as well as the central question of the ogy, population genetics, and ecophysiology) with
role that infectious diseases play in the extinction of applied approaches from forestry, wildlife manage-
species. In contrast, the second half focuses on the ment, and fisheries. Because essentially all of the
problem of parasitic organism endangerment and crises the field deals with are human-made, conser-
conservation, and on the ecological implications of vation biologists need to be aware of, and fluent
parasite extinction. Together the two sections pro- in, basic concepts of social science, environmen-
vide a thematic bridge that connects many of the tal planning, law, and education, as well as public
issues that will be discussed in subsequent chapters communication. As a matter of fact, many of these
of the book. themes will appear throughout this book when we
discuss the various dimensions of wildlife disease
1.1 What is conservation biology?
Conservation biology is a relatively new, synthetic 1.2 Biodiversity
area of study that emerged from the field of ecolo- “Biodiversity” is a relatively new term, coined in the
gy in the early 1980s (Soulé 1986). Soulé describes mid-1980s by Dr. Walter Rosen of the US National
Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation. Johannes Foufopoulos, Gary A. Wobeser and Hamish McCallum, Oxford University Press.
© Johannes Foufopoulos, Gary A. Wobeser and Hamish McCallum (2022). DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199583508.003.0001


Research Council (Wilson 1988). It has by now 2007). In practice, different criteria are applied for
become well established and is an accepted concept different groups of organisms; what represents a
in public discourse. In academic circles some discus- distinct species of bird is very different from what
sions still persist on the specifics of the definition of constitutes a new species of bacterium or parasitic
the concept—nonetheless, it is typically used in dai- worm. The standard definition involving reproduc-
ly life as a summary term to describe the richness tive isolation taught to high school biology stu-
of life on earth. In addition to the total number of dents, derived from Mayr (1963), is problematical
species in a region (“species richness”), biodiversity in many cases, particularly in the absence of sexual
also includes all levels of organization of life, rang- reproduction. Because of this variation, the recom-
ing from genes to ecosystems, as well as all of the mendation often given is that “a species is what a
ecological processes of which they are part (United competent taxonomist says it is.”
Nations 1992). Related to the question of the definition of a
Parasites and pathogens, the focal organisms of species is the issue of which units of biological
this book, are obviously part of the planet’s biodi- diversity deserve protection (Fraser and Bernatchez
versity (Dobson et al. 2008). Beyond this, infectious 2001; Coates et al. 2018). Many national conserva-
disease and biodiversity have a complex two-way tion laws are based on the unit of a species as the
relationship: on the one hand, infectious diseases most obvious conservation target. Several, includ-
can in some circumstances cause species endan- ing the US Endangered Species Act, bestow protec-
germent and even extinction, therefore undermin- tion not just to species but also to “distinct biological
ing biodiversity (de Castro and Bolker 2005). On units” such as subspecies within a species (Coates
the other hand, however, it has been shown that et al. 2018). Many population geneticists suggest
high levels of biodiversity have a protective effect that Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs), which
against overwhelming epizootics (Schmidt and Ost- are clearly delimited evolutionary lineages with-
feld 2001; Keesing et al. 2006, 2010; Johnson et al. in species, are an important unit for conservation.
2013). Much of this book will focus on exploring the However, too strict an adherence to managing ESUs
relationships and the various aspects between these separately may lead to losses of genetic diversity
two concepts. and inbreeding depressions, if ESUs consist of too
At the core of the debate about the nature of biodi- few individuals (Coates et al. 2018).
versity and its conservation lies the question of what
constitutes its basic unit, and how it can be best mea-
sured. Whereas most biologists would agree that the
1.3 Extinction
foundational unit of biodiversity is the species, this
also raises the question of how best to define it. While extinction is on some level a fact of life, there
This is not merely an academic debate: without a are numerous reasons why we should be concerned
clear definition of what constitutes a species, it is dif- about the ballooning rates of species extinction, and
ficult to know what exactly to protect. The fact that why it is critically important to act to limit this (Car-
biological diversity exists in discrete units rather dinale et al. 2019). There is the moral argument that
than as a continuum has been recognized since humans have an ethical duty to maintain biodiver-
antiquity. While Carl Linnaeus, the eighteenth- sity, and there are aesthetic reasons why natural
century Swedish botanist, was the first to provide a environments need to be protected because they are
formal definition of a species, this effort has been the beautiful or fulfilling. However, most of the rea-
focus of active scientific debate ever since (Cracraft sons proposed for preserving biodiversity are more
1983; Coyne and Orr 2004). Numerous interpreta- utilitarian—biodiversity in general, and individu-
tions have been proposed, based on evolutionary, al species in particular, are known now to provide
morphological, phylogenetic, and genetic criteria, valuable services to human societies (Diaz et al.
but despite the diversity of opinions, a consen- 2018), and it is typically not possible to predict in
sus appears to be slowly emerging in recent years advance which particular species may turn out to
(de Queiroz 1998; Mallet 2001; de Queiroz 2005, be of benefit.

Earth’s biodiversity is currently facing a severe evolution, and which are now disappearing in the
existential threat originating in human activities geologic blink of an eye (Ceballos et al. 2017).
(Ceballos et al. 2017). While estimates and assess- Sharply different from background extinctions
ments of the risks that biodiversity faces may vary, are mass extinction events, well-defined catastrophic
most conservation biologists agree that the web of losses of life that have occurred at several dis-
life is facing the most severe peril to its existence tinct times over earth’s history. While multiple less-
in as long as the past 65 million years. A combi- er extinction periods are also discernable in the
nation of drivers, ultimately caused by the soaring fossil record, five major mega-extinction spasms—
human population and the advances of technolo- termed the “Big Five”—stand out for their severi-
gy, is undermining both the species communities ty, the large number of organism groups affected,
and the natural processes that sustain them. Annual and their global reach (Raup and Sepkoski 1982).
rates of global species extinctions are increasing Active debate continues in the scientific commu-
exponentially as human populations and activi- nity about the causes of most of these events and
ties expand across the globe. Species extinction, various hypotheses, ranging from volcanic erup-
originally confined to rare, large-bodied species tions to gamma-ray bursts, have been proposed as
with small populations, especially on islands, is driving factors. Even diseases, especially for coral
now spreading across mainland ecosystems and is reef communities, have been proposed as a cause,
progressively affecting whole species communities although there are several reasons why they are
and ecosystems, which now become threatened in an unlikely explanation (Veron 2008; Elewa and
increasingly complex ways (Diaz et al. 2019). Joseph 2009). Ultimately, all mass extinctions likely
Species extinction has always been a key ele- involved some combination of disturbances in the
ment of paleontology—after all, most of the earth’s earth’s carbon cycle, changes in ocean chemistry,
species known from the fossil record do not exist and shifts in global sea levels. Each of these trau-
today (Lawton and May 2005). The occurrence of matic events led to the extinction of a sufficiently
these baseline, “normal” extinctions, captured in the large proportion of the earth’s communities so as to
concept of a background extinction rate, may create “scramble the deck” and usher in the establishment
the false impression that the present-day extinc- of a new, characteristically different communities
tion crisis is nothing to worry about. Despite any of species. Consequently, mass extinction events
superficial similarities between this past continu- tend to mark the transition points from one geolog-
ous backdrop of extinctions and what is going on ic period to the next, each recognizable by its own
today, the two processes are fundamentally dif- characteristic fossil organism assemblages.
ferent. Extinction of a species in the fossil record There is little doubt that the current rate of extinc-
generally means that this species has either grad- tion exceeds that which has existed over geologi-
ually evolved into a different organism (a process cal time by several orders of magnitude (De Vos
called anagenesis) or has been replaced ecologically et al. 2015). Mounting evidence suggests that we are
by another species. In either case, this means there presently at the beginning of the sixth such mega-
has been a disappearance with a replacement by extinction spasm, one that, if continued, will result
another species. As a result, despite the fact that in the disappearance of a substantial fraction of the
99% of all species that existed over earth’s history earth’s biodiversity (Wake and Vredenburg 2008;
have gone extinct, the planet has steadily gained Barnosky et al. 2011; IPBES 2019).
species over the past 1 billion years (Rohde and
Muller 2005; Alroy 2008). In contrast, present-day 1.4 Drivers of extinction
extinctions represent the terminal disappearance of
The primary threatening processes, originally
taxa without something equivalent replacing them;
dubbed the “evil quartet” by Jared Diamond (1984),
what we are witnessing is a rapid decline in the total
are conventionally listed as:
number of species (Dirzo et al. 2014; Ceballos et al.
2015). Often these are unique, irreplaceable organ- 1. habitat destruction;
isms that are the result of tens of millions of years of 2. overkill;

(a) (b)

Figure 1.1 (Left) The Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki) is one of many species of frogs that have now become extinct in the wild
following the spread of the invasive chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.(Right) Scanning electron microphotograph of a frozen intact
sporangium and zoospores of B. dendrobatidis. (Sources: A. zeteki, Brian Gratwicke; B. dendrobatidis, Alex Hyatt, Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation.)

3. introduction of exotic species; Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List,
4. secondary extinctions. Smith et al. (2006) found that only 31 of the 833
listed extinctions of plants and animals could be
Most conservation biologists would now also add
attributed to infectious disease. In an analysis of
to this list various forms of ecosystem stress, such
the 2006 Red List, Pedersen et al. (2007) found that
as pollution and especially climate change, which is
parasites and pathogens were listed as threaten-
rapidly gaining in importance.
ing processes for only 54 mammal species, with the
majority (88%) coming from just two orders: Artio-
1.4.1 The role of parasites and pathogens dactyla (13% of 218 species) and Carnivora (5.3%
in extinction of 281 species). Bacterial infections were especially
important in the Artiodactyla, representing 47% of
Infectious disease is not explicitly listed as a mem-
all the infectious disease threats, whereas viruses
ber of this “evil quartet,” although several notorious
were dominant among the Carnivora, representing
extinctions can be attributed to the introduction of
56% of infectious disease threats. It is important to
either a pathogen itself, or a reservoir host for a
recognize, however, that many extinctions and/or
pathogen, into an environment from which it was
endangerments are a result of synergies between
previously absent.
multiple independent stressors (Brook et al. 2008),
Emergence of infectious disease may also be a
and that the impact of infectious diseases may be
consequence of habitat destruction or modification,
most important when interacting with other extinc-
or a result of extinction or declines in other species
tion drivers rather than when acting alone.
in an ecosystem, precipitating in turn secondary
extinctions among the remaining taxa. Disease- For example, pathogens may have particularly
induced extinctions can therefore be regarded as severe effects in populations that have lost genet-
relating to at least three members of the evil quartet. ic diversity. Hence, small host populations that
In Chapter 3 we discuss how pathogens and para- have declined owing to other anthropogenic stres-
sites may exacerbate the impact of these threatening sors and are subject to genetic drift are likely to be
processes. more susceptible to epizootics. While this remains
Relatively few reviews have tried to evaluate an active area of investigation, evidence from
the importance of infectious disease as a driver of island populations seems to point in this direction:
species extinction. Analyzing the 2004 International genetically impoverished and inbred island wildlife

mount different responses than mainland taxa for an epizootic wiping out these two species until
(Lindstrom et al. 2004), and seem less able to con- approximately a century later, when Wyatt et al.
trol infections (Paterson et al. 1998; Spielman et al. (2008), using molecular diagnostic tools on museum
2004; Wikelski et al. 2004). specimens, were able to demonstrate the spread of
The complexity of the interplay between disease Trypanosoma lewisi into the native Rattus populations
and other stressors in causing species disappear- from the invading black rats and their fleas. The
ance is highlighted by the example of climate alternative hypothesis, that this was a pre-existing
change and infectious disease, a topic of intense island disease, was disproved by the fact that the
research interest but few generalizable conclu- pathogen was absent from preinvasion native rat
sions. Most of the pathogen responses to chang- samples, as well as the lack of any genetic differenti-
ing temperatures are species-specific and nonlinear ation between mainland and Christmas Island try-
(Mordecai et al. 2013, 2017), meaning that it is dif- panosome strains (Wyatt et al. 2008; Dunlop 2015).
ficult to make broad generalizations about the role Underscoring the often-transient nature of infec-
of climate change in threats posed by pathogens. tion, and the challenge of implicating disease in
Climate change is causing major reassortments of species extinctions, is the fact that trypanosomes
ecological communities as different species respond can no longer be detected in either black rat or
in distinct ways to climate change and do so at feral cat populations on Christmas Island today
dissimilar rates. This means that species will be (Dybing et al. 2016). In the absence of museum
increasingly brought into contact with parasites, specimen evidence, present-day field investigations
pathogens, and reservoir species with which they would not have been able to implicate this pathogen
have not coevolved, likely resulting in elevated dis- in the extinctions of the two endemic rats.
ease risks to wildlife (for more details, see Chapter 3, In summary, infectious diseases likely play a
Section 3.5). more important role in the endangerment and
There are also good reasons to believe that extinction of wildlife than has been appreciated
infectious disease has been underrecognized as a until now. Because infectious disease is often tran-
threatening process to wild species (MacPhee and sient in its presence, and cryptic in its impacts, it
Greenwood 2013). The study of disease in wild has not been the focus of traditional research inves-
species is a fairly new field, and many health condi- tigations. It is only in recent years that scientists,
tions in natural populations remain simply unrec- using interdisciplinary approaches, have been able
ognized. Except in the most dramatic epizootics, to uncover the hidden yet pervasive effects that
it is uncommon to detect in nature wildlife that is infectious pathogens, acting alone or in conjunction
obviously being impacted by infectious disease. On with other factors, have had on the survival and
the one hand, animals have likely evolved to hide fecundity of wild populations.
disease symptoms in order to avoid signaling vul-
nerability to predators. On the other hand, diseased
1.4.2 Possible mechanisms of parasite-induced
or dying animals are typically consumed rapidly
by predators or scavengers, leaving little physical
evidence for investigators (Preece et al. 2017). Epidemiological and evolutionary theory (see
The cryptic nature of wildlife disease is exempli- Chapter 2) provides some guidance about when
fied in the case of two endemic rat species (Rattus parasites and pathogens are likely to constitute
macleari and R. nativitatis) that went extinct short- a substantial threat to wild species. For example,
ly after the accidental introduction of black rats computer modeling investigations into one of the
(R. rattus) and their attendant fleas onto Christ- simplest disease scenarios suggest that host-specific
mas Island in 1900 (Pickering and Norris 1996; pathogens transmitted through direct contact are
Green 2014). Despite contemporary field observa- unlikely to drive their hosts to extinction. The
tions suggesting a role of disease in the declines of reason for this is that transmission of a pathogen
the native rat populations, and field autopsy results is, in most cases, a process that depends on host
consistent with spreading trypanosome infections population density: in more dense populations,
(Durham 1908), there was no conclusive evidence infected hosts are more likely to encounter and

then transmit the pathogen to other, uninfected surviving marsupial carnivore, and is threatened
hosts. Consequently, if the host population declines with extinction by an infectious cancer, Tasmanian
owing to disease mortality, transmission will also devil facial tumor disease (McCallum et al. 2009).
decrease, eventually falling to a rate insufficient to Although the tumor, essentially a lethally parasitic
maintain the epizootic. The pathogen should there- mammalian cell line, only infects Tasmanian dev-
fore die out in the host population before the host ils, it threatens to cause their extinction because
itself becomes extinct. Nevertheless, even such a transmission does not depend much on high host
pathogen can still contribute to its host’s extinction density. The tumor is spread by biting, which fre-
if it interacts with another stressor, or if it reduces quently occurs during sexual contact. The tumor
the population to a level where it becomes suscep- therefore behaves similarly to a sexually transmit-
tible to other problems like inbreeding depression. ted disease—high rates of biting within the species
For some types of pathogens, like those transmitted occur even at low population densities.
sexually or via vectors (e.g. mosquitoes), the contact Second, theory predicts that extinction of highly
rate between infected and susceptible hosts does susceptible species is more likely if there are
not depend strongly on host density (see Chapter 2, alternate host species that are able to carry high
Section 2.2). Therefore, such pathogens are more levels of infection with limited impact on their own
likely to drive their sole host to extinction (de survival or fecundity. Two key case studies support
Castro and Bolker 2005). In another complication, this generalization. The amphibian chytrid fungus
many pathogens are able to infect multiple host Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a generalist frog
species and are therefore more likely to represent a pathogen and has caused large-scale declines and
conservation threat. In this scenario, a host species extinctions worldwide, particularly in the Americas
with low tolerance or resistance to a pathogen may and in Australia (Berger et al. 1998; Lips et al. 2006;
be driven to extinction if there are other, resilient Briggs et al. 2010; O’Hanlon et al. 2018; Scheele et al.
host species present that are able to maintain the 2019) (Figure 1.1). The fungus affects a wide variety
epizootic with limited impact on their own pop- of frog species, some of which are highly suscepti-
ulation. Such resilient hosts will continue to shed ble and have since gone extinct, while other species
large amounts of infectious particles and continue are capable of carrying high infection burdens with-
to subject the susceptible species to high infection out major deleterious effects, therefore continuing
risk, even as it declines to very low numbers. to disseminate the pathogen into the populations
Lastly, evolutionary theory also suggests that of the disappearing species (Voyles et al. 2018).
when hosts are exposed to novel pathogens, they As another example, the Hawaiian avifauna has
are likely to experience particularly severe impacts been devastated by two mosquito-borne pathogens,
(Altizer et al. 2001; McCallum 2012). When a host avian malaria and bird pox (Warner 1968; van Riper
and pathogen have interacted for an extended peri- et al. 1986). As with the amphibian chytrid fungus,
od of evolutionary time, selection will have acted on both of these pathogens have a broad host range
the host population to increase resistance to infec- and while some bird species are highly suscepti-
tion. Less obviously, there is often selection for those ble, others are able to carry and spread the infec-
strains of the parasite that cause less disease in their tions while experiencing only limited deleterious
hosts, as strains that kill hosts more quickly may effects.
have less opportunity to spread to new hosts (see The third and final generalization is that
Chapter 3, Figure 3.1) (Anderson and May 1982, but pathogens that are novel are particularly dele-
also O’Hanlon et al. 2018). terious. This is supported by all three of these key
There are many examples that support these theo- case studies. The Tasmanian devil facial tumor dis-
retical predictions. First, consider the prediction that ease was first detected only in 1996, the amphibian
host-specific pathogens are more likely to cause the chytrid fungus first appeared in the Americas and
extinction of their hosts if transmission is relative- Australia in the past few decades, and avian malar-
ly insensitive to declines in population density. The ia and bird pox caused major declines in Hawaii
Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is the largest shortly after the introduction of mosquitoes capable

of transmitting the diseases in the nineteenth cen- preventing diseases from entering regions or
tury. These key case studies are particularly well populations in which they do not currently occur
understood and will be returned to at numerous are discussed in Chapter 12.
points in this book. 2. A pathogen has been introduced into a region or pop-
While the previous examples dealt directly with ulation from which it was previously absent and is in
the role of host–parasite interactions in host extinc- the process of epidemic spread. The key indication
tion, it is also possible that a pathogen causes that such a pathogen is having serious impacts
the extinction of a species indirectly, for example, on one or more host populations is a pattern
by destroying its habitat. Relatively few examples of spatially spreading population decline, some-
have been recorded of this process, but the North times called an “extinction wave.” For example,
American limpet (Lottia alveus) appears to belong Laurance et al. (1996) hypothesized that infec-
in this category. The species went extinct after its tious disease was responsible for the decline and
key habitat, the coastal Atlantic eelgrass meadows, extinction of a number of Australian rainfor-
formed by the eel grass Zostera marina, disappeared est species on the basis of a pattern of sudden
following a wasting disease epidemic caused by the declines spreading northward up the coast of
slime mold Labyrinthula (Carlton et al. 1991). eastern Australia. At the time that paper was
published, an infectious agent had not yet been
identified. Subsequently, it was recognized that
1.4.3 Detecting infectious disease threats to the aforementioned amphibian chytrid fungus B.
populations or communities dendrobatidis was the causal agent (Berger et al.
There are four distinct circumstances under which 1998) and that similar spatially spreading pop-
we may need to recognize potential or actual infec- ulation declines in the Americas could also be
tious disease impacts on populations or ecologi- attributed to the same fungus (Lips et al. 2006).
cal communities. They correspond broadly to four Spatially spreading population declines in the
stages of establishment of a new parasite/pathogen Tasmanian devil S. harrisii were associated with
in a host population. facial tumors (Hawkins et al. 2006), before it
was clear that the tumor was in fact infectious
1. A pathogen is not already present in a particu- (Pearse and Swift 2006). Identifying the causative
lar geographical area, but there may be a risk of agent is helpful for management, but if there is
its introduction. There are reasons to believe a reasonable suspicion that an infectious agent
that if the pathogen did arrive, there would be is responsible, a number of strategies can be put
serious consequences for one or more native in place to limit further spread before the agent
species. The threat is usually recognized because is unequivocally identified (McCallum and Jones
the pathogen is present in the same or relat- 2006). Provided the extent of spatial spread is lim-
ed species in other regions, where it has had a ited, it may be feasible to attempt to eliminate a
serious impact. For example, the fungus Batra- pathogen in this epidemic phase. Strategies to do
chochytrium salamandrivorans is known to be caus- this are discussed in Chapter 13.
ing substantial population declines in sever- 3. A pathogen is well established in the population or
al salamander species in Europe (Martel et al. community and is substantially reducing the popula-
2013), but at the time of writing is not known tion of one or more species, affecting their viability.
to be present in North America (Waddle et al. This is a difficult situation both to detect and
2020). Given the impact of the pathogen in manage (Stallknecht 2007; Preece et al. 2017).
Europe, and given that North America has a If infection is endemic, then spatial spread is
very high diversity of salamanders, there is clear- likely to have stopped. An endemic infectious
ly a very large threat posed by its introduc- agent present at high prevalence is in fact unlike-
tion (Martel et al. 2014) and there is an urgent ly to have a major impact on its host popula-
need to develop proactive strategies to manage tion, because, if pathogenicity were high, infected
this threat (Grant et al. 2017). Approaches to individuals would be rapidly removed by death,
10 I N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E E C O L O G Y A N D C O N S E R VAT I O N

resulting in reduced prevalence (McCallum and is often speculative (MacPhee and Marx 1997;
Dobson 1995). For a widespread agent, even high Lyons et al. 2004; Abbott 2006) and may rely on
prevalence among dead or morbid animals is not detecting evidence of infection from museum
a good indication of impact on the host popula- specimens (Wyatt et al. 2008) or “ancient” DNA
tion. If prevalence is high in the population as a (Reid et al. 1999), and only few such examples
whole, it will also be high in dying animals, even are known to date. In addition to the previ-
if infection has no impact on mortality. A sub- ously discussed case of the Christmas Island
stantial difference between prevalence in mor- rats, there is some evidence that Plasmodium
bid animals and the general population may be relictum malaria, as well as avian pox (Poxvirus
an indication of disease impact (McCallum and avium) were involved in the extinction of Hawai-
Dobson 1995), although some third factor (e.g., ian bird species as early as the nineteenth
nutritional or other stress) may be responsible century (Warner 1968; MacPhee and Green-
both for mortality and a high prevalence of a wood 2013) (see also discussion in Chapter 3).
putative pathogen. For macroparasites, attempts Attributing global extinctions to parasites and
have been made to infer disease-induced mor- pathogens may seem to be largely of academ-
tality on the basis of truncation of the frequency ic interest. However, there are also practical
distribution of parasites among hosts (Crofton applications of this knowledge. For example,
1971). Indeed, if a macroparasite has a negative if reintroduction is considered after a species
effect on the host, one would expect that the indi- population has disappeared, it is important
vidual hosts most affected would be those carry- to determine whether infectious disease may
ing the largest helminth burdens, meaning that have been responsible for local extinction and
these individuals would die and not appear in whether the pathogen is still present in the
a population sampled by a disease investigator. environment. If the factors leading to the dis-
What s/he would observe instead is a distribu- appearance of a species from an area are not
tion curve of parasite loads in the host population addressed, any reintroduction is likely to fail
from which the most heavily infected animals (Caughley 1994).
would be missing. However, numerous other
factors may also cause truncation of the upper
tail of a parasite frequency distribution (Ander- 1.5 Endangerment and conservation
son and Gordon 1982). To detect or evaluate the of parasites
impact of pathogens or parasites on individu-
als in a population in the field, some form of Parasites are part of our biosphere and we, as biologists,
must accord them the same respect we exhibit for their
experimental manipulation of infection is often
hosts. If we truly appreciate biological diversity, we must
necessary, and to detect impacts at a population
advocate that all species are precious, even parasites.
level, experimental manipulation should ideally
Equal Rights for Parasites!
also be at the population level. Many of the con-
Windsor (1990, 1995)
siderations that go into first detecting a pathogen
in a population, and then quantifying the impact
on its hosts, are discussed in Chapters 4 and 6.
1.5.1 Are parasites threatened?
Strategies for managing endemic infections on
host populations are considered in Chapter 14. Most of this book will be concerned with manag-
4. A pathogen has already caused the loss of one or more ing the threats posed by parasites and pathogens to
host species from the area of interest. This is the most free-living species. Nevertheless, it is also important
challenging situation to detect. If a species has to recognize from the outset that parasites are an
been driven to extinction, then no extant animals important component of earth’s biodiversity, and
are available for investigation. Identifying infec- that the general arguments made for preserving
tious disease as a primary agent of extinction biodiversity also apply to parasites.

B. Acanthocephala C. Astigmata D. Cestoda E. Ixodida


Species F. Nematoda G. Phthiraptera H. Siphonaptera I. Trematoda

Least Concern

Figure 1.2 (A) Levels of endangerment (based on standard IUCN “Red List” categories) for various groups of parasites according to projected
losses of their habitat owing to global climate change. Breakdowns are given by extent of habitat loss between now and 2070: 0 to 25%—Least
Concern; 25 to 50%—Vulnerable; 50 to 80%—Endangered; 80 to 100%—Critically Endangered. (B–I) Individual results for eight major clades of
parasitic organisms. (Figure modified from Carlson et al. 2017.)

The bulk of the world’s biodiversity consists section of this chapter, we will discuss reasons why
of species that obtain their resources through the preservation of parasite and pathogen diversity
some sort of parasitism (May 1988; Windsor 1998). is such an important conservation topic.
Although no exact numbers are available, it is safe
to assume that parasites constitute the most diverse
1.5.2 Why conserve parasites—Ethical reasons
group of metazoa (Whiteman and Parker 2005). At
the same time, this diversity is very poorly char- The inherent right of an organism to exist has been
acterized, with the majority of species remaining well recognized (Naess 2008) and extends also to
undescribed (Dobson et al. 2008). Despite this taxo- those that, in the eyes of the general public, are con-
nomic ambiguity, it is becoming clear that the global sidered either repulsive, or unimportant, or both,
diversity of parasitic and pathogenic organisms is including pathogens or parasites. From a moral per-
declining and some species are increasingly threat- spective it is therefore wrong to cause the extinction
ened with extinction (Friderici 1997; Dunn et al. of a species, irrespective of whether it is parasitic
2009; Carlson et al. 2017) (Figure 1.2). While this or not. The discussion surrounding the preven-
has led to calls for their protection (Dougherty et al. tion of terminal extinction of particular pathogens
2016), it has also precipitated a spirited discussion arose during the last stages of the global eradica-
as to the overall need for parasite conservation. tion campaigns of two important diseases: small-
A common response to concerns about parasite pox and rinderpest (a disease of grazing mammals)
conservation is that such organisms are intrinsically (Normile 2008, 2010; Henderson and Klepac 2013).
undesirable, and that their loss from an ecosystem Currently two other human pathogens, the Guinea
is either a beneficial, or at least, an inconsequen- worm (Dracunculus medinensis) and the poliovirus,
tial issue. While such opinions appear to be quite are close to final eradication, while five other human
widespread, even among biologists, there are sev- diseases (measles, mumps, rubella, lymphatic filari-
eral reasons why the continued survival of both asis, and cysticercosis) are considered to be realistic
parasites and pathogens needs to be an issue of eradication targets, meaning that this discussion is
interest for environmental managers. In the next likely to resurface again in the intermediate future.
12 I N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E E C O L O G Y A N D C O N S E R VAT I O N
Population Abundance Anolis wattsi

Figure 1.3 Parasites can determine the outcome

of competitive interactions between species, as

seen in this example of two competing lizard taxa.

On the Caribbean island of St. Maarten two species
of Anolis lizard are found. Anolis wattsi, the
competitive inferior species, can be found only in

those locations where its competitively dominant

species Anolis gingivinus is infected with the lizard
malaria Plasmodium azurophilum. The parasite,
which does not appear to affect very much the
competitively inferior A. wattsi, takes enough of a
toll on A. gingivinus populations to prevent it from
0 10 20 30 40 outcompeting A. wattsi. (Figure by author, based
Average % Anolis gingivinus infected on data from Schall 1992.)

1.5.3 Why conserve parasites—Applied reasons parasite diversity had lower incidence of the vir-
ulent trematode Ribeiroia ondatrae (Johnson et al. Ecological significance of parasites
2013). Such dampening of epidemics may stem from
Ecologists have argued that, beyond ethical con- (i) between-parasite competition/predation occur-
siderations, there are also practical reasons to pro- ring inside infected hosts (Sousa 1993), (ii) enhanced
tect parasite taxa. A growing body of evidence immune responses in heavily parasitized host pop-
suggests that parasites—despite their frequently ulations (Froeschke and Sommer 2012), or (iii) the
obscured presence—play a critical role in the func- fact that in species-rich habitats, individual host
tion of healthy ecosystems and that their disappear- species tend on average to be relatively rare, there-
ance can have unexpected ecological consequences fore reducing transmission rates of host-specific
(LoGiudice 2003; Hudson et al. 2006). Parasites pathogens.
are, for example, known to affect the competitive The presence or absence of even a single parasitic
interactions between different host species (Hudson species can also shape distributions and popula-
and Greenman 1998; Lafferty et al. 2005). On the tion dynamics of whole species communities. The
islands of the Lesser Antilles, coexistence between trematodes that infect the foot muscle of the New
two species of Anolis lizards occurs only where the Zealand cockle Austrovenus stutchburyi also affect
competitively dominant species is limited by lizard the way cockles disturb the sediment, which in turn
malaria infections (Schall 1992) (Figure 1.3). Con- influences the structure and functioning of the rest
versely, the distributions of forest caribou (Rangifer of the invertebrate species community colonizing
tarandus caribou) and moose (Alces alces) are limited the particular sediment (Mouritsen and Poulin 2004;
at the southern edge of their range by lethal infec- Hudson et al. 2006). As this example suggests, par-
tions caused by the brainworm Parelaphostrongylus asites and pathogens can have profound impacts on
tenuis; this species commonly parasitizes white- the distribution and population dynamics of natural
tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) without much food webs and are therefore important ecological
ill effect (Lankester 2010). Counterintuitively, over- agents (Kwak et al. 2020).
all high host and parasite diversity appears to also The critical role that parasitic organisms play in
be protective against the damaging emergence of the function of healthy ecosystems becomes evi-
catastrophic single pathogen epidemics: experimen- dent in those situations where they have disap-
tal wetland sites with high amphibian host and peared following human activities. A major reason

(b) Parasite prevalence

(a) Parasite species richness
(average of all possible)
1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 1.4 Invasive species harbor fewer parasites in their new as opposed to their original range. Hence, because invasive species are relatively
free from the burden of disease and parasitism relative to the native species, they are able to outcompete them and expand their geographic range.
(a) Standardized parasite species richness in the native (x axis) and introduced (y axis) range. (b) Average prevalence (% of hosts infected) in the
native (x axis) and introduced (y axis) range. Each point represents an invasive species. A point located on the diagonal line would indicate no
difference in parasitism between the native versus the new, introduced range. Different symbols represent different types of hosts. (For additional
details see source, Torchin et al. 2003.)

responsible for the success of invasive species in 2,000% above environmental levels (Kwak et al.
areas where they have been newly introduced is that 2020; Sures 2003, 2004) and may concentrate up
they have been released from the burden of ever- to 50% of the cadmium and zinc found in coastal
present parasitism that impacts all resident taxa salt marshes (Dobson et al. 2008). Vertebrate hosts
(Torchin et al. 2003) (Figure 1.4). Because the initial appear to be so closely adapted to the presence of
introduction of an exotic species into a new region various parasites that disappearance of the parasites
often involves very small numbers of colonizers, can precipitate various physiological and metabolic
parasites that were native to the original range, and pathologies. In humans, where this issue has been
which often have patchy distributions there, may best studied, there is an inverse correlation between
fail to make the transfer into the new region as well. the worldwide distribution of helminth infections
As a result, parasite communities living on inva- and the presence of autoimmune disorders (Lorimer
sive host taxa tend to be more impoverished in the 2017; Kahl et al. 2018). Mounting evidence indi-
new range relative to the old. These invaders, oper- cates that the presence of parasitic helminths in the
ating now under a reduced parasite burden, have gastrointestinal tract modulates not just immune
a critical competitive advantage against the native function, but also host metabolism, including the
species, which in turn facilitates their spread into occurrence and impacts of type 1 and type 2 dia-
the new ecosystem. betes (Bhattacharjee et al. 2017; Surendar et al.
2017). Furthermore, recent studies indicate that
infection with helminths can have a positive effect Beneficial effects of parasites on host
on the resolution of neuroinflammation in neu-
ropsychiatric disorders like multiple sclerosis (Dix-
Paralleling the important role of parasites for whole it et al. 2017; Abdoli and Ardakani 2019). But
ecosystems, there is increasing evidence suggesting perhaps the strongest evidence points to the pro-
that parasites are also critical for the proper function tective effects that helminth infections can have
of their individual hosts’ physiology (de Ruiter against inflammatory bowel diseases such as celiac
et al. 2017). For instance, some intestinal helminths disease (Lerner et al. 2017) and Crohn’s disease
bioaccumulate heavy metals to concentrations ca. (Maruszewska-Cheruiyot et al. 2018). In the absence
14 I N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E E C O L O G Y A N D C O N S E R VAT I O N

of any professional advice, significant numbers of the rise of the human body lice (Pediculus humanus
patients with these diseases have resorted to self- corporis and P.h. humanus) has helped determine
treatment by infecting themselves with helminths, when humans first started wearing clothing, which
with the majority apparently reporting positive out- these ectoparasites require for their survival (Kit-
comes (Liu et al. 2017). While this is a very active tler et al. 2003). Lastly, because parasites are often
field of research, more information is needed, and it very adept at finding their hosts they can be used
is not known whether similar effects occur in non- to identify the presence of otherwise cryptic hosts:
human animals, though they are to be anticipated. blood meals found in leeches are an excellent source
of information on difficult-to-detect wildlife taxa Parasites as indicator species and sources (Schnell et al. 2015).
of information Mounting evidence shows that parasitic
Extinction of parasites is expected to lead to loss of organisms can respond closely and rapidly to
important medical opportunities to advance human ecological change and can therefore serve as
health. Parasites are powerhouses of biochemical sensitive indicators of environmental change.
production and have been used regularly to identi- Environmental stressors can affect parasite and
fy and isolate biomedically important agents. As an pathogen populations directly or indirectly via
example of such bioprospecting, tick saliva includes their hosts; ultimately both positive and nega-
numerous anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, and tive effects on parasite communities are possible
immunosuppressive agents, and is the focus of (Lafferty and Holt 2003; Wood et al. 2020). When
intense pharmaceutical research (Ribeiro et al. 1985; considering the various effects of environmental
Durden and Keirans 1996; Steen et al. 2006; Hovius stressors on host–parasite interactions it is useful
et al. 2008). Similarly, leech saliva contains a pletho- to distinguish between: (i) effects that undermine
ra of biochemically active compounds and has a the host’s physiology and hence its ability to
long history of being used for therapeutic purpos- defend itself against infection, thereby resulting
es (Michalsen et al. 2003; Hildebrandt and Lemke in increased parasite/pathogen prevalence (Ross
2011). et al. 2000; Van Loveren et al. 2000); and (ii) effects
Parasites can also be very useful by providing that lead to declines in host population size or in
information that helps us better understand and transmission rates, and where one would expect
manage the natural world. Because parasitic organ- parasite populations to decline as well (Lafferty
isms live in close proximity, and are frequently very and Kuris 1999).
specialized to their host’s physiology, they can pro- Many parasites, particularly helminths, have
vide key insights into the evolutionary relationships complex life cycles, with each parasite life his-
and demographic history of their host species. Since tory stage utilizing hosts that may be very dif-
they evolve faster than their hosts, parasites are ferent taxonomically or ecologically. The latter is
more likely to reveal in their genome patterns of especially true for macroparasites, which require
past divergence that may not be readily detectable a range of different hosts and utilize a spec-
in the genome of their relatively invariant hosts. For trum of distinct habitats. This means that parasite
example, the genome of the avian louse (Degeeriella species will likely be more sensitive indicators of
regalis, Phthiraptera) contains much more phyloge- environmental changes than any single free-living
netic information than that of its host, the Gala- species. Helminths with complex life cycles are
pagos hawk (Buteo galapagoensis) (Whiteman and thought to be among the first species to disap-
Parker 2005). What is often particularly instruc- pear in stressed ecosystems and could serve as the
tive is to analyze and compare the phylogenet- proverbial “canaries in a coalmine.” An example
ic relationships of both host and parasite species of this comes from digenean helminths living in
(Brooks and McLennan 1993). Beyond this, para- the salt marshes of southern California (Lafferty
sites can also provide important information about 1997). There, birds act as the final hosts and dis-
the past ecology of their hosts; for example, dating seminators of digenean parasites into the resident

salt marsh snail populations. In areas where human host species; conversely, a single wildlife species
activities have displaced native birds, transmission may serve as the only host for multiple parasite
has collapsed and the snails remain uninfected by taxa. Our understanding of the functional depen-
digeneans. dence of parasitic organisms on their hosts at the
An example of the aforementioned complexi- community level can therefore be advanced by ask-
ty of relationships becomes evident when trying ing the questions: What is the relationship between
to answer the seemingly simple question “How host species diversity and parasite diversity? How
are parasites affected by pollution?” A review will parasite diversity change if host species diver-
of the literature on the effects of pollutants on sity declines? On a broad, ecosystem-wide scale,
aquatic parasites paints a nuanced picture in one would expect that aggregate parasite diver-
which different categories of parasitic organisms sity would correlate positively with host species
respond individualistically to various types of diversity and that the number of parasite species
chemicals (Lafferty 1997). The most consistent pat- will decline following any extinctions of host pop-
tern observed has been that waterway eutrophi- ulations. Since the degree of host specialization
cation leads to broad increases in the prevalence varies, the exact functional relationship between
of various micro- and macroparasites, presumably parasite and host diversities in an area remains
because of the elevated availability of nutrients. In under debate, although food web modeling points
contrast, the effects of other pollutants varied much toward a quasi-linear relationship between host
more depending on the individual group of para- and parasite species richness (Figure 1.5; Lafferty
sites investigated. 2012). Furthermore, there is evidence that small
and declining host populations, such as those of
endangered primate species, also harbor lower par-
1.5.4 How do parasites become endangered?
asite diversities (Altizer et al. 2007).
Elucidating how parasites become endangered A parasite’s disappearance may even precede the
requires us first to understand the relationship extinction of its host if the host population declines
of dependence between parasites and their host to a density where the transmission rate fails to
populations. In general, because parasites are so counterbalance parasite deaths (Lafferty and Kuris
intimately tied to the continued existence of intact 1999). As a result, it is possible that numerous
host populations, any host disappearance is like- parasite species may have already gone extinct
ly to lead to secondary parasite declines (Rósza even though their declining hosts are still surviv-
1992), although other counterintuitive dynamics are ing (Powell 2011; Rósza and Vas 2015; Bulgarella
at least hypothetically possible. Both empirical and and Palma 2017). This susceptibility is likely more
theoretical evidence support this notion of depen- pronounced in parasites with complex life cycles,
dence. For example, a striking, recently observed, such as tapeworms, that require passage through
field example of this reliance comes from the suc- several distinct species of host to complete the life
cessful eradication of rats, an invasive species on cycle (see Chapter 2). Consequently, the loss of any
Palmyra Atoll (Lafferty et al. 2018). Extermination one of these hosts (or their sufficient decline)—if
of the island’s rats led to the unexpected disap- no alternative host exists within the particular eco-
pearance of the island’s Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes logical community—will also lead to the loss of the
albopictus) population, another exotic species that parasite.
apparently subsisted on the resident rodent popu- The notion that parasites do well when their hosts
lation. do well, can, in at least in some circumstances,
Host–parasite dependence patterns are however be extended beyond the population to the indi-
rarely this straightforward because there is not nec- vidual level. Therefore, parasites may benefit from
essarily a one-to-one relationship between host and their individual host’s good condition: studies have
parasite species. Hence, it is possible that a para- shown that avian fleas living on well-nourished
site may infect and be able to survive in multiple great tits (Parus major) had enhanced reproductive
16 I N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E E C O L O G Y A N D C O N S E R VAT I O N

Average relative parasite richness

Figure 1.5 The number of parasite
.6 species in a community depends on the
Estuaries number of host species found in that area.
Here, associations between free-living
Stream host species richness and parasite richness
were obtained from the modeled
.2 disassembly of various aquatic food webs.
The one lake in this sample is the concave
down curve, and the one stream is the
.0 concave up curve. The various estuaries
.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 show quasi-linear relationships. (Source:
Average relative free-living richness Lafferty 2012.)

success (Tschirren et al. 2007). Similarly, moun- of degraded habitats can also help recovery of
tain spiny lizards (Sceloporus jarrovi) that were in parasite communities: salt marshes that were
better condition were able to support larger loads degraded experienced recovery of their native
of ectoparasitic mites (Foufopoulos 1998). trematode communities when the habitat was
Parasite populations may become endangered by restored (Huspeni and Lafferty 2004).
any factor that either undermines their host pop- Lastly, global climate change is thought to
ulations or disrupts the process of parasite repro- be another major driver of parasite extinction,
duction, that is, their transmission from host to although its effects on different parasite groups
host, for example, habitat loss, invasive species, diverge, with some species being winners and
or climate change. Prosecution and extirpation of others losers (Altizer et al. 2013; Carlson et al.
the hosts by humans can result in the concomi- 2013). From a conservation perspective, howev-
tant extinction of their parasites. Several species of er, it is projected that up to 10% of all para-
avian lice have disappeared following overkill of sites are likely to go extinct by the year 2070 by
their hosts (e.g. the louse Psittacobrosus bechsteini climate-driven habitat loss alone, while up to 30% of
that used to live on the now extinct Cuban macaw all parasitic worm species are likely to be lost under
(Ara tricolor); see Mey 2005). Others have become the combined effects of direct and indirect drivers
endangered together with their overhunted hosts (Carlson et al. 2017; see also Figure 1.2). Methods
(e.g., the giant rhinoceros stomach bot fly Gyrostig- that can assist in a more accurate evaluation of the
ma rhinocerontis living on black rhinoceros (Diceros conservation status of parasitic organisms, as well
bicornis) Colwell et al. 2012) (Figure 1.6). as their effective protection, are presently under
Beyond direct overkill, destruction of natural development (Carlson et al. 2020; Kwak et al., 2020).
habitats often results in the reduction of free-
ranging host populations and in the isolation
of the surviving subpopulations. While these 1.5.5 What are the effects of conservation
landscape-level processes can have unexpected management activities on parasite
effects on the dynamics of transmission (e.g.,
García-Ramírez et al. 2005), in practice they mostly
lead to the deterioration of natural parasite com- Species conservation activities tend to have a nar-
munities (for examples, see de Bellocq et al. 2002; row focus on the recovery of a target species
Lindstrom et al. 2004; Bush et al. 2013). On the and typically do not extend to the preserva-
other hand, there is some evidence that restoration tion of any parasites and pathogens inhabiting
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

Falkia foliis cordatis, petiolis longissimis; caule repente.

Falkia with heart-shaped leaves, and very long foot-stalks; creeping stem.


1. The Cup.
2. A Blossom spread open, with the chives in their place.
3. A Chive magnified.
4. The Pointals, natural size.
5. The same, magnified.
This pretty little plant was first found by Masson and Thunberg, when on
their journey together in the interior of the country of the Cape of Good
Hope, and was named by Thunberg after Professor Falk of Petersburgh. It
was introduced to the Kew gardens in the year 1774. Much as it resembles
Convolvulus, it still has a greater affinity to Nolana in all its outward parts,
but especially in the cup of the flower, and the situation and character of the
seeds. Although the plant is not shrubby, the stems, which are wiry, do not
die down in winter, but take root, if laid close to the earth. It is encreased by
parting the roots in May; should be planted in sandy loam, and kept in the
green-house, where it will blossom in July or August. Our figure is from a
plant which flowered in the collection of J. Vere, Esq. Kensington Gore.
It is rather singular that the indefatigable, and generally accurate,
Willdenow, should have continued this plant in the sixth class, when he had
such authority, as may be found, page 325, Vol. I, in the Catalogue of the
Kew Garden (where it unquestionably has flowered) for the removal of it to
its proper one, the fifth. It is true, he had reason to suppose, that no man
would be rash enough to form a new Genus, without a due examination of
the plant, on which he grounds his authority; and that, as Thunberg had
discovered and named it, his authority was sufficient, and of greater weight
than any other. But, unfortunately, in this instance, for the transcriber, the
describer has been mistaken, and has led his followers into error. Indeed, the
whole plant in its habit and character has so little affinity to any hexandrous
genus, that, although Thunberg might have found a single flower, or even a
whole plant, whose flowers had six chives (a circumstance we have not been
able to discover, upon an examination of the flowers from four different
plants), in such a case, as a botanist, he ought to have looked farther, before
he made so violent a decision; and Willdenow ought to have taken it for
granted the alteration would not have been made, but upon due


Bitten-ended-leaved Banksia.


TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal.


Receptaculum commune elongatum, squamosum. Corolla tetra-petala.

Stamina limbo inserta. Capsula bivalvis, disperma, interjecto seminibus
dissepimento mobili. Semina alata.
Common Receptacle elongated, scaly. Blossom of four petals. Chives
inserted into the limb of the blossom. Capsule two valves, two seeds, and a
moveable partition between them. Seeds winged.
See Banksia serrata, Pl. LXXXII. Vol. II.


Banksia foliis cuneatis præmorsis, serratis, subtus albo-punctatis, supra

glabris; floribus externè purpureis.
Banksia with wedge-shaped leaves, appearing bitten at the ends, sawed,
dotted with white on the under part, smooth on the upper; flowers purple on
the outside.


1. A Flower not yet expanded, with the germ at the base.

2. The same open, the extremities of one of the petals magnified,
to shew the situation of the Chive in its place.
3. The Pointal complete, the summit magnified.
The first plants which were seen of this plant in England, were raised from
seeds, at the Royal Gardens, Kew, in 1788. It is a handsome growing shrub,
and the plant from which our figure was made had grown to the height of
seven feet; it having been planted in the conservatory of the Clapham
collection, where it flowered, for the first time, this year, in July, continuing
in high beauty near two months. It is a plant of most difficult increase, rarely
that it is to be propagated by cuttings; and the wood rots, if laid into the
earth. A light soil, of sandy peat, and a small portion of sandy loam, appears
most congenial to its growth. There are hopes, from the perfect state of the
cones, that ripe seeds may be procured in this country.


Hairy Geranium.


MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives.


Monogyna. Stigmata 5. Fructus rostratus, 5-coccus.

One Pointal. Five summits. Fruit furnished with long awns, five dry
See Geranium grandiflorum. Pl. XII. Vol. I.


Geranium foliis pilosis, pinnatis; foliolis profundè laciniatis, acutis;

umbella 4-6 flora; pedunculis calycibusque pilosis; floribus pentandris;
radice tuberosa.
Geranium with hairy winged leaves; leaflets deeply torn, and sharp
pointed; umbel from 4 to 6 flowers; fool-stalks of the flowers and cups
hairy; flowers with five fertile chives; root tuberous.


1. The Empalement cut open, to shew its tubular character.

2. The Chives and Pointal.
3. The Chives cut open, and magnified.
4. The Pointal, with the five Glands, or Honey-cups, at the base.
5. The same, magnified.
This very pretty Geranium was introduced to the Clapham collection, in the
year 1801, by Mr. Niven, from the Cape of Good Hope. It is as hardy as any
of the family, which have tuberous roots; may be increased by cutting a
portion off the old root, in spring, and giving it the heat of the hot house, at
that season of the year. It rarely produces ripe seed; so says Mr. Allen the
manager of the collection; and he recommends the planting of it in sandy
peat earth.


Sweet-scented Star of Bethlehem.


HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal.


Calyx nullus.
Corolla. Petala sex, lanceolata, infra medium erecta, supra medium
patentia, persistentia, colorem demittentia.
Stamina. Filamenta sex, erecta, alterna basi dilatata, corolla breviora.
Antheræ simplices.
Pistillum. Germen angulatum. Stylus subulatus, persistens. Stigma
Pericarpium. Capsula subrotunda, angulata, trilocularis, trivalvis.
Semina plura, subrotunda.
Obs. Filamenta in aliis plana, erecta, alterna apice trifido, media lacinia
antherarum sustinente; in aliis alterna, simplicia.
Empalement none.
Blossom. Petals six, lance-shaped, below the middle upright, above the
middle spreading, remaining, losing their colour.
Chives. Six threads upright, each alternate one widening at the base,
shorter than the blossom. Tips simple.
Pointal. Seed-bud angular. Shaft awl-shaped, remaining. Summit blunt.
Seed-vessel. Capsule roundish, angular, three-celled, three-valved.
Seeds many, roundish.
Obs. The threads in some are flat and upright, the alternate ones trifid at
top, the middle segment supporting the tip; in others the alternate ones are


Ornithogalum racemo elongato; filamentis subulatis; petalis lanceolatis,

obtusis, apice calloso-inflexis; foliis depressis, linearibus, planis.
Star of Bethlehem with the bunch of flowers lengthened; threads awl-
shaped; petals lance-shaped, blunt, thick, and turned inwards at the point;
leaves bent downward, linear, and smooth.


1. A Flower prop.
2. The Chives and Pointal, the petals being removed.
3. The Pointal.
4. The same, magnified.
This species of Star of Bethlehem, from the Cape of Good Hope, is a rival in
fragrance to the great-flowered, or Arabian species, to which it is much
affined in every part but the colour of the blossom; which, in this, is
yellowish, and in that, it is white with a dark eye. It is rather a delicate bulb;
and to make it flower, should be kept in the hot-house, where, it will
blossom about May or June. Our drawing was made from a plant which had
been received, from the Cape, by Mr. Hibbert, the preceding year, 1800; and
we much fear, what has been said of the great-flowered species, may be
considered as referential also to this; viz. that the bulbs never flower, but the
first year after importation. We have not been able to trace the appearance of
a flower, from any of the bulbs, this year, which has led us to this conjecture;
indeed, many of the species of this genus have this character; more
particularly, those from Africa.
It has flowered at Vienna, and has been figured by Professor Jacquin in
his Ic. Plant. rar. vol. ii. tab. 432.


Bastard Mangeneel.

PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal.


Calyx. Perianthium quinquefidum, acutum, connivens, minimum.

Corolla monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus cylindricus, longus, basi
apiceque ventricosus; limbus quinquepartitus, planus; laciniis lanceolatis,
Stamina. Filamenta quinque, minima, e medio tubi. Antheræ
conniventes, filo longo terminatæ.
Pistillum. Germina duo, cum appendicibus ad latera. Stylus cylindricus.
Stigma capitatum, apice acutum, bifidum.
Pericarpium. Folliculi duo, horizontaliter reflexi, oblongi, juxta latera
baseos utrinque lobum emittentes, uniloculares, univalves.
Semina numerosa, ovata, membranæ majori ovatæ ad basin insertæ,
Empalement. Cup five-cleft, pointed, converging, very small.
Blossom one-petal, funnel-shaped; tube cylindrical, long, bellied out at
the base and top, border five-parted, flat; segments lance-shaped, oblique.
Chives. Threads five, very small from the middle of the tube. Tips
converging, terminated by a long thread.
Pointal. Seed-buds two, with lateral appendages. Shaft cylindrical.
Summit headed, pointed at top, and two-cleft.
Seed-vessel. Seed-pods two, horizontally reflexed, oblong, sending forth
a lobe each way near the side of the base, one-celled, one-valved.
Seeds numerous, egg-shaped, inserted on the larger egg-shaped
membrane at the base, tiled.


Cameraria foliis ovatis, nitidis, acuminatis, parallelo-costatis; floribus

corymbosis, terminalibus.
Bastard Mangeneel with egg-shaped leaves, shining, tapered, and ribbed
transversely; flowers grow in broad-topped spikes, terminal.


1. A Flower cut open, magnified, with the Chives in their place.

2. The Cup, magnified.
3. The Pointal and Cup, the summit magnified.
4. One of the Seed-pods, natural size.
The genus Cameraria, seems to have been rather hastily taken up by
Plumier, as a distinct genus from Nerium; for certainly, the small difference
in the shape of the seed-pod, in which consists the whole distinctive
character of this genus, can hardly be thought of sufficient moment to that
end. As we have found it, we leave it; but could not refrain from the
foregoing remark, as it appears so singular, that amongst so many who have
published the plant, not one should have discovered the surrounding nectary,
or honey-cup, to the mouth of the blossom, and the long threads at the end of
the tips; two such very powerful features, which distinguish Nerium, from
all the rest of this natural order.
It is a native of Jamaica, Cuba, and Domingo; grows to the height of
thirty feet, and is considered as a timber tree in those islands. The whole
plant is full of a milky juice, similar to what is found in most plants of this
natural order. In England, it must be treated as a hot-house plant; may be
increased by cuttings; flowers in August, and should be planted in rich earth.
Our figure was taken from a plant in the Stepney collection, belonging to
Thos. Evans, Esq.


Spiral-leaved Everlasting-Flower.




Receptaculum paleacem. Pappus setaceus. Calyx imbricatus, radiatus;

radio colorato.
Receptacle chaffy. Feather bristly. Empalement tiled, rayed; the ray
See Xeranthemum speciocissimum, Vol. I. Pl. LI.


Xeranthemum foliis spiraliter-imbricatis carinatis, sub-obliquis; floribus

solitariis, maximis.
Everlasting Flower with spirally-tiled leaves, keeled, rather oblique;
flowers solitary, very large.


1. An outer scale of the Empalement.

2. An Hermaphrodite Floret, with the Feather of the Seed.
3. A Female Floret, a little magnified.
4. The Pointal, magnified.
This species of Everlasting Flower is very common near Cape Town; yet,
’till the year 1800, it has never been introduced to Britain. Montague
Burgoyne, Esq. of Mark Hall, Essex, was the first to procure seeds of it, and
it has flowered with him, this year 1802. Our drawing was made in July, but
the flower lasts near three months; it is the largest of the genus we have as
yet seen, and certainly one of the most beautiful. All the species, from the
Cape, are very liable to rot from damps, in the winter; they should be kept on
an airy, dry shelf, as near the glass as possible, during the foggy months.
They, in general, ripen seeds with us, but are with difficulty increased by
cuttings; which should be made early in spring, planted in pots of sand, and
kept quite dry for some time after they are planted. The grown plants thrive
best in a very sandy peat earth.


Green-wooded Whortle-berry.


OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal.


Calyx superus. Corolla monopetala. Filamenta receptaculo inserta. Bacca

quadrilocularis, polysperma.
Cup superior. Blossom of one petal. Threads fixed to the receptacle. A
berry with four cells and many seeds.
See Vaccinium aretostaphyllos, Vol. I. Pl. XXX.


Vaccinium foliis oblongo-ovatis, acutis, integerrimis, subtus subglaucis;

pedunculis nudis; antheris exsertis; floribus solitariis; stamina decem.
Whortle-berry with oblong-oval leaves, pointed, quite entire, and rather
sea-green underneath; fruit-stalks naked; tips without the blossom; flowers
solitary; ten chives.


1. A Flower complete.
2. The Chives and Pointal.
3. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, magnified.
The species here figured of Whortle-berry, according to the Kew catalogue,
was introduced, first, from North America, to us, by Mr. William Young, in
the year 1770. It is a hardy, deciduous shrub; grows to the height of three
feet; very bushy, with the flowers but thinly scattered over it; they are white,
and deeply cut in the border, which is rather inclined to spread. It is
increased by layers; the berries seldom ripening in England. A light, sandy
peat soil, with a small portion of loam, is the fittest for its growth; and it
acquires a higher degree of beauty, when sheltered from the scorching rays
of the sun, in summer. Our figure was taken in June, 1801, at the nursery of
Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, from a plant which had been imported in
February, the same year, from Pennsylvania, North America.

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