Lits of The Beginning and The End of The Day's Thoughts

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After waking up thoughts:

 Calm mind: "I will maintain a calm and peaceful mind throughout the day."
 Acceptance: "I accept myself and my circumstances as they are."
 The delusion of perfection: "I let go of the need for perfection and embrace
my imperfections."
 The vicissitudes of life: "I understand that life has ups and downs, and I will
navigate them with grace."
 Flexibility: "I will adapt to changes and remain flexible in my approach."
 Life is suffering: "I acknowledge that suffering is part of life and will find
meaning in my challenges."
 Creativity: "I am open to new ideas and will express my creativity freely."
 Mindfulness: "I will stay present and fully engage with each moment."
 Hard work: "I am committed to putting in the effort needed to achieve my
 I am able to do huge things: "I believe in my ability to accomplish great
 Purpose: "I have a clear purpose and will work towards it with
 Focus: "I will concentrate on my tasks and avoid distractions."
 Growth: "I embrace opportunities for personal and professional growth."
 Resilience: "I can bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward."
 Confidence: "I trust in my abilities and approach the day with confidence."
 Abundance: "I have a lot of resources and will use them wisely."
 Gratitude: "I am grateful for the blessings in my life."
 Positivity: "I choose to see the good in every situation."
 Detachment from anything that is not of the highest priority: "I will
focus on what truly matters and let go of distractions."
 The inevitability of death and life is short: "I will make the most of my
time, knowing that life is precious."
 Health: "I will take care of my physical and mental well-being."
 Joy: "I will find joy in the simple things and spread happiness to others."
Before sleep thoughts.
 Entire acceptance and satisfaction: "I fully accept and am satisfied with
myself and my life as it is."
 Detachment from everything: "I will remain detached from material
possessions and outcomes, focusing instead on inner peace."
 Striving for austere life: "I aim to lead a simple, austere life that emphasizes
what truly matters."
 Letting go of worries: "I will release my worries and trust that everything will
work out as it should."
 The unmeasurable factors of success: The pivotal factors for success cannot
be measured. I have all of them, I will not let anybody convince you by
 Forgive yourself: "I forgive myself for past mistakes and allow myself to move
forward with a clean slate."
 Kind thoughts: "I will fill my mind with kind and compassionate thoughts
toward myself and others."
 Perfection is impossible: "I understand that perfection is unattainable and
embrace my imperfections."
 You have done what you can today: "I acknowledge that I have done my best
today and will let go of any unfinished tasks until tomorrow."
 Being entirely calm is of crucial importance for success and for a happy life
in general: "I will prioritize staying calm and composed, as it is essential for
both success and happiness."
 Positive Visualization: "I will visualize positive outcomes to foster a hopeful
and motivated mindset."
 Visualizing a calm place: "I will imagine a serene and tranquil place to center
myself whenever needed."
 Future positive events: "I will focus on the positive events I anticipate in the
future, fueling my optimism."
 Self-Compassion: "I will treat myself with the same kindness and
understanding that I offer to others."
 Joy: "I will seek out and embrace moments of joy throughout my day."

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