Panel Cms

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command user value

addskill-username-skillname (case sensitive)

additem-user-item name (case sensitive)
title user name
letztstil user true/false
Clothes user 0 = CC
weapon user data = Ywach's sword
sw user weapon weapon1-5 - Shikai weapon
haircolor user (rgb color) EXAMPLE. 0 0 0 = Black
Tiger King fighting style = Weapon user Drakos2
assignsternritter user Letter = stern specs EXAMPLE. assignsternritter con V =
Visionary spec

-- Admin Commands
local AdminCommands = {
["bring"] = "Teleports a player to you",
["kick"] = "Kicks a player",
["ban"] = "Bans a player",
["unban"] = "Unbans a player",
["wipe"] = "Wipes a player's data",
["fullwipe"] = "Full wipes a player's data",
["offlinewipe"] = "Offline wipes a player's data",
["reiatsudebuff"] = "Applies a reiatsu debuff to a player",
["removereiatsudebuff"] = "Removes a reiatsu debuff from a player",
["partialres"] = "Sets a player's partial resurreccion form",
["partialres2"] = "Sets a player's second partial resurreccion form",
["advshunko"] = "Grants a player advanced shunko",
["shikai"] = "Sets a player's shikai",
["sw"] = "Sets a player's shikai weapon",
["bw"] = "Sets a player's bankai weapon",
["heal"] = "Heals a player",
["healbankai"] = "Heals a player's bankai meter",
["tp"] = "Teleports between two players",
["palace"] = "Teleports players to the palace",
["back"] = "Teleports players back",
["rank"] = "Sets a player's rank",
["kill"] = "Kills a player",
["sp"] = "Grants a player SP",
["adjuststat"] = "Adjusts a player's skill tree stat",
["join"] = "Joins a player's server",
["viewprofile"] = "Views a player's profile",
["view"] = "Spectates a player",
["cancel"] = "Stops spectating",
["clan"] = "Sets a player's clan",
["handle1color"] = "Sets a player's handle 1 color",
["handle2color"] = "Sets a player's handle 2 color",
["wrapcolor"] = "Sets a player's wrap color",
["hilttype"] = "Sets a player's hilt type",
["handletype"] = "Sets a player's handle type",
["sheathe"] = "Sets a player's sheathe type",
["eyecolor"] = "Sets a player's eye color",
["eyecolor2"] = "Sets a player's secondary eye color",
["eyes"] = "Sets a player's eyes",
["mouth"] = "Sets a player's mouth",
["eyebrow"] = "Sets a player's eyebrows",
["marking"] = "Sets a player's face marking",
["unlockshikai"] = "Unlocks/locks a player's shikai",
["unlockbankai"] = "Unlocks/locks a player's bankai",
["haircolor"] = "Sets a player's hair color",
["mask"] = "Sets an arrancar player's mask",
["clothes"] = "Sets a player's clothes",
["npc"] = "Spawns an NPC",
["check"] = "Checks a player's state",
["resetranktimer"] = "Resets a player's rank timer",
["resetshikaitimer"] = "Resets a player's shikai timer",
["resetcombattag"] = "Resets a player's combat tag",
["addmasks"] = "Adds mask cracks to an arrancar player",
["vastopotential"] = "Sets an arrancar's vasto lorde potential",
["restorehealth"] = "Restores a player's health",
["restorereiatsu"] = "Restores a player's reiatsu",
["debug"] = "Debug info",
["checkcombat"] = "Checks a player's combat tags",
["spiritbow"] = "Sets a Quincy's spirit bow",
["weapon"] = "Sets a player's weapon",
["boneking"] = "Makes a player the bone king",
["nozarashimastery"] = "Sets a player's Nozarashi mastery",
["checknozarashi"] = "Checks a player's Nozarashi reqs",
["nozarashiduration"] = "Adds to a player's Nozarashi duration",
["nozarashigrips"] = "Adds to a player's Nozarashi grips",
["exp"] = "Grants a player EXP",
["move"] = "Moves a player",
["wakeup"] = "Wakes up a player",
["knock"] = "Knocks out players",
["damage"] = "Damages a player",
["hollow"] = "Transforms a player into a Hollow",
["rollraidwin"] = "Rolls a faction raid win",
["forcebutterfly"] = "Forces a butterfly spawn",
["rollraidreward"] = "Rolls a raid reward for a player",
["faction"] = "Sets the winning faction",
["checkraid"] = "Checks the raid state",
["setraid"] = "Sets the raid state",
["resetraidcd"] = "Resets a faction's raid cooldown",
["resethunt"] = "Resets a faction's hunt timer",
["checkhunt"] = "Checks a faction's hunt state",
["jail"] = "Jails a player",
["free"] = "Frees a jailed player",
["freecam"] = "Gives a player freecam",
["adminspawn"] = "Toggles admin spawning",
["spectateblock"] = "Blocks/unblocks player spectating",
["nojailperms"] = "Toggles a player's jail perms",
["jailimmune"] = "Makes a player jail immune",
["checkdebris"] = "Checks debris",
["vfxtest"] = "Tests VFX",
["test"] = "Teleport test",
["setceroking"] = "Makes a player the cero king",
["testpartial"] = "Tests partial transformation",
["testbounty"] = "Tests bounty assignment",
["testwanden"] = "Tests a wandenreich execution",
["resetbountyloss"] = "Resets a player's bounty elo timer",
["runfunc"] = "Runs a function on a player",
["bankaistat"] = "Sets a player's bankai statistic",
["checkbankai"] = "Checks a player's bankai stats",
["controls"] = "Enables/disables player controls",
["serverlist"] = "Gets server list for area",
["clearservers"] = "Clears cached server lists",
["printserverlist"] = "Prints server list keys",
["rerollvastocar"] = "Re-rolls a Vasto Lorde arrancar's variant",
["rerollshikaipersonality"] = "Re-rolls a zanpakuto's personality",
["setshinigami"] = "Turns a player into a Shinigami",
["setarrancar"] = "Turns a player into an Arrancar",
["sternritterhunt"] = "Initiates a Sternritter hunt on a player",
["setvisored"] = "Turns a Shinigami into a Visored",
["weakvisored"] = "Makes/unmakes a Visored weak",
["weakvasto"] = "Makes/unmakes a Vasto Lorde weak",
["setinnerworld"] = "Sets a player's inner world",
["resetvisoreddata"] = "Resets a Visored's data",
["setshikaispirit"] = "Sets a Shikai spirit player model",
["rerollvisored"] = "Re-rolls a Visored's variants",
["rerollvisoredtype"] = "Re-rolls a Visored's type",
["checkvisored"] = "Checks a Visored's data",
["mastervisored"] = "Toggles Visored mastery",
["visoredmask"] = "Sets a Visored's mask",
["rng"] = "Returns a random number",
["checkatt"] = "Checks a player's attribute",
["assigncaptain"] = "Assigns a player as a Captain",
["assignsternritter"] = "Assigns a player as a Sternritter",
["assignmedic"] = "Assigns/unassigns a player as a Medic",
["cleardivision"] = "Clears a player's division",
["assignespada"] = "Assigns a player as an Espada",
["resetcaptain"] = "Resets a division's captain",
["resetespada"] = "Resets an Espada number",
["resetlt"] = "Resets a division's lieutenant",
["resetthirdseat"] = "Resets a division's third seat",
["resetfracc"] = "Resets an Espada's fraccion",
["resetjag"] = "Resets a Quincy's Jagdarmee letter",
["resetalljag"] = "Resets all Jagdarmee",
["resetallmedallions"] = "Resets all medallions",
["stealtest"] = "Tests medal stealing",
["stolenbankai"] = "Sets a player's stolen bankai",
["resetmedal"] = "Resets a player's stolen bankai",
["resetmedallion"] = "Resets a player's medallion",
["checkmedallion"] = "Checks if a player's medallion is missing",
["resetsternritter"] = "Resets a player's Sternritter status",
["resetallsternritter"] = "Resets all Sternritter",
["kan"] = "Grants a player Kan",
["resetsavedpos"] = "Resets a player's saved position",
["send"] = "Sends a player to another game area",
["checkexp"] = "Checks a player's EXP",
["addschriftexp"] = "Grants progress towards a Quincy's Schrift",
["resetbuild"] = "Resets a player's build",
["check32bit"] = "Checks if a player is on 32-bit",
["checkstats"] = "Checks a player's stats",
["restoreshikaiexp"] = "Restores a player's shikai EXP",
["restoregrips"] = "Restores a player's PK grips",
["addquincyexp"] = "Grants a Quincy EXP",
["checkbluepill"] = "Checks a Quincy's blue pills",
["showhp"] = "Shows a player's health",
["bankainpc"] = "Spawns a bankai NPC",
["viewranks"] = "Views ranked leaderboard",
["viewplayerelo"] = "Views a player's elo",
["viewwipes"] = "Views wipe data",
["viewaccessories"] = "Views accessory names",
["resetelo"] = "Resets a player's PVP elo",
["addelo"] = "Grants a player elo",
["offlineelo"] = "Offlines grants a player elo",
["deleterank"] = "Deletes a player's rank",
["notitlebonus"] = "Disables/enables a player's title bonuses",
["nosternspec"] = "Disables/enables a Quincy's Vollstandig",
["gender"] = "Sets a player's gender",
["resetaccessories"] = "Resets a player's accessories",

-- Mod Commands
local ModCommands = {
["kick"] = "Kicks a player",
["ban"] = "Bans a player",
["unban"] = "Unbans a player",
["jail"] = "Jails a player",
["free"] = "Frees a jailed player",
["resetshikaitimer"] = "Resets a player's shikai timer",
["cleardivision"] = "Clears a player's division",
["assigncaptain"] = "Assigns a player as a Captain",
["assignespada"] = "Assigns a player as an Espada",
["tp"] = "Teleports between two players",
["palace"] = "Teleports players to the palace",
["view"] = "Spectates a player",
["cancel"] = "Stops spectating",
["showhp"] = "Shows a player's health",
["notitlebonus"] = "Disables/enables title bonuses",
["nosternspec"] = "Disables/enables Quincy Vollstandig",
["fullwipe"] = "Full wipes a player",
["resetsavedpos"] = "Resets a player's saved position",
["additem"] = "Grants a player an item",
["unlockshikai"] = "Unlocks/locks a player's shikai",
["addmasks"] = "Grants mask cracks",

-- Name Commands
local NameCommands = {
["checkskill"] = "Checks if a player has a skill",
["checkitem"] = "Checks if a player has an item",
["say"] = "Sends a chat message",
["set"] = "Sets a player's state",
["trigger"] = "Triggers a player's state",
["name"] = "Sets a player's first name",
["title"] = "Sets a player's title",
["zanpakuto"] = "Sets a player's zanpakuto name",
["zanpakuto2"] = "Sets a player's zanpakuto release name",
["release"] = "Sets a player's release command",
["additem"] = "Grants a player an item",
["removeitem"] = "Removes an item from a player",
["addskill"] = "Grants a player a skill",
["removeskill"] = "Removes a skill from a player",
["typelore"] = "Posts a lore entry",

-- Messaging Service Commands

local MessagingServiceCommands = {
["kick"] = "Kicks a player",
["ban"] = "Bans a player",
["systemban"] = "System bans a player",
["globalmessage"] = "Sends a global chat message",
["globalshutdown"] = "Shuts down all servers",
["bring"] = "Teleports a player",
["jail"] = "Jails a player",
["free"] = "Frees a jailed player",
["addmasks"] = "Grants mask cracks",

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